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OC Donut Steel thread Post what you've been working on!

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 243
Thread images: 98

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OC Donut Steel thread
Post what you've been working on!
Make sure to provide a small description if you can!
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These two are from a webcomic I'm kinda working around. They are two teenagers, each with their own special power, which have to deal the day-to-day in a medieval-going-steampunk world.

"You HAD to touch, didn't you?" says the girl.And no kidding, since her "power" is to have electricity emanating from her body. This makes her life miserable, as nobody ever wanted to be close to her.

As for him, he travels this kingdom in search of others with powers, and he happens to find her, first.

I have one finished chapter with this story, and I'm hoping to resume working on it some time in December.
Shes cute anon!!
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reposting my husbando bait from the last thread

amnesiac ghost dude who wants to learn more about himself and the kind of man he was when he was alive. he's always tired though, and that prevents him from getting anything done. he doesn't really like to mess with humans, he's generally a lazy piece of shit.

Doesn't remember his real name so he goes by whatever one he feels comfortable the most comfortable with. Currently Raven
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Thank you! She'll probably appreciate that.

Have a color version of the characters.
Daddy/10. Love his quirk and goal!!
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Drawing my villain to more /co/ quotes I laughed at.
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Made this one a couple of days ago to practise digital drawing, a mesh of ideas and doodles I did years ago.

Her name is Gesichtslos, thats all I got so far.
Just finished drawing this of a friends character (left) and mine (right). College-age Biology dork who's coerced by the powers at be to give and take away life of certain people. He uses two gauntlets to perform necromancy and shit. Prolonged use has fucked him up in the sense that he forgets things a lot of the time and zones out on occasion.
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Wrong pic. Here.
More naked OC's!

I should really cover her up a bit, maybe some slime here and there.
This is how we fight back against totalitarian anti nudity oppression!
this is a great design

it might be better if she was all black though, the nudity doesn't add anything or contrast that well.

Damn thats looks good, those sexy claws are making me feel things.
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Some artists take the claws to higher levels.

Nudity wasn't the intention, was suppose to be a very pale skin colour, but the more I look at it the more pink is becomes.

You mean the whole thing black or just her body?, the worms are suppose to look "Oily" but just look like mud.


Deathclaw levels, would hold hands with.
Anon, you can't bring your deathclaw girlfriend to the school dance.
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Bumping with the latest pic of my two favorite OCs, Sam and Claire. Claire's the bat, Sam's the Slug/Blob. I've shared them before, separately, both on here and /aco/. Trying to sit down and force myself into building an entire comic.
I'd enjoy seeing her in combat.
An early question I got from my artist was if there would be a lot of 'high kicking'.
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5 out of 8 of my main characters for a graphic novel I'm developing. How do they look so far?
I'm concerned they all look a tad too similar. If you've got 3 more all roughly the same appearance too, it's gonna be a bit confusing seeing which character is which in every panel.

A main reason that big comics companies put certian characters together in groups, is that they pick character with drastically different silhouettes, meaning you can always tell which character is doing what at any time, sometimes even from just a single limb or outline,
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This is Rolland and Alex.

The kid is a serial killer who works for the FBI and the old dude is his handler. They travel across the country tracking down criminals that the government wants quietly taken out.
Ah fuck, I made the image too big.
The older guy looks a little scruffy to be a parole officer.
I love this concept! What kind of criminals do they take out? to dinner.
you can see her ankles
How scandalous.
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Varies. Serial killers, Suspected terrorists, International drug traffickers. The FBI just gives them a last known location along with a possible picture and they wing it from there.
bump because OC threads are pretty interesting
Crap. So what should you all suggest I do to make them less similar looking? Different body structures, poses? Or should I draw the rest of them out, scan the drawing into my computer, redraw them digitally so you all have a finalized picture to give a better look at them?
well poses don't matter, because that will (hopefully!) change every panel!

People have different body types, different structures. All these characters would look identical if they were naked, essentially.

Take a look at a group like the Guardians of the Galaxy, where by the tiniest part of a character, you know which member of the team it is, leaving no room for the reader becoming confused in the action.
Nice. You got anymore?
Good advice. I'll keep it in mind. Though, I'm going with these designs for the time being. Once I have them in a more finalized piece, I feel we can start again from there.
I take it to assume he has some kind of friend to counter her personality like a girl whose really into ghosts and tries to help him discover his past
Well you wouldn't look good either if you had to spend all your time around a killer kid.
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Question for you guys. What do you guys look up to when it comes to OCs n such? Whether it'd be a video game or a form of art. I like Earthbound's wacky designs a lot and good ol BW rubberhose cartoons
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I don't know if gifs are allowed, but here's a cat girl I've been trying to develop
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>Rolland and Alex

oh i get it, good one anon
My stuff comes from all over the place. I came up with a story about an undead knight resurrected to kill the princess he died to protect from a 4 second clip from a game.
is she supposed to be so thiccc
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I look to mythology and the artwork associated with it, particularly with Pagan entities (e.g. the Wendigo, Baphomet.) I also borrow from Christian mythology as well, like angelic features or the Madonna veil. Fine art as well, like the artists Hieronymus Bosch and Goya, with a bit of William Blake as of late. Popular culture is my biggest source though, particularly with video games and manga. Some of the character designs from Hellsing and Berserk I adopted into my drawing style and thus my OCs' features. Also FromSoftware's art direction was a recently big influence for me, particularly with Bloodborne's designs.

Anywho, here's a recent creature/faction I drew up for my comic. This Baphomet-lookin' fella belongs to a group called the Zealots of Ziz, or the Dawn-Bringer. They're a fanatical order of goat-headed, feathery assholes who zealously follow a fallen godly entity named Ziz. They love carrying around goblets and raising a toast to their deity when it's destroying the land and bringing devastation to its foes. They also have a 'lovely' ability where they can overheat one of their horn-like appendages and extend it out at an incredible velocity and range wherein it visually resembles a laser.
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Yeah... you got me man... That was totally what I was referencing.

Except not at all.
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Just for additional reference: here's an image of their deity Ziz. I also refer to them as Titans. Not much subtlety really , lol. The other Titans in my comic are also called Behemoth and Leviathan.
You seem very influenced by late 90s/early 2000s Nickelodeon. It's really pleasant to see. Keep it up, anon.
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Working on doing some design work on a Nuzlocke comic. Messing around with a post-apocalypse setting.
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except it's a guy, and he's another ghost too. His name's Raine, but goes by Olto instead, since he really isn't a fan of how feminine his real name sounds.

He's about 12, and reality of of his death hasn't set in yet, so he's trying to find a way to come back life along with helping Raven out. I don't want to make him annoying, but im a sucker for optimistic kid characters.

Didn't draw a pic of him a friend of mine drew the Raven one anyways but he looks a lot like pic related.
porn plz
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Though its not uninspiring
I'm still at the start of making a webcomic that's going to be long as fuck and my favorite characters don't come in until 2/3rds of the way through so I'll just infodump about them instead

Mi Tzcel's a misanthropic snake-man wizard graduate student shut-in who spends all of his time working on his thesis, eating fast food delivery garbage, and working out in his dimly lit dorm room (because he's heavily invested in the idea of exercising the body just as well as the mind). He spends at least an hour a night arguing with people on late-night call-in radio shows and falls asleep just past sunrise.

Alden is his old roommate who graduated about two years ago. He decided to start a magical medical practice in a shack in the middle of the woods because his school's tuition was in part negotiated as "at least 10 years of providing your skills freely as a public servant whereever you live" so as a hermit fuck he decided that he'd have open doors about 25 miles out from anyone else, in the middle of a forest. He wakes up with the sun to catch his favorite radio show that Mi Tzcel's a frequent guest on and spends the rest of the day gardening or reading or doing unholy biological experiments or jerking off or whatever he feels like that day, with very occasional visits from clients (because he's an abnormally skilled magical physician)
What's the point of the hijab if she's naked?
need to keep that hair covered, she's not just gonna walk around exposed like that
Which one?

The answer either way is yes.
oh shit is sam a gill?
this is important
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Part of my insect world. A big sweet Rose tarantula girl body guard. She's very self conscious of her hairy arms/legs so she tends to cover up. Despite being a body guard, the woman she protects (Lacie, the Black Widow) is actually much more dangerous, so she's actually doing more of a service by keeping people from getting closer to her.

Her teeth are very large and sharp and she's also incredibly strong, but she usually tries not to hurt people too much, unlike Lacie. She also constantly diets because of her weight despite it being mostly muscle.
You posted a human, did the 4chan server swap your image with one posted at the exact same time? It does that.
Jesus Christ, the lazy Tumblr-artstyle is fucking everywhere now.
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The series in question is more of a concept about characters with insect characteristics such as fangs, antennae and scorpion tails.

As for the style...I don't know what to tell ya. It's how I draw. If you have pointers I'm open but it's just the way I'm most comfortable drawing.
>The series in question is more of a concept about characters with insect characteristics such as fangs, antennae and scorpion tails.
Then don't lie to me and get me excited with false premises like "insect world," only for me to move my eyes to the left and see a primate. You had a 10/10 character concept until I looked at the attached file.
/co/fur/mblr, everyone
>interesting arthropod-based character designs over petting zoo people
The "Tumblr" component would vastly prefer humans with tails, I assure you.
>Tumblr art style
Watch where you fling those buzzwords! You accidentally might respond to someone with that cancer!
Fucking buzzword spouting idiot
Now there's no need to be so stingy, but I do agree with you. Not that >>87292573 your work looks unappealing, but you need to advertise it differently. These characters would appeal more to people who prefer 'gijinkas', so you might find an audience there.

I honestly didn't mean to make the design or character as masculine as it is. It's funny because everyone thinks Sam is male when I show her to them the first time.
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Well part of the reason I was so vague is that I've posted the scorpion character in these threads several times before so I wasn't exactly explaining the whole concept of the world in my initial post. Truth be told that character is an incredibly minor character I simply came up with while my friend described her pet to me.

I wouldn't particularly describe them ad "ginjinkas" (although I'm a man who prefer not refer to my characters under a name that sounds so purely japanese). The concept behind it is more about a power/class based relationship between a scorpion woman and an ant. The bug theme is more a thematic way to imply the difference in class as well as portray a sadomasochistic relationship in a slightly different way (With scorpion stings and spider bites)
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Finished another character for this line up. That's 6 out of 8, so this is almost done.

I can Requesting here a drawing of one of my oc's?
Yeah I'll take a stab at it.

Got a reference for the character(s) you want drawn?
I have some, can I even post it here?
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ok well

Requesting Olivia Glenberg (1 of my oc's or Original character of Arthur)

As if she were a fan of The Jacksonville Jaguars (My favorite NFL Team)
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These are two of my favorite villains I made, their names are Crank(Blue) and Crush(Red). They are wrestling fanatics and act like Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan in and out of their crime sprees, they could be a very powerful team but sadly they lack the brain power to do anything devastating.
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If it looks like anime, but is made by non-japanese white guy person... than it´s /co/ material, right?
It can go to cartoon network, Disney channel and everywhere else, not restricted to toonami or other isolated anime-only channel, right?
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Fap. But YOU better go for LAUGH.
If you hope to capitalize it mainstream, outside the comic porn industry, that´s it.
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Working on some Halloween costumes for my OCs!
I love you
... is that trollchan?
Cute outfit. She's Manorable.
fucking love the red one.
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Here's all my furry OCs for you degenerates' viewing pleasure.
I commissioned this a couple days ago.
I can post the originals if you want, but I'd rather not compare my art to someone drawing my stuff better than me
really cute
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I've seen your stuff on Tumblr! You draw some really cute stuff! And this one of them.

I'm having trouble drawing this character right now, so just take the initial sketch of her.
The design looks solid enough. I'd say with this kind of style, don't be too afraid to push the character's expressions so that it doesn't look too stiff. But so far it looks pretty nice.
Thanks! I like the design you've got going on, and the style reminds me of Loud House somewhat. What's her story?
Thanks! I'll try that once I get a hang on drawing the characters. These are much more differently designed than the ones I've made before.
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Dropping off another one of my characters I made for Halloween. He's an ex-slasher villian turned teacher. He's currently trapped in a groundhog day scenario that plays out like a cheesy slasher flick (with the ironic twist being he's not the slasher).
Wow, thank you! Means a lot to me coming from you.

And I'm glad you pointed the similarities on the Loud House art style. With these characters shown in the one you quoted and this one >>87297200
I've been trying to developed an art style for this project that are inspired by today's cartoons.

The story behind this project is about of group of kids who are outcasted for having some quirks that other people don't have. I don't have much to add to that, seeing as it gets too complicated to talk about here and also because I'm still developing what it should be.

Again, thank you! (And I apologize for double posting. Still new here.)
Alright, well take your time! I've always seen these threads as a way to not only show others a character, but to develop them as well.
Yea, that's some good advice. Maybe once I get the main characters down and finalized, I can open up and tell the basic characteristics of each one and probably the main premise if it's developed as well.
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Might as well post some junk to keep the thread up

Here is one of my side characters. His design is based on my old autisticly edgy oc that I used through my teenage life, so I remade the character to be a small cute nuisance that tries too hard to be dark and mysterious.

If the thread keeps dying I'll post more characters
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I've playing around with this idea for a while now. Its about three teenagers that live in an apartment complex and have to deal with the weird shit that seems to pop up out of nowhere. Ghost Pirates, Aliens, Disgruntled Mailmen who may or may not be connected to a cult, Puberty.

You know, teen issues.
It could be good. Just sort of a slice of life romp? Are they supposed to be any creatures in particular or are they just kinda ambiguous monsters?
They live in a seaside town of human and anthropomorphic folk. The teens themselves are all mixbreeds of different animals though you can guess what they're supposed by looking at certain features.
This is great!

Are they actual demons/onis, or is it a stylistic thing?
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Bump with content: the miniseries: episode three:
as a total ametuer to drawing in general with no concept of animation whatsoever further than youtube tutorials and the first few google image results for "walk cycle", what other muse to incept my dive into animation and my studies of cartooning, fluidity, exaggeration and consistency than...

the loud, uninspired, toy-mold designs of the four generation legendary pokemon. huh.
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but lookit this dude!
Good woofer. A beautiful doggo.
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you can't say it isn't adorable!
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but seriously, any other animators in here able to give me tips?
i drew this a while ago, i know it's shit and i'm thinking of going at it again but trying harder this time. any input?
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More like a dumbass whitey who doesn't understand or care about the culture he is drawing, but does it anyway for non-existant points with muslims.

Pic related is my OC for a game. Already got the engine running, just needed a decent main character model.
First, learn to draw.

o thank you grand master
may i please have the privilege of seeing your artwork
Pretty uninspired and generic. Sit down for a while and stop trying to please yourself. Think of potential readers and how they'd completely skim over your project because of an underdeveloped premise.

Now take an hour and think of the 100% most interesting part of your project. Focus on that and remove the rest.
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You won't get anywhere in life with that attitude.

It's literal dobson tier.
Anon is practicing animation. It's intentionally low detail because he's interested in the animation of the shapes, obviously.

If you have actual critique to give why not explain yourself instead of just being a cunt?
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Read the sticky. It essentially amounts to that.

Point is, you're going to save yourself a lot of trouble if you practice motion and a lot of gestures before tackling animation. Hell, we didn't touch animation at all until second year, and by then we already had enough to fill a sketchbook.

It's as simple as this, explained by my prof: you need to crawl before you walk.
thank you
I'll read those books and do those exercises-- and for real this time
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Its Midnight here in Australia and I need to finish this piece by tomorrow, what is the best way to stay awake? without coffee
pray to skeleton king
How? and which skeleton king
1: very loudly
2: all
Not helping
submit submit submit
Are you the only poster around here?
Mi Tzcel looks like Caliborn from Homestuck.
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Yes, you're correct. My style is mainly based on Nickelodeon's "Hey, Arnold!". The girl even has Arnold's hairstyle (although, in her case, it's because it's charged with electricity).

Add a little of Jeff Smith's "Bone" and you have something interesting, hopefully. Here's three panels from the first chapter of the comic, when the characters meet.

Smooth, kid. Real smooth.
you went to calarts?
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Bumping with Clover.
Poor girl wanted to be a musician since she was a wee kid but instead became an arena fighter. It wasn't until she lost her arm that she was finally able to pursue her true dream.
If only she was better at it.
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He's a little bit sure of himself.
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donuts please
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Already posted them here before, but hey, its been quite a while.

The only thing is that the color scheme on the guy on the right is different (i let a friend do his own take on the colors for an art trade).

i like it. the premise is ok, but hey, its less about what you do, and more about HOW you do it. be sure to research all kinds of weird mythology though.

I like the middle one's design, not much of a fan of the ear wings on the guy on the left.
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cute anubis? I dunno. I'm not really an oc guy but bumpo
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As if. Thanks for the compliment though. I was setting on making making the characters look like modern cartoons, so it's nice to see I got that down.
Pretty cool, looks kinda like a character you'd see in a 3d platformer.
I appreciate the honesty.

Pitching has never been my strong suit, I just like to throw it out there in simple terms so everybody can get it but I'll admit it does come off as just a monster of week kind of thing. Though you guys make a good point about throwing something in their that can really hook a reader in.

Honestly the idea for the three started off as just parody of Dawson's Creak, you know making fun of teenager problems. But I got bored of it just started making stories based off of stuff I like and try to pull some kind of meaning out it.

I suppose its all apart of the process.
Kinda looks like a random enemy of from a video game. Neat design though.
>I suppose its all apart of the process.
Yep. Hell, my first idea with my two characters ( here >>87321504) was set in a post apocalyptic world (but a bit more to wacky scrap-metal machines than grim survivalism), but now its something completely different.

A good idea to start would maybe set up what the limits are? Such as:
>How much does society know about all the bizarre/supernatural stuff, and how they deal with it?
>how much drama, comedy, seriousness and darker stuff (death/blood/murder/lewd, etc) on screen, and whats the limit for off screen?
>how far does the magic rabbit hole go? Your more usual stuff, or all the way to interdimensional evil alien/monster/plain ol' chaos gods?
>What is the limit to the variety of creatures? Any mythology, or restricted to a list?

And of course, whats your general setting (or at least the starting city/town/community).
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And another OC of mine, Vivian, in her Halloween costume!
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The Herald of Flesh, and angel from the Flesh Dimension.
Well shit, I didn't know /co/ had an OC thread. Which ones in recent memory had the best designs/concept?
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Plucky roommates, demonic antics.
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also Guardian Bug Girl.
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This is absolutely adorable!

This is the final character for the main line up I've been showing progress here.
Yeah, although oc threads aren't regular like aco's and trash's (although both are much more akin to request threads than discussion threads).

Hm, as for good designs, hard to say, but i do like dabble's stuff, and i liked the trio >>87311830 and the random anubis-looking fellow >>87323451 .

Although there are plenty of cool ocs here.
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This guy's name is Dave.
He was made for fuckin'
Neat I love the colors. Do you have any more of them ?
Same. These two looking really good. Would like to see more of them.
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Elem Jeens and Eli 2016.png
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Gonna bump this thread with another set of OCs I already have developed. This is for a different project that has no relation to the other characters I have shown.
How long does it typically take you to start and finish a drawing of one of your characters?
Depends if I already have a clear thought of what I want to draw. If that's the case, usually 10 to 30 minutes.
Thanks! if I may ask, you had mentioned that each of these characters have a "quirk" of sorts. Do you know what hers is?

It really depends on the level of completion. I didn't count, but if I had to guess, something like >>87324478 takes me a little over an hour.
Depends on what i'm trying to do. Honestly it should take up to ~40 minutes most of the time.

The pic i posted was gift art, so it doesn't count.
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I guess I'll submit some more of my art. Cause I'm bored and I need to procrastinate.
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Another pic of my hero (Savior), his daughter (Jay), and his villain (Adrian). Trying something different with coloring.Been attempting to do lineless stuff lately on the side.
Looking good! I've always wondered how to approach lineless stuff.
Which one did you mean? The one I shared in that post or the previous one you quoted?

Also, I finished the sketched line up for the main characters for this graphic novel.
I was referring to the one you posted, but considering you've got them all lined up now, I suppose any of their quirks!
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Willowinda 2016.png
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A remake of something I made last year. Might not be the last character that I draw as another character this month.
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They're actually onis
Usally people go for the blue
what is /co/'s opinion on femboys? Cause I have a few OCs who fit the term.
If it ain't too lewd, by all means share what you got.
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This is Angie, a lady with a heavy persecution complex and a mild hoarding problem.
She lives alone up on a hill, close to a bustling city, that is the location of a hostile alien landing.
I love these designs, especially the cat on the right.
Never thought a hairy, bloody mass of flesh could be cute.
Can the other face talk, or does it just make gurgly moaning noises?
Looks cute! Love the simple design to her.
Thanks! I really like Angie's design too, she has a great mix of simple and cute (kinda like vib-ribbon, but less polygonal).

I forgot to mention that on the post, but the cat on the right is named Greg, and the lady on the left is Lillian.

I wanted them to have names that aren't all that outlandish, but i'm going to do some more research for future characters to get more creative.
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Quick doodle
So the little girl is his daughter? I thought she was just a fan. That's cute.
How does her mouth work
What is that? Like a sentient axe or something wtf?
Yes, but here's the best part, she has boobs
Post the boobs you cunt
It's part of her story, and adds a little extra physical distinction to the design.
You have peeked my interest, please continue.....
She has expressions remarkably like my ex.
Dabble draws lewds, not nudes, he's a classy gent.
how do quadriplegics use 4chan?
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She's got a whole body. I just thought the concept was too goofy to pass up.

She's got a chronic case of side-mouth.

I do draw some nudes, but only very rarely. I've actually got something slated for my blog tonight.
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Now this is my kind of dame.
Can't wait to see it man
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Here's a pair of characters I've been experimenting with behind the scenes.

These two characters are part of a series I had in mind all Summer.

The premise would be that two kids (Pic related) do not get along with each other, and wind up lost in the wilderness as a result of their continuous fighting. To get back home, they must learn to cooperate and make mature decisions.

Had a hard time coming up with good names, though.
joe-joe and bobbette
Spic & Span
I will check back tonight!

Personally I'd love to see Reese's nude selfies, she strikes me as the post workout gym mirror type. With pixelized censor over her crotch and WHATEVER THE HELL IS UNDER HER HAT
I want to see the axe chick bottomless. Dem hip bones.
Flim and Flam
Oh, I don't want to mislead, the nsfw is a PB thing, not an OC. They might get there eventually, though.

That's alright, like making any new friends you got to get into a comfort zone before they'll hang out nude in front of you.
Okay. Sure. I have to remind y'all that I'm still developing these characters, so they're definitely gonna sound basic.

- Zartch's quirk is that his mask is his face. If he were to take it off, his whole face comes off with it. Though it's not gory, it just leaves the face area blank. It's nonexistent.

- Lizcent's quirk is she has three eyes. The eye on her headband is an actual eye with special properties. She wears the headband in hope that people don't notice it and think it's a design. Spoiler, it doesn't.

- Alxord's quirk is that he's a cyborg. He was born on one due to his mother being human and his father being a robot.

- JoseTemp's quirk is that has a very strong passion for art. He may not be the brightest of the group, but his love of art shows he's bright in his own way. If he's passionate enough, he can give life to his art, though he doesn't mean to purposely.

- Eldordair's quirk is that he has a lack of fear. He will go to extremes to prove his bravery.

- Franzy's quirk is she has a good vibe to her all the time. Said good vibe can be harnessed from other people around her and if she gets too much of it, she tends to get "hyperactive".

- Slotchka's quirk is still being worked on. She's probably the most normal out of the group.

- Dannadee's quirk is that she's pretty tall for her age (actually she's the tallest one in the school she attends) and is really nervous. She's kind of the big sister to the group and tries to always be the voice of reason in whatever situation they may be in.

Again, these characters are still being developed, though I am happy to hear feedback and interest in them. But if I'm being honest, these quirks aren't really what I originally had in mind. The original idea was to have each character be a representation of some sort of oppression (like class, race, religion, sexuality, different set of parents, etc.) but I didn't know if it'd work for a graphic novel with a not-so serious tone.
I'd like to see your lanky, bony Marceline in comparison to your soft and bouncy Peebles.
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Workin' on developing this OC. What kind of color scheme do you think I should go with on her?
her hair looks like a apple
try that
blue eyes, light colored hair (blonde/white/blue?)

clothes look white and pink to me
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contact clubhouse small.png
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background from an OC related thing, how do i make it better?
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pg whitefang.png
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I actually really dig the look!

so here's some art I got done in an /aco/ thread on a character I've been working with. I'm over a 100 pages into a novel about a girl in ye olden days whose parents die in a wagon crash. she's found, saved and taken in by a clan of amazons living in the forest nearby. big culture shock story as she's taught to fight and hunt, and has to sort of rebuild her life in a strange little village of warrior women

so, I posted a sampler on /aco/, but nobody replied with any feedback. glad to hear anything criticism or thoughts, and especially unabashed praise


thinking some kind of Amazon novel or the like when it's done
Looks really good! Dig the colors.

Nice design, really like the plot you gave for her.
i want to be the wolf there
I like it!

I tried the amazon novel route, and honestly wouldn't recommend it, unless you're planning on releasing multiple short stories fairly regularly.

Full length novels don't gain enough traction or publicity on amazon, and you don't tend to sell much, but shorts or series,released often and at low prices of 1-3 dollars, can get pretty lucrative.
Having a read now. Get back to you in 5.
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fair point. so this is my first semi-legit writing (as legit as a sweet and massively fleshed out tale of a girl in lesbian amazon-land) besides a shitload of commission stories. what's the approach for getting an actual book out then? just start emailing offers to Kindle or random publishers?

anyway, I do have a cheesier story I was going to throw out there first anyway, and since it's in the nature of the trials of Hercules, it would break up nicely
Wow, I really like this character's design! The outfit is pretty kickass!
Never email offers, that's not your job.
Do contact publishers you're interested in though, find contact info for submissions, and send something along the lines of 'I'm looking to publish my original fiction novel [name], here's the first 2k words. Let me know if you would be interested in reading the full manuscript." And flourish it up with a little about your previous writing experience. When you get an offer, then you talk to an agent, but don't worry about that before.

The art is nice! She's a cutie for sure. (is that Amber or Bella?)
She'd get on well with my OC.
Wild young woman, a troubled past, but an exciting future. (Less lesbianism, though)
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that pic is isn't really mine/ours, it's just one that I thought "yea, that's kinda Amber" and would fit in the valla world pretty well

this was the closest I really found to a Bella lookalike, build-wise. just a chick who's run, fought and done hard labor until she was the strongest thing to come out of a village of warriors, and would hug the shit out of you if you let her

when I get a bit more into it, I have an artist or two I'm thinking of commissioning for a cover-art style shot of Amber, her girlfriend and eventual wife Zeru, her new mom Bella, and the Whitefang wolf in the background
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incidentally, after creating her, this was a fairly dead-on pic of Zeru. ultra-athletic, very serious warrior girl
A little bit of art can go a long way, makes people interested, and getting someone to look at a character is a lot easier that getting them to read even a short chapter.

(Having a hot girl character helps!)

why are you posting shitty animations and an unrelated moth image
yea, to be honest, it started as an rp that had a lot more lesbian sex in it (there's still some to be sure, at least in this draft). by the time we got a few hours in, we both realized that it was much more deep and fun than we expected as we focused more on learning about the world and its people than we were finding excuses for more sex. what I leave in there, I try to use as an expression of love. the valla tribe is extremely open about sex, and it's sort of a heavyhanded and cheesecakey symbol of her going through every kind of love as she finds a new family, friends and partner, on top of a few mystical secrets and an enemy or two
i havent even drawn my oc in a long time and ive had nothing to post for like 5 of these threads
dead and skinned? or just sort of... flopping over the back of a teen?

she's... probably likely to get along, depending what stage of her valla life she's in. at her later form, she's very cool with everyone, boldly unique, loves the strange and reaches out to the quiet
My girl and her novel have gone through a few permutations as well, as any good story has. When I was younger and first creating her, she was a bit more of a Red Sonya type. Skimpy fantasy style bikinis, a lot of fully nude battles, that sort of thing. She's evolved a lot over time and by the time I'd had shrot stories with her published, she'd evolved into the confident but still believably shy teen warrior you see in >>87353966
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Elem Age 2016.png
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Elem, one of the three heroes I have planned for a project.
>dead and skinned? or just sort of... flopping over the back of a teen?
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Spooky demon and doll duo. I guess the doll is like her familiar. The doll started as a little goat demon dude but I've been drawing the doll for like a year and wanted to use her for something.
The demons Maggy and the dolls Mary. I figured it would be funny because Mary Magdalen because I have shit taste in humor.
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pic mostly related, btw. not my art again, but closer fit to the main character of that side story I'll probably throw up on Amazon still. a female distant relative to Hercules as a daughter to Hera who undergoes sexy wrasslin'-based quests to become a god ("So I can punch Zeus in the face, kick Hercules in the dick, then walk out backward giving the double deuce.")

>1-clear the bandits from the lands of Deska the bandit queen
>2- steal the lactating slaves of the Sisters Geryon
>3- capture the sacred lioness owned by an African warrior queen
>4- reclaim the foreign princess that flees her wedding
>5- tit-box with Helen of Troy
>6- drive the swamp witch Gorus from the temple of Hera
>7- endure a full day of torture by the Persians
>8- physically stop an earthquake caused by Atlas
>9-Obtain the championship wrestler belt of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons,
>10- obtain the golden apples from the Hesperides (whatever the fuck they are; the stories are pretty vague depending who you ask and I haven't written that far yet)
>11- win a boxing match with Persephone, the bride of Hades
>12- claim the bra of Phoebe the Titan
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She's his foster daughter who originally started out as a fan. The hero initially takes her on as a sidekick for publicity purposes and unsuccessfully tried to ditch her afterwards.
That's so cute. I love them a lot! I can't wait to see more.
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Happy Halloween 2016. /co/
Whoa, awesome work!
Man what did Herc ever do to this chick?

Like the ONLY narrative where he isn't bro tier is Perez's Wonder Woman.
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Happy Halloween, anon.
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mostly bitterness in general, but also because actual Greek myths were NOT about being a good person.

"Heranes" was a daughter of Hera, and had just to make Zeus jealous. when that failed, she tossed her off Olympus and had her raised by farmers instead who named her after the goddess. Heranes quickly figured this out in her teens, got bitter, and spent a while drinking, fighting, and wandering before she set up this challenge to become a god

the main reason given is jealousy. Hercules is the worst person in the world to have as a big brother to live up to and be compared to constantly. he did impossible shit, everyone sees her and goes "Oh, like Hercules?", and by all the myths I've read, Hercules was a dick. it's probably just the time he lived in, but he was real big on murder (sometimes for no reason or just for a shitty temper)

second, Heranes was thrown off a mountain as a baby by a goddess. that and her near invulnerability has made her realize in a meta kind of way that the gods are shitty people, and nobody stops them because they can't

third, as the story goes on, it's gradually revealed to be an effort to prove herself. not to the gods or the world, but to herself. she gets a bit drunk and confesses why she hates the gods, for ditching her and for always cursing and smiting people, and then fucking strangers and animals to breed monsters to leave around the world to make things worse
"...leaving behind monsters like you?"
"...she didn't even care about me, you know? I have one mother, and a pair of strangers loved me more than that."

also a bit of bitterly working with her mom Hera to make the deal happen, and she was always was big on love-hating Zeus just to show him and get him to stop dicking everything that moved
Dude, this is awesome!
Anyone going to dress up their OCs for Halloween?
That's a cute as fuck idea anon.
Definitely gonna do a small sketch of this.
Post your character or quote one you have posted and I'll tell you what they should dress up as for Halloween and you draw it.

For anyone stuck on costume ideas.
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Do >>87321504

Although i already did lillian (on the left) dressed as fio from metal slug, but the drawing ended up kind of crappy, paper got crumpled/messed because of my eraser and i forgot her tail.
Doc Ock
Jessica Rabbit
Female Aku
Or an Animorphs book cover
Samurai Pizza Cats
The two leads from Cats Don't Dance whose name I forget
WALL-E and Eve (Primarily because of their colors)
Or perhaps the guy cat is a Vegas magician while Lillian is a white tiger assistant
>The two leads from Cats Don't Dance whose name I forget
The female one is Sawyer, can't remember the name of the guy, i think its Danny.

I really like the suggestions the last one sounds kinda lewd when you think about it. I'll post the drawings later if the thread is still up.

Or when the next thread pops up.
Since I had an October avatar for my blog, and my blog changed to nsfw during the month, I went ahead and made an avatar for my blog once Halloween's over!
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Fatty fatty boombalatty
Already did.
My girl here. What/who should she wear?
Wuya from Xiaolin Showdown.
Zoe Saldana from Guardians of the Galaxy.
A sexy Dumbledore.
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Finally got around to drawing one for Reese. I guess it's like a combo of a witch and a vampire.
oh shit Gamora would be perfect! Good choice.

Although probably the old style version of the character who wore nothing but fishnet.
My halloween themed OC. Might as well post him here again. Can't believe it's been 3 years since I made him. I give you Lando the Lantern. He likes to bake pies and is a generally laid back dude.

Also, this is fan art of him. My real art of him sucks balls.
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Well, i tried, but here it is, greg and lillian dressed as danny an sawyer from cats don't dance.

Some details came off a bit weird (i Still suck at drawing hands), and the design/style/proportion difference made things harder. Lillian ended up looking very nice, and i'm pretty fine with the overall result.
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I've been thinking, alot about these characters and what they'd actually do I there was a comic or show.
Sedentary Comedy in the City.
Road-Trip Style Race to save the realm/world.
Small scale city adventure.
Any other thoughts or ideas would be great.
He really does. Mi Tzcel's design came first by multiple years (2007 is the earliest I recall drawing him) so I guess Andrew just has my same design sensibilities. Caliborn's one of my favorite characters in anything so it all works out.
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Jimmy is a stubborn kid with a dragon-tail. People easily fool him considering his tunnel vision and competitive attitude.
He'd rather same his way through a brick wall than going around to find the door.

Shara (Sahara or something)is a clever snake tailed girl, but she's extremely lazy in contrast to Jim's freight train attitude. instead of opening the door, she'd probably just step through the hole Jim made in the wall. She'll always try her best of take the easy way out or laz around.
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Check out this dead guy i've been workin' on.
Does anyone have any head cannons for their characters voice?
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Vix Card2.png
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Maybe not speaking voice but her singing voice is definitely Hailey Reinhart.
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