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What should be included in the Captain Marvel movie?

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What should be included in the Captain Marvel movie?
Lesbian Carol, white male villain and non-white support cast.
Mar-Vell being a major character.
I swear, if they Abin Sur him, I'm jumping ship to DC completly.
Probably Captain Marvel.
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A different leading actress.
A fat ass.
Her black leotard, please.
>Lesbian Carol

Well this is an improvement over her being a coalburner
How about a lesbian coalburner Carol with the old nigger Captain Marvel girl?
Gay coalburning is better than straight coalburning as no nigger kid will be born from it
Long blonde hair

Like starfire

I really don't mind the dyke haircut as long the artist retains Carol's very feminine shape (as OP's pic does) unlike most artists who also took to Carol's new costume as an opportunity to completely defeminize her.

Put together, short hair and man-body, and its just too much. But short hair on a very shapely female form can be very attractive.
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Long hair is crucial and integral
Does carol even have a rogue gallery?
Not really
Mostly Own by fox, the Broods and Mystique.
Why is this board so fucking obsessed with this character?
Because she's the best female hero in Marvel, seriously read her comics
Paid shills to make her a thing for her upcoming shitty movie
Reminds me a bit of Elsa when frozen was about to happen

The anti wonder woman brigade is also present
She is the most important Marvel character of the moment.
How can I get this job? I praise Carol a ton here but I dont get paid for it, that would be a dream
I rest my case>>90074969
I doubt he'll even appear.
See >>90074984
I wish Nova was a bigger deal. I wish he got a movie. I wish, I wish.
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I wanna see her xenophobic side at least once in the movie,plus you know the other Vells should appear as supporting cast
Carol's giant ass
The broo-

...Well I dunno, if they're going for origin story (And I bet you they are) then what >>90074576 said, the villain would either be Dr. Minerva or Yon-Rogg
I'd like to see AIM but Iron Man 3 already fucked that up
Also if they do include Mar-Vell then have a GOOD romantic subplot
Maybe she would call herself Ms. Marvel for most of the movie until like the final battle when she adopts the Captain title
...Or just make the movie good because I really want it to be good but so far nothing gives me high hopes
Marvel and fox can share the skrulls, except for Kl'rt.
The film rights to the Skrulls, Marvel Comics' green-skinned shapeshifters, are co-owned by Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox, according to Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn.
Gunn revealed the news on Twitter, saying while a number of "specific Skrulls are at Fox... the Skrulls as a whole are co-owned." http://m.ign.com/articles/2016/07/07/marvel-studios-and-20th-century-fox-co-own-screen-rights-to-the-skrulls-says-guardians-director-james-gunn
If I can't have Kl'rt then I don't want them at all.
Agreed KI'rt best boy.
Remember how crazy those wanda threads were during the ultron movie

And now poof nowhere to be found

The paid shills are doing the same thing with Carol only the stakes are bigger since she will get her own movie and she's completely irrelevant to the Zeitgeist

Brie larson is flat all around, so unless they plan on cgi'ing her some assets, thats a no go
Even Harley Quinn didn't receive this much shillings
Yet she became popular through her own context and substance
>what's an ass double


Dunno how accurate or up to date it is (I'm pretty sure KSD introduced more that aren't listed).
>why would people talk about movies when movies are in theaters
Starfire has never been a blond.
30 minutes of lesbian sex between her and Scarlet Witch.

There's some of those Wanda waifufags in there.
I wonder how this would be received if it actually happened
Automatic kino.
I doubt Marvel could risk that sweet Chinese Money.
It would be compensated by the hordes of japanese yurifags.
Remember how waifufags made Frozen a massive success over there?
Mass masturbation.
There were at least 2 to 3 threads about here even her comics

That's not the same
Because it's a new movie, waifufags have stuff to talk about, but you can only talk so much about a 2 hour long movie that's not even focused on her before the threads just become pic dumps.
It wasn't waifufags, it was Let it go + two white princess
>first post isn't "YAAS QUEEN"
Even before the move was out and the Elizabeth was announced as Wanda
So many threads of her like this
Either way her hair was long
they'll just make him a Hulk/Thor/Antman/Quicksilver combo
I'm sure a sex scene would cover the lack of a song.
Shilling her indeed
But the other two choices are either not talking at all about new stuff, or keep talking about it forever.
That Works.
We just have to wait and see if her movie sucks
Are you the kind that considers any kind of discussion about new games on /v/, new movies on /tv/, or new comics on /co/ shilling?
People are going to talk about new stuff.
Lesbian Carol

Alcoholic Carol




The black leotard and thigh highs costume.
Tbf this one did came out of nowhere
A gratuitous weight gain sequence that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie.
We don't even have a trailer of her movie

She needs all the shilling she can get because she doesn't have Harley quin status yet
If it was a smaller movie or a comic I would believe it, but why would Marvel be interested at all in shilling movies in here?
You do marketing on Reddit, and Twitter, not in the website that's known for being full of nazis.

Kill yourself fatfag.
Someone has to comment on how mannish she looks.
Are you implying Harley Quinn is popular because of 4chan?
4chan has absolutely no relevance in the real world, it's a shithole full of autists who like hating popular things.
Nobody wants an audience like this.
Comics, Nazis or not it all connects to her anyway
If she just becomes deliciously plump/thicc and not fat I'd be fine with this
Can we get an acting double too?
You seem to be implying the ones making superhero movies give a shit about a dying industry like comics.
Harley was popular on her own she didn't need threads on 4chan

We can say the same thing about tumblr but it still matters unfortunately
What the fuck do you have against Brie Larson?
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How Old is Carol. Besides Sliding Timescale.
Thing is, the only thing you need is to slap the Marvel logo on it, and say

That's all they have to do to make the movie succeed.
Movies boost the comics tho and the character
Why Are You Typing Like This, Reddit?
The character still needs to get shilled out there
She doesn't fit Carol
Granted I would have preferred Emily Blunt but Brie looks okay

Most likely through the standard period of self-doubt a lot of heroes seem to go through. She puts on weight as she eats to cope.
What makes you think they are interested in comics?
Hell, the only reason Disney hasn't canned the comic division is because they don't want to be known as the ones who killed Marvel comics.

And they will, like always, they'll start a marketing campaign 3 months before the movie comes out.
Movies makes the comics popular again for a certain time whether Disney likes it or not
>Movies makes the comics popular again for a certain time whether Disney likes it or not
No, not really.
Civil War 2 was a flop despite of Cap 3.
Its a diffenr ball game now with social media and sites like these

Some us will probably be exposed to her first in 4chan
>Brie looks okay
Looks like a boy
Has shit colored eyes
Barley any tits
Skinny as fuck
That's why you shill on social media, not in this shithole.

Sounds perfect for modern Carol, outside of the skinniness.
Not just the comics but the characters aswell
Cap and ironman became popular again because of movies even Thor to some degree
And even that didn't make Disney give a fuck about the comic division.
In fact, they gave so little fucks they let all those SJWs take over.
Memes are memes

Don't underestimate the power for kek

If that was the case then we wouldn't have endless carol or frozen threads
Maybe we should let them axe comics, better for them to die now before they are completely beyond repair from SJW meddling.
Because of autistic waifufags, who should be banned anyways.
Its probably Disney influence that made them Kidde and sjw

This is till also part of Marvel studio
Marvel comics have been beyond repair for 10 years now, Civil War was the end of it, it doesn't matter if they do or not.
Paid Shills, waifufags there's no difference anymore
Can someone fucking tell me how to become a paid shill for Carol because I've liked her for ages, way before she got a movie confirmed, being able to quit my shit job just to praise Carol online would be my dream come true
>implying you are not already one
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Her insatiable lust for spider-women.
If I was one would I really be asking how to become one, I guess I'm an unpaid shill but I just see it as expressing my love for Carol, I dont care whether people watch her movie or not, doesnt change the fact I like her
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>A different leading actress.

yes sir
Its a great disguise tho

To give it some authenticity
Shit actress, stick with the Oscar winner

I thought we would never see this happening in Marvel
Imagine how they're going to do the CGI She-Hulk
no tits
no ass
and no muscles
32. Mighty Captain Marvel #1 (Marvel) - 48,519 [29].

Nope, she's great
Do I just email Marvel asking them to pay me to promote Carol on social media?
Are giving us hints on what do lol
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Monica thinks Carol is an irredeemable piece of shit.
I'm the one asking for advice here, normal people (not shills) like Carol too you know

Yet she works on the same team with her in the ultimates and doesnt say shit to her
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>best Captain Marvel.
But as along as they're getting their due pay
This is the same Marvel where Spiral -- a woman who ripped Psylocke's mind from her body and forced her into Kwannon's body and got away scot free (and she raped Firestar) -- somehow managed to be on the same team with Psylocke.

Sometimes, Marvel forgets shit.
But I'm not getting paid anything whereas according to you there are actual paid shills for Carol, its not fair
No she doesn't, they're best friends.
>Yet she works on the same team with her in the ultimates and doesnt say shit to her
>Sometimes, Marvel forgets shit.
And Ewing was supposed to be the "chronology god".
A better main character.
Dont worry !MovieCarol is sure to share very little with her comicbook character other than name and appearance so thats already in the bag.
ITT: a bunch of casual fucks who've never read a comic in their lives

Marvel didn't forget anything this time. Monica doesn't hate Carol.

>Mar-Vell being a major character.
they've already announced he's not in the movie. have fun at DC.

>What should be included in the Captain Marvel movie?
ass-kicking, her getting powers from the Psyche-Magnitron, fighting Yon-rogg afterwords, then a passionate makeout session with her girlfriend Jessica Drew.
>then a passionate makeout session with her girlfriend Jessica Drew.

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Wow, carolfags are really delusional
>most of her origin and prominent villains are owned by fox
why even make a movie about her?
Make her Ms Marvel
Different leading actress, preferably someone willing to get /fit/ for the role
Mar-Vell being important
black leotard
They are fans of an actual female character, not wank bait Wonder Whore
>most of her origin and prominent villains are owned by fox
Chitauris anon
decent inkwork/linework is what saves this image from the subtle chromatic abberation
titiania main villian
Her rape baby subplot
Or Nitro.
her dying and never coming back
Your thinking of the old Captain Marvel, Carol is here to stay
Please this. Marvel killed off or sidelined dozens of better characters, than this trash.
ITT: trolls trolling trolls
>WonderWomanfag's are this mad

Carol is the most important Marvel character right now in comics, and when her movie hits she will be in the MCU too.
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This Bring back Genis
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>• The Chitauri fleet has nearly reached Earth space and it’s up to Captain Marvel to stop it.
>• Taking on an entire armada of alien spacecraft is a tall order for Carol and the crew of Alpha Flight Space Station.
>• Luckily they’ve got some help from their Sisters (and brothers) in arms. Monica
A better main character.
Bring in Jess as a supporting character, have her take over Widow's place when Scarlet decides to leave
So Ultimate Black Widow.
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Unlike Black Widow or Scarlet Witch, Carol is super strong, so Brie better start working out SOON.
Except Carol's age so they can make out.
God damn it, /co/
How can they allow such a hot fucking babe with a cool costume to be so unlikable? I only enter these threads because of my dick and then I remember "oh yeah, I hate this cunt"
What dont you like about her?
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God damn i miss her.
After seeing Ant-Man and Dr. Strange be almost alike in every way, I do not have high hopes for this movie
This, she wants a baby so bad.
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>Brie better start working out SOON.
She hasn't, shes barely even does squats. Shes going to look like she did in the king kong remake
basically how shes looked in every movie movies shes been in, like shit
I love that unlike another instance of a skinny woman playing a physically strong character, no one seems to care how skinny Brie Larson is.
She's a great actress, that's why.
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Mar-vell, and not monica.

I say this because of the last leak we got stating that Monica was Carol's sassy black room-mate.

Though from a story perspective, I'd like the whole heroic death thing from Mar-vell to show up, a hero denied. Would've liked for him to have placed his faith in her with Carol not understanding why and dealing with her feelings of inadequacies that she usually has. Her getting over it would be triumphing over the bad guy in the end and taking the Captain's name.

Everything I've read through leaks so far has been shit though, so I expect this to be hot garbage.
Barely legal spider ass baiting her hard.

They already said no, silly boys.
Also Monica is in it as her black room mate, so no spider woman either.
except i do complain about it, every single time. every time i'm ignored,even though everyone demands male actors change thier muscular stature for roles, asking the same for females suddenly makes you a fetishist
shes not though
shes generic at best
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We have been complaining, but the difference is Brie doesn't whine like a bitch about it.

Fucking hunger games bitch was super entitled when they asked her to lose weight for the role, she did similar in xmen, and complained when working besides Bale who put on a ton of weight.

Meanwhile Brie said....not a damned thing as far as I've seen. I think Gal Gadot's publishers went nuts though.
It's MCU so it's fine
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Imagine if she met U Jessica Drew. Dat teen Peter-clone face would get so smushed.
Her comic doesn't even have a plot
Absolutely nothing from comics Carol except the name

MCU will make her an OC and it will be the best version of her ever
>implying she actually deserved it.
She deserved one for Short Term 12 as well as that one.
>being this delusional
she doesn't deserve that one and shes didn't deserve the one she got

I hope they never make this movie, leave the actual woman characters to DC
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Saoirse is close enough to British to play Jess.
Then the comics will try to syngergize but no one will ever like Comic Carol.
> Marvel
> Shilling Wanda
Me too. I feel like he could have been if Marvel didn't make Sam
>Probably Captain Marvel.
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Her enemies are generally the galactic empires. The Brood of course but she has a problem with a lot of Kree as well. I like the idea of her in space with alpha flight but putting her in the middle of a galactic war would be best.
I wish they did.
Carol should get her powers from an explosion. A big sexy explosion!

Tawky Tawny.
long hair.
This Please.
>Implying EMH version isn't amazing
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Avengers #200
The best film ever made. By default.

Imagine if that were Carol in the Paprika scene, Wanda would have been bent over the cooking desk with her panties down at around the point where Vision says "in my defence I have never eaten".
So do I. I thought the poster who said about shilling Wanda was from some parallel universe.
Alison Brie as Jess for maximum Brie.
One Day anon.
>>90091051 .
>>Brie better start working out SOON.

Captain Marvel looks like a dude here

AoS has basically set up everything for the terrigen bomb, could be establishing the framework for Kamala I suppose near the end of the Captain Marvel movie as she looks up to this newest superhero. Thus far there's been Black Widow who's not really a superhero, Scarlet Witch who's seen as a threat, and Quake who was at first a terrorist then turned into a double agent through a brief press conference.
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>Captain Marvel looks like a dude here
Nu marvel.
>hey've already announced he's not in the movie

Also your opinions suck.
Bendis pls go to bed with your fake Cho Spider-bitch tits.

>Your thinking of the old Captain Marvel
An honest mistake anon since the manly way Captain Carol is drawn she might as well be Mar-Vell but with shittier hair and shittier writing.
>relying on the ooga chakas to prop up your shitty dying comic sales

How low has Carol fallen.
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>Though from a story perspective, I'd like the whole heroic death thing from Mar-vell to show up, a hero denied. Would've liked for him to have placed his faith in her with Carol not understanding why and dealing with her feelings of inadequacies that she usually has. Her getting over it would be triumphing over the bad guy in the end and taking the Captain's name.

It looks like they were going with this in the Secret Invasion tie ins with Carol and Skrull Mar-Vell and with the resurrected Mar-Vell arc in Secret Avengers (that last one also being part of the reason why Carol takes the Captain Marvel name).
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Literally comes back to give her his name, dies again. kek

I would be okay with this.
Carol should be:
has anger issues
racist towards ayys
insatiable sex appetite
Cooking desk?
>that monica
ooh la la
We need our fap fuel
I am a sucker for the dyke haircut, so no.
Also give me someone with real muscles not like that joke in Wonder Woman
>Jus cuz she won an Oscar n' shiet.

Sorry, fag. Brie won the Oscar, Golden Globes, and Screen Actors Gild. Brie won every possible award for Room. When that happens, it's earned.
Poor Mar-Vell. I miss his children.
her fucking a black guy who is the first to be killed. and her being a rage filled alcoholic.
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Maybe for the sequel.
she's set to debut in Infinity War 1, and her solo happen afterwards, so Imma assume her origin is already done and dusted

they should have her approach the Kree and try to broker an alliance against Thanos
they should have Jessica Drew as her ex-Hydra sidekick
they should have her kill lots of aliens
they should have he go Binary in the climax
they should hint towards her cosmic awareness, since its being introduced in the comics and seems to be a thing for her MvC:I incarnation
>Brie won every possible award for Room
even best animated feature?
A better main character.
Hulkling is alive and well and living in New York
Atleast someone is alive thank god.
>they've already announced he's not in the movie
No, they announced they were adjusting Carol's origin.
Are you the guy who keeps lying about KSD retconning him from the comics too?
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It clicked for me recently.
Adapt Starlin's Captain Marvel arc.
It's being released mid-way through a Thanos story, shroud him in mystery in Infinity War and start providing answers in this movie. Carol ends up on Titan, meets Mar-Vell, Starfox, Mentor, Moondragon etc., maybe even have Drax show up. It'd be mad fun.
Make the villain somebody who's either serving Thanos or taking advantage of the mayhem he's causing. Black Order, Kree military, ISAAC, there's no shortage of options. Carol gets powers in a more proactive way, Marv dies heroically and inspires her to continue his legacy, after they resolve whateverthefuck she flies off to deliver the Thanos intel she's gathered to the Avengers in Infinity Slamjam.
By the same token, Ant-Man & Wasp would be about them recruiting Starlinian Cosmic Abstracts to bring to the fight.
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real human bean ;-;7
The alcoholism only came in AFTER 2-3 decades of emotional bullshit.
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The true Captain Marvel
>I wish Nova got a movie
Yeah, because that sure worked out for Captain Marvel and her Guardians of the Galaxy

>You miss Phyla-Vell

Do you have a brain tumor?
Yes i miss her.

Jesus Christ, I honestly feel bad for you.
She fuck up. But she was a decent Character.
Wow rude.
...Okay given what thread we're in I can totally understand the vitriol.
Still, rude.
Fuck off dyke hair is my fetish.
They're receiving a raise, so they need to work extra.
>They're receiving a raise, so they need to work extra.
Captain Marvel should be used to introduce the Eternals.
That could work.
They showed us some Celestials during GotG, surely that's meant to lead somewhere.
Couldn't they very easily redesign her current costume to look like she's wearing the black leotard OVER a blue bodysuit with red hands, feet and shoulders, and gold details?
It would even be possible to combine the two chest symbols. Look, I'm going to do that right now.
Cool. I know they shutdown this rumor.
What about the Adam Warlock egg?
About as confirmatory as Howard the Duck.
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So Howard the Duck & Man-Thing getting a movie or what?
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They introduced the Eternals like 20 films ago anon.
>somebody actually 'membered Man-Thing for once
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No homo.
Where and when? Guardians had Celestials in it, but where did they show Eternals? I don't remember that.
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I was being pedantic and the short 3-word answer seems rude, so lemme level with you.
Gods and Eternals are basically the same thing. The only significant difference is that when Eternals were introduced, it was clearly stated what they are and where they're from. Gods were left mysterious, it was actually the introduction of the Eternals that forced writers to finally address their nature.
Similarly, the MCU clarified what Gods are when they introduced them in Thor. More than that; WHAT it told us sounds a lot more like Eternals than Gods. Advanced physical beings, not meme magic maguffins. You've gotten 2 Eternals movies, with a 3rd coming this year.

Now if you meant the specific Eternals TEAM of Ikkaris, Makkari, Sersi etc., Yeah that hasn't happened and I want that too. Ideally they'd merge them with the Olympians, they lack a good leading man and Herc lacks a strong supporting cast. But this is a Captain Marvel thread so presumably you were talking about Eternals as an overall species.
God fucking damn it. I hate that this, this is exactly what's happening.
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Anon.... You're gay.
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I presume we will get a bunch of Kree exposition on top of Carol's time in the military.
There's been bits of the Kree in GotG and AoS, dunno if they'll bother expanding further than just continuing to say the Kree experimented on humans for some ancient squabble.
>>90115272 kek
marcus pls
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>>90117829 I wish.
Wrong Shield member.
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>“I feel like this is a big conversation and every day I have people yelling at me on Twitter saying ‘You better have long hair, you better have the mohawk, you better wear the helmet, or you better not wear the helmet.’” Larson said. “I’m like ‘Somebody’s going to be mad.’”
anyone got the recommended reading chart for Carol? can't seem to find it on the tumblr and wiki.
>anyone got the recommended reading chart for Carol? can't seem to find it on the tumblr and wiki.
thanks much, anon.
You welcome anon.
Hopefully SWORD & Brand make it in.
Do they have the rights?
Brand, and I'm pretty sure SWORD, were created in 2004, which is long past when Marvel was selling the movie rights to all their shit.
Well then bring them on.
I hope.
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The original captain marvel
He's already getting two.
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>>90127616 Mighty Captain Marvel #2 Storytime.
Genis, the only Captain Brand Name worth giving a shit about
His series so far is really good. The insanity from cosmic awareness is prettty interesting.
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Very Cute.
>Captain Marvel
>no Kree
u wot
I think it's solved in a really mature manner.
then it gets fucked over by his appearance in Thunderbolts
AKA Old Yeller
>Monica is in it as her black room mate
This makes me rage c:
anal fisting
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Poor vell Family.
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I've Seen Enough
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God damn Marvel.
Wait, her spine?
Which one of these two would be the dom?
Wondy she has the most experience.
But she's a total sub-bunny.
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>>90134091 f
You implyin' she'd get into the MCU any other way?
Cuz that's straightup silly.
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Carol fucking hates shape shifters.
Sarah Silverman should portray Captain Marvel
God Damn Carol.
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In Memoriam: Caroljess
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Boys come and go, but they will always have each other.

yaas cuckquean
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I should think that Carol is used to Jessica's comically doomed, heterosexual romances by this point.
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Because Captain Marvel has all the potential in the world and Marvel keeps doing fuckall with her. And when they finally do decide to use her they go out of their way to make her as unlikable as possible.

I mean seriously, how hard is it to make a character who can fly and project energy beams likable. She doesn't even NEED to play the female angle. You could just make a generic energy projectile character, add a little "We Can Do It" attitude, and throw in a couple of airforce motifs to highlight her past.
>Because Captain Marvel has all the potential in the world and Marvel keeps doing fuckall with her. And when they finally do decide to use her they go out of their way to make her as unlikable as possible.
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>>90147706 RIP.
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If it doesn't have Top Gun-esque homoerotic tension... well, it doesn't need it, but it would be certainly welcome.
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i'm kinda hoping that they actually call him captain marvel or at the very least captain thunder because SHAZAM is a stupid alternative name

i'm also hoping they'll finally give him an ongoing when the movie drops the constant teases of one got old really fast.

as for what i'm expecting plotwise curse of SHAZAM felt way too much like a movie pitch to not be what they were going for.
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those tits look like gross porno tit implants
Nothing wrong with them. Better than looking liked a man.
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Nobody actually likes Shazam though.
Queen Carol.
He is pretty decent.

Yass Queen
black boyfriend with lots of sloppy kiss scenes and hip hop slang
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I love Wanda, but I haven't read anything with her in it since the Busiek & Perez stuff. I heard she had a solo series, but modern Marvel is cancer to characters I love (RIP Ben Reilly and Marvel cosmic). Was that book any good for a classic Wanda fan?

pic is hanging framed on my wall. got at Wondercon in 07
A refund.
I want Moonstone in it so we can have a hot catfight and then set her up to appear in the Thunderbolts during phase 4.
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I want some Kree dude using the Moonstone to be in Captain Marvel. Then after the credits, he gets visited by a hot blond psychologist named Karla Sofen.
That would work too. Also put Atlas in Antman & The Wasp.
Carol understands Clint so well perhaps she should date him.
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Carol probably understands Clint too well to fall into that trap.
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>Why is this board so fucking obsessed with this character?
More like Disney shills being paid to pop up these threads for the upcoming Captain Marvel film.
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Yes, anon. We're out to get you.
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people like him a hell of alot more than carol.
Still Waiting for his solo book. Reeeeee
Carol is getting her own movie soon. How's that Shazam film coming along? I heard they found a director?
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So what about this guy?
Just make Carol quirky.. You don't need to have a compelling personality for the fans to like you if you are quirky.
Supposedly they already told us how her story starts and its not with Mar-Vell. In Doctor Strange whilst driving on the cliffside his contact lists potential patients for him to take on and the last one we hear about is a girl in her 20's who was struck by lightning.
I guess that lightning was "lightning"?
>who was struck by lightning.
Barry Allen ?
>being paid
Seriously though by this point I can't tell if Carol really HAS made you people this paranoid.
Even if that line was about Carol (and I think it was desu) doesn't mean she got powers from it. If anything, the wording of it is simply setting up the split personality she had back in the day.
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She kills the president and assumes control of America as its fascist dictator. The world celebrates her glorious new rule

a coupon for a full refund to the movie.
How new is this one?
I can't hate OC.
Don't suppose you'd be willing to do Low Ki dressed as Loki?
Not sure.
>She kills the president and assumes control of America as its fascist dictator. The world celebrates her glorious new rule
Falling back into alcoholism and alienating her friends and allies. Movie ends with her putting a gun to her head in a run down apartment.
alot better than carol's comic.

how many relaunches has she had since she became captain marvel 4, 5? in the span of 5 years
5th Relaunch if we count the Secret wars mini.
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Less than a day old.
>Before she gets through the next two arcs, she’ll be taking a hard look at her fundamental identity as a part Kree, part human hybrid.
Getting back to this after CW2, good.
Thank you
Shit, gotta source? DA? Drawthread?
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Oh fuck.
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Not the neck.
what about a kid who transforms himself in the mightiest mortal when is stroke by a magic lightning summoned by a magic word?
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Would bang that Carol a lot tbqh.
Yeah she is hot.
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Femshep x Vahlen!
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Hi Judge.
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Following what they did with Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet, Marvel has released a new video focused on Captain Marvel’s new series that features music by Glass Candy. In the video, writer Margaret Stohl and editor Sana Amanat talk about the world around Carol Danvers, the things she must accept or sacrifice to do her job and the things that she has to fight against. One of the things she has to put up with is a television show about her so the proceeds can go to funding Alpha Flight. They also talk about the alien refugee camps and the shape-shifting assassin that can look like anyone.
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EMH Hulk vs Carol.webm
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Brian Reed was of the story editors in the Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes series.
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Of course it was a Secret Invasion episode
Other than last run of Carol, I think Reed is one of the few that understand how to Carol.
Wait, this bitch is also getting a movie? What about the OG DC captain marvel moving coming out around the same time?
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Never heard of Vahlen, but boy I just loved having Hale as Carol. Bah, I love having Hale period.
>Other than last run of Carol, I think Reed is one of the few that understand how to Carol.
I wish he could leave Halo to write carol again.
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Vahlen is XCOM's head scientist & alien torturer

and also Quasar's actress doing a bad German accent
>Phyla-Vell in XCOM
Suddenly, the state of affairs at the start of XCOM2 makes a LOT more sense.
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The end
>Isss the mammal for ssslaying?
Slay? Yaas queen!
she even uglier than gadot for fuck sake
Broods and skrulls.
her death
No Problem.
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If only that MvC thread had Carol in the OP...
It would've been perfect
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Fist Carol Captain Marvel suit was perfect.
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>forever connected to Heroes Reborn
https://youtu.be/lcKPQKxrqT0 Thank god for the old pc version.
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Hell Yeah.
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affect 3d carol when?
an actress like op pic, damn
A model
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>comparing the Yaas Queen to some dirty porno whore
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She'd make the best Carol, right?
I miss Jessica's butt
Not Porn but Cosplayer.
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And her glorious tits.
Cute carol
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The end Goodnight Carolfags
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Thank you Anon. Have a cute Carol.
>Thank you Anon.
You welcome anon.>>90198234
>Have a cute Carol.
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