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Entertainment Weekly casually shared MAJOR Steven Universe spoilers.

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Entertainment Weekly casually shared MAJOR Steven Universe spoilers.
Why the fuck would they do this? There's 2 huge spoilers in this very screenshot.
Nice shoop. Pull the other one.
>bismuth is somehow even uglier than the fandom thought she would be
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Because it's a kids show on Cartoon Network and kids don't read EW?
She's unusually chill and happy for someone who was bubbled by Rose. The theories about her turning out to be some uncontrollable berserker are probably true.
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>it's real
I don't know how to feel about that. In any case, there goes the idea that she's a horribly violent and monstrous berzerker. Unless she has a split personality thing going on.
Well they're not at war right now. Who knows what she's like in battle.
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GREG IS ACTUALLY RICH? YO WHAT THE FUCK!? I DONT UNDERSTAND. I CAN NOT COMPREHEND THIS WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BOMB? First sign of madness, talking to your own head. I am talking to myself at this point, what the fuck the leaks.
where the hell did you get that from

rose bubbled/hid her bubble for some reason, but somewhere she presumably knew steven would find her again one day.
I don't want to see another episode about a guy becoming rich and then losing all his money, especially when the guy is as likeable as Greg.
That preview is going to have Pearl-haters licking their lips. She comes off pretty bad at the end there. But maybe the episode will finally address the elephant in the room.

second preview
THE LEAKS, where the fuck did he get all that dosh
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What elephant? And where's that portrait from?

Remember the episode where Chaz became rich and got fucked out of all his money by Drew? We're getting that, and I'm not looking forward to it.
Anon, we're getting all of season 3 starting in like, next two weeks.
Goddamn, her voice sounds familiar.
Also, what the fuck, CN?
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>she's all chill and matronly normally
>when the fighting starts, she goes absolute apeshit

>Boo! You ruined the song!
Yeah, Pearl, you ruined the song. Can you not go five minutes without fucking up? Goddamn.
>That preview is going to have Pearl-haters licking their lips. She comes off pretty bad at the end there.
How does she come off as bad?
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>still two fucking weeks to go and this happens
>Work for EW
>get told to do a piece on some cartoon on CN
>provided with promo images and screen shots

will you shits stop acting surprised as if the person who wrote and posted this article should have known better.
>elephant in the room
It's a figure of speech, meaning 'something obvious that everyone ignores'.
A-at least Bismuth looks like she's gonna be a cool character.
How is the crew reacting to the leaks?
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I JUST FUCKING NOTICED that my caps lock was on, and WHITE AMETHYST TOP?? And the show is still about asexual space rocks crying.
Fucking Crazy Eyes is gonna be on the show?!
That's rad as fuck.
Matt and Zuke are committing sudoku as we speak.
>Sassy black lady with Steven's face and manarms

Is Sugar even trying?
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wew can't wait to see her meet lapis
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Not really. We knew full well Bismuth was gonna show up since Lion 3, and just recently we saw her in Lapis' flashback. This isn't really a surprise.

Apparently she's voiced by one of the cast of Orange is the New Black.
So, the twist about Steven's financial situation is that Greg uses his inheritance to keep Steven afloat and the car wash money to keep himself fed.
it's going to end in murder
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>Ol' crazy legs!

Did they just confirm snowflake obsidian?
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Nah, she just regular black from orange is the new black. Woolie can go back to vidya.
>Guest voice actor.
I am betting that bismuth will fall out of existance or something *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
>Hey, aren't you that Lazuli?
>Well what a surprise! Well, you can't blame me for attacking you when you just stand on the battle field like an idiot!
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I feel like Uzo will stick around for a bit. Its not like she's doing anything else at the moment.
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>implying we haven't already met Snowflake
Seriously anon, pay attention to EVERYTHING.
this is definitely the ugliest gem so far. but you know i still like her, she seems to have a fun personality.
It's a bomb.
the most nonchalant bomb in the history of su leaks.
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Well for one thing, she stopped the song. IN A MUSICAL MONTAGE.

Second, apparently she still has some unresolved issues with Greg. Since the episode is titled "Mr. Greg", maybe they'll finally bury the hatchet about their shared past. Pearl's Maximum Capacity, as it were.
I like how super buff she is, even more so than Jasper. And her outfit reminds me of a forgers apron, so maybe she's a weapons maker, like Hephaestus.
CN is incompetent, what else is new?
she was mentioned as a guest VA in the article. I strongly feel that the whole whoops it fell out of existance was a foreshadowing on stevens part.
Or maybe that was their way of explaining why Lion could not be found around the barn.
CN treats Steven like shit and spoils it bratty golden child Teen Titans Go like a princess.
So, Bismuth seems pretty chill, I wonder why she got a special place in Roses little treasure room inside Lion.
And based on her outfit, it looks like she might have been the weapons builder of the CG, which would make sense, her being a metal and all.
just once
I want there to be a time where nothing leaks.
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>monster reuinion is about bismuth...
Smoky Quartz will most definitely be a fusion, though to get a whole marathon? We might be looking at another Sardonyx situation.

From the episode titles when do we think Bismuth might be appearing?
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>sassy black woman
its a fucking mammy
Tumblr is going to have a field day with this
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I like how super buff she is, even more so than Jasper.
Right? The CGs got their own brickhouse now.

>And her outfit reminds me of a forgers apron, so maybe she's a weapons maker, like Hephaestus.
I was thinking Io, but yeah.
The article outright says that it's a 22-minute special titled Bismuth airing near the end of the SoS. Monster Reunion is still on.
Smoky Quartz isn't getting a week, people have guessed that she's gonna show up in Too Short to Ride as Peri and Amy's fusion.
>new Amy regen outfit
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if she does turn out to have anger issue, hoo are we in for a ride.
You mean to fucking tell me that they spoiled something that we aren't gonna see for about a month?
That's just shitty.
>And where's that portrait from?

Oh lawd
>Bismuth is the season finale
i'm hoping it's not permanent it looks dreadful

it might be suggesting something though, like she's feeling more 'undone', careless?
That's exactly what I'm telling you yes. Good ol' CN.
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>having a nice discussion
>some faggot just has to be all "BUT GUYS WHAT WILL TUMBLR THINK???"
Fuck off.
are we sure it's a regen and not just amethyst changing the color of her shirt for some reason?
nah it's different from her current outfit entirely
I feel like Bismuth is gonna have the ability to change the color of objects, and she did it on Amethyst for fun.
Theres too much black in the room already.
So, Rebecca is gonna burn down the executive offices right? When is that gonna happen?
So wait, is Bismuth the one who poofed Lapis, making her responsible for being trapped in the mirror because she though she was a Diamond solider?

Boy that is going to be awkward as shit once they met each other again.
i want to fuck bismuths gem hole
then why introduce Bismuth!
ha cha cha cha!
Too edgy.

Tumblr is well known for their reactions so big they actually effect the shows staff.
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anon go to sleep.
God damn it CN! And yet no fucking news on Jasper.
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Thread track.
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>They already have a buff gem on the team

Freaks on suicide watch
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''Whoops, It fell out of existence!''
But they already told you she aint comming back nigguhh.
Bismuth might not last. There's a reason why she was bubbled.
>lapis is going to learn how to forgive and to be nicer through bismuth, not jasper
>already have someone waifuing Bismuth
Although, frankly, you're a little late to the punch there, anon. She had fans since Same Old World.

And 4chan is well known for never shutting the fuck up about it due to being a bunch of pathetic edgelords.

This thread was going just fine until you had to yet again bring in that boogeyman shit. Knock it off.
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So what does Greg says at the end of the song?
"Just dance with me..." and?
>Jasperdemption never
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>22 minute episode
>GUEST Star voicing the new character
Yeah, she's going to be the war dog in Jasper's place.
The one that can't handle living in this peaceful new world and ends up having to be put down or sent away.

If anything, this makes Jasperdemption more likely, as Bismuth's taking the major role she could give to the story.
Well shine my shoes and call me a nigger, shit is getting crazy.
What the fuck is wrong with Cartoon Network?

Why do they suck at keeping anything about this show secret?
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''..and sacrifice yourself for us to create obnoxious offspring of a gem minerals and human flesh.''
>people in a cartoons general thread talk about something that directly effects said cartoons crew
It's really pissing me off at this point
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jasper's corruption come on guys

even if it takes a while i'm confident they have something interesting planned for her.
whoops forgot to (you)
They don't talk to their content creators and have them approve of what to show, so they just grab what they think is interesting and show it, usually being extremely spoiler-y.
That's the dumbest design possible.
imagine how the crew feels. seriously how much more of this shit are they going to take?
Crazy Legs is Centipeedle
I like it, actually. She's a fucking wall, has a star tattoo, is wearing a forgers apron, and her hair is pretty neat.
judging from amethyst i think zuke is storyboarding this ep
So, was she the one that KO lapis?
yes, only the creators can surpass the fans in awful decisions.
They openly complained about the last leak on twitter with Matt later doing damage control by saying CN treats them right. I dunno how they'll react to this one.
>They don't talk to their content creators

This is CN's biggest problem by far right now, period. Why the hell are they not communicating with the people that create their branding? It's beyond idiotic.
Possibly, seems likely.
It's not going to be a good reunion when Lapis finds out about her.
this is pretty fucking huge shit too. a 22 minute special, i don't even think we've gotten one before.
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gonna be good
probably, and just when lapis was finally coming to terms with her PTSD
The issue is CN treats this similar to something like Teen Titans Go, where there's no plot and they can release little clips to show off some jokes. That approach is horrible for a plot driven show like SU.
Mirror Gem and Ocean Gem. The Return and Jailbreak.
please put the necronomicon pizza away. it is giving me a lewd stare.
It's because they normally don't have a plot cartoon like this.
The Return/Jailbreak
Yes, that's what I said.
>it's 7:40 in California right now
>Crewniverse is probably just waking up right now to go to work
>"hmm i wonder what's going on in the internet today :^)"
Let Lapis rest damn it
but those were split apart while i think this one is implied to be full 22 minutes
Okie Dokie Artichokie
The poor souls
>you will never see an episode of steven universe without knowing about all the plot points weeks / months in advance
what is the FUCKING POINT
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>Bismuth is unbubbled
>Gems seem to reconnect with her
>Peridot & Lapis warp into the Temple to get some cake or some shit
>Bismuth flips her switch and goes berserker cause HOMEWORLD GEMS
Can't fucking wait.

Wonder if the plan will be to repoof her or to send her to Jupiter.
>Bismuth will reveal that she loved poofing, and even crushing, Gems on the battlefield.
>Steven will say that that's not really her. She can be peaceful now.
>"No Steven. Rose said the same thing, I was her main line of offense, her berserker. She put me down because of it. Will you do the same thing?"
watching zuke's twitter like a hawk mmmm this gonna be good
CN is gonna have to sacrifice another intern to keep their bloodlust at bay.
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How will this be handled? I hope it's not a rehash of Barn Mates where Bismuth tries and fails to get Lapis to forgive her.
>send her to Jupiter

>rubies find her, think she's jasper because they're dumbass
>bring her to Homeworld
>she gets interrogated and spills all the info about the CGs
Tweet her to come to this thread, say that there will be HOT SEX.
>Matt the Bismuth denier
>It's 740 on the west coast
> You will never see Sugar and Zuke as they just wake up with bed hair
Why live
It sucks bro
nah, Bismuth is a direct cause for a lot of Lapis's suffering unlike Peri was, and Bismuth probably doesn't give a fuck that she was a neutral and will feel justified because WARTIME. it's a bigger deal than what peri did
Nah, if anything, Bismuth will be pissed that they're even alive.
>"I know we kept enemy prisoners for negotiations, but they're useless now! If you don't crush them, then I will!"
Sugar's hair is so short that it wouldn't look much different.
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Fixed it.
They'll probably fight and one will try to murder the other before something interrupts them.
I've never seen her complain about that sort of shit. Hell none of the actors on OitNB do.
BismuthxSteven when?
Lapis isn't much of a fighter CQC, she will get her shit wrecked and Peri/Jasper will step in to save her and poof Bismuth
My mom loves Orange is the New Black. Dad tried to watch it with her but couldn't stand it.
>>Peridot & Lapis warp into the Temple to get some cake or some shit
>Lapis sees Bismuth
>fight breaks out
>Lapis gets whooped cause she's just some scrub scout and Bismuth is a hardened warrior so dangerous that Rose had to bubble her

So we're gonna do the whole thing where Bismuth has to adjust to living the civie life? Okay.
It's gonna be Steven

And everything will be fixed


Who waiting for the crews reaction to this shit here?
Understandable. The whole show is just a woman power fantasy.

Yeah, probably.

>Bismuth and Lapis meet
>Lapis locks up out of fear, then starts getting angry
>Peridot tries to mediate
>Bismuth sees the Yellow Diamond emblem and goes full berzerker rage mode
>poofs Peridot and is getting ready to shatter her gem
>Lapis is all, "get away from her you BITCH!" and rumbles with Bismuth
>Bismuth gets the poof and is rebubbled
Eh, I enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for drama shows.
Looked like some OC DA stuff at first... then I found out this was real.
So you've never seen Orange is the New Black, huh?
Part one will be about getting to know Bismuth and more about the war along with her relationship with the CGs.

Part two will be about Bismuth meeting the HW gems and going A P E S H I T from seeing Lapis and Jasper and having to be put down.
That or Peridot might shield Lapis from a deadly blow and gets poofed in the result. Either way our new former Homeworld pals are fucked

Also why did Amy need a new outfit already? I liked her black one better...
Well they have been needing an excuse to update Peridot's look.
thanks CN i'm glad we have sooo much time to speculate and guess what's going to fucking happen
It really does

How could this happen

Why didn't I drop this before it was too late
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Smol bismuth fags btfo
>Also why did Amy need a new outfit already?
Probably gets poofed when Bismuth regenerates in mid rage mode before calming down.
But where is she going to put the star?
Why is bismuth a gem when it's not a gem but a metal?
oh stop exaggerating

she's ugly sure but it's mostly that cap that's awkward.

i also feel she'll look a lot better when she's angry
That's work of the crewniverse

But I don't like her either
Literal Sapphire ripoff

the crew said they'll use any mineral since they could run out of gems quickly and it leads to more variety
Look, everyone has different opinions

In my opinion, she looks like shitty OC

You have a different opinion, and that's fine
I bet bismuth is actually a man gem and all the metals are men and there's a male-presenting counterpart to the gems and instead of homeworld they have forge and instead of the diamonds they have precious metals and instead of fusions they form alloys sort of like metal men but from outer space.
i don't even disagree, but it's not even to ruin the show or anything. especially since she's probably not going to stick around.

i'm probably not as bothered though since we already saw the silhouette.
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I got a picture of one of those METAL men right here
>Why is bismuth a gem when it's not a gem but a metal?

I think what's even more important is that bismuth only gets all angular and rainbow when it's a crystal.
I don't want Bismuth to stay, it's too weird to just add a previously unnamed character to the main cast just suddenly when all the HW gems took fucking ages to get there. There's no doubt she gets poofed and bubbled by the end
Speaking of character design

The show tries to be as varied and diverse as they can in body shapes and race, but what haven't they covered yet? I'm interested in seeing what's left.

This show really hate east asians apparently
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Well, oddly enough they haven't really hit a middle ground yet.
>Pearl is a twig of average height
>Garnet's proportions are all over the place
>Jasper is a big buff cheeto puff
>Bismuth is now even bigger
Closest to normal we've had is Lapis, but even she has pretty scrawny arms.
Peetle when reforming seemed to have more "filled out but not buff" proportions.
Can we please discuss Bismuth's dialogue?

She says "How long have I been out?" meaning she's aware that she had to be bubbled and because she harbors no ill feelings towards the CG, I think it's safe to assume that the CRAZED MANIAC theory is out of the question.
Yes, she's not gonna ruin the show, of course, I was just saying that I didn't like how she looked.
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just kys
Of course she's not going to act like a mad dog to her friends anon, she'll just blame the other side for being out so long like Lapis did except she'll be more violent about it.
I guess the "Bismuth is a prototype Strven" theory got BTFO.
Centipeetle's theme also has hints of a gamelan, an instrument often associated with Oriental spiritualism. If they're going to introduce an "Asian" gem, my bet would be on her.

Which lends credence to the idea of her being Jade. I really hope we find out exactly what she is soon.
I would be pissed

These two are meant to have the terribly rocky yet eventually successful reconciliation, THEY have the bad blood history we got to see from the very start: not a shitty 3 seconds with Bismuth

Also so we can see how stable Malachite looks and sounds
OK so, here's a theory.

What if Rose didn't bubble Bismuth because she was uncontrollable or some shit like that?

Ever notice how a large number of CGs became corrupted monsters?

What if the reason why Bismuth was bubbled was because Rose was afraid that she was also corrupted by whatever happened to other CGs? We've seen in the spoiler that Bismuth was apparently very close with Pearl and Garnet, and very likely with Rose too; so Rose was acting out of fear for her friend's sanity. She left the bubble inside lion to make sure she's safe.

But then again there's Lapis' flashback where apparently it was Bismuth who poofed her on the battlefield.
But then what will get Steven to release Bismuth from her bubble?
>But then again there's Lapis' flashback where apparently it was Bismuth who poofed her on the battlefield.

I don't think this invalidates your theory, though. We don't know the WHEN of anything.
Don't forget Lion doesn't exist for that long. The corruption likely was caused by something the Diamonds did towards the end of the war. There is no way Rose put Bismuth inside of Lion to protect her right when it happened
Having it be Jasper would be a good twist. She'd be able to exchange blows well with Bismuth. Jasper has the longest history with Lapis (technically) more than any other currently revealed gem as far as we know. They were glued together for months after all

Jasper did remark she was impressed with her in SWI and really enjoyed the fight (which seems to have been teamwork, seeing as how Jasper asked lapis "if we're going to be this thing together, why don't we have some fun?"). And I think Lapis might get that she definitely did wrong herself too- in SOW of all the possible phrasing choices she could say, she said "because of what I did to Jasper"


Also, notice Amethyst's new outfit....so I guess this will take place after Steven vs. Amethyst episode.
we dont know WHEN was russia glassed :_: RIP slav squad of Cristal Gems

>bazzzillionaire spelled with three z's
That's how you know it's true, fakers think that it's spelled with only one z
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Holy shit that is a truly awful character design
huh, and she sort of looks like a chinese dragon too
Kek, classic Matt.
This is going to end badly for Lapis or Bismuth.

Yo fuck this Bismuth bitch I need a gatdam gif of POIL FUCKING TAP DANCING
Which then begs the question.

If Centipeetle does turn out to be Jade, then WHERE THE FUCK IS EMERALD?
>no apron
this is bland crap sorry

i do like the hair though
They don't directly effect anything unless you call making a big enough stink that the crew calls them idiots before moving on an effect.
I wonder if Centipeedle was one of the gems Bismuth was referring too.
I apologize if someone already brought this up(I ctrl+f'd several things to see if someone brought this up) But I just realized why Pearl freaked out when she's been pretty okay with Greg, all things considering. Greg tried to dance with her. I hate the whole "fusion is a sex metaphor", but dancing is obviously intimate and personal to Gems, and doing that with the person who basically murdered your love interest would obviously make you uncomfortable.
Crazy Legs?
Well she was okay with dancing with Steven in Alone Together.
I mean he could be rich, remember he's missing the deed to his rich uncle's property.
Steven is practically Rose in poils eyes

Also pearl in a tux is doing things to my ding dong
"Crazy Legs"-Centipeetle
"Big"-Bird Monster
"Snowflake"-Ice Monster
>"It's been about 5,300 years
Huh. Off by 100.
I guess when Pearl said she fought a "Hundred year war for this planet" she meant 200 year war.
Cause the data book clearly said the war started 5,500 years ago.
They were trying to teach him how to fuse and it's Rose's gem, you can see why it'd be different with Greg.

Anon, she said it was a THOUSAND year war.
And she blushed!
For real though can Cartoon Network stop fucking leaking shit. Just stop. Don't upload the clips at all. Wait for the fucking release.

I mean fuck me is it really that hard?
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Murder Cock confirmed?

It's almsot the same face.

Can I get a better screenshot than my shitty attempt please?

Maybe the episode starts with him obtaining it somehow?
Are you implying Pearl should hate Steven for something he had no control over? It's not like Steven asked to be born, and I'm sure Pearl realizes that too.
>Mr. Greg is the musical episode
>no Peri song
>no Lapis song
>no Amy song
>no Garnet song
>no Jasper ever
>no gems in suits
>Steven is practically Rose in poils eyes
I'd strongly argue against that.
I think she sees Steven and Rose as two different people, and she loves Steven as Steven.
But it's not Rose's Gem anymore, it's Steven's Gem now.
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Oh, you're right.
That just makes things more confusing.
The war DEFINATELY happened 5,500 years ago. But Pearl said that the battle ended 5,300 years ago.
I guess that means Bismuth was bubbled really quick after the war started, but it still had another 800 years after?
I think there's an implication that Pearl wishes that both Steven and Rose would be around
Just because there was a musical number doesn't necessarily mean its the musical episode,

Its totally the musical episode
Greg/Bismuth art when


I love Greg and Pearl but when you tease a musical episode I expect some good shit, especially when one of your VAs is a damn singer
Already exists. Kind of.
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I get that this show was never targeted towards guys but given this and the last season altogether and now this, it's like they are trying to actively repel guys from watching it.
the article even says it is the musical, i mean it still will probably be good but fuck

Pearl did nothing wrong
>That Bismuth

It could have been great
Honesty, it its ends in a Pearl/Greg romantic dance at the end it'll be worth it.
I fucking love musicals, go ear a dick.
No man, of course it's Steven's gem, Pearl just have a completely different dynamic with Steven (one that's a lot more positive) than with Greg (who started super rocky and is just 'amicable' at best)
>doesn't like musicals
fag alert

>guys can't like musicals

Motherfucker you haven't lived until you've seen Avenue Q
I think he's about to say "just say yes," interrupted by pearl's "No!"
>Bismuth is played by Crazy Eyes from OITNB
Mad dog confirmed
Fuck you, musicals are great and I'm a male.

Nah nah totally. From what I've seen it already looks solid as hell. Plus I guess it would be hard to fit full cast numbers into 11 minute episodes, just with the setup and whatnot
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well, maybe not so bad. A little bit ara ara, even.
Dammit, anon. Fuckin' saved.
She does do mental breakdowns well.
>crazy legs
Oh boy.
Where is everybody getting Smoky Quartz from?
>Bismuth voiced by award winning actress with important role on financially successful program.

Yeah she's getting rebubbled

Into the Nicki Minaj hole you go Bismuth
Honest question here, exactly how flamboyant and or effeminate are you?
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Holy shit, will it be we need to talk 2.0?
Not very at all.
I think 'Big' is Watermelon Tourmaline, or Ms Pufferfish.
I like watching moe anime but that's the extent.

>"only effeminate raging queers can like musicals" meme
What Cartoon Network series is THAT from?
Spotted the self-conscious 15 y/o.
Agreed, she seems cool. Though I do like her build like this anon >>84325483
Will Pearl and Steven fuse? Will their fusion have a fancy tuxedo, too?
>Pearl in a tuxedo

She can definitely work that shit
They'll have the fanciest tuxedo.
Hit a nerve there.
>I like watching moe anime
Not surprised, so how often have you fantasized about BEING the little girl? That's still a thing right?
Of all the possible designs.
Why a sassy blue woman in an apron with rainbow dreadlocks?
Were they high when they were designing Bismuth?
>Why a sassy blue woman in an apron with rainbow dreadlocks
Because why not.
The apron might mean she made weapons during the war, the blue is actually the main color that a bismuth makes.
(You)'re not even trying
>tfw she will be voiced by Bubby from flapjack
I actually don't have an issue with the blue skin. Even the apron is fine if they establish her as a blacksmith.

But why the rainbow dreadlocks? That shit just does not look good.

Also she looks more like she's just a chunky monkey than being bulky due to forging weapons.
gay rights
Bismuth tends to produce a rainbow sheen, and I guess they're showing that through her hair.
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There's that one picture of that office wall with what looks like a forge room set posted on it, maybe that's from an episode that'll hint at Bismuth? Also it kind of makes sense for a metal to be involved in forging.

Also never forget that there's an alloy of Bismuth called Rose's metal.
I get that, but having it in giant dreadlocks, where each color is a single big strand looks terrible. It's like she glued a bunch of pool noodles to her head.

Literally any other hairstyle would've looked better with the rainbow.
Trying what? Guys tend not to like musicals, that is common knowledge, but girls and only a minority of guys tend to like musicals, drama, theater and such.
Or are you one of those people that think all gender trends are just some sort of conditioning?

Stop projecting your dislike of musicals onto others, mang.
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>Come on. Just say yes.
Sounds familiar
Oh shit, I remember that! Maybe Bismuth brings Steven to her old forge.
I can't wait for Bismuth to play fighting games with Steven and pick boss characters.

Then be bad at Trials

Then get shanghai'd off to Grenada at the end of the episode

We get it, you're uncultured. (You) can stop now
run that damage control Matt
Think she'll steal any pies before she leaves?

>you were meant to see this Private video

Okay Matt
But did you want it to happen, Matt? Stop sucking CN's dick for once.
Didn't Rebecca say that Steven would beat everyone in video games? Now I kind of want to see Steven and Garnet playing Mario Kart, with Garnet pretending to suck, and when she stops pretending Steven still beats her.
Of course she will, Bismuth is a dirty pie stealer.

Boy, I can't wait until school starts again. Dumb kids running around all over the place.
I think she's wearing it over her old stuff.
Matt, just stop. No one else on the crew tries to damage control this much.
I enjoy that Burnett's avatar is what appears to be a stereotypical MIB.
>Yes, we planned this. Nothing suspicious here, citizens. Move along now.
I do like how her gem looks. A little colorful swirly hole in her chest is pretty rad.
That's actually DB Cooper, y'know, guy who robbed a plane, never got caught, most likely Tommy Wiseau.
Wow. That does not look good. Hopefully this'll just be a one off character, cause damn she's dumb looking.
>Award winning actress with a role in an ongoing role in another show.

Yeah. She's fuck off after this and join the fusions.
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>maybe she's a weapons maker, like Hephaestus.
Shot in the dark here, but maybe this would lead into Peridot acquiring her own gem weapon?

Either way, I'm both fucking livid at CN and excited for what's to come. It's a strange feel.
Just at all things men create for themselves, that are geared to men exclusively, what men create when given free reign, look at the most male populated fields, how often do yo see musicals? Practically never.
Whatever, pretend all you want that musicals are not interconnected with women, next you'll tell me that romantic comedies are also for everyone and only insecure, uncultured guys don't like them.
You guys live in a fantasy land.
To those worried about this being the finale, remember that there were two episodes listed as TBA in the leaked episode list, along with a named three-parter. Those TBAs were most likely this, and the three-parter is probably the season finale.

>they literally cry in the clip they show
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I think she said "Crazy Lace" as in Crazy Lace Agate actually.
>Complaining about crying
>In Steven Universe.
Hi, you are replying to the cancerous hatebase if you would like to forward a call please dial 666 into your phone.
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Can't wait for the FUCKING TENSION when Lapis sees her again!!
Will Jasper die? Her VA is now voice a main character in the new voltron
They like her.
Nah, she's been showing up to do lines a lot in the past. We'll be getting more Jasper soon.
I think Pearl still being emotional over the loss of Rose is completely normal though given the length of time she spent by her side.

I really hope she comes to arms with Greg in that episode though, which I'm sure will happen to an nth degree by the end of the episode and after much drama. But come on. Who doesn't love Pearl dram?
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She seems absolutely nothing at all like a mammy
that's fucking stupid anon
So why is Greg suddenly rich? And why is Pearl the only one with them?
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>this guy
>She's not part of the problem
Well this raises a lot of questions.
And Jasper tension.

>Bismuth poofed her in the war
>tons of Jaspers were running around
>our Jasper pressured her into fusion
>Lapis sees Bismuth and Jasper at the same time
>at the Galaxy Warp
You haven't seen PTSD yet
Wasn't there an episode titled "Bubbled"? I think Bismuth's episode might be it.
Greg has mentioned that he has rich relatives. He might have found the deed to his dead uncles mansion.
>That hair

Oboy time to trigger Lappy.
Don't try and justify your gemsona.
Voice acting isn't as time consuming as acting. You can record in a single day for a whole season. This is one of the reasons why voice acting is incredibly incestuous in general. The same people get hired over and over.
But wasn't it mentioned how in the musical episode Pearl wasn't originally going to sing along during a certain song? It can't possibly be just the 3 of them singing songs through the whole episode. Two out of 3 aren't even amazing singers. There must be another musical like episode
>Lapis said she was mistaken for a Crystal Gem and poofed
>the gem that poofed her WAS a Crystal Gem

Something doesn't add up here.
Homeworld is retarded. That's the solution.
>Lapis said she was mistaken for a Crystal Gem and put in the mirror
Right my bad.
She was mistaken for a Crystal Gem AFTER getting poofed.
Good answer, I am reassured. Cheers for lots more big buff cheeto puff down the line
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>Hey Rebecca, what kind of character design do you want for Bismuth?
>Just fuck my show up
Nah, Lapis is just kind of an idiot. She assumed a HW gem tagged her because an HW gem put her in the mirror.
>lapis hates the crystal gems even without knowing that a crystal gem was the one who poofed her

oh my god this is going to be SAVAGE
I knew Lapis was lying
She hates the gems presumably from association with the war which is a pretty petty reason that she hasn't even confirmed yet.
>(...) but I got caught in a middle of a war. It was awful! I tried to run but [BISMUTH PUNCH]... I was picked up by a Homeworld soldier and confused for a Crystal Gem and used as a tool.

She never said if it was a CG or a Homeworld soldier who poofed her.
It kinda seemed more to me like she either got caught in the crossfire by accident or, if the theories about Bismuth being a berserker are accurate, Bismuth deliberately went after a Gem that was clearly a non-combatant (Which might explain why Rose decided to bubble her) and Lapis didn't know who poofed her due to being attacked from behind.

And the mirror sounded like it happened when HW was combing the battlefield for Gem shards to use in their cluster experiments and found Lapis mostly intact.
Jesus Christ, I legitimately enjoy the designs of the gems be that things looks like a 14 year's old OC fanction.

It's the type of thing I'd expect from devientart not the actual fucking show.
There is more than one of every gem. It was A Bismuth but not THE Bismuth
>Lapis doesn't know/remember that Bismuth poofed her
>Bismuth grapples with whether or not to tell her
That would actually be cool, I hope that's what happens. It would make sense that Lapis wouldn't have seen who poofed her.
That's a classy portrait, I would like that for my study
if any gem would be a special case it would most certainly be bismuth

also do you think lapis would care?
These aren't leaks. It's officially released information.
>steven convinces bismuth to tell her, thinking that time heals old wounds and that lapis would forgive her so they can start anew
>lapis goes full noah's flood on her
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>also do you think lapis would care?
>"Would the most vindictive character in the show, who holds a grudge against the person who simply asked her some questions, hold a grudge?"
Anon, I'm going to assume that's a really bad joke so we can move on.
Why would she lie about that

If she thought a CG poofed her she would say so, so her rage against CGs is more justified
er you misread my post
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>Bismuth is Crazy Eyes


Also way to reveal a huge fucking spoiler two weeks before the episode actually happens. Good job CN.
>All these leaks
>Steven Universe forcefully getting "season 3" despite it originally part of and made for season 2
So CN is basically cancelling the show but as subtly as possible right?
Never doubt it.
How the fuck did you land at this conclusion?
The same exact thing happened to Uncle Grandpa and it was revealed by the creators that season 2 episode s were already finished and repacked as season 3 and he said that once "season 3" is over the show is cancelled.

It's basically CN's way of firing everyone while trying their hardest to not look like the bad guys.
That sounds really illogical for so many reasons
Looks more like Katie's amethyst to me
>two weeks
Try like, a month.
Bismuth is likely going to be late into the new episodes we're getting considering Amethyst had a new outfit.
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>Literal month-long steven bomb.

It's gonna get pretty hectic.
Oh the threads are gonna be literal hell. Enjoy the calm before the storm.
illogical, but true.
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Bismuth is ice pops
>implying Centipeetle isn't Crazy Legs
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Where is shitposter-kun?
Bismuth probably won't even remember Lapis.

Berserker rage and all that.
I agree.
It is, but its exactly what CN has done.
Either gone or outright banned, after the first couple of threads of In Too Deep that kind of posting just stopped. There's still some mud-slingers, but none of them quite follow the old shitposter-kun pattern.
>The edgiest gem has the softest heart

because it's easy to draw and/or colour
Production season 3 for both shows (same goes with Clarence) have been relabeled "Seasons 4 and 5"
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>>The edgiest gem has the softest heart
Oh fuck you for making me laugh, anon.

>someone in this shithole actually said something funny for once
I've been here too long.
Prediction for Mr Greg:

Starting from where the clip ended, Steven wants to try and show Pearl the close up beauty of human life, whereas she has always called it "beautiful" from afar, just parroting Rose. Steven especially wants Pearl to see Greg how he sees him, to feel some of Roses love for Greg. But everything he does backfires, until finally he and Pearl end up dancing (possibly on a theater stage? It's a musical episode and they are in Empire City so surely they will end up on "Wide Street" (Broadway).) Pearl fuses with Steven, we see the new version of Rainbow Quartz, Pearl feels Steven's pure childlike love and trust of his father and realizes it has a lot in common with how she felt for Rose (respect, adoration, etc) and learns to see more of Greg than a fuck up murdercock.
At the very least I hope to see a dance scene and her to respect Greg more.
>boo! You ruined the song!

That guy is my new waifu
I really hope Greg isn't broke by the end of the episode, I hate that trope
>topless suspenders Ruby
>topless apron Bismuth

We're so close to a naked gem I can taste it
Steven got naked in Frybo
>Half human abomination

Steven is no gem
You better get used to that trope, because that's most likely what happens.

As much as I hate that too, you know it's going to happen
God I really hope Bismuth is a one off. We have too many characters and I'd much rather see Jasper become part of the group, just because she's been a recurring plot point in the series.

As others have said though, the voice actor really implies she won't stay for long.
Yes he is, he still counts.
I mean i can feel it to that she won't last long.
But where the fuck can you get off saying we have too many gems when two of them are being shafted to the mother fucking barn until further notice.
I'd really, really love for Pearl and Steven to fuse during this bomb, but I don't know if they should fuse during Mr. Greg, or some other episode later down the line.

Besides, who would voice their fusion? They'd have to get someone really talented to fit the role.

I'm sorry, did we not watch the same Promo? Lapis and Peri are NOT out of the picture. They have entire episodes about them lined up. To suggest they're "shafted" is just silly
And what then after that?
I watched the promos but until i see the full episode i have to ask where they will end up after the episodes?
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Are you trying to shit talk little shop of horrors?
There's a warp pad ten feet from the barn

They aren't anymore separated from the temple then the other gems are cause they have to walk out of their rooms
isn't that a space rock
I hope he keeps being rich as fuck but goes back to being a hobo living in his van and running a carwash because that's what he likes. He just also has a LOT of money.

He's basically Fred from big hero 6
I'd like this, it maintains the status quo and eliminates any dumb questions about where Steven gets all his money
That is a brilliant way to tell off where steven gets the money. Way better than the Crystal Gems going on a robbing spree.
Nice blog post, faggot.
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>Lapis sees bismuth
>last episode of season 3
>4 months hiatus
Out of curiosity can you compare and contrast how CN treats SU versus TTG?
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thats cute.
The one with the brain, bear, and scar. What was it called again?
>season 4 begins
>lapis gives no fucks and resumes lounging in the barn
No God no
How did they manage to represent something so cool with a character design so shitty and lame?
>Rapis Razuri.png
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
i'd like it if the colours were better
I'm pretty sure it had its own thing too.
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What are you implying anon?
Evil con carne
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I know the character cant really tell anything more.
It's Dr.Ghastly I think
they're using the Jewelry definition of Gem, not the Geology one
well we know she isn't Emerald or Tourmaline(former was stated by someone on the crew, and one of the other Corrupted Gems is already labeled as a Tourmaline), so Jade is a possibility
Why does this show insist on having such ugly characters?
leaked episode/short name
>we know she isn't Emerald or Tourmaline(former was stated by someone on the crew,

What. I've never heard that, do you have a source? So far as I'm aware Emerald, Jade, and Apatite are the biggest competing theories right now.
it was someone on twitter(not Burnett's though), can't remember who though
I've seriously never seen anyone mention it, you sure about that? It seems kind of weird for them to just up and say "Not Emerald!" given all of the possibilities and how rarely they ever address anything that directly. Also I feel like it'd get brought up a lot in debates about what Centipeetle is.
probably a trust fund baby
rich relatives finally die
he inherits it all
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its just gonna be another episode of Lapis feeling like a victim, and Steven needing to cheer her up
>the crystal gems are such dead characters that they need to introduce more characters to keep the show going
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>This clip is near the end of the season, and Jasper still isn't there
it's okay she's chilling in the fuck barn
she's dead jim
unless shes at the barn
>someone actually liked g in reconguista enough to use as reactions.

is her tumblr dead or is it just me?
>Jasper has a redemption off-screen with P and LL at the barn
>"what, you think we just stop interacting because you're not watching, Steven?"
All tumblr blogs get their backgrounds nuked because the Staff are embarrassingly fucking retarded at living.
>people would claim that this is genius
i would laugh at that tho
Wow, just like that, what the fuck

Sure is fucking fun getting reveals outside of watching the actual episodes
squinty eyes = asians?

i think
wait, so it's actually real?
not like the "jasper leaks"
Yes, it's real.
>she doesn't show up again midseason
>more violent
Greg might keep his money.
He is Sugar's favorite after all.
Why can't he die?
That just means they got over their emotional turmoil.
Because Tumblr
Why? Greg is Sugar's favorite character. Surely she'd have mercy on him.
And it was amazing.
Why hasn't that happened again?
Shitposter-kun is a myth.
t. Shitposter-kun
She stopped trying after the pilot.
shit you know what bismuth could use? armor designed around the gem
Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road
I swear I've read these exact same posts before, but with previous developments in the greentext...

For fuck's sake, shitposter-kun.
There is no shitposter. People just want an imaginary figure to blame their problems on.
>Lapis will confront and make peace with Bismuth before she even sees Jasper again
Like the Jews?
Rubs me the wrong way

Bismuth is everything wrong
This show is complete Puerto Rican ass.
Shut the fuck up shitposter-kun your shit is fucking documented >>84329717
>someone gives an opinion
>it's shitposting
How do we fix SU?
It's okay, you'll always have Croatia.
Drop the melodramatic stories in it and increase it to 30 minutes an episode
If you time it right, you can really get people hype.

Steven Universe's spoilers are never timed right though.
How can you drop the melodrama when the show is run by females and nu males?
I think that's how it is with ALL the Crystal Gems.

Hell, early in the series I thought Garnet was going to do something horrifying to bring Rose back without hurting Steven.
Nothing about SU is timed right.
>Implying she wouldn't.
Steven's a shit
>fucking Malachite fight months before it airs
>Bismuth weeks before her appearance
>Lapis months before Barn Mates
Series finale when
The show is pretty asian senpai.
>you should give a shit about what other people's opinions
>not shitting on every opinion you don't like
That's just how the world works, baby.
So is bismuth and jasper gonna fight or what

Bismuth might be the actually bad guy, that's what I'm feeling at least
Jesus you sound so thin skinned.
Are you from tumblr?
>Guys tend not to like musicals
So, you weren't here for the Music Meister episode of BatB.

Or never noticed all the goddamn singing in cartoons, going back to Betty Boop's heyday.

Shit bro, watch some cartoons.
I think Bismuth is probably good, but unstable due to being an experiment or something
More like it is you who is from Tumblr, if you're such a cuck that you think that bending over to other people's opinions is acceptable.
Gays only make up a small percent of guys anon.
I don't think its that. There are war veterans that just can't enter normal society after a war. Bismuth might have the same issue.
You're the one getting triggered over everything I have to say.
You're the tumblrina here.
To be honest, I'd say we're both equally screwed.
This show has been a major dissappointment since Ocean Gem. Why do people still watch this?
At least I can handle other people's opinions.
Because of hot lesbian sex.
There's no sex and the lesbians are ugly as shit.
Try again.
Oh yeah, you're so tolerant.
Wherever Bismuth punched her.
Shut up you
More tolerant than tumblr and their suicide squad.
How would you know? It's not like you're watching the show or something.
>the lesbians are ugly as shit

Not all of them. Pearl and Lapis are decent looking.
I watched it up until the In Too Deep event. I can proudly say that it never got better.
Will Lapis get her star after Bismuth beats her ass again?
>a skinny bitch with a long nose
>a blue copy of said bitch
You must have low standard.
I'm sorry tumblr.
Don't convince me to commit suicide.
Peri and Jasper will protect her
Now the real question here is not why Rose bubbled Bismuth, but rather why she never un-bubbled her.
Then it's good that you've stopped wasting your time and dropped it, mang.
Honestly going by the clip as is, I can't help but think of her as a Jasper but on the CG's side.

She coyly mentioned "we building bases with wood now? wood's useless haha, but its okay we won right?".
I mean I think Bismuth isn't really a soldier, she is likely criticizing wood as building material because she is some type of artisan or architect
Remember that the house was just something they threw together with Greg's help. Most gem structures are elaborate stone temples. I'm not surprised that she was so confused by it.
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Fucking eldrazi scum
I'm not exaggerating when I say I think Lapis is the most attractive character I've ever seen in a western children's cartoon. Exposed midriff, short but flowy hair, gem in the middle of her back, pretty dress, blue, association with water, slim and perfectly proportioned body

I love Pearl but I always thought she looked goofy with that nose and haircut and literal broomstick figure. But I'm pretty sure Lapis was designed to be optimal waifu material with her generically pretty and provocative features. The first crush for leagues of children across the world
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Oath of Steven when?
If only everyone else did.
SU designs in a nutshell.
Lapis is the first and only cartoon character I've ever loved this is wrong.
bismuth looks like shit, i want her to 1v1 jasper, though.

2 weeks need to hurry up and pass.
Yeah, I need my Loud House fix.
Bismuth's emotions are dependent on the environment around her. When Pearl cries it makes her cry. When someone's happy, she's even more happy.

When there's anger and fear in a war, she's a one-woman army flattener.

Why is she like this? To perfectly compliment her partner in fusion. Bismuth is a complimentary gem. Her gemstone turns inward, so as to fuse about and merge wholly with other gems. Defusing from her is a LOT of work, as she easily loses her own emotions in the fusion, and just feeds those of others. She was last fused with Rose Quartz, as Pink Diamond, who in her own epiphany, defused from her own compliment to revert to Quartz state and experience her own emotions as seperate and whole, not fed by an armament.
All the Diamonds are fusions of a complimentary gem, and probably a Quartz.

Speaking of, if Bismuth was in that bubble in Lion, then who's in THIS bubble? Maybe that's what Smoky Quartz is about and what properly made the ceasefire a thing; Rose killed (read:defused and trapped part of) White Diamond. We've only seen soldiers of Blue and Yellow Diamond, and just symbolic elements of White Diamond about. Perhaps Smoky Quartz was what White Diamond was defused into, and now she's back, ready to go 'Back 2 the Moon' and get her other half. All those Amethyst-betrayal hinting titles. I can see two quartzes becoming Diamonds and heading to Homeworld to fuck shit up after Smoky was abandoned on Earth 5000 years. White Diamond and Purple Diamond, Trashy punk gems and 80s Madonna gems, roaring back to knock out all the meatheads and waify Blue Diamond minions.
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>tfw no jasper violently fucking power bottom bismuth
god i wish, obsidian snowflake is god-tier waifu material, i want to pound his boypussy until he poofs
Go look up Radioactivesupersonic's (on tumblr) blue diamond is a fusion theory, lapis is part f the fusion
which one has the dick?
both of them?
She's obviously recovering from her corruption arc that got leaked. That genuinely could be what's happening.
Does Jaspers corruption come before or after Bismuth on the leaked list?
Jasper's Corruption is the name of the arc itself while Bismuth is just one 2-parter. Bismuth is set to air near the end of the season so I expect Jasper to be handled first
Bismuth was the last name on the list, whereas Jasper's Corruption and Smokey Quartz were in the middle.
Smokey Quartz has to be a fusion of two Quartz gems, Amy and Jasper probably as a part of that supposed Amy betrayal arc coming up.
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help a brother out here
Is it really a betrayal arc?
you're pretty late my guy, check the misseps thread if it's still there.
Maybe, one of the episodes is called Steven vs. Amethyst and another is called Crack the Whip, but hey they could just be prank wars bullshit for all we know
It could just be bullshit period.
I mean the episode titles were leaked ages ago.
nah, Smoky Quartz is Peridot and Amethyst fusion

Amethyst is already a quartz and purple and green together make the brownish color of smoky quartz
It'd be weird to have a whole arc named for that fusion though, Smoky Quartz is supposed to be an arc like Jasper's Corruption
As in the episodes will be bullshit in quality.
yeah so its various Peridot and Amethyst episodes
No no no, it's like I said in >>84338350 she's White Diamond's quartz, and tempts Amethyst into joining her to become Diamonds and take over Homeworld.
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>Smoky Quartz is Peridot and Amethyst fusion
>purple and green
>Crazy Lace!
or Biggs, like Biggs Jasper
>we want more male gems
>b-but wait this gem doesn't look feminine enough why isn't she like my thicc woman fantasies!
Fuck off, Bismuth is perfect as she is.
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