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WONDER WOMAN Reshoots Confirmed

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Only two weeks, though. It's probably not getting JUST'd.

On one hand, it's the DCEU and Gal Gadot's accent.
On the other hand, feminism
How will the scores turn out?
>it's a flickreel exclusive.
Sounds legit
My last two digits.
There is no controversy that compels your marvel SJW critics to praise it unconditionally like CIS-Busters (and no Gal Gadot casting doesn't count as a "controversy")

Does this word have any meaning?
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>mfw people actually defend these movies

I actually WANT a good WW movie, and a good DCEU in general, but these awful, fake deep, style over substance, edge-fests are just plain bad.

Aflec is a serviceable Batman, better than Bale at least, I can see Drogo working as Aquaman, but what's-his-face is a boring and Gadot is a plain bad actor and looks nothing like Wondy to boot. Hack Snyder should stick to cinematography.

The movies are bad, folks. Don't believe the hype.
>I actually WANT a good WW movie, and a good DCEU in general, but these awful, fake deep, style over substance, edge-fests are just plain bad.

You can just admit you don't get it.
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Somehow this still got me mad. Maybe because they're not that complicated to begin with and there are people who actually circle jerk about the nonexistent depth
>there are people who actually circle jerk about the nonexistent depth

Yeah, it's the fucking filmmakers! Remember when they said that the movie about two mommy's-boys punching each other and then later an orc was too smart for general audiences?

It's shit and they know it. Honestly, it's funny. All they had to do was do live action versions of the DCAU movies and watch the money pour in. Someone literally did the hard part for them already and they still fucked it up.

Meanwhile Marvel is still making movies that are at least fun to watch. The Marvel universe is a fucking mess, but they know how to make a fun blockbuster.
You guys just weren't ready for filmmaking at that level, don't take it too hard though, we all have room to grow as people.

Zach, go to bed.
>the movies are bad.
That's your opinion and you're welcome to have it but your opinion is not fact no matter how often you insist it is.
His name is actually spelled "Zack", please have the courtesy to spell his name correctly.
>style over substance

Say what you will about BvS but the style definitely complimented the substance.
Oh boy, the DCEU at least had good trailers but this one was meh and the slow mo killed it. And isn't it getting sanwhiched by Transformers and other shit?
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>yfw when the post credits scene is Ares recruiting a young Adolf Hitler
WW isn't edgy though. Its actually colorful af in the trailer. I don't see a problem with Gadot's acting to be honest.
Reshoots on their own aren't too out of the ordinary, could be adding transition clips or anything. Not to defend the movie itself not that anyone even knows what the fuck it'll be like but unless there's something more solid about why it's being done I don't care too much.
Literally every movie gets reshoots. Doctor Strange had reshoots. Also


If you want to make a DC movie shitposting thread just be transparent about it.
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this is true?
Real depth, tons of substance as well as style. You're trying to meme your way out of it but BvS was amazing and had everything that makes a good movie in it and more.
>Literally every movie gets reshoots. Doctor Strange had reshoots.

But, this is the second time m8

This type of thing never happening
>not Ares rejecting Hitler's art school application and the winking at the camera
Is there a movie that DOESN'T have reshoots these days?
At this point the only possible way they could save the film is to fire absolutely everyone currently working on it and try again
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Well at the very least I'm sure they're going to be very respectful portraying the worst war in human history and show that both sides weren't really the bad guys so much as just young men who were conscripted into a meaningless clusterfuck of trea-

German's are gonna be portrayed as infant eating pseudo-Nazi's who deserve to get cut down by the hundreds by WW, aren't they?

Probably but the thematic potential of Wonder Woman in WW1 is pretty rich if they'll actually go for it.
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>Only two weeks, though

Sounds like standard reshoots then
Yeah, that's way too high. Reroll.
I think he's right though. It's a good idea. The juxtoposition of a peaceful diplomatic Diana against the backdrop of the most horrific war ever could make for a powerful story.
Just not in these hands. Never in these hands.
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Miss me?

No, it's not a good idea would be to do in WW2, against the Nazis and against the Japanese would be more interesting and original

Japanese killed more than 20 million in WW2
The last thing involving WWI Synder brought us involved steam zombie German's.
That's way too low
Reroll again
What was it?
Sucker Punch
Batman V Superman is not a perfect film but is actually pretty solid.

The other day I was watching in it with an almost 50 person that doesn't give a fuck about super heroes and was enjoying it a lot, and that person enjoys good tv shows like breaking bad and mad men.

So you may not like it but DC has been making really good movies, not perfect and they could be better but waaay more exiting than any of the watered down marvel disney films

Hell, even Apocalypse while being kind of dumb had a lot of good creative moments

no, this is a person heard about a person who's uncle works at nintendo kind of shit
There was no controversy UNTIL they praised it unconditionally.
I miss your titties, that's for sure.
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>mfw they're gonna try to find some way to make it seem like the Christmas Truce or end of the war or basically anything that was a bright spot in this extremely shitty moment of history was all Wonder Woman's doing and the Germans (like, all the Germans) were viciously against it until she beat some sense into them.
>A superhero fighting Nazis
>interesting and original

Any other bold and original ideas you have anon, how about having Hitler as villain?
Zack Snyder autism confirmed.
you know i never understood where people got the idea gadot was a bad actor from
then i saw some of the clips from wonder woman and holy shit she was horrible
it annoys me because its not that we dont get it its that whats there to get is retarded.
yeah shitty colors, nonsensical plots and gigantic shit taken on the moral core of the dc universe were a level of crap i was not ready for.

the only good about man of steel was that this superman at least made some level of sense with that terrible fucking pa kent
it would at least be true to her history
they should have just made it an adaption of a few early issues of sensation
So what if it's a mess the movie can still be decent

Apocalypse Now was a fucking mess to make and look it now
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Oh yeah, the Dr. Strange reshoots to add more jokes and bring the quality of the movie down...

And the SS reshoots to replace meaningful scenes with more dumb action...

Exactly what will happen with WW
Gadot is such a huge miscast.
Really, why is her head shaped like that?
Its fucking weird.
That's it
Yeah, they should cast some curvy fighter who can't act at all.
>implying Gadot can act either
top zozzle
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Worked for Batista.
I watched Doctor Strange last night and I could tell that most of the jokes were forced, its annoying as other than a few cringe worthy jokes I thought it was pretty good
well, he is playing an autist
Just wait for the Batman movie, that's the one /co/ will not defend even if turns out good (which it wont)
Better than fucking Rhonda Rousey
She played herself well in Entourage.
>le ebin gadot cant act meme
she was fine in bvs

movie is still gonna be shit
>she was fine in bvs
Nah, she wasn't.
her only problem in bvs was the lack of muscle.
No, she was wooden.
>Not Wondy kicking Hitler in the balls saying "oi vey" while winking at the camera.
yeah, facial muscles to express some kind of emotion
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she did express one kind of emotion

exactly one kind
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>brown/black eyes
Oh man, this lady looks exactly like my barber when he's trying to land that perfect cut.
Your barber is jewish skellington? Creepy.
As far as I know he ain't, but he does makes the same face all the time.
Her face reminds me of Buster Keaton.

Disnigger, please leave.
God I fucking hate DC so much. Can't they just accept that nobody likes these characters and nobody wants these movies?

It's fucking over. Marvel has won. Now just roll over and die like a good boy.
>Promote fanboy to major executive position instead of somebody with business sense
>flood TV and movie theaters with movies and shows nobody wants
>"look at me!" fanboy event comics for attention, artistic integrity be damned

I don't see how anybody can see this as a good thing. All DC is doing is pandering to whiners for a quick buck. They don't care about the stories artists and writers want to make, just what some fat virgin wants. They ignore the HUGE audience that doesn't have comics made for them, basically telling everyone who isn't white that they don't deserve heroes.

This is horrible for the industry and shows just how desperate they are. Marvel is playing it incredibly smart by sticking to their guns and trying to expand their market, because basement dwellers are not a sustainable audience.

Seriously, how can anyone look at DC and not think to themselves "yup, that's a company in its death throes". They're just not making it work any more, and the reboot and huge ad blitz that was meant to fix everything? The ads didn't bring in the number of readers DC needed, and the "reboot" just caused a fucking jawdropping mess that's dragged the quality of stories even further down the drain.

Then they killed Vertigo. They fucking killed Vertigo. WB said "wait, why the fuck do you have an entire line of books where creators have rights? Fuck that, change the contracts so that you own EVERYTHING you publish and trample over creators as much as possible," and DC did it. They fucking did it. One of the dumbest moves ever made by a comic company, up there with direct distribution, letting the speculator market spiral out of controland the DC Explosion.

DC's dying, especially the comics. The properties are somewhat viable for movies and TV, but the comics? HA. It's been common knowledge that DC sucks for years now. This is pretty much a death rattle for Damage Control. I'll be shocked if they're even above Image in 5 years.

Rest in piss, DC. You won't be missed.
I've been thinking this for a really long time, but this week has really made me come to terms with the fact that I hate DC. I've tried to give them a chance in the past but nothing they ever made has really interested me. Marvel has offered me stuff like Spider-man, Daredevil, and Punisher that I've grown up with, but DCs heroes have always been kiddy and underdeveloped in comparison.

What also gets me is how anal DC fans are. I've noticed that almost all DC fans are social outcasts while the majority of people happily grow up with Marvel. It feels like a really contrarian way to make decisions. With that comes a sense of unwarranted self importance. DC fans like to pretend their books are "smart," and have a lot of guys like Morrison that write a lot of pseud gobbledygook. DC stories are all about being told how smart you are and being meta. Marvel isn't high art but they're good at telling stories about people that act like people.

But what really gets me is that they're always rebooting and pushing events that do nothing but dredge up shit from their past for nostalgia. It's a backwards way of writing that shows that they're creatively bankrupt, and they hurt ALL comics, not just their own.

And now they've basically killed their whole brand by making three of the worst movies ever IN A ROW, and we have articles proving that they're doing it again for the next three flops.

They have no good characters, can't write stories, and reboot their universe every other day. I've never been happier than right now, watching them burn their whole franchise to the ground.

That's why everyone hates DC. The outright lies, the evil business practices, and the bullshit slammming down of anyone and eveybody that dares to criticize them. They think they're better than everyone else when they're just stewing in their own shit.

Its like they made an entire comic book franchise out of Dunning Kruger effect. every one of them deserves to be dead in the fucking streets.
literally how?

Jesus Christ Disneyfriend, what the fuck is your damage? Why are you so desperate to slander this movie?
Enjoy your ban, DC fag. This is our board.
N-Nani? How did they take it over? Oh no! First tumblr and now this...how will this board ever recover?
So is the darkness in these pics just an edit or because they were taken half assed?
Its pasta, idiot.
they were taken from the first torrent that came up, it looked like that
saw your wooden performance on Supergirl
no thanks.
Charlize Theron would have been a better casting choice for WW
>expecting something else from a presidential role

not her best by far anyway, and still better than Gadot
Why are you so desperate to defend a movie that isn't out yet but doesn't have a single thing working in its favour?
Aren't reshoots common in most films or does doing a reshoot mean that there was something not even editing post completion couldn't fix?
Every movie does reshoots. See



Mouseketeers are desperate for anything they can do to push their ebin anti-DC conspiracy.
>Batman V Superman is not a perfect film
It is though.
>Every movie does reshoots

Except all the ones that don't, including every previous DC movie since Begins all the way to MoS and BvS

Reshoots after filming wrapped, that is, not when still in production

She's knocked up, so maybe they're hoping her tits will get bigger and be able to throw some more cleavage in the mix
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Great news EVER!!!!


Time for WB's editing team to butcher ANOTHER movie.
Came here just to post this. Considering they are done with WW and JL filming, this probably won't impact any production. Shame too. Last time she got pregnant she backed out after they offered her Faora which led to a recast.

Just standard reshoots to fix, add, tweak, and get stuff they couldn't get in principal photography.

These are only happening so late because Gal was tied up shooting JL up until last month.

Not at all. Even King DC Hater and Pussy Grabber, Devin Faraci, shot that rumor down.

And if he calls shenanigans on a anti-DC rumor, its most likely bullshit.
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New trailer. This was all that got my attention.
Is that Spud?

Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to Trainspotting 2 than Wonder Woman.
Huh, and the Turk is Sayid.

Things were so much better back in 1996
>there are people who actually circle jerk about the nonexistent depth
The Emperor's New Clothes is a classic story for a reason.
And people being dense is a well known fact for a reason.
Motherfucking this.
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