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Invincible Iron Man #1

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Riri Williams by bendis
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Wasn't this the chick that built her own big clunky warmachine armor or something?

This 'ironheart' suit in comparison looks super lame and generic.
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yeah cause when you're inventing something from scratch, style ALWAYS take front seat over function. Dumbass
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What are you even saying?

This is a question of comicbook artist design, its a super lame skinny ironman costume.
Even Rescue was more original in looks for a 'female iron man'.
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Salty as fucking fuck that Stefano Caselli is being wasted.
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its a touch a realism in an land of make believe. First time builder of an ironman suit. Im sure you would build a far better and stylish one. Tony had a lifetime of making suits from his first clunker to finally get where he is
This is so by the numbers
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You're a fucking idiot. That other anon is saying that the mech armor is far better than "ANAD Iron Man but with tits".
You aren't making any sense, do you even understand what the original post was about?
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>Second panel
Scooby Apocalypse's Shaggy?
I like the forcefield bubbles, though. It's better than having her have an identical powerset to Tony.
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>your knuckles say Cobra
Tobase tekken! Roketto Panchi!
>hurr fuck da poleece
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Is Bendis really doing kid lesbians?
Leave it to Bendis to remember his OC.
And it all go narratively nowhere
Aaaand we're doing the whole Black Lives Matter thing. Okay.
I don't even mind it in shit like Sam Wilson or Nighthawk but jeez, can we not have ~one~ black hero who doesn't do this?
I may be biased because of Caselli's art, but I thought that was actually pretty good
>It's like it was mean to be!
Oh for fucks sake
Cool, they didn't just made iron MAN into a black teenage girl, they also made Stark her bitch, the kind that asks for it.

It doesn't even make any sense here, the officers can't tell if this hero is black or white.
>no panties
And this is how Punisher came to be.
Don't worry Bendis also killed black iron man for his OC. So its really his OC's trump all
It wasn't as bad as I expected, yeah. That's not saying much, but I'll probably at least read along until I get a feel for if she's going to be totally boring.
It's just a pity about the mechsuit being replaced with the skinsuit.
Her arms got exposed, for some dumbfuck reason, when she used the rocket fists.
Why there wouldn't be any sort of protective covering underneath, I don't know.
She hates guns >:(
She has her reasons.
isn't this chick in the xmen, fighting the O5 ?
Why didn't the cops right there just blow the muties brains out?
Goldballs is there
I can't believe Riri did the flying rocket fist trick before Hellion

And in a Bendis book
now that's just overkill
>This 'ironheart' suit in comparison looks super lame and generic.
>, its a super lame skinny ironman costume.

you're both retarded. I hope our next president deports your kind
She fought the O5 at the start of Battle for the Atom

iirc she was actually responsible for young Cyke dying and kickstarting the event

Bendis then brought her back to fight the New Xavier School kids who were kicked out by Cyclops after Tempus undid the Xavier's Will arc, and were trying to become public heroes. with Goldballs becoming the most popular. And then the media found out he was a mutant and everything went to hell
Sure this isn't Chicago or Detroit?
What bothers me most here isn't that she's the "new" Iron Man.
It's that she looks exactly the same.
Ok, she's a genius. She had her punisher moment and what's to go beat up badguys.
So she makes a suit that looks EXACTLY like Tony built it?

There's more than one way to skin a powerarmoured cat
Come one artists
Its Chicago
The mecha suit looks alot cooler.

Superhero comics need more actual mech suits when it comes to power-armoured capes, instead of them just wearing what is almost regular skintight superhero shit with just a couple of panel lines here and there.
Mutant lives matter activist would throw a fit
It'd have been a great idea because they could have riffing between the two.
A mecha suit works more for a teenage girl.
In a regular Iron Man suit, the user is doing the punching and what have you and the suit is amplifying it.
In a mecha suit, it's more like the user is guiding it.
It's more detached and less personal
What is supposed to be happening here?
There is a tone problem to me.
Here >>87579541 you got harsh violence and here >>87579565 goofy violence. And this book goes from one to another as if they were on the same level.
Black on Black violence.

The Dad doing a diving save to try and knock the girls out of the way of the continuing gunfire.

How many bullets did the shooter fire though? In the time it took everyone to realize what was going on and then react he must have went through more than one mag and had to reload.
Yeah, having got past "holy shit, a Bendis comic about a Bendis OC that's not unbearably Bendis", you're right. The tone and pacing is pretty off; the whole thing just sort of wobbles along without finding a groove.
Here's hoping for improvement. ahahaha no
Driveby shooting.
There was gunfire? That first panel made it look like the basketball was ricocheting off of shit or something.
Was it technically a driveby? The car was parked when the youths with the basketballs went up to it, then whatever verbal confrontation was involved between them all caused the people in the car to start shooting before pulling away.
>Marvel citizens


Is that a fucking Incredibles reference?
Bendis's drivebys involve people talking. God knows why they didn't make twenty circles around before shooting them.
Shit, I think you're right
Is there ANY hero left, which parents are NOT dead, yet?
Dead as in killed or dead as in passed?
Rider Nova, anyway.
More a rethorical qestion. It is just kind of boring to see, that so many Avengers have dead parents, that they could name it the "Club of Orphans".
Easiest motivator. Look at massacre of Kyle's girlfriends in GL to give him motivation.
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So her (black) Dad left her family, yeah?
Well, Riri is just one critical Vietnam-Moment away from wearing a Skull on her shirt.
If her mom bit the bullet, Frank would be replaced, not Tony.
>Push me

I was hoping it was a bomb. That would've been funny.
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I liked Lex Luthor's original bulky 'fuck you' suit.

and Titanium Man was cooler than most of Tony's armours.
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Oh boy, convoluted subplot about her real dad being Kang or someone like that incoming
>"Why are comic books readers so misogynistic/homophobic/racist."
>Make new minority/lgbt character
>literally palette swap of an old character
This shitty trend won't end well.
This can't actually be serious
Isn't that the case with Bendis and his black kids?
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Marvel and DC both need to get more /m/ like that
I think what I hate most about this is this is another case of Marvel having it's diversity cake and eating it too...

I wouldn't have minded a few more issues of Riri fine-tuning her AI but with this reveal, the fix is not only in to bring Tony back but it also paints a shadow over all of Riri's own narratives...
better than /co/ promised me it would be
They mainly reserve it for villains sadly.

STRIPE is the only hero with a bulky mech suit I can think of off the top of my head. Even when Lex went good he slimmed his power suit down.
>Implying Riri will be here to stay
Literally Moon Girl with better parenting.
I don't think it was bad, but the bit with her friend and dad dying should have been an issue by itself.

Also yeah the bulky first suit is way better than the copy Iron Man suit.
I mean goddammit she doesn't even bother using her own variant color scheme or anything, its literally just Stark Standard,
It's the faceplate that gets me.
The faceplate is super important for identity.

First she goes from the former standard and then her new suit is straight up the same as Tony's new suit.

Honestly, it looks a lot more like she stole the suits rather than made them
I really hope she makes something unique over the course of the series. I mean even Miles' suit is different to Peters.
>make new Ironman derivative
Oh cool! I love seeing the different designs that artists come up with for alternate Ironman suits.

>just gives her a slimmer version of the current Iron Man suit
Fucking WHY?! At least give her something unique. A different color scheme, some unique design element, not this.
This suit is so much more interesting than the one she ends up getting. All it needed was a better color scheme, but the big bulky design is actually pretty cool
Is she going to get an ability anywhere near as bullshit OP as VENOM STING that lets her 1-hit-KO any opponent and win all fights instantly? Because thats all it takes to make people like your new character right, have them be able to beat everyone else.
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>Suit is exactly the same. REEEEEEEEE
Are you retarded?
Pretty sure they're just setting her up with a friend to keep her from going full autistic shut-in.
It's 99% the same
It looks like it's designed by the exact same person.

Oh no, the diamond on her forehead glows blue instead of not.
What a huge difference

God. There is no faster way to make me hate a character than them being born geniuses.
Oh great, place your bets, who is going to be her super secret dad?

Nick Fury Jr.? T'Challa? Blue Marvel?
It's going to be stretched out over years and then be really disappointing.
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They looks incredibly samey and boring, with no effort in making them individualistic or different like when comparing the big armor she uses in this issue to them.

It ain't exactly hard to make stark armours notably different even when he is personally building himself, look at the RESCUE suit compared to those.
This just makes Riri the Super Genius seem super derivative.
Okay, you know, a modular suit could be a pretty neat gimmick if they ever take her back to the mech design. (Which they're gonna have to if she's staying around; there's no way she can coexist with Tony in the Iron Man-lite suit.) Villain manages to get hold of her by one arm, she just detaches it and decks them in the face with the rest of the suit. That'd be cool!
Jesus, man, I'd love if they took her down the autistic shut-in route. At least it'd be SOMETHING, and a teenage girl in college being able to make friends easily would be appropriate.
Christ. I'm so mad. There's so many interesting things that could be done with Riri based on what's already established with her, but it's not going to happen, because she's being written by goddamn Bendis!
S.H.I.E.L.D agent.
>a teenage girl in college being able to make friends easily
NOT being able to make friends easily, rather.
Guys, I think I'm coming around on this chick. I really wish she would just keep this suit instead of the Ironheart one.
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What the FUCK did that have anything to do with "Black Lives Matters"? She's an unrecognized person in gigantic grey armor, punching and shooting shit all around her, they're going to ask her to stand down, black or not.
It's a lot better than I expected. Kind of by the numbers, but it was a solid tried-and-true origin. This went from something that I was just reading out of morbid curiosity and for something to shitpost about to something that I'll at least check out the storytimes for. At least for now.
If you don't think Bendis would do a hamhanded BLM allegory in the year two thousand and sixteen, I don't know what to tell you.
>Rider Nova, anyway.
Anon, I've got some bad news for you. The Nova #1 preview reveals that Rich's dad died while Rich was MIA.
You actually want Bendis to be MORE decompressed? I was actually really impressed by Bendis' restraint in dragging it out.
>Nova #1 preview
Woah woah woah, back the fuck up. Where?
>Five year old super genius
What the fuck? This is bullshit
No I mean it'd be better if the origin was in a later issue with more pages and set up for the death.

I'd be okay with it if the next few issues show flashbacks to her reaction to the deaths and other things.
She's a black person who got threatened and then shot by the police.

That's what it's all about

If you made it even crazier, say, she was a green alien surrounded by blue alien police and she's shot, would that not be a BLM allegory either?
Unlettered preview. Saw it in a /co/ thread the other day which should still be in the archive or findable with some googling.

It's not said explicitly, but it shows Rich and his mother by their mantle with Rich holding a picture of his dad while both him and his mom look sad. It may not be the case but it sure as shit looks like the case based off of that one unlettered page.
>What the fuck? This is bullshit
Valeria Richards was the third smartest person in the world after Reed and Doom at the age of 3. Being a super genius at 5 is nothing. The Future Foundation is FULL of 5 year old supergeniuses.
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Oh please, Bendis has no respect Kang. Her real father will actually be a former SHIELD agent.

I'm just glad to see him doing something again. I was wondering where the hell he was after pre-secret wars avengers books.
Oh, I agree with you there. Introducing her then killing her off makes the pathos feel a bit hollow since she becomes less of a character and more of a plot device to motivate the hero, but I appreciate them just getting it out of the way instead of dragging it out because Bendis would and has dragged out an origin over a full arc before.
>Her real father will actually be a former SHIELD agent.
Can almost guarantee it.
Oh, cool.
That kind of sucks, but at least the art looks good. I'm hopeful.
Did they go with the darker tone for Sam's skin? The lighting makes it hard to tell.
>Superhero saves the day
>Cops shoot at the superhero without even saying a word even though they never bothered shooting at the villain
I hate Marvel citizens
Got to agree with you on that. I think if they cut out the flashback and gave this issue a bit more breathing room it would've flowed better.
That's assuming Bendis has an ounce of skill left in him.
Tony Stark, James Rhodes, and the dozens of heroes and villains who used power armor for years with no AI say hello.
I dunno, I actually weirdly have hope for this series.

Sounds odd but maybe because it's not set in New York. I like that.
I'm hoping we at least get more flashbacks with them.
Why doesn't Tony just make himself a robot body? Why not ask THE VISION for help?
Yeah but this one has rocket fists

She could at least have left it grey. The suit can take any shape, but there are no design elements of her original armor at all.

So yeah, I agree with anon, it's dull.
>Why doesn't Tony just make himself a robot body? Why not ask THE VISION for help?
Iron Doom suggests that he's deliberately keeping his survival secret for... some reason.
Honestly, why not just leave on the head fins? One job, guys.
I enjoied it.
And she have a cool power-set, i hope she doesnt lost it with the new armor, im tired of the lasers
Remember how Bendis claimed he was gonna fix Iron Man's rogues gallery by revamping his classic villains and creating cool new villains?
Instead he's just recycling a crappy villain from his X-Men run and given no real depth.
I love this meme where genius kids are written like adults. Smart kids feel bored IN CLASS or feel frustrated with not getting enough explanation about how things work from adults, they don't feel bored "at the world" in general. Write an introverted smart kid who's got children's curiosity but overthinks things in his/her mind, not Valeria Richards 2.0
Some people are born with a very high IQ, anon, it happens.
I'm not defending this shit comic, but it happens
>I'm just glad to see him doing something again. I was wondering where the hell he was after pre-secret wars avengers books.
All New Inhumans.
>Iron Doom suggests that he's deliberately keeping his survival secret for... some reason.
No one can try to kill you if they think you're dead

As we all would, had we but the opportunity.

>Her arms got exposed, for some dumbfuck reason, when she used the rocket fists.
>Why there wouldn't be any sort of protective covering underneath, I don't know.

Because she's 15 and she's not very good at this yet.

Then again, she's a super-genius, right?


Oddly enough not: Tony used zero-point energy before.

Although THAT might have been an Incredibles ref.


It's probably gonna turn out to be Rhodey or something.
So how long before Riri tanks and we forget about this whole mess? I wait, Miles and Whor are still a thing, never mind
He was the regular artist on All-Nnew Inhumans iirc, he still is Marvel exclusive and kind of a big name now so they wouldn't leave him without work for too long
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WAIT! Ironman is a woman now? Are you fucking kidding me?

That might not be a problem precisely because it IS a problem.


...That was pretty much the point of Iron Man to begin with.
She's actually Ironheart.
DOCTOR DOOM is the new Iron Man.

Um... no, Iron Man is succeeded by a girl who takes up his role.

This is not like over at Thor. It's more like Cap.
Yeah, they darkened Sam up.
Iron Man being a born genius was something eventually retconned in. At first, he was just as smart industrialist that was good wih transistors. But like every smart guy in comics he got, for lack of a better term, power creeped.
>LITERALLY pop pop pop watching niggas drop
>But like every smart guy in comics he got, for lack of a better term, power creeped.
No, this is Ironheart. Not Iron Man.

Iron Man is now a middle-aged Latverian man named Victor von Doom.
Huh, I actually liked this issue more than Iron Doom's first issue. Kinda figured it'd be the opposite.
Despite what Miles would suggest, Bendis is at his best when he's writing a fresh start or new character that doesn't depend on existing continuity.
Hell, even Miles' first couple of arcs were mediocre at worst.
>DOCTOR DOOM is the new Iron Man.
>Iron Man is now a middle-aged Latverian man named Victor von Doom.

Ok, I'm done, that's what happens for visiting /co/
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...You don't say.

Tales of Suspense #41.


You forgot 'Dashingly handsome".
huh, I didn't assume she lived in a shit neighborhood, cuz that's fucked.

Dude, how did you not know this? Were you stranded on a deserted island, forced to live by your wits and archery skills?
> be me
> six years old
> sent to some counseling shit because not doing my school work
> spend a few days talking with this random grown up who tells me he wants to be my friend
> we play board games and he asks me alot of questions about random shit
> one day gives me a test and them talks with my mom
> don't see him again
> a few years later mom takes away my nintendo
> looking for it while she's at work and find some papers which claim to have my results for some thing
> talks about iq score in relation to the population
> says i'm a gifted child that needs more challenging assignments and needs to interact more with my peers
> read this
> your daughter has tested at a level -- what they now refer to as super genius
> super genius
who writes this shit
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Brah. Really? I'm 100% certain that cops who live in a world were superheroes save their lives don't fucking shoot them or pull guns on them. Fuck this marvel shit!
Honestly stopped reading and watching /co/ material like almost 3 years ago, I just come once in a while to see what's new and for the sake of nostalgia

This is the Marvel universe.

'Genius' is probably "160 and over" like we have and 'Supergenius' is "We have no fucking idea how to even test her".
Its off pacing because Marvel doesnt care about build up. Like others said I would like a few more issues on RiRi by herself but her whole story is blown in one issue.
Its like Marvel wants the black comic book reader but knows that they can lose their /pol/ teir readers so they race through a story to remind folks that Tony is still here dont drop the book from your reading list
>Honestly, it looks a lot more like she stole the suits rather than made them

Well she is a thief. The first time we see her, she stole a whole bunch of shit from her classmates and probably screwed them out of graduating.

Dick move. At least Tony wasn't personally napalming Vietnamese children.
We don't know the race of the shooter. Also did anyone else feel like it was out of place considering that Riri's family appears to be solidly middle-class and nearly everyone else in scene was white?
Are you saying white supremacists are going to be IronFrankGirl's Mobsters?
It's the Marvel Universe, anon. Everything is cranked up there, to the point where Reed ran an entire school for super geniuses. They were turning them away since Moon-Girl was rejected from the Future Foundation basically because she was already 9 years old and hadn't built a quantum engine or some shit. The top student at the school was Reed's daughter, a 4 year old that ranked as one of us the smartest people in the world.

Now, that school of children is helping God Reed rebuild and map the multiverse. They're only ~5-10 years old and already helping a cosmic being create universes.

Anything less than super-genius in the Marvel Universe is not noteworthy.
Anon, this is the middle of Wyoming. They kept saying as much. All that superhero shit happens in New York City. Most of these people have probably never seen monsters or superheroes outside of their televisions or the internet.

One of them being a bit trigger happy shouldn't be a surprise. They were probably all in shock.
He saw she was black from her arms when she fired off the rocket punch earlier, he was just looking for an excuse to shoot her in the face
While I agree, seeing Bendis have to just get on with it is refreshing. It meant he didn't have time to devote multiple pages to unnecessary Bendis speak.

Bendis' biggest problem is that when given the chance, he'll decompress shit to the point where one scene is an entire issue which leads to the usually awful back-and-forths full of Bendisspeak comes in.

Since he didn't have that luxury this issue, the pacing is tighter compared to his usual stuff and the dialogue, while not great, is serviceable. He's definitely not going to keep this pace going now that Tony is here though so yeah, the whole things moot. Still, I think it ended up being a solid first issue despite wherever it goes from here.
Way to always assume the worst of the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect their communities. Just because a police man got trigger happy and fired a shot he should haven't, which given the circumstances are understandable, doesn't mean that race had anything to do with it.
It could work if you're willing to have a narrative about Riri and her feelings of inadequacy and being under Tony's shadow.

Riri spending two years building a suit of powered armor just so she can go all Castle Doctrine because her friend and stepdad were murdered would be a far more interesting concept. Her replacing Frank has more narrative room then her replacing Tony except not really as she's got a Tony AI running things.
Alt universe where she uses a Frank Castle AI. Punisher dies in a shootout, then Microchip uploads Frank into a computer. Riri gets the AI and continues Frank's mission as Ironskull, wiping out every gang in search of the man that did the drive by that killed her parents and best friend.

Shit nigga, I'd read it.
>quite the opposite
>quite the opposite

Does he do it to troll now?

I mean, I know what kind of tone he's going for here, but he's failed so utterly it seems like he had to be trying to make it sound awkward and inhuman.
Her suit reminds of of some Gundam designs with an iron man helmet, but i can't name it if they've directly lifted anything.
I am legitimately liking the sound of that name more than Ironheart.
It's issue one, save the salt when he starts fucking up IM's rogues even worse than they are now. Plus Animax is a good villain for IM thematically, Riri's Hercules versus Animax's Echidna, even if her depiction is rather underwhelming.
There's some blatant gundam details like the feet/ankles, legs and hand design.

The marvel universe needs more gundams, would much rather see people rocking them than having Sentinels around. (Hey remember the time Marvel ripped off Evangelion units for a different design of Sentinel model?)
I may not like this entire dialogue, but I do like that Mahvel schools have systems for identifying Pym-esque supergeniuses and it's an actual issue. That's cool.

I remember there was a quest on /tg/ where it was treated like a beneficial but sometimes screwy mental condition that required people to attend mandatory psychological evaluations and counseling and such in case they got mad one day, turned their hairdrier into a death ray, and fried a dude. It was pretty cool.
>I remember there was a quest on /tg/ where it was treated like a beneficial but sometimes screwy mental condition that required people to attend mandatory psychological evaluations and counseling and such in case they got mad one day, turned their hairdrier into a death ray, and fried a dude. It was pretty cool.

That'd be a great comic series.
A bunch of supergeniuses in essentially quarantine.
I've always like the idea of delinquent supers being forced into public service.

Kind of like a kiddie Suicide Squad.
No i agree. If this was any other writer ill be way more pressed but its a godsend compared to other bendis works
I would totally be more into her character if she was a /m/ weeb.
>A bunch of supergeniuses in essentially quarantine.

Wasn't that Eureka the tv show?
Skip the Punisher AI. She starts with just the public perception of Frank only to later find his War Journals in a stash house that had been taken over by criminals. Ironskull is a great name.
Ironically, I think "Ironheart" is a perfect name for an Iron-Punisher.

"Heart of iron" has been a long standing poetic image about violent people
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>even my superfast home-grown
this just really feels out of place. Enough that it made me want to pause reading to mention it.
Yeah, it was an uncomfortably... shill-y moment, really.
Maybe a Half Life reference. The sort of mascot weapon for the game was the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, which let you grab and hold an object in front of you.

Both Incredibles and HL2 came out early 2000s
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>white lesbo hair
>shit nickname

And she's the villain! Oh happy days are upon us friend. This is a post-meme world we live in.

Niggers gonna nig
she's deformed? we can see her exposed forearms, normal people don't have upper arms that long.
I wonder if there's going to be a catch 22 where the AI tony pushes for an ironman suit but RiRi wants to use her mech suit and proprietary tech. Could be an interesting conflict and let us see more of the mech suit.
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>Marvel executive: So she's black right?
>Bendis: Yes.
>Marvel executive: So what's the "black experience"?
>Bendis: Hmm well drive bys.
>Marvel executive: Brilliant. Make it happen.
Anyone else think that "Unbreakable" would be a good adjective for Ironheart if she somehow becomes a good enough character to enjoy success in her own right? A riff on "Invincible" Iron Man and the idea of a broken heart.
Also you could make a running gag out of people assuming she's a Luke Cage knockoff instead of an Iron Man knockoff.
>>Marvel executive: So what's the "black experience"?
>>Bendis: Hmm well drive bys.
Who knew that Bendis and Trump had so much in common
but this exact thing hapend to peter all the time why make it about blm

>if she somehow becomes a good enough character to enjoy success in her own right?
Look, man. I really like the mech suit. It's a great look.
Let me dream.
Riri a cute
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No because this is Marvel
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>mfw when Sam wins the Riri bowl
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>yfw her Arch Enemy is fucking Moon Man
You mean Riri wins the Sam bowl, right?
You are getting lazy, Bendis. In the old days you would have crammed a dozen more speech balloons in this page.
>shooting unarmed people is new
Get out.
/co/, I thought I was suppose to hate this?

Martin, how the fuck do you even pronounce that?
now she a real nigga
isnt it amazing Bendis get to write black people problems? If I was one of those tumblr faggots, i would be very offended with this bullshit

> (Hey remember the time Marvel ripped off Evangelion units for a different design of Sentinel model?)

Have any pics? I need a laugh.
You'd trust a Pym to make a robot for you?
It just proves you have bad taste
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So Bendis decided to frame this book as the "healing" process to the election and he's getting shit for it

People are starting to see through Marvels shit
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>he's getting shit for it

By /co/ and that doesn't mean anything
>he's getting shit for it
Not from what I've seen.
It's like nothing. Holy crap this is bad, so so so bad. It is worth having Trump as president if this shit gets cancelled or causes Bendis to an hero.
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he was catching some shit on Twitter. not that much though
What the fuck is it with Bendis and AIs? Tony rarely used an AI in his entire career as Iron Man to help him pilot the suit. In fact, the majority of his suits relied on him using psionics and his own brain rather than an AI if I am remembering correctly.

Maybe this is Bendis trying to work towards a crisis where it is revealed that Tony's brain damage was more extensive than it was before, leading to his reliance of AIs and irrational behaviour in Civil War II as everything spiraled out of control
not trying to be a dick because you answer reasonably

but most people on /co/ (4chan in general) have twitter accounts, it's easy to make one and shitpost.

She's hot. I wanna read about her now, not Ree Ree.
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>cute star tattoo
>short white hair
>cool nickname
>rambunctious attitude

Tubmlr? More like perfection.
Animax? Isn't that a cable channel for anime shows?
We're in uncharted territories now, anon. Set aside all preconceived notions in these coming days for anything is possible.
>Ans then the--the ability to interact starts to slip...
In a normal book this would be foreshadowing, but I'm pretty sure they won't write her as an antisocial introvert.
>but most people on /co/ (4chan in general) have twitter accounts
I feel like I've been lied to. Next you're going to tell me they have facebooks and tumblrs, too. For gods sake, man. I thought we all agreed that the only site we would ever use is 4chan and turn it into an insular community with no outside contact unless it's for the sake of memes.

We need to build a wall, not only to keep all these crossposting undesirables out, but also to keep all of us true anons stuck inside.
This lacks weight to me. Picnic, chit-chat, then BOOM drive-by, killed friend and Dad. End scene.

Maybe it's because I don't live in bad neighborhoods, but it just seems random. For a book that ostensibly wants to paint black people favorably, this scene certainly doesn't.
Don't worry, the shooter will be white
>Panel 4
>tfw you can't make a tech tatoo yet.
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Next version of her suit needs oppai missiles.
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Yeah, this is shit is why Spider-man usually bugs out before the cops show up.
>implying people of co have a life outside co.

stop lying newfag
Let's me get this straight. She... tried to rob an airport the day before September 11 in America and she's still ALIVE?
His nickname was Riri which is slang for retarded. Do you seriously think he would be remotely intelligent enough to be the father shown so far?
I love the Gundam suit, but didn't she ditch it a couple issues ago?
I kinda like 34 riley and huey.
You do realize that not even a month ago he caused the death of about 1/3 of Vision's family and by family I mean the entire bloodline from Pym downwards?
I'd like to hope that even a Bendis written Tony Stark wouldn't be retarded enough to trust his life with Vision in that way.
I feel Bendis is re-writing kid Reed Richard's from ultimate fantastic four
Atleast I don't need to even do a basic read up of what happened in Civil War 2 now. Why are Marvel so terrible with their events and their schedules?
That wasn't the only example.
But... why? If a universe is based off stories, you need to be original so that the universe could survive.
They do the combat veteran cop versus mongoloid wannabe paramilitary cop pretty well.
I'm still triggered by the fucking 8 foot suit. How does she get into something that demands her arms and legs be twice as long as they actually are?
Just roll with it, man. If I can accept it with Space Marines, you can accept it with Riri.
Just accidentally freaked and shot to kill, nothing to see here, not blatantly unfit for duty.
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Probably not. He'd run into the ''sexualizing a minor'' problem again. Making a kid lesbian would be something new, though, maybe even interesting. I realized I was gay when I was 10 years old, so the idea isn't too far fetched or unrealistic either.
No. She still hasn't ditched it considering she's still using it this issue. Dunno where you got the idea otherwise.
presumably the thing has gloves and 'shoes' at the elbows and knees which read her movements and gestures
technology she STOLE from my client Mr. Stilt Man, I'll see you in court, Ms Williams
>Mom, dad, it never gets any easier to say this to parents, it's not something anyone wants to hear about their child, but... Your little girl is a super special snowflake, and it's terminal.
>Ugh, could you like, not? Ugh.
Why is Bendis mocking his audience?
Does it matter? The last two panels of this page is already enough material for it to happen outside of his control anyway.

Sometimes I stop wondering how he got elected. Like when I read your posts.
I don't understand the timing of this other than Bendis wanking it for some bullshit for his kid.

You know when this could have worked? Right at the start of ANAD Avengers and during that first skirmish, her identity gets revealed then we get this prequel backstory which can build into this whole eight year gap.

It's a giant time period where she could be trained and develop a relationship with someone that feels haunted by Secret War (especially the hand he played in the events buildng up to it)

But nope, it's Marvel bullshit with no sense of style other than OUTRAGE BLACK PEOPLE GAY PEOPLE WHATEVER trick that has been done to death.
Sasuga, Bendis.
Honestly, if you didn't see this coming, then you haven't been reading the rest of Marvel's recent line-up.

It's paint-by-the-numbers as fuck, and recycling Animax for the first issue was a bad idea, but it's salvageable. Better than Iron Doom, at least.
The cop smelled the black wafting from inside the suit and acted instinctively.
>The dumb cop who shot her was black
TAKE THAT WHITE MALES, no complaining about me being hamfisted with BLM, I'm playing 3D chess here.

t. Bendis
You'd think so, except she fires off the suit's forearms in the battle, and they're the same size as her actual arms.

So more likely she stole the space-time distorting abilities of one Stephen Strange.
>eight year gap
It's an 8 month gap, anon.
You need specialized nigger elocution apparatus (thick lips, recessed tongue, dental prognathism)
Gross art.
It's a real fucking trainwreck.
>being this assblasted

Cynicism is the currency of the defeated.


Fuckin' a.
Shoulders look a bit like optimus prime to me.
It's Deodato. Everything he makes has that weird gross look to it. I dunno if he turned to programs like Poser or what but it's been that way for at least 6 years.
>Bendis DC exclusive.png
Irondoom was so suprisingly bad. I mean. Bendis, of course. So it shouldn't have been such a surprise. But it was.
>why didn't tony's cyber ghost just encase himself in iron man armor
it was also shown that iron man suits with ais are massively more effective the ones without them

the modular armor barely lasted 5 seconds against the sentient armor
adam warren already told this story a decade ago

everyone should read iron man: hypervelocity instead of this
Wasn't that the antagonist of Superior Iron Man? Tony's consciousness inside an armor fighting against Tony's inverted body?
>everyone should read 'Iron Man: Hypervelocity'

The part I agree with. Anyway, THAT 'Tony-Ghost' was a prototype. This is the finished product.


Yes and no. It was a digital copy of Tony from a few years ago versus inverted Tony.
>It's probably gonna turn out to be Rhodey or something.
Oh god please no
D-Did she just summon obelisk the tormentor?
Sam is fucking garbage.
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Why not? Is that so bad? I mean, the odds are stupid. It would be a stupid idea.

...Fuck, no. You're just right. It's a stupid idea.


Sure looks like. Good eye.
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