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Has there ever been a powerranger cartoon? I dont remember there

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Has there ever been a powerranger cartoon?

I dont remember there ever being one, seems like a lost oppertunity
Does Vanpires count?
Im so happy for my man the red ranger
We came so far from being the black ranger.
There was a pitch for an animated movie
Power Rangers SPD was the shit!
Best Bruce Kalish season
Wasn't the Red Turbo Ranger black as well?
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Second Turbo Red Ranger yes
Girl Red when?

Even instances where the chick is the CAPTAIN she's usually stuck as pink or yellow
I know youre referencing Time Force
I remember there was another team with a red ranger was a girl and they pointed it out in the plot but I'm not sure if they were Another Universe version inside of the series but whatever the series was the home base of the Rangers was underwater and I believe that the Blue Ranger was a small kid.
IIRC when Bruce Kalish spoke to the Japanese about having the A-Squad Ranger in SPD be female they told him that they'd never do business with him ever again if he did that.
There's been two girls that have been red rangers, but not as main characters.
My Nigga.
Source? Why?
I think it was from an anniversary interview or something IIRC
I may be wrong though
Samurai had a female red ranger, but she dropped it for reasons, but I think she came back later
A squad red ranger was also a girl, but she was evil
There was almost a CGI reboot of Mighty Morphin.
You can still find the concept proposal floating around, Trini is QT as fuck.
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>the guy who trained his whole life to be red becomes blue
>the nigga that dindu nuffin becomes the red
He became red in the end of the series though
Same reason you won't have a female lead rider

you might get a female lead ultraman host, with the host being female and the ultraman being male
Ace wasn't a ultra that had two hosters, a man and a woman?
Didn't he want to be red because his dad was Red?
Even though he found out the old man was Blue? The fuck was up with that anyway, I stopped watching after Dino Thunder.
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His dad was a Red ranger
Daily reminder that SPD was one of the best PR seasons.
>time force

Never understood this
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Official power rangers ranking.
Did Time Force evolve into SPD or something?
They were on a budget
They reused Space's helmets for the A-Squad rangers
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We will never have another US kamen rider adaptation? I would love to see a murican kabuto, since the original is a huge wasted potential
sadly, I feel Rider would probably have to take risk and aim at an older demographic; since Power Rangers has most definitely got the kid's demographic by the balls

>Netflix presents Kamen Rider.
Goddammit, one of these days, I need to FINALLY sit down and watch through some PR seasons.
Ditto. It's even worse because I physically own from MMPR to RPM on DVD
I only ever watched season one to the first episode of season two.
I think there was some guy on /m/ who claimed he worked on the Dragon Knight and that Kabuto was planned to be next or something.
It's been a long ass time since I saw that image of his posts and I can't find it anywhere
Shut the fuck up. It didn't make sense, but Jack was awesome. One of the best Red Rangers, easily.

Power Rangers was the ultimate in cheap TV.

Animation is expensive.
Better get to it, Anon.
Sadly in this climate it probably won't happen any time soon.

Action cartoons are in a bad place right now
yup, just rip off super sentai, add some western bits and boooyah, you got the ultimate in jewish thievery.

god bless you saban, you penny pinching cunt
Are they still made with footage from the Japanese series or do the American shows actually shoot their own action shows now?
It used to be straight ripping and dubbing sentai footage but now they do a lot of original stuff and the sentai is only really there to set that years aesthetic.
This guy right here.

Also, how did Doggy Krueger's muzzle fit in the helmet?
Tzachor seasons are straight up ripping and dubbing 99 percent of the time
Chip Lynn seasons have a good amount of original footage
You are mixing a lot of seasons together. The underwater base was Lighspeed Rescue, the kid Blue Ranger was turbo, and the one with a secondary ranger team where the red was female (and they turn evil) was SPD
Literally, the last PR series I watched religiously.
In that case it couldn't be much cheaper than making an action cartoon right?

Although I understand the suits don't like those right now
His dad looks like Jim Bob Duggar.

>Wes, where did it all go so wrong?
And then he got demoted to blue
I would put Samurai in average tier,move Mystic Force,Jungle Fury and Dino Charge to good tier.
And In Space reused the armor from Starship Troopers.
SPD evolves into Time Force.
The only thing keeping mystic force from top tier is turning the wands into phones it belongs in good tier
He was the suit actor for Scissors. The plan with Kabuto was basically to keep English Knight from Ryuki to transition smoothly between series from Ryuki to Kabuto. The Worm would have been the next step on from the Aliens who were the bad guys in Dragon Knight, and English Tendou would have been this weird Tendou//Tsurugi hybrid who was a sheltered prodigy who helped him steal some new Rider belt prototypes and became Kabuto. They considered doing Faiz next but the toys were too dated and there weren't enough Riders to sell toys. Blade was considered with them using those three movie Rider suits as regular characters but they decided on Kabuto for more raw footage of multiple Riders.
Do they design new monsters i assume the zord stuff is still straight rips
I need to catch up on the jap stuff.
Yeah and the Hoppers would have been stage magicians
Time Force was my favourite, was glad that they tied it into this (also being police themed).
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Well there's Lord Zedd, Emperor Gruumm, and Sledge
Even bargain bin animation costs way more than Saban ever wanted to spend.
tell me there's some art of Kimberly in that skirt
Blue was sexist and called Green retarded in episode 1. He got red what he matured.
Shadow ranger was hype

Best Black red
In Space, SPD, and that post apocalyptic one with the autistic scientist
Time Force, SPD, Ninja Storm, In Space are the GOAT shows.

Honourable mention to: Dino Thunder and Lost Galaxy.

Shit Tier: Lightspeed Rescue, until the Titanium ranger added some excitement and suspense.

Why Tier: WildForce. I know it's Power Rangers, but some of the acting was just tragic.
RPM? Heard good things about that one, but I stopped after SPD.
RPM is one of the top 5 series in the franchise.

>you are now remembering Forever Red
Literally better than any Toku special crossover ever made.
Is it really? I still need to get into toku. Actually Japanese toku, I mean.

Also, skip to about 14:00 for the good stuff, people.
>Better than 199 heroes
>Better than Sharivan Next Gen
>better than vs. Gavan
>better than OOO/Fourze

I could literally go on for a long time proving you wrong.
Go back to bed, Linkara.
>Is it really?
no, there are a bunch that easily destroys it.
But she WAS female
I want Boom comics of A-squad

Really, how did they get away with Lord Zedd in a kids show, anyway? He half looks like he just walked off the set of a Hellraiser movie.
Aren't the PR comics they're making now supposed to actually be bretty gud?

he got toned down to goofy evil villian to make up for it, shame he was pretty scary (for me as a kid anyways) during his first appearance
Where do i start watching Super Sentai?
He got married to Rita and they lived in a fucking trailer.
they are okay, it seems they are getting better; once they cut ties to the show.
in The Movie, his brain was pulsing.
How did they get away with Ransik and his bone-swords pulled from his own body?

How the HELL did they get away with Nuking most of humanity in RPM? Under DISNEY of all companies!
Boukenger is probably a good average series to start with, and with it's "Vs." film, you won't neccesarrily need prior knowledge ofthe previous sentai.
back then, Power Rangers gave a shit.

Now, you just hope for an average series like Dinocharge.

Power Rangers used to be on the top of kid's programming, now it's about average.
Ivan Ooze was the best villain though.

Divatox gets an honorable mention for having them titties. Shame they toned down her cleavage after the movie.
>199 heroes

Absolute garbage. Makes the annual DC/Marvel summer mega event look like fucking high art. Literally WE WERE MERELY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED the movie. Making Super Hero Taisen basically just Rider movies hasn't helped much, they've still been terrible ideas horribly executed A FUCKING FLOWER

>Sharivan Next Gen

Shaider's film is more the proper Space Sheriff Crossover, and despite the rushed ending slightly better written. The only thing Sharivan has over it are the fights, which are fantastic.

>Vs. Gavan

Actually really great. Best Gokaiger film, and best Gavan anything apart from the original series.


Solid. The OOO and Fourze segments are okay, the best parts are when they team up, which is kind of the opposite of the Gaim/Drive crossover. Most Rider crossovers aren't great shakes apart from a few notable exceptions, Sentai VS. movies usually have a stronger track record.

Forever Red's okay.
To be fair, Green WAS a retard and Pink was a valley girl, with Red and Yellow being literally criminals that got recruited in the SPD instead of going to jail, that kinda of leaves Blue as the only reliable guy.
RPM was going to be the last season
Disney didn't give a shit
Pick a theme you like the sound of or which interests you and watch it. That's how I did it.

Harry Potter = Magiranger
Cars and comedy = Carranger or Goonger
Wuxia and Kung Fu films = Dairanger or Gekiranger
Cop shows = Dekaranger
Ninjas = Kakuranger or Hurricanger
Dinoosaurs = Zyuranger or Abaranger
Even green became a red
Did you confuse 199 with the first super hero taisen?
Ah fuck I did. Shit.
199 heroes is the Gokaiger vs Goseiger movie, for future reference
original anon, I thought that's what happened.
Yo was Power Rangers Megaforce ever worth watching? What about Super Megaforce? Or the SS equivalents?
Megaforce and Super Megaforce are trash
Megaforce and Supermegaforce are shit

Goseiger is average to nice

Gokaiger is pretty fun
Did they ever do anything with the fact that it was supposed to be one big crossover?
Man RPM was top shit, i still can believe that the actors of Dr.K and the Green ranger got married
They just had one big fight in the end, had some rangers with their helmets off during said fight, Jungle Fury Red showed up once, and that was about it.

I fucking miss that show.

Two words: New Powers
Well how most already pointed out, because of parents complains, he was toned down and get married to rita, making him a waling joke of a submissive husband, before he was toned down, he was a real threat he fights Tommy hand to hand and was really good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuGpZTKerks
Disney was going to make one after Operation Overdrive. Never happened.

After that they tried to take control of Super Sentai away from Toei so it wouldn't be so violent. Toei got pissed.

That was the last time Disney gave a shit about PR.
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Good God Almighty did this movie suck ass.

Kyoruger isn't a perfect season but it's a really fun one and a nice place to start.

I started with Shinkenger personally, which is good but a bit slow. Dekaranger is toptier. Don't start with Gokaiger. It's an anniversary season and the references are really the biggest reason to watch. Get a few under your belt first.

Remember to only watch /m/ approved subs and avoid tv-nihon.


Eh Megaforce was alright. It was at least on a decent enough path to mediocrity.

I didn't even like Gokaiger much and Super Megaforce shit the bed hard.
Costumes look pretty good though.

As mentioned Samurai has my respect for having the balls to adapt the fake heir storyline but given today's society they prolly did it more for brownie points with showing that girls can be red rangers too rather than respect source material.

Anyway you come to find out the red ranger is not the true head of the family and the role belongs to his sister who comes to take her rightful place. He gives it up without a fight but later takes the spot when she realizes that they work together better under his leadership rather than her own.

With that being said, at least Sentai has official girl rangers. Kamen Rider females are usually restricted to non-canon movies and/or die horribly after being introduced.
Heh, the main guy was the Red from Shinkenger
>With that being said, at least Sentai has official girl rangers. Kamen Rider females are usually restricted to non-canon movies and/or die horribly after being introduced.
On that note, didn't SS start adapting PR's tradition of having two female Rangers, generally one Pink and one Yellow after MMPR started it?
There was also Ronin Warriors. Very similar in concept and it was fucking awesome.
Nah, they'd had two females since Bioman in 1984, it just became more common recently
Sentai and Kamen Rider dislike the idea of female leads. They only appear in the tie-in movies and are given smaller parts.

I used to love Ronin Warriors and wanted a toy so badly. I was a kid then and never finished it. I think I dropped interest because I thought I was going to see Power Rangers with Samurai but the team seemed mostly split up through the series and even then, to create Inferno the other armors had to go.

Same thing with Gundam Wing too. I thought I was going to see a team show and then dropped it when I realized I didn't understand shit about wartime.

Kamen Rider Drake's actor from Kabuto went on to play a much larger role in Kamen Rider The Next as V3.

Yeah I know The Next sucked ass but fuck me those fight scenes were amazing and I really loved the idea of the kaiju walking around as humans and then transforming the same as the riders with thier own helmets and shit.
It's been so long since I've seen either but I remember having seen most of both shows.

Ronin Warriors was fucking great and had motherfucking Anubis.


Wing was my introduction to Gundam and I doubt I'd enjoy it as much now. I remember being really into it and Endless Waltz though. The Gundam designs really hold up though.

Yeah but they fucked up with me when they dared to put Jun in a full body suit.
The marriage seems pretty logical to me, and I'm anticipating on how Zedd gets handled in the Boom MMPR comic if he appears.

The trailer thing is silly, but it's the best kind of silly.
Power Rangers is made as cheaply as possible. All of their combat footage is recycled sentai footage. They do not want to put in the extra dosh to make power rangers animated content.

The concept of getting married or the actual marriage itself?

Cuz "drugging him with a love potion while he's in a coma" isn't exactly logical.

Oh yeah of course. I think that was most of our exposure to gundam wing. I loved the elements and the characters but I just didn't have patience for the story.

Battle Assault is some good shit too.
>Oh yeah of course. I think that was most of our exposure to gundam wing. I loved the elements and the characters but I just didn't have patience for the story.
Well there are the rare ones out there who knew all about Gundam and anime before Toonami. The rest of us were just plebby kids. Lel

Looking up Battle Assault, it's a game that I never played. I do remember Journey to Jaburo though. Played that WAY more than I probably should.

Damn, sorry to hear that you missed it. The first one is good, but 2 for Playstation is still a solid fighter with some big ms to fight. It was fun trying to piece my way through thier defenses.
I fucking loved Zedd's giant dragonzord, shame he never used it that much

I do remember playing some DBZ fighters on an emulator back in the day. Now those were always fun
They've filmed their own action scenes, dude. Hell, the first episode of Dino Charge was entirely original footage.
Are they ever going to make their own completely original PR show? With their own costumes and everything? I've always wanted to see something like that, and then a SS adaptation of it.

Was Dino Charge any good?
When the trailer think happen, i don't remember that?


They made a completely original show, but it wasn't PR.

It was Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog.
They got BTFO by the machine empire and scaped with Serpenterra. Half into Zeo they returned in a space traveling trailer
>It was Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog.
Ah, I never watched that one.

I do remember Big Bad Beetleborgs though. That was my shit.
I remember that part, but they went to live with Rita's father, i didn't remember the trailer part
>Daily reminder that the retarded green ranger ranger fucked Dr.K in both the show and reality
He got to fug the yellow ranger irl from dino thunder
The future?

Hm, I always preferred Ninja Storm Blue.
The idea of the two villians getting hitched.

Though the love potion isn't totally out of character.
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>How do you want your greatest crossover to end, pham?

Just bike my shit up, son!
Daily reminder that the Quantum Ranger is Vergil from the Devil May Cry series.

>there will never be a PR show with Reuben Langdon as the Red Ranger, Southworth as the Blue Ranger, and JYB returning to play some role
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I still want a time travel episode with Tommy in all his outfits, including Turbo Red.
Maybe in the comics.
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Reuben was a Beetleborg in Japan
Well shit, you learn something new everyday
>They dubbed over his lines
>Even the english ones
>He speaks fluent Japanese
Heh, those Japs.
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Who's hyped?
I don't know anything about this generation, can some explain to me what's the new deal? The blue and pink ranger looks familiar
I remember it being pretty good, but I also don't remember any of the monsters from it besides the dudes that they got their powers from, and that's only because those guys kept coming back.

Also they completely underutilized their 5th ranger.
It'll easily be better than the awful Sentai version that had zero character development for the bad guys and rangers.
I guess it has been a while since ninja storm
Is it just me or do they keep on reusing the same 4 or 5 themes or so?

Also, I repeat: was Dino Charge ever any good?

Blame Japan.

For the record, we would have gotten trains at one point, but Bandai told Saban to skip it.
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Dino Charge isn't over yet, but it's been pretty fun so far, miles above Samurai and Megaforce (not that that was hard, mind you)

Blue is Dino Charge Blue's younger brother.
>For the record, we would have gotten trains at one point, but Bandai told Saban to skip it.
Trains? Eh. What haven't they done by this point?

>Dino Charge isn't over yet, but it's been pretty fun so far, miles above Samurai and Megaforce (not that that was hard, mind you)
Oh yeah, my bad.

Maybe I'll give it a watch sometime then.
>Blue is Dino Charge Blue's younger brother.
Aww that cute any other rangers that were related in real life?
>Trains? Eh. What haven't they done by this point?
still waiting for my pure cowboy sentai

and no, Starninger doesn't count
White Ranger is cute.
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We did, that's what he was referring to. They just decided to skip it.
>still waiting for my pure cowboy sentai
Oh man, I've had this idea before. It could be really cool, and you could even pair it up with some samurai stuff for that sweet samurai cowboy flavor.

Ah, okay.
Still mad we're not getting Toqger. It was actually really good. Even better if you compare it with Nininger, which sucked hard.
The ranger suits aren't the most appealing
Not him, but they're better than a lot of the suits they've used already, like the Charlie Brown suits or the MMPR chest diamond suits.
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What the? Does anyone know I can find a summary of this english treatment of Kabuto? That sounds really interesting!
Dino Thunder, Ninja Storm, and SPD were probably the best power rangers out of the series

Loved how they interacted with eachother in crossover episodes as well
Can't wait to watch our movie, /co/?
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Who else favorite was mystic force?
>We could've gotten this
Giving everyone that blue energy crystal as a terrible idea
Clashes so fucking hard
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is this a thing?
Man, SPD was the best of the Ranger teams. Behind Lightspeed Rescue, of course.

Besides, those fuckin' out-of-morph uniforms, man. Aesthetic as hell.
Everyone knows Ranger morphs have hammerspace.
I felt so bad for the Megaforce cast. They were really cool people stuck on a show with a shitty producer. I spoke to Ciera Hanna at a con a year ago and she's still adorably jealous about Dino Charge.

I really question Bandai's decision on that one.

I mean, screw over your chance to draw in an audience as lucrative as the Thomas crowd? Trains fucking sell, man. That's why Lightspeed had the best toy sales.
Pink is straight-up hot.

We are back to Kimberly levels of TEENAGERS WITH ATTITUDE, aren't we? Hallelujah.
I fucking LOVED Mystic Force. My grandma used to tell me stories from Celtic mythology as a wee one, so I caught EVERY reference in that show. It was fantastic.

Also, Good Guy Rita was pretty sweet.
Andrew Gray (Megaforce Red) was on /m/ a long while back. He was a cool dude. He knew the show was no where near being the best. Said the directors wanted him to act bland as hell. He also likes Devil May Cry
>He also likes Devil May Cry
Nice. Good taste.
>He was on /m/
Gonna need a sauce on that.
I had the biggest crush on the yellow ranger in SPD. What happened to her? :[
She even did a video in costume.
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Idk, but she WAS pretty damn qt.

so i'm guessing they skipped the train one entirely? not that i could blame them
looks way to robotic instead of just being armor
So what are some new themes they could use? One that I've always wanted to see are Halloween monsters. So vampires, werewolves, witches, zombies, Frankenstein, that sort of thing.
defiantly best as a brunette with short hair
top choices
also i didnt even like yellow from lost galaxy, but that didn't stop me from enjoying not another teen movie
It's always the yellow rangers.
I'd be flabber gasted if they did that.
God, the Yellow in Lightspeed Rescue had a TONED ass.
I don't get it.
>Trains fucking sell, man.
Yes, to preschoolers and autists. Marketing to kids is walking a very fine line. If it looks too kiddy you scare away your target audience. That's why Go-Onger got changed so much to become RPM.
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Just found this off of Google. Apparently it's the Yellow ranger from Megaforce.

Ah, I was thinking it might have had something to do with Big Bad Beetleborgs.
hes a pretty good looking nigga
But who's gonna play hamburger ninja?
Get out of here, ghost Jay Leno.
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Here yellow from turbo/space and she looks exactly like Tori Black here
Medieval knights. For real this time. I'm surprised Japan hasn't done it yet.
Is Blade close enough for you?
I miss the horror vibe early Kamen Rider had and the craziness of some earlier Ultraman. What Sentai would I like?
>Mystic force
>low tier
Watch Kamen Rider Amazons, that has a decent enough horror vibe to it.
It was /v/, and just an anonymous confession thread where the anon was "an actor who everyone rags on for being shit, but actually the director's fault". People just assumed it was him
What is this Nicolas Cage as Superman bullshit?

And Rita? She looks like Poison Ivy had sex with Divatox.
Disney wanted to do an animated "Power Rangers S.P.D.: The Next Generation" or something like that IIRC.
>Kamen Rider W and Fourze are American as fuck in terms of setting and influence
>has no western adaption
It's quite a missed opportunity.
I'd see that desu
>Yfw the Red Ranger was the only one who had a career after this?

Just release an official English sub for Amazons for the international market instead of just Amazon Prime Japan.

As for Power Ranger I need to go back and watch the other seasons as well, I watched the original as a kid, but then I grew up to be a giant fucking weaboo and hopped on to Sentai instead.
Man, you think that shit's fucked up, you need to actually watch some tokusatsu from the 70s and 80s.

I started with Go-Busters and it's fucking awesome.

I'm watching through Gokaiger right now even though I've only seen a handful of Sentai. It's a really good season on its own, and the previous Sentai crossovers or cameos I feel are dealt well enough in context that you can enjoy hem even without a huge amount of background knowledge. It spoils a major part of Jetman's ending though

For Kamen Rider at least it's a merchandising thing. Girl characters just don't sell toys as well.

Zyuohgers is great right now and I hope it gets adapted after the new season.

That's from the Kamen Rider Blade movie. I don't know who made the actual graphic though.
They're already doing that, apparently they're calling it "Amazon Riders"


The first season started a lot better than it ended, but more Karate Bugman exposure in the west is a good thing.
come on man, mystic force is good tier atleast
spd is fucking top tier
3 words: Ball of Light
>jungle fury that low
I remember Green and Pink rangers having good chemistry on this show.
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Everyone had great chemistry on that show iirc

God, I just want a trailer for this movie soon, so we can all know for sure that it'll be shit

I feel I wouldn't be half as disgusted with it if they just didn't make it a Power Rangers movie. If I wasn't trying to mentally make the comparison between PR and toku or Sentai designs in general, the I suppose they'd still be wonky-looking but maybe not COMPLETE shit.

But I mean look at Japan, when they tried to do "modern", "updated" and "for adult audiences" with Kamen Rider we got the FIRST/NEXT movies. And even Amazons has some flaws.
banglay is a bastard
what about TJ rothlo? he was the brother of kyrie in dmc4 he played a bunch of monsters in multiple power ranger seasons and a thief in kickin it
why did they skip it and gobusters?
Man, I always loved the 'connection' between PR and DMC. And Capcom's other franchises too.

Yeah seriously. What the hell? Wasn't that one supposed to be really good, too?
The American show does shoot their own stuff
Pink's a qt
Power rangers is bottom of the barrel budget hell. The cheapest way to make a show is to grab a bunch of hobos off the street and start filming.
>Not RPM red
Can we get a dedicated sentai/toku board? We could call it /ss/, y'know, for Super Sentai!
Gobusters toys didn't sale (granted they didn't have a collector's gimmick as Gokaiger keys were still selling through the year)

Power Rangers is behind sentai by 2+ years now, a Sentai show will be skipped; unless we want more Megaforce shit.

Zyuohger will most likely be skipped.
I honestly think a dedicated toku board would make a whole lot of sense but generally, /m/ is already considered the toku board.
Zyuoh could be done if the series after it ends up as another Go-Busters, but then that'll mean we'll never get another Ranger trio show.
Wait, Kira! Really?
I'm all for a /ss/ board anon
Pink's looking like Jessa Duggar.
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all Pink

all the time
That white ranger is adorable.
Back to animals, again!
Ok, but which one's have he best theme song?
She's qt as fuck, dude.

Kim's pretty but she was never as hot as everyone acted like she was. Not that I wouldn't, mind you.
This would end with Kamen rider decade sounds interesting.
>TFW the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger is the brother of the Blue Dino Charge Ranger
Out of all those three, Sledge had the weakest design
Imagine the kids.
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You got one
I remember the Chickencopter.
>TJ was in kickin it stealing shoes from Kyrie Irving, his sister in dmc4 was Kyrie

that made me laugh for some reason
>Sucks ass but costumes are cool
Describes 99% of toku
Quick question, who was best grill?
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In SPD? That would be Kat
Nah... I Zyuohger has a shot of being a Power Ranger series, cause unlike Go-Busters it's popular, and unlike Toqger, it has theme that can be appealing to older audiences
That'd be fucking incredible but only if his character acted like Dante all the time.
Aren't the three of them pretty good friends irl?
>watching that video of her trying to find a pink ranger costume to promote some shit i dont remember
i dont know if it was funny, or sad, all she could find was tommy and jason
>Rita was Zordon's Green Ranger on another planet
It takes a lot to justify animating an action series. I really don't think it would cost that much to hire some z-list actors and stuntmen and film some action scenes with off-the-shelf pyrotechnics in a quarry, industrial park, or forest.
No it really isn't. The Kamen Rider/Sentai crossovers kick way more ass on the regular.
Is he Rita/Z's canon Kid?
Are there any other PR crossovers worth watching?
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They haven't done bugs yet, of course that's because Kamen Rider does bugs even when it's not about bugs.
Call it Mushi Sentai Microger, have the rangers be ant-sized with a human-sized mecha.
>Call it Mushi Sentai Microger, have the rangers be ant-sized with a human-sized mecha.
Oh fuck, I want this now.

I always thought that movie was toku as fuck. I think it's the costume design.
But they did with the Thunder Rangers/Gouraigers and Beet and Stag Busters. Unless you mean a whole team...
>Unless you mean a whole team...
Well duh, what else could I have meant?

White Ranger looking cute.

Movie only and never showed up until then given this is Kamen Rider. Fuck those guys sometimes.
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Kamen Rider seems to be slowly moving away from the bug aesthetic. All they need to do is keep the big eyes and no one will notice the difference.
>tfw Mighty Morphin is the only one I ever saw
We wuz rangerz and sheeit
Is that a video game theme Karmen Rider, is that like the next version of Karmen Rider?
Jack was so based though.
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Best villian
That's not the Psycho Rangers.
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Alright, /co/. Favorite suits?

Pic related for me.
Is she the one villain that actually worked out to get stronger?
Don't mind me, just the best Red ranger coming through.

Yes and yes. Ex-Aids or something like that.
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The Space suits were GOAT man. Simple, but they got the job done.

Deciding the second best ones is a lot harder though. Time Force maybe?
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Actually, I take that back. These ones are the best by a mile. It's just that the season itself was so bad that I just forcibly try and erase it from my mind.
What series did he feature, again?
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Dino Thunder and SPD are tied at top but I feel like Dino Charge could give them a run for their money if the helmets weren't as goofy
Yeah, I know what you mean, I mean the suits were based off Pirates and the season it was from had nothing to do with Pirates, in fact the whole season is just the "Quest for Camelot" of Power Ranger series, it makes no sense and there's explanation for it
Didn't the suits make more sense in the SS season it was based off of?
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...Does anyone else see this? Just me?
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Overdrive. Which I find terrible, but Red's battle mode is probably one of the best battlelizers.
to bad dino thunder was my least favorite adaptation of a sentai
You mean the same show where they actually watched an episode of the sentai?

Make Scott Lang a street-wise teenage punk and you've basically got a Rider series right there. They even do the "hero uses the same power as the villain" thing going.
yep was a big fan of abaranger so really hated that episode besides a few chuckles

The character was used in Decade too at least. She's an official Rider, which is more than some female characters get.

The Gokai costumes are fucking awesome. Too bad they got used for a bad PR season.
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Oh sorry Mr. Patrician taste.

Bring out the aging bimbo who'd leave you for Chad Thundercock in a heartbeat because you have a cock the shape of a dodger dog and still watch cartoons.

I'll take the qt3.141 musician girl since apparently you're way out of her league.
why so sensitive
The whole fucking point was that Sky was an arrogant asshat and needed to learn some damn humility. That's why he became blue. Doggie plays the long game.
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Has there ever been a Japanese Red yet?
Seems like it'd be obvious to get a Japanese/American for at least one season's Red.

Also has there been a Male Pink and a Female Red?

The only female Red in Sentai I can think of was Shinken Red.

Honestly, I wouldn't be opposed to it in a PR series for the whole run as long as they didn't go whole hog with the "YEAH GIRL POWER BOYS ARE USELESS" bullshit that kids shows normally do with it.
>Female Red
SPD A-Squad, Shinkenger/Samurai

>Male Pink
Not counting Power switching/copying, there was Pink's Ancestor in Dairanger

Thanks man, I'm still fairly new to Sentai, working my way through it right now.
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so what do i have to do to become a power ranger irl

first step is being fit but so they have some kind of audition somewhere every time they make a new series

i want to be the western akiba ranger red
Work out, Audition, Talk to people

And that second part's never gonna happen

Get work as a stunt person first, I would guess.
limited acting skills

I'd like to become a power ranger but knowing me, i'd become autistic the moment the camera starts rolling

though honestly, i'd love to try it anyway
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cast looks alright.

This is the pink ranger btw
Just think, there's an alternate reality where you just won an academy award for best actor and the answer you gave to being asked what was next for you was "Moving to New Zealand and becoming a Power Ranger."
dat ass

i always thought it'd be crazy as fuck if some well-renowned actor decided to become a power ranger just to fuck with people

this needs to happen one day. who would do it?

There are plenty of PR and japanese toku actors who are real-life fans of the franchises. Shit, the sixth member of the Gokaigers basically plays himself with how much of a Sentai nerd he is in reality.

1) look young enough to pass for a teen
2) get fit. Can't look too fat in spandex
3) be able to do your own stunts
4) pay isn't amazing, so dont expect to coast through the rest of your live with PR money


i think that shit's cool as FUCK, in all honesty. i'd fucking love to be a power ranger. i'm a bit old though and i always thought it'd be weird to become a power ranger at my age
Anyone who likes to overact and be silly.
I could see Chris Pratt having a good time doing it.


directing the fights must be fun too
Paul Rudd?

I'd love to see SLJ as a commander, group-leader type, like the dog guy from SPD.

Will Smith? Nah, he's way too egotistical.

Someone who likes playing superheroes and is chill about sharing the spotlight with other people?
He's refused roles before for wanting to be the big lead iirc.

Yeah I was adding to your point. Will Smith wouldn't be good at all.

Fuck I just realized Ryan Reynolds would be great.
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There can be only one.
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>Yeah I was adding to your point. Will Smith wouldn't be good at all.
Oh, I thought you were disagreeing with me. >_>

>Fuck I just realized Ryan Reynolds would be great.
Seems a bit too kiddy for him but knowing him, he'd probably get really passionate about it and enjoy himself anyway.

Would legit love to see this. He would NEED to be a villain though.
Is this from essentially the Pink Ranger equivalent to Forever Red?
Man, they really haven't done Female Red/Male Pink yet?
>Would legit love to see this. He would NEED to be a villain though.
Fuck that, make him the evil sixth ranger who turns.
Good taste Boco
>make him the evil sixth ranger who turns.
That could work as well, honestly.
Nah, it's from Gokaiger vs Gavan
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>forever silver never ever

Thanks, Saban.
I wanna see another jet squadron one. With a helicarrier-esque home base that turns into one of their zords.
>those fuckin' out-of-morph uniforms, man.

Bruh. They need to bring those back. I always liked the unified looks they would have outside of morphing. The jackets they had in lightspeed rescue were great too.

I love it when PR/Sentai teams are a team or organization in their civilian lives too, rather than just being Teenagers With Attitude thrown together.
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>not God
>I love it when PR/Sentai teams are a team or organization in their civilian lives too, rather than just being Teenagers With Attitude thrown together.
Not him but same. I don't like the 'teenagers with attitude' thing anymore.
I am in no way excited for Ex-Aid.

That's nice.

Ex-Aid looks goofy as fuck but I'll gladly take that over Ghost right now.
>that fucking shitty looking handheld he plays on that looks like it's about as powerful as an NES
>only has like, two buttons
Why the fuck can't people ever get video game references right in television?

I think it looks alright otherwise.

It's really great. Almost completely self-aware, yet still takes the storyline seriously. Downright dark storyline, though. Was it intended to end the series?

I just finished episode 5 of Ghost and I'm liking it so far. I hear it goes from pretty okay to absolute trash though.

Excited for Ex-Aid. It looks goofy, doctors and video games is a nice mix, and the boys seem really cute
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I'm just sad we'll maybe never see the grasshopper aesthetuc again.

Disney wanted to exploit MMPR with a cartoon but the contract essentially forced them to keep adapting or lose the franchise. The reversioning was only possible because they were shopping for buyers. They didn't even fund RPM. Bandai and the Europeans funded it.

Toei's contract worked for Saban, but Disney hated having no control. They didn't get a say on seasonal themes or designs and allegedly that really pissed them off.

Saban has been able to rework that contract a bit since Megaforce. The reason they didn't just do Gokaiger was because they had to adapt Goseiger to some degree.

Not sure how they were able to change it but they mentioned the being unable to skip Goseiger thing somewhere along the lines I believe. I know it had been mentioned by a Disney employee at some point too.


Never going to happen.

Just be happy you have Chip back.

Samurai was almost a straight up dub. Tzachor pushed for it and was shot down. And then it was still a watered down translation of Samurai.
On a side note; anyone wishing the Power Rangers comic would be less MMPR S1 only and more anthology deal so they can focus on the other teams?

Hell, I'd settle for them having Sky, Syd, and Bridge as supporting cast members as far as them doing a time travel running subplot with them in the past and interacting with the main cast (possibly having them pose as local cops, which would let them keep the Bridge glove fetish gimmick going on).

Hell, do a Bridge/Tommy/Cam (from Ninja Storm) arc called "Forever Green".....
>Never going to happen.
I just want it to happen just to see what we could do. It could be amazing. The first PR show made from the ground up by Saban. And then we could get the Super Sentai adaptation.

>On a side note; anyone wishing the Power Rangers comic would be less MMPR S1 only and more anthology deal so they can focus on the other teams?
Absolutely. I'm sick of nostalgiafags wanking off MMPR. It was great and all and everyone's first PR show. I get it, I get why it might be monumental. But there have been a lot of other PR shows since, some even better than Mighty Morphin, people.

Would like to see an original PR team as well. Never ever happening though.
Why're people saying Ghost is bad? Ghost is great. Sure it's no Drive, but...
I think SPD is off-limits. Not only because of timeline issues but because its severely radioactive from a SJW perspective.

The entire season basically is one huge fucking metaphor for the evils of affirmative action with a side helping of subverting the white male privilege bashing trope (Jack is basically the worst Red Ranger and basically quits at the end, whereas Sky's entire arc basically is attacking him over his white privilege until he ends up getting the Red Ranger job because Jack proved to be not worthy of it by quitting).

Hell, SPD is the only post-S3 season where the main character is NOT the Red Ranger, but the Blue Ranger! Case in point, Omega Ranger got marginalized/lost his main storyline/got reduced to a non-human character* so Sky could get more screen time (and they even had Jack give him the Red Ranger morpher so they could have him in the suit when he beat the monster who killed his dad, who in Dekaranger, killed Omega Ranger's dad instead).

And with regards to Jack, when they did the 15th anniversary reunion show, they not only don't bring Jack back, but they use Bridge instead because he's more popular than Jack and make him Red Ranger!

Oh and making a Red Ranger not only a woman but EVIL too, for added insult to feminists who like to force women characters into main character roles!! Or the fact that Z and Syd were basically reduced to non-entities and their sentai episodes scrapped (or in the case of Z, her Sentai character's powers transfered to Bridge)!

SPD is pure red pill in a lot of ways, which makes it so unique in that it could NEVER be made today....

*Urban legend has it that when they DID show Sam as an adult, the production crew basically grabbed a member of the show's fandom who was known by the production crew due to his cosplay work as a Power Ranger and basically had him play Sam in the finale, when they showed adult Sam's face. He even did the role for free......
but then it wouldn't be PR. part of power rangers charm is the adaptation of Sentai

Mostly because Takeru is a shit protagonist and Adel is an equally shit main villain. It's sort of like Wizard in that it feels like 20-30 episodes of plot stretched out to fit a 50-episode eason.
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>SPD is the only post-S3 season where the main character is NOT the Red Ranger

Ahem... RPM.
Kylo Adel is a great villain, what're you talking about.
>but then it wouldn't be PR. part of power rangers charm is the adaptation of Sentai

I've always wanted to have an original PR season and I fucking love PR, so
>I just want it to happen just to see what we could do.

Saban made an attempt at this and Mystic knights of tir na nog was made.

However, Saban realized the process was very costly, so he learned that adapting jap footage was cheaper and easier. MMPR s2 and s3 had a decent amount of original stuff where they reused the zyuranger suits instead of adapting the dairanger suits.

And even then, Saban phoned up Toei and had to ask them to shoot extra footage so that they could recycle that. Saban's just super cheap.

Jack didn't come back for Overdrive because his actor used to date Emma Lahana
SPD is off-limits because

1. The actor who played Jack is now doing B-Movies/CW-style TV shows and as such, too expensive to bring back (this was also the real reason why Matt Austin came back for Operation Overdrive BTW; Austin enjoyed his time on the show and the fanbase enough, to do the 15th anniversary for peanutes).

2. When Saban got control over the franchise again, several folks at Saban basically talked shit about the Disney season (to the point of saying they were going to pretend they didn't happen, which they had to backtrack ASAP when fans naturally responded negatively to that declaration).

Austin and several of the SPD cast members basically were upset at this declaration and publicized their shock at Saban for shit talking the Disney seasons.
Damn, that's disappointing as hell.

I've always thought it would be cool as fuck if that were to ever happen. They could get really creative with it too. But I guess it'd be too costly.

Not him but that's disappointing too. SPD is one of my favorite fucking seasons and I'd love to see Jack come back in some way.

It's even off-limits in the comics?

They're also controlled by Saban, I would imagine so.
Anyone wish the new Power Rangers would ship Billy and Kimberly together?

Before Tommy came along, I always wanted them to get together.

Even taking into account the whole "Make Billy gay" thing, they could get some mileage out of Billy experimenting with heterosexuality before deciding he likes guys, by having him and Kimberly date before they split over Billy coming out and realizing that their relationship would never work based upon the lie of Billy pretending to be straight....
>They're also controlled by Saban, I would imagine so.

Can't post a reaction image because my last laptop died and I lost all my shit on it but damn. That's genuinely upsetting.

They're going to move past MMPR eventually though, right?
I know his actor is but since when was Billy being gay ever cannon?
I think it's off-limits officially in the comics, in a more broad tone of "only season one can be used" sort of way in terms of what material the writers are allowed to draw from.

Which makes for an interesting bind of sorts that it also means Zedd is off-limits, in terms of Saban explicitly wanting the comic to be set midways through season one, between Green With Evil and The Green Candle multi-episode arcs. And Zedd is pretty much used almost exclusively, until the comic, as the defacto villain in all MMPR merch, to the point that it was a miracle that we even get a 3 3/4th Rita figure a while back when the first wave of nostalgia merch came out.

MMPR makes them more money because it hits the widest audience
SJW fans have been pushing for Billy to be made retroactively gay for quite some time. Supposedly to "make up" for the shitty way the production team treated David Yost, as well as potentially bribe him into coming back to the show in some shape or form (since Yost, until recently, has largely shunned the show and it's fandom due to his negative experience on the series).
Legacy toys for Zeo were officially announce for next year, so they're probably open to the idea.
We'll be lucky if they get to the first third of season one (from before the point where half the cast got fired).

Though Rocky and Adam both have their fan followings, there are a lot of annoying purists out there who consider them and Aisha "replacement scrappies": annoying replacement characters who suck compared to the originals they replaced.
I would kill for a "Power Rangers: The Lost Adventure" story to canonically establish what happened to the Machine Empire and the Zeo Zords and shit, between seasons four and five. Anything would be better than the fan hoax (Scars of Serpenterra) that became canon when it was referenced in Forever Red....
didn't Billy fall in love with an aqutarian girl?

Adam was alright.
>SMF introduces the previous sentai-exclusive teams to the show
>does fuck all with them, giving them no backstories
>older shows obviously can't be adapted into new Power Ranger series
>there will never be a Power Ranger anthology comic series detailing the exploits of these past teams, or the new teams skipped over during the NuSaban era

I realize it's very childish of me to think big companies actually have some semblance of pride and respect for the very legacy they created, as opposed to just seeing their long lasting series as a vehicle for more money, but dammit it if this doesn't hurt to see.
Then back up to red and then back to blue again.
You gotta problem with Jungle Fever m8?
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>tfw you really like operation overdrive
it was good cheesy fun, it really wasn't that shit tbqh
>arrow pointing to his dick

Like the original SS team. I'd love to see them adapted to the PR universe.
>Jungle Fever
Damn it
*It WAS foolish
Sounds like you're probably tired, anon.
I don't quite agree that it was foolish of them to add the sentai-only teams.

Unnecessary, sure, but in a competently handled PR series, there sheer number of new story possibilities opened by introducing these ancient teams would make any fanfiction writer wet their pants at the sheer prospect of it.

From callbacks to previous unseen battles, characters that have had a massive impact in the entire history of PR unknown until just now, maybe even connect them to previous characters or artifacts from older shows...

There was a lot of potential there if Saban had held off on blowing their load with the anniversary Gokaiger season, adapted Goseiger as normal, and actually focused on creating a GOOD homage to their long running history, as opposed to a shitty timely anniversary season.
Well, to reiterate, they shouldn't have been there.
>ninja storm over wildforce

fucking narutards
i wanted to bang the shit outta light speed yellow, where the fuck is she now?
lightspeed yellow and the fucking doc from RPM
>shit tier
I remember it being REALLY bad. So is that really the general consensus?

She married Sally Field's son. Small world.


Ninja Storm get's a few extra points for changing up the team dynamic and the first male yellow.


you tell me.


All I remember was the really annoying, cheesy kid who could transform into a grown adult as the Blue Ranger. What the hell was that, even
Fandom shitted on Turbo when it first aired. And it damn near killed the franchise (seriously; In Space was going to be the series finale season but it did so well and then some, compared to Turbo that it basically saved the franchise)

In Space rehabbed the show's second half (with the casting change who carried over to Turbo) but it's still a massively polarizing show amongst PR fans from those see it and the kid Blue Ranger as a franchise killer.

As for the old teams appearing in SMF: should be noted they only appeared in the footage because Saban was lazy as fuck and left in the footage of the older team. As I recall, they begged Toei to do two versions of the big fight scenes: one with all of the Super Sentai teams and one which didn't include the pre-Zyu teams for usage in Megaforce/Super Megaforce. And that in the end, the people doing the editing for the episode screwed up and used the original Super Sentai version of the fight in the episode by mistake.
Cash in on Beetleborg, which was doing well at the time.

Japan had kid rangers 2 season's prior (Zeo Gold and white tiger ranger equivilants) and thought they would test the waters so they added Justin and did that Beetleborgs show.
>As for the old teams appearing in SMF: should be noted they only appeared in the footage because Saban was lazy as fuck and left in the footage of the older team. As I recall, they begged Toei to do two versions of the big fight scenes: one with all of the Super Sentai teams and one which didn't include the pre-Zyu teams for usage in Megaforce/Super Megaforce. And that in the end, the people doing the editing for the episode screwed up and used the original Super Sentai version of the fight in the episode by mistake.

Makes sense.

Were the kid rangers in SS ever received well?
Kiba Ranger was universally despised in Japan

Zeo Gold wasn't actually a kid: he was 16 years old and the Japanese Zeo Rangers were in their early 20s

>Were the kid rangers in SS ever received well?

Don't think so. Kou was...something else though.



Bro, wasn't he American-made? How'd an America-only ranger get into what looks like the Japanese Megaforce/Supermegaforce (I only know of it, so if this is the wrong season, just say so)

But still!
Nah, that's the Silver Go-Onger/RPM Ranger. Other than a few references that a director who worked on PR slid in, Gokaiger never did anything involving Power Rangers.

You're absolutely sure the chick on the far right isn't in the Titanium Ranger suit? They look so similar, dude

nah, chick on the far right is in space silver
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RPM, Lunar Wolf, Orion, Omega, Robo Knight, Space
You know who I miss?
The qt princess from Wild Force.
There should have been an episode where pink and yellow lent her some clothes so she could go on a date with the Silver Ranger.

I need to see that ass in a pair of jeans.
>Time Force and Lightspeed Rescue that high
Yes yes yes.
>As for the old teams appearing in SMF: should be noted they only appeared in the footage because Saban was lazy as fuck and left in the footage of the older team. As I recall, they begged Toei to do two versions of the big fight scenes: one with all of the Super Sentai teams and one which didn't include the pre-Zyu teams for usage in Megaforce/Super Megaforce. And that in the end, the people doing the editing for the episode screwed up and used the original Super Sentai version of the fight in the episode by mistake.

This is new, last I heard; Toei offered to do a Power Ranger-exclusive legend war, and Saban said no.
Anywhere I can watch episodes of each season? RPM in particular.
Wait, really? Sweet, I never even noticed.
>Saban was lazy
Nah, TZACHOR was responsible, hence why he was fired after SMF
Don't watch RPM first. Everything pales in comparison.
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I was under the impression we got two female rangers because Saban was originally going to use the footage from the Sentai series a year prior, Jetman.

PR kept giving male Sentai roles to girls for a long time afterwards, anyway.
Saban started trying to adapt PR with Bioman, which also had two girls
Damn, didn't know it went all the way back to Bioman.

Back when I got into Sentai around '06, I watched literally anything I could find. Which included some episodes of the Philippine English dub of Bioman on Youtube. Ironically fell out of toku when I went full weeb and moved to Japan a few years ago, I should get back into it.
You'll be happy to know that aside from some wrinkles, she looks mostly the same. Like how Astronema and Divatox look exactly like they were when I was six. Don't know what it is about Power Rangers and their actresses not fucking aging.
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>There are autistic sentaifags
>Just as there are autistic PRfags
>Or autists in any fanbase

In other news, water is wet.
me on the left
That was Lost Galaxy
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same universe in my headcanon tbdesu

> tfw we will never get R-rated Power Rangers straight up killing the Arachnid Empire
>all that spanish
Now I understand why /m/ get so fucking triggered by spicks.
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I found the RPM leather jackets pretty snazzy. but the Lightspeed jackets are GOAT
>430 replys

God damn, when I created this thread I didn't know you mothafuckers were out to kill
>Remember going to my parent's friends house once
>They had stuck up Asian teens there
>Power Rangers SPD was on
>One of them literally screamed "WHY THE FUCK IS THE RED RANGER BLACK?"
They were also bitching about the lack of blood in the show.
That's not something that really bothers me either.
I know! They sound soooooo problematic.
Well bitching that a Red Ranger is black is fucking stupid, since PR isn't Super Sentai, it's Power Rangers; it's not Japanese, it's American and Saban has every right to 'Americanize' it, considering that it's technically an American franchise.

/co/ fucking loves toku, man.
And /m/ hates /co/
that because this also know as PR vs Sentai
Okay then.
Baby skulls

Because shitposting trolls have a habit of making use of /co/ material to stoke that further. I suspect there's a lot of us who frequent both boards.
looks like a cosmos
>suddenly has a jacket on
Was he the edgier extra ranger?
Power/Rangers exists and it sucks dick. Power Rangers should never be rated R or really anything higher than PG.
>my sister actually watched that
>unironically said she loved it
>all those comments on YT that say that PR needs to be darker and more "mature"
Well, some PR seasons are quite mature when compared to the rest of them.
Not nearly to the extent of that short movie though. That shit was a borderline parody.

It's too bad we'll never see any more KR shows adapted, because I'd love to watch some darker toku. But taking away the fun, cheesiness, and colorful vibe of PR is just taking away what makes PR what it is.
It's almost as if turning children shows more "dark" and "mature" is always a bad idea
It IS a parody, no?
I dunno, "dark" and "mature" in children shows isn't really a bad idea as a whole, it's just that the show itself should retain its own charm.
>It IS a parody, no?
I thought it wasn't?

>I dunno, "dark" and "mature" in children shows isn't really a bad idea as a whole, it's just that the show itself should retain its own charm.
I do agree with this, though. I wouldn't mind either so long as it's still recognizably Power Rangers.
I was referring more to edgy gritty reboots of recent years
IIRC it was actually made to be a parody but normalfags thought it was legit
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>That fucking ass sweat

Yes and no.

Power/Rangers was a parody of Hollywood's tendency to take beloved children's franchised, and make them "darker and mature". It's more of a warning of what -could- happen to a franchise if it's picked up by people who don't understand the appeal of the original property, and simply try to rip out its intestines and try to present it as something it was never meant to be in the first place.

The problem is that a lot of people missed that warning, or the joke if you will, and genuinely thought this was meant to be a proper "gritty" take on Power Rangers. And quite a lot of people were actually praising it with that mindset, so... you can't exactly blame Hollywood for not giving people what they want, I suppose?
He's just that based.

Is DynaPink Don or Gai?
Thanks. See, I THOUGHT it was a parody but retards and normalfags kept on doing exactly what you said, giving it genuine praise and missing the parody entirely, so excuse me if I thought it was genuine.

Amazing how people seem to be 100% behind something like that.
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Thoughts on pure American toku?
That they have no idea what makes toku good in the first place.
People wouldn't still be watching Kamen Rider, Super Sentai or Ultraman if they looked like this retarded shit.
That's completely understandable.

In this day and age, it's very difficult to actually say what is parody and what isn't, because sometimes, reality can be just as fucked up as the thing you're parodying.

And yes, it's very sad to see how people will flock in droves just to see what were once simple and fun ideas being twisted into something mean spirited and gloomy because it's somehow automatically more realistic or mature and worthy of praise.

Now, I do not like or respect Linkara, but he made a damn good point about RPM: a show that can take itself seriously, with dramatic story elements and some fairly heavy subjects, yet still acknowledges and respects the goofiness that comes with the genre, working alongside with the campness rather than ripping it outright and tossing in the trash, is a far more mature way of handling a "grown up" version of Power Rangers than anything Hollywood would be willing to produce.
>we'll never get any more pure American toku because they already fucked up the concept 20 years ago
Damn, Leslie Danon was fucking banging though.

I still need to watch RPM, but otherwise, I agree. Hollywood has this really weird hard on for realism and a false sense of maturity that rubs me the wrong way. Just look at the DCEU. It's positively bleak, almost.
Because it's proven to be effective, so anybody looking to make money is just going to go for it. There's actual logic behind it, as crippling as it may be.

Hollywood (and most other businesses), don't actually care about fans. They don't actually see the people who come into their movies, and only see the numbers on the board.

So once they pick up, say, a series that was goofy a lighthearted, they're not going to tailor it to appease the fans of that series. Because they already have the fans of that series, they already have their money. But they don't just want the money of the current fans, they want ALL of the money, including the people who aren't fans, or were fans before but later stopped.

The problem comes when the series you have is so goofy, people who aren't fans/were once fans will reject it as being "kiddy shit" and not worth their valuable grownup time. So how do you draw them back?

Make everything more REAL and DARKER, GRITTIER and with ADULT subject matter. That way, non-fans can't disregard it as kiddy shit anymore because its got sex and violence in it, and fans who dropped out of the series years ago can now feel superior because the show they liked as kids has "grown a pair" for their newfound adult tastes. And the fans of the series for what it was will just be drawn in out of sheer morbid curiosity, because nostalgia will grab them by the genitals and drag them to the theater regardless if the product is shit or not.

And that's it for my rant.
Rereading that, I realize there's quite a bit of doom laden generalization going on in my post, and the reality of the situation isn't quite so extreme, but it certainly feels that way sometimes.

So, apologies for the small outburst there.
>Pink Ranger + Female White Ranger
>Male Yellow Ranger
Huh, never saw that before.

I think the baddies had an underwater base (or a sub or something) in Turbo too
Divatox had a submarine, yes.

She was a space pirate, if I remember right.
The first male yellow ranger was in Ninja Storm
Oh yeah that's right Ninja Storm had a unique lookin lineup too.
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Yellow Alien Ranger
Gai is DynaPink. Don is FivePink.
I mean, you're not entirely wrong either.
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Fuck, they're so ugly

I think you're retarded.
I thought the main character was Doc K
While i do think the suits are not that bad, the helmets are so fucking retarded, why is Red the only one that looks different?
His and pink's are the only onesd that fucking look like the ones from the show
Bryan Cranston is going to be Zordon in the MMPR movie.
He already voiced two monsters (Snizard and Twin Man) during the first season
>> tfw we will never get R-rated Power Rangers straight up killing the Arachnid Empire
I'll be honest. I want a Power Rangers show on the CW, in the vein of the Flash. Yeah, the romance stuff would be tiresome, but otherwise it's exactly the level I'd like to see from a PR series.
No, primetime CW.
>4kids tv
They should really just take a Kamen Rider series and try to target it at an older audience.
It probably wouldn't be all that hard either.
50 year anniversary is coming up in a few years, I'd be really surprised if they didn't go back to it.
Fuck it, may as well ask here:

where the FUCK can I go to watch some toku online?
You could do torrents, KissAsian/KissCartoon, All of PR is on Netflix, Several seasons of Ultraman are on Crunchyroll...
Don't know about streaming but there's torrents on nyaa for just about every series, and the threads on /m/ have links.
A little? He came around after he found out that the demon looking motherfuckers had lied to him, then after a bit he had to leave to...do something. Find the villain's weakness or a cure for the snake tattoo on his back or something. I remember him lowering himself down a well.

Basically trying to recapture the magic of MMPR Green and doing a decent job. I still have the zord on my bookshelf. Bad shoulder joints, but complete.
Nyaa has some, /m/ can tell you more exactly.
Kinda funny how it's the ninja teams in PR that get the male yellows. Or at least 3 out of 4.
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The dog ranger was fucking hot though
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This was a bretty gud thread. New thread when?

Would the mods even allow it? They can be half and half on PR threads.
Most fun celebrity I've ever partied with
The toys were pretty awesome.

But the show was really cheap. Even as a kid I realized they were reusing monster costumes just with new paint jobs. Lazy.
They kept coming back because they blew their budget on the first few episodes and had to reuse all of the costumes and props for the rest of the series. They just repainted the masks and threw a cape on and called it a new monster.
For some reason I'm really digging Green's helmet here.
>it's a black/asian guy is the blue ranger season
Anyone else hope for another forever red special or a different color team up.

Pic from Gokaiger
>Anyone else hope for another forever red special or a different color team up.
Fucking yes.

Give me Forever Whatever. I don't care. And actually use some rangers from the Disney seasons ffs.
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What did y'all think of the new Zyuohger episode?
So every season?
Catching up on my Sentai. Watching Gokaiger right now.
SPD had it better than Dekaranger.
In terms of special effects, sure.

Doesn't PR generally have better special effects?
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