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Is this any good? Al Ewing is writing it and his stuff is consistently

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Is this any good? Al Ewing is writing it and his stuff is consistently mediocre.

It does have my boy T'Challa and my girl Spectrum though. I so want this to be good just because of them.
A lot of talking heads and the characters you like are background characters in it
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>the characters you like are background characters in it

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>Al Ewing
>consistently mediocre
This. The team itself is the least interesting part of the book.
I think it's great!
You're the first I've ever heard call Ewing mediocre.

Ultimates is one of the best titles Marvel is publishing right now.
If you didn't like his Mighty Avengers you won't like this.
Sorry for your shit taste.
It'a great, my favorite of Ewing's latest books.
>Night Thrasher isnt in USAvengers or Ultimates ^2
Don't know about Ewing out of this context, but what I've read has been phenominal. Better than every other Team book being published by Marvel at the moment.
Wait, they brought Night Thrasher back? I remember him being in the Contest of Champions, but I haven't finished it yet. Is he back on 616?
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>Not mediocre

New Avengers is the best Avengers book right now.
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I look forward to it every month. It turned out great! You should check it out I think it's the best book Marvel has right now.
Prove him wrong.
Yep, he and Ares were brought back to life and to 616.
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That's great though.
Spectrum and T'challa get a few moments, but the team itself isn't the focus of the book so much as the high-concept cosmic and also Blue Marvel.
If you don't like Ewing you probably won't like it though.

It's not great, but it is true that it is one of the best titles coming from Marvel right now.

Draw your own conclusions.
But you just proved him right.
>Ultimates is one of the best titles Marvel is publishing right now.

That's not saying much.

Sales don't support that idea & I'm just not interested in an Affirmative Action FF.
>Sales don't support that idea
Since when have sales ever indicated a book's quality, you idiot?
>Sales don't support that idea
What the fuck does sales have to do with quality? By that logic, Vision is one of the worst books at Marvel (despite being their best) and Justice League is one of the best books at DC (despite being their worst).
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>Sales don't support that idea
Stick to /tv/, kid. It might be more your speed.
And most surprisingly, motherfucking Stick
Capt Bull-dyke is getting hyped to the moon for an upcoming movie. She's the head fascist in charge of eventual victors of CW 2. Shouldn't (s)he be selling tons of comics to justify her push?

A team of Superman tier heroes & it plummets to A Force level mediocrity?

WTF Marvel?

>if it isn't popular that means it isn't good!!11!!

it's like i'm on /tv/!

and anyway, Ultimates actually sell, that's the reason they're getting a relaunch and not getting cancelled you fucktard
It's good, only hurt by it's unfortunate tie-ins with Civil War
86 Ultimates 9 $3.99 Marvel 27,588


I hope the relaunch is actually interesting.

Superman is as boring as hell. A group of Supermen? Even more dull.
>Stick brought back to life
>Master Izo still nowhere to be found
Like I give a fuck.
If you don't like Based Ewing you need to leave /co/ and never come back. Ever.

27,588 isn't that bad, it's not near cancellation numbers
>Shouldn't (s)he be selling tons of comics to justify her push?
Not really. They're only really doing this push so that they'll already have trades ready to go for when the movie comes out. It's not about the current comics being good or selling well, it's about having trades already printed and ready to go for when the movie is out and people go "Boy, I enjoyed that movie, I should check out the comics!" If they didn't do this push then the only options when that happens would be Carol's Ms. Marvel ongoings and Mar-Vell/Genis-Vell's Captain Marvel ongoings. Neither of which would really scratch the itch of people wanting to read a Carol Captain Marvel book. They're creating a backlog of issues in the hopes that people seek them out after the movie makes her popular. All they have to do to justify their existence now is not operate at a loss, and while they don't sell great, they still usually sell slightly higher than or around the cancellation line.

And even so, the current volume of her ongoing is one of the better books at Marvel. So, again, it doesn't really matter if the sales aren't there if the comic itself is good. Quality > Sales unless you're a shill.

>A team of Superman tier heroes & it plummets to A Force level mediocrity?
Annihilators was a team of beyond Superman tier heroes by fan favorite writers spinning out of a beloved cosmic event and it sold horribly.

I don't see what power levels have to do with sales. You know what comics sell well?
And last I checked, the Ultimates doesn't star Spider-man, Wolverine, Captain America, Thor and Iron Man so I don't know why you would expect it to be putting out top tier numbers.

Compare the sales of Civil War II to Vision. Vision sells like shit and CWII is Marvel's highest selling book. Now, are you going to tell me that Civil War II is a better comic than Vision?
>while they don't sell great, they still usually sell slightly higher than or around the cancellation line.
actually, didn't DeConnick's books sell constantly UNDER cancellation? Or really just floating above?

Only the All-New book managed to stay stably

>Annihilators was a team of beyond Superman tier heroes by fan favorite writers spinning out of a beloved cosmic event and it sold horribly.
above, IIRC
Annihilator had HORRIBLE art
>A group of Supermen?
I don't really see where you're getting this "a group of supermen" idea from. Black Panther and Ms. America aren't Supermen. BP is more Batman and MAC is more Wonder Woman + Team Bus. Monica is closer to Green Lantern than she is Superman.

The only ones that you might consider "Supermen" are Blue Marvel and Captain Marvel, the former being more focused on his intellect and anti-matter manipulation powers than his flying brickness and the latter having the whole energy absorption gimmick.

Just because you can fly and punch hard doesn't make you a Superman archetype. BM is really the only one that fits that archetype on the team and even then, he's more Doc Savage than he is Superman.
KSD's books usually hovered around 19k (so just below), but "apparently" sold well enough in digital to keep it above the line. Whether or not that's actually true is impossible to know though since digital sales aren't published.

I imagine they would have taken KSD off the book sooner if it really was selling that low anyways.
I found him interesting for about an issue. His narration style completely turned me off.
not necessarily, they were trying to use the Carol Corps as advertising outlet... removing their favourite writer would have, in Marvel's eyes, caused a shitstorm and lose feminist attractive\readers.

Then marvel realised there wasn't a Carol Corps, but a Kelly Corps and they wouldn't buy anything else, de fact resulting useless WHILE the book wasn't good AND didn't sell to the "usual" consumers.
>Now, are you going to tell me that Civil War II is a better comic than Vision

Vision was better, but still not all that.
Ewing's Marvel work appeals to people familiar with continuity that appreciate c-listers and proper characterization. Basically the opposite of someone like Bendis.

Since most of /co/'s shitposters (which is most of the board nowadays) have never actually read any comics, things like continuitywank and proper characterization just flies over their heads and since they don't know any of the c-listers being mostly movie casuals themselves, the instant response tends to be "who are these literally whose, I want my a-listers that I saw in the movies!"

Now, Ewing really isn't that amazing of a writer on his own, but he's similar to Busiek in that his use of continuity more than makes up for any weaknesses he has as a writer. He may not be a great writer in general, but he's easily one of the best cape writers in the industry, since the cape genre is steeped in so much history that most writers would rather ignore or rewrite, whereas someone like Ewing builds off of and uses to the benefit of the work.

He's basically the kind of writer that true fans love, but casuals hate.
3/5 book at best, maybe 2/5 for me. Art is garish, layouts are senseless, dialogue is dull, characters and character interactions are far from interesting. The appeal is in the big, cosmic scope plots, the comic-booky Kirby-like sci-fi, but even this is often far too silly for me. I can read it, but it's nowhere near Marvel's best. For big plots I would say Uncanny Avengers, for action, Black Widow, for atmosphere, Vision and Carnage. I might be missing some. Don't know if there are any good space books.
It's easily the best cape book either of the Big 2 are putting out right now. What current Big 2 capes would you say are better than it?
Yeah, it's pretty telling that the "Carol Corps" stopped giving a fuck about the book once KSD left and all moved onto Bitch Planet. And considering the book drastically improved once KSD and her Carol Corps were excised, it's a win-win for everyone.
>current capes
That's a low bar anon. Why would I limit myself to current capes? I mean look hiw you had to phrase that question to safguard your opinion.
I'll gladly concede its the hest current cape book, but that is anout as strong an endorsement these days as "best reality Tv"
Nah, I'll just read some Kirby or Simonson.
sad part is, there was an article out from around the IIRC second KSD relaunch, where a feminist-of-sort blogger\writer\whatever(no insult whatsoever intended) did actually call the Carol Corps for what they were, making note of Marvel doing it wrong with them.

Let's try this again; The Ultimates are a bunch of Superman power leveled hashtags. Not real characters.




BP is merely there to write checks & not call Carl on it's bullshit.

And then there's Monica "Failed Avengers leader" Rambeau.

Let's compare that to Batman, who has been in many successful movie & kick ass video games. How many Good games has supes starred in? Zero. Superman's movies aren't too good either...

When a group's power levels are too high, it undermines suspense because nothing really threatens them. See CW2. Carol's friends & coworkers vs the rest of the Marvel Universe.

If this is the cadre of heroes that Marvel wants to cram down people's throats, that's fine. I've taken my business elsewhere.

Read his 2000 AD work like Zombo to see his versatility. It's a new property with no continuity in a hard to define genre (adventures of a friendly zombie who's only clothing a is cameo thong/jock strap in outer space).
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>everything about this post

Do you produce anything of substance, besides childish insults?
>If Marvel really wants to set itself up for success, it should abandon plans for the current Captain Marvel and look to a previous one. Not Mar-Vell, but instead the previously mentioned and always badass Monica Rambeau.
Speaking as someone who loves Monica and has a mild distaste for Carol, this concept is hilarious.
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Autism, I severely doubt you've read the comic in question or many comics outside of a shortlist from Comic Book Resources, with your massive ass gaps filled with wikipedia knowledge.

Post a timestamped picture of your comic book collection so we can see what your 'business' is worth, homie.
Especially because giving up on Carol after all the push just to revert Monica to Captain Marvel is ridiculous.
Go back to /b/ kid.
>nothing really threatens them.
>whole team almost dies in 5th issue
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Monica has no supporting cast and no solo stories. She has her friends in Nextwave, her time on the Avengers, and her budding romance with Blue Marvel.

How do you make a movie out of that?
That's perfect, actually- you can make a movie without any limit of cast and setting THEN reverse-import the cast in the comics.
>movies and video games
and there it is
It's beyond ridiculous considering Monica should never have been Captain Marvel in the first place. I love Monica, but she has 0 connection to Mar-Vell. Not even in a vague sense, since she has an entirely different powerset, no connection to the kree, and never even met Mar.

Genis-Vell, Phyla-Vell, and Carol all have valid reasons to use the Captain Marvel name. Even Noh-Varr, Rick Jones and Hulkling have decent reasons to use it if they so choose. Monica has none. She was only given the Captain Marvel name because they needed someone to be Captain Marvel to keep the trademark from expiring.
She got the name for trademark reasons.
Her being unrelated to Mar-Vell has always been lampshaded as her not knowing about him(he wasn't very known outside the superhero circles) and taking his name by chance.

In fact, she gave up the name once Genis came to reclaim it.
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>In fact, she gave up the name once Genis came to reclaim it.
Yep, then she changed her name to Photon to avoid any confusion. I mean, it's not like anyone has any reason to take the Photon name from her.

Oh wait...

>Superman is as boring as hell.

This isn't /tv/
Just do a fucking Nextwave movie. You might have to make it closer in tone to New Avengers than the actual Nextwave, but I would absolutely be up for the Nextwave Squad getting together on the big screen for a cheesy, ridiculous action movie.
Might have to replace Tammy, though, or at least make it clear that she isn't a Mutant any more. Sony doesn't have literally every mutant character, right? I seem to remember something about them using characters they didn't technically have the rights to.
>Monica has no supporting cast and no solo stories
Well yeah, she's meant to be a team character. A movie about her would necessitate her leading a team, even if she's the main character.

In fact, that's really not a bad idea. You could do a movie centered around Monica trying to lead a team of nobodies using the NEXTWAVE cast. Just replace Boom-Boom with another bargain-bin z-lister. I'd say D-Man, but he's already going to be used in Jessica Jones.
marvel doesn't pay for writing, it pays for art
aren't those pictures pretty?
>Sony doesn't have literally every mutant character, right?
Fox, not Sony. And no, they just have almost every mutant character. The only mutant characters they don't have as far as I can tell though are Squirrel Girl and Whirlwind. They'd absolutely have Tammy since she's always been pretty closely tied to the X-men via X-force.
Those are outselling comics.

Hell, comics are just a loss leader that get converted to profitable enterprises.
Not that surprising desu. Most likely for Netflix synergy.
So? If you only care about movies and video games then go back to /tv/ or /v/.
I'm screenshotting this. PURE proof this board is being lurked by /tv/ shitposters who dont read comics.
>PURE proof this board is being lurked by /tv/ shitposters who dont read comics.
Anon, just one look at the catalog or pretty much any "comics" thread proves that. It's not that this place is being lurked by /tv/ shitposters, it's that /co/ is nothing but a /tv/ subboard anymore.

At this point, comic readers on /co/ are the equivalent of Native Americans. /co/ is just a /tv/ colony, and comic readers are almost extinct.
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