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Toonami General #1

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 614
Thread images: 181

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Toonami Drinking Game

Toonami Q&A

Toonami tumblr. Ask anything Toonami related there

Toonami panel 2014

Toonami music

Naruto story

One Piece story

Tweeting info

New Samurai Jack season

FLCL news

>toonami will never air Secret Millionaires Club
>Toonami will never air Martha Speaks
>Toonami is airing a One Drink Man marathon
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Time For Toonami.
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>Toonami might air Kick Your Ass Man

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I'm ready to get shitfaced and shitposting.

TWO threads at best
Hey, guys, how's it going? Did I miss anything important last week?
I will never get why One Drink Man instead of One Shit Man
Hey guys!

It's the #Truth campaign here, just wanted to let you guys know we have a new set of EPIC commercials that will debut soon. I know you guys are excited as we are!

#Truth #endit #squadless #cats
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Official sexy babe of the night.
>tfw Adult Swim turned 15 years old yesterday
First, is this a thing?
Second, MODS
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Can't always be about shit, bud. Gotta make time for the liquor.
>tfw you like all the anime on Toonami, even the bad ones like Iron Blood Orphans
>wanna watch Fullmetal Alchemist
>my U charger broke

Dang it. I wish Toonami still spammed FMA 2003 ) like they used to.

Oh well. I'm watching HxH 1999 right now. It won't be too hard to jump into 2011 on Toonami once I finish, right? I already saw a few episodes of the dub on Toonami.
Okay Artanon, I know you're here. You think I wasn't because of a Marathon? Gimme the THICC
Same here anon-kun
I'll bet 3 because of OPM.
>Enies Lobby was supposedly the peak of OP
>pretty much just came and went
>Thriller Bark is supposedly "the anime's swan song before it gets absolutely godawful"
>is currently just coming and going,, only thing it has going for it is the theme

bravo OPfags
Even Naruto despite Sasuke literally summoning the most powerful Snake Summon while having as he said, "no charka" in the span of .4 seconds?
Is there any reason why Madoka hasn't aired? Yeah, yeah, I know the content itself is debatable but it fits most of the criteria to be on Toonami. It's hugely popular, actiony, short, and has a dub. If they can't air Sailor Moon, Nanoha, or Yuyuyu then Madoka is the next bet for a shoujo-esque series.
What's your poison senpai?
Probably bait but the new wave of commercials is true
>reddit defending Home Movies
sounds about right
Would rule 63 of OPM still be bald?
Demarco doesn't like that type of show

Toonami rarely airs high quality anime. They air what's popular.
i don't drink anymore actually. i just stay awake for 2 days straight to simulate it,
Well the iron is cold on that one.
Veteran in the Madoka Wars here. Technicaly, Madoka is not a "manly" anime so it doesn't count. But you have good points, and also is distributed by Aniplex, the ones behind SAO.
Yes, I also want Madoka in Toonami, just to start another Civil War here.
I passed out again before Toonami started last week. How was the reaction to Sea King?
Since it's a marathon this week I'm considering just doing games tonight just for fun in the threads.
But considering it's an OPM marathon the one idea I had was a Punch themed games of just megaton punching toonami characters. Would anyone be into it?
Next week

Isn't it seinen? Toonami aired Sailor Moon as well years ago. I thought an anime just needed to be actiony to be on Toonami, bar stuff like FLCL or Hamtaro.
I've never had the willpower to make it more than 24 hours mainly because I drink too much and proceed to pass out I envy your ability to quit.
Add Yurifags and Shipposters and we're talking
That's because this entire series barely covers even half the shit Murata has covered. Twister Sisters are the sexiest.
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The best time of the week has finally arrived, or it would if it wasn't a marathon. Looks like it will be another last-place participation medal tonight
Wait, I thought the Sea King arc started last week?
Wait, Toonami aired Sailor Moon?
A bigger reason to get Madoka here
>Isn't it seinen
It's anime original. Seinen and shounen are manga demographics that only apply to anime if it's adapted from manga.
Will season 2 happen?
I saw the first episode of OPM and didn't like it. It didn't draw me in. Hopefully this marathon changes my mind.


What other channel aired Sailor Moon in America? I would want Toonami to air Crystal but I heard that they can't get the rights.
No, last week was the Meteor.
What is the marathon?
Yeah I watch pretty much everything, though half of it I've only been watching on dvr because I'm gettin oldfag and can't really stay up all the way anymore.
I swear I slept through last week. Holy fuck I do remember Tank Top faggotry, but I know I slept through last week. So did I hallucinate a week of Toonami from overworking?
years ago and when anime was being targeted towards children on a childrens network
If Murata can push out enough chapters to make it feasible. It's definitely popular enough and there's enough enthusiasm for it in the industry.
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I miss Soul Eater. Also can someone explain to me what's going on in this picture?
It's already getting started. Too bad Murata still hasn't gotten the assistants he needs to get more chapters out more than once a month or every two months and they're only fucking 16 pages.
>What other channel aired Sailor Moon in America?
looking on Wikipedia, USA network
Maka's grabbing balls.
Well ignoring the precursor to adult swim action being toonami midnight run and that shit being uncut (At the time it was a big deal to hear them swearing on gundam wing and dbz). Good times.

I used to see this anime everywhere and it looked cool. I saw episode 1 on Toonami and the dialog was a lot less serious and more immature than I thought. I was turned off
She's castrating men.

Just be glad we never got this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2txbW5jWE14
But why?
>It's already getting started
No it isn't. There hasn't even been an announcement in Japan yet which means they're likely still negotiating or waiting for Murata to finish more chapters before they even go into pre-production.
I started thinking that the only way we could get Ghost Stories in Toonami is if they redub it decently, without the jokes that made is special; but with a special commentary with the original cast, mocking the redub and making fresh new jokes.
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>that Ami
>it takes Luffy going Gear Fourth to destroy a single biscuit clone

This shit's retarded af

also what's up toonami genreral
That's fucking stupid. Either air the dub as-is or don't bother.
the sky
Oh yeah. we were gonna make our own sailor moon series in the 90's.

Playing Monster Strike and trying to do an impossible quest
Playing RE4
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Fourth Gear is shit
When's Lubby gonna get those red cross eyes like the ninjas in Naruto?
Sorry, I've given up
I may or may not finish up my NG+ of Arkham City so I can finally fucking get that platinum. Still need to fucking do the DLC to 100% it.
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Years later and I still wanna fug that bug, holy shit those hips man.
Genos would be best girl by a landslide if he'd just get the most important upgrades he's been needing for the longest time.
Procrastinating on finishing one drawing for some people here.
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get busy
When is Demarco going to drop One Piece of shit?
Ok, so I just watched the first 10 minutes of episode 1 of HM and I have to say I wasn't impressed. For one thing, the animation was fucking terrible. Whoever did that must have had a stroke or something. It was like something straight out of the 1980s. I have to say I'm hesitant to believe that there was all that much improvisation going on in this show. It just sounded too scripted and unnatural to be improv. Like they were trying to force themselves to be clever and funny, but it really ended up not working at all. Also, the voice actors really suck on this show. The sound like a bunch of amatuers who don't know how to act to save their life. They just sort of ramble and drone on and talk over each other, but not in an interesting or clever way, just sort of stupid. Like that one coach guy who reminds me of Bob from Bobs Burgers except not nearly as interesting or funny. As far as the episode goes, the plot seemed really uninteresting and didn't really go anywhere. In fact it was plain boring. There was no action at all, just some people talking. If I saw this correctly, the gist of the plot was just Brandon's mom is going on a date with Brandon's coach and he doesn't like that so he decides to make a movie. The whole scene with Brandon doing the movie and his friend blowing snot out of his nose looked really dumb and immature, like something out of an "edgy" children's cartoon. I actually turned it off at the scene with the snot dripping because it was just getting really dumb at that point.

Honestly, overall, I can't say I understand how this is supposed to be a good or influential or groundbreaking or whatever "adult cartoon" since there's really no adult content whatsoever and it just seems like a very childish cartoon one might see play on Saturday mornings. There really wasn't as much of an "improv" element as I thought there would have expected. Rick and Morty actually did a full improv episode and did it well. This was not good at all.
Or get busy dying?
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Shows we need on Toonami
>Sailor Moon
>YuYu Hakusho
>Paranoia Agent
Best girl finally gets to be playable in HW
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You know what must be.
Soon, we can all hope
>Show I want on Toonami
What is with this anti-One Piece meme?

I can thjnk of two or three dozen good dubbed anime for Toonami but most are from the 90s to mid 2000s and thus 'too old' for the block. I can't believe something from 2005 is considered too old now.
When he drops to the floor dead.
I don't mind it it's comfy.
Will they ever air Cowboy Bebop again?
Predictions on the other three marathons for the year:

>Thanksgiving - Gundam IBO episodes 17 - 23
>Christmas - DBZ Kai episodes 92 - 98
>New Years - Jojo episodes 3 - 9
that was Bob
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>Having shit taste

>too old
The fuck kind of excuse is that?
ain't that the bitch?
Never said I hate any of those shows.
home movies a shit
now please never mention it again
We did a few times over, but it never sells in the states.
Can Saitama punch himself so hard that not even he can survive it?
The animation should have clued you in. One big fat chuuni show.

It's a dumb rule but Toonami won't air 80s or 90s anime unless they're remastered like DBZ Kai.
Totally looks like JEM meets DC Comics.
Can you punch yourself so hard that you can't survive it? That's the answer.
I think Baccano could overcome it's confusing plot by delivering tits, action and distorted Americana, and do quite well. Also, Fate/Zero has a lot more latent online hype than they give it credit for.
If I stand on a cliff edge yes.
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>technically Madoka is not a "manly" anime
Technical ain't got shit to do with it, Madoka as a show is not the slightest bit manly in any way at all. Just because it's a little bit dark at times and features a great deal of flashy action sequences and character deaths does not make it manly in the slightest, especially since the main underlying theme of characterization is that every important character, despite being magically empowered witch hunters, are still just naive teenage girls with all the emotional issues and lack of wisdom that comes with that, buckling under the pressure of their inevitable fate. Even Homura, which all the clueless faggots flaunt as the most "badass" waifu ever, is actually a total pussy and a complete mess of a human being that failed her one goal in life repeatedly until her little gay crush finally bailed her out purely by chance.
So no, no amount of dark themes, fast paced fight sequences, ascensions to godhood or unsubtle lesbian overtones will ever make this show what a sensible human being would call "manly", it just isn't. If you want true manliness you need to start with something timeless and true like FotNS, substantial and easily accessible like Berserk, or otherwise undeniable classics like Space Adventure Cobra.
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It's been good, pic related making it superb.
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I was the shit at that game. Where are you at and what playthrough are you on?
The new Jem comic actually made that one girl gay finally.
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It was good until last night. I was closing my computer and then pic related happened in the back. Now the screen is tilted to the right.
The Island and first since I just got it on PS4.
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Fine up until I remembered all my failures this week today. Now I'm just peeved and wanna punch something
He needs to get back into porn. Even if it's not Callie and as 1800.
Putting forth effort to finish writing this marathon's fapfic, after having junked my existing draft sometime around 6 PM because I looked it over and realized it sucked.
There was no ratings thread this week?
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>Missed Toonami the past two weeks
>Used [as] on-demand to catch up on One Punch Man
>Finally get to chill with /tg/
>Find out it's a marathon this week

Fuck.....just, FUCK!
Are you seriously telling me you haven't played it yet? Well at least you picked the good version, I bet it has all the unlockables from every version like the fedora outfit, chicago typewriter, plaga laser, all the good shit. Tell me where exactly you're at and what you've got in your attache case.
You could have just waited for the Marathon to catch up on OPM
Join us in our journey into madness. And boredom.
I don't know. When exactly does this block get canned?
I have played it, I'm just saying I started this week. I just did the regenerators and XL
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Xenoverse is cheaper these days. You could punch things with ki attacks an' shit.
Did you at least watch the subs instead?
But its the best show they currently have on.
There was. It just died on Wednesday with less than 100 posts.
it died on Tuesday
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When are these guys going to stop being a mediocre on-demand service and have a legitimate 24/7 channel? Who even pays for it?
When is Brotherhood coming back?
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>2005 is over a decade ago
This block is done.
Ah, okay. I think my old gamecube profile is still around here somewhere with the tommy gun, infinite launcher, and fully upgraded street sweeper with the hundred rounds ready to go. To know that assortment of weaponry is to know the power of a god. What equipment are you rolling with right now?
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>2005 is over a decade ago
as soon as OP is out
Pretty sure they lost the airing rights for that
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>2005 is over a decade ago
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>not watching football
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>2005 is over a decade ago
TTGL will be ten years old soon, too.
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What were you doing back in 2005 Toonami General?
I was in grade school getting in trouble
Red 9, Semi - Auto Rifle, BB, Striker, Mine Thrower, TMP
Same reason why gamming channels died. No reason to try and compete with the internet when a majority of your projected audience uses that instead.
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d-delet this
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Eureka Seven is 10 years old.
I don't, seeing I get it for free.
They had a legit channel years ago and it totally bombed.
watching anime on adult swim

woah look what changed
Jesus, I knew it lasted less than 24 hours, but I didn't remember it dying THAT fast.
Thank you all for last Tuesday. You have no idea how liberating it was knowing you all finally started adulting and learning to let go.
I graduated HS in may of 05. I feel so old.
So Eureka is legal now?
It bombed because only literally who cable providers had it.
Your taste in equipment is decent and all but fuck dude, where the fuck do you keep your ammo and medicine? And grenades for that matter?
God damnit I hate the fucking internet, killed brick & mortar stores, video rental stores & now anime.
>video rental stores
I miss blockbuster
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your soul is mine next week.
So does everyone old enough to remember it.
Didn't go to blockbuster that much because in part to it being further away vs other location options. Ironicly enough a spot that used to host a local video store where I would also rent games at is now a local version of gamestop with used games and other geeky stuff like comics.
Not just the airing rights, Funimation outright lost both the original FMA and Brotherhood. Supposedly Aniplex got them by default, but they haven't said anything about it yet. So for the time being, Fullmetal Alchemist might as well be unlicensed.
Why are you guys giving him all these (You)'s when it common knowlege? "Hurr 2005 was a decade ago" NO SHIT, it's 2016, 16: double digits.
Grad school, marching headlong into my own destruction.
Wait, Blockbuster is dead? Since when? What year?
Litterally taking a shit
No you for you, smartass.
7th grade
There's still one near me. No idea what they make money on, though.
November 7, 2013
>Vaati still not playable
I guess I'm the only person who likes that guy.
There are like 3 possible space left in the character select screen from what I read in the HW thread on /v/. Wish hard and want hard anon
Does Nintendo even remember him?
I can't tell if you literally are incapable of understanding the context or are just shitposting.
Ravio and Yuga are the last two, the last space may or may not stay empty.
Family Video still exists, they even some of them have pizza places in them.
>grade school
Are you even old enough to post here? I was in high school and in the middle of my first real anime craze. I'd joined the anime club at my high school in 2004 and it exposed me to so much shit I'd never seen before. We watched Bleach subbed the season it first came out, same with Samurai Champloo later in 2006. In retrospect the girls who ran the anime club were incredibly savvy and I'm 90% sure they were /a/nons.
>5th grade
Do the math yourself
At this time that year, a couple weeks or so into 5th grade. I didn't start really getting into trouble until the second half of the grade.

What did you go to grad school for? I might do a masters to get past the HR barrier, but there is literally no reason for me to get a PhD. MLA citations scared me off from academia despite being the son of an English professor.
They announced streaming rights to Brotherhood at Anime Expo. It's supposed to be going up on Crunchyroll soon. Some of FMA's voice actors were legit pissed about it over social media.
Reminder that in about a month more time will have passed between Episode 2 and today than passed between Half Life and Episode 2.
>Some of FMA's voice actors were legit pissed about it over social media.
Why? Not like it concerns them.
>Some of FMA's voice actors were legit pissed about it over social media.
You mean just Vic or something?
Wait, here's one for you.
Crash Bandicoot and Super Mario 64 are twenty years old. Video games have spent more time in 3D than in 2D.
Reminder you'll never get Episode 3.
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atleast tonights marathon will be watchable
The time Naruto took the anime industry by time.
If I knew what that was I would be disappointed.
No marathon is watchable, especially when it's all still fresh in your mind from watching it a few weeks ago.
I've basically accepted that as fact at this point, but I still wonder just what happened at Valve.

Remember when The Orange Box came out and Valve was this magical company saving PC gaming?

>14 stores remaining
They should make it a game to find all 14
I just don't understand why Toonami doesn't do what they did with Space Dandy and dub new anime that is currently being aired in Japan

Would really help their ratings out and get their name out there.
This sounds like something out of an actual manga or video game
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>wanting Luffy to become pic related
Hell no.
You fucked it up CN
You fucked it up Toonami
You fucked it up America
Don't fuck, fuck, fuck it up, fuck it up, fuck it up, fuck it up, fuck it up, fuck it up, fuck it-
I see you're unfamiliar with the concept of money.
Getting an exclusive deal to air a dubbed anime right before it airs in Japan would be very expensive, and was basically done on cultural capital the first time around.

Getting permission to air a simuldub would also be pretty expensive.
Your ruined it anon
I'll share the only piece of wisdom I have. If grad school is too hard, quit. It's a gear check for your brain and health. It's not worth burning out to try to keep up. It never lets up.
Do you even understand what Toonami is?
who'd they get for his voice in the new dub?
You know what I mean. Airing a dub of a new anime currently being aired in Japan. Like what they did with Space Dandy.
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>Weekly sale on PSN is just indieshit
>Sony announces the PS+ games for the month, they're shit like always
>Rockstar doing another shitty event week for GTAO instead of releasing a content update
>No PSN flash sale this weekend
>Toonami marathon

I want to die.
Shut up.
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Or when you've seen every fucking version at least twice already. I'm just watching it mainly to complain about the dub not being as good as the original. And the original not being as good as the manga.
>expecting anything good during a PSN sale
it hurts being a Playstation fag
To do that they have to be on the production committee of the show, basically. And that requires a shitload of money. It's not just buying the broadcasting rights, it's buying your way into the production-side of the show rather than being a consumer of the finished production. Getting studios and publishers etc in Japan to play ball is difficult at best.
No. you made it about CN and Toonami when it was about blockbuster.
this is my first time with one punch, so its not so bad
I got Red Dead and Max Payne 3 for 7 bucks. I also enjoyed getting Enemy Within with all the DLC for $12 and $3 for Bioshock since I'm so fucking far behind on my backlog.
i got battlefront for 10 bicks at walmart
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You shut your whore mouth.
I'm sorry my voice is so shit
im sorry bro but it just kept getting worse as it went on
marathon tonight, huh? alright.

hey tg
Still not seeing you understanding how money works.
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Remember that April Fool's, /co/? 4 years ago?

We may give Adult Swim shit, but they managed a miracle.
I told you guys my voice was shit, but you didn't listen
Remember how they had no April Fools this year at all and you fell for it?
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Now you are two sluts. Money is for fags, anyone can get what they want for free if they're cool enough. I guess you just aren't.
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Drew some Chi-chi this weekend.
Maybe that was joke.
are we guaranteed a marathon on halloween? if so then it's likely IBO or something
It's going to be a marathon of Thriller Bark.
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Actually I am very awesome and it is you who is in fact the retard. Behold.
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Maybe our existence is a joke
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Good. I'll finally be able to catch up
You need to be murdered.
So is Harg Nallin Scloplio Peepio cancelled? It's a rerun tomorrow
For having a different opinion than yours? Surely you jest
I talked to a girl today Toonami General
Did she agree to have sex with you?
This event week is pretty dank though, I have wanted a 900R and custom Virgo for awhile now
a clerk girl smiled at me
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What was it like?
Did she make eye contact? That means she wants to fuck.
Nah, man, it's just that nobody runs new material on Labor Day Weekend. Everything that would have had new stuff is on reruns till next week- Toonami, Eric Andre, Squidbillies, everything.
Tell your mother I said hi.
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Making shitty sprite comics a la Bob and George
One can only hope, that pile of shit deserves nothing less
what a normie
Me too. I cut in front of her in the line at the ice cream shop and pretended to be sorry so I got mine first. I'm pretty sure that means I got laid.
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>old family guy

One step at a time, talking was a massive leap on its own

It was pretty nice, my spaghetti stayed in my pockets and she seemed to enjoy it all

She did, I'll ask next time.

Wasn't my mom but I'll tell her hi for you anyway
It may suck, but when's the last time you contributed any OC kiddo?
The Trump commercial they had for it always rubbed me the wrong way

>look! *insert political candidate everyone knows during an election year here*
>now enjoy 30 more seconds of LOL SO RANDUMB humor involving *political candidate*
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Literally what is the difference between Family Guy and Senpai Guy
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What happened on last week's IronBoringOrphans? I had to miss it and OPM but I'm watching that later so yeah.
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>that girl with the huge protruding ass
Why is the THICC girl considered a freak?
one of the glorified background characters missing brother REEEEEE'd himself to death
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It's not your fault
>tfw earthquake today

That's an experience I have never had before
Why did they introduce him just to die? Was it cool at least? I might watch it later.
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the worlds falling apart

that or molemen
This never happened because of walmarts dress code.

damn people trying to become the next saladanon
Maybe. I live somewhere notable earthquakes never ever happen
Saitama will save us.
>meet me at the ten inches or less line
Caped Baldy
Far too many girls for Demarco's likeing.
I experienced a tiny earthquake when I lived near Toronto like 5 years ago. I thought it was my brother shaking my bed and told him to fuck off, then I looked over and no one was there. Was pretty spooked until I turned on the news
>why did they introduce him
to force some feels

>Was it cool at least
it was hilariously stupid. He gets incredibly autistic over his bro having a family despite already saying his life sucked
He then anheros himself in a way to safe his brother
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Moon Dragon's rule63 spinoff.
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>hope I taste good as mom
Oh ok, just some weird incest stuff
>that last line
Can I have the blueprints to the Da'mico home?
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>So remember, GUNS don't kill people, DANGEROUS MINORITIES do!

>Original Airdate: 08/08/2001
Best episode of Family Guy Is when y2k happens and they go to the Hostess factory.

I'm watching Dexter's Lab.

I've never had a Twinkie...
>Congratulations, you passed the fourth grade Mr. Griffin
They are pretty gross tbqh
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>yfw you remember Seth missed the plane

something's not right here
If Seth missed the plane we would literally not even be in this thread right now, it would not exist, for there wouldn't be a Family Guy to sustain the block's existence

You LITERALLY need to apologize to Seth
He was almost on one of the planes?
>sweet freedom

He needs to apologize to me for trapping me in this hell
Mob Psycho 100 on toonami when?


The full OP is out too, it's pretty good.
I slept through it. I live 20 miles from the source
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hey stanley looks like another marathon

more like maradont wallace

That wasn't even a pun, just stop.
yeah, he missed a flight on one of the 911 planes
What's that one about? Looks interesting.
Demarco detected
Super psychic kid battles spirits and other psychics. From the same author as One Punch Man.
What if Mewtwo hid inside a little boy like Kurama did.
He missed it because he was super hungover.
Which is why I'm going to drink this FRYING PAN ANTIDOTE!
He only missed it because he wasn't feeling well.
Would anyone be up to do a games during Toonami or just wanna watch the OPM marathon? I just wanna do something fun since marathon nights tend to be slow.
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>Shigeo Kageyama is an average middle school boy, called Mob (モブ means background character) for lacking a sense of presence. Although he seems like an inconspicuous person, he is in fact a powerful Esper. As he grows older, Mob realizes his psychic power is dangerous. To avoid his power getting out of control, he constantly lives a life under emotional shackle. Mob wants to live just like others, but a barrage of trouble comes to him. With the suppressed emotions growing inside Mob little by little, his power threatens to spill over its bounds.

also the greatest psychic of the century reigen
11:30 One Punch Man: 1 of 12
>Strongest Man
12:00 One Punch Man: 2 of 12
>Lone Cyborg
12:30 One Punch Man: 3 of 12
>Obsessive Scientist
1:00 One Punch Man: 4 of 12
>Modern Ninja
1:30 One Punch Man: 5 of 12
>Ultimate Master
2:00 One Punch Man: 6 of 12
>Terrifying City
2:30 One Punch Man: 7 of 12
>Ultimate Disciple

Ratings for 8/27

One Piece:778,000

Fuck, I'm in the south but my brother is in Minnesota.
just like leon in re2

fug it why not. I'll find a way to get Maka in it somehow
It's probably just covers of old rat pack songs or shitty imitations of them. Never could stand that crooner shit.
Oh look, Quagmire and Brian being friendly to each other
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>that outfit
>that poorly taken photo
>that "serious" face
>that title
Nani? I thought he drove all the way to Raccoon. I have it but never played it I'm waiting til October for spooks.
Norm Macdonald was the best Death. Shame he was only around for 1 episode.
Likely didn't even feel it there. It was down in Oklahoma, but big enough they could feel it in Texas and Nebraska.
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Fuck you I love that song.
>It's a Marathon

God fucking damn it

Fuck you Hunter X Hunter for that cliffhanger
He cameos in others but never a central character except the one where he quits working.
Just watch ahead like everyone interested in the show
he missed the initial outbreak becuase he was hungover from a party
They all love that song he does in Tony Hawk's Underground 2 no matter what
I can't believe episode 833 of Naruto had no viewers at all.
What's the topic? Not sure if I can be assed to find relevant images on late notice
Underground 2 was the Jackass plot right? I love it in New Vegas.
Can they atleast tell us there was going to be a Marathon last Saturday?

I watched until 2:00, and they said fucking nothing and i prepared for tonight

ah fuck it, my preps won't go to waste ill still be here shit talking
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u knoe
I kinda wanted it to just be punching themed. Something a bit loose but fun. Just characters known for power punches or even just a character with one iconic punch.
Dude, they've been playing the marathon commercial since like...the 2nd commercial break last week.
It was mentioned in these threads 3 weeks in advance and had a promo during Toonami 2 weeks in advance. You are just an idiot
Impossible to be in a ,
Finally, some Amida art I haven't seen.
I assume you are gonna be a little loose with the rules? When do you collect?
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It's not bait I'm just a dick
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Shhh you didn't see that.
probably midnight or 30 minutes after. I'm setting up atm
>We're bein' chased by ghosts!

One of my favorite Senpai Guy jokes
Flattened some bread and rolled it up with cheese and ham. Grilled it like grilled cheese and ate it with some sauce.
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toonami soon
Rei and Satsuki soon
Satsuki is already done.
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toonami never
That depends, does that mean my dream girl becomes real?
Got a disco milf punch just for the occasion.
satsuki what?
Not with nuclear arms. You can't hug your children with nuclear arms.
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Why have one dream girl when you can have ALL the dream girls?
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i'm ready
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>glorified background character
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We one hit guy now
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This is Red Leader! All boards, report in!
Old smuggler blended Scotch Whiskey
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/v/ reporting in. Just got done with a storytime of Samus & Joey over there. Go read up if you're interested, everything should still be archived.

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so smug it blew my arms off.jpg
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More beer
I'm drunk
I apologize for nothing
/v/ /a/ /g/ here
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/f/co/ here
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/co/ /s/ /d/ /aco/ /wooo/
Reporting in Red Leader.

Marathon or not, Ride or Die Toonami General.

Some sweet potato chips. Maybe some Mountan dew later.
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/v/ and /vg/ reporting in!
Let's do this!
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/mu/ + /sp/ reporting in
Give me a second to rescan and edit anything in PS for the satsuki picture
does the marathon start from the first episode?
>marathon week of a show I've seen start to finish twice already in the past year
My dream girl would shatter this reality and create a new one in the image of a dream, making money obsolete tbbqh laddie
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/a/ /co/ /v/ /m/ /c/ /fa/ /jp/ /mu/ /x/ /lit/ /his/ /cm/ crossboarding scum reporting
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Ahmadinejad adjust tie.jpg
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/tg/ here for a bit
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/sp/ here
>tfw no Korean gf
Well shit, now what do I do with the rest of the night?
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otaku here
So your saying, adult swim is legal in some countries?

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One Punch Man OK.png
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Time for One Punch Man, all night long
Friendly reminder that Vaccine Man is the strongest monster in the entire series.
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Rum and rainbows and also vodka
How are people so fucking dumb they don't know it's a Marathon til the block starts?
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/m/ and /tg/ reporting.
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/v/, /vg/, /wg/, and /wsg/ here, sir!

Fug I forgot tonight was a marathon.
I'm gonna draw my fetish all night
why isn't she wearing the generic "school child" shirt.
/ctg/ /co/ /aco/ /trash/
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late ShowTime!
no. all new
God this fucking voice actor was fucking hilarious
will sea king eppy be tonighty?
/wooo/ reporting!

Also, man I love that they got Chris Sabat just for that cameo.
What am I looking at
No you dumbfuck.
brace the OP

you will literally never see it again
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He's a real professional.
next week
Zoriccolo stood no chance
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>full op
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>Full OP
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>Full intro for the marathon
/tg/, I guess
Hooray for the only time we'll get the complete OP tonight
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This is /a/ Wing, Desu Squadron, reporting in once again, Red Leader!
They'll hear it again though.
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Chopper Recovers From Hair Loss.png
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Why doesn't One Punch Man just punch his way to a reality where everybody is stronger than him?
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/vp/ standing by
playan company of heroes and drinkan
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Huhuhu hooohahhha hooohaa
Could one punch man one punch Luffy?
This isnt fucking one piece whats with the laughter
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>it's a recap episode
>a 3+ hour long recap
Did that just imply Saitama was turning into a monster like crab?
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Phoning it in.webm
3MB, 500x280px
/m/, standing by!
It'd be kinda stupid if they didn't play it at least once during the night.
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/co/m/rade here! Let me warn you, I'm only here for moral support. I truly cherish all your company, no matter how fleeting or intangible it may be.

Ghost pepper cheese sliders and Pitch Black, SIR!
If that existed, they'd have punched their way to him by now. So no point.
Is that child Stan Smith?
Get out of here /vp/ your golden boy lost and I'm still laughing at you.
Does the Crimson Chin show up in this series?

He defeats Saitama, right?
He is not American.
do you think saitama made the right choice? is infinite power worth being bald?
I recognize that bulge!
he's a ballchinian
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pretty much
You can pull off being bald if you do it right.

I don't get why the dude doesn't just wear a hat or something honestly.
Looking back, Saitama's VA is way more emotional and passionate in this scene. Pretty fitting.
in general, yes

but he had fucking GREAT head of hair. so.....i dunno.
I can't believe Mr Krabs is fucking dead
It's a tough call. IMO nothing is worth being bald
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>pull his brain out
wtf i love papenbrook now
>rebi ster
/pol/ /k/ /a/ here!
He's not the kind of guy who's worried enough about it to go out of his way
if biceps king worked out so hard why didn't he become saitama'd?
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>his VA
For a superhero comic, this goes Invincible tier damage levels.

I like it.
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/vg/ is late but here
Friendly reminder that Mumen Rider is best hero.
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>/vp/ is one person
ashfags and amourfags btfo
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Bad Trade.png
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>People dying for no reason
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because he used air conditioning and didn't eat three meals a day
>implying anyone really cares about that anymore
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Oh good lord it's perfect. I wanna feed her greasy hamburgers.
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Friendly reminder that Nami is the best character on Toonami.
Don't spoil it. Just let it happen in due time.
He didn't follow Saitama's training regimen.

Every fucking time
How do you fuck up that badly
>giant kills brother
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Bryce doing this cameo made this dub legendary.
>Saitanmans face when titian kills his own bro
so Saitama plugging his ears, does that mean he's vulnerable to auditory assault?
He may have worked out for a longer period than Saitama, but he probably skipped days, and didn't maintain consistency.
Is that from a Tokimachi Eisei doujin? I fucking love that guy.
Just got back from seeing KISS! What concerts have you been to, patriots?
that Saitama face gets better every watch
saitama's shit eating grin after the giant kills his own brother never fails to make me laugh
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Why doesn't the giant have a dick?
So what episode is this? First time watching One Punch
Yes, but only because he has a decently shaped skull for it. Mine's shaped like a damn pineapple, so I could never pull it off.
every time
Failure in dallas
when did saitama get the power to fly? i dont remember that
I think it's just an extra visual way to ignore people.

Favorite song of the anime, easily.
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First ep
Episode #1
>Hyper Light Drifter
good fucking taste tom

It's shit lol
The last one
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Yeah, she's the best. FOR ME TO POOP ON!
8/10 GOTY
Steroids shrink your weiner.
He's just jumping very high
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smug punch man.jpg
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weak scene
He has one, but it's still normal human size.
Steroids shrink your dick. HUGE steroids remove it.
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Its over forever

IT'S...uh, mediocre.
Either he didn't follow Saitama's exact regimen OR Saitama is actually one of those humans-turned-monsters that became obsessed with something, that just so happens to be "being a hero" in his case.
it was clearly flying along with hovering
First episode fool.
Blair Witch sequel? Really? Why make a sequel to a movie that's almost twenty years old?
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You're a fucking deviant and you should be summarily executed for defiling a goddess.
>less than 8.5
Wow, it must suck pretty bad. How'd they afford an ad on Toonami anyway?
Almost done with the Rei picture. give until the time Naruto normally comes on.
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>he doesn't like thicc Satsuki
I once read that only a few number of South Koreans actually use bow and arrow and the rest of the population has rarely even touch a bow.
Because the horror genre is long dead and people will easily see that movie by name alone
Regardless of it only becoming popular because of it's quiet release making people think it was real
How's he going to pee? Or more importantly, masturbate?
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They're remaking the Blair Witch?
>Lost all faith that the future can be better.
>Blair witch is getting a remake/sequel

Right, so that was a helium tank and a cpap mask right?
It was a kickstarter game, I even donated to it. It's actually pretty good. Art's fantastic, but he's right about it being cryptic as hell. There's no text so you have to kind of intuit everything.
Oh god. I know exactly where that image is from.
Remakes are easy money in the movie business.
It wasn't me, it was Ragyo
Is 2016 L I T E R A L L Y the year of remakes and blunders?
It was one of the most profitable movies of all time.
He should be summarily executed for a number of reasons. Thicc is among the least bad of these. He's wanted in 23 states, and the District of Columbia.
Cat's Eyes remake when?

>I'll be watching you
>smoking cigarettes

it's more of a sequel-reboot
Watched anime on The Bionix block on YTV. Gundam Seed Destiny was lit when I was young.
The fact that it was made on a budget of like 200 dollars and actually made big movie money is lost on the people making the remake apparently.
The lowest score Tom ever gave is 6 right?
so HLD was given a 2 out of 4.
How long until the remake that is our lives?
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No, Jump good
that was the nike statue, goddess of victory
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based, i'll never forget you artanon.
wtf is this noncanon shit
>saitama punches the car monster in the dick
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I would love to see an episode or chapter where saitama encounters a villain that can go intangible so he cant punch him but consequently the other guy can do shit either so they either just turn around and leave or he settle for bugging the crap out of him because he cant do anything to stop him
is saitama a schizoid?
1886 was the lowest score I remember them giving. THey may have given lower but that one was like a 6.5 or something.
TL Note: Eggs over rice is a standard Japanese comfort food.
No, I think it's a sequel. One of the trailers suggested that these ding-dongs are searching for the people from the original movie.
I really have to get into the sentai series. They really cool.
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Dunno. But we are getting an It reboot with this guy replacing Tim Curry.
you mean like a spooky ghost?
The testosterone fades but the growing estrogen levels remain. He would lose sex drive and grow tits.
What's funny is there was already a sequel.

Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows.
Sounds reasonably tasty.
New thread where?
Do the Japanese bathe in green tea? Why is the bathwater green?
It's pretty damn tasty.
Why is Japanese bath water green?
Oh I thought we didn't have threads for marathons? I'm going to lurk and finish watching Jessica Jone. Remember Luke Cage comes out at the end of the month,.
They take herbal baths. Baths are for soaking, not washing. They actually wash themselves before getting in the bath.
Why doesn't Saitama just get into video games if he wants a fight?
is there a pic of the drider form yet?
ask brazil
Car monster is voiced by Ben Diskin. AKA Bling King. Also Joseph Joestar.

>The lowest score Tom ever gave is 6 right?
Lowest for AS Toonami was a 7/10 (for three games: Catherine, Deadlight, and The Order: 1886). Lowest ever was a 1/5 for the Dreamcast game Blue Stinger.
Green tea bath?
It's actually the third movie.
It was a way to give us Saitama's monologue on TV without boring the viewers. A good animation studio knows how to tweak things in order to make the transition from words+pictures to voices+animation work well.
TL Note: Japanese baths are for relaxation, not cleaning. They are often made with brightly colored bath salts and herbal mixes.
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>Anyone replacing Tim Curry
>Thinking ANYONE can fill those enormous clown shoes
I am filled with an incalculable level of rage.

Frothing, curdling rage. I really really want to hit something right now.
Lame. I liked it better when the monsters exploded like the first guy
>this fight
a labor of love
He's canonically shit at video games.
Think they'll do THAT scene from the book?
What happens if Saitama punches himself at full strength? Does he die or does he find someone he can't kill in one punch? Is that how the manga will end?

Worse is that he's almost my age, thus making him way less scary for the older audiences.

thats what i eat when theres nothing left
so hyped for season 2
Nobody knows what his "full strength" is. For all we know he could evaporate the universe if he decides to use his maximum
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They gonna do the underage orgy scene?
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OnePunchMan Z.png
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Oh right, I forgot it was a Marathon tonight.
Fitting, seeing it's been 30 years since the last feeding
>that heartbeat

How the fuck did I not notice that parallel in the Boros fight?
So wait, how did Saitama know about the Subterraneans before he met them?
So does this mean that saitama doesn't give a shit about anybody else and only in it for the fight?
saitama is a precog?
It's a joke anon.
kind of reminds me of this
No, that would be too explicit.
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It just makes me realize we'll never have Tim Curry back the way he was anymore. We'll never hear that voice again.

My god, I just....
I think ONE himself said Saitama would just fuck the universe if he punched full power.
I've become too strong...
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It's a better show than usual, at least.
could work but I always thought it would be funnier if is an actually villain trying to take him out with the sudden realization that he really cant do anything.
Poor Tim Curry killed it in everything he was in now he's an invalid. All these deaths of late makes me wonder who's next. Clint and Connery are 86 and it's sad because Connery hasn't been in anything since 03.
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OPM EP1.png
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Well I mean he isn't just gonna let people die if he can help it but generally he doesn't fight for any reason other than amusement.
It wasn't a dream. It was a vision.
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Remind you of anyone?
How would you rate this episode?
He really doesn't give a shit about anything, not at this point. He's just a hero for a hobby. And he's too strong.
He might have overheard them chatting in his sleep.
It's not even page 10 yet.
i remember it too and it's boring and weird
I heard ONE said that is power was roughly equivalent to one Big Bang.
Something like that.
Either way, wouldn't be pretty.
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He's not evil or anything. He's just self centered and bored.
Considering Bowie and Prince, all bets are off.

It could be Connery. It could be Stan Lee. Fuck, it could be Ron Pearlman for all we know
>Stan lee dying
He'll just return to his coffin to rejuvenate his youth and return at some point in the future.

Also someone please tell me there is a doujinshi of mosquito lady.
>Ron Pearlman
No, no! He still has to play Cable in the Deadpool sequel!
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>god damn, that mosquito lady
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Dolph isn't aryan god anymore, but he's still /fit/ enough to pull it off.
>He punched me in the dick, why?9
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