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The Loud House

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 514
Thread images: 170

Last thread got deleted all of a sudden.

Let's discuss today's episode and more as we enter hiatus.
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We're not welcome on /co/, anon.

Thx oppai

I'll watch on my lunch break
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Are the mods really gonna start being like this? I don't want to have to go to /trash/ to discuss this show.
You've been hired by Nickelodeon to write "Loud house: The movie".
How do you make it?
Take it to /trash/.
or else?
Everyone head to /trash/, we're not wanted here
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go back to /trash/ with your godawful show.
Whats your favorite show anon

I will steal some anon's idea:

Lori moving out.
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Actually, that's the last episode plot, if Savino knows that the show is coming to an end.

>Although I do have an episode in mind if I ever know that the series is coming to an end for The Loud House, that it is an episode where Lori turns 18 and moves off to college. It is supposed to make you cry when you watch it. She and Lincoln have kind of had the most interaction in the series so far, the most head butting. She’s the most opinionated so far, so to have her go off to college is the perfect opportunity to explore what that means for a kid when a girl that he’s looked up to over the years and probably taught him everything he knows, what does that mean when she leaves the house and how we explore that. I don’t want to give it away, but hopefully it’s an ending that will make you cry.


So he plans to actually have some real emotional episodes then I guess? That makes me really excited.
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If it has to be something that lets the show go on, then an actual Road Trip.
Maybe to a new theme park, or maybe to a relative's house, but for both the movie could be about the craziness of the roadtrip, and still be about family getting together, if they pace it right.
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See, something like that would be incredibly cool, but a mistake cartoon producers always make when they make movies is they always try and make their characters do something way bigger than they actually are. So they'd probably try and make them stop some secret organization or something weird.
It was cool when Hey Arnold did it. But yeah, they'd have to cool it now if they tried to make a movie for this, especially since, as crazy as it does get, it's still grounded in reality.
Loud parents go on a cruise trip for their wedding aniversary.
Loud children must stay at their relatives house meanwhile. There's only one problem. Their relatives are 10 boys and a girl.

I hated the Hey Arnold movie for that reason. I think Hey Arnold was good in it's simplistic character interactions and the movie could have been great in that way, and at the end of the Hey Arnold movie I felt like nothing happened because the characters had no resolutions between one another.

It's the kind of thing that Ed Edd n Eddy got incredibly right, because the ending actually felt like an ending while Hey Arnold didn't. Hopefully Jungle Movie is good though, I'd love for a real resolution for Hey Arnold.
I think the movie should be something that puts the focus mainly on the 11 Loud siblings. Adding more character dilutes things. Other characters like Clyde or Bobby can still be used, but for short supporting roles.
This is my Lisa
>Implying it wouldn't be the perfect pitch



[record scratch]


[camera zoom]


Rob Schneider plays all the ten boys.
So are we gonna talk about the creepy doll in the attic or...?
Who plays the girl then?
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What creepy doll in the attic?
>I'd have it go like this
Lincoln and his sisters run away from home to New Orleans to find their supposed real parents after Lincoln find some old documents saying that the siblings may be adopted, when in actuality, the sisters (mostly Lori) only wanted go on this adventure to go for a big special Madi Gras festival for teens, and it would be a road trip movie
could be Miss Coconuts

I dunno, whatever teen actress Nick is using in their live action sitcoms.
Looks like something out of Five Nights at Freddys
Should we give her a name like Lacy?
Thats a damn nice pic.
What's exactly wrong with moving to /trash/?
95% of you want to funpost and jerk to crudely drawn pictures and trash is the perfect environment for that. You can probably actually discuss the show a little too.
>what is wrong with having a cartoon board that doesn't want cartoon threads ?
You disgust me, faggot. If you like trash so much just go die there.
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People try too hard to shitpost just cause the board is called "trash", and I like the option of being here AND there.
Primarily, though, what's wrong with wanting to discuss a cartoon on a board for cartoons? Why even have to move in the first place?
In all ways, it's a moot point.
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We're forced to due to mods deleting TLH threads.

For one part, most of the people there contribute really neat things (along with really disturbing things), but for other part not being able to discuss cartoons in the cartoons board is kinda stupid imo.

But oh well, at least we got a god tier cartoon and the fanbase, in and out 4chan, is really nice.
Clearly they need to make a /tlh/ board.
Man, the Ed Edd and Eddy movie was awesome.

Grounded in reality? Sort of. When stuff like the trash monster happens it does feel off

I'm honestly just here cause I like the show. I also discuss a lot of other cartoons on here. I don't feel like it's necessary for me to have to go to /trash/ to discuss a show I like just because the mods can't stand having to occasionally click a button to delete a retarded post when someone posts something lewd in these threads. It happens less often than you'd imagine, too.
Weres the episodes link for today's episode?
>Giving his work bonus to his children

Mr. Loud, best fictional father or best fictional father?

Too lazy to find it myself, but you can to to the /trash/ thread and ctrl+f "mega" and find it easily.
>(...) most notably the creation of ketchup mixed with mustard.
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>tfw it took me until I was 14 to discover the great taste combination that is ketchup and mustard mixed

She really is a genius.

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>I've created multiple new lifeforms
>but I got the Junior Nobel Prize for mixing ketchup and mustard
What's his accomplishments?

Well played.
Favorite voice?

I like Lola's
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So here are the remaining episodes. Some don't have synopses yet.

>9A Overnight Success
>Lincoln invites Clyde to a sleepover, but gets jealous when Clyde wants to hang out with his sisters.

>14A. Toads and Tiaras
>After Lola gets sick and can't compete in her pageant, Lincoln coaches Lana to take her place.
>14B. Two Boys and a Baby
>Thinking it'll be easy, Lincoln and Clyde take on the task of babysitting the youngest Loud, Lily.

>15A. Cover Girls
>When all 10 of Lincoln's sisters ask him to cover for them on the same day, Lincoln has his hands full.
>15B. Save the Date
>Bobby and Lori go on a double date with Lincoln and Bobby's little sister, Ronnie Anne.

>16A. Attention Deficit
>Lincoln starts spending time at Clyde's house after Clyde's dads give Lincoln more attention than he gets at home.
>16B. Out on a Limo
>Lincoln wins a ride in a limo and starts to change after soaking up the good life.

>17A. House Music
>Lincoln signs his family up for a talent show and they form a band.
>17B. A Novel Idea
>It's Dad's annual Take Your Daughter to Work Day so Mom offers to take Lincoln to her work: a dental office.

>18A. April Fools Rules
>Every April Fool's Day, Luan pranks the entire household, but this year, Lincoln has a plan to not get pranked.
>18B. Cereal Offender
>The Loud kids make a trip to the supermarket to do the grocery shopping for Mom, but Lincoln has other plans.

>19A. Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru
>For a class assignment, Lincoln and Clyde must start a business, so they decide to sell Lincoln's girl expertise.
>19B. Come Sale Away
>It's time for the Loud family annual garage sale, and every kid is determined to out-sell the others.

>20A. Roughin' It
>Lincoln is worried that he's lost his manliness from growing up with all sisters, so he and Clyde go camping.
>20B. The Waiting Game
>Lincoln gets Lori a job at a pizza arcade, but when he starts to ask favors of her, Lori gets in hot water.

>21A. The Loudest Yard
>When Lincoln's mom signs him up for peewee football, Lincoln schemes to have Lynn take his spot.
>21B. Raw Deal
>After Lucy reads Lincoln's fortune and claims his day will "end in disaster", Lincoln becomes a hypochondriac.

>22A. Dance Dance Resolution
>Lincoln's sisters accidentally land him four dates for the school's Sadie Hawkins dance.
>22B. A Tattler's Tale

>23A. One of the Boys
>23B. Funny Business

>24A. A Fair to Remember
>24B. Snow Bored

>25A. The Price of Admission
>25B. One Flu Over the Loud House

>26A. Study Muffin
>26B. Homespun

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Nah; pic related is not only best father but an all around amazing being.

I've been a fan of her VA since Mike, Lu, and Og.
Lola's voice seems inconsistent, sometimes she sounds older than she has to.

Leni and Luan are my favourites

Study Muffin might be about Lincoln studying with a girl (with his sisters bothering him) or Clyde trying to help Lori with her studying
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Leni. Though Luna's my favorite girl, her voice too scratchy, even for my taste, while Leni's voice is absolutely adorable.

How do you guys not get so aggravated by this show?

>Lincholn wants something very reasonable.
>His sisters are complete assholes to him
>He gets what he wants/comes close to getting what he wants but they force him him to feel bad about it.
Because it's balanced with Lincoln himself being selfish and a complete asshole in other episodes.

Granted the sis10 can be too cruel with the payback though.
Lori is literally the worst sister.
That kind of plot has only happened a few times. Sometimes it's more of a competition between all of them and they all have to learn a lesson. Sometimes it's winds up with him just interacting with or bonding with a certain sister or sisters. And sometimes Lincoln does act like a legitimate asshole and has to make up for it.
Because his sisters are hot.
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>I will LITERALLY turn you into a human pretzel!
>No that is LITERALLY the worst thing I've ever heard!
>You LITERALLY disgust me!
>It's LITERALLY the top of mom's old girdle!
>This is LITERALLY genius!
>They are LITERALLY worse than Lincoln!
>I LITERALLY had to call you right away!
>The fun will LITERALLY never stop!
>If we all start trading chores, it will LITERALLY open up a can of worms!
>Heaven forbid we be our actual, LITERAL selves!
>I've LITERALLY been waiting 17 years for someone in this family who likes the things I like!
>And when she goes, she gets way too excited and LITERALLY ruins everything!
>That is LITERALLY the dumbest thing you have ever said!
>I LITERALLY have an entire wardrobe to pack!
>You're LITERALLY seeing Bobby behind my back!
>We've LITERALLY searched the whole house and nothing!

LITERALLY best sister
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If 1 in 10 people are gay, which sister is the gay sister?
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This is the ultimate post that makes the mods want us to go to /trash/.
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Cristina episode when?
And Lincoln finds he's the only adopted sibling.

I'd find cool.

The show actually acts like Lynn and Lily are the closest to Lincoln (because Lynn is almost by his age and he spend some time taking care of Lily), while Lori is antagonist to Lincoln many times.

But, looking now, Lori is actually the closest to Lincoln personality wise: both are control freaks who deals with the house antics, but Lori have the atitude to back her up.
Did Luna sound different to anyone else? If I were to describe how she usually sounded, she usually talks in a hushed, kind of whispery tone, but in today's episode it lost that quality and her monotone was more noticeable.

Luna/Cristina episode when?
Sorry, meant Lucy.
Why are mods deleting these threads? They're /co/ related. Threads shouldn't be deleted just because they don't like the show.
Luan. Really, tomboy = gay is so gimmick.
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Lucy falls in love episode please
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Maybe season two, what would it be about?
Definitely different. I'm not complaining, though - her VA's performances in Space Invader were kinda weak because she didn't speak up enough for either Lucy or Lynn, so the argumentation sounded way quieter than the animation would suggest. So, it's good to see that she (and Savino) are playing around with Lucy a bit more.

There really isn't any evidence either way for most of them. Lucy seems to like boy vampires, and Lori of course has Bobby. Luna seems to be pretty fond of those male rockstars. Leni got asked out by a boy, but it hasn't been brought up since, so no information either way.
Not that I'm saying the music is bad, but could they be more creative with the opening title card music? More creative I mean this episode has the same music used for title card as Butterfly Effect, Ties That Bind, Driving Miss Hazy and I believe there's other episode used it too. Maybe like space invader with 8-bit video game theme and get the message with spy theme, that was refreshing.
I actually like the standard rock title card music. Helps gives the show it's own theme.

When was Leni asked out by a boy?
When they're in the bathroom, Leni's counting her hair strokes and Lori confuses her by asking her how many boys asked her out, which she replied with 16, I think, and started counting from there.
Space Invader, it's mentioned right at the beginning. It's a weird sequence, because Lori asks what his age is, but it's is the same as Leni's (16.) I guess that implies that Leni's normally asked out by younger or older guys? I dunno.
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I assume it was one of Luan's old ventriloquist dummies, she goes through a lot of them.

If Lori and Leni like money so much, then why don't they just get a job? They are old enough to work. I think Leni would make a cute waitress. Lori could probably work as a cashier at a store.

A lot of long running cartoons actually have repetitive plots. American Dad has been going on for a long time with the same basic plot several times each season.
>Stan does something conservative with Hayley, Steve, Roger, or Francine,
>That person doesn't like Stan's conservative ways
>Stan learns to become more liberal

Sabrina the Teenage Witch cartoon always had the same plot.
>Sabrina has a problem
>Sabrina abuses her magic to solve that problem.
>Even bigger problems occur because of her misuse of magic.
>Sabrina fixes things
>"I've learned my lesson, I'll never abuse magic again!"
>Abuses magic next episode.
Pretty sure Lori only asked what his age was to trick Leni into messing up how many hair brushes she's done, not that it actually has any further implications.
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Luna is probably the gay sister, she has a dyke haircut. And hard rock music leads to degenerate ways such as lesbianism, tattoos, piercings, and drugs.
>If Lori and Leni like money so much, then why don't they just get a job? They are old enough to work. I think Leni would make a cute waitress. Lori could probably work as a cashier at a store.
Leni would probably mess up like she does the driving test. Either while doing the job or during an interview. Lori getting a job is going to be the plot of an upcoming episode.
It's not a plot based show anon it's about the gags and family moments, of course plenty of anons will tell you about the sisters.
that's a really underrated gag desu
How many times has Lincoln been in the wrong so far?
Did you ever notice in the intro when Lincoln slides down the stairs there's a picture of every kid except him.
I hope there's a moment in the show when his sisters goes "who're you talking to?" everytime Linc breaking the 4th wall
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nah I'm pretty sure everyone acknowledges that there is a 4th wall

Yeah, and in the scene >>83675019 is talking about Lori looks at at the audience before she does this.
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Lincoln is the gay sister.
Get the Message he got mad at Lori and left a rude message on her phone without knowing she went to buy him a replacement.

His sisters actually were right about Ronnie Anne seemingly having a crush on him in Heavy Meddle.

Using embarrassing footage of his sisters without asking their permission in Making the Case.

In No Guts, No Glori, he really couldn't keep the rest of the siblings from going out of control. Or leading Cliff to use the litter box.

In Tents Debate, he took his sisters bribes from both sides and extended how long to make a decision to get even more favors.

In Sound of Silence, drowning out his sisters while not telling them and pretending he's paying attention led to him making promises to do things that he didn't actually do.

Picture Perfect he tried forcing everyone to look and act different for the reshoot instead of letting them be themselves.

Linc or Swim he tried to set up the kiddie pool for only himself instead of trying to find a way for all of them to enjoy the pool.

In Changing the Baby, he tried to turn Lily into his mini-me instead of letting her play with the stuff she's interested in.

In Hand-Me-Downer he used Lynn's bike as his own, instead of working on the bike he got.

In The Green House he wouldn't sacrifice his game tournament, and instead made his sisters sacrifice more.

In Along Came a Sister, he let Frank out when he was told not to let Frank out.

In Chore and Peace, he upset the status quo of chores (I personally don't like how the plot was against Lincoln).

In For Bros About to Rock, he misunderstood Luna's passion for craziness.
Isn't this show designed to find and prosecute pedophiles?
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Literally, huh?
I've been thinking of making one of these DnD alignment squares for the Louds.

Lori is lawful good
Leni is lawful neutral
Luna is chaotic good

Lucy is lawful neutral
Luan is true neutral
Lynn is Chaotic Neutral

Lincoln is lawful evil
Lisa is neutral evil
Lola is chaotic evil
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I meant Leni is neutral good.

I think most of the times where we're supposed to feel like Lincoln is the bad guy there's many ways to spin it in his favor though.
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>top to bottom

I'll do it, anon. Then you can make your own when you disagree.

B-, A+, D, B-, A.

She'll probably appear in Dance Dance Resolution
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>another hiatus
I think most of them would end up just falling under chaotic good or chaotic neutral.
Thanks Anon!!!
butterfly effect is my new favourite episode
She's neutral best.
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Lincoln, in fact that's the reason why I watch the first episodes of the show
eh sure it was interesting at first but the randomness keeps going, and the payoff was a shlock
Source: your ass

Leni, Lucy and Lola are the triple threat of good voices in this show.
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>It's a Leni indulges her foot fetish episode
Honestly, Luan
>Leni doesn't want to take off her shirt because "there's boys around"
>Mr. Coconuts winks his eyebrows
>Super Dudes
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If you were Lincoln, would you choose Dairy Land or Aloha Beach?

I'd choose Aloha Beach. I like the beach, I don't like theme parks very much: standing in line behind fat people, overpriced everything, the heat.

And I'd want to see all my sisters in swimsuits and their shaven hairless armpits.
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You don't get it, do you?

Luan's puppets are SENTIENT
Don't talk shit about Luan dumbass or I'll kick your ass
I know that
I just rather not think that cuz living puppets creep the fuck out of me

Aloha Beach for sure. Theme Parks are cool and all but you go once and you're pretty much gotten your funs worth, unless it's pretty much it's own city like Disney World or Universal Theme Park, and even then on the second day you pretty much would rather ride the Merry-Go-Round all day since your feet hurt so bad.

Beaches you've got free entertainment and unless the beach absolutely sucks there's tons of stuff to do around the beach too, even possibly a small carnival or something.
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nigga you're talking to the biggest Luanfag on both /co/ and /trash/
Then how the fuck you can say that she's a lesbian? She likes boys dumbass, BOYS
>implying she doesn't have have lesbo sex with luna ever night
Its like you don't even watch the show anon
keep your shitty fantasy on /trash/
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>top to bottom
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You need to work on your math, you heretics.
Depends on what Dairy Land is like. I hate both amusement parks and the beach, so I'd go for wherever the best food is. If that means taffy and ice cream, cool. If that means delicious seafood, cool.

I challenge that assertion. I am a kissless virgin and I think I'm using Luan to deal with how 100.0% blueballed I was when I was her age

Also, I don't think Luan has told a single joke that I haven't laughed at.
found lunafag
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Don't respond to Scraps.
Luan is pure asshole, Say that again and I will kick your fucking ass
a lot of people, especially at her age, are a little bicurious, I know I was
Very well I'm a fat, kissless virgin who cries himself to sleep because I'll never find a girl who is nice, funny and cute as Luan, and also to the fact that i'll never have my own loud family with said girl, be a good father, and die with all of them and my numerous grandchildren at my bedside
don't start, I don't want us to end up like lunafags
Is this a diary of a wimpy kid?
The correct term is "Lunafollower"
Why not?
>I don't want us to end up like Lunafollower
So you want to be a Heretic Oppai? I thought you were better than this.
Please reconsider embracing the OTS before it's too late. I believe in you!
I thought the term was Lunatic?
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Aight, I guess you are the *biggest* luanfag, then! Hahahaha! but seriously I guess you win this round
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>thinking For Bros About to Rock is anything but average
>thinking that The Green House is actually watchable and not just putrid, week old garbage that's been sitting out in the hottest part of Australia

Enjoying keeping up the tripfags always have shitty opinions tradition?
Damm, I don't know you where a homo, Sorry Oppai I don't mean to mess up with you
nah i just think episodes where there's a clear focus on one of the girls as Lincoln's problem of the episode are better than ones where they're all the problem
Shut up dumbass, get lost
Can we all agree that Uncle Scraps is shit?
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be nice to our mega guy, bro.
Now that you mention it, Why was that thread deleted?

It didn't even reach its bump limit
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Requesting any of these Loud Sister Interactions
Make me.
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Mods are just being gods, bro. Don't question their infinite wisdom.
No, you get that wrong, I'm totally ok with his sexuallity
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These are the best requests I could imagine a drawfag responding to. Just cute interactions that aren't creepy. I hope someone with talent takes these.
puns like these is why I love luan
nah not really I did had a crush on one of my friends in high school but that went away near the end of senior year
Cartoon Network paid off mods to delete Loud House threads
Generals or threads of shows on hiatus usually get removed. But at least you have the trash

That's such a dumb philosophy. There's tons of shows worth talking about that aren't currently airing. The crazy porn and unfiltered pedophile shit makes me not want to go to /trash/, but I really enjoy talking to you people who I assume also go to the /trash/ threads.
Ok, that sound pretty gay you know
She suffer from the Simpson syndrome, at certain age she lost her special intellect or ability (watch the episode if you want to know what I'm talking about)
Well, that's honestly the largest, some say only, draw the show has. You guys should be happy. It's like the trash was made for it, it's where it belongs.
I really like Luan's laughs. But favorite voice would have to go to Lisa
I'm drunk i should stop, night
Fucking liar, you have been here all day, I've monitoring you since the morning
No, it isn't, since it's currently the most popular cartoon on cable TV.
May as well argue that porn is the only draw 4chan has over other online places, and they fucked up even that.
It's also pretty retarded of anyone to assume that someone posting commonly shared images here makes them someone else.
Popularity doesnt equal quality anon, this has been known forever. Such popularity likely stems from very young children, as they're just about the only demo still watching cable network programming anymore.
Lola wants to be a beauty queen so at the very least she has a goal she wants to achieve like she'd want to be a model or an actress in the future
character sheets say Lori wants to be a mayor or a business woman in the future but that trait hasn't really been shown in episodes other than her being controlling, while everything else she does is be a generic teen girl
That only really applies to things like Twilight or Steven Universe, which are popular online in spite of being badly constructed schlock.
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okay I finished

fite me
is this show secretly good like steven universe and uncle grandpa or garbage like gravity falls and korra?
Do you seriously think he possibly didn't get drunk during the past couple of hours?
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Critics are raving.gif
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Nah, that's ridiculous, it applies to all sorts of shit. TV, movies, games, anything. Just because it's popular, even critically acclaimed, never ncessarily means that thing is good.
as do I, sir. as do I
it´s good like uncle grandpa or gumball, i actually like it more than gumball
Your argument has nothing to do with what I said. You're trying to diminish this shows worth as being popular for a trivial, 4chan centric reason, and then turning around and saying popularity doesn't matter anyway. Eat shit and die you contrarian faggot.
Yea those sjw
But what kind if patetic fuck would get drunk while talking about cartoons in a anonymous site?
I know you people are easily triggered but i didnt know you were so incapable of simple reading comprehension as well. I started off saying popularity didnt matter and never strayed from there, i just explained why it likely was.

There's no need to get so buthurt over it.
Welcome to 4chan
Go find an electrified rail to play on.
hey its a goal at least
No you
Luan has struck Lincoln more than Lynn
We all do, Anon, we all do.
All of us, Anon.
Who put this fart fetish in my cartoon?
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Posting the best girl
gravity falls is more of a disappointment rather than garbage
That's just dumb, get lost faggot
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>The reason Lucy is an emo is because Lincoln used to rape her
fuck off and keep this shit in /trash/
>sharon demonet
>sharing the money
fuck, i'm so stupid
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You could make just a few small changes to them to get comfy, funny, or just vanilla fics.
> Leni is actually a dog, but is constantly doped up on Lisa's potions, making her human but not much smarter. She runs out of/loses/forgets to take meds and becomes a bitch again.
> Lynn is overly protective of Lincoln and doesn't want to lose him to Ronnie Anne. But there's no yandere or anything because that would be horrible.
> Lola agrees to pay a judge at a pageant for his vote, which really fucks with her conscience. She takes her frustration out on Lincoln.
> Instead of being the kind lovable brother he is canon-wise, Lincoln is a plush polar bear.
> It turns out Bobby is eternally loyal to Lori. When the Louds head to grandma's house for a week, he can't handle the loneliness, and runs across the entire state to find her.
> Lori has been rearranging Leni's furniture every night for several years.
> Luan pulls a prank that looks like it would permanently injure one of her sisters, but it turns out Lisa's been building robot clones of them, and now nobody can tell who's real anymore.
> Lincoln becomes depressed because he finds out he's Irish.
> Lucy starts cutting her sandwiches in triangles, and Lincoln is the only one who knows. Fic chronicles the squarelessness of the situation, as Lincoln is trying everything in his power to help Lucy, but she just keeps on getting worse.
>Lincoln invites Clyde to a sleepover, but gets jealous when Clyde wants to hang out with his sisters.
>gets jealous

It took me until Lucy's seance to realize.
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>Invite your best friend for a sleepover
>Think of all the things you two would do together
>Instead best friend decides to play with your siblings

It's pretty understandable
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>It's a sleepover episode
My sister and her friends did.
I was like 8 so they didn't care.
To be fair, they were all lesbians.
I'm not him, but when I was thirteen, I imagined that when girls have sleepovers, they spend the entire time bullying the little brother. Because, y'know, that's what happened.
>It's a sleepover episode
They're weren't particularly good looking. Most of them were a bit chubby, like my sister herself.
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>15B. Save the Date
>Bobby and Lori go on a double date with Lincoln and Bobby's little sister, Ronnie Anne.

>22A. Dance Dance Resolution
>Lincoln's sisters accidentally land him four dates for the school's Sadie Hawkins dance.

I guess the date didn't go well.
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>It's a karate episode
microwave food consuming forum sanitationists would probably get a stroke if they went back in time to when all cartoons were allowed on /co/ and some like avatar could take over an entire board without too much of an issue.
What are some other things that if I like them then I might like The Loud House?
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You don't put a leash on a tiger
>tfw you'll never have sisters who'll arrange dates for you
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>It's a Lana episode
If you liked the sibling interaction in Gravity Falls, that's a good start. If you don't have any need for overarching plots, that also helps. Let's see... the sisters in TLH follow a simple template - an age, a color, and a stereotype - so if you like that sort of thing, that's also good.
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was destroying the house part of your plan?
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god her hips

She thicc

The twins deserve their own episode.
of course!
it was loudly painful
>twins changing places episode literally coming up in next batch
Can't say that I'm excited but maybe savino will save the day and they'll subvert some of the more tired cliches
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I'm excited, or rather just expectant. I like both Lola and Lana and I'm just eager to see shenanigans unfold. I have no fucks to give regarding originality - a good cliche is better than a stillborn.

So far all the eps that were given to us were great. I hope they continue in the same vein.
I'm starting to think the dad is a retired Riddler that changed his name.
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Interesting, Luan is a briefs/shorts underskirt kind of girl.

she shares with Luna
What episode is this screenshot from?
>Watching the episode
>Leni unlocks the lock with her hairpin
>Admits to not being totally stupid

That was a real curvy fastball, wasn't ready for it
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She's a future cat burglar if not currently one already.
It's a loud, loud, loud, loud house after the first fight. anyone else find it funny that they gave a baby $45.
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Loud loud loud loud house. A lot of clothes ripping in this ep.

Goddamn, Lori is the cutest.
Adam Sandler dressed as a girl.
well its been shown already she has untapped talents. Mostly that she is all hands-on versus thinking.
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>it's a Carol Pingrey inadvertently shows Lori up episode
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Can Carol outsmug Lori?
Only in her Homecoming Queen gown

Would Ronnie Anne be one of his dates again for Dance Dance Resolution? Christina would obviously be the other one, but who would the other two be? Background characters?


Has anyone drawn an older milf Lori with that bodytype?
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don't wake babby.jpg
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Sadly, no
They all take such good care of Lily
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> who would the other two be?
Lynn and Lucy, of course.

The fanbase would totally go crazy if one of the sisters puts on a disguise and goes as his date because she couldn't find a girl for Lincoln. I could even see it being Lynn, since I figure she's friends with more boys than girls.
I could see the sisters wanting to set Lincoln up with girls who share their own tastes. Which has weird connotations when I think about it...
>Which has weird connotations when I think about it...

You mean they want a sister-in-law they will get along with?
I mean they want Lincoln to date a proxy of themselves since they can't date him.
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>it's a Lincoln learns his lesson by getting cucked by all his sisters episode
I loved how indignant she was when everyone was flabbergasted at her being competent at something
wasn't she talking about hair instead of air?
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does she look more like future Luan or future Lynn?
It sounded like an american pronouncing /e/ + schwa +/r/ which is how they typical say "air" and even if she was saying hair like heir it would still be pretty confusing how she left the entire consonant h out.
>Lynn gets Ewing's Sarcoma and has to learn to deal with the fact that her leg will need to be amputated to save her life.
>Too grimdark

>Lola agrees to let a judge at a pageant molest/fuck her for his vote, which really fucks with her head and makes her fear Lincoln and Dad.
>8/10. I'd even write a script for this.

He's saying the Lynn story has no fap potential.
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Just Don't Fall.png
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It was really meant more as a "triumph against the harsh situation".

I mean, the whole thing was inspired by a autobiographical book by a paralympic skiier/national team amputee soccer player who works as a motivational speaker, so it's not meant to entirely depressing.
how the fuck would anyone but a pedophile mind a story about child molestation fappable?
She looks like the mother of that brown girl in Lincoln's class
Actually I thought it makes less sense how a 6 year old would be smart enough to go up to a judge and say "Aiyyo, tongue my tight little loli anus so I can win this competition."
I thought it's fairly obvious that the judge coerces Lola into pleasuring him and she's scared and doesn't know what's going on, but he tells her she'll win the contest if she goes along with it.
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>We all have to deal with hand me downs, we just try to make the best of it
> This Luan is a hand-me-down. It used to be my Luan, but now it belongs to Luna!

>Luan is actually an eldritch being that has been hanging out with the Loud family for generations.
It would certainly explain the dummies, also her ventriloquist dolls.
Soon, Luan will belong to Lincoln

Some weird shit is happening with 4chan today
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>I'm an experienced hole digger

What did she mean by this?
That she has experience in digging holes
You'd think that would be more of Lana's thing...
I think the joke is that she digs holes to bury things in coffins.
I'm fixing a hole
Where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go
Where it will go

I'm filling the cracks
That ran through the door
And kept my mind from wandering
Where it will go
Where it will go

And it really doesn't matter
If I'm wrong or right
Where I belong is right
Where I belong...
Silly people running around
Worry me
Wonder why they don't get past my door
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>It's a "Luan decides to give up comedy forever after finding out her boyfriend was only dating her on a dare because she's the least popular girl in 9th grade" episode
Is DCinside like 8cuck where people can make their own boards? I couldn't find a regular /co/ board, just a bunch of specific tiny boards for stuff like Korra, Rick and Morty, ElsaXAnna, etc. Where's the fucking Loud House board?
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stop it.jpg
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post rare lunas
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Loud house.jpg
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It's time, folks.


Or maybe she digs things back up for some necromancy?
Why does Lisa look like Myrtle from Lilo & Stitch there?
Lincoln won't like it and steal someone else's Luan.
"Hey Clyde, you gotta help me out here. The cops are after me and I need you to hide me in...trust me, your parents won't find out. What? Come on man, I paid your bail when you got busted for selling angel dust! Screw you! Bye."
uhhhh....dc is quite diffrent from 4ch

anyway, if you want join dc's /co/

here is address
I hope it's shown that all the girls each have lots of friends in the sleepover episode, so people don't make more self-insert fanfics where Lincoln comforts them for being friendless losers

Thanks. If I find any good Loud stuff, I'll post it on the booru. I don't really bother saving the incest stuff though, so it'll probably just be the SFW stuff mostly.
That reminds me of one time on Serebii when they had a "Caption random Pokemon screencaps" thread. God, that was one of the funniest threads I've ever read anywhere in my life.
>old-fashioned pay phone
So we were right that the show is actually set in Savino's childhood in the 70s-80s.
There are delivery drones and VR headsets. It's set a year or two in the future, mang.
Is this a joke?
>so people don't make more self-insert fanfics where Lincoln comforts them for being friendless losers
Even worse, these fanfics always inevitably end up in Lincoln and X sister having sex.
DESU I actually haven't seen that episode so there's probably some context I'm missing.
sirry, its mobile version of site..

heres for pc ver

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Lana angry 2.jpg
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>no love for Lana
It's not bad but it would be better if it were on Comedy Central.
She doesn't have a terribly interesting/funny personality desu.
You're a real riot, writers.
They need to concentrate more on Lana being the good twin in comparison to her evil twin.
I really hope they dial down fighting a bit

She's in my Top 5, and I don't think many people dislike her.

She's just not the #1 for most people.

>Sneaking in a cheeky Lori foot

Damnit Savino
How many times have child services visited the Loud House?
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You do know that saving things as a JPG would have cut that down to <1MB.
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Is there any Lisa episode?
So far no. I assume eventually she'll get one.

Eh, you could count Butterfly Effect. Nothing besides that though.
Not really
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Into the oven you go, jew.webm
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>Is DCinside like 8cuck where people can make their own boards?

No, but DC does have a companion board at 8c that has most of the images. There is a Loud House thread there.
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luan in the oven.jpg
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best sister
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Why do you make me hit you, Luna?
>She's just not the #1 for most people.

Pretty much. Lynn has the tomboy market cornered already. And Lola is the hotter twin.
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Post sister rankings
1. Lynn
2. Leni
3. Luna
4. Lucy
5. Lana
6. Lola
7. Lori
8. Luan
9. Lisa
9001. Shit machine

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>Green Zone:
Lori, Leni, Lola, Luan

>Green-yellow zone:


>Yellow zone:

Lynn, Lana

>Yellow-red zone:

>Red zone:
Lisa, Luna
>if 1 in 10 people are gay
You can say 1 in 100 if you're generous.
So green is a cold color and red a hot color.

Are you classifying the sisters in hot or cool?

I'm >>83683717

No such thing. Just favorite to least favorite.

All of them except Luna classify as at least good on my scale.
One the plus side, we finally got to see Lana's bare feet
Maybe he's too poor to own a cell phone
Lori - Becomes a white trash single mom, the kind who sits on a porch in her bathrobe with hair curlers smoking a cigarette

Leni - Marries a rich sugar daddy and becomes a trophy wife. Loves her kids, but is too ditzy and easily distracted to take care of them properly

Luna - Spends her 20s-30s on her music career, has a kid when she's 40 but it becomes a potato thanks to her old rotten eggs

Luan - Loves her kids but her career as a professional comedian leaves them neglected. She also does a lot of cocaine.

Lynn - Little League mom who's obsessed with the idea that kids need structured activities like camp, ballet lessons, soccer games all the time. One of her sons becomes an NFL coach, another a high school PE teacher.

Lincoln - Becomes an accountant and a relatively normal suburban minivan dad, but deep-down has traumas relating to his upbringing. This leads him to drink too much and occasionally become abusive with his wife and children.

Lucy - Kids all become psychotic Tumblrites with black hair and nose rings. Some become Wiccans, extreme Christfags, and one converts to Islam.

Lana - Becomes a bulldyke lesbian. Does not reproduce.

Lola - Becomes a supermodel. Neglects her kids who also get bullied at school. Ends up accidentally OD-ing on prescription drugs at 45.

Lisa - Becomes a college professor. Her kids all become artists or physics majors.

Lily - Becomes a degenerate party animal. ODs on drugs at 21 after a college frat party gone wrong. Does not reproduce.
that's not the 100% jpg quality ratio. Mine is 1,1 Mb. as for PNG - i defaulted Mpc-hc to png to avoid additional quality loss, and i'm too lazy to compress them for 4chan. Also, blame Harvey Beaks and Loud House people for using those weird filters and/or painting styles - they add quite of lot of size
luan being less damaged = she's a better fighter.
Leni > Lola = Lana > Lynn > Lucy > Lori > Luna > Lily > Lisa > Luan

Fuggin' A.
well she knows her way around a punchline and can probably serve one up better than the rest of the girls, Lynn aside of course.
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She got pinned more than any other sister in this episode though.

By Leni and Luna.

And unlike Lynn, who actually got pinned as well(she's usuaully on top in the fights in other episodes), she didn't punch the one who pinned her in the mouth while it happened..
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luan mime.png
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S Rank: Luan
A Rank: Lucy, Lily (when she's written as just a ball of giggles and funny noises)
B Rank: Leni, Lana, Lincoln
C Rank: Lynn, Lola, Dad
D Rank: Luna, Mom, Lily (when she's being written as a character who can have opinions and shit)
E Rank: Lisa, Lori, Clyde, Bobby
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luan a cute.jpg
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>you're my number one fan

why are they the best sister pair?
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Pretty sure Luna could kick her ass
I just realized they're both wearing the same skirt, only a different color.
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>That top 3
>Lynn and Lola that low
I'd love to see more interaction between them. Or between any other combinations of sisters, really. Most of what we've seen is just sisters talking to Lincoln or fighting with each other.
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hey hey

ho ho

keep your hands off

let it grow
I still say at least half those kids were fathered by assorted mailmen/pizza delivery boys.
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Chelsea > Luan
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Luan 8.png
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Anyone know which episode this is from? I know it's one of the earliest.
Project Loud house where Allan's trying to dump buckets on people, Lincoln blocks with the umbrella.
Project Loud House
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Luan 16.jpg
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thx m8
tfw everyone hates lisa













Oh, does this mean I can stop being the one who clicks on every link for images, in the hopes that it's Loud House related?
Luan best girl
No one hates Lisa. She's just underdeveloped at the moment.
Who is Allan?
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what you saw in the preview is what you get. The rest is just Clyde interacting with Lincoln's sisters, and Lincoln trying to have a sleepover with another person, but each sister intervenes with something scaring them off.

Lisa is cool, but she desperately needs an episode.
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Obviously you haven't learned your lesson yet. BACK TO THE ATTIC!
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Luna best Loud
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Loud intro.jpg
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Can anyone kindly provide me with this exact screenshot in 1920x1080? No nick logo.
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letting it shred.png
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Source for this?
She's not funny, cute or sexy.
Why is she even in the show?
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Could someone replace Lenny with Leni please?
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Best Loud.jpg
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How can there be any doubt in this world?
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Who else?
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Lucy a best.png
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Friendly reminder
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It's not autism. It's love.
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lynn and lana.jpg
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is it too late for this one
Overnight Success in Polish
Subs when?
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Lisa is a lesbian.

She always wants to watch her sisters go to the bathroom.
nigga she's 4
she has so many alt costume I wouldn't be surprised if she were Savino's favorite.
> apron
> mime getup
> dress instead of skirt from way back when
It's not that many.
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love you luna.jpg
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Sure thing dear anon
Lori lost a leg in the battle
Where's the fifth image in the first row from? Can't quite place it.
Do it for her.
Luan and Leni fighting is already weird , but fighting each other is just wrong.

It is a conspiracy made by /a/ to destroy cartoons, notice how in TLH and SU threads sometimes an smug anime girl post appears stating "cartoons can't be waifus"
No Guts, No Glori
How someone can even get in a brawl silently?

>red zone


You have shit taste Misha.
You only just noticed?
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So far , Luna is still my favorite .
I am working on a full painting of her .
In a diferent art style ...
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rule 34
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You stupid fuck, I say Leni Not Lamp
Don't hurt her.
Funny. Watched the other day.

Also, pretty nice.

She is more daughter than gf material.
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Did you say honk honk?
She could be funny or cute once they give her something to do.
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Lana 4.jpg
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Yeah, but she can still be best girl.
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Luna loud.png
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She's easily the worst sister though.

If she's in the yellow zone, everyone else is Green Zone by default.
We'll see
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I thought she was funny in Green House.
Shit, I meant Butterfly Effect. Also liked that scene in that last episode.
Luna and Luan are both worst sisters. Lily has an excuse for having less personality cause she's a baby.
As we expected, the writers have obvious biases for some sisters over others and it does seem that they have a preference for Leni/Lori/Lynn. Lisa must not be that popular if they haven't given her any significant role yet.
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To be fair, Leni's absolutely adorable, and her dumbness can be used for a lot of gags, Lori being the oldest means she's the easiest to use in the antagonist sister role, and Lynn's just really active, which works for a really active house. Can't do much with Lisa without beating a dead horse.
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Lori is easily the favorite, from the look of it she has the most episodes of any sister this season by at least 2.
Leni can always play the role of the boke, Lori's the oldest and Lynn's the closest in age to Lincoln. Lisa's the smart one, but because of this they can't use her being the youngest one who can talk, Lola and Lana get this instead.
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Only correct answers.
They meet another family of 10 brothers and 1 sister with the same traits, but better. Lincoln helps each of his sisters train to try to beat them, but eventually fail. The lesson is that there will always be someone better than you, so you shouldn't give up and that winning isn't everything.
koreans seem to love Lisa more
is her voice cuter in the korean dub if any?
I find the subtle hints that she is just a little child despite her intellect cute. like here >>83683404
>koreans seem to love Lisa more
Maybe it's her size.
>Gee Lola, how come your mom lets you have two wieners?
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>no Luna serenading Christina to make Christina change into a rocker like Luna was done by Mike Swagger
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>24A. A Fair to Remember
Luna episode?
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Drew something based on TLH and a certain song:

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>24B. Snow Bored

Most episodes so far seem to be set around summer. Does that mean everyone will be half a year older?
Lana waddling about with those flippers makes me chuckle.
Time passes but no one gets older unless the plot lets them. It's why Savino wants to avoid addressing when birthdays are.

Norm Macdonald.
I told you to go back into the mental room!
Is there anymore episodes in polish like this like Toads and Tiaras

And we're did you get it?
An anon on /trash/ posted it.
someone is translating this?
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Probably not.
This is adorable
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lincoln no balls.gif
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what a dork
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What's the matter?
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Incest isn't cute.
someone should make a vector of her smug face
I always like these threads. They always put a smile on my face
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Come back to life, thread!
>23A. One of the Boys
Lana trying to hang out with Lincoln and Clyde to do guy stuff episode?
>After Lucy reads Lincoln's fortune and claims his day will "end in disaster", Lincoln becomes a hypochondriac.

It's obviously one of those episodes where he panics so much that it results in the disaster. I like those episodes.
>22B. A Tattler's Tale
Probably a Lola episode. She seemed like the tattler type after all her "I'm telling dad" lines from Sleuth and Consequences.

>23B. Funny Business
Most likely a Luan episode.
>Most likely a Luan episode.

I hope it's her origin episode.
Considering Cartoon Network advertised this show, as well as Disney, that'd seem counter-intuitive.
The Louds go to France on vacation while there Lisa is captured by members of the IRA to make bombs and it's up to he louds to rescue their sister before Lily's 1 year birthday party

With James Woods as the IRA captain
Best place to get episodes? I've missed a couple.
>before Lily's 1 year birthday party
She's already over a year old.
request Lisa in Iron Man suit. The Iron Loud
All the episodes that have aired so far are on this pastebin
You can watch them via google drive. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7UWbWdFjWjmNjVya0ZrUl9oTmc&usp=sharing
Why is /co/ so nice vs other boards? Sometimes? I swear the entire reason I started lurking /co/ is because they are good at sharing.

Anyway thanks. Seems it was the episodes run as one offs that I haven't seen.

Anyone else find lincoln as a framing device the most boring part of the show? I like seeing him and his sisters interact. So episodes where it's almost entirely lincoln and him talking to camera bore me. I couldn't finish the episode where he wants to move to the adult table for example.
Cause comics are made around being shared and discussed with others, and cartoons are generally stuff you watch and discuss with others. It's in the nature of the subject.
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What do you think all the Louds did with the $45.45 that they got? Including Lily, who can't even spend money.

Lincoln- comics
Lily- doesn't now what money is, goes in piggy bank.
Lisa- test tubes, science stuff
Lola- makeup, lipstick
Lana- pet food for her reptiles and amphibians
Lucy- goth clothes and posters
Lynn- used sports stuff
Luan- joke store stuff, fake vomit, magic tricks, prank toys.
Luna- used CDs.
Leni- used clothes, haircare products.
Lori- date with Bobby.
>Anyone else find lincoln as a framing device the most boring part of the show? I like seeing him and his sisters interact. So episodes where it's almost entirely lincoln and him talking to camera bore me.
I agree. The best episodes are usually the ones that are either focused on a specific sister, like Space Invader, or the ones where everyone has a chance to shine, like Undie Pressure
Isn't she 10 months old?
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Oh my mistake then before Lily's 2 year birthday
Because there's no incentive to deny anyone information since the act of visiting the board itself is enough of a filter and american childrens cartoons don't exactly have a large enough following to justify gatekeeping in the first place. Same thing with american comics.

>Anyone else find lincoln as a framing device the most boring part of the show?
Personally I can't wait until they take the plunge and start giving the "supporting" main characters their own stories. They're bound to do it when they realise lincoln doesn't always have to be the main focus of all episodes.
>an entire episode focused on leni
a man can dream

>Loud family reunion
>We find out that Mr. Loud has lots of sisters
>Heartwarming father-son bonding ensues
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Loud Family goes to Hollywood
the family wins a trip to go to Hollywood to see the opening of a new superhero movie
Lori deals with being separate from Bobby, she also loses her phone
Leni goes on a shopping spree
Luna tries to go to break in Mike Swagger's mansion
Luan practices her act
Lynn ???
Lucy ???
Lola tries to get on tv
Lana gets on tv and Lola is crazy jealous, and Lana doesn't want to be pampered by all the tv people
Lily gets lost and Lincoln needs to find her
Lincoln juggles everyone's problems while trying to see the movie before he misses it
oh and Lisa gets molested by Dan Schneider
Looks like you guys were right. The trash thread is where it happens.
It really is better man. It took me some time adjusting to it, but I mainly just skim the /co/ threads now.

There's some sick stuff, but the thread is much more active.
I wonder why there is White and Black mixed with all that Blonde and Brown hair.
Soo...no new episodes next week?
That's what I meant by it took me some time to adjust.
Lucy's hair is obviously dyed

Lincoln's is an abnormality caused by the stress of having 10 sisters
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Lucy dyes her hair and Lincoln is just too fucking stressed
Nothing new for weeks, I think.
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From the start of this thread to now there have probably been 10+ threads on /trash/.
While I'd prefer staying on /co/, though I'm hardly as squeamish as some people seem to be, /trash/ really is the only happening place to be for Loud House stuff.
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Hey man I got over it just took a little while to get used to the twins and lower.
So I'm bored right now. Gonna upload all of the available episodes, specials, and etc. to my Mega for you peeps to enjoy.

All videos are in 1080p quality from iTunes, Youtube, or Nick online.

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Suck my what?
Um, sir, do you know what day it is? Are you well? Do you have brain damage?
Here's the picture you wanted to use anon.
does it really say somewhere that his hair is white fro stress? i thought it was a recessive trait
Chris said somewhere that his white hair wasn't from albinism.
oh neat
I think the implication is stress, but they never gave us an answer one way or another. I guess you'll just have to think for yourself anon.
When did he say that?
I read somewhere about a syndrome what makes the hair white maybe he got that
Nah man with his love for puzzles small frame he's Eddie.
I think it may be waardenburg syndrome


>cartoon network and disney advertising nick shows

Do you see how this doesn't make sense?
>Go ahead and take a big whiff, I know you want to
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So she's still the most popular...
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Why are you saying it doesn't make sense when it happened?
During that last week of new episodes of Steven Universe there was a Loud House commercial, and between some summer promos, on Disney XD, there were Loud House commercials.
> [citation needed]

Oh yeah, the commercial also featured leni and lori having lesbian sex. It totally happened guys please believe me.
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Watching it live.
Right after Steven Universe ended, and the Disney one was some time around Battle Bots and some Star VS reruns.
Apparently, there was even a commercial during MLP, but I didn't see that, I just saw someone post about it.
I mean, you can choose not to believe me, but it happened. Either way, Nick's putting a lot of faith in this show, and judging by the results, it's been worth it.
Viacom gives a lot of money to Nick. Wouldn't be surprised to see ads for its shows on CN.

Now Disney, that makes no sense. The mouse only runs ads for its own media.

When it comes to money, the train is Disney > Nick > CN.
Hit the bump limit already?
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/trash/ is better anyway

A happy Leni is a cute Leni!
Lincoln and Clyde decides they need to more adult likes. Linclon to be free of his sister's antics, and Clyde to have a (ghost of a) chance with Lori. For some reason, they believe have a scooter will make it works and entry a competition for it.

Lori breaks with Bobby because he's going to a college in other city instead wait for her college choice. Lori's divided between choose a college in the city, next to her family, or go to Bobby's college.

Lincoln ends using his sisters' traits to make his way until the final, but Clyde calls him about how Lincoln needs them after all, because OF COURSE he didn't learn that lesson every freking episode. But they win anyway.

Clyde isn't sure about what they'll really do with the scooter, but Lincoln knows what to do. Lori's still thorned, mainly now Bobby's going. Lincoln arrives and asks why she's sitting down instead just go after Bobby and spit up her decision. He presents her the scooter as gift from the siblings and Clyde.

Lori, with Lincoln, drives as crazy to the airport calling Bobby to reserve her place at the popular's desk, because she's going there in a week.

A week after, Lori is moving and says goodbye. Clyde gains some thanks for the scooter, Lori says she'll miss everyone, have a tearfull farewell with Lincoln and says he'll have to keep the things in order for her.

Days after, Dad and Mom announces the 12th Loud child is comming.

The end.
I think that might be just your TV provider, anon.
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last for leni
Thread posts: 514
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