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Captain Marvel (2018)

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Pitch your Captain Marvel origin story for this movie.

mind that this movie will set after the Infinity Wars Part 1 (or whatever the new name is)
>set after the Infinity Wars Part 1
> (or whatever the new name is)

I've just been calling it Avengers 3.
>I've just been calling it Avengers 3.
But that's Civil Brawl.
Pretty much just do it like the EMH cartoon did.
..Unofficially. It should've been the third Avengers film. But still it's technically not, if only by name. So yeah, until they reveal the new new titles, I just go by Avengers 3 and 4.

Now as to relevance to the thread itself. I don't know much about Captain Marvel. So I suspect she'll get her powers as some sort of result from the events of Avengers 3, and then her solo film will pick up from there.
Make her already have her powers in the movie.
Make the movie, not about her origins, but about her stop being a drunk loser.

No, fuck all of you RETARDS

It's not an Avengers film as they were fucking disbanded and neither of the two teams were the Avengers...

It was also about Captain America who was RIGHT!

But yeah, Thor 3 must be Avengers 4 because Thor and Hulk are in it
(you fucking muppet)

no wait, Ant-man should have been Avengers 3, making Civil War Avengers 4 because the Avengers tower was in it and Falcon showed up :^)

Avengers training facility*
>Mar-Vell is wounded in battle against Thanos's forces, falls through a malfunctioning emergency wormhole and crashes on Earth near the airforce base Carol is stationed it while she's test flying a prototype spaceflight capable superjet
>they scramble to his crashed ship, recover it but can't find the body
>Mar-Vel disguises himself and falsifies documents, fakes his way into a job at the airforce base so he's in a position to monitor if anyone followed him, and if it would be worth talking the supreme commander into welcoming humanity into their empire
>his injuries aren't getting better for reasons he doesn't understand
>bout a week passes
>brood/chitauri/whoever locate his ship (in the base's hanger) and wormhole the whole base to one of their (huge) ships
>Mar-Vel tries to advise the humans without giving away how he knows so much. says he's actually an undercover agent of the Avengers
>after a bunch of humans getting picked off, the guy in charge orders the rest to surrender in exchange for fair treatment as POW's
>Mar-Vel gets identified as Kree. Tries to escape via blasting but his powers fail.
>gets carted away to the medical wing
>Carol busts out of the brig and tries to rescue him
>gets caught as well
>they strap her down since they were already there, and their machines detect a genetic anomaly that indicates she can survive more genetic tampering than your average human
>decide to see if they can make a hybrid, with out a gene tampering device.
>when they are all distracted, Mar-Vel musters up the last of his power, breaks free, blasts them from behind, and starts freeing Carol
>reinforcements are on the way. Mar-Vel tells Carol they found out why his powers are fucking up and why his wounds aren't healing. He has space cancer and even if he escapes he'll probably die in a few weeks anyway.
>then proceeds to use the gene tamperer to sample of himself, and injects Carol with it
>Reinforcements show up. Mar-Vel and Carol get dragged before the captain of the ship.
>Mar-Vel gets executed. As he dies he vents all his remaining energy. Carol's new Kree traits kick in and she absorbs it all. Goes binary. murders the captain, blows up half the ship, manually steers the remaining half containing the base back through the wormhole, despite binary form wearing off
>has a private funeral for mar-vel, warns Ross about Thanos
>post-credit scene of one of the other base members opening a secret room with the passphrase 'he loves me'

a bit barebones, but I think the basic structure works
>with out
*whip out
Calm down, virgin
Literally just Green Lantern with alchoism, ptsd and buddy cop adventures with Monica.
needs more alien murdering
Opening Montage
> American military is freaking out about superheroes
>They find a "crashed alien" with superpowers, force him to secretely superhero for them
>Carol Danvers serves as the face of his commanding officer, but only to take the blame for fuckups/public relations shit, he is actually comanded by higher ups

First Act
>He was meant to be a spy but actually like earth
>Army finds out he was meant to be a spy to set earth up for invasions, freaks out and attacks him
>Carol tries to save him, fails
>He gets shot with a super-gun/misinformed avenger, gives power to Carol

Second Act
>Carol freaks out, doesnt really want powers, was half in love with the alien
>Military freaks out, wants to replicate her superpowers
>Carol runs of and gets drunk for a few weeks

Third Act
>Carol fights a major threat, gets public awareness, army backs off trying to kill and duplicate powers
>Carol becomes the first superhero to be officially employed by the US government (Captain America was originally military, then shield, not actually employed by government)
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>>Carol becomes the first superhero to be officially employed by the US government (Captain America was originally military, then shield, not actually employed by government)

You're forgetting someone. He's not a Lt. Colonel for nothing.
Army again, not government employee.

But yeah I did forget him, just like everyone else. I am sure there has been a few others too.
>She dies
>Kamala takes her place
So it's gonna be Brie Larson. I must have missed the /co/ thread
I literally know jack shit about Carol so I'm waiting for the movie to tell me.

From what I know about MCU though, probably Cap 1 only in modern day setting and a good douse of womyn stronk
>first superpowered individual
Both Carol and Rhodes are Air Force. The Air Force is part of the military. The military is part of the government.
> a secret room with the passphrase 'he loves me'
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that was the skrull battle cry during Secret Invasion, 'he loves me/he loves you' referring to one of their gods
Oh, i see.
Do you think they already gonna set up a great plot for the next movies post-thanos?
possibly. there's a lot of murmuring right now that the MCU is just gonna collapse after IW pt.II when the current contracts for most of the Avengers expire, so teasing stuff that'll happen after that would help show their audience that they still have a game plan even if it doesn't become relevant for another phase or two.
If Captain Marvel is set after Avengers 4/IW1, I think it's pretty clear that Carol debut in IW1

>Carol is a pilot during Thanos first attack on earth for an Infinity Stone
>post credit scene: aware of Thanos's actions, Nova/Kree have arrived on earth too late
>stumble upon a downed Carol who they take it upon themselves to rescue her

Her entire movie is takes place on Xandar with the Kree
Haven't they said there won't be any more origin films after Strange? Which means everyone will either be popping up in another movie first or their first appearance will just give a brief overview of their origin then move on.
>Haven't they said there won't be any more origin films after Strange?

Not as far as I've heard. Though at the least I can see them doing origins for characters in a supporting role before they get their own Solo. Like how they did T'challa in Civil War. But I've not heard this 'no more origin movie' thing.
>I literally know jack shit about Carol
just like the rest of /co/
>Make her already have her powers in the movie.
>Make the movie about her stop being a drunk loser.
Acceptable desu.
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That's fuckin' gr8 stuff anon. You fit in so much shit.
Shimmy in Yon-Rogg and it's perfect. Maybe pre-powers Karla & Monica too.
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>giving your much anticipated lead superheroine role to the Muslim
Yeah okay.
>its a people pretend they are going to see a movie about Carol thread

Don't pretend like Carol has fans. This movie is gonna be the biggest flop of the genre.
Man didn't even notice that bit.
Bonus points dude. Secret Invasion would work way better as a CapMarv sequel than an Avengers movie.
>/co/ pretends they have read any Carol comics
Are we now going to pretend Guardians of the Galaxy had fans?
They originally said that BEFORE Strange.
Captain Marvel's not Black Widow or Hawkeye. The origin's so complicated and sci-fi that you can't just spring it on people and act like it's totally normal. Plus it'd beg the question: why the fuck wasn't she around before this?
Don't pretend these movies depend on comic book fans, or that the comic industry is relevant at all nowadays.
Kek let me put it in perspective for you. I work in an office with hundreds of people and we did super heroes for our huddle boards so I brought in a Marvel poster. Now mind you a lot of these people are die hard MCUfags and a few of them even read a lot of comics. Not a one could even name who she was. Not just her secret identity but even the name Captain Marvel.
The meme with Carol is that she has no fans and no stories, so wouldn't not reading Carol comics fit into that narrative?
Could any of them name who Starlord, or Groot was before the movie's marketing campaign began?
The whole point is she has no appeal. Guardians of the Galaxy looked like a fun sci fi movie about an interesting cast.

You can call me sexist but most people, including women, aren't gonna go see a solo movie about a woman they've never even heard of in passing.
That's why they'll take advantage of the fact that she has a very little fanbase to give her an appealing personality.
That's what they did with Iron Man, and the MCU was born from that.

It's all about marketing.
At least we know what she looks like naked. Those titties.
Faggot, this is hollywood. They WILL make her have appeal. They are fucking pros and gonna utilize all the tools in they hands to make this shit side character in major player who could lead her own movie. They do that for a living, making shit look like gold.

The little popularity she has in the comics is irrelevant.
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Why are you still bothering?
>implying sci fi was cool before star wars came back
Your confidence won't be this high after Dr. Strange flops.

Its just bad timing. If she was introduced in phase 1, sure. But most people are already burnt out on capes, I dont think her getting a movie in phase 4 will do well. We will see though.
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Litrally anyone but her
Billy Batson
Even Mike Moran?
He has a point. And I know this is gonna attract all kinds of dank memes but little girls will have already had 4 years of Wonder Woman by that point. So a 6 year old girl will be 10 years old by that point, all those years with WW merc and toys. Also they know who WW is. Its just gonna be a pretty hard market to push into, especially with DC just wrapping up their first round of movies and Marvel being on round 4.
>Dr. Strange
Come Jester, tell us another!
Idk about you but I haven't heard a single person in real life say they wanted to see that movie. I've heard a lot of laughing about Benedict though.
>the fact that I have no friends and don't talk to people outside of the cashier at the supermarket means this movie isn't interesting to people and it's going to flop because muh company wars
Okay then.
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>Guys, TMNT is gonna overtake Guardians of the Galaxy
>Guys really? Ant-Man, the worlds smallest literally who? After that Avengers disaster? Please.
Youre projecting pretty hard. Im a supervisor at a fortune 500 company and travel quite a bit for training.
Carol will save those girls from that shit actress Gadot. Plus the movie looks dark and dreary like BvS. It's going to flop hard
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I see you make memes. I also make memes myself.
Does your son work at Nintendo too?
This place has rotted your brain.
Who should play Mar-Vell?
I'd laff.
IMO, Aaron Eckhart.
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Bring Toby back to the capes.
Does he still look like a child?
Just do green lantern with a woman since they're not doing dick rider any time soon

Mar-Vell infiltrates earth, gets caught, saves Carol's life from an accident, dies in the process, Carol realizes she got his powers somehow

This. Carol is basically Hal Jordan as a good character anyway.
No. She was an awesome character when she was a no nonsense alcoholic just doing it for the bloodlust and out of a sense of guilt to Mar-Vell.

Now shes generic blonde antagonist 46.
>Civil War 2
>She was an awesome character when she was a no nonsense alcoholic just doing it for the bloodlust and out of a sense of guilt to Mar-Vell.
Remove alcoholic and mention she's popular in-universe now and that's pretty much everything that has changed
I can't remember the last time Carol went bloodlust mode. Can you?
Something like:
>Carol gets powers
>Realizes her powers make her bloodthirsty
>Stops trusting her own judgement and defers to authority for decisions
>Climax has her forced to disobey orders to do hero thing
Easy peasy character arc.
I'm not sure how many girls are gonna see WW given that its a period film set during World War I. I think Captain Marvel has more potential marketing to children as a kooky sci fi adventure compared to Wonder Woman's dark "I gave up on mankind after witnessing the horrors of World War I" vibe.
I've read something like this before.

Doctor Strange won't flop. I'm not saying this because I'm a fan but because I base this from Cucumber's popularity. You guys underestimate his Sherlock popularity. That shit is thriving in Asian markets, no doubt in the West too of course.

Sherlock is starting to market its S4 as well, so that would only help Cucumber's other projects.
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Everyone i know could!

...lol just kidding, everyones like 'Who the fuck is Guardians of the Galaxy?"
Her face already looks like a tranny in here. I don't know how masculine it'll be when she gets a haircut to look more like Carol.
>brie larson

literally who
This, just make it so Carol is preventing a Kree invasion from happening in a world that is without Avengers (who are in space fighting Thanos or whatever).

Part earth and part cosmic
Nothing wrong with literally whos who can act

she just won an oscar
If they make Carol Dyke looking they will lose a lot of their normie female market.

Honestly women will see WW from what I saw in SDCC even outside the con when they had events and in one of them they were giving WW tiaras and all the women and girls wanted them.

Aside from Harley, WW and Supergirl are the most popular characters with girls, DC has the most girly and magical girl type of superheroines, Marvel I guess it has Kamala but unless Carol gets a look that's regal or Wonder Womanish I don't see her beating WW.
DC also has Superhero girls and that shit is introducing little girls to their female superheroes and yeah WW is extremely popular so even if her film is dark, her relationship with Steve and WW's popularity they will still see it.
I hope they don't make Monica her token black friend
Yes to Yon-Rogg. I'd like to see Dr. Minerva and the Supreme Intelligence too.

As for Karla Sofen, I'd like to see her too. I'd reinvent her and Llyod Bloch as scientists who work in the same agency as Carol (maybe SWORD?) and they come into contact with the Kree moonstone during Carol's fight against Yon-Rogg. Set them up to villains in a sequel.
>they're not doing dick rider any time soon

I think they will be doing it sometime soon.
>Rhomman Dey already in the movie
>Xandar will inevitably be destroyed by Thanos to get stone

>Whole plot revolves around the Avengers
>Almost all the team is there
>The villain doesn't care about anyone personally, but the whole team

It's an Avengers movie with a focus on Cap and Iron Man. How new!
the point was meant to be that the military doesnt like her because she fought them for a third of the movie, so she was employed directly by the government at the end, losing her rank of colonel but gaining the title of captain marvel

while she was on her super powered bender the media would call her "miss marvel"

>Captain America 2
>"why weren't the other Avengers there?"

>Captain America 3
>"bullshit, this is another Avengers movie"

>post credit scene is monica reading a newspaper article about captain marvel and getting pissed someone stole her name

What did she mean by this?
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If there's not enough physical blood in her latest arc for your liking I'm sure the Civil War II finale will make up for it.
>Set them up to villains in a sequel.
Nah. Set them up as characters in Thunderbolts.
You've got Inhumans, Hala, Skrulls and possibly Brood for sequels.
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What a completely average looking female.
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>army is not government
Are you foreign?
>all superheroes must be 10/10s
fuck off retard
Carol is working for the military intelligence and is tracing down some suspicous activities with her team. One of them, the disguised Mar-Vell, leads Carol's team to a Kree outpost that experiements/abducts Earthlings in hybridisation project for the Kree-Evolution kickstarter (they can't evolve any longer on their own).

The moment they enter the outpost, the whole thing get's ready to go for outer space. Shit hits the fan. Mar-Vel get's mortally wounded and fills Carol in: He wanted to stop the operation, because the moment it starts Sentrys are activated all over earth, starting to eradicate all unused human ressources. Carol is forced to use some of the Kree hybrid gizmos to alter her DNA (the ship allows only kree Pilots) with unforseen consequences (aka:gives her powers over the course of the rest of the movie). Using his Kree ID -Tag and her altered DNA, they turn the ship, race back to earth, hoping the sentries will stop, once they see the ship is still there (maybe with some Kree persecutors, they want to keep the samples after all).

Getting there, some Sentries deactivate, but there's still enough BIG fucking robots to fight (the Avengers fight elsewhere, enough sentries for everyone, ok?). Carol get's in a little alien "Starfighter" to combat them while her powers manifest. During the fight her fighter get's worn down more and more, until she has to fight bare handed.

Cue in some some alien scientist that takes NY or Washington hostage if he doesn't his samples back and let carol save the day. Still wearing the ID-Card of Mar-Vel she get's nickanmed "Captain Marvel"...
The question is how do you make everyone forget about Wonder Woman?
Pick one senpai.
Write it like it was a Bruce Willis movie complete with Bruce Wilis quips and fight scenes.
Who is her arch enemy? The villain maketh the hero.
>Captain Mar-Vell comes to Earth as an advanced scout for the Kree
>Gets to know Carol and goes all "No, I will protect the Earth! This is my home now!"
>Kree invade anyways with Yon-Rogg as the commanding officer
>Air Force and Mar-Vell try and hold them off but fail, Mar-Vell gets badly injured, Carol has to use Mar-Vell's nega-bands to save them both
>Nega-bands were made for Kree so they don't work right with humans and starts killing Carol
>Mar-Vell realises that the only way to save her would be if she was part Kree so uses the Psyche-Magnatron to splice his own DNA into hers, but kills him in the process
>Carol gains her traditional powerset as a result of the nega-bands + Mar-Vell's DNA
>Big fight as Carol gets shot by some Kree weapons, absorbs the energy, goes Binary and starts to fuck the Kree up forcing a retreat
>Yon-Rogg refuses to admit defeat, tries to use some experimental Kree weapon for a big fight between Carol and Yon
>Carol adopts the name "Captain Marvel" in honor of Mar-Vell

Boom, there ya' go. Then have the sequel be Genis and Phyla coming after Carol blaming her for Mar-Vell's death.
Movie will probably switch her out for Minerva.
>Who is her arch enemy?
... Mystique.

The villain in her superhero origin is Yon-Rogg, who is just a generic evil Kree commander. Most of her non-x-men related villains (Mystique, Rogue, the Brood) are various Kree (Yon-Rogg, Minn-Erva, Att-Las).

So it's probably a pretty safe bet that the villains will be the Kree, and they'll just pull out one of those (probably Yon-Rogg) to be their leader. It's not like Marvel puts much effort into their villains anyways.
I feel like Wonder Woman will take care of that.
>not having her get her name from Mar-Vell
Fuck that, anon. Even if they're skipping straight to Carol, Captain Marvel is THE legacy title for Marvel. Without any aspect of legacy to the name then what's the point?

I'm totally cool with them just using Mar-Vell as a supporting character in the first movie then killing him off
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>Big fight as Carol goes Binary
>Then have the sequel be Genis and Phyla
She, Herself

A film in which the hero doesn't become the hero until the final third act? No thank you. Mar-Vell will probably die in the first five minutes.
>Captain Marvel solo movie
>No Xmen crossover, no Rogue stealing her powers, no fighting Mystique
What's the fucking point?
>Captain Marvel solo movie
>lists Ms Marvel shit

Beating the shit out of xenos scum, of course.
>This is the only story I know about Ms. Marvel
Some of these plots are over-complicated.

I would consider a prestige military movie like Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk.

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Since she won't get her capt marvel costume till mid/end of the movie, what will she wear in the mean time?

Her flight suit.
By casting a shit actress
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plugsuit with a lightning bolt
Basically Kree-Skrull War just with no Avengers and Rick Jones replaced by Carol Danvers.
I actually like this idea, maybe she finds it on a kree ship or something
give this man a medal
bonus points if plugsuit is red + black
Anything as long as it doesn't have the sash, I hate that thing.

I hope the MCU version has bare thighs
Does anyone here actually expect Nu-Marvel to touch upon Mar-Vel? The comics barely do, so why would the movies?
Copy her origin story from the comics. Done.
She needs to have Binary power up in the final battle.

Because it's an easy way to squeeze out a novel origin story in an increasingly samey landscape?
>The comics barely do
Both the KSD run and the current run start out by cramming the Mar-Vell connection right in the audiences face.
But fuck reading the source material right? Gets in the way of shitposting.
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This is the Carol I want but I highly doubt it's the one we will get. Im betting they literally just try to rip off Wonder Womans's personality and try to make Carol some space savior who loves everyone and wants to protect the earth.

Real Carol doesn't actually give a shit and just gets off on fighting.
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>savior who loves everyone
That's not the Wonder Woman I know.
>Im betting they literally just try to rip off Wonder Womans's personality
What IS Wonderwoman's personality, anyway?
Disagreeable hotheaded murderwaifu.
>never read Wondy
She's not good looking enough. There I said it.
First off, checked em

Now, just remake the episode of EMH that introduced Carol Danvers, just put more focus on Carol.
>we see Carol as a badass jet pilot
>she gets handpicked from her squad to test the prototype Quinjet designed to fly into upper atmosphere
>the night before the flight, her squad takes her out drinking
>she gets drunk and walks off with some privet
>next morning, the test is going great
>the jet, while in the upper atmosphere gets struck by something
>jet starts to rip apart, Carol gets saved by what looked like a flying man
>later, Carol is trying to explain what went wrong during the test.
>Dr Karla Soften (the base psychologist), who was seen during the bar scene flirting with the privet that Carol walked off with, declares that what Carol saw was due to alcohol in her system
>Karla gets Carol grounded from flying and is fucked to go to mandatory AA meetings.
>Carol later meets Mar Vell, soon falls in love and fucks him
>after she learns he's not human and the man who saved her during the test when she begins to develop powers
>after round this time a Kree rescue party arrives to answer Mar Vell's distress signal as he has been stranded on Earth
>the Kree are attacked by SHIELD and the armies of the world and retaliate wuth deadly force
>Carol and Mar Vell help defend them
>Mar Vell dies protecting Carol
>Carol taps into her Binary mode and leaves Earth until CM2 rolls around.
Clearly we'll meet Carol in 'Infinity War', as well as the Kree race, so they can kill two birds with one stone in that movie. Her origin can easily be told as a side plot to the story.

The challenge is to find a distinct genre for Carol's movie. That's what Marvel is doing with each superhero. 'Captain Marvel' has pressure on it to be empowering for little girls too.

Since the space opera slot has been taken by Guardians, chances are it won't be of the same genre. Dr. Strange is filling the horror genre. Antman is doing screwball comedy.

So what genres are left?

Just speculating in action subgenres:

War/ military.
Hardcore sci-fi.
Epic romance/ romantic comedy (possible, with Mar Vell)
Erotic thriller (it wont be this)
Chase movie (ie: Terminator 1+2, though Thor 3 has this covered)
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