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Fuck me, this is a 9/10 villain It doesn't even bother

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Fuck me, this is a 9/10 villain
It doesn't even bother me all the "nothing personal kid, I just a have a nihilistic, wicked sense of humor"


The rest of the film didn't reach his knees
>the 3D and effects looked awkward
>bland story
>cheap drama

Facilier appreciation thread
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also, this fuckers were the shit
There is a juggalo rapper who seems to be based on him
Why is Voodoo such a cool concept which I never see outside of really hokey stuff?
I wish this movie had been a lot better.
Because it's restricted entirely to parts of Central America and the American Southeast. Not many stories take place there, ergo not many stories can justify having it in use.
Female Facilier?

Would you want her to keep the tooth-gap and slight paunch?
needs more tits

if you are going to make fanfiction, do it properly
Great villain, smart spin on the fairytale, memorable cahracters and beautiful.

This movie filed killed all hope for 2D animation because it was so fucking good yet nobody saw it.

I could listen to Keith David sing forever and not get bored.
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Already exists.

Why fix what is already perfect?
Last REEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLY good Disney Villain.

Turbo/King Candy was good but had nowhere near as much pressence or charm.

Meanwhile, Gothel, Hans, Yokai, and Bellweather were bland pieces of shit and the crab in Moana sadly was just a miniboss forgotten after his sequence. Same thing with the lava god just being personality-less a final boss.
God, I hate small hats
That's a deal I will take
The thing about Hans and Bellweather was that they weren't revealed as villains until the climax, so they really only had a few minutes to be fullu villainous
>Based on him
You know voodoo is an actual thing in the real world, right?
>MFW TPATF is one of the 99% likely worlds to get into Kingdom Hearts 3.

Hopefully Facilier's boss battle will be epic as shit, seeing that unlike those harmless pieces of shit >>88644971 Facilier can be a genuine threat.
God, I LOVE smol hats
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I wish Clopin were a full-time villain like in the book


wat, he scored?
it must be before the movie takes place

...so, he's an absent father

Also that Gothel was wasted potential: The villain (We could've gotten a conflicted relationship between her and Rapunzel like Jim and Silver in Treasure Planet where Gothel is torn between being a greedy bitch and caring for Punzey but nope. fuck all complex shit.) and Yokai had 0% personality whatsoever.
Just chalk it up to AU the decendants stuff stops making sense when Southern Genie genie shows up.
Still trying to figure out what the middle fucker's eyes are made out of.

It's like a pop top.
Those eyes bug me.

Those aren't "oh shit, oh shit, i'm fucked" eyes, those are "whoa dude, it's kicking in" eyes.
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Fuck everyone. TPATF was the last REEEEAAAALlY good Disney movie or at least renaissance-tier.

-Strong heroine who actually gets shit done despite all the shit thrown at her.
-Strong moral that toys with Disney tropes (The "charming" prince is a lazy douchebag who constantly relies on the heroine, the discussion that even if you wish upon a star, you still have to work to get your wish to come true.).
-Unique early 1900s New Orleans setting.
-GOAT soundtrack (Fuck you I loved "Going Down the Bayou").
-Disney's last really really good villain.
-The goofy comic relief actually amounts to something.
-Tiana's totally based white friend.
-Glorious 2D animation (I actually feel like crying whenever I see behind the scenes stuff.)
Voodoo is also an actual religion and most people are a little leery of pissing off practitioners. It should also be noted that a lot of what is presented as Voodoo is actually hoodoo, Southern US folk magic, a completely different thing.
Dig a Little Deeper is one of the best goddamn Disney songs ever.
>Facilier's boss battle
fuck, I can already picture an American McGee's Alice from that
The guy being all jazzy, throwing around voodoo's, hoodoos and things he ain't even tried
I felt the movie would have been better off it Facilier had dragged Lawrence down with him or used his soul and gotten off scott free as he fled town to practice elsewhere.
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>absent father

I imagine Facilier being fought either:

-Him running around the graveyard and disappearing through the shadows trying not to get hit similar to Barbossa and Oogie Boogie in 2 as he summons Heartless and shadows with you having to figure out where he is.

-He sends Sora and co. to some trippy voodoo dimension influenced by his song where he quickly moves around throwing stuff a la The Magic Mirror in BBS.
>It doesn't even bother me all the "nothing personal kid, I just a have a nihilistic, wicked sense of humor"
Wow really? So if a villain isn't Dr Doom "2deep4yu" then he's some super edgy cartoon character?
>Strong heroine who actually gets shit done despite all the shit thrown at her
I swear I'm not always that guy... but she was too much of a Mary Sue
Her only mistake was working too much, and in the end it payed off

Her struggle was relatable, but the film tried to hard to make it sound a bad thing

imo, it would have been great if she became a greedy bitch and screwed everyone up by taking the shadowman's offer, become human and actually see the restaurant fully refurbished and the deeds in her hands.
And THEN cry a "I'm sorry father" and steal and break the talisman
also, it was shitty how she as a frog could beat Facilier

If she doesn't loose her soul, then she's not greedy, just hard-working
It's a good moral because it's not one you see very often.

Tiana was legit working too hard. For workaholics, it's about as hard for them to relax and appreciate life as it is for slackers to work.
god, I just know it will never live up to its full potential
Thinking of all the shadowplay alone makes me moist

is there any Facilier and his Shadow doujin?
just curious

I know, I just feel it doesn't come across as such a terrible personality flaw as it was portrayed in the film
maybe it's just me getting old and wanting to "take off" once and for all, but I always hated the "lol u dont know how to fun" rethoric
That's a deal I will take.
Facilier had both.
Your vore fetish is showing.
that's a deal i will take.
He had things he ain't even tried.
Maybe you just like those "nothing personal kid, I just have a nihilistic, wicked sense of humor" types, but have seen them done so poorly so often that a different take on it reminds you of what you like about the concept?
Voodoo doll heartless
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What would the rest of the cast look like?
How the fuck do you do it /co/?

How the fuck do you have constant discussion of minority characters without /pol/ taking the threads over?

And when they do try, you all just...ignore them.

What is it about this board that makes it so /pol/ proof? Are comics truly the patrician medium?
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yeah, probably

>/pol/ proof
>He wasn't here for Korragedon, or during GG
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It's fucking crazy how easily this dude could be in Kingdom Hearts III. His minions are basically heartless.
It's crazy how that "dude" is a dude, because he looks like a tomboy girl who's asshole i'd eat
I meant Facilier but you do that anon
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>wat, he scored?

No, that's what his friends on the other side did to him after dragging him to hell, they turned him into a cute loli and them spit him back out. He wasn't ready.

PATF is certain to get in. One of the few remaining "profilic" 2D films with Jungle Book, Pocahontas (With Squenix can get past the possible lawsuits.), and possibly Emperor's New Groove. At the very least Facilier and Tiana will make appearances.

Hell I know it's getting into KH3. Last year a few weeks after 3's trailer I broke into Keith David's house to ask him and he told me "yeah, I've already been signed with Squenix and am in the middle of recording lines".

Though then he shot me in my right shoulder with his shotgun for breaking into his house, and now I probably won't be able to play 3 properly. Fuck.

What's ironic is that Tracer from Overwatch kinda resembles Sora in drag, and she's a confirmed lesbian.
You don't come to /co/ a lot I see.
My one gripe with Facilier was that he was really just a pawn cowering in fear over the beings he should have been controlling completely. Can you imagine if Scar had been visibly terrified of the hyenas and tried to placate them all the time? It really undermined him. He was perfect otherwise.
>whenever there's a female version of a male character, they never have male character's charm
Really makes you think
It's part of the reason I gave Diablo III a pass. Witch Doctor was just so fun
That's a deal I will take
/co/ doesn't tolerate tumblr's shit either. Both of them get tossed out like angry drunks when they try to start their shit.
It's because they're afraid to make female characters unrepentant assholes
It's because most of us don't care outside of waifus and nonstalgiafagging and neither of those like /pol/ or /tumblr/ very much

Steven Universe is an exception because HOO BOY do those threads get heated
>That Facilier reference in Moana
Funny how that character was ALSO the best character in his film
But that's what made it so interesting, and stand out in my eyes
He wasn't just a powerful wizard evil for the sake of it, he was a resentful peddler with no real power of his own
He was playing with forces he was deadly scared of because of his high ambitions, and he wanted others to pay the cost

I like the how it went down, because it wasn't "oh, my power source destroy, I'm melting", or ironic death by his own evilness
They agreed to help him, but they were never his "friends"
He hadn't sold his soul, he just pawned it, and couldn't pay back for it
What reference
His song sucked.

But then expecting anything good from nuD*sney is a bit of a stretch in the first place.
I dont want her to be anymore of an ass than any other princess. Her working too hard to the point where she becomes antisocial is a flaw.
Kek, you haven't seen enough. Look at comics threads with multiethnic legacy characters
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>It really undermined him. He was perfect otherwise.

No, that's stupid. His character was interesting because he was a conman trying to scheme his way out of hell. Making him have authority over the voodoo spirits would've just made him into another generic villain.
>the least popular Disney movie of the last 10 years is likely to get into KH3
Keep dreaming.
>"nothing personal kid"
how was he like this at all? hes more classy than edge
>or used his soul and gotten off scott free as he fled town to practice elsewhere.
That's dark and I'd have been ok with that if as a result he had to work his way back into grace with the Friends. Like he tries to do something fancy and kaput so he runs off ending with him getting his shadow to move as a seperate entity again.
It was supposed to be a parallel to Tanya with how she works hard and makes her own money and doesn't take handouts or loans so she won't be in dept. Facilier's "friends" were loan sharks so while he got his powers they wanted something from him witch he did not meet so they took him as payment.
Buuuuuullcrap. /co/ INHALES bait without even chewing, especially if it has anything LOOSELY to do with SJWs.
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That's neither ironic nor at all related to the discussion.
really though, who Doesn't love a good "nothin personel kid" character that is portrayed an written well
>Would you want her to keep the tooth-gap and slight paunch?

That's a deal I will take

This is too caucasian.
>you all just...ignore them
Sometimes threads have been derailed over one faggot thinking they would be invaded by /pol/. You and I aren't helping here, so let's not speak of this any further.

Moana is just as good.
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>The "charming" prince is a lazy douchebag who constantly relies on the heroine
If you think about it, Naveen is one of the only princes with personality.
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>And when they do try, you all just...ignore them.
I wish, this board has become a battleground for tumblr kids and /pol/ faggots to sling shit at one another. Have you ever visited an SU or brown girl thread before?
Yeah, he's more of a flamboyant con artist with magic than your typical edgy dark sorcerer. Sort of like Hades from Hercules (imagine those two as partners or rivals, that would be fun to see).
>hes more classy than edge
he's not not edgy, but I can just picture people on comic-con pulling mad-hatter-tier cringe costumes
>Look buddy, homie, mon Frey or whatever they say in that bog town of yours. Your tricks are cute, but they're Busch league. Me I'm the majors. The Big Leagues. You take out tiny loans you need to repay. Me I own the Bank. So don't tell me about your friends.I know your friends they like me better than you.
>Naveen is one of the only princes with personality
well fuck me, it's true
pitty he was a shithead

nice, this works, I just don't see the context for Hades to even talk to him
It *is* hokey. A lot of it was just exaggerated entertainment by writers like Robert Tallant. My cartoon is set in New Orleans and it's /x/ as fuck, but Voodoo isn't even a plot point because of how much of it is manufactured bullshit instead of actual spooky stuff taken from my culture's lore.

It's like why none of the Cartoon Saloon movies have leprechauns even though they're about Celtic mythology.

Its like /his/. It has good days and bad days. More good than bad, that's cool.

But maybe that's because /his/ is full of detached scholar elitists who can easily debunk anything the common rabble over at /pol/ throws at it.

>"least popular Disney movie"

Kingdom Hearts has a track record of using a cult classic movie as one of their worlds. Nightmare Before Christmas' surge in popularity happened after KH1's release, and if I remember correctly the inclusion of Tron and its reception assisted Tron Legacy's resurgence.

Song of the South or Black Cauldron are movies less likely to be seen in a KH game. PatF has a stunning chance to be used in comparison.
Our janitors sometimes do their jobs. Thanks for everything mods, you're often underappreciated.

Also, Threads do periodically get taken over, but we're usually just here to talk about how good cartoons are / were. It's not a field of discussion that usually mixes with politics directly, and when it does we're lucky enough to stick to more or less germane statements as opposed to "LEL POO IN LOO GAS TEH KIKES" shitposting.

Our shitposting is an animal onto itself
>doesn't tolerate
>been /co/mblr since Adventure Time: Lesbian Undertones Edition
>Nightmare Before Christmas' surge in popularity happened after KH1's release
Not really, Disney didn't even put their own logo on Nightmare Before Christmas back in the day, Disney only acknowledged it as one of their properties after they realized goths were buying merch of it in the late 90s, Kingdom Hearts pretty much came right after that
>juggalo rapper
Holy shit, that's still a thing, I thought they died out in the earlier 2000s
Just skim the parts with the frogs in the swamp and watch all the facilier scenes, it's so much better
They wasted him. He must have had 10 minutes of screentime, tops.

Who the fuck wants to see a stupid trumpet playing alligator or a firefly making butt jokes when you've got a character this fucking cool.

Goddamn it, Disney.
Then you'd have to get onto the whole should selling and actual evil parts, main reason you can't expand on a good villian

Generic as fuck.
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No you stupid nigger, books are and have always been the patrician medium.

To answer your other question, /pol/ sees /co/ as one of the lesser boards of the entire site. This board is leftist as hell.

Also /a/ types have always hated cartoons regardless political orientation.

He recruits Facilier in the Sorcerers game at Magic Kingdom.
>Tough choice, I know, keep your gig as court jester in the river of souls, or go back and be king of the mardi gras. Now, keep in mind this is a limited time offer.
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>/co/ doesn't tolerate tumblr's shit either
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You derailed a perfectly good thread. I hope you have a miserable Christmas, you waste of oxygen and bandwidth.
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God, I love Smaug hats
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>lose keith david's voice
>adds absolutely nothing to the character
why would anyone want this?
Is there any woman capable of even comparing to Keith?
I'd like to see her doing some voice acting, but I can't picture her doing intersting characters
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It's been a really long time since they made decent female villain with interestingdesigns.
Nightmare before christmas has a peculiarly strong following in Japan. They put tremendous work into those world's in kingdom Hearts. Added to that, square Enix opted to put this suspiciously familiar sounding song into Final Fantasy Realm Reborn: https://youtu.be/pCcbKY7d0dc
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I approve of this.
What about now?
Just looks like those weenies that "cosplay" at Disney World by wearing the right color clothes.

i never realized she's Frisky Dingo's mother.
Why aren't there more black villains?

Afaik, blacks love the black villains, and villains are usually cunning/clever, so it even counts as affirmative action
idkw I like black villains so much. Purple is a nice villain colour

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Yeah that, or give them cool designs.
That said, Gothel is the best villain in recent Disney movies, Facilier and her would be such good friends, they have the same sexy-sorcerer vibe.
Remind me, whats Belle's flaw that keeps her from being a mary sue, or gives her character depth? Or Aurora's? Or goddamn Cinderellas?

At least with Tiana they had her grow up a little and learn to loosen up.
shitty characters

Belle, Pocahontas, Snowhite have no flaws I can think of (except Snowhite being mildly retarded) and admitedly idkw they are likeable
For that matter, many characters are "perfect"

it just rubs me the wrong way that her hard work is presented as a flaw when she'd literally trying to raise above poverty
Belle's flaw is her stubbornness. She would have starved herself to death in the tower if Lumiere and Cogsworth hadn't convinced her to eat. She's also extremely rash, chasing after her father in the woods without getting help, and volunteering herself as prisoner of a monster without thinking it through.
The only problem with Going Down the Bayou was it's length. It's barely a minute long, including the talking bits. It deserved more.
There's a webcomic about it. But it has more of a shonen flair to it.
Why is his kid white?
What are you? African?
Well I am wondering what white bitch stole the hottest black man in Disney out from under us.
Literally any white bitch, It's just easy.
Typical white bitch, you got a big mouth and a tiny booty.
and your man
Fuck you bitch you got me
It's a bit more general than that. Her father taught her the value of hard work, but when he died she held onto that lesson and didn't let go. Setting a goal and working towards it isn't bad, but she focused ONLY on that goal. And it almost bit her in the ass too, since the people she made a deal with were gonna give the place to another buyer. The lesson is to work hard but know when to have fun, so she and Naveen, each only going by one half, clashed until they learned from each other.
Vibe? Isn't it dead now?
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I thought it just finished Book One.
It has, but it's been dead since. Haven't heard any news on it.
eh hes alright i gouessskjdkarn wdmLD{PEKWORQU5P9358973URIWHGHN
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