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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 633
Thread images: 231

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That Was Weird Edition

Last Thread: >>86399069

>Onion Gang:
Stream: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4tc82e
Mega: https://mega.nz/#!d9cEUThL!bDR99NGe88Vw1PQCdd11LPdcgKimmdT9ZFYhI952WTQ
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/preair/04x07.mkv

>Last One Out Of Beach City:
Stream: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4sj22s
Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw!ooECxQBA
Direct: https://dl.sug.rocks/mega/04x06.mp4

>Episode downloads
720p (plus comics and soundtracks): https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
1080p: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
>Weekly airing schedule (click to the right of the logo, times in EST)

(Don't be a clod, mark and hide your spoilers accordingly!)
>2 minute clips and screenshots from CN's server


>SDCC SU Panel
>SDCC Zuke's SU Zine
>Show Soundtrack
>Attack the Light (mobile game) Soundtrack
>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
>Dedicated /sug/ website
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Would you Laffy at Lappy
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How do you fags go through dozens of generals a week? What do you guys even talk about?
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Me being completely honest here. Peridot is my favorite character. She's fun, earnest, and cute. I feel like every scene she's in gets just a little bit better and I truly don't understand why I find that so many people hate her here on /sug/. Everyone I know in real life loves her too and we have a lot of fun talking about her antics and what her relationship with characters on the show are like.
Should the general not die now that we hiatus?
would fug
>tfw mystery girl is coming back
Mostly just waifu fags posting images of their shit waifu. Pearl fags are by far the most cancerous.
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I did an upsidedown drawing of the post cute Pearl pic from last thread. effort/10 incoming

Also post cute poils
But we arent hiatus, we just back to reg schedule senpai
so are we gonna be on hiatus again lads
why are giant hippo teeth so hot
More Lapiz episodes when? Lapiz taking a liking to Steven seemed like it would go somewhere. Peridot is so different she might as well be flanderized, why isn't it that Lapiz isn't so drastically different? She is free from homeworld, yet still has an apathetic personality.
I was a sailor
I was born upon the tide
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She's coming
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because she is boring and emo and has no personality
nuRose is the embodiment of the stereotypical tumblr sjw. What purpose is there for bringing her to be the main focus? Sugar is pushing her agenda pretty hard
>the highwaymen
okay but why
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you just made lapis fuckable
That's probably why I like her so much
>implying she already isn't
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Highwayman cheers me up when I'm sad. I'm very sad right now.
she's not
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The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.
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Nobody hates her. It's just that the creators had a sleeper hit character and milked the shit out of her after her arc was over.

We all loved Peridot for her sterness, her accidental offensiveness, and her diverging from the rest of the Crystal Gems as some touchy-feels character. We liked her as a persistent, yet naive, informant about modern Homeworld.

Then, when she became nothing but self-aware punchlines and barn stupidity. Well...

I wish Peridot was making robots in the barn, not making art student jokes.
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Please stop posting this. I'm already really sad. It just makes it worse.
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Me being completely honest here.
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Do you think we'll see Yellow Diamond again before the end of this season?
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Don't forget the Lapisfags
Probably not but I want to lick her toes
What are you, gay?
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This basically sums up all of the problems I have with Peridot.
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why is she so fucking hot
I wish /co/mblr was still just a meme
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I like both Peridots. I admit, her change felt quite sudden and rushed, but that just seems to be SU writing. Characters are either shits and shows no signs of changing (Lars) or they get an entire character arc within 4 minutes of a 11 minute episode.
Did you not get the memo?
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but... tumblr is the one who gets triggered.
That makes you tumblr.
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here's your (You)
>on an out-of-order episode
oh great
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Lappy makes me happy
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>changing this to be a 5 page comic to function better
I hope this doesn't snowball into a 30+ hour thing.
Who was the story boarder for the racing episode again? I just can't stand that model of Stevonnie at all.
Zuke and Hilary
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Oh, I get it. Tumblr is trying to use reverse psychology on me. Nice try, Tumblr. I know all your tricks.
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She's a pearl
I need cute pictures of Sardonyx or Jasper.
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The fact that she changed isn't the problem per-se, rather what she changed into feels less like a defined character and more like a: "Gee, the tardos on tumblr probably can't wait to make gifs out of this!"

I swear, we're probably going to have Peridot browsing DeviantArt soon. I don't mind her being artsy and engaging in Earth culture--that's great. But I wish she retained some of her analytical mentality.

Like, she plays with instruments not just because they're fun, but because she's trying to comprehend them and observe them. If she took notes, like on a pad or something, akin to her screen.

She can be goofy and stupid, but retain some of that unaware offensiveness and standoffish attitude. The fact that Peridot is so willing to be Lapis' friend comes off to me as so out of character. And the fact that Lapis accepts is even worse. I get that it all happened off screen, but that's really not a good excuse for shitty writing.

Actually, whenever Peridot is with Steven, she resembles what I liked about her (Kindergarten Kid, Too Short to Ride).
>I wish Peridot was making robots in the barn, not making art student jokes.

I knew Peridot and Lapis were going to be an Odd Couple duo from the very beginning.

I just kind of though it would be a "Lapis teaches Peridot to loosen up and be a person instead of a panicky robot, Peridot's stark honesty and guileless nature helps Lapis work out her many, many, many issues."

Instead we got two memedorks in a gaybarn pulling a nonviolent Ren & Stimpy act. Which, granted, is really fucking cute but it just seems like terribly wasted storytelling potential.
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>Lapis corrupting
I don't even have an account
Why the dumb fuck do people keep saying Onion Gang was aired out of order?
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Yo what's up guys,
ask me anything
about my pearl wall
This is becoming a copypasta
Which gem would listen to Public Enemy
Do you fap to this?
Haha :)
because they refuse to accept that Sugar allowed for 3 episodes of townee filler to air in a row
>Literally impersonating me
Very classy, fag
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Nap time
Have a good one
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>hip hop
Actually, Peridot trying to be Lapis's friend does make sense to me. Like you said, she isn't really aware of what's offensive, so she probably thought Lapis would be cool with her even after Peridot forcefully detained her to acquire information about Earth. Also, we've seen Peridot try really hard to be friendly with upper class gems with Amethyst. Lapis is clearly upper class, so it makes sense that Peridot wants to buddy up.
Why did you include three pearls in there when there's only one perfect pearl?
Uhm what? Haha :)
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You too, bud
No one likes you, Marty
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>pic was posted earlier with more Pearls added
Because Summer Vacation references contradict previous episodes.
>I knew Peridot and Lapis were going to be an Odd Couple duo from the very beginning.

Don't know how you could've predicted this, since those characters never talked pre-Barn Mates. I thought Lapis was going to hate Peridot for quite some time, having been interrogated by her. And that we were going to get vague flashbacks of Peridot demanding information while in captivity. The mere presence of Peridot and technology would bother her. And that being at the barn, over a period of time, would ease that feeling.

Instead they just skipped all of that.

Seriously. Outside of a brief reference in Barn Mates, and Matt's twitter, when did the show ever explicitly make it clear that Lapis had been used as an informant by Peridot? This is the problem with SU, any kid watching wouldn't understand the continuity. I knew why, but within the show, it wasn't clear why Lapis hated Peridot in Barn Mates.
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where the fuck is this official pic from
Can you please explain? I'm the dude who made this, my reddit u/ is bolt2strike ifyou want to pm me for proof
please stop creating drama

Okay buddy
Fuck you
I'm tripping to prove I'm the real pearl wall
Jesus chrsit

Because Connie judo tossed a kid at school in Mindful Education. This suggests pretty clearly that school has started, and she's worried about her reputation and relationships with other kids her age.

Onion Gang is all about the summer ending, and Connie's reason she can't hang out with Steven is that she has to go back-to-school shopping.

You don't go back-to-school shopping after school has started, especially not when your mom is a worrywart and perfectionist type like Connie's mom.
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gem harvest
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You dishonour Cold Tea Anon's memory by using that image for anything but Dido: Thank You when posting songs.
>4chan filename
>"your" wall
Change the file name retard so the image doesn't prove you saved an image from 4chan.
>wall isn't capitalized
Lapis Lays an Egg
>No women built like her exist

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>Connie only hangs out with Steven for the chance to go on magical adventures and doesn't really care about him

>Connie confirmed for irredeemable character and worst human.
I don't even know where to begin.
She's a made to order servant just like the hundreds of other Pearls being flaunted around on Homeworld
Yeah these fags have been impersonating me for a while
glad you guys spotted it this time, Tripped to protect my identity
no you have shit taste
This guy is impersonating me and I don't know what to do. It all started with /r/FuckPearl... and now the name makes me sick. If I could go back in time and stop myself from making it, I would... I really would. I just want it to end now.
Yeah, you're gay.
Oh, hey /u/fuckingskyrimsucks, nice to see you here. Stop it dude, I've tripped, it's kinda sad.
Borrowing this for further mischief on /co/
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Kill yourself you stupid horsefucker, go back to your containment board.
>Connie lied to Steven about having to go back to school shopping in Onion Gang as an excuse to not spend time with him outside of missions and fusion
>She knows it was the perfect excuse because Steven has absolutely no idea how school works

Face it, the girl's becoming a selfish teenage bitch.
>post tripcode on pearl wall
not the code but the output
>use confirmed tripcode
>using plebbit
You've only brought this on yourself
>Zatch Bell
What? Why do you care?
>tries to impersonate using unconfirmed trip
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That had better just be the episodes airing out of order otherwise I'm going to really want to punch Connie for taking advantage of Steven's trust.
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I am the real Pearl Wall Fag. Please can somebody contact the mods to get him banned?
>Don't know how you could've predicted this,

Because it was clear that Jasper would hold an antagonist position, Lapis was a woobie, and Peridot was a punch-clock mook. Being the two outsiders most likely to receive redemption, Peridot and Lapis would inevitably be pushed together.

If you haven't noticed, the key notes of Steven Universe's writing is laced with some pretty formulaic tropes.
>tfw your planet is warzone turned empty shell
Nah, I don't think so. If Peridot was her old character, than of course she would care about the caste system. I don't think she would've spoken so dismissively about Garnet, nor been (and continues to be) distant about a fusion who's half Sapphire. Peridot considered Amethyst to be messed up. If she truly cared about association, she would mention their gem types more.

And Peridot presumably captured and interrogated Lapis, her higher social status is nullified by her being a labeled traitor.
>asking mods to ban an impersonator
Fucking normies ree
I'm not. lapis a shit
Ok real talk, what's with Sadie's song being considered the worst of SU?

I get that people dislike Townies and Sadie can be boring, but i really liked how steven learned to lay off people and let them be.
It should be noted that katie and hilary (and rebecca) did alone together, with hilary doing the stuff at the rave
>caring about some underage faggots shrine that his mummy let him put up
send us to /trash/ please.
I knew Lapis and Peridot was going to have an interception, but they way they currently interacted I don't see how anyone could've predicted it.
Why does she only have one boob?
Only shit thing here is your taste desu
This guy is an actual faggot, Keeps posting in the thread about his goddamn wall and everytime someone brings it up he cries "WAHHH, /R/FUCKPEARL" "WAHHH, MUH IDENTITY"

Hey wall fag, no one FUCKING cares about your wall. You aren't specail, you aren't a celebrity, stop using a name, that's reserved for people who do art or otherwise actually hav something to contribute. no one thinks your special.
They are out there but they probably aren't interested in losers like you
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>i really liked how steven learned to lay off people and let them be.

Oh boy are you in for a surprise, he didn't learn that at all.
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>not even the image Cold Tea used
Shameful display, but if you post a cute Lappy all will be forgiven.
So what I don't care about your opinion, hypocrite.
is this pasta
it should be

Steven: He-hey pearl? I have a question

Pearl: What is it steven?

Steven: well, it's kind of embarrassing...

Amethyst: What is it steven? you get your butt stuck in the toaster?

Pearl: Amethyst! Now steven, you know you can ask us anything.

Steven: W-well its just that... How come my penis keeps getting really hard all the time?

Pearl: ....

Amethyst: ... *breaks into extreme laughter*

Pearl: well- uh.. steven this is.. uhm, a really complex human matter that maybe you should uh... talk to your dad about

Steven: But you said I can ask you anything!

Pearl: uhhhhh.... Garnet?

Garnet: STeven your dick is hard because of pent up sexual frustration. You need to fuck some holes to make it better.

Steven: Fuck holes?

Garnet: Yes... it's the only way.

Amethyst: *Still laughing, gasping out the words* Y-yeah steven, hey pearl why don't you shapeshift somes holes for steven?

What do youg uys think
>Steven calls Connie
>she immediately asks him if it's a mission
>he says no, just wondering if she wants to hang out
>she quickly replies that she's busy with school stuff
>something she knows he doesn't fully understand
>when she was fully ready moments before to spend time with him if a mission was involved
Seemed pretty fucking shady to me.
it's all a bunch of ching chong
I hate peridot and wish she was dead
I enjoyed Sadie's song episode. Mainly, or rather solely because Olivia Olson voice the pop star. Same voice as Marceline and sex to my ears
>Not 7 feet tall

get that weak shit out of my face you fucking faggot
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She just has REALLY big doors
The song was god tier
Pearl Wall Fag here.

Will answer any questions regarding the recent controversies
>I don't see how anyone could've predicted it.

Have you considered that you're just as dense as a holiday fruitcake? Because I'm thinking that may be the problem.
Setting: Right on the beach outside the temple, we see tables, balloons, and other party supplies being set up.

Close up into seeing Steven carefully putting a cake in the center of the table, he looks contemplatingly at it, then adjusts it's angle slightly. New shot reveals that it says "Happy Birthday Connie"

Amethyst comes in carrying a bunch of streamers and other party supplies, she dumps them all on the ground slopily

Amethyst: Ugh, Ste-VEN, why are we even doing all this? You know i'm not a good person to set UP things...

Steven: It's connies birthday, and I want it to be perfect. I've bought all her favorite colors of streamers, got her favorite flavor of cake, and The Pizzas are bringing her favorite pizza! I really want it to be special and- *GASP*

(Pearl comes in carrying a few boxes, followed by garnet carrying an extreme amount)

Pearl: What is it steven?

Steven gets on his knees and screams: NOOOOOO, I FORGOT TO BUY HER A PRESENT.

Pearl: Oh steven, can't you just get her a present some other day?

Steven: Her birthday is TODAY, in a few hours! You have to give people presents on their birthdays.. its-its- its the law!... I think.

Pearl: You humans and your silly rituals never fail to-woahwoahh WOAH

(Pearl trips on Amethysts mess while walking and talking to steven, she lands right on the cake and ends up causing a huge mess)


Pearl wiping cake out of her eyes: come now Amethyst, we all know you didn't do any-


Pearl: What did **I** Do? Steven, this is obviously am-


Pearl: I- (PUpils narrow) O-Of course.

Ameythyst: Woah, I've never seen P act like this before.

Garnet: It's not her, you ordering her around has activated her natural pearl senses to clean and cook, your mother spent thousands of years trying to get Pearl to not be subservient. I thought we finally-

Steven: SO pearl is just a slave now?

Garnet:... More or less, I suppose.

I agree that it gets too much hate and is a decent episode but the reason it gets hate appears to be
>no instance of gem stuff at all
>a lot of people didn't like the ending and though that sadie shoulda sucked it up and went on stage (though that's bullshit)
Besides the possible arcs where pearl attempts to get over her crippling crush with rose only to find the only reason she interacted with her is because she reminds her of rose?

Please don't post pedophilic work created by real-life pedophiles. It's disgusting.
I think you just have magical powers. To predict their Beta dynamic since their characters premiered is crazy absurd. They never talked, interacted, or anything.
>people aren't allowed to have a "type" anymore
>it's all gotta be about some deep past secret and edgy inner pain

Pearl just likes pink-haired tall bitches.
okay but is it from an official ep or something?
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Gnome-no is okay, right?
I was hoping she would voice a fusion when her VA was involved with the show so it kind of stinks she was just in a pop song.
>To predict their Beta dynamic since their characters premiered is crazy absurd.

Holy shit you're dumb as hell, man. Go back and read my original post. The entire fucking thing, not just the first line.
>How to solve the problem with townie episodes
Get the Gems involved
actually have the townies be important to the gem part of the show
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i like to make lappy happy
leave and never come back I guess
You can't prove that
Neither are you
Fucking /r/FuckPearl left me mentally unwell...
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Anyone else remember the Great Hiatus.. the day animation died a little on the inside for us all? It was almost a year ago.. Maybe more, maybe less.

I remember. I fear the storm is going to return..

Please comfort me Sug.. Just for today..
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>mlp that high
>mlp season 4 even higher
Actually, it kinda annoyed me that Sadie got her way at the end, it should have been a middle ground, like Sadie and Steven singing together or something, i felt like the world bended to her whims on that moment.
i'm almost 100% certain that's a nutsack
Samurai Jack was great, but its good it ended where it did since the lack of Jack's development to any substantial degree indicated the show had nowhere to go.
>Class of 3000
>Above Gumball
You serious, bro?
if they aren't molesters i don't care if they're pedophiles
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Nobody draws children is such a detailed way and doesn't want to fuck them in real life. Look at his work. He could draw characters on model and it wouldn't look so disgusting. Judging by his knowledge and style, he very obviously has CP on his hard drive. He's fucking filth, and I hope someday Japan stops being a disgusting backwater shithole and arrests their burgeoning pedophile population.
>recent controversies
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My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
the morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's not so bad
it's not so bad
Yeah but you can't prove that
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Thank You Steven.png
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>hiatus for 4 months
>starting in january; february, march, and april no new episodes

And I thought AT's hiatus right now was bad.
Dear Slim...
Incoming unwarranted suggestions that I didn't get a chance to post last time; feel free to ignore. Your work is always great regardless

Maybe you should change Lapis' second expression from wide eyed again (she's mostly wide eyed here), perhaps to either quirking an eye brow or narrowing her eyes as Jasper is doing.

I'm not a comic maker, but I think that middle page might detract from the mood. What if instead you put a large panel of the two dancing far away, even silhouettes could do justice to their differences before shit goes down, huge and monstrous versus light and lithe. I think you can finagle something instead of having to draw a time consuming castle interior BG, maybe instead a garden or simple vignette effect

And on that middle page, a slim cut-in panel of Lapis' arm growing a splotch of teal (she doesn't notice it yet.) OR instead of an arm shot, a kiss panel (I remember you considering that before) that doesn't show their eyes but reveals a blotch on Lapis' neck.

and in the last page, as you have it now, in that first panel she grows a spike and that is when she notices it.
Last page as you have it: put your shocked Steven in then if you see fit

Again just throwing this out there, a number of these suggestions might even be addressed by adding more pages as you're doing now (such as that middle page feeling abrupt with only 3 pages)
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nevar 4get
This is a preexisting list made by a certain internet personality
>Judging by his knowledge and style, he very obviously has CP on his hard drive.

Or he opened up a medical journal to study human anatomy.
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I nearly forgot about SU during that time. I've been watching the episodes as they air since the pilot, and every time there's a hiatus I pray to god there won't be another stevenbomb and maybe we'll get a regular schedule. But nope. Never happens.
fuck this gay show.
It lasted from like, March to July, and the long hiatus before it made me it even worse to sit through
This hiatus is probably going to last until next year and I don't even think the wait will be worth it since episodes generally aren't even that good any more
It's probably going to be what pushes me to part from su and it's fanbase for good
I can't wait
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The Lapedodot is real?
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Where did that rumor that it would be coming back in October with a stevenbomb come from? I want to believe, but I can't remember any sources.
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canon Jasper and fanart Jasper are both hot
>Jasper took control of Malachite in SWI
Why didn't Lapis just unfuse?
he's probably a pedophile but he's just drawing stuff. that doesn't harm anyone
Since Sugar is devoted to immediately taking all of our bara wives, whats the best beef the fandom has made?
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i need pearl back in my life
>Welcome to /co/, where we defend pedophiles because they are good at drawing
of course
>>>86407737 >>86407799 >>86407813

>Rick and morty
>Gravity Falls
>A bunch of other shit I can't remember

All gone. How did we survive?
>Welcome to /co/, where art is judged by the artist's manners rather than in its own merit
If a serial killer made some good as paintings I would still enjoy the paintings, you fuck
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How would each gem react to this
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>You're Steven
>Peridot comes up to you and does this
How do you respond?
I dont know what shithole you love in but here in the land of the free a man can't be arrested for thoughts

If his art offends you thats your problem but there's nothing wrong with it
Pearl would be horrified
Peridot would get hit by a car because she's autistic and Steven would let it float into his open mouth.
A person can't be faulted for their mental ailments but their actions
amethyst would eat it. garnet and pearl wouldn't care
"We haven't even fucked yet, you lying piece of shit"
I know you guys like touching children, but keep it to yourselves
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Do you want Jasper to kick your butt?
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new drawing continue from last thread. already did a berserk lapis.

-Garnet reaction to steven being hurt or killed his gem in hand.

who should i berserk up next?
>I'll prepare the funeral arrangements.
Jasper isn't a crazy violent killer
Why would she want to kill humans
so... did the nuke bump the show? I'm feeling somewhat empty now, after 26 new episodes in 2 months.
Beserksper, who would indeed kill humans on purpose
>cast in the name of god, ye not guilty
Yellow Diamond, for whatever reason.
because they specifically say they want Jasper to beat them up
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Lapis - I'm so tired.png
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I don't know how much longer I can take it.
>on command
Is Jasper a dog now?

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Just open your mouth and accept her pizza
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Berserk Armstrong?
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Chicken and Bread.jpg
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I want to cook Peri a fancy meal.
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Is it me or does that arm monster have some wide ass hips?

Like damn
I want Lapizza Deliverybob to shove her dick through a pizza box and trick me into sucking on it
this desu
pedophilia is a mental disorder anon. you shouldn't judge people based on that (if they haven't committed any crime obviously)
If you're one of those people who consider it male he's a pretty hot twink.

Otherwise it's a hot, flat girl.
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she's better as a male desu
Who cares? So long as they don't touch children in real life there's no problem.

That's some hikiko otaku dream shit

>Lapis will never deliver/ make you a pizza or any other dish for that matter

Accept it
I want to blow my load on a slice and make her eat it.
But OPal too small
ok just wait.
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>Instead they just skipped all of that.
This is one of the big problems there, so many wasted moments.
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One Punch Pearl.gif
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Maybe the upcoming 'Video Chat with Lapis And Peridot' short will take place in the past

Such as between TSTR and AaS
Actually that's Gurren Lagann.
Rose was the only gem to actually have tits.

Yo, tranny or not those hips are wide as fuck
peri if you can make it work somehow
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>Jasper's corruption involved spikes growing out of her eyes

Jesus Christ, did every gem get it this bad with the corruption?
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Cooked Bison.jpg
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Jasper is a big gem. So she needs a husband who knows how to cook. Who here would cook delicious food for their waifu?
My waifu doesn't eat food, so I think I'm good
At least Jasper turned into something cool

You see those other corrupted gems? The water bear, the one from TKKid
But would you buy her the finest of juice?

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consider the following.png
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>Armstrong's patient gown shrinks in the wash so he has to cut it in half to make it fit again
>Priyanka starts sweating profusely and tells Doug to leave the room
shilling your video again
>shilling your video again
>your video
I bet Bloople is as strong as ten Quartz.
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pearl saitama.png
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Aye, that's "GRIT YOUR TEETH PERIDOT" Pearl.

This is one punch pearl.
ok shill
But it's made up of dozens of rock lesbians arms, gotta be female.
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I would still hug her and tell her she's a good girl
Don't be afraid of the truth....
>genderless space rocks
>identity gone when they were shattered
>remade into an entirely new being

Honestly it's got no sort of identity anymore so it can be whatever people want it to be.
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na shill

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Jeez faggots, this isn't Gravity falls.

This hiatus will likely last till late October or sometime in November before we're given at least a bomb.
Ian kept saying there'd be episodes of SU in the Fall, and that actually technically hasn't started yet. First day of Fall is September 22nd.

We certainly will be off in December-January, that is something that has been constant. And they're going to likely be putting a lot of focus on the end of Regular Show during those months.

We'll certainly get something between now and December.

One hundred fusions

One hundred lasers

One hundred reforms

And a six minute sing a long!
>That thumbnail
I'm not the only one seeing a futa cock spraying jizz upwards towards her boobs, right?

Like Bloople's legs and dress look like a dick coming from between her legs, and the arms/head look like ejaculation
I bet she could snap you in two, holding your arms together like that all day, everyday, has got to build up some serious strength.

Strong Pearls are the best.
what am i doing with my life?

I like to headcanon that Peridot is revealing in her new found freedom. Like the stereotypical bland office workers who tries pot for the 1st time in a clichéd 80s movie. She suddenly has all this freedom and is learning how to handle it.

But I'm a perifag so...
I can't unsee what has been seen
Denial is not a healthy emotion to have...

So did Amethyst and Greg used to fug?
That wasn't very funny.
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are the gems aware of lapis pedophilic tendencies?
what's their opinion about that?
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Pearl and Greg.gif
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Greg basically turned into the Ugly god


"If she gay I tell her I'm a fucking dyke, yeah!"

- Greg referring about the Gems
I want to touch her body
how would you rank the gems in terms of kissability?
how did this meme start?
Will he protect Steven with his life?
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Armstrong is the most kissable.
He will die, as all leomon are fated to die
They have no idea
>I truly don't understand why I find that so many people hate her here on /sug/.

I'm holding out for her completely weaponizing the barn, complete with a huge laser cannon housed in the silo. Then it will all have been worth it.
>I'm holding out for her completely weaponizing the barn, complete with a huge laser cannon housed in the silo. Then it will all have been worth it.

she's going to turn it into a giant transforming mech which she will utilize in a time of crisis.
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sooner or later
it isn't a meme, lapis actually behaves like a pedophile
Fuck no. GF fags would never let us hear the end of it.
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Jeri wanted that Lion dick bad
>behaves like a pedophile
what kids did she show attraction to any kids? i don't remember that.
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peeking poil.png
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If a fusion eats or drinks, where does the food go when they unfuse?
don't stop making a post half way through, and proofread your posts.
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armstrong berserk. well thats done and sorry for those armstrong lovers i just love seeing him like a shilent hill kind a girl.

who should i bersek up next?
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KC Green.jpg
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I saw this girl on the bus today with a nose ring and rad boots. I kept seeing her on campus all day and when I was getting lunch she was standing right in front of me and I was trying my hardest not to look like an awkward sweaty dweeb. She was really tall too... Never in my life have I understood Pearl better.
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gem grips sfw.png
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dunno if the anon who commissioned this ever posted it here but

nsfw version

original ref
And then anon dropped spaghetti everywhere.
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Greg dick, dick man baby!
Look, you weren't over by the salad bar. I could have talked to her, but it wasn't the right time.
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I scream, you scream.jpg
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I'm tired of Blue Pearl. Her hair looks like shit and her outfit is terrible.

She's over here looking like Betty Crocker with bangs
Yoo, that's fucking great! Also no worries, they look pretty androgynous so gender debates shouldn't be a problem.

I wish I could learn programming faster so I can work on the SH SU game I have in my head based on Nightmare Hospital...
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>I was trying my hardest not to look like an awkward sweaty dweeb
That's impossible. You're not a shapeshifter.
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just look her interactions with steven and the others

it's subtext anon
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t. Jellow Diamond
Have you already done a terrifying berserk pearl?
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Reality people.png
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>tfw you're rushing to catch the bus and you forget to put on setting spray and it's humid and you sweat through your foundation also you're wearing a dorky shirt
peridot and steven. both look like 8 years old kids
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Berserk Lefty? I just love Silent Hill shit and want to see what could be done witth this.
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Why do you look like that.jpg
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Maybe you're ugly as fuck or just stupid as fuck which leads to your insecurities, but here's my two cents

I once told a girl her glasses looked good and she was all over my dick for like a month despite me not being interested in her.

Just channel your inner alpha and listen to your dick. Be a bit of an asshole with your confidence even if you don't have any. Compliment her boots. Don't be afraid to give her a subtle look. Tell them them look good on her with a strong but friendly voice. Eh you'll figure it out anon. Get a shot of liquid courage or two if you need it. Your cock will speak to you. Good luck

I need to drink some more
I never wear spray. Women love my smell, it's because I'm a fully grown man who uses soap.
thats a mighty hefty claim for subtext, anon.
i think you understood what kind of spray anon meant
uhhhhhhhhh different kind of spray my dude
i think you misunderstood*
Thanks for the backup but if he doesn't even understand what foundation is then I don't think he's gonna get what setting spray is. Yikes.
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>I never wear spray.
They're talking about makeup.
>Samurai Jack was great, but its good it ended where it

But it didn't end anon, it was sent into the future.
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/sug/ I'm a short narcissistic asshole. How do I get a girl like Lapis?
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Stop being interested in Amethyst?
The fuck kind of spray you talking about?

Wait. It isn't some kinda fucking shit woman shit is it?
I didn't even catch the foundation part. I just blazed through that post and assumed it was a male

Unless.. It's a dude pretending to be a woman or some sick shit like that
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Am I having fun.png
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>Real talk

Stop being yourself, because nobody loves the real you.
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I'll never get people to use bgy.me at this rate
I just wish imgur didn't fuck images hard after a certain threshold
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ESPECIALLY when I keep mispelling it from vgy.me
god damn
>Armstrong isn't even a failed experiment
>his creator just wanted a handjob machine
>gets fired for using Homeworld funds to make it
>fusion research is abandoned due to loss of chief scientist
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Of course you'd find the creature composed almost entirely out of feminine hands to be the most kissable.
>some kinda fucking shit woman shit
Found the tumblrite trying too hard to fit in.
This is /sug/ so I assumed it's either a gril or an actual fag.
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B-but everyone loves Peridot.
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kosaku time.jpg
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I see no problem with that. I find hands in real life arousing too, it's an attraction to the most dexterous tool we have on us, it's an attraction to the arousing evolution of our race and the progress we make every day with such complex yet fragile limbs.

The first time I laid eyes upon Armstrong, moving their petite yet strong hands to swing from the hospital ceiling... How do I say this...

I had a boner...
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Ship on brother.
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Well..who wants a Lappy, Lappy, Lappy? I do! I do!
So, go up and greet your mammy, mammy, mammy. Hi there! Hi there!

So march, march, march around the daisies.
Don't, don't, don't you forget about the baby!
It really does sound try-hard.

>F-fucking women products! I don't know what those are!
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Are there any SU mods for Dead Rising? I want to enjoy the mall as Pearl.
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>very bottom middle
>that neck
Zuke's Jasper is weak looking, pic related
I would rather swap the pearl character model to the zombies.
Imagine it, going around the mall and slaughtering an army of worst gem.
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But what if his


gets in the way
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How it'd look in the show
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Oh Jeri you so cray cray.
why is a giant glove floating next to one arm garnet
Boys are aggressively ignorant of makeup. I'll never understand it.
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shaking burgerpants.gif
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>tfw so many missed opportunities because i'm too much of a pussy to go for girls when they're giving me signals that they're interested

I feel like a harem protagonist that knows whats going on but can't do anything about it
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Look at this silly rock trying to smile through the crippling PTSD.
clean your pan you degenerate.
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Is Zuke out to fuck with all my favorite characters? How can we stop her?
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>ywn get to go out for lunch with a bunch of good artists and draw various cartoons on sticky notes together
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>you will never go guru on the best gem
>be a guy
>learn and wear 'no makeup' makeup
>since so few guys wear makeup you now look like an 8/10 so long as you're not overweight

yet none of them do
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Well I feel sorry for you, but you know what would make you feel better?
Getting back to work.
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Everything is NOT okay. There is nothing to be HAPPY sad about. The world is full of TRASH wonders.

Blue Blue. Happy Happy. Blue Blue. Happy Happy. Blue Blue. Happy Happy. Blue Blue. Happy Happy. Blue Blue. Happy Happy. Blue Blue. Happy Happy.

Man, it seems like it's gonna be a slow night. Anybody have any good draw requests?
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It's not her fault. She's never experienced what a real gem is like.
Garnet with Sapphire's hairstyle.
Mystery Girl and >>86409204 because why not?
>perfect time to make a request
>lost my request picture
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some drawfag actually did my request. thx
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Crystal Gems.png
3MB, 1624x1344px
>it was in my YGO folder
I don't even.
sure you will, just keep working at it
She has no arm or leg or (probably) armpit hair
Urgh. Fucking anniversary.
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Nah, fuck that. First She fucked up Peri, and I thought, "Hey, This was probably what Sugar had in mind the whole time. Peri's going through a lot of shit and it makes sense for her to be a bit different than before"

Then she fucked up Lapis, and I thought, "I'm sure her personality before Beta won't just be shoved under the table. They'll find a way to come back to it. Peridot and Lapis's development as friends can't be done already."

Now she already can't draw Jasper right. I'm done with this shit. Zuke needs to back the fuck away from my gems. I'm done making excuses for her, she can go turn Ruby and Sapphire into retarded memers.
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>here are my early concepts on mystery girl. kat, hilary, rebecca and me all worked together to make someone cool and hot. props to hilary for the motocyle idea and awesome car scenes.

eat shit loser
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What? You didn't like finding out what Papyrus's favorite food was?
Hard mode never ever.
That was funny literally a year ago.
Those sketches are so much better than what we got.
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Are you sure? Last time i was listening to my cock while being drunk i got period blood in my mouth.
It could've be worse, but it's still fucking disgusting.
I'd lick her armpit. She's obviously kind of butch, why would she shave?
Nah, I think her lip ring and beat up pants are hot. I almost got a lip ring in the middle like that but I ended up getting it off to the side instead.
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Why does Zuke make everything hot?
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lauren zuke is hella queer and gets me and it makes my gay lil heart sing
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>all the women in SU are just the crew designing their fetishes into characters
I mean, I'm a straight dude (it's 4chan) and Zuke still manages to hit all the right buttons for me.
Fetish for what? Women who are also people?
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Hot punk girls, hot moms, the best fetishes.
thighs, mostly, I think.
Armstrong and Priyanka trying on sexy nurse uniforms?
That is for sure.

the absolute depravity
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Futa Martha fucking Lars' ear holes and smearing her cum on his face?

Or banging Sour Cream at a rave if incest isn't okay with you.
Anon go to bed, holy fuck nobody wants to read that.
Thanks for putting that image in my head.
I would be disgusted if i still knew how to be disgusted.
>no knee brace on Barb
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So what? Period blood isn't that big of a deal, and when you go down on it then you can pretend you're like a cool wolf or something with blood all around your mouth. Also I think it's nutritious.

You are a treasure.
I know, right? I was truing to reply to >>86409338
but missclicked his number.
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I thought it was kinda hot.
Damn son. Thanks anon!
This is actually really sweet :> I feel like this should weird me out more than it does but the kiss on the tummy is lovely.
It is. I would be disgusted that i got turned on by it.
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Ain't nothing to be disgusted by friend.
You're probably right.
It still isn't worst thing i got turned on by.
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"I would by a music album written and performed by Rebecca Sugar."
> I agree with this statement
> I do not agree with this statement
>"Well, this is me."
Yeah, I'd buy it.
You can find a lot of videos of chicks like her at Tiava under the Ugly tag.
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How dare you.
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> he looked
Don't worry, senpai. I look there too.
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there we go a berserk Peridot.
what dose sug think?

and who should be the next to berserk out friends?
Not when there is no hot water in the house for two days.
the zuke hate meme is getting old
What's it going berserk about?
Call your landlord for fucks sake.
If you're not the same guy from yesterday complaining about his gas being off, then my apologies. If it is you, then get off your arse and do it.
hot damn, nailed it. love all the effort you put into the scrap hands.

have you done berserk stevonnie yet?
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Very Nice, the giant fists remind me a lot of Nier.

Berserk Priyanka? I don't know how she would go berserk, maybe with Rose's sword?
From the tamborine, I'm guessing something to do with Lapis?
it wants to be whole again at any cost.
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Witnessed. Anon, is there one more recent than this?
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Berserk Martha after finding out Lars is being terribly beaten for wearing the gauges she bought him.
new episode when
That's actually a little wristband they give patients at hospitals.
No, i'm not the guy.
It's just that where i live they shut down the water for about two weeks in in evey house and appartamet by order. Can't do shit about it.
47 million fuckin' years
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Rebecca Sugar.
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why though

ive just hopped on this train and youre telling me it's already stopped? why did i marathon 110 episodes in 3 days?
Two weeks? That's shit. Why would they need to do that? And for so long?
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Obviously Greg. With a raging murder boner and a bottle of Viagra.
forgot to say:

tfw can sing a few songs from the show including love like you but im not perfect on it yet
maybe soon
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since there weren't any words to your request, I can't be sure what you wanted, but I'm pretty sure it was this.
>found out about the half-sword techniques
>find it interesting
>realize that the crew are not aware of it and won't incorporate it to Yellow Diamond
Some maintance shit. Like checking if pipes are not gonna explode next year and if they are replasing them.
To suffer with us, though worse than any of us.

That song is brilliant and catchy.
man i love that face

tfw i can sing all of that
That, once again, is shit. It's weird that it's taking two weeks to check the condition of one residence's worth of pipes.
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I'm okay with this.

I was honestly wondering what you would do. You did not disappoint.
They actually dig them out of the ground.
So yeah...
Ah. Okay That makes a little more sense. But a lot of effort to go through.
Hot water pipes really do explode atleast one per year where i live.
Yes I do think Pearls are canonically supposed to be good looking.
As fucktoys for elites it would make sense fir the to look nice.
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needs this on there
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>has never read a book before meeting Connie
>has never been to school
>doesn't even know what a school is
How can he fucking read?
Grow a thicker skin.
>has never read a book before meeting Connie
I think he's just never read a series, he knows what books are and I'm sure Greg taught him basic literacy and numeracy
Greg tought him?
>never read a book *series*
even that is guesswork, he just didn't know that this particular series had an order to it.
new ending theme so creepy
>grow a thicker skin
>person isn't upset, just confused
the important thing is we all gave it everything we had
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I really don't understand this character.
In her debut, she was clean and sassy. Just pure Sardonyx. But in Know your Fusion, she started showing her fusioned personality with Garnet's interest for Steven fusing and Pearl's all-around correctness.
I feel like she should just be a whole different unfused gem. A true Pearl-Garnet fusion feels like it should be more like Opal.
>no text
>no actual pearls
>no roses
>not even anything that symbolises Pearl's real strength
3/10 for the effort. But this is just really lazy.
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Love you /sug/
Steven, I want to see him mad.
Die alone in space
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a little peri.jpg
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What is your favorite scene of your favorite gem /sug/?
Steven's stand
mystery girl working on her bike
Armstrong and Priyanka cuddling?
Steven fused with paridot
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priyanka berserker. never mess with gem shards on your own.

who should do next?
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Blue Pearl Berserker? A BLUserker, if you will.
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>that Pearl with tits
Obviously taught by Greg.

Now that he took an interest in Gem language, he'll be able to read and speak that too.

come to think of it, why don't Homeworld gems talk in their own language? Or do they automatically start speaking English when they arrive on Earth... inconsistencies like these make my autism flare up.
Sardonyx always had elements of both Pearl and Garnet in her. She's confident, arrogant, likes to crack jokes, theatrical, over-dramatic, a bit of a show-off.
She didn't let go of any of those elements in her personality in Know Your Fusion.
I agree that Opal being Amethyst + Pearl doesn't make a whole lot of sense though. Maybe that's why Amethyst and Pearl aren't able to keep Opal together for long, because she's like a peaceful point in their rocky relationship.
Maybe if it wasn't so small
I'm so conflicted about the Mystery Girl and Pearl episode. I really enjoyed it as a one off. But I'm so conflicted about her becoming a serious character. I know people are allowed to have a type, and there's nothign wrong with that. But being attracted to somebody who looks like your dead crush is fucked up man. Like imagine your dad died and your mom married a guy a few years later that looks like a dead ringer for your dad.
Can any drawfags doodle something strangely specific? I want a picture of Lapis but she's split down the middle to her naval, but there are really two Lapises where the split happened. Kind of like a siamese twin. Then I want you to draw the left Lapis to be muscular but not too overly muscular, kind of like those sporty girls you see in the UFC. The right side however must be obese. I require this to be an animated gif where the fat rolls on the right lapis touch the left Lapises six pack of abs and it's making her blush. Almost like rape (but not because they're the same person.) Now this is the most important part. The bottom part of Lapis must be drawn accurate to the artstyle of the show. There must be no errors. She also needs hairy legs, but not too hairy. Just enough to know she was originally based on a primate (humanoids) design and does not care about social norms. She must be standing in a bucket of grapes and crushing them to make wine with her toes. The bucket must be floating in a pool of Jello.

Thanks drawfags.

>A true Pearl-Garnet fusion feels like it should be more like Opal.

Opal was the way she was because she was more balanced, sort of like Garnet. The perfect balance is difficult to maintain which is why they can't hold it for very long too. It's explained a bit in either supplemental material or some steven universe crew's blog but I can't fucking remember where I saw it so it might be bullshit.
Are you a repressed nerd?
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The first thing I thought of when I saw Lion in Steven Universe was Holydramon. (I can't wait to see this guy in Tri.)
>A true Pearl-Garnet fusion feels like it should be more like Opal.
Opal is Opal because Amy and Pearl balance out each others neuroses perfectly. When Garnet fuses with either of them, her confidence has the effect of amplifying their annoying traits while removing the self-loathing elements. That's why Sugilite and Sardonyx are so cocky, but in very different ways.
>come to think of it, why don't Homeworld gems talk in their own language? Or do they automatically start speaking English when they arrive on Earth... inconsistencies like these make my autism flare up.

It's that scifi bullshit thing where everyone is space humans that talk perfect english. Usually they come up with some ass pull like universal translate or the Tardis does it.

They probably do speak their own language but for the audience's convience we hear it as englihs. It happens a lot in anime. There was that one Gundam movie where there were talking about a Zeon accent or Australian accent but itw as just Japanese. And in G Gundam literally everyone in the world speaks Japanese for no reason.
Is this is the level we're at? Anybody with colored hair and is a bit of a punk is a social justice warrior? Literally nothing in this show CAN be SJW-esqe. They actually admit women can do bad things, and women are the villains.
>latest episode is an onion episode
Shit's tough
>But being attracted to somebody who looks like your dead crush is fucked up man
It's not necessarily a bad thing. Especially if you can't help it but be attracted to a person that possesses those exact characteristics. It only becomes fucked up when/if Pearl starts treating S like she treated Rose; as in, the slave-master relationship where Pearl would treat Rose as if she was a deity.
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Would you rather listen to gibberish and read subs?
Some autists refuse to accept that convenience isn't always a bad thing
I suspected so. The first time Pearl and Amethyst formed Opal was under the condition of having to save Steven, that was the only thing they could really agree upon in their relationship. Hence why Opal is so calm and peaceful, but once Opal finds out that she forgot about the beatle, she immediately falls apart as Pearl and Amethyst start quarreling.
I guess they won't have as much trouble forming Opal now considering how much their relationship has improved.
Sounds like run of the mill indie drama to me
>tfw all the Amethyst fusions have expensive VAs
Why is this?
Sugilite really does feel like her own gem though. I guess it's her strong and dominant personality which causes Garnet and Amethyst to lose control over her.
>Hindsight "Predictions": The Post
jesus christ i don't think I've ever cringed to a list before.
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How long the hiatus again?
A year?
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2 years
Can someone tell me why Cartoon Network can't air 1 Steven Universe episode almost every week like my animes?
Ey no porfavor
Sooo have you guys realized that Pearl was Pink Diamond's or are you still arguing about it
>So have you guys accepted my head canon yet?
Well, have you?
No because she obviously belonged to Rose.
That is dumb.
Try this
No, you're dumb.
gif reeeeesuns
We've seen it used briefly a few times, like shooting at the hand or moving something large. So, at the very least, they can perform the fusion much more easily.

I wouldn't be surprised if Alexandrite is also being affected by Steven's influence.
It's really more about Garnet and Amethyst's personal issues and hangups aligning in exactly the wrong ways. Garnet's very proud of herself and used to doing things her way, while Amethyst is reckless and frivolous, so Sugilite loves indulging in her own strength with little regard for the damage she causes. Amethyst likes sharing Garnet's power and confidence, and doesn't want to return to her own weak self. Garnet also doesn't like being told she can't be herself, and Amethyst likes to act out against "the rules", which is why they get so caught up in being Sugilite and refuse to cancel the fusion.

In short, Garnet is based and Amethyst is a brat, which is what makes Sugilite so obnoxious, destructive, and a generally bad idea.
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Okay give your episode ideas tous.
We'll filter through them, cherry the pick the good ones, gay them up a little and air them we they will work.

Jasper comes back in 14 episodes btw, giant ragebaby but you can use that.
This. Ideally, they'd show Pearl engaging in a relationship one a more even playing field. It is very likely that Greg was the first being, let alone human, to actually stand up to Rose and not be completely shutdown by her... awe-inspiring-ness?

I wonder if somewhere in Pearl's mind she didn't also figure this out and regret never speaking TO Rose instead of UP to her.
Make an episode where pearl cries
Aimee Mann. Come on, bro.
Also cause Nicki's hella expensive.
Ah that's right. I completely forgot about that, she has such few voice lines
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Something that bothers me about amyhthests fusions, with the exception of Opal, is that they both just act like exaggerated/alternate versions of Amythist.
She's cool with doing more, but she's not been asked back. As far as we know.
We have actually exceeded our Pearl Crying Allowance this season already
>Greg was the first being, let alone human, to actually stand up to Rose and not be completely shutdown by her... awe-inspiring-ness
Greg gave up his entire music career for Rose.
I get unnecessary frustrated any time someone assigns a race to one of the gems.

The other day someone was complaining that someone drew garnet white saying she should be black. I hate it. Doesn't make sense for a gem to have a human race
Is it because they're purple? I bet it's because they're purple. Yeah, the purple really fucking makes them all look samey. Damn colors.
>music career

You mean being used by some narc to get quick lays?
Garnet's design was common in and counter-culture back in the 80's. Now they've got a template to work from.
No. They have way more of her personality than the other person they are fused with. There isn't a single hint of Garnet in Sugalite
Marty was just using Greg to fuck grills and take his money.
Opal is more Pearl than Amethyst.
That isn't a narc.
>There isn't a single hint of Garnet in Sugalite
I'm far too lazy to do it, but we've seen plenty of times Garnet just smashing shit (no doubt a projection of her Ruby half). Since all we really know about Sugy is that she's violent as fuck, the you can't really chalk that up to just Amethyst. At least 2 out of the 3 gems that make her or prone to violence and flaunting their strength.
We get it. Narcs are the guys who do drug busts. You know what he was implying, though.
I find this strangely humorous. As if Pearl is saying "All the kisses in the world won't make me fuse with you. Now, if you would kindly put me down..."
> "I thought violence could be the answer"
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Daily remimder that Jasper is 200% for sexual
More of this, please.
Thought he might have meant someone else I didn't notice. I was thinking Marty, but he's so un-narc it couldn't be.
Jasper will be forever alone, all her chances with any of the other gems have been BTFO
Lapis - no way this is happening
Peridot - eh
Garnet - three's a crowd
Amethyst - that would be incest
Steven - nope
Pearl - had the biggest chances, now completely ruined

Unless she falls for a human
how do I get (you)s?
There's a lot of Garnet in Sugilite. She's got a massive "fuck the haters, I do what I want" mentality. She tends to not care what other people think because she thinks she's above them. While Garnet seems quiet and stoic, she's very enthusiastic when she's moving towards a goal. She's very proud of herself and her strength, likes to brag, and loves to show off, and when she doesn't like something, she tends towards exaggerated displays of hostility.

Many of Sugilite's bad qualities come directly from Garnet's bad qualities, which unfortunately form a perfect storm with Amethyst's bad qualities.
Make better posts
Delet this
why do we think that?, i mean it's possible but it's implied there are more than just the 4 pearls that directly serve each diamond. It's not very likely that pearl was pink diamonds personal pearl.
Steven Universe sucks and you're all tash for liking it.
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God damn I fucking love this show

>Shitpost constantly on /co/ and /tv/ calling it a Tumblr show where everyone constantly cries
>Actually watch the first 3 episodes
>Proceed to binge the entire show over 5 days

You guys were right. I admit defeat. The show is fantastic

I love this person's Jasper
if she didn't have the weird teeth and std it'd be cool
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Here here!
Are the ~
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Welcome aboard, you're just in time to be banished to /trash/
Welcome to the greatest fandom ever. Very soon we'll start calling each other "somegem" and "everygem."
Jasper is best jam
Yo, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
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God dammit
Well you know what they say.. Distance makes the heart grow fonder
I'm a fan of this show and have watched most of of the episodes twice but it's far from fantastic
More like shit 90% of the time
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Same for me. I used to make fun of this show calling it tumblr. Ever since around a month ago, I've bene shitposting in these threads non-stop.

its going through the skies
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she so badass.png
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Pearl is best rock.
The fact she is wearing ballerina shoes with jeans and a leather jacket made me laugh.
I feel like this show is better to binge watch than to watch while it's airing.
No arguing with you there, anon. She's not even good enough to be referred to as a proper gem.
Somebody for the love of God please make this happen
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What show isn't?
I wish koreans who could speak English would do everyone a favor by translating nyong's comics
She has big feet.
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I'd letter them if some bugger'd translate.
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not a lot of Lappy in this thread huh.
>pearl has 4 ships in there

Kek what a thirsty slut
I approve of all the ships in there though.
>blue diamond is introduced
>shunned back to irrelevance
>yellow diamond is introduced
>everyone fell back to blue diamond
>Pearl can't have Rose so she sleeps around with everyone to forget about her
>Jasper is a massive cuck
>Steven and Connie cuddling
>Sapphire pregnant
This is pure gold.
Someone help out this poor soul
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Sweet, thanks Anon.
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Why do nips/gooks like to remove Pearl's nose?
draw requests?
Peridot fused with garnet
Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet standing around Rose's deathbed please.
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Man, that looks incredibly cruel
jasper wielding peridot like a spear
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Overdesigned as fuck
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Smol Pearl falling in love for S.
When in doubt, add more of everything.
It's not drawn as big on the show anymore anyway
Pearl as the happy merchant.
Anyone have the "she's big" image?
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I mean, Amethyst's defining trait is that she's exaggerates everything, so that doesn't seem that strange to me.
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Give Steven a good expression for the siuation
Good. Now do the other page.
see >>86412857
I mean... Technically Crystal Gems are a terrorist organization so...
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its raaaaaaaw.jpg
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This is true.
what a cunt
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> Connie cancelling a school supply run with her mother to bum around the city with the Universe boy
> Would have left in a heartbeat if Steven needed her for a mission
You do know they needed an excuse for Steven to hang out with the Onion Gang and not with his usual friends.
mah nigga
>Daily reminder that Connie will be first kiss and Lapis first fug of Steven
Armstrong trying to help out Pearl with housework while she freaks out.
Now they are both hypocrites.Great they deserve each other,its Scott Pilgrim all over again
Imagine Lapis
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How is it even possible we slowed down this much? Did everybody just vacate to /trash/ instinctively? Because at this rate they won't even have to shut us down.
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We're all prisoners now.jpg
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Welcome to Hiatus
Seems normal for this time of week.
Hiatus + college back again
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I will never go to /trash/
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I want my Hiatus and I want to see this general DIE!

just make that happen
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How big do you like your gems anon?
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thank you
Loli pearl is best pearl
new thread?
new bread

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does she have a big fat cock?
Thread posts: 633
Thread images: 231

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