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Confess Your Sins

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Thread replies: 82
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Let's have one of those threads! What is your /co/ related guilty pleasure(s)?
>I'm actually quite the fan of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac fanfiction

I got a Happy Noodle Boy tattoo when I was 18.
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>that awful, awkward time in your middle school years where all of your friends were huge Johnny and Zim fans
>you never liked it

Those were rough times.

However, I'm still shit too, I unironically enjoy this movie.

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HIBY may be so-bad-it's good territory but my inner pre-teen girl loves it unironically.
Agents of Shield is best currently airing capeshit TV show. I literally don't see any reason not to love it especially if you love comics, it's neck deep in references to all kinds of obscure comic book shit.
I legit like Questionable Content and Alice Grove
Duke is a good bat kid
Thats probably about it.
I really liked jack
I don't actually like comics.
I usually play video games instead.
But I really dislike /v/.

So here we are.


I watch cartoons sometimes; justice league was pretty fun.
Sometimes I start "Canadian cartoons suck" circlejerk threads because Canadians know it's mostly true and can't really fight back (unless someone remembers Reboot or Beast Wars at least) and that makes it fun to bully them.
But this was good tho
Even if it's flawed and tried too hard to be in Sam Raimi Spider-Man continuity, I love MTV CGI Spider-Man series.
I also love how it had a "Electro is an autistic outcast with a mindset of a school shooter" thing before TASM movies, and did it much better.
I hate american capeshit comics but love their cartoons
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I..I liked he'l on earth it was my first superman story and outside of it's third act is still like it,I know it's not good,I can see it's flaws but I like it
Your trips are the same as Nny's house number. Neat.

I wish Jhonen did stuff more often.

Where on you?
It's unbelievably boring forgettable piece of shit, same as any other live-action shit.
That's my reason.
>muh references
This is what arrowfags used to justify liking a shitty show, come on.
I really can't stand Daisy, she's basically the only reason I don't watch it anymore.

I miss my main man Fitz though.
I loved American Alien
I like Identity Crisis.
i masturbate with used panties that i take from my girl roomate's room when she's not at home
I am one of the many /tv/ refugees.
I'm sorry but it's so shit over there. At least this board has half decent threads about animated films every once in a while! A few months ago there were a ton of threads about La Planete Sauvage popping up. That alone makes this board a legitimate alternative to /tv/.
I'm sorry I just wanted to escape the endless meme/cunny/other celebrity/pleb posting.
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I totally understand the fuss over Scrappy-Doo back in the day, when it seemed like he was permanently replacing other cast members. But when seen from a modern perspective, I think he's a pretty entertaining character. He really added to the direct-to-video movies.
I honestly didn't even know he was hated until I got internet and that came as a surprise to me.
I thought he was funny when I was a kid.
I love and hate Homestuck
I don't even buy comics' anymore. Mangas on the other hand...
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I unironically read and enjoy tumblrbait webcomics.
I simply can't get into superheroes.

I don't think they're beneath me, I don't hate them, I don't think the stuff I like is more highbrow. As a genre they just don't engage me at all.
BvS is my favorite comic book movie.
Same tbch.
You are not alon, mon
Mine too
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I find DC Rebirth's current line-up pretty dull. There are a few great books (King's Batman, New Super-Man, Sixpack and Dogwelder) but the rest are just "okay". Marvel may have plenty of spectacularly bad books, but those are at least balanced with a lot of really good books, especially Vision (which is the BEST comic of the year).
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I browse /v/ and enjoy it, even though there's loads of stupid threads, and people complain about the dumbest shit, like no panty shots or Nintendo putting clothes on anime girls. They can't keep their dicks in their pants. You could say the same for /co/, but at least they don't start crusades in attempt to get more creators to draw nipples.
I feel like webcomics get a bad rap on /co/, probably because of Homestuck and all of the undeniably shit ones, like CAD and all of Snafu.
I'm not a big fan of superhero comics. I read more manga than comic books, but I love Sam and Max, Bone and Usagi. I don't consider them "low-brow", because if people enjoy it, then you shouldn't be that one dickhead that goes "that's so tasteless, allow me, a patrician, to educate you,".
I want more robots in media besides Nipponland. For whatever reason, CN and Nick seem to hate robot cartoons.
I'm not a big fan of Ren and Stimpy.
I'm still waiting for the next madness combat.
I go on NG still and enjoy the old and new animations.
I thought Hotel Transylvania 2 was a good film.
I enjoy comic based movies, television shows and games even though I have never read a comic.

I get all my information about comics from their fanbases.
I watch a lot of shit while grinding in videogames.

Been playing a lot of ASSCREED France and getting my fashion on point. Takes a goddamn hour to generate about 50k monies and all the legendary upgrades cosy between 120-160k so I do petty crimes and treasure hunt in the inbetween.

Watched like all of Rick and morty, most of Ghostbusters, a bunch of Christmas movies, and anything involving new York because I'm gonna move there soon. All in the past 3 weeks.

Top comfy
I was once /mlp/
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>confess your sins
>not Father Hulk
I've only watched one episode of Oban Star Racers, and that's because it appealed to my fetish.
I've never bought a comic book in my life.
I don't really enjoy film or tv. I like comics when I want comics.
I have pretended to like certain comicbooks to get in insecure dorky girls' pants
I thought it was good too. I think people hate it because it's not edgy or something (like this bitch)

If everyone despise comic books so much, why are they still there?
>inb4 sex because virgin basement fat dwellings
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That only occurred to me after I hit post.
I'm sorry Anon, I have sinned...
You slut.
I don't read comics
I did read some of JTHM
I still love me some JTHM
Are you me?
But replace KingBats with Young Animal. I think the former's some of the worst work the guy's ever produced.
JTHM and Squee both prove that Jhonen works better under constraints where he can't rely on gore for humor.
Good thing "superhero" isn't a genre, then.
>My favorite Joker is Jared Leto
>Diehard adventure time and Steven Universe fan
>Only comics I have are N52 Batman, Killing Joke, and Injustice
>Favorite superhero movie is BvS
>Former brony
>Thought Gravity Falls was a mistake
>Korra was just fine and some episodes beat Avatar
How bad am I?
>My favorite Joker is Jared Leto
He's not inherently a bad one, it's just that the man himself is a cunt.
>Diehard adventure time and Steven Universe fan
I have no idea why you'd still be an AT diehard today.
>Only comics I have are N52 Batman, Killing Joke, and Injustice
That's a pretty bad selection, man. I will admit that Injustice had some great moments, though.
>Favorite superhero movie is BvS
Ehhhhhhhhnnnnnnnn well, it's your funeral.
>Former brony
Same here.
>Thought Gravity Falls was a mistake
So does most of /co/.
>Korra was just fine and some episodes beat Avatar
Perfectly reasonable.

There's hope for you yet.
I never liked Spongebob
The only reason I chose books like that is because I can't afford better and I thing reading them online is unfair and doesn't support the company. In my defense, I hated Nu52 batman and only got them as a gift
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I HATE this movie. What an overrated, overhyped piece of garbage. The shark was the only good thing in the entire film. Haven't even bothered with the sequel.
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I too, am quite a fan of Jhonen´s´ various work. When you look beyond the edge, and the fanbase, his stuff is just plain funny. However...
I like Star vs the Forces of Evil. I don´t know why, it´s not even that good. But worse, I browse the generals And worst of all I browse Deviant art.
Yeah, yeah it is.
I wish he'd do more comedic stuff, he can be really funny. Like that obe issue in JtHM where Johnny goes on a rampage because someone calls him "wacky", that was great.
I loved Ultimatum. I love Garth Ennis. Gambit and wolverine are my fav characters ever. Followed by deathstroke, punisher, lobo and sexy-star.
>i lost my only relationship because i won't sell my comic collection valued at almost 30 grand to buy her a ring.
>i sold my comic collection the next year to help with the expenses i incurred with my pituitary adenoma.
>i still wonder why i didn't sell my comics to buy the ring.
>four years almost five years after the treatments i wonder if i'm going to find someone.
I know it's not a popular opinion around here, but I unironically love both Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat. I'm an oldfag who's been reading Marvel since before Luke Cage was called "Power Man", and I'll always love well-done capeshit, but a lot of it just blurs together over the years. I *like* it when Marvel does something wonky, something that stands off to one side of their usual stuff. I wish they'd done more of it earlier.
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I liked Squee more than JtHM. I also have the bad art collection.
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i like teen titans go
i think the last season of FOP has potential to be really good
im watching ultimate spiderman and i think it's pretty good right now, im only 4 episodes in, howevwe i still think spectacular spiderman was better

also this is not /co/ related but i think dragon ball super is the best thing ever even if sometimes it has shit animation
>A girl forcing you to choose between her or something you love
It was for the best anon
Comedy is a genre, slice of life is a genre, etc.
Superhero isn't a genre, it's just content and each one would have a genre, but superhero isn't.
Or are you saying they're all exactly the same?

The Killing Joke is the same genre as any Spider-Man?
You're going to have to elaborate, retard.
dude i'm 35 and spent most of my life terminally ill. i should have sold the comics, my life is shit now.
Evidently, you should have sold the comics to pay to re-take primary school English.
If your fiancée split up with you over a 30,000 dollar ring I doubt she'd have the empathy/morality necessary to stick around while you're struggling with medical issues, especially expensive ones. She sounds like an asshole and you were better off saving the cash for something necessary instead of a shitty rock.
i unironically enjoy spinnerette

including the new stuff
Superior Spider-Man was one of my favorite incarnations of the character
>Oh no I'm late!
>Better fuck this dudes system hard so his inventory doesn't balance at the end of the month
You wouldn't have known if you haven't tried.
I used to write smutty fanfiction
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I watched shows for 6-year olds until I turned 13. The only catch for it is if it didn't have a good enough theme song, I wouldn't bother with it at all.
>mfw i was an elitist about music even when i was a kid
That place has decent art sometimes, at least. Just have to watch out for the autists and kids spamming emoticons
I think all Marvel movies range are average
I drew Invader Zim porn
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>tfw I liked I feel sick and nobody ever talks about it

Even Bad Art and Jellyfist seem to get more attention.

Filler Bunny > Noodle Boy
I unironically enjoy the super mario brothers movie.
I read lots of shippy fanfics
I would like to mention that i like uncle grandpa but i love that show with no guilt at all
I used to be a Morrisonfag. I think. It's been a while since I've read or cared about a Morrison book. Maybe it's just Way's Doom Patrol explicitly using Flex and Danny that feels like pandering.

I have the three volumes of the Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four Omnibus and I have barely read any of them.
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