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/co/co/'s Bizarre Adventure: Slug Bait edition

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Thread replies: 494
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Old Thread: >>84170468
Past Threads: http://pastebin.com/5pdkS7Pg
+4chan Thread: http://boards.plus4chan.net/coc/t52034.html

MAIN TOPIC: Part 6 planning. Stand Suggestions are OPEN. Go nuts

(ALSO, try not to suggest 1:1 copies of characters and events in JJBA)

>Canon Stand Info for the Ignorant and Forgetful

>Plot summaries and character list
http://pastebin.com/vbD28iMx (haha fuck it this is never getting updated)

>Abilities and Stands

>Every part, in order
1 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IdBYK9zXpJrDc4vAIHnRLmZpPiKyxiIkj25oOTaaeF0
2 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KA0-Y_HnU_m6V5pwZ7fEtqGMnwm43NrshzANTcCxr34
3 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hDbP7BA0XBP3_3GW0uphroYjQdcW1EW5b37w-r_lsaI
4 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zn-D4aD-cBBfpBtfTLmVM_D9C1cGPYgDYRl_CCGbnsw
5 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UNm7KLXgWF0LMxCCq3VZ3O_VJ8vEqj7d22RjnDqVIEg/edit?usp=sharing
6 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l9034tpMm4EdF1NGzisA2bCXBDvUbx_vTR69hXjp_iY/edit?usp=sharing
7 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SDhmnLrv5dtVAZx2ewx1JKTsZVoXkE8LRw-8rK2gyhQ/edit?usp=sharing
8 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wx78PDHPNMygoTbFvihjTjPF-DwP1Ced8XKT3YNzUQ/edit?usp=sharing

Sidestories - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JKNelCoRNbFcSjF8vwha4zaIimnTpMBDTq-gj_GP930

>Phantom Scare: Chapter 1
>/Co/Co/ Comic


>Fighting Game

>Voice Impressions

>/Co/Co/ playlist:「THE SHOW MUST GO ON」
who's gonna be on the psych ward?
He might work better as a Scopeman though.

His stand will have to be named Adam Ant however.
Membrane and Daffy's fucked up kids were suggested.
I thought we were saving Daffy's kids for Pure Imagination?
I want /a/ to leave
>Plucky, walking away from the group, is confronted by Beetlejuice.
>"Hey-hey! If it isn't Plucky Duck, hero of the hour! Seriously, what ya did is seriously impressive. Defeating the Red Guy nearly single-handed?"
>"Well, I had a lot of help from my friends. Without them, I probably would've lost there."
>"Sure, sure. But even I - the one, the only [ghost with the most]" - he poses - "would have thought twice about taking him on. I dunno if that makes you really brave or really stupid, kid. Still, it turned out alright in the end, so you musta been onto something, huh?"
>"I guess so. This new [Stand] of mine helped; I don't think I would've won without it." Wayward Son manifests behind Plucky.
>Beetlejuice's features darken. "Yeah, about that. Your... "Wayward Son", didya call it?" Suddenly, he slams his arm elbow-deep into Plucky's head through his ear, which is stretched out comically.
>Plucky: "Wh-what the fuck?"
>Beetlejuice: "That's a [Remastered] Stand. They can only exist if a user gets an infusion of [STAR] energy from an outside source. So if I'm not mistaken..."
>With a yank, Beetlejuice pulls his arm - and the ghost of Daffy - out of Plucky's ear, with his fist wrapped around Daffy's neck. "You were carrying a passenger, kiddo."
>Plucky stares in shock. Daffy gulps. "Ah. Dees ees awkward."
Here's a suggestion: Ludwig von Drake, being a psychologist, is in charge of the psych ward. He doesn't have a Stand, and uses his various inventions and psychology devices to deal with and control the prisoners.
Membrane is there to work with Ludwig on the Strickland tech and as Robo-Dale's caretaker, since he knows robots.
Woody and any other Daffy kids we may or may not be using belong in Pure Imagination.
like a Hugo Strange in duck form? nice.
Sorta, though more benevolent in intent, I'd say.
He experiments on the prisoners, but he believes it's all in their best interest.
Does he think stands are a disease and is looking for a cure?

If we have Atom Ant as a Scopeman, then we can't use him for this purpose in part 6.
>He "fixes" an inmate in such a way he believes his own Stand is an hallucination
>It makes their stand all the more dangerous and unpredictable
>The Warden loves it
wow, I am way behind on these threads. just started working on the part 2 finale

just a modest suggestion that's been on my mind: at what point in Ventuo Autistico does someone say/title a chapter "I'm Up All Night To Get Plucky?"
Perhaps a chapter related to Plucky's coma, like the fight with Gideon
That's an idea that never crossed any of our mind, and if it did, you're the first to bring it up.

I think Boogie would be the most likely to say it.
>Plucky: "DAD!?"
>Beetlejuice: "Looks like it, huh? Tip to toe, that's M.E. LeTerally."
>Daffy tries to smile. "Hello, mai son."
>Plucky: "Wha - but - they said your soul was erased from existence. That you didn't leave a ghost!"
>Beetlejuice: "Yeah, that'd be a side effect of a reality rewriting Stand backfiring on you - your file doesn't get recycled, it gets blanked."
>Plucky is incredibly annoyed with Beej. "SO HOW IS HE HERE NOW?"
>Daffy: "I do not -" Beetlejuice squeezes tighter, cutting him off.
>A voice from offpanel comes. "I think I can answer that."
>Lydia is leaning on a wall behind them. "The [Dead Man's Party] may have not been able to manifest near the Warner Brothers and their workings, but we've been keeping an eye on things where we can."
>"After your father's Stand erased his identity, there must have been a few invisible traces left in the Old Country, searching for something to latch onto: the identity of [LeTerally]."
>"Though LeTerally no longer existed, a few things eventually arrived in the Old Country that they were attracted to. That atomic clone of him, created at the Looniversity... and you, his son."
>"You're your own person, Plucky, so nothing happened to you, but the clone... his identity was at once [LeTerally] and not [LeTerally]. The lingering effects of La Cucaracha must have damaged his mind, sending him into his coma."
>Plucky and Daffy are both listening intently
>"And the traces attached to you, Plucky, may have stayed latent for good if it weren't for that dream demon, Cipher, and his illusions. When he created the illusion of your father, it was an empty shell, but with his "identity". I believe that that was enough for the traces to "remember" who Daffy is, and create the ghost you see here." Plucky glances up at his father, still in Beetlejuice's grip.
>Beetlejuice blinks. "How the hell did you find out all that, Lyds?" "I have a lot of free time."
>He drops Daffy to the floor. "Alright, Duck. You can't stay up here in the overworld with your kid, you know that? There's no way that's happenin'."
>"Buuuuut... I guess you did help your son to save the world. That doesn't count for nothing. Once we get down to the Neitherworld, I'll pull some strings and get you set up comfortably. It ain't the first time I've done it - right, Courage?"
>Courage, who's halfway across the room, looks over with a confused expression
>Daffy glowers. "Verree well. I accept deez terms. But I will talk to my son, beefore I follow you."
>Beetlejuice crosses his arms. "Yeah, that's fair. You okay to go on ahead, Lyds?" "You got it." He kisses her on the cheek, and Lydia walks away. BJ backs off from the two ducks.
Aaaand follow that up with the conclusion from the doc, and I think we are finally DONE with part 5!
(Unless, like, someone wants to go and rewrite the earlier fights to be more detailed and have dialogue.)
Eyy, Sandcastles! Good to see you again.

I'm glad I didn't have to be the one to convert all the courthouse stuff into dialogue.
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so my favorite idea to come from that is that Ludwig doesn't think that Stands ARE real, rather than messing with their heads. they're psychosis that causes powers/coincidence

real question is, does an ignored Stand then have to find a way to get its owner's attention with what little control it has over itself? or does it basically go berserk and become one of those wandering Stands ala Xavier the Angel

good to be back. I was out of the loop for a little while with some more commission writing/playing video games/work blocking my Google Docs for a while

then I got back to find that Waifu/Super Ocean was getting a massive overhaul on the doc, so I took a step back to let that start to blow over
I meant Atom Ant might work better as a Scopeman in part 8.
We could include Puff, the magic dragon as his Stand or as another researcher in the psych ward, mainly because Puff plays the role of a child psychologist in his own cartoon. What do you guys think?


I really like this ideia about Joy, maybe she had some kind of unbreakable will/optimism, which turned to mania over time (given that she was originally the personification of an emotion, it makes sense that she has this kind of personality). Since this kind of trait creates the best Stand users, they gave her a Jawbreaker which created [SWEET EMOTION] (which is basically a scapegoat for her sorrow as a Stand) and then released her to act as a mole.
Maybe it goes berserker like Hiro bro's Stand in part 4, and while it wrecks the place, his user is in a corner with a blissful smile saying "he's not real. Everything is in my head, in my head ZOMBIE, ZOMBIE
I like that we're being careful about making the Warden's comments imply that he wants to kill the Stand users while meaning Pure Imagination, when if Araki was writing, he probably wouldn't even come up with PI until a couple of isdues before it debuted.
I can't detach from it's owner, but it might gain more independent thinking abilities if its owner suffers enough mental trauma from the treatments.

It makes me want the ward arc to end with Ludwig either dead, proven wrong, or committing himself when he begins to see stands as well.
Maybe there should be a fight with Ludwig at the end of this arc where they have to work out how to take him down without letting on to Dredd and the Warden that they were responsible?
Does "they" include Professor Pericles?
That reminds me, how long after part 5 does this take place?

Daffy had his other kids after Plucky if we do that lot, right? Or would he have had them before? Anyway, would Pericles fit n there or no? I imagine he might be too old.
Plucky would be the first born if Daffy had other kids.

The Warden started construction of his prison at the end of part 5, so probably at least four years between parts this time.
Dora was also a child at the end of part 5, so there's also that to take into consideration.

The years between parts 5 and 6 need to be enough to accommodate the construction of the prison and for Dora to age up enough to be sent there.

And Pericles is way too old to be one of Daffy's kids. He might be someone Ludwig has been trying to "help" (break) for years.
I think we retconned Xavier to just be a very confused angel
I like both ideas.
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I know this is a bit obscure and technical, but would a character from Die Anstalt fit in?

It's a German game about mentally ill sentient plush toys. It had a few animated shorts online though I believe? Web toons or whatever.
Dora should either be 13-14 in part 5.
If his stand isn't a nod to a Kreigstaffen Robot then I will be most put out.

I'd call it [Master of Puppets], and it just looks like a floating set of 14 lights in a roughly humanoid shape around Pericles, these light can generate a magnetic field to form a body out of metal.

>"I had strinks, but now I'm free, zere are no strinks on me..."
So they keep him in a room deigned for Magneto, just like from his first appearance in Mystery Inc.?

How does he get out of his cage? Does he escape on his own? If he could free himself from his cage at any time, why did he wait until this point in time? What could Dora have told him that changed his perspective of the situation?
Plucky was going to be the last born, since he left Tina after Plucky was born.
I'm actually thinking that we might cut Daffy's kids other than Woody - they don't really add that much other than enhancing the "oh shit, Daffy had other kids" factor and giving Woody some underlings. Oh, and lessening the suspension of disbelief required for Woody to be Daffy's son, I guess.
>So they keep him in a room deigned for Magneto
More like they use their own super powerful electromagnet to keep him immobile by halting the movement of [Master Of Puppets].
Woody Woodpecker being crazy thinking Daffy is his mom kind of works, but I've also struggled with just what Daffy having other kids and them being in the jail actually brings to the story outside of trying to imitate Stone Ocean.
And Dora has to go in to change the newspapers.

Pericles apologies for this kind of mess and how he wouldn't have to subject her or himself to this mutual embarrassment if they'd just grant him a little more freedom.
Woody would have been traumatized and hate him though, wouldn't he?
He's crazy, who knows what he thinks.

The Dodo bird from Wackyland could also work.
Ties into the Warden being inspired by Daffy, shows what a shitbag Daffy was from the very start, shows how Plucky could have gone wrong without his mom there, links to how Dora also had a shitty villain parent, mirrors Stone Ocean. Because yeah, we're not doing full plot imitations, but we've got parallels in every part.
Woody just being crazy doesn't add much either.
Well that part of the plot is still a ways off, so there's plenty of time for someone to work that out.

Unless one of them is in the psych ward, then it becomes more of an immediate thing.
Would Professor Pyg work well as a prisoner? He's crazy enough for PI, and we never got confirmation that he died back in part 4.
Probably just a cameo. I don't really want another fight with him.

We came up with his stand before Damo appeared, then he wound up having a similar power.
I liked that game so I wouldn't mind. Maybe just as cameos, though.
>Bobby working as a therapist
>his first name Robert
Nice one.
Wasn't Doras mom Carmen Sandiego?

I think this fits well
>Bobby wants to be on a first name basis with his patients
>the prison staff and prisoners call him "Doctor Robert" as a joke
I like it.
Shit. I'm kind of disappointed that we managed to finish part 5 without anyone thinking of Xibalba. He would've fit there perfectly.
Hell, most of the characters from that movie would only really have fit in part 5. Pity.
>then he wound up having a similar power
damn, that's one helluva coincidence

I think the idea is that his parents were Cucaracha'd and he went nuts, believing that Daffy is his real parent

Weren't we using Sticks?
I still don't really like that. It comes off as the worst of both worlds; doesn't get the positives of >>84256576, and doesn't have the benefit of letting him stand alone like making him a rando in Pure Imagination would.
The psych ward is still being worked on.
We need to figure out how it moves the story forward.

Ideally this is where Dora gets the planted (fake) info about the Warden wanting to kill all the stand users.

If anything, it'll serve as a good place for Dora to start breaking in her powers. Is she getting both footstep abilities at the same time or one after the other?
>Professor Pericles ("killed" by Dredd)
>Either one or two more patients
Are probably the main things we want to cover in this arc.
We should probably have this bit less focused on kuh-razy fights and more on Stand-powered Slice of Life and the inmates dealing with their issues, especially since Dora doesn't unlock her Stand until... von Drake, I guess?
Psych ward is for the sympathetic mentally ill prisoners. Pure Imagination is for the terrifying mentally ill prisoners.

Xibalba is more recognizable as a Death God than being easily mistaken as a demon, unlike Hades. He definitely should be referenced in Part 2 though, something like having an image of him in the ruins.

Also, if I'm not wrong, there was the idea of the Sanchez Twins making a cameo background as members of the Dead Man's Party.
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Squee from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac maybe?
Squee and Jonny both have stand suggestions in the docs, but they need some tweaking which I've been trying to do and they're suggested for part 7 going with the comic theme.
Woody's dad is Daffy. But he Cucaracha'd his mom. He barely survived and saw his step dad was already killed.

This makes it clear that the only reason Tina didn't get this treatment was luck.

Huh. Did you plan them as racers or a side encounter?
Xibalba as a background set piece in the fightan game.
I thought they'd be racers. He would have kidnapped Squee and unintentionally entered the race with him. I was having trouble coming up with good stands though. My ideas were Nny having a shadow entity that makes people dumb and suffer, and Squee's bear having pain reflective properties. I guess they could be better though, but I've been having trouble coming up with ways to fix them.

I'm not sure what purpose they'd play either. There would be a fight against them, but otherwise I wasn't sure what they'd do.

Given their canon, I feel they'd be a race hazard. Say one of the rest areas is located near Nny's home and he starts helping himself to some of the racers both because of some of their despicable natures and to keep the wall wet.

I approve this idea.
Eh. I never really liked the Woody as Daffy's son angle, and you're not selling me. Daffy's already influenced Warden, we don't need more Daffy wankery. Just let Woody be a freaky stand alone psycho in PI.
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>Stand Master: Mirage
>Appearance: A cactus-like humanoid with several metallic spikes and the distinct motif of a Dervish soldier
>Ability: 「DESERT ROSE」 is a punch-ghost style Stand that bears the ability to rob 「moisture」 at a fixed rate from all objects and creatures within roughly 6 meters of the user, which is then modified into purified water within it. The collected water carries mild healing abilities if shared or the Stand can eject it out of its needles as high-pressure jets.

Power: B
Range: D
Precision: A
Durability: C
Speed: D
Developmental Potential: C
My problem with that is we made Daffy too sympathetic in 5. We need to show him as the basted he was in 3.

That was kinda why I wanted Shirley as one of his kids. Moment he quit Tina he was already deep in another girl in the same town.

Membrane and Von Drake could have interesting interactions.

>"You know Dr. Von Drake, I wish I met you years ago so you could help my poor helpless son. You would able to remove some unpleasant ideas of his insane head and put him in the right path before he put himself in trouble with the authorities over his obsession with paranormal mumbo-jumbo."
>we made Daffy too sympathetic in 5
Really? He still didn't apologize for all the shit he caused, and didn't felt any regret.

We gave him some redemption with Plucky's coma episode.
First she needs to actually notice she's doing it.

Once she notices she's leaving footprints, she'll probably immediately be able to summon the punch ghost.

There's also that bit of greentext where Suzie starts wondering if Dora's ability is merely to see stands. I'd like to use that somewhere.

I'd like the ending of the arc to be Pericles flying out of the psych ward with Dora watching, only to see him get shot by Dredd out of the air, then his body disappears when it hits the ground.
We can still put comic characters in other parts where it fits. It's been done before.
Doesbn't Johnny have the supernatural ability to evade punishment for his actions though?

I mean, this guy goes out in brood daylight eviscerating people, but no one notices. In universe I think it's because of demons or some shit. It's been a while since I read it.

Point is, I can't really see him working in a prison environment. His thing is that he can kill with no repercussions I think.

Squee might though. The universe hates him enough for him to end up inside.
>"My poor insane son."

It's funny since there was an episode (fully recorded, but never animated) where as soon as Dib stopped obsessing with Zim, Zim lost all dive to conquer the Earth and Dib was actually very good at regular science, enough so to impress his dad and make him genuinely proud of him.

But anyway, what should Penny talk to Dora about when they meet? The agent (TBA, just needs to be someone tiny, but preferably someone who saves people) who spoke with Dora unofficially in solitary briefed her on the conversation she'd be having beforehand so she'd know what responses to give to indicate that she accepts the terms, but we haven't worked out what that conversation should entail since the whole thing is being tapped.
Perhaps she readed about how Dora was thrown into jail without a trial. This added up with her distrust at the whole idea of building the prison in the first place, how Interpol has no info about the Warden and the continuous disappearance of inmates that are Stand users.
I like this.

Similarly, should we include a El Tigre villain in part 6 too? I sorta want a Spanish speaking fight here. I was thinking of making a stand suggestion for El Oso, but I'll wait to post it in the morning.

I just had a great idea for something that should happen when Wizard Daffy enters the race, his name gets announced...and then we cut to the underworld where we get this exchange.

>"Is that you?"
>"Nyet, all of myself was deestroyed during Carolina in de mornink. Beside, I would neffer wear somethink that stupid."

the irony there is that daffy still looks like Leterally, M.E.
I dunno. I'd kind of like to leave it ambiguous as to whether that actually is LeTerally or not, at least until the characters work it out.

Nah, that'd be better served as an off panel joke after Nobody figures out that Wizard is neither Danger nor LeTerally.
I'm wondering if maybe Penny should fuck things about with Technologic to let her talk to Dora more openly. It'd be pretty hard to write an entirely coded conversation that'd be interesting enough to properly advance the plot.
If the Warden sees her use [Technologic], odds are he won't be letting her leave the prison.

And it's a bit too soon for Penny to be captured.
Yeah, I meant that she'd secretly use Technologic to futz out the internals of whatever she's talking to Dora through, stopping the Warden from listening in.
Right, it lets her understand how any piece of technology works and repair it.

I keep forgetting it has that functionality since we never made much (if any) use of it in part 4, just the "punch things with it enough times and they'll disassemble" power.

So she can break the surveillance systems, have her conversation with Dora, and repair everything before security storms in.
Does anyone remember what Cindy Vortex's Stand ended up being? It's not in the doc and doesn't seem to show up at all in the fight description.
Turns your thoughts against you like the Ghostbusters "choose the method of your destruction" thing. Only the thing your brain picks is only powerful against you and no one else.
Do it mang.

Dora should be slow in developing her Stand

So slow a lot of people think all she does is see stands.
Okay. So, Suzie gets assigned to the psych ward for some reason - probably excess creeping - and does the thing where she determines that Dora must just be able to see Stands.
Eventually Dora realises that she's leaving the footprints, and thinks "Is this... a Stand power?"
Then in the fight at the conclusion of the psych ward arc, she summons These Boots for the first time to deliver an ass kicking.
He owned up to too much in death. He played it off too "sure I did bad shit. But it's ok now right? I was crazy yknow?"

Having Woody be so damaged by him makes it work a bit towards working again.

Maybe Woody was the kid who wrote "Being Other People". When the Warden got his hands on him and brought back the trauma, it ptonally fucked him up fierce.
I like it
She gets assigned there because she kept following Dora around (red footprints).

I don't think she should discover the blue footprints until the excavation. Those make her significantly more powerful as a stand user and if the Warden found out about them as soon as she developed them, he'd be sending her off to play horrible games in PI much sooner than we currently have planned.
I almost want to use Shirley and Gogo as his kids, but that'd make Woody out of place.
That's what I was thinking with the blue ones.
>She gets assigned there because she kept following Dora around (red footprints).
Me-Mow describes her as Dora's accomplice when Dredd starts asking questions, and others back her up by saying they were hanging around together?
Suzie doesn't get sent to solitary. Dredd saw the assault and knows who did what in this case.

Suzie just goes back to being lonely in her cell for a few days, which disappoints the Warden since Dora was about to get her out and about.
So the Warden might assign Suzie to go wherever Dora goes since she seems to be able to make Suzie more interesting.
I really don't want to have Shirley used for that role since she's from Tiny Toons and Plucky was from Tiny Toons.

I don't think we should have the kids be from the same shows.
Well, yeah; Plucky, Shirley and Gogo were all birds from Tiny Toons, and Daffy is a Looney Tune, which is why I thought it might work.
So if we want RoboDale in the psych ward, what do we want his "arc" to be? What do the girls do to get him out of there?
Why would they bother busting him out? Penny's the only one who would care about him being stuck in there.
Realize that he has become the oppressive "The Man" he has always hated.

He sees that Strickland has become everything he fought. That ought fuck him up.
Isn't he a guard though?

There should be something that shows what the prison staff is doing goes against Dale's sensibilities and also goes against what Hank would've wanted.

Like Dale sees the Warden or Dredd using charcoal and realizes these are not the kinds of people Hank would approve of, then tries to convince Bobby of this.
Bobby cares too.

The man who saw him grow up was put in a robot body at the same age he is now.

Dale is an immortal full body amputee. He has potential
>Realize that he has become the oppressive "The Man" he has always hated.
There's an image of a Darth Vader sand sculpture with a caption to that effect floating around somewhere.
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Here's a go at a stand.

>The stand resembles an Aztec-styled bear creature.
>The stand allows the user to place [handprints] on things. These handprints gradually break down whatever they've been placed on. The effect is extremely slow and completely unnoticeable unless force is being applied. If the user were to place a handprint on a wall and continue pushing on it with enough force, the wall would decay and break apart. Force speeds up the effects of the entropy. Even something as simply as pressing down on a handprint with a thumb will cause whatever it's placed on to loose energy and start to break.
>The handprints can be placed on a human as well, draining them of body mass and destroy their body if there is enough force on them, weakening them.
>Attempting to struggle against the user in a physical way only speeds up the process of bodily destruction. However they can still fight back. Additionally, stands, including the stand itself, will not cause damage if they apply pressure.

I wanted to try and do a sort of antithesis of Dora's stand I guess? It's sorta hard to explain. Basically the stand makes crushing things very easy. Not sure how good it is for him though. The effects were inspired by the album El Oso.
Because Penny, who's responsible for helping them, cares about him being stuck there. Also, backup.
I'm not necessarily thinking they'd bust him out, anyway; just make it so that he's less passive and no longer under the Warden's control.
I think the idea was that he was basically kicked out by the prison staff in a hostile takeover? They did something to him that broke his spirit and stuck him in the psych ward.
That's not. The Warden built the prison, he never had to do a hostile take over.

RoboDale needs to, at first, think he's still doing the right thing. Then something happens while Dora is in the psych ward that gets Dale questioning the Warden's methods.
I think hostile takeover refers to him getting kicked out of Strickland's board of directors. Something has to have happened that would get RoboDale out of Strickland's business sector and into being a guard.
Maybe it could be an overall subplot for the psych ward arc? He gets on board in time to help our heroes defeat Ludwig.
His "Stand cry" when firing whatever weapons he has is going to be "shi-shi-shi-shi-shaw", right?
>when firing whatever weapons he has
a high-pressure Sand machine gun?
There was a pretty neat Stand designed for him a while back; maybe it could be used to create ammo for him? Or is that overcomplicating things?
If it's Robo-Dale, though, its name should be changed to [GRABBAG]
If I remember correctly, Dale was empowered with Melody in part 1 by Eustace, and combined it with his pocket sand. Should he retain that ability?
And Speaking of part 1, is there a reason for that big space before the title?

I imagine that at some point Strickland's chairmanship was assumed by an unsavory businessman that did everything the opposite that Hank idealized. RoboDale fought against it, but was defeated, reprogrammed and sent to Superjail to work as a guard.

That would be my suggestion.
Nah, I wouldn't imagine he can channel the Melody himself, and even the best joke gets forgotten if nobody's got the knack to tell it.

Eh, from an outer canon perspective, Shirley's the best choice for one of his spawn given that she was loosely inspired by Melissa Duck, Daffy's in-universe gal until the reboot brought in Tina.

Thatherton or Wassanasong?
I say Wassanasong.
I like this.
Yes. With settings for stun, hurt, and kill.

I like this.

Imagine a fight on the prison cieling, with Oso making traps out of the glass ceiling of the atrium.
It'd have to be his son, or he'd be a very old man.

Tell me there's more of this and it's not just a one-off.

>Even in adult life, Bobby still can't shake Chase

It'd be perfect.
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Don't stop now, ya bastards.
Who is gonna be the patient(s) with the berserker Stand?
So, part 6

>Ride to jail
>Meet your new roommate
>Fight pedo dad
>Meeting with Penny
>Meeting with Bobby Hill
>Psych Ward
>Join excavation team
>Find dinosaur Dan deep below the jail
>Prison riot?
>Enter [Pure Imagination]?

That's what I assume is so far "solid" about part 6.

Next post will be dedicated to what we currently have for the solitary part.
>Dora enters the cafeteria, goes to get some food, picks up a tray, calmly walks over to Me-Mow before she notices her, and hits her in the throat with it before smashing her face with that tray.
>Me-Mow is on the floor wiping some blood off her face. She begins to glow with stand power, extends her claws, then, as she's leaping into the air, she crashes back down to the floor gripping a spot on her neck that we can see some kind of rash to moving tattoo spreading from.
>Before Dora can do anything else, she's grabbed by Dredd who offers her two choices: continue and be executed, or comply and spend some number of months in solitary.
>I supposed we should have a scene with Wong after they leave looking menacingly at his subordinates

>We cut to the Warden who was watching and he's a little crestfallen that things didn't get to go on a little longer.

>Notes on solitary:
>-Just a hallway full of large, metal doors with a ridiculous number of chains and bolts on them.
>-Rooms are poorly furnished, padded, though the material is scratched up and sometimes peeling off, and full of weird shit. Mannequins and surgical equipment are common features. Occasionally there will be drab colored or rusty metal cabinets that are empty, or filled with murky jars. Not all rooms have the same things. Sometimes there will be just chairs in a room, or a single mannequin. Other pieces of furniture are rusty and worn. Tables will be rusted metal and sometimes have wheels. There is a dirty bedpan or bucket in every room.
>-"Beds" if you can call them that are just frames with some strange, flexible material poorly stretched over it. Feels like flesh. Sometimes they have stitches on them. The walls have been known to ooze green slime. Certain rooms have vents from where horrifying noises emanate.
>-Every room has a one way mirror in it. And due to the air purifier failing in that section of the prison, it's covered in a slight fog and smells horrible.
>-It's also dark, dark enough to mistake a few of the manikins for the prisoners who are, according to the paperwork, supposed to be there. As you can imagine, they are all actually in PI.
>-Speaking of paperwork, according to it most of the prisoners in solitary kill themselves pretty quickly. The higher ups want to look into why, but when they see the types of psychos that go in there they brush it under the rug.

>Dora's being escorted to her solitary cell
>She's looking through the door windows, at the people in them slumped on the chairs or in their beds
>She realizes something, and looks closer
>The guy in the cell she's going past is just a mannequin
>We get a "what the fuck is going on" moment, though she doesn't say anything

>While in solitary some small character (someone from the Rescue Rangers, or Bernard and Miss Bianca from The Rescuers, or Atom Ant) comes out of a crack in the wall and talks to her. How there’s going to be an Interpol agent visiting soon and how they will arrange to have a meeting with her and how if she accepts the terms, they can do various things for her to get her out of jail and at least a fair trial.
>Penny Gadget Visits the jail, meets with Dora (bullet proof glass between them and discussion are recorded over the phone).
>Uses [Technologic] to speak more privately with Dora
>She wants Dora to do some spy work for her, in exchange she'll get her out of this prison and arrange for a fair trail with leniency
cont. because I cut at the wrong line to fit it into 2 posts.
>Gets everything put back together because security comes in to see what stopped the feed

>Back in solitary the small agent gives Dora communication device. Dora is released from solitary the next morning.
>Suzie is surprised and overjoyed the Dora came back to her since most people who get sent to solitary never come back.

Anyway, solitary is the next part to write out, that's what we have for it so far.
I don't think we have the riot there.

I believe it's

> Dinosaur Dan
> Prison Break
> Enter PI

Someone earlier pitched a scene between Psych Ward and Excavation Team that would have Dora and Co. break into the mundane offices of the prison to find schematics for a breakout, fighting a not-guard employee (a janitor?) who happened to be around at the time and was a low-key stand user along the way.

The prison riot is planned for the Third Act, sometime after the majority of the Superjail portion. No idea if the riot is in PI, out of PI, or both in and out of PI, but in any case it's the big climax of the part.
Dora also needs to retrieve the map and backpack from the evidence locker before going to the excavation
That would make finding Dan easier if the map was showing her the way.

Which tunnel would lead further down and which would be certain death.
Then it should be after they release Dinosaur Dan and before she is sucked into PI. Does she fight during solitary confinement? If so, against who? one of the rogue Stands product of Von Drake's treatment?
You guys are now on part 6?!

Can Rex Salazar get in? His stand was 「HARDER, BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER」.
He's in and gets killed in Part 5. A tower falls on him.
No, that was Rex Banner, and I'm sure he survived the collapse of the tower
What if one of the Racers in Part 7 was the Top? Give him [Dead Or Alive] and things should be fine and dandy.

I think he's a racer in part 7; he wouldn't have much use in the prison.
I like that, but then we'd have to completely rework Giffany's debut, since she's only meant to appear in the evidence locker in Superjail.
Plus, why would Dora's greatest desire be to find Dan rather than to escape?
No, I don't think she fights anyone in solitary.
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The idealization and reckless expansion of one's 「identity」


The ability to escape from the trappings of one's 「identity」 before learning to use it as a means of shaping the world around him

>Danger Duck and 「SPECTRUM」:

The failed clone whose form failed to recapture the strength of a singular 「identity」 but whose body could alter and shift in order to aid those around him

>Stand Master: Shirley McLoon
>Appearance: A female duck humanoid dressed in gypsy style garb, its eyes and the top of its bill covered by a veil emblazoned with an image of the tree of life
>Ability: 「GHOSTS N STUFF」 operates as a punch ghost stand that carries the ability to suppress it and it's user's presence by allowing them to weave in and out of 「existence」 by switching themselves into a slightly higher plane where matter is still contactable but living creatures become intangible. While in the altered state, the user is capable of speaking directly to a creature's 「soul」 and imparting upon it suggestions and directives which can have their impetus compounded if used over long periods of time.
>The shift in planes carries a fatal weakness however. Although the naked eye cannot perceive the Stand and its effects, viewing them through any type of 「middleman」 such as cameras, windows or even glasses allows them to be perceived.

Power: B
Range: E
Precision: C
Durability: D
Speed: C
Developmental Potential: B

And thus, Shirley carries the ability to snuff out her own 「identity」 and utilize the void created to her own ends.
What would Woody Woodpecker's 「AIN'T NO SON」 represent, then? The desire to oppress and control the 「identity」of others?
Otherwise, that seems okay, though the "suggestions to the soul" thing seem like they've been done before with Plucky and Rolf's Remastered Stands.
I liked the idea of all of Daffy's kids' Stands having "son"/"daughter" in the name, though. 「ANYONE'S DAUGHTER」?

I'm not seeing his Stand on the archive, mind relinking? Also, for the soul thing, it's really just a reference to all of the occult style stuff Shirl was into. It's just subtle mental manipulation, the light touch to Daffy's sledgehammer.
I'm kind of tempted to have all of Daffy's kids be birds from Tiny Toons - Plucky, Shirley, Sweetie Pie and Gogo Dodo, with Woody as the odd one out. Sweetie's a sadist and Gogo's nuts, so they'd fit in Pure Imagination.
I'm kind of apprehensive about pushing too many of these guys. It's a balance between having them feel like they could be a cohesive group and not overwhelming the part with them. Maybe Woody should be the only one with an actual fight, with the others just pitching in in the riot?

Cut off one of them, since 4 characters to represent Daffy's kids is too much.
Yeah, I was thinking that. Woody, Shirley and Gogo as the ones in the prison? Woody is our Donatello, the other two are our Rikiel and Ungalo. That also has the benefit of making none of them obviously based on another prominent character.
I'm still unsure whether we should have them be his legitimate kids with Tina or his illegitimate kids from after he left. The latter means we don't have to explain away them never being mentioned previously, and that people won't have to suspend their disbelief that they aren't ducks, but in my head Daffy has a specific brand of assholery distinct from Dio's; rather than banging women and then abandoning them, he'd have kids for the sake of his ego, and neglect them while he was there.
They're not going to be from Tina, I'll say that right now.

If we're actually going through with this "other children" thing being in our part 6, might as well go all the way with it and have them all be from different mothers.
So who wrote "Being Other People"?

How does Bobby feel about a book he recommends being written by someone who is incarcerated at the same prison he works at?
I think it's either an anonymous book or it was written with a pseudonym
I feel like all these kids are going to be a lot of padding and confusion for little benefit. Is there any reason that we shouldn't just cut it down to Woody and have that be that?
If we really want Shirley et al in, maybe they were other kids of powerful Stand users being held at the Looniversity for the same reason Plucky was. Since they're potentially powerful themselves, the Warden stuck them in Superjail.
Or something. I'm just thinking that adding the others doesn't do much for the story, and it's just going to lead to more pushback against the kids as a whole.
I don't really care much for the "Daffy had other kids" thing either. I'm just waiting for someone to come up with a really good reason why we should do that other than it was a thing in Stone Ocean.

But that shit is for later as I have said before and will probably have to say many more times in the future.

We aren't anywhere near the part in part 6 where they would be relevant unless they are being foreshadowed in the part we are working on right now, which isn't even the psych ward, it's the solitary confinement part.
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>I'm just waiting for someone to come up with a really good reason why we should do that other than it was a thing in Stone Ocean.
Well, it's not like most of the shit in /co/co/ has more of a reason than that to be in. See pic related.
Anyway, I feel like we need to build up some of the earlier parts more than we have now - the fight with Frizzle, Dora's introduction to the prison, Dora being shown around... I'd rather do it sooner so it isn't declared "done".
Someone said they were working on the Frizzle fight, but who knows if they're still doing that.
I'm not even sure how Dora would have a fight with Frizzle since she can't do anything on the bus without answering trivia questions and anons seem dead set on having her be the strong silent type who doesn't talk until the "can you say 'I'm stupid'?" in Spanish part after she's arrived at the prison.

I do feel there should be a "tour" of the prison before they reach the cafeteria.

Whatever I've done so far for part 6 has not been particularly well received, so I'm actually waiting to see if someone else will step up to the plate.
So, how long will be the pre-Pure Imagination part?
>I'm not even sure how Dora would have a fight with Frizzle
I think is supposed to be either a fight before being captured or someone else will fight Frizzle
Pre-PI >>84288515

Just replace riot with escape attempt.

Frizzle is probably going to get more than one fight, but it's whatever fight before the jail that everyone seems to be pushing for and also confused about.
So do people want to start the part with a Frizzle "fight"? Or just jump right in to Dora in jail and have her capture be a flashback/bonding moment with Suzie?
There is already a small flashback at the beginning of the part when she's on the bus, perhaps said flashback is elaborated later on the story
I see, I thought the evidence locker and similar sections were moved to the real world prison
Here's what I thought was happening.

Sometime during the psych ward arc Dora manages to get her map back, she uses it to help her NOT DIE (her greatest desire at the time) when under the jail on the excavation team.

I thought that once they get sucked into PI, the Warden (fake clone Warden who is basically the Warden's brain controlling an indestructible body formed from PI) would snatch it from her with a "Ohhhhh, what's this?" then his eyes almost shoot through it when he sees what the map is showing him: the location of all the stand jawbreaker caches the WB set up around the world.

He gets so excited about that he decides to dump Dora and Suzie somewhere in PI that isn't an instant death before running off to pass it into the real world into his real hands so that he can send someone to go collect a bunch of them.

Frizzle fights Penny at one of the locations and either wins and commandeers the bus to sneak into the prison, or loses and is taken prisoner.
If Penny wins that fight, then Dora's backpack will provide the jawbreakers needed to supercharge PI.
If Penny loses the fight, then the bus gets loaded up with jawbreakers and takes them back to the prison.

My point is, Dora loses her map twice.
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The stone jaguar from Road to El Dorado wasn't used in part 2, right? That thing could be stationed in the lower levels of the excavation as part of the older prison's security.
And about the psych ward arc, if Ludwig uses psychoanalysis during his fight, Should we reveal who is Dora's mother in that part?
We did not use it in part 2, no.

We are free to use it here when they get down to the pillarman levels of the old prisons.
>Tzekel-Kan [JAGUAR MODE]- basically that huge stone jaguar statue from the movie, we could give it some explanation to not make it seem like a Stand. Tzekel-Kan has gained mastery over his bones, allowing him to sprout bone-like protrusions from his body such as claws or spikes. Would this work better?

it's in part 2
No, he never assumes GIANT stone cat form. I don't think he does anyway, not unless that was expanded upon since the last time I checked doc 2.

He's able to rearrange his bones.
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I had another ideia for a Ludwig Stand.


Appearence: It's basically Jojofied Puff the magic dragon. He just seems to follow Ludwig around or appear when he calls his name. Unlike most Stands, it can talk freely.

Ability: Maybe that pink smoke he uses to do pretty much everything in his cartoon, in here the smoke might just create dream-like visions on victims. Maybe it remains forever unrevealed since he thinks "using it" will drive him even more insane.

User Interaction: Ludwig thinks he's ill because of this Stand, and diagnoses it as some sort of Schizophrenia (which is ironically the Stand's name, and thus calling it a Schizophrenia isn't really wrong).
He thinks it is the same illness that affects the people of psychward, so he uses it to study and to understand the nature of Stands, which he admits it's some kind of Melody-related abomination/illness.
He coworks with his equally-intellectual Stand sometimes, but he still doesn't believe Stands are anything but somekind of illness or psychosis in need to be cured by psychological methods.
If memory serves, his Mode was similar to Marrow's mutation
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Had an idea for that. Realistically, the Warden has rounded up LeTerally's brood to take advantage of their inheritance of his absurdly high Development Potential but also the natural boost that second generation Stand Users are known for. Essentially, he's placed them into PI to try to recreate the stimuli that brought about CAROLINA IN THE MORNING, which to date remains one of the most powerful Stands. And with the right push, his kids can easily exceed even that. At the end of the day, the Warden either gains some incredibly strong allies or gets to consume Stand users with an ungodly amount of STAR.
Now this, I like. Penny seems a natural fit to fight Frizzle.
>And about the psych ward arc, if Ludwig uses psychoanalysis during his fight, Should we reveal who is Dora's mother in that part?
This too. Then we elaborate on it when the gang are trying to persuade Woody to sympathise with them enough to not kill them, since he's also got a shitty villain parent.
That makes sense, and is mostly what I was thinking, though I'm still concerned about working them in in a way that seems naturalistic and doesn't dominate the part.
Maybe he's also trying to emulate the creation of Wayward Son, which he doesn't have all the details on, but is fully aware that it's one of the most STARry Stands in existence.
(We can assume that Requiem Stands aren't public knowledge enough for the Warden to have found out about them.)

Given that he got the push to establish the prison after the Rape of the Old Country, I think they'd have trusted him with that information.
Well, Mandark was a high ranking WB assassin who learned how to Remaster from them, Rolf found out by accident, and Plucky managed it via unique circumstances. It's feasible that Rolf never told Strickland and/or that the information was contained by the WB.
Do you ever write a post for this project and realise how fucking weird what you've just said is?

We've gone beyond the pale ages ago, friend.

>He thinks it is the same illness that affects the people of psychward, so he uses it to study and to understand the nature of Stands, which he admits it's some kind of Melody-related abomination/illness.
>He coworks with his equally-intellectual Stand sometimes, but he still doesn't believe Stands are anything but somekind of illness or psychosis in need to be cured by psychological methods.

I think that could also apply to Professor Membrane, given he wouldn't want to classify his own Stand as a supernatural ability and rather as an enhanced mental skill and would try to explain its origins through theories based on science.

He would likely to talk to Ludwig to share ideas about Stands, with Ludwig convincing Membrane that Smooth Operator is a hallucination, a side effect of his mental abilities getting bigger, and both men being in constant denial that Stands are spiritual forces because that isn't "scientific at all".
All the time, but only when I stop to think about it.
Then I keep thinking "we can still keep going from here" and I want to see what other bullshit we manage to come up with. Hell, the current plot is:
>Dora the explorer has been sent to Superjail for smuggling stand granting jawbreakers across boarders. There she must contend with super powered criminals, gang violence, and the Warden's antics all while the [something something something CoCo] plans her escape.

Still needs work.

Farnsworth would laugh at them for being idiots.
After the fight, Von Drake should snap and be put on the ward with his own patients, like Strange in The Batman or Riddler on that old movie

huh, the previous sinopsis was more complete and didn't mentioned the gang plot
>Nobody else knows how to work any of his weird and unethical treatment devices, so they have to go back to using traditional therapy methods
I like it. Feels like a genuine "defeat" for him without the Warden catching on.
The previous one was full of outdated information and stuff we had tossed out.
I like the idea, but don't have it be a direct clone of the Warden. It softens the big moment when everyone's thrown into PI.
No, I mean the plot summary:
>The Warden, in pursuit of a world behind the bars of his deranged choosing, traps various individuals within a nightmarish prison hellscape produced by his stand. While he did work for Daffy and is using his assets to carry out his will, his perfect world isn't going to 「CAROLINA IN THE MORNING」 because whereas Daffy was an ultra-narcissist with a desire to see only himself, the Warden is a sadistic manchild who just wants to torture people for his own pleasure forever. Of the many people trapped inside are a number of Flavors of the Month, who have been imprisoned for overstaying their welcome.

The last line is only one that could allude to Waifu Ocean. And the connection between LeTerally and Warden was never explained in the original draft (I had the idea that he was one of the clones in the final fight of part 3)
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The cover for the new Ironman comic couldn´t make the job easier.

I was going to put this in the ironman threat but it got deleted. Even so there were 460 replies and nobody pointed this out.

Should the stand name be Black Sabbath or Iron Man?
Someone hasn't read part 6.

And anyway, we aren't including main supes, nor extremely controversial characters (to my knowledge), nor characters we know pretty much nothing about yet.

If it comes out and isn't shit, maybe part 7. But we literally have no idea about her.
I was reading part 2 again and I just realized something: Kida's Mode was basically CalArt arms

Goddammit, I bet it's another legacy character now that Rhodes bit the dust

Politics aside, this lady has zero characterisation and seems like she'll only be around for a year or two. Tops.

Besides, being a derivative character makes moving her into this project a fucking nightmare, as almost all her character will be based on surpassing a character that doesn't exist in the new story.

Basically, if you're going to use this character at all, keep in mind either Jason Todd or Steel play her part better than she ever will.

Having Steel be in PArt 7 might work. He DID pick up the mantle of superhero after Superman died and wanted to keep his values alive.
A truly disgusting power. But an effective one nonetheless.

Poor Milo never scored with her though.
No, no, the clone of the Warden that takes the map is the same one who welcomes them to PI.

He never worked for Daffy, the summary focuses too much on Daffy, we're not doing flavors of the month, there's no mention of Dora, the main character of the part.

There's a lot of things wrong with it even before the part 6 revamp.
It focuses on the wrong things.
Wasn't there a public domain superhero from the Golden age in the race? He could end up becoming a real superhero (again) after the race, trying to follow Superman's steps

>we're not doing flavors of the month
Yeah, that's what I said. Heck, I may get out of my lazy ass and work in a summary tommorrow.
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Jack was someone I suggested for the race. He has no [identity] or a very diminished one. He used to be called "Yellow Jacket" or something, but that's copyrighted by another character now.

He's a blank slate, the only suggestions for him are he rides a segway in the race with a bath towel for a cape while making flying noises with his arms above his head like Freakazoid did.

But back to part 6. At some point I or someone else will need to weave
into story instead of cliff notes.

I think whoever Dora meets in solitary should fight Plankton later in the part, assuming Plankton is even being kept in this part, as a battle between tiny characters.
The conversation between Dora and Penny should start with the topic of her smuggling charges, and when Dora loses interest in the discussion, Penny mentions that she also wants to talk about something else, at this point a hand from [Technologic] manifests alongside Penny's own hand and grabs the telephone wire (not sure how to graphic the effect of the Stand), then Penny tells Dora about all the irregularities that transpire inside the prison and how neither Interpol or Strickland have info about who is the Warden. Then she offers her the deal to work alongside her.
Who is gonna be the tiny agent?

What's the timeframe between Autistico and now? I feel like taking a crack at this.
I don't know the exact timeframe, the whole Man of Murder finale was what allowed Warden to get his project greenlighted, and Dora appeared as a child in the epilogue while she is a teenager in part 6. So it needs to be enough time for Dora to grow up and for the Warden to turn the Panopticon into a functional prison.

So roughly 5-7 years then?
I'm leaning more towards Atom Ant since he isn't a rodent. While the other suggestions would work, I feel we played up the mouse angle with Taffy in part 5.

At minimum, 4 years for the prison to be built and for Dora to age up.

Could be longer, but we can't have it be too much time for Interpol to be dealing with an unknown like the Warden.
How about Chef working in the prison cafeteria and giving Dora some advice?
His stand HAS to be named Adam Ant though if we're using him.
Plankton was suggested to have snuck into the prison by possessing someone in the cafeteria staff. Could Chef be his unlucky victim?
No idea what his stand would even do. I just like him for an option since he'd be the size of an ant.

That'd work since Chef is dead and all.

Why would Plankton sneak into prison though?
Maybe he knows about the Warden's plan and wants to take it over the prison to hijack the plan, however, he ignores the fact that the Panopticon itself is just half (or a third) of the Warden's scheme.
That's rather weak reasoning.

He might as well just be another inmate who happens to work in the cafeteria. He could've been captured, but no one knows he's actually who they captured since they thought the person he's possessing is responsible for whatever he did to get arrested. Now he'd biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to escape.

>The WB and their demonic benefactors have fallen but the shadow of their works still hangs over the world. With the Old Country in shambles and Jawbreakers flooding into the black market, it quickly became clear that the Stand situation could no longer be contained. But then a man stepped up with a cage big enough. The enigmatic Warden came forth with a plan to build a magnificent prison, designed from the ground up to detain and rehabilitate Stand Users. Seeing their out, the elites couldn't approve of it fast enough.

>Five years have passed and Belle Reve Correctional Facility has become a site shrouded in mystery, where Stand Users arrive only to never be seen again and its creator becoming more and more obsessed with creating his ideal world behind the concrete walls. Dora Marquez, the girl who kicked down the door for the spread of the Jawbreakers, has found herself behind the walls, plumbing the depths of the facility and the madman at the heart of it all.
Now that's a synopsis
He's supposed to be a big threat during the final part/the riot.

His thing was that he was attempting to take over the prison from the Warden IIRC. After PI gets knocked down, he makes a move.
Yeah, but that doesn't really work now that we've figured out how PI works.

Really need to do a write up about how PI works since it isn't clearly listed on the doc.
>Appearance: An ornate Jailbot which also resembles a tombstone in some ways.
>Abilities: 「PURE IMAGINATION」 functions as a door to his own magical realm of endless torture and imprisonment.
>The realm imitates the real world within a 2 kilometer radius of the Warden's location (it's a pocket dimensions that copies the real world). Within this world, the Warden is effectively a god who can do whatever he wants, but must be focused and concentrate to create changes in the world. To escape this world one must either travel outside of the Warden's range or find the Jailbot door exit. As the Warden never leaves his prison, people sent into [Pure Imagination] are unable to escape the Warden's range as they are trapped within a copy of the prison.
>People cannot die inside this world without the Warden's approval. If a stand user dies inside of [Pure Imagination], a portion of their STAR energy is absorbed by it and used to recreated them, resulting in a "respawn" elsewhere, though it is agonizingly painful.
>Really need to do a write up about how PI works
Indeed, the only thing I recall about it is that he uses whatever is in the top of the tower as a focusing lense and increases its range of effect. That, and how it feeds on the death of Stand users inside it
Already got it covered.

Is 2 kilometers too small to copy the entire prison within the pocket dimension?
The range of the world inside PI needs to extend far enough so that no matter where in the jail the Warden goes, no part of the world within PI that's copying the prison will be near the edge.

It could be a thing later in part 6 to kidnap the Warden and fly him away from the jail so that everyone trapped in PI gets released back into the real world prison.
Slightly off-topic, but I have a question about sentient stands in the /co/co/ universe.

(Presently we only have 2 or so sentient stands, but that's beside the point.)

As stands in the /co/co/ universe are essentially an ascended form of Melody, would a sentient stand be able to use simple forms of Melody? If not, why?
I dunno, we didn't defined the prison dimensions, only how the tower allows the Warden to target anything inside its walls

from the original pastebin:
>They are thought to be an evolution of the Melody in that they are the next step in altering reality through one's own willpower.
You could theorize that a sentient Stand evolved to no longer depend of both 「Belief」 and 「Timing」, maybe they can warp reality in a similar fashion to Melody, or in their evolution they lost the full array of Melody powers, being restricted to the scope of their Stand powers.

Personally, I believe that a sentient stand would not depend on 「Belief」 or 「Timing」, but could still harness such and therefore could harness Melody.
Well, if Xavier is still a sentient Stand (and not an actual angel) that's a good example of pulling Melody-like feats (like his head exploding in the tower or turning his body into a portal). What other sentient Stands we have?

[BRAINS!] and [ADAGIO FOR STRINGS], if I remember correctly.

[BRAINS!] has no part currently.

[ADAGIO FOR STRINGS] is set to appear in Part 8, but has no role as of yet.
Dora's a runner though. She wasn't in charge of anything when she got caught.
oh right, Brains! appeared in part 5, though he didn't displayed any particular power besides knowing the exact location of Gideon. Checking the Stand doc there is also Pond Scum as [Municipal Waste] with no particular part assigned yet.
It's ambiguos. As he does ascend to heaven and takes an angelic form after he dies.

Okay so that makes a total of 3 sentient stands, possibly 4 if Xavier is a sentient stand as well.

That's actually not all that many, compared to the amount of stands we've already made.
He's an angel.

Also, I hadn't heard that Brains! was used. Bit out of the loop, it seems.
I almost forgot, there is also the Hey Kids! monster, but that thing is even more ambiguous than Xavier since we never explained its real nature (besides being a "meta monster")
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Did a quick sketch of Adagio manifesting Melody.
Honestly, if sentient stands are capable of using Melody it would make the sentient stands much more unique and interesting.
Lord Byron's Luggage, Dream Theater and Driver 8 are also sentient, albeit not independent.
So the "jailbots" in Pure Imagination aren't actually Jailbots, right? Did we ever decide what they actually look like?
Maybe they look like the robots from Robotomy?
Add to this that the Warden can choose to instead absorb all of their STAR, thereby permanently destroying their soul and body, and we're golden.

It's more that she found the map of the caches.
Shit, I like this idea. Both because the kind of ramshackle look of the robots makes it believable that they could be more economical versions of Robo-Dale and Gadget's bodies, and because Superjail and Robotomy are by the same guys.
Now I want a Thunderbite fight, thought.
We probably should figure out how big the prison is.

And what the range of the jailbot door is, like how far it can go from the Warden's person.
I think Pure Imagination having a range of 4km would be appropriate. Assuming the prison is roughly circular, that'd give Superjail a maximum diameter of 2km (so the Warden can control the whole thing no matter where in the prison he goes), and an area of over 3km squared. That's almost twice the area of Rikers Island, which I think would be a good goal for the Warden to have.
The Panopticon is probably significantly smaller than Superjail, which the Warden has built on and expanded into his dream prison.
The range of the world within PI was probably once much smaller, but then the Warden figured out how to absorb STAR energy and was able to make it bigger.

But what is the range of the punch ghost (it probably can't punch) floating around the Warden? How far away can a person be from him and still get pulled into his world?
>Assuming the prison is roughly circular
well, that's how a panopticon is usually portrayed

Maybe is close range (the size of a whole room perhaps), that's why he needs the tower to boost his range
Assuming the underground portions go deep it would also explain why he can't look for Dan himself- if Dan is too deep underground, he'd lose everyone in PI, and he doesn't want to risk it.
That's a good point.

But that also means he needs some extra security in PI to keep anyone from digging their way too far down.
Graboids. That or the ITALIAN BULL WORM!!!
>well, that's how a panopticon is usually portrayed
Yeah, but since we've got multiple wards, a cafeteria, etc., I'm assuming that it's not a "pure" panopticon, just that the main prisoner cell area is. There's other bits to it.
Couldn't he just transmute the bottom floor of PI into, like, solid impenetrable Diamondium?
Thinking about it, I'm kind of unsure about Pure Imagination mirroring the real world - to be as insane as Superjail is, the Warden would have to be able to reshape it at will, but then why would he need the Panopticon?
And dangerous.

I like it.
I thought the Jailbots were going to be the Judge Dredd Mechanismos
PI still uses the general shape of the panopticon and surrounding areas to its design. It's much easier to take something and bend it rather than make multiple things and bend them around.

As he gets more energy he'll start to make wackier shit. But at first itll need to at least sorta resemble the real jail.
Yeah, the reason why the Warden wanted a real world jail is so there would be already be a jail inside of PI to keep people from escaping his world.
Otherwise he'd have to create a jail from nothing inside that world and then also maintain it.

And I was thinking that the Warden shrinks people down when he puts people inside of PI, that way the world inside is still the same size, but it seems much bigger and can allow for more room for crazy things.
My issue is mostly if the Warden can twist the relatively mundane Belle Reve into the nightmare funfair land that's Superjail, why does he need it at all? Why couldn't he just twist any random city into a prison?
Personally, my justification for Belle Reve was always that he needed a way to obtain these Stand using criminals, and getting the US government to do it was much easier than hunting them down one by one himself.
Maybe the Robotomy bots can be the standard troopers, and the Mechanismos are Dredd's elites in Pure Imagination?
Because the guise of Belle Reve lets him gather up Stand users without attracting too much suspicion (up til now).

It keeps the governments and Interpol continually funneling stand users into his hands while also being a very nice front for his manic pursuits.
Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. I just feel like the explanation "he needed Belle Reve because he wouldn't have a jail in PI otherwise" doesn't hold water. Those both work.
Having already made infrastructure to work with inside of PI is also a nice bonus on top of having stand users sent to him.

There's also the added benefit that if, for whatever reason, he has to travel from the jail, everyone who was stuck inside of PI will still be stuck inside of the real world jail when the edges of the Warden's world cease to cover their location.

Makes it easy to recapture everyone.

Would that work for the SUPERMAX prisoners though?
And that's why Dredd and the other stand user guards are in the real world jail.

Hmm, fair enough.
Where is supermax located? below the prison?

It was assumed to be in PI but having it be in one of the under-prisons makes a bit more sense.
I'm actually thinking that Supermax might not be that necessary. It wouldn't make a lot of sense with the endless death cycle goal of Pure Imagination, and the role of holding the most dangerous Stand users pretty much belongs to Superjail itself, now.
There still needs to be an "official" supermax section, though, for paperwork's sake. Sure a lot of prisoners kill themselves there (according to official records anyway) but it needs to exist.
Isn't that just solitary?
That would be perfect, but he's not on the doc.
I was going to say that, also, if killing themselves is the official version, what really happens to the prisoners in solitary? they are sucked into PI or something else kills them?
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Did we name the essence of cartoons "Melody" after the "Merrie Melodies" cartoons?
It made sense to me so I just wanted to know if you guys know anything about this.
that was the source of the name, yeah
Anyone who is "on the books" as having killed themselves is in PI.

In solitary, for the ones who they can't say killed themselves, they put a puppet in the cells they're said to be in.

Realistically, it ties back into the whole STAR harvesting thing. The Warden tosses them into PI so they can either grow strong or die and keeping too many apex predators in the population keeps that from happening.
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What about this little fella?
I like how we are in part 6 and people still remember Melody

He was supposed to be a guard in the original draft, I'm sure his Stand is still in the bottom part of the doc
First we were going to have him in part 5 as a janitor or elevator operator, but he was too OP.

Then were going to have him in part 6 as a guard, but he's still too OP.

Droopy is so OP we can't find a place for him.
He'll be a fine addition to Mr.Nobody's cabinet.

The Brotherhood of Dada had some fucking OP guys in it.

Doom Patrol was fucking outmatched, in my opinion.

If Grant Morrison hadn't put the plot in their favor, the run would have ended when Nobody and his pals pretty much killed off Doom Patrol.
>I like how we are in part 6 and people still remember Melody
It's one of the most interesting and unique things to have come out of all this.
Styles were cool, but they were basically only good against Pillar Men.
Maybe he's our version of Toy? aside from Toy we STILL need characters for our Number None and Quiz though.

...Maybe the person we should use for Quiz should be Lemongrab?
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Nobody better be keeping pace with the racers in his bus.

Or someone from his cabinet better be.
Should be part of his cabinet, besides some racers planted by Nobody himself. Having the President of the US driving around a trip-inducing bus across the globe would raise questions.
Well, part of his platform for getting elected was to "declare war on the way things are" so he's by no means going to be conventional. He's more of a chaotic neutral than an evil I think, he lacks that malevolent intent of our previous bad guys used.

But Nobody is for later, right now our big bad is the Warden and he's planning to take over the world as god-king.

I'm not sure of how much progress we're making in part 6 right now.
Right now we are stuck in the solitary confinement part, the tiny agent and the meeting with Penny, after that is the psych ward
We're not so much stuck as no one seems to be motivated to do it.

Usually I'm the one who has to get things rolling again when we get like this, but the lack of other input has me stuck waiting.
We have the entirety of solitary pretty well outlined, we just have to turn that into proper dialogue and events now.
Well, what else happens in solitary? if Dora only meets with the agent (whoever is gonna be) while she is down there, it shouldn't be a particularly long part, and after talking with Penny she should go to the psych ward and talk with Bobby.
After talking with Penny, she should go back to solitary where the tiny agent gives her the communication device.

After a laps in footage, I doubt they wouldn't make sure that Dora isn't holding any contraband, so Penny wouldn't be able to slip it to her there.

The tiny agent angle has always bugged me a bit seeing as if Penny had someone who could sneak around that easily on the inside, she'd have no real need for Dora.
Which is part of why I've been so stuck here.

I want this agent's ability to be why he managed to get to Dora, but can't just wander around the prison on his own.

Like maybe they've sent in agents before, but they always go missing eventually.
>aside from Toy we STILL need characters for our Number None and Quiz though.
Number None was suggested to be V (as in "for Vendetta") with the Stand [DEAR DARCY], which allows anything with an alliterative name to be him, making him essentially unkillable - you break his neck, he's already become a Frozen Fish Finger somewhere else in the world.
I've been busy, but I'll try and get some dialogue together tomorrow if it doesn't happen before then.
We should also think about how we're going to structure the psych ward.
Maybe tiny agent can only get down to Solitary because it's repurposed from the top level of crumbling older prisons?

I had the idea of Secret Squirrel coming in under the pretense of a prisoner interrogation while using the massive range on his Stand to work with Dora in more discreet quarters.
There's an idea of how to start and end the psych ward, but what it actually entails is lacking.

It's not like part 5 where every new location was just another fight. There's covert shit to do throughout this time.
We need to establish the situation (or at least part of) with Strickland in the psych ward, how Chase is somehow at the head of Strickland now and he's corrupt as hell.
Secret is too recognizable, the Warden would know it's him.
The problem is the Warden is aware of many of Interpol's stand users because Interpol helped him build the prison.
During this time the Warden was able to get all kinds of information about different stands, what they do, and use it as justification for some of the more outlandish things he requested.

I think that's part of the reason why Interpol can't get an undercover guy in the prison who is one of their own.

Fair point. Really, I think it'd be better to develop an ability first and then a user after. We need something that either operates on the basis of short range warp, some type of projection, or even matter molding.
>matter molding
Like rearranging the atomic structure of objects?
Atomic Ant.

His Stand is electronic interference. Long range but is limited. Very low combat potentail but with his size he can pull a Lovers style attack due to its great range. His size lets him shrink his Stand with little problems.

He maneuvres through the prison, but the lower levels aren't his thing. Its archaic and has non electronic defenses.

Turns out a society with animals that goes back to ancient times also has defenses against them.

Maybe we allude some lower levels to a time in which humans and animals didn't get along, so there are barriers for rats/ants specifically

Right. I was tooling around with the idea of a Stand that was capable of altering the pliability of solid objects and their particulate makeup, essentially rendering them into an easel or lithographic state and sending messages through them.


Huh, that could work and help us expand on the Panopticon's previous installments.
>can only get down to Solitary because it's repurposed from the top level of crumbling older prisons
Makes sense, especially if solitary is mostly for sucking prisoners into PI, and even after the prison was finished the lower levels are still being excavated

Ok, lets see what's in the psych ward, in no particular order:
-Meeting with Bobby
-Prof. Pericles (first time PI absorption is shown, and blamed on Dredd "killing" the inmate)
-One or more berserker Stands
-Robo-Dale (?)
-Ludwig Von Drake
Then Bobby may pull some strings and get Dora assigned to the excavation as part of her "therapy"
How do we want to play the psych ward? Is Dora just visiting it for a day to talk to Bobby while having a preliminary examination?

Or is she assigned to work there for a few days doing something a prisoner is allowed to do.

I'd say she gets assigned there for overall evaluation after the incident with Daddy and her brazen attack of Me-Mow just to make sure she's not going unhinged.
Yeah, that sounds right. Membrane's possibly involved also, and don't forget that we may want Dora to retrieve her stuff: >>84307861
Ideally we want the psych ward guys to be "mentally ill but not in a violent way" types, but I'm coming up blank.
>Or is she assigned to work there for a few days doing something a prisoner is allowed to do.
This was the plan. It's a lighter "sentence" than the solitary that Bobby and Penny got her out of.

Eh, we've got Sticks and her quasi-future reading. My take on it is her Stand's sending her images of so many other universes and outcomes that she can't exactly trust the people around her since she can't tell which iteration she's dealing with. Kinda wanna work a /co/rge reference into that but not sure how.
We don't even have a plot for /co/rge, do we?

There have been suggestions I think? But no one ever really decided on one.
From what I recall, it's similar to Jorge Joestar in that is an alternate universe (non-canon) created by Ethan's (our closest thing to gaypriest) actions at the end of part 8.
Ethan's stand doesn't do that though. Or at least, I don't think it does.

We really changed it's original abilities. Now it is literal meme magic. It only does whatever enough people believe it can, and Ethan somehow uses fruit to jack it's power, but it still winds up becoming nothing when the heroes realize this and his reality warping powers fail. Basically it's just "if enough people believe it, it's true. Your mind makes it real." and Ethan loses when they figure this out and stop believing.

I'd say /co/rge should just be more of a straight AU like SBRverse.
I've been thinking about it, and I'd suggest, as a very loose, basic concept:
>Blends two stories together
>Story 1: Our protagonist, an actor playing the deuteragonist of the movie C.O.R.G.E. (making them the "CORGE co-star"), having relatively mundane adventures in the OG timeline
>Story 2: An insane world-trekking story involving cosmic entities and world shattering events in the timeline post-alteration by AU Knuckles, focused on an AU version of the hero from story 1 and stringing together all the craziest ideas we can think of
>They eventually come together somehow, thanks to the villain's efforts to fuse the timeline with the canon /co/co/ timeline
If we want, "young Eustace fights a vampire" could be a third story involved. Maybe replace the vampire with a Courage monster, because I kind of like that the universe felt exactly like the Courage universe in part 1 up until Eustace put on that mask.
It'd also be neat to have AU versions of all the villains (Young Eustace/Good Kuzco/Duck Dodgers/something something Fred/Mall Cop Hiney/etc) as characters on the side of good.
OK, so what jobs is Dora assigned there?

Stuff like changing the papers in Pericles's cell?
Probably. Quick, basic, Pericles can take care of himself if she snaps, and they can keep an eye on her interactions with other people to see if she's maladjusted.
Ethan's plan is to erase reality through Loss, initially is a mere concept that his Stand can imprint and grows in power the more people believe in it. Now, how it reaches reality warping levels is something I still have to figure it out, my point is that his plan fails but he tampered enough with reality to damage the timelines and create the AU.

>making them the "CORGE co-star"
Fuck, that's brilliant
>something something Fred
Fred as a surgeon (instead of a barber) was an early suggestion, along with a Kuzco based on the tv show
Emperors new school Kuzco. Obviously.

Kuzco is the same age. Which is still very young by Pillarmen standards. And he wants to be a fitting emperor. So he enrolls in a local university and helps Eustace in his adventure.

Daffy stuck to his novelist pursuits and is an accomplished writer and thinker. He is an active party member to Eustace.

Fred is a surgeon and helps Eustace when a fight goes badly for him. This version has a Pearl Jam like ability.

Next up is Doctor Professor Patrick. A teacher at Kuzco's school.

Then The Warden, who is a low rank cop who joins up with Eustace and dies saving him.

Then Mr.Nobody back when he was somebody. He does something minor and is quickly forgotten.

Then Ethan, who is a happy father, doesn't play video games, and is helping Eustace, intent on making this world one where his child can live peacefully.
Pericles needs to attempt to sway Dora into doing something for him. I don't know what yet, but it should be something related to him getting out so that seeing him get "shot" out of the sky has some impact on her since it was in part thanks to her that he got to fly free (relatively speaking) again.

I'd say to have him play up his age so that Dora feels moved to try to give him one last moment in the sky. She may be battle hardened but she's not dead to the world just yet.
Remember that the novel is split into two parts. We either combine them or keep it a Eustace story and something else. That said, here are a few of my idea if we do it like this.

Daffy is an astronaut. He still hates people though, and escaped to space to avoid them, unintentionally becoming a celebrity in the process.

Fred's stand, in the idea I had, was basically the same, but could turn any object into a surgical tool instead of a razor. In addition to being a doctor, I had the idea he'd be the surgeon general as well, simply for weirdness.

And I suppose this makes the good guys bad guys now, right?

Plucky is a celebrity under the WB along with Tuffy.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy are scooby snack vendors. Scooby Snacks are basically the same as Jawbreakers. Ed is a werewolf. Edd is a werepire. Eddy is an expert on the supernatural and a hunter of it.

Diego replaces Dora. A corrupt cop and a possible hitman. Secretly Warden's half-brother somehow. It's extremely stupid.

Inspector Gadget is Doctor Claw now. Shaggy is now redshirt!Shaggy and is a hardened solider.
Just a heads-up: The Jorge in the "normal" story was a canon character (Joseph's dad), the one in the weird part was a teenager alt-version of him that was also a detective (and only existed in the last two universe resets)

>I had the idea he'd be the surgeon general as well, simply for weirdness
There was also an idea in part 4 that Doctor Barber from Flapjack was Fred's teacher, so in the AU he became a doctor instead of a barber
He has to have some kind of escape plan tucked away somewhere, maybe he managed to stash something under the jail before he was confined to the ward.

I'm trying to line up incentives for Dora to go under the jail:
1. The Warden wants to keep expanding the jail for some reason, that reason could be valuable information
2. Some privacy to contact Penny to report whatever findings she has, it's not real privacy, but it's more than what she has anywhere else in the jail
3. Wong wants something that's buried under the jail and has a plan to escape once he has it, Dora wants in on this escape plan
4. It's already an amazing potential opportunity to escape or at least begin planning an escape
1. Besides having a bigger jail to toss prisoners, there is also the fact that the lowest levels (all of them?) were made by pillarmen.
2. Whatever lies under the prison could also help in Penny's investigation of the Warden (we are still keeping Warden's true plan hidden)
3. Yep, Dinosaur Dan. If I remember correctly, Wong wants info about the fruits guarded by the scopemen so he could achieve his own [Perfect frame]

If we want more interaction between Dora and Pericles, they could band together against Von Drake
They'd have to do an elaborate plan for force Von Drake into interacting with a stand as if it were a real person, then Dora walks through it mid conversation asking who he is talking to (she can see it, but pretends not to so Drake thinks he's gone crazy).

The stuff with the fruit needs to be kept vague, I'm not sure if we should even reveal it's a fruit they're talking about. Needs more deliberation, but we'll get to it when we get to it.

I do want Wong to call Dan his "brother in darkness" like how Wong called Shendu that right before Shendu turned on him.
Von Drake considers Stands a mental condition, so in a way he is sick according to his own terms. They have to make him doubt his own discourse and he will snap, ending in a padded cell.
Yeah, we are keeping the explicit references to scopemen and the fruit until part 8.
So when should Dora fully "unlock" [Boots] in it's monkey punch ghost form?

I think a purple monkey might be just the thing needed to push Von Drake over the edge.
I think the idea was that she unlocked her Stand during the psych ward arc so yeah. The actual reason for unlocking [Boots] should be Von Drake's meddling with Dora's memories while he psychoanalyzes her
Though she shouldn't discover the blue footprints power until she's on the excavation team below the jail at the earliest.
I got an idea: at one point, Robo-Dale fights against Gameboy, Gameboy seemingly overpowers Dale and gloats about being a superior model, and Dale sacrifices himself by detonating his propane tank, taking down Gameboy with him (emulating Gadget's death in part 4).
Doctor Barber was suggested to have mentored Pyg as well, who became a barber in the new verse I imagine. We won't be seeing much of him though. If any at all unless Fred writes down parts of the plot that focus on him in his journal.

How insane would he be in the AU? Is he still good or evil? Does he have kids? Elmyra Duff was suggested a long time ago I think as being his illegitimate daughter. She had a stand that could take things apart and put them together with a pair of scissors.

If we're going for a more Jorge reference, should Fred wind up developing a crush on Captain Amelia? In the main verse Fred doesn't develop Floyd the Barber until he develops his hair fetish. As a surgeon he wouldn't have realized this. He might awaken his new stand (whatever it's called now. Doctor Brown?) after falling in love with someone he's operating on. Of course a fetish for mutilating/skinning people would be a lot more twisted than simple hair.
I was mostly thinking "get on Wong's good side so she can try and use that to help her escape".
This backfires horribly, of course.
I vote to keep the Eustace part of the story as simple as possible, just so that the others seem even more ridiculous by contrast.
In my head the timelines worked like this:
>/co/co/ timeline: Where parts 1-8 take place. Never directly appears in the story.
>OG /co/rge timeline: pretty much identical to the /co/co/ timeline, with the exception of Knuckles gaining his robot eye and Stand after the events of part 3. Young Eustace and the costar story take place here.
>Altered /co/rge timeline: History has been fucked up, everyone has a different Stand, the Echidna Clan is behind everything, all the bad guys are heroes, etc. The cosmic story goes here.
I like this, as long as we get the teamup between Penny (did we decide if she's going to have a Gadget-arm or not?), Bobby and [PROPANE NIGHTMARE], and Robo-Dale.
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Oh, hi. I was away. We are doing /co/rge now? Good!
But do Plucky and Taffy get their celebrity contracts done with? Getting on the side of good and such?

Also, it raises an interesting thing. Maybe have the ex-protagonists in /co/rge have their negatives amped up? Taffy's vicious as fuck, Tom is a big asshole, etc.
Penny is full organic as far as I'm aware.

If Membrane is envolved in this particular arc of Part 6, he either is the psycho ward a) to do a routine check-up on Robo-Dale or b) to talk to with Ludwig about the nature of the Stands (I imagined this scene where they discuss the Stands while interacting via monitors, since Membrane is possibly in his lab, and at the same time are playing chess.

Also if he is involved in this part, there should be a small foreshadowing about the idea of robots being used in Superjail. And speaking of that, are you guys still going to use the idea of Wall-E helping Dora and her allies?
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I keep forgetting about Wall-E in this part.

Would he be on the excavation team? Could work as a robot designed to help with that.

Even Gadget Noir Penny will still need to be aged up a little.
Here's an idea: Bobby has two override codes for the Strickland robots.
The first, allowing him to take control of the Robotomy jailbots, is 「Strickland」, 「Phantom」, 「Samurai」,「Courage」.
The second, which causes the Mechanismos to drop their additional armor and revert to their true appearance (Propane Nightmares), is 「Africa」, 「Milo」,「Peggy」, 「Robert」.
If we use Plucky and Tuffy (you forgot your own retcon, man), they should probably be minor, well-intentioned extremist enemies, possibly turning into allies eventually.
I suggested "Override Hill-1: Ladybird" for when Bobby takes control of a [Propane Nightmare] when the riot is happening near the endgame.

Quiz should be a qt asian grill at least.

So the main party is villains from all the parts teaming up as heroes? I can dig it.
extremely limited existence in the story, Taffy-fag.
They'd be in, but we're balancing all 8 main protags into one story. Plucky will inevitably get more screen-time than Tuffy.

On a side note

Instead of making them celebs. Why not make it as if the Old Country doesnt have demons at all. And they're just petty crooks? Criminals.
>Quiz should be a qt asian grill at least.
...Have we used Jade Chan yet?
nein, only Monkey King and Daolon Wong have been used
If this happens, Game-Boy should be played up as the ULTIMATE jailbot.

Supposed to surpass even the Mechanismos. And we need to have Robo-Dale actively fighting those and showing how even he has trouble againgst them.

This shows how dangerous Gameboy is.

Yeah, but that's to take control for personal combat use.

I really like this.
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Yeah, I know. And why would Plucky become the Toxic Revenger then?

Also, use my google disk for Fighting Game stuff. No-one updates the old one, and I got the Reviewfag's voice pack in mine. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-Td-mSKpaCvUjdWM0MxUEU2QTQ
My thought was that the Echidnas have taken the demons' place as the manipulators of history and the ones who set up events.
Instead of the Warner Brothers with Patrick as their figurehead, the corporation controlling the Old Country is the Cartoon Network, with Dee Dee as its figurehead.
>Yeah, but that's to take control for personal combat use.
>"I'm a little out of practice, but I still know how to control one of these things. My dad never wanted me to, but I thought that I should learn."
>"Now how about I show you what a Hill can do with a dose of Pro-Pain?"
Now I'm trying to work out how the transformation would look.

Did we ever get the art for the [Propane Nightmares] done?
In my mind, to save on costs, the Mechanismos were built around stripped-down OG Propane Nightmares from Hank Hill's days, so the transformation would basically just have their Judge outfits and faceplates falling away to reveal the Propane Nightmares underneath. The relatively shitty regular robots are all-new.
I just imagine the Propane Nightmares to look like that one piece of art with the propane tank head, but more robotic.
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For this project in particular? no, but at least the one used by Hank in Part 2 was based on this pic
There was also this one, not sure if for our autism.
I think we preferred >>84350517 with just a dash of that one. Both were made before the project, pretty sure.
>the ULTIMATE jailbot.
Well, He IS armed to the teeth in one picture
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The reason why Gameboy is even in this part is because he looked like THIS in the Captain N cartoon when he was being evil for an episode.
My god he has silly string. Although come to think of it he does look a lot like Jailbot.

He shoots restraining silly string out of his nipples.

damn, Strickland's robot designing really went to the shitter with the years
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I blame Chase Wassanasong for it.

They blew their budget on the camera lenses that they created to let the robots see Stands.

It gives Robo-Dale and the Mechanismos a definite edge over Gadget.
That damn face...
Still, he is supposed to be technologically superior to Robo-Dale and the original Propane Nightmares.
>His restraining silly string is made of an Adhesive X like substance.
Isn't it Chane?
We don't want another Taffy/Fantasy Island scenario.
google says it's Chane
>Fantasy Island scenario
wait, it's not Fantasy Island?
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Yes, Chane, someone said Chase further up the thread and their wrongness carried to me because of it.

At some point Chane must be defeated by Bobby having [PROPANE NIGHTMARE] kick him in the crotch. Possibly after all the big plot things at the jail have been wrapped up.

Like they get evidence that he was taking bribes or some other underhanded things that let him gain control of Strickland.

Gameboy is terrifying in Captain N.

He always has that "tonight, you" face.
Daffy's Fantastic Island was a parody of the show Fantasy Island.
...y'know, is there any reason to not just replace every instance of "Fantasy Island" in doc 3 with "Fantastic Island", and every instance of "Taffy" in doc 5 with "Tuffy"? It's not like we gain anything from either being wrong.
Someone was going to do it for Taffy, but then they didn't.
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work in progress

starduck crusaders> any other chapter
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With the mystery of Kira solved, do you think Rohan concluded Pink Dark Boy shortly after?

Seeing as how the book:
Was Horror-Mystery
Featured a childlike protagonist
Was so close to Rohan's heart that his Stand was a perfect copy of the aforementioned hero in appearance

He probably derived a lot of inspiration for the series from his repressed memories of Reimi's murder and his frustration that the killer hadn't been caught.
Poor Reimi and ghost-doggo.

At least they ascended to heaven in the end. It's a bit odd how they could only leave when Kira was outright killed and not when he was beaten.

Doesn't it count as justice or something?

Idk. Remi did seem like she wasn't the nicest girl on the block when she was alive.But I guess she had her heart in the right place when it mattered. Seeing as she pretty much have her life to save Rohan.
Do it, now that we're not on those parts it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Niceu, niceu. Although I really liked Phantom Scare, myself.

The thing is, Tuffy is in /co/rge. Taffy is in /co/co/verse. I didn't know about it until a few weeks ago, because in Russia, it is pronounced Taffi. And besides, everybody rolled with it. Why bother fixing?
Are we having a riot in Pure Imagination, the real world, or both? If we need to set up Gameboy's power, he could lead the mechanismos in the attempt to crush the riot in the real world, brutalizing the inmates and...shooting silly string at them, while Dredd is doing the same in PI.

>is there any reason to not just replace every instance
Laziness, I'm doing it with part 5 right now.
Oh my. Very fucking nice, Anon. 100/10

My fave was Part 2. Maybe 4 with the gadget parts. As back then the idea was pretty fun to do.
Because this is an English-language thing, man. You can make him Taffy in /co/rge if you want to, I don't really give a shit.
There's no real reason to have it as Taffy other than laziness and habit.
Nah, part 4 superior, though I have a fondness for all of the ones we have done so far.
Loving it, though. Would it be a dick move to point out that they're meant to be wearing the building site outfit, disco outfit, and Swiggidy Swag outfit respectively?
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...Sure. I can work with that. Keeping the namefagging, though.
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Wait, no. Got a stupid and crazy idea. When T(a/u)ffy appears in part 7, he is called as Tuffy. With no explanation. If he is asked, all he says is "I am tired of correcting the paperwork. That's all."
I think the riot will begin when PI gets pulled into the real world and suddenly there's SUPER crazy happening in the real jail once it's merged with PI.

I'm still not sure how that's going down.
I already fixed both of them, there wasn't really a lot of references to "Fantasy Island" in part 3 (around eight mentions). Taffy, on the other hand, had over 200 instances (two of them referenced the candy of Number Five's Stand)
I hope you just used the "replace all" function and didn't do each one individually.
Of course, I'm not THAT stupid (the "match lowercase and uppercase" option helped)
sorry familia.

I dont think he's coming back
you dont jack off to art of this baby mouse now, do you anon?
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I remember that someone said that since Plucky now is ACME's boss, he is a sponsor of the Part 7 races. But since he can't be there, because President stuff and such, he sends Tuffy as representative.

>>84356190 Holy fuck, no. Ain't into it.
Dumb idea for the fighting game: one of Donald's supers is a "counter-taunt" like Josuke's, where the opponent insults him badly enough for [STEAM MACHINE] to go [TOO LONG].
Red Guy taunts him about Max, Scrooge says "Nephew, what on Earth is that ridiculous costume you're wearing?", and Daffy insults his speech impediment.
It'd be, like, a few panels at most.
He shows up on stage with Nobody and Princess Dot. Maybe Varrick, too.
Oh, and if we get a chance to show it, Rolf should have a beard and be commander of the Urban Rangers, the national militia of the Old Country. He's married to Fifi.
>He's married to Fifi.
And I thought the Amelia/Johnny and Max/Jan thing was bizarre, I guess it's an Old Country thing
ACME, Varrick Industries, Strickland, and who else is sponsoring the race?

I have a number of ideas for part 7, but I really do want us to get back on track with part 6 here.
I don't remember any other big company in the story or another group that developed technology like Strickland.
And about part 6, we should really plot the rough draft beyond the group getting sucked into Pure Imagination, usually the writing starts after having the whole thing mapped.
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She found a man who likes her smell. That's all Fifi ever wanted in life.
We only sort of have an outline getting them to PI right now.

Once they're in PI, things turn into the prison warped into wacky land with each cell being almost its own custom prison if the Warden can freely change the size of people within PI.

At one point the Warden should appear in the sky like God in Monty Python.

Once Dora is inside PI, the Warden snatches her map and goes ga-ga over what it shows him, enough so that he doesn't even have time to play with his latest additions.

From there we'll have some side stuff of Frizzle going after the nearest jawbreaker caches and clashing with Interpol. Penny needs to have her own sort've arc outside of the prison before being at the prison for neat the finale.

Dora, Suzie, and whoever the brojos for this part are, have to figure out how to escape PI.
Someone inside PI should explain to them how it works. If you manage to get far enough away from where the Warden is in the real world, you end up back in the real world at the distance you put between yourself and the Warden. This information would need to come from someone who either works in Superjail (the name of the copy of the prison inside of PI) or a prisoner who has been in PI long enough to have experience the Warden leaving the jail and taking PI with him.

I figure before they know about this, Joy will have attempted to get them killed a bunch before one of them pushes Joy into a death trap, only for her to come back shortly thereafter as if nothing happened and explain how death works in PI.

Once they know about the range, they can either try to breakout of Superjail, or figure out how to get to the exit (which would look like something out of The Pagemaster only on top of a tower in the middle of the jail).

Getting to the exit is Dora's goal in PI, and the Warden has all kinds of things set up to prevent anyone from getting to the tower, climbing the tower, and getting out of the prison walls.

Outside of Superjail, the world of PI is filled with all kinds of horrible monsters, demons, and employees the Warden has picked up over the years. The monsters and demons are part of PI and so move with it when the Warden moves to a new location.
Point is, outside of Superjail is like instant death, and then you just respawn back inside the jail. There's only so much pain a person can take until they break.

I was thinking they build a hang glider and scale the walls of Superjail to glide to the exit.

Let me get started on a new Interpol agent then. Technologic's a bit too situational to go it alone.

Will the agent be atomic ant? It helps us set up the lower levels of the prison too.
Penny probably should have a team for those mission, but I don't just want to have anyone there for the purpose of being death fodder.
The lower levels of the prison happen way before the parts of part 6 I'm bringing up.

There's before PI, there's DURING PI, and there's the ending.

Atom Ant talks to Dora in solitary before PI.

Then we go through a bunch of shit before we get to PI. Then once Dora is inside of PI, that's where this side arc of Penny and Interpol VS Frizzle for the jawbreakers happens.
>I have a number of ideas for part 7, but I really do want us to get back on track with part 6 here.
Alright. Following on from the Warden's "silver lining" comment.
>Me-Mow is shown in the cafeteria, getting food
>Dora appears in the queue behind her, getting food of her own
>This goes on for a couple more panels
>Dora calmly taps Me-Mow on the shoulder. "Eh, perra." Me-Mow turns to look at her.
>Ultra-violent splash page of Dora smacking Me-Mow across the face with a tray, sending teeth and food flying
>Me-Mow slams into a queue of people, who get knocked about; maybe have a visual gag of that guy Rorschach attacked in Watchmen getting burned by a deep fat fryer flipping onto his head
>Me-Mow, now crouching in readiness, wipes blood off her chin and grins. "Newbie. How's daddy doing?"
>Dora: "He's bleeding out, actually. Want to be next, bitch?"
>Me-Mow is shocked, since this is pretty unexpected; she doesn't know if Dora's telling the truth, but she seems pretty unrattled for if she just got molested and/or raped by a pedo. Me-Mow snarls, and leaps at Dora with claws out, but gets roundhouse kicked in the stomach; there's a burst of sutando energy around Dora's foot, though she doesn't leave a footprint.
>Daolon Wong is shown looking over, annoyed.
>Me-Mow pulls out the [TINY DANCER] butterfly knife, and begins to glow with Stand power; but then, she stops, and drops the knife. A tattoo on her shoulder in the shape of the symbol on Wong's forehead is expanding and spreading out, causing her skin to blister; she grabs her shoulder and collapses in pain. Dora is nonplussed by this turn of events.
>Suddenly, a series of clicks from behind her. Dora turns to see a group of guards, led by Dredd, pointing guns at her.
>"Initiating a fight with another inmate isn't permitted in Belle Reve. I'm sentencing you to two weeks in solitary confinement."
>"She got me to go into this guy's cell, and he -"
>"You shouldn't have listened to her. Three weeks, and it'll be more if you push it."
>Dora opens her mouth to say something, but Dredd's scowl persuades her not to. She gives up, and lets the guards take her away, while the just-arrived Suzie looks on miserably.
>There's a panel with Wong looking at the guards dealing with Me-Mow; Di Lung looks nervous (since he was party to the whole thing), and a guard is seen talking to Suzie in the background.
After this we've got solitary, and then Penny's arrival in the prison.
Why not Giffany? It'd make sense that Penny would be the one to free Giffany, and she is potentially the only one who can fight her in her own domain.

It'd be a neat team.

We had Swiper as an undercover agent before, could be nice to see that come to be more than just background fluff.
Giffany doesn't seem to be the type to play well with others.

Her entire gimmick is that she's a 2 dimensional yandere AI. Not exactly Interpol material.

She's more of our F.F. entity anyway. Warden was keeping her in the jail for... some reason. Maybe PI has an insane version of the SCP foundation in it.
>Warden needs an AI to run the computer systems in the jail
>He just downloads every AI he finds into the computer systems and lets them murder each other for control

Damn it, now I want to see Giffany in digital combat with Nicole from the Sonic comic.
>Name: Bobby Hill
>Style: 「JOKE'S ON YOU」
>Ability: An offensive Style that requires a prop of some kind to work, such as a whoopee cushion. After building up energy through posing, the prop must be "presented" towards the target (e.g. squeezing the whoopee cushion with the opening directed towards the target); this will strike the target with great rotational force, flipping them over and knocking them backwards dramatically. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FaceFault
Since Bobby would canonically be, like, 65 in this part, I wanted an explanation for why he'd still be relatively youthful and vital. Solution: like Ripple practice, Style practice reduces ageing, and for a while all Strickland agents underwent mandatory Style training.
On that note, Bobby's shaping up to be kind of a badass. On top of being a therapist, he's also capable of commanding an army of Strickland robots, controlling a Propane Nightmare and using Hill family pro-pain techniques with it, he's got a Style, AND he's canonically a great shot.
I was thinking Phage, actually, but we've got enough Sonic characters already.
So, we are moving the "Vs Frizzle fight in the bus depot" from the original draft to the new one? (with Penny and co. replacing Dora's group)

>maybe have a visual gag of that guy Rorschach attacked in Watchmen getting burned by a deep fat fryer flipping onto his head
Oh no, another background character getting southern fried! I like that
Giffany is supposed to be part of the computer virus the Warden put in his own systems to wrangle control of the whole place away from anyone else.

Seems more like someone Penny would be interrogating outside of the prison to get more information about Dora so she knows what kind of person she's dealing with.

Well the problem with the Frizzle fight against Dora is we kept placing it before they even get to the jail in the current draft, and Dora isn't supposed to talk (outside of flashbacks) until they get to the jail. She'd need to talk to Frizzle to be able to even move from her seat on the rise there.

65... 14 + hmm... well damn. That much time HAS passed since part 1.
I like it.

We should probably have zombie Chef controlled by Plankton serving the food.
I'd say we should have a series of Dora flashbacks, Frizzle stopping her from getting up from her seat, and Dora looking out the window and seeing the bizarre and impossible landscape transitions.
Really, that entire section before the Suzie fight needs to be beefed up somewhat, but I'm not sure how.
Maybe flashbacks of her life up until her capture?

Finding the caches, making money, being betrayed, etc.
Are we keeping Jacknife and the guy from Metalocalypse?

Yeah, what transpired between the ending of part 5 and the present day sounds good. Earlier stuff, like her mom's identity, is revealed during the Von Drake fight
Jackknife is part of the Warden's plan, and I like the idea of the Warden searching for Stand users whose powers he can combine with his own to finally make his dream a reality.
I felt like Toki could be an ally who gets killed during the original escape attempt, but he's not really essential.

Another suggestion: The world of PI is both a mix of cartoon Superjail with the pocket dimension that Death 13 creates when he traps his victims while they are dreaming.

And an alternative: Pure Imagination's enviromnent is filled of references and allusions to famous surreal illustrations and paintings, such as the Salvador Dali paintings or the Terry Gilliam's animated sketches from Monty Python.

>all kinds of horrible monsters

Could be those monsters grotesque parodies from people that the Warden didn't like as a way to mock them? Their designs could be also inspired in the drawings of the Surrealistic and Cubist era.
We do need to put his amazing skills with a gun to use.

He's basically a taller, calmer, possibly less wrinkled Cotton.

OK, so now we just have to figure out what that stuff is.

I'm not sure where Metalocalypse still fits into this. They could think they're playing a concert (of death) inside PI.
OK, so maybe after this we see Bobby in his office or something looking out the blinds while on the phone with someone (Penny) saying "Yes, I think she'll be up to the job." while watching Dora get hauled off to solitary.

Scrooge McDuck could also be a sponsor in the race.

Eh, it's really just using Swiper for continuity's sake and so there's a bit of a closed loop between Interpol and the prison.
Perry the Platypus? Major Monogram has already been suggested as being a head of Interpol.
That'd work.

Aside from Monogram there's also Jerry, MOM, Dr. Betty Director, Hunter-Gathers, and a bunch of others to consider.
Which also brings up all the possibilities we have for Interpol agents: Alex, Sam, Clover, Martin, Kim Possible, Brock Samson.
Lots of options when it comes to Interpol.
Hell, even Gantu from Lilo & Stitch could be Interpol in this.

In part 7 I want to use Nävis from the French comic Wake as our Interpol agent who has entered the big race. Her comic isn't super well known (not iconic anyway) and she did race in a Cannonball-like race in one of the issues. I'll bring that up more once we get to that part in like a month or two.
White Knight from Generator Re as a head too.

I really do like Gantu being in. Hamsterviel was suggested earlier as a prisoner, but nothing came of it. Wong and Plankton are probably the only two "powerful gang leaders" we need, and Plankton isn't really one until later on.

I forget, are we still using the riot part, or are we doing something different for the finale?
I think the riot will be happening during the finale. The Warden will begin harvesting STAR energy and it turns into everyone against the Warden when his real motives are made clear.

After Dan is in the top side prison, Wong will begin his escape plan which Dora wants in on, everything goes wrong since Dan refuses to tell Wong anything. Then there should be fighting and violence until someone punches a hole in the wall, then the Warden decides to send them all into PI. The bit with him welcoming them to Superjail goes there.

I still think Wong should be the one to kill Dan and drain him for a huge power boost, then get one-shoted by the Warden to show that he's a big deal. He gets one-shoted in PI though since as far as I know [Pure Imagination] has no offensive abilities until you're inside of it.
There was an idea that Dethklok was a group of artists from the WB, but stayed away from all the mess in the Old Country.

I think that a big enough riot inside PI would strain the Warden's mind and cause the outskirts of PI to destabilize. When PI goes kaboom, one of the inmates manages to escape through one of the cracks in PI
PI doesn't put a strain on the Warden's mind unless he's actively changing something in it from what it was based on from the real world.

All of PI is a non-stop riot anyway. It's when that riot is pushed onto the real world that the "riot" we keep talking about happens since everyone has start pushing back against the Warden's shit.
PI looks like Jailbot, but with a door in the center and a few other little decorations. I assume it has tentacles for pulling people inside. Inside of it though, it really doesn't have any offensive abilities except for the environment inside of it.

It might have buzzsaws, surgical tools, lasers, or whatever else the Warden can think of to use as weapons though, if people try to escape getting dragged in or Warden wants them tortured outside before being thrown inside. Offensively, think of it's effects as being similar to D4C but it can only access one dimension. I do think Warden is slated to be in the fighting game, so he will have to have some way means of fighting.

There's only one exit inside PI, which is thankfully stationary, but anyone can be thrown inside anywhere.
No, you can get out of PI by reaching the edge of the world in there or by going through the exit in the center.

It's super powerful, but does have weaknesses and limitations.

I always thought you get sucked into PI by getting hit with a beam of light that comes from the door on its chest.
That's the impression every description of anyone entering PI gave me.
Originally, PI's range is very limited, is with the help of the mechanisms in the tower that he can shoot it anywhere inside the prison
Quick advice, don't wait for people to write the nitty gritty before moving on. Make a broad outline, and let people fill in details as is needed. Worked well for part 3, and it seems writing parts has slowed considerably since then. Waiting for a perfect version is just going to slow down the process to a crawl, so don't be afraid to suggest things that would fit better in the middle. Anyway, moving on...
Basic power, but damn effective if used right. I'm hip.
I think it'll work. Basic, but I'm hip if the jury is.
Really don't dig the Daffy's kids angle. It doesn't seem to add anything other than "Dio's kids were in 6". That said I wasn't that big on RoboDale either, and he's apparently a lock now, so whatever the jury decides. The stand sounds pretty neat, could make a cool fight where they get shoved into a Fun House made in PI because lolWarden and the heroes fight her in a hall of mirrors.
This picture does raise a good point and convinces me that we need a page referencing this with Warden saying that line.
I'd prefer if Ludwig's stand's power was never revealed- make it semi-ambiguous if it's even a stand until a breaking speech from Dora or something similar. Dream visions have been done before, but if you can find a way to use it in the story I'm hip.
I'm normally against OP stands but PI gets a pass because I like the potential trippiness of it and it has to be bullshit for the plot to work. Adding a range is a good idea though and explains the prison, I love that.
Can't forget Wall-E. I always pictured him as helping the protags navigate PI, but that's just me. I'll freely admit Wall-E is one of my favorite movies for the sake of bias transparency.
You're a hero.
It'll work. Not too crazy about it, but it's fine.
I pictured it like a subtle shift, followed by Jailbot dragging you in through the chest. Something like you notice small weird, trippy things going on like the Warden's eyes bugging out or his limbs going noodly and then the Jailbot grabs you from behind, sucks you into the chest, and then somehow either switches with a copy or blips into the Superjail dimension. This of course leads to flying through a Warden-shaped cloud and getting thrown into the PI murderscape. Not entirely sure if that made sense, but PI honestly should be off its rocker anyway.
What do you think I'm doing? >>84357823

Once they get inside of PI, they need to get out. Getting out is problematic since even the other inmates who have been broken will get in their way (the group of monkeys with the electric ladder/cold shower scenario).

The main issue I'm running into with even just plotting out this part is I don't know who is supposed to join Dora's group outside of Suzie.
Oh yeah, if we're still looking for a replacement stand for Dredd I had an idea. The stand is his gun, sort of like Anubis. The power is that the gun can create whatever kind of ammo Dredd needs to catch a perp. Needs to melt a wall? Acid bullets. Needs to subdue without leaving a physical mark? Ghostly stun bullets. Needs to shoot a stand? Stand bullets. Needs to kill God? God bullets, if it ever came to that. The only limits on what kinds of bullets the gun can make are Dredd's determination to catch the criminal and how far he's willing to go to get that creep in the cubes. More powerful bullets have a smaller clip, weaker bullets get a larger clip. Of course the weapon can be wrangled from him, but it will be stuck on whatever ammo it was on when it was taken from Dredd and can't be reloaded until Dredd picks it back up. The idea may or may not be OP, but the idea was to get across how Dredd will not stop until he's carried out the law.
Sorry if I stepped on your toes, just wanted to hammer it in just in case. Yeah, the lack of protags is an issue. Is there anyone in the docs that seems like they'd make a good prison brojo?
Reading the previous character list, Giffany joins the group later (not sure if in the real prison or PI), Gaz was moved to the position of prison guard (again not sure of which prison), there is Toki Wartooth with a healing/support Stand, and Summer Smith (who already has artwork).
well i like this
we should drop interpol after 6.

They were only in to set up Gadget.
It was forced as fuck in Part 5.
he won't be in the game.

The game is only going to be 1-5. After that the stands and users get harder to make.
Were putting more in beyond that. Giffany is supposed to appear for example. We have plenty of workable stands too. Dora, Suzie, and Nobody would be good additions to the roster.

We're only prioritizing the characters from parts 1-5. They aren't going to be exclusive to that part. ASB and EoH aren't exclusive to Jojo's own parts 1-5.
We can go without Summer. But I like Toki.
PI has yet to be written. She might be an enemy.
Perhaps, before part 5 they didn't do much to help, and I don't know how to fit Interpol in part 7, even less in part 8

I like how her Stand's ability is similar to how Jaffar died in part 3
There could just be references to them. Nothing major though.

Navis could be in part 7 and work as a racer, but her connection to Interpol isn't really brought up. Assuming they knew about it, they'd be after the corpse as well. If not, they just want the star because it's too powerful to be used.
>Name: 90s Nick
>Appearance: a robotic humanoid with the aesthetics of a Nintendo 64 and the proportions of Bobby from Bobby's World it wuz a good show
>Ability: When 90s Nick asks someone if they [remember] something, the target will immediately remember it as an integral part of their childhood; they will be driven to ask others if they remember it, and will become violently angry if the person they're speaking to does not. The memory alteration can be undone by defeating Nick.
>Role: a member of Ethan's church working to spread the Loss Gospel, or Losspel.
"Remember [Loss]? It wuz a good metaphysical concept!"

The Interpol angle was set up in Part 3 to show that all of the craziness isn't happening in the vacuum and that each part's protags have some outside factors on their side. And how were part 5's agents forced? Shag and Scoob had already been established and Rex and Morocco were essentially cleaning up after all of the UR's shenanigans.
Who joins Dora's group before PI?

Does Wall-E begin following them around after the psych ward?

At least wait until we're on part 7 to let me pitch my idea for it.
Top fuckin kek

>Does Wall-E begin following them around after the psych ward?

Here is a suggestion. When Dora is in the psych ward, Membrane is there to make a check-up on Robo-Dale, with Wall-E along to assist Membrane. Once Wall-E notices Dora, he will start to follow her around, and upon realizing she may have potential to stand against the Warden he figures to help her, becoming her inside help among the prison staff (the "stand against the Warden" thingy is still based in the old idea that Wall-E was one of the robots that was re-programmed to turn against the Warden. Said idea also suggested that Courage's Computer was the one who did that re-programming, but I still don't know how to put Computer into this story yet, as well as to explain how it did end up in Superjail in first place)
>as well as to explain how it did end up in Superjail in first place
If we are adding Courage's Computer, maybe it was retrieved by Hank after part 1 and remained in Strickland until it was loaned to the prison as part of Strickland's cooperation.

That makes more sense.
So Courage's computer was the original operating system until Giffany was put into the jail's system by the Warden to gain full control over everything?

Is Giffany supposed to become an ally? Does she posses a robot body to aid them? Do they have to break some computers somewhere to disrupt her hold on the systems of the jail to let Computer activate the "Warden has gone insane with power" protocol for the machines to begin their uprising?
Reading his Stand's description, Toki could be a former patient of Von Drake before he was sent to Pure Imagination, having lost the full array of his abilities

I think she was part of the main party in the original draft, not sure how she was supposed to gain a body.
It was suggested that Joy was the one who would help Dora to navigate through the higher parts of the prison or at least help them during the escape just so she can escape the prison herself.

Also there was the ideia that Joy is the one that explains the fact that they can't die on PI and also that there is a way of escaping PI.

Absolutely yes.
>Two guards drag Dora off, her hands on her head. We see her going past Bobby's office, from the inside, with him watching her.
>Dora is brought into the solitary cells under the prison. The corridor's absolutely filthy, and marked with fungus and green slime; the walls are damaged, and squealing/groaning emanates from them.
>Dora looks through the few open windows on the metal, chained-up doors. The cells are poorly furnished, and full of outdated surgical equipment, often with bloodstains. The figures in the rooms are slumped over on chairs or beds.
>Dora realises something, and looks closer. The guy on the bed in the cell she's passing isn't real; he's just a mannequin.
>Dora thinks "¿Que demonios...?" to herself, but doesn't say anything.
>She's thrust into her cell, and is told to make herself at home, because she's not leaving for three weeks. The door is slammed behind her, leaving her in the dark.
>Dora sighs, and sits down on the extremely sparse bedframe. "Mierda..." she mutters.
>In Bobby Hill's office, we see him talking to someone on the phone. "Yes, I think she'd do perfectly. I checked her files, and she's in for jawbreaker smuggling, so if you need an excuse to talk to her..."

>The next morning, Frizzle is opening the bus's door to let someone in a trenchcoat and hat onto it; we don't see her face. "So. You're Interpol's representative, huh." Frizzle doesn't look happy.
>"That's right. The council sent me to check up on our investment in world security."
>"Fine. Get in." Frizzle drives off. We get various shots of the agent, not showing her face. Frizzle is grimacing at having to bring her.
>As the agent stares out of the window, the landscape transitions through multiple different biomes that shouldn't be in contact with one another, as well as ones that the bus shouldn't even be able to reach (outer space, undersea).
>The agent's face is shown, revealing her to be Penny. "Oh, wowsers..."
Filling it in, bit by bit.
Here's a suggestion: the Pink Panther, from the cartoon series of the same name, since it spun out of a detective film? We could also use the Inspector, but I think that wouldn't be as funny as having the Panther himself be a detective.
So I take it Atom Ant is hiding on Penny's person and goes off to meet with Dora before Penny can talk with her.

Or will Penny be acting as Atom's exit plan?
I was thinking the former.
Maybe he's hiding in Penny's hat.
So Atom Ant has to sneak off of Penny unseen, navigate his way into solitary, and brief Dora all before her meeting with Penny?

Or does he appear to Dora in solitary after her meeting with Penny to give her the device and then remain in the prison to act as support for Dora?
I don't think we need to show all of it. I think we can just have Penny being introduced to the prison, and then cut down to Dora, where Atom Ant comes out of the wall and briefs her. Maybe include a flashback panel or two of him jumping down from Penny's hat/tunnelling through the walls however he does, but eh.
I'm just trying to figure out what role he plays beyond this.

Does he stay in the prison to keep helping Dora or leave with Penny?
If he leaves, we can always having him come back with Penny if she gets captured (it was part of her plan) to free her during the start of the riot.

I had an idea that RoboDale could self-destruct, but then Penny finds him still kind of "alive" and manages to repair him using her stand commenting that this doesn't need to happen twice (remembering how her uncle died).
She was supposed to become an ally. Possessing a robotic body would make the most sense considering there isn't really no other way to write it that I can think of.
Do we have any robo inmates who die that she can assume control of?

And if for whatever reason Giffany doesn't work out there's also Hexadecimal from ReBoot to consider since she was a computer virus who reformed (I think).
I was thinking she'd just remain in the prison's systems and help the gang out by opening doors, accessing files and records, yadda yadda.
She can possess robots to fight with, but I don't think she should have a "permanent" one, if that makes sense.
Heh. Giffany's her own Stand, right? If we have her possess a robot and have it project her hologram form so she can use [DIGITAL LOVE], we'd effectively have a Stand controlling the "user".
>I'm just trying to figure out what role he plays beyond this.
Additional help spying.
After Dora gets thrown into Pure Imagination, he gets found by the Warden, who crushes and kills him. This is what makes the Warden double down on his suspicions about Penny.
That doesn't jive with me.
It feels like a total waste.

If the Warden killed him like that, he shouldn't even realize it was a stand user, then he gets it in his head that the jail might be infested and starts poisoning the place while Dora is in PI and Frizzle is off getting jawbreakers.
He'd get a few moments to shine beforehand. He dies 1) to advance the plot by tipping the Warden off, 2) because we've got enough allies for Penny's team with Bobby and Dale, and 3) the Warden's Stand is OP as fuck and he's a fucking ant.
I like this idea for Robo-Dale, by the way.
I just feel if the Warden is going to kill someone, he's going to do it in a crazy way or that person's death will set off a crazy sting of events that causes total chaos in the prison and sets up Dredd finally confronting the Warden over breaking the Law.
>Warden gets Pure Imagination to send Atom Ant into Superjail, but stops at the last minute; he's unlikely to be killed or get himself killed since he's an ant, so he'll just aid the heroes, and not in the fun way
>He contemplates numerous crazy deathtrap situations that he could put Atom into, but they'd all fail because he's too small
>Warden eventually says "oh, forget it", has PI crush him to death, and then sulks for the rest of the day
>then he gets it in his head that the jail might be infested and starts poisoning the place

>Dredd: Sir, that's not ant poison, is Agent Orange!
>Warden: I don't care what color is, Dredd. It's supposed to kill the ants, not paint them.
Larfleeze is in this prison now as a dangerous gas?

He could always make something small enough inside of PI for Atom. It's within his capabilities there, but I see your point.
Just as long as killing Atom causes the Warden to start acting in a way that earns him Dredd's scorn.
This happens every time I attempt a joke here.
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Had a vague idea that I thought I'd toss out, for the hell of it.
>Stand Master: Lion-O
Well, Larfleeze turned into barrels of herbicide for no apparent reason is something you would expect in Warden's prison
>Larfleeze turned into barrels of herbicide for no apparent reason
The only orders the robot guards have is to drop hams into the barrels at regular intervals and hit them if they start rattling.
Yes. That is EXACTLY the kind of thing I'd expect from a prison run by the Warden.
I was thinking that the Warden could refer at some point to "deadly poison nerve gas smoke" that he got off an assassin that tried to kill him this one time, but that might just be me thinking that Roger was underutilised in part 5, what with the "getting killed before he could even say anything to Rolf" thing.
Should the Warden go a little (more) crazy after getting the map to the jawbreaker caches? He kills Atom Ant and then becomes paranoid about insects trying to steal his candy when it arrives leading to him flooding the prison with gas in some places trying to kill all the pests. That could be when Dredd finally loses patience with the Warden and Bobby begins a survival forged alliance with Membrane to take back control of the computer system to shut off the gas.
Then we have a reason for the cyber fights to happen.
Roger was supposed to be a hitman with a 100% rate of success, so it would be more likely that Warden hired him at one point in the past.
That also reminds me that we left out Mr. Clipboard, who was planned for part 5 in a prominent role in the WB.
I don't know who Mr. Clipboard is, so that's probably why he got left out. That, and no one brought it up while I was slugging through whatever part he was supposed to be in.

So anyway, who was Dora's old crew? Who was she running with when trafficking the jawbreakers? Who betrayed who and how do we work them into the story?

Because I have an idea that whoever betrayed Dora should be at the site of the cache Frizzle arrives at and that starts a fight.
Swiper was suggested in previous threads as being part of the smuggling ring
In what way should he die horribly? I'd suggest death by Gameboy, who came with the Friz to help load up the jawbreakers.
Digging up some stuff from the old RVA threads since that's the character interpretation we're shooting for here.

>Let's play a game.


So that's the general gist of Gameboy here.
I think the Warden will be upset when Gameboy is killed/destroyed.

But wasn't Joy supposed to be one of the minor villians?

Also the thing about Wall-E becoming a Brojo is that Dora needs more allies besides Penny that are actually nice guys and not sociopaths that are getting in the ride because it will benefit them. Joy can be another ally as I don't see a problem with it, but I still think Wall-E could be a good addition to the ally's section.
Yeah, I don't like Joy being an ally, especially since she's supposed to go "no, wait, I can be of help to you" before the Brojos kill her for messing with their heads.
That she comes back to life is immaterial; I don't think the gang would like having her along.
Wall-E sounds pretty okay, I guess.

Would the herbicides look like this?
I'm all for Wall-E being a brojo. He knows the prison inside and out thanks to his work with Membrane and/or janitor duty, and there's no way he'd be down with Warden's plan, since last I checked it involved murdering robots with stands/souls over and over to farm STAR.

And the gas bites as well.
I never said Joy was an ally, I just said she would help them for the wrong intentions.

She never really hangs around with Dora's party, she would just give them some basic advice to make them not die yet. Just like you said, she'll eventually attack them when she feels she doesn't need them anymore.

Now you guys just made me realize she might still be alive after being killed by Dora's party. Is the respawn on PI instantaneous or does it take a long time before the character ressurects?
I'd say it takes about anywhere from 10 - 20 minutes of agonizing wish-you-were-dead pain.

Taking any longer than that means the inmates have less time to fuck about in the PI wonderland.
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I just had a ideia about Joy’s origin story too, so I’ll just share it here. I sorry if I’m giving a little too much attention to this character. All this background might be brought up when Joy’s tries to open her heart to Dora's party.

So, Jonnie Andersen once had a natural Stand, [BUNDLE OF JOY] (from the Inside Out Soundtrack), which she used for her wrongdoing. She loved her Stand, but once she was caught for her wrongdoing, she had her Stand taken off her and then was sent to Jail. Then, she was repurposed to SuperJail because of her strong personality.

I’d like to add some minor ideias like that the one who caught her was human Anger, Ira, which has a Fear-like Stand. Another ideia is that only Joy, Anger and Disgust exist as humans in /co/co/’s universe, since Sadness and Fear appear as Stands. One alternative ideia is that the five emotions are human simblings, and Joy Andersen was one of them. That last ideia is becoming very tempting right now for me.
Wouldn't work, her being without her stand. The Warden wouldn't bother putting her in PI without that mass of STAR energy bounded to her.
So characters actually lose innate [STAR] energy if they lose their Stands? Can people even create another Stand if they lost the last one? Also, what do you mean by mass of [STAR] energy bounded by her?
A stand is a mass of STAR energy giving physical form by the person who manifests it.

I figure a living person can regenerate STAR energy with proper rest and nutrition if it were somehow leached out of them.
That's why keeping the stand users in PI alive is important to the Warden, it nets more STAR energy over time than just taking it all from them in one go.

It's like the golden goose scenario.
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Mr. Clipboard is from Foodfight, that one weirdo voiced by Christopher Lloyd and who appears in the famous SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST scene.

Also, speaking of unused characters from previous parts, I was thinking about the Frozen Caveman, and how he could be used in the excavation arc as a sentinel force that Dinosaur Dan put around his domain to keep intruders away.
I think it'd be better if the caveman was there to keep people from freeing Dan.
It makes sense, after all Dan is the sole prisoner of that level (what crime he committed, i dunno) and wouldn't have the benefit of having lackeys around.
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The number of crimes Dan committed outnumbers the stars you can see in the sky without aide.

>Reads file
>Prisoner Name: Dinosaur Dan
>Crimes: Not really easy to put into few words
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Stand User: The Grinch
Stand Appearance: A large, grey, steel body with a sled for a torso.
Stand Abilities: 「STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN」’s ability is to touch any surface, creating a “spike patch” that, when force exceeding one pound is placed onto it, will cause multiple spikes to burst from the ground and cause the object to be punctured by the spikes.
Must be a file engraved in stone on the wall next to his cell.
I think the Grinch already has a Stand
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>I think the Warden will be upset when Gameboy is killed/destroyed.
Well, I recall that in the early draft Strickland built the jailbots following Warden's schematics, he will probably be mad when his "brilliant" design is blown into pieces by a robotized texan

It's a huge-ass tablet (like a mayan stela) that portrays all his crimes, and the group thinks is just old art until one of them gives a sketch to Daolon Wong.
So the walls, floor, ceiling, the cell, and pretty much everywhere in the chamber where Dan's cell is found are just covered in carvings of him being super dicky.

And when Dale blows himself up, I think it should also knock over the watch tower in the center of the prison.
Not sure if it should be the watchtower, but I agree that when he blows himself up he must cause a huge mess that, along with scrapping Gameboy, demoralizes the rest of the Warden's mooks.

Could give us a moment for some of the Warden's trademark motivationals.
Refresh me again, who was getting cuffed to Suzie and later forced to fight her?
I think the current plan's for it to be Me-Mow, during Dan's escape.

So what would be the rest of the Warden's mooks, besides Gameboy and Frizzle? Not counting characters like Dredd, Membrane and Bobby since they will turn against the Warden during the climax of the arc.

I remember General Skarr was one of the names that is occasionally mentioned whenever the more antagonistic side of Superjail's staff is brought up.
I suppose the guards inside of PI, whoever they are.

Odds are anyone working for the Warden who works inside of PI was promised something like immortality, or some other form of payment so that they'd be loyal to the Warden.
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In Skarr's case, I wonder if he will portrayed as the back-stabber that he was in Evil Con Carne/Billy & Mandy. Like he got to the Superjail staff with the promise of having a high-raking position, only to start plotting to get rid of Dredd and Warden and then become Superjail's main administrator. It would be cool too if his backstory mentioned Hector as a way to call back the LHC and Part 4 in general.

Also, now that you mentioned, I like the idea of the Warden being a Mephisto-like figure that bribes people to be his mooks in exchange of giving what they want and desire, but in reality he is just playing with them for his own amusement.
I feel like there's nothing but plotters and back-stabbers in this part already, so it might be nice to play him as someone just trying to survive, but still an opportunist.

How do guards in PI work anyway? What's their function there?
The world of PI pretty much prevents people from escaping all on its own, so do they just report things to the Warden since he can be paying attention to PI all the time?

>I feel like there's nothing but plotters and back-stabbers in this part already, so it might be nice to play him as someone just trying to survive, but still an opportunist.

Yeah, you're right.
So maybe we need to figure out where we need characters at and then picks some for the roles we need to fill to keep the plot going.

Also, we're one more post away from bump limit.
Wassanasong, if we are adding the scene where Bobby kick his nuts with a Propane Nightmare, whoever is in charge of the excavation, and any non-robot guard.

>How do guards in PI work anyway?
additional manpower? that way Warden doesn't need to keep focus on PI 24/7, and he can devote his powers in another point of PI while the guards deal with a problem somewhere else.

Also, prepare the new thread
Now why would Chane Wassanasong be at the prison when he is running Strickland?

And the backstory for that should be he made a deal with the WB before they get demolished and managed to come out on top since they were never able to collect on him.

It was part of the plot to get Nobody elected, maybe.
It did have something to do with Nobody though since the WB had plans for him (and collected taxes from him) during part 5, even if he wasn't named dropped.
Do you guys have any ideias of what to put in the restaurant that will appear during the Dale and Wile E. Coyote battles?

Maybe some silhouette in the window or some /co/ related name for the restaurant
a silhouette of the pig chef perhaps?
Maybe have it be "Jean Bon's" the pig chef who runs the butcher/hamburger diner in Courage the Cowardly dog.

Maybe have heads made of hamburger displayed behind the window.
Or a sticker on the window advertising Strickland Propane.

The hamburger heads could be modeled after the heads of the protags and villains.
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The new one, /co/co/nuts

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