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GOTG 2 TV Spot with new footage

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Thread replies: 330
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How embarrassing would it be for DC if this made more money than Justice League?
>inb4 /co/ talks mad shit.
Oh, it will make more. Marvel has bribed critics, twitter bots, and unpaid shills that will make sure of that. But embarrassing it won't be: DC is used to sell less but have higher quality; otherwise, /co/ wouldn't be still discussing the DCEU and be forgetting MCU movies after a couple of years.
>How embarrassing would it be for DC if this made more money than Justice League?

Huge. And it will make more than JL MUCH MORE.

JL will have a tough time topping Ragnarok.
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Still wishing for DC to die, huh Evanposter?
Just wait till the SJWs realize they can screech over this because that girl getting the meteor to the face at the end was played for laughs, which obviously means Marvel is making light of violence against women.
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>DC is used to sell less but have higher quality;

DCucks are already accepting defeat. They have submitted, like a bitch.
>higher quality
Pick one. DC is basically that kid in high school who can't see his own feet but can rattle off health tips to the classroom jock.
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>All these magazine articles where they've added "Fun" to the DCEU.

That made me laugh harder than it should have. Consider it saved.
>Still on the bribed critics meme
Snyderfags are this delusional
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>Dronie STILL trying to act superior because a soulless entertainment company bought out his favorite publisher and is releasing fairly profitable movies featuring characters from comic books that used to be good
>Literally admitting he's a mousecuck who enjoys having his hobby turned into an assembly line film franchise

Oh my God
>drones are frogposters

Confirmed cancer
Is she OK?
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Why do we always have to bring up DC?

And frankly, I don't give a rats ass about DC films until I see Starfire, Stargirl, Cassandra Cain or Stephanie Brown.
>Iron Man

Git dat whiteboi bullshit out mah face *smacks lips*
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>mfw /tv/ escaped their containment board near me
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Because they reliably show up in these threads and stumble around crying and moving goalposts, and it's funny as shit.

If I could, I'd get together with some of them and watch Wonder Woman: Director's Apology Cut on blu ray.
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>assembly line film franchise from an assembly line comic franchise.
Don't see the problem, m8
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Posting the newly-released plot details in a thread-salvaging effort.

>Three months after defeating Ronan, the Guardians of the Galaxy are recruited to protect the Sovereign People, an ancient race of genetically engineered aliens, from an extradimensional monster. In exchange they're given Nebula (Karen Gillian) so she can answer for her crimes.

>Rocket (Bradley Cooper) feels ripped off by the bargain and steals valuable power batteries before leaving, offending Queen Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki), who hires the Ravagers to go after the Guardians. When Yondu (Michael Rooker) refuses, he's overthrown by Taserface (Chris Sullivan), and they captured Rocket and Baby Groot (Vin Diesel). Nebula joins the Ravagers to hunt down the remaining Guardians.

>While fleeing, Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Drax (Dave Bautista) come across Star-Lord's long-lost father, intergalactic adventurer Ego (Kurt Russell), and his private attendant Mantis (Pom Klementieff). Ego had been searching for Star-Lord for years and Star-Lord becomes divided between sticking with his crew or staying with his father.

>The theme of the movie is "family": Star-Lord's relationship with his biological father Ego and his surrogate father Yondu; Gamora and Nebula's strained sisterly relationship; Rocket and Groot's brotherly bond; Drax becomes a surrogate father to Mantis, who reminds him of his daughter, whereas Mantis lost her parents early in her life; plus the family bond the Guardians form with each other.

>The movie is self-contained and Thanos is only referenced occasionally by Gamora and Nebula, and features no direct references to the Avengers or the Infinity Stones aside from a hint about their role in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR.

There's already a thread for the new trailer.
The OP clearly made this thread to take the piss out of the Directors Cut Extended Universe fans.
Which is always fun.
>starting a thread with Sony vs Xbox shit


Delete this thread and start it again
Ragnarok is going to bomb. No one gives a shit about thor, and the ragnarok tease was the most hated part of AoU.
>bribed unpaid shills

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Thor and Hulk on the Road to Asgard will crack 800 million dollars. Believe it.
Even worse, theyre trying super hard to turn it into a Guardians of the Galaxy type movie

Wwatch the trailer be super tryhard with some 80s meme music
Thor Ragnarok will probably get butts in the seats over the 80's style.

People said the same thing about Strange and that couldn't even do over 700
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>Marvel has bribed critics, twitter bots, and unpaid shills that will make sure of that.

Maybe. Or... or.. maybe they just didn't make a movie about piss jars and jolly ranchers and expect people to like it
>Even worse, theyre trying super hard to turn it into a Guardians of the Galaxy type movie
>Wwatch the trailer be super tryhard with some 80s meme music
When did this turn into a Suicide Squad thread?

Marvel/Disney is obviously bribing the unpaid shills with quality entertainment, a move unheard of for DC/WB

No one said that about Strange, people did thing BvS would hit 1 billion though, lol didn't.
I've heard how Man of Steel was going to be the biggest hit of the year
How BvS was going to kick Civil War's ass
How Suicide Squad was going to be the monster hit of the year
But I somehow missed the billion dollar prediction for the Strange standalone movie.
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>I've heard how Man of Steel was going to be the biggest hit of the year

lol yeah.

It wasn't about it making over a billion just not about it doing worse than Deadpool

No one could have predicted Deadpool. At beat people expected it to do what Logan will do. Less than 500 million WW.
Gunn confirmed on Twitter than Baby Groot has no memories of being Adult Groot.
I like that. It means his sacrifice in the first movie actually means something. Not only did the old Groot effectively die, but now the crew have this youngun to raise and look after in the midst of their infighting. He's not reborn as a tiny adult that's back to full strength in a few days so he can blow himself up to save their asses all over again. It adds weight to both movies.

Say what you will about Gunn deviating from Groot's established personality and traits but at least he seems to want to develop him into more of a character instead of settling for the convenient wooden tank that Abnett and Lanning kinda relegated him too.

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Good stuff Gunn.
>Even worse, theyre trying super hard to turn it into a Guardians of the Galaxy type movie

I love that in your idiot mind, Thor being in space like he should = Guardians of the Galaxy.
>dat Bowie

so great
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Look at the LOL 80S XDDDD neon logo and all the bright FUNNN ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET!!??? HAHAHA colors
Good point. Now they're selling more too.
Practically nothing about GOTG is 80s aside from the date that Quill left Earth and a handful of pop culture references.
In Ted Maul voice:
That was becoming a very real possibility.
Diagnosis: Hypernatremia
Yes, it's such a shame that soulless companies are dragging such great works of literature into the mainstream by dumbing them down for the less sophisticated masses. If only the masses understood how mature and literary the medium is, we could get cape films the way they were intended to be - quality Oscar worthy film fare
>Having actual bright colors = making a GoTG clone/80s meme movie

Yep, that checks out
>Implying any comics publisher or film studio is anything but a soulless entertainment company

Yes, I'm sure all of these companies make their business decisions based on artistic integrity and not sales and profits.
Marvel let's Gunn do whatever he wants for some reason. Even the Russos were forced to do things in their movies while Gunn has free reign.

The Civil War concept for film was created by the Russo's.
Cause Marvel as a whole has no plans for the space corner.

Feige said the have big plans for space after IW.
Holy shit that Evans caught me off guard

Also DCasuals btfo once again
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>Suffragette City
Maybe but as of now there's a whole fuckton of earth shit in the pipeline that they have to keep track of while GOTG is the only space property.
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>while GOTG is the only space property.
>Thor Ragnarok
>Captain Marvel
>Avengers 3 and 4
>Ant-man and Wasp quantum realm shenanigans.

Please drink bleach
Three of those are earth properties even if they have space elements. There's plenty of those already.

Im just saying Gunn gets free reign right now cause there's nothing he has to work around.
>marvel has a space opera/drama /comedy off and running

>DC cant even get Green Lantern right

How fucking hard is it? GL literally writes its own self
>It almost hit me
Chuckled. I'm sorry.
It obviously doesn't.

I mean, GL would be incredibly difficult to do. The GL corps are really goofy. Imagine putting Kilowog into a movie without it looking like CGI garbage. You could just pre-establish the Green Latern Core and just add a latern, but really, with Man of Steel why wasn't there a GL there then. Or BvS where was the green latern.

I honestly think that the technology for you to make a green lantern movie just isn't there. And for you to do a GL movie, you'd have to sink in so much money to make it look good, while there really isn't that much interest in a green lantern movie.

It's a difficult task.
>How embarrassing would it be for DC if this made more money than Justice League?
Embarrassing, but not incredulously so. GOTG is no longer the uncertain venture that it was when they released the first movie years ago. People know and love Gunn's interpretation of these characters now. Groot alone ascended to a level of unprecedented popularity for a previously D-List character.

What I'm saying is that I can fully see this movie outgrossing Justice League. That's not to say it won't be another humiliating defeat for DC if it does, though.
>>implying it won't
Did they showed the plot of the movie yet? or anything similar to it?

Been keeping vague.
>Higher quality
What did he mean by this?
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I'd personally be a little embarrassed, even though it's pretty likely to happen. JL's reviews have to be damn near perfect, if they want to ''win''.

I hope both movies turn out well, but I still got to root for the under dog. I just want a good movie with a good Batman in it. Please.
Fun is a very subjective word, Anon. I found BvS fun. Not ''funny'', but fun as in a great movie-going experience. It was very enjoyable.
>JL reviews
Justice League could be one of the best movies ever made and the reviews would still say that it is shit.

Well meme'd son, have another (you). Cherish it well.

You don't CGI the shit out of it. You go practical, and hire the jim Henson creature shop for kilowog and the other aliens.
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>movie ends with Nova Corps sending the Guardians as envoys to warn Earth that Thanos is about to come as prelude to Infinity War
>Quill tinkers with the radio trying to pick up terran frequency
>Haddaway's 'What is love' starts playing
>Everyone starts to bob their head
>Pilot gets annoyed and switches frequency
>"Eye of the tiger starts playing"
>Pilot then bobs his head to the beat
>we never see who the pilot was only in credits
>Pilot is played by Sly Stallone


>Justice League could be one of the best movies ever made and the reviews would still say that it is shit.

Based on what evidence? Three bad movies getting bad reviews?

I refuse to believe anyone who even tries to pretend that they're knowledgeable about film is going to try and defend the botch-job that is Suicide Squad, so all you've got left is MoS and BvS.

Not exactly titans of filmmaking you have to defend there.
Now that would be some fucking terrible meme shit that would make the movie deserve /tv/'s ridicule.
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>twitter bots

That's a 100% TRUTH, there is a anti BvS campaign on twitter with bots spamming the same message TO THIS DAY

I mean, explain this shit!


If this is true, then paying critics is not that much of a stretch, I'm sure that paid shills on social media are a thing too
>Baby Groot.
>Movie aimed at babies.

Enjoy your trash, I bet that your date will enjoy watching the movie too.

Wow, the last message was sent 9 HOURS AGO

>If this is true, then paying critics is not that much of a stretch

Despite having no actual evidence of it.

Disney is desperate, maybe is because Batman and Superman have a timeless appeal while people already forgot about Civil War and Dr Strange.

You don't need evidence, is common sense.

Disney bribed cinemas so they would have to play The Force Awakens in 90% of their rooms, all day long, just to kick out competition, Tarantino made a whole bit about it


Do you really think they would stop at critics? The same critics that gave Ghostbusters 2016 GREAT reviews?

Play dumb all you want, we the grown ups know what's up, even my Grandma makes jokes about corporate Disney trying to put a price on art

How about that Twitter campaign? Is that not evidence of SOMEONE wanting to make BvS fail? Way to ignore that, retard
Hahaha, you're actually serious.

>You don't need evidence, is common sense.

You're literally trying to argue that critics aren't allowed to have certain opinions or they're "paid off" it's not fucking common sense, you have zero evidence beyond an ego so inflated that the only way you'll accept the concept of differing opinions is through bribes.

Bring back actual proof. Hard evidence of bribery.


>Is that not evidence of SOMEONE wanting to make BvS fail?

Twitterposting is not the same thing as paying off critics.
>You're literally trying to argue that critics aren't allowed to have certain opinions or they're "paid off"

When your opinions are ''this is the Donald Trump of movies'' as a negative and then your positive review for Ghostbusters is ''this is a strike against patriarchy, you go girls!!!Yaass queens!'' you don't have credibility, you clearly are pushing an agenda, not talking about movies.

Most movie critics that can affect RT scores are not even trained as critics at all, most of the time they are just people with huge twitter accoints or popular bloggers/biased idiots that have no bussines talking about movies, let alone ethics about it.

>Twitterposting is not the same thing as paying off critics.

Is almost the same, word of mouth is STRONG and they are trying to shit on it before the movie is even out, only a retard would think otherwise
I should have heard that Twitter, because the movie is exactly like that, shit.

Also you are really retarded and paranoic. Likely it was just someone taking the piss out of people like you, instead of "muh Disney boogieman".
But people who understand about movies know that BvS was a complete piece of shit full of plot holes, bad acting and bland characters.

And it will be remembered as that.

Those comments were made before the movie was out and are still being made as if the movie still was about to come out.

Do you even know how to read, how come that you miss the point this badly??

That makes it sound as if creating hundreds of thousands of bot accounts just to shit on a movie that was not even out is a thing that people just do for shit and giggles, it takes LOTS and LOTS of hours do being able to do something like that, like weeks probably

This is real, fucking hell! The mouse is a prick

Better than a movie with talking animals, cute talking babies as the main focus, television tier visuals, dick jokes, etc

''Dance off bro, you and me!'' Reddit's favorite movie!
>That makes it sound as if creating hundreds of thousands of bot accounts just to shit on a movie that was not even out is a thing that people just do for shit and giggles, it takes LOTS and LOTS of hours do being able to do something like that, like weeks probably

Not really.

You know nothing summer child. You just has to pay one Russian faggot.
>Not really.

now you are being on denial

More flavor of the month, yaaaawn, call me when Old Man Logan releases more footage
latin american bot accounts that spew the same shit and aren't followed by any real people, just other bot accounts.
Like who do you expect would see these tweets?
Disney is much more competent than this in shilling, probably just a Marveldrone/flasflagging DCuck.
Also notice that all of them shill the music video of some noname faggot.
>You just has to pay one Russian faggot.

kek, go back to /pol/ Hillary poster
>IP number doesn't increase
Disney is SJW now??
WB is never spending practical effects money on the DCEU.
Yes? You should be blind to not see how they are together with the Jews on their globalist agenda. They obviously see the DCEU as a menace to their objectives, and need to fight dirty.

True, DC is selling more too not sure what the other guy meant
>capeshit with CGI talking animals

Of course it's going to make money. I mean it's the safest movie ever made, it'd be surprising it won't break a billion.

Suicide Squad crushing Dr Strange on the other hand is still hilarious
How embarrassing would it be if you could keep your company war bs out of threads and discuss this movie in its own right?
How the movie marketed as Joker and Harley movie, making a little more than a C list character is hilarious?

What really is hilarious is Deadpool making more on the USA than Batman, Superman AND Wonder Woman movie (along with a death of sulerman).
>Like who do you expect would see these tweets?

You know that you can search terms on twitter to see what people are saying, right?
Its an anon doesn't know how to conversations work episode

>WB is never spending practical effects money on the DCEU.

BvS had a ton of practical effects
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>How the movie marketed as Joker and Harley movie, making a little more than a C list character is hilarious?

Yeah when Marvel wins ''HAHAH they can even make C listers into A listers!!!!''

When they lose ''fucking DC bullies have to use the Joker to win!!!! Its not fair, everybody loves the Joker and Herley!!!''

While talking about Suicide Squad ''The movie failed because of the Joker and Harley''
And you specifically have to search for rain in addition to BvS to find these.
So, unless you are a triggered tinfoilhat wearing DCuck, you won't find these.
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Making 90 millions more without China? Fucking lmao is what it is. Enjoy Iron Man shoehorned in all your "solo" movies from now on.

But seriously now, I just made pic related so you can grasp how safe GotG2 is. The two biggest memes on todays movie industry put together. Asnwering your question OP, it won't be embarrasing at all. If GotG doesn't break a billion after all the shilling and appeal to literal babies, literally nothing will.
>BvS had a ton of practical effects

People still talk about DC movies all the time, old ones, not as old, really new ones.

While Marvel movies are flavor of the month, they make money sure but most people think that they are kids films, nobody wants to be a fan of Dr. Strange because that would be dorky.

While at the same time, is totally ok to be a huge ass Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman fanboy/girl.

If you love Superman, people are going to think that you love to work out, if you love Guardians of the Galaxy you will be seeing as just a dork, specially if you talk about the movie outside the flavor of the month phase of the movie
Yeah Warner brothers would never pay people off for good reviews http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/07/12/youtubers-accepted-payment-wb-positive-game-reviews---ftc/86987586/

NOW you have, at the moment you didn't have to.
Waititi has more talent in his little finger than anyone else working at DC AND Marvel. Ragnarok will get 95+ RT and 80+ MC.
>Making 90 millions more without China?

Not to mention that China keeps like 90% of the money.

So that means that SS won by a even larger margin


They shot the movie in sets, not in empty parking looks with green screen like some inferior movie about a Civil Street fight or some shit
Yet they still exist today, when there isn't any benefit to making those tweets anymore, which just further proves it's some rando faggot instead of the corporate conspiracy you dream of.
Hate to break it to ya, bit thats not gonna happen with JL, or anytime soon as long as Affleck is bats.
>Yet they still exist today

That's why they use BOTS, they are programmed to keep spamming the message, get it?

Ther persons using them just didn't bother to make them stop, get it?
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>the Mouse wouldn't buy reviews!!!!

Look at the average rating not at the Tomatometer you stupid fuck.
>or anytime soon as long as Affleck is bats.

Actually Affleck became a really well liked actor after BvS, he was the best part of the movie.

While other lesser actors like Chris Pratt are stuck on blockbuster bullshit and people are already hating him for it.

Its pretty embarrasing having a movie with big names and the most popular character was: Baby Groot!

I bet that Batista must hate that CGI little turd

Not updated but it's lower than Dr Strange for both now

The point is that Dr. Strange was yet again Iron Man 1: Magician edition and is getting better reviewed than ACTUAL films.

They even have like 200 more reviews than the other films, clearly taking into account those ''youtube critics'' and bloggers that for some un-holy reason they can make an impact on the RT score
lol gross.
>No one could have predicted Deadpool.
Accept everyone here. and other boards. It's just there is a begrudging movement that wants any Fox Marvel film to fail, so they just take this attitude of burying their heads and saying shit like it can't. Hell many of us were surprise it didn't make more considering how much his merc sold even before the film.
>they get no more money from it, but they are kind enough to keep the bots running indefinitely FOR FREE
You are making less and less sense.
Look, Disney are scumbags, they send out gift baskets, special screenings, free shitty lootcrates, these are all widely known practices (Warner does this too, btw)
but not once was it ever proven that they directly attempt to sabotage the competition, because if the get discovered, it's over for them.
There are some autists that just hate the movies y'know.
Well, actually, BvS was symbolic of mans triumph over Super man. And its Kino. Okayyyyyy???
You are literally this delusional
Sounds like something /tv/ would say.
Honestly Wonder Woman will be the last chance at good sales. By Nov. the people seeing JL decided that a long time ago while the general audience will see this string of bad stories and ask themselves if they really want to risk $10+ to be disappointed again. IF JL is good it won't see it's sales till post theater.
The point is that RT is still owned by Warner, and you are retarded.
By your logic Batman Begins is an Iron man film.
Narrative wise the only 1 for 1 Iron Man rip off was Green Lantern.
Whether WB or Marvel pay critics off, and they both certainly do at times, it doesnt change what BvS is.

BvS was trash and was gonna get bad scores regardless of bribery. I bet reviewers already thought it was trash and Disney probably bribed them to make comparison to their movies. So its not really that Disney said, " we know you like it but could you lie and say you didnt?" It was probably more like " so you didnt like it? Well, how about we pay you to add in something positive about our movies since youre already trashing that piece of shit anyway.?"
>Deadpool being the most profitable capeshit ever means that the rights will NEVER go back to Disney/Marvel, not even F4
>Thor is going to be another """hit""" like Ant Man and Dr Strange, barely breaking even after marketing budget
>Spiderman is a DCEU tier mess and they are going to ruin the character forever, also they have to share the profits with Sony
>Marvel is dead on the water in comics, tv and videogames
>GotG2 is their only sure hit and the expectations are so high there is no way it won't disappoint them

Nah we DCbros are okay

RT doesn't have own critcs kiddo
The only capeshit i'am hype for this year. Although i may watch Spiderman too
>The point is that RT is still owned by Warner

Yes idiot, they OWN RT but they DON'T OWN THE CRITICS stupid retard, you know what a message board is? Like an actual message board? That's pretty much the same, somebody owns the board but the people sticking flyers to them are doing it on their own

>By your logic Batman Begins is an Iron man film.

Batman doesn't crack jokes every 5 minutes, so no.

That's the point of the Marvel formula, turning every character into Ant-man Iron Man, Dr Strange Iron Man, Winter Soldier Iron Man, Black Widow Iron Man.

In which they replace their personalities with ''sarcastic person that spouts one liners''

Bruce Wayne is nothing like that
>it doesnt change what BvS is.

A really good movie with problems but really good regardless, the Watchmen movie of this era.
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Dr. Strange was a lot different than Iron Man. The only similarities they had out right were they were successful and rich. Strange was an Narcissistic messiah complex healer at the start of the film (so he is more a copy of Dr.House) while Tony was a sucker punch playboy drowning out years of father issues through his family company. Also there turns of change were different. Tony was captured and watch his security team killed with shrapnel near his heart, force to work with another prisoner in a cave. Dr.Strange got crippled hands from a car wreak drain all his money to cure himself to fail left with nothing but desperation to heal his hands for the most selfish reasons seeking out legends in blind hopes for healing.

I could cite both films but that alone shows how awful this bait is.
They don't, but they start counting youtubers and bloggers for no reason for Marvel movies specifically, on their own site?
Delusional faggots.
hahaha this guy is exactly like the people arguing in this thread, holy shit.
>Batman doesn't crack jokes every 5 minutes
Bateman had a lot of dry humor in that film.
>turning every character into Ant-man Iron Man, Dr Strange Iron Man, Winter Soldier Iron Man, Black Widow Iron Man.
I think you are autisticly taking any humor a character has as a sign they are the same, again that would lump the Wonder Woman in that mess of bad logic.

This, is like the new 52 all over again.

When things started people were shitting on DC and praising Marvel.

Time passed and then people were crying about the new 52 ending, about Superbro, etc while taking a shit on Marvel.

So things are going to be the same for the movie universe, Infnity War ends and from that point on people are going to get the Marvel Formula fatigue while literally everybody else, WB, Fox and Sony would still be making fresh and different comic book movies.

Its a shame that weren't able to make Captain America and Iron Man iconic outside the movies and the flavor of the month thing, it was their last chance.
Sometimes I eat candy shaped like Iron Man's head.
>people were crying about the new 52 ending, about Superbro

Nah, it was just a dumb Snyderfag doing it.
Thats cause Leto was horrible as Joker and Harley was pretty bad too.

Joker and Harley done right wouldve made SS way more money but they were done badly.
>Bateman had a lot of dry humor in that film.

not the same as cracking Beyonce jokes, Wi-fii jokes, making fun of the bad guy and literally not caring about him, etc

>again that would lump the Wonder Woman in that mess of bad logic.

No, that would be lumping every character that has humor as if they were the same.

I'm talking about how every Avenger has almost the same voice ''serious person that cracks one liners at the right moment''
>''serious person that cracks one liners at the right moment''
That's all over the place in Suicide Squad. Hell you remove that and the film drops down to about 20 minuets.
Stop feeding the shitposter
He is just lonely and wants (You)s get yourself a better valentine then him anons.

What does Zack Snyder have to do with super bro? Are you a retarded /tvirgin/ poster?


I disagree, people loved the shit out of those two characters, Halloween was all about those two all over the place.

Again, people were introduced to a new Spider-man, Black Panther and Dr. Strange this year and none of those characters have gotten half the attention and fans that Harley Quinn did.

DC WON by appealing to the female audience and getting it while Marvel only appeals to children and manchildren.

Manchildren make things un-cool to enjoy so that's not gonna help Marvel Disney on the long run
Is this guy the /co/ oficial Snyderfag? This is hilarious.

You kidding right? Leto and Robbie were loved as fuck, Harley Quinn has one of the best selling comics in 2016 and the best selling costume of the year.

Both of them are more iconic than anything in the MCU by far
>Dr. Strange was a lot different than Iron Man. The only similarities they had out right were they were successful and rich. Strange was an Narcissistic messiah complex healer at the start of the film (so he is more a copy of Dr.House) while Tony was a sucker punch playboy drowning out years of father issues through his family company. Also there turns of change were different.

Its almost the same thing.

Guy start a douche.

Then something bad happens.

Something something super powers.

Guy learns his lesson, becomes humble in a matter of months, while still cracking witty one liners in the right moment.

The bad guy is defeated on a way that its mean to make people laugh...

No wait, that's only Dr. Strange and every other Marvel movie after Avengers started the comedic trend


Any ''critic'' that gives a review its goint to be taken into account retard, specially if they PAY critics to review the movie instead of ignoring it
>That's all over the place in Suicide Squad.

Difference being that the character that do it are doing it as part of their original characters.

While Marvel is turning everybody into Tony Stark regardless of their personality.

Even fucking Ultron cracks jokes and looney toons poses
Oh, im aware that many enjoyed Affleck's bats, I dont agree with them and I think he and his Batman are the second biggest reason why BvS and future DCEU movies (that include him) wil fail.
WB execs' meddling is tied for second as reasons why DCEU is bad.
First is Snyder.
Is Daredevil like Tony Stark?
Is General Ross like Tony Stark?
Is Groot like Tony Stark?
Is Thanos like Tony Stark?
Is Kingpin like Tony Stark?

Do I need to continue? I'm gonna dab if you do.
Lol not at all man.
>The bad guy is defeated on a way that its mean to make people laugh...

The fuck are you on about? The bad guy from Ironman was killed by an explosion in a tense situation. What's funny about that?
>When they lose
>he thinks marvel has lost at some point

l e l
I hope you do realize what you've described is the origin of almost every silver age Marvel hero and that these things were actually what made Marvel stick out and helped revolutionize cape comics in the 60s.

But of course you won't becase you're just a shitposter from /tv/ who has never picked a comic in your life.
This has to be some fucking very elaborate false flag Jesus Christ.
Can't believe people keep falling for this type of bait.

Good points, esp. the halloween bit.

Doesnt mean they werent crap. Im not accusing either of you of being Snyder apologists, but it seems like a bvs scenario, there are many who love it but more who dont.

Yea the costumes sold well, Joker because hes the joker baby. His new iteration was gonna sell regardless of performance. Harley, her comic was doing well b4 SS wasnt it? So her costume sold well because of popularity and rly how slutty it was.

They succeeded because those two characters were already successful, the movie itself is bad and far more people felt that way.
>His new iteration was gonna sell regardless of performance.

I don't agree, people not always like the Joker, he wasn't like in The Batman, Brace and the Bold and even Young Justice.

Its a meme that people are going to watch the movie just for the Joker, specially sine he only had like 10 minutes of screentime.

Add that the fact that the movie had a lot of legs at the box office, so people that saw the film told people to watch it, despite the Joker not being the main attraction
>>he thinks marvel has lost at some point

Iron Man 3, Avengers 2, Thor 2, Dr. Strange losing against Sucide Squad money and popularity wise, Agents of Shield, Jessica Jones, Agent Carter, Dead before arrival Mockingbird, Legion teaching Marvel a lesson on how to do...GOOD things, etc

Yes. Those movies did well at the box office but failed on making those characters part of pop culture like Superman and Batman, even Deadpool is more liked and popular than Captain America and Iron Man nowadays
>he thinks marvel lost at some point

l e l
>>he thinks marvel lost at some point
>Iron Man 3, Avengers 2, Thor 2, Dr. Strange losing against Sucide Squad money and popularity wise, Agents of Shield, Jessica Jones, Agent Carter, Dead before arrival Mockingbird, Legion teaching Marvel a lesson on how to do...GOOD things, etc

Kek, Marvel is for plebs and casuals that don't give a fuck, let's be honest.

That's why the moment they try something outside the hollywood safe space they fail.

Agents of Shield feels like a Marvel movie in TV form and yet is terrible, why? Because it doesn't have the same CGI and big names that the movies have
>I've heard how Man of Steel was going to be the biggest hit of the year

Occasionally you can still fins some autist screaming that in the long run MoS beat IM3 because in 2014 the former sold, like, 10k more blurays than the other
>he thinks marvel lost

l e l (loving every laugh)
>How embarrassing would it be for DC if this made more money than Justice League?
How embarrassing would it be for Marvel if this made more money than Avengers?

You really think Vol 2 will make over 1.5 billion?

You also think Marvel would be embarrassed about that?

I'll say this, if that happens DC should kill themselves.

But they did, Dr Strange was humiliated by Suicide fucking Squad and DC tv shows are mopping the floor with Marvel's netflix shows
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Looks like this DCuck is broken lol
not embarrassing at all since they're just pocketing more money

It's pretty impressive how much DC destroyed their characters in the public's consciousness. They just aren't a draw.
That would actually be a great sign, that would show that people are willing to try new heroes outside the norm at Marvel.

What are you talking about? Are you ok?

>this DCuck delusion

Oh yes, can't wait until JL flops, the tears and conspiracy theories will be deleesh.
>demand expressions

Are you? lol.

>Stranger Things not #1

Why did you take this seriously?

Are you guys crying right now? It's just tv people, Marvel movies are doing pretty well as long as they have Iron Man in it

When it comes to 2016 shows.

Stranger Things
Game of Thrones
Luke Cage
Better Call Saul
and Mr. Robot

were the ones most people talked about.
How long do you plan on living a lie?

Didn't Jessica Jones win awards?

But those links are backed with numbers, sorry they contradict your feelings though

There was some buzz on Preacher. Big departure from the comic tho.

A peabody award, not an emmy, golden globe or anything big.

>How embarrassing would it be for Marvel if this made more money than Captain America, Thor, Iron Man?
I can't remember anyone talking about the CW shows irl desu.

Its run pretty stale honestly.
>Luke Cage
>Better Call Saul
>and Mr. Robot

Fucking lol
>Kek, Marvel is for plebs and casuals that don't give a fuck, let's be honest.

Honestly, I never see people talking abot Iron Man outside manchildren groups.

I don't know that people care about Dr. Strange as much as they care about even Robin or Two Face

Luke Cage literally broke Netflix. Better Call Saul and Mr. Robot have both bee amazing.

People actually love the hell out of the Flash, Supergirl and Gotham believe it or not


Lol, Jessica Jones is the only comic book show out there that has to wait like 3 years in order to get a second season aired while Daredevil got a second season right away.

Even the failed Agent Carter got a second season right away, imagine how hard JJ had to fail in order for that to happen
>Luke Cage literally broke Netflix.

And one month later nobody cares while people still have a huge boner for Stranger Things months and months after the fact
>People actually love the hell out of the Flash, Supergirl and Gotham believe it or not

Yet no one talks about them. Being on the cheap CW doesn't help but that's their own fault.
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DC/WB will never be able to compete desu

Their characters just are not popular enough.
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Read this, companies hire people to shill or troll specific things, you must be rertarded to think that companies would not try that.
>Luke Cage literally broke Netflix

What do you mean by this? It wasn't even a flavour of the month tv show, Narcos was way more popular for instance. CW DC shows are waaay more popular, by far and away (proved in this same thread)
You keep repeating yourself but have yet to prove it.

The CW stuff just doesn't appear to be popular desu. Luke Cage at east had a cultural impact. Just can't say the same for CW.
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>tfw Ragnarok has more hype behind it than wonder woman and justice league.

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>Yet no one talks about them.

No one that YOU know, Supernatural has been around for like 10 years despite ''nobody talking about the show'' and people still know about the show itself, the leads, etc.


DC characters are waaaay more popular. What Disney is doing is the SAME MISTAKE that Marvel Comics is doing:

Putting out shit just thinking about getting money NOW and not thinking about the long game.

For example Iron Man 3 made more money than Man of Steel but MoS outsold IM3 on Blu Ray and merchandising wise Iron Man can't hold a candle to Superman.

Marvel characters are popular and make money for like a month while DC characters are always popular and making money

Is women, maaan, girls don't like Marvel characters that much
>Luke Cage at east had a cultural impact

it did not, the show went away like a month after the premier.

Stranger Things on the other hand, people are still hyped about it.
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>DC characters are waaaay more popular.

The numbers say otherwise.

Great sources
I know this is a DC vs Marvel argument, but I'm just going to say, I barely see any iconic shots for WW or JL. I see the same shots over and over everywhere for BvS and SS, but nothing for WW and JL.

read these links

But keep wishing it very strong and the numbers will change, I'm sure

>Luke Cage at east had a cultural impact.

lmao Suicide Squad had a cultural impact too. But for real, not in clickbait imagination
>Suicide Squad had a cultural impact too.

About the only talk I've seen from it is how terrible it is. It really has no impact at all. Positive anyway, looks like Lego Batman if flopping because of it.

Or do you mean negative impact?
>No sources, just some random image.

Also Iron Man never outsold Batman on merch, are you high?

Iron Man 1 stopped making money the moment the Dark Knight came out, even Roberto Downs started crying on the news about it
>Avengers is seing as having the most growth potential.
>Image of Lego Batman vs regular looking IronMan to make it seems as if Batman was childish compared to the character owned by Disney and was not allowed to be alcoholic
>not a shill image

Well I guess it didn't have a cultural impact in r/marvel_cinematic. In real life it had


>looks like Lego Batman if flopping because of it.

This getting sad now
I've seen kids at Halloween dressed as Harley, and at Target, this kid was throwing a tantrum so that his parents would buy the film for him.

Kids seemingly ate that shit up.
>Halloween costumes...

This is getting pathetic.

For capeshit characters? People don't dress up as characters they don't care about, yes.

You're just making a fool of yourself drone, please leave now
>$55 million when it was expected to get $60-$70 million
>beaten by 50 shades in just about every country
how is that not flopping?
>making shit up


The shill is broken

Harley Quinn and the Joker became so popular that grown ups that go to parties to drink and have sex wanted to look just like them.

Meaning that you can use Suicide Squad to get laid with girls.

I would never get a girls attention with a Groot t-shirt, the oposite maybe, but Harley Quinn girls love the shit out of that character!

That alone makes it a better film than any of the Marvel films, being able to use them to met people and girls and talk about something perceived as cool, not just dorky shit
>Harley Quinn girls love the shit out of that character!

Seriously this. Try to get a girl to see a Marvel movie, see what happens
>>Halloween costumes...
>This is getting pathetic.

Are you kidding? Anyone can shell a couple of bucks to watch a movie ONCE, but going out of your way to make yourself look like a character from a movie? That's a sign of how much you loved the character and the movie too.

Fury Road gave us a lot of cosplay like that, Negan, Batman, Superman without red underpants, even Stranger Things were all over the place during Halloween.

Iron Man and Cap? Not so much despite this being the Civil War year.
Jesus Christ, lmao.

What even is this thread.
>how is that not flopping?

In that the movie already made its budget back and then some more in like 3 days?

Disney shills getting destroyed and posting variants of "lel", "lmao" or things like that to hide it, basically
>which is well below Mojo's forecast and even a bit below the $60 million the studio was expecting.
>Outside of North America, LEGO Batman brought in an estimated $37 million from 60 overseas markets for a combined, $92.6 worldwide opening. Some highlights include an estimated $9.3 million opening in the U.K. along with openings in Mexico ($2.6m), Germany ($2.3m), Russia ($2.2m), Brazil ($2m), France ($1.6m), Spain ($1.5m) and Italy ($1.2m). Looking ahead, the film opens in China on March 3 followed by openings in Australia (March 30) and Japan (April 1).
>Overseas, Fifty Shades Darker delivered an estimated $100.1 million from 57 markets, the fourth largest international opening weekend ever for an R-rated film, behind Fifty Shades of Grey ($157.1m), Deadpool ($132.2m) and The Matrix Revolutions ($117.6m). Top markets include Germany ($11m), U.K. ($9.7m), France ($8.7m), Brazil ($7.5m), Russia ($6.7m), Italy ($6.5m), Australia ($5.9m), Spain ($5.6m) and Mexico ($2.7m). The film has four more territories in which it will be released, the last of which being Japan on June 23.
>a bit below
>beating Fifty Shades in the US

Identifying sad, yep it's sad
Fuck yes!
Keep going please. You're busting my sides.
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>You're busting my sides.
>variants of "lel", "lmao" or things like that to hide it
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Someone is mad. That's how mad people go ''O-Oh yeah??? I will j-just dismiss your c-comment! Ha I win! Wht even??''

>Try to get a girl to see a Marvel movie, see what happens

Do that while wearing your Rocket Raccoon t-shirt and caring your cellphone with a Captain America wallpaper, so un-sexy!

And then do that but with a Batman shirt and Superman wallpaper, somehow girls don't perceive that as dorky.
Of course I'mma dismiss it. You're trying so hard to defend something people are hating on in a bait thread to begin with.
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>being this mad
>marvel shill


Leave them be man, they are either severly autistic or paid to be here.

You won't convince them anyways, fuck not even actual numbers convinced them what can you do right?

I love all the marvel movies (cept ironman 3) and the dcu has let me down harder then I ever thought possible (man of steel wasnt that bad, bvs is a jar of piss tho)

Green Lanturn movie sucked, but the best parts were Kilowog and Sinestro. That movie had a lot of problems, like a skinny waller...but the aliens were the best part

And great taste in comics btw, New Superman is better than anything Marvel has done in any medium in the last 10 years
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No ones gonna point that shit out?

>>trained as critics
What did he mean by this?
Lol, get a load of the turb blossom
>>>trained as critics
>What did he mean by this?

Like having a degree on film appreciation, going to film school and getting a college degree, studying periodism and getting a degree.
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>How embarrassing would it be for DC if this made more money than Justice League?

Are you fucking kidding me? Normies loved the shit out of this movie and its love for shitty surface level reddit humor, there's no god damn way Justice League will make more money than this or any Marval movie for that matter.
How are my DCbros and DCgals doing today? Anything good happening on valentines day?
>reddit humor

What a pathetic life you must live.
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His life is pathetic, he's been samedagging in this thread.

He's also the Evans poster. He's cringe.

Just ignore him
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>doing anything on Valentine's Day other than crying and killing themselves
if only you knew
Your mom is cringe.
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Oh, the evansposter is back. Remember how the file name (1) used to trigger you?

What are you doing on valentines day? Besides fapping to traps?
Your dad and brother died in the gay club Florida shooting, no need to be mad.
It'll make more. It'll get a 97% on RT or what the fuck ever. Doesn't mean the MCU isn't manufactured, formulaic garbage now.
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that low?
>People don't dress up as characters they don't care about,
now this has to be bait
do you have any idea how many sluts dress up as Catwoman just to pick up some chads at the club
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Can't wait for the best marvel movie yetâ„¢
Remember when DCucks flooded IMDB to spam 10/10 ratings before the movie released
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I can't wait until it score 75% rt and makes less than Thor 2

Spiderman will have a higher rt and make more.

Feels good
Remember when you had a social life that didn't revolve around internet company fights?

This is why no one lives you
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I've only made one post in this thread until now, the IP number went up when I made that post, if your're so concerned with samefags pay attention to the IP counter you faggot. GotG is a shit movie, Batman v Superman is a shit movie, superhero movies are just fucking garbage in general, Spiderman 1 and 2, that's it, the only good superhero movies.

>He's cringe.

Are you fucking 12 or something?

Jesus Christ, this is the first time I've participated in a thread about superhero movies and I already hate it, you people are literal man children with no taste in movies. Stick to comic books and stop flooding my cinemas with your supershit flicks all fucking year.
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Harley Quinn is probably the most popular comic book character along with batman, joker and deadpool
Guys and girls will dress up as any of them but no one will ever dress up as this purple grapefruit, or any MCU character

Feels brilliant
Nice projection faggot, why are you even in this thread?

Dumb obese inbreds like you shit up /co/ with your company war shit. Get the fuck out you utter faggot loser.

Don't reply to me again
>nice projection
>projects that i'm an inbred in the very nect sentence

:^) hmmmmmmmm
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I wish WB would make a cape movie again that regular people weren't sorry they'd sat through, so the anal bleeding would dry up a bit around here.

But unfortunately Wonder Woman is going to be the sort of movie everyone would like to pretend never existed, and the less said about Snyder's upcoming magnum opus the better.
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>I wish WB would make a cape movie again that regular people weren't sorry they'd sat through
good news
Nobody cares about GOTG. Fact is, the only reason anyone even bothered to reply was because you mentioned DC. One of the last threads had around 15 replies because nobody cares about the MCU. DC fans care about the DCEU because it's worth fighting for.
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Me too. Why didn't superman have a dance off with doomsday?

Why didn't batman quip like a Buffon in an airport fight?
Marvel doesn't bribe critics. Marvel threatens their critics of being shutout from premieres and early screenings. After their success during Phase 1. Phase 2 is where they needed the hype train to continue. So much praise for IM3, Thor 2, and Ant-Man before their release. It may have continued in Phase 3. Civil War and Dr. Strange were solid, yet different features. Civil War was a tease of how heroes collide in a single universe. Strange was a great standalone that introduces mystic reality.

t fan of Marvel capshit
lel Hulk is back bitch. Loki is a fan favorite. Strange is also set to be a part of Ragnarok. Its going to make money.
I remember a time when dc fans creamed themselves with Superman beating Darkseid by singing.
Gunn is fuckin' talent and a workhorse for his craft. He took the shitty Scooby-Doo movies, but I imagine shit like that is still a big production. Meaning he could handle GOTG and the success of its sequel. Super and Slither are good shit. Marvel just recognized the talent. In return, Gunn had a bigger budget which meant money for talent in all departments. Working for Marvel gets you some spotlight. GOTG doesn't take itself seriously as where most of Marvel's catalog does. Notice how the Avengers series are the exception. There were a lot more quips and looseness in Age of Ultron, and perhaps this was due to the reception of GOTG.
Are you actually implying that you didn't get how Star-Lord's plan wasn't pretty much the best of him (being cocky and a dumbass, yet actually risking his life in order to stop Ronan) which ends up contrasting with how he was presented at the beginning not caring about anyone else? And you are supposed to be the guy who tries to find what's exactly behind each scene, m8.

You're telling me a joke as bad as what Iron Manlet says isn't as bad as with fucking Eisenberg's Luthor?

Fuck, if you're that desperate for defending Snyder's shitty directing, why didn't Superman act a lil bit smarter and try to save people at the end (I mean, he knew there were probably a lot of casualties/injured people, he could at least have done something), thus showing people he is both a human and an actual super hero?

Lol. It's a dumb kids flick
At least Civil War and Dr Strange don't need an army of autists spamming /co/ and /tv/ with company wars shit just to maintain relevancy for their shitty brand.

Also, why doesn't WB do this shit since they too are a soulless conglomerate that has the funds to buy reviewers and create spambots on twitter?
>It has fun so it must be for children
>Not like DCEU, which appreciates maturity for mature individuals like myself
Pretty sure BvS used green screen too.
>While at the same time, is totally ok to be a huge ass Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman fanboy/girl.

Except actual DC fans hate the current movie lineup because of how much they're butchering everything.

It fucking sucks to grow up on great shit like the DC Animated Series and have to live with the fact that the current soulless garbage we have coming right now is what people are going to see as being DC now.
>He thinks Marvel actually lost at some point
Wew lad, this is some top tier delusion you got there.
>Those movies did well at the box office but failed on making those characters part of pop culture like Superman and Batman
Being remembered as "Man of Murder" and scenes like "MARTHA!!!!!!!" aren't really things to be proud of. I mean, sure, people will remember that one time that you passed out in the punch bowl and shat your pants for decades to come but I don't think that's something you'd want to put on your resume.
>Its almost the same thing.
Then it's not really the same thing.
>Parents actually letting daughters as young as five dress up as a slutty clown cheerleader armed with a baseball bat.
At least Black Widow has a dark uniform that doesn't actually show off anything, this shit is like letting your toddler go swimming in a bikini.

baka, some people don't deserve to be parents.
>How embarrassing would it be if that Chad had to fuck two supermodels instead of just one?
>W-W-We're still winning...right?
>If you love Superman, people are going to think that you love to work out

No, people will think you're a fucking nerd who needs another swirly.

If you unironically like ANY capeshit you're fucking delusional if you think your opinion matters.
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You didn't answer my question, company wars shitposter-kun.

Oh, of course, you're a shitposter, why the fuck else would you want to keep going at this shit?
>Guy is in movie
>thing happens
>then other thing happens
>then movie ends

Wow, every movie ever made is literally exactly the same.
We aren't judging a FILM's quality on how many people bother dressing up as them on Halloween, we're judging these movies based on commercial and critical acclaim.

The reality is, MCU is doing better than DCEU, and the reason why I know this is because you're spending more time going on about Halloween costumes than the DCEU proper.
>Trying to throw shade at someone calling capeshit deep
The irony has layers that aren't even quantifiable by our metric system yet.
>people still don't know how Rotten Tomatoes works

Rotten Tomatoes is an aggregator you dumb fucks. 90% of the critics that are affiliated with RT gave it a more than 50% score. Not that Doctor Strange is 9/10.
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>At least Civil War and Dr Strange don't need an army of autists spamming /co/ and /tv/ with company wars shit just to maintain relevancy for their shitty brand.

The other DC movies don't need it either, nobody cares about 4chan, idiot.

>>It stupid low brow penis humor, so it must be for manchildren.



To make the movie better, not worse like the airport fight, literally the ability to ANYTHING and they go for grey and empty.


Pretending that Marvel doesn't have a repetitive formula, that most of their main characters are not witty ''coolest guy in the room'' guys, barely developed bad guys with even less screentime, comedy that kills tension, grey looking everything etc.
You know...
The MCU has no quality tho, got to start somewhere
If I knew how the DCEU was going to shape up, I never would have bought MoS when I did.

The point is not the score in itself, is the fact that they are giving them such positive reviews while being harsher on way better movies with less noticeable problems.
DC would probably be a little disappointed but DC makes it's money selling comic books not making movies, while Marvel relies on movies for it's money and provide comic shops with steaming piles of shit that look like comics.
the only people who care how RT works are sad DCucks like you who try and defend your shitty movies

everyone else sees the 90% and understands it means great movie
>Opens with Cap in ice block?
>Learn what it must to be really heroic, when Cap was picked explicitly because he was already heroic.
>Loki has the same powers as Thor?
>Malekith is a figure from Thor's past?

I'm gonna guess whoever wrote this saw Iron Man, heard the "every movie is the same" meme", and that was about the extent of their research.
>I wish WB would make a cape movie again that regular people weren't sorry they'd sat through

Lego Batman is unironically pretty great.
No one mentioned rt
he saw the 90% and went retarded

it's a problem that happens with most DCucks
It has enough quality to be successful and piss off a legion of Snyderfags.
>The MCU has no quality and everyone hates it
>thats why it has 22 movies, making billions a year, and shows no signs of slowing down.
Comics don't really matter though, like when was the last time someone made a commercial or wrote a review on a comic book like we do to movies and video games?
>and everyone hates it
where did that come from?
I hate baby Groot so fucking much, I hope he grows back by the end of the movie.
Remember the dark knight and man of steel? Yes.

Remember x2 and spiderman 2? Yes?

Remember any MCU capeshit? No.
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>22 movies

>0 memorable

Explain this
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....baby groot

please don't do this marvel
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>I let critics run my life

You tucking pansy faggot weakling
everyone loves him but you losers

it's happening
No one except fat tumblr chicks and beta nerds like it. Wake up and face reality.
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I can.

This is a post made by /tv/, the shittiest board ever, where even you guys are way above /co/'s usual levels of degeneracy, lusting over REAL GIRLS, hell, you know how shitty you are? At least /b/ actually did some good stuff like getting an actual rapist to jail, and /co/ has helped some kids, parents and writers too, you're so on your own ass that you haven't done anything worth of good, unlike those "kino" movies you so praise.

Also, you LOVE to shit on anything that's popular even though it's actually good, going on to shit any kind of discussion in any other boards, even /v/ has stopped to do that shit too much.

You're literally a cesspool of old memes, lies and repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

I would be laughing if your lifes weren't so sad.

And you stop it, you company war faggot.
Shut up you faggot cuck
>0 memorable

If you have Alzheimer or short term memory loss, possibly.
That movie has more in common with a children's building block toy than Batman really.
>TFW this Batman actually makes jokes. THE REAL BATMAN NEVER MAKES JOKES!
Shut up you pseudo intellectual dumb faggot
>No one except fat tumblr chicks and beta nerds like it. Wake up and face reality.
Everyone and their grandma is going to be buying baby groots because it's cute CUTE! That's all that matters if it is marketable and Baby Groot is so cute and daw, it's disgusting. They will literally sell like copies of pokemon go.
>intergalactic adventurer Ego (Kurt Russell),

I already dislike this.
it's his Avatar
It's going to be hilarious when this shit flops. Once again confirming why the man-children who still read comic books are barely more than marginalized caricatures of themselves. But instead of admitting you've become the most beta of betas, you'll complain for years how "good it was" and how "tasteless" the general public is in desperate attempts to try and divert away the soul crushing realization that you've wasted your lives on mind-numbing drivel originally designed to entertain teenage boys.
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58 posters.

322 replies
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>Bait thread.
>Doesn't get deletted right away
>It's going to be hilarious when this shit flops.

>said the increasingly nervous shill
>he's said this exact thing for the last 4 movies, but he'll be right this time for sure
[newfag intensifies]
Are you implying DC shills haven't been saying the next Marvel movie is going to fail for the last few years?
Let's dissect this post piece by piece.
>Deadpool being the most profitable capeshit ever means that the rights will NEVER go back to Disney/Marvel, not even F4
This is an undeniable truth at this point. I highly doubt that we'll ever see Wolverine in Infinity War as a result.
>Thor is going to be another """hit""" like Ant Man and Dr Strange, barely breaking even after marketing budget
That doesn't mean a damn thing.
>Spiderman is a DCEU tier mess and they are going to ruin the character forever, also they have to share the profits with Sony
They are being extremely careful with the films production to make it as satisfying as possible. Splitting the profits means nothing.
>Marvel is dead on the water in comics, tv and videogames
Comics; absolutely. Games; debatable. TV? Get fucked ; the MCU has shows that actually tie in, albeit very loosely, and they've all been pretty high-quality. What's DC got? A bunch of shows that have nothing to do with the movies and GOTHAM. Get shat on.
>GotG2 is their only sure hit and the expectations are so high there is no way it won't disappoint them
This is a meaningless statement.

tl;dr: DCucks are grasping at straws to make themselves look half decent.
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