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Suicide Squad

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Suicide Squad cleared #4 on the most profitable movie this summer. Can we have a thread about the little movie that could?

Who do you want in a sequel? What were your favorite elements? What bits would you like to see translated over to the comics? Personally I'm a big fan of Dirtwitch Enchantress and Katana, and would love for both to become the standards in the comics.
Bring back Slipknot with his movie design and a more low-key and realistic abusive relationship between Harley and the Joker for the comics. For a sequel, more black ops and political stuff.
I thought it needed to make a billion just to cover reshoots
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More like trillion

For as much memeing as Slipknot gets he did have a really cool design in the movie, and "professional climber/hangman" is a pretty cool street level criminal niche.
I really have no idea what is going on with that outfit. It's like 70s club wear for gay men.

His movie design was top-notch and pulled off the tacticool look without being overbearing.
Shouldn't Sausage Party be on there?

I think it's past the summer blockbuster season.
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>we never got to see Adam Beach beat someone up with rope
And after all that training he did...
>Who do you want in a sequel?
A competently made film.
No. It didn't do that well. It beat Suicide Squad on its opening night, but that's it.


It's only made 100 mil worldwide.
>It's only made 100 mil worldwide.
...on a 19 million dollar budget
Yeah but that's because dude slavery lmao
Poor Adam Beach, he doesn't deserve the career he has.
I want a good movie
Suicide Squad 2, Diablo, Slipknot, and Baby Eastwood ride out of Mexican Hell.
>...on a 19 million dollar budget
The Number 10 film on that chart, Lights Out, made $137mil on a 4.9mil budget for Warners.
Mexican hell is just regular hell except they put chile powder on things that don't need chili powder.
>click bait the article
>Nothing to see here
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Captain America cleared #2 on the most profitable movie this summer. Can we have a thread about the little movie that could?
Who do you want in a sequel? What were your favorite elements? What bits would you like to see translated over to the comics? Personally I'm a big fan of Bucky and Falcon, and would love for both to become the standards in the comics
>The Numbers

Okay, maybe a little but they a solid resource for the industry side of Hollywood.
I wouldn't mind an update to Falcon's costume. The Captain Falcon costume isn't that great and his normal costume is bland. The guns, micromissiles, and using the wings as body armor were pretty great additions too.
>Where's Sausage Party on that list?!
>It's a chart about the most profitable movies for the summer. The Number 10 movie on that list cost even less and made even more money than Sausage Party.
>Yeah but where's Sausage Party?!
Are you dumb as fuck?
So just mexico
>Who do you want in a sequel?
More Croc and Boomerang Bring back Diablo since we never saw the corpse.
>Who do you want in the sequel


And move Killer Croc to the Batman movie
Sounds like heaven to me esé
>Who do you want in a sequel?

For it to not be a steaming pile of shit.
That's asking a lot.
>Who do you want in a sequel?
What is reading comprehension
>captain america

you mean Avengers 3
Disniggers can't read. That's why nobody buys Marvel comics.
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>Who do you want in the sequel.
Considering how more or less everything else was offensively bad it's not like it had much competition. People didn't even care that this was just as godawful, they just saw Batman's rogues and they were sold.
No, he needs to be the villain for a Plastic Man movie.
>the most famous kite-related person in history!

nah, Granite Lady.
It revived the weird crush I've had on Captain Boomerang since the '90s, so that was nice.
this was an awful summer for movies
But I thought SS was a flop?
Yes...a critical flop.
From the same critics that gave Ghostbusters good reviews?
Yes it was that bad.
That just shows how bad Suicide Squad was.
Ghostbusters was an incredible movie that failed because mysoginists were afraid of females in movies.

Suicide Squad was rapey and played to manbabies and should have failed
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Since the Bat-Universe was able to make this thing float, I expect reshoots on WW and this going forward.
Or it shows that critics have bad taste in movies this year.
If they did then Suicide Squad would have been critically acclaimed.
What's the correlation between SS being a shit movie and Ghostbusters 2016?
Didn't see it, no intention of seeing it, and judging from its IMDB rating, along with the fact that they apparently turned the Squad into a family of lovable rogues or some shit, it may actually not be that good, but I'm glad it did well; it's difficult not to see this film as some sort of underdog, or as the "little movie that could" as OP put it. The freakout from the critics was worth it, and given their overblown reaction towards its financial success, quality of the movie aside, and the exaggeratedly low RT rating it received, it's hard not to believe that many of them don't have an axe to grind against DC. Success of the film means that people may be starting to think for themselves while putting pro critics on less of a pedestal. I'm glad others saw it for me, just for that.
critics like marlel movies. They have objectively shit taste
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They seemed to love this movie, hilariously bad writing and all.
Why do people seem to be believe that people wasting their money to see a bad movie is somehow refreshing and not just a retread of the shit we endured for years in regards to Summer Blockbuster?
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>ITT: marveldrones about to enter depression stage

If Denial was calling it a flop at release, and bargaining was the meme math, then in a couple weeks maybe they'll finally accept that SS was a good movie.
In fact Superman Returns, V for Vendetta, the Nolan Trilogy, all these films got positive reviews on WB's aggregate site.
Because critics are the root of all evil after giving a mediocre all female reboot of a franchise nobody gives a shit about anymore a pass but trashed a poorly edited, poorly scripted, poorly acted music video featuring the Joker for 7 minutes. So now this "underdog" $325 million dollar movie is sticking it to critics somehow by being frontloaded like every DCEU flick.
>the little movie that could
>likely cost around 250 million before marketing given they reshot around 25% of the movie
>implying this even means anything when this summer has been full of high profile flops
If it puts an end to the 3 years plus of Snyder defense thread, I'll even agree that it's a STELLAR MOVIE 10/10.

Anything to stop the flow of bitch tears and Goyer-rationalization.
Time for Justice League to play out like a music video and redesign the heroes so they can market it to the Hot Topic crowd.
Old ass films. People will be bringing up the Nolan Trilogy twenty years from now, even though expectations towards cape movies were very different, and loyalty towards the MCU brand non-existent.
>Suicide Squad cleared #4 on the most profitable movie this summer.

>and loyalty towards the MCU brand non-existent.
Yeah just look at Days of Future Past and Deadpool. Maybe WB just need to stop making shit movies.
I thought he would get one bit of action before his death.
There were a couple of articles saying that Suicide Squad negated the "progress" of Ghostbusters. It's all very weird.
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>Old ass films.

Rises came out the same year as The Avengers, 2012.

What are you, 12?
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>literally half of some talking animal movie
>DCucks will call this a win
What a time we live in.
>likely cost around 250 million before marketing given they reshot around 25% of the movie


friendly reminder that Guardians of the Galaxy outright lied about their budget to make it seem more successful, and probably came in at far more than reported.

Friendly reminder that Civil War reportedly cost $250 million before marking, and considering Disney has a proven track record of lying probably came in at far more.

Friendly reminder that making up numbers and tacking them onto the budget doesn't change reality, and the reality was that Suicide Squad was a huge hit.
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>No one really cares
>I-I'll be butt-flustered for them, y-yeah!
Friendly reminder that this is a stale copypasta
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I was gonna argue but you're right. It isn't that good.
>and the reality was that Suicide Squad was a huge hit.
Must be nice being delusional
You would think e sjws would be praising it.
Its an mostly female team lead by a strong independent black women where the racist bogan gets the complete short end of the stick at the end.
Not just Suicide Squad

Under the Critics everything released this summer not Ghostbusters or Civil War was awful.
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t-this wasnt supposed to happen

>Under the Critics everything released this summer not Ghostbusters or Civil War was awful.
Finding Dory, Sausage Party, Kubo, Lights Out, etc. were all well received.
Fox isn't seen as the rival sports team, like DC is, or associated with the like of Snyder. Say what you will about his excesses but they hate that guy to a seemingly personal degree.
They dont have bad taste to have problems with suicide squad it was a heavily flawed film it is fun to watch in spite of that.
>fun to watch in spite of that.
Only if you're retarded
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But they gave it average reviews.
So was both the new Mel Gibson movies, the new Star Trek and Don't Breathe, but DCucks only care about their capekino meme.

>Guardians of the Galaxy
>333 Million domestic after 25 weeks
>773 Million worldwide after 25 weeks
>Budget: Reported at $170, later revealed to be $232

>Domestic Gross at 4 weeks: $284 million
>Chinese box office: $96 million
>Worldwide box office without China: $667 million
>Mexican box office: $19 million
>Suicide Squad
>301 Million domestic after 4.9 weeks
>679 Million worldwide after 4.9 weeks
>Budget: $175 million

>Domestic Gross at 4 weeks: $287 million
>Did not open in China, the second-largest move market in the world
>Due to a contract conflict, Suicide Squad had distribution issues in Mexico, yet made $26 million dollars there
>Opens in Japan tomorrow, projected to add $10 million

reminder that Guardians is literally only successful because Marvel panders to China.
>he isn't black

>facts I don't like
>b...better call it copypasta! That immediately makes it untrue!


>No results found.

the numbers are right here, cuckboi >>86121162

Where are your numbers?
>Guardians of the Galaxy
> 4,080 theaters

>Suicide Squad
>4,255 theaters
>skwad has 32 million domestic to go to beat Guardians, and Guardians reached those numbers in 20 weeks more than Skwad

>Skwad will at minimum make 700 million at the end, meaning that 23 million of Guardians' 96 million of chink money goes towards tying with SS

A movie with six years of marketing by the world's biggest media conglomerate was outpaced by a movie about Captain Boomerang and Harley Quinn's ass that the entire media got on their hands and knees and begged people around the clock for over a year not to go see.

Not bad for the "Donald Trump of movies"
N-no one cares! That's why there were so many butthurt MCUcks posting meme math!

Right. Keep telling yourself that.
>the entire media got on their hands and knees and begged people around the clock for over a year not to go see.
>mfw they did just that, without any shame and they are downplaying how much of a success SS is even now.
So skwad was front-loaded and made as much because DC floaded it into all markets on releash while Guardians had strong legs and actually exceeded expectations and skwad will still not beat it domestically or internationally at this point. Sounds about right.

>outpaced by a movie about Captain Boomerang and Harley Quinn's ass
You know this doesn't work when the adverts highlighted Joker and Batman's cameos not anything you described meanwhile didn't see Iron Man or Cap in Guardians.

So now Suicide Squad will share the san=me mantle as Bayformers, be considered flavor of the month trash and be instantly forgotten as shit.

>Civil War: 59.3% drop second week
>Meanwhile Ghostbusters had a 53% drop

You do understand that the reason all superhero movies have massive drops their second week due to their built-in audiences all going the first week, right? This has been true since Batman '89.

Movies that a lot of people go see in their first week show drops for the second week because everybody has already seen them.

Does BvS count as summer since it was released in March?
>B-b-b-but Marvel

Hook line and sinker
Except those are both normal drops DCuck. Getting over 60% following week isn't normal not even Bayformers get those kinds of drops hence why people made about deal about the percentage drop of both.
>Movies that a lot of people go see in their first week show drops for the second week because everybody has already seen them.
And at most they drop in 50 percentile, if the movie was poorly received they drop even more due to bad word of the mouth.
>reading comprehension

>Iron Man - $318 Million
>Iron Man 2 = $312 Million
>Suicide Squad = $301 Million

If Suicide Squad makes $17 million more dollars domestically in the next 20 weeks it will beat the first two Iron Man movies. If it makes $29 million it will beat Batman v Superman, and after $32 million it will beat Guardians.

Just how far will it go?
If SS beats Iron Man the shitposting will be fucking unreal
Came out around the same time, one got constant praise but couldn't even make its budget back despite being a high profile franchise and the other was a relatively unknown property (by the average population at least) that got panned by critics but became one of the most successful movies of the year. They're like complete mirrors of each other.
I don't get it. Everyone I talked to was so meh on SS. And these were people who didn't read comics that wanted to see the Joker fuck shit up. How did this movie get so much if it disappointed so many?
It was the exact opposite for me. Most people liked it, and people in the theater came out excited and talking about how they didn't understand why it was reviewed poorly
Because you were talking to /co/ posters, and /co/ is a fucking D*sney embassy. In the real world, where there's no forum sliders telling you what to think and you aren't inundated in reviewers paid to throw shade on anything Warner makes, people loved Suicide Squad.
Most people on /co/ prefer DC, but there's definitely a big chunk of Marvel forum sliders.
>Movie with Batman, joker cameo and Harley beating someone who was a literally who back then
Only drones would make a big deal out of it.
I really liked this movie.
And don't forget SS was released during the peak of the super hero craze while Iron Man was during a time where cape movies were still looked down upon.
That's why it's so weird. SS had the most "diverse" cast of any superhero movie ever made.
Was this movie /ourguy/?
>civil war beat by a fish movie

ghostbusters, cw, dory and sausage party were all either mediocre or terrible films, lights out had good performances but was shit mostly
would i be right in guessing you dont lead a happy life

Marvel does it again
Well that and the rumor of a large wall that will never actually do anything.
It only made around 35-40 profit. Don't know the exact number because I'm lazy
None of this post is true but focusing on yer last sentence is pitiful.

ignoring you're shitty language skills, you realise Harley's look is literally iconic now right, same way as Immortan Joe recently left a mark as a memorable cinematic character, if you think this is going to have a flavour of the month effect it wouldn't be selling so much merch and still be making money in cinemas.
star wars 7 had more or close to the same, quit talking out of you're ass
Because the people you talked to weren't representative to the population at large.

There's maybe 3 people who post hate on every DCEU thread. They've got some severe problems. Super vocal, super small minority.
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As if there was any doubt.
If it beats BvS, the shit posting will be unreal. 2 of DCs biggest hitters with 4 others shoehorned in vs Will Smith carrying SS
As far as comics go yes, but the majority of people dislike or at least are disappointed by the movies DC has put out and mostly trash talk Marvel for the sake of company wars.
>will smith carrying SS

I guess you didn't see it, huh? Will was the worst part.
>not joker
Right, not Joker. Leto was a pretty god-tier Joker, on par with Romero for best live action Joker.
>on par with Romero
Dude just stop. I didn't mind Leto, but Romero he was not.
Baby Eastwood died?
He's Young Justice level, MAYBE a little below The Batman at best.
He Allahu Ackbar'd him self on the demo charge that killed Incubus.
No, he wasn't Romero. Romero is Golden/Silver Age Joker. Leto is Modern Joker.
Slipknot climbs out, Diablo burns himself out, how does Eastwood get out?
Jesus. I'm thinking, wow, number 4 isn't too shabby. But then I see >>86121162 and that dropoff is fucking brutal. It's still not bad for them, but not the turnaround they really needed.
According to my poor math skills. Marvel paid it's investors around 330 million profit. it's probably higher but there is a lot to take into account. The amount invest in the movie was around 430m so there was a guaranteed 75% return on their investment that marvel had to pay back before making any monies themselves.
So investors made back their 430 and got a cool 330 on top of that.

Being left out is taxes and companies paying marvel to push their product but very crappy math puts it around that
Consider this: two of the top three movies are family-friendly animated movies, and Civil War is a family-friendly superhero movie. Suicide Squad was not family friendly by any stretch, and was barred from a lot of international markets.

SS is also at about 5 weeks, compared to Dory's twelve and Civil War's 18
>SS is also at about 5 weeks, compared to Dory's twelve and Civil War's 18
You make the bulk of your movie within the first few weeks. Sure you gain some on the long haul but there is no way in hell they're making up the deficit in another 13 weeks.

Captain America and Skwad are also both PG-13 and is noted for having given a misleading representation that it was more fun and/or lighthearted via trailers.
its a 15 mate
>top 5 of the year
>top 5 of the summer
It's in the top 10 of the year.
Ah, so you're a limey. Got it. Don't worry, nobody is banking on your ability to make smart choices these days.
More poor math for SS.

Of the known 275 million invested in the movie. WB paid back 185 which puts it at 67% return on their investment before WB could start raking in cash. Once again any endorsements and taxes are left out. WB assumingly had a better deal when making the movie then Disney. This is all awful math though at face value and poorly rounded but for sure there is a required amount that the Investors make back and possibly a small % after that mark. It still floats that 77% of the cost to make CW didn't go to Disney and 67% of the cost to make SS didn't go to WB
He fades into the background and sneaks out
>Leto is Modern Joker.
Well, he is great for Death of the family.
im not even the guy you were speaking to,is the film not 15 in yer country.

You trying to shit talk brexit? kek.
Summer is the cash cow with kids out of school and parents paying them to stay out the house
So since we know the Guardians budget was closer to 235mil than the 170mil reported how much of a delusional shill do you have to be to say Guardians is a massive success but Suicide Squad is a gigantic failure?
Keep in mind that Gog had a cast of 100% "literally who?'s while SS had Joker level star power to draw people in.

To compare the two is like comparing a Boster Gold movie to Iron Man 4.

Guardians of the Galaxy opened in 24 more countries than Suicide Squad did as well. It's not just China the Suicide Squad lost

But you also have to keep in mind that GoTG had all that MCU good will and hype behind it.

It's not really about drop off it's the profit to production. If Deadpool was on the list it would shoot past Civil War
it was also a massivly marketed Mcu film
Still doesn't matter too much since gotg couldn't insert batman and the joker for added carry. Stood on its own two feet
this big of a delusional shill
>and mostly trash talk Marvel for the sake of company wars

Or because they genuinely think they're mostly bland. I've only really liked the Captain America movies. I watched Avengers a month ago and it's aged really badly

But it didn't stand on it's own two feet. If it had not had the MCU branding do you really think it would have made as much as it did ?
That's true, and I don't know how many more they have coming. Japan is coming tomorrow, I think, and superhero movies generally run about 10 million there.

Finding Dory was odd because it only made like 30 mil in china while it made over 60 mil in Japan, while Superhero movies pull in almost 100 mil in China and do meager numbers in Japan.
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>Who do you want in the sequel.
The first two Captain Americas, Ant-Man, and Guardians are the only Marvel movies I would say are actually good. The rest I generally can't stand (Iron Mans, Avengers.)
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>tfw only two films have grossed over $1 billion this year (by a small margin)
>tfw the 9th highest grossing film is a chinese movie about a fucking mermaid
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I would love to see Ayer's crew's take on Frost.
How much did the marketing cost? We know SS was only 100 million
>Finding Dory was odd because it only made like 30 mil in china while it made over 60 mil in Japan

Well the Japanese like cutesy crap and always have but we're never big on superheroes because they had their own comics and Super Sentai stuff. The Chinese really don't like cutesy crap and would rather watch gritty murderbots. SS probably would have done well there

Apparently it was only 30mil but that's horseshit
And if SS didn't have the DC branding plus harley quinn who everyone has known since the 90s? Gotg was a entirely new cast from marvel that few normies knew about SS and Harley as the lead carrying everyone else with guest appearances by batman and the joker. It was built around batman's fan base. Gotg was built around its own

>The DC branding

What those 2 other movies everybody hated?

Did you know that in a lot of foreign countries SS has made double what GoTG made?

A strange thing is that SS has made almost as much as Civil War did in Australia
I liked this movie.
>Civil War
>Avengers 3
>Little movie
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>Suicide Squad

i remember friend of me forcing people not to watch Schwarzenegers movie by buying tickets for other films so the movie theater owner droped it in 1 week and went for the movies with most sale my friend manipulated. arny movie floped hard that time in our town.
The first part only feeds that narrative that people in different countries have known about bat man, the joker, and his gf far longer then gotg

Second part feeds into assuies liking ss
Only if costume is inspired by the Assault on Arkham costume
Best cape movie this year
Felt meh.
Seemed disjointed but didn't felt it was a waste of time watching it.
Blockbusters this summer were more than disappointing.
>Suicide Squad
>that marketing budget
>Little movie that could
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>/co/ is royally ass pained about a movie doing well

Serves you fucks right for being so cynical all the time
When critics shit on SS and praised Ghostbusters, they lost me.
Apparently, it's the Donald Trump of superhero movies.
it's less impressive when you consider what the rest of the trade rags are saying about this summer in general

been a terrible year
those appear to be bloomberg's attempts at forcing the "gross minus reported production budget equals profit" fallacy, though to be fair to them they've taken out distribution at around 50% of the gross

because we all know marketing doesn't cost a dime, especially on big movies that can't afford to hook audiences for the sequels in their cinematic universe
how, and at risk of you sounding stupid again, you know WB owns most of its advertising agencies.
King Shark fucking when? They already have mystic bullshit so he would fit in.
>MCUcks got beat by a kid with a fish bowel
Pathetic I say sir! PUH-THETIC!
I have good sources that say that SS needed to make a quintillion to break even just for all the marketing!
Probably never since iirc he got removed for Killer Croc because King Shark would have required being Full CGI while Croc didn't.
Which do you prefer /co/?
Marvel dominating the charts but driving their comics into the dirt? Or DC bombing film after film but having a decent run with Rebirth?
Just number four? What competition did they even have? Fucking Food Fight?
>That huge drop between the fucking Pet movie and Suicide Squad
Oh wow.
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>over 150M in profits without China


You either pay the reshoots or the reviews man, you can't have it all
Well the obvious choice would be good fucking comics. This being /co/ however they'll probably choose the movies.
>Donald Trump of Movies
>Despite being heavily criticized for being sexist, racist, and stupid has unprecedented success

>Hillary Clinton of Movies
>Had to buyoff media to praise it and is only really popular with a tiny minority of people overlooking its glaring flaws because it's the progressive thing to do, ultimately an unloved flop
link plz
>DC makes a fun movie
>Will Smith shooting shit, fire incan demons, Margot Robbie and Cara half naked destroying things, a Spring Breakers Joker and basically a Escape from New York remake
>"holy sheeet so awful o mai god why can't they make movies like Kurosawa about Batman???"

>Marvel makes a fun movie about some heroes not really fighing in an airport
dc has the better books and films so what do you think

DC bombing although none of the DCEU movies has flopped so far and the comics are so superior it's not even funny anymore

Also they tied her campagin to Ghostbusters and that whole "Shatter the highest glass ceiling" line.

Literally is the Hillary Clinton of Movies.

Poorly produced piece trying to run on "It has women in it and if you hate it you are a sexist bigiot."

Oh and they also tagged Trump as the oppositions leader. Could not be more perfect.

What are some good movies with a punk rock aesthetic
well squad for starters but i suggest Hardcore Henry, return of the living dead, phantom of the paradise, mad max and violence jack to begin with
Not an argument also you're denying cold hard facts

> you realise Harley's look is literally iconic now right, same way as Immortan Joe recently left a mark as a memorable cinematic character, if you think this is going to have a flavour of the month effect it wouldn't be selling so much merch and still be making money in cinemas.
I wonder what misinformed garbage DCucks will spew next?
>star wars 7 had more or close to the same,
Wrong on all accounts
Motherfucking Repo Man. If people could rec me more movies like Repo Man I would be eternally grateful.

It's easier to have big drops when you have record breaking opening weekends
The same thing happened with Guardians of the Galaxy. Everybody said it would tank, and then it did pretty decent. Hopefully this will send the message to Warner Brothers that non A-list IP's are financially viable films, but it probably won't because they still felt the need to shoehorn in Batfaggotry.
Yeah just look at BvS
>plasticman movie
Let's hope
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>The same thing happened with Guardians of the Galaxy
One was a critical darling that opened in less theaters and gained more money as it went on to be ranked for weeks. The other was a front-loaded critical flop that's lost more and more money each week? Yeah they're similar. Also nobody thought SS would flop given how they included Joker and Bats in but people did underestimate how many stupid people would go to see it.
you havent given any facts retard, Harley being one of the highest selling costume ever is a fact however, accept it faggot, harley's iconic

>Wrong on all accounts
so you have shit taste in film? No surprise really.
It won't have any real jokes and Plasticman will be a gritty con who escaped from jail and shamelessly skews over everyone around him.

Go on, try to say that is isn't the most likely outcome.
you do know squad did better domestically than Guardians right? and would have done worldwide also if not for china. Squad also kept the number 1 spot longer than guardians did.
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>skews over
It's too early in the morning to be on 4cham.
I can say you're retarded to think that
You would have said the same thing if I told you the plot of MoS or BvS before they came out.
no i wouldn't, you are retarded. Gritty doesn't mean realistic or humourless.
>critical flop

I love how people keep saying this as if it matters.
Make it assault on arkham
Yes you would.

>superman killing anyone
>lex being more like Joker
>jimmy being killed

But you are right, gritty doesn't mean realistic or humorless, but it will be all 3 because Plastic man is a criminal and they need to find a way to make him interesting. Just like no one cares about a kind Superman who can destroy your feels, no one cares about a wacky Plasticman.

So SS did more money on less budget than GotG against the critics, has hold the top spot for three weeks straight and it's making more money than Civil War (an Avengers movie no less) in a few countries.

>critical flop

Yeah because critics are salty shills exactly like you
>So SS did more money on less budget than GotG against the critics, has hold the top spot for three weeks straight and it's making more money than Civil War (an Avengers movie no less) in a few countries.

Goddamn, I didn't realize it was doing that good.
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