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Hiveswap and Homestuck

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Thread replies: 576
Thread images: 149

The trailer is out, and it seems we'll get episode 1 in January.


News Update: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/

Does anyone know how long episode 1 is going to be?
First for Homestuck was still good over all.
>all backers will be added to beta testing
So I'm guessing that's just not happening?
>Does anyone know how long episode 1 is going to be?
5 minutes.
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I only played a handfull of Adventure Games, that also includes Telltale pre Walking Dead

My guess is it will be a 4-6 hour adventure.

If he wants to do it Telltale style it will probably be 3-4 hours then.
length wise, you are probably correct, time wise you are not.
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>Hiveswap comes out
>It's an old school Sierra-style adventure game with death at every corner
>The game has literally no audience as very few Homestuck fans are old enough to have played Sierra adventure games
>This is Hussie's final revenge
Dump some other character for a change.
I'd really like for the game to be superhard, that'd at least lengthen the runtime.
Terezi dump when?
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>tfw gonna pirate hiveswap so hussie doesn't get a cent
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I only have images of Kanaya.
Ironically the same autismal fortitude that drives him to spam is the same autism that prevents him from ever spamming anything new.
Pick up new ones on MSPAbooru or something.
How does h&hg feel about Terezi?
The game has literally no audience no matter how it plays. Hussie personally dissolved the remnants of the Homestuck fandom with Act 7, and no one who was never a Homestuck fan is going to go near a Homestuck spinoff.
I don't know, depending on the price point, and if the reviews are positive, the art style might be enough to get at least a little success on Steam.

Not 100,00 copies sold success, but maybe 30,000, enough to maybe dig him out of his hole and get Act 2 out.
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Managed to get the hang out of importing custom models, now it's a matter of texturing and also making her horns look good in 3D space, I probably should have started with literally any other set of horns
if that one anon who was actually making characters for this is still around, you better appreciate this shit
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All he'd have to do is get Toby Fox to gie his game a shout out or ask him to do some promotional art

Ask a few lets players to play the game wouldn't be impossible

He could create an audience by just asking people to either promote the game. Its how FNAF was able to make so much cash. One guy played it and then it blew up to a massive phenomenon with kids.

Toby's game was under the radar for a while until some big Youtubers played it

So Hussie still has a chance
They look really nice, the texture on the horns still looks a bit low-res when compared to the rest of the model.
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Only in redrom. I'd bet she'd be a faithful blackrom lover.
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the texture on the horns is just what the texture for the model i started off with is, it's not really a horn texture it just so happened to make most of the horn red and orange
draw some fucking anatomy on the arms, you tumblr noodlefuck
She's your property?
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Can we compare both of these Trailers?

>Hiveswap: Act 1 Trailer

>Hiveswap Teaser Trailer

The 3D in the teaser trailer is very rough, its got this weird slow down and that is to be expected from a game half finished and still in development, whether or not we will ever know if the game would have run like this is unknown as we will never get to see the 3D Build of this game

It looks fine for the most part ignoring the issue stated above.

Animations are good enough but when you begin to look at it more and more it begins to feel empty, like the house itself is empty

The Colors are great and give off a nice comfy Autum Setting and the music is pretty spot on for an adventure game. We do get a draw back as we only see the House at night and not Alternia. Which Makes me really wonder what it would have looked like in this 3D Build

The 2D animation when standing is good, and the 2D animated segments look great. But loose the feeling that the Teaser gave off with the use of colors. The song they used in the trailer is good on its own but the music used in the teaser felt more fitting for a Adventure Game.

Alternia looks beautiful, and the small piece of music at the end is great. On Par with the final bit of music at the end of the Teaser

But in contrast it gets the feeling of having a large world, but looses the feeling of scale that the 3D build had, but thats mainly due to the transition from 3D to 2D
>Pewdiepie plays Hiveswap.
>very rough, its got this weird slow down
Did they make it in Unity?
Five Guys
I want to fuck Terezi.
She is now John's property.
She only dated three guys and one girl. That's not even five people.
is john for sexual
Prove it.
Even the girl is debatable.
Does anyone have that gif of Joey's acrobatic fucking pirouette? I forgot to save it from the last thread.
She's mediocre.
Be honest guys, was Jake boring?
Even one of the guys is debatable.

In fact, if the girl is debatable, TWO of the guys are also debatable.
Both Fury Road and Terezi were pretty good.
Well, I guess they comsidered flirty bullshit dating which is why I considered them- that wasn't very apparent with Vriska. But if we're going with the actual definition of dating, all of them but one are debatable.
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Better than Jane.
I don't even remember that. I doubt anybody would have gotten that refrence.
Is that Rose and John?
No, it's John and gutter trash for a shit ship.
These threads keep linking to mspa for a "News Update" but I totally don't see one? Am I an idiot or what?
Shitty self-insert oc then?
Close- Roxy.
damn you're right, normally it takes a few weeks for him to delete a post
Is there any reason to start homestuck?
You're probably an idiot. Unrelated to these circumstances.
So what did it say? Anything interesting?
It's been a long week, pal.
>defending Terezi

She sucked off Karkat's dick, Dave's cock, Gamzee's bigass club, Vriska's futa bulge and John's mangrit cuntdestroyer.

How can she be not a slut?!
>Meme logic
Go drink mommy's milk, boy.
If you like absurd humor and old video games start with Jailbreak and Problem Sleuth.
Doesn't mean you aren't dumb.
That's what I meant. Given the events of the past few days, I'll concede to that.
You'll always be dumb.
Fuck, I think that just might be true..
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Oh, now I feel bad. Sorry for bullying you, Anon.
not overrated, not underrated

Personally was never found of the wacky quirky character, 5/10 would tug on her noodle for a bit.
Says the guy who defends a meme character!
She's a slut but she's a fun slut.
Says the complete memeboy.
problem sleuth> jailbreak= sweet bro and hella jeff> Homestuck

they are all pretty good, better then prequel and other similar story styles
Of course.
Based Bowman.
>Problem Sleuth > Homestuck
I'm okay with this opinion.
>Jailbreak/SBaHJ > Homestuck
No. The bitterness is clouding your mind.
WTF, I hate Homestuck now.
>TFW changed my name and address, as well no longer have access to kick starter acc.
There sent $55 down the drain
Least I got my signed hussie poster
where is pre-retcon karkat...
where is aranea...
Hello, transanon.
look into your heart you know it's true!

Again they were all good stories but jailbreak was like a nice simple sandwich while homestuck is a super complex 3 course meal. I've read jail break 5 times and I never get tired of it. SBaHJ is just bait
Literally memeing.
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Aranea is double dead, Karkat is regular dead and either vaporized by English or chilling with the rest of the ghosts.
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The ghosts are dead too.
>Vriska super fucks over Aranea
>This is never punished or even adressed.
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I wish we got an ending that meant I could either refute or agree with this assertion.
It only makes sense, Anon. I think somebody has explained this though. Maybe Ted Talks.
Married in double death hell.
What if all of the dead characters went to Heaven/Limbo/Hell?
Hmm, Aradia shows us a ghost can exist outside dream bubbles, so is Aranea really double-dead? I guess she'd still have to deal with a snapped neck though.
Not only is she double dead, but her corpse was in an overwritten timeline. She's all kinds of gone.
That was literally never explaimed and it only happened to Aradia. I guess it's a Time power....?
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Is Jake kind of dumb?
Very dumb.
but it was

maybe she would have faded anyway but existed long enough for the necksnap.

ghost live in paradox space and outside of any timeline shenanigans, even the scratch, because time/space are distorted save for timestop and growth/shrink. aradia traveled outside the safeplace that is/was paradox space, and got erased from existence from that or from returning and being destroyed along with the other ghosts.

to be fair dream bubbles was more sort of a purgatory than a real afterlife.
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forgot pic, worth it
Aranea should get into Heaven. Her only crime was being stupid.
>but it was
You didn't expain the Aradia ghost thing though.

If you absolutely had to have a typing quirk, what would it be?
Punctuation and capitalization.
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Do bears kind of shit in the woods?
But nerds are supported to be smart. Or at least not dumb.
Replace every vowel with the Nutshack.
man i dont know, even if she came back to paradox space she would be lost and only live long enough to blow up with the rest of paradox space. she is dead enough and out of story at this point. she stated she wanted to be a main character, she tried and failed, no need to elaborate really. being shunted into oblivion seems appropriate for a character that tried to go from background to foreground.

we already have doubledeath and in comic mockery of it, we dont need to elaborate on the concepts of tripledeath.
You must only play video games on very hard.
I want Jake to shit on my face.
Just a (dumb) sterotype.
I said "Aradia." The Aradia ghost thing. Do you even know what I'm talking about?
Canon fact: all of the characters shit their text color
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Stereotypes are pretty accurate; see http://www.spsp.org/blog/stereotype-accuracy-response. (And welcome back to lesswrongstuck general, everyone.)
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Maybe Jake just doesn't fit into a traditional model of intelligence. There's certainly evidence that he can accomplish great things with the skills he DOES have, though.
Prove it. Poor Dave....
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That's not Aradia.
So he is a savant? That would actually make sense.
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Yes. Or, if you will, Slate Stuck Co
Liking comics and movies and wearing glasses doesn't make you smart though- especially as both movies and comics are getting more main-stream-y. It's becoming a dumb sterotype (one of the inaccurate ones.) Jake is a fake nerd girl.
That was supposed to be "Slate Stuck Codex General" but "Slate Stuck Co" also sort of works.
I don't get it.
I get the feeling that Ultimate selves link up better to the Theory of Ideas.
It's a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LessWrong.
So we're psuedo-intellectual fags here?
That's awfully system 1 of you.
oh fuck sorry, i havent sleeped good in a few days and my mind autofiltered aradia to aranea.
also im not that anon that mentioned aradia and was talking about aranea.

which ghost was it? i only ghost i remember being outside of a bubble was sollux and he was never fully dead, just half dead then became alive and did nothing with it. this is a long ass webcomic and im surprised i remember half the shit atm.
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I don't mean to be a dick but any normal guy (basically anyone who doesn't base their career on stuff like this) interested in talking about philosophy, politics and shit like that is a psuedo-intellectual. I won't lie- that fits me sometimes. It's less of an insult and more of an apt description.
I know this has little context but it's just my two cents desu.
The ghost pre-game and stuff.
Could you define what you mean by "psuedo-intellectual"?

DAVE: seven vaginas
the beta trolls died before their scratch happened, thanks to meenah putting a bomb in their cake or someone else.
You don't really know what you're talking with big concepts but like to talk about them anyway- the arrogance and stilted "logical" thinking are only side effects. Tbh, that reply is the most sterotypical psuedo-intellectual kind of response.
you mean seven vagainas
>Implying it's not seven dicks.
Those were the alpha trolls
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>7 dicks
It really feels like some people here haven't read the comic.
Did you guys like Karkat before the second part of Act 7? I think he was actually interesting and funny until he started taking a backseat from the plot.
I don't think Karkat did anything in Act 7.
*8 dicks
He was never particularly interesting but he was funny enough.
Absolutely not! I would never do such thing to my beloved Kanaya.
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No, shit, shut up. Ghosts don't live outside of paradox space, that's dumb. They live in stupid haunted houses and shitty dig sites. Aradia was a ghosts because, hey, ghosts are a thing. Maybe being psychic helps, maybe it doesn't, who knows!

But then on top of that we have Dream Bubble "ghosts", who aren't really ghosts at all. Dream Bubbles sort of catch and solidify the projected consciousness of a dreamer or dead person. They exist by the power of the bubble, within the bubble, they aren't true ghosts like Aradia was, who could exist anywhere. And the only reason they aren't effected by the scratch is because they aren't within it's reach to be effected.

Also, Homestuck physics don't operate under conservation of energy, there may or may not be another conservation principle underlying it all, but "nothing" is just another state of "something" in Homestuck. Hence Void, and hence English creating rips in reality.

It's seven vagánias, you fucking imbecile.

Is there anything more lame than attempting to correct someone with something just as wrong?

fuck. guess i have brain problems. i should go to sleep.

fuck i forgot aradia was a ghost ghost too. she went from processing her dead body, to a sprite, to a sprite processing a robot, blew up with her dreamself on the bed, and went godtier.

ether dreambubbles wasnt written in as a concept yet or dreambubbles only works when your a player entered in sburb. so aradia truely "died" and her soul lingered because of her ghost powers. she needed to prototype with her sprite to prevent her from being "corrected" by skaia and because of her ghostly properties, needed to possess a solid body thats not a rotting corpse.
Sorry to tell you, but the plural form of vagina as vagieen.
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Why do all bad characters burn to death?
Who is a good character then?
There is still no explanation for the Aradia ghost is all I'm saying.
Nope. You can call me selfish, but I won't kill something that I love for the sake of fothers.
Ghosts exist and Aradia turned into one.

That's pretty much the entirety of it.
The worst things about the ending part of Homestuck is that they weren't even a creative kind of bad. It was empty- no creatibe sparks at all.
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Love less awful things, then we won't have this problem, will we?
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No, we need more. Why didn't anyone else turn into a ghost outside of the game? Why weren't there more ghosts? Hopefully Hiveswap will elaborate on it.
Please just kill her, Anon. She's cancer.
No, and fuck you, Kanaya isn't awful.
Why don't you kill her yourself Anon?
Yes and she is. You fuckers made her awful.
I'd have to face an entire army. You can sneak in and do it because of your reputation.
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>Why didn't anyone else turn into a ghost outside of the game?
Sure they did. Trolls at least can just be ghosts. They are ghosts that work like ghosts, that do ghost stuff.

They're just fucking ghosts, man.
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>Kanaya isn't awful.

What makes you lie?
do you need the aradia card?
>Yes and she is
That's subjective.

Sucks to be you, and no, I would never betray her.

What makes YOU lie by saying that Kanaya is awful?
You must. You have made her cancer. End this madness.
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What did I do that makes you to think that she's cancer?
Reminder that Jade has DARK skin!
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More ghosts.gif
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Kanayaposting. All of it. You guys made me utterly loath this mediocre character.
Look at what you fuckers made me do.
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What's wrong with Kanayaposting?

No can do, bud.
Not good enough. A ton of cool shit could be done with ghosts on Alternia powers/biology/lore/culture/politics etc.

>We never saw John busting ghost trolls.
Missed opportunity #365321.
It's annoying as all fuck, eats up image limit, post limit, etc. Can't even block the guy because he doesn't use a Trip.

pretty much this. while death before a session might be a factor along with being a poltergeist, ghosts, ectoplasm, and ectobiology is also a thing.


they are the only ghost that are relative to the plot. the only ghosts we know of are aradia and nameless dead trolls thats more of a power of aradia than a person.
>You don't really know what you're talking with big concepts but like to talk about them anyway

As far as normal guys go, sure, they can pretend to understand some topic like philosophy or politics for status' sake. It's pretty common and philosophy's has an especially big problem with it. So it makes sense to dismiss any random new website or just group of people you perceive as being interested in the "big topics" as pseudointellectual and save the time you would have spent investigating them. Your perception is a bit skewed, though. LessWrong is more about improving the clarify of your thinking (by avoid some common and well-documented errors) and the quality of the decisions you make. The discussions on other topics, big or small, are tangential to that main topic. In practice, it actually works as a pretty good filter against status-seeking pseudointellectuals.
>Tbh, that reply is the most sterotypical psuedo-intellectual kind of response.
True. Of course, agreeing on the definitions upfront is also very useful and avoids a whole class of mistakes and misunderstandings you might have had otherwise. Maybe even ones you didn't realize were possible because http://lesswrong.com/lw/ke/illusion_of_transparency_why_no_one_understands/.
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>they are the only ghost that are relative to the plot. the only ghosts we know of are aradia and nameless dead trolls thats more of a power of aradia than a person.
I want more though.
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Real best girl coming through
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How many bridges I am burning with me by admitting that Jane actually sneaked way onto my Top 5? There's also Roxy, Spades Slick, Meenah and Jade on that list. yes act 6 was my guilty pleasure
Well this is not a ship you see often.
I love Megidos!
That's not Kanaya, man.
welp kanaya is the best girl debate's over
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>the clarity of your thinking (by avoiding some
>. In practice, it actually works as a pretty good filter against status-seeking pseudointellectuals.
This preoccupation with your thoughts and this kind of self-obsessed moderation would still attract the same kind of people. It's still centered around intellectualism.

Nothing against the site but it still is the kind of thing I'm talking about.
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You have shit tastes. Like, complete and utter trash. Just fucking awful.
And that's not how you spell Vriska.

You people really need to get you're shit together and learn how to proof read.
joey and jane making out over jake!
That's wrong though.
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Kanaya sucks.
Nope it's written Kanaya, pal.
there isnt any more
its over
homestuck is over
Hiveswap though.
Proof? Arguments?
you, like many others, will buy hiveswap seeking answers to your headcannon
and you will be disappointed
How would you distinguish a genuine intellectual from a pseudointellectual?
Seen this response coming from a mile away. I don't really care, though. 4chan is just another side of Homestuck fandom. If I wanted to gush about Jane more I would probably have better luck somewhere else.
Maybe it's the "V" tripping you up, it's down there between the "c" and the "b". You get that down, the rest should be pretty easy.

Vriska is the best girl.

See? Like that.
We need a poll for the best girl, though.

Note that the only dancestors who should even count here are Aranea and Meenah. The other don't exist.
A'ight I'll try again.

Kanaya is the best girl.

I think I got it right this time.
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I don't have a headcannon. I just want cool world-building. Optimism, Anon!
>Note that the only dancestors who should even count here are Aranea and Meenah. The other don't exist
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Sure, let's find out what this cross section of like 6 people think;

http://www.strawpoll (.) me/11404951
Her fans.
To elaborate why I'm asking, preoccupation with correct thought and "self-obsessed moderation" seem to me to mirror the features of academia (which cares about methodology, peer review, etc.). I assume would not label the academia as pseudointellectual wholesale, so there should be a criterion for what makes someone who is preoccupied with correct thought and self-obsessive moderation not one.
I'm right though. Your tastes are really, really bad.
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Tall women are a miracle of the universe.
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>I assume you would not label
Double fuck.
Taste is literally the most subjective thing in the world.
>all these names
>jane gets nothing
>nepeta is extra flavor of offensive
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That's like saying that undertale is a bad game because of it's fanbase.
This, basically. Though even legitimate academics can be psuedo-intellectual based on the objective credibility of their ideas- but I'm not one to judge.
If you try to tackle multiple subjects (philsophy, politics, science, whatever)- even if you are an academic, you're still probably psuedo-intellectual. Stilted logical thinking and spreading yourself too thin is always a sign.
I can call tastes bad though. Who cares if it's not objective?
I am NOT a girl though!
Only awful things consistently attract cancerous and braindead people.
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what did hussie mean by having all three other alphas want his booty
SBaHJ is objectively better than Homestuck
He's hot, stupid, and easy to manipulate.
SBaHJ is high art so there's no real comparison.
Also, *its
I am fairly sure that's up to interpretation considering everyone looks so similar in the sprite mode
More of a naive person than a stupid one.
>easy to manipulate
okay i can't disagree on this one
there has been no elaboration on ghost besides aradia powers and ectobiology.
can i have some of this "optimism" you speak of? you seem to have a surplus of it.
Runs in the family.
>Kanayaposting for no reason.
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You're not on YouTube. Post a real link.
>I am fairly sure that's up to interpretation considering everyone looks so similar in the sprite mode
Like, 70% of the living cast has called him attractive. It's basically canon.

"Stupid" as in, he doesn't know shit and constantly makes bad decisions. Not exactly his fault but the shoe fits. The rest is of this is just semantics.
Will Rogue of Void show up to bail Joey out?
>/hst/ in a nutshell.
>not being upset at four by being kissed by your sisters
what are you gay or from the south?
What were some of the worst moments in Homestuck?

What were the best?
Hey, I saw a /v/ post yesterday get deleted for not breaking up the strawpoll link. But I guess it's probably just a matter of "lol, janitors".
>basically canon
I am not even sure what's canon anymore after Vriska went from "a bitch that wants to be important" to "mary sue: alien edition"
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I haven't seen it on other boards. /v/ might be special.
Well, the less there is, the more there is to add to it! And there's a ton of cool stuff that can be done! I don't know how you could get my optimism but I'd do it if I could! I guess I'll just keep posting positivity!
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Worst? Trickster mode.

Best? This shit right here.
Jake is hot. That is what's canon.
How is Roxy a Sue?
Wait so Joey is related by blood to both John and Roxy?

I sense asspull powers coming
>Worst? Trickster mode.
I hate this meme. Trickster wasn't really that bad at all. Unless you mean the "Caucasian" incident.
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Did Jake deserve what he went through?
>He doesn't know.
No. Sexual harassment is never OK! Especially when the entire universe is doing it to you!
So who's canonically hot? The Alpha Kids?
Worst? The whole idea that not killing Vriska fixed problems. It didn't kill the comic for me but holy shit what was Hussie thinking.

Best? Probably Cascade. Though there are things that could come close. Both before and after.
Just Jake is hot, dude.
How was he sexually harassed?
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Let's embrace HOPE

What story development in Hiveswap would make you jizz yourself?
I really want development with ghosts!
What did Dave's comments on Jane and Roxy mean in that case?

is he really into incest or what
Partially a joke but everyone kept hitting on the poor guy!
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Since when is hitting on someone sexual harassment?
Dave is just one really horny teenager!
Joey is Jack Noir
I was joking, silly! But the constant barrage of flirting was kind of mean! It really got excessive!
>What were some of the worst moments in Homestuck?
feminist dave
>What were the best?
>dave is just one really horny teenager
>meanwhile on other side: jade "NEEDS TO GET PREGNANT" harley

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gamzee was a bad character in the sense that x-pac was a bad wrestler
Dave will impregnate her 36 times in 2 days!
>mfw i read it again
what the fuck did i write
worst: fan-sourced art
best: hussie's own art in acts 1~5.2
Some of it in Act 5 was real bad though
okay thanks.

im reading aradia entering the medium. she was invisible until the prototyping, which i forgot. i dont know if she really needed too except to die again via spritesplode and go godtier.
Awesome! Maybe she just wanted people to see her! Or maybe she couldn't properly continue the game like that! Who knows?
What makes Roxy a bad character?
A shit ton of things. We've gone over this.
I think the reason why people hate on Roxy is that she carried her team TOO much.

4chan is the only place where I've seen Rox called a Sue. I must have the best of luck on 4chan.
>There are people who think Roxy is best girl.
Scary stuff, desu.
>I must have the best of luck on 4chan
i guess being seen is not only was a problem but a statement. the only one shown who knew at this moment was nepeta, kept it a secret. i need to reread this whole comic again sometime.
>i guess being seen is not only was a problem but a statement. the only one shown who knew at this moment was nepeta, kept it a secret.
I really have no idea what you're saying here!
Are you Jake?
Considering Homestuck's style of storytelling and the fact that this game will be a two-parter, I'd say about 8-10 hours worth of gameplay
Right, but length-wise is what matters more. Hussie himself talked about how he thought about the archive readers before serial readers because that's how most people will read Homestuck.
>Considering Homestuck's style of storytelling
That wouldn't exactly translate well into gameplay so I don't think it'd really be like that!
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ITT: arguing over the best girl
Nope! I'm more like a male Jade, I guess. Which explains a response I got in this very thread!
You have awful opinions and like a shitty character. Admit it.
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will you sent janitors to ban me for having shitty taste
No, I don't! And I wouldn't! I'm a guy!!!!!
Worst: everything after Cascade, barring some Caliborn scenes and maaaaaaaaaybe Collide, if you're being really generous.

Best: Either Cascade or Explore. The latter represents all of the best qualities of early-Homestuck, while the former represents all of the best qualities of Act 5.
And a coy one, too. <3
No, I won't. You don't even deserve the attention. Walk away from your computer and never come back. Walk out your house and go down the street. Just keep walking foward until you starve.
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If it was all a virtual reality simulation.
Struggling just makes my dick harder.
Now put the ears on.
>barring some Caliborn scenes
No, there was a lot more good stuff in Act 6!
That was not part of it!
Worst: Vriskagram and everything that followed
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I am not! Please no hearts!
No thank you!
Hope is dead, anon
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>I think the reason why people hate on Roxy is that she carried her team TOO much.

So? That just proves Roxy is best girl, and everyone else is a lazy piece of shit.
No, it's not! Hope is the only thing that never dies!
>That just proves Roxy is best girl, and everyone else is a lazy piece of shit.
>Unironically liking poorly written Sues
Roxyfags, ladies and gentlemen.
this is not a canon panel right?
she didnt want people know she died maybe. she went from aradia sprite to aradiabot right after she entered the medium thanks to equius.
I wish Dirk had been more relevant.
Jade too!
>Please no hearts!
Are you more into spades, perhaps?
And Jane honestly.
>she didnt want people know she died
Why not?
And Jake!
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Nope! Nothing like any of that for me!
Fun fact: the protagonists of Homestuck are Dave and Vriska.
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It's technically John though....?
What a shame. Could you at least type something in green?
idk, aradia asked nepeta to keep it a secret. i dont remember all the troll drama and schemes going on. it was all a blur after the shipping explanation to me.
Yeah right, and Vaan is the protagonist of FFXII.
Yuck! I didn't want to anyway!
Can't do that here!
Roxy suffers from what Birth By Sleep's Aqua suffered

She's not a Mary Sue, she's just the one person in her group of friends the author didn't make fucking retarded
Then try to find out why! You are looking around, right?
>She's not a Mary Sue, she's just the one person in her group of friends the author didn't make fucking retarded
>Implying implications
It is
Oh, but I think
>you can.
But John still stays relevant and has a ton of screentime- even near the end! He really is the main protagonist!
Uh, what should I say?
There we go! That should be enough.
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Ooh true, one of the last pages that weren't drawn by the Huss.
Can't you say something more... Jade-like?
>that Roxy

fucking yikes
>bark bark!
Is THAT enough!?
She looks like she's actually retarded!
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Braindead Roxy is Best Roxy
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jude and roxy end up together
That's close, but no cigar.
Okay, just once more, but put more feeling into it. Say something passionate.
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what the hell happened to hussie anyway
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u know exactly what ur doing
I won't be getting this, will I?
Well, it WILL be a point 'n' click game, meaning a lot of reading will be involved, so I really don't see why they shouldn't borrow Homestuck's verbose, pseudo-intellectual schtick.
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>i really, really don't like doing this, anon!
Er, what the Heck AM I doing?
I thought you meant the fragmented, non-linear presentation!
>Homestuck's verbose, pseudo-intellectual schtick.
Aw, that's just mean, Anon! I don't think Homestuck was like that!
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Hussie started an experiment with the internet and art as a medium on it.

In conclusion, he found out he doesn't have what it takes, his art is substandard and will never return to its original level of skill, and that he is in fact not dedicated to art enough to finish a labor of love.
Aw, that's such a sad post, Anon! Try thinking about the good parts of Homestuck!
its alot to dredge through every convo because wiki wont have all the facts. not to mention i wanna play some vidya before i crash.
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I do when I make my own content and strive to always improve myself, over listening to my own ego and allowing it to control my common sense.
Aw, OK, but you know the general area of the comic where it would be so look around there! It's OK if you're sleepy, just pick back up where you left off when you wake up!
Oi, c'mon. I didn't mean it as a bad thing. I love that style of writing.
That's a good idea but talking so much about the negative aspects surely isn't as productive as talking about the positives! Especially if you don't think the product is overall bad! Positivity and caution are always the best attitudes to take! Even when just talking about most stuff!
Didn't sound very positive to me!
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Best girl just gets nasty can we just talk about best boy?
what do you think their role in the game will be, will they even be in it?
>The act of a character speaking to themselves so as to reveal their thoughts to the audience.
>The act of a character speaking to themselves
My bad, then. I did however mean it as a positive attribute.
>, will they even be in it?
Probably not! There's not much more that could be done with him! Especially if it were to feel natural! Cheribums might get more development though!
It's OK, Anon! Just remember to be precise with your language! Those words have quite the negative connotation to them!
Shut the fuck up you're being embarrassing.
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>take a nap
>thread goes to shit
>0 votes for aradia as best girl until me

She didn't want anybody to know because at one point being dead was a serious thing. She didn't want to worry anybody but also it was also not to give Vriska the smug satisfaction of knowing Aradia actually died.
I thought it was unanimously agreed that Aradia was best girl
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>being dead was serious

man those were the days, huh
Here you go, Anon! Just so you don't end up looking for it! Thanks for finding out, other Anon!
Hush, you.
Maybe by retards and memefags.
Homestuck overall is good, and there's no amount of drama bandwagoners that can convince me otherwise. In my eyes, it's the Simpsons of webcomics: dizzying heights leading into a slow decline until it's eventually the kind of thing it previously mocked vehemently.
i kinda forget the scale of the whole comic sometimes. over years of reading it bit by bit you dont realize that homestuck takes almost like a solid week of nonstop reading, watching, and playing to marathon it in one sitting. just the wordcount towers over many books.


thats it, thanks. there will be years of scholars deciphering homestuck and putting all the pieces together.
I like this kind of perspective, Anon.
I am sorry for ruining the thread though, Anon. I'll try to be more on-topic from now on!
It really makes you think if Homestuck will ever be revised since it's just a non-linear jumble of ideas! This is mostly due to it being a daily thing so a remake that's done collectively could really spruce up the whole thing!
I could see Scratch, MAYBE English, but never best boy by himself. Tragic.
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If there isn't a puzzle that has a solution that involves having to die I'm going to be so disappointed.
Scratch and English come from the game though? Why would they be outside of it? Plus Lord English is way too powerful to be anything but a silly cameo!
Yeah I hope they expand on cherubs, in the teaser they show the candy red and lime green light beams. a little over 400 days to go
I don't know how they could connect them though! Adult Cherubs are essentially Gods so they can't really be antagonists! And they barely have a connection to both Alternia and Earth! So were could they come in?
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>get act 2 out
Not at all. Both lived on/near Alternia for millenia, directly influencing the history of it, and English/cherubs are a part of Alternian lore, signifying death. There's no reason for them to be excluded entirely, a cameo would be plenty.

And English wouldn't be the adversary, so his power is irrelevant here.
This pic makes you think, is Aranea objectively prettier than Vriska?
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Their influence was more or less indirect! Were either ever actually on Alternia? I honestly don't think so! Plus, we don't know what exactly Joey will do in Hiveswap so LE could be an antagonist if given a major role! Cameos would be fine though!
Not true, he looked at the sky for like 5 seconds
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I would also point out that the 2D version has *far* more detailed and interesting backgrounds,since they don't have to model all these objects.

I wouldn't be shocked if you could examine most of these random 2d versions, too, since it's just a paragraph of text for someone to write. I wanna click on everything in 2D Joey's hallway. 3D Joey's house is way more empty and generic
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My headcanon is that all the ectoclones look exactly like eachother but only with changes like different bodytypes and hair.

So Jade and Jane look alike, but Jane is fatter.

Vriska and Aranea look alike, but Aranea has healthy curves, cleaner and smells better.
That's not how biology works though! That headcanon is just anti-science!
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What about ECTObiology? They are ectoclones!
They're probably twins but Aranea is familiar with the function of a hairbrush and has a more feminine fashion sense, along with a less physically demanding lifestyle.

You're deeply confused. While Scratch was mostly shown on Alternia's green moon he has been directly shown on Alternia before, in a scene with a toddler Kanaya. They're deeply entangled with Alternian history - reread Scratch's explanation of the Ancestors, he personally raised the Handmaid and used her as a sort of instrument. And I only assume he wouldn't be the main antagonist because that'd spell certain doom for everyone involved.

Jade is Jane's ectodaughter with Jake, not her clone. There is a dramatically high level of "didn't read the comic" in here today.
No! Jane and Jade are biologically not the same person! Of course they wouldn't look identical! That's just dumb! Only situations with Dave and a young Dirk's Bro would have identical people!
It's getting to a point where only a third of The Simpsons is its golden age though. Is that still overall good?
>while the former represents all of the best qualities of Act 5
Overblown, jerkily-animated Jadewank wasn't a quality of Act 5 at all.
>You're deeply confused.
Oh, snap, you're right! I totally blanked out there! I totally remember scenes with tiny Vriska now! My bad! I know they were really relevant to Alternia- I just forgot they were on it! And I said "indirect" because it was mostly manipulation! Doc never made himself king or anything!
But then it comes to where Joey comes in on the timeline! It's not very clear!
>There is a dramatically high level of "didn't read the comic" in here today
I hope you don't mean me! :(
And, Gosh, yes, I knew about the Handmaid, I just thought he raised her outside of Alternia and then sent her back to do stuff! I'm not that clueless! That would be indirect manipulation like I said!
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I feel like Engish's story would have worked WAY better, if it had been shown that Caliborn somehow cheated his way into playing, thus the extreme measures and forced extreme reward, instead of having it STILL been 'destined' all along.

His powers and ability would have been easier to buy and understand if somehow has said "He forcibly cheat-played Sburb as a forbidden species on Impossible mode and won anyways and it literally broke the game and reality and left him more powerful that it is"
Best: everything between "[S] JOHN. RISE UP." and "[S] Cascade"
Worst: everything that followed Cascade

youknow we dont actually know which trolls are blood related, if at all. since they dont keep track of biological relatives because trolls dont care. we never saw the whole karkat doing the ectobaby cutscence, only after. vrisk and terezi might be sisters for all we know.
Jade not getting what the big deal is.
The established themes of pre-destination that established the time travel mechanics and the personalities and arcs of some of the characters really did conflict with the themes and personality behind the main villian being some sort of forced anomaly- because the anomaly was planned all along! I don't think this idea could have even worked in Homestuck because of this!
Scourge Sisters takes on a whole new meaning! Shipping potential would be wrecked! It'd be chaos!
I did, which I apologize for. It was rude.

We can't be sure they'd get involved with whatever Joey's up to but there's a decent chance he'd include them for the sake of referencing the comic.

And even though they didn't "directly" influence things, they're probably still hanging around for most of Alternian history. Scratch wasn't king but he and Lord English held political power through the Condesce. Scratch talked to our trolls, so it's somewhat likely that he'd have talked to others in the past. There are just a lot of opportunities for them to be involved.

I think Karkat implied he didn't need to mix any of the original set to make others, and the second set of ancestor babies was essentially identical to the first.
>GG: couldnt you get them to be a bit... blonder?? :(
That golden age isn't going anywhere and doesn't rely on the proceeding 20 something seasons to be good. I say the good outweighs the bad in both cases.
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It could have worked, I got some ideas of how it'd work for the narrative, but I have work work, so I can't discuss that now. Maybe tonight.
This gif upsets me because the Game Grumps intro has the first grump head flying in from the right, and then the next one flying in from the left.
nah trolls dont care for the concept of incest so its all game, as long as rails dont pail.

its all automatic. john never did anything but push a button, but we saw where and when the bioslime came from. we never did see all the trolls ectoslime came from because it would spoil the dancestors and take forever for every combination than 4 people.
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He stopped caring.
Joey! Mom's naked again.
Aw, why'd you mean me? :(
Yes, that's fine and dandy! I'm just bringing up another point!
Yes, I know! I'm just saying that it wouldn't really be like them to take up that much *direct* narrative importance. I also mentioned the "indirect" thing to make my older point more clear!
He might have but I doubt it! Most of the troll talks were for winning the session- aside from manipulating the society and culture, of course. So unless he talks to them in order to manipulate the Condesce into the throne, I doubt it'd happen! Plus, we don't know what role the new trolls play in society but since they're kids, I doubt they have much influence! Unless, of course, he just gets them to kill her.
How? It goes against everything! Please explain tonight!!!!
>nah trolls dont care for the concept of incest
How do you know that?!
Karkat explicitly said he didn't get why humans made such a big deal of members of the same family breeding.
Yeah but it doesn't match up, Dave doesn't want to get a girl pregnant, he just wants a hole.
Really? I don't remember that! I do remember Eridan being freaked out by Cronus flirting with him though- which makes me think otherwise!
Prove it! He totally has a MILF fetish!
It was when he called out John and Dave, saying they were being used by Vriska and Terezi respectively, and trying to stop them from engaging in "sloppy troll/human makeouts"

I'm too lazy to go look for the actual page right now
>implying Dave doesn't learn to love being a dad when he holds his little puppydaughter in his arms
By how do you explain my example?
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What did Andrew Hussie mean by this?
Cronus is a total asshat
everyone is freaked out when flirted by him
Are you sure that's it?
nah thats was just cronus being a desperate creeper in general, like that anon earlier
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>not wanting to get a girl pregnant
Knew he was a gay
Quick question /hst/, which of these premises sound better:

>a doomed timeline wherein Terezi develops her ability to use her mind powers the day she was blinded and mentally homura-loops through her lifetime over and over again trying to enjoy each timeline knowing it ends with her and her loved ones dying young
>Terezi struggling to trust her judgement after she mis-predicts the future, leading to half the trolls being killed, unaware that the person she least suspected was not who they appeared to be
Her dream self is skinnier than her waking self?
But why wouldn't Eridan be OK with that? I know it's a semi-meta joke but still! And hey, don't disrespect Anon! That's not nice!
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Also, found the page btw
This is the only character, human or troll, where there exists a discrepancy.

Fatferi is canon.
And her talksprite is super skinny.... I-Is Feferi anorexic?
But what about this? >>86876290
Think again!
I thought again and guess what? It's still canon.
What is the context here?
Liking milfs doesn't mean you want to be their babydaddy
how do you people manage to be even more autistic than us
What about her talksprite, dummy? It is not canon!

dreamselves = ideal selfs

on another note, dave and vrisk are body sprite buddies
But it's more evidence than you have!
Does Homestuck have the deepest lore?
>dreamselves = ideal selfs
Wrong answer. The real answer is "Hussie is a hack and he used Rose's dreamself sprite, and pasted Feferi's head on it"
>dreamselves = ideal selfs
Yes, I know! I even used that as evidence for the anorexic Feferi thing!
Yes, of course!
Nuh uh! That was totally a thing!
Dude a wife is like your own private MILF, Dave would love that.
that was karkat not understanding that john/jade and dave/rose is incest.

and i was talking about the anon that was being flirty on you dude
But maybe trolls just have different kind of concept and it's still taboo? I don't know! The Eridan thing still feels like some kind of indicator though!
Yes, I know but it's still not nice! A lot of guys seem into me! (No homo. )
they are both fat
>dave always says "Private MILF" instead of wife when introducing Jade.
Trolls don't even have a concept of incest because of the way they reproduce. Karkat even calls it a "bizarre human anathema."
I remember either Karkat, Vriska, or Terezi mentioning that trolls usually don't/aren't supposed to have ancestors though.
why is there no joey x aradia x herd of penis pics?
They're not supposed to MEET their ancestors, but they do have them
>I remember either Karkat, Vriska, or Terezi mentioning that trolls usually don't/aren't supposed to have ancestors though.
Yes, I know, that makes sense but maybe that's a part of the taboo?
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Feferi has severe self-image problems revolving around her weight! Please stop enabling her anorexia!!
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she should know that all fuchsia bloods come with sexy blubber

it's to keep them warm in the cold waters of alternia
trizza is not fat...
Stop! This kind of stuff triggers it! Look, you just made her purge all over my new shoes!
Remember when Hussie wanted Reddit to make a Homestuck cryptocurrency?
Stop bullying her!
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where else am i going to post shitpearls

now is a good time as any
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but she is too.
she can purge all she wants
she can't fight biology
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The 50 billion Steven Universe threads! Now please! Fuck right off!
Literally anywhere that's not here
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If Feferi and Aradia are both fat, does that mean Sollux has a thing for fat girls?
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maybe she should try to be more productive with her body if she has self image issues instead of treating it like shit
He won't even talk to a girl who weighs less than 200
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Or more than 200, for that matter
Art like this is not canon! I refuse! Cascade was the last point for good outsourced art!
Don't blame the victim, Anon! She's had a ruff life!
Never post Vriskagram again.
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are all fat as well?
which means that Jade, Rose, Roxy and Nepeta are all normal sizes
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Really made me think
terezi IS fat!
No, they're all fat too.
Motherhood agrees with Jade I see.
But does she have a thigh gap?
Imagine what her farts sound like with that kind of build.
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she would have to
Yes, if you go between it it's like entering hyperspace. I mean that literally.
THE thigh gap
>Jade not using her Space powers to amplify her fart into a supernova
Her farts sound like the opening guitar of the Cascade cut of Black Rose Green Sun
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eating out jade.jpg
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Where's Xefros...
She doesn't need to. The sound is already that strong with her perfectly angled, perfectly round muscular buttocks. The brassy sound of it is enough to make any man go deaf and the smell.... is best left left undescribed.
Done extremely slowly by trombones and trumpets.
Reminder that troll tits don't have milk in them
But Jade's do.
did anyone post this yet
what a cute couple. I hope they're happy together~
Pedo shit.
exCUSE me did I imply anything sexual? pure love between girls clearly isn't something you understand.
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shitty manga stuff
but dem rumble spheres tho
Now someone draw Rose's mom and Joey's mom kissing
I'm still curious to know their biological purpose desu
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Rumbling. Being roughly spherical.
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What if they had grub sauce in them this whole time?
acid sacs

grub sauce is mashed up troll babies
I am completely okay with that
acid sacs and mashed grubs being grub sauce are both actually fanfiction
Trolls boobs are fill with cum.That's how they fill buckets.
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Post Bro.
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Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Dave and Karkat's wedding tomorrow.
Not that either.
I thought this though. Self-defense measure.
Everything is headcanon here.
I like this too. Makes a lot of sense with troll biology.
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They're having a dual wedding? Won't that get complicated?
It's not a thing!
someone needs to make a version where joey saves her gay brother by sucking john's dick!
I hope Hiveswap has a genocide route
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You know, I'm gonna miss all you retards and autists when these threads die out for good.
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I hope Undertale is forgotten in a year desu.
Nah, Karkat's kiwi has a big enough family and they'll be the majority of the guests at his wedding. Dave and Jade are having a small private affair, since Jade is already a few months pregnant and definitely starting to show, you know?
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Andrew? Andrew Hussie, is that you?
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I bet Eridan and Trizza would have made a nice couple.
Absolutely ebin meme, my friend. Have some Reddit gold. Enjoy your meme game while it lasts.

Hopefully, Hiveswap'll be good too.
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>Hopefully, Hiveswap'll be good too.
You know full well that it won't, Andrew.
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Jade's black skin!
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Jade's fuzzy chin!
That's just tan, dude

Which considering she lived on a tropical island and spent a lot of time outside, she would be
jade and dave's mixed race babies
It might be, Anon. I have a lot of faith in people!!
>le andrew
Wow, full-time Reddit superstar!
>tfw you can't triforce
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What if Jade had revitiligo?
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delet his what?
Jade can't eat chocolate, but Dave sure does!
>Jade blowing her own ears out with her galactic farts
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uhhhhh no dude that's not how the meme goes
What meme? It's canon.
i remember nepeta stating paint was grubs. it would make sense that grubsauce is grubs also.
>Jade eating chocolate and her bowels (and then subsequently the universe) imploding
No, Nepeta used grubs and animals as paint because she didn't have anything else. I doubt real paint is grubs.
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