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What are your thoughts on Uncanny Avengers and Pymtron? Personally,

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What are your thoughts on Uncanny Avengers and Pymtron? Personally, I think the fight was rad as hell.
Pymtron is great and I love him, especially as a Pymfag. Villain or not, he's a character that has been as much a part of the Avengers as any of the other founders.

Only recently (past decade, fifteen years) has Pym been getting the real short shaft by Marvel editorial and they for a while didn't seem interested in fighting the public perception.

So with the Pym/Ultron shit, I'm loving it. Forcing the Avengers to come to terms with how they've treated him and how they didn't help him during any of his mental illness episodes.

They let him drift because they didn't care about it.
This is pretty much my opinion as well.

Is it weird that with Wasp, Vision, Cap, Jarvis, and Pym that Uncanny feels like the "real" Avengers book moreso than ANAD or New Avengers?
I mean, Pym is essential to the Avengers. Always has been. He's just as important as Janet or, dare I say, Cap. He's far more important than Thor or Iron Man when it comes to the team.

I wish Avengers writers would put him in the same category as Jarvis as being "hearts of the team" and they can solve so many problems with the character.
I'm worried it's gonna end in a shitty/stupid way
I hope he doesn't get "fixed" and stays as pymtron for a while and we get to see more of him
Really neat and interesting turn for pym

I think he's being a whiny bitch and I don't like the idea of further solidifying his legacy as more of a villain than a hero.

I mean yeah I fucking love Pym and Pymtron has been really entertaining...but I just really wanted him to have some kind of lasting redemption or happiness. I've just yet to come to terms with the idea of this being his new status quo.
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It's shit.
It's not even as good as Uncanny Avengers was when it was on issue 11.
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My problem with Remender's Uncanny Avengers is every character in it acted like an asshole for no logical reason. So he obviously wanted Rogue and Scarlet Witch to go at it and then become friends, but their hatred of each other made no sense and they became friends off-panel.

I think the whole thing suffered from being a hodgepodge of Avengers ideas with his unused ideas for another run of X-Force, and then having no ending because the ending was cannibalized for AXIS.
Uncanny Avengers ended at Vol. 1, #22.
What AXIS nonsense are you talking about, friend?
I don't know. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are Magneto's kids.
I felt the same way about the lineup of Remender's Uncanny Avengers for a while. With Wasp, Scarlet Witch and Wonder Man it had more of the characters I think of as the essential Avengers than Hickman's Avengers did.

Everyone has their own idea of who the essential Avengers are, but for a lot of people it's not Cap, Thor or Iron Man, it's the B-listers who carried most of the storylines in the book in the '60s through the early '00s. Vision, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Pym, Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Quicksilver, maybe Black Knight and Hercules... an Avengers book should have at least a few of them.
Love it, love everything about him.
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Same here. I don't want it to be handwaved away at the end of the arc because someone could do some really interesting things with Pymtron instead of
>Hank is Ultron and they're evil so yeah

That and everything about roboPym is my fetish
Yeah, totally. Can't believe anyone would think otherwise
im not a pymfag at all i hated him but what Remender and Duggan have done is fuckin awesome
He should deal more damage.
Can someone post the fight? Very curious, been seeing a lot about this but haven't kept up to date with much marvel recently.

Stupid, sexy Hank!
I hope Synapse manages to overclock his humanbits to give Pym the upper hand on Ultron's influence.
That is one of the better Wasp costumes in recent history.

I'll try posting it, although I don't have a 4chan pass so it'll take awhile.
May I just say the letterer of this issue is great. The textbox difference between Pym and Ultron alternating is great.

Man I'm really looking forward to issue 12.

If you want the Win O' Clock links:
Uncanny Avengers 011 (Zone-Empire)
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>Mutara Nebula

That reference isn't nearly as cute as the writer thinks it is.
So the PymxTigra romance is just gonna be completely ignored.

Gotta love synergy, Pym finally managed to move past Jan, but then the movies just drag them and their shitty drama back together, hell she ran off with Havok had a kid, and got Kang'd, but none of that matters I guess.
MCU was a mistake.

You're a fool if you thought Tygra was Pym's endgame. It will always be Janet and Hank, for better or worse.
Are you talking about the Skrull babydaddy of Tygra's bastard (possibly aborted) child?
What even happened to Havok?

Did he get Bendicided?

Who cares where worst Summers is?

Hey now, the child was born fine, Tigra just dumped him off to live with the Cat Tribe because Osborn was gonna kill the little skrulling.

And everyone lived happily ever after!
Do you have pages of the confrontation?
I want to see Hanktron calling them out on their bullshit.

Fucking shitposters.
He's vanished into the soon-to-be-a-plottwist hole.
This has happened to other characters before.
Expect him to show up in a manner you will not appreciate.

Nate Grey says "Hello."
I figured.
I really liked his romance with Janet, but he's just been vanished.
>Nate Grey
Sup, Cable?
FunFact : The strongest Skrull children instinctively kill, devour, and replace their parents upon their coming of age.

And everyone lived happily ever after!

That's one hell of a bar mitzvah.
Fuck off, I posted this before reading that.
"Today you are a man... or a woman... or, you know what, flip a coin."
Starts eating their parent's before the coin even drops.
Probably caused the Death of X race war, and Scott took credit for the Inhumans killed to save his reputation.

I'm just picturing two Skrulls overlooking the whole scene and going "You know Paibok... I think our race might be evil."
I myself have the headcanon of Evilized Alex donning that X-face costume of Scott's in order to frame his idiot brother for some Inhumancide.
This was awesome, thanks for posting it all!
And then Paibok responds; "We must be, for I have just poisoned your Manischewitz! You are about to die! Bwa-HaHa!"
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I want him to be the genius screw-up
like tries so hard and has the best intentions but arguably the worst luck/logic ever
I liked how he made Wonder Man in Rogue's body
kinda hot
take out Hercules and bring back fun Beast or Firestar/Justice and I really like that team

That's literally all he's ever been. For nearly 60 years.
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and that's the best characterization
all the potential in the world, but never seem can get it straight and channel it right
that's why I love Pym
the stubborn, good hearted futility is something that could resonate with a lot of people

I prefer him to be tackled with more seriousness than having his characterization forever consist of "pathetic failure." Very few writers seem to have any desire to do so, though.
But without "pathetic failure" you don't have his manic depression bouts.
It's kinda an accurate depiction of the mental illness from issue one on, he's this brilliant guy who does these amazing things and then when he gets into a bad mood he just deathspirals into total self-destruction.
He can't have that happy ending because the condition will just eventually act up and he'll find the cloud in his silver lining anyway.
It really makes him a real person as a character. You can't throw that away.

No, I don't like that. I don't like defining him by his self-esteem issues and mental illness. That's far too defeatist. He's a hero and scientist first. He can be a successful hero despite his shortcomings, I like when he accepts, learns and grows from his mistakes. Look at how he grew as a character through West Coast Avengers.

He's an underdog, and yeah at times a tragic hero, but he's not an impotent psycho doomed to fail forever. I reject that notion.
"Impotent Pycho doomed to fail" is the bug in his programming, that's the depression part of manic depression.
Being the founding member of the Avengers, the brilliant scientist adventurer who towers over his enemies and can do anything he sets his brilliant mind to, that's the manic part of manic depression.
It's not all bad, but it can never be all good. Sorta like when Ultron creates a goodguy that turns around and defeats him: one extreme leads to the other.
So you see scenes of Hank balancing his moods with self-awareness and trying to maintain his composure, the mad scientist restraining his own defining quality.
It's that natural complexity born of a simple human flaw that fleshes him out so much.
I would never take that away from the readership that roots for his happiness.
>"Alex! But why?"
>"You really didn't see this coming? I've been evil for like two years now Scott come on."
>"You're still my brother, we can fix this!"
>"... Jean was a slut who liked Logan more."
FYI manic depression isn't a thing, it's bipolar disorder
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And it was Dogfucker of all people who finally said what's up with Hank.
How is that a defense?
honestly I find this way more compelling than Tony "Weekend Relapse" Stark
Right now I think this is best comic of Marvel, actually this has been the best Marvel material in ages, anyway now I really want to see Pymtron winning this fight, he is right and all of them are awful people.
BTW where is Jocasta, she is obviously and undoubtedly he endgame of Pymtron.

>brilliant scientist adventurer who towers over his enemies and can do anything he sets his brilliant mind to

That's really not true. That's not the narrative of Hank Pym. He CAN'T do anything, because he is always doomed to fail. That's the nature of the character, one step forward, two steps back, forever.

How could he want a burger if he has no stomach or digestive organs? Those are kinda vital
Nanomachines, son.

Why does Janet care? This is the guy who beat her.

I'll take Nate over Scott any day

And now Hank has been ruined forever.

No possible way he can ever come back from this. If the wifebeater thing didn't finish off his worth as a hero long ago, this will permanently eradicate even the tiniest subatomic particle of redemption for him.

Marvel has finally permanently ruined Hank Pym beyond repair

This >>84945067 and this >>84945516

Pymtron is the best thing to have happened to both Hank AND Ultron, and I don't want it to end anytime soon because it really makes for an interesting dynamic (both for the two and their place in the Avengers mythos).

Also, it gives Ultron something to do beyond going Skynet and it's a good reminder that the comics still care about Ultron being Hank's creation.
>be me
>love Ultron
>love unmasked Hank
>love cybernetic imagery akin to Ghost in the Shell
>see this

Holy shit, now I really want Pymtron to stay. This is legitimately great.
I want X-Men out of Avenger mess
This nigga gets it
They're leaders so I see no problem.
Cable and Rogue are better off here than in any of the X-Books
It's a real shit show these days

And at least Rogue and Cable are constantly making disparaging remarks about Inhumans here. You don't get that in Lemire's book
The best Avengers villain in probably 5 years
Is this before or after Vision gets a family?
That's no Apocalypse Twins.
They'll just blame it all on Ultron. Hank will be fine.

They might be resurrecting him as soon as October
They did shit. Pymtron broke Pietro's leg.
You'd be surprised how powerful the brain is in relation to craving food, even when you lack the capacity to process it on a physical level (there are people in real life missing most of their GI system, too, and they don't stop craving their favorite foods).
It was one backhand during a psychotic episode she helped induce.

He never struck her, or abused her mentally or emotionally, beyond that one moment. He may have inflicted suffering due to her caring about him and being, well, Hank, but that isn't his fault, per se.

One time. Psychotic episode, literally thought he was someone else at the time, and she'd literally encouraged it to happen.

Nobody can pretend it didn't happen, but properly defining what did happen is important.

(Not to mention that in the original script, the backhand was meant to be due to Hank making big gesticulating hands raised upward mad-scientist style in mid-rant and her running up behind him out of sight, then accidentally getting clocked in mid-gesture. Artist turned it into the intentional backhand. They kept it. So it's kind of ironic that the one event that's defined him for decades was an accident of artistic miscommunication.)
He can be a space Knight especially since the guardians are too busy dancing on earth.
Real Pym and Tigra hooked up after the Skrulls (including SkrullPym) had been booted off of Earth, and had a pretty interesting and potentially healthier relationship than either of them had experienced with other people for decades. It kind of fell to the wayside, though. Pity.
To expand on this post (which I wrote), the US Army did a study on the effects of starvation, using Conscientious Objectors, back in...I want to say around WWII, maybe the Korean War.

They found that the mental effects are incredibly profound. A starving man (in the 'mankind' sense)'s mind is barraged with a host of changes and urges that go beyond 'I'm hungry, that sucks'. Starving people start to obsess about food. About making it, about trying food they've never had before. The CO subjects started trading momma's family recipes like it was pornography. ...I'm not making that last bit up, that was something that happened, and not just once or twice, it became a serious Thing in the camp the study was centered within.

It starts to become all you can think about. You have trouble focusing on anything else for hours at a time. Even when they studied, later on, the effects on people who were receiving intravaneous nutrition but no actual consumed food, the effects seen in the starvation study were still seen, just in somewhat less drastic levels.

Hank Pym would totally be jonesing for a burger after months in space without eating anything. Assuming, of course...that he still has a human brain in there.

ANAD is basically Marvel's Young Justice. New Avengers is a continuation of Young Avengers, salvaging what it could from Gillen's mess.
Doesn't Rage of Ultron count as Pymtron's first appearance? That basically means that he just about possessed or wrecked everyone's shit even before this.
It's fine to have him self-destruct once in a while and go through his sever depression times. But you can't keep him there the whole time or it's extremely boring. The reason his downtrodden times are good is because he has succeeded and been happy at times. You have to have the contrast in the character to make the dark times feel darker.
>So it's kind of ironic that the one event that's defined him for decades was an accident of artistic miscommunication.
End this Shooter propaganda. The only reason it's a "defining" event is ecause Shooter chose to give Janet a black eye and have them divorce afterwards. That did more to cement that moment, not the artist. There's a reason other heroes don't get shit for abusing their significant others
Don't worry Death of X is coming, you won't have to deal with any mutants soon.
Let's give Chuck Austin and Mark Miller a small portion of the blame too
Rage of Ultron created Pymtron. He was only merged in the last couple pages. So, no
Wow, yeah, this is actually great. The Avengers are fucking shitbags and Hanktron is completely right.

I hope there are actual repercussions for this.
They'll have Tony build mindwiping machine and everyone will be happy.
Sure. I just don't like people washing the blame off Shooter and putting it on the artist. It was always on Shooter.
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>actual repercussions
>in a cape comic
I hate this interpretation of Pym. Yes, he's a screw up, but so is Banner. So is Richards. Hell, all of Stark's problems stem from him and his shit. Not one single incident of him stumbling through someone's plans. Just, people angry with him.

So to peg Pym as the screw up hero, in a world of Spider-Man/Mephisto deals, is a bit misleading as if every other character in Marvel has any portion of their shit together.
It's not propaganda to state that it's defined him for decades, anon. It's just history.

Yeah, because you totally make the best out of your characters.
Remember what you guys did with Beast?
The villain mutantkind needs.
I'm totally down with this.

Fucking Inhumans get off my Earth!
One of the parts of Slott's Mighty Avengers was a part where Hercules (or Cho, I forget which) says that the real Avengers team is the one that has Jarvis.
Vulcan exists.
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Iirc, it repeated at least one more time after.
This was good book.
Don't worry soon the X-men will be out of Marvel.
The fight was cool but I was hoping for more of Pym to shine through. It really just felt like Ultron using Pym's memories to take jabs at the Avengers rather than Pym actually talking. Hopefully that gets better in future issues.
>tfw all muggas get X-Men '92 treatment and shipped off to alternate reality
>tfw they keep crossovering with 616-8 every few months for events
The best part is, this was during a time when there were three Avengers books.
The Bendis Dark Avengers (who lived in Avengers Tower and were basically the new name for the last Mighty Avengers, who has Iron Man), the Bendis New Avengers (who had a Captain America), and this book.

I don't remember where it came up, but it's like how there was a Justice League book that brought up that it just isn't the Justice League if the Martian Manhunter isn't there.
Uncanny Avengers vol 1 was the first Marvel ongoing I ever read, followed by Uncanny X-men vol 3.

Uncanny Avengers especially Remenders stuff is probably one of my favorite series.
Consider how Eros beat them. "Love Yourself" may have seemed like a good idea when Pymtron was motivated by self-hatred, but now he's motivated by a narcissism that SEEMS out of character until you consider the possibility that it was directly caused by Eros.
Holy shit, did they actually do the unthinkable and make Hank a not completely useless character?
Probably thinking of Trial by Fire in Kelly-era JLA. Superman mentions how strong he is and that's the reason he's been in almost every iteration of the League since it started.
Huh, I can see that. I just hope they explain why Pymtron couldn't properly remember Hank's memories if Hank is really still in there.
Why the hell isn't this the flagship Avengers book? So good.
if I remember the issue right, Jan's 'test' was 'hey, why not go to the beach [that he always hated] to celebrate, maybe try some [food he always hated]

and never entertained the possibility that while adrift in space, Hank decided that if he gets back to earth he's gonna give those things he always hated a second chance
No, it was some time after J'onn died and someone said J'onn was the heart of the Justice League since he'd been there in every incarnation and so a League without him didn't feel like the League.
That doesn't make sense. You cherish the things you miss, not the things you've always hated.
Plus, he didn't get Ghostbusters reference.
>tfw Hank learns there's reboot and decides to vaporize everyone involved
Knowing Hank and Janet's relationship, I assume she knows he hated them because she tried to get him to do them, and he kept saying no.
Shot in the dark, maybe his new experiences are making him more willing to try them?
it's part of the bargaining stage. 'oh universe, if I get out of this okay, I promise to keep an open mind about those things I never gave a proper chance'
It seems more likely to me that he'd cherish the things he enjoyed but took for granted, not the things he never cared about and doesn't miss.
Pymtron ongoing when? It could even do a split narration style where odd issues have Hank narrating and even issues Ultron.
>It seems more likely to me that he'd cherish the things he enjoyed but took for granted

You mean like spending time with Janet? SHE suggested them, and he decided to go along with it.
those aren't mutually exclusive
The Infinite Mansion and Ultron endgame bit was some of my all-time favorite Avengers storytelling tbqhwyf-t
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And then they replaced him with Cyborg...

I shouldn't still be salty about that but I am
Is there an essentials Avengers reading list? I enjoyed this.
>Stern's Avengers
>Busiek's Avengers
>Avengers Forever
>Ultimates 1 & 2
Are the must-reads.
Uh... I'm not that much of Avengersfag, but I can recommend you Korvac Saga, Kang Dynasty, Operation: Galactic Storm and that story when Magneto buries Red Skull alive.
>that story when Magneto buries Red Skull alive.
Didn't that happen during Acts of Vengeance?
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>Ultimates 1&2
1 and 2 were fine. It's 3 where things started going in the wrong direction.
Ultimates is Ultimates and it's good but it doesn't have the tone or feel of an Avengers book.
That, thanks. Forgot name of it.
fucking casuals
that's what mental illness is like, though
it never goes away
you are never not plagued by insecurities and paranoias festering in the back of your mind
you can function "normally" for some time, but you will, inevitably, enter a phase where you become convinced that all of your friends are talking shit about you behind your back or something, and you will destroy everything

and it sucks, bc even if you're self aware and know it's impossible for any of your worries to be true, all it takes is for ONE of them to turn out right to validate ALL of them

and that's your whole life, forever
This. Mental illness is not just something that you "cure". It tempers down every once in a while but it's always bound to come back ever so slightly if you don't manage it.

I'm just thankful that when it comes to that, Hank's issues are always treated a lot more seriously than many other characters who undergo similar fuckups. The fact that it's taken as something he has to constnatlyovercome is why I actually appreciate his character.
Yeah, I agree with this. Ultimates is great as its own thing, but despite having the same characters, they're way too tonally different.
Dogfucker, of all people, wrote a decent Pym-centric book. I still don't fucking believe it.
He was just pretending to be retarded when he wrote OOGA CHAKA.
Speaking of it, I still can't believe we got book with Hank, Vision, Victor and some OCs.
Greatest surprise is how Doombot later showed up in Ultron Forever. So did Rhodey in Iron Man armor with fucking skates.
Fuck imagine a new Annihilators series (doesn't have to be called that, just a NOT!GotG series) with PymTron, BRB, Phyla-Vell, Silver Surfer, and Moondragon.
>Greatest surprise is how Doombot later showed up in Ultron Forever. So did Rhodey in Iron Man armor with fucking skates.

That's Ewing, Marvel's continuity autist.
My boner is your fault, anon.
What's /co/nsensus on Ultron Forever, anyway?
>tfw your friend won't continue a series you started after you tire of writing cape comics at big 2

was bummed when Remender left but i'm glad this book is still good. This and Vision are the only 2 marvel books i really look forward to anymore

you should really try his Uncanny X-Force and/or Venom.
The propaganda is Shooter shifting the blame to the artist when the truth is it's mostly his fault and the story he wrote and the consequences is what made that slap "defining"
Alex forms his own brotherhood after Death of X
>He's in so much pain
>yeah that's his superpower
>New Avengers is a continuation of Young Avengers
The team has:
>2 Mighty Avengers
>2 Great Lakes Avengers
>2 Young Avengers
>3 New Mutants
>2 Thunderbolts
And is about AIM. Not really a continuation, it just has two of its characters.
>2 Great Lakes Avengers
>2 Thunderbolts

Who's the others besides Squirrel Girl and Songbird?
Hawkeye is the other Thunderbolt. No idea about the other Great Lakes Avenger though.
Tippy-Toe is the other GLAvenger and Hawkeye is the other Thunderbolt.
Hawkeye has been in a lot of teams. If you count him as a Thunderbolt, you might as well count him as a Defender.
>Counting Tippy-Toe in any respect
>Counting Hawkeye as a Thunderbolt (I mean yeah, he is but he's obviously more famous as a former Avenger)

Alright I guess
The only reason people even started to trust the Thunderbolts and the Thunderbolts actually sticking to doing good was because of Hawkeye though. He had a huge impact on the team.
>Counting Tippy-Toe in any respect
Tippy-Toe was an official member of the Great Lakes Avengers. Squirrel Girl's stipulation for joining teams has always been that her squirrel sidekick (Monkey Joe/Tippie-Toe) be made a full fledged member as well.
It's mostly that Hawkeye and Songbird's subplots revolved around each other and they were Thunderbolts together. Even referencing how it reminded him of their Thunderbolt days. So within the context of New Avengers, his time as a Thunderbolt is actually more relevant than his time as an Avenger.
>It was always on Shooter.
Especially because under the Marvel method he would have written the dialogue after the art came back. Even a full script writer can tweak the dialogue to fit the art. He could have made it seem like Hank didn't hit her on purpose. Obviously he wanted us to think he hit her on purpose.
Just read this arc, it was pretty good. I had a few questions
>Deadpool's wife
>Hank Pym/Ultron's fusion dance
>Gambit stealing
>Cable's "tattoo"
but most of them were answered in the story, but how is Janet still alive? Last I saw she died in... some event?
>Last I saw she died in... some event?
She came back towards the end of Bendis' Avengers.
>Deadpool's wife
Some demon woman from his solo.
>Hank Pym/Ultron's fusion dance
Rage of Ultron.
>Gambit stealing
Something generic so he has reason to be where he is.
>Cable's "tattoo"
His AI.
Janet got back literally in last story of Avengers before Hickman took over.
Comfy af thread.
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