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/co/ related vidya

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Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 102

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I'll start with the best.

Any others on the horizon looking good?
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Popeye: Tale of the Sea Hag
>Shrek level
>I'm A Bealiver starts playing
>characters designed by todd mcfarlane
fucking what
I liked the very first Adventure Time licensed game more than any other game tie in for the series.

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No lie I got the original Xbox release bundle and could pick three games. I chose Shrek. I think I played 7 minutes.
I miss TDK.
What were the other games?

I hope Oddworld and Halo.
Shrek 2 was an actually good game
This is pretty fun if a bit shallow.
It's barely a shrek game. It has nothing to do with shrek other than playing as shrek and the magic mirror. No farquaad, no donkey, no Fiona.
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Were these games actually good at all?

I remember enjoying the simple, mindless gameplay of Shrek 2 at least.
multiplayer was fun
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Best non Arkam /co/ related game coming through.
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This game spooked 7 year old me for some reason
>Baskin Robbins coupons inside

The fact that they saw the need to put that on the box art makes me laugh
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I remember playing this for 5 hours straight when I had a sick day.
not gonna lie: i remember that some of the puzzles that actually followed looney logic were fun; like the one with the mirror on the first level and beating the crap out of that damn bird was priceless but... most of it was average at best
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Being able to play as both of them was a genius decision, and they each felt so unique and exactly like how you'd imagine they would.

and yes, Wile E. was more fun to play as than Road Runner.
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You just reminded me of this lovely thing. Good times.
Fuck that was so good. I loved all the boss songs.
...I've never managed to complete Wile E. mode... always got stuck on the level that you have to balance on a rope
Sorry, I meant to say they each PLAYED exactly how you'd think they would.

Also, have some gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdGQ7dZOc5M
I bought this game back when I was begging my parents to buy me the Spiderman 3 game.
I only got it because it had Spiderman on the cover and because the back of the game said you could play as Venom. That was so fucking awesome.
I remember it very fondly, even if it probably doesn´t hold up as well as it used to
Think it was a different game that they added Shrek to last minute?
>that bit with the spring shoes and getting stuck in the cavern

This game just works on almost all levels. the only problem with it is that it's only long enough for a weekend rental. But given that it's a Hulk game that might be for the best

I can't fucking believe they used the same engine for the tie-in game to the Norton movie. It was inhumanly bad, ugly graphics, dumb boss fights, stupid leveling system...
Sure Pan.
FUCK this game was hard, were kids even supposed to beat it?
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I remember the multiplayer minigames in this being embarrassingly easy
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This was a fun spyro clone, one of the best Disney tie-ins imo.
Awesome game. My favorite part of it was Don Knotts. He ruled.
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I could never get past the part where you had to pop the balloon despite trying absolutely everything.
You really dodged a bullet buying this instead of spiderman 3 and this game holds up pretty well since the combat/web swinging mechanic's are all fun only part that sucks are the races you have to do
This game is a shitty Spidey game. The way I used to make it better when playing was; I'd use the FREAKOUT cheat to give him the prototype goblin costume with fingerless gloves and goggles, and made up gear for all his powers.
Spider-sense=The goggles that would send a small shock to his skull when danger was near
Climbing=Adhesive gloves
Webs=Simple web-shooters, but with ropes or somethin'
Super strength=Like Iron Man, enhanced by the suit
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Pretty fun powerstone clone
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Pretty gud
There were also shrek toys and figures by McFarlane toys
One of the most underated games of last gen,
pic related is one of my favorite video game moments
I want a hulk ultimate destruction style game in space and the goes back to earth and becomes World War Hulk:The Game with a boss battle against the Hulk Buster
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>trying to do the last Johnny Storm Race to get the Peter Park costume
My older brother got this version when it first came out, and I remember saves not being compatible with the normal version. I rented said version years later and it wouldn't let me use his data. Left me pretty salty.
How has nobody mentioned this?
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My brother purchased this game in the mall. I told him (before I went to the music store) that if he wanted to buy a game to come to me first.

I was annoyed.
What is this?

I loved this game, but my friend got motion sickness from playing video games and it was so fast paced that he threw up after five minutes of game play.

I see this posted every game thread, what's so good about it?

Because the Arkham games are repeatative crap
Only repetitive because of sequelitis. Taken individually they're still good
Great writing, surprisingly good graphics for its time, comfy music and open world, replay value and collectibles, and feels justlike a good episode
Also you could use your undies as a bungee cord and your tongue as a snowboard
Basically these. The humor in Battle for Bikini Bottom is mostly in tune with the show, like how the Realistic Announcer Fish Head does commentary during your boss fights

>(SpongeBob is frozen solid by a boss)
>"Oooooh, and he's gotten a frigid reception from the robot!"
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I thoroughly enjoyed this one as a kid.
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It still holds up but its fucking hard for a kid. I still fuck up on the waterfall and while I beat the volcano level ONCE as a kid, I haven't been able to do it again. Just all the leopards, bats, hyenas and lava drips fuck me.

Also Scar's multi super bitch slap attack.
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Pic related is actually a really fun multi-player game
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This is legitimately one of my favorite games of all time
What is it with Pooh and hard as shit games?
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>mom bought this at full price to please these two kids she was babysitting for a day for a favor
>I was mad at her that she wasted $50 on suck a trashy game
>"But I also got it for you anon to..."
>Made a bet by saying most American games are super easy
>Beat it within a few hours without even trying
>Wasted precious hours of my life on this shit to prove a very stupid point
Those stealth missions inside cramped buildings were the fucking worst.
The first Madagascar game was better.
I liked playing as goblin on the Shocker train level and just blasting through the part where he's shooting you down the tracks
Shattered Dimensions would be god-tier if 2099 wasn't boring as fuck.
It was a decent SF2 clone. Cast picks were kinda weird.
Shrek Super Slam is better
Fuck I loved the Noir levels. Arkham rip off, probably, but webbing up mooks was great.
Shrek Superslam was surprisingly fun, I remember renting it a few times and loving it.
There were some Toy Story 2 games I played as a kid. One for the GBC, one for the N64. They were good.
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"WOOAAGGHH" - Not-Tim Allen
I used to play this a lot. I still have it, it's a pretty good platformer

I also had Finding Nemo but that shit sucked so I gave it away. What is it with good films getting most of the shit games?
so obviously all the disney games (especially movie based ones) are GOAT
but how do the games that were released on multi consoles compare with each other?
for example: how beauty and the beast is on NES and SNES
or treasure planet on ps1 and ps2
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Me and my friends would play pic related after school
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this game was comfy as fuck, one of the first 3DS games i got.
>ctrl f
>0 results
What the fuck, guys?
This game was awesome.

This is one of my favorites
Also the PS2 Dredd was fucking A too
>that mission with the zombies at the mall

Oh, the sweet memories
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>When you realize there are tournaments and tier lists for this game.
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>treasure planet on ps1 and ps2
There was a Treasure Planet game on PS1 AND PS2? They're like a whole generation apart!
>took a break from /co/ hoping things will get better
>3 months later
>decide to check on /co/
>see this
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Obligatory. My favorite vidya of all time.


Fuck you.
I remember i had to finish it in one sitting because i didn't have the memory card. The snow level was hard
Muh nigga.
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>/co/ related games
Oh, you mean... like this one?

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>no goof troop

I swear.
Seriously though, one of my favorite multiplayer games.
Venom gettin a little antsy.
The Phineas and Ferb movie PS3 game is pretty good. Beat it in a day. They tried to make it longer with mini games and upgrades and shit, but eh.
Didn't care for the parts where you have to shake the controller. I can see that working for a Wii remote, but a fucking PS3 controller? I'm afraid I'm gonna break it.

Anyone remember the PS1 Rugrats, though? Was that actually any good or is it just nostalgia talking? First game I ever beat.
fuck yeah.
loved the second one too
ahh yes, this game. my first ragequit
>Mom bought a 50 dollar game for babysitting kids
How rich were you?
This. Had it for the xbox. What a great game.
>"But I also got it for you anon to..."
You don't deserve her

I happily made fun with a copy of Superman 64 for hours because my parents got me it. Me and a friend actually found a way to have fun with it in multiplayer. Sort of playing it like a jousting game.
If this game were made today spider-gwen would probably replace ultimate.
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>Yfw Crumpet Dashing
I thought you were going to say Miles. Deadpool probably wouldn't be a boss, either.
D-Do you r-remember me, /co/?
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The beat em up though
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Do flash games count? I don't have pictures, but there was an elevator-based Rugrats game I used to play on Nick.com all the time. And a top-down online shooter too, because that makes complete fucking sense for a show about babies.
God I hated this game as a kid, especially the ending.
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Anyone remember this?
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aw yeah, this game was awesome. Used to wake up really early on the weekends to play it. Loved being venom. I think I was like 13 at the time.
I wish they made Asska canon.
Top tier taste, my senpai.
You have no idea how many coins I spent on this.
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Did you know you could skip third level if you did everything right?
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Who was your team?
For that nice health harvest.
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>say I bought the limited edition
>faggot friend doesn't believe there's a limited edition
He was a manlet, too.
>no Infamous
I thought you had taste, /co/.
Take your fucking coat off, Jackie.
Man, I never got to play this game, but visually, it LOOKS really nice. Looks like you're actually playing a Looney Tunes cartoon.
>casually walking down the street as a half-naked bruce banner and scaring people away

good times
I remember the snow level having a creepy section for some odd reason. Like the snowman following you
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Ah yes. Winnie the Pooh: Legend of the Fuck Owl.
Best Racer on the Dreamcast.
A Bug's Life game on ps1 was excellent
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I see what you did there.
Too bad they followed it up with a really shitty dungeon game with maps that felt alike, copy and paste level design. They never quite recovered from that. Shame as I think Adventure Time's setting could make more good looking 2D games, but none of the ones after the garbage game had as much effort and love put into their design.
No, it really wasn't anon.
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The Origins Wolverine game was surprisingly fun, moreso than the movie. There was something oddly satisfying about Logan being near death, huge holes in his body, bleeding and then winning a fight and watching him slowly heal.

A lot of film games were rushed for them to be available at the same time as their movies to cash on their fans.
Holy shit I need to play this again.
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Tarzan on PC. I think it was the first PC game I ever had that wasn't educational. Nothing amazing I guess, but it had some creepy game over screens that gave me nightmares. Pretty sure it's the same game on the N64/PS1.

It was definitely awesome, but got really repetitive. Dat Sentinel fight tho... fuck yes.
I remember getting this as a kid just because I was allowed to pick a game from the store and I didn't want to go home empty handed. I didn't even like Dinosaurs that much.

You played as the lemurs more than the dinosaurs and it didn't save often, and I ended up never playing again after not making it to the checkpoint. I then was in this spot where I didn't want to keep it, but couldn't really give it away or sell it. I probably still have it somewhere.
God fucking yes. I have so much history with this game.
Oh yes it was.
that overworld music is the definition of happiness
We actually get to see how the iso-cubes look like in this game
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Better than MGSV
>what is this
Taz Wanted
My dad rented this for me, he thought I would be excited but I threw a tantrum. I kinda feel bad, but he wasted my game rental for that week.
This IS MGS......but with chickens.
Muh nigga i played this all the time growing up.
I remember it. The thing I remember is the grocery store with the lobsters. I seem to have fond memories of playing it, but I have no idea what it was about.
I may not have had the game, but I remember playing the fuck out of the demo on the Winter 2000 Jampack disc when I was a kid.
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Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Magneto

There wasn't much synergy there, but they're my favorite characters
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>that Venom boss fight
Even playing through it recently I got frustrated.
Only boss in the game without a clear pattern of any kind.
Still not the most frustrating part of the game. That award goes to the laser turret part in the underwater trench
I still don't understand why I don't see anybody talk about the sequel to this game.
I'd say both are about on par with each other.
Because Electro was a really lame villain.
>tfw you actually liked the b and c-list tier villain selection in the second game
It was nice seeing them pick the slightly more obscure villains that need some love.
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10/10 WAIFU
>Shrek is the lowest tier
Thats Drek
If you haven't played this game you haven't experienced best Wolverine
How are these so hi-res?
Sequel wasnt made by neversoft
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Literally took me 10 years to complete
One of the few games I actually took my time to 100%'d it.
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Probably my favorite game based off a movie or cartoon.
the Toy Story 3 game was pretty good
Web slinging and swinging all day, e'ry day.
The Treasure Planet games are completely different from each other

The PS1 version was a Spyro clone
The PS2 version was a Jak and Daxter clone to a tee (Flint even has the exact same fluidity that Jak has)
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dose Toonstruck count
The jackhammer boss scared the shit out of me as a kid.
I can still hear the music
My brother traded Sim City for this.
Best trade ever.
Modo was so OP.
It's still sort of baffling that Spongebob games were so good
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>Basically Devil May Cry gameplay
>Basically a fair sequel to the movie
>Musical boss fights, with DDR sections for bonus damage
>3D models of all the characters

The best spooky /co/ game, tell me I'm wrong
I liked it too
I remember liking it a lot, but also thinking that some levels dragged on a bit.
Its pretty much Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but Christopher Lloyd is the good guy

Also it has Tim Curry as the bad guy

great point and click
Anyone else has played this game?
It's arguably the hardest fucking game I've ever played. Couldn't beat it as a kid, only did so very recently.

Also the PC version soundtrack is fucking great:

I actually fucking loved this game even though years later I checked the reviews to see if anyone else liked it and all the reviews said it was awful.
Let's rock,
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The back tracking was a pain, yes. Some of the bosses where really fun though.

And on that note there was also this, honestly don't remember whether this one was good or bad.
I prefer gameplay that involves skill, thank you.
The only thing that gets hard about this game on its hardest difficulty is the health on some enemies that wastes my fucking time.
Patience should not be the primary skill exercised in a video game about Batman unless it involves me sitting around, waiting for whatever PREPTIME miracle I'm making to finish being built.
shrek super party was really fun imo
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I still feel like they do up the poster art for Kingdom Hearts first in development, then have an EDM artist make a song with lyrics about it, take those lyrics and make a story and themes out of them
It's literally like one long, prolonged J Pop music video .
Good game but it's sense of motion and aesthetic and world building is like a the shoddily done attempts at giving a story to some J Pop music video

I'm in love with this game.
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I really loved this game, but I think my cousin stole it from me.

Also pic related I used to play the shit outta this.
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Arkham Series (obligatory)
Castle of Illusions
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers
Donald Duck in "Cold Shadow"
Duck Tales
Jungle Book
Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mania (this was my shit)
Quackshot Starring Donald Duck
Spider-Man 64
World of Illusions

All of the Disney games were so good, that I wondered, back then, and even now, why games based on movies get so much hate.
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Because a lot of tie-in games were garbage. Somewhat less so these days.
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Were we playing the same game? This was pretty bad.
>breaking da rules
so a regular FOP episode?
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A slightly lesser Crash Team Racing but the best thing was that many racemaps had their own vehicles with their own mechanics
Music was also quaint
Had this for PC. Loved it but it would always crash at one of the early lvls (lvl 2 i think, in the backward) and never got to complete it.
Owl was the pleb ceiling which I didn't pass through either
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I'm legit surprised noone posted this yet
Can't wait for Fractured But Whole
More like about 8 episodes in one story arc.
Comix Zone is pretty /co/.

Skullgirls has Peacock and it's just animation fan's wet dream.

And I really, REALLY can't wait for Mughead.
Skullgirls looks good and has art deco in it. Probably the only reason I own it because I cant play fighting games for shit.

This game had so much fucking love put into it.

Also friendly reminder that there was no reason not to play in What If Mode

I hate fighting games but I love the sheer passion of Fighting game fans

I rented the PS1 dinosaur game and couldn't get past the drought level because I had no idea how to get the sauropod on the dry riverbeds.

>tfw they made shitty Disney OCs instead of just letting us play as real characters

Yeah yeah I fucking know Chip and Dale are in it shut the fuck up.
The Spongebob burger flipping game is the best game on Nick's website. Prove me wrong.

Patrick eating your fucking unfinished burgers was fucking infuriating

Get out of the kitchen you retarded piece of shit.
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>Ctrl f "Sandwich"
>Zero results

I am disappointed in you guys
Oh my God I can't believe someone played this besides me
Pretty sure the composer for this game went on to do film scores.
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The villain's doomsday device was a fucking chocolate popcorn machine

I could never get over that. He kidnapped Daisy for no reason. He just... was a dick I guess. And liked Chocolate Popcorn.
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>>86696907 (But the PS1 version, though)
>>86701376 (Plus the PS2 version)
>>86708530 (But the Dreamcast version)

All of these and here's some more.

>Beavis and But-Head Do U
>Beavis and Butt-Head (Sega Genesis)
>Dexter's Laboratory: Mandark's Lab?
>The Simpsons Hit & Run
>The Simpsons Road Rage
>The Simpsons Game (PS3 version)
>Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
>Bugs Bunny Lost in Time
>Family Guy Video Game
>Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse
>Disney's Hercules
>Monster's Inc. Scare Island
>Nicktoons Racing
>Rugrats Studio Tour
>Rugrats Search for Reptar
>Hugo 2
>Hugo - The Evil Mirror (PS1 version)
>Daria's Inferno
>Celebrity Deathmatch
>South Park: Chef's Luv Shack
I remember getting this for PC on some free CD with a Mickey magazine or so but never finished it.
Mah nijja...used to play this religiously. Wolverine voiced by Mark Hamill, all boss fights were different. Wendigo freaked me out. Stealthy bits, that apocalypse and mr sinister tease...
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I still have PTSD from Wind Tunnel.
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>this music
I love the American Dragon pinball game. It got me into pinball.
Celebrity deathmatch sucks thou, I picked it up expecting that much but I thought it would have some heart put into it.

lol this graphics? ps4?

Eel Nats
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Best TMNT game in years. Really hope Platinum gets to make another one with maybe alternate playable characters like Casey and Leatherhead.
What the hell, isn't that from Mega Man?
This was such a good game, but the sound design was really shitty for some reason, like it was from a gameboy.

>that crossdressing level
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Just... watch his other videos Anon. Find a song you recognize.
I would say Kingdom Hearts, but that series requires a certain taste to enjoy.

Fuck am I sad Disney Infinity is kill. Felt like crying when I say a starter pack for around 14.99 at a Gamestop.
The PS2 was the era of great collectathons like The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Madagascar, and Battle for Bikini Bottom.


But that game is awesome.
Yeeeeaaaah Wind Tunnel is pretty shitty.
It wouldn't be so painful if they didn't program the preceding cutscene to play after each game over. You can skip it but it gets obnoxious.

Spidey in the Machine might be my least favorite, though. It's overly long without any checkpoints, my least favorite kind of level. At least once you got the strategy down Wind Tunnel was merciful enough to be short.
To be honest I kind of hated Infamous. A lot of people praised it for the story, but it seemed like the worst sort of "moralfaggotry", which boils down to either being a real rude dude or sending a kitten to college.

Gameplay looked alright, but as a superhero story it left a lot to be desired. There was one side mission which stood out to me for some reason:
>Mission to defend some medical supplies
>Team Badguy sends an entire military convoy to destroy one crate of medical supplies
>Kill/disarm/bugger over 100 mooks to protect medical supplies
>Side mission

They really didn't want people to get flu shots.

Same here, I can't play for shit but I love the entire concept of MvC or MK vs DC.
Mah mugga. That game had no business being as good for a licensed God of War clone. About the only letdown was the Deadpool boss fight, but it more than made up for it.
>Sniper level
>Blob fight
>Wolverine health mechanic had him running around as half-skeleton at times
>Watching Logan regenerate as you fuck people up.

Legends had fucking Sugar Man? I missed out on those games. The closest I ever got was playing Ultimate Alliance on PS2,
Yeah, didn't quite get why they did that.
I'd much rather main Donald Duck and fuck shit up
I got the demo of this game in a cereal box
it only had the two first lvls in it but everytime i played it i hoped that the rest of the game would somehow magically unlock
Soon Kingdom Hearts III will be released as soon they stop faffing around and release Final Fantasy XV for the love of god.
I had this game

It was pretty damn bad yet I kept playing it
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>be at gamestop to talk friends about e3 trailers
>get hyped at grimlock
>ask friend what he thought of the trailer
>friend says
Oh goody they added a dinosaur transformer cause every little kid loves dinosaurs
>look him in the eye and say
Dude you don't know Grimlock and the dinobots
>friend looks perplexed
I didn't realize he was a real character

Pic related mfw
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I remember playing the demo for this game. Honestly really fun and the music and sounds were pgood.
>Release Chip and Dale

Was this before Rescue Rangers? I see that Chip has his bomber jacket and Dale's wearing his Miami Vice Hawaiian shirt. The game would have been obscure but beloved if it had Gadget et al.
>Laugh at Shrek and Todd colab
>Post a thread about it
>It's still up almost 3 days later
da fug
One of the best video games ever made. Any console, any platform.
that reminds me, i found the site of one of the concept artists for Arkham asylum due to his work at Alton Towers
Are you sure ? I thought it was a fucking mess. Randomized missions and bosses that fucking wail on you with no real attack pattern.
>not the 2004 game
Speaking of Todd McFarlane were there any good Spawn games? being in soul calibur doesn't count
Not to mention Patrick Stewart as Prof X talking in your head

god that game was good
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Easily GOAT. I played the shit out of this game.
i fucking loved this game.

Also does anyone remember that Mickey and Donald magic game for the Genesis.
Why arent we talking about the Wolverine game with the sickest beats
It's one of my favorite childhood games.
It was basically Rugrats episodes adapted as video game levels.
Isn't Darkwing Duck in it too?
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I honestly thought this would be a platformer and not an FPS. Shame the PC version is so difficult to get running on modern systems.
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Disney Infinity was basically as close to a Phineas and Ferb game that will come as close to the "build shit get bitches" premise as we'll ever get and they scrapped Ferb out of it.

I will never not be mad.
I thought it was so cool how you could unlock blade as a playable character
It's literally one of the worst Platinum games though.
Still have the video game version of PTSD from those fucking Turkeys all these years later. Shit fucked me up as a kid. I don't even think I had seen an episode of the show at that point because I was like, 4 or 5.
I remember liking that one
Holy shit this is some cosmic nostalgia
Sauce on the twink getting fucked?
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I liked this show enough to actually get used to the wonky controls in this game. Once I did it actually became a good game.
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Spiderman PS4 is gonna be good, r-right guys?
Did anyone like 'The Simpsons Game' it was really fun but i was a bit disappointed with the final boss battle
I have faith in Insomniac Games, if nothing else they are a solid games studio.
It was okay but it could never compete with Hit n Run
It was a solid game. Lots of good video game parody humor, not enough games have that and there's so much material too.

True I just hope they do what everyone wants and make the swinging legit

Everything else is secondary
I promise it will be good Mephisto
The N64 version is consider the best one. PC and PS1 versions are trash
speaking of Platinum what did /co/ think of Transformers Devestation and that Legend of Korra game?

Devastation is amazing, and it shows Plat used their A team to make it.

Korra is shit, and it shows they used their D team to make it.

Bonus: The Plat TMNT game isn't so great either. Mostly because rather than using the Devastation system and just adding 4p multiplayer to it, they used Anarchy Reigns' (I think?) system and it wasn't a very good game.
That might of been the case a while ago, but Fuse was such an utter shitshow that I really lost faith in them as a developer.
So there are no good spawn games?

My friend cried at the ending back in middle school. Asked him why he was crying, he said cus' it was so beautiful.
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>Heavy Iron Studios will never make a licensed 3d platformer again
are you me?
I still liked The Legend of Korra game, D team or not.

Only bad parts were the Naga chase parts, which weren't thaaat bad, just kind of like a generic iOS game. Probending was surprisingly fun and more than made up for it.
The SNES game is good looking and has great music, but the difficulty is so damn high, you might as well play with Pro Action Replay codes.
>It's arguably the hardest fucking game I've ever played.

>You only get passwords by beating the bonus games you had to look for in the stages

I would say.
Filipino Champ is such a faggot.
you just unearthed an ancient memory in my head, holy shit. I remember getting lost at the toy store level.
I loved this game but it pissed me off that his nose was RED, WHY IS HIS FUCKING NOSE RED IT SHOULD BE BLACK
He had a red nose in some shorts.
>dat RC race music
Legends 2 had everyone. Apocalypse, Sinister, Sugar Man, Bastion, Mihkail Rasputin, Omega Red, Holocaust and Stryfe... It only missed Exodus.
I agree that TD was good but plat was spreading out thin all their teams and TD loterallyuses bayonetta witch time and MGR shooting mechanics
>Donkey that low
Literally fucking how?
This was the goddamned shit. Had the N64 version. I would run through this like every day/every other day just because it was that fun.
Been awhile since I've played this, but I remember this being one of the best Spider-Man games and the last really good one.

I remember really liking the comic book-inspired cutscenes. Didn't this game let you play as Venom as well?

Always did want to play this game. Maybe one day I'll track it down and go through it.

This game sucked. Fuck you if you think otherwise.

I should buy this and play through it eventually.

I never did beat this game but it was alright from what I played.

>expansion or sequel never
I sucked at it but it was always a blast to play.
>My name is not important
Played the hell out of this, shame it never got a sequel.
Nope, he wasn't. But who cares about Darkwing when we could instead play beloved characters such as Amanda Sparkle, Bruno Biggs, Otto Plugnut, Oliver Chickly III, Polly Roger, Baron Karlott, Tiara Damage, X.U.D. 71, Moe Whiplash, and who could ever forget the legendary Ned Shredbetter!
Speaking of DW


I had this on Game Boy, fun little Mega Man clone of sorts
The NES game is better. The Game Boy is just a port of it using less resolution.
Oh yeah, but I've played the NES version on emulator since.

Speaking of GB ports, the Ducktales port actually fixed the pogo stick controls (just having to hold down B rather than B+Down)
>almost 4 days later
>this same shitty thread is up
/co/ is dead
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