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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

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Thread replies: 661
Thread images: 251

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Less Shipposts More Shitposts Edition

Last Thread >>85991087

>Future Boy Zoltron:
Download: https://mega.nz/#F!aFVwTBxB!GKeouMwlFlHUwTAGix6R-w

>NEXT EPISODE (airs Thursday):
Last One Out of Beach City (September 8th, 2016): "Steven, Pearl and Amethyst attend a rock show."
Onion's Gang (September 15th, 2016): "Steven finds out about Onion's secret friends."

>Episode downloads
720p (plus comics and soundtracks): https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
1080p (fixed): https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
>Weekly airing schedule (click to the right of the logo, times in EST)

(Don't be a clod, mark and hide your spoilers accordingly!)
>2 minute clips and screenshots from CN's server


>SDCC SU Panel
>SDCC Zuke's SU Zine
>Show Soundtrack
>Attack the Light (mobile game) Soundtrack
>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads
stop poel
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i have a brain
i mean
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Happy Lappy

Jasper is a shit cunt, I'm glad she's dead.

My only regret is that I didn't subject her to mass spider and emu assault while glassing her face.

Tell you what, feels good that she's gone m8s.
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Diamond fight.
Who's the worst and why is is Lapisfags and shippers?

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We're back, baby!
Already a quality thread
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Hot stuff
oops ;)
Good edition, hope it doesn't get deleted by the jannies.
>bad Pearl
I am already cumming.
i'm so excited
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Steven's Guilt.png
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Y'know, I get what they're trying to do, but the creators need to realize that not everyone in real life has terrible mental issues and scars.
Nth for the best waifufags
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is fit really a fetish?

Smiley is gay confirmed
>6 votes for gem shippers

Really tickles your noggin
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Post Pewey cause they are perfect together
alright this is my second /sug/ what exactly is a /freak/?
she wouldn't want you

i'm sorry but it's true
It's what we all need now. Not like it'll stop the shippers but I try.
round three.
Can't you tell from context?
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If it is, I've got it bad.
Smokey was a mistake
you are!
only exception
It would only happen if he let her call him Rose and wore a dress.
someone who essentially wants jasper to step on them
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Is this a wish fulfillment self-insert ship?
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Poly is best ship
lurk more faggot
After 10 million years of training will Peridot turn into a fujoshit version of Cable?
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best wife.png
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Good thing Steven can already do that.
>make sure its consistent for every one of her appearances.
Not a lapisfag, but whose personality ever matches up with every thing they do? Mine sure doesn't
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taking sfw requests, im bored and don't know what to draw
how did anyone need staff confirmation to get this? Did people also need staff confirmation to get that Pearl is a lesbian?
>she just really respects her commander
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Where's his face, /sug/?
>Percy X Pierre
>peridot is a fujoshi
I never thought about it that way.
Steven dancing with Pearl.
down under
something that shows you mean bismuth!
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Lapis in Jasper's outfit or vice versa
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oh shit waddup.jpg
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Here comes a thought...
Everybody's, because personality isn't how you act towards one person or towards one thing, it's universal, even if in practice it means you can come across as two entirely different people in sufficiently different situations.
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Can someone edit this with the gems?
>trusting info from a secondary source
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There is still no proof Pearl was in love.
I kind of wish they would do more with the mayor's crush on Pearl.
It could be pretty amusing.

So creepy question. Are there any good Peridot dakimakura images out there?
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The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Smoky dressed as Gogeta and Stevonnie as Vegito
is this Bobobobobobobobobobobo?
>Did people also need staff confirmation to get that Pearl is a lesbian?
>>she just really respects her commander
That's more or less what some people actually thought
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Do gems feel anything when they have sex? Do they have enough fine control to develop nerve endings.
I actually saw that exact edit a couple of threads ago
And people STILL think that.

Unless word of God says otherwise
No it's Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
It's kind of funny that the only person in the entire universe thta loves Pearl romantically is this weirdo fuck.
on a scale of 1 to jasper how much do you really wanna suck her water wangs
you started the becky miscarriage meme that spiraled into a complete shitshow. fuck you and fuck your frog
That is actually pretty nice.
The ship almost makes sense when approached from the loss angle.
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a lot
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>tfw you realize that any fusion involving Garnet is a mech piloting a mech

This was more than enough proof. They havent exactly been subtle in regards to Pearls feelings about Rose.
welcome, young one. are you just new to these threads or 4chan in general?

freaks are people who should lurk moar. desuarchive is your friend
He is a politician. Bread and circuses to distract people from their problems is his job.
I want to grind Lapis' gem onto dust and blow it into Zuke's face to make her sneeze.
>homeworld colors
>lapis thinks lapisfags are the worst
>peridot thinks jasperfags are the worst
>jasper thinks perifags are the worst
As always, sounds about right
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You're right, I'd have a much better chance with Jasper or Lapis

Oh wait they're all fictional
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It became one when LoK started airing.
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>people still in denial
They could shapeshift the necessary organs to feel the pleasure.
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Wait what? Explain.
Pearl, Bloople. and Smugface as retro 70's Charlie's Angels
Garnet is a magic-based being, not a machinery-based being.
Why is he a weirdo? Thought Ronaldo was the weirdo. We need more Dewey in episodes.
Nope. Read the last thread, we're not restarting that shit
Pearl x Greg makes more sense than that shit with Mayor Dewey.
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It's perfect
No, I mean does it qualify as a fetish? Isn't like fit girls a normal thing?
Or am I a disgusting fetishist?
Dewey is the only good townie
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Would the show be better if all the gems were mechas?
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>current year
>not knowing Ronaldo is best townie
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oh anon kun.jpg
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>who is Greg
>liking fit girls
>liking girls squeezing your head in between their thighs
last thread was a little chaotic for my tastes

which episode post-log date 7 15 2 do you think will be nominated for SU's next emmy, knowing that lion 3 and the answer were our previous nominees? which episode in your personal opinion actually deserves an emmy the most? do you think the answer can beat AT's hall of egress during this year's awards next weekend?
Greg isn't a townie tho, he and Connie are a tier above townies along with the meme barn dwellers
I can't find it in the last 5 threads
Then it would samefag with different things.
Neutral exchange.
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Now hang on, there. There is nothing wrong with wanting to wear earmuffs that are too tight on your head.
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For her.
Would you tell her what it was first?
As someone who hates Renaldo, I really hope something like this becomes canon. His scenes with Jane were his best moments on the show.
And now for something completely retarded
more of what you got last thread, but better
How does it not make sense? We've seen Dewey crushing on Pearl in the actual show.
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Never saw it that way, but I guess I can't really argue.
Yellow Diamond first mentioned in Season 1, Blue in season 2, Pink in season 3.

When will White Diamond been mentioned this season?
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damn right
Mr.Greg or Mindful Education.
HER HER HER HER Space Travel
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Mindful education was very pretty artistically speaking IMO.
that wasn't just him, it was multiple autists. the meme needs to stay dead, let it die
"Sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part." Or so says Wikipedia.

This definition is more restrictive than the one I had in mind. Either way, I think it qualifies, since muscles are nongenital.
To be honest, Pearl x any human doesn't make any sense.
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I can't handle this fucking keikaku.
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Is Ronaldo the Bismuth of the townies, or does the symmetry only apply to the cool kids and Onion?
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Stop that shit!
Bravo, Sugar
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Rising Tides, Crashing Skies was hilarious

Of course it helps that I wasn't in the fandom back then, so I had no lore/malachite expectations or anything like that
Mindful Education is pretty decent award bait, so probably that.

I think The Answer has a good chance at the award, it's a great self-contained episode, looked absolutely gorgeous and has a great message. I don't know much about who votes for the Emmy's though, they might hate lesbians
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What? Is this a new ship? Becky x her miscarried fetus?
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>all this Jaspearl in the thread again
If we're going to post ships, at least post rare ones.
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she looks so fucking hot in this shot idk why
Yeah, I don't get that point
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older steven x pearl.jpg
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Let's not kid ourselves here, we know just who Pearl needs.
kill yourself
Ronaldo is the Peridot anon. Lars is the Lapis and Sadie is the Jasper
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It's literally all your fault
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is that the sea spire or some other fucking place we havent seen yet?
>implying lapis isn't paulette
She isn't a crystal gem or a homeworld gem, she has "no place in this camp's hierarchy"
Mr. Greg

>no "canadians" option
you're a fucking shitposter who may as well be a tripfag, but you have best taste in gems, so i'm conflicted
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pls don't make becky and ian cry again
get into the bunker.
Can't tell who that is desu.
Why do tumblr people always capitalise random parts of words

I saw one the other day that was like
>I pausED MY TV
How is Ronaldo Peridot?
Sea Spire was only a couple hours of paddling from shore, so it's probably the upper x right off the coast.
Ian too? So it's a threesome?
Paulette is a fictional character. Also a shit.
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Don't cry, Pearl
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I guess
Please lurk for ~3 months before posting.
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Normally I'd say this is a stretch, but this is Becky Sucrose we're talking about and it's a near perfect match to Buddy's map.
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kissing pearl.png
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Read the filename.
Post cancer

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#HYPE for Pearl and Ame at the rock show
ASPEA = aspie, I guess?
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f u.png
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I told you fags
It was ambiguous enough to seem like friendship on purpose
Man, I'm not even a Sardonyxfag.
She's like my fourth favorite character and my second favorite fusion.
I only use Myspace thx.
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I'm excited!
I've always thought it denoted either a voicecrack or some sort of sudden sharp upturn in passion or volume because something is so startling that you speak before your voice adjusts to your state of mind
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u did wot.png
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to show excitement
like you started raising your voice in the middle of a word/are too hysterical to type properly

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big steven.jpg
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Didn't somebody match it up with the underwater temple where the time thing was? That would make sense.
>I know your future because I am from it
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Bara Steven is Best Steven.
sorry garnet but you're not garnet.
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Hey hey all
Bored drawfag here, I'm the guy who did pic related and the reaper peridot from a while back if anyone remembers that

I'm bored, give me your requests
Paulette has always struck me as a bitch.
>not caring about the color war
>being a slut and coming on to Percy really hard
>she gets what she wants yet still abandons Percy
I mean, the cover is good.
Why did he try to animate it, though? It completely ruins a good thing.
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Lappy makes me happy
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Lapis is a fictional character too. Also a shit
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Opal doing cute things
This with Amethyst, Garnet, Pearl, Peridot, and Steven.
bismuth being bismuth.
Requesting this again. Amethyst draggin Pearl around at the rock concert
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sleep is for the 'week'.png
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ccsxo52q2s some weeb cunt made this amv in mspaint and windows movie maker of stronger than you. bullshit.
>>85995097 can you believe this fandom anymore
This is getting a little weird.

Agreed tho.
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This but with Lapis.
Would you a Sigourney Weaver?
Holy shit, that's some pretty Oedipus complex shit right there.
post gemsonas
See guys, if you doubted Rose's feelings for Pearl, here you have official confirmation that they were romantic.
/r/steven universe
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You don't want to fuck your own mother, right anon?
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>INB4 Lanky.
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The prettiest ship.
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What is this official conformation of then?
Peridot as Spongebob annoying Lapis as Squidward
jaspearl or bust
opal x gerg
a.k.a gerg x boulder, perhaps?
Greg x Amy x Pearl poly
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please no
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Yeah, no.
too far, go home.
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no male gems allowed
kill yourself or no, thats about it, kill yourself
is snowflake a mailman, bc special delivery.
>My Pearl
>you're wonderful
>Everything I ever did I did for her
>Rose was wonderful, courageous and most of all beautiful
Is there a better ship than Pearlrose? The answer is clearly no.
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>Not liking Snowflake
what are you, gay?
that's fucking stupid
>liking Snowflake
What are you, heterosexual?

This was pretty cringey and oddly hilarious
Lapis is real in terms of the world she inhabits. Paulette is a fictional character in that world who has existed longer than
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What did you just say?
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It's kind of cute. Look at her booty
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This with Pearl?
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fucking triggered.jpg
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How dare you.
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big smiley.png
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What is Camp Pining Hearts is a reality show?
>tfw these two grind
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What are you gonna do, throw me down and fuse with me?
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What they had is nothing compared to the thousands of years these two were together. They were the original CGs.
And it's thanks to Greg and his murdercock that Rose is gone.
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I dream of that day
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stop saving images from pinterest you fucking lazy sacks of shit
>Canadians just look like that, similar to South Park
top hue
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Guys, you know how Pearl lied to fuse with Garnet?

>Asks Rose to fuse for Greg's music video
>Rose agrees because it will look cool
>Uses fusion to undermine Greg's confidence.
>She really just wanted to show him up.
>Pearl lied to Rose about why she wanted to fuse.
>Pearl fusion-raped Rose.

Imagine what she did to Amethyst back in the day.
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>tfw nobody will ever love you enough to put you in their cartoon as a background character
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Don't forget this
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How bout both
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>implying Pearl isn't thankful for Steven's existence.
If I was ever autistic enough to make one it'd be a quartz
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pearl is cumming.gif
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nah, sapphire was completely engulfed with rage.
So Gem war flashback when?
Should Greg be castrated?
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>next week's episode contains Amethyst
>mfw it's an Amethyst angst episode
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If he's castrated, how will he give Steven an angry little brother?
Obsidian will be the coolest gem
>nickname: obi
I like Connie and I like her episodes.
>implying it won't be a new fusion episode
Steven coming into existence was the best thing to ever happen to her.
me too
Shit taste
>mfw she's a teen going through her emo phase
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I'm probably the only one who would be upset.
I like connie but I don't like her episodes
You're among friends
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Brown loli is one of the best parts of this show.
>opal dancing on stage channeling rainbow quartz
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Rose is getting the chance to live the life of a human through Steven because of Greg, something Pearl in another five thousand years would never have been able to offer.
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4MB, 222x438px
Best gem wins the Stevenbowl instead then.
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Get out.
what the fuck does this poor sap who you're mistaking for me and the picture of hoppy on a unicycle have to do with my post?
It's loreweaver who's into frogs
>implying Rose wasn't enjoying that
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353KB, 1200x1500px
>thinking Opal will ever come back

We can only hope.
>that comic

Why would she purposely smell Greg's baby batter?

>Gem war flashback
>Steven is having a flashback from when he was Rose
>he's in a position to see what the gems really did with no way for them to try and stop it happening or explain themselves
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You fucking wish.
Any previews for Last one out of Beach City yet?
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Umm, when I watched the show the first season and a half essentially screamed "On some level Pearl wishes Steven didnt exist"


Imo she's most of the reason why up until recently he's felt like he was never going to live up to the Rose hype.
>not liking Connie
Meme desu.
why do people hate connie? She's better than steven is
Wait till tomorrow.

Hope Either Smoky or Opal shows up
Just because she enjoied it doesn't mean it's not rape. Did you learn nothing from your mandatory college course on how not to rape women?
>She's better than steven is
That exactly why people hate her
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Fuck off Ian

Rebecca's self insert is a terrible character.
Shut up dumplr
Make me, faggot.
It was called Transformers Animated.
Also, male Gems.
Its really just waifufags at this point
>Amy and Pearl form Opal so Steven can sit on her shoulders and get a better view
>Opal doesn't speak
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when will ian learn it's impossible to delete things from the internet?
well we can't all be danny hynes
Male cuteboy gems.

just like Pearl is the reason Amethyst always felt like shit.

Pearl is terrible but I like her.
I just think Connie is boring as fuck and her boringness drags down every episode she's in

I liked when she and Steven did cute humany stuff as a couple, he needs more genuine human experiences desu
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That's one hell of a stretch and it won't amount to anything, unless it turns out the machine was powered by an enemy Gem.
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>protect sucrose

it might be that brief moment her eyes are half-lidded, her kissable arms and shoulders accentuated by that halter shirt, and just a peek of her neck being exposed. plus having the context of the scene in the back of your mind helps enforce how incredibly cute she is.

at least those are things i pay attention to when i see this.
If Anything Pear's the one who's been holding him back with how overprotecive she's always been. It's Garnet who's all about "have more faith in him"
>Not Kat Morris
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>Another Onion episode
I think she's felt very conflicted about Steven during the first season, but she's come closer towards accepting him. Closer than she's ever been before.
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ruby is her self-insert though

realtalk, will YD send a yellow sapphire to track the rubies down?

We know future vision can be used to search for things, and YD is getting her ass kicked by going in blind
Onion trade sucked but Onion Friend was a GOAT episode

It could go either way


that is all
>yfw Onion has found and enslaved the watermelon Stevens
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Wait, what if she doesn't send in a yellow sapphire? what is she sends in a white sapphire along with ruby's two old teammates?

It would be snow white and the seven dwarves
Because that's a Zuke Pearl. I know because of the hair horns that make her look like a semon demon
Yup, and he proves himself most of the time, like when he came back when Jasper landed.

Yup, which is why she deserves to be LAST.
is the fact that he liked this post implying that sucrose had a miscarriage or that she didn't?
What episode was that?
Fucking thank you. People who post grainy thumbnails should be brought out back and shot.
wait, I'm an idiot. Why would it be a white sapphire? It could be snowflake obsidian!
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Earth never.
desu all it implies is that he loves his girlfriend and thought the post was cute, but /sug/ has decided that absolutely everything Ian does confirms that Sugar had a miscarriage because they're retards

That tweet was fake. You're setting people up for disappointment
i couldn't tell you the name i just know it's a peridot episode around the time their building the drill
>which is why she deserves to be LAST.
Last what?
This nigger has never been to /wooo/
It really couldn't.

And I thought the townie episodes were over...
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canon fangs.png
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if stevonnie fused with steven...would that recreate rainbow quartz in a 75%?
I mean, this fusion between steven, connie and pearl could prove to be the rightful incarnation of rainbow quartz?
Log Date 7 15 2
you like this shit??
>Yup, which is why she deserves to be LAST.
Because she has a hard time adapting to a child whose existence means that the person she always relied on and loved had to die? At least it's a wonder that she can even love Steven the way she does.
christ, *they're
Log Date 7 15 2
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>search for fanart
>find this horrid monster instead


Last place in the worst gem contest, meaning she is 1st place in the best gem contest.
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Did you not like Onion Friend?

I heard that lorefags were retards but I didn't want to believe it
You mean Stevonnie with Pearl? That'd just make them even less like the original Rainbow Quartz than Pearl and Steven's potential fusion.
pretty hot t b h. Post more.
I smell bait
I will never in my life say that.
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flat gem physiology > having breasts and vagoos for no reason
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I bet it's from Devianart.
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If you want it, the artist made more of these abominations.
Maybe since Connie is not a gem, all she does is provide Steven with a female form that looks like a teenager. Plus it would still just be Rose Quartz + Pearl = Rainbow Quartz.
THIS, gems aren't fat or busty. They're LITERALLY shapes.
I don't want it
I was thinking in the size and body type of the original rainbow quartz also I said that it was an incarnation...so perhaps that would make them less than the original but at least they will look good.
>not posting the high-res version
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>being killed to death between Jasper's legs
not the worst way to go
Amethyst reformed with long hair because of Greg
Source please
I know I'm late but you fucking idiot.
garnet. i need to see garnet
>posting any version at all
Draw requests?
It's not that bad
Wowie, this is awakening some part of me! I love it!
There's absolutely no way it won't be Mr. Greg.
There's a watermark in the same image.
Learn to read.
You're not making any sense.
>at least they will look good
Give the supposed Pearl/Steven fusion a chance, would you? They can still look good.
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This with Lapis
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This reminds me of that one nightmare inducing French cartoon
Draw long hair pearl
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fangfags need to fucking die
>not appreciating artistic talent
Oh gawd, I think I'm about to finish!
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who the hell markered my face.png
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Dude, that's a classic, I found that forever ago.
garnet is the only one more or less ok. mostly cause you don't see the weird eyes the artist uses on every model
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Greg didn't exist at this point
I think pearl and stevonnie would make a really good balance, I mean stevonnie is only 25% gem, with pearl there then the result would be a sexy but powerful fusion and being naughty here, perhaps the only fusion you can actually fuck.
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why is danny devito sitting at connie's grave?
amethyst's gem-mom died too but she doesn't spend all her episodes whining about it.
sometimes she whines about being short instead
Where's Universe Admiral when you need him

He's the king of finding the "best" Deviantart has to offer
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Rick I don't know about this.jpg
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>The last picture in my old sketchbook of drama marie and woo. So I want something better in my new one. Thus we have Rick opening a portal to my new sketch book with Death already making her way though , the Devil is right behind as well as justice all three are my superhero and villan characters then of course we have Rick and morty, Jagashie the cat and mystic the dog from my soon to be fiction and then finally the Gemsonas, PArirot, purple jasper, my lapis, rose, and non cannon gemsona all rushing to Meep mort.
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looking for me anon?
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That was just Steven visualizing Amethyst while he was reading the book, we don't actually know what she looked like back then
Unreliable narrators
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steven x Jeff best ship
Amethyst is clearly still upset about it. Did you even wath the episode where she shape shifts into Rose out of pure spite.
The strength of Amethyst's feelings for Rose are different from those of Pearl. Pearl describes Rose as being her everything, the reason she even existed.
Smokey was a mistake
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207KB, 680x734px
look guys its little Timmys first oc's
Oh shit, that's actually somewhat hot.
Guess who this is supposed to be
Only sinful degenerates like fangs.
>literally drawn in crayon
That Lapis speaks to my soul
this one is too old. she doesn't even have her current clothes. make a new one or fuck off
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please no
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oh boy, here we go.png
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>Name/Gem: Black Opal
>Sexuality: Bissexual.
>Pronouns: He/him/his.
>Nicknames: Hammer Mister/ Grey Hulk
>Occupation: Guardian/ Crystal Gem and Steven alternative "dad-mom".
>Weapon/Powers: Like Bismuth, he has great light manipulaton powers. So he can control his fists and hands, making them bigger but also make his whole body bigger. Turning into a more massive monster.

>Name/Gem: Allophane
>Sexuality: Non-gender.
>Pronouns: He/him/his.
>Nicknames: Disco Dad.
>Occupation: Guardian/ Crystal Gem and Steven alternative "dad".
>Weapon/Powers: Roman Scissors. May have been a semicircular blade affixed to the end of a metal cylinder encasing the forearm.

>Name/Gem: Dioptase
>Sexuality: Non-gender.
>Pronouns: He/him/his.
>Nicknames: Mint Cupcake.
>Occupation: Gem warrior, Crystal Gem member, middle brother.
>Weapon/Powers: Gakgung, type of a Korean bow and arrow.
This was taking place in Steven's mind. And the picture of them on the boat was a painting, not a photograph, so artistic license might be involved.
Pearl in rock clothes.

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say Peedee.
I don't think 6 year olds should be watching R&M.

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But anon, she's always in rock clothes.
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>purple jasper
hey, I said she didn't spend ALL her episodes on it, not that it never happened.
>muh special snowflake only male gems

why is that such an autist magnet?
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c r i n g e
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I think I writted that bad.
what I mean to say is that if stevonnie fused with pearl I think they would physically resemble the original rainbow quartz.
also I expect the fusion of pearl and steven look like pic related.
/sug/ we have seven loyal rubies named for the seven dwarfs
>"Handy" (ruby's old teammate)
>"Shouldy" (ruby's old teammate)

who will their Snow White be?
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inksonas, really.png
749KB, 1024x1017px
>That song really hit home for me...
>And for Cephalon and Krystal, too; working out their issues is tough, but they do it together
>They also represent myself and CometStarDraggin, since they're essentially our "inksonas". They mean a lot to us just as we mean a lot to each other.
replace hot dog with what.
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>that fucking Pearl
Pretty sure that's what she'd look like IRL so I don't see a problem.
pearl's foot
Coonie and Steven as a pairing is really cute and all but I want terrible End of Evangelion things to happen to them before they reach the bf/gf stage
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a bigger hot dog

I like to believe these are being made by little kids who just happened upon deviantart, but I know that isn't the case.
Just pixelate the hot dog
a tiny steven
You want connie to try to kill herself and Steven to strangle her after not? ending the world?
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>Pearl's nose
a penis. are you happy anon?
Pearl's penis.
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>Human AU always assumes they've always been human
>It's never the gems getting turned into humans and having to deal with clothes, food, sleep, jobs, hormones, et cetera

reee eee
tubmlr garble

Seriously why are they letting 5 year olds post art online
>In later life, Steven drops his 'Tiger Millionaire' persona and becomes the Trash Man
you can't use that meme. It's not yours
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Peppa Pig.png
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I am A* cool kid. ya cunt.
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fucking lel.png
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>with bellybuttons

Into the trash it goes.
How would that work?
They should suffer. All of them.
dude, we have five rubies with a very clear and obvious name scheme, and two canon extras who just happen to fill the gap. It's not garbage
so indexer is allowed to post here again?
no, its a proper way of life you fat shits

Now drop down and give me 20
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751KB, 1920x1090px
Don't say that. I'm not a meme thief.
Wait, was that drawn by the werediaper guy?
>Male gems
No, just no.

I have to sincerely congratulate you, in all my years on this site you will be the very first thing I ever filter.
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Sheeeeeeet, I don't know- a gem artifact turns them into organics or something.

Whatever the case, it's immediately more engaging to watch them deal with changes than just to have always been human.
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hey guys what's going on in this thre-
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The horrible art implies that the artist is a child, but the content is so fucked up that it must be an adult.

I feel dirty
i was expecting and edit. disappointing/10
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no u
got triggered precious?

go back to tumblr then
Code. I like it
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this is a beached whale
or is it puberty
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>been here for years
>is unfamiliar with the concept of laughing at bad fanart

Yeah I call bullshit.
>implying it has nothing to do with the literal cringe oozing out my computer screen from that post being on it.
You wouldn't a pearl sex slave would you
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Leak or real???
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Sweet Yellow Diamond. What in the fuck are those things?
this one is weird enough to be interesting. i like it
Steven would.
1000% real
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slam dunk reaction.gif
998KB, 528x507px

>Attack the Light comes out
>becomes #1 on the app store
>a million knock off Steven Universe games flood the app store

It was a funny time.
Lapis is a hot retard
end yoursellllllf
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2MB, 844x844px

Pearl's body looking Hank Hill as fuck in that image.
would I?
The lineart looks fake as fuck.
Burn it down and try again.
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long hair poil.png
28KB, 1000x1000px
Oh god why

Art wise this one isn't even that bad, but why are they naked?
except for dem nose, nice.

Still, if you've done that, kudos because is a good design.
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I miss old fanart
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Yeahhh, you're getting it
who's the author?
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Anyone else noticed the huge fucking hole in Russia?
isn't every ship?
>no CN logo
Very likely it's real.
dumb edit
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we should have had an abortion.png
1MB, 1024x1448px
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Trying to make it like front view in the show
thank you for making my sick question dreams reality but where are the penises. i swear some guys said penises.
No, no one ever noticed that ever
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Nope. No one's ever seen that ever.
Fucking beautiful
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i couldnt be arsed to draw a dick
>Last One Out of Beach City is about a rock show

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>>85996971 steven steven steven's penis
>dat ass
>2 shy of trips

does your mom know you edit things going into boys mouths?
This is elegant, I could see it framed above my mantle
Where is the rest of the microphone?
At least she doesn't look like an abomination. I expected something cuter though.
I had a dream that a bara-looking Steven got lost at a big carnival. And Connie thought he got kidnapped, so someone sent someone to kill the person that kidnapped him.

It just turned out that bara Steven went with some strangers to participate in a big orgy.

This carnival was on earth but the orgy was in space.
Yeah, what the fuck kind of microphone is that?
did i get the last image.
shit yes.

And you cunts thought I was being stupid when I brought up the possibility of a Sapphire being part of the machine.
Why is Ruby their baby?

Does the artist explain?

damn image reply limit hit before i could deliver, ill hit you up on the next thread tho
does she need to

fat fuck ate it

I'm into /ss/ but this needs to stop, pearl and steven are pure.
It seems kind of fake, but I was actually wondering if Rainbow Quartz would appear this episode. Steven, Pearl and Amethyst go to a rock show. The one time we've seen Rainbow Quartz was at a rock show.
>that lineart
No way is that real. Nice design idea on the eyes though, not bad for a fan fusion
Oh my. Click and discover more

Steven a gay boy.

Piss is hot
>Pearl finally gets to /ss/

Matt confirmed it on his blog though. Sassy purple fusion would be singing.
Literally how

Honestly, it's weird enough to be possibly real.

After Beta nothing willl surprise me.
Shield folds into a cone that becomes the mic, spear is the mic stand/cord.
>Pearl fused with Steven without any of the DRAMA
Wait. Isn't that an edit of the Mike Kroll picture that Ian or whoever reblogged?
>people are believing this

And you guys laugh all the time about how gullible Tumblr is.
The fingers look pretty legit

I kind of want it to be real, I love the uneven eye placement but isn't 3 eyes specifically a Garnet thing?
No, look at it

It's pretty obviously fake. There's spots where the lines overlap and specks of color out of place. How the fuck are people believing it?
this is 4chan, not tumblr
People are hyped for RQ, They'll take anything
Smoky WAS a mistake

Know Your Fusion has her break down crying about how all she does is fling Yo-Yos around, then she saves the day doing just that, and then everyone kinda just accepts that all she does is fling Yo-Yos around
It looks like it was just flipped horizontally.

I honestly didn't even notice that the hand was drawn in.
>no breasts or vaginas not allowed
>but human musculature is just fine
workin on this one now

ill get to this one today if i have time

i'm ashamed it took me so long to understand this



I want to ______ Pearl.
Smokey didn't break down crying.

And Sardonyx was the one being a bitch. Do you think Sardonyx can breath fire like Alexandrite? Or shoot arrows as perfectly as Opal?

Of course not. I think the saltiness of Sardonyx came from Pearl's emotions that Amethyst got to fuse with Rose in a way.

This fusion between Steven and Pearl is going to be one of the biggest hurdles for her. Would she even want to let go?
fucking kill
>workin on this one now

I really appreciate it
I want to fuck Rose in front of Pearl.
They just used it as a reference you idiot.
have my own
The source tweet

bash Pearl's gem in because I hate
see Jasper get together with
Pearl to step on me


steven probably has more Freudian complexs due to having like 3 moms, and his biological mother possibly pullling an arch duke Ferdinand

[spoilder]that is, if Freud wasnt bull[/spoiler]
Jasper marrys Pearl
Fuse with
hook greg 'murdercock' universe up with
Pssst, use ctrl+s
>Amethyst gets a whole arc leading up to her fusing with Steven

>Pearl gets 1 episode without any actual reason to fuse

I'll be annoyed if this is real.
Give a proper partner to Pearl so she can be happy
I want to FILL Pearl
why is it that with every single leak, like literally every one, there is always that group of extremely vocal faggots screaming "NO IT'S NOT TRUE!! OFF MODEL!!! IT'S OFF MODEL! IT'S NOT REAL DUMBASSES"
There's always Jasper.

>nose that's a mix of their noses instead of one character's nose


No. They just stole the background off that post
Denialfags always exist on any leak of information. And sometimes, they're right
I'd argue that Amy had the entire series leading up to her fusing. It was just put under more of a microscope in the later episodes leading up to SQ.
The real leaks are leaked with multiple pictures. Those image are chosen at random. These fake leaks often leak a major reveal.

Remember in the actual Earthlings Leak, we didn't even see smokey quarts outside of her leg, yet she was in the episode for like 4 whole minutes.
>tfw the hype for RQ is dead
Until it actually does happen
>tfw no Garnet and Amethyst going to the rock show and fusing into sassy purple gem to sing

Ah well, new Rainbow Quartz will be awesome too.
frankly there are other dead giveaways

>"new episode: CN logo"
I want to clone Pearl.
show's over, go home everyone
Honestly, I give them my compliments, it looks like something that could appear on the show.
repeatedly impregnate
This is obviously fucking fake, there's color spots and overlapping lines.
Blindly believing any "leak" that comes around won't help you or anyone else.
Why the hell do I come here, I need to get out of here. I have people that care about me, dammit.
I heard that Rose and Steven are going to fuse in the next episode
Source: I work in Rebecca Sugar and my dad is CN
Imagine Lapis
>those feet

goddamn it it's not that hard to draw feet people
Tell that to Overratedmallet
The weird thing is that the quality of the artwork really shouldn't be used to judge fakeness unless it's really bad.

People were calling out Jasper riding the corrupted gem from Crack the Whip as fake because of the Jasper's lineart was dodgy, but yet it was still true.
Because she used an officially released image of the upcoming episode as the base for the picture

I managed to be gone all summer thanks to my computer crapping itself. Just destroy your computer and you'll be golden.
Lapis leaks an egg
so we're gravity falls fandom now?
When will Steven find another glass of time and make 100 copies of himself to all fuse into a giant mega-Steven?
She would die after the first time, like Rose...
I want _____ to fug ______
They didn't call it fake because that image was released with multiple other images form the episode.
It's still well done.
This isn't a leak dumbass, it's someone's fanart they posted on their blog. They never even tried to claim it was a leak.
Who was the guy that leaked Alone at Sea's pictures with Jasper and Lapis? Outside of the server screenshots, those were the only other authentic leaks we got?
I want Onion to fug Onion
i want anon to fug peedee
The Lapis and Jasper ones were definitely real, I didn't deny those but you had to be a retard to believe the one in this thread.

And there you have it.
That didn't stop people from calling it out because of the lineart.

The point is that the show's lineart can be dodgy.
Eh, I've seen much worse.
next week
We don't know whether Rose is dead, just that she's given up her physical form. Steven doesn't even know what would happen to him if they ripped out his gemstone. It's possible that if/when Steven dies, that she'll reappear (though I doubt the show would let Steven die).

We also don't know whether it's possible for gems to give birth without relinquishing their gemstones; only that if Rose Quartz had a choice, that she chose to bequeath her gemstone to Steven.
Is that Burnett tweet about a purple fusion appearing next ep legit?
Actually, we might get the leaked images for Last One Out of Beach City as early as tomorrow along with the 2-minute preview.
Probably not. If it is, he deleted it really quickly.
Yes, the blogs replying to the tweet were real. I messaged one of them to confirm, their replies to the tweet were deleted along with Matt's tweet.
Oh, so you're saying he could impregnate Pearl, wait for her to give birth to a girl, then impregnate her, and so on?

Pedobear approves.
you think amethyst would be down with casual sex
>as early as tonight or as late as... never
She's too self-conscious
The leaks are never coming back on?
when the leaks go down, so does/sug/
>page 9
That was fast
_______new thread when?_______
I have a hard time believing Burnett would spoil something like that, though nuRainbow Quartz appearing would actually make some sense. Guess I'll just have to wait for the episode.
Could some post a screencap on imgur
There's literally a new thread already.

>purple fusion
You're all being rused, it's going to be a Ruby/Lapis fusion
zoltron accepts your quads

your wish is granted in the new steven universe episode "onion gang"
>page 10


>Still page 9

Wait. holy shit, i got a dub and a quad?
>what is refresh
it's over..isn't it.

Wow, now I understand why they want us in /trash/ so badly.
It's fake.

Deleting tweets doesn't delete replies, and yet if you look at the accounts of the two replies in that screenshot.


They never made those replies on September 1st.
The first thread isn't /sug/, the second is legit, the third happened because someone forgot to check the catalog.

This guy >>85998060 on the other hand tried to make a new thread while we were on the middle of page 9.
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