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RWBY/RT General #945: Resident gay Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 677
Thread images: 195

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Rules of RWBY/RT General:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't believe their lies

RWBY/G Sim Generator:

Previous Thread: >>87488267

Latest Chapter: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rwby-volume-4-volume-4-episode-2-075-shi

RWBY Chibi Season 1 - Season Finale: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rwby-chibi-season-1-episode-24

RvB Season 14 - Season Finale: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/red-vs-blue-season-14-episode-24

Camp Camp Season 1 - Season Finale: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/camp-camp-season-1-the-order-of-the-sparrow-camp-camp-episode-12

RT Animated Adventures - Latest Episode: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-animated-adventures-2016-scary-kids-scaring-kids
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Here's Neo
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I don't give a fuck what gender they are or aren't. I just want to have sex with them. I want to lay them down, fondle their breasts and nibble on their ear lobes while slowly inserting myself into their body.
4th for WR is canon
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Salem did nothing wrong.
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Good lad.
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Maybe if RWBY wasn't trying to make Cinder into discount Aizen, then it would have been far more better for her. She's just a pale imitation of the better character.

Not to mention all the awful changes in season 3.
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Now why would you make that the op?
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if Salem's so powerful why doesn't she make herself look better? She looks diseased.
Something something watch the world burn
It was literally Kubo. I don't know how to tell you any different.

Whatever editorial mistakes you might point to came after the time that Bleach had essentially fallen out of popularity in Jump. Kubo stopped giving a shit long before they cancelled him, his go-to solution for writers block was to throw new characters at it, and that did not help the end of Bleach go over any smoother. Rather than let it continue, Jump cut it short.
I try to make the OP's topical and related to the nearest episode/piece of news that came out
Wanting to fuck worst girl, for one
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She didn't want anything to do with Hitomi.
Salem is a perfect as she is! Cute little cupcake she is. Perfect for princess carrying and handholding!
Raging lust for them's brown boobies.
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Sun is Fun
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The rwby general is worst when we discuss rwby, But thanks for trying.
Sayaka was worst girl
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>pink haired idiot who can't do anything right and destroys the world once she fucks up
>not worst
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To write such a thing about our sexy Grimm goddess is heresy! Heresy I say!
No it wasn't! He said himself that the Arrancars were NOT suppose to be there as long as they were. Editors kept telling him to put more Arrancars into the manga DESPITE the fact that they were overstaying their welcome (again, TWO ARCS WORTH).

Kubo was doing a better job in 1000 Year Blood War BECAUSE he ignored his editors. They became more and more of a problem that when he cut them out, his writing got better paced. Hell, the Quincies only stayed for ONE long arc instead of the two that the Arrancars did.
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He had so many great shots and faces this episode. I want to see crops of them, but I am too indifferent to do it myself.
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The lust of delicious brown!
Best lion, most cuddly lion!
I kind of enjoy Murder of Birds' reactions
when is tara strong going to do a voice
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It's amazing how much he improves when he's separated from his team, or is it how much he improves when given a non-joke fight scene, I can't quite tell for sure.
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Sayaka's great. But enough about who the worst is. Discuss the best. ... I really need actual images of her.
I want Salem to interrogate me.
Murder of birds is out of control.

Whitley appears
"HOOOOOOOOOOO She has a brother!"
"Mother is drinking"
"HOOOOOOOOOOO she has a mother!"
"In the garden"
"HOOOOOOOOOOO they have a garden!"
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>wanting to lewd Salem
It's your funeral. You're both braver men than I
If you're not out control, you're not in control.
I for one am excited to see the garden
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I'm calling it now, Cinder is going to become some kind of monstrous Grimm hybrid through Salem's "healing", which will cause Emerald and Mercury to abandon her.
Holy crap, I only just recently found out about this guy.

I'm gonna be busy for a while.
What if there was a RWBY version of the Eclipse?
That's how he's always been, even before he became popular. It's fine for RWBY but his RvB reactions piss me off because his autism causes him to miss half the jokes.
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She would be too nice to properly interrogate you. Would be constantly friendly and making light banter.
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How you doing RWBYg.
>mfw I'm still don't have a gf because I keep getting rejected
What if I told her that I'd kill Ozpin and then didn't?
About as well as Yang. Anon.
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This makes me sad.
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I for one am excited to see Qrow screw Willow in the garden.
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I want Whitley to date Ruby and corrupt her into a spoiled snobby high class bitch, while her family and friends desperately try to get back the Ruby they know and love, until she finally marries him and pumps out half a dozen summoning silver eyed ubermensch.

Hehehehehe-Why is it getting dark?
Implying Em would abandon her for anything.
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I'm rooting for you, anon!
>It's going to take you over if you don't make it terrified of you
>No, Emerald won't be speaking for you

They're jumping ship before this season is over.
Assuming they bring back Chibi for the next hiatus, what will Chibi Salem and co. be like?

Is there room for more goofy villains in Chibi after Cinder and Roman?
I am not brave, I am drunk. When you are drunk and lonely enough, anything, even the cute little Salempalem is a itty bitty pretty princess. I would love to blow rasberries on her snow white, little belly!
is a pretty princess, for cuddles and hugs! Kisses and hand holding!!
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she should have picked a waifu who wasn't a pussy-ass bitch
Same, Anon.
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> the dream team will never be assembled again
Shite, m8s.
Well if your villain's going to be a discount version of anybody you could do a hell of a lot worse than Aizen.

That scene gave me chills.
All I want from Chibi next season is for Sage and Scarlet to reenact "You ever wonder why we're here?"
Not acceptable, I need her to tie me up and violate me until I'm a husk of a man
>Character's initial description is non-figuratively just the single word "abs."
>Make Make them invisible 95% of the time unless the light hits them just perfectly.
>Blake pretty much flying the entire fight

She even has a weapon you can use to "lasso" your way around and up, but instead they went for that? It completely killed the idea this thing was huge when both Blake and Sun could dance on it's head within a second.
Are those SILVER EYESâ„¢?
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I want Farm Boy and Whitley to fight over Ruby's affection.
Why is it so hard for some artists to draw Romans hat
Yeah you are.
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The heart wants what the heart wants, Anon. It's impossible for one to simply choose a waifu.

Also, she wanted Mami first. So, there's that.
>I didn't start watching RWBY until this morning.

She's been launching herself around and up in the air since the black trailer.
It's Shane's birthday guys, wish him well
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No, just tears in my eyes.
If you didn't figure out how bad the fight scenes are gonna be and how bad Maya is for animating fight scenes during the character short, you deserve to be disappointed.
>tfw stocked on spicy memes about farmboy after the first episode
>Still hasn't appeared and we're getting three years long hiatus again
Drunk. Running out of booze.
Lonely, it has been almost three and half years since my last relationship. So I drown myself in fics of my waifu and before falling to slumber cuddle my pillow and think of my waifu. Also stressing over my studies. How are you? Aside from crippling loneliness?
Got the latest episode?
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>Qrow confuses her for Winter
>Winter sees this and is jealous
>Willow proposes a three way
Is this a RWBY thread of a Madoka Magica thread?
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He needs more art.
This sounds time consuming but I absolutely want it to happen

Farmboy x Ishamel OTP.
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No, we need more abs.
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New waifu?
So now that Ozpin is obviously alive, where the fuck is he?
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it can be both
Which megucas would the RWBYs be?
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I like the way you think.
She's not gay, she just doesn't conform to gender roles.
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Sun is sexy
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Can't we just enjoy something without nitpicking the fuck out of it
>Fuse Yang with Sun for ultimate Waifu/Husbando
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Remember remember the fifth of November the Monty's wake treasonous plot. I know of no reason why the Monty's wake treason should ever be forgot. And you smell like one too. Hah!
That was a very poor fight scene. I am not impressed by the lack of weight and inertia.
Michael is a good voice actor. Probably the best non-pro. Besides Roman I suppose.
Not going to lie, were Sun a woman I would've splooged enough for her to end a drought.

Stop your crying and moaning. The fight had animation flaws but it was fun and well choreographed.
Why does everything look like shit this season? Like, it's never looked amazing, but now it looks like someone's shitty deviantart fanart.
His voice actor said Ozpins status is "complicated". If that means he's the farm boy, or some other far out scenario is anyone's guess.
I think Gray was a pro, he was doing voice acting before RWBY for sure
Back to your fucking safe space if you can't handle criticism faggot
Ruby: Madoka
Weiss: Kyouko
Blake: Homura
Yang: Mami
Yang's arm: Mami's head

no clue who Sayaka, Momo or whats-her-face are
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This is RWBYg.
If you want to be technical, he IS professional.
Nitpicking is literally all we can do without coming up with crackpot theories and headcanons
It was a nice set piece that was wasted on low quality choreography.
Maybe his semblance allowed him to store himself inside cinder
Michael is a pro though. He's in Fairy Tail. Gray's a professional as well, for the record.
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And we do that half the time anyway.
It's fun.
>well choreographed
No it wasn't, compare it to the RWBY and JNPR vs. Deathstalker and Nevermore fight and this was bordering on retardation
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How does the flap between the slash and bottom part of the heart on Nora's cleavage window stay upright?
Maya is pretty dope for modelling, not so much for animation though
Pyrrha: Sayaka

They never score, no matter how many timelines.
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>we will never hear Michael Jones voice Karkat Vantas
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shit guys...
>2 weeks hiatus
>ends on a boat.
Come on, she's obviously going to betray Salem and become a good guy, and then everyone will complain that she's evil and there will be melodrama all around until she saves them during the season finale and they accept her at last.
Thin wire lining along the shape
Until she betrays them for an even bigger bad.
>Deathstalker and Nevermore fight and this was bordering on retardation

You mean the fight where Nora rode her hammer through the air like a scooter and Ruby ran up a mountain?
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When she doesn't bitch and moan about not reprising a role. What does she expect to voice Bubbles and Raven to she's 80
She has no reason to doubt or betray Salem, if there are any regrets she has, it's that she lost Ozpin and lied about him being dead, and got fucked up by a 15 year old with magical eyes
In that case I would need to make Weiss into Hitomi, which means now we need a Kyoko
He would have been great for the role.
has RWBY ever had good choreograph? you'd think that it would, but every time we look closer it breaks apart
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its always boats
She fucking killed Pyrrha AND Cinnamon Roll
that's not something you can sweep under the fucking rug
M&K would be beyond retarded if they went that route just because they wanted a Zuko-character in their show
Seriously am I the only one expecting farm boy to be a trap
Guts got off eventually, so will Blake.
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But she doesn't have a deep, all consuming need to go knuckles deep in ruby
>beyond retarded
You know who they are right?
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>Alright Blake, forget everything you know that isn't fine dining or breeding
Did somebody say "spring maiden"?
To be fair, Locus killed almost an entire planet's worth of people, and he got a redemption.
>has RWBY ever had good choreograph?

It did and it does now.. The thing is that it was made with old software before and now it has good software but the team is still getting used to it.
>You mean the fight where Nora rode her hammer through the air like a scooter
Using a hammer explosion, not just vaguely levitating
>Ruby ran up a mountain
Using Weiss' glyphs plus her semblance
I'm expecting a trap soon, Monty and now even the head writers have been to influenced by anime
I'll give Murder of Birds this, he doesn't shy away from showing his feelings. You see a black man like him and might think of the 'I'm a hard nigga.' sterotype but he's s just like, nope. 'I'm an emotional dude who breaks down in tears over a cartoon and I'm secure enough in myself to want to show you that.' He has a lot of emotional courage. I respect that.
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RIP Blake's bow
The only one in the group that could do the whole Zuko thing is Emerald, and even then she has a characters death on her hands.
But her parents were mean to her so it's ok.
Nora riding her hammer like a scooter looked 50 times better than her screaming "don't forget about meeeeeeeeee" while her Grenade launcher sprayed out gas

As for RWBY running up the side of the cliff, she was using the recoil from CR combined with her speed combined with Weiss' glyphs, not ignoring gravity all together or doing 360-no-scopes mid-air
Yeah, I guess I should've said RT-based.
One of the stories I'm working on has a character that's pretty goddamn similar. It'll probably never be made into a animation, it probably won't even get finished, but if it did I would want whatever company produces it to hire Michael for the role, and Lindsay for his love intrest.

Honestly, Lindsay would have made a good jade
I wish I could still enjoy things like how he enjoys things.
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Have you prayed to Matte Skye, the first confirmed non-binary character in RWBY?
I will concede that all teams need time to adjust to new tools, but these fights have been flawed on a fundamental level. They dont follow the most basic of choreograph rules and because of that it feels wrong.
That seems ridiculously fitting, but I'm happy it will almost certainly never happen in any shape or form and we never have to witness to fanbase crossover that might follow
Please leave
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Reminds me of that scene from MGS PW where Big Boss throws his bandana into the lake.
>Matte Skye

You mean Ishmael.
I'm gonna pin them down and impregnate them after I violate their holes
And Snape murdered Dumbledore, doesn't stop people from screaming what a hero he was.
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>that's not something you can sweep under the fucking rug
That's not strictly true for Pyrrha

He reminds me of that Busta Rhymes Lyric

"He named Julio, He moody, yo."
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All I see be Ishmael, on the lookout for the white whale.
I identify as Counter Strike and i find this Globally Offensive
Her ishmael.
I want to flush the toilet when Weiss is showering
>One of the stories I'm working on has a character that's pretty goddamn similar.

I just hope you treat him better than Hussie did Karkat. He deserved a proper arc and resolution beyond what he got.

>Honestly, Lindsay would have made a good jade

... Holy crud. I can totally see it. Well, hear it.

Best of luck to you with your story though, Anon.
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Light hearted Arkos in remembrance for what might have been.
They're name is ishmael.
>All this MurderofBirds talk
>No LadyStardust

I for one prefer underage "Ren is so cute" girl
Do you suffer from concussive brain damage or did you just not watch the movie?
Dumbledore told him to, and even then he wasn't doing a catwalk and smiling.
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Going Tumblr diving for some good art.. Wish me luck.
Pyrrha isn't dead, she was teleported somewhere else. Hence why she's talking to Ruby. And she obviously lied about killing Ozpin. Plus she helped in the the Breach when she had no reason to. She's been a double agent all along.
>no freckles
Where is the improved one?
Why are expecting a tr...... wait I forgot where I was for a minute
If their body is a temple, I'd like to worship at that altar
Because she's fake. She knows how to cry on command and that's it.
MurderofBirds seems too autistic to fake anything.
I believe he was in one of the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs. Haven't been able to find it, though.
would Weiss be into heat/cold play?
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>Fine, Anon. Just a quickie.You're so pathetic when you beg.
>for what might have been.
More angst?

Oh my god! It's [[Person who just walked on screen]]
you guys I love [[Person who just walked off screen]] so much! Sooooo cute!
Oh, what? Oh no...
Well that was the episode, guys thanks soooo much for watching don't forget to like and subscribe!.
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His reactions to ordinary things in the last one seem too overblown to be genuine
I can but when you spam it really gets fucking annoying
Pyrrha trains under king kai so Jaune will finally notice her
>only three and a half years

I've had one relationship in my life, anon, and it ended it 2009. Poorly.
who is going to be the next character to die?
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You mean even worse writing?

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>wanting to have sex wit the cat
Enjoy Adam interrupting and cutting your balls off only to turn around and realize that Blake is already gone and that you've been having sex with her Shadow clone for the last 20 minutes.
Salem, hopefully
Pyrrha again, right after she comes back
Nah, Pyrrha is dead, but now she is a ghost haunting Ruby, and trying to convince her to go fuck Jaune in her stead.
On youtube
Recommended video on the top
Murderofbirds reacting to vol4 ep2
Crying in the thumbnail

sad sad man
fucking Adam

how do we stop him?
Too soon
Ren or Nora.
He's admittedly a guilty pleasure of mine, and I think that's a big reason why.

I know the RT crew apparently loves him, though the appeal is probably different from the standpoint of stressed-out people who make the show. I imagine it feels good to get their egos stroked a bit, since aside from behind invested in the show he's very appreciative of the people behind it.

He's basically a fan that a lot of creators wish they could have, I think. He hangs on their every word, he cheers, laughs, and cries at all the moments they want you to, and buys their merch.
would having sex with one of her clones feel like the real thing? would she be able to feel it too, remotely?
Give him the cat and he'll go away
But anon the second character already died, the fight choreograph had a brutal death.
Arkos team of 6:

Ruby's team of 6;
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Probably Mr. Schnee, he has that disposable horrible parent vibe going on.
>not just becoming Adam
Weiss is going to kill him.
>horrible parent
are we still parroting this meme?
>winter is uncomfortable with her mother having on top of her.
>shuts hep by inserting Qrow's duck inside her
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Barbeque Pit.
Is Monty's legacy a character?

I want to fuck that cat.
I want to go balls deep in the cat.
I want to mating press the cat.
I want to give that cat kittens.
I want to marry that cat and make her happy.

If she runs then I'll just go with Yang.
Arkos is a Greek Island. You can get there by ship.
but won't Adam mistreat the cat if I give her to him?
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I wonder if Pyrrha had nice feet?
I love this artist.
See, I think it's funnier if Winter assumes Qrow's fucking her mom, but they're really just drinking buddies.
Indirect death though. Emeralds never actually done the dirtywork itself, just set the others up to do it. It was also very much a "Do as you're told bitch" deal. Not an excuse really but it does levitate her more than Merc with all his framing and downright being a murderer.
This. He'll probably get stabbed during the concert protecting Weiss.
That or he'll be the target all along.
see you in 3 days, you absolute madman
No he won't. I don't know where this meme comes from. Watch the Black trailer again.

No such thing as nice feet.
Feet are disgusting and only acceptable when in socks.
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Yeah probably
You gotta do what you gotta do
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I've got twenty bucks riding on kicking him off the top of something tall.

Oh. god. That's pretty fuckin good.
>implying that a fall would kill him
It is good art though

You're welcome. RWBY fans should have that pic.
Winter hates Qrow because his alcoholism reminds her of her mom, right?
Fucking hell that's great
tough call. Sun seems like he'd get a heroic death, Nora is a cute brawler so she's killable, though that might necessitate killing Ren too since they're binary characters. Any of the mentors are subject to the standard occupational hazard
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Keep watching...
cheers senpai, see you on the other end
I could dig that, but Em would never abandon her.
>people still thinking shit's gonna go down at the charity
>implying it won't just be Weiss sending out a message to stay strong or whatever after the CCT network coincidentally gets repaired
You got me, anon
Poor Jaune, he wanted a girl with a little boys' body like Weiss, but the only one who wanted him was the girl with a man's body
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>that face
What the fuck is this and why does it exist?
please do not bodyshame Weiss
You're on a blue board, anon.
So whose limb is going this volume?
Nigga look at those hips, thats good shit

The face looks fine. Stop being a little bitch about everything.
What if Salem's instagram was hacked and her nudes got leaked on an anonymous Vacuan sand-collecting forum?
RIP Ironwood, arms still too short
I'm imagining a scene where the father is attacked so he throws little baby Blake into the air and goes about brutally killing the attackers with his bear hands in a fight scene that last way longer then it should. Then after he poses dramatically over the dead for over 1 minute he catches falling baby Blake with one hand. She remains calm sucking on a bottle the whole time not a care in the world.
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They're not even trying to hide that they used the windwaker texture for the ocean.
Even better.
You could cut steel with her jagged, pointy hips
post yfw the Wind Waker water looks better
>implying that Salem has nudes
He'll take Blake's leg. And maybe Sun's tail, if he can fit some time in.
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>Not feeding your waifu well and making her thick.
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>little boy's body
Im sexually attracted to industrial equipment
It exist to hurt you
seeing as the clones suffer all kinds of abuse, she probably can't. Or it could be something she can switch at will, that would be neat.
>implying she doesn't

Why do you think her and Ozpin are in such a huge-scale war? She got pissed at the possibility that Cinder didn't kill him because he's the one who took them all.
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do you think it vibrates?
So how many times do you think Mama Schnee has drunkenly embarrassed her children?
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>those thighs
This artist needs to make more

I want to pop out Nora's inverted nipples.
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Qrow and Winter probably were doing during the tournament
>Qrow trying to sneak out of Winter's quarters
>sees a door open from Ironwood's room. Glynda comes out and sees Qrow
>both just nod and walk off
but then why wouldn't Ozpin end the war at any time by leaking her nudes on the 'chan?
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>little boys' body like Weiss
Tyrian, dudes gonna take one of rubys eyes and end up being her first human kill.

>Maya bad for animating fight scenes.

Even if that were true, do you really think it's worse than an old ass digital photography program?

The mosaic doesn't sell it but the way yang looks at it does close the deal on the joke pretty well.
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she's flat as a board
How soon until someone hits her with it.
>"Why are you hitting yourself"
I wanna see someone draw Whitley in Weiss's short dress design
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Are you gonna call me Edgy next?
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ss of Winter and young Jaune W H E N
Talk like an actual human being.
Im not him, but I will say that I dont think Maya is the problem here. The team working on these sequences just dont appear to understand weight in animation.
Skinny boy's body like Weiss.
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You're wrong
It's a slow and steady process. Ozpin would go to the minor sites, making Salem think she has a chance of escaping the lewds. But slowly, he'd go to all the major sites, Salem watching before her eyes as her life was ruined forever.

And then she had to be a cheating cunt and destroy the fucking tower.
one of her attacks blows shit up and he's left dangling off of some rubble, she looks over and actively chooses not to save him, walking away as it crumbles and he falls to his death.

No, I'm just gonna call you faggot.
Now we're gonna have to deal with spamming this for the next 5 threads.

>Ship didn't look bad, water looked terrible. Seriously, if they're whipping their dicks out with puddle physics on the first episode, why not 'spring' for some better ocean?

>Arryn & Barb's voice acting is getting better

>Sun's cloak was unnecessary and tacky, RWBY doesn't need to be an anime

>Blake's ass tho

>I've realised that Yang's PTSD/ depression bullshit is stupid. It's really cheap, cookie cutter "development" that really doesn't suit her character as they've portrayed her in the first three volumes at all. I was expecting something more serious or interesting, like coping with a disability, but it is really just being scared, which is crap.

>that upside down shot was kinda cute tho

>The dynamic lighting is really noticeable during the shots on the ship, looks good, hands still look shit though, they need to remodel the fingers and add nails so they look less sausagey

>The entire fight was dogshit. Blake's flying shit and flips were animated so terribly and looked so unrealistic and lifeless.

>Monty once talked about something giant had to be animated in a certain way to convey the sense of scale and weight... That was completely ignored when animating the sea grimm. They got fucking lazy

>For some reason, blake's facial expressions look really bad. I guess that comes with the two-tone shading, but yeah... Same thing as the issue with the shot in the opening credits

>The really big jumps they did looked terrible, absolutely dogshit, especially considering they have a character who uses shotgun blasts to do half that...

>the whole jumping off sun bit looked stupid, completely missing monty's image of the combat design...

>Still no explanation of what Blake's doing, just the usual angst stuff.

>Journey to the east line was wp

>The relic is probably oz's cane, which would explain why the made an issue of showing Qrow holding it

>not quite excited yet, especially after spending an hour watching the last 5 minutes of volume 3
Poser doesn't make everything look stiff as balls
It's bad for modelling but animating in poser is easier than in Maya.
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She's small, not flat.
Was that why she attacked the beacon tower.
if they're gonna rip something off, atleast they chose something that looks damn good.
So Yang clearly suffers from PTSD. Does Taiyang know it? Has he taken her to a therapist?
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MomSchnee Genes In Action.jpg
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She's actually not.
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>she's flat as a board
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>The face looks fine
But RWBY is already an anime.
Taiyang is a bad father, so I doubt it
You sound like a fucking 12-year-old throwing a temper tantrum. Kill yourself.
>>Still no explanation of what Blake's doing, just the usual angst stuff.

She literally said that she was going home.
It's the communications network! It all makes sense!

Now all she needs to do is turn humanity extinct so that way no one can see OR post her nudes.

Screencap this, bruh.
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I was thinking more kicking him on to her wallmaster sword. But whatever works.
how do you give winter heart pupils
You get what I mean though.
thicc >>> small/petite
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RWBY Weiss ref.png
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>Using a quickly put together Weiss in nightgown from V1
What dis mean, i don't speak meme.
can we post it on /a/?
So the writing is bad and the fights look worse than show about fighting should look. what else is new?
Chubby-chaser death camps fucking when?
We need to introduce Weiss to Rippetoe-sama.
Squats and oats Weiss, we are gonna get thicc!
Her night gown model matches with this
No. /a/ hates english dubs.
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I can appreciate both. Depends on what mood I'm in really.
Is that supposed to be Jaune?
What happened to the volume 2 mega
>Limp dick can't handle any woman that isn't a pencil.
nice meme
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Only thick thighs are good. Thick thighs on a small busted girl and/or a thinner girl is god tier.
This stupid thicc shit needs to die
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>implying this is bad
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Are Emerald's breasts the most powerful semblance on Remnant?
There's an English sub of the Japanese dub for /a/
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>Neo finally appears at Salems HQ
>Goes to sit at the table
>Salem tell her to go to the seat on the other side
>It has a booster seat on it
>the writing is bad and the fights look worse than show about fighting should look. what else is new?

Hahaha, true I guess. But I was expecting more, considering it is almost a step back from what they've shown us already in the previous volumes.
>Implying she doesn't wear something that compress them
>neckbeard upset that the only women he would ever have a chance with are fat

Pyrrha's like a busty Ronda Rousey
Nora is more of a Samantha Wright.
This too

Makes no sense having boobs flailing around during combat

That isn't an explanation, we got that much from the intro of her with her parents. She gets off the boat in Menajerie... then what?
The dude yes.
This your kind of lady?
Please tell me they're not actually perpetuating this stupid trend...
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>You'll never have a movie night with your waifu
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Weiss dress.png
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>Virgins who watch fake anime show fighting about their taste in women.
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>Couldn't wear heels as they'd shatter under her weight.
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Every girl looks great with twintails. It's just a fact
Looks like she has an ass and tits to me
>I've realised that Yang's PTSD/ depression bullshit is stupid. It's really cheap, cookie cutter "development" that really doesn't suit her character as they've portrayed her in the first three volumes at all. I was expecting something more serious or interesting, like coping with a disability, but it is really just being scared, which is crap.

It would have been cool if they added a ghostly looking phantom limb when she was getting the glass and when she dropped it she imagined using the hand to catch it only to have it fall through.
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what do you honestly expect when writers never take criticism about heir work? Monty died and any flow the animation had went with him. Miles and Kerry write like they've never learn to do it well and it shows.
>liking women
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It's Roosterteeth you fucking moron. Of course they are.
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>That frost on top of the ice cream
Your freezer is way too cold man. I can already feel my spoon bending.
it's more showing that her boob size is a bit inconstant
>The guy on the left
Poor bastard probably has a good view of the grand canyon.
that would have been tight shit, I like it. Shame we wont get nice things like that
So is Neo's disguise her old self before her criminal life. before the Klein/Willow Schnee affair
Laurelei Lee is the superior female reactor. Even though she's probably fake too.

Seriously fuck reactors.
Weiss is best team RWBY
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Welcome to everything RWBYg has said for the past three years.
She can make them any size she wants. Sort of.
Katawa Shoujo rwby edition?
Just fucking noticed.
I doubt she's fake. What I don't like about her is that she seems to be a raging feminist.

But yeah fuck reactions.
Since when has RT ever had something like that thing before
Its a cold embrace, to be among those disenfranchised.
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This is known
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At least we have each other to bitch to.
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I did way too much work for this joke.
That shit is actually pretty clever

Very few people in RWBYg actually understand WAFFLEO
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Thing is tumblr seems to drown out the more crucial issues with superficial problems.
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>You will never get to have your own DSHK cart
Feels bad man.
yep, we've been through this all before. Characters don't have character, fights don't have consequences and in the end the story told was either flat or had been done better in a different piece of media
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you get this problem a lot with dumb fucks, they dont stop talking but somehow never say anything and always miss the point .
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An unfortunate side effect of losing so many of our core namefags.
That's just Tumblr man.
Do you faggots even FreelanceAmber?
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short towel.jpg
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lmao thats not me i cant draw.
Damn, I just realised that I have been here since post season 1 hiatus. It has been what, how many years? I love you crazy, degenerate bastards, especially you Rags. I miss you buddy.
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he can't get away with this.png
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I miss Ray, and Smutty.
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Why are redhead unequivocally always best girl in every show?
Do you remember the greentexts friend? it was so long ago, but it feels late last week.

go drink some beer you've had a long day
what if you could tell weiss had been crying but she was trying to act normal
But anon, that's every day.
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No, not good. Best.
Jokes on you I'm part of DARE faggot!
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I remember them well, for the tale of Weiss' vibrating undergarments will never die. For that at least, we can be grateful.
I would wonder to how a 2d character in a shitty anime became real, I would then put down the acid.
The best at being literally worst girl
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Thought so. That pic is a bit off.
her what?
are yes, how the smut did flow. They were different times back then.
A toast to our the fallen brothers and sisters! For the glory of /RWBYg/! For Professional Sniper, for the Cheating Smutty, for the Raggedy Rags. for Xisalex, for everyone that has been fallen during this crazy ride. May they rest in peace in the embrace of their waifus!
Velvet the best waifu!
>Put down the acid
>Not take more
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>Not remembering Weiss' Vibrating Panties
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you really think that.gif
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Someone lives in opposite land!
Yeah just a bit.
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I'm especially fond of the alive ones
explain further, anon
Yeah I know tumblr culture. The problem is the majority of complaints RT hears come from tumblr. So it wouldn't be hard for them to start to focus on those issues. Instead of the ones plaguing the series.
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>Velvet the best waifu
They have have taken they rest at Monty's side, May they sleep forever on hallowed ground.
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You're Welcome, RWBY .png
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>Adam tore RWBY apart
>Defeated half the team without any effort
>Wrecked Yang so hard she's still having PSTD over it and has lost the will to live.
>Wrecked Blake so hard she's running away from her problems and isn't even going to try to stop White Fang
Why is Adam so based? He's responsible for RWBY's downfall. It's hilarious.
Could he take Ruby and Weiss in a fight?
Stop it Nora, that's just going to give you a UTI
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Better times.
To fallen brothers!
Bun is for loving
Miles, Im already a demon.
>Erza "John Cena" Scarlet

I used to like you, Octavian.
Speaking of tumblr, anyone check out the RWDE tag?
Wrecking two women in one night without any effort is exactly what you'd expect of a guy who's literally part bull.
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[insert clever filename here].png
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Do Glynda and Ironwood go missionary or rough
Fuck off Kerry

Yeah he's inadvertently OP as fuck

Also; how isn't the White Fang just DEAD at this point? They nearly took down a kingdom. Unless the White Fang have enough of the Faunus population to be literally an army, this shouldn't be possible.

Hell is the White Fang was that powerful, then the Faunus would just be purged
fuck off for liking edge masters
>Not liking erza
Reminder that shine makes it clear that if Jaune died instead of Pyrrha that the darkness what eclipsed her heart would take over.
I believe I actually found Soup outside of rwbyg, the guy has taken the same name and often talks about rwby.

the what?
This spiel is too autistically big to screencap

Yeah we've been counteracting their hatred for Sun for the past two threads.
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Do video games make people violent?
are there any cute drawings of woobies crying
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I call upon BB, The Great Archiver, to deliver unto us the mighty greentext caps of old!
I remember the BeachBetaBabes, Papa Jaune, Glynda's Shitposting, that marathon long Emerald Fluff, Mama Weiss and her loving embrace, Rag's Jaune and Velvet smut, Cindy and Macy.
It has been so long. I feel so cold, please, let me rest for a while...
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Speaking of which, I missed over two threads and the episode airing, did anything of consequence happen during that time?

Have people finally accepted the monkey king into their heart
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But it's OK because Roman gave them the Character development to keep coming back after they get knocked down.
My friends let this be a time of remembrance, for if the past is lost then we are all doomed to follow.
As OP image hints, one of the background VA's said they voiced a "non-binary" character, whatever the fuck that means.

Other then that, rumors about an inadvertent 3 weeks hiatus have been floating around
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>Cindy and Macy
RWBYg can make great daughterus if nothing else.
I don't know, Tucker did call him out on that, and Locus' response was to peace out.

There's a difference between realizing that you did horrible things and want to try and make up for it, and how easily the people you wronged accept that.
I want to hit weiss with a hammer
what i n the fuck tumblr
Aren't those the robots from Overwatch
Adam didn't go full edgy mode until the season finale of volume three. Literally all other scenes shows Adam being quite subdue for a Faunus terrorist, and even apathetic towards Blake's betrayal. To the point that he even said going after Blake to his fellow White Fang members was a waste of time.

I don't know why the writers suddenly decide to change Adam's personality drastically, but they need a good explanation for why he's so obsessed with Blake when even in the trailer he barely acknowledged Blake's existence.
Tumblr is calling for no more yuri undertones
Redemption and forgiveness are different things, to he honest.

>baaawwhhh, people aren't paying for mediocre abime show

Popularity is proportional to popularity bub, welcome to showbiz.
Some people really do need to be culled.
those are omnics anon, and they're scum

M8. I didn't make the Google Doc. That was CapAnon.
i want to tell ruby she has cancer and it's too late to do anything about it
Simply wonderful
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Quick question.

I had a greentext in mind for this thread, but I wanted to know something first. Are greens written in first person POV acceptable here? Or does it border on roleplaying? I ask because my only experience in greens comes from /mlp/.
what if you said hi to weiss and she told you to drop dead and she flew away
>A complete stranger walks up to ruby and tells her she has cancer
It is a weird thing to complain about, considering that the show is free for everyone to view in less than 24 hours, and goes on fucking Youtube of all places a week later
I don't blame them for being upset. Its not gonna stop me from doing it. But I can understand why they would be upset. So I figure I'll watch the episode twice for free when it comes out on mute.
We can't greentext here
Greentext stories of any kind are not permitted here.
They changed everyone's personality drastically to fit the stupid narrative. Ruby should be stuck to Yang's side instead of out hunting the killer of some bitch from school. Weiss should have told her dad to fuck off, especially after what Winter told her. Yang should be way further along in her recovery because she's a strong character. And Jaune should've quit because he knows he's in over his head. Welcome to Miles and Kerry's writing.
>characters literally have one scene together so far in the whole volume and don't waste time in previous volumes showing extended love scenes because God forbid we use the time given to show the little amount of plot RWBY has

I will never understand this. I want to stop trying to, but I can't. There MUST be an answer for how someone could be so dense.
Easily. Unlike the dumb kids she's fought, Adam has actual experience in war and fighting to kill.
friend you can write in any person you like, only rule is dont be a worse writer that Miles or Kerry.
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So.....can an anon get a link?
Well I'll be wearing like a lab coat and stuff
Ah, ok then.
> A complete stranger dressed in a labcoat walks up to Ruby and tells her she has cancer
That's what I did.
this fucking bitch is so pathetically self serving its pathetic.
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Here you go ya cunt
Yep Weiss reporterfag or something like that. I can't exactly remember
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Ya doing the devils work anon
Yeah she'll think she has cancer and she'll cry haha
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Ryan cucking Gavin is my favorite running joke
We shit on everything equally.
If you really truly want to write something, put it in a pastebin and avoid six hundred posts of pointless bickering.
Watching Yang fall apart brings a sense of personal gratification that is incomparable to anything else in the show. She was so self-confident, energetic, and positive all the time. Now look at her: so terrified of living that she even trembles at the sound of a falling glass of water because it reminds her how much she lost. How out of place she is in the world and how dangerous it really is.
How does any terrorist group survive, anon? As for their military strength, we know that they have ties to Cinder (and probably Salem with that, to an extent) as well as someone inside the SDC who can supply them with a metric fuckton of weapons & armor. Radicals being kept alive by the idiocy & corruption of the upper class. Go figure.
>The Faunus would just be purged
Pretty sure that even Atlas has laws against outright genocide.
I would have loved if the end of Jaune's character arc was him realizing and admitting he isnt made to be a hunter, it would show so much maturity and growth. The final scenes with him would be him regretting that it took the death of a friend to force him to grow.
And his name is Octavian!
Oh man, despair really gets me going
Ow the edge

Nah, I get you. It feels nice to know that Yang spending volume after volume acting aggressive and carefree will finally change and do more than just be "the happy girl that likes Blake" to the viewers.
>Ruby should be stuck to Yang's side instead of out hunting the killer of some bitch from school.
She went off on her own plenty of times.

>Weiss should have told her dad to fuck off, especially after what Winter told her.
Weiss never stood up to her father. She just ran away.

>Yang should be way further along in her recovery because she's a strong character.
Everything went her way before.

>And Jaune should've quit because he knows he's in over his head.
Jaune was over his head the whole time. If he was going to quit it would of been after he was randomly catapulted off a cliff.
what if ruby was just really really angry and sad at the same time and she couldn't maintain a friendship or connect with other people
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So I get that she wants to be away from her friends for the sake of keeping them safe or whatever, but Blake seemed needlessly bitchy at Sun. I get that he's an idiot, but are you really going to snap at a friend who just helped you kill the giant sea dragon that was ready to eat you?
There's Merc's twin in the background. He is from the future? Maybe he's smiling because he's aware of Pyrrha's fate.
But that would mean character development
I want zetsubou to go and stay go
Not sure what you're getting at.
But then she'd be Blake
Honestly, I really fucking hope that even after Yang gets over her PTSD, gets back into action and reunites with the team she's STILL fucking pissed at Blake for leaving and never totally forgives her.

I mean, Blake went full Raven on her, you never go full Raven.
its simply the best. I envision ruby arc ending in her idealism breaking her down into a jaded and cynical veteran, as her friends and family drop dead in far away places over the years. As she looks back, she realizes that she wasted her life on the battlefield and has nothing left.
I guess she just made that he followed her for 8 months with out saying anything?
either way she was needlessly bitchy at him
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This. This is what should have happened. Either quitting or completely reinventing himself. He's not the fucking knight in shining armor and he never will be.
>never totally forgives her.

THAT'S not gonna happen, but surely Yang is at least somewhat pissed at Blake.
adult OoT link is best link
what do you think ruby rose the protagonist of rwby should do if that was her life
I'm honestly surprised Yang even remembers losing her arm and Adam attacking her. The fight, if you can call it that, lasted less than 5 five seconds and Yang immediately went into a coma after Adam took her to school with one hit.
Don't you mean Nora's perfect birthday?
maybe punch Blake once in the face to vent on her leaving her
Really I think RWBY needs more cynicism, not a lot, just enough for the characters to become realists about their fucked up situation
Unless she was acting sad and angry all the time not much.

She really didn't have many friends outside her team and they both came to her.
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mye neega
I never understood why Yang always wants to engage people in close quarters combat when she can literally punch bullets. God, if I had her weapon, I would never go that close to a person if I can help it. Yes, her semblance helps out a little, but Adam proves that even her semblance can't save her from everything.
>......its too small
welcome to the innate stupidity of using melee weapons where guns exist.
That smile when she thought he understood what she was thinking... gooey dere center confirmed.
I've never understood these kinds of complaints. I've seen so many "fixes" to RWBY that it honestly makes me think that the more vocal fans of the show don't actually give two shits about RWBY, just what they want out of the show. They want yuri, so anything that isn't yuri is bad. If the show had 10/10 writing, they'd call it shit because it isn't want the want, and if it did cater to them and the writing was terrible they would claim it the best thing ever.

RWBY isn't that good, but I want it to be good on its own merits and story, not turn into whatever the loudest people in the room want it to be.
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You need at least some cynicism or else you can't appreciate anything. There is no meaning or value without loss.
Anon, it's anime rules.

That means that guns by definition are weaker than blades or melee weapons.

The only reason hunters even have guns in the weapons is to compliment the melee and not be totally useless when they're out of range.
Since we're talking about it, how do you think each characters arc should end?
Eaten alive by Grimm... yes even Zwei
This specific arc or the whole story?
They get a mech
RT files for bankruptcy and RWBY abruptly ends and there are several fan continuations that don't really go anywhere
lets say the point where the character can no long grow or be part of the story as there arc is finished
It's more shocking that Blake doesn't have PSTD that Yang is suffering more. Apparently Luna has confirmed that Adam was abusive to Blake in the past. Even if we ignore that, Adam's fight with Blake was far more brutal than what he did to Yang. The man was torturing the catgirl and his sword stab look like he was raping her.
Jaune and Cardin's team were actually afraid of Grimm.

Rest of the characters don't really have much of a sense of mortality until season 4.

It could validate JNR handling things relatively well as they were more aware of the possibility of dying.
I think it's cause Blake is more desensitized to the whole thing comapred to Yang who thought she was hot shit because of her semblance letter her bulldog through most of life's challenges.
who is a better scythe user: Ruby, or Gehrman the First Hunter?
I guess she's used to it, whereas Yang had had a pretty cruisey ride for her life
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Headmaster of Beacon, the secret hero who blew up Grimm Island but never told anyone about it because it would incriminate Ozpin.
Takes over the SDC with Winter, raises her own family much more effectively than her father and is much more ethical in general.
Settled in Vale trying to drive out the last of the White Fang cells in the area.
Finally stopped being a whiney bitch and put on the fucking robot arm. Currently on an indefinite road trip to make up for lost time being a depressed lump.
I think it should end when each character is no long what they were when they adventure started.
Ruby is an idealist
Weiss is dismissive
Blake is a hypocrite
and Yang is arrogant
so ideally, each arc would either be them dying because of they flaws or overcoming them to become different people.
Gehrman, Ruby can't do sick wind slashes.
haha hey guys what if ruby wanted to kill herself
I'd say Gehrman. Even though they were in a dream, he still was a old, old man with a wooden leg. He would have skill advantage, plus the blessing of Moon Presence, if you can call it that. But if Ruby would grow, in her prime, she would pose a great challenge to him.
Don't forget the bitch slapping,threats to Blake's friends and family, and actual attempted murder. Seriously, the hell happened during that time skip that got Adam so triggered? The fight he had with Blake just seems more than him being mad at Blake for quitting the White Fang. It almost seems like he was venting all his past frustrations and Blake just happened to be there.
I'd tell her it would take a while.
So we're going to write Punished Yang rape fiction for Barbara to get off to, right?
Bullshit. If Jaune's powerless ass can already cause wind distortions from regularly swinging his sword, Ruby should have no trouble doing Gehrman-style Wind Scars.
Ryan quickly became one of my favorites. They should write a movie for him.
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Ask Deaf, rape doesn't do anything for me.
Where did this joke originate from anyway?
How? He can't hear us.
where is Deaf these days?
Does anyone have any pictures of ruby frowning or crying
I wish, I seem to be the only person interested.
From fact.
When are we going to see more Faunus hatred? The writers keep telling us that Cardin's treatment of Faunus is normal, yet every time we see Blake not even bothering to hide her ears, there's isn't some Faunus racist ranting about the Faunus existence manifested in front of him/her. The cruise would have been a perfect time showing human passengers at least looking at Blake and Sun with contempt.
two posts down
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He's Deaf Robot not Blind Robot.
Do as the Neo does.
No idea. Not like he browse and regularly posts in the thread or something.>>87498097
Yet she hasn't.
do it friend and make it grimy
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well no episode next week but at least this is happening
I always misread Faunus as FunHaus.
>So I get that she wants to be away from her friends for the sake of keeping them safe or whatever

She is running away from everyone to protect them from Adam.
That's why she's going to her parents.
I swear, if her parents are killed by Adam, then she had it coming.
We don't know what caused the wind slashes.

If you want to try and be realistic Jaune should probably have the most upper body strength. Being, male, the largest member of RNJR and working out the most.

If you apply anime logic, nothing has to make sense and Jaune being able to do something doesn't mean Ruby can.
cant have bad things, it makes it less marketable
hows she non binary, thats totally a chick with bug tits and short hair
>What type of faunus would FunHaus be?
That makes no goddamn sense.
Is that already SSG form or regular form? The hair looks red.
Maybe she is going somewhere where there is less racisim?
Can't, I need to meditate more on narration.
maybe the writer are telling us that Faunus as badly the white fang keep saying. The BLM keep saying that black people are oppress but in reality they have the same rights as white.
I think Meg and Ryan were a team on On The Spot and had a fuckton of sexual tension. I'm not sure though

Honestly, Ryan's been a bit boring lately. He peaked back around Mad King Ryan. Jeremy has been running away with everything lately.

In retrospect, I'm actually really glad Ray left, he was always my least favorite hunter. I just wish Michael and Gavin had more things together

What were the Nazis in Mause again?
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>Black Sun

Is this bitch trolling? She can't even get the ship names right.
>yet every time we see Blake not even bothering to hide her ears, there's isn't some Faunus racist ranting about the Faunus existence manifested in front of him/her. The cruise would have been a perfect time showing human passengers at least looking at Blake and Sun with contempt.

>Why is aren't there more people hating Faunus on the ship that is sailing to the Faunus continent?
well at least someone is trying to become a better writer

M&K playing the meta game
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i dont know he is in blue in the preview
It's a chick with big tits and short hair that wants you to call them "They" and such.

I can think of worse situations
or maybe this too.
So cats?
bumblebee is called Bumbleby on tumblr so it can be tracked with the shitty tumblr tagging system
Hey newfriend.

Black Sun was an early name for what most people now call Eclipse, actually IIRC, Eclipse was popularized by /r/RWBY.

Bumbleby is less popular, earlier alternate spelling of Bumblebee, the "by" being BY, Blake and Yang.
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There's no true consistent ship names, it depends on the community and individuals
I never really got you appeal of shipping, can you explain it to me
you can't understand it because you are SANE
I really hope this monkey Bro doesnt die do you guys think he will live?
What if ruby asked you to watch her baby for 1 hour
sure I can watch over her weapon Crescent Rose for an hour
>Implying large ships have a single destination, that they aren't taking multiple passengers going around the world on different locations.
That boat is large, and you honestly believe there isn't some racist personnel on the crew that's forced to work there because there isn't any other alternative? Remember, Cardin's racist attitude is the norm. Blake and Sun should be seeing casual racism on a regular basis even if they're running from it because humans are apparently every where.
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Would be bad.
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People like romance. Often romance in media is limited to a couple characters in a series (just the main couple, or the main and 1-2 side couples) and regardless of the number of relationships, they are frequently condensed or not really developed. This leaves people with an itch for additional content, they want to see how X and Y act on a normal date, but the series plot is dramatic and heavy and there isn't time for light-hearted dates, or they think that X and Z have better chemistry and would make a better couple.

So they produce fan content to fill those perceived holes.
At its most basic form it would be thinking x and y would make a good couple.

It just goes to extremes.
Can't let you do that, Dandy.
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There's different levels of shipping, some people do it without taking it too seriously, they might just be amused by the dynamic, or they like the art, or whatever.

Other people get heavily invested in the characters or story, a take ships very seriously, because they think their ships WILL happen, or they HAVE to happen.
I never thought about this until now, but what is the origin of the Knights from the White trailer? As far as I know, they are just kind of there and don't show up or are mentioned until Weiss partial-summons one in V3. I've not been keeping up with WoR, so I don't know if it was covered there or not
a geist possessing a big statue
So at its best it is an avenue for people to channel their creativity and at its worst a way to fill a hole they feel in their life's. Am I correct?
Manga says it's a Grimm possessing the armor. So, probably a Geist.
Pretty much.
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You hit the nail on its head anon.
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I hope so.

We don't get enough male fanservice and neither Sage or Yatsu will make an appearence anytime soon. We'll just have Ironwood if Sun croaks.
Pretty much, yes.

In the Manga, it's said to be a "possession-type" Grimm on an old Schnee like, armor suit or something, probably an extremely early prototype of the Paladin tech. And since apparently at New York Kerry said the Manga was "canon" not "canon-ish", so pretty sure it was something like a Geist in an armor suit.
It's more likely that Blake's parents will die.
Huh, okay. I still dont find it personally engaging, but I can respect that others do.
That's fine, it's honestly better if you dont get involved, the shipping fandom especially for RWBY is a hateful mess.
if and or when he fights Adam I just hope he doesnt croak instead lose his tail or some shit
How so? I'm not involved in it, so I have no perspective.
You know we like to bitch about Jaune? Well, imagine that, but applied to virtually all the male characters in Team RWBY's age group. They whine about "forcing" straight ships and "queerbaiting".

Sun and Neptune only occasionally get to escape when people ship them together.
I want to see two appealing characters fuck
Anon is being silly.

There really isn't anymore drama or arguing in RWBY than any other fandom with an active shipping community.
Well a lot of the ships that have any possible chance at canon, or are just the most popular in the fandom, are rather pushy and obnoxious about it, and will often freak out over every scenario the two characters interact and scream about their ship being canon.

Bumblebee and White Rose, the two most popular ships in the whole fandom, are more known for this, but mostly Bumblebee. Blake/Yang Shippers will often wish Sun dead for the chance that Sun/Blake will happen in canon, and the fact that one of the VA's does like the ship pushes them to believe their ship has a chance to become canon, thus making them more protective over it.
"Forcing" straight relationships has always been the darnedest thing to me, personally Im into men, but its a vastly less common trait than these people would assert.
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Fuck Neo
I'm trying my dude
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by them and they you mean her tits right?
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Whatever it takes
>dude holding up Scarlet's sign.

Never noticed that. Even in theaters.
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Yes please
And soon, Weiss will be horrified to call Ruby her cousin if Willow divorces Moustache and marries Qrow.

Ruby will be overjoyed however.
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Once again I have to ask, where is all the racism I was promised? I was told there would be racism and there inst any.
The thumbnail makes her head look fucking massive
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Someone needs to make an expand dong edit of this
Choose your side
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This is my shit
taco hackman
I was expecting this the moment I saw that Overwatch short.
>If they make Black Sun canon a lot of fans will drop the show and detelet their RWBY content from their blogs
So, they aren't fans at all. They will follow any show that has lesbians on it and drop any show that hasn't. Tumblr everyone.
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My boner needs more like this
You mean how a lot of fans would drop the show if Pyrrha died?

Well, those fans are still watching, hoping and waiting for her to return.
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I wish I could provide more
This. It scares me
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delete these filthy fucking BULLSHIT posts, anons, Roman would NEVER try to do anything lewd with his surrogate daughter Neo
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That's why it's fanart anon, it doesn't have to be real
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>One boops because it's a cute funny thing between her and her best friend.
>The other boops as a threatening intimidation tactic because the woman she is blackmailing does that with her daughter.
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fucking come over here and make me lad im right here waitin for you dukes up
I dunno what Roman would do but I bet neo would be thrilled with that sort of attention from that guy
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How far will the mad man go?
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I think anyone would be thrilled to fuck Roman. He's one Charismatic fuck.
yo famalam post some shit like this in the /aco/ thread because it's honestly garbage right now
She's pretty sadistic mate. Wouldn't put it past her to be into dominating
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Larger version
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She will return to claim what is hers
funny how you can spot the moment it turned to shit
but she's so smol and Roman can use her like a doll
That makes it even hotter since he'd probably let her be in charge rather than her actually taking charge
I'm starting to think older women growing out of their clothes is a fetish of mine
but that's not her actually taking charge though, that's merely being granted the illusion of control
I prefer Ruby x Neo as a crack ship, myself
Fitting how she creates illusions
you know, thats a fetish I can get behind
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I feel they're the type to switch it around, but Roman wouldn't be against having Neo take control.

Not bad but I still prefer these two.
Link to the moment, I'm curious.
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What's your personal headcanon for Neo's age?
Older than Yang, younger than Roman
>between 8 and 80
does Neo realize how much of a tease she is?
I thought they were talking about the /aco/ thread...
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Welcome aboard
In her 20s most likely
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how can 2 ruthlessly evil motherfucker be so sweet towards each other?
and a grimm
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They understand eachother.
Somewhere between 13 and Graham's Number.
Roman is dead and I want to kill myself

Neo and Roman could have been the best thing in this entire show
I'll call the new thread if no one else is
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Wasted potential on a character who was destined to die.

I'm happy they kept him around longer than originally intended, doesnt make him being gone any less depressing.
Do it!
I feel you anon.
New thread:
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lewd the robot
Someone post the greentext where Glynda wears Weiss' pajamas?
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