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Are you all ready for new and improved Ivy?
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Is season 2 going to be put on Netflix any time soon? I need to catch up.
Hell Yeah!
It's coming out the same day the season premieres, I believe.
Have you noticed that people bitch about the lightly changed backstories of these characters but often overlook it's never that big of a change?

Ivy changes from what Gotham says because one the arkham freak's powers. Ivy has always changed from an ugly woman into a seductress vixen but normally because of her formula.

Everyone's too old compared to Bruce. But all the villains they've used, except Two Face, were older than Bruce. They're gonna be in their 30s when Bruce becomes Batman in his mid-late twenties. Plus they never fought Batman really, they always had goons/gadgets/gimmicks/tricks. It makes no sense for a chubster like Penguin to fist fight Batman.

All Batman's villains will be villains before Batman. Well all Bats enemies were criminals, mobsters, hit-men, psychos, etc. They didn't start wearing costumes and gimmicks until Batman arrived.
People actually watch this show?
This is a bad sign about what the quality of the writing is going to be for this season.
This show has done some really stupid shit, but most of the ages aren't that big of a deal except for Dent, Zsasz, and Nygma.

Selina, Jonathan, and Tommy are at his same age group. Ivy's only a few years older. It will only be noticeable if the show keeps going on, but it'll likely end before Bruce takes on the costume. Hugo and Penguin are usually older and I can see the latter fattening up. Freeze is frozen in time anyways, so it doesn't matter for him.

I likethe idea of Batman's villains going bugfuck insane before Batman even becomes a thing. It really drives home how it's the city itself that creates these characters, not just a simple conflict agaibst Batman. He's just as much of a product of Gotham as the Riddler and the Joker and everyone else.
Yeah, I don't get why they didn't just have the girl grow into the role or just make the new actress be a different character in Pamela Isley.

Or they could've gone with the "little creepy girl" take on her. It would've been a neat direction to take her character to.
>all tumblr saved images

The invasion is real
Fuck yes I am.

Got so sick of seeing that bird-nest haired kid posing as Ivy.
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You bet your ass
She's certainly not worried about hiding her ass...
>Barbara is crazy again
>Fish is back
You think the janitors will make the live threads auto-sage again?
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So how did Ivy grow older? Looking at this it makes me guess there's some funky pollutants in the water that messes her up. If you can call turning a little girl to a hot babe messing her up.
This is some of the most retarded fanservice pandering i have ever seen.

You had a young ivy you made your bed now lie in it.
I want to rewatch parts of season one but I don't want it to be shit
Is there a fan edit movie version or anything, maybe just featuring penguin and the gangster plots?
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I knew that was why they had her young actress wear a shorter skirt.

One of Strange's monster can age people to death. She was touched, but escaped his grip before he could finish aging her.
>we want a seductive ivy
>oh no we cant have this young actress do that the public would tear us apart
>rather then just accepting our fate lets pull some stupid contrived bullshit

This is like a stupid version of arrisa (cant easily retcon this one though)
>you will never fuck a suddenly grown, confused, wet, yet strangely horny Ivy
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Just kill me already
it's honestly a pretty cool idea
This show is a joke
just like all DC shows
it's funny how Marvel is the one that takes tv shows seriously instead
Lets not get carried away anon, Daredevil was good, Jessica Jones is overrated, and AoS is by far the weakest thing theyve done. I hope Luke Cage is good though
Gotham is entertaining.
They might as well make Gordonbats
They already made Azrael, Gordon is Jason Bourne.
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Really? Is it a joke?

Hey everybody, apparently Gotham's a joke! This anon here has had the brilliant insight that Gotham is a joke!
Hey its just my opinion, doesnt really validate nor invalidate anything. Like this for instance, I think that the show is based off a stupid fucking premise. Doesnt mean it should stop others from watching it. Good for you. Sorry it fucking triggers you so much.
Gotham is the best DC show
AoS is the best Marvel show
iZombie is better than all though
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Oh you undersell yourself. Please wow us with more insight about how Gotham is a joke, because it's such a rare and unspoiled idea.
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I had more fun with Gotham than any other capeshit show.
Honestly it doesn't really sit well with me.

I think because it mostly enforces the theory that the writers had no idea what they were doing with the character in the first place and an actress gets the boot for it in the end.

There has been mention that she supposedly plays 'an older sister' role for Bruce in s3 but the thought is hard to swallow considering there has barely been any development in their relationship. It's almost non-existent in s1 and s2.

Could have some amusing moments but I ultimately question how interesting or useful a 'normal' 18 year old character with the brain of a 13 year old can be.

That said, can't wait for the premier next week.

Also I'd only consider Maggie Geha moderately attractive.
Well that pic kinda proves my point. Nygma and Cobblepot are fun I suppose, thats about it. Glad you're having fun
Correction was entairtaining new ivy has ruined it.
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My God you're right. Things like Mr. Freeze in his freeze suit, or that time Pee-Wee Herman was on, or everything with anachronisms completely validate your claim. I'm sure everyone, from the writing staff to those people who write the internet reviews, believed they were making an utterly serious and dramatic show until you came along and changed the face of storytelling with opinions.
Never said it did validate it, good on you for remembering that previous post.
this dude
If I was putting as much money up front for the show as Netflix was I would want a better deal.
I also think it's brilliant in how it sets up that Gotham NEEDS Batman.

Same for having Gordon becoming the first Dark Knight Detective. He'll be loosing his war on crime when Bruce fully takes up his legacy of cleaning up Gotham.
I guess they figured the show needed a 7 of 9ing.
It would be hell on her psychological development, anyway.
If anything needs a Turn to the Dark Side style edit, it's this show.

I thought about doing one for Supergirl.
Shouldn't the panties tight against her pussy so much causing constant orgasm state ??
How many times did they have to give Butch a bigger gun before you realised this?
Gordon is the current Dark Knight Detective, but not Batman.
Got anymore of her dirty feet?
this, not a single scene with christian imagery like daredevil
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The 2n season is already on the Brazilian Netflix.
That is a fine... country.
Wait a couple of weeks.
So, she's a 13 year old in the body of a stacked late 20's redhead?
Probably not. That would trigger a LOT OF people.
More or less, yes.
Well, I mean, she IS a teen age girl in a crazy stacked, attractive body though, right? She got magiced into being older right?
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Pretty much what they've said in interviews and such.
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Soooo, is this pedo, or not? I need to know if I should feel bad while I'm fapping about her or after...

and she is gonna go after Bruce, good luck though with Selina being around who almost got Silver tortured because she was tricking Bruce.
Damn Jada's boobs always look great in this show
You're technically fapping to the actress, so no.

Unless sudden age-ups are your fetish.
I'm more fapping towards the character that the actress is playing, I dislike actors, vile people. And age ups really aren't my thing, I'm just trying to guess what's going to trigger the Internet next with the realm of capeshit live action media.

why the fuck is she back? I thought she didn't want to come back. and was done with Gotham.
does it matter? just don't think about her age
gotham is based

>literally oozing out of her shredded pants
that's a shame. They should have just made her a plant-pod-person
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>marvel shows

JJ is unwatchable, Agent Carter couldn't stay on the air, Shield is following after, and Daredevil is overrated shit with Power Rangers-tier choreography and a cargo cultish worship of Christopher Nolan.
>Batman is a stupid premise

thats sad, anon.
Nah, Gotham is better than iZombie, but iZombie is definitely the second best comic book show.
that's from season one

She IS back however. She's basically a Talon; the Owls had her reanimated by Strange and Freeze.
> hi, I'm /tv/ contrarian and hate everything other people enjoy
>also, my favourite hero kino is first Ghost Rider
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>twitter likes it so its good
you actually believe that twitter is a singular entity which judges tv shows and it's opinion is uniform and unchanging
and I don't even use twitter
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>getting triggered by a dumb frog poster

Hey guys! Get a load of this guy! Let's laugh at him together!
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Keep your twisted fetishes to yourself, degenerate

Ephebophile, actually. Pedo only goes up to 12.

Still utterly reprehensible, though. You sick fuck.
tell that to Deathstroke
She never stopped, ever since the end of s1 she has been a loon. Even when she wasn't prancing around like the start of the season she was still off her rocker at the end.
babs is best
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Yeah there not aging her up so they can have an older ivy they are aging her up so they can sexuilise the actress.

>not already fapping to the actress that played Saint Cloud
>not using chrome.
>using a botnet
Is Gordon's Wife dead yet? I hope Gordon's wife dies. What a shit character.
Mmmm, loli Ivy.
She's a lesbian with Tabitha. They'll keep her to cash in on those lesbian bucks.
When does she get to fuck Bruce? That's what I'm excited for.
She's a yandere, now. I want to see her fuck Gordon. I think I have a thing for having sexual relations with yanderes.
Isn't his actor still underage?
I imagine all Gordon would do is give Bruce a high five.
>Bruce, I need you to kiss Jerome.
She's not a loli anymore tho
I have a new device and for whatever reason every browser but the default and opera either lag up, freeze or are blank (type stuff in and click enter but nothing happens). The lack of an adblock on the app also makes it annoying anyway
Young meat.
Dirty girls are so hot.
You do know Tumblr is like 90% porn ad fambase shit, right? Plus 5% being amateur photography, everything else being less than 1% comprising the remaining 5%?
>When does she get to fuck Bruce?
What if Bruce makes her preggo? She could be the mom of Demian in this universe?
It's been especially annoying how people say dozens of times every thread "I really liked the past season but now aging Ivy up takes that all away" She was barely a recurring character last season, probably was listed as a guest appearance since she was in like 4 eps, so even if she appears more now it is still a minor change since the character was barely around to do anything before.
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