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Are you guys ready for a preview of Batman #4? It has an All-Star

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Are you guys ready for a preview of Batman #4? It has an All-Star Superman reference
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And that's it!
oh come on

This page has instantly redeemed this run in my eyes. 10/10 King.
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Haha. Love it.
Those terrorism analogies are in full swing, though. Classic King.
I really liked the alternate covers up until this point, but this one looks really bad.
>That short ass cape
New page for FEELS thread.
Not even an "After Quitely" credit? C'mon Finch.
>abandons his sister who is having a breakdown to go play hero
>Probably had a hand in the death of twenty seven soldiers
>tries to ape Superman's shtick while quoting Batman
>Fucks it all up
Gotham was a mistake.
Seriously, you don't get to emulate both Batman and Superman at the same time, the only person who can pull that off is Dick and Gotham is no Dick.
I've never seen that on an interior page homage, just on covers
Also, as for the plot, while it's overall a bit predictable (Gotham vs Batman), it's interesting to see how it came about. And I still want to know the "why" of it all -- why Psycho Pirate, why Hugo Strange, why the Gotham team.

It seems, via >>84926765, that Gotham is aware that he killed all/most of the men in the previous page. And that he thinks he can make up for it. Nonetheless, it's a cool bit of characterization that the first thing he does after presumably being brainwashed is try to save someone --- but then, as we right after, it's possible that he's *still* under someone else's control, hence why he went to another Monster Men spouter.
You just went through explaining why he's a total dick.
Oh wow it's almost like his mind is being affected by an outside source or something
Bruno Redondo did when he homage One Punch JLI in Injustice Year Three, you can read "After Maguire" at the side
Psycho pirate works by manipulating emotion, look at Gotham Girl. Gotham is perfectly composed, he is not under the influence of PP.
I wasn't here last week, so how do people feel about Gotham and Gotham Girl being siblings? I feel like there's something co-dependent and fucked up about it that I like.
>co-dependent and fucked up
How so?
Seems perfectly normal to me.
Hahaha. That's hilarious.
>killed a bunch of people
>everyone gets scared
>I can fix this!
>perfectly composed
He's a Superheo in Gotham, do you expect him to break down and start crying every time there's a horrific murder?
Classy, Finch might just be an ego guy then
Something about the "she does whatever he does" thing, which of course is normal to a degree, but the things Gotham does are obviously dangerous and extreme (they obviously had to be involved in some shit to gain their powers), and it's all fueled by his trauma. It's like she never had a life of her own. And neither, kind of, did he.
That's my interpretation, of course.
Gotham is clearly freaking out, most likely after killing 23 people under the influence of Psycho Pirate, just not to the same degree as Gotham Girl
that first panel would look hilarious without the text
Women, am I right?
I see what you mean, his trauma became hers by proxy.
It is kinda weird now that I think about it. In fact this is the exact kind of emotional plot point you'd expect from a King book. I can't wait to see where she ends up when Gotham is inevitably killed off.
This is great. I would even go so far as to say better than Morrison's original.
From the sounds of solicits, really fucked up to the point Batman decides to create his own Suicide Squad so he can kidnap Psycho Pirate and make him fix her.
>Gotham is clearly freaking out
I don't see it. He's just doing what he has always done so far, be an inexperienced twat.
That is not a G. It clearly says "I am Chotham"
If he was involved in killing those soldiers, the fact that he is this calm immediately after seems very creepy. Especially if he's inexperienced.
Well it only works because it takes the iconic scene established by Morrison and subverts it. if ASS didn't exist, this scene wouldn't be nearly as good.

Well that escalated quickly.
The Gentry are behind this, of this I am sure
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It's a Gothic G

Superman gets to save everyone.

Gotham never gets the happy ending despite trying his best.

Reminds me a little of that "Classic Superman vs MoS Superman"-parody that went around. It even ends with a 'splosion, haha.
None of the other letters are gothic. And why use gothic font for Gothham? Seems arbitrary.
It's their logo

Taking a symbol of hope and corrupting it utterly? Yeah, sounds like it.



>Psycho Pirate was Anti-Monitor's henchman in COIE
>now he's propagating Gentry influence

He thinks he can fix 27 murders. It's a low-grade freakout, but it's still a freakout
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>And why use gothic font for Gotham?
Aw man, I really like Gotham, but he probably won't make it even pass the first arc.
You guys think these Monster Men people keep mentioning will be related to the Monster Men crossover event?
Nah brah
How... is this even a question?
Kingfags, everybody.
>all this is leading up to a "Batman and friends fight giant monsters" crossover I can't find much enthusiasm for
No I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.
I'd be excited if Kuder were drawing it. Keeping my expectations tempered for now.
Are you confusing the Monster Men for the Monster Society of Evil?
The preview art for the Monster Men shows that the monsters are all kaiju-sized.
I like Riley Rossmo's art
Rossmo is better than Kuder anyway. Besides Kuder fucked off to Marlel because of Berganza, blame him.
You know people have been saying this for like 6 months now? And that people like you flood into every Batman thread now just to shit on it for the sole purpose of making people dislike him? You can stop now, it's embarrassing.
So is this going to be the first time Batman and Hugo Strange have met?
Yeah, after the reboot Strange has only been Roy's sinister therapist and that might not be canon anymore.
Fuck off retard. King is my favorite writer and he's gonna fuck up sooner or later, every good writer does and then this board will instantly deem him to be overrated shit. Happened with a lot of good writers and you'd know it if you weren't a newshit.
Still hasn't happened with Ewing
THE TURN is inevitable, but good creators survive past it. Honestly they don't even have to be great, Ewing's hate came and left already.
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He already fucked up by having Kyle report to the US army and deciding that Earth would somehow have the leverage to be the head of the Galaxies Committee because he had to have his on-the-nose unsubtle allegory.
A lot of people don't like the Saturday morning cartoon tone of New Avengers. He's also gradually becoming more obnoxious with inserting his political beliefs into his books.
What was the last popular thing Cuckwing wrote? Didn't happen with Snyder when he was on Detective/American Vampire. Didn't happen with Hickman when he was writing his pre Avengers stuff.
I guess that explains how he's been a professor at Gotham Academy. Shame, though, The Strange Stories from Batman's career (Prey, Monster Men, Strange Apparitions) are among some of my favorites, and I'll be sad to see them made definitively non-canon.
For (You)
Prey already retconned out Strange apparitions.

>Only Dick Grayson is allowed to be flawless and perfect in every way

Fuck off.
That wasn't a fuck-up. A bunch of autistic nerds who take every scene literal aren't enough to ruin a great ending to a great book.
They better.
It better be some grand cosmic corruption thing and not just hack writers
How is Batman Rebirth? Planning on getting the trade when it comes out.
Damn, I haven't seen Tim Sale in a while. Has he done anything recently? Does he have anything announced?
Pretty good. The pacing could be described as deliberate, though
he's been doing the variants for this book, not sure about anything else though
best rebirth book just because you could tell how much stuff King is teasing and seeding and how it's just gonna keep building up. I love writers who really plan out their shit.
I thought the turn already happened, with people salty over Duke showing up in Batman instead of Damian
I hope that means the lines for his signings will become shorter. He was fun to meet in person.
Marvel recently released Captain America: White by him and Loeb, but that's been on the backburner for a while.
Pretty sure that army general isn't a figment of Kyle's imagination. King literally believes a backwater mudball like Earth has the clout to become the head of the universe.
Probably my favorite Rebirth book at this point, followed by Green Arrow.
Duke barely shows up. It's more of a Batman book.
Nah, that's just Damifag. Besides, Duke's presence isn't really noticeable in this book. He'll be featured more in All-Star.
Hi, Damianfag.
Prey leads into Strange Apparitions. Strange "dies" at the end, and thenin SA he comes back after being missing for a long time (because he "died" in an old Golden Age story)
>backwater mudball with SIX Green Lanterns and several high-profile alien immigrants
>no place in the galactic community
>a backwater mudball like Earth has the clout to become the head of the universe
Yeah, you know, like Ghana can hold presidency of the United Nations Security Council
They have the strength to defend themselves, but no strength to conquer, and definitely nothing worthy of trade.
I thought you were banned yesterday for that thread you spent shitposting


Was that already lifted?
How many planets has Earth colonized?
Can they even leave their planet?
The UN is a powerless joke with little purpose other than preventing World War 3.
>other than preventing World War 3
>these plebs not realizing King is setting up the United Planets

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>The GL/Star Trek crossovers were canon
This makes me not want to sleep.
I'm so glad you decided his opinion for him
United Planets is a LoSH thing m8
Don't engage with Damifag
In the 30th Century, Earth actually is up to par with everyone else.
until Giffen destroyed it because no one was paying attention
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Fucking genius
Morrison made everything "Batman" canon, and New 52 erased it. Really sucks tb.h
King is a continuity fan though, so he'll probably pretend all the Batman stuff is canon. He basically already did that with Grayson #12
If that's true, then Batman has fought him and the Monster Men before, like in the Golden Age.
Remember when Gordon asks if he know about it, and he says no? I think he's lying.
His covers were pretty good so far. 4, here's, a bit wonky but I love me some wonky sale. I just want the man to do some interiors soon.
His name's entirely too dumb. Been saying it since issue 1; Gotham Girl is a legitimate character name, while Gotham is simply a symbol waiting to be killed.
Yeah, I got the impression that Bats was lying to Gordon as well.
>still no Gotham or Gotham Girl art or fics
I feel betrayed
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>Implying fan artists read comics
Jesus. This is such a cool arc.
Im 90% sure that Batman lied to Gordon. That definitive no with that look made it seem that way.
there's one fic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7241674

>I know my ASS.

Why is King so cute?
It's Steve Orlando writing the Batfamily fighting Kaiju created by Hugo Strange.

>"The first scene with Hugo [Strange] is he's completely naked," Orlando said. "Hugo is like Batman without the tragedy. He want to perfect his body and mind; he thinks he's the only sane person in Gotham... They perfectly contrast each other."

>I can't find much enthusiasm for Batman and friends fight giant monsters

What the fuck is wrong with you
The absolute madman.

He's a really cool guy.
>/co/ actually doubted based King
How can his writing be so ''meh''? I really like King, but I can't believe his writing this.. writing it like this. I think this can't go on for much longer or the sales will go down hard. I'm barely interested in picking up the new issues myself.
Youre a stupid faggot in the minority. Its been the best selling book for 2 month.
He better write Superman someday
>sales will go down hard

It's fucking Batman. He always sells well no matter how shitty it is.

This is a industry that sells by character popularity, not writing quality.
Spider-Man by Slott still regularly makes the top 10, usually the top 3, every month. Let that sink in.
It doesn't anymore. You're out of loop anon kun. It's selling barely 70k.
>the sales will go down hard
Oh silly anon.
I really like the top right panel, where it looks like the height bars when getting your mugshot taken.

Kind of makes it obvious he is going to do something bad though.
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