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Can we talk about how Slapstick is finally getting an ongoing

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Can we talk about how Slapstick is finally getting an ongoing after 25 years? I'm pumped as shit. Do you think some of his villains will return, like Overkiller and the Neutron Bum?
Oh my God, that's blood! They just showed blood in this, what are they, fucking psychos?
I look forward to all 6 issues.
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>Implying Slappy isn't already a psycho.
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>Reily Brown
>Fred Van Lante
Shit I'm going to have to buy this, aren't I?
It'll be short lived, but hopefully it'll be a fun ride.
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Wrong Herc reaction friendo :^)
>Do you think some of his villains will return, like Overkiller and the Neutron Bum?
They better. I'm hype for Slapstick.
I told you guys that thanks to Deadpool Slapstick would go back to his older self but you didn't believe me
coolest announcement of the day
>Van Lente

Shit. Now I want this.
If they finally shift him away from "Seriously needs to get laid" and make him a fun loving screwball again, I will be totally on board with this.
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>Slapstick has a new comic
That's good!
>He looks CalArts
That's bad.
>It's a much more accurate reflection of the modern American animated landscape.
>That's bad.
Literally what is calarts about that? He has way too much detail and form to be calarts.
I'm happy to see Norton on it.
What's his deal anyway? I'll admit I only know about him from his appearances in Deadpool's run.
I will try and storytime slapstick and solo minis agains this friday, DONT MISS IT!
I was gonna write out this long shpeal then realized it was entirely nonsensical so just read for yourself

Yes. Thanks anon
That's the worst part about modern Slapstick. He's literally become what he was trying to parody in the first place. Nonetheless, this comic looks interesting. I really hope they dial down everything and make it more like the original run.
He looks so happy it makes me happy
He's riding the Deadpool train.
Nigga do Foolkiller instead
Fucc slapsticc he was a d bag in initiative and I never liked him since , fucc you op
Looks more like a Disney Junior toon. Which will make this even more funnier if it's going in the direction I think it is.
Prankster had his molecules turn to ectoplasm and has a black hole in his pockets. This causes him to have the physics of a toon and have unlimited weapons and gags as well.
I mean, I know this is a troll and all, but do you legit not know how to save an image on your phone?
I'm still fairly casual when it comes to comics, but I'm surprise I hadn't heard of him earlier. It seems like he was pretty well received when he was introduced.
>Fred Van Lente
Man they had Hercules READY for him

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He had a mini series, nothing big. Funnily enough, the series ends with Slapstick begging the audience not to forget him since he doesn't want to be another throw away character. He then starts suggesting that people send letters to editorial to demand an ongoing.
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I like Slapstick but I hope they will stop it with the whole self hating thing.
>meme police
It's bugging with my OCD man.
Considering how much more positive and energetic he looks in OP's picture (as opposed to yours), it looks like Slapstick managed to chill the fuck out.
what comic is this from?
The initiative
It's just a meme. Let the babby have his moment.
>Slapstick was voted as the best new character of 1992, narrowly edging out Carnage.
I'm surprised I hadn't heard of him before Mercs.
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he used to be fun
hope it's like this again and not dark
how the fuck is there anybody going
"oh boy, I can't wait for the new SLAPSTICK issue golly" like honestly fuck this guy getting a book this is marvel scraping the bottom of the bin
So hes just an edgy Freakazoid?
I used to love this damn guy as a kid, even used to draw him enough my dad thought i invented the fuckin character myself for some idiotic reason..

marvel might get a monthy buy out of me yet
Golly, I wonder if the cartoon-cartoon character getting his own book has anything to do with Disney having bought Marvel?

Thats a bit of a fucking reach, but then again this is /co/
fuck off tinfoil

Gah, that art does NOT work for Slapstick. Rage looks as much of a cartoon character as he does.

Slapstick needs a hyper-realistic artist to make him stand out, a literal cartoon character in a real world. The answer is obvious - Alex Ross.
Are the writers any good?
one wrote a few issues of Cable & Deadpool (in which Brown co-created the characters Bob, Agent of Hydra), the other co-wrote The Incredible Hercules series that was too based for this beautiful world
I seriously loved the first ongoing but I'll have my reservations. He looks good here though, they're going the right route by making him cartoonish while everyone else is realistic

I do hope they keep it light-hearted; Slapstick never started off edgy.
Go wank off to Hellcat
The stealth marketing in this thread is so obnoxiously transparent
Remember, Van Lente fucked up Taskmaster.
He actually predates Freakazoid by a couple years. and the Edgy personification is very recent.
His entire premise was to
a. be Daffy Duck as a superhero
b. contrast and mock everything about the 80s and 90 that was going on at the same time.
His second book had him fight a bargain bin punisher knock-off while having Spider-Man make a gratuitous cameo just to have the book shit on him.

>Daffy Duck as a superhero.

Which version?
And this is an MCU fag pretending to know about comics. Don't make fun of him too much, he doesn't know how to read.
>Created in 1992.

Don't get me wrong, I hate most of modern Marvel now too. But hating on them when they're doing good shit is going to get us more crap books you autist.
Hell yeah, I'm down for anything Alex Ross.
I was born in 1992 as well.....WE COULD BE BROTHERS!
>Van Lente
Expect memes, tons of memes.
>Marvel NOW!’s “Divided We Stand” seems teetering on a generational divide within the Marvel U, but the next character getting his ongoing series is throwing that analogy around like a bull in a china shop.

>Launching this fall, Slapstick brings the “hero who laughs” back to his first solo series since his 1992 debut – and doing it to break-up the newly-minted Deadpool & Mercs for Money team. Series co-writer/artist Reilly Brown describes Slapstick as a series for people who think Deadpool is “too highbrow,” and with co-writer Fred Van Lente he plans to double-down on the character’s cartoon-y nature.

>Brown and Van Lente are looking to take advantageous of Slapstick’s ‘cartoon physics’ as the series will debut digitally as a Marvel Infinite comic before it’s print release, and Newsarama talked to the duo for more about this somewhat shocking new Marvel NOW! Star.

>Newsarama: Reilly, Fred, what can you tell us about this new Slapstick ongoing?

>Reilly Brown: If you've been reading Deadpool, and you feel like it's just a little bit too highbrow for your demented tastes, Slapstick is where it's at. The fun part about Slapstick is that he's essentially a Looney Tunes character, doing Looney Tunes, but when you drop an anvil on someone's head in the real world, it's a lot messier than it is in the cartoons. In the first issue he'll be teaming up with Spider-Man, and Spidey... well, let's just say that Spidey isn't wholly approving of Slapstick's particular brand of justice.

>Him running into other established Marvel characters, good and evil, and seeing how they react to someone who's so different than the usual heroes will be part of the fun of the series.

>Eventually he's going to run into other characters who are similarly cartoon-like, but based on other cartoon genres, and it will be interesting to see how he matches up to them.

>Also, like some of the other comics I've been working on recently, this one is going to start off as an Infinite Comic. Every time I do another Infinite Comic, I figure out new things I can do with the medium, and I think Slapstick is a character who really lends himself to some cool digital storytelling possibilities. Expect a fun ride!

>Fred Van Lente: It's kind of insane even by my own personal standards, and I was the writer of Eminem vs. Punisher, so that's saying something. It's not often Marvel can stump me on obscure characters, but when our editor Jordan White called me up about this project I was like "Wha-huh?" But once I read his first appearance and talked it over with Reilly, what I found was a terrific character with a great hook and power set, and I always jump at the chance to work with frequent drinking buddy Reilly as it often results in, you know, drinking.

>Nrama: Slapstick just recently became part of Deadpool & Mercs for Money, why would he want to quit?

>Brown: Deadpool's such a jerk! Hollywood's really gone to his head. Me and Slapstick were fed up with him, so we both decided to quit and do our own thing!

>But seriously, he actually quits for pretty regular reasons. He felt undervalued, overworked, underpaid, passed up for that promotion, you know how it is in this economy. Sometimes you just have to strike out and do your own thing. You can check out current issues of Deadpool and Deadpool & Mercs For Money to learn more about that.

>Van Lente: I think the very qualities that make Deadpool such a popular character would make you want to murder him if he was your boss. So Slapstick has kind of struck out on his own ... sort of? He's still using the Mercs for Money website to pretend to be them to get jobs because he's so hard up for cash, having spent it all spooning hookers, and this may lead to some conflict with Deadpool later on because he's "Catfishing" clients posing as him.

>Brown: Plus, just imagine having Deadpool for a boss. No one needs that in their life.

>Nrama: What do you enjoy about Slapstick as a character, from both the writingand the drawing sides?

>Van Lente: He has the key trait of all great comedy characters, which is his ridiculous levels of commitment to his goals and self-image, no matter how moronic. What I love about Slapstick is he really sees himself as a badass mercenary. He desperately wants to be taken seriously, which absolutely no one does because he's a cartoon clown with no dingus.

>His heart is in the right place, but he is super-insecure and maybe the worst listener of any main character I've worked on? I mean the guy has no idea what's going on at any given minute because he's just not paying attention, he is so absorbed into his own personal nonsense. And this is all compounded by the fact he's almost invulnerable in his toon form, he never has to suffer the consequences of his terrible, terrible, terrible life decisions. But everyone else around him does, including Spider-Man, and we all get to laugh very hard at all of this.
>, but when you drop an anvil on someone's head in the real world, it's a lot messier than it is in the cartoons

welp confirmed shit

the original slapstick ongoing didn't rely on 'DUDE CARTOONS R FUCKED UP MANG'

>Brown: Over the past few years, Slapstick has mainly been used in smaller supporting roles, but even so, he's always stood out to me. Something about him is just so unique and fun, but at the same time, kind of twisted. Like I mentioned earlier, he approaches the usual superhero problems from a much different perspective than most characters, and visually, he always stands out. That's something that we plan on leaning into a bit more in this than usual, and really make him stand out visually as a cartoon character in the real world.

>Nrama: This concept of him tracking down other former cartoons is interesting, and especially ripe with possibilities considering some of Marvel's cartoon and cartoony work in the past. Can you clue us in on what other characters to expect?

>Van Lente: That would be maybe giving too much away, although it does involve how Slapstick got transformed into a living toon in the first place -- thus losing his oft-aforementioned dingus -- and A.R.M.O.R., the interdimensional division of S.H.I.E.L.D. we came up with in Marvel Zombies.

>Brown: The other cartoon characters will be completely original, made up just for this story. If you think of Slapstick as a Looney Tunes character, his villains are going to be based on other Saturday morning cartoon genres.

>Nrama: How are you balancing the cartoony nature of this with the more realistic aspects of Marvel's main universe?

>Brown: The combination of those two styles is at the heart of this series, both in the stories and the visuals. We're treating him not just as a character who's cartoon-like, but actually a cartoon in the real world. Like Roger Rabbit.
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>Van Lente: We're kind of embracing this difference with all four (eight?) limbs, it's kind of the signature of the series -- these cartoon people invading the Marvel Universe don't quite get how the physics work. They're just as violent and invulnerable as Slapstick and are causing massive amounts of mayhem and destruction wherever they go, and that's why Slapstick has to track them down. >Because of everything that's happened to him over the past few years, did you feel writing this new series, under the Rebirth banner and trying to appeal to new readers, to be tough?

>Nrama: This is coming as part of Marvel's "Marvel NOW!" initiative. How does Slapstick fit within this broader new status quo?

>Brown: Well, most of this series will take place in New Jersey, at least in the first story arc. “Marvel Now”'s mainly about all the heroes ditching their expensive New York City rent and moving to the suburbs. That's what I hear anyway. I'm pretty sure that's it, right?

>Van Lente: [laughs]

>Brown: In the first issue he teams up with Spider-Man, and going forward we're going to try to pair him up with other characters from time to time.

>Van Lente: I am fairly certain that Slapstick's quest to regain his dingus will soon become the most important storyline in the Marvel Universe. Look for The Infinity Dingus next summer.

>Nrama: Reilly, this is your second time co-writing a book for Marvel, and also follows up on the Saint George series you did with Fred for Dark Horse Presents. How has it been, to be able to get more involved with the writing aspect?

>Brown: It's a lot of fun. I've actually done a few co-writing gigs on and off over the years. First with a couple of issues of Cable & Deadpool some years back, recently with Deadpool & Cable: Split Second, I have a weekly web comic I do for Ghostek Products called Dash Hudson and a bunch of the Infinite comics I've worked on have been joint efforts between the writer providing lose plot descriptions, and me breaking down the actions and pacing. Honestly, I've always liked having a hand in the plotting of the story, so taking more control as a writer was a natural next step for me. Plus it's one more excuse to hang out with Fred at the bar and talk about comics, which is always a plus in my book!

>Nrama: Big picture, what should fans look forward to with this ongoing series?

>Van Lente: He's just a mercenary toon trying to win back his dingus in an all-too-real world where nobody understands him but his mallet.
uh but it did
he did stuff without thinking on consequences all the time, he is just like that
i mean the 'edgy violence' shtick
>Eventually he's going to run into other characters who are similarly cartoon-like, but based on other cartoon genres
What is this, Drawn Together? It was okay show
Wait, was he the guy who beat the shit out of his instructor during Avengers: initiative for laughing at his friend's death?
Eh, I mean, it's kinda what is to be expected, though I'd really prefer if they didn't go that way but who knows, probably too soon to make conclusions
yeah but apparently being with Deadpool unedgyfied him. I hope.
Can't he just turn back into Steve Harmon and get laid that way? In Deadpool's run he was paying people to pretend to be his family.
Not even close.

In his original run, it was like Bugs Bunny stepped out of the teevee and started fighting crime.
He cant for some reason
>Brown and Van Lente are looking to take advantageous of Slapstick’s ‘cartoon physics’ as the series will debut digitally as a Marvel Infinite comic before it’s print release
Oh. Good. So that means we're literally never going to get this comic storytimed. There goes that.
That's... kind of silly.

Do you think that, if he managed it, Steve would still be a teenager?
i'm missing something but wouldn't it be EASIER to storytime something digital?
You've never read an Infinite Comic have you? They use repeating but slightly changing panels to create a sense of motion through the comic, which is a cool effect when reading it on, say, a tablet. But in a storytime format, where each "page" is posted individually, this results in one infinite comic being 100+ pages long for the equivalent of half an issue's worth of story compared to a 22 page floppie. And reading it in the scrolling or tab based format of 4chan completely loses the sense of motion/animation and just makes it seem like a bunch of copy-pasted panels.

The print versions are redone to be like a normal comic, but the thing is that the scene never scans physical comic anymore, they just rip digital comics. This means that the physical (thus storytimable versions) of infinite comics NEVER get scanned and released. So your only option if you want to storytime is either the infinite version, which is absolute hell to do, or go out, buy the issue, and scan it yourself scanbro style which which just result on lower quality at the cost of an even bigger time (and money) investment than storytiming the infinite version.

One anon turns the Infinite versions into .webms and storytimes them that way, but even that is super crazy and labyrinthine just to do a storytime.
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>Reilly Brown on art

>One anon turns the Infinite versions into .webms and storytimes them that way.
>One anon
That's me folks!

>but even that is super crazy and labyrinthine just to do a storytime
I use a GIF/WebM maker and Photoshop (if needed).
He hardly looks like Calarts tho
Steve, get offline and keep crying about how you don't have a dick since you got turned into a toon.
will you make this one if it turns out good?
Do you take requests?
bumping the thread for slapstick!
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Hell yeah.
i'm hoping the art will be this good but i doubt it

goddamn look at those expressions
go back to /tv/
If this leads to his original run and stories from Marvel Comics Presents getting collected it will be worth it!

I gave up hope for this about a year after the mini came out.
>I know what this Roger Rabbit inspired character needs- A completely static artist!

You could have at least picked Brent Anderson.
>that face in the second panel
The whole "advertising on 4chan" meme needs to end. Nobody would waste their time narrowcasting to a bunch of assholes like us. Frankly it's an insult to their marketing division to assume they care about a couple of 4chan users.
Why can't we just have this, or something similar?
Why do creators have to be "deep" about this?

It's a character literally invented to circumvent "muh lore, muh drama".
Yeah that's Big Head's thing.
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Inb4 he starts talking about feminism in the first issue and you guys all get really sad
Why would I be sad, anon? I'm running low on easy bait since this whole GwenxMiles thing will probably only last me another week or two of shitposting.
I mean, if you're looking forward to this, marvel throwing their fucking autistic behavior all over it will ruin it, even if it does mean good shitposts
>Fred Van Lente

Oh hey, wasn't he one of the guys who did Action Philosophers?
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In the Initiative someone asked him why he hasn't turned back. He wore the gloves for so long that he couldn't turn back anymore.

Still they need to find a way for him to get laid. He seems to always attract chicks.
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Yes, as well as Incredible Hercules and quite a few things over at Valiant.
No I mean in the old comics and a recent short story of him in Deadpool I think.
oh lol i havent read the comics
Means this will be good, right?
What the hell is his problem?
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>but when you drop an anvil on someone's head in the real world, it's a lot messier than it is in the cartoons

>well, let's just say that Spidey isn't wholly approving of Slapstick's particular brand of justice

Oh god, it's all my fears come manifest. Instead of Captain Carrot we're just going to get a shittier Mask.
The second kid was being a dick in the earlier panels.
This really doesn't seem like the right series to do that in, so if they manage to shoehorn that in I'll be more impressed than anything.
I prefer storytimes of completed Infinite Comics or one-shots. I'm unable to do those Infinite Comic single (not one-shot) issues on NCBD.
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