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Justice League Action

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Three new clips have been released



All these are great.
I cannot wait

>superman is the one who saves the joker
>Please be enemies!

So definitely targeted at a younger audience than JLU, but the humor looks closer to the Teen Titans cartoon than TTGO
Seems like a combination of tones between Teen Titans and Brave and the Bold. I'm down.
The heat vision sound effects are really cool. Usually it sounds a lot weaker to contrast with Darkseid's omega beams, so I'm wondering how those will sound.
my thoughts exactly

A JLA version of original Teen Titans? with Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill coming back to do the voices?

Sign me the fuck up.
This looks like a ton of fun. When will CN US actually air it?
Personally I don't think Conroy and Hamill should come back but I'm fine either way. You know, give other people a chance.
Hamill's sounding a might frayed.
>A JLA version of original Teen Titans?

I wouldn't go that far. Part of what made Teen Titans great was the overarching plotlines and character drama. I don't see that happening with a 15 minute format.
why does the animation look so bad
The video says Nov 27th, but I don't know if that's for the US or not. CN tries to kill good shows before they air.
Lying won't make it real.
I don't watch the show but doesn't Steven Universe do this?

I have to agree, I wish they would retire in the role but still voice for DC as other characters.
That's actually a really good idea. I didn't think of them voicing other characters. Maybe Conroy can voice Zatara and Hamill Time Trapper? What do you think?
Are you getting animation mixed up with art direction again? Because the animation is better choreographed and fluid than JL and most of JLU.
The original batsuit was one hell of nice touch
why didn't toyman make them gangbang wonder woman?
Why would he do that? Video games are way better.
I'm still waiting for them to reveal a character design for Aquaman. They wouldn't leave him out, right?

Odd Cyborg design.
better than a wondie gangbang? no way
>Teen Titans Cyborg
Yeah, sure.
Not that anon, but dude just think about it. Why have them Gangbang Wondy when they could be put in a Meatl Gear-like game? or a Mass Effect-like game? or a Call of Duty-like game?.
Metal Gear-like*
so we see her getting gangbanged

you can play metal gear any time
Have you ever met a teenage boy?
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This look like they are going for the Original Teen Titans (2003) humor.

This is great.

You're no thinking clearly, why have her being gangbanged when you could put Batman in a situation like Snake at the end of MGS3 over and oover again?, in a situation where he has to kill Wondy time and time again and he being powerless to do anything? Or just put Superman in an Injustice situation and him seeing Lois dying time and time again the suffering never stopping because The Player (you) repeats the same story time and time again?

It's an endless cicle of suffering for the characters, that mere sex won't do
or just have them gangbang her over and over again

maybe even join in
But that's fucking gay. No more wannabe animes please
You just hate fun, don't you?
what's more fun than a wonder woman gangbang with supes and bats?

The fact that you can makes Supes or Bats develop feelings for Wondy or each other and watching him kill those who he loves without him being powerless to stop this cycle and him knowing full well what would happen

It's a wonderful form of Mind Break
He'll get to that once he mind controls Grodd and Ultra Humanite.
just mindbreak her through the gangbang

>The fact that you can makes Supes or Bats develop feelings for Wondy or each other

That's terrible, stupid! If you make the Trinity fall in love each other you run the risk of making them much more powerful as a three-way couple!

A-at least... that's what some fanfics told me...
>but the humor looks closer to the Teen Titans cartoon than TTGO
This is not the first time I've seen this comparison, but Teen Titan's humor was pretty much just restricted to silly anime faces so I don't really get it.

This new show is best compared to Batman: Brave and the Bold.
Steven Universe sprinkles lore here and there but mostly it's just a slice of life show. If "life" was tumblr, that is
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What's Mongul going to do with the Joker?
Not fun allowed, I see
I already hate cyborg
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They get Hamill and Conroy but put them in this garbage?
hes gonna do what Batman never had the guts to do
this show is not your taste buddy
You are correct.
What are you on about, the animation is great for a TV series format, and paired with the art style it's unrestricted.
That was actually looking really fun and is pretty much exactly how I've been wanting them to make Toyman like for awhile now. So that's cool.

Looks like a more fun fighting game than Injustice 2.
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Maybe. The style looks lazy and bland even if the animation quality is high.
>It's a everyone wants to rape the Joker episode
Written by: James Gordon
>Making WonderWoman a super feminazi who considers her teammates "sidekicks"

I hope this show crashes hard
Oh hey, it's "friends don't joke around like that" guy. Remember, man. If "All the friends I ever had were assholes," that likely means you're the asshole.
You're confusing this for The Killing Joke.
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>based Jaime's new design has Spider-Man eyes and no mouth
Aw yiss. I like it.
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You know what? I don't even care that it looks like Ben 10 Omniverse 2.0 or that it's 11min, after everything that's happened in the past two days I need this.
do not reply
Why is Chronos a randumb idiot?
>Please be enemies.

This is looking pretty damn neat.
I am very excited. ETRIGAN THE DEMON WHEN
The Killing Joke was great, especially the part with Batgirl at the beginning! I think Batman should be dark and edgy every time. What were they thinking with this whole SJW Wonder Woman sidekicks thing? Ugh!

that guy
Is that voice fitting for Chronos?
Justice League Go!
Not at all
More like Teen Titans (2003) meets Justiice League.
This doesn't look that interesting. Probably going to pass on this one.
why do i feel like this is going to suck
That looks so dope. Is that Ken Jeong as Toyman?
He doesn't have the mentality of a 14 year old.
>the black and the Asian being excited by a fighting game
Accurate tbf
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I was thinking the same thing!

Show looks pretty freakin' sweet. Can't wait for it to come out.

Episode 70 to 86 of Steven Universe is one arc with every episode running into the next one.

CN has been a lot more about serialized storytelling generally.
Oh man, speaking of which, I hope Captain Marvel/Thunder/Shazam shows up
>serious time manipulating criminal mastermind
>stupidly referring to Blue Beetle as "weird flying kid"
>Smugly says "Did you see my parkour skills?" while falling on his face
>derpy kung fu noises while cackling like an idiot
>Animation isn't flash
>Art style takes effort to draw
>Action cartoon
I give it a year.
the only thing i didn't like was Chronos' voice
otherwise it looks great.

More like The Brave and The Bold: Justice League edition
>his new show is best compared to Batman: Brave and the Bold.
The humor in this is nothing like BatB. Its incredibly childish (Street Fighter II references) so yeah he is right its definitely more like TT and no its humor wasn't restricted to anime faces jackass.
Okay we get it you didn't like TT no need to chimp out whenever someone brings up a comparison.
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Omniverse is great and you're a loser
the reason why is compared to BtB is because it works under the same formula, "Main character/cast is a popular character who team up with a more obscure and not as popular character in order to give it more exposure" and the formula seems to be going to a guest character/team for episode plus one or more members of the trinity, which is exactly like BTB but with less batman.
If you actually had followed the shows development you would know they plan to include a lot of B and C listers and the series, exactly like BTB did.
They are going to have Space Cabbie for fuck sake
Both are true, but that's not the point.
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>Wonder Woman's hair
He's a faggot that keeps fake retiring it. Blame him
Hamill kinda did for a while, I remember he got a lot of praise for voicing the spectre in Brave and the Bold.
Man, this show is going to be a reaction image goldmine
Its kind of like a mashup of TT03, JLU, and BATB
I hope Superman will actually be strong this time, unlike the DCAU version.
I do believe he was featured at a panel for the show. He was one of the character concept boards.

Justice League GO!

even randomer edition.
>muh power levels

Actually he has a point. They had to nerf Superman considerably in the JL/JLU series so that he doesn't seem too powerful compared to other heroes (although, as an unfortunate side-effect it also made him look like Superchump instead of Superman).

Look up the interviews and you'll find the show's staff explicitly mentioning it.
Weaker Superman means weaker everyone else. Darkseid is a lot less impressive, for example. I never understood why they had to nerf Superman.
Non-nerfed Superman = other's are useless
Not if they get stronger too. You know, like in the comics...?

As long as it's not Silver Age Superman, we should be fine. Even then it could work if we did it the way they did.
>Not if they get stronger too.
This isn't DBZ.
Exactly. In DBZ everyone sucks except for Goku. In DC, everyone has their own power and is actually helpful.
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"Mongul, Gotham needs your help..."
Mongul and Chronos are awful.
No, you are.
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>tfw you remember that original DB manga and DBZ anime was supposed to turn focus on Gohan after Goku died, but autistic fans demanded that Goku returns while Gohan plays not a second, but fourth fucking fiddle to him
So what's up with them not getting Tim Daly to voice Supes? Is he blacklisted or something?

Maybe he was just unavailable or whatever. It's not like it would be the first time Tim Daly didn't voice Superman.
My only complaint is that this is following the stupid 10-15 minute format all CN shows follow now. I want my 20-25 minute cartoons back.
Yeah that was a huge mistake. This is why you never let fans have more priority over you. Never sell out.
Why? Cartoons used to be 6-7 minutes long and those were awesome.
Is it true that this won't have much character development or plot? I heard it's mostly just fighting, ala Fleischer Superman (but not quite as good).


>reading DB after Goku was revealed to be a saiyan

When? Longer episodes means more content.
more content doesn't mean quality content.
More content? Usually that just means more filler. Watch an episode of Superman TAS where a 5 minute adventure is dragged out for 20 minutes, and look at how coherent and concise a 7 minute adventure is in The New Adventures of Superman.
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he is in
Silver-age level strength Superman is fun. And manageable in this show's format.
they did use silver age supes in BTB, but then again he only appeared in 2 episodes.


who is that horned lady next to Lobo?
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>"like in the comics"
One: it gets really goddamned absurd when you have literal gods walking around with the power to turn metal into air and life into death and yet there is STILL petty crime and normies in the world.
Also, how do dudes like Batman get stronger??
>Weaker Superman means weaker everyone else. Darkseid is a lot less impressive, for example
You are a chump, kid.
You just naturally make Darkseid stronger.
So the heroes have to actually work at it to stop him.
It's better than in the comics, where everyone is as strong as you want, anon, but then Darkseid gets handed the Jobberseid ball every few issues.
probably Satan Girl, not 100% sure though.
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this is what i hoped super hero squad would be like. this is targeted at families, 80s and 90s kids who are starting or started a family. 9/10 good entry level DC cartoon for new fans
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Not sure how I feel about bug-eyed J'onn
SHS was that is just that the characters designs were unappealing at first glance.
Still that show has the greatest version of the Punisher i ever seen.
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>Hawkman is wearing a shirt
Well that's just wrong.

Young Justice at least had the decency to give him some bare arms.
what did punisher do
So references make it childish? What about that Batmite episode of Brave and the Bold that referenced Duck Twacy?
Sinestro is giving me a very Freddie Mercury vibe for some reason, it must be the jacket.
that is not sinestro, that is Black Lightning
the poor quality of the picture makes his skin look red rather than black.
LITERALLY a semen demon.
Sure it's not Mr Terrific?
hum now that you mention it, it is Mr Terrific's color scheme, but i can't see shit on his face so I'm not sure, if i could see the T on his face then i would be sure.
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taht was the single greatest food related rant i've ever seen. thank you anon
IMO the Suicide Slum should cease to exist after a couple of years of Superman fixing it up. That's one thing I didn't like.

On Batman, just look at his older comics (not too far back though) and a couple of recent ones. He can make better gadgets and suits. Personally I would like a return to the martial arts techniques and chemicals that he would use. It's not really that difficult, especially if you realize that it has been done successfully already.
Glad to see another jamiefan likes it. I never liked the mouth with no nose thing.
Joker seems to be a bit toned down, I'm okay with that. I was getting tired of him being overly OP ion the comics. That Batman and Superman seem spot on. Need to see more on Flash, but he seems alright and I need to see more on Mongul before making a comment

I enjoyed the little dance scene, and Cyborg being closet game geek works out for me, especially since it sounds like Khary Payton is doing his voice again
Jaime seems sufficiently fun and enjoyable here, and Batman still feels pretty spot on so far.
Chronos is atad silly, but I like it.

From what I've seen I am looking forward to this show
Who cares? Even if it ends up somehow being good, it's automatically getting canned less than two or one seasons in.

I doubt it. CN seems to have something against purely action-driven shows, but can work with action shows that are heavy on humor. JLA seems to be the latter, so it might survive.
>Joker seems to be a bit toned down,

It's refreshing to see the Joker like that and pulling typical Joker pranks, instead of an edgelord who happens to laugh.

The funny thing while I like this Joker in a way I was okay with how he's portrayed in Suicide Squad. I think when we see him in an actual role instead of a supporting role we will see something more from him
Everything about the show seems neat so far but I wish it wasn't restricted to 11-minutes.
sadly 11 minutes is the new norm for cartoons now, they want to get episodes out quickly and fast with as many shows to accommodate that hour space as possible.
However if the writing team is confident they can probably string episodes together to tell longer stories if need be and maybe even create overarching seasonal plots if they want

Seems to be par for the course on CN nowadays, sadly.
>This looks okay, but why is Chronos' voice so gaddamn annoying? That's pretty much the only thing that bothered me about these clips. Everything else looks okay.
>not liking Brussels Sprouts

Fucking shit tier taste Punisher
Who are you quoting?
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Diana looks sassy as fuck.
I hate it.
Old Diana was nice but rather cold and serious. Which made her fun side all the more appealing. She had a business side and a fun side. And almost never let the two mix when in a serious situation.

Meh. It'll probably be because this show is more teen titans level of humor. JL/U was always a bit more serious than Teen Titans. Maybe it'll be like those old 2000-2005 super hero shows where it starts off mostly humorous but quickly slips into some serious ratings pushing territory as it goes on. Like Legion of Superheroes that was a kick ass show.

So far the humor is spot on and the animation rather nice. Not feeling the art direction for some of the characters. But I can deal with it.
It's not? You do realize there are a such thing as 2-part episodes right? I'd say this is more freedom because they don't have to add so much filler to small stories.
>not muh

Let different versions of the character exist. I don't even know enough about Wonder Woman to claim to be able to say which one is the "real" version. Do you? Which comics?

An attempt to make him look more like a traditional grey alien I suspect

Far easier to write stories for a Superman with more weaknesses I would presume
Definitely. In fact, I think that's their reason. I just think that it's a lazy way to write Superman.
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Only comparing the show to previous shows. Didn't really consider the comics when there's other closer material to compare [JL/U].

>Let different characters
I said I hated it I didn't say it shouldn't exist.
Besides the only reason I hate it because this version feels so similar to other characters rebooted to be "sassy/cool/hip" I hate that style of character in general because it's so hard not to make such a character obnoxious and with little character development.
That's just what I'm so worried about by what little I've seen.

And seeing as how this show is more on the silly side than the JL/U I figured something more along the lines of Omniverse and Legion of superheroes. And I really enjoyed those shows. So my opinion is more than likely to change once I see her in action.
Better a weaker Superman than no Superman at all, senpai.
Well he looks pretty fast right now
I want to flip Action!Diana's skirt up.
Hannibal Buress was confirmed to be voicing Mr. Terrific, so it's probably him.
>Today at San Diego Comic-Con, it was announced that Ken Jeong, Patton Oswalt and Hannibal Buress have joined the cast of Justice League Action.
>Oswalt (Ratatouille) is playing Space Cabby, while Jeong (The Hangover, Community) is voicing Toyman and Buress (Neighbors, Daddy's Home) is doing the voice work for Mr. Terrific. It's a busy time for Mr. Terrific, now that Echo Kellum has become a series regular as Curtis Holt (the future Mr. Terrific) on Arrow.

They're gonna have Superman no matter what in a JL show. They need to stop being pusses about it.
>Buress is doing the voice work for Mr. Terrific.
That's a weird fucking choice. Buress can't play anyone besides Buress.
I feel bad for Kevin. Hamill's got all that Star Wars money, but Conroy's main casting is Batman, and his voice is going. You can hear it in recent stuff.

Apparently, he's Plas in this, so that'll be interesting.
Okay, genius, explain how you make Superman NOT just make the majority of the team look redundant while also keeping him just as powerful and having villains weaker than he is.
>autistic fans
more like autistic editors
Ugh, could you not?
Don't be silly, anon. She's just a cartoon.
I don't like how Toyman looks. I wish they would have gone with the black jester or the STAS look.
I like that they're going with Hiro Okamura, but I wish he looked like the comic version or the Superman/Batman Public Enemies version
That's supposed to be Hiro? The guy is short but not a midget. And the head is too big, he looks more like a Doctor Psycho.
>the reason why is compared to BtB is because it works under the same formula, "Main character/cast is a popular character who team up with a more obscure and not as popular character in order to give it more exposure" and the formula seems to be going to a guest character/team for episode plus one or more members of the trinity, which is exactly like BTB
They did that shit with Justice League Unlimited its not something unique to BatB at all. You're just grasping for straws due to how subpar this shit looks
Are you seriously fucking saying a Dick Tracy reference is in the same level of cringe as Street Fighter?
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Street Fighter reference instead of Mortal Kombat which was the series that was actually used in a crossover game? DC isn't faithful.
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He's a blend of Superman TAS Toyman and Hiro.
>Are you seriously fucking saying a Dick Tracy reference is in the same level of cringe as Street Fighter?
No. I'm saying there's no cringe in either of them.

Hannibal Burress is going to voice Mr. Terrific.

I really dislike that Patton is in this but the rest of the cast is great and works.

though I have a minor gripe and its the subtle recastings that keep occuring, originally Kevin Conroy was annouced he would also be Plastic Man in addition to reprising Batman but Dana Snyder is now Plastic Man.

Imari Williams was confirmed for Mongul but John DiMaggio is voicing him now.

what gives?
>John DiMaggio is voicing him now.
Goddamit. I fucking hate DiMaggio.
u wot m8?
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>I have a situation in my apartment right now. I have a surplus of pickle juice in my apartment, too much pickle juice left that the pickles – I don’t like throwing out the pickle juice...that feels wasteful. So really I have been dipping my fingers in the pickle juice and I flick it on my sandwiches for flavor like that. Right, how many flicks they take to properly flavor ham sandwich? Between seven and eleven depending on how big your fingers are and how long you leave them immersed in the pickle juice. There’s lots of variables, I studied this.

>I get home one day and all the pickle juice is gone. I asked my roommate, "Hey man, what happened to the pickle juice?" He said, "I threw it away, It’s just pickle juice." I said, "It’s not just pickle juice, I flick that on my sandwiches for flavor." I told them, "Hey man, you know I got to hurt one of your lizards now." He has like seven lizards that’s way too many lizards, they don’t do shit. They have never been on Animal Planet, they’re not even famous lizards. They are random lizards. They chill in my apartment all day to have lights on them all the time, but they won’t put any money on the light bill, who these lizards get all these free lights, I pay for my lights, I will fry one of those lizards, and have a lizard sandwich and flick pickle juice on it.

He's also Lobo and Darkseid in this apparently.
It's hard to see after JLU ;_;
I don't mind; neat design choice like %90 of the rest of the art we've seen for this
I love it!
I need you to rape the joker (god im a nerd for getting this joke)
>DiMaggio as Darkseid
Goddammit, who the Hell thought this was a god idea?
>Apparently, he's Plas in this, so that'll be interesting.

No, that's Dana Snyder.
Am I the only one getting some Teen Titans vibe from this?
Atleast from the humour and anime expressions any way.
Yeah, especially with Toyman's arm movements when he was quickly pressing buttons and then laughing.
>Dana Snyder

WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME? Ughhh it's my trigger word!!
The first one sold the sold the show for me.
>They did that shit with Justice League Unlimited its not something unique to BatB at all.
Honestly not really, JLU dropped the main cast like they were made of uranium and they barely featured outside of episodes that focused specifically on them.
>Old Diana was nice but rather cold and serious.
Classic, Sensation Comics Wonder Woman is sassy as fuck and loves fun. She's only cold and serious in spinoff media and cameos in other books. She's a wonder woman, not mom.
>tfw no wonder mommy
>superman with no undies, but with yellow in belt
>blue beetle with a spiderman mask
>dat fucking wondy hair

i love these designs so far
Oh damn Chronos got that Sharingan skillz
>Black heroes is the same
Who hates DiMaggio? That's some shit taste.
>Good DiMaggio roles:
Bender, Joker, Rico, Aquaman

>Bad DiMaggio roles
Drakken, Jake

He's okay.
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No, Jim. I won't allow it!

What is wrong with you?
I don't hate him but I like him alot less after seeing him chimp out about the election on Twitter.
Why doesn't Gordon just rape the Joker?
Both DC and the MK fanbase want to forget about MK vs DC universe
I like how Bats has a different design in the past.
I dislike blue beetles design though, I mean, no mouth or pupils?
I would've pefered he played Joker, he was good in under the red hood.
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How do you support shows like this when you don't have cable? Would like to keep it going. Just buy DVDs and toys?

Also, speaking of new shows, have we seen anything of pic related?
Looks good, love the designs. The bat emblem sucks though.
Cable television is a dying medium anyway
I like that he embarrasses himself in front of the team, like he's the team's kid.

So that he acts like Teen Titans Cyborg but it contrasts with his more professional teammates.
>Are you getting animation mixed up with art direction again?
Probably an anime fan. They always get that shit mixed up.

>The style looks lazy and bland
Nah, it looks p. decent actually.
>Leotard Harley

Thank you Warner Animation.
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I am really interested in seeing Harley. This has to be the first time her classic costume has been used in like four or five years.
I like it when the Joker is clearly out of his league and gets his ass handed to him any time he tries to mess with someone not from Gotham.
looks really good
I hope this isn't just punching like I heard. I want characterization and plot.


>cold and serious

What? When? Diana is never cold and serious, at least not when written well. She's compassionate and sweet.
>Meta Gorillas gangbanging Diana

Didn't know I wanted this. Thanks anon.
I mean, Gorillas have really tiny penises even when erect. I would just have Solomon Grundy go to town on her with some other DC Hulk, Blockbuster I guess.
I remember reading somewhere that it was him.

Oh well, back into the cowl you go, Kevin.
Wow, actual guns? This is gonna be great.
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