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/sug/ Steven Universe General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 816
Thread images: 252

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Lapis is more evil than Jasper edition

Last Thread: >>86022506

>Future Boy Zoltron:
Download: https://mega.nz/#F!aFVwTBxB!GKeouMwlFlHUwTAGix6R-w

>NEXT EPISODE (airs Thursday):
Last One Out of Beach City (September 8th, 2016): "Steven, Pearl and Amethyst attend a rock show."
Onion's Gang (September 15th, 2016): "Steven finds out about Onion's secret friends."

>Episode downloads
720p (plus comics and soundtracks): https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
1080p (fixed): https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
>Weekly airing schedule (click to the right of the logo, times in EST)

(Don't be a clod, mark and hide your spoilers accordingly!)
>2 minute clips and screenshots from CN's server


>SDCC SU Panel
>SDCC Zuke's SU Zine
>Show Soundtrack
>Attack the Light (mobile game) Soundtrack
>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
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Taking requests that you want drawn
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greg seeing his young self in a hose puddle reflection
Pearl busting a rap
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We're back, baby!
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Lappy makes me happy
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Reminder that Rebecca Sugar STOLE MY FUCKING FROG
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Leaks are 2 min long, this is a preview
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Here comes a thought...
We already had a Poel edition
Besides the last general is on page ten. Do we have to wait for 404 now?
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It's not that hard to wait until Page 10 you god damn idiots
A gem dressed as a Nintendo character of your choice
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Pearl is almost best mom!
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which fucking thread do I post in now
why does this polak have 3 arms?
Steven finally being put out of his misery
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bump it up before it goes to the 2nd page, THIS THREAD IS GOING DOWN
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That's a nice shot of the temple.
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Honestly there aren't enough charlynes.
2 threads? Time to move to /trash/
Post best ship
So who will be Peridot's first fusion?
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>that jump scare at the end
That's spooky... >>86026400
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It's a salute, I imagine them having a scene where thousands of soldiers all doe the salute to Yellow Diamond. Like these guys used to do for their "diamond"
Anyone who thinks it isn't going to be Lapis, regardless if you're a lapidotfag or not, is deluding themselves.
>thinking it'll be anyone other than Steven
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Lapis in this pose and expression
post overrated fanartists
I know it's unoriginal, but I always get a kick out of sudden ear rape. Never fails to get a chuckle, it's my favorite part of kozabanana's nightcore videos.
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my man

The show does like foreshadowing and I tell you CPH will do its job very soon
Egg egg egg
Frog frog frog
please no

although metal powers using a metalwhip as a conduit would be fucking cool
Steven and Peridot is objectively the best. They grew close and dependant on each other naturally over the course of many episodes.

Not forced and unbelievable like that boring muslim chick
>t. Discount
There should always be a new thread once there is ~600 posts desu.
Give me a narrative reason for it to be Lapis. Not shit like "they're friends", tell me why it would be good for the story and better than all other options.
>type CPH Peridot into google
>get this image

Sometimes I just love the fruit of autism
miscarriage miscarriage miscarriage
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>that little smile at the end
I love pearl so much
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Desu I hope it's with Pearl cause imagine dat big science lady.
Wasn't the whole retarded Zuke drama caused by her saying that the CPH foreshadowing was a joke?

Peridot asking COnnie if her mother's vibrator is a weapon
The whole "They hate each other and are opposites but ohhhh now they gotta learn to work together. Find common ground and become one."

Oldest arc in the book, lifted right from Vegeta and Gokus fusion, done before with Amythyst and Pearl.
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The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Yeah, because DBZ did it first for sure.
I hate these stupid abbreviations only those "in the know" get. Child Porn Harem? Is that what it means you sick fuck?
It's good for the story because it's a cliché? Not really selling your point here. And what's more, Lapis and Peridot don't hate each other anymore. Nor would the fusion be a satisfying culmination of lengthy development from enemies to friends because said development happened off-screen.
>t. person who can't accept when others' have different opinions
I just am not a fan of how Discount draws. Is that so hard to imagine?
Is this going to become the new Zutara?
what if Rebecca went to /co/ but not /sug/
peridot becoming friends with lion and doing something funny and adorable
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The unavoidable to fuse when you're around Jasper
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Poel thread was deleted, thank gourd.
Good news, sug, I found the frog! Now that kidnapper can return Becky's unborn child!
No because nothing with Peridot will be canon.
what episode is this from
in this case you just have to watch the show to be in the know, it's camp pining hearts
Just got a drawing tablet, trying to git gud. Requests?
>Slice of life
the green leaf
Make a Peripearl fusion.
Fuck off lorefags, this looks like alot of fun.
Pearl kissing a frog
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I like the idea! On it
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Remember that lapisfags should be higher up
I mean no offense to you but I don't understand this sentence.
Gotta admit that does look a bit like Peridot and the yellow diamond on the hat can't be coincidental
the pizza twins burning down the frymans business
reminder that lorefags/jailbreakfags are pure fucking cancer and they are killing /sug/
they feel entitled to get some lore shit every episode and if they don't get it then they throw a tantrum
what if peridot drew a cute picture of a frog but lapis told everyone she drew it
Peri has been supporting Lapis emotionally the way Steven had been with Amethyst before they finally fused into Smoky.
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found me a new meme.
Short answer, Lapis needs to get over her shit and Peri wants to help her in order to explore her newfound compassion.
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/sug/ please tell me im not the only one that loves going to gem shows and rock shops

>tfw its probably going to be a concert instead of an actual rock and gem show
Why was Mr. Frowney's theme so eerie?
It sounded just like the beginning of the gem mutant theme.
Oh boy, this sure hasn't been posted in the thread 5,000 times.
>tfw its probably going to be a concert instead of an actual rock and gem show

Obviously. Actual earth gems don't exist in this universe.
I always have a chuckle at how low Perifags are on that, shows the amount of newfags.
peridot and lapis are both shitty characters so lapidot fusion would equal the worst character
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>implying all they're going to do is just a puzzle
Are you dumb. Of course it's going to be a concert.
what if you opened your front door and you saw this small Peridot curled up in a ball on your doorstep
Stop trying to ruin Pearl's cutesy mom moment with her lover's son.

Play an impromptu game of kickball or stomp her like a flaming bag of dog poop.
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I just wanted to dream :(

she would have to eat ALL the eggs
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You ready to play, /sug/?
>/freaks/ that high up
Shows how many of them have left by this point.
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could I get a drawing of Lapis being happy?

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Not that far, but I have gained a little interest in mineralogy/geology.

It made me bother to look up my birthstone and it turned out to be my favorite color already.
Why Peridot for Lapis instead of Steven? He can fuse with Gems now and it's very likely that we'll end up seeing him fuse with everyone eventually; and it would be easier for the show to tackle Lapis' issues if it was him, since we're stuck to his perspective.

There was actually a jewelry store in one episode, I don't remember which.
/freaks/ can be pretty damn obnoxious, but it's only been recently that they've turned pure cancer. Lapisfags, Lorefags, and Shipperfags have been complete cancer and regualrly ruin threads for a good while now.
We're still here.
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Leaked picture of a Mr. Smiley and Mr. Frowney flashback episode
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>poil thread deleted
The mods can be gods when they want to be
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Instead of a drawing of Lapis being happy, how about a recreation of this image with Lapis in that guy's place.
It'd be good if we could, but we can't. Page 10.
God I fucking loved that show
Did you ask for it to be good for the story? No, but thats WHY itll be in the show.
newfriend here, what are /freaks/ and why are they bad?
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To prove yourself worthy of the diamonds, you must fuck one of the Rubies. They all have the same tit sizes as this pic.

Who do you choose?

Navy for me
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I dont want to look up child porn thanks.
Do Conniefags even exist?
Navy. For both outfit and personality
rec me an underrated episode to rewatch /sug/
you should its amazing

i have like a box of of minerals that Ive gotten either from shops or actually finding (because I look for them whenever Im actually outdoors)
>Did you ask for it to be good for the story?
Yes, actually.
Swaddle her in a comfy blanket and feed her some lucky charms
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ew. I guess I'd pick Doc but I prefer regular rubies.
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Everything you don't want to exist, exists
were you made yesterday?
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that's not cool, Jasper is a qt :(
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There was a lot of Jasper spam near the end of SoS, and people don't understand why people could like a villain such as her.
Coach Steven
/freaks/ wouldn't be so high up if they didn't image spam slow threads, or repost the same pictures constantly.
Dingo and Misseps are no longer based until they supply us with leaks
You mean a CN sneak peek.


We haven't had any leaks yet.
>that one episode that everyone hates but you love
What's her name?
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don't worry about the freaks, anon. The don't bite hard
Ghana has anti homo laws
his show is gay rocks in space
The leaks should be coming in around a half hour or so if they're posted tonight.
Anon is a pearlfag or perifag because he didn't point out the most glaring ones.
Future Boy Zoltron, House Guest
Its clearly where Sugar's getting all this shit.
Joking Victim. One of the funniest episodes imo.
A lot of people loved this. Personally its my favorite recent filler episode
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I'm sad and lonely, /sug/

please be my friends

I'd invite you to my labor day bbq

I'd grill you up some sausages
say uncle
Cringiest post I've seen all day, thanks Anon
That episode was great
Both cute
Not a big fan
Does Maximum Capacity count?
I didn't hate House Guest, but it's not like I loved it either.
I thought Sadie's Song wasn't that bad.

Plus the song was catchy
Sadie's Dong
>People who post the same thing every thread this low
>steven hanging out with those literally who crystal gem (sp?) characters

We haven't had one of these quirky novelty episodes in ages
I want Steven to just visit the barn one episode and find a Peri/Lapis fusion chilling out reading CPH manga adaptations. It would be completely casual, just a "Oh. Hey Steven."
I wonder if we're going to get more Preg in the future, or if Mr. Greg was just a one-time thing

Sorry, anon. Everyone in this thread already agreed to go to my barbecue tomorrow.
Literally the funniest episode of the show and I say that as an unabashed lorefag.
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Drae lapis
where did it go wrong anon? is your life going anywhere?
a pretty girl with broken wings is all that I desire.
Horror Club, Future Boy Zoltron and also your pic
>No "People who come into the thread just to post anout their crippling depression" option

Quit your job. Tell them you need to draw giant tits and donut lips.
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one is more than enough desu senpai
People hated this ep?
I thought everyone was assuming they were going to, but ended up liking it when they actually watched it.
Long hair poil will cheer you up maybe?
Peridot/Pearl fusion when?

I don't ship them or anything, I just really want to know what happens when your gem is in the same place.
Am I the only one who really loves this video? Good fan-made trailers are so amazing

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Thanks for all the drawings my man
hating Say Uncle is a meme
why consult a therapist when you can whine to a cartoon discussion forum?
>Does Maximum Capacity count?
Who the fuck hates Maximum Capacity? I know a lot of people hate Amethyst for it but the episode itself was absolutely great.
Where is the "annoying faggots who come to the thread to post about how sad they are and beg for attention" option
We're all guilty of at least one of these
Secret Team
Lapidot is shit but lapidot shippers put up some nice fanart
Everyone with a brain likes say uncle.

Amethyst is going to get murdercocked.
>no "people that post le ebin /sug/ screenshotz xdddd to plebbit" option
Try again
I'll go to your barbecue. Life sucks for me too.

we can be friends. :)
If I didn't hate awkward social situations so much, I would.
Onion Trade
It was funny
This isn't Reddit.
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>successful property manager
>constructing a new house to live in, with additional units to rent
>don't really have to worry about money
>gearing up to start up graduate school
>no car debt, credit card debt, or school loans

but I am alone

and I'll die alone

everybody dies alone
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>no /bootsofyellow/ poster
>I am disapoint
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Circle is a shape too
All the things we need is kill Steven and end this fucking wars.
Earth belongs to the diamond
That's job done.
>rose's scabbard

good pic
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>Smoky Quartz

>Rainbow Quartz (inevitable)

>Steven/Garnet (inevitable)
Shield-gauntlet? Super-charged frisbee flinger? Extra large fanned out hulk hands? Those things were you have two rounded halves and clap them together?

-Idea dump for gems be they fusions or single gems-
laser gun, harpoon gun, wand, sling, cannon, boomerang, grenade/bomb, throwing stars

goggles, diving helmet, jaws/mouth guard/teeth, mask, crown/tiara

jetpack, wrench, taser, musical instrument, cooking utensils, artistic tools: pen/pencil/paintbrush, wheels, pauldrons, pitchfork

pickaxe, knife, mace, brass knuckles, nunchucks, rapier (thin blade, hand guard), spade/shovel, trident, club

Just like Jasper herself, her weapon does not combine or work well with others - and there's the chance she'll never be able to fuse again thanks to corruption. Different helmet styles as a fused weapon is a redundant idea in several ways.

Alexandrite is a special case. In addition to being the first 4-gem fusion we've seen, she's still a mish-mash of her components personalities as opposed to a fully realized being like Sugilite/Opal/Sardonyx (Malachite is also an exception as the fusion was unstable)

Powers can combine with powers but not weapons: Ruby's fire and Sapphire's ice make Garnet electric. Any ideas about what Lapis' and Peridot's powers combine into?
Fucking KEK

im only a /freak/ because of the memes
i actually find the idea of "waifuing" a gem or any cartoon character really fucking disturbing, creepy and retarded
It's obvious RQ's is a spinning top.
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and remember, /sug/

we love you
here, here's a good set that actually predates smokey quartz


nah dude. Parasol
>/freaks/ finally getting shat on
Oh shit haha guys im not one of those creeps haha

What the fuck Reddit
The Test

Makes you appreciate the main characters despite their flaws.
I think a Lapis/Peridot fusion would have full telekinesis rather than just ferro/hydrokinesis
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But anon, that's half the threads on /co/

Not that bloggers shouldn't fuck off permanently. I hope you all kill yourselves.
Trust me, i will when i get my first chance.
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People that are broken are much harder to put back together than you think, and they're a burden for any and all involved
I wish I had three gay space rocks that loved me that much.
I think there was some post somewhere about Lapis and Peridot's powers combine would make mercury or ferrofluid or something like that. A liquid metal. Which sounds pretty bitchin', imo
No option for that fucking fang poster
that's pretty based, you already have more to be happy about than the majority of us

grad school is exciting, for master's or ph.d and in what field? maybe you'll meet a qt there, or you can reconnect with family if that's what you're sad about
that's fucking sick.
How new, exactly?
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don't /freak/ out
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I know.

I learned the hard way. :)
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Who are you quoting?
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I'm glad there's still reasonable people that just want to blend in and enjoy their facade
fucking remove tumblr from the internet.
except you, porn.
you can stay.
/freak/ out*
I'm quoting (You).
I hope Zone makes another out of context video from this
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How mad will they be when he eventually ends up with Pearl?
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I've dreamed a dream and now that dream is gone from me
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is it wrong or is it right
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freaks never give up
Quote this milf
>why the hell not

well fuck me i guess it's settled now
Why do you hurt me like this, anon?
>252 images
what the fuck
pls anon these names are hurtful. she had a hard life
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I want the yaois too but these people are fucking retarded. Greg being gay would make zero sense.

Even Greg and Pearl ending up together somehow makes more sense than Greg dating a guy.
Nah, I've got a better idea.
So thinking about Lapis's fusion weapons

>Malachite = ice (canon)
>Lapis+Peridot = ferrofluid or mercury (Cinnabar)
>Lapis+Steven = healing spit
>Lapis+Pearl = clouds? (pearl can control mist)
>Lapis+Garnet = electrically charged water
>Lapis+Amethyst = ???

What thread are you in?
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fat crying baby.jpg
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>greg seeing his young self in a hose puddle reflection
fuck, I was reading the post number
Go drunk, you're home
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>I want the yaois too

god why

we already have fats and lesbians and tranny powers

I don't know how much fruity shit I can take before the good writing can't even save it

We AJJ here, babe?
Do these people think the crewneverse are obligated to give them characters they can be represented by?
sour creams VA needs more work
>it's 262 now
we must stop this madness

you mistook post count for animage count
finally, a watermark

thanks for the juicy Blue Diamond lips and titties
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I can dig it
have we been drinking tonight

me too
Scratch Lapis+Pearl being clouds. How would light and water combine?
>good writing
Yes, I am.
Locate empty Doritos bag.
Place Perrismol inside
Attach helium balloons to bag
Send this Dorito child back to dorito gods in the sky.
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u dead connie.png
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Would Jasper appreciate Connie's determination?
yea boi
Saph looks like she has both
How big is it?
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My African American compatriot.
Yes. that's half the crying from tumblr.

>I-I don't have a person I can self-insert as in a story I didn't create.
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you heard me, bitch
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pure, unfiltered autism ladies and gents
>Do these people think the crewneverse are obligated to give them characters they can be represented by

Yes, they do and it's horrible.
>Malachite = ice (canon)
Lapis already had ice in Ocean Gem. Malachite does not have her own weapon because she is unstable.

>Lapis+Peridot = ferrofluid or mercury

>Lapis+Steven = healing spit
Why would you lost something Steven already has?

>Lapis+Pearl = clouds? (pearl can control mist)
How can clouds be weaponized?

>Lapis+Garnet = electrically charged water

>Lapis+Amethyst = ???
No idea
I severely want Peridot's weapon to be grenades.
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I desire more yaoi fanart from a predominately yuri-bait show
whaaat, I didn't know homuran star did lewds
Have you even seen their blog
A little too lewd but I approve

I fucking called it. I told you assholes that smiley wouldn't be enough because he wasn't important enough. I told you their bloodlust could never be sated. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Tumblr.
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Post rocks
I'm pretty sure you'd break your foot doing that.

If she can take having a gem injector fall on her, I'm pretty sure she's solid enough to take some little man made of meat and collagen sticks kicking her.
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>wah! stop posting things I don't like!
He reminds me of don ramon on that drawing for some reason
That's cute af

Nice. I try to see them once a year when they come to the Midwest. Let's write a folk punk song about Lapis.
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don't look like a lewd blog

gimme their lewd blog/tag

actually I found a lewd lapis/greg fanart by them that I have from a while ago.
You're Welcome!
Thank you!
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This needs to happen.
So are they ever going to cure the fusion monsters? With the corrupted Gems it's one thing, since Steven is already halfway there which we saw with Centipeetle, but how the fuck are they going to fix the shattered, forced fused abominations? And what the fuck are they going to do with the Cluster once they use it to fuck up Homeworld? Let it float in space forever?
maybe she's not solid, but squishy and bouncy as fuck instead, and that allows her to survive beatings

I don't know, man. I can kick really hard. I once kicked something and a guy I don't even know said "Wow, you must be retarded."
>It's a "Giygas Is A Townie" episode
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why is this funny
>lapis/greg fanart
What's her name, /co/?
Is there a stroke smoother in Krita
Nice Quads.
You are now imagining yourself hot dogging a squishy, bouncy Peridot
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Somehow forgot the image
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>YD angry that the Ruby's have not returned with Jasper
>sends elite homeworld Quartz to retrieve Jasper
>Elites find the temple
>sneak into the bubble room unnoticed
>grab bubbled Jasper and start to leave
>Garnet sees them excaping the temple
>CG chase after the soldiers
>HW gems get way on their ship
>quartz soldiers set a course for HW
>one umbubbles Jasper
>corrupted Jasper immediately starts to force fuse with the crew
>spreading corruption in the process
>while fused Jaspers strong will persuades crew to like fusion
>corruption makes fusing for long periods of time impossible
>too unstable
>ship auto pilots to HW
>Jasper leads pack of corrupted fusion hungry monsters
>Pack starts force fusing with all gems in site
>warp pads cause corruption to spread faster
>all but the diamonds and small groups of their courts are corrupted
>Diamonds fly to Earth to get help

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>I desire more yaoi fanart

Sucks that all the fangirls ship and only draw KevinxJamie. They haven't even talked, seen one another, or been in the same episode.
I'm going to see them in October hopefully.

and it might make for a kick ass song.

probably has something to do with a song

I doubt we'll fix the corrupted gems until after we see the Diamond's corruption song/method.

Which confuses me becauses the CG promotional art have seemed to imply that Jasper was part of the main cast, or at least would be eventually.
I believe it's this one
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Spat my chocolate milk you absolute genius[/spoiler
Perlfags SHUT DOWN
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Greg Lapis.png
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posted the lewd fanart once and got banned

Didn't even have genitals showing, but nooope.
Could someone give me the mega for Mindful Education, please? I was vacationing in St Thomas. Saw enough sealife to make Lapis cry.
nah, cool kids get some love.

So does Ronaldo/Lars, though that's probably gone down now that we've seen Jane.
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>extra long side burn things
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for twelve posts.png
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genuinely kek'd at that, anon
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Underrated post
Doubt it, the Corrupted Gems are corrupted in their minds. The shattered fusions are physically put together and forced to fuse. I don't think a song is going to magically fix them
I'll do another request but I REALLY wanna know if there's a way to do smoother strokes in Krita
I like Cucksper
>3 day ban

I guess it's alright since you'll be back thursday.

I just get worried they might permaban me, then I'd have to reset my ip address.
Enjoy your ban
Japanese Sea Angels are best forehead gems.
Lars is literally the shittiest of tiers.

>Shit personality
what's /sug/'s thoughts on Paul Villeco?

I wanna marry Amethyst
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> gauges
That's Lars' best trait
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Someone save my waifu from her unjust self inflicted punishments!
One man's trash is another man's husbando.
>sets up cozy tv spot
>makes popcorn and brings you a quilt
>probably doesn't mind a little fuck now and then
Peri would be the comfiest and best roommate
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forced fusion.png
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What do you suggest then? I'm just going off of how I predict the show resolve things. Steven suggested the Diamonds used a song that either activated a machine/something or perhaps the song itself was powerful enough to corrupt the gems.

Steven's attitude and the themes of the show will probably have Steven doing something involving a song and a lot of talking/healing to counteract the corruption.

As for the cluster/monsters... I dunno. Maybe something to do with fusion and they'll actually form into a giant giant being.
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This one's my favorite fan version
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total qt
too bad she can't shapeshift
Too bad this never happened in the show and Rose continued to encourage Pearls behavior.
…I’m so sad… …..Steven
Can someone remove the pant wrinkles?
I wanna marry Lapis.
Why does everyone misspell fluorite?
No anon, I agree with you about the corrupted Gems, it's definitely got something to do with a song of some sort.

But the forced fusions are fucked, how are they getting fixed? It's been (loosely) established that once a Gem is shattered it's gone forever. So now if they separate the forced fusions, all they're going to have is limbs flopping around.
Shit I meant to post
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>i've been thinking
>That's exciting!
Spot-on rose right there.
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Except some people die surrounded by family and friends.
> The angrier she got, the more she looked like Jasper
So how many crystal gems were there? It's amazing Pearl managed to be one of the survivors
Back from watching another batch of episodes, /sug/, and the anons who said this was a lot of good ones weren't wrong. I was disappointed to see that Lapis didn't fuse with Steven, which I thought was going to happen, and I was surprised that Jasper didn't get to stick around for longer.

>http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ZBsCmTsFZa, I apologize for tripping over my words like a fucking moron

Malachite was really neat to see, and I want to see her impact the ocean now that she's in it. And I'm hoping Peridot regains some of that 'menacing alien' vibe she had back when she was first introduced.
They look drunk.
Jesus stop posting porn you faggots
This is what got loud house banned
She's a riptide queen and she's SUPER MEAN!
someone could probably compare the cluster's size to the average gem's size and bullshit something up
...Why? what's wrong with the wrinkles
Pearl was one of the survivors because she was with Rose from the beginning. They were probably fucking while Garnet watched when the Diamonds corrupted everyone else

>Jenny gets to choose a romantic partner between two of her friends and Lars.
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actually important strawpoll
>And I'm hoping Peridot regains some of that 'menacing alien' vibe she had back when she was first introduced
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Pearl is so fucking cute
I want it to be sticky bombs. Would be a bit more in character for her.
eh. Loud House was probably worse because underage characters

At least in SU the lewds depict adult women of sorts
Oh no, it's cute!
You gotta get out of here before you get spoiled, you're a precious french toast stick of unmarred opinions.
I didn't play Borderlands.
Must've been alot by the end of the war, with the corrupted gems (which I assume the majority would be CG's and HW stragglers who got left behind when it hit) and the Cluster. Like in real war, it was pretty much a total crapshoot on whether you lived or died, and Pearl and Garnet happened to get lucky.
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Episode 5
Out of all the gems, Ruby and Cockroach are the only ones with weapons specifically designed to shatter gems. It's always the cute ones.
I intend to leave the world the way I came in: naked, screaming, and covered in someone else's blood
Not gonna lie, I laughed vocally as well. It's almost sad.
I had the same problem and moved over to Paint Tool SAI, which has a fantastic stabilizer but not as many features. I'd like to know this too, 'cause Krita looks sweet.
WHOA, hold the phone.

Now give the phone to me.

Lapis was not mean. She was just trying to get home.
> another man's husbando.

So youre into abusive relationships? I feel sorry for you
Fuck off Steven, she was (and still is) pretty damn mean.
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The leaks spicy
pour broken glass and nails into a cement mixer, climb inside and turn it on. Stay inside until you're dead
As in people slip into death by themselves. Dying is a solitary act that pulls you away from everyone. Basic shit.
I know right, it's adorable. The fact that Rose is kind of naive and charmingly dumb always gets me.
You don't understand. I can help him.
loved the callback for this in mindful education. this and the bob thing are the kind of nods that make this show so cute.
Say Uncle

It is the lowest rated episode on imdb, so yes.
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Today we play with our fingers, Steven, so we can reach into the secret places Rose made for you. Those wet love holes on your body, Steven. Today I woody woodpecker them. Rose loved that game and I knew you'd love it too, Rose, because you're Rose and Rose was everything right in the world so hurry up and take your clothes off, Rose, so we could go back to the wet hole game you've been waiting to play. You love it, remember, Rose? Especially when I DRILLED my nose into your ass, Rose! Remember that day! You wouldn't dare leave after all I did for you. You wouldn't use somebody like that and toss them aside for some burnt up ape you found on a primitive world. WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING OFF YOUR CLOTHES!"
I like Zuke's Pearl, she draws her a touch less stick-like.
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I seem to be the only one who hates it unironically
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groose has a bad day.gif
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good christ he looks like he was dipped in acid as a child. even sucrose deserves better than that, good fucking christ
I hope a new threat shows up soon. There really isn't anyone we've seen left barring BD (who showed up for 2 minutes in a flashback) who feels genuinely threatening. Even Jasper felt laughable in almost all her episodes this season.
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I hate this
If we do that they'll just come here. Rememner what happened the last time /pol/ got deleted
I also hope so.

Damn this show is slogging
I intend to leave the world the way I came in: upside-down,, cord around my neck, and my mum screaming for painkillers.
Online rating systems are god awful

I'm assuming people who hated UG THAT much took the effort to give it zero ratings
Near Boston?
>talking shit about scribble in /sug/
I found it out. Apparently it's in the Tool Options under free brush.
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Don't worry, you'll see a bit more of Malachite eventually
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Why is Stanky Fartz best fusion?
why do you hate Greg's spine so much anon?
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>Being fucking gay
Ian is a top qt
missed opportunity not having Hannibal burres as the VA
>Tfw the show might just slow down with some relaxing episodes before going all out for the last bit of the season.

That's about it.
My sense of foreboding is mounting. But at least there's Yellow Diamond to main the sense of foreboding.

No worries, I just assume /co/'s opinions are all wrong.
ur opinion is wrong
The people who whine about lorefags are more annoying than the actual ones
Bad storyboarder.
Is this a Zuke episode?
you have shit taste in men anon
Why was Pearl such a bitch in Warp Tour?
he wants it to look like lars is doing the rabbit
sick fuck
That's probably the way to go, we can't be trusted.
Don't get too attached to Becky's fetus
Hmm, I will look into this!
They really need to stop defending the lack luster part of the show.
I mean both genres have it's fuck ups.
But when you fuck up with the lore it's not that major.
But when you fuck up with the SoL it kinda just wastes an episode.
Yeah. Spiky Amy hair and fluffy Pearl hair are usually giveaway signs.
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>"Why is Pearl always such a bitch?"

ftfy anon
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why did the post with the later time get the lower ID
From what I know Zuke revealed in a stream that the CPH scene was made to make fun of how much shippers overanalyze, which was no suprise. Then the amedot shippers got offended so that's how the drama started.
Shit I forget to include the "I don't play borderlands because I hate fun" option.
Where is that pic from? I haven't seen the video in a while and want to cringe.
Notmallu I dont like fatties, but ian is like a giant baby
This is the only truth.
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/sug/ magic, the same kind of witchcraft that lets us get 252 images sometimes
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suitcase sam.png
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>being a faggot
Not even that anon but Borderlands is not everyone's cup of tea and the pre sequel is the worst of all three games.
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I like to imagine garnet and steven's weapon will be like a circular saw but seeing how smoky quartz's weapon was a yoyo I feel it's more likely to follow a toy theme. Anyway here's my shitty MS Paint drawing I just did of what i mean.
Is that Connie with a gemstone?
Come to think of it, I'd be okay with Connie being turned into a Gem hybrid by some villain, sort of like Anti-Spiral Nia, then regaining her free will and not dying, as long as it had a mini-arc to be built up and suitably suspenseful.
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I watched that get drawn, I think it's a momswap where the dads are swapped too. That's Doug x YD version of Connie.
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She thinks she's right but is usually wrong, she couldn't accept a child was smarter though this time
Lapidotfags got triggered because they thought the scene was foreshadowing them with the teardrop scarf and yellow diamond hat
Say Uncle. It's probably just my sense of humour, but I think it's hilarious.
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Pearl+Steven's weapon should be pic related.
None. She gets shattered halfway though the next season from a meteorite.
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cringing is not a good reaction, anon.

Insight: Fat Fighters
This terrible art just gave my the best idea for a Steven Garnet fusion weapon
You know it's going to be pic related.
We already have the Stake Driver, Rifle Spear, and Threaded Cane too
That what you'd assume
But it was that huge amedot artist that made that salty post
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alright, what the fuck is this?
Well cringe/uncontrollable rage
Thanks friend.
Deep denial.

Did you even see her reaction to the possibilty that there was something out there?
>I don't want to do this again
looks like high-quality grasper content
better then pearl/greg
She gets a yellow diamond instead of... a right breast? Little awkward.
>Greg gets cancer from how terribly written and forced jasperdemption was and Jasper is reduced to a fucking pussy and cries at him telling him how sorry she is
I thought leaks would be out by now... ;_;
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Peridot is an adorable peanut!
I'm 99% sure it's the middle of her chest, just the angle
It's Grasper fanart, as noted by the filename. It's a situation that is bound to happen in any gem/human relationship, the human partner eventually dying of old age.
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>how terribly written and forced jasperdemption was
I still have faith.
Did we get any leaks last time until day of?
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>People are still salty about Jasper getting her own redemption
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Wow, Thanks.png
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Leaks have been coming out on Tuesday iirc.
last week's leaks came out on sunday I think?
Deepest keikaku
Future Boy Zoltron's leaks came out on Sunday.
So did Mindful Education
Leaks are the cancer that is killing /sug/
no mindful education leaks were on wednesday
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All it did was just give us the episode earlier and essentially the live discussion as well.
>Lapidot: Mercury/Ferrofluid manipulation
>Lapiven: Wings are made of healing spit, and can be caused to rain down upon a large area, healing people and repairing damaged places
>Lapigarnet: Scrying
>Lapearl: Weather manipulation
>Lapithyst: Amethyst doesn't have any power to combine

Anything I'm missing?
>implying it will ever happen
>implying if it did it wouldn't be terribly forced and horribly written
I love my overlord Sucrose and believe in Steven but Jasperdemption is literally unwrittable. All the cringey faggots who even attempted a blueprint of it have all accepted how terrible it sounds on paper. There is no believable in verse reason for jasper to side with the gems unless they pull some crap like the diamonds shattered PD or some such bullshit.
That's good. I'm always excited to see which fusions are going to be coming up. I just watched the episode where Sardonyx gets shown for the first time.

It's 4chan. You never trust 4chan.
Really? Leaks are what's killing /sug/? Not the faggot that posts "We're back baby" or the one that posts "happy lappy"? Or the one that posts "Lion around"? Or the shipping shitposters? Get a grip anon
Lapiven being a healer is a cool idea.

Also, hasn't Amethyst set her whip on fire in some points?
Any of it being canon.
Personally, I think it's the "_____ is killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/
>SU leaks during bomb or nuke
>SU leaks during normal scheduling
Would this be agreeable?
I love it
Those first three things are most certainly not. They have no effect on the discussion, it's just posts everybody scrolls past
Which one of the mods deleted that SU/King of the Hill thread? That was one of the best threads I've ever seen.
Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "_____ is killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/
No. All leaks are garbage and along with lorefags and waifu/shipperfags have turned the threads even worse than they used to be.
>implying lapis will fuse
how can the creators make a fusion with a personality that's a mix of lapis and another gem when lapis has no personality?
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Pearl at a rock concert is better than any townie focused episode
Fun ideas.

I notice these aren't really fit for battle. And that's ok and even better
alright faggot, you just crossed a line. get ready to be raided
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>Townie focused episode
>Ever and better then something with the gems

Gems do SoL better.
>not waifufags (to be fair this part is almost exclusively lapisfags/freaks) dumping their folder for no reason with little or no context
>not lorefags calling every episode that isn't Jailbreak-tier filler
>not shipperfags competing with everyone to be even more obnoxious
Whatever you say anon
Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "_____ is killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/
Found the "happy lappy" poster
>implying lapis won't fuse
With powers and looks like hers that would be one of the most disappointing things to happen to this show
Where are the leaks
I honestly think the other gem's personality would always take over except for the fusions being grumpy, which is the only Lapis trait.

However, all of her fusions will have more of her design-wise.
>pearl can control the clouds
Is this meme ever going to end?
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No, that would be me
I want pantsless lars
Personally, I prefer the air
>falco Pearl when
Nah, it's going to be a performance by Dido
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When the memes are too dank.gif
3MB, 345x260px
To be fair there's 3 lapisfags who do their "thing" every thread. Why they do it I have no clue, it's genuinely creepy.
Her character is for healing trauma stories and morals

Lapis will (and needs to) learn self-love
>death grips
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>he hates cricketanon
I never thought I'd see it. /sug/ officially sucks now.
Wait, for real?
Lapis doesn't deserve shit, she's done nothing to earn it.
drink bleach at any time anon. if you're going to post the same fucking thing every thread just go full faggot mode and make a trip for yourself
Pearl is boring garbage. Amethyst is the interesting one in this scenario. I want to see if she has townie friends and hangs out with them regularly.
Restaurant wars was better than hit the diamond. Prove me wrong.
yeah, supposedly it's called whiplash, but how would that mix

weather maniupulation can be used in battle, I mean there's a reason Storm is a major member of the X-men. Lapigarnet could also use water and eletricity together but they wouldn't combine, unless you come up with electrolysis which doesn't sound like a combat power

she did it in Sworn To The Sword
Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "_____ is killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/
>not die antwoord
Source: I work at Sugar and my dad is Nintendo
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>Been shipping Steven and peridot before redemption
>over 400 pics now and still going
no ragrets
hi /sug/
Long time no see
Anyway, Welcome to Drawfag's, what can I get for you tonight?
oy vey anon
They're all autistic, anon. They weren't happy just shitting up tumblr so they shit up /co/ too
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I'm Transparent.png
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>Restaurant wars > Hit The diamond
Holy shit, that is some majorly bad taste.
She's a person
wow if I took the time to find a bird pic we'd be neighbors maybe
This x10000000
Can't wait for leaks
Amethyst saying "Come here Sis" bubbling jasper then throwing her back down the crevice
Bismuth please?
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You seem upset
No way in hell this is gonna happen but uh
ronaldo putting lars in a headlock like the sam hyde the weak should fear the strong pic
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I hope Ian and Sugar didn't let the cancerous memes/rumors affect them and they're enjoying their weekend. Sugar was posting about her children's book earlier today so that's probably a good sign right?
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not quite fat enough desu
I remember when this stuff was popular on /co/. i suppose this was made before Giant Woman
Why do people hate Lapis and Peridot interacting? Why do people hate the idea of Jasper coming back? Why do people hate the idea of ANYTHING actually happening in the show that might threaten their headcanons?
Guys, it's obviously the greatest musician of all time
>now go down there sis
>he likes the same fucking shitpost every thread
Anon they literally just come to the thread to post their retarded fucking shit. Nobody fucking likes the posts, it's not providing anything other than to annoy everyone else.
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>jojo fag thinks his opinions matter
>Sugar was posting about her children's book earlier today
too bad she no longer has a child to read it to
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>Happy Lappy shit poster likes the worst fucking gem as well

Why am I not surprised?
Nigga you even watch Mr. greg?
Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "Personally, I think it's the "_____ is killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/" posters that are killing /sug/
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>Using a reaction image makes them that show of reference'sfag

Still doesn't defend your shit taste.
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what's this.png
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not funny.
Wow, anon, I haven't already heard that one a dozen times today alone.

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>not preferring the best townie episode over a sub par gem episode
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>now go down on me, sis
>he uses reaction images
But he doesn't like Jasper
Did I miss the birth of a new meh-meh?
Yes. Leaks spread /sug/s attention out over a week instead of focusing it on the day there's a new episode, less people would stick around in these threads if it weren't for them.
All that other shit is just window dressing. I see you're new to generals feel free to fuck off any time
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Sugar is that you
Bismuth in what context? You gotta be a bit more specific
still using greentext
>Two grown ass men over working their children into forming a plan to make them feel threatened in their buisnesses.
>Better then Gem SoL

Literal shit taste mang.

soooo who was the guy that knocked her up?
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Zuke's final tweet...
working up a sweat.
I'm not 100% sure but it could have been her boyfriend Ian, who she has been dating for 8 years. Just a hunch though
Still giving people (you)s
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rip in piss ;_;7
>Diamonds are forever, forever
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>uggo retardo
every time
>new to generals
>implying i haven't been here longer than 90% of the anons on this board

you keep watching the episodes on the day they air, i'm going to continue watching them the day they leak, k?
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Everybody needs to leave Sugar and Ian alone and let them have a good day, I hope they have a comfy bbq tomorrow or something.
You have to realize

Lapidot will never happen

Because Zuke ruined it

She ruined it by attentionwhoring with it
still using le current year maymay
People hate Zuke for a reason
>Still not being a drawfag

I guess that'll work then
See you next thread
So the reason why people think leaks are killing /sug/ is because it brings in normies? Wow. That's pretty typical 4chan right there.
>Still breathing

is this bait
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>Dan "insert witty nickname here" Schneider
Fuck does she care? It doesn't affect ratings if you don't have a Nielsen box
whats his name again?
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> tfw it's not funny
> but you're stuck because everyone knows it's going to get bigger
> that's how the meme goes and you want to be a participant
> everyone sighs as they scroll past the ever-growing block of text
> but even if they don't like it you have to do it because they expect it and you don't want to let them down
> heaping shit on the shit heap because you're a heap of shit that shit's heaps
just wondering if there is any chance of jasper returning?
Nah, it won't survive out of this single thread. This is where it'll be born, and where it will die.
Why does everyone think sugar had a miscarriage? She's Jewish, jews sacrifice their babies to their heathen god for blessings and good health, that's obviously what happened
>I don't know how statistics work
If you believe hard enough, yes
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not salty.png
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thank you based drawfag

She actually doesn't. The posts were only semi-serious, but they were mostly in a joking tone.
I feel like the self-love bit will be more for Jasper, Pearl, and/or Amethyst
Like Rebecca said in that interview, she didn't think she actually deserved what happened to her

What she needs are people who won't use or hurt her. Her whole thing has been people using, abandoning, or imprisoning her, and being in a bad relationship. She needs to learn to trust people again and to be in healthy relationships where people actually care about her, and not just for her power, like with Steven and Peridot

A new fusion where it isn't a power struggle full of terrible feelings, and where they genuinely just enjoy being with her, and where Lapis isn't doing anything destructive and thus feels worth being cared about, will be wonderfully healing for her kinds of issues

Characters like Jasper and Amethyst hurt because of the lack of care they have for themselves. Lapis hurts because of the lack of care others have had for her
She's dead
Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider
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Nice Gems don't get happy endings
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Could the Crystal Gems defeat them, /sug/?
Dan "the man with the plan to stuff you in the back of his van" Schneider
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Who /nielson/ here?
I get 100$ a month
wow one thats not fucking awful
Nielsen also uses paper booklets. I was part of a Nielson ratings thing once. They pay $1 for you to track what you watch and then mail it back. (Postage is on them.)

They ask what you watch during the week, at what times, and then at the end you can write down your opinions and such.
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>Spooky skeletons
Nope too spooky.
but that's the same picture
You're going to jinx it and it will be the miscarriage meme all over again
Dan "they'll never find her body" Schneider
>Early part 4 Polenarref
>Anime Avdol
>Late part 4 Jotaro
Dan "they're all fighters until you bite her" Schneider
that's just what the jews want you to think so you don't realize how vulnerable they actually are. They gained their dark powers by stealing sacred frogs from satan himself, and the demons of hell kidnapped her unborn child and left a hard boiled egg in its place.
Respecting the official air time would be nice. Before people who didn't have access to cable would just watch the tv recording uploaded within the hour.

full episode leaks is a relatively new thing.
Why did Ruby proportions change so drastically after The Answer?
YFW: If Centipeetle can be cured, then Jasper can come back.
Part of original homeworld trio, so yes.
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Post Pear
Dan "I had sex with the girls of Victorious and iCarly and you never will" Schnieder
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How much would you pay up for this framed Sugar Lapis?
hmm, that does make more sense.
Obviously. Anyone saying she won't is memeing. It'd be like if someone said Centipeetle wouldn't return after Monster Buddies.

>C-Centipeetle is never coming back! She's there to teach Steven that he can't save everyone!
same price as a slice of pizza
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>Dan "ywn bury your face in jannette mccurdy's feet like I did" Schneider
just fucking kill me
>same price as a slice of pizza
>not deepthroating thiere whole foot

>tumblr thinks 2 guys cant be friends without taking dick

Glad I'm not the only one tired of that retarded argument. It's like people forget what kind of show they're watching.
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Oh You.jpg
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I would like it if the leakers didn't withheld the fucking full episodes just so they can uploaded it only hours before the official airing.
I'd rather avoid same day leaks and have it on a earlier different day.
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When are Lapis and Peridot getting a SoL episode? Why is it always the CGs or the townies?

And I mean an episode with an actual SoL plot, so Beta really doesn't count in my book.
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Is it just me or is Steven getting a little...small? His head looked too big for his body in Drop Beat Dad. Why has the art been so dodgy lately? We were all golden in Season 2 and even Season 1 had more appeal and style than some of the shit I've been seeing lately
No it isn't
Are we just going to forget that Smiley is gay now?
Can't forget what you don't know.
It's just not very relevant

What we're you expecting /co/ to blow up? This isn't /pol/
I hope that baby turns out alright.
do you want to talk about it?
how does it make you feel?
Learn the differences between boarders.

Lamar often messes up proportions
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Yes, Smiley is gay.
He's also going to kill Onion.
I'm glad it happened.
Now maybe there can be more gay males.
So no leaks today? Shame. So what you doing /sug/
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none were funny
Did the crew ever confirm this or are we just taking some tumblrite's word for it?
Jasper will be coming back. No one in their right mind would say differently. But anyone saying she is getting redeemed or is going to be part of the crystal or hell even sidelined to the barn is a delusional waifufag.
I can't wait for the video chat short, but god knows when that'll be
the second one
>expecting vines to be funny
That was your first mistake.
maybe if steven uses those dream powers he for some reason have
I'm watching h3h3 to try to forget about my problems. :)

Confirmed by Raven.
I'm the one faggot who thought that jurrassic park "WHAT ARE THOSE" vine was funny.
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>Dan"Ariana Grande rimmed my asshole for her spinoff while Jeanette McCurdy sucked me off" Schnieder
Just shatter my life up
I want that Lapis image.
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Yeah, at least it's something. Still I'd like for Steven to spend some time with them. Their episodes are so sparse.
too far. I may actually cry because this fat fuck is living a life I will never achieve.
>confirmed by Raven
Still haven't seen a source on this faggot.
We /page10/ now new thread coming up
Again, where did she actually say it?
I checked her tumblr and she said nothing about it.
All we have is some girl claiming she heard Raven confirmed it.
>day in the su offices
>shit the fags are clamoring over the lack of gay males
>ok lets make the most irrevelent townie gay and bring in some literally who to showcase this in a vague way, then throw him onto a bus and have it never be brought up again
>gay community and fujoshits eat it up
Sucrose is a genius.

My uncle works for nintendo doesnt count as reliable source.
Eat a dick nigga
make me!

Making something silly that will take forever to finish when I should be working on more important things.
heyyy, that pretty gay_
And the best part is, if they want Smiley to hit on a woman, they can just say he's bi.
Sucrose is an evil mastermind.
>hfw he sees a perdy foot
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>still haven't hit image limit
Wait we /page8/ right now nevermind
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Shiny Yanmega.jpg
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Training a bunch of my shiny Pokemon. Pic related.
Hit the Diamond was only good because it hinted Ruby and Sapphire have an unhealthy co-dependent relationship, which combine with how often fusion can come off as a stand-in for drug use may in fact give some reason behind the Diamond's banned on it (ie Homeworld see fusion as drug use, not "love")

granded I don't think its ever going to be brought up again since they're not characters just parts of one.

R Wars did gave me a hint the humans of beach city are like Homeworld, each family (gem type) only has ONE role they do and doing something else causes chaos

Which would give Homeworld gems and humans some common ground to get along (that and the fact both hate the CG)
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aww.. You're no fun
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because guns r bad and wouldn't be heroic
Vidalia did.
Sitting on my bed reading a Dragon Age book. Gonna play shadowrun hong kong later.
>unhealthy co-dependent relationship,
HAHA unironic XD

I love this meme
She just waved it around, she didn't actually "use" it.
>the Steven Loves You stamp reserved only for convention goers
Why does Sugar hate us?
>Hit the Diamond was only good because it hinted Ruby and Sapphire have an unhealthy co-dependent relationship
No it didn't.
not that anon but

>"someone has a different opinion than me, so it's a meme XDDD"

kill yourself faggot
Why doesn't Sugar hate us?

This is cringe levels of terrible.
Who the fuck did you want her to shoot? Her best friend Amethyst or her son's friend Steven?
Accidently shooting your friends sure is a gun positive message you fucking faggot. Her not having to use it but having one for self defense is honestly a great message.
>Hit the diamond
>unhealthy co-dependency
>only parts of a character
Knock this shit off.
Ruby and Sapphire just really did not care for the Rubies and quite frankly there's no blaming for this as they have no real reason to unfuse in that episode.
>watching vines
>expecting them to be anything but unfunny cancer
You only have yourself to blame anon.
She's clearly getting redeemed. Sugar wouldn't have bothered giving her sympathetic and complicated traits otherwise. Don't be like the Peridemption deniers;
Don't reply to that fucking moron. There is an absolute autist who browses here under the delusion that codependency issues do not exist and that spouses abusing each other is a myth and that only one person in a relationship is the abuser. Any time it is mentioned he will post this stupid gif that googles codependency myth for you.
>be gem
>get shot
STEEVUN's penis
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best gem.png
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this is the same kind of humor you find in these threads
what's wrong?
If even a single Nielsen household watched rips instead of tuning in, SU loses a few thousand potential views per episode. That shit adds up really fast.
>hey kids its okay to shoot people!
The noose goes around your neck in case you are wondering.
what does it want?
because it's not an opinion. and only like 2 people in this whole general say "she haz co-dependent relationship"

I have literally no clue what youre talking about.
You're reading too much into what I said. All I said is she didn't actually use a gun. She waved it around. I was speaking purely from the point of technicality.

She had a gun, she waved it around, but she didn't actually fire a gun.

Fucking chill out.
>i don't understand jokes, the post
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What does she mean by this?
I actually have a Nielsen tracker, it counts recordings of the episode. It also counts watching it on Hulu faggot.
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>It's a Lapis episode
She wants a glass of water.
She's gonna blow Greg to get backstage
anon you're fucking retarded
Last panel of Loss.
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Pyro Thumbs Up.jpg
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>It's a Lapis episode
Well my friends, this is it. This is the spergiest thing I've ever done.

I'm not even a fucking lapisfag, but anon and I were talking about writing folk punk and now I gotta write me a fucking song. I can't do fucking draw requests so this is the best thing I go.

Anyway, here's this fucking bullshit I wrote on my $4 first act hello kitty guitar Time to kill myself.

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>it's a lapis episode
Never again. They'll be Lapis and Peridot episodes from now on, and we all know what happens whenever Peridot is in an episode. She hogs it all for herself, especially opposite a boring character like Lapis.
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>It's a Lapis episode
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>It's a Lapis episode


Can I have that Hello Kitty Guitar?
Sorry, baby, but you take home that title.

>Putting human relationship expectations/parameters on a millenia old relationship that is proven time and again to be referenced as a great relationship.

Either you're retarded or didn't watch The Answer.
yeah but I don't think she will EVER join the CG like Peridot more likely just "work out she issues"

I really don't like the ideal of "the only way to be good is the switch logos"
This isn't bad.

I'm proud of you anon. Reminds me of Ghost mice.

Keep up the good work
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>it's a Lapis episode

>Jasper's Miscarriage leak
When's your album coming out, man?

>"They lined your prison cell with pretty glass and sterling bars"

A+ senpai keep up the good work
>Nuking 4 individuals

Either way they can't do jackshit with the PG rating.
And if they could then the gems would be pulling out their weapons and smashing in human heads every nanosecond.
Lapis Leaks an Egg when
No, you're retarded because you think someone can't have a different opinion than you. for the record, i'm not >>86030072 and i agree that Ruby and Sapphire's relationship is fine, but you're still fucking retarded for "there's only one opinion and it's mine and my opinion is right". Just my two cents.
I crack-ship it. Being attracted to the one being on earth that destroyed Rose Quartz (in a sense) is something I can believe Jasper is into. Maybe she'd interrogate him into giving up the secret to his victory.
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pearl smile.png
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I drew a Pearl and I'm not totally ashamed of it. Fancy that.

First, humans have already fought gems before and apparently they got rest on a major scale.
Two, The Crystal Gems are literally the line of defense for the Earth against magic stuff

Also I remember hearing that the equivalent of the UN made an agreement with Gems that they would leave them alone as long as they didn't interfere with human conflicts and stuff
Because saying someone has a codependent relationship is like calling someone depressed when they're literally not.
This is actually really good, anon
keep it up

T-thanks, guys.
I actually AM working on an album. Well, an EP. It doesn't really have a release date, but I have been pushing myself to throw a song together every two weeks. I have more stuff I can show you but it isn't /sug/ related at all
could you please draw Sugar pissing her pants? As a present for my friend.
>typing out the stutter

This makes me laugh every time I have no idea why
>switches outfits with Amethyst
>gets her DSL
I thought it would be pure autism, but this was actually pretty alright barring the sound quality. Gj anon.
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>Stanky Fartz
no couple that wasn't co-dependent as fuck would be able to stay apart for more than two seconds

or to a point for other forgot they were a thing

face it they're nothing characters they're only there to be parts of garnet nothing else
show us
why do you guys keep trying to sexualize sugar's piss, what do you find attractive about sugar losing control of her bladder while writing storyboards?
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who's idea was this.png
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Link it up.

You should write a song for steven's feelings towards the expectations put on him, or Amy's feels towards being made wrong.
Anon if they want to be fucking retarded let them. Who cares? It's just adding to the shitty, soupy mess that's already /sug/, you don't need to add to the diarrhea mess.
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>what do you find attractive about sugar losing control of her bladder while writing storyboards?
That's exactly what I find attractive, the idea of her holding her piss too long and uncontrollable gushing into her pants is so fucking hot to me.
>it's almost page 10
>we didn't hit the image cap
This is nice
> what do you find attractive about sugar losing control of her bladder while writing storyboards?

That it probably tastes sweet like apple juice
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how the fuck can three gems fight off say a massive army?

also I'm pretty sure the humans fought in the cg-hw war
It's a really cute Pearl anon. I'm saving it.
If it tasted like that it would mean she had diabetes, which is fitting I suppose.
Why specifically Rebecca Sugar?

Also this a god tier thread right here, quality /sug/ that didn't hit the limit in the first few minutes
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god why
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I have to work tomorrow on labor da...fucking target... I just wanted some good leaks to cheer me up ;_;
Something about Sugar pissing specifically is very arousing to me, she is so shy I could imagine her whole face turning red after she soaks her office chair in front of everybody.
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Thank you so much anon, I will keep drawing!
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If it makes you feel any better I'm choosing to go into work anon. Although with the amount of sleep I just got I'm considering calling out
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>this a god tier thread right here
>discussing piss fetish

fuck you
is piss discussion and waifu wars really worth keeping this general alive
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I really like it anon, It's a good song.

It's cool how the lyrics don't make it explicit that it is a SU song, it stands on it's own feet.

Here are my two most recent songs.

"Smash Cut to a Bleached White Skeleton"

"I Am Dead and That is Good"

I might write more /sug/ songs for requesters but not tonight, because it's late and everyone in my apartment is gonna be mad.
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>day off tomorrow
>no friends
>no bbq
>no hope

sleeping in a lil bit will be cool, I guess
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but where else will I go?
no world wars means there might never have been a manhattan project
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when does it end.png
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If /sug/ dies where am I going to talk about Sugar omorashi then?
Are we gonna keep going until we hit the image limit?
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Yeah sure
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show me your moves.png
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>A gem dressed as a Nintendo character of your choice
Dunno, I can't remember last time we hit page 10 before the image limit.
Then what the hell will she do?
Garnet totally mains falcon, no question.
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Just chill on /sug/ with your friends man, I probably won't be posting much but you won't be alone. If you're lonely we could always FUSE
>the smell of warm piss leaks from her cubicle
>nobody says anything because they all know who did it
>seriously this happens at least twice per week
>it gets worse when there's a new hire and Sugar has to mark her new territory
I told Pearl not to reach image limit until page 10 and she actually did it, the absolute madgem.
File: 1444409949738.png (518KB, 683x844px) Image search: [Google]
518KB, 683x844px
File: jasperpearl.png (141KB, 445x1002px)
141KB, 445x1002px
Why did Lapis do that?

I didn't want to make it super explicitly about Lapis Lazuli because I already felt like such a sperglord doing it at all. Thanks for listening to it, guys. The sound quality is like that (as is the case with my other recordings) because I'm just using a laptop mic and a lotta layering.
>building a nuke when homeworld's got that angle covered already

Oh damn.
>251 images
Oh hey, I made it go to 251. Thats cool
>251 images

>251 images

Cool last image, bruv.
Same post time also
New thread pls
Thanks, I figured I wouldn't be a dick and post Jasper last like I usually do
I like em, senpai 2nd one more than the first one tho

1st-B and 2nd-A
Every time I see this I get so bothered knowing that water is just seeping into those shoes.
I really enjoy this a lot.

How can I find your music when you eventually release it? do you have a bandcamp?
>No new soundtracks inbetween Earthlings and Know Your Fusion uploaded
What did Aivi and Surasshu mean by this?
>why gross vore fetish

because mental disease
God I forgot to edit the stick figure behind garnet out
wasn't Smoky's theme released a few days ago?
>No new soundtracks inbetween Earthlings and Know Your Fusion uploaded
>Smoky's theme
Read, anon.
go back to /fa/

HAHA reading's for losers. see ya in the next thread, NERD

No earthlings, no gems, nothing.

Just empty space, forever.
sounds comfy
Thread posts: 816
Thread images: 252

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