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Is Moviebob right about Marvel's agenda?

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Moviebob says Marvel isn't making much money from comics. So Marvel is just using the comics to workshop diverse characters like Biracial Spiderman,Muslim Ms Marvel, Korean Hulk and Feminist Thor to use in future Marvel films.
Miles isn't biracial unless he speaks spanish.

This is literally the rule on being hispanic if you don't speak spanish you're a fucking gringo.
No he's not. There's low chance of the legacy characters showing up in the movies.
The show that's going to be cancelled soon, sure but the movies don't have a whole lot of space.
So do you just get counted as an Indian if you're a Native who can't speak spanish?
Do You count Northern Indians? Can anyone who learns good Spanish get into the Taco club?
He is right about making new characters and revamping existing ones to use in films, but he is wrong about the actual doing of this because Marvel's movies are produced by a different section than the comics and they don't communicate.
Moviebob doesn't know shit about comics.
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More like, MovieBLOB!
Who gives a shit.
>Moviebob says Marvel isn't making much money from comics. So Marvel is just using the comics to workshop diverse characters like Biracial Spiderman,Muslim Ms Marvel, Korean Hulk and Feminist Thor to use in future Marvel films.

Putting aside the "muh SJW's", this has been the case for at least ten years or more. I distinctly remember having this conversation with a LCS owner in 2007 or so.

Marvel (who was independent at the time but was making bank off the Sony Spider-Man and Fox X-Men movies) and DC (Warner) have been subsidizing their end in the comics industry for years. They've never looked at it than anything else. It wasn't until Disney bought Marvel and started aggressively meddleing with the Universe that WB said "Holy shit, look what Disney's doing! Don't we own Superman and Batman too? "
I honestly thought that was his name.
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Moviebob serves as a constant reminder that people need to exercise, eat right, and refrain from succumbing to their own autism.
Moviebob can't even be bothered to do proper research for a 5 minute video about Samurai Pizza Cats, I wouldn't trust anything he says.
Marvel publishing just needs to close shop. Both they and their fans many of whom follow because MUH DISNEY and many of whom don't bother to actually buy their products and just white knight the company because MUH DISNEY are an an embarrassment at this point.
I don't think anybody's making much money from comics.

All traditional publishing is dying. It's trivial compared to the success they're having in films.
Youtubers. I hate youtubers. Fucking NEETs with a webcam.
That seems kind of dumb. Most the actors seem to be pretty iconic in their roles. I don't really see them taking a shot at Riri when they're practically too afraid to let RDJ not be in any of their movies.
Hispanic literally refers to spanish speaking peoples. One Drop Rule on blacks pretty much makes him a black person, the fact that he looks like a black person and has no readily obvious hispanic traits seals the deal.

Native Americans/Ethnic Indians (as in the asian country not Injuns) are their own deal.

Ethnography is pointlessly confusing in places but a Hispanic is a spanish speaking person with some ethnic stuff thrown in.

Spanish people are Hispanic for instance.

The fact that he's half puerto rican apparently is irrelevant regardless of how much marvel tries to push it. If the little shit doesn't speak spanish or visit Puerto Rico how is it relevant?
>Dr. Strange
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>Winter Soldier

Do you actually watch these movies? Or just read the memes on /tv/?
>but he is wrong about the actual doing of this because Marvel's movies are produced by a different section than the comics and they don't communicate.

They still have to sort of communicate though. Ike has to approve the movie merchandise and he reject MCU stuff like he did X-Men and FF stuff, because otherwise he'd shoot himself in the foot. And Marvel Studios knows that RDJ, Evans, and Hemsworth might not stick around for long and might need other plans.

Then again maybe the conflict between Marvel Studios and everything else Marvel has Feige telling everyone "don't use Bendis-created characters" or something.
>Is Moviebob right

The One drop rule was an American rule. Spanish and Portugese colonies never had such a rule. You get a wide range of mixed race people in venezela , Brazil or Cuba.

He has a Spanish name and is half Puerto Rican. There are Hispanic black , asian , Indian , white ..etc people in the dominican Republic , Brazil , Bolivia and many other places
Haven't seen Strange.
Still stand by my point that I don't see them just up and replacing the characters any time soon.

>Bob "Exterminate the Untermensch" Chipman
Marvel Studios doesn't give a shit what Marvel Comics does.

Feige kicked Ike Pearlmutter and the rest of the comics division out because they were so annoying. They aren't looking to most of NuMarvel's comics for inspiration an are pretty much doing their own thing.

>They still have to sort of communicate though
Yes, like when the Russos told Bendis that War Machine would not die in Civil War 2 and stopped Bendis from killing him off. OH WAIT.

They are in the dark, anon. They only thug they have information on is the tv and animation division (and I think vidya).
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Remember when this fat bitch had a breakdown over the election?

It's still happening
It seems like the movies are mostly taking their cues from Marvel comics in the '00s. Stuff like the Civil War, bringing Bucky back, influences from the Ultimate line, the Abnett/Lanning Guardians of the Galaxy, etc.

I doubt the people making the movies pay much attention to the comics now, especially after they severed themselves from publishing.
>Yes, like when the Russos told Bendis that War Machine would not die in Civil War 2 and stopped Bendis from killing him off. OH WAIT.

I don't know if you noticed, but merchandise has to be approved far in advance before the movie is released. Since we know Ike has to approve merchandise (as seen how X-Men and FF stuff got put on hold) he still needs to know which characters show up so that the licensors know which characters to use. I mean sure, Marvel Studios would probably leave them completely in the dark (and probably do, in plot spoilers like not telling Bendis that War Machine lives, or some design modifications, like how the Civil War Spider-Man Marvel Legends figure looks slightly different from the actual design) but they still have to have some form of communication.

True enough, but RDJ at some point WILL stop being in the Marvel movies. Either as a resolution of a plot arc (Iron Man fucking dies) or simply because RDJ moves on or dies in a plane crash or something. It might not be soon, but eventually the last RDJ appearance as Iron Man will happen.

When it does, Marvel has three options:

Recast Tony Stark. Technically an option, but it seems the least likely. Iron Man has been around long enough that they don't really need him for anything anymore, as he is so closely tied to RDJ's performance that any actor they tried to replace him with would be fighting an uphill battle. Disney has to know that.

Have no Iron Man at all. Just let the Iron Man presence stop, and fill his role with a completely different hero.

Have a new Iron Man-esq hero step to up fill his boots. Warmachine is a viable option for this, but they could just as easily bring in Riri or someone like her as well. Hell, bring back that kid from IM3 for all I care.
All the fat bitches had a breakdown over the election. At least Donald got them to take a walk the day he was inaugurated.
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This theory ignores how much comics and movies like to reboot classic characters. If anything they are making some cheap knockoffs to be used for TV and animation and they will just recast older white characters with a different race.
Why make this thread here and on TV simultaneously? Are you so desperate for (You)s?
Who was it on the GOTG cast that Gunn suggested not to read the then-current run (Bendis') but to read Abnett and Lanning's instead? I know on Facebook Gunn suggested reading Abnett/Lanning GOTG to a fan.
They could go the Tarken route and CG RDJ for the rest of time.
Must be the same guy who does the same Simpsons threads on both boards.

Depends if they think they can get away with it.

I could see them finishing a movie that way, if RDJ died in the middle. But I have trouble imagining them doing that for too long.

Its one thing to resurrect a long dead actor for an iconic role designed to hit nostalgia. Its another thing entirely to have the digital doppleganger of an actor who is still alive but just declined to be in this movie "tricking" fans into thinking he is still in the film.

look how skinny he used to be
Bob from the Internet: He has opinions about movies and comics that he wants to share with you. He makes money doing this! You're Welcome.

Sounds like a decent financial plan, but it assumes the masses are on board with "Diversity for the sake of diversity" which they aren't.

If The Force Awakens hadn't baited people in with nostalgia and relied entirely on "Diversity", it wouldn't have performed nearly as well.
Just cast a new actor. Have him do a voice only cameo with a cg Iron Man. Open new movie with a quip about coming back from vacation and feeling like a new man.
you're missing the fact that he lives in america, speaks english exclusively, has american values, and in general acts like every other black kid who finds out he has a relative of another nationality.

He's not hispanic and the puerto rican thing is bendis desperately tacking shit onto his lame black peter parker rip off.
>Is Moviebob right about Marvel's agenda?
Yes.[/spoilers] Comics are stupid and the movies are way better.[/spoilers]
MovieBob is shit and you're shit for watching him
I think image rights would preclude them from doing that. They got permission from Cushing's estate to do CG Tarkin
you kinda went full retard here

you should never go full retard
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It sucks that Beta males are always in control of the creative process of every single piece of media since they easily get recruited into the SJW ideology.
Our only recompense is that 9/10 of those SJW attempts at media fail miserably. Aftermath and its follow ups bombed if I recall.
Does he acknowledge that maybe the comics aren't make money BECAUSE of the diversity push?
>Is Moviebob right
>we have the love and inclusion and you should die you shitty lizard

I like how the far left behaves EXACTLY like the far right
>thread is a marvel sjw agenda topic
>turns into moviebob hate thread
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He was half-right here though.
>8/14 movies star a handsome white man named Chris
>Whaa! Stop forcing all this diversity on me Marvel
>Is Moviebob right
The answer is always "no".
Deathcry movie when?
Theoretically a star wars book might be the sort of place where shit like 'zhe' might be acceptable, if you tack it onto an alien race. There's been examples of this in the past and they haven't been too obnoxious, after all it's reasonable that a fat blob of sentient jellyslime might not fall easily into 'man' or 'woman'. But by the blurb on the right, I'm assuming it's some human that's decided his/her/fee/fi/fo/fums own pronouns.
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If you redpiller manchildren want to be part of the creative industry so badly, you can compete in the market of ideas just like everyone else. Not our fault you're all so fucking terrible at it.
Nope. If Marvel as a company wanted to, they could just create diverse characters for their movies and then put them in the comics, people would be more accepting of them that way.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.
Why stop at Marvel? Do you think DC is making mad cash with their comics division? Let's not be delusional here. Money or no money, comics will always be somewhat of an ip farm, not only for characters bur for stories, team names, locations, etc. And that goes for BOTH the big two.
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Are people seriously still getting triggered by a Star Wars novel that came out six months ago?

Hey, maybe it's time for another #dumpstarwars campaign. Because that worked SO WELL the last time, right?
this woman looks retarded
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The point is that they're inserting contemporary politics into an established universe and bitching at people for complaining about it.
Hilariously enough, some SJWs complained about one of the scenes that was making a visual reference to Islamic terrorists and said it contributed to the negative view of Muslims.
Because he knows James apparently. Like all ideological retards, he's perfectly willing to compartmentalize and make exceptions when it comes to someone he knows, without ever making the connection to the larger world or learning from the experience. It's like a woman who firebombs abortion centers until her daughter needs an abortion, which she pushes through a center because obviously her daughter couldn't raise a baby! Then she goes back to firebombing abortion centers.
The issue is more that Wendig's writing is half-assed with this annoying present tense style and that his insertion of LGBT characters, often in a clumsy manner, is just a means of deflecting criticism.
the issue isn't the LGBTIOU characters.

the issue is his crappy writing and the retarded pronouns.
He's just saying what /co/ itself has been for years tho
>people would be more accepting of them that way.
Are you truly that oblivious to how much people hate MUH SYNERGY?
Yeah, nah.
no; when it comes to things that aren't movie reviews, he's almost always wrong, especially wrong when he's operating on pure speculation.

however, on things that are already established fact, he explains and lays things out for you very well.

case-in-point: his video on Link be a Lady was so hilariously wrong and stupid based is his typical form on shit that is nothing but him blowing his own dick in public based on pure idiotic speculation.

Then we have him in "She-Hulk Shaming" where he's not completely fucking off his rocker and actually raises good points.

he has his good and bad points, but always remember that if he's talking about things that have happened and ISN'T theory/guesswork, he's alright.

It's moviebob when he's good, movieblob when he's left alone too long and his mind starts to slip.
Even the majority of indy comics seem to be mostly aimed at film producers these days
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>but the movies don't have a whole lot of space.
...Anon the whole point being made is that actors age and move on. Space is an inevitability.
>It's not sexist, but it IS cynical
When did the left loose the ability to be nuanced like this? I used to kind of enjoy moviebob...
He hasn't changed, look at his earlier shit and it's a lot of the same terrible stuff he's spewing now.

you just have ignore his stuff that isn't fact-based.
Watched it. Yeah, pretty much. Recasting/rebooting is stupid and unnecessary when you've got a conveyor belt of legacy characters like Bucky to choose from.
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>ending on that fucking Carol mic-drop
Oh that fucking STINGS
so in other words his stuff backed by actual facts of some kind are ok but his opinions are complete garbage? sounds about right.
Yes, check his wonder woman video, good stuff

It's glorious.
>Watch this
>End up start watching his vids on cartoon adaptations of video games
Where did my life go so wrong?

he is not hispanic
he is as hispanic as Cameron Diaz

Alberto Fujimori, an ethnic Japanese president of Peru, was hispanic. Miles is an African American.

He has to speak Spanish to be Hispanic.
His shit on video games is awful, just avoid at all costs.
Bob thinks the next Terminator film should have a anti technology Trump voter who's upset that machines took his job be the villain. The guy is a completely batshit insane zealot.
so the same thing as every "youtuber" "vblogger" in the world?
the outfit from Injustice that he said people thought it looked like was actually the Regime alt not the default one wearing pants. so this entire video is based on the wrong thing.
yeah but that whole "pitch" was comedy gold. I was laughing my ass off at how bad it was. funny how a guy who has pretty ok critiques on movies has no idea how to come up with a good story.
So the protagonists are machines that fight in the name of good?
>the congress
it's /co/ too
Remember his Mario movie pitch where Kamek was the real villain, Bowser did nothing wrong and was basically his puppet, and Wario shows up out of nowhere in the third act as Mario's evil twin?
has /co/ gotten so bad that we actually have moviebob threads now?
Marvel Studios doesn't care about Marvel comics and their diversity comics. They aren't looking to replace Peter with Miles or Banner with Cho. Even Jane Foster Thor won't happen in the MCU. Marvel Studios want to do their own thing. At most maybe take inspiration from older comics. It's why they kicked them out of the movie studios.
Marvel Comics keeps doing the diversity thing because they've dug themselves into the diversity hole so hard they can't dig themselves out without offending the crowd that doesn't buy their comics. So they send hundreds of free comics to LCSs to inflate their sales an make themselves look good.
No! Is that from his shitty SMB3 book? This sounds like it was from his shitty SMB3 book.
Bob needs to get over his bullying.
I still enjoy him when he talks about movies. I didn't even know the Handmaiden existed until he recommended it and it's one of my favorite films of 2016.
Bob is just a terrible, petty, hypocritical person and can't keep his opinions and political agenda separate from his work, even worse treats these as facts we're all on board with.
At least he's a pretty good grade-B lolcow. Between his obsession with Mario, his authoritarian rants, the way he projects muh high school bullies onto everything, pandering to the SJW circle and Sarkeesian to then get called a fat creep, and "gamers need to be better people and exercise, like ME! even if my Twitter makes it transparent I follow a shitty lifestyle WHOOPS type 2 diabeetus who could have seen it coming", there's plenty to laugh at.
What's objectively the worst video he's ever put out?

Other than the bait-n-switch where a video about E3 turned into an episode of Game Overthinker, I mean
Why the fuck are we actually entertaining the idea that Movieblob is right about something?
he's a well into his 30s adult from Boston. if he wasn't over it by now he never will be.
The Other M video.

"Lord of the Rings meets 21 Jump Street by way of Ghostbusters"
If Bob told you water is wet would you fly off the handle?
I'm watching this video now. The idea sounds a little too much like fan fiction as a Terminator movie but the core "I hate utopia" concept is kinda fun.
That sounds nonsensical enough to be Mario lore.
I'd watch it.
I'm a fan of their characters. I'm so hard on them because I want them to stop screwing around with the characters I like. Till they fix shit, I'll continue to torrent them and not support the changes.

>watching blob
Put a mirror up perhaps?
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>I'm watching this video now
We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when.
>Mario and Luigi are plumbers in Brooklyn, NY circa-1981. Fiercely loyal to one another in the fashion of archetypal working-class Italian brothers, but don't see eye to eye on much. Mario had dreamed of becoming an adventurer (think Hemmingway, Indiana Jones, Carl from UP) but put it on hold to take over the family business (with Luigi) after their father died unexpectedly. Luigi isn't a dreamer. He only ever wanted to follow his father as a plumber, resents Mario "always wanting more."

>The brothers (the family's Americanized surname IS "Mario," owing to an Ellis Island foul-up of "Marionetti" that got their ancestor officially named "Mario Mario," a naming-tradition that carried on in his honor for first-borns) are called to repair a water-main break in a downtown Manhattan office, and note that seemingly every other plumber in the city seems to be doing jobs in the same area. They track the break to a rupture that leads into the sewer system, where they encounter what appears to be a huge turtle-like creature! Amid their struggle, a huge sink-hole opens, swallowing the entire city block, and the brothers (along with many others) suddenly find themselves in a crater in the Manhattan bedrock.

>Luigi finds inquisitve Mario having followed the creature to a "cave" whose interior looks like some kind of ancient temple room. The creature has vanished back into a pool of water that seems to lead to a light source, and as the brothers argue about what's happening a second tremor knocks them into the pool...
>They're spat-out of a huge green pipe jutting from a cliff-side into The Mushroom Kingdom (think Japanese/Brothers-Grimm Hybrid Oz, see below for details), where they encounter more hostile creatures and, in fending them off, discover their seemingly superhuman abilities and the powers they gain from the native nature (just Fire Flowers, to start - and yes, having fire-powers does make their clothing change color because magic). During this battle, one of the upright-walking, smarter creatures (see below) emerges from the pipe clutching some sort of glowing relic, and once he's out of range the other creatures blow up the pipe (much to Luigi's horror) and retreat - with one smaller creatures stealing a work-glove from Luigi's toolbelt.

>A troop of Mushroom Soldiers appear (they've come to relieve the creatures of another "treasure" they were guarding - a giant green-spotted egg...) wary of the brothers. Mario decides they should go with them to try and find answers, but all Luigi wants is to find another way home. They're walked to the Castle, where they meet with Toad ("Captain of The Guards") and Toadette (the Princess' chief advisor.) Mario can't understand why Luigi doesn't at least want to know what's happening. Luigi is impatient, accusing his brother of already seeing this as "some dumb adventure" rather than a serious calamity. Their bickering stops when they're finally brought before Princess Peach, the Kingdom's leader, who (along with being beautiful) seems to calm all around her with her very aura - more like a mystic being than a monarch.
>In conversation with Peach, they learn the facts of the situation: The Mushrooms and Koopas (race of humanoid turtles) have been at war for centuries, with neither side remembering who actually started the fighting but also unable to stop as the Koopas covet the Mushrooms' land and resources. Within the last generation, war has turned in the Koopas' favor via the rise of Bowser, a larger, stronger and smarter-than-average Koopa who has industrialized and militarized his people to previously-unseen levels. The only surviving member of the Royal Family, Peach seeks to defend her people but knows they can only hold out for so long. The egg the soldiers took from the Koopas is said to "belong to The Yoshis," and Toad believes that returning it to them could lead to a key alliance of forces.

>The Mushrooms want the brothers to use their "magical" strength and powers (Mario and Toadette work-out that it's a matter of interdimensional physics being different) to help aid the fight, and while Mario seems open to the idea Luigi refuses - he just wants to recuperate and set out to find another "Warp Zone" (ancient inter-universe portals that Bowser's forces had been pillaging and destroying to find... something) to go home. Peach, though disappointed, agrees to let them leave. By accident, Mario witnesses Peach's otherwise zen-like calm/nurturing demeanor momentarily drop to sadness, and notices that it briefly begins to rain...

>By night, a group of ShyGuys (Bowser's "ninjas," see below) slip into the palace and attempt to abduct Peach. A fight ensues (including Peach fending off several attackers using only her parasol in homage to the famous Umbrella Fight from ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA) but Peach is ultimately taken (so is the "Yoshi's" egg), seemingly spelling doom for the Kingdom.
Why not introduce the characters in the films themselves?
>Toad, Toadette and the other Mushrooms beg the brothers to at least help rescue The Princess - without her, they're doomed (though only Toadette seems to know why that is, and she's sworn to secrecy). Luigi is reluctant as ever, but Mario appeals to their shared sense of honor (they're rhyming catchprases: "It's an Italian thing" and "It's a Brooklyn thing") and his suspicion that Peach is possessed of a power that might help them get home. They set off to quest, with Toad additionally asking that they attempt to rescue the egg, if they can.

>Peach is taken via improvised warp-zones directly to the Koopa kingdom, where she meets with Bowser and his scheming wizard/advisor Kamek ("The MagiKoopa.") Though she's a prisoner and locked in a dungeon, when allowed out to speak with Bowser she finds him to be surprisingly intelligent if unsophisticated. He doesn't share Kamek's eagerness for war and bloodshed (it's implied that Kamek is responsible for Bowser being born so large and powerful, and that he sees himself as the power behind the throne) but will conquer the Mushroom Kingdom if that's what it will take to get his people to stop wanting war and focus on the industrial self-improvement that he's worked to foster in them.

>Mario and Luigi venture through the Kingdom, encountering enemies and natural-hazards. Though they work as a team, their disagreements over the situation (Mario can barely contain the fact that, yes, he's actually pretty thrilled to be questing like this, Luigi is miserable) continue to simmer. Meanwhile, back at the Castle, Toad and Toadette summon the citizenry inside to fortify and prepare for battle amid word of Bowser's forces massing at their borders.

that sounds amazing and hilarious
What a stupid fucking analogy. Where does Roman Reigns still not being a draw, or MCU's gargantuan sucess, fit in?
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Because then they wouldn't be able to go "LOOK LOOK IT'S FROM THE CAWWWWWWMIX".
Seriously though the entire reason you're getting Captain Marvel and not Hellcat or Shanna or Elsa Bloodstone is because she has far-and-away the most source material to draw from. Replace MCU Thor with Shango and you haven't got anything to work with. You live & die by the competance of your own ideas which is anathema to adapting capeshit in the first place.

Besides if/when they do that the comics always follow suite and y'all just cry GODDAMN SYNERGY regardless, you're fucked either way.
People still listen to this living piece of sludge?
He makes me laugh.
>listened to the vocal minority
>still pushing Reigns
>Eva not fired
He's still alive?
YouTube worm repeats thing people have been saying for seven years

Reigns is captain marvel
He barely knows shit about movies too, yet somehow he writes for Drafthouse.

I blame TGWTG and Channel Awesome.
Who are you again? Not someone who matters I'd wager.
He is right but missed the point. Marvel and DC are IP farms now, comics are the smallest part of their income but the largest part of them generating new IP. It doesn't matter if most of them fail, if one lands they make millions. They made good IP with Ms Marvel and they will be making money off that IP for decades.
If you go looking for a deeper meaning, you can find a way to justify it. If you intend to see a metaphor for terrorism, you will see suicide bombers. If you wish to see a metaphor for obesity, you will find fast food marketing tactics.

You could be watching a 90-minute film of a camera pointed to clouds and somebody would find a way to create a metaphor for eroticism and sexuality.
So is "The Game Overthinker" sort of like an early version of "The Game Theorists" but with "Atop The Fourth Wall" style skits and storylines, by which I mean at some point it became all about the skits/story?
Moviebob's a fucking idiot. Pay no attention to him
If Moviebob knew what he was talking about, he would know that most Marvel fans already hate the Movie Synergy comics have to go with. And he would also know that almost half of these changes don't even stick with the next movie releases in the name of brand synergy. Fuck You Bob "If you play sonic I'll give the Chronic" Chipman, hope you commit sudoku by heart attack.
Remember that even though he's a whiny feminist, he did nothing when he found out Devin Faraci was a rapist before anyone else?
>Is Moviebob right
I'm wandering if those rumour a about them filming multiple death scenes for Civil War came from Bendis and Marvel's comic division.

The fact Bendis thought Rhodey was going to die shows how much of a hack he is.
Alot of Civil War felt more derived from 70's and 80's Marvel (albeit modernized to check contemporary sensbilities) than anything from the past decade.
Miles is Dominican how fucking hard is it to say Dominican?
>no; when it comes to things that aren't movie reviews,

even his movie reviews are ass. He made a multi video series based around him bitching that people didn't like sucker punch
Reigns is Inhumans.

Comics have been workshops for characters in more profitable mediums for a long, long time.
>You smell like cat pee
Even sadder since all the characters in the skits are played by himself, including the "dudebro" strawman
Let me guess Movieblob thinks this is a good thing
Are you retarded? No, seriously, are you?

That is the dumbest shit i've read in a MONTH.
Well played, US education system. You win again.
What a stupid analogy. If this shit was true then why are Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin still being pushed to the moon despite the new faggots hating them to the point they all get nuclear heat because of Vince only? Why the next PPV is all based around old tall wrestlers instead those who the new faggots like? Do you need a reminder that John Cena is still wrestling for the main title and Jericho is champion as well in 2017?

The model didn't change one bit, you're only butthurt because women get more matches or something like that.
He's right though

Hispanic isn't a fucking race

A white Spaniard from HISPANIA is more hispanic than some fucking aztec rape baby Californian beaner
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