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How do we save them?

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How do we save them?
Only Didio can save it.
If you believe the threads saying they plan to get established writers back and nuke most of the legacy characters, then theyre off to a start already.

next trim it to one event every two years.
Considering Didio killed off, then immediately returned Batman & Convergence didn't go anywhere, my faith in Didio isn't crazy either...
Let them burn.

Unless they really intend to bring back Bruce Banner, the Real Wolverine, the Real Cyclops, the Real Ironman, the Fantastic 4, and stop with Bendis, Slott and their shitty events, i will not touch anything Marvel related. They can go to hell for what i care.
What if we replace all of them with more Deadpool & Inhumans, though?
You can't. As long as they're in D*sney's belly they have no incentive to try, or to do anything but shill D*sney's policies.

And there's no force on Earth that can kill D*sney.
Let them die...

This all of this till then, fuck them
>And there's no force on Earth that can kill D*sney.
You seem to underestimate the power of pitchforks-and-torches mob. And drone strikes.
Let's not kid ourselves.

Take the last 8 years of the REAL Wolverine. How many GOOD stories were written?

And Cyclops? Iron Man? Fantastic 4? Banner's Hulk?

The shit goes beyond the characters.
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Make more gay superheroes.
You mean that actually you had good stories now?

This is the worst Marvel era of the past 10 years. At least Wolverine he was an established character that even at his worse, we had some great stories, with Remender's and Aaron's run.
They won an Oscar for shoving lemmings off a cliff & then made another one for a catchy short film wherein the Big Bad Wolf dressing like a Jew. Not to mention they bought up half of the nerd community.
I think the implication isn't just "bring 'em back," but bring 'em back w/ well-written stories. Yeah, they're around, but them being there doesn't make them engaging characters w/ good characterization. Also RELATIVELY sure that Banner is dead still, the Fantastic Four stopped being relevant in the 80s, Cyclops is too busy being the new Magneto & Iron Man is being movie-Iron Man
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MARVEL is winning where it matters, baby.

Besides, they're still the #1 comic book company in North America.
Because of fags like you.
Honestly i don't give a damn if "Marvel wins" or not.

Once Marvel could brought success through quality and good stories. Now success comes through marketing gimmicks, awfull events, and hundreds of "number #1s" each month.
Yeah & Adam Sandler's movies still sell well, that doesn't make them good, it just means people are getting better by dealing with less. Yeah, you can eat a lot of ramen & potato chips for a snack, but you'll want a meal sometime soon.
Yeah & Adam Sandler's movies still sell well, that doesn't make them not shit, it just means people are getting better by dealing with less. Yeah, you can eat a lot of ramen & potato chips for a snack, but you'll want a meal sometime soon.
by buying their comics and reading them on public transportation ESPECIALLY if you're female
>D*sney's policies
Make money and create merch lines that generate more money over longer periods of time?
You didn't need to make your shitty post twice, faggot. I got it the first time. Still a retarded analogy.
Bring back Jim "Goodfella" Shooter.
>this meme again
Is this shit for real?
>Yes, because of loyal customers like me
You're not loyal, you're brainwashed, cultist fag.
Didn't think it posted the first time, but thanks, mistakes don't happen to people like you, right, Curt Hennig? The analogy is that selling well isn't the same as being quality or respectable. It can even mean the literal exact opposite, because they can go for the lowest common denominator. It also doesn't help that they change their entire publication line to fit the story of their movies.
What about more gay supervillains instead?
Jim "Secret Wars I & II" Shooter?
But I already do this.
pls be in gotham
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It's not gay if you do it with an alien right?
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Does Gotham even have public transit?
And if it did, who in their right mind would ride it?
Yes, and the methodology use to achieve that as well.

Give someone to the guts to go to Ike and tell him whats happening between Sana Amanat and Axel Alonso. Marvel's push for diversity is her pet project. Seems like that push went hardcore in the past year when the last of the good writers left (hickman), so Axel didn't have to answer to anyone else.Getting your cock sucked by Sana (literally) changes your perspective on things, like how virtue signaling is better than sales.

So please someone with guts in the bullpen, I know you are reading this, go to Ike about the rumors. You are our only hope.

this has to be the reason all these changes happened so fast and were approved so quickly. someone pls go to ike, you know how much he likes to fire people. it will give him a thrill.
TDK had that weird elevated train on rails...
give everyone side cuts and dye their hair
So a /co/ femanon needs to go seduce him?
>Rogers is Cap again
>Stark is Iron Man again
>Thor is Thor again
>Banner is Hulk again
>Limit movie influence
>X-Men are a team again
>Get Abnett to write for GOTG/cosmic
>Fantastic Four are the First Family again
>Inhumans go back into the background

Comics are a dying niche but the reason DC is doing so much better these days is because they're sticking to their roots, which is what the actual readers want.
Marvel Studios and Marvel Comics have very little to do with each other besides the parent company. Marvel comics is definitively collapsing, and that's what this thread is about (notice this thread wasn't posted in Television & Film, but in Comics & Cartoons).
Thing is, will the roots get people to care about those characters again? Cap, Tony and Thor have been over saturating the market and Hulk has never sold well after Red Hulk.

The X-Men do need to go back to form though.
Sell comics in grocery stores and gas stations again. Why the fuck did they ever stop?

This will just kill off comic book stores. I'm okay with big libraries selling TPBs since it makes for a good entry point but I think they should only sell one-shots and annuals in grocery stores

a /co/ femanon probably even make marvel more sjw cringe.
>This will just kill off comic book stores
And it's not even the idea that we couldn't move on to legacy characters, you just have to line them up properly.

Sam or Bucky taking over for Cap, that's fine.
That Riri broad becoming Iron Man using a suit she built in a cave with a box of scraps. No one cares about her. She had no connection to Tony beforehand so establishing one later feels flimsy.
Considering most LCSs sustain themselves via anime/manga these days, I'd hardly say losing comics would be a major loss.
Make a recommended modern Marvel reading list
Promote only those books and writers

Man, I hate that Sana bitch. She's pushing for diversity, because I read that she tried to be "white" as a teen (whatever the fuck that means), and became ashamed during her college brainwashing years,and now is explicitly anti-white in her motivations. Its not that she's pushing for diversity. Which in itself isn't a bad thing. Its that she became anti-western civilization (white, I guess) and is pushing her agenda at a mass-western civilization-pop culture company.
I wish my library had comics.
Nah, I think I could reverse the damage.
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>selling your body to save Marlel
Don't do it! It's not worth it!
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quick fix: Switch to mangos and only read the old stuff.

They wont survive today with their villain of the week vidya level writing and constant crossover events. The SJW pandering is fucked, and half the supes are already women, nigras, or both.

Ultimate universe is a good hint at how to do a reboot. For all it's faults, it was a mostly clean slate without the endless incestuous bullshit.

It wall went to shit in 08 or whenever Disney got their claws into Marvel, it was a slow(fast) descend into marketing madness. Let actually talented people write and draw better stories and art.

Also, bring back loli Layla Miller and Loliverine.

If you read my entire post, i'll give you a 10 free internets coupon.
we give the rights back to... oh
He's a hack, but it was the only x-23 pic on my hdd. That's probably some of his best work though, nothing worse than the shock when you read a good series and then suddenly he takes over and everything looks like greg lands photoshop license expired and all he had was crayons.
That's because Gotham was Chicago in those movies.
Look up the history of the direct market. It's a long and sordid story.

Most LCSs make shit off of comics, which is why so many of them sell stuff other than comics. Manga, games, toys, cards, etc.
I seem to recall Spider-Man stopping one of those too
Is that a real thing in Chicago? I don't know anything about cities.
Elevated trains are a real thing in a lot of cities.
>Take the last 8 years of the REAL Wolverine. How many GOOD stories were written?
If they want to fix Wolverine, they need to
a) Get rid of bone claws
b) Get rid of ridiculously over-powered healing factor that lets him regenerate after getting hit by an atom bomb and go back to the more modest healing factor he used to have
c) Get rid of Origin backstory, that was all false memory implants.. a mysterious backstory revealed slowly in small pieces is vital to the character and that particular origin was lame as hell anyway
d) Have him go back to being a loner instead of a headmaster
e) Have him take up smoking again
Events sell. There's no reason to stop them. If Image could get them to take off they'd be doing it too. IDW does them. Fuckin' Dark Horse has done them before.

DiDio couldn't save his own press conference at the New52 launch. He's an idiot. A fucking idiot.

They don't care.

Deadpool sells. It's the last part of X-Men that reliably shifts books. When it's gone, X-Men might actually make a resurgence as Marvel tries to flail around for something that can replace DP.

Marvel Comics is doing just fine. What are you basing this idea of yours on? Rich Johnston?

Because Rich has been a bitter, bitter little man ever since Marvel turned down his pitches, and he's never been what you'd seriously call a journalist. For one thing, I don't think he understands even the basics of Diamond's shipping stats.

Space! There's not enough space for the 80+ books that DC and Marvel each ship every month, let alone Image (50+) and the rest.

In order to occupy that literally valuable shelf space in a general retailer, you need to have a unit value to shelf warming time ratio that's favorable; comic books don't. They don't sell fast enough or have a high enough profit margin, in other words.

Even if there weren't hundreds of titles coming out every month, that would still be true. The fact that there are is simply reinforcing their unprofitable nature. For them to be worthwhile for general retailers there would need to be perhaps 1/10 the number of titles and the same annual sales; or 10x the annual sales on the same number of titles. And honestly? It still wouldn't really be worthwhile.

They're still ordering something like 80m+ floppies annually, plus associated merch and trades. You can't just dump that segment of consumers and expect stores to survive. Even if that's just 5% of their monthly sales, no sane store is going to willingly say "sure, let's just make 5% less this month and every month".

all of this sounds so true. bring shooter back!
too late
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this shilling is off the charts, holy shit
I don't give a shit about the SJW stuff and think people constantly bitching about it is tiring.

However, stop with the fucking event comics. I was hoping after Secret wars they'd take a break, but nope.

It's never ending and like 75% of the event comics are fucking awful.
>c) Get rid of Origin backstory, that was all false memory implants.. a mysterious backstory revealed slowly in small pieces is vital to the character and that particular origin was lame as hell anyway

why though?
Like I get that Origin is shit, but the whole "mysterious background" is what lead to it. You can't have a real ongoing mystery in a book like that, because you never know who is going to be the one who decides to finish it.
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