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Thread replies: 808
Thread images: 251

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Was Jane a good character?
No really, but she had one of the best lands.
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She would've been if Hussie bothered to write for her.
This. She had potential but she got shafted like everything else towards the end. She never got her chance.
No, fuck. She never even had potential.
These threads should be called /hssg/ - Homestuck Survivors Support Group
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Better than Roxy or Dirk.
We're gonna be waiting a couple months at least for the true ending aren't we?
It could take far longer if the TV show turns out to be the mandatory New Game+.
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>wake up and refresh the thread I was looking at last night
>see this
Thanks /hst/, you're always an inspiration
fuck off, traitor
Let's be positive for a change. Has Homestuck inspired you to do something creative, to make a fan work or something original? Tell us about it.
>Jokes are sign of being traitorous.
Fuck off, sperg.
Maybe she threw John, granting him the sweet release of death
>Let's be positive for a change. Has Homestuck inspired you to do something creative, to make a fan work or something original?
Yes, I have.
Nah, there's nothing that'd come from that.
Like all alpha kids she was spoiled

>Let's just turn these kids into whiny angst-monsters before doing anything else with them. That will totally connect the audience with them!
>And then I'll have them all be absolutely terrible friends to Jake who is in the process of having a huge breakdown
>After they hold him responsible for not living up to the pedestal they put him on
That entire quest bed scene put such a shit awful taste in my mouth towards Hussie's writing. There wasn't a single alpha-kid unsullied. Even Roxy was a shitty friend.
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So of all the characters who make it into the new universe at the end of the story (lets include Aradia/Sollux/Vriska for fun), who is the most likely one to go rogue and turn on the rest?
Hey Kanayaposter, post Porrim for a change.
>Like all alpha kids she was spoiled
>Two grew up in the apocalypse.
I liked her, but she ended up getting lost in the shuffle.
Vriska. Easy.
so now that the credits prove rose is black will this reflect in fanart more
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I only have images of Kanaya.
Okay. Do you have any unusual ships of her? Or AUs? Spice it up, man.
That's an odd way to interpret that. Spoiled quality wise anon. Not like spoiled with stuff.

Unless you're joking and I autismo'd up.
She had the potential to be, but she wasn't
Ugh, I have some au Kanayas and some crack ships.
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I've just been playing Overwatch anon
Oh, my bad.
>rose leaves her wife and grubs to join a gang to beat up a pre-teen
what did hussie mean by this
All the beta kids just want to escape the credits.
sex with kanaya is that bad
>Karkat trying to be edgy
>holds a plastic gun and tries to rob a bank
>no one takes him seriously
>Dave and Jade beg him to come back home
so why did rose stay with kanaya for 5 years and marry her?

why would jade and dave want to leave their porch troll behind
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Titanfall 2 is better
Clearly an eternity trapped inside four small boxes was more pleasant than life in the new world.
Is It Really Rose
Is It Really Better Than Being With Me And Our Grubs
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Is the most recent update the last one ever? I feel like it was a pretty shitty ending, and I actually liked the original ending
no thats just the credits. we still need the epilogue
Not only are you too retarded to read newsposts but you also have shit taste. Get out.
Is there evidence that the female slave Mindfang mentions in her journal was the Dolorosa?
doc said it was her
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>A link to a Snapchat account
I'm not gonna download Snapchat just for this shit
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She's trying to be one. With John missing...
It just contains the first few images of the credits that were also put out on Snapchat before credits was uploaded
How so?
Isn't a 100 000 boondollars a shit sum of money?
More please

Pretty much, at least for the heroes. Dave was pulling in trillions, if memory serves. But it's a lot for consorts, I think.
she left her wife and kids to help a gang beat up a preteen
Not for consorts or carapacians
She was a fat character.
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FUCK I missed the big day
John doesn't even get to beat any villain himself
He never has his final battle
He just gets trapped in the juju and maybe comes Back to maybe just go in the black hole
John loses.

Also speaking of the black hole, if it's supposed to destroy Sburb or whatever, would that not also affect Universe C, which is the Cherub universe and is also affected by Sburb?
Dave was also manipulating the stock market via cheating
Wait so Roxy just fucks off to another kingdom with Callie and never sees John again except on birthdays? There wasn't even one token straight ship?
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How long will it last? It's not like they're REALLY lesbians.
I read old TSO articles and made myself sad. Hussie's passion and humor are just gone.
some carapaces smuggle alcohol into the kingdom and everything falls apart
That poser program is a fucking mess to try and figure out
>not like they're REALLY lesbians.
What did he mean by this?
It's only a matter of time before a proper dick comes along and reminds them of their true nature.

Kanaya has never seen a penis. Once she does her female instincts and need to breed kick in.

All Space Players are instinctively cock-hungry sluts.
Think of a prolific Homestuck fan-artist or fanfiction writer. Somebody whose name would stick out in a list of names to you, and who you would immediately associate with the Homestuck fandom.

Got one? Good.

Go find out what they're doing now, and see if they were even aware of the Credits update.
The question is...who will be the one to break things off?

>implying they won't give their first guy a double blowjob followed by letting him fuck them both and mashing their vulva together to form a pressure-sensitive mass of pussy
both. they are both cheating with each other with john
Kanaya-poster i've heard of you from many Homestuck threads, and i have two questions.

1) Are you one person or are you just a random anon carrying on the legacy of the Kanaya poster?
2) Why do you love Kanaya so much?
>Cheating on your spouse with a depressed hermit.
The perfect crime.
I haven't seen Xamag post in months but I'm sure she was aware of the credits and disappointed
every so often rose or kanaya will leave and go to john to get the dick. one night kanaya gets a craving and leaves not realizing rose is already gone. she gets to john's house and see's john fucking rose
where's the rest
What happened to John again?
he's stuck at home
Does Hussie still make any money off of this? How dead is the fandom?
Nothing. At all.
Rose is a transgender man. It's canon now you can't take it back.

he gathers his friends to beat up a preteen and gets stuck in a house for millenia
no kanaya is the trans one. well so is rose. but kanaya is the trans guy.
xamag was credited in the credits
I wondered what you've heard of me, but ok, here are your two answers.
1) I'm just one (1) person, I doubt that anyone would like to carry my legacy.
2) I've already answered this before but I'll answer it again, I like Kanaya because I love her design, specially her hair, I find her dialogue is hilarious and I find her to be one of the only truly likable trolls who I’d actually want to hang out with in real life. And she's also my waifu.
that just means they did art in the comic overall
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>fucked over by the universe
>dad dies
>no one cares about you anymore
>you'll dubiously be chained for life in a loveless relationship with a fat spiderbitch
>assuming she isn't DAOOTS
>Never got the d from Roxy.
>her gf's brother texts you on a regular basis to tell you to kill yourself
>you're immortal so you can't really do that.

Being John is suffering.
>And she's also my waifu.
Rose don't you have thousands of grubs to take care of
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>Never got the d from Roxy.
>got the d
>from roxy
>got the d
They're gods, anything goes.
the only girl with a penis is rose
Hussie will probably never make anything again
what about the sweet bro and hella jeff masterpiece he is spending all his time on
>a cyberpunk au where cyberdeck cowboy john is on the run from the enforcers of the shady ceo of crockermegacorp
>there are rumors the ceo has been hiding evidence of a coming alien invasion of earth
>some say she is even in cahoots with the aliens
>cybernetically enhanced polydrug addict known as "roxy razors" saves john and offers him a job with her twin employers, mr. timaeus and mr. aure
>together they uncover the plot of an ai of unclear origin
>called "s/urb", the ai seems to be behind several threads of events that are now converging towards its mysterious goal
>on their way they meet
>roxy's older sister, an astronomer and occultist who says she's been contacted by an alien force distinct from and more powerful than the invaders
>a sentient human-dog hybrid woman created in an secret experiment who can see glimpses of the future when jacked into cyberspace
>a friend from john's past, a hip hop artist who is an expert in data compression
>a traveling spy and male prostitute who can seduce anyone
>not thinking all the girls have huge, musky penises.
Hussie will never make anything but dead meme references and repetitive horse jokes again
Who are the other truly likable trolls?
only rose and the trolls minus kanaya
So basically he'll keep on shitting out the same work he's always been doing
Not if he can get someone else to do it for him.
If they really had them, they should rub them in my face!
Eridan and Equius.
Can suicide be heroic or just?
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>Eridan and Equius.
thats some shit taste
Bullshit, who wore the tux?
Kanaya... No... Stop kissing my feet...
they are trans crossdressers. kanaya is a trans guy who likes cute dresses and rose is a trans girl who looks sexy in a suit.
Do you genuinely like Eridan or do you just pity him? Hanging around with a friend who does nothing but complain about his love life gets old even when he isn't hitting on you.
That's subjective :^)

A little of both.
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after a long time, i take requests again
also - should i take a trip or not?
Me (Anon) trying to be as cute as Equius and crying
Draw a cute Kanaya hugging Anon please!
Requesting Dave getting pissed off when he realizes karkat is a trans fatass small midget
two nepetas
Two midgets standing one on top of another. That's why they are angry.
Hammer && duttle
Grimdark John, Jack and Caliborn at a card table, plotting a scheme.
Don't trip, what are you some sort of fag? Also, draw 50 neps
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Jane actually could have been interesting if she kad kept being a completely despicable asshole about some things. I actually would have enjoyed the conflict of a team member who nobody really LIKED but still had to keep alive. It would have had impact too if Roxy had just shut her out after what she said to her, letting there be some tension and interessssssaaahahahahahahahahaha Hussie could NEVER write anything that complex.
>I actually would have enjoyed the conflict of a team member who nobody really LIKED but still had to keep alive
no one is allowed to trip without first completing the 50 nepeta challenge
Everyone loved Vriska though. She's like Marie in Persona 4!
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I meant in a complex fashion. Vriska was kept alive for no clear reason other than plot, and her crimes were of murder and general slaughter - I mean someone who is just plain despicable and cowardly like Jane is, but taken to an actual conclusion instead of just silently and suddenly petering off into forgiveness and being written out of the plot.
No! Vriska's like Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII!
Remember everyone. It was clear in retrospect that the r-kids were planned from the very start. But instead of getting to them right away to develop the story in mirror of their lives and sessions to the end, instead he put all of his focus and energy into the sprawling mess that were the trolls. And then he turned the r-kids into Troll-Lite with endless shipping and more troll stuff!
Dirk helping in John's harakiri
Not enough lesbian mind control fan art of either Vriska or Jane, and far too much futa art of both
>he turned the r-kids into Troll-Lite
That is the problem.
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Yes and I am saying that is a consequence of the trolls being forced in first before the clear true plot progression that was meant to play out. Their influence on the story led Hussie to making them this dog shit BORING lot of awful romance-clogged morons who did absolutely nothing endearing or interesting for thousands of pages, when they could have been the Act 5 stars.
Vriska is Wesley from Star Trek: TNG as a sexy psychopath girl.
When was Jane cowardly and despicable? Not that I'm doubting you, I just don't remember early Act 6 at all.
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I still find it hilarious people find Vriska sexy

She looks like a fucking dork who shops at Goodwill despite being rich, and Hussie's unclean lust for being bullied by young girls makes her even more of a loser, she's just jerkoff material and a plot club

For femdom and shit you could do so much better
I mean sexy in her fictional universe.
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She told Roxy she liked her better as a drunk. That kind of shit comes across as black-hearted and worth ending a relationship over when you've actually been in that situation before. Hussie's attempts to make everything serious really blew out the asshole out of the comic from the bizarre dissonance it introduced.

I liked it though! That could have added some pathos if Jane had a social consequence for running her mouth like that, or if it led to genuine betrayal or doubt down the road, and maybe a chance for her to finally redeem herself. Something. Anything interesting.
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>wake up and look for the new thread
>see this
Thanks /hst/, you're always an inspiration
Not to mention her entire reason for melting down like that was hugely disproportionate and entirely from a lack of everybody's refusal to communicate with a friend who they know is as dense as brick with shit like that and therefore may need a hand.
Hussie, we get it. you had a different original plan.
She looks like a coked out gambler. Which I like

Hatesex is an appeal with her but I dunno about femdom, that's not actually in character for her
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Yeah, like Condy
I wonder if years down the road we'll see a "director's cut" of Homestuck.
I love Condy!
Meenah's better.
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I love Meenah!
Man, HS probably awoke a whole generation of teens to the idea of hatesex.
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>smug pepe Jade
How does it feel that Homestuck has been reduced to being proto-Undertale?
Vriska has energy, ambition, and mania.

Thats some good stuff pal
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So we finished on Rosekan, Davekat, Jakedirk and Roxycallie as the final ships? Really?
Ambition, yes, but if energy if what you like, Terezi's a superior option.
>jade why does this condom have holes in it
Also she's a pretty great mix of controlling, confident and emotionally nurturable that really gets my rocks off. I also like the way she dressed. And her verbosity.

Terezi a shit by herself and pretty uninteresting but would be good with others.
Have you never heard the warning anout stucking ur dick in crazy.

Terezi is hella crazy
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Although I seriously doubt Roxy/Callie is romantic and I kinda doubt Davekat too. He puts in these incredibly ambiguous moments with them and never confirms anything, as if he doesn't actually believe them as ships but still wants to uphold his promise on the gay singularity out of spite
I feel like Vriska is the right mix of controlling and self confident for a good healthy relationship, with enough rivalry between you and her to keep it interesting
Man I just
Just don't kill the kiwi.
Considering the context, is she crazier than Vriska or crazy in ways in which Vriska isn't?
Nawh bruh. She mind controlled a bunch of ghosts and broke Tavros' legs because she didn't see what was fucked up about it. She's not a good kind of controlling. Still fucking hot though. I want to make her happy.
he's fine
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yo to those that care i updated jojostuck
This. Nothing some cold running water can't fix.
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Condy a best
I want condy to smother me to death with her thighs!
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I really liked her skintight bodysuit.
You missed andrews nude
Just had the fap of my life thanks to that honey select game, got thru damara, aradia, feferi, and Hic before i tapped out.
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Today on the shower i was thinking about this theory that the roman empire never had actually fallen, rather its moved to south america.

I know its sounds crazy, but here some evidences; its a well know fact that portugueses and spanish only developed intermaritm spaceships after the the fall of the byzantim empire; a lot of techpriests fleed when the orks finally outrun the defenses of the hive world byzantium, carrying with them Standard Template Construct (STC) of those said ships, who in few years gave turned those iberics shitholes in the ultimate superpower of the world for several generations. The entire south america continent was dominated with the an small contingent of spanish soldiers. Portuguese empire itself wilted in direction to the new world while europe started to be consumed by the eye of terror who got know as illuminist age.

The empire may not be the brightiest of our age, but keep its basic structures; plebians, patricians and so on.
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congrats anon
welcome back to earth
Vriska is like bitter chocolate,
Terezi is like a pixie stick

Chocolate is for adults, sugar is fpr kiddies
Johns retcon powers essentially gave him all the time travel abilities of Dave, plus the ability to canonize any timeline he wanted and rescue it from being doomed, but the only thing keeping him attached to this timeline is the fact that each of his friends survived SBURB in some form or another, but he's become more and more alienated, either because he was too dedicated to his role to maintain his relationships through the game or because the little differences he perceives between these iterations of his friends and the one he remembers are pushing him away.

The only somewhat happy ending for John would be to face the reality of death instead of running away, go back to his home timeline, and make the best of it.
I know right? That's gonna last me a while.
i never liked this euroasiac centric real history

native americans were LITERALLY the most intelligent beings in the universe
What's this? Link?
Dave's so fucking lazy.
Making a point of eating bitter chocolate like an adult is for teenagers. Terezi should be cherry-flavored ice cream, tho.
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Don't we all?
This could be a great ending.
>the tv show
Homestuck has confirmed to be getting a TV show by multiple sources.
All we know is that
>It's a sequel
>It involves the kid's kids or descendants as protagonists
>Dante Basco is involved
>it'll suck
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None of the characters introduced in Act 6 were good. Period.
God i want dave to get that bitch pregnant just so these people can die
Meenah and Condy are both irredeemable ghetto trash.
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Thick Kanaya is the ultimate Kanaya. All other Kanayas go home.
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absolutely not. but she couldve been

are these things still wanted

Nigger Afro Dave/Pink Fat Hobbit Karkat/Gorilla Man Jade will never die!
And yet these sources are never mentioned?
I feel like a director's cut of Homestuck would actually be shorter, cutting out literally everything involving the trolls and focusing on the 8 kids
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is karkat still shit
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People fill them out, post them, and nobody reads them just like every chart made here.
What Pumpkin employees in Discord chat, multiple times have mentioned it. Dante Basco also talked about it.
when would hiveswap act 2 come out?
>being shafted by Nussie

What a terrible fate
6 years after everyone has forgotten what Homestuck even was
That's when Act 1 is coming out, anon.
>55 posters
So I guess we're already there.
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He returned to his home planet
How did you last that long? I could barely get through Jade and Rose. There's just too much power there.
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special thanks to gelasticat
Fuck why would you feed that fucking autistic fucker?
Now do him looking over at Jade expecting support, only to find that Jade is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in a wig.
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>she doesn't know how to control themselves
>Dave looks to his side
>Jade is replaced with a Gorilla wearing fake dog ears
Pfff, lightweight. I made a mass orgy before I even got hard.
honestly, i like some of the pics he posts, but his rotation sure needs refreshment
>King Kong, but with Jade in place of Kong
thank you. i will cherish it always.
Now do Karkat crushing Vriska's cunt with his foot!
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Why does the alt right love Jade so much?
What a childish thing to say >;)
she's a furry with guns and a hideous animal penis, you can't get more alt right than that
Because Jade "She sat next to the boy I ship another boy with so she is literally Hitler" Harley has long been a symbol of cultural appropriation and homophobia.
Lies, you've been sucking Icels' futa cock this whole time.
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I like the stupid useless charts.
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>We cut to inside the Black Hole Sun
>We zoom in
>It's Joey
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Aradia is LITERALLY one of the most powerful being in the universe

Is that raw strength or overall power? Cause equius being better than everyone might be a bit much.
Oh. It's physical strength.
aradia's vagina can break a man in half

maybe not physically but mentally... that has to count for something
These charts are shit tbqh
Who cares though, it's not fertile.
It does not count psychic or game-given powers. Just plain old damn Mangrit Totals.
We have Jade for that.
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What did Terezi show him?
a happy Aradia tied up in Jade's basement next to a sack of potatoes and the washing machine
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>the washing machine

That's not a nice thing to call Karkat
Her butthole
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Wrong. God, where did the fucking creativity here go. They have Jane. She can use her Life powers to bullshit Aradia's cunt into being fertile, and Time and Space powers can take care of the rest.
What was the difference between && and || again?
>Space powers
You're still just using Jade as an intermediary then! Aradia's not really fertile.
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Jade keeps Aradia infertile because she knows she will be outbred.
>jade you said pregnancy would be fun...
>this sucks
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I meant Kanaya. She's a Sylph of Space, make her fucking work for it.
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You cannot outbreed Jade, no more than you can move a mountain or stop the sun. It is a force unto itself. Indeed, the very first act the gods did was to have the space goddess breed life back into the Earth. It is a cornerstone of existence. Birds fly, men wage war, and Jade breeds.
>oh look at miss bitchypants!! :P
>what are you rose? man up and bear that baby like a proper mommy!
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at what cost
Too many vaguely overlapping and complementary stats. I'd leave just the vim, imagination, pulchritude and hemoloyalty.
john should probably be a 9 and nepeta an 8

is dad + tier? he could on another level entirely, seeing his fight with cans and how even arquius was in shock
The metal womb is anathema to us as a species. It's why this country went in the shitter. We rejected the basic tenets that our gods laid down for us, and they have thusly forsaken us. Is it no surprise that there aren't enough hours in the day, that our luck and hope has run out, and that the winds never blow in the right direction for us?
&& combines, || makes the first object take some properties of the second
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Does anybody have a good Rose drawn by Lexxy?

With a good angle on her face preferably.
don't forget
>never had a moment of greatness
>nothing about his quest he did himself, he only did what he was told to only to be never rewarded
>all of his friends are gone after he had to retcon them except Roxy and Davesprite...
>now in a universe not his own with friends he doesn't really know
>his only hope is Terezi finding Vriska and destined for a battle he will lose
he should just cut his loses and fuck Terezi
1. Vriska
2. His future godtier self
3. Rose's mom naked
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how'd Gamzee escape the fridge

You honeymodder? DESU I think your Jane needs the most work.
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It's one of the countless neo-Homestuck spooks.

>Hussie hypes up Namco High
>It ends up being a mediocre-at-best browser game that gets quietly shelved within months along with the group that made it
>Hussie hypes up PXS
>It's just glorified fanfiction that ultimately got canned because of how little anyone cared about it
>Hussie hypes up "The Homestuck Game"
>It's extended universe bullshit that has nothing to do with Sburb and is a complete money-bleeding trainwreck on the technical end
>Year+ long gigapause, waiting for the "final, hours-long update"
>It just goes back to the normal update schedule, gives us fucking Vriskagram
>Hussie spends mutliple years hyping up A7
>Hussie teases Homestuck 2.0
>One video that goes literally nowhere except Basco's next therapy session
>Hussie teases post-A7 content
>Fucking Snapchat

But this time that's more ambitious than any of those combined will be different, guys.
Strinerfags are worse than Kanayafags.
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No, but that poor Jane is mine.
I'll fix her eventually, if you have some nice Jane face pics that would help too.
>|| makes the first object take some properties of the second
That doesn't make sense, it's not an operation that can distinguish first and second. Both logically and in holes punched, "Item X || Item Y" will be absolutely identical to "Item Y || Item X".
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Good old Lexxy. Defining my OTP before I even knew how much I wanted it.
reminder that doomed lalonde was the one that made rose a shallow husk in acts 5 and beyond.

her immense loneliness made her settle on the first person that showed interest in her.
Lexxy was a davejade shipper I thought?
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Only rose/kanaya were canon at the end
One thing I'm glad the credits did is destroy that fucking stupid meta theory.
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I always saw it in reverse, but ignoring that and looking in retrospect, Hussie might have actually made a good arc of Rose going drunk if she, as Doomed Rose who basically imprinted onto Dream Rose, was experiencing some craze of life because she managed to cheat her doom. I mean, Remember did show us that Dark Rose left behind a ghost. Dream Rose lived on, not the one we started the game with.

It's weird to think that our 'Rose' is actually a doomed girl from a dead timeline who had been only a dreamself for both her lives.
hussie pretty much forgot what was the point of the doomed timeline
i mean look what happened to Davesprite?
Objectively wrong
i have made mistakes
So jasprose killed herself after rose and kanaya got married right?
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I guess the price of escaping doom is to live your life as some malformed version of your original/true/alpha self. Or the doom forces you to mutilate your soul and identity to escape the curse.

I really hate how sloppy Hussie got with the doom themes. What a waste.
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Why is Kanaya doing whiteface?
because Jade was raised by glorious white Prospit culture, doesn't care about black Derse people
Dude, go full grimbark slave Jade.
jade's dying hatred of blacks!
jade's reverse Vitiligo!
kanaya's cultural misunderstandings!
kanaya causing a lynch mob!
This is false. Based on the available examples in Homestuck, there's no real pattern to && or ||
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Because all the trolls are doing it
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>kids all white

v problematic, rose is more accurately portrayed as follows
Well she did just leave her wife and babies
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I think she's dead and screaming inside of the black hole sun

I mean it showed ghosts and bubbles obviously being sucked up thanks to Nepeta's last sacrifice as Homestuck's red-headed stepchild I am pretty sure that all of existence is now a ball of collapsing mass inside of 2 universes worth of black hole which means something fucking ugly is about to happen, and god knows what infinite point of paradox space the kid's Universe Frog is chilling out at that is far away enough to not die
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>those short-shorts

Last we saw she was still in the b2 session during collide. I was making a joke that this rose wpuld kill herself when her alpha version got to live to marry kanaya


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TT:Hold on, are you trying to tell me that we are some sort of...
TT: Gods?
TT: Shieeeeeeeeeeet.
Homestuck could easily have gone full cosmic horror, eh? The building blocks were all there.
(Written by Kanaya Lalonde)
>sollux halfway killed himself and went blind
>mituna blew his brains out
>things still went pretty well for both of them afterward
>thought John was going to turn out to be under some kind of subjuggalator influence because of all the John-related clownshit
>that went nowhere
I am mad
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Ganguro-palette Rose makes me rock fucking solid
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See, that is clearly still identifiable as Rose, though, just with black skin. At what point can you say to a fan artist 'That has nearly 0 resemblance to the source'?
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she only jumped ship to davejade after ectobiology happened lmao

same with 99% of davejade fans, actually
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I think it did because they were Doom. It could have been a fun thing to examine if we ever got told what Doom even does.

It could have, yeah. Or it could have examined its weird video game take of doom a bit deeper, like it did in one of the few fully-melancholy moments like Doomed Dave and Rose parting ways. Instead the premise became extremely nebulous, hand-waved, and callous.
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Damn coward. I know what she wants.
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I cannot get a good Dave though. HM's version sucked and I cleaned it up a bit but there needs to be male shirts that aren't tanktops, and aviator shades.
Has anyone had their hopes for a real conclusion reignited by the Credits? I mean, the credits flash itself is pretty horrible, but the way it implies that the epilouge will be the fight with Caliborn made me think. It would be weird for Andrew to end the comic on all of the people that got to live "happy" lives being trapped/stranded on a desolate planet forever. It could go in two directions. Andrew really doubles down on the theme of not being in control of your own fate and that none of their actions really mattered in the end and they have to come to terms with that, or he goes in the complete opposite direction and has the characters defy the eternity of nothing that has already been predetermined for them. I think it would be in line with the rest of the story to do something stupid like place your main theme/message in an epilouge almost a year after the comic ended.
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You know, you could do a really decent short story with just the premise of a doomed timeline. Imagine like, doomed versions of yourselves trying to replace you as the alpha by murdering you, or maybe a doomed person is just sick somehow if they manage to live on as a replacement (Doomed Rose). They feel alien, they look off, they're soulless or all wrong somehow in subtle ways.
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Also not HM, unless otherwise specified, I probably made the base for cards.

Most of them (Like Jane) I shit out just to get the body, hair, skin tone and eye color correctly.


Any suggestions?
I rounded her face a bit more and changed her eyebrows.
Why is she wearing breath?
Not really. I think it's a lead in for the game. I'll believe it when I see it. He'll probably try to bribe people by saying he can release an epilogue or extended end if enough copies of the game sell.

I'm just gonna wish luck to the people who developed the game that they somehow bumbled into hitting diamond paydirt.
It mitigated a lot of the pain Act 7 caused, but it can't undo the damage to the comic the last 3 years of it caused.
I think her face works better longer. Rorb memes aside I kind of see the Strilondes as a little bit more hawkish and androgyny
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But Rose is not a heterosexual
>John decides to get out of the house and become the king of cucking
Why would the epilogue be the fight with Caliborn? We already saw that. If anything, it'd be a fight with Lord English... but I don't think that's likely. It'll probably just be a tie-in for the game.
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Same. I always saw them as being creepily alike to one another in appearance, just all fae and bleached. Big fucking dumb blonde gay family.
kind of like Zeus, the god of storms?
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>didn't show Jade's rainbow rape mode at the party
I want the boys to overpower me and forcefully frot with me while the girls lick every inch of my body.
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If you're talking about the jane card, that wasn't made by honeymodder
Yeah. It's like, Prospits should be all either fertility goddesses or manly men, while the Strilondes could change clothes and you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
Rose seems bi.
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So easy. So every easy.
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Also I'm just happy my "John as the center of a poly-fuck cyclone" works can still work out.
Do you think you, like, IRL you, are a Derse or a Prospit type? Explain why.
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The kids didn't have too many doomed timelines. But it's a little disquieting to think about the fact that the retcon doubled those doomed lines, and that there were many throwaway ones Hussie never mentioned or examined, like the nameless Droog-slain Dave.
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>my homestuck inspired story will never be written
>tfw I've written dozens of first chapters, short stories and excerpts (technically, the only short story is a prologue that got out of hand) but never got past the 5000 word point
>most didn't break 500 words
>tfw there are pesterlogs longer than 5000 words
Give me a synopsis and I'll tell you if the idea is any good and recommend a book or two on writing.

I'm straight.
I'm sorry, your autistic sex chart just wasn't meant to be. It's down to underaged spider bitch, or Katawa Psycho.
That's fine. Drop it. Move onto the next project. Let it rise from the corpse of that one. Make some short story based off one idea of it, like a field test or just using the good parts. Write, god damn you.
John/Aradia is endgame.
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Left kind of looks like crazy eyes
Dead. Rose turned out to be a dyke
Dead. Roxy turned out to be a dyke.

Vriska's gonna come back, and it turns out she'll dyke it up with Terezi won't she? Just to hammer in that the dude's gonna become a 40k year old virgin.
>I'll never finish my Barty Anderson fanfiction
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Yes. Empty, lifeless eyes.
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then john ara IS endgame

john lives the rest of his eternity with his Plan G wife regretting the life choices he made

Like that one fic. Only instead of Sollux wishing he could have married Feferi, it's John wishing he could have a qt lalonde wife
right next to the fruit too, that's not cool.

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Nah, I'm going down with this polyship. Once you pass 50,000 words on it and make a chart of insanity, you're in for keeps.

Though John/ScourgeSisters isn't bad, of course.


Arajohn is also acceptable, too.
Hussie only writes meme ships if they're gay.

I bet my ripe boipucci that Hussie watched Episode VII, and is gonna have him become a hermit like Luke.
needs more femdom
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Why is the concept of a dominant bottom waifu so hard to grasp for the Japanese?

Hussie has your dick on a chain
>JJ Abrams ruining Homestuck too
Is there anything he won't sink his claws into?
He's doing the Half Life movie too.

>JJ Abrams directs the Homestuck TV show

Are we fucked or are we blessed for it becoming generic normie bait?
Why does The Flintstones play when Jade heads over to John's house?
Fact: Homestuck was heavily inspired by Lost. Hussie's openly said this.
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This explains so much.
Hussie wanted us to feel like we had a grand old time.
It's a hot meme.
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because Like Joe, John suffers from immense depression and only requires an old friend to remind him he's a wanted and beloved person.
honestly the idea's been scrapped and changed so many times I don't even know what to say, and my mind is balancing multiple versions in various states of fullness.

>after the death of his mother, Will moves to the city of New Amsterdam to find his armed only with the clue that he was "a man made of rats"
>Yeah, about that... His mother was schizophrenic, and when a rat he stayed at work late to catch starts whispering to him about something called The Protomachy, Will has to wonder whether he is too
>His journey will bring him into contact with lying gods, a magician who may or may not be the antichrist, a vagrant child convinced they're a cat, a manic love interest who can cross her eyes in four dimensions, and hellish mirro-city at the end of an alleyway
Hasn't posted anything in almost a year, though I'm sure she's aware of the credits through Shelby. I imagine she said something nice, but is internally very, very pissed.
Saw the update, and subsequently reblogged some shitposting. 10/10.
we saw the fight with caliborn. we will hopefully see the fight with english and what exactly happened
why is there a flute...
Why is girls wearing their guys shirt so damn hot.
but rose was the one in the tux

jade didn't support the gays getting married
>>87357585 #
>Though John/ScourgeSisters isn't bad, of course.

Of course it isn't, so where's that chapter?

There hasn't been any good John/Vriska in so very long...
Nobody knows
well ascend was the credit song...
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We never did find that out did we?
Honestly, I have at least one short story/fairy tale out of this that alone would be worth it if I could just fucking write it. I also have a general idea for a second one that has all the orginal characters the other one doesnt (minus the gods), but I still need to find out how to include some newer ones

I can think of something for after my current Karkat/Maryams one. Had an idea for a fic with Terezi and Vriska comparing blackrom dates with John and Rose, so I could probably add a bit to that or work it over some to end in John/Scourge
Brown jade just seems wrong to me
For the night crowd, I released it. It's not done, but hey, it's something.


It works with tan lines, because Jade lived on murderfuck island and it's not hard to image her getting a tan all the time. That Jade looks a bit darker than a tan, of course, but I can believe tan Jade in general.
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#ffffff or bust
she lived on a tropical island
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Everyone remembers Hamzee Makara
all jades are valid
What if jade was white regardless of her 'never worn sunscreen a day in her life' tan, because she was covered in bec's white fur?
it's better than a lot of other attempts. Just about all the others don't bother getting into personal quests or players-as-myths.
And came out #FFFFFF anyway
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how do #ffffff people tan?

it's not like they're CAUCASIAN
They gain redness! White is already at maximum redness, greenness and blueness so they don't change!
am I the only one who didn't mind caucasian turning into peachy? I thought it fit a lot better as it worked on multiple levels.
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Would you turn down a hot vampire that's the least craziest of the group of aliens you just met

>be a strilonde, thus horny as shit
>sexy vampire is smitten with you
>has a Sensible Mom personality and wants nothing more than to provide you with emotional support
>even shares your interest in books and is probably the first person you've known that actually enjoys reading all the lengthy things you write, which is your one of your defining talents and most passionate hobby
>proceed to spend 3 years - a good chunk of your hormonal teen years - with nobody else but your brother and crazy aliens and crazy alien ghosts for company

It was only natural, how could anyone resist. And it wasn't even settling, again she's a horny fuck, the second she saw what she looked like at the green sun she became the pursuer. Begging her to stay, putting on the charms, asking her on a date, etc

Dave got the shit end of the stick with Terezi, who's a psychotic mess dependent on Vriska
I thought caucasian was dumb because archive readers wouldn't get it at all.

I don't even think peachy is a joke though.
I've only seen them "mention" it by brushing off questions about it
Fandom references are never good but Peachy just meant fucking nothing.
>Vriska's lusus messed up Vriska who messed up Terezi
Ganguro jade?
i'll start working on 50 nepetas soon, but it won't be finished for a while
race headcanons
>Jane: East Asian
>Jake: White
>John: On the white side
>Jade: On the asian side
>Striderlondes: White, Albino (fuck your canon)

>Megidos: Japanese (canon)
>Nitrams: Fillipino (canon)
>Captors: Chinese
>Vantases: Jewish (albino?)
>Leijons: White (red hair, freckles) probably rednecks
>Marayms: Pakistani
>Pyropes: Jewish
>Serkets: White
>Zahaks: Slavs
>Makaras: Latino
>Amporas: Italian
>Pixies: English
That sounds more like a book blurb than a plot synopsis. What I gather from it is that you plan on using quite a few urban fantasy tropes. Not inherently bad, but it means your reader's enjoyment of the story will depend primarily on the quality of the execution with no high-concept shenanigans to save it in case of a major execution failure. Keep that in mind.

What elements were inspired by Homestuck?

Anyway, here are the books.

Janet Burroway. Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft.
Nancy Kress. Beginnings, Middles & Ends.
gib card
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jade is not for lewds!
She also has the personality of a wet dish cloth and the intelligence of a wet dish cloth's mentally handicapped brother, who tries God help him, but he just can't support himself without wet dish cloth tossing a few bucks his way every month.
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They're aliens, dumb fuck.
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i call it "daveslut Jade", it's a very rare card, banned from tournaments due to its potential combo with most artifact cards.
Hey, he earned that money fair and square, with tact and fiscal know-how, and also loads of future-selves adjusting it so he would completely clean them out.
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>(You) bait...
Fuck yeah!
I only just found out about the update like an hour ago. Just finished watching it.

I know it was put up like five days ago, but what was the general consensus? How did everyone react to the new ending?
Mixed, I'd say.
>How did everyone react to the new ending?
Same as usual.
First everyone thought it was shit, then people decided that it implied John was finally headed towards a character arc, and opinions stabilised. It's not loved by any stretch, but most people think it was alright.
>How did everyone react to the new ending?
it changes nothing
homestuck is still shit
No real consensus, some speculation about John being depressed.
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jade wake up dammit.png
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Yes she is.
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posting meme poll results

it should be noted about half of the people that were here when it dropped (and voted), left the threads shortly after
White people don't turn straight up brown from tans, like many people make Jade and Jake. And just cause she lives on a tropical island doesn't mean she spent all her time outdoors. There's not much to see on that island and Bec didn't let her explore the ruins like Jake did. She's a nerd that probably spent most of her time indoors boning up on physics and schlicking to furaffinty porn, the most sun she got was probably in her greenhouse and an hour or two a day playing bullet fetch with the dog

People just want to experiment with different looks and race headcanons
this is a shitty poll because there's no "it was bad" option that doesn't make the voter into a strawman comic
peachy is still a skin tone, and peachy can be used to mean, fine, ok etc. like feeling peachy keen. and it was also a callback to the fruit with faces
there is nothing wrong with that answer, pepe is a well respected figure.
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i gave her a run on dave
very nice
>tfw we'll never see Hussie turn alt-right
It would be one hell of a subversive twist.
Not since Hillary smeared him.
My first reaction was
>oh god what I can't believe this is actually snapchat shit and they're making a bunch of shitty looking babies I'm not even turning on the sound this is so terrible
Then I started liking it and rewatched it a bunch of times

>aranea fat

the worst meme
Thanks for the books, but my problem is just consistently starting over, changing things and deciding my existing story is shit, not being able to write.

The homestuck inspiration is pretty true to the very core of it. It started with the gods being inspired by the denizens and New York City being the characters planets. Lots of weird time shit, a parallel universe were there are four more characters related to the protagonists despite the cosmic implications, and because I suck so hard at personalities, my characters are pretty much knock-offs with different powers and motives

The MC is basically karkat (albeit unsure if he's going insane and with no blood color or shipping stuff). the 4d girl is jade with a bit of aradia's sociopathy thrown in (she may or may not be a mobster's daughter. I'm still not set on that), the homeless cat kid is just a fucking mashup of Nepeta and Frisk (with her AU counterpart being Chara). And while not actually a reference there's another girl called maryam (admittedly that's becuase I had a friend by that name who either committed suicide or was murdered by her sister. I'll never know)

It made the story even worse by adding a layer of depression to it.

John ends up depressed and drifting away from the people who care about him, and may or may not used Caliborn for suicide. Also, it implies that even if Joey or Jude made it to universe C, they would never see their sisters, brother and dad again
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She's just a little thick, not fat. Only her ass is fat.
Yeah I'm vaguely proud of how it turned out

>she's just thicc

if you have to pull back the gut to fuck them, they fat
That image is clearly of a an obese individual.
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That visual got me hard, thank you anon
God I loved how this artist portrayed Tricksters. Too bad their art style changed too much for me to like them anymore.

This Jade and Dave make me rock solid
There we go, femdom
Was that so hard?
I like Jade being dominated more than the reverse to be honest. She doesn't seem very dommy.
>>a cyberpunk au where cyberdeck cowboy john is on the run from the enforcers of the shady ceo of crockermegacorp
>>there are rumors the ceo has been hiding evidence of a coming alien invasion of earth
>>some say she is even in cahoots with the aliens
>>cybernetically enhanced polydrug addict known as "roxy razors" saves john and offers him a job with her twin employers, mr. timaeus and mr. aure
>>together they uncover the plot of an ai of unclear origin
>>called "s/urb", the ai seems to be behind several threads of events that are now converging towards its mysterious goal
>>on their way they meet
>>roxy's older sister, an astronomer and occultist who says she's been contacted by an alien force distinct from and more powerful than the invaders
>>a sentient human-dog hybrid woman created in an secret experiment who can see glimpses of the future when jacked into cyberspace
>>a friend from john's past, a hip hop artist who is an expert in data compression
>>a traveling spy and male prostitute who can seduce anyone

saving this for future use
Just spent like five days straight reading the entirety of Homestuck and I know I'm probably late to the party but like, what was with the end? Did everyone just kind of go their separate ways and John didn't have anywhere to go? That's pretty sad, but I guess it fits with the "homestuck" name.

The fuck was with that black hole? What about Caliborn at the very end when John smashed his phone with a hammer? How'd he get in contact with Earth C? Was that just past Caliborn before he completed his whole quest?
>"the end" now refers to the credits instead of the shit show that was act 7

we did it boys

we saved homestuck
>The fuck was with that black hole?
We don't know, nobody does
>What about Caliborn at the very end when John smashed his phone with a hammer? How'd he get in contact with Earth C? Was that just past Caliborn before he completed his whole quest?
His claymation story happens after the kids are 20, they teleport to that point with John's retcon powers and the fight that puts his soul in Lil' Cal happens
He had the rainbow eyes when he sent the pictures, so that took place after he smashed the clock to end his quest
>Just spent like five days straight reading the entirety of Homestuck
Literally how? You'd have to go through 1625 pages a day.
>Act 7 was almost seven months ago
I can still feel the rage.
It's doable, I've read all of Problem Sleuth in a day before and it's about that long
Not sure I'd want to do that for five days straight though
homestuck isn't as long as most people think

acts 1-5 takes like two days to read at most.
The screencap of that day was pretty funny, albeit sad.
I've been in a funk, decided to give this whole shitshow a read through since it's done. Seriously done nothing but wake up, eat and read the whole thing. I didn't think it'd take me this long to get through everything to be honest.

Totally forgot about the claymation thing, it was pretty abstract to look at.
Why'd that Tex Talks guy stop making videos?
He might have realized that Homestuck is shit and finally found enough courage to leave
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I looked at the stats website and apparently Homestuck's only 46% as long as the Game of Thrones books, which frankly scares me out of ever reading them.
just kill him already dude
>best girl is a lesbian
Hussie why would you do this
>quality wise
what did he mean by this?
I sure hope you don't mean Rose.
Good for him
just like in real life tfw she will never love you because you have a penis

Just because Aranea had a relationship with Porrim doesn't mean she's a dyke.
>kids anything other than caucasian
>trolls anything other than alternian
You are disgusting.
what did Meenah do?
>rogue of void
>can congure up a penis from non exsistance
Literally nothing
Rose used to be so good, what happened?
Does anyone have the picture where some anon explains that if the kids aren't white then the trolls can be sparkly glitter people?
She was an obnoxious piece of shit
So hold onto it. Put it on the backburner while you make something else. When the time comes you'll be ready.
something something ghost army something

oh and cuck karkat with (vriska) before ditching her too because she's smart and knows they are both useless
I always got the vibe that John and Jade were at least half asian if not entirely. Jade always had an asian sound motif and John was somewhat of a nerdy kid. That last part doesn't really mean much now, but I think back then most nerdy kids were asian in media, or at least all asian kids were kind of nerdy
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they are all white just like Hussie intended from the start
/r/ing an eri version of that image
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Since there's a lot of honey activity this thread, I'll post it here too, a nepeta for completionist's sake.
John and Jade being half Asian would have to mean either Jake or Jane would have to be Asian
"If it ain't White, it ain't right."
- Andrew F. Hussie
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are asian babies not also pink?
slightly yellow hue, even the lightest of all Asians
where whites have more of a pink hue
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Alt-Right Hussie.jpg
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I would have liked to see more of the dissonance of her dad being missing and assumed dead when she was a total daddy's girl vs all of her friends growing up fending for themselves

thanks, pal
>Megidos: Japanese (canon)
Yeah, nah. You're fucking dumb.

Doc Scratched dressed the handmaid as an asian schoolgirl because of him being a creep.

Damara was a part of a group of weeaboos, and even if she is described as coming from a foreign country on Beforus, that doesn't mean beforus has a troll japan let alone an asia at all. Also, since beforus and Alternia are different planets, then it's geographically impossible for any other Megiddos to come from the same land/culture as Damara anyway.

Aradia personally has no allusions, mentions, or association with asians whatsoever.
kanaya and rose aren't best girls
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beta kid race discussion.png
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history repeats itself
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Pic related is the only correct human ethnicity for the Megidos.
she died twice and got the powers of a god so she decided to chill for a bit. then got nervous about being a dyke and started drinking
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>posts fanart of someone else's headcanon
>John's fate is being homestuck
What the fuck Hussie
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Whether you like it or not Aradia and Damara were raised on a bean and rice diet.

It's literal science!
>bean and rice diet
so they're hispanic?
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literally every reaction she had with Jake
for SIX MONTHS she was SO goddamn pissed that jake wouldn't fuck her.
she acted like he was doing an active disservice to her, and hated him for it.
she called him an idiot for "not realizing she liked him" (which she equated with accepting her advances) despite the fact HE ASKED if she liked him, and SHE SAID NO.
the last final fuck you to homestuck's coffin
>check my vantas cage
>can't find my karkat

where is he...
They're Latino and Asian mix, yes.
Is Jane the reason Jake never got any real development?
>itt: race headcannon discussion because there's nothing left to talk about
I'd rather talk about Davkat then this shit
>tfw started a project where my friends are characters (autistic i know)
>tfw stopped soon before much got done because it would hit home for them too hard (classpects)
it was pretty fun in the meantime i guess
(Ghost) Aradia looks almost exactly like Sadako, the entire point is that she's troll asian.
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or you are just full of shit, yeah
So, which one is worse?

JohnVris, Scourgecest or a stupid poly ending where John gets the Scourge Sisters?
>Aradia personally has no allusions, mentions, or association with asians whatsoever.
pretty sure she was based on japanese ghost girls like >>87359899 says
Also no asian schoolgirl dresses like young damara, though thats probably just hussie being ignorant of the difference between chinese and japanese clothes
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Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
how about unironic gender and sexuality discussion
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I feel like Aradia's not asian at all tbqh famillia
>a stupid poly ending where John gets the Scourge Sisters
that one

unless its a pale triangle but with black johnrezi. i could live with john and terezi fighting over the proper way to pacify vriska
Poly is always shit brah
candy boy andy always had japanese ghost girls like sudoku from the ring in mind he made her but yeah she just feels like a thicc latina
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>nails painted in each others colors
I love that kind of shit
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i don't know how many more ethnic aradias i have
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Doing their horns like this is terrible
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there's a troll that has their horns like that in the credits, it's one of the jade bloods
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jane making some stems grow.png
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And all because of brown Jade porn
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>those lips
>those handlebars
>those flat teeth
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aradia better have a big part in the epilogue
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this is my last clearly ethnic aradia i'll post for now
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>the epilogue is going to be anything other than the davekat wedding
>the epilogue will tie up loose ends
thanks man
She won't

Goth chicks, amirite?
shut the fuck up about davekat. for gods sake it's korra's end all over again but with even less reason for bitching
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jk i forgot those were two of four

here are the other two
>less reason for bitching
i hate you all

but i hate hussie more
yes. because korra was explicity confirmed to be a dyke
Davekat has no confirmation other than rusemaster hussie signing davekat is canon on a fucking napkin
was gonna make this a snapchat shot but i have no idea what to put
Can we all agree that pic related is Vriska's perfect choice of romance partner?
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I hate Hussie so much

but I hate how much semen he made me spill more

Also he approved of members of his inner circlejerk pushing it in his work, mainly because he didn't care but also because he wasn't against it despite it being 100% ignorant of the actual characters
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>sorry karkat! dave won't be able to help you dig anymore!
>guess what youre getting for christmas? :D :D :D <3 <3
>guess who is getting a puppy for christmas!
it's all ironic. and like I said it's not confirmed at all. korrasami was. it's getting comics about it.
jade and dave live with karkat and then left him to get stuck in a house for millenia
You couldn't get a better smile?
Dude Illusion has apparently never made a woman happy before, every single expression is either vague sadness, fury, a smirk, or aheago
>even less reason for bitching
>Davekat has no confirmation
Wouldn't that be more of a reason to bitch? Getting something like this forced on us with no basis in the story?
Can you guys dump some Terezi ass? I want to self-insert as John before I get cucked with Scourgecest
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check em.png
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>Davekat and race discussions
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that's a fucking recorder you degenerate
so were the shipping quadrants when hussie first introduced them

the point is that hussie will let things go wildly out of control if they generate enough clicks
you need to make her hold the camera you know
but i don't see a camera...
>looks like the troll kingdom is getting a new member of the royal family!! #condomembargosuccess #davelovesmemorekarkat
Space powers.
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08/10/10. Damn. It expired right after its one year planned length. 6 goddamn years back.
no because its not forced on you. its literally nothing. you are getting upset over nothing
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are you fucking serious
someone else is taking the picture.
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who dateraped karkat?
is that pawfeet? i thought it was just low-effort tumblr toes with slightly longer than human norm toenails
Patty and Selma?
who is marge then?

LE is homer
Is Doc Scratch Bart? and the BQ Lisa?

Who is Maggie?
now that someone has mentioned it, i'm yet to encounter simpsons x homestuck crossover bullshit, which is pretty surprising to me
please don't
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What is she saying?
does this game have a pregnancy slider?
she's saying next thread will be pruned within ten minutes.
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I've never used tumblr

hsg master race
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meanwhile in the furthest ring.png
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ara ara
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delete this aradia is pure she would never wear slut panties like jade
Show us your feet, Miss Megido!
the janitor is choking on hotpockets and deletes every homestuck thread until a shitty one is left where the the subject and message is just called "homestuck"
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oh she's more like jade than you think
Aradia no! Jade will kill Dave when she finds out!
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Joey slaughtering Universe C when the heroes go off to fight Caliborn!
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>victim blaming
My fantroll LOVES Joey!
>a qt alien girl will never look at you like a new toy

i'm going to kill myself
My name is Not Important, what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the troll wrigglers feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill, and it's time for me to die.

My genocide crusade begins here.
This. Terezi and Vriska are constantly locked in conflict to see who can suck the most dicks in an afternoon.

Of course, Terezi always wins these competitions. She's sucked ALL the dicks. All of them.
Nobody here is dumb enough to believe in a Halloween update.

The lusus is cool.

The troll is... decent, but too Kanaya-y.
fuck you I checked
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dave was asking for it...
she's taken
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underrated ship
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calm down jade.png
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She finds an appropriate punishment
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a slut. nevermind. i'm not interested. who knows where those feet have been.
>they have an excellent dynamic and can relate their time player experiences
>we only get two conversations (only one of which is one-on-one) between them
just end my life fampai
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remember how everyone shipped them for a while
>we thought they would be enslaved by Doc Scratch and forced to serve LE
Whatever happened to that whole part of the time aspect?
Yeah, although personally I never did because I was on the DaveJade train from literally their first conversation
She has a lot to compete with! I bet she doesn't even like memes!
Poor Aradia! Back in the basement with the potatoes and the washing machine she goes!
it's what she gets for being a thieving whore
>AA: alpha dave still has a long way to go
>AA: hes still not at ease with his mortality
>AA: but people like us have to be!
>AA: we have to be prepared to die a thousand deaths before our quest is complete
>AA: the master we serve demands it
>TG: so
>TG: im just one dead dave offered up to the time god
>AA: pretty much


>TG: why are you even here like why are you showing me this
>AA: im not showing you im just visiting your bubble
>AA: it projects your thoughts and memories
>AA: as well as other things relevant to you much like the clouds do in skaia
>TG: but like
>TG: if im seeing this
>TG: shouldnt i be able to do something about it
>TG: or stop it from happening or
>TG: i dont know like anything to keep helping my friends
>TG: what do i do
>AA: nothing
>AA: none of this is your business anymore
>AA: its time to move on

Remember when Homestuck was capable of actual pathos and not just shitty melodrama
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I wonder if I could just make the homestuck boys with the female character creator....

I could even make a sissy Karkat, but I would need his nub horns.
i think you could even give them a penis with the futa mod
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Oh yeah?! Well, she just made a meme right now!
Do you think there's a reserved heaven/dream bubble/purgatory for all Heiresses?
okay that was pretty good
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>aradia will never visit your dreambubble and have sex with you because you're just a throwaway dead dave and nobody has to know
Homestuck 4 is called Revenge of the Fuchsia Caste

they all come back to life to seek revenge and take rightful ownership of Universe D2B3
yes, mainly jane but also dirk to a lesser extent
i honestly thought it was going to be a plot point but nuhussie cant do anything meaninful.
the conversation where jane and dirk were talking about how they were making too big of a deal of him, and that he wasn't worth it
"apologize for being crippled!"
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Happy halloween /hst/
i want to fuck that ghost!
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Impeccable taste, anon.
I'm the Vriskanon who made that "watch knowing" thing on AO3 and SB. 10/25 killed any premise to set them up for any movie made after 2008.
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Why aren't you snuggling with your matesprit and watching scary movies with them right now?
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Because I'm an irredeemable autist who hangs out in hst on a regular basis
Because my dog is tripping and puking and can't even stand still.

And I have zero friends.
Okay good news it doesn't look that bad

bad news is my computer crashed without me saving so maybe the world isn't ready for sissy karkat
What did you do to your dog, anon?
God is sending you a sign.
Both of those circumstances suck
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Would anyone be upset if I dumped spooky ghost aradia for the rest of the thread? It's Halloween after all.
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Go 4 it
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>two aradia dumps in one thread
it's like christmas!
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>when you spider too hard
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how do i credit you
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List me as Guy Other
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added both and finally removed my sad jane
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And Rose
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Vriska just looks silly.
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Says the person who disagrees.
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No nipples no ban, right?
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bunny jane.png
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Also this
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Meme opinion.
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Aranea will always be the hottest!
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Rose would probably get off to that.
when will hussie kill himself and release us from this suffering
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I was on board with DaveJade from the start

Part of that might have to do with the fact that I was a NERVOUS INVESTOR though
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Homestuck could have been a lot of things. The building blocks were there.

Instead it was nothing.
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This tool is too powerful.
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We're just getting started man.
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andrew hussie should just turn waifu generation into a full-time career

it's the only thing he's consistently good at
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>Andrew Hussie makes a Honey Select style game
>any sex scenes cause the male to turn to the camera and give a toxic masculinity speech while the female fades away to nothing
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why is/was tumblr nose a thing
It's amazing how well done the female creator is.

Then you load up the male creator and well...something is wrong when you have more options in a Mii maker.
>pale as hell rose
Because blushing cheeks = cute so obviously blushing noses also = cute.
Rose and Dave are so white it's ridiculous

She's an edgy goth girl, he's a wannabe rapper who waves a katana around

This is like critical levels of honkie shit
No kidding, it took a lot of time to make Dave even look halfway decent.
Fucking japanese, can't make any male who isn't a disgusting fat hairy man.
and then when you make them uncle toms with sexy dark skin
I like to think that Dave's at least freckled a little from sun exposure. Rose probably never even sees the sun in upstate NY.
>make a beach scene with the human girls
>roxy wearing something that's just basically string
>Rose wearing a normal two-piece
>Jane one of those old-lady onepiece swimsuit
>jade completely naked

My balls literally ache right now
I can't listen to Homestuck music anymore, it makes me too sad

(Ditto "Nattoppet", the song used in Lullaby for Gods)
Man, music was the best thing to come out of homestuck. Don't rob yourself of that.
someone needs to improve the Aranea card

is the technology not there yet for spider girls?
Can't stop, won't stop. This is more satisfying than act 7 ever was.
Homestuck's one redemption is how good Album 10 is.
Kill it with fire.
Wait, there's a beach map?
No but there are beach backgrounds.
This is Unity though right. If HM is still here: How do you make new maps, and how hard is it?
Well there is a VERY nice Muffet.
Why would you want an Uncle Tom and not a strong, independent black woman?
I know

It just makes think about what happened to HS and that makes me so depressed

Homestuck was so good

It was funny and scary and even a bit sad

It was fantastical and relatable

It was ridiculously complex and yet built entirely out of the most recognizable archetypes and tropes

and then it faded out, not with a bang, but with a whimper

I try not to let fiction get to me anymore. Homestuck is why I made that rule; I don't want to be hurt like that again. But I can't let go of HS all these years later, even when it hurts.
Album 10 will always carry a hint of disappointment for me, because it would have made more sense of the songs on Collide to have been included. Same for the cut of Symphony Impossible to Play that was used for Act 7. It makes me feel like Hussie didn't even plan on having a final album at the time.
I want black rose to worship white cock
You're already talking to HM, and I don't know how hard mapping is, I assume it's just one giant model
Probably wouldn't be too hard to convert things over then. Unfortunately I've only found about two map mods.
>more sense if the songs on Collide had been included
That was going to bother me if I didn't fix it.
>It makes me feel like Hussie didn't even plan on having a final album at the time.

No shit.
But why?
so bet;s on when hussie gives us another news post? I'm guessing december at the earliest
Some things simply are.
>It makes me feel like Hussie didn't even plan
It hurts now, but you had a lot of fun at one time. Don't close yourself off from fiction because you don't want to be sad when it's over. Find another thing to love, and in the future you'll have happy memories of a thing you used to enjoy. I still have a lot of happy memories of homestuck from before.
11/11 at the earliest, because epic meme numbers.
Sounds like toxic masculinity and racial objectification desu.
Reminder that the numbers were supposedly important on some level (for example, 413 was the "Number of the Blind Prophets")

Reminder that this will never, ever be addressed because Hussie has forgotten about ever using the numbers for any purpose other than meme dates
Dec. 25th
This will be his "Christmas gift" to us
It's OK, I think it's just internalized desu.
they were always meme numbers though. always
Yeah but there was an implied purpose to their existence beyond the memes

Now they're just meme dates and nothing more

We still don't know who the fuck the Blind Prophets ARE, and probably never will because Hussie forgot about that plot point altogether
What needed to be expanded on? 413 was the date homestuck launched and was symbolic of the fact that there were 4 13 year olds. 612 was symbolic of the fact that there were 12 6 sweep old trolls. 1025 was a combination of 413 and 612 and was symbolic of the joining of the two universes. 11/11/11 was, uh... Was it anything other than just the date that act started?
>Blind Prophets ARE
they were never important. it was just a dumb reason for the trolls to have the meme numbers of the kids instead of their own meme numbers
people theorized that caliborn and calliope were 11
They were repeatedly discussed in dialogue and then never elucidated upon
to make the meme numbers. they were never important it was just some alternian world building. hey maybe you'll see them in hiveswap
reminder that Horrorterrors used to be a thing
english killed them all
But there weren't 11 of them. It doesn't fit the pattern.

The alpha number should have been 816 or something.
xephros' ancestor is a blind prophet
Remember when we thought that eri was the one killing the horrorterrors? That would have been cool.
It's not 11

It's 1 / 1
>The Blind Prophets were just lesbians.
>That's it.
>Just lesbians.
2 11 year olds. 11 and 11. but yeah it had no significance other than the start of the act. did it even show up anywhere after that? like 4/13 still did as did 6/12 and 10/25
rose and kanaya were the blind prophets?
Eri could'vve savved us all from those monstrosities.
Maybe it's Terezi and Vriska
Why didn't Erisol and the 2nd ARquiu go with the other sprites to the retconned timeline?
they lost their vision after getting too much of eachother's cum in their eyes. it eroded their eyes
>tfww eri nevver had any major appearance after act 5
terezi and vriska are bi
No, they tried to have Japanese eye sex.
What if the blind prophets are Terezi and Sollux?
That's usually what you are when you have no fundamental emotional connection.
That's not how it works.
But they are blind, and they are prophets.
rose has a more fundamental emotional connection with kanaya than anyone outside of dave.
But that's false.
But the Blind Prophets are a thing pre-game. She can't be referencing herself and her friend in the future.
Why not? We don't know who the blind prophets are, or if they really existed. Maybe they were legends, or told about in a prophecy. A prophecy about prophets. That came true after the universe ended.
I wish I hadn't gone up those stairs
Yeah. Wrong.
Which of these is most likely to become suddenly important in the epilogue?

>the blind prophets
>jade's final frog
>who flipped the frog switch
>jade's flute
>magnetic wodka
>the barber's best friend
>the ultimate riddle
>playing the rain
>karkat saying he told tavros to look at bec noir when prospit was being destroyed and that tavros was too busy frolicking in the sky despite the fact karkat had no time to do that and tavros had already been cut in half
>john's shirt changing from long sleeve to short sleeve and back
That seems like a really stupid and pointless prophecy then. That theory just seems dumb.
The ultimate riddle, maybe?

What was the ultimate riddle?
>no more squaretooth and sawwave on these lists

we did it boys
we saved homestuck
>the blind prophets
never coming up again
>jade's final frog
never coming up again
>who flipped the frog switch
never came up to begin with
>jade's flute
was barely a thing
>magnetic wodka
has the biggest chance of coming back of anything on this list
>the barber's best friend
>the ultimate riddle
never coming up again
>playing the rain
dude human beings lmao
>karkat saying he told tavros to look at bec noir when prospit was being destroyed and that tavros was too busy frolicking in the sky despite the fact karkat had no time to do that and tavros had already been cut in half
never coming up again
>john's shirt changing from long sleeve to short sleeve and back
They did nothing wrong.
Apparently, it was about how you're a paradox clone and doomed to never defy destiny.
still waiting on zillywave and sawhoo
The only good characters in Homestuck as of the end:

Armed Renegade/Authority Regulator
Doc Scratch
Spades Slick

Literally everyone else was either ruined or never good to begin with
Wow, that's a shitty riddle. Here's a better one:

The dwarves and Snow White sat down for a bite. How fast can you guess what she served them next?
>Magnetic Wodka ends up killing Lord English.
You're missing dirk tho
>go home to beautiful Rose wife
>get near door
>hear moaning
>break down door
>see Kanaya on top of her
>Get The Fuck Out Of Here John
>get on knees
>start crying because my beautiful wife cheated on me
>John Seriously
>Get Out Of My House
>John, why are you crying?
>what could have i done to prevent this...
>did i not love her enough?
>was i too harsh?
>Wow, he is still bawling.
>Where Is My Phone
>I Will Call Jade To Come Pick Him Up
>in the end... maybe all she needed was a troll
>maybe my genes weren't good enough for her
>i dont think i can live in this town anymore...
>John Where The Fuck Are You Going
>embarssement of this level...i can't go on
>this is the end of my story...
>Oh My God He Collapsed
>I think he is dead.
>go home to beautiful terezi wife
>get near door
>hear moaning
>break down door
>see karkat on top of her
>get on knees
>start crying because my beautiful wife cheated on me
>what could have i done to prevent this...
>did i not love her enough?
>was i too harsh?
>in the end... maybe all she needed was a troll
>maybe my genes weren't good enough for her
>i dont think i can live in this town anymore...
>embarssement of this level...i can't go on
>this is the end of my story...
>1 TH1NK H3S D34D
>11/11/11 was, uh... Was it anything other than just the date that act started?
How could you forget Skyrim's release date?
John and Dave's corpses should get together.
I will never forget skyrim's release date, anon.
Why not?
>Head home to beautiful Jake husband
>Get near door
>Hear moaning
>Break down door
>See Dirk on top of him
>Get the fuck out of here, Jane.
>Get on knees
>start crying because my beautiful husband cheated on me
>Jane, seriously.
>Get out of my house.
>Gadzooks jane, why are you crying?
>What could have I done to prevent this...
>Did I not love him enough?
>was I too harsh?
>Crikey! she's still crying.
>Fuck. Where is my phone? I'll call Jade to pick her up.
>In the end... maybe all he needed was a man
>Maybe my genes weren't good enough for him
>I don't think i can live in this town anymore...
>Jane, where the fuck are you going?
>Embarrassment of this level...I can't go on
>This is the end of my story...
>Holy shit, she fucking collapsed.
>I think she's popped the rocks!
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