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story time

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Ms. Marvel (2015-) 014-000.jpg
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It's Slutmala time
Ms.Marvel #14
Will the floppy sales recover?
That guy kinda looks like a manly Bruno
Do people even mention Leroy Jenkins anymore?
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>no X's at the beginning and end of his username
They aren't trying hard enough
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That's what happens when you use google backtrace
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I wonder how much they sold those ms.Marvel upskirt pics for.
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Oh shit I didn't know /co/ was in this
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If he doesn't get nudes of her this a poor hacker story
RIP in peace Kamala, even /co/ seems to no longer care
I do care. And it's good to be back to regular issues, finally.
But thys one was a bit on the light side, content wise.
And it's 9:30 or so inthe US. Naturally there's not that much traffic.
>chitty chitty bang bang

Cute, dare I say adorable, but I feel like she would know Herby better.
Blame everything on CWII.
She can't tell a Dark Elf ftom an Orc, though.
So who knows.
Unless this is based on Tolkien's definition, making them the same thing.
Probably, but willow is old and trying to write a modern teen. Just be glad she isn't as bad as Waid with the fellow kids stuff.
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Why is she fighting a troll from world of Warcraft?
Is that Bruno?

Kamala what

I what

That is not how you handle potential issues you don't know anything about
Because that is his avatar. And you will notice the health bar using her online handle.
No, no, I mean why is this an issue a cape comic needs to spend time on?

Is this about trolling and bullying online? Dirty anonymous hackers stalking innocent girls? Is this a fucking gamergate storyline? Why the fuck is this being written?
I know I say this stuff but reading someone say "nice crit" and "thanks for the heals" feels weird
Wilson's gone full virtue signal.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a disney film, so it's totally possible Kamala has seen it.
That's what she thinks when she realises she just stalked lil fatty, broke into his room and spouted accusations.
And then she drops the spaghetti hard before he goes and outdoes her.
And now she is fucked five ways to Sunday while all the usual un-fuck people are dead or don't talk to her.
Thanks for the storytime OP

50 year old white muslim women do.
women are so dumb they can't figure out how to right click -> run as administrator?
She's 34, she's not that old, anon. Still a Millennial.
What the hell, Kamala. Ferries run on fuel too.
Excavators have onboard GPS?
>She's 34
Really? She always looks pretty old in her twitter pics.
>born August 31, 1982
Sometimes women just end up looking older. The head covering doesn't help.
It's a way in which she is vulnerable she has too few villains of her own.
Makes sense a digital native would have an online nemesis.
This guy is trying to really kill her, too.
So it's not just a web troll, but a credible threat. Just remote controlled.

Because hacking is the big thing you can get SJW credit with?
Dude, nobody is being ambivalent or supportive of digital crime.
That's like saying an evil villain who murders or mind controls is virtue signalling.
It's not even contested as an evil act.
This is not a guy rigging a vote or snooping on servers, it's a guy using computers to steer machines for assassination attempts.
Him being a literal cybered-up troll is just a joke.
It's not just this but the election issue, and before that with that bizarre hamfisted profiling analogy.
Aye, she is full hikkikomori mode, down to ignoring her family and wearing a dumb headband.

Thanks for storytime OP.

But seriously what the heck is up with those weapons on the cover.
Maybe he uses those things at some point?
So you are bitching about this issue because of the other issues, trying to fit reality to your narrative.
>bizarre hamfisted profiling analogy
That was Bendis' fault.
She's still got a lot of Carol in her, clearly.
No Zoe and Nadia, 2/10
I do, especially now that this series can finally move away from Civil War 2. Thanks for the storytime.
No, I'm just saying doing a "harassing cyberstalker" arc is yet another example of virtue signalling.
She was 100% responsible for the execution of that story.
You guys are using words and I understand the words but I have no idea what you're saying.
WTF is virtue signaling?
If you play rogue or warlock in hearthstone
If it can distance itself from IVX and Secret Empire, then yes...
Bendis didn't write Willow's tie in. She botched it up with Hyjinx being in the wrong and Bruno blaming Kamala for his own fuck ups.
>Makes sense a digital native would have an online nemesis.

It does if it doesn't start as her nemesis. Like, Doc Ock didn't go looking for Spider Man, Spider Man foiled his plots. It wasn't because they were on the same subway one day.

If this guy was stalking and killing other females and Kamala used her 1336 hack3r sk1ll2 to catch him, then he came back after her in some future arc, okay, you have a point.

As it stands what, this guy didn't get some drop in a raid and NOW KAMALA MUST DIE!!

Weak setup, weak execution.
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Is Civil War 2.0: Minority Report Boogaloo necessary to understand why she is living with some woman I've never seen before? I only read to the point of Kamala initially reacting to Bruno exploding.
When you have to let everyone in your tribe know you're a good person by liking the same things they like and hating the same things they hate.
No, what happened was her brother got married and it's Muslim custom for a husband and wife to live with their parents (he's also a mooch).
>this guy didn't get some drop in a raid and NOW KAMALA MUST DIE!!

Were you even reading the story time? Whoever's after Kamala hacked into her guild to specifically target her
Oh, I didn't recognize his wife without the hijab. I thought she wasn't living at home anymore.
No, he took over the little chubster's account to fuck with Kamala and make her move to a location he can better control.
We learn that this issue.
Then he isolates her and next issue we may learn what he actually wants.
His motives are unclear as of now.
If it is a returning character, my money's on Basic Becky
What did you think they wear at home?
Yeah when I first saw her in in the Civil War 2 tie-in my first reaction was also "Who the hell is this?"
The fact that she's been featured so prominently leads me to believe that some tumblrites cried to Wilson about how Ms. Marvel didn't have any black people in its cast, so this is her way of appeasing them.
Not her style. At all.
She'd try to frame Kamala for a crime and swoop in as the hero she desperately wants to be.
She's been Ms. Marvel since darn near the beginning.
Or! Or with the upcoming break between Kamala and Bruno she needed someone Kamala could talk to.
And then they made her black because the cast has no black people at all.
>Took over guildies account to target her




Who goes out of their way to target a super hero unless that hero has already fucked with them in some way? See the Doc Ock example, did he just show up one day and say Fuck you Spiderman! No, he wanted money from a bank or whatever and Spiderman stopped him. Then he wanted revenge.

An enemy with no motivation beyond die hero die is a weak enemy. What is the point?
Tyesha's first appearance was the second issue of this volume.
They haven't had a proper confrontation yet. Wait until the next issue happens and the motivation is revealed to bitch about it. You're acting like mysterious antagonists are a new thing.
What volume is this again?
If your problem was with the other issue, then stop complaining about this one. They have nothing in common.
He wants to dip his cock in kamala's paki pussy. That should be as good of a motivation as you can get, considering that it drove humans since ancient times and empires rose and fell for that reason alone.

You know, it would be awesome if she tracked him down, and it turned out to be a guy in full Crusader armor with a flaming sword looking for Muslims to put to the sword.
>Garth Ennis: "Man, isn't the IRA just the worst?"

>/co/: ugh, fucking virtual signaling.

It's sort of the opposite. Garth Ennis never says "I'm a better person for disliking the IRA." What he says is "Fuck the IRA" the way you'd say "Fuck black people" or "Fuck ISIS."
Did the first volume end with that undisclosed cataclysm that may or may not end the world, is never resolved, and is never discussed again?

Secret Wars?
IDK, they didn't explain anything about what was going on in Ms. Marvel.
Through which they can be hacked and controlled, yes. Keep up with the complete lack of technical sense this writer has or I'll have to hack your microwave through the lower lines, m8.
Tolkien waffled on the origin of Orcs; the most consistent origin seems to be that they were corrupted descendants of Elves. However, Dark Elves in Tolkien had different definition: any Elves who stayed in Middle-Earth and never saw the light of the Two Trees while they were in blood.
The IP counter doesn't work if the reader doesn't post.
>Dude, everyone else treats this as a joke! I'm not even on the continent the holy land is on!
>Álrêrst lébe ich mir werde,
sît mîn sündic ouge siht
>There is no damn crusade, you loon!
>Daz here lant und ouch die erde,
der man sô vil êren giht.
>Stop trying to stab me! Your Jersey accent is showing and you don't even hold the sword right! I beat up more fundamentalists last week than you ever will, so calm down and let's talk this out, okay?!
>illuminati jackasses

Wonder how she'd react knowing it's real and filled with heroes
Yeah, that was Secret Wars. Everything died. Reed Richards became God recreated it.
That would require reproduction. It makes more sense that they re all just resurrected elves. They call him the necromancer after all.
Well that's super dumb. No wonder why they didn't go into any detail.

It's like comics jumped the shark decades ago and instead of trying to write better and more original stories they just doubled down on the shark jumping.
Its disappoints me that this will probably be the only story line before the inevitable IvX CONSEQUENCES story.
Constant events are ruining this book.
disgust. It's at least a chance for Kamala to get GREENED.
Actually Secret Wars was pretty cool, mostly.
Only the main book was kinda boring.
Also for most people the events were traumatic and sudden, but ultimately rather inconsequential except the 8 months time skip.
She has no stake in the court, so other than her doggy buddy buggering off she just loses a gym membership.
Doesn't Peter also play WoW?
Yeah, MOST of the CW2 tie-ins were good, some were even great, but this is one of the few books that dipped in quality because of it.

It feels weird saying that the tie ins for an event were good, but for once it's true.
Christ, soon we'll have Millennial Vietnam vets running around. How does that fucking market demo keep getting wider and wider?

They're getting older, you know.

Similarly, the floor is aging, depending on when you define the cut-off point.
How often does Marvel go between these group events that screw up individual runs?
My point is that the scope of what is generally considered "millenial" has been broadening to anyone born in time to remember Y2K, and now encompasses anyone born after the invention of the transistor. Within 5 years, "Millenial" will describe anyone born after Tesla's development of alternating current.
Millennial has always referred to people born between 1980 and 2000. Everyone born after that is Generation Z, which is a placeholder for what they'll actually be called, much like how Millennials used to be called Generation Y because it's the letter after X.
Thanks for the storytime, OP.
Really nice to finally get back to just Kamala
But people born in the 80s were always referred to "Generation X". Generation Y was the 90s kids.
Generation X is 60s and 70s, boomers are roughly 40s and 50s, silent is roughly 20s and 30s. Generations are typically around 20 years long.
She is so cute when headbutting a car
So long as it's not HYDRA again (getting a bit tired of them), I'm all for whoever this guy is.
tl;dw: Some shit /pol/ made up to make themselves feel better.
The leftwing version of the phrase is "asking for cookies."
Every. Fucking. Year.

And this book says "Fuck online stalkers". How is that virtue signalling?
>Every. Fucking. Year.
Oh dear.
This "online troll" apparently can also mind-control people from online, if the solicits for the next two issues are true.
>MOST of the CW2 tie-ins were good, some were even great
It's time to stop posting.
/v/ and /pol/ invaded twitter and they haven't been the same since.
Thanks OP. Decent issue, but really needs a better hook at the end. Here's hoping her villain pool is expanding
>wearing a headband for your gaming
She's very serious.
Is she our girl?
>kamala is back to normal again
>Why can't I figure out how to right-click
Wow, girls are useless.
>Can we be friends?
Can't even get in the friend zone. Brutal.
choosing to tie into CW2 and not IVX, arch enemy is a cyborg Blanka, ripping off a hacker story that's been done twice in the last 2 years in Batgirl books and people wonder why no one buys this book anymore.
>but Ms Marvel is an SJW comic, it's not supposed to be enjoyable. My dank memes
>Unless this is based on Tolkien's definition, making them the same thing.
What? No it doesn't.
Obviously it's some tryhard wannabe villain who thinks he's going to get mad cred for taking down a hero.
You mean, past one? The Inventor's the only legit foe she's had that wasn't taken from somebody else (Lineage, Dr. Minerva, Dr. Faustus) or is a mook henchman working for someone else's villain (Kamran, Kaboom).
>cyborg blanka
Get with the times grandpa, that's clearly a Cyberpunk Troll from the mmo World of Battlecraft.
>For a story based on WoW
Videogames are basically all the same, amirite fellow kids?
When you break it down, sure, but that would be like saying all comics are the same (which is true on one level), but people that actually are fans of games can appricate little nods like this. I certainly do at least.

I'm really hoping Troll guy turns starts working for Arcade, seems like he'd be a great villain for Kamala and the other younger heroes.
>I'm really hoping Troll guy turns starts working for Arcade, seems like he'd be a great villain for Kamala and the other younger heroes.
Yeah... except Modern Arcade will make them kill each other, leaving the survivors with very deep mental scars.
Hey, you never know, you'd think that with how current Marvel is they would have retconned X-23 being a underage hooker away at the start of AN Wolverine, but you'd be surprised. Arcade trapping Kamala and her friends inside an mmo sounds like it could be an enjoyable read.

Also it wouldn't be Hopeless writing him, so there is that.
Thanks for the storytime, OP! I love these issues with Miyazawa on art, they draw the cutest Kamalas.
Maybe we'll get lucky and Arcade's next appearance will have him back to his old jovial self, with his Arena portrayal brushed aside as "a phase" he went through.
I feel you mon'
>the only thing that matters is DAMAGE PER SECOND
>this is what dime a dozen DPS shitters actually believe
>Wilson knows the only role that matters is DPS
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is not a Disney film.
That's a great design for a villain.
>not based Brum
fuck kids these days
Supposedly IvX isn't going to interrupt her ongoing

Leeroy Cold Blood Cold Blood Eviscerate Well Played
And Love Bug/Herby is. Funny that in a way.

Also when will we get more of Kamala wondering what is up with Zoe and Nakia.
Nah, still enjoy Kamala. CWII just blew ass.
Oh, I hope they come by the Circle Q and Zoe awkwardly hides behind Nakia's back, holding on to her and Nakia just gets weirded out by it because she was never informed of this whole lesbian relationship or that she got casted as the butch.
This was AWESOME, now that The Vision is done, Ms. Marvel is probably the top book Marvel is creating.

what does that mean anyway? "good game" and "rematch"?
They do have GPS because they need to be tracked 24/7 to incase they are stolen. Some of the newer models DO have electronic controls instead of the old fashioned manual stick.

School buses and any other big, valuable tech all have this on them. Ironically the biggest reason for this was because employees were borrowing them to do personal projects or make field trips.

It means Git Gud Retard Emperor.
>They do have GPS because they need to be tracked 24/7 to incase they are stolen.

People wouldn't notice a stolen excavator running around in town?
People wouldn't notice an excavator moving out of an excavation site too much.
There's usually a lot going in and out with construction.
"Thanks for the heals" gayest thing i read all day.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but Jersey's a bit weird in the Marvel Universe.
At least you fulfilled the fantasy of every teenager withdrawn and geek, there is a girl in your room

Now that Bruno is gone you finally realize how much you needed it?

How much longer will we have to wait for this comic to start coming back more 'grim and dark' as it happened with Powerpack?
>Kamala Khan
Only I read it as "Kamala-chan"?
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