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How's Your Webcomic? #324

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 501
Thread images: 135

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webcomics, do them.
previous thread
Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?
People: http://senshistock.deviantart.com/gallery/
Scenery: http://www.shutterstock.com/

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:
http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh/ (surprisingly not a typo)

>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme: https://www.tumblr.com/theme/39018
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site: http://pastebin.com/kNR2W5mV
>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.

>Wise words from John Cleese:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xPvvPTQaMI [Embed]

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:

>Comics for makin' comics!
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WIP of the next page!

Yes, the evil dudes are pretty much Daft Punk.
>new france
le ouch
i read that as 'oh my stairs' at first, and now I want that to be a catchphrase
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New art markers!
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And who wants to see the rest of the story?
How's the current state of webcomics? To what degree is the alleged, "To succeed you must do the community circlejerk hosted within the webcomic hosting service of your choice?"

How toxic have internal community/ies been?
hosting services don't have communities
The worse the art, the worse the fetish.
I WISH that were true.
Smackjeeves and TheDuck?
not that I know of. people don't really care about where they're hosted. communities are more about subject of the comics
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I'd like to thanks the assist I got last thread, and finally, got an update done.
My overtime crazy at the office ends tomorrow, so I hope once it's over, I can get to do more strips.
work is such a piece of ass
Yeah, but money is not, and waifus don't come for free, kek
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Happy Halloween, /hyw/!
I'm not exactly working on a webcomic but it'll have comic bits in it
Should I still post here?
Wat a shitty thread. What is this crap?

My fucking 8 year old cousin can draw better than you guys. This is is really bad art. Get yourself some practice.

Man slap your name on this. It kinda sounds like some Murphy's law.
Yeah I think I would rather see badly drawn poorly rendered terrible fetishes than seeing them in HD, very detailed, and very well drawn.
I just started posting mine. It's at agrestthethief.tumblr.com
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Proof of concept prototype art tests for some future gifwork for the comic. Halloween-themed.

Trying to get the process down so I can crank this out in under half an hour.
It's time to end Wilfreda's Super Spooktacular Halloween Special. Here's the last strip of the story arc: surprise winners and absolute Trolls.

Read the whole thing here! http://wilfredacomic.tumblr.com/
Still refuse to believe he posts here.
You can't make me accept it.
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Haven't posted here in forever, but since it's Halloween I thought it'd be a decent time to share this comic I finished last month about teens and ghosts (and teen ghosts.)

Gonna go ahead and post it anyway

Working on bad outfits for a fashion montage in this children's novel
This is gonna be the "final" outfit in the montage.
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Hi /co/. It's been a long time since I last visited, but it's Halloween and thought I'd share my sci-fi/horror webcomic "The Sprawl".

Before you click that link, it is "furry", it does have some gratuitous nudity, and there are scenes some may consider gory.


Comments and criticisms are welcome.
This looks adorable. Is she a robot?
Yes, she is.
Is naming a female vampire bat Bella too many steps to get to the reference or am I underestimating people? Would it make more sense to make it a boy and name him Bela instead? The gender isn't incredibly important, though I do prefer the f/f dynamic.
Like Bela Lugosi?
I think Bella would make people think Bella from Twilight first.
Supposed to be Bela Lugosi, totally forgot the girl from Twilight's name is Bella. I think I'll stick with it then. Give her a bit of a complex about people getting it wrong.
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In today's comic, the king has returned...

Yeah, Bella's a good name.

Damn, he's FUCKING HUGE...
a solid cutie!
You really have your comedy down
Huh, so Remington is still alive. I wonder how that happened.
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May as well post the first page.
That looks worth a read. i'll check it out
for some reason i'm expecting them to have kids running after them trying to steal their cereal..
nice linework, but could use more values. the whole thing looks really empty and unfinished
I'll look into it. My main inspiration for art style is Stan Sakai.
Next few pages are going to be mostly in the dark, but after they leave the cave I will try giving the backgrounds more attention. As it is now it would be easier to colour though.
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Had this story/concept for a while now and never knew when and how to start it, particularly in the "how can I make a self-contained pilot" department. Luckily, inktober and drawlloween came in close, do I decided on using the opportunity and followed the prompt list calendars that were put up. I think I'll manage to finish it up today, but I would still like to post a page here, just because you're good people and I trust you.
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>My main inspiration for art style is Stan Sakai.

Have you considered using screentones? Sakai, like many black and white comic artists, uses them extensively. Check out this page from Usagi Yojimbo to see what I mean. He fills the page in with a mix of screentones and heavy shading.
A simple decision about a character's looks.
that's really tough. the birdbodied one is fucking creepy, but the harpy lacks eyebrows and her eyes seem too big, even though they're smaller than before.
also don't forget owls are xygodactyl.. if she is still supposed to be an owl. i'd like to see some more options, honestly.
Definitely seconding this. Human faced one is pretty creepy looking.
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I've been posting these for awhile now. This is just something I do on the side, hopefully for cash soon, so I don't put as much effort in them as I could

My next project is a Little Nemo inspired full page comic about a travelling salesman travelling a magic world. I'm really going to put an effort in it to make it look great
That's really cool, anon!

I've always thought that there's a lot of potential in making a webcomic that utilizes gifs to do things traditional comics can't Excluding that one webcomic that shall not be named

I hope it all goes well!
simple strips are good!
Oh my, then i really need to pay attention to details when it comes to creating fictional character from real life animals and concepts...

Didn't even know about owl many being xygodactyl... I wish i learned about that before...

Well thank you very much for the insight. I also need to remember the barn owl visually have smaller pupils than most owls. it will be corrected.

>Also in you opinion this character is suppose to look more innocent than creepy looking, i wanted the facial design to be familiar (being human), but it seems maybe making the character transform from beast form to humanoid form might be more (comforting to the viewer).
Looks like Eva from Wakfu
if she's supposed to be innocent, then I'd keep the big pupils from the one on the left, at least. I just looked at some barn owls, and their eyes seem to be ALL pupil. the one on the right looks more action-packed eye-wise.
has there ever been any comics to crawl out of this cesspit?
your mom
Has the webcomic bubble popped yet? What's the state of webcomics as a whole... err. genre or whatever?
i don't think it has even begun, really. not until there's some kind of really profitable market. creatively, it's not like the medium is taking a significant chunk of anyone's time or showing up in very many fan discussions (except a few like homestuck that barely qualify as webcomics)
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Update time!

Also time to possibly de-naked the lizard soon. At least temporarily.

Update can be found here:
ooh, instaclothes are a lot better than regular clothes
So about that discord?
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Updating daily
interactive - you choose what the protagonist does next by commenting / upvoting other comments
this is about the level of wit you'd find here, so no.
i'm enjoying participating in this. the upvoting idea is great, not everyone has an idea of their own and you don't need tons of suggestions, just a few good ones
Thank you very much :) Means a lot.
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Happy Halloween /hyw/
y'know if you ever wanna ditch the whole western thing, I would read the fuck out of this
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Finished this page!
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I've found myself less time to work on it, but I'm finally getting to the good part.
excellent lines, cute
have I seen this comic before? Art doesn't look familiar.
I don't think anyone believes it's the real guy posting here... for one thing, the real guy seems way more spergy-angry.

It's a little hard to parse, but I like your character design!
It's all good man. I know not everyone likes western stories. My next story won't be western. But I may ditch the anthros.
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Well, for one, I altered the style a bit to fit with the dark setting, so it doesn't look like it usually does. Second, I barely have anything out (seven parts) and I don't post here often, so I don't think you'd have run into it before.

Hey, if you're interested in it, it's called Witch's Hill.
I don't like most western stories, but I like yours.
I would just also enjoy a story about witch friends.
I seem to recall you drew some humans a little while ago that I really liked, but your anthros are pretty great so i hope you don't feel any kind of pressure there
Welp, I suck at replying

See Here: >>87383848
nope, still not recognizing. did you post it here before?
anyway, link!

I post it on FunnyJunk and occasionally Tumblr. So... pick your poison.


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>How's your Webcomic?

Going nowhere honestly. I believe I've made the mistake of thinking too big too fast. I want to form a daily habit of drawing so now I'm thinking I'll start with that. And then work on writing short (very short) stories to work on form and pacing. Eventually I should have a nice collection of short works and then I'll revisit sitting down and trying to write a completely original piece. But right now starting alone is nightmare enough.

Right now I'm toying with the idea of a Beetlejuice short. Because I've been in that kind of mood lately but who knows.
That's a story we've all heard a lot. People of your talent often jump the gun
that's uh.. a very interesting face you've given lydia...
>content was not found
fine, MAKE me go to tumblr
>that layout
fun for reading while there are 7 pages, I guess. could be worse. buuuut when you add new pages, do you expect people to read from the beginning each time? that's not a good format to follow
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Cosmic tales guy here.
I have been taking a break and working on my art. Again.
I did pic related today.
Oh geez, I thought the FunnyJunk one would work. I don't actually like using Tumblr, so I don't care that it's all jumbled up. Honestly, I forget to upload the comic there most of the times.

I prefer using FunnyJunk and using the collection list thing they have; it's like an archive. I haven't used it on mine, but I suppose I should now.
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Yeah. It's kind of amazing. Like, I'm not even that good, and the people who are way better than me who I've always wondered "why aren't they putting out more stuff?" and the more I've improved the more I've come to learn the horror of the answer.

Like, I'm not saying drawing isn't fun for me now, but it feels like it was a lot more fun when I was terrible at it.


Beetlejuice has the weirdest dynamic (specifically the cartoon.) He's like, a way more successful Goblin King when you think about it. Plus I've always like that Lydia just rolls with whatever crazy horror movie shit that goes down between the real world and whatever hell dimension she's constantly getting dragged to to go on adventures.
I know I say this every time you practice, but you are getting noticeably better. but you also have a way to go in terms of your proportions and anatomy.. compared to your inking which is fantastic
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Thanks. I appreciate the feedback and I agree it is time to focus on anatomy again.
yeah dude if you fix it up, that'd be neat. i've never read a comic on funnyjunk before but i like the idea
agreed. and now you're making me wonder what it would have been like if they'd had a Labyrinth cartoon where Sarah and Jareth were suddenly friends.
but what I meant was.. er.. her face. the way you drew it.. uhh.. is there a reason you went that way?
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Hmm. I'm not sure what you mean. Like, is it that weird looking? I'm not 100% sure on the design so it's just a rough sketch...
it's a very, very strange face for a young girl. She looks like Murdoc from Gorillaz.
She has a bit of a man-jaw
how do you portray a friendship between an adult and teenager without makong it creepy or weird... is it possible? any good precedences you guys can think of?
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Hm. Well, she's not that young in that picture. Well, not a child anyway.

In the picture you responded to or the first picture I posted? (lol, or both?)
Just treat it like the very normal thing it is
>any good precedents
like, anything made before the 2000s. like every single disney movie.
kind of all of them.. not just the jaw, basically every facial feature is that of a typical haggard, untrustworthy male character, such as a leader of a gang of thieves. I'm not saying she has to look like winona ryder, but.. what were your motivations behind those feature choices?
Funny, a friend of mine dressed as lydia tonight actually. she's an artist, if she was still awake I'd ask her to give some input
It's pretty common for intergenerational friendships to happen. Most people have at least one older friend they go to for advice

I'd say the simplest precedent you could aim for is making your characters have similar interests in media they consume. Sports, Art, Music, TV etc.

Or like a big-brother type such as a kid befriending one of their older sibling's friends.

Or even a local community club.
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That's interesting. No particular reason. She looks like a girl to me, but then I've spent a lot of time looking at girls faces, they're not all that soft.

I agree she does look pretty shifty eyed though, lol. I'm actually not going for any particular look. They all simultaneously look right and don't look right to me which is why they're all a little different. I'm not sure what to settle on. I'm also not looking at a lot of references I'm just drawing whatever comes to mind.

For instance I just realized that's not even how her hair is supposed to look....
I agree except most of those are same gender. Mine isn't, and the younger character is a girl. I suppose I am really worried that my audience would only see him as "predatory" even if he's a kind of mentor and they have a genuine rapport.
I think she looks fine. Reminds me of actual teenage gothy types. They just want her to look soft and cutesy.
>but then I've spent a lot of time looking at girls faces, they're not all that soft.
not all, no.. but unless you live in eastern europe or something, you shouldn't be seeing a lot of noses like that on women.
I actually wasn't sure if you were going for a cartoon look or maybe a hybrid of cartoon and movie look. fanart is fun that way, you can do it however you want
anyone who sees him as predatory isn't "your audience". so don't worry about losing them, you want that.
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lol, you never know. One thing I've learned in my adventures of creepy staring (aka studying features) is that they're all over the place. She does have a tiny nose in the cartoon though.

Like I said, I'm mostly just drawing whatever comes to mind. I don't particularly want her to have a bunch of masculine features (the opposite really) but I'm also not aiming for particularly "cute" in a traditional sense. Although I do think goth girls are cute, it's just not in a conventional way at all. By design.
It depends on the ages. When you say young, how young? How old is the guy? Technically these things shouldn't matter if the relationship is platonic anyway, but it MAY affect what type of relationship would be believable. That also goes for if you're sensitive about it, it may affect your own point of view on your story.

What I would say is just do whatever it is you were planning to do unedited and then re-evaluate it as you go along. Are you worried about unintentionally creating sexual tension or something?
Now we're talking! that little button nose, that mouth, those eyes.. those eyebrows.. she's now a little funnylooking, but definitely feminine. Did you look up winona ryder there? Because it kinda looks like it.
Really worried about the sexual tension, yeah, because I am not very sexual myself and those cues go over my head frequently. He's old enough to be her dad, but married to his work and pays attention to her because it gives him a chance to talk about it. His ulterior motive is to not waste an opportunity to subject another human being to meandering ranting. They happen to be a teenage girl, is all. Nobody likes them so they are ronery.
I reckon this anon simply doesn't want the subject to come up, since there is no acceptable way to handle those kinds of accusations. it's a witch hunt, there's no non-incriminating response to 'have you stopped beating your wife'
but having any of that shit in mind when you make your comic is the epitome of pussing out. you can't let people like that win, just don't act like you're "Getting away with something" and it'll work fine.
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Yeah that's basically a (very) quick mark-up based on Ryder. Though that's not what I'm looking for either.

Unrelated: This dancing skeleton is jamming in perfect sync to Carpenter Brut right now and it's kind of incredible.
I know you're worried and it's a minefield out there, but try not to be scared of the results of anything you did unintentionally, because only a complete arse thinks things like 'this is full of cues and innuendos and it doesn't matter if it was accidental, it's still offensive.' and gets triggered and expects you to own up to their emotional trauma

and to be blunt, no amount of preparation is going to save you from that. It's always possible, no matter what you do. So why waste effort on it?
I'm liking this cartoony version. it has a softer nose than >>87386869 on the right (that one is looking a little more snide and teacher-y) and that works, but she's still not overly cute. Looks properly gothy. It's just kind of a shame since the drawings so far indicate you can really pull off some nicely-stylized realism.. You wanna try maybe re-realisming this cartoon look? also your BJ has been excellent throughout. reminds me of Barth from You Can't Do That on Television, who already reminded me of Betelgeuse as it is.

heh, my skelly is marching, and i'm learning a lot about walk cycles.
Oh. WELL. In that case, here's the thing. Assuming your characters have any chemistry at all, sexual tension is simply inevitable in the eyes of the audience. You literally cannot avoid it. So my advice to you, is if you don't want your story to be about that then just ignore it in any of its forms. People are going to ship, period. The point is to not feed into it.

But if you're dead set on being proactive, my advice to you mainly is:

Don't have a lot of scenes where your characters are standing < 3 feet from each other. I see this shit in movies and TV all the time and it's a very obvious visual cue. Like, draw them interacting like how you interact with your male friends (if you are male and have male friends, I guess.) Guys don't stand that close to each other, that shit's gay.

Don't have too many scenes where they are touching each other platonic or otherwise. Unless it's the climax to an emotional moment or something there should be a maintained distance. Their chemistry should come out in the dialogue and other ways, maybe body language or something. But the more physical something becomes the more you feed the shippers.

But like >>87387439 said, you really can't avoid shippers and you really shouldn't give into the Witch Hunters by compromising your literary intentions. Just do what you're gonna do. Your audience will find you.
The Juice is easy though. Disgusting, shady, undead, possibly homeless looking serial killer, middle-aged man-ghoul? Check. Check. Check...
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Forgot pic.
>people standing near each other or touching will be seen as fucking, guys don't do that or it's gay!
ugh, you're so right and yet I hate you because that's so fucking wrong, and there are so many societal ills (including the aforementioned gay) that could be cured if we could fix that attitude.
and yet, the cartoon still fucked him up a bit, in my opinion. that fucking Dexter's Dad head, where it just grows gradually, chinlessly out from the neckhole, then tapers upward to a point. fucking disgusting. but cartoons LOVE it.

As for this Lydia face.. hmm.. kinda getting a The Spleen feel

I love the western feel, for one.
Also: Your way of drawing anthros is one of my favorite out there, so, just saying.
Haha. Well, I'm not even saying that being gay is wrong, it's just that platonic males maintain a certain distance out of respect for personal space which you would only be inclined to break if you were either completely socially illiterate or intentionally creating an intimate moment. Otherwise there's zero reason to be standing that close to someone when you are talking to them.

In fact guys don't even do that with girls they aren't at all attracted to. Like that nice unattractive female co-worker. She's cool and all, but you're not inclined to close that distance too much.

>The Spleen.

The hero we all deserve. I kind of like rat faced girls though. That shit's endearing to me for some reason (The Secret of NIMH? Probably The Secret of NIMH.)
That makes sense and looking back I'd already done most if not all of that. I think they touch once and it's a death scene, so that's... acceptable not romantic touching imo. If they were the same age they probably would be adorable together but... not this time around.
Oh. Good, because I was just now looking at twitter and found a really good example of what NOT to do, lol. In fact it was so relevant I laughed to my self about it.
>Respect for personal space
>there's zero reason to do it otherwise!
look i hate eurofags but that attitude is so damn american. that's all I'm saying. there are other ways of thinking, y'know?
Wow looks like I have been drawing my guys standing way close together then. Oh well. I need to take a class to learn this shit or up my autistic social observation and mimicry skills.
share it anyway my friend
I'd rather YOU be the trendsetter. All social rules were set by someone. You're just as much somebody as those people! Seriously, it's really easy to undo things like that, especially now. People will pretty much swallow anything if you present it the right way. Traditions are so malleable today that it's the best possible time for all of us weirdos to make our OWN conventions.. With blackjack, and hookers!

Unless your comic is trying to evoke verisimilitude for a specific time and place, in which case yeah absolutely study more.
I've lived in Europe for a total of about 12 years of my life. Not even Europeans put their faces together when they talk.

Like we can nit-pick about when it's okay to stand within someone's personal space. But I'm talking about in general, people don't stand that close unless they are being intentionally intimate (or are dense.) That kind of body language is universally provocative, even in cultures where it's acceptable. The message it conveys is very personal. And if you want to "minimize" tension, I'm just saying a good way to do that is to minimize that kind of interaction.

For instance. Pic related. Nothing is happening in this image really. But that tension is so thick you could use it as a heavy bag. To be fair, that is 100% the intention of the artist. But my point still stands.

Haha. Well look at it this way. Are they standing so close that one of them could easily lean in for a kiss? Then they are too close.

Are they doing this while having a normal conversation about sports or the weather? Or the last episode of Game of Thrones? Then they are DEFINITELY too close.

IF they are supposed to be platonic friends. If they're supposed to be super gay lovers then it's fine.

Although I feel like I should again clarify, that this is more for when your depicting a relationship. In real life there are thousands of different nuances to social interactions. And ultimately it doesn't matter to onlookers because in real life people mind their own business. But in fiction the entire audience is concentrated on how the characters act and what they do. So universal social norms are important to conveying your intentions to the audience as the artist. Unless your characters are aliens or intentionally are supposed to defy convention.
It's tense because one's looking down at the other and the expressions are dour and dead serious. but it could still be totally casual. Every culture is different about this, I severely disagree about your idea of it being universal. Hell look at Japan.. that picture would be unthinkable for a boy and a girl, but a bunch of guys will get TOTALLY like that all over each other, the same way giggly american girls will with each other. just like a bunch of sloppy drunken monkeys. and I believe, deep down, that all life-forms want to be this way with each other, they're just scared of various things depending on their upbringing. my cat WANTS to snuggle with my dog, she's just fucking scared for no good reason.
actions don't convey messages. messages are inferred.

I'm just going wayyy deeper than comic creation needs to be.
sorry to break your heart, this guy aint using any screentones.

these are all hand drawn stroke techniques
the dots on his clothes were done by hand
aren't they still called screentones when they're done by hand? or are they just 'tones' and the 'screen' part refers to the shit you cut out and paste
is there ANY reason to do that at all? seems retarded and poor
it looks pretty fucking amazing, but only because we were told to go look at it.. so no. but if you're good at it, it will feel good to do. Like, I'm good at drawing random speckles on shit. sand, stars, whatever. I enjoy that.
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It's tense because their faces are like 2 inches apart. Even if they were both smiling tension would still exist because the distance between them is practically non-existent.

Even in Japan this would be fine if the two people are intimate (I lived there too.) And no, guys don't intentionally get that close to each others faces. When you are drunk you become mentally inhibited which makes you no better than someone who is unable to read social cues at all.

Girls are different. Depending on their relationship they are more inclined to completely invade each others personal space, but they can also be more physical in a casual setting. But that goes beyond just social norms.

Just like your cat and dog example. Cats and dogs are natural enemies. They are both territorial and not animals you would see getting along in nature in close proximity. Your cat is not afraid for no reason, he is afraid because not every ounce of its instincts have been bred out.

It's the same vice versa. Some dogs are wary of cats because they still remember and aren't completely stupid (friendly.) Why? Because a cat will scratch the shit out of you if you invade its personal space without being invited regardless of your size.

Even lesser animals are capable of reading into social cues as long as their not bred to be totally mindless. Both dogs and cats are capable of understanding each others body language.

It's the same with people. I disagree that the differences are that vast across cultures. I've been around, they seem pretty consistent to me within a certain range. (Obviously I'm not going to claim they are ALL 1:1.

It depends. Whether it looks good or not is entirely dependent on your style. And if you have that kind of time there's no real reason not to do it if you can make it look good. It's really more of a dealer's choice than it is anything else. Like there are a lot of effects that are just better done by hand.

But I do agree, for generic clothing tones, unless you really can't afford it or hate screen tones for some reason it's so much easier to just use tones rather than doing it by hand.

Then again, it's Yojimbo. So it's possible it predates screen tones being widely used by everybody...
It varies from person to person, but generally speaking, most people have a personal space about the length of their upper arm. Basically, if you can touch the other guy with your elbow, they're too close for comfort.

Obviously, this has a lot of modifiers; Ignoring someone's personal space can be done for practical reasons (like in a packed train), as a show of dominance (yelling in someone's face), simply failing to think about the other person's feelings (a stressed social worker manhandling an old woman as he helps her dress), being bad at social cues (drunk guy or autist getting all up in your face t tell you about their pokeymans) etc., but if two people are right next to each other when there's no outside reason for it and neither of them minds, that implies a large degree of emotional closeness and trust to the viewer.

It doesn't have to be romantic, but it will often be interpreted that way (especially for male characters, since men are generally expected to keep a firmer leash on their emotions).
>if you have that kind of time
Nobody has that kind of time. You have roughly 30,000 days on this earth. 1/3 of that spent sleeping. Add up eating, schooling, lazying, playing, working, that's easily another 1/3. Leaving you with 10,000 days to do work, and that's assuming you don't get ill or injured, or perhaps grow too senile to do your best work. How much of this little time do you want to spend making dots?
This exactly.

Life can't really be broken down into a practical math equation though. Sometimes it's just better to do it yourself. If it's your job and your release schedule is in your hands then you can afford to spend extra time doing things the hard way.

I didn't say that I would do it. I'm just saying I can see why a manga artist in the 70s or whenever Yojimbo was made might do it.
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New page my people. Havent posted in here for a while so thought I should.
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The foreshortening in the first panel is so bad in comparison to the rest of the page that I honestly think it would be worth the effort for you to go back and redraw the arm and sword completely. Like, everything else about the page works just fine except for this one thing, but the one thing that doesn't work is the main focal point of the biggest panel on the page.
Why would it break my heart? It's impressive as hell. It's also very time consuming and there's a lot of hand drawn screen tones out there one can use for similar effect.

The primary point is that ...
...looks unfinished due in part to how empty the page looks. Tones, hand drawn or using pre-made screentones, would help immensely while also making it look closer to the artist's inpsiration.
Bump. Think this page seems about done, now.
Not sure if I should remove "a human?" from the last panel's dialogue.
Depends if you want it to be an innuendo or not.
go for it
I guess I'm just not sure if it's more threatening. If it's innuendo it's kind of like a joke, defusing the scene, but the added violation of privacy might make up for it.
Maybe you need to practice script writting.
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I think it’s going alright.

I finished Chapter 2 last month and am starting in on 3.
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Not quite on topic, sorry, but I'm using Krita with a cheapo monoprice pad. I changed the cursor, but now when I draw with the pen, it draws down and to the right of the cursor instead of where it actually should be. Using a mouse, it's where it should be, it's just with the tablet and pen. Using the default cursor doesn't have a problem either. Screenshotting doesn't capture the cursor, but for reference, the triangle is the cursor and the line is where it's actually drawing.

Any ideas? I switched cursors since I have a ton of trouble seeing the default one, so going back to that isn't really an option. Either way, Krita's borderline unusable for me.
You've tried rebooting the PC and restarting Krita, right?
I've had the cursor go a bit wonky on me at times, and that seems to fix it, but I have no idea about your specific problem, sorry.
Yes to both. It's a very strange error, couldn't find anything about it when searching, either. I'd think it was a calibration error, but it works normally with the other programs and when using the default cursor. ANd it's not a problem with the cursor being misaligned or something since it paints normally with the mouse. It's a shame, because I really like the quick palette thing, but the default cursor is practically invisible to me.

Are all your drivers up to date?

It might be that the program just doesn't like the tablet. Years ago, I had a little Trust tablet and decided to try the demo version of Manga Studio. I experienced a similar problem where the drawing cursor was drastically dislocated from where the actual cursor was. I took that as a sign to upgrade my tablet to a Wacom as it was several years old by then.
They're up to date, but that's probably the only thing it could be. It's a new tablet bought a week ago, but it's not the newest or the top of the line model by any stretch since I'm just starting out and didn't want to blow a few hundred if I wasn't going to stick with it, especially with christmas coming. It's the monoprice 10/6.25 with 8 hotkey one.
Have you tried it in a different drawing program like FireAlpaca or Medibang Paint Pro? (both free, small and easy to use).
Yeah, it works fine in both Gimp and Painttool SAI, which is what I was using for. I'm downloading the clipstudio trial now.
sorry, using BEFORE not for.
Crap, but first attempt
Alright, and clipstudio is working fairly well, but sometimes my pen doesn't draw when using the pencil tools despite it moving the cursor and working on the pressure test setting. Definitely a tablet problem unless both programs are suffering from totally unrelated issues. Maybe I'll treat myself to an actually good one if there's a good black friday sale.
they sit in each others' fucking laps, dude. just saying
>censored isnt what I expected
nicely done.
You could switch the order. that way as you read left to right you're like whaaaa and then 'a human' OHHH
an interesting format.. but it's in spanish
bums are always funny
in my experience, monoprice errors come from wacom drivers, so it's not like a different tablet is guaranteed to fix this error. i get tons of errors with my tablet based on other programs running at the same time (VLC is a known one. telegram's another)
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>>censored isnt what I expected
Do I even wanna know?

>switch the order.
Like "Well now, what have we here? A human..?"
I guess that might work.
oh come on you know what you were implying. you took us for a little ruse cruise.
>you know what you were implying.
>implying I know what I'm doing
Bada bump.
>tfw unmotivated when seeing other artists improve so much and have the confidence to post stuff that people like
I always get worked up about it when I know I shouldn't. Does anyone else feel like this sometimes?
a lot
try to find one who's more on your level and you'll be better motivated
ALL the time. Even if you get to a point where you're drawing six hours a day and improving at artistic mach 3, there'll always be some asshole half your age doing exactly what you want to do except better and faster.

Just try to focus on what you're doing today compared to what you did yesterday, and when you get discouraged by all the people ahead of you, remember that there's no magic trick - there's nothing they're doing that you can't learn to copy.
Thanks! It's nice to know that other people here can relate. It's like everything I draw and want to show isn't good enough when compared to others, making my want to draw sink even lower.
Like I said, here's my next project finished
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Also here's a piece of shit I made for fun
Dudes im working on the groundwork for something to do in the future. It's gonna be about aliens, if i post my roughs for one race can someone give me a tip?
this looks like you altered the aspect ratio afterwards..
That's funny. Mostly because I only altered the second one's aspect ratio. Although I am transferring the actual images around to different applications so I can post it here
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Rough. supposed to be sort of dog-cattish. Trying to strike a balance of animalistic and not furry looking because thats def not what i want.
is it possible you have a miscalibrated monitor? or maybe i'm just nuts here, let's get a second opinion or three
I love the nose. Nice and alien. good eyes too. It doesn't just look like a copy of an earth mammal
From the profile shot though the nose doesnt stick as far forward and down as I thought it did from the front. I'd like to see more forward and down-ness of the nose.. maybe only for males?
the nostrils are actually those two black spot bits beside. I just need to get the angle of the muzzle right, decide on 2 or 4 ears and come up with the dimorphism for the genders.
yeah this has potential for sure. is the asymmetry ntentional? I only ask beacuse you seem to have done it twice, and mirrored the nostrils. it wouldn't exactly be unthinkable.
Not particularly but its something to keep in mind for future, varying feature size and placement. I think first thing i should do is establish the basic construction
>completely out of ideas for one small part of a page, working on it anyway, hoping it occurs to you by the time you get to that part
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WIP of the next page!
Angel is too fucking cute I can't take it
is that just a flaccid pajama-arm in those panels? because it kinda looks full-of-arm
Oh yeah, I forgot about the arm thing with the pajamas, I'll fix it.
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In today's comic, Lord Remington shows his face for the first time since 2098, revealing that he has the same mutation as Ben.


Cool comics, keep it up y'is!
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Finished this page!
My resolve is strong tonight
> they sit in each others' fucking laps, dude. just saying

Who are you talking about?
young japanese males.
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cannot decide on a color for Tenshi's outfit here. also I wanted it to be sluttier, but I'm so bad at thinking of clothes like that. I imagined the outfit in black, and that will definitely not work with all the other black on her

If you recall, Tenshi got carted off by some succubi in her last appearance. this is what happens!
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How do you know it's bad if you haven't read it? There's a process, see?
Oh, so Remington was that Batteka character you showed off a while back.
Getting back in the swing of things. Found the sudden urge to move the story along as the comic's officially been running for a year now, and there hasn't been enough namedrops as I'd like there to be.
I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with what I'm saying.

Young Japanese Male strangers don't do that. It still indicates a level of intimacy (and I can't say I ever witnessed behavior like that in public.) And I don't know if your using anecdotal evidence you've either heard about or seen yourself as reference for the general behavior of Japanese males. But there ARE gay Japanese guys. All that yaoi manga can't be wrong.

Either way, there's nothing I've read about concerning Japanese culture or personally witnessed while living there that leads me to believe that that's common widespread behavior among the Japanese. Though I guess an actual Japanese person would be able to tell us for sure.
>flesh tones

Well I'm convinced.
not strangers, but classmates. do you think I'd just make something like that up?
why are we still talking about this?
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Personally, I find it interesting.

I'm not saying you're making it up. I'm just wondering to what extent they are displaying that behavior and what the sociological factors behind it are. Because when I make an argument for universal patterns of behavior it's in reference to the vast majority. Of course there are going to be patterns that run contrary to that.

Like, I've seen Italian guys holding hands. ALL Italian guys don't hold hands. In fact I would say MOST don't. But in typical American fashion. If a tourist spots two guys holding hands in a foreign country they come back reporting that "Italian guys hold hands." But after spending considerable time around them, what I've noticed about Europeans is that typically when they act super gay it's really just because they actually are gay. So it's hit or miss. Mostly among young people. It's even the same in your example of Japanese students.

It's just something to think about. Thinking about behavioral patterns helps me when it comes to creating characters.
>Because when I make an argument for universal patterns of behavior it's in reference to the vast majority. Of course there are going to be patterns that run contrary to that.
that's the first time i've heard someone other than myself say that about something. nevermind then, i didn't realize what i was arguing exactly.
watching your lydia evolve is really interesting. i Kinda like this one.
>find local "shounen manga" magazine that is constantly looking for new authors and, from the looks of it, will take pretty much anyone
>want to send them something so I can put my name on something locally
>come up with a weird Kill Bill meets Stardust crusaders meets El Topo meets Hermetic Garage thing but much worse
>protagonist is cowboy James Sunderland, making it too adult
>other characters include a disgraced idol looking for revenge, a STRONK maid, a magician trapped on the body of a dog, and a dreamlands cat
>haven't come up with anything shounenshit-like since then
>mfw I can't come up with some light on the fly to save my life
I feel like an idiot. This shouldn't be that hard.
some light?
anyway it's hard to push inspiration, it just has to come. good luck with that though. watch what you sign
I meant something light.
what kind of light stuff are you looking for?
Just, like, something you'd expect from a shounen manga.
Come to think of it, I haven't read one of those in ages and have taken a bad habit of writing broken or broken-ish characters lately.
get reading, man. that's how you get inspired.
I think you're over thinking it. Just stick to the basics.

>Protagonist has some incredible ability
>walks in to places where problems are happening
>initially chooses not to help
>something happens that changes his mind
>solves problem
>repeat for 400 chapters
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Yeah, sometimes I have to remind myself to make sure I'm being clear.

I think somewhere between >>87387774 and >>87408293 is what I'm looking for in terms of looks...
don't forget
>hangs around his hometown, interacting with people he knows, protecting people he cares about, and learning about what's going on outside of home.
that's the best part of all shounen, that first part.. What sucks is when it becomes a fucking job for them
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Any suggestions for this page? A friend said the panels were too empty and boring.
I feel like the third panel would benefit from a detailed background, and more dynamism in her landing pose - raised legs, bent at the torso maybe?
cockroaches and spiders and centipedes crawling around in the first panel, then skittering away in the second?
Bingo. Also the love interest is someone he saves or meets in the first couple of chapters if not the very first one.
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I'll keep both of those in mind, thanks!

Did a quick shitty mock up of some re-positioning, bringing Snoots into the foreground more. I know it's just quick blobs of color, but think it'd be better?
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I was actually thinking of submitting to that contest as well.

Would it be rude if I ask anybody here to give it a read of what we've created so far and let us know what you think?

It's an action adventure comedy series that follows the format of a kid with monster. I finished the 1st chapter today. Any tips on toning or composition/framing that could be used to further improve the experience is greatly appreciated!

Its being hosted here:
http:// boysland.thewebcomic. com/
I like it better when she's his childhood friend neighbor
you can really see how much influence japan has gotten from cape comics
I think he was just fine where he was. You don't want to take too much attention away from the hole, the reader's eye SHOULD go to the hole.
>breaking up a link
If I had to make one criticism. In the second panel the beam of stuff is supposed to be flying up and out of the hole, right? Maybe its just me but the way the lines are it makes it look like its going down instead, like something is crashing to Earth.
I like it when the protagonist gets another love interest but still has the clearly-in-love-with-them childhood friend with them but who is totally okay with it
I don't think you're ready for professional publishing yet, if I'm honest, but this is really growing on me the more I read it
Maybe a few bats should be poinging up more gently out of the flow. Like if you imagine what a bunch of pingpong balls would look like shooting out of a pipe, there would be a few around the edges who lost their velocity early

Ah thats cool with me. In all honesty, I'm cool with just publishing it online for free for everyone to read.

But thank you!
That could work, but I was thinking of an easier solution which was to just rotate the gush vertically
For a contest though I don't see why he shouldn't submit it.
I don't think I know what you mean, but hopefully Dustin does. I would have made it spreading out as it went, but that wouldn't prevent it from looking like it's getting sucked in.
sure, can't hurt. just make sure you read the agreement and you're not signing anything important away
I have Mx0 in another tab.

I'll see what I can come up with with this. I really wanted to make something that wouldn't stretch for too long since it'd be kind of like a side project.

Well, they've been retelling Spiderman at every chance they got after all.
Okay, all caught up. You've got a knack for nice, slow storytelling. I dig it. Now that he's in the digital world I'll have to see how well it reads one page at a time, sometimes things are better binged, but either way i'm giving it a shot
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I really appreciate you taking the time to read that dude. thank you!

I'll be submitting future content in chapters at a time. It will take longer, but I want to tell the story in bursts rather than 1-page at a time format.
Was that inspired from Dokuro-chan?
>tfw messy lines
I dont know if its cause my hands are shaking without me noticing or what. How do i fix this?
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Depends on the exact nature of the mess.
If it's digital, first try drawing along a ruler and see if that makes a straight line.
If you're sure it's your hands and not your tools, just practice drawing straight lines a lot. This guy goes through a few exercises you can do.
Thanks F-am
This is some cargo cult bullshit right here
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Man, this thread's dead today.
ah, well there you go then
Now that you say that, it must have been! I just had it written in my notes for that to be Tenshi's fate next time she appears. Most of it was just Black Pit, and I know he has a huge club sometimes. I even wrote specifically to make it a BRONZE tetsubo because an angeldemon wouldn't be wielding iron if they're fairies too
oy. things are tough for Death
kittyyyyy. also I love that first panel, it's so matrixy and really gives the impression her reflexes are fantastic
Maybe not a solid iron tetsubo, but an iron-studded kanabo would make fine sense for something allergic to iron - after all, you wouldn't be touching the iron parts yourself. Like how flamethrowers are a thing even though humans are weak to fire.

Yeah, I really lucked into that first panel. Hopefully I can render it without losing all the dynamism.
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Long time no see, /hyw/
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In today's comic, Tuler Dula gets pissed off.

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You're all doing great, keep at it!
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Aaand that's it, all I had accumulated since last month

Oh, forgot these two. Keep at it!
Ah yeah, I knew she would do something sooner or later.
Nice use of colors!

Neat expressions!
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I don't like adding text to paint tool SAI
because it's shit, stop using sai
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My good friend (artist) and I are starting on a comic.

Currently we're working on the second chapter, it's mostly a personal project for now but we'll see where we go with it.
What are some better options?
true. that thing in gargoyles where even banging an iron bell hurts oberon, i reckon that's a level of weakness only the highest-level, purest-blooded would have. angels and demons are wayyy far out there for me. and as it is they have decent protection against weapons from intangibility. This shit is fun to think about.
actually my favorite kinds are the ones that have big thick chunks on them instead of just little spikes.. but that's harder to draw
That's incredibly generic-looking. If someone asked me to make that design less interesting and memorable, I'd honestly be hard-pressed.
i still miss the wee piglets
but the tragically unfunny clown guy is so completely great. I have a lot to learn from you
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not a very nice way of putting it, but can't disagree
Ok. But that's not necessarily a bad thing given the setting.

There are plenty of good stories with generic looking main characters.
Your style is really captivating, I like the texture you put into it
Sure, but I don't know anything about your story so I have to assume it's not one of them.
Why does your story benefit from having a main character I couldn't pick out in a crowd?
It's a story set in a medieval-ish period, with magic re-emerging into the world.

The character is just a normal kid.
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>medieval-ish period, with magic re-emerging into the world.
>tfw writing a similar story
>tfw every time I do this I find it's already done or someone else is starting to do it
>tfw zero creativity and retarded
Well, I mean, it's just a one sentence summary.

I'm sure your story is much different than mine.
miss melee no longer posts? is the comic dead? who else did we lose?
>The character is just a normal kid.
Normal doesn't and shouldn't equal generic. Western and eastern comics and animation are full to bursting with examples of normal kid protagonists who aren't generic.
what's the point, these threads are dead
In what ways is he generic then? His outfit?
The clothes don't do anything to create a remarkable silhouette. Apart from that he looks like a generic Disney Prince.

Try drawing him with emotions or in action next so we can see where you're going with him.
>disney prince
what? he looks nothing like that. he looks like a generic hobbit kinda guy. short, fat face, slumpy hair, clothes halfway between finery and peasant. he looks like a background NPC you buy stuff from.
to be a dashing prince he'd have to be tall, muscular, with a chiseled jaw. or if he's a young prince like an Ashitaka type, he'd have to look agile and cunning and have spikier hair. this guy is solidly low-test
It's mostly the dark wavy hair and boyish, bright-eyed face. Low- or high-test, there's nothing there to suggest any personality beyond a vanilla ideal.
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>tfw you could stop updating your comic tomorrow and no one would bat an eye
if he had wavy hair it would give him a little personality at least. nobody likes drawing wavy hair.. I feel like we don't get represented
His face is generic, his build is generic, and his outfit is generic. Nothing about him grabs my attention - no unusual or elaborate hairstyle, no jewelry, no colors anywhere (and he's not even doing the all-black thing, which would honestly make him more memorable than he is now), no indication of social class, no clothing that looks really bizarre to a modern westerner...
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Hey lads, how far down, out, what angel, should i put the muzzle at? whats the best balance between animalistic and intelligent looking i guess?
depends, what are you going for?
A sort of dog-cattish like alien that evokes an animal aesthetic without drawing furryness to it.If it helps in visualization they're a spiritual race that inhabited a jungle world, Kind of like space viet-cong,
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I made a new banner for my site today. That's about all I did today though.

You can read Monster Lands here: http://www.monster-lands.com/
ahhh righto, in that case i think you're doing really good things with the cranium. that's just perfect for them. the one on the right with the heavy brow, not so much. lighter brow for sure.. you could pick up the muzzle angle a little more forward if you wanted, you could even go really long, long snouts seem pretty wise.
good banner for sure.
So the one on the right? just vary the angle and size of the muzzle for variation sake. I think the last thing is to get a better grasp of the brow, possibly draw a skull for them and find ways to make them not hideous and gender Dimorphism
naw i think left is best. the right one looks more like a laborer alien. in fact i'm sure i've seen a design just like that before.
yeah i meant left sry.
it's okay, it's allleft now.
i should have a page done soon
I finally started making a fancomic I've been wanting to do for forever.
I'm making it 4-koma style and I have 8 strips drawn so far. Just need to scan and color them.
hey alright, what's it a fancomic of? that sounds readable. We don't get a lot of 4koma fancomics.. and honestly that's the best way to do that
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>when your comic protagonist commits his first murder
d-does it count if it's accidental/negligent?
Only if the protagonist realizes the gravity of what he's just done
okay phew. still virgins then.
It's of Josie and the Pussycats and it's not a dark gritty or sexy, just about them in a complex band academy.
I came up with it for a reboot class assignment some years ago and wrote plots down as episode springboards so it has things like:
>They need to write a new song and they argue about it
next to
>Valerie unleashes a storybook dragon on the school and the band must clean up the mess
that could work!
dammit, comic. be-drawn-faster.
no it can't, it sounds terrible
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This should not have taken this long.. but hey, lots of continuity!
I never have any idea whether to treat my audience like their memory can be measured in years or minutes
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Always fun to do a first kill.

I feel kind of bad for not dwelling on how shell-shocked about it Erin should still be, having killed someone just a few months back. But she's been on the back-burner for the Sisters lately. She shows up next issue dealing with some shit that happens this week's update. She's not supposed to be good around death, but she's one of those people who gets jaded to it pretty quick because she's a bad person. Plus one should argue self-defense, but Erin did fuck him before murdering him because she just wanted to get hers.

How you fucks been doing? We've been good. Getting close to the end of our twelfth issue, "the Witness." Third issue in our second arc. Feels good to get this far. Been busy as shit with other projects.

Pretty good banner. I like your work and I need to catch back up.

He's very well dressed, but the cloak/tunic/boots look is very similar to a dozen other protagonists. You should consider personality in how he dresses as well as his age, if he is 14 and magic is starting to come back into the world; maybe he should be a little more cautious in how he carries himself? He's also blandly handsome, which is only a problem because he looks more like a background character than a protagonist.

I have a hard time visualizing him emoting in a way that has staying power, just looking at him. Even giving him a different mouth/teeth would help him stand-out. He doesn't need to look crazy unique, but a little thing like buck teeth or a slouch and a more humble posture can sell him as being a character rather than background fodder.

Looking at his design, nothing speaks to who he is or the sort of things he might go through. Surface impressions are important even if they're wrong. When you look at a person on the streets you can make assumptions based on them. You want this to be someone who at a glance you can see someone thinking "I wonder what that guy's about."
Not like that'll stop me.

No bullying, Anon. Go back under your bridge.

Haven't been to /hyw/ in some time so I don't know your comic, but your anthros are cute.
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I appreciate all the short haired chicks in this desu
Should I darken the shadows a tad?
I'm gonna be putting up a mini story online in the near future but for the actual novels, the illustrations are going to be greyscale
Is the background still going to be pure white in the finished version? Else I'd darken them more than just a tad.
It'd really depend on the setting/ mood of the illustration
That was just a quick test of the lineless art I'm choosing to go with for this series.
Once I have some true illustrations done for the short story, I'll post em up
Well, then it depends on the setting and mood how dark you should make the shadows. Simply turning a colored image greyscale tends to have comparatively less contrast because of the lack of saturation and hue.
Yeah I'm messing around in my settings and I think using a gradient map instead works better.
I'll keep messing with stuff once I get a proper mock up page up
I have some ideas and want to get some input.
>A sci-fi adventure about the first astronaut to pilot a ftl ship and leave the solar system
>A post apocalyptic fantasy with old gods and human condition horror
>An alternate history ww3 scenario between the US and the UK with mechas, power armor and japs.
the fantasy one will be equal parts ww1, fallout, dungeon punk and involve something thematically similar to war of the worlds.
There's very little feedback that can be given to ideas as vague as this. Almost any idea can work, given the right execution.

If you honestly don't know which one you like best, pick the easiest one, or the one that will take the shortest time to reach its conclusion, and go with that (if you don't know which one will take the shortest time, write out the outline and figure it out). That way if you mess it up, it won't take as long before you can move on and start a new thing, wiser from the experience.
I have a million ideas but am willing to write what ever an artists wants to draw. I want to start a webcomic or an actual one so I can get published an do the DC writer's workshop next year.

Anyone interested in making a fun little story, could be anything, could be dark and serious or even horror. Whatever you want, I'll write it.
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Will we mend the arm? Will he lose it and replace it with a cool hook or something? Will it get infected and kill him? So many options
Dialogue is hard. Panel composition for dialogue is also hard. Woe is me. I don't know if "troll-beast" is too much and I should just go with "monster", but I feel like it kinda adds to the vikingy atmosphere.

I'm pretty busy with my own comic right now, but I've been meaning to do something else on the side where I don't have to do the writing once I get my buffer properly aligned. If you could write out a high/heroic fantasy one-shot that's less than thirty pages* before the start of december, I'm certain I could get it done before the writer's workshop application deadline.

*I know, that's not a lot - barely over a page a week. But I don't want to make a promise I can't keep.
What is the plot to this comic? I never know what the fuck is going on.
I (and probably many more) would greatly prefer you keep the anthros if you can, they look very nice.
Discussion prompt bump: Is getting a more expensive tablet really worth it over a cheaper or middle of the line one? What are the benefits for spending more than fifty bucks on one? Placebo effect in that having a several hundred dollar tablet makes you 'feel' like a better artist is an acceptable answer.
Only if you know you're good enough to make good use of it. A good tablet is certainly not going to make you a better artist.
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In today's comic, Tuler uses her psychic powers to attack Lord Remington.

Caveat: I have not watched this video, but it might possibly be useful:
(Also - check out the rest of the site for tutorials on digital art)

I started off using a cheap tablet which was fine while I was getting used to it, but a few years down the line it didn't work with a program that I wanted to use (I took that as a sign to upgrade to a Wacom).

The support and compatibility of a tablet are also factors to consider. It might be a false economy to get a cheap tablet that ends up being incompatible with newer programs and updates whereas a tablet from a reliable brand may have better driver support.

Make a short list of possible purchases and look up some consumer reviews.
Not to sound weird, but she's kinda hot.
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WIP of the next comic!
yeah dude, I'm bringin' all the good shit from old anime back.
no authentic variation available, like trolloc or something?
yeah can't blame you there, none of it makes sense without the preceding. Maybe I should have been doing recaps all this time, like Forming has.
Right now they have been on a quest in Hell tracking their most persistent enemy, whose plot we've gotten snippets of for a while now, and figuring they'd just stumble into some do-gooding as usual.. but this time the NPC that guided them was another old villain in disguise, and egged them into breaking the seal on someone else's final boss from way back.. but they have one of the original heroes that defeated her on their side, along with this angel they accidentally trapped in there the last time they visited Hell, so right now "the plot" is going to be finding out what the fuck Doofenshmirtz is up to and putting a stop to it, Agent P.
huh. isn't she full of pig's blood?
Cool stuff!
Not that anon, but why would that be weird? Having someone be aroused by something you've drawn is one of the highest compliments.
>no authentic variation available, like trolloc or something?
None that make sense to a modern English reader, I don't think. The closest thing I can find to a generic word for "monster" is óvættr, "un-being" or "un-wight", "un-spirit", but nobody would go "oh, a monster" if I put that in the comic. "Troll-beast" runs into the problem of modern English associating the word "troll" with a specific type of big hairy humanoid supernatural being, rather than being a catch-all term for supernatural bullshit (for instance, all the Scandinavian languages' word for "sorceror" translates literally into "troll-man").

I think I might end up calling it a Hel-wight (in my mind a translation of Helvættr, "hel-being", since it snuck in from neighboring Hel), which, while not a historical term that I know of, sounds appropriately ominous while remaining unspecific enough that people won't know what to expect. Maybe "Hel-thing" to avoid too much connotation with the undead.
I could totally do that. Conan-esque sword & sorcery cool?
Well, she's only part pig, and he needs pure pig blood.

He probably doesn't even know she's part pig.
oh I see, so you're really trying to say youkai here. yeah that is tricky, we don't really have good terms for that, only crummy ones.
Muscle-man anatomy really isn't my strong point, so maybe a protagonist looking more like a knight-errant, or Guts, or Elric, than Frazetta's Conan. But aside from that yeah, S&S is fine.
Here's my mail btw: 595158825(at)mail.com

Well, "monster" would work fine if I didn't feel like it felt too modern. Honestly, one of the really nice things about writing in English is the incredibly diverse vocabulary it's stolen from other languages.
man, Sree-durra, you 'round? I wanna talk about that comic you posted on your blog.
yeah exactly. this is one of the rare blind spots we have. and even then it's a luxurious one, since it's merely not having a word with the right TONE
wanna pet that cat
possibly even moreso than the blue one from earlier, though that one was blue
Yeah, they're adorable little furballs. Way more fun to get reference of than the corpses that last chapter was full of. Though, living with a pair of cats that are only about half as fluffy as a purebred forest cat, I gotta say it's somewhat balanced IRL by the extra amounts of water, mud, leaves and snow they carry indoors in bad weather.
bump the sequel
Return of the Bump
Bump: The Reboot
Reply: A Bump Story
Any tips for color blind artists? I can never get brown especially to look right. Every rgb code I look up looks way too red to me. Would it be better if I go with what I think is right based on color matching and codes and such, or should I go with what I see even if it makes my comics look "wrong?"
You could try looking up images of things that are the right color and seeing how they relate to other things in the image.

>Would it be better if I go with what I think is right based on color matching and codes and such, or should I go with what I see even if it makes my comics look "wrong?"
This would be a lot easier to answer if you could show examples of the results of both methods.
I'm not sure quite how colorblind you are, but the thing is.. brown is mostly an illusion. those of us with all three cone cells have trouble distinguishing between red, orange, and yellow once they become dark and desaturated. any and all of them can qualify as brown. a dark yellow is more 'bronze' while a dark red is more 'mahogany' but most of the time you want dark orange. dark orange gives you the basic 'chocolate / feces / black people / brunette hair / cartoon tree trunk' brown. you don't even have to desaturated it most of the time.
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Please be gentle, just whipped this up with the brush so you could get a sense of where my problem areas are specifically. It's actually the first art I've posted online. Try and guess which is which Top is what looks right to me, bottom was made using rgb codes from the internet for Dark Brown and Meadow Green On the bottom, the grass almost looks orange and the tree looks more maroon or maybe burgundy than anything
I dunno where you're getting your RGB codes from. in the future it's a better idea to just eyedrop directly from a picture. because what I see at the top is dark olive green, and at the bottom is bright salmon pink
the grass at the top is somewhat yellowish dry-ish grass, the grass on the bottom is cartoonishly oversaturated green grass like i use in my comic often
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The grass is generally fine in either. The top one's more like dry grass on a sunny day while the bottom is more overcast weather and well-watered. A bit over saturated, that's all. It's curious that you think the bottom one is more orange, since it's way closer to blue than the top one.

For the tree, the top one isn't too bad. It's green, but some tree ARE green.
The bottom one isn't brown. I don't know why, but your source mislabeled a color that is indeed pretty close to maroon. Pic related is dark brown.
Does the tree on the bottom not look way too bright to you?

Anyway, I think the main reason the top looks more right to you is because of the values. It's generally a good idea for anyone interested in color to work in greyscale first. If you get the brightness right, people are a lot more forgiving of minor errors in the hue.
Alright, thanks a lot I didn't think I was THAT colorblind. Googling 'brown rgb code' brought up a bunch of results that gave 165, 42, 42 for flat brown, including a wikipedia table, so that's what the bottom is. And the grass is from wikipedia 'meadow green' 0, 87, 4. The bottom tree absolutely looks too bright, but I wasn't sure if it was just my colorblindness tricking me. For example, purple looks like dark blue, and a bright green and flat yellow are indistinguishable so it's not just hues, but shades that are messed up.

I'll stick with what looks good to me, though I'm sure I'll let a yellow lawn or purple sky through every so often. And of course I'm sure it'll look better as I get better in general. I'm still just starting out. Any /co/ approved sites for rgb or hsv codes for the future, just in case? (And I apologize in advance if this is a multi-post. 4chan's really fucking up on me.)
while I was looking stuff up for a potential reply to this subject, I just googled some colors, looked at wikipedia, and they seem accurate as hell, so you can eyedrop or you can use the rgb codes on 'kipedia
Pre bedtime bump
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Finished this comic
the night lighting has had a strange effect on angel's coloration.. I don't think that's quite right.
really dead tonight, let's think of something to liven things up eh?
I for one think it's neat how we've gotten some new blood lately, who have been made welcome.. and it seems like lately the threads are full of friendliness and useful critique. Not bad
Can you think of a comic where you wish you could invite the creator in here and have a chat with them about their technique?
A crossed out third-eye? I wonder what that's about.
don't let the thread die tonight
i like how this looks.
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Hi /hyw/, I typically lurk and just wanted to say I'm glad that you guys and this thread are always around. It's encouraging to see so many updates and consistency on the comics here.
did you finish the text justification
Aw, that's cute.
How many of you britanons are heading to Thought Bubble?
Or maybe you'll miss this because you've already left.
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The weekly Bits & Bytes page is up. Nolan and Gretha (and the Author) take a breather after an intense Halloween party. Two videogame cameos, and a chat about the near future.

Yeah, most of this week's page is copy-paste. After two weeks of drawing a Halloween party (plus a daily Halloween special for another webcomic I draw) both my characters and myself needed to calm down a little.

You can read the whole thing here: http://bitsandbytescomic.tumblr.com/
Anyone want to pitch a source while we're applauding the art?
"the Tale of Jasper Gold".
Beautiful. Thanks much!
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We (artist specifically) will be at the Marquee, table 106.
>Can you think of a comic where you wish you could invite the creator in here and have a chat with them about their technique?
Paranatural from a couple years ago. Loved the artstyle back then

Boxer Hockey too
In clip studio, should I be using Anti-Aliasing when it comes to line art? I've been setting it to "weak" cause it looks a little nicer.
It probably depends on style but I've heard from a couple people that the general consensus is to not use it at all.
It probably depends on the size you're working at, aliased lines will obviously look much worse the closer you are to them. I work traditionally, but after I scan and edit my linework it's all aliased - and it looks fine after it's scaled down to throw up online.
I like it a lot personally. Writing is good and i like the event horizon-esque horror elements. Art is definitely hit or miss with me, there are moments where it really shines but in general you need to improve your furry head and faces game as well as your anatomy skills, using more references should help. Background and landscapes are pretty good, i dont really like the rounded softer look you give to a lot of objects in the comic but i defo dig the blade runner aesthetic.

Its pretty good, guess i got another comic to follow
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So... Reboot, then.
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In today's comic, Tuler Dula gets ready for a fight. What will happen? Stay tuned next week!

shit that's way WAY too cute to be allowed, and for me not to know your comic. i demand a link
it's surreal how game characters just exist in this world with regular people, but.. I dig it!
aliased lines are better to work with, but anti-aliased look better in the end. I wish there was some way of retroactively turning it on for the finished product.
But resizing a large drawing to a small one with 'bicubic' on seems to work just fine
It's funny, I binged that a while back and somehow didn't notice the art style change. then I looked back and it was incredibly different. though I still like it a lot better now, artwise, the comic itself has become unreadable so in the trash it goes
Still love your chiaroscuro and always will. but things like letters and the craters on a moon/planet just... need to be neater, y'know?
Yep feeling very DBZ-ish, not bad though.
that's some bad navigation for such a polished-looking site
but hey, nudity. i'll check it out

Good work, keep it up!
Oh, it's not done. But point taken, I will pay especial attention to that shit while I am cleaning it up. Thanks.
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It's too early for me to get excited about sharing, but I'm really eager to do more four-panel minis in between chapters here. Only just started it on Halloween.

is that where youre going to end up hosting the comic? (Hopefully not) ? because I'll bookmark it now if so
I have it up on The Duck as well and I might change the layout for clearer navigation. But this is OK to bookmark.

Can I have your thoughts on why this spot isn't so desirable for you? I don't want to make people jump through hoops after the comic reaches them.
just fuck tumblr in general and its usually-terrible layouts. the duck has a much better readability
Ah, yeah. It'll update at exactly the same time here too if you want this link instead.

aaand bookmarked. hopefully the story lives up to the art
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Toot toot back on the page train
seeing these guys just hanging out and chilling is pleasant
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>Come up with story idea
>Friend points out it's essentially the plot for Final Fantasy X

that's how you know it's good!
or in this case, bad
>or in this case, bad
That's true, saves me some time.
there's a significant lack of towel-stealing going on in the comics in this thread.
two page update! new chapter! nothing happens!

i like when we get to go through a character's mental state as they work out a situation
I fucking hate you webcomic cunts and you made me feel even more depressed and scuicidal tonight.
We love you too, sugar tits.
see a doctor instead of going on 4chan and you'll feel much better. Godspeed
Doing an animated thing, here's part of a WIP interactive bit (just the first bit)

What do people think?

am i allowed to dump my mango? will it trigger you if i do?
it's definitely getting me pumped.
large dumps aren't really welcome, why not give us one page and link the rest?
i'll do that later after i finish it. i'm aiming for a style that will appeal to both /co/ and /a/
I like to think I'm a better writer than an artist. Hopefully, I can get my art where I want it to be fairly quickly.

Think of memories being, well, Memory, as in Computer memory, the data is stored in deep in the middle back of your brain. Think of that as the RAM. When you recall a memory, the data travels to your frontal lobes and becomes Flash Memory.

When Oko took the memories of a person, she grabbed a cache of data from his "RAM" and deposited it in her head, and vice versa. Their brains took in a significant amount of data, equal a lifetime of each other's memories. What makes this different from a body swap is that Oko and her "victim" are still themselves.

Their Brains still hold all of their own memories in the "RAM", but Their brain will have to sift through the data. You forget almost every day, so the brain won't literally be watching the other person's life in front of them. Repressed memories might remain that way, and events without strong emotions attached might be overlooked (such as learning the name of the 5th moon of Jupiter).

This leaves Oko and her victim the chance to see each other's deepest held memories, such as the first love (or sex), the death of loved ones, and other life-defining moments. Oko will come to know her victim better than she know's anyone else, and he'll experience the same.
after you finish what
i'm confused m80
you asked if you're allowed to dump, I suggested posting one page and giving us a link to the rest
then you said something isnt finished and talked about your style.
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I finished this one.
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Nuzlocke comics are ok here, right?
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>>87476818 Back to reality now. : >
Only if they turn into porn.
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you want comics? here have comics!
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what tool do you use to make the comic?
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this is mostly directed at things like owl turd, depression comics, shmorky and every other tumblr comic i've seen lately
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for those who are not familiar: emil has ranma 1/2 powers
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fun fact: mark once went back in time to convince hitler it was easier to deport the jews to other countries instead of waisting money and resources building concentration camps

then americans refused to accept the jews and sent them back to germany
i laughed my ass off at that one
and the blurb at the bottom was relatively well-thought-out

i think he was a great artist. such a waste.
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i'm told they fished nekkid. makes sense to me, and adds another potential layer to that joke.
also pictures for sad children, no?
also what the hell, these aren't up on your site.
i forgot about that guy.
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8/8 (i r8, dont h8)
and the final one of this batch

thanks man, he was a little stiff and his perspective was not the best but he was good enough, he should have been accepted. i dont get what is the point of getting into an academy of arts if you are supposed to be already perfect at painting
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Man, I don't know if I can deliver that.
i just assumed everyone else who applied was even better.
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Would anyone read this?
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>easier to deport the jews to other countries
They did

>instead of waisting money and resources building concentration camps
Labor camps weren't exclusive to Germany. America had similar camps during the war.

Great comic otherwise, always enjoy the humor in them. In particular this one
i like uploading these here before as a little gift to you guys and to interest new readers.
and also because im an impatient little shit and want to share my work with people

and yes, also pictures for sad children, i mostly find those type of comics damagin and counter productive, they hype up depression and anxiety as this unsormountable monster, im not sure if its the best to remind someone with depression how hopeless their situation is, they could try to be a bit more optimistic
why would they bother deporting them when they were importing them
>they did
i know, thats the joke, and thanks
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>>87476923 I started off using MS_Paint, but now I'm using Photoshop CS3 with binary pencil and eraser tools, and a limited palette.
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>when they were importing them
They weren't. But they should've. Straight into the ovens.
you must, you have entered the thread and posted already
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>Let the Shaming Begin!

I wanted to practice delivering dialogue using sequential panels. What do you think...

Yeah, Yeah its a sketch and it would be better if it was finished...

Bonus points if you can tell me where i got the dialogue from!
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and Numbuh 2
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I make page, can finally work on stuff now that my fiance broke up with me HAHAHAH :(
pretty nice
the OCD in me doesnt like the large amount of wasted space in between panels but that's just me
preety cool design in panel 2
the proportions look off here. the hand being put forward should be a lot bigger due to perspective, and the arm holding that arm is really tiny
oh god
would this be a bad time to tell you that around has only one R, and that your word balloons could stand to be bigger (Giving the woids more room) in the bottom-most balloons of the 1st and 2nd panels?
Walk to a mirror and try you best to recreate the pose. Step back a few from the mirror as well.

To me it is a bit off but i tried to copy it as best at i could from the mirrors perspective, you know pretending its the camera in this panel.
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Oh, ok. It will totally happen. At some point and time it will really totally happen.
Thanks friend, holy shit I missed that bad. and yeah, thanks for the advice. No idea why I have the urge to make the bubbles so form fitting
and if you ever need to talk and junk, more than a few of us around here have no lives and are eager to help
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This still needs a little work, but I feel it is just about exactly what I am going for.
is #176 anti-sun the whole name? otherwise you need another exclamation point to separate them. aos and darkling comprise one teen sensation? like they're a band?

comma after shockwave on the moonshadow bit

wouldn't 'somehow' make more sense before 'found' ? Not sure what part the narration is being incredulous about.

the stylized SPACE is still a little off i think, i'd like to see the A and C not touching.. and the moon's surface still looks flat. but you know, in general, this comic is just dripping with retro style. it's hard not to love.
Well the moon was never hollow until three days prior, but there is a lost world inside that appears much older. The next page expands upon that a little.
Thanks for catching my mistakes. I really appreciate it.
I've read all the stuff in the link post, are there any other resources for learning how to write good stories?
What was the link for that comic where the brother and sister were going after the same guy?
sorry m8, just tried to search some archived threads for things I thought we might have said about it, but no dice. i doubt that artist is coming back anytime soon but it could happen.
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I got an idea for my webcomic's logo that I think looks pretty promising! This is just a concept sketch and I'll probably vectorize it in Inkscape once I fix it up a bit more.
How does the idea look?
is it about scythes?
The main character fights by making his arms into blades
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I should pull through okay, yeah it sucks but it's whatever.
Page uploaded, made some changes
I don't know of any online, but honestly I would recommend books in the genres that you enjoy. When you're brainstorming ideas in pools of thought that you already like, it's easier to come up with ideas and come up with something that you will want to stick with for the long haul.

I'm sorry if this doesn't help much, I hardly know any online writing resources that aren't just short "do and don't" checklists. Even comic oriented ones are barren.

Brandon Sanderson, a fantasy author, put up a bunch of videos from his creative writing class. It's not all gold, and it's focused on prose rather than comics, but it's got some neat perspectives on things.

> I would recommend books in the genres that you enjoy.
Personally, I feel like my best ideas come from injecting things from outside of the genre I'm going for. Even if it's something as simple as copying a plot and changing the setting (what if the Lone Cowboy was the Knight-Errant instead?), or just taking a single scene and executing it like it was a different genre (what if I treated this dungeon crawl like a horror movie? A war movie? A heist movie?), you can often come up with something really neat.
I do really like the idea of inviting the writer out of their comfort zone. I could see it going from a simple writing exercise to a really unexpectedly fun project just because it normally would not have been considered.
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I still don't know if I should do a strip comic or something more elaborated.
A strip comic can be dropped pretty quickly if you feel like doing something else.
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Yeah, that's an advantage.
Short auto-conclusive stories.
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Carrion Girls pg 2-21 wip 9g56.jpg
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I feel like the dialogue in panel 6 is getting pretty wall-of-text-y, but I can't figure out a good way to shorten it.
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I'm about to start mine...

I had one but it did not work as well as i could wish...
I can't read the title and I don't get why she's upset over someone bleeding.
Oh, the title is written with the own language from the webcomic's world. It says Arkanoth.
(i uploaded the wrong pic, this has not the correct name)

She's upset because is supposed that the cameraman started bleeding just because she showed a bit more of her tits. Stupid joke
Oh, you're going for the anime nosebleed thing? I don't know if your style is anime enough for even people who are familiar with the joke to get it.
much better. I assume the b in the final product will line up with the blade shape just like the P does
image size, man. cut that shizzle down. also
>off of
There is an option, though I don't really like it
cut out the 'i'm sorry' and the 'any strangers let alone'. makes him ruder and more concise, less thoughtful-sounding.
Oh, i kinda took that as general knowledge because, you know, we all grew up at least with one anime... but i guess you are right, maybe too specialized
that doesn't explain sick fuck or joke though.
Today's update is flash animated and I feel positive things about it. Probably one of the few times I'm proud enough of a page to post it here.

>that combat log
did I just open a notepad document buried in some program I use? damn
You're right, that might be a little much.

Removed, for now.
The problem is that it's off-camera so we have to guess at what exactly is happening. If you'd already established in a previous strip that lewd thoughts led to nosebleeds in your comic, everyone would get it, but as a first impression people have no context to tell them what's up.

Another problem with the strip is that her breasts are almost out of frame in the second panel, so readers mostly just notice her face.
the problem is that she's angry, and saying he's sick for having a reaction to something she was clearly doing for a reaction.. not as a 'joke'. those are incongruous with the nosebleed arousal gag
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Here's the comic from last week
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...aaaand the page from this week. I still need to get better with the colorations, but I'm trying.
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Fuck that slipped,Thanks man.
Sorry for the canvas size, didn't notice it

I happened by the thread out of curiosity but this conversation struck close to my own concerns about a current project.

What advice would you give someone writing an a couple with an significant age difference, like say 18 and 26 years old or 17 to 23? What are some traps to avoid, especially if this relationship started off antagonistic at first?
oh are we talking to the artist this time? I this page made me laugh somethin fierce
Nah, that's not really a problem with the comic itself; It makes her seem kind of dumb, but it's a believable kind of dumb.
those aren't significant age differences, so your first stop is stop thinking they are.
As long as you act confident that everything is normal, it will be. Those are the ages our parents dated at, it takes longer than that for things to go from normal to outrage, you can't just skip 'outdated'
if she had had a typical anime reaction to a nosebleed, that being apology and concern for the health of the victim, I would have picked up on it being a nosebleed.

or she could just SAY nosebleed, and then it's fixed
I sadly still can't convince the artist to post here, but only being the author would be a bit too lazy for me, so I do the color work.

I'm also glad to read that some people actually think it's funny.
oh okay. Well you do a good coloring job for this good art.
Neither of those age differences seem all that significant to me.
I'm taking notes. I also did this to show what i had kinda in mind about her reaction.

That's kinda what i thought, to add at least a mention about the nose, but i didn't, my fault.

Anyway, thanks to you all for your opinions!
ah, so more of a 'weirded out' reaction. that's appropriate enough.

Ok. It just seemed like it's frowned upon in some of the examples I've been looking up, since most stories of older woman and younger male I've found fall into teacher student. The other argument is that it's frowned upon if poltics are involved or one is in a position of power. There are poltics involved since she's basically a terrorist and he's in training to fight their organization.

Thanks for the advice, I'm definitely going to try not stressing it so much.
if you have a character who's a terrorist and you pay any attention to any other issues, you're going to piss some people off just for your lack of perspective. the one kind of makes the other irrelevant in the extreme

The ideological issues between them is a imporant part of the story, and I'm not going to shy away from the fact she is a criminal, even if the establishment she fights and he defends isnt squeaky clean.

It's not also based in our world or our politics, I was just worried that the ages would overshadow everything else about the relationship.
>I was just worried that the ages would overshadow everything else about the relationship.
only in people with severely twisted minds, so don't worry.
this story sounds like it might be pretty neat actually. I like seeing characters dealing with issues and shit like that, being on the same side but not agreeing all the time.
>tfw you wake up, lie in bed a while, and write out the script for the page you've been having trouble with
i'm working on a Suicide Squad fan comic using d-z list characters from DC, only gotten a little way into the script so far but i would love any feedback

Full team consists of KGBeast, Killer Moth, Magpie, Carnivora, Pagan and Black Spider
forgot the fuckin link
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Since there was no update this week, here's a preview of a future page. I'm looking forward to having these characters show up again soon. Marcus and Nadil are fun to write.

You can read more at www.monster-lands.com
hell yeah fairies.
is their gear fucking goldplated? that is boss.
Okay, I'm currently creating a webcomic about a small girl that goes through wacky adventures, a lot of them involve her mother.

I just made my first three pages, so PLEASE be honest with what you guys think about it

That is the cutest damn thing in the world. I was expecting some kind of joke about "you said he can take his 'hope' and cram it up your-" "sometimes Moms say things that aren't literal"
if you get a website, i will bookmark it

Thanks, I'll keep you guys informed when I have a script and artist.


Which version of the beast are you using? His ten nights version or the roid freak he's been since?
a mix of Ten Nights and current All Star version, he still has the anti america thoughts but is feeling his age tremendously, which is gonna play into his character a bit.

Still debating on weather i should have NKVdemon show up or not.
Well, the artwork is decent enough to get the point across. The lines are a little jittery and a little more line weight variation might help with giving the images depth, but it works. Characters seem decently designed.

You might want to consider using copy-paste if you're going to have such repetitive camera angles. You'd save a lot of effort if you'd just copied the bed and the mom's body for most of the panels.

The repetitive viewpoint works here, but if it's a common element of your strips I'd watch out.

The one really big problem I have with it is that over half of your comic's panels are devoted to showing a little girl groping at and studying her mother's naked ass and it's kinda gone past the stage where it seems like you're making a joke about the kid not knowing about social norms and gone into the stage where I feel like I'm looking at someone's fetish porn folder.

Could you explain what exactly you were going for?
I dream of the day when it's usually considered awkward or rude to say things like "I feel like this obviously innocent thing has gone past the acceptable point and has a hidden agenda"
at least you asked him to explain instead of just punishing him for your assumption.
I know this seems weird but I wasn't going for any fetishes. The girl named Gabi is REALLY odd and doesn't know about social norms.

And the parents let it slide as "well she's just different"

It's just a really goofy comic that I'm hoping to make for kids.

Here's another one I made but decided to scrap


I'm going to just focus on the little girl and mother
real moms and little girls are like that, even amongst total normies.

yeah okay, THAT one doesn't make any sense really. i mean it's really funny, but for it to work, there would need to be some reason (snagging on something?) for the pants to get pulled down. and then the rest of it would just be the comedy of seeming to talk out of her ass. though the punchline is still a nonsequitur so it's not really a big waste that you scrapped it
cute art though, this reminds me of a newspaper comic, I just can't think of which one. Particularly the way the toes seem to be separated from the foot.
I don't think it's unacceptable - if the guy wants to make silly innocent jokes over a backdrop of weirdly sexy situations, that's fine and I might even enjoy reading it because hey he draws a pretty nice ass. I just think it's unintentional and incongruous and going to hurt his comic's chances of getting an audience.

>for kids.
You should probably drop the detailed shots of little girls' genitals. Kids aren't interested in seeing that and parents care a lot about not having their kids see that.

Also, a note on anatomy: the anus and genitals maintain a fixed position relative to the lower spine, not the legs
>You should probably drop the detailed shots of little girls' genitals.
Which ones, the ones that exist only in your imagination? Yeah he should probably drop those.
oh wait, my mistake. there they are. I guess I wasn't looking for them that hard. I thought I saw her hand down there in one panel, trying in vain to grab the rest of her pants

i DID notice her pants disappear in one panel then reappear though
He probably should have said "for European kids."
I obviously can't speak for the entirety of Europe, but I don't think many of my countrymen or any of my foreign acquaintances would be at all interested in having their kids read a comic where a little girl spreads her cheeks for the camera like that. Outside of references to high art like classical sculpture, even upper body nudity is considered inappropriate for children.
Wow, she'd need a ladder to get into her bed. Does anyone else using heavily stylized little kids ever have trouble making appropriately-sized props for them? I've noticed most cartoons just leave beds 'bed-sized' and then the kid has way more space than they need, because to do otherwise would look like a crib I guess. I notice Louise in Bob's Burgers rides a bigwheel despite being 8 (?) because she's drawn so tiny it wouldn't work otherwise.
It also reminds me of shit like hey arnold or phineas and ferb, when the top of someone's head is so tiny their hats and helmets have to be comically miniscule.. to the point that you wonder where they buy them
The only time i've ever seen it straight-up averted is in regular show, when people with bird beaks can still faceplant on things and have human-mouth-shaped retainers
I reckon that's because an increasingly large majority of "your countrymen" are radical muslims now. I suppose I meant "European kids back when Europeans were still having kids"

I say definitely. There's all kinds of ways he can play a role.
Let's go ahead and get that new thread ready
thanks man, at the moment im juggling two ideas, either

-NKVDemon gets disgusted at beast for having become so comfortable in America and abandoning his mission of destroying america

-Beast hires a younger protege and dons him new NKVDemon armour, could work full circle with his getting old thing.
you can do it. make a new thread. it's rrereaaall easy
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