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Star Vs

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 566
Thread images: 251

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feb 6th is a long ways away
Jarco > Manna > Starco
Why not just a big, sweaty pile of the girls on top of Marco, grinding against him?
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Happy Jarco.

No cucks just sweet and happy.
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I wish it would get here already. Now that Regular Show is gone I've only got this show, Bunnicula, Steven Universe, and Clarence left.
What the hell are they supposed to be.
Because this is a childrens show.
Wow Janna is fucking ugly
That would be the best.
For once I don't care about an harem ending.
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I doubt you can keep cucks out of this thread
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nice day.jpg
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That's not a nice day! That is probably a night!
Both of you.
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hand hold.jpg
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they lost track of time
Why do they speak in ching chong signs?
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does anyone have the hair rape picture? Asking for a friend
Because it was drawn by a Korean-speaking individual.
It's called moonspeak you fucking racist.
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Are there any r63 drawings of Star that don't make him look like a fucking faggot?
>3 weeks
So the hiatus ends next month? Or is this XD fucking with us and giving us one new episode and going back to nothing for months on end?
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Why don't they have a threesome and be done with it
I could probably write something like that.
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whenever you dont follow wholesome week, area cries
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Why aren't there more 3-way fics/art?

I need to see Marco getting paizuri'd between Jackie's luscious baps and Star's delicious As.
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could you please delet this
Now usually I would say kys starco cuck
but you have dubs
I respect that
The entire last episode was about Star realizing she wasn't okay with sharing. She didn't get so upset because Marco just wasn't her boyfriend - that had always been the case - but because now he was Jackie's.

And we've seen from the first Ponyhead episode that Star knows it's the right thing to do to be okay with sharing one's friends, so this sudden possessiveness is weird and frightening to her. (What could possibly have caused it?) But it's real, so there can be no harem for Marco, at least not one that Star's part of, because her heart just wouldn't tolerate it.
Any of you guys think that Janna secretly has a crush on Marco?
or is it just me
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if you want, anon
Ferguson is perfect and huggable!
I want him to speak Spanish to me
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Star: Do you like Love Sentence?
Marco: They're OK.
Star: Their early work was a little too R&B for my tastes, but when 16 To Life came out in 2013, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to 36.667 Degrees C° but I think Justin has a far more bitter, cynical outlook on love.
Marco: Hey Star.
Star: Yes, Marco?
Marco: Why are there copies of the style section all over the place, a-are you letting the laser puppies stay in your room at night or something?
Star: No, Marco.
Marco: Is that a rain coat?
Star: Yes it is! In 2015, Justin released this, "Awesome Feeling" , their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Too Little Too Late", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the joy of love, and feelings of betrayal, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.
[raises axe above head]
Star: Hey Marco!
[Star bashes Marco in the head with the axe, and blood splatters over her]
Why don't they all just marry each other and be one big happy postmodern family?
Alright. I'm the guy: I don't understand the joke.
Someone should draw that
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Yup, here you go anon. One Star raping Marco with her hair.
Just started watching season two. Am I the only one who thinks that Marco having messy hair is cute?
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I think it is from American Psycho
we need more Star raping Marco
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I don't think Star raped Marco there anon...
umm, what kind of fucking rape do you partake in?
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I want Star to peg me and call me a dirty boy. Thats not gay right? Cause somebody told me it isn't gay cause she doesn't have balls. Is there any truth to this?
yeah that's pretty gay
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That's gay lad
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Man, you *really* don't want to see a drawing of an American Psycho rape scene between Star and Marco, trust me.
Are you engaging in a sexual act with someone of the same sex? Then no, its not gay.
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I've been lied to? Why would they do this? Now I'm gay!

Damn it! How am I supposed to guzzle all of Star's creamy girlcum now that I'm gay?
try marco's?
This went dark real fast.
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Even gayer
I wanna see star be mad at marco for no reason in raid the cave.
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Would you guys honestly eat Star's girly discharge out of her honey hole?

I'm pretty sure I'd eat it and then show her it in my mouth before I swallowed.

Do you think it tastes like cinnamon?
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I'm inclined to agree
umm what
That somebody was right! The balls did not touch, as there were no balls to touch in the first place. You are clear my man! Congratulations! You are the father!
Just posting some nonsenseness.
what the fuck is going on here
This looks awful, senpai.
it's not gay, but submissive men and women tend to be more homo/hetero-flexible. tops are usually pure gay or pure straight.
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>"What are we going to do in the bed star?"
>Star wearing Marco's hoodie
Now that's cute.
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Show me your rarest Stars lads
Hope you guys like this little animation
i was that guy
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pokemon star.png
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Eclypsa being nice is surprisingly adorable
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not her boyfriend.png
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Reminder that Star and Marco are just friends
it's quite odd but i like it
Ugh, now i have a sudden surge to kill myself, wtf is happening
But its cool i guess
I love you bluejr.
:^) will you do it?
for Janna?
my gfs korean, she translated it as, quote unquote

- Jackie pls
- Marcozzz izzz minesiessss

dont ask me about the grammar..she said its the best equivalent
What's happening in this exactly?
Star is a cunt
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Marco's on dmt
Make it work Marco. Become King of the Monsters and unite the Bug and the Sea.
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Star has a tight cunt
Star. Get help. This kind of self harm cannot *possibly* be healthy for you.

We're all worried for you. We just want you to get better.
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jk just fucking die already star you unbearable cuckquean
Eh, you can keep that business... how tight is her lil' cinnamon donut, though?
Don't be surprised if she whispers sweet promises of dark power while she comforts Star.
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Star Suicide.jpg
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Star, do you need the number of a therapist? I could give you the number for mine. She'll do wonders for you. Please. We just want to help.
No, but
for you

I mean, that's kind of her thing.

Evil people who are still capable of being loving are extra adorable.
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Nutritious and delicious. All part of a well balanced breakfast!
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Greatness in every bite!
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Rafael x River is my otp
I want to see Moon in casual clothing
nude clothing
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Its always cute when Star wears Marco's hoodie
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How was that not basically a date? Like really? This is the cutest shit ever. Is this why they call it cute and perfect? The fact that they decided to lay out a blanket and put together a picnic basket is just so cute it should be illegal.

Plus that cereal looks rather... tasty.
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wtf still no synopsis?
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Don't like surprises Anon?
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Nah son. I don't wanna fug the bug. I want to tenderly make love to her. I want to make her feel like the most important little bug princess in the whole universe. I want to whisper in her ear and feel her shudder in my arms. I want to feed her nachos and kiss her pretty cinnamon lips.

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He's done it again
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You don't have to do that since she's a slut
if i will be dissapointed i want to be it right now
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You guy should just accept Stackie is the better ship
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We are pretty much hebephiles, aren't we
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Where's the MANNA love at?
>cinnamon lips
she's only 14 you perv
I'm not a pedophile I just want to molest Star Butterfly

With mewberty wings, yes.

Without? Off to jail.
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Does it seem to anyone else the use of the word Hebephile is pretty much only ever used by pedophiles trying to normalize their behavior? Because that's how it seems to me.
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>Not superior harem
>That was on the wholesome week tumblr for family
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Janna bullies Marco.jpg
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I thought it was just the same thing but using more technical words
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And this is the last one I have
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im hating this wholesome week stuff
those legs doe
Hug no fug
Was Star also wearing Marco's underwear?
Not really. At least it actually makes biological sense for someone to be hard wired that way and be attracted to girls that age. Considering that puberty used to be an indicator of sexual maturity blah blah blah. I really don't think its wrong for a guy to have an interest in girls like that. I think it has to do with the fact that around 12-16 is the first time many males begin to see women a little differently, and I think some of that sticks with you even as you grow older.

Either way, I don't think its fair to compare a guy who thinks a 16 year old is hot to someone who wants to bang an 8 year old... Also, not the thread for this faggot.
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I got this one
...i-is there a full image?
Calling the cops.
Let's compromise; hug while fug!
This guy knows what it's all about.
Pedophilia: wanting to fuck prepubescent children
Hebephilia: wanting to fuck young adults who have gone through puberty
On whom, and for what? Star would be legal in most European countries if I recall correctly.
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Girls in boxers is my fetish. Please tell me there's a picture of Star in boxers. PLEASE OH PLEASE!
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When is Marco going to get fed up with Janna's shit and beat her up at school?
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Oh wait, Found this one. The cuteness is off the charts
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Here's another adorable one
Why doesn't Marco just beat her up
Hitting girls is unmanly
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>River will never struggle to live a normal life
>YWN get to see him try to work a normal job with hilarious results
>YWN get to see suburban dad river fucking around with power tools like Tim the Toolman Taylor.
>YWN get to watch Star get extremely embarrassed when he picks her up from school in his Chevy Suburban.
>YWN get to witness his wreckless driving and love for moving violations

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I want Starcofags to stop spamming these threads plz.
Works for me
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So is this supposed be Moon and River moved with Star to Earth too or something?
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Star in any of Marcos clothing is adorable
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Star's Shoulders.png
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I'd say she's adorable no matter what she wears.

Or doesn't wear.
I usually dislike JoJo XD references, but this is well done.
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You're absolutely right about that
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has anyone ever drawn star with a long butterfly proboscis-like tongue
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No, and they never will so stop asking
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Why not like this?
how would you feel if it touched you
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This kills the starco.png
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This thread is getting too cute, time for the harsh reality of the true canon ship.
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>it's another "lel star is cucked" thread

This meme's got mighty stale since Day 1, and I'm barely even a shipper fag.
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>YWN slowly kiss her across bare shoulders, inch by inch.
>YWN hear her gentle, breathless moans as your lips push against the crook of her neck.
>YWN be inundated by the scent of her soft, freshly shampooed hair and delicate skin.
>YWN feel her pushing against you, wanting you to hold her tighter as you tenderly cup her chin.
>YWN stare into her beautiful icy blue orbs and see only her love and affection for you.
>YWN look down to her trembling lips and take them in your own.
>YWN sigh contentedly as you smile and lean on each other, simply happy to enjoy each-other's company.

I wish to expire now.
The majority of posts in this thread lack cucking to be honest.
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You know it would be great if Star tries to intensify her desire toward Oskar only to find out he already has a girlfriend just to show how much she wasted all her time chasing after him.
>and I'm barely even a shipper fag.
Enough of your lies, salty Starcofag
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These are the cutest things ever holy shit.
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Dude Sailor Moon really is proto star. Look at that face! And using the wand to break shit. Should... should I watch Sailor Moon or nah?
I mean the creator of Star Vs got influence from Sailor Moon.
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There's no nudity in this mods please do not delete :^)
Hope you guys like this comic
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It just keeps getting better and better.
>Star's The fucking plan
It's star's "the fucking plan"
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Star's Fucking plan
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sauce plz
No because you stole my dubs you jew
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star of david.jpg
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oy vey
Now now, goyim... I'm sure there are more than enough dubs to go around... now gib sauce
Sailor Moon is in the same ballpark as Dragonball Z, in that if you're precisely the right age for it, it's basically the greatest thing ever, but once you get older, it's like "why did I even like this?"
Here then now don't steal my dubs ever again jew.

it is how memes work, lad
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Best Friend.png
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what if the season finale is the Butterfly family becoming disposed by a monster uprising. The Butterflys are forced to move to Echo Creek in the house that was conveniently put on sale in the early episode gag.

This would be perfect timing for when Marco and Star start dating. It's still Disney after all. They can't have two teenagers living in the same house while they're dating.
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Did she or did she not fart in this panel? Damn marco...
If this storyboarder is working on Season 3, then River still seems to be king as of then:
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Is that why there's cinnamon sparkles afterwards? DUDE!
that's a classic pomf cloud
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Alright then lol
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Star's Yandere Trance.jpg
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What if bug wants to fug you, in a sticky cocoon of her weird finger excretions?
>"Star, where are you? All the doors seem to be stuck."
Fun fact: the sfx they used for her finger stuff is the same sound used for Spider-Man's webshooting sfx in Spectacular Spider-Man.
i noticed because i'm autistic and watch that show like every year
I file a rape accusation to the police
>Marco gets cocooned by Star
>Thinks he's about to get rape
>Begs Star not to do this
>Says his prayers and hopes this ends soon.
>She ends up just cuddling him for four hours.
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Star's Bed.png
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Just Friends

That's some spoiler shit man don't post that.
But they already do that
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mewberty 1.png
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They don't do it when she has six arms and in a cocoon though
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>you're totally different from the kinds of princesses I knew growing up

the irony is that spunky rebellious tomboy princesses are the type of princesses that are typically represented in media. Traditional, reserved, graceful princess protagonist have been extremely underrepresented for the last few decades.
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>Thinks he's about to get rape
>Begs Star not to do this
wow, what a homo
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Nah he's just really dedicated to Jackie.
>resorting to magic to even the playing field knowing she can't make Marco fall for her normally
>gets cucked even more
Can't Star do anything right other than being a complete failure?
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Janna is the real cuck of the series.

Star will obviously win in the end. Even if she wasn't going to, she'd still have the raw power to force Marco to go along with it. And Marco genuinely cares for her and considers her his closest friend.

Jackie will always have Marco's first time, and the memory of how Marco was in love with her for years.

Janna? She isn't pretty like Jackie or cute like Star. She's known Marco just as long as Jackie has, but never had his affection in all that time. After all those years of trying to get the safe kid to open up to her, Star shows up out of nowhere and accomplishes more in that department in a few months than Janna has in a lifetime. She can't even overpower Marco to force him to love her; Marco could easily beat her up if he wanted to.

So poor ugly Janna just has to sit by and watch Marco get with Jackie, and then Star, holding onto a vain dream of Marco one day getting a divorce and calling her for a quickie where he won't even look her in the eyes, until at last she follows the example of her idol John Keats and dies of lovesickness in her mid twenties.
>perfectly usable pussy
>uses the asshole instead
That's stupid. Star already lives in the same house as the boy she wants to fuck. Leaving would be counterproductive.
She can still end up with a "pairing of spares" endgame with Tom
I was thinking he is still with Jackie for that one? When he's wirh Star, his body is always ready.
Nowhere since Starco is just fanciful fanfiction.
>Tiddies Star

nah dude, Star is flat
Clearly because the puss is where the penis goes after she's crawled over to her master.
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This thread needs more abuse
Get to it
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I gotchu famalam
This confuses me; yet I cannot stop watching
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Well it's a good thing Star summoned laser puppies instead of laser kittens.
Jackie would never torture Marco like this
Post the Star Shindol edit.
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I have several
Indeed. More things end up in Marco's butt.
I thought OP's pic was princess Marco getting thrown around by jackie. I can't even begin to describe the boner the idea gave me.
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Requesting a Marco edit of Van Darkholme in the Jabroni outfit
just bingewatched all s2 yesterday, last time i tried watching this was like back in august and i didn't find it that interesting

Please do not fuck up the upcoming ludo arc and be more subtle with starco, i don't see them making season 4 if starco is already canon at this point and they pretty much just need Star to come out
How come I feel like a part of me is complete, like there was a void in my heart and soul that is now filled, when I see images like this? It's not that I'm aroused, my penis has not flexed a vessel, but there's some sort of satisfaction witnessing these events. It's as if a warmth spreads throughout my body, and I want to hum an old song.
Don't worry, they are phasing out Starco.
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>This is Star's fate.
>Marco is totally supportive as he gets with Jackie
>News reports of Starco mass suicides all around the world
This reminds of that old song...
I honestly don't think that this show will go beyond season 3.

The heavy focus on plot, lore and character moments that last more than an episode mean that this isn't a show meant to be milked for too many seasons.
Well, he did want to look at her in the shower
If they wrap it up nicely then I have no problem with it ending.
True, because Marco has yet to smash
now that Ludo has a formidable rat/monster kingdom, a political marriage does seem possible. And we know from earlier episodes that monsters are very attracted to mewmans (like the one that star hugs). Is it ever implied that Moon and River don't expect Star to marry a suitor of their choosing?

Koreans sure love to draw depressed office workers
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Cuck star is best star
top cuck
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>Traditional, reserved, graceful princess protagonist have been extremely underrepresented for the last few decades.

that's true. but it's difficult to keep the story compelling without shifting the action onto a different character when you have a traditional princess. Netflix's The Crown does a good job of keeping the story compelling with a traditional, reserved, feminine, graceful queen; but it's not exactly a "fun" series, it's much more serious and dramatic. I think it would be hard to tell a "fun" story with a reserved protagonist.
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>Netflix's The Crown does a good job of keeping the story compelling with a traditional, reserved, feminine, graceful queen

To be fair, she is the most boring character in it.
I don't mind genki princesses. In fact, I prefer them. I just don't like when I get the sense that a modern show/movie is congratulating itself for "fighting against oppressive cultural norms" and "breaking the traditional princess mold". There isn't anything innovative, challenging, or risky about writing a rebellious genki princess character in 2017.
I want Janna and Jackie to be constantly at Marco's house from now on, you know, like my harem animu.
Well, Janna already is.
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you're gud m8.
Guy with guy = gay
Guy with woman= straight
Churchill is the most interesting in any scene that he is in. Prince Philip is a little better than Queen Elizabeth in most scenes. I wouldn't call her boring though. In terms of who is the most interesting character with the best performance; she's a close third place, maybe second place for some episodes, and first place in a few episodes.
I want to write a green about Janna being constantly at Marco's house and having the boundaries between them slowly dissipate as Star begins to get suspicious, possessive of him, and jealous.

Because I like Manna AND Starco.

Then, he goes on a date with Jackie and, for some reason unknown to him, Janna asks for pictures. Wherein she replaces Jackie's head and replaces it with her own.

Star replaces Janna's head with hers.

Angie supercedes them all. And for some Reason Rafael is in the background, too.
I would rank Edward VIII and George VI after Churchill but to be fair they are barely in the show.
Because it is reality for them
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They make an adorable foursome. They should get their own episode.
I want the writers to have Janna be in Marco's house constantly for reasons unexplained, until in one-off moment Star or Marco remarks on how it's weird how Janna is always in Marco's house, and later they never address it again.
and then in one episode they show her sleeping under a bridge
Just saw the Spider with a Tophat episode. My heart wasn't expecting the twist, but I loved it.
This image speaks to me.
Newsflash: you are a sociopath with sadistic tendencies. Seek professional help and possible medication immediately.
>TFW no strong Sk8ter b0y to princess carry you
Six arms? I am so down and ready for that.
who is that?
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star eating candle.jpg
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cutest 40 hour date
>Do you think it tastes like cinnamon?
Only if you're talking about anal discharge. Otherwise it's Mountain Dew all the way, baby!
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>star fug a monster
>not toffe

anon pls
Fucking excellent.
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Such is the fate of the cuckquean. Never to get pleasure from her pussy except by her own hand (if even that).
It's okay, she enjoys it.
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posting some nice fluff
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Marco is ____
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going to burn
It's getting to the point where I'm starting to get pissed off at the rebellious princesses for being so irresponsible and reckless and going on about "freedom" while still happily leeching off their family money, that is money taxed off from the subjects. You want freedom? Fine, be free. You want to keep all the prestige, money and privilege of being royalty? Then accept the price for it, you spoiled, selfish bitch
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>poor ugly Janna
Her biggest problem isn't that she's buttfaced (though she is), it's that she's such a huge bitch and a thief. It's like treating everyone rudely for years and then crying in the corner because people don't like you. You reap what you sow

I doubt Janna will be paired with Tom because the crew seems to like him and be invested in his character development and growth, and Janna would be absolutely horrible to him. Janna x Tom only seems like a plausible idea if you don't give a shit about Tom or only see him as a one-note jerk character
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>complaining about jantom
>on one of the sites that supports it the most
I'll call a spade a spade and a shit crackship a shit crackship.
nah i think that too maybe. so do a lot of people. or not who knows
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>marco will never princess carry you
really amount of overlap between these two shows
We need a cartoon where Janna tells Star that they need to get Marco alone with them on a boat in the Pirate Dimension "because of the implication".
>tercera bomba
Sounds great in spanish really, my sides.
This is the reference:
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Delet this
The weak should fear the strong
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>The weak should fear the strong
More like the weak should fear the horny.
She can just use a vibrator/speaker, metal conducts sound very well
Hell she can do some sound effects with Marco's voice and sit on a speaker
Do you people do anything but jerk off to drawings of these 14 year olds all day
You don't think we jerk off to every cartoon porn pic we see do you?
After a while on /co/, it's all just starter material and entertainment. Get a clue.
Jerk off to drawings of Marco's mother
Why doesn't Marco just fuck the Janna
You don't know where she's been.
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>Why doesn't Marco just fuck the Janna
Cause Janna's too busy being the one to fuck him.
she has a giant man chin
He can fuck the cleft.
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Anyone got this comic?
I wish at least one character from school would point out in surprise that he thought Marco and Star were dating since they see them always hugging whenever they are together.

>yfw there will be an episode subplot where Marco is too shy to hug Jackie
Haha, Star won't get hugs no more.
do you even fap bro
She's a gypsy.
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Janna is a Gypsy.png
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You could say she's a Gypsy Queen.
Only people who haven't had to directly deal with gypsies romanticize them, in my experience

Hnnnnnnnnnnng. Moar?
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By that artist? Not sure, but i do have more D(iaz0 hungry Janna pics.
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Just realizing that Into The Wand established the existence of many versions of Star Butterfly. So even if StarCo becomes cannon, the vast majority of Stars will still be getting cucked by the Star that is dating Marco.
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A biiiiiiig nerd
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>there arent many posts
Svtfoe is a dead show :(
>yfw Star wouldn't have been cucked if the original timeline Star, the one that first passed the school's hallway as the Star we were following entered the school wasn't replaced by her
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>there's three more threads about the show
Svtfoe looks fine from here
Why does Jackie always have, "I'm going to make babies with Marco" eyes?
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Very lewd
Please continue in this vein
>Why does Jackie always have, "I'm going to make babies with Marco" eyes?
Cause she wants to make babies with Marco.
Is there more?
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>Please continue in this vein
I really don't have much but I can post what I do have.
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Alright, end of Manna spam for now.
>Cause she's going to make babies with Marco

no ..... no she won't
It's okay, Star. Just let go....
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>>Cause she's going to make babies with Marco
That she will.
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Looks like you don't have Starco. Enjoy your worst girl.
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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't think Star is best girl

She's a magical girl yo. Who wouldn't want to date/fuck one.
I feel you

>tfw no bug qt to cuddle with
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>She's a magical girl yo. Who wouldn't want to date/fuck one.
What is she drinking?
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The Best Ship.jpg
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Naw man, I think all the girls are great. But all of them together makes each even greater.
Hey Diaz, want to have unprotected sex? I'm totally ovulating RIGHT NOW.

Pssh. No way fag.
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Damn straight. I hope we get more side characters in the next batch of episodes though.
I still want an alternate timeline jumping episode where Star and Marco run into alternate versions of themselves, some of which are already smooching.
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i think star is pretty nice
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We got a Starco pic of this, but sadly I don't have it saved.
>I hope we get more side characters in the next batch of episodes though.
We have a bunch of existing cuties already in the background that would be great to see as side characters.
I hope Kelly dumps her boyfriend and goes straight for the Diaz, where it is revealed that if you want to be a boyfriend of Kelly's species you must sit on top of her head and fuse with her.
How about Brittney? Remember her?
Only if Marco melts her cold heart.
>How about Brittney? Remember her?
Of course I do and it seems Marco remembers the taste of Asian food too.
why did we never get any pics of Brittney cucking Star
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Brittney and Marco Loving in Bed.png
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>why did we never get any pics of Brittney cucking Star
Cause she became nice after Marco fed her the Diaz Burrito Grande.
Anyone have the image he means?
man she must've laid one hell of am egg
I believe Mewmans give live birth.
They're clearly arthropods.
Yeah, Moon says that she gave birth to Star in Game of Flags
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I'm new to this show help a nigga out
Mewmans aren't actually bugs, they're just human-like creatures with magical bug powers.
wouldn't it be hot if they laid eggs though
Not really my fetish, sir. Mewberty Star tickled my fancy in those regards, but that's about as far as my insect kink goes, barring a few chitinous plates.
No, because then they aren't fuggable.
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no fuck you
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Yes. Nobody is fucking anybody, except Marco fucking Jackie.
Is there a chastity belt or something of that nature that female qukks like Star can wear? I think that would be a good request for drawfags
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Is that an open invitation?
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sure just like pic related
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Was Kimpossible written by Daron? No? Is that what I heard? Good, now you know the difference and that Jarco is canon and end game.
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of course, mid series relationship that makes a more relevant love interest incredibly jealous is always endgame.
Jesus Christ, these threads make the show out to be some sort of Marco harem.
>implying it isn't
Blame the show for going to hiatus in an episode where the girl that slapped Marco's ass and then smelled her hand is the least one interested in his dick.
this looks like a westernized Panty
Her personality is shit though, and her being magical only makes her more dangerous
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Can we agree that this guy is a boring waste of space and that the show would be better without him?
Have you watched season 2?
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Early Ludo, yeah, Beastmaster Ludo is awesome though.
Think Janna steals his worn underwear and huffs it while jilling off?
It's moving in a slice of life direction, and the magic learning process along with the broken wand already offers many new avenues to be explored. They really don't need Ludo, and his appearance at the end of season 2 was largely unnecessary. I hope Buff frog rips him a new one in the next episode.
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Cheating on royalty has bad consequences
Janna's wanted the Diaz since episode 3 of the first season
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This is torture you bastard!
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That is literally the hottest interpretation of bug waifu. I've never seen a mewberty star that was so... appealing. Usually I'm turned off by it but I want to tackle that bug to the ground when I look at this.
gonna need a source on that
Star is just building the harem up so Marco dosent get home sick when it is time to be the king of mewni
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This thread needs more werkposting
This thread needs more nice things happening to star butterfly
Holy shit my sides
This thread needs more Jarco without cucking.
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You know that can't happen
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I don't understand. Why are you doing this to my feels?

Why do you gotta say shit like this? ITS TOO DETAILED.
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Dude wtf. Where do I find a QT gf like Star? Life is suffering.
That mean has gone way out of hand.

How far down do those lipstick marks go?
you know damn well how far
>star builds marco a harem
>actual cuckquean
wew lad

may have some writing to do
The whole cuckqueen thing makes no sense. In the past, it was normal for a man of means to have multiple wives.
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Why is Star so cute? Like for some reason I almost feel like she's un-naturally cute. I want to kiss the hell out of her and i'm not even sure why.

Is it the big expressive eyes? Her long flowing hair? Her bubbly personality? There's so many layers to why she's attractive. Can anyone describe what makes Star so likable?

>INb4 someone says she isn't and I ask them why they even watch this show
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Do you even dubs?
>Can anyone describe what makes Star so likable?
you're a pedo
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star butterflys lil wings.png
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i like her lil wings
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>Fictional "14 year old girl" that's expressed carnal lust and romantic interest CANONICALLY IN THE SHOW
>Fictional character who's literally a fucking bug princess from another dimension

Muh children, will somebody save muh children!?
spoken like a true pedo

Grandma what are you doing on the internet?
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I don't remember this in the show.
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Its ok to like her pretty little wings anon. Its only natural.
No, the true pedo says what you're saying, then when they all trust that you aren't a pedo, it's time for wine coolers and diddling.
You are all the worst!
pedo detected
>he hasn't watched the online director's cut
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I thought it'd be more like. Guys. Can you please stop sexualizing Star? The show staff is scared of some of the more "eccentric" fans of the show. Could you guys tone down the Twisted creepy love you have for Star?

Nefcy should read this
Keep up the good work. While the Feds search my basement for nothing, you can skip town with arms full of creep shots, stolen underwear, and a tied up nine year old in your car's trunk.
no that would scare her.
that would mean no more janna for us
You know, there's something about >>89219121 that can be perceived as far creepier than just admitting to wanting a roll in the hay with a character.
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hand hold 2.png
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but that's cute
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>Guys pls stop pirating stuff, pls we have families to feed.
Because this has totally worked in the past. Also is this even fucking real? I feel like some NDA would prevent them from talking about the fact that their shit will be canned if they didn't sell enough comics.
Girls used to married off as early as the age of 12. Once she could bear children, she was an adult
Talking about potential cancellation over bad sales isn't breaking NDA, its common fucking knowledge
>please stop spamming our twitter account with your fanfic
would love to hear that from nefcy
Are you well?
This is total bullshit. Only pedos promote that lie because they want to make wanting to fuck preteens seem like "a normal thing" or act like "in the past, everyone used to do it and it was fine, it's just contemporary attitudes thinking it's wrong".

The average age of marrying used to be around 20. Most (western) cultures have traditional knowledge that too-young girls make for shit wives and also can die at childbirth more easily. Also the average age of getting one's period used to be 15-16 because the food was more shit and general living conditions harder, and because contemporary cattle is fattened with hormones which fuck up the people eating the meat, making girls get their periods several years earlier than they used to.

The only girls who "used to get married at 12" were nobility who were married off in order to form alliances between powerful families, and even then the marriage was rarely consummated at that age because of the high risk of complications
One cannot exactly drink any other form of matter, right?
Why does Star have beard stubble in this?
Star is trans.
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Why is that creepy? It sounds way more sensual to me than anything. Why do you find it creepy?
I mean to someone from the outside looking in. I too fantasize about a warm, intimate encounter with characters I know to be fictional, but a normie would find it more disturbing than just wanting to pump that rump.
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Jackie Simon.png
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Aww Star, too bad all you'll ever have is quirk.
>YWN tell Star that her nacho's are fucking awful
>SWN get extremely upset about it
>YWN help her learn to cook
>sorry Star but I prefer the nachos Jackie makes, she is a great chef
is this the guy from redlettermedia?
Most research has shown the cattle/hormones->earlier puberty thing is bunk science. The hormones have only trace presence in the resulting meat, and haven't been proven to actually affect childhood development. The scaremongering is just Left-Libertarian (think American Green Party) nonsense.

But the rest of your post is correct though: they generally chalk up earlier puberty ages to dramatically improved nutrition at all levels of society. Example: a kid today raised on twinkies would still be pretty unhealthy, but they'd probably be healthier than the lower class of "ye olde tymes.

And while the bunk science above remains bunk, the fact that kids have pretty regular access to meat in their diets at all (made possible by said technologies making meat cheap enough to sell to the lower class) actually is a pretty major factor.
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>Rich as fuck
>Literally royalty
>Long natural hair with no highlights or frills
>Simple style of dress despite her status
>Is slightly immature, but growing as a person every day
>Willing to learn from her mistakes
>Would buy you a giftcard that might kill you, but only did it because she really cared about you getting something you enjoyed.
>Wants to take you on adventures, but is also willing to hang out and do nothing but watch crappy TV and laugh at it with you while eating junky food
>Would literally freeze time so you can hang with her for days straight with no interruptions
>Smells like bakery fresh cinnamon rolls

Nigga. Stop lying.

Should I continue?
Now i get it
HE is wearing her undies
>ywn ruin her day
>ywn make her cry
>ywn call her mean words and bully her at school
>ywn hear news about her suicide then shrug and go on about your day with Jackie
>can do magic
>is soft
>seems light enough to hold
I like the name Star Diaz. It has a nice ring to it.
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She will never improve if you keep telling her she's good when she's clearly not
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Star Thirst.jpg
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When you put it like that, Marco sounds like a fool for going after Jackie.
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Star... Shouldn't you be doing better things than shitposting in this thread? Go see what Marco's up to or something.
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Yeah. It does. We'll be sure to name our second daughter Star.
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Hey Faggots,

My name is Marco, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I'm a red belt in karate and have been practicing towards my black belt. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn 14-year-old girls"? I also get straight A's, and room with a banging hot exchange student (She just got her Mewberty wings; Shit was SO dangerous). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bestie
Marco and Jackie will name their daughter Star.
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>That comic
Hahahahaha! I love how "My body is ready" that bottom left panel is.
That's what I was implying.
While Ludo in the Wild was kino, I think it's safe to assume he's slowly outliving his usefulness and will be offed in a manner as humiliating and degrading as what Toffee did to him.

Speaking of that guy, I'm honestly not sure how I'd feel if he returns at this point. I'd feel cheated either way.
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I want to carry her and make her get all flustered.

We haven't seen Star react to any romantic gestures yet. I wonder if she'd get a little tsundere, or maybe she'd just melt. I kinda feel like despite her tough demeanor, if she actually did have a "hero" save her, she'd liquefy. She's still a pretty lil princess deep down. As much as she'd hate to admit it, I'm sure she'd love getting swept off her feet.
Ooo my cute little cinnamon swirl! There's like 200 more things I could probably add.
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No dubs this time Diaz?
>cinnamon rolls
poor nefcy don't know why everyone is sending her pictures of cinnamon rolls
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Janna is a o k.jpg
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Go on...
"Between Friends" by an artist named Area
Too cuck in here. Where should I go if I want to talk to other Starco fans, and just discuss Starco?.
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Stop being such a fucking pussy ass safekid and penetrate your best friend already
Janna, you're a shit! A SHIT!
>This is the panel right after he's about to go in.
Nah, too thin
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Janna sad.png
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Y..you don't mean it Anon..
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Why the fuck do you keep saying this every thread?

And why the fuck do you want to live in a Starco echo chamber. Even le-reddit has some form of shipping bantz.

Just handle the bantz or get the fuck out of the kitchen. Its very simple.

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Would Rafael really be mad?
Jarco cummies.
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Look at

Getting carried like a little princess is her fetish.
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reminder of the one true waifu
Studo is best ship
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patrician taste
Grandbabies never until marriage.
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Best fuckin girl
10/10 would impregnate!
gonna need some sauce here, chief
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You damn basement dwelling cinnamon posters! What have you done this time!?
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Star's Fucking Horny.jpg
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And this is why Marco should make babies with Star. Whether he wants to or not...
Which Star Vs The forces of evil eats ass?
NSFW link, goes without saying but
What would Starco offspring end up being like?
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Next time I rewatch the series (probably 2 weeks or so before the hiatus ends) I'm going to seriously write out all the good things about Star AND Jackie we've seen so far. And we can see who's the better candidate.
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StarFan13 LOVES Star.png
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>Which Star Vs The forces of evil eats ass?
StarFan13, she is a Brown-Noser after all.
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>What would Starco offspring end up being like?
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I mean anatomy wise.
Still shit
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tf is all this cinnamon shit?
The tweet is fake.
reminds me of this /lit/ screen cap
That's a half-lie. Her natural scent smells like cinnamon. It just so happens that when she has gas the room will be filled with the scent of fresh cinnamon.
>being oppenly told by star and seeing himself she likes some one else
give the boy some credit
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What /lit/ screen cap?
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Wat the fuck this CINNAMON?
[i]From Russia with love[/i]
Cyкa. Блять.
>I mean anatomy wise.
Well Nefcy hasn't given us a chart/graph on the Mewman anatomy so we're in the dark on that subject.
don't have it.
but they found a a girl on yt who did book reviews
and as we all know 4chan
>/lit/ fall in love
>they ruined it
>and her too
Its very simple. Its just a big long tube for a digestive tract with a little picture of cinnamon near the butt.
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Ah, fuck it, I'll ask. What's the deal with cinnamon rolls?
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I love Jackie.
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Does anyone have the cap explaining it? It is already becoming a part of this thread's legacy.
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>The only girls who "used to get married at 12" were nobility who were married off in order to form alliances between powerful families, and even then the marriage was rarely consummated at that age because of the high risk of complications
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Reminder that Star would be an amazing girlfriend who would bring such joy to your life that you can't even fully imagine it.
they look so damn chubby
Unless she dumps you for having a small dick like she did with Tom
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the diaz.png
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Marco has no need to worry then
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I've got more than enough for her cinnamon hole anon. Why don't you stop projecting?
Jackie is the only one who sees that dick.

Also, Janna when she spys on him in the shower
But Star has spied on him more often
So now you're taking it out on Marco, Star? Good thing he doesn't feel anything for you.
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>Implying they don't shower together
That's just one of Star's sad masturbation fantasies.
Last for Jarco.
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>Mewberty wings included

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Last for Star having a happy love life and much success as Queen!
Communist uprising when?
She's friends with Ponyhead, so automatically excluded from that category
Last for best girl!
i hope star is having a nice day today
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Oh no, you're not getting last today!

last for star suicide
Jarco is best
star is a cuck
>This is how a tyrannosaurus drinks his chocolate milk!
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Last for the cutest couple in any dimension
did jackie loose her tits?
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Second to last for star being a cuck.
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Last post for Star being best girl.
Thread posts: 566
Thread images: 251

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