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ITT: Toxic Relationships/Forbidden Love/Slutfest

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Thread replies: 377
Thread images: 87

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Post romantic moments of:

Romantic relationships that are doomed from the start.

Romantic sparks that doesn't go anywhere but the tease is just so damn good.

Non hero/civilian pairings of heroes that were influential to the hero's life.

Characters who has too many romantic pairings, otpfags are on each other's necks.

Or we can just make this this week's last dose of lewd thread
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I'll start with the best one
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I don't know, I think Wolverine and Jean would work.
It's just lust between the two. Logan's not into commitment anyway. Jean's too damaged to have any relationship with anybody work.
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This right here. Batman and Wonder Woman, and dare i say Superman, leave all the shipping faggots tearing at each other's throats because of their love interests. Specially Batman. Every shipping-faggot want their favorite character to fuck the sad away from Batman.
Superman/Wonder woman
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DC once upon a time was teasing Superman/Zatanna for a bit.
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Lois was insecure as fuck about it too.
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Except Joker ACTUALLY deserves Batman, his love for Bats is deep
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I win toxicity
>Superman is weakened/uniquely affected by magic
>Zatanna is one of the best-known and (sometimes) strongest magic using heroes in DC

These two could've been fun.

Remember how pre-nu52 Wonder Woman lusted after Superman's cock despite the dude being happily married to another woman? Or how Superman was weirdly protective of Wonder Woman's "purity" as if he was grooming her?

By the way the source of this page is a angsty as fuck story where some immortal dude from the Greek myths promised to Wonder Woman that he'd end a war if she accepted to spend the night with him. For some reason she consulted Superman and Batman about what to do. Superman got weirdly mad that she was entertaining thoughts about selling her body to a villain, but Batman played it cool saying he trusted her.
In the end she managed to make the guy fall for her and not force her to do any lewd stuffs, despite it looking that way.when Superman spied her - something he did throughout the day feeling jealous as fuck - and when she went to talk with Superman afterwards she got mad at that he'd believe she'd actually do such a thing. Then in the end she went to Batman to thank him for trusting her and helping her set the whole thing up, saying that he was more and more influencing her life.

I think that story was also the start of the Batman/Wonder Woman shipping in the comics. DC in the early 2000's did this weird love triangle (or quadrangle) between the trinity before killing SM/WW for good and going full BM/WW.

Very French of DC.
exactly my point !!
>wonder woman don't need some one who look at her like a rebound girl
>or some one who Doubt her

> she need a warrior
>some one who got her back
>who willing to stop her if she go in the wrong way
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Also, pic related probably already fucked the rest of the MU. Slutfest at its finest.
What? Steve Trevor and Wonder Woman's pretty healthy most of the time.
So? Artemis?
-___- No

Batman silly
BTW Artemis did try to kill daiana !!

Here's her confrontation with Superman after the crisis was averted. He was the first person she went after the night she had spent with the immortal guy. She got butt-hurt that he'd think she'd sell herself since at the time she loved him despite him being married and everything.


Hey, man. Everyone would be mad if the virgin girl you fap to was spending her first night with another man. Specially when you know that she had been waiting to give her virginity to you.
It's the healthiest of all her potential relationships considering the only other significant people she's been shipped with are Batman, Superman, and Aquaman (in Flashpoint).
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Yea, she got her back, she's a warrior and she's willing to stop Diana

>and Aquaman (in Flashpoint).

In the pre-nu52 Aquaman was the first guy she kissed and Aquaman still held feelings for her.

So basically Superman, Batman and Aquaman are basically her three consistent love interests.
that he shouldn't dumped her in the first place !! he is a greedy basted who like to play a sick game with her feeling
Didnt she give Aquaman, a underwater BJ.
dear I said willing to stop her when she go wrong not because of Jealous
that cringey dialogue
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What about Ollie?
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Or nemesis
>Forgetting poor Steve Trevor
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Imagine if Marvel pulls an Iceman on Jen and retcon her to be lez.

Superman didn't dump Wonder Woman pre-Nu52. They went out on a date, but they felt their lives were too different. Wonder Woman wasn't ready to get physical and wanted to move things slowly. Superman wasn't ready to make cosmic shenanigans is day-to-day life and wanted a quick in-and-out.

Only later that Wonder Woman started to regret not opening her legs for Superman back in their first date after seeing Superman getting serious with Lois.
Superman was mostly content in keeping Wonder Woman in the waiting list since she didn't had deep relations with men and had become crazy about him to the point she had practically saved herself for his eventual break-up with Lois. He only started to regret when this shit happened and he realized she wasn't going to wait forever.
Now, now, anon, we said significant people, Green Batman is hardly significant now is he? :^)
Where did her pants go?
I liked Emma and Scott

I was talking mostly super-heroes.

Non-heroes there was (Old Man) Steve Trevor, Harold Champion (Herakles), Rama, (BBC) Trevor Barnes, and Tom Tresser (Nemesis).

There was also an old creepy detective in George Perez run which i forgot the name of.
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best tease
Same here, Jean and Scott is a shit pairing.
Scott and Emma is a functioning toxic relationship.

Everybody gets a free passionate french-kiss from Wonder Woman when they get back from the dead. Is a JLA policy Wonder Woman established herself.
>Superman didn't dump Wonder Woman
he did! I wish I still got the comics but he really dump her in her face and tell her that he love lois

> she even give him a Crystal to show what he desire and it was lois
Yeah, which to me it's surprising since I thought Ollie/Diana would be explored in some AU/Elseworld with all those crazy pairing appearing in all of them
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iirc Batman also fucked Dinah with their costumes on.

He did not
Don't they always go for SM/WW in Elseworlds/AUs? I remember it's been done in a bunch of them.
weren't they hinting at a Animal Man and Starfire relationship?

I remember either Buddy or Adam Strange having causal sex with Starfire when they were stuck in space
ASBAR doesn't count.
I think, in Cry for Justice.
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Making out does not equal sex
ASBAR isn't canon, though it's still funny to think of Batman cucking Green Arrow since he's basically the same person with an edgier personality.
fuck off
Yeah, but some AU/Elseworlds goes crazy with some characters, it's surprising really that when you have an Elsewords where Barda/Dr.Light is a thing, Ollie/Diana isn't
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52, Countdown to Adventure and The Last Days of Animal Man mini, but there was no casual sex between Starfire and Animal Man or Adam Strange. She just paraded naked around them once they had reached a paradise planet in 52 and in Animal Man's house when there was no one there in Countdown to Adventure.

She tried to comfort Animal Man sexually, though, in The Last Days of Animal Man, but that was an weird Elseworlds story where Animal Man's old and losing his family.. Pic related.
Not the same anon, but I don't see OP saying canon moments. Just pairings that happened.
52 sort of hinted at it but also debunked it. They had the chance, but he declined.
They do a lot of Superman/Wonder Woman, some Batman/Wonder Woman, and at least one instance of Superman/Batman.

Is Starfire a fucking homewrecker? Or was Buddy not married at the time?
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They just had to write this in. Did the relationship made any sense at all???
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In that case, I'm surprised nobody's posted Batman/Batgirl yet, I think it counts as toxic
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In 52 and Countdown to Adventure, which were canon, they were just good friends.

In 52 she paraded naked in front of Animal Man and Adam Strange, but that was because she liked to be in the nude and didn't knew it was going to disturb both so much.
In Countdown to Adventure when she started to live with the Bakers she'd only be in the nude when there was no one in the house. Animal Man's son, Cliff, caught her naked a few time, though.

In The Last Days of Animal Man, which was a future time-line kinda of thing, Animal Man was divorced.
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Has Juggernaut shown up anywhere in the All New Marvel? Or is this his last apperance to date?
obvious one
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It's been a long time coming.
Adam was blind so he didn't care
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>Implying she was wearing any to begin with?
god, Miles needs to fucking die..
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>Toxic Relationships
Easy win.
I thought she was gay
You know it son.

I sure as hell don't remember it going down like this.
The Benis won't allow that
I love them but Natasha's death wish and Clint's kind of shifting character make it hard for them to not be intimate but also to fully trust each other.

I think they've gotten to a good place in the Fraccion run of Hawkeye
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It's been his healthiest and actually entertaining one before the bullshit breakup, so I agree.

It really did, anon. I've read pretty much all of Pre-nu52 Wonder Woman's appearances.

Sure, i might have exaggerated when i said that Superman was grooming Wonder Woman, but what can i say when he constantly turned her down saying he loved Lois, but right after would get jealous if Wonder Woman was too close with another man?
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Forgot pic
That's hilarious.
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This pair is both toxic and good tease for me. I guess it's the whole Red Room days.
Really, almost any pairing involving Nat is gonna come with her Fuckton of baggage and each relationship has its weaknesses and benefits
They're both from the Red Room so he's likely to understand and be able to mesh with her issues straight on more easily
However, that means she'll become even more disconnected from her needs and issues that are neglected under Red Room habits and thinking

Given how normal, though unreliable, he is, he's actually the most likely to mellow Natasha out in the long run.
The issue is that that relationship will likely be somewhat codependent though Clint has also matured a solid bit where James has mostly held onto his Ascetic Soviet Spy persona
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You're forgetting another guy.
This is the one that reminds me a lot of Batman and Catwoman if only because it's a relationship largely bound to their masks.

If James knows Nat best who she is at her core and Clint knows Nat best as the person she most wants to become, then Matt knows Nat best as what she does rather than who she is.

Do you have any more panels from older comics with Matt and Nat?
Matt's such a moralfag I don't know how he and Nat would work.
Commit suicide please.
how would Nat and reformed Loki work out
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>panels from older comics with Matt and Nat
Because it never. fucking. happened.
Probably a bit like James and Nat, except where James maintains both of them in this in between zone of Codependent Soldier-Spies and Well Adjusted Individuals, I imagine Loki would make her more wary of others and more codependent on each other if only because deceit and mischief, even if not malevolent, is in his nature

He's turn the intrigue that drives the spy life up to 11
Anon, are you ok? Have you forgotten to take your medication again?
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Oh well that settles it.
Matt is like Batman with none of the gazillionaire charm
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I guess it's just physical attraction between Matt and Nat. Nat's not really shy about what she does and will not hesitate to get her hands dirty in the name of redemption. I don't think Matt could fully accept that and compromise.
I can see the codependency but Loki is trying to get reformed if Aaron hasnt fucked his characterization from the past few years up. So maybe they can be a tag team of reformed people who just wants to do good at times.
I would love a spy themed book with those two.
ladies first
ladies first
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It'll just be endless preaching from Matt. Among the three, I'd rather have Nat and Bucky as a couple.
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Well, she died because of him, so I'd say that's relatively toxic. But maybe I'm misunderstanding the thread.
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Matt seems to have a thing for females who crosses the line he dares not. Maybe the challenge to change them adds to the attraction.

Or maybe it's just the color red.
But, of course he can't see.
He's got a thing for broken women.
Matt's a detective with a weakness for femme fatales.

Literally me. I date 2 years with a homeless girl battling addiction that i brought to my home.
was she Ukrainian too?
Its a thing most guys have: They date what they perceive to be dangerous and forbidden. They are attracted to this type of woman because they get to experience the forbidden without sullying themselves
t. Not Freud

No. Why? Is that some cliche?
Nat's not Ukrainian. Elektra certainly isn't
I was just being a dumb cunt because your phrasing was really weird, so I was assuming that English wasn't your first language.
Salty AmeriKate shipper
What about Karen Page?
Thats cute.
Fuck off with the LokiNat shit. Fucking hell stop sucking Whedons cock.
Wait, is Loki - nat a real thing?
> A moralfag who's attracted to females with defective moral compasses.

The attraction is understandable. He tries to fix things he thinks needs to be fixed.

It's not Matt being attracted to these women that bothers me. It's Elektra and Nat being attracted to Matt that is quite off.
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No, but this is.
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What do you think a Frank-Nat relationship would be like?
I hate BruceNat but at least its SOMEWHAT plausible but Lokinat fans are pathetic.
Ma Brotha.
Go watch the Punisher/Widow animated movie.
Itll be a boring and unhappy relationship.
I cannot wait to see if they ever address it in the next movie Hulk's in.

Like, did Whedon just forget that Betty Ross exists?

I still can't believe that the Punisher and Elektra had a sexual relationship in Thunderbolts.
In the fandom, yes.
Based on their one conversation in Avengers
He wanted a meek, gentle soul with a super-powerful side brought out by anger to be his closest self-insert
The studio sure as hell did.
Wouldnt that be a relationship where your bf gets attacked and his gf fucks the guy who attacked him?
LokiNat is awful.
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Brock and Toxin actually don't like each other, there bond is based on a mutual hatred for all other symbiotes. Eddie and Venom would have made more sense.
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>It's not Matt being attracted to these women that bothers me. It's Elektra and Nat being attracted to Matt that is quite off.

I think Nat uses Matt to keep herself in check on how far she'd crossed. A reminder to hold on to a part of her that's reformed every time she goes off in fear that she might lose herself in her quest for redemption.
>Matt acting a the superhero community's confessional

that would actually be interesting, not being limited to just Natalia, but other superheroes coming to him to reaffirm their goodness
Can't say I can see Frank hitting on another women.

He seems like the kind of guy who'd be a widower for the rest of his life.
So you're saying Foom and Laura is a good tease?
Where on earth did i mention Whedon. I mentioned comic book Loki. They both can work together with a good writer.
BruceNat is bullshit self inserting from a shit writer. Everything about it is hamfisted clichés with no resolution and will be forgotten because Marvel has two new chicks to bait shippers with.

At least LokixNat is in a limbo where they arent touched by someone's greasy hands.
>Pregnant Kate
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I always assumed that Bat actually doesn't care about Banner or Hulk, she's just his handler, and she used emotion as a way to keep him under control
Fuck off. You never shipped LokiNat until MUH RED IN MY LEDGER XD.
>thinks BruceNat is self inserting and not Lokinat
Faggot tripfag. Loki is the most blatant piece of self inserting. Kill yourself cuck.
Not really , but it sure was silly, and I'm sure kaiju sex is someone's fetish.
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>BruceNat is bullshit
and totally OOC for both. Nat especially.
She didnt. Not once did she care about him.
I always liked the both of them as characters. I was shipping them before i even knew there was an Avengers movie when there was an influx of fics. But unfortunately the other shippers are moviefags so its a lonely place where im the only comicbook reader.

And Bruce was an obvious self insert for Whedon. Hes done this shit before.
Loki has always been a great character in the comics and his redemption story is one of my favorites and he needs a buddy to help him further on that path so why not Natasha. They can help each other not stray from it.
> pic
> Bat actually doesn't care about Banner or Hulk
Wait, WHAT?

BAAARRRY! The fuck did you do again?
Your post confuses me greatly.
Youre full of shit and worse than tumblr fags. Just admit you like the pairing because edgy murderers deserve each other and love Loki and you want to HELP HIM XD
Brucenat and Lokinat are both equally shit.

Wait, did Batman change sex and started to fuck Bruce Banner in order to better control the Hulk?

Say what you will about Batman, but nobody can say he's not dedicated. Nigga is literally putting his ass on the line.
We get it man.
I mistyped, it was supposed to say 'Nat', I should have just said 'Widow'. And pic wasn't related to my post, just the theam of tbe thread.
I explained why i liked this pairing but you keep using your meme words if it makes you feel superior.
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It's between Bucky and the Red Gaurdian for me. I want Nat to have a connection to her Red Room days. Guilty Nat just makes a good Nat.
You have no right to trash on Brucetasha then support LokiNat cuck. You like LokiNat? Fine. Shit taste. But dont act all high and mighty when that pairing is WORSE than Brucetasha.
Its not but whatever
Yeah you keep believing it. Go write a fanfic and jack off on how you want to fuck Loki.
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>tfw no Kate porn
Kill me
No, anon. It is an awful pairing. The other anon's might be an ass but I'd agree on his point that Loki and Nat is a ship that will sink before it ever sets sail.

The idea of two reformed villains might seem enough for you to link a romantic line but Nat's experience and Loki's experience are far too different for them to have a connection and relate.
The edge is what attracts most of its fans
> Kate's freckles
too much
this is too much, anon
more please
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> Logan's surprised face

Two centuries worth of a lifetime and fucking, what does Domino's boobs has that made Logan react like that?
>fucking manlets

I hate how writers like to have Wolverine fuck all the established female characters. Dude is a fucking a weaboo and a manlet!

This shit also made me hate Colossus x Domino. Colossus deserves better than some skanky that on gobbled Wolverine's dick while he drove.
he was going to choose her but than she died
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Wew lad.
> that envy over a fictional character
Why the he'll is Logan so tall? This isn't Ultimate
I'm surprised no one said Roy/Donna, because that is one toxic pairing.

Although to be fair, any pairing with Roy is automatically toxic.
>self inserting as a manlet

Dude, Wolverine's a ugly and grumpy manlet that somehow managed to fuck a ton of A, B and C-lister hot heroines. He fucked Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Domino and so on.

There's no logical answer for this. It's just pure fanwank.
A whole issue with Matt in his office taking calls after calls from the Marvel U.

for keks, I'd read
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>Wolverine's a ugly and grumpy manlet that somehow managed to fuck a ton of A, B and C-lister hot heroines

So is it
Then maybe Clint/Matt who fucked the most?
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I would have preferred Hellion over O5 Warren but it would be an unhealthy relationship for Laura as much as Warren was.

Batman's a goddamn monk next to Wolverine.
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This needs an update though

Laura seems to fall for controlling guys. Hellion wanted to work his issues on her and O5 Warren wants to change her.

You can see that she followed Rightclops like a perfect little soldier in X-Force, but pretty much left O5 Cyclops because he was too soft.
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Maybe he has undiscovered pheromone powers .
>that pic
Or "How to Rewrite an Established character as your Self Insert and pair them up with your waifu"
I bet he smells like shit.

That Batman list is still bullshit. It places relationships from different continuities and missed characters like Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.
>Clint fucked Dinah
This will always be funny to me
>And SheHulk
What the fuck.
She did live a huge part of her developmental stage as a puppet. Hard to pull out from that.
Yeah but I'd prefer it if she was two timing honestly.
Trying to remake herself with Clint, coping with her past with RGuardian/Bucky

Add layers, anon

Emma Frost fucking a Bruce Wayne espy called Bruce Gotham always cracks me up.
So make her Ult Nat? Gross.

So he fucked Black Cat, Dazzler, Spider-Woman, Carol Danvers, Jean, Storm, MJ, fucking SQUIRREL GIRL.....how does anyone take this character seriously lol. Sounds like a bunch of manlet writers living out their fantasies through him.
Nat doesn't seem like the commitment kind of gal anyways so I think that would work.

Is the Red Guardian still around?

Goddamn, Spider-Woman and Black Cat are on everyone's list. What whores.

Wait, wasn't Black Cat raped once?
Where are them grils? I want to snickt the bub.
I dunno man. I think Nat WANTS commitment.

If Wolverine managed to transport himself to the DCU, how many established heroines and femme fatales would he be able to score before Acess managed to bring him back to the MCU?
Youre thinking inside the box and honestly i would like a weird friendship. I know it will never work long term even under the best conditions but itll be an interesting friendship.
I think that's what she thinks. She's too thirsty for redemption and to tied to her guilt during her RR days. She'd let go a relationship if it calls for her to correct a wrong she did.
No it wouldnt. They have nothing in common and she'll despise him.
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Yea, I don't know why Jess doesnt have her own list. She got pheromone powers. We dont know who else she fucked or jad a fling with off panel.
Nat's grounded and by that I mean she belongs to street level. Loki would be tha last guy she'd hang out with. Even among the Avengers, Nat's closest to those who are more "human"

So She-Hulk, Spider-Woman and Black Cat are the MCU biggest sluts, right?
That ship just makes no fucking sense
wtf, does this guy have a magic dick or something
Magneto is old and Rogue is young
Rogue can't touch anyone but Magneto can
I honestly am surprised with Emma Frost. You'd think her list will be longer with her reputation but I guess being mindfucked isnt considered to be tally-able for this chart.

Nope. Just a lot of fanboy writers.
Emma Frost's appearances almost always have her in a dedicated relationship, of course her list is fairly small compared to bachelors like Iron Man and Wolverine.

Janet Van Dyne. Domino. Crystal. Emma Frost.
> filename
Emma is pure!
Surprised Nat isnt that much of a slut either.
Hopeless' ane Bendis' whole shit doesn't male any sense.
Thats what weird about it dude. Plus its Loki nothing has to make sense. And why would she despise him, its not like theyve been butting heads directly. She might be one of the few to see what his real plans are.
Like she would understand what he did to end that war about the throne back on Asgard. Thats pretty nobleof him and Aaron never followed up on that point.fucking why dude.
Again an unlikely and out there friendship. Plus Loki does normal shit and he had that one normal friend in his book. Its just an idea.
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Emma Frost is interesting because her whole deal is about being a "fake". She looks like a bomshell, but she got to be that way by doing tons of surgery. She whored herself for rich people, but most of the trysts were mental projections. She plays the role of a femme fatale, but she's really a star-at-home wholesome girl at heart. She acts like a domm, but is really submissive.
>hes a loki defender
Fucking hell youre pathetic.
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Go hide in your shithole with your disgusting ship

That pair made hella sense, though.

Jason has mommy issues. That's how he died, by being used by his biological mother. So Talia manipulated him by serving a motherly and sexual role to pit him against Batman.
Ive just read the last few years of a series of great stories about him.
Grey is expressed interest, pink is just kissing.
>tfw Bobbi keeps being pushed with Lance

Wasn't Lance her first guy, though?
I'm calling it.

They're gonna bring back Logan and make him bi.
they should just use the one that's already gay, he was pretty cool

If they really do this then no boypussies will be spared.
AOS Hunter looks like a looser and acts like a cunt. If they'rw gonna ship Bobbi with Hunter, cast an actor worthy of Adrianne.
> leg lift
>no leg lock
So who fucks around more? DC characters or Marvel?


DC has more fucked up romance, but it's like... Disney shit, you know? Characters holding feelings for one another for years and shit. Fanfic tier angsty shit.

Marvel is one constant orgy. Everybody fucks everybody. Casual sex rules.
Isnt Peej promiscuous? What's her fling/relationship tally?
Hal Jordan
Blue Beetle
oh and Mr. Terrific I guess
Eh, not really.
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>DC has more fucked up romance

Blue Beetle never scored her. She wanted and gave him tons of opportunity, but he was an ass.

Ted always have hot women wanting his dick, but he's too dumb to catch the signs. Barbara Gordon also wanted him and he messed it up.

Goddamn, Dick. You learn shit from Bruce, huh? You don't start shit that will end badly. You don't play with a girl's feelings.

Fire was crazy about Ted and he ignored her.

Goddamn it, Ted.

Actually I think Mr. Terrific and Val-Zod are the only guys we know for sure she's fucked. Though we can also assume she had sex with Hawkman and Firestorm, though I don't think those two were really explored or given much page time.
Is Ted our guy?
This is just pure dickery. He just had to give it the mornig after.
Also Zero Hour baby daddy plot.
Ted Kord can really get into self-insert territory sometimes. It's not THAT often, but there are times when clearly the writer is projecting onto the chubby sort-of loser superhero as the best dude around who deserves more.
You don't make sense at all too
Super speed nigga
>that time that they got to fug but only after Rogue sucked his daughter of her lifeforce thus allowing Rogue to touch only him
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I kinda wished Ted would wise up and end up with Bea. They could form a cute couple.

Well, at least it finally happened in Convergence.

Was Mags the one to claim her v-card?
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Toxic as cancer and a stomach disease
Ha, that little green Martian wants to cuck him.
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Are you talking about Hal? Because they actually made a point to make her say she DIDN'T have sex with Hal. It was a magically-induced pregnancy.
I wanna say Iceman or Colossus were. Because she fugged them both while they had their powers activated.
I will never under the thinking of even hooking Mags and Rogue together
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This is best tease.
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definition of tease
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>255 posts
>this hasn't been posted yet

come on now
80s and 90s magically-induced pregnancies, Carol and Karen.
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Wasp and Deadpool
>taking the shirt off but not the mask
Has he been talking to Batman again
> put an F4 in Inhumans
> put an Xmen in Inhumans

goddamn fucking Inhuman push

The Zero Hour baby daddy was a demon. Arion, an atlantean wizard, impreganted PeeGee with the sperm of a demon, Chaos servant, named Scarabus.
>definition of tease
Tease? You want a definition of tease?

It's Miles and Kamala and then suddenly it's Gwen and Miles.
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>put an F4 in Inhumans

In more ways than one
Sorry, English is not my first language but "a" is for consonants and "an" for novels right? why does "an F4 and an Xmen" sounds more correct than "a F4 and a Xmen"? or was anon wrong in using "an?
Because you say it like "eff" and "ex" with the vowel sound starting the word so "an" is the correct way of saying it.
When will BB kill him?
Everytime we try to forget you fuckers just keep bringing it back.
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the greatest romance in DC history
He cybered with Barbara actually.
Que es esto?
I don't want to be "that guy" but dude it is literally on the image. It says the name right there.
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>implying based Johnny wouldn't wreck Cuckbolt's shit
Were you born stupid or dropped on your head as a child?
Why does Marvel hate BB so much? He got cucked out of his throne and out of his wife.
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Powerful white (or whatever he is) male rulers who are actually benevolent, admirable and loyal are a big problem in Marvel's eyes. He was holding Medusa, a powerful and independent woman, back. I admire Marvel's position in setting the record straight and putting him in his place. After all, what's a king to a (yaass) queen?
What's annoying is BB never wanted a harem and the fact that she couldn't figure out that he was gone all of Secret Wars is mindbogglingly dumb and just makes her look horrible. Also most Marvel writers are garbage now anyway.
One thing to remember about Hellion was at the time of that issue, he was a wreck and probably still is. I mean, he lost his hands, his friends abandoned him, his mother in all but blood left him and he was desperately looking for someone to help him. And to be fair, Laura was being a bit of a bitch in the issues he was in. I mean it was obvious that Hellion needed help and she just left him. Twice.

Before hand, he basically treated Laura like a person which was what sold me on their relationship. It was actually her who was the more creepy in their relationship initially.
Shove that anti-PC meme back up your ass.
Medusa is just as awful as Bolt ever was.
In case you've never actually read a comic and are just going on what the conspiracy theorists on /pol/ have told you, let me set you straight: EVERY leader in Marvel comics is an asshole.
Go on, pretend you've read a comic and name one who isn't.
Fuck Medusa. Seriously, before hand she was a bitch, but she was at the end of the day she always did the right thing.

In fact, fuck Marvel for what they have done to the Inumans in general. Fuck them for turning them into a group of interesting characters who could play the role of hero and villain to a group of elitist cunts are insulting attacking people who they used to fight alongside and respected while we are supposed to see them as heroes for it.
>Treated Laura like a person
You mean treated her like he treats everyone else? Because he's always been an asshole.
That guy's character arc is finding humility, and he's nowhere near getting there.
I can see why Laura responds to it, his bullshit reads to her as honest and without the false civility everyone else hides behind, to someone with animal instincts that's a good thing.
wait, isn´t logan shorter than jean?
They're being set up as the well-meaning villains, you know.
Remember how in AvX the Avengers were set up as superficially right but in retrospect everything they did was the wrong call?
It's the same formula, Marvel loves to do the same plot devices over and over again: They're pulling the wool over the eyes of the readers so that when the twist comes it's more shocking.
Mark my words, they're going to end up going too far.
Women are naturally shorter than men. That's where "tall dark and handsome" comes from.
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Nah. Since Hugh Jackman artists have drawn Wolverine tall as fuck.
Not exactly. While certainly Hellion has been an asshole, he is a guy who has a clear sense of right and wrong, even if it is ego centric.

If something looks wrong to him, he'll say it, regardless of who it is he is speaking to. That is why I like him while I despise characters like Quire. There is a point to his dickishness and he is seen as an asshole by nearly everyone, even his friends.

He also has a character beyond a dick as well. Julian genuinely wanted to be a help others, even though he wasn't exactly the best person and was a good friend and had the potential to be a good person. His devolpment over Kyle and Yost's run on X-Men is easily one of my favorite things to read as it feels so natural and not forced or out of character.

I mean compare his first apperances in New Mutants to the final issue of New X-Men before the Messiah Complex and it becomes obvious he has devolped quite well.

Well, you have more faith in Marvel than I do anon and I genuinely hope that you are right.
you know there´s women who are tall and men who are short right?
Yeah, but that Anon is right. It is more common for a woman to be shorter than a man. Not there is anything wrong with a tall woman
Yes I do.

Somebody's got their panties in a wad...Do you check under your bed every night for the /pol/ boogie man?
wait, HOW do you handle this?
> no I can't have sex wit you casue I'm marrying an alien orange nudist
I'd say the exact opposite actually. At least based on the Black Widow comics I've read which are the newer ones.

Nat seems bent on keeping most people at a professionally amicable distance and only against her intentions do people and things seem to get closer and both more committed to each other.

Case in point: Clint. Ignoring the silver-age origin, they were mostly acquainted with each other through working for SHIELD at the same time. Over that period and the one of being Avengers (+etc) together, they became friends.

Bucky is probably one of the only exceptions and only really because where she built her other friendships on work, she and Bucky were put through the RR gauntlet together and that's a different type of bond

Also, do you think Nat takes her guilt to irrational places? Like "Oh god, I ate the last of the peanut butter even though Bobbi labeled it in the fridge and everything, I should go get her a truckload of peanut butter"
Dick's a slave to his dick. Too much history and familiarity with these two, fucking would have been something instinctive.
I want to see Nat overreact to everything.
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Anything happen with this?

This was creepy as fuck because initially Carol only wanted to use Kyle's capability to yield different rings thinking that he could be the key to free Hal. Then she started to seduce him in order to better manipulate his ass, since Kyle's a beta manchild who needs the constant guidance and support of a female companion, and she knew that by doing this she'd give him the boost he needed to control all the emotions. But then Hal came back and it seemed that she had started to develop feelings for Kyle out of nowhere. She even stated that she needed to be in love to keep her ring, implying that she was forcing herself to feel something for Kyle to keep her power.

So you've a cuntish and manipulative Carol and Kyle serving as her clueless boytoy. Toxicity levels of the chart.
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It would make for an interesting dynamic, and be something that hasn't been done before. Hell, Zatanna's dad and Superman debuted in the same issue. Honestly I just want to see more of Superman interesting with the magic side of the DC Universe.

>Clark and Constantine's Magic Mystery Tour when?
Matt is like those stand up dudes in the community who befriends a troubled girl and ends up falling in love with her but the whole relationship's all about him fixing the broken and righting the wrongs.
Yeah, I really don't see Frank as being for sexual

She had a chance to be with Matt and was given a position of power to influence and know the future. She shoved both aside. Nat's purpose for her defecting, joining Shield and the Avengers wasn't because she sees herself as a hero and thus must do heroics. She's there for redemption. Nat's stuck in her past as much as Bucky is.
he was cybering with Barbara and was going to try and be with her but he killed himself instead
it was just gross as hell and came out of nowhere
>And to be fair, Laura was being a bit of a bitch in the issues he was in. I mean it was obvious that Hellion needed help and she just left him. Twice.

I blamed Gambit on that. He was so caught up playing mentor to Laura and I feel like he was trying to best Logan. Some of his advices were off.
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What did you guys thought of this pairing?
Corny and cringey. Steph should have remained dead.
Steph belongs to Cass
I have to admit, Robin dating her would have been a much more interesting plot-twist then.
Wait, so does he got powers or what?

Stop being a salty BM/WW, SM/WW shipper. This has, is and will be her healthiest relationship. It's not even a tease. Steve and Diana are, by definition, OTP
WW is now a full on dyke who just has a thing for steve trevor apparently.

WW's amazons would havesex with/rape men and then kill them and any male offspring origin is now a no go.

They're doubling down on the original immortal murderously misandrist bondage dykes who live in an ridiculously scientifically and magically advanced society origin.

Best part? The people they are hoping to appeal to with this return to form will be HIGHLY upset by her banging the ubermenche steve trevor and be pissed off by even the slightest implications that the amazons would fuck men or that they are all skinnnimax bisexuals who're waiting for "the right guy" to fuck them/love them straight.
Even though the former is how they are able to sell WW in the first place and the latter is how they are able to sell her creepy ass origin to 99% of people.

Have fun with your totally unmarketable trainwreck of a character.
jsyk that isn't nat, it's yelena in nat's body, and matt knows that in this scene
>spiderman kissed Ben Grimm
>And JJJ

>full on dyke who just has a thing for steve trevor apparently.
> full dyke
> has a thing for Steve Trevor
Make up your mind.

Azzfags are such a miserable hypocritical bunch aren't they? They hating on Rucka for disregarding Azz but are blind or refuses to acknowledge how Azzarello disregarded Perez, Messner-Loebs and Rucka.
I am still at a loss why he was in that book. I mean he was written 'okay', but before hand there was no real connection to Laura. To be honest, I felt as if he could have been replaced by Elixir. That would have been nicer I think, seeing those old X-Force buddies back together again.
She is gay as sunshine
But she has a thing for steve trevor and steve trevor alone.
Her being straight at any point is now gone.
Meaning no SMWW or BMWW
To be fair it's all Bendis fault. Hopeless had to carry this, even if he obviously didn't want to.
I think Liu chose him because she could not use Logan. Being the older and "wiser" mentor who could emphatize and understand Laura with his experience under Sinestro and Rogue.
Yeah... But at the very least he could have put more thought into his work. Seriously, the crap excuse he gave for the relationship was absolutely idiotic.
I think the anon meant Sinister...

Still, even with that I find issue with Liu even after what >>87363368 said. Mainly because Gambit felt like a way of ensuring people would keep reading her book. I mean, Laura's former team should have been her supporting cast, as it was with them when she shined the most, but they barely show up.
This means Marj Liu actually researches her shit and writes for the character unlike Cain, Leth and KSD. She could write multiple characters with differing voices and personalities and not feels so OOC. She had Storm, Daken, Peter, Sue, Jubes, Hellion... Although Liu needs to step up at her writing game.
Oh shit wrong person... I meant>>87363315
I am not familiar with how the last issue/chapter was received but I personally loved it. I know there are people who dislike captioned/wordless panels. I'm aware this has been a criticism toward Rucka too but I find the idea of the writer entrusting the storytelling to the artist very noble and sincere. Noto definitely delivered on that last issue imo.
>I mean, Laura's former team should have been her supporting cast, as it was with them when she shined the most, but they barely show up.

Gambit aside, I still think it was wise to take Laura away from the Academy X kids. Her interactions with the other members of the Marvel U establishes her future role as a legacy character to a person who is more or less, acquainted with every major players in the universe.
Wew. Edgy. Did Azzarello's cock gagged you hard?

Diana will be with Steve. Deal with it.
> being straight means having a multiple romantic relationship at the same time

I stand by what I said.

I don't even fucking care what beard they hook her up with today. Doesn't even matter.
Eh, we are going to have to agree to disagree anon. I mean yeah, it's nice that she got acquainted with major players, but a major pull about Wolverine, or at least for me is that despite all the shit that happens to him, he's got a family to come back to.

I think that Laura's solo would have benefited if the Academy of X kids were more important and it showed the bonds that she had with them.
Were they ever a couple?
I ship Zatanna with Batman. There was a comic that actually would have made them a good fit. Even one episode from the Batman TAS
You know what I would like to see happening here? That this Warren actually dies. Have that demon lady turn this Warren into her puppet due to the power of the Black Vortex he's got. Then involve the older Warren were his old memories are restored. Young Warren tries to kill Laura as he's possessed now, and then old Warren intervenes and kills him

No more of this ship as I will give an F you to Bendis for starting it
Jesus, how strong is Peter's will to have not fully boned Silk after all the fondling.
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I remember that far too well. Then Wasp had everyone's memory of him ever being a part of it because she was freaked out when Wade's skin got messed up again
There is no going back anon, the goblin has tasted the gwen and she likes it
Slott said he won't touch SP and OMD, so until he leaves no one will retcon them
There has to be an even that can erase it. Maybe it would be a good opportunity for Marvel to deage Peter since his movie is going to be released next year
This, Wonder Woman just ruins everything
Like Batman does?

Come on. Batman ruins nothing. He has a pretty defined characterization and it is one that makes him a good contrast to any character. You can have Batman as the grumpy or creepy dude that everyone bounces off.
t. casual
Same. If both of you are that aroused and already dry humping so hard, it'll be seconds before the dick is in the vag. Does Peter has something against casual sex?
When the hell did wolverine fuck Squirrel Girl?
Where the hell did you get that? Also, is this Logan Wolverine or Laura Wolverine that supposedly fucked Squirrelkin
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> /co/ shits on Babs and Bruce cause of age gap
> /co/ shits on Logan because manlet
> Logan's age gap with most of his sexual partners are panama canal wide
>Godammit, Logan, not again.
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I really am suspecting pheromone powers that hasn't been detected. He's nowhere near fucking romantic. Why does he gets to grab all them pussy.
Girls like bad boys. Plus he's manly and upfront.

Not to mention that with his healing factor there's zero chance of STDs. Having carte blanche to fuck anywhere you want anyway you want without that nagging worry about diseases is a plus to these random steamy encounters.

He can still pump them full of bubs
This. TyclopsxLaura was clearly superior.
Damn, Herc' doesn't play around.
>healing factor.

Now that you pointed out, I guess Laura is perpetually a virgin.

She obviously has a very very high pain tolerance but I wonder if she's gonna enjoy sex if that's the case
Thats not how hymens work. And they natural heal themselves after a few years and any kind of workout can tear them.
Your hymen doesnt do shit about virginity
Not the way he does it.

He's an ass man then, huh?
>Girls like bad boys
How true is that?
Not my fault she is a character with 75 years of history and only two defining runs which contradicts each other too
Probably since the only bub he produced was Daken
Batman? You replied to an anon who was t. casualing another anon who said batman ruins everyting
Hal ignoring Carol while dating Soranik, when? Fuck this really pissed me off, Carol KNEW HAL was gonna propose and in the #20 issue everything was fine and shit then an issue later She cant be with Hal cause " I DONT LOVE YOU BUT LOVE THE IDEA OF YOU AND I DONT WANNA LOSE MY RING"

He produced tons of kids over the years. He also killed them all. Even Daken once.

So not only will he pump you full of bubs, but he'll also drown them once they reach a certain age.
>This. TyclopsxLaura was clearly superior.


>Laura seems to fall for controlling guys. Hellion wanted to work his issues on her and O5 Warren wants to change her.
>You can see that she followed Rightclops like a perfect little soldier in X-Force, but pretty much left O5 Cyclops because he was too soft.

tfw Marvel ships Laura with an Inhuman
Angel will always be a boring shit character that is only there to look pretty.
Cyclops and Wolverine have chem
Ending BuckyNat was Brubaker's gift to us. He knew what lay upon Marlel's horizon and quashed it.

I fucking love BuckyCap and Widow's wild American murder adventures. Need to reread it soon.
XForce Sex and Violins.
He boned AoA Jean.

Honestly, a significantly better score than 616 Jean.
Namor isn't an asshole. He is Imperius Rex.

Get fucked kiddo.
Eh, O5 Angel is shit. Old Warren though is a decent character for the most part.
>wearing the skull
>without approval

Someone is getting Franked.
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