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Endtown 27/05/16 (05/27/16 for Amerifriends) - Down the chute!

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 545
Thread images: 109

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They're safe!
>that beardchef

fucking awesome
well, can see perfectly fine why this page was this late.
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>They're safe!

Only if the garbage hasn't been taken out yet.

>Those expressions.

Yup, as previously suggested, looks like her reaction in pic-related was indeed a PTSD flashback to this scene. There's a reason Aaron made the buddis somewhat visually reminiscent of tiny mutts.

That is one unsanitary looking trash chute. And Pep Cola? FORESHADOWING!

Also, Aaron totally wanted us to memeticise the chefs, didn't he? Badass to the end.
Well, safer than they were anyway. 6 buddibombs demolished a house, you'd want to be really far away when 30 go off. Especially if they're still below it.
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I don't care if he is in a room full of Buddibombs about to blow in a building that will be nuked in a few hours.

Beardchef survives. The cook ALWAYS survives.
>To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.
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>It's fucking raining buddibombs
>The chefs are still beating the shit out of Monster-chef
>Beard chef's going full ham with the knives
>Bandanna chef's whacking the buddibombs away with the ladle
>Clean chef's hacking away at the monster's backside

What goddamn fucking heroes.
>Holly in the last panel
She's losing it with all and jojo posting
>Pep cola
Oh boy, here we go
>Beardchef and co. go on a foray topside

>a week later, they return with a sack full of "pork tenderloin and giant calamari"
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I knew bandanna chef reminded me of someone

dom's death was so fucking lame... jesus.
Threadly reminder not to read the GoComics comments for the sake of your own sanity. One guy wonders if the trash chute is the door to Endtown, another guy just suggested that overuse of Buddibombs is what dusted Hillside.
lame death for lame character
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>One guy wonders if the trash chute is the door to Endtown, another guy just suggested that overuse of Buddibombs is what dusted Hillside.

on a lame game, Gow3 was complete shit
And nobody has ever proposed outlandish theories here?

most are jokes, even then they are not that moronic.
Sure, but at least they tend to make some amount of sense.
She wasn't particularly fazed by mutts before though.
No, but suddenly waking up surrounded by them could definitely have reminded her of the kitchen, especially since she was already extremely off-kilter at that point and it feels like a lot of these memories were suppressed while she was more stable.
Even better is that presumably that monster chef was their go worker up until a few seconds ago, their handling of completely fucked up situation is beyond top notch. I hope they are not all incinerated within the next 20 seconds
having the middle of the game be entirely about needing (and failing) to get fuel for a submarine, including the segment where Dom dies, then finding out that there was fuel at the docks the whole time was both hilarious and retarded.
I don't think it needed to remind her of anything. Waking up face to face with mutts is enough to freak anyone out regardless.

If we never see the bodies, they never died.

I'm imagining all three of them them hanging from an unrolled fire hose on the side of the building, below the burning cafe floor, one of them asking "How the HELL are we still alive?!" and another saying "It wasn't a good day to fry."
Yeah, but it was only Holly that spazzed out. I can't help but feel it goes beyond her simply being unstable, if just feels like it fits too well. Others are free to disagree.
We never saw Ethel's body. Buddibombs don't really leave enough to identify.

some one needs to draw wally as the cook saving holly.
>I'm imagining all three of them them hanging from an unrolled fire hose on the side of the building, below the burning cafe floor, one of them asking "How the HELL are we still alive?!" and another saying "It wasn't a good day to fry."

No no, they totally used one of the mutant's tentacles.
It was a joke on how bit part characters tend to be picked up by fans and enjoyed long after they're gone in-universe.

I should have said "If we don't see them die, they're alive in our hearts".

This whole page is fucking amazing.
Endtown the Animation when?
Holy shit!

Seriously, can we get a comic about herochefs next? It feels like holly and Doc interrupted a survival horror game's intro here. Dishwasher 3: the beardening or something
when budget and actual interest from an animating studios is received which will not be a regular thing to happen in this economy.
Beardchef also seems to be immune

>"Hey boss, you're bleeding."

>"I ain't got time to bleed... it's actually cherry sauce."
/trash/ thread is still up... just saying.

What are the chances that 3/4 of the chefs working in the restaurant at this time would be immune anyway? I don't know what the rarity of immunity is but it doesn't seem too common.
The secret to mutagen immunity is a combination of Pesto sauce and Paprika exposure.

Seriously tho, reading Sparkplugs flashback it seems that quite a few people are immune... they just mostly died in the bombings. And considering theyare highly sought after by the Topsiders they are probably endangered enough as it is.

We really don't know anything about the virus, just its effects. For all we know it could trigger when you fart facing north.
>They all survived the bombs by climbing into a lead lined freezer
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This whole arc is like Unity in reverse, no wonder Holly is flipping the fuck out.
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Also, one year ago in the comic we had this:
>Panel 1: That scowl!
>Panel 2: That dynamic slicing action!

Beardstache McChefferton ain't having none o' this shit in his kitchen.

He's probably going to kick all the buddibombs out for disrupting order in his kitchen once he's through killing the monster.
I totally suppress this, it was pretty horrifying
The Fightin' Diner 69'ers deserve to be their own spin-off.
>"It wasn't a good day to fry."
Someone needs to start the slow clap. And a kickstarter.
Given how most animation studios nowadays care more about reducing cost that producing something well made I say never, what a shame i really wish for a adult animated series that doesn't treat his viewers like idiots or without resort to use 12 year old humor.

This scene always confuses me,what is exactly happenning? There was a explotion or it's the place shaking?

>That thread where somebody posted that video of a place burning down with people in the inside
>without resort to use 12 year old humor.
Endtown comedic parts are awful anyway.

he means adult as in a mature setting, and not relying heavily on comedy like current "adult" cartoons do.

i think...
Between that and something like the Family Guy jokes I would prefer the Endtown comedy 100 times, but that is because I set the bar really low tho.
Congratulations anon you get it, heres your prize
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>not a kirbee pic

T... Thanks...
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Here's you kirbee pic so can stop crying
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Kirbee is full blonde now? I thought that was just on the misprinted stand thing.

strawberry blonde apparently.
Strawberry blond, more or less I don't know she seems to change of hair color in every pic.
Apparently. She's supposed to be a distinctly different blonde to Holly, but someone last thread checked them in a paint program and it would seem they're only a few microns away from each other in RGB space, so there's something weird going on there.

It almost feels like Aaron just said "screw it" after the misprinted standups and made Kirbee that shade of blonde..
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well, she's not being colored by the same person.

at least the two kirbee pics colored by aaron himself look like this.
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3 actually, this is the back of the book
She looks way better with red hair than with blonde.
Wasn't the book colored by Selina too?

i think selina does the grey tones for some of the pages, the actual covers were colored by Aaron i'm sure.

The reddish hair is nicely complementary to the green of her face. I feel like the yellow clashes horribly.
There's something fishy about this whole deal then

It really does feel like some kind of color fuckup that went uncorrected and became the standard.

Cr when are you going to draw best girl Dottie being sexy?
No, that's Holly you're thinking about.
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post your ideal mutant waifu

pay attention drawfags
A topsider :^)

They’re probably going around to all the grocery stores, picking them clean, and leaving only beans and leaving passive aggressive notes.

I think they got chased off by that anonfag yesterday that bitched about them. Hopefully not
>Hank stillwater
I still remember his brave sacrifice
And the memorial furry orgy.
Is Doc awake? With the way his eyes work I honestly cannot tell.

he is running, so yes.
Jughead powers
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Pitch me some OC and let's doodle something up.
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>you will never get spontaneously fucked a random cute anthro girl
Wait, when did he wake up? He was dragged out of the car, right? I thought Holly had mustered superhuman strenght to drag him all the way to this kitchen

Alligator dude who spends most of his time on endtown working out trying to impress dino girls who shut him down constantly.

How about a Civet barrister/cafe owner.

Imagine how many poop in coffee jokes he has to endure
He must have wake up between when Holly dragged him out and when they were being chased by the buddibombs.
Just started Endtown a few days ago and I'm finally caught up. Man this shit is crazy, there are so many directions it can go.
Someone who ended up as a caterpillar and now spends much of their time wondering if they'll ever turn into a butterfly and what it'll mean for them if they do.
Well, what you think about it? you expected something different? something that you didn't like?
So if you had to describe Endtown with a single panel, would the second in today's update be a contender?
Last thing that happened to him was getting gutshot and then fading away into unconsciousness as he mourned the loss of his family. Now he's woken up three foot tall and hairier than he remembers, and is currently being pulled through a surreal kitchen warzone and into a garbage chute by a squeaky mouse-thing that sounds and looks vaguely like his dead stepdaughter.

He probably thinks he's in hell or something.
That or one of the millions of panels where the characters are crying.
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I am pretty sure that he knows that he mutated, he tried to stay awake when he was driving the car, he knowed what will happen to him if he fell asleep...
anything small, cute, and fuzzy
You can't cuddlefuck an elephant
A short otter girl with raggedy clothes and a locket
Well, yeah. He knew the car would crash and he'd die.

she's right here >>83223965

I want to cuddle with her and keep her warm during the night.
>The face of the new readers after they finish the comic
>you will never be a cute anthro boy who fucks a cute anthro girl

She's full blonde in her mind.

this, anyone who waifu's her must be just as retarded.
C'mon guys we have already get over this, let people waifu the characters they like
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I have no idea how Aaron colors his work, but what most artists do is they use - for the sake of covienience - one pigment or one pre-mixed color per character feature. Kirbee's hair in >>83223965 looks like yellow ochre with hints of burnt sienna. The same ochre is on her body as well. Green is likely a convenience mixture like Olive Green. I think he uses watercolor pencils too? The texture looks like it.

If he uses caked watercolors instead of, say, liquid watercolors with a dropper (like Chris Riddell does) it's going to be harder to get the perfect mix of multiple pigments every single time.

I'm 99% sure that he uses pure Phthalo Blue for Holly's dress, and Nickel Azo for her shade of blonde.
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Where we go with these is a choice I leave to you.
Yeah, but we're talking about how Kirbee's hair was always reddish, even in the digital colouring, until it suddenly became blonde real recently.

this is absolutely wonderful! thanks Dk!

i love his smug look, it's perfect!
A male rooster dating a T-Rex girl.

He hasn't found out that she's his second cousin.
That caterpillar is awesome, thanks DK. He totally looks like a grizzled war vet or something.
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Vulture doctor, who wonders why little children and even adults are fine being checked out by other doctors yet scared shitless by her.
>other doctors

I have a feeling that a colony that has access to more than one professional doctor has little right to complain. Endtown is home to thousands yet Doc is the only pediatrician.
Doesn't Endtown also have nurses? unless o'course they are voluntaries
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hmm, we have never seen kirbee angry, have we?
When this is all over, and they find Holly, aware or not of what they've witnessed, I hope they just all give her a hug. No words, no awkward hug, but a big old cry-it-out bear-hug. Poor thing's been through too much.
Wonder if she can go full REEEEEEEEEEEE
Give him Johnny Bravo hair. DO IT!
>Poor thing's been through too much.

everyone has evidently...
Srsly. I think Aaron is trying to break his wrist or something.
This, everyone in the comic deserves a hug...except topsiders...nobody wants to hug a topsider.
*cough* Linda *endcough*
Would you hug her when she was a topsider anon?
look at her
and tell me you wouldn't.
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i want to hug her butt
I would do something more that hug her tho.
Pull down her pants?
No, something lewder
knock her out and puncture her mask
Didn't know that Flask visit these threads
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Excellent stuff.

Did you know that vulture stomach acid is capable of dissolving metal? Their acid on the pH scale is between 0 and 1, for reference human acid is between 1 and 2. Now something truly terrifying is if a vulture mutant got drunk and spews stomach acid.
Flask wouldn't knock her out tho
also Flask is garbo waifu material
It's pretty fantastic so far and I like all the foreshadowing and drama building they do. I wish all the sites that hosted it didn't bite and it could be a bit longer. After seeing the schism syndrome I really want to see what the fuck that's all about.
>you go ahead
>the cushion feels too good on your face, you don't let go
>Linda just stares angrily for a while, clenching her fists
>"...five more minutes of this and you're dead, you hear me?"
>she just stands there getting angrier but also biting her lip

Pfffhaha. This is just all levels of "Dear God why". Like the 13 nipples thing.
I don't get it.
>Illusion drops, revealing Holly lying on the floor
>She's gone catatonic from the trauma reflux
>They carry her back to Endtown as Marx watches from the shadows
>They take her back to Doc Chase. Wordless strip for that day, and the page ends with a panel of her in a room somewhere, staring at the wall, Wally sitting next to her, reading her a book, waiting for her to come back from wherever she's gone inside her head
>Next page is Dottie and Walt...

Aaaand I hate humans a little bit more
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Hey everyone! Things are really picking up with the RPG. I can tell you that before you know it you'll have a copy curled from moisture and smelling weird after you gave it to your friends for afew months! That means I've got to haul ass and wrap this like a christmas ham!

Game session will be tomorrow, just like the other anon, at 12 noon PST/ 3pm EST. Want in? https://app.roll20.net/join/933429/z0A7FQ

>In accordance with the original idea of making this as little confusing as possible rolling to resist things is now: 1d100+strength bonus and you roll over a set number according to the condition. This is helpful because this means that your average person doesn't have only a 10% chance of resisting crap.
>Fine, you guys got long-neckers.
>Hidden through the book there are optional rules that can be easily misinterpreted to the player's favor. I am firm in the belief that this is the hallmark that all game systems should have.
>In honor of makers fair, I've thrown in the mini-computer item in skill kits for characters that roll electronics. Mercy upon them.

The pdf will be posted during the game, snooze you lose!

Next session I plan you look at skills to see if I shouldn't make it [1d100+stat bonus+ skill level] for roll to make it more sympathetic to the system. I'd really like this game to be so basic that you can tell new people "Roll this, add that and that. Now you know everything."
> I wish all the sites that hosted it didn't bite and it could be a bit longer
You mean the page size? Yeah lamentably
GoComics is kind of shit with that specially with the sizes of the pages of the first years of the comic.
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>civet coffee, refers to the coffee that includes part-digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet
If that grosses you out, there's also the tequila worm and putting animals in beer bottles
No archive on GoComics, and the Endtown website doesn't have the entire thing. Yeah the size wasn't great either. But until I can throw money at a Hardcover copy. That's the best we got
I swear, this arc ends with the group finding the sea and getting ready to sail towards a new land
IIRC Aaron's specifically said the concept art does not necessarily line up with the reality of the strip.

Also, I think the Holly+Wally stuff is supposed to end at the end of the year, so that's what, 80 strips max? I think we're probably that many into just this flashback, with probably a lot more flashback still to come, so I can't see Holly recovering that quickly unless Aaron pulls out Marx's magic lips again. I think Wally and Holly are gonna be put on hiatus while we switch to Dottie and Walt.
>I think Wally and Holly are gonna be put on hiatus
That's what I was saying with the sea stuff, we just see them reach the sea and after that we switch to Dottie and Walt.
> I can't see Holly recovering that quickly unless
Me neither, but I don't doubt that she will get more "stable" after the flashback
>>Holly+Wally stuff is supposed to end at the end of the year
>Then we go back to Endtown and go on a fun-filled romp out of the fucking place as shit hits the fan
If you could choose what you mutated into, what would it be and why
>That's what I was saying with the sea stuff, we just see them reach the sea and after that we switch to Dottie and Walt.

I suspect they won't have enough time to get to the sea. Wally was already thinking she should be back in Endtown before, if I'm remembering right. If she goes all unresponsive he might take them right back.

Perhaps that'll be where Holly is inside her head, though. Those pictures of Aaron's have a hint of the imaginary about them. Wally might have to get good enough at ditto trickery to go inside her head and bring her psyche back out into the real world.

>Me neither, but I don't doubt that she will get more "stable" after the flashback

Well, for a given meaning of stable...
>I suspect they won't have enough time to get to the sea
Remember that this is a comic with a character that can travel between dimensions and a magic fountain, everything can happen

A black cat, It would be fun to make people have bad luck
>Remember that this is a comic with a character that can travel between dimensions and a magic fountain, everything can happen

Perhaps, but I think finding the ocean would be something that'd get a setup and a big introduction, otherwise it'll just kind of feel rushed, and like I said I'm not sure we have time.

Just had a thought: If Holly does seem to recover, Aaron's going to leave it ambiguous as to whether she's really better or just going through a "smooth spot", except for one little tell: Her tail will be curvy more often than it's zig-zaggy, representing a taming of her underlying nervous energy.
>Her tail will be curvy more often than it's zig-zaggy, representing a taming of her underlying nervous energy.
Is that the case with a real mouse?
No, just random symbolic bullshit I thought up. Real mice I've owned don't have tails that go zig-zaggy anyway - the bones just don't work like that.
Ever consider something like gambling?

Maybe it's just Fallout New Vegas still on the mind, but it'd be neat to see.

The dice can definitely set something up, though I don't know if it'd be possible to set up a scenario where someone has loaded dice.
Tequila maguey worm is good though I preffer añejo scorpion mezcal.

What? Like gambling as it relates to Endtown or just a regular gambling game?
Gambling for the RPG.
This pleases me greatly.

so are those roxie's actual colors? is she a bear now?
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Oh, sure. That's easy. Let's make it fun.

Gamblin'. You grab a wad of d10s, and the defender (house) grabs an equal amount. Smack 'em. For every d10 higher then their d10 you get $100. For every level in the skill you can add an additional 1d10.

Or I learn caravan.
like the FO:NV Caravan?
I still don't know how to play that fucking game
It might be since Selina colored them.

I always thought buddibomb noses were black. That's looks better.


Do think she'll ever return? Nah, she's probably be killed.

bears dont have long tails


she will, Aaron confirmed this.
Cool man. Can always appreciate some clean, honest, downright filthy gambling.

Always fun when there's a chance a fight might occur, too.

I play it like Blackjack x3, just raise the cards at or above 21 and don't let the other guy get to that point with his cards by using Kings or Jacks. I have no idea what Queens do, so I don't have them in my deck, just a fuckton of Kings and Jacks. Sometimes I have no idea why I won or lost, but 60% of the time it works every time.
Could a drawfriend make an Endtown version of this?
I know it's basically begging for free art, but it worked for that one guy that one time
No, she's a beard
Wanted to draw a topsider anyway

she looks a bit chubby, but i would puncture her suit anyways...
Who is that beauty next to her?

The model of the next cover of Casseroles Illustrated
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Lookit the shirt I bought

that's pretty cool!
Go back to Endtown Holly. You need some rest.
How bad that that's the only decent one of all the others shirts
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How did the threads react to this? Did people think that the lizards got what they deserved or what?
Tbh, I kinda want that holly and Wally shirt. Or the mug.

everyone was fine with he lizards dying, until wally took the dittos from sarah, then some people turned on him, calling him a murderer and stuff...
More or less, it was mixed too with the concern if Kirbee would have died and the anons imagining how it would have sound the scene in real life.
Nice stuff.

Ever consider drawing her post-mutation? She looks kinda husky.
Well, Sarah got what she had coming at least.

anon... sit down
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>He thinks she's dead
>I have no idea what Queens do

Waving, smiling, drive her children crazy. Sometimes have to choke a bitch.

I always thought queens were just tens.
Don't forget outliving their descendants for many decades. Only way for a queen to die is to assassinate her.

In Blackjack, yeah, but in Caravan they act differently. Can't remember what they do, but I could never get them to work the way I wanted them to, so I kept them out of my deck.
>how it would sound

That was really spooky
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Forgot I had this saved in my phone. I should probably finish this soon.

that is incredibly cute!
pls finish
Very niceu.

Side note, what's your favorite animal DK?
Is there another drawing behind her?
Looks like her hand was originally in a "how'd you do?" pose.

Kind of trippy.
That's why it's so perfect, it looks like a normal design for a shirt whereas the others needs a explanation and I don't think that many people would like to be the guy with the shirt of the cat lady holding a gun of a post-apocalyptic comic with furries.
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Holy shit and I was just going to request a drawfriend make some Portal Turret + Buddibomb art.

I'm still requesting though. Please somebody make more! We need it!
Those little buddibombs are the best fucking things.
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Hm... Moth girl?
Essentially pic related.

Isn't there a website that makes mock designs for t shirts? That would be handy.

This comic deserves better tshirts.

It's simple. You need three hands that are in between 21 and 26 in value. The higher the better.

When you play a card in a hand, the next card you play onto that hand needs to be

A) Lower than the one just played essentially sending the hand into a DESCENDING one:

10 6 5

Like if you played 8 first, the next card should be anything from 8 to ace. And so on.

B) Higher than the one played. Similar to the last one this is an ASCENDING one.

So if you played 3, you can only put anything from 3 to 10 on it. Like:

2 2 4 6

C) Play the same suit with card regardless of order. Playing the same suit can change direction of the caravan So if you play an ascending hand like

3 5 8

You can then play

6 and make it descending now. (Although the hand is now 22 which is a desirable outcome)

Now there's action cards that can be played both on your hand and your opponents:

King doubles a card in value. You can use the card on your hand or the opponents. The common tactic is using a king against a hand that is within 21 and 26 to make it go overboard and have the enemy scramble to remove that card with a king:

So 6 becomes 12, 9 becomes 18.

Jacks removes a card and any cards attached to it. So if an enemy has a hand of

4 6K 7 which means he has a hand of 23

If you play a jack against the 6, the hand is reduced to

4 7 and value goes down to 11.

Queen changes the direction of the suit. Meaning it acts like putting a suit card on. Ascending hand can become descending one.

Joker is tricky - if you use it against anything between 2 and 10, it removes all those cards from the game. If you use it against an ace of a suit, it removes that suit from the game. That's why it's unwise to invest in a single suit. If enemy has a joker card, you're fucked.
>You can't cuddlefuck an elephant
Not with that attitude!
Considering how slim she used to be her becoming a shortstack must have been a shock. You know, aside form the whole koala thing.
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Can I issue an OC too?
His name is Sebek Sobczak. His hobbies include hating Russians and carrying his knife everywhere.
He's an European hamster.
He sounds like someone you don't want to get on the wrong side of, lest he gnaws your face off.
This is what happens in those situations
Isn't Endtown set in a world made of different continets/landmasses/oceans than our own? No Europe, America, Asia, Russia, US, Britain, Japan, China, etc etc etc?
Had a thought about the origin of the dittos

I like bats.
No more discussion?
Sorry, you'll have to wait until Monday.

Unless you feel like blaming Holly for something.
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>Liking bats
good taste
I made birdhouses for bats to the woods behind my house. kills the shit out of insects at night
Reminds me of V'ger
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Probably a fox or something with a fluffy tail so I could hug it while I sleep
Creepy as hell. Even better if you imagine this is what's controlling the ditto vision.
I mean, unless that's what you already meant by "origin of the dittos". Which you probably did, sorry.
>built-in body pillow
I worded that terribly

what I should have said is "who may be behind Holly's current ditto assisted flashback."

I meant the ditto vision specifically, not ALL dittos.
It could work, too, since the Opabinia arc suggested that dittos can interface with machines (if the computer was a machine and not a foreign variant of the brain-in-a-box thing).

Amongst other things the Lucranians had in storage was a very rare mint-condition buddibomb, "Practically one-of-a-kind, barely scuffed at all, legs need a little bit of work but the processor and sensors work fine..."

The ship lawn-darts for whatever reason, the crew leave or are rescued, the computer is damaged so the dittos start feeling lost and looking for a replacement, they find a very simple AI in the hold... X years later, someone approaches who bears a very close resemblance to an important entity in Buditto's visual memory banks...

Probably too coincidental for the comic's actual story (sans the interference of Marx), but it could be a good start for an RPG plotline or something. A ditto vision would make a unique "dungeon".
Guys I have this idea: buddibomb plushand If you squeeze them they say Yay!
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fucking genius
The whole thing was tragic.
Sarah did nothing wrong.
>Sarah apologists
please get go
No joke, I usually fall asleep hugging a pillow, so having my own warm, fluffy pillow attached to my spine would be convenient.
Well memed kiddo, I bet that you think that the Flask plan was infallible too.
I think it would be neat if the sixth ditto from Holly's set (the supposedly unexploded one) somehow lasted through the war and went on this Homeward Bound journey trying to find his owner, whom he knows only via her scent and face.

Over time he developed a simple childlike personality and somehow interfaced with the dittos (or they interface with him) and the powers that be place him in Holly's path when she is ready, for the "greater good"

but it's just a theory.
>but it's just a theory
Next time, we'll discuss whether or not Sarah is the reincarnated spirit of Hitler from the reversed gender universe, brought over by Marx.
And after that, Is Minnie Mouse Holly's mother? Obviously not, but that won't stop me for acting like a smug cunt for it.
Am I missing a subtext here?
Do you know the game theory guy?
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If you left them be for a while after squeezing them, would they say "Bad"?
They would say "Hello?" "Are you still there?" and "Goodbye."
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I bet you could make a good t-shirt design with Buddy Bombs
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Aaron could do an entire t-shirt line with some of the "theme buddis" that artists have posted in these threads.

>Induces misery, fear and despair

I really feel like the comic has found a sort of mascot.
If you squeeze them too hard they could say something like: "watch out, you are gonna make me explode"
what? No. Shoo. Go away.
But how do we cash in on them?

...what about a Buddibomb pinup calendar?
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>Buddibomb lewds
We can make it happen
Well, they do have tentacles...
I bet the sex would be quite good.
With an explosive climax...
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Page 9 bump
>touching your own fluffy tail
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RPG Update:

This session tested out the newly added "Gambling". In basic terms, just outroll the opponent on specific terms, like beat him / her by 20% on high rolls or just by being a point higher.

Loaded dice and cheating is also possible, though hasn't been tested yet. Unsure as how this will work with opponents cheating, since it's very obvious to see a fake roll made by players / GM.

>Session Paste: http://pastebin.com/qSQjYzeU
Maybe add a mind and/or agility modification to it. Mind, since you have to be smart about it and Agility because sleight of hand. Either or both could work.
Just to add to that, in a live playthrough, the GM could use a screen to fix a roll.
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Sounds good. Brought up that idea to GM, using sleight of hand to make a loaded die look natural to opponents.

But what I'm wondering is if there's a way to make an opponent's rolls look natural to players, where a player has to realize that the rolls are being too good too often and then roll a skill to see if anything fishy is going on with the dice. Doubt there's a natural way to do this, though.
Yeah, like I said before, the GM can make a loaded roll behind a screen, but only IRL afaik. That's why I'm running it in my friend's kitchen.
That and I like the sound of dice on wood

Besides fury and rage and letting slip blood that is quiet adorable.

Yeah, and we could get the cheapest box box imaginable to make it sound more accurate!

Shit man I'd buy that.

Kind of? Despite Neitherland being about new England I think they've referenced afew real world places or things to say that these places would be there.

What was the name of that Slavic country Wally went to in his flashback?
>What was the name of that Slavic country Wally went to in his flashback?
Bosnavia or something like that

How do you do that? Just make a birdhouse and hang it upside down?
>sleight of hand

Goddamn, that is one of the skills. I was thinking of just having it be a factor thing like being able to add or remove dice or refill low ones.
It's a very nice sound, and I see it having no problem with real life rolls, just with online rolls.

Speaking of which, when are you going to hold your session? I'm interested in seeing the results of the game.

People die from that!

They call it a fluff cycle.
In 3 hours or so. It's just going to be an intro day really
Requesting slav wally squating.
The Eastern Alliance was mentioned once, which is assumingly the USSR/Commonwealth of Independent States and China
[Slav intensifies]


jesus, now i want to see endtown characters as stalkers... also, i'm going to play some fucking stalker right now.
The anon who's playing RPGanon's RPG CaliEndAnon is a gross mouthful here, this whole slav thing is kinda awkward because I basically made Los Angeles The Zone.
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>Los Angeles The Zone.

the zone is expanding and we need to stop it, join duty!
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oh boy, now this is getting embarrassing.
there are also different "factions" vying for what's at the center of the LA Exclusion Zone.
But there isn't a radioactive wish-making thing in the middle powered by psychics inside, so it's completely original
>But there isn't a radioactive wish-making thing in the middle powered by psychics inside

good, i truly disliked the wish granter... he never granted anyone a wish

Tempting... I love drawing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. stuff.

wally and jim in a campfire playing guitar and drinking vodka
Suule, I'm not sure but I think you offered to draw something based on the ideas I had for the RPG. Is the offer still on the table? I'm going out to GM it in about two hours and thought that some art would be nice.

Yes yes. I'm actually drawing a Stalkerish mutant as we speak. Sorry for not doing anything in the last few days. I hadn't had time to do anything due to constant switching between work and hospital visits.
oh, it's fine. Just wondering about it is all. Hope you're doing well.

I'm alive. That's important. Do you still have your pastebin with ideas?
Yeah. Minor changes though, and I haven't finished part 2 (which is special enemy stats and area descriptions).
I'm also going to add the character ref sheets and session summaries there in the future.
Woops forgot to post it

Have a good one with that!
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I don't know why I added Jim but Id did
All hamsters are slavs
>amazed at how many posts Poppy threads get compared to Endtown
>realize today that the post quality is very low so it doesn't matter
It was sorta depressing but now it just seems logical.
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How's this?


You're talking about DK or Kazen, right?
All we need to do is spam reaction images and pictures of opossums
>Trigger discipline.

Finally someone does it.
Very nice. Thanks a ton.
Holy shit someone noticed

this is absolutely wonderful! thank you!
Very little seems to be discussed there anyway.

Just a lot of catching up because people have the memory of a goldfish there.

I really think abit of it is losing contact with the comic's author.

Now discussion is pretty directionless.

Maybe because the comic is so laser focused on Poppy. Most of the secondary characters are barely fleshed out.
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>mfw the goldfish thing caught on
I didn't start it but was an early adopter because HOLY SHIT, are these people for real or is it elaborate trolling?

Second one incoming. It's past 5 AM. Running on fumes here.
Okay, whats with the chef with the multiple eyes and tentacles? I thought the mutation virus only made people into anthro animals
Only when asleep or ko'd
any other way and you become THAT
Ah, now it feels like a Poppy thread.

And the other one... Goodnight I'm off to bed.
Jim and Wally removing kevab when?

Don't forget that if you are using drugs while mutating you become in whatever Copper is.

I don't know, it doesn't feel Californian without long blonde hair, an expensive doodad, for a wrap around pair of shades.

Good job making a normal person though!
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>.gif for still image

They are posted in .gif off the website.

I don't know if Aaron posts them in .gif.
Slowpoke mate, it was always like this. Tho I remember someone explaining why he uses .gif in the comics but I don't remember what it was.

That's only when they are awake, like you are right now!
The strips in endtown.com are PNG so it must be a gocomics thing.
What if the pages are posted in .gif so when the comic is over the secret endtown animation unlocks? I know it won't happen but I really want a Endtown animation
Most likely real.

Almost every time I'm there, someone asks something and people respond with "holy shit, that's literally 3 pages ago, how dense are you?"
It's worse when someone makes a theory about something said in the current page, basically going "what could they be talking about?" when the context is in the previous page.
CEAnon here, back from the session.
Like I expected, it was short. Just character creation and introduction to Pier Villa. I decided to give each player a free "lore item" that can affect them in the future two of which I've already got plans for. Too tired to do the summary, so g'night for now
An artist once told me, if I'm remembering it properly:

You use .gif when you're working in up to 256 colours.
You use .png when you're working in more than 256 colours, but you have large areas of flat colour or you need transparency.
You use .jpg when you have lots of colours and few areas with flat colour.

>go to poppy thread out of curiosity
>35% reaction images from the comic's panels
>45% people talking about fucking freddy
>18% people cheering for mary and tranny bird
>2% actual comic discussion

and people complains about the quality of the endtown threads...
>I don't know why I added Jim

because subconsciously you know the cute bastard needs more art.
People mostly complain about the drawfag circlejerk. Outside of that we haven't had any bad threads since the waifuwars ended.
Character sheets, by the way. I'll add the rest of the equipment tomorrow
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How many tones of gray does Endtown use?

>yfw Jim appears more in fanart than he will ever do in the comic

>we haven't had any bad threads since the waifuwars ended.
Please don't remind me, those threads were such fucking shit
>Please don't remind me, those threads were such fucking shit

i dont know, i personally thought they were pretty entertaining and kind of amusing.

some people did take the shit way too seriously though.
>only that one anon complained about the drawfag circle jerk.
Make it two.
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There must have been at least one troll fueling the flames on purpose.

I refuse to believe kirbeefags are that toxic since they were seemingly the ones always starting shit.
>some people did take the shit way too seriously though.
Oh yeah, those threads exuded high concentrated autism
You could almost picture anons in a very violent fight yelling "your waifu is shit! no YOUR waifu is shit!" at each other with every punch and kick.
Something like this but with Kirbee and Holly watching in confusion and awe in the background?
It was like the text version of the comic about the guys fighting for a fucking hair gel
You mean skub?
It's that from the thread were the anons discuss for almost a hour about if there's was a typo mistake in the comic?

Yeah that one, I forgot the name
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>I refuse to believe kirbeefags are that toxic since they were seemingly the ones always starting shit.

they weren't exactly the only ones starting shit, but boy they were easy to trigger, realistically both sides were completely pants on head retarded, assuming of course they were being serious in the first place.
Endtown threads have gotten into heated arguments about grammar at least THREE times IIRC.
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>heated arguments about grammar
>How many tones of gray does Endtown use?

Well if it's flat grey, there's only 256 greytones possible, because it goes from 0,0,0 to 255,255,255 in RGB, with the R, G and B in lockstep.
Both Hollyfags and Kirbeefags were whiny bitches
THREE times!
For now, there's still 9 years of these threads left and god knows what kind of shit can happen
>Those last names

Ah, that took me awhile to figure out.

That looks really cool, fantastic! I'm really happy you guys got through it, it means that it might make sense to more people then just me! Email me at [email protected] with any questions or any hiccups, man!
Flask has the best rape face.

Well, you know, I think the /trash/ thread kind of provided an outlet for that. Now the smut can flow without the shitflinging although it was fun and secretly instigated by Neathery.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Incidently, I just remembered that Jim's surname is Jensen and that there's only one picture making justice to it.
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After posting this I went and converted the current strip from .gif to an 8-bit .png and found that the .png was actually smaller, so .png may have better compression after all. Perhaps it varies based on the picture content.
>secretly instigated by Neathery.
It was pretty obvious that he was enjoying it but I doubt he was instigating it. He just write the story as he had it planned, he didn't thought that people here would go crazy about the Holly and Kirbee deal because boy, the waifuwars were killing the threads.
I see nothing wrong said in those posts.

Hopefully the art has helped. I'm Itching for the logs/summary though

I know Aaron draws on paper then adds greytones in Photoshop. or some other program, actually.

He didn't think 4chan of all places would pick his co!if but there you go.

I wonder what he thinks of all this after the last year or so.
Mixed feelings, I would imagine. Probably mostly positive, though. Maybe Aaron can clarify if he's passing through and feels like it...
Oh, I remember that thread
He loves that the comic is getting attention. That's all that matters. He's old enough to not be picky about it.
>He's old enough to not be picky about it.
That's something I love about him compared to most artists of webcomics I read, he's one of the few that's old enough to have mellowed out completely.
Doesn't let stuff get to him really and just takes things in stride while doing what he loves.
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>9 years
I decided to shorthand it because writing that shit down several times was a pain. Also, the people playing Annie and Mundy are the only two (aside from me) who actually read the comics. Annie (just gonna use the character name for confidentiality, for all I know they browse /co/ too) introduced me to Endtown about a month or so, and Mundy was introduced to it last week. Larry's a meme loving fuck and he knows that I know what that name is from, but other than that, he said he might read it over the weekend.
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>Being upset that we'll be stuck together
>for nine years
Anon, chill. By 2025, we'll have our simulated waifus and flying cars. Hell, maybe it ends in 2025 because that's when the comic and reality become one
Samefagging doesn't count.
Is it so hard to believe that people find it uncomfortable when the subject changes from the comic to the fanartists?
And what is there to discuss currently? We're in the middle of an action scene with two people we know will survive. fan stuff is just a fun thing to do until the next update. I'm just suprised that we don't see more fan fic about endtown.
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Niggah wut?
seriously, please provide examples of what fanart has you so riled up.

Genuinely curious.
It's not the fanart itself you idiot, it's the circlejerk. The thread should be about the comic, not ourselves.
But they're making artwork about the comic to both have fun, and to bump the thread from time to time.
And that's fine. Drawfags are not a problem. The problem is when people start to talk more about their work than the actual comic. That's how the most cancerous fanbases start. Specially because it leads to drawfag worship which then derails the the threads when someone gives one of them criticism or otherwise disagrees with them, like right now. You jumped the gun expecting to defend some drawfag and would've probably gotten in argument over it instead of ignoring this meta discussion and talking about the comic.

not that anon. i agree that we should give artists who contribute with art to the thread our thanks and we have to let them know how much we appreciate their work, which we in fact do appreciate.

however, i only agree with him when it comes to Kc's insufferable ego though, who thinks and acts like he is some sort authority because he is friends with Aaron, he's even gone as far as posting under Aaron's name. literally riding on his dick for attention and spouts 2009 memes when gets called out.
>The problem is when people start to talk more about their work than the actual comic

this happened? I totally agree that people should keep non-Endtown related stuff to the webcomics thread.
I think you just misinterpret him. It's not that he's trying to talk on behalf of Aaron, he's just the one who talks with him the most so he has the most to say. And as he said, other persons would have more to say too if they actually contacted Aaron instead of asking others.

However, I do admit that he can be obnoxious in general, not just here in the Endtown thread. Plus, one time I caught him defending himself while posting anonymously and THAT is quite a foul. I wonder why nobody else catched on since his post format is very distinctive.
One or two threads devolved to artist discussion and them talking to each other. Even the people at the Poppy thread were commenting how circlejerky it had gotten and those guys are pretty dense so it's alarming when even they notice.
Ugh, really? Who was it?
The artists? All of them. Even CR was there.
Hi Shon

please finish your commissions.
What makes you think I'm him?
You're not, but those given to samefagging see samefagging all around them.
I find that hard to believe. Poppy threads are REALLY bad.
Only KC cares about whiteknighting for KC

>deletes browser cookies and refreshes page prior to screenshot
And that's exactly why I got worried. They were right, it was getting bad.
Actually, I'm another drawfag though not as active as the others. I made: http://the-collection.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=23247

i remember that, that was a decent piece
But Kc is the only fanartist here that you complane about. Suule has been posting in this thread and you said nothiong
Let's not forget Jamil.

Suule, Jamil, leon, dk and the rest of the nameless drawfags are very nice and extremely chill people, there's literally nothing to complain about them
>Is it so hard to believe that people find it uncomfortable when the subject changes from the comic to the fanartists?

Then what are you bitching about?
I don't know, I wish they didn't use their name all the time. Smagg didn't do that.
KC can be kind of condescending, especially when he speaks on behalf of Aaron

What has Suule ever done?

>implying i'm that anon who feels unconfortable
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You know, >>83279722 has a point.
>been coming to 4chan for 12 years
>coming to /co/ for 10

Time flies, nigga!
What difference does that make? They made the art, using names make them easy to spot... or filter, if it bothers you that much.

the man talks from experience.
Ideally, the value of posts should be what they say, not who says it. Using a name ruins that.

>Ideally, the value of posts should be what they say, not who says it. Using a name ruins that.

Ruins the value of a 4chan post? What value?
Taking the thread back to the story, I think Holly and Doc are going to end up down in the sewers. We know the city is about to be nuked, so they'll need to be somewhere safe.

Any bets on other mutants allready hiding out down there?

What bad things Suule has done again to mention him with KC?
Mutant rats?
LOL! All the Security Rats are down there!
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Jezis, look at this thread.

As soon as someone mentioned the circlejerking everyone got defensive. This pretty much comfirms it.

post more cute jims
Or maybe they were trying to inform that anon that was wrong.

he is not entirely wrong though
Yeah, they sure showed him.
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>cute Jims
Seems redundant, but okay.
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it is
I say that they will end in the Pep stadium, after all that's the most logical way to explain how they arrive to Endtown, unless that Doc has contacs with Mallar.


not even once.
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I'm not so sure. From the hints Aaron has given us, I think Pep stadium would be a one way trip. The biddibombs are running all over the place and the Apex teams were just killing anything that moved, not trying to capture it. The city seems to have descended into chaos.
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>Jim doubters

>not even once
Wasn't Walt the "Hero of Pep Park" or something like that, though? I think it's implied he did something to spring a whole bunch of mutants out of there, maybe even leading them to Endtown, and that's why they made him the mayor.
It's possible that they only used the flamethrowers in case the find the abominations like the one in the kitchen while anthro mutans were captured for later experimentation, and yeah you can see them shooting to normal people because they must not let witnesses
Was that in the comic or one of Aaron's letters?
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>not wanting to cuddle with Jim and caress his fluffy tail

comic, dottie called him the hero of pep stadium on after his speech
Yes that was the reason why they choose him as mayor, actually iirc Aaron said that soon we will know why he's called like that.
page date?
>Dottie has the right to bear arms
>hugging her all evening

>destroying her ass during the night
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>Jimposters responsible for all the gay furry smut that has been attracting the kind of shitposting furry that gets furry banned in the first place

>Jimposters responsible for attracting the kind of gay furry who floods Aaron's inbox with dozens of love letters about Jim

why do you hate Endtown so much?
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>Loving jim = hating endtown
>love letters about Jim

citation needed
most of those love letters and there were a few of them were about Kirbee in all fairness.

i actually wonder if they were actual love letters, like "oh kirbee i love you" or they were just general questions about her as readers express how much they like her.
Aaron doesn't seem like one to mince words. He wouldn't have said "love letters" if they were just general questions

not that it should surprise anybody. Go to desustorage and search up some old threads, it's pretty blatant.
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Here's some examples of the cringeworthy questions sent to Aaron.

He handles them quite well.

i don't have to, i honestly haven't missed a thread since the cuckening, i know how dense some waifufags can get, but shit i dont think anyone would go a far as to write and ACTUAL love letter to a fictional character... fuck i am a gigantic kirbee fag i would never in a million years would do such a thing.

mice humping takes the cake, holy shit... why did Aaron included that one.
What is so bad about the mice humping compared to all the shit above?

it was sent directly to Aaron... also anon asumed he was going to find it funny for some reason.
He included it because he did think it was funny. If he had been offended by it, he wouldn't have included it in the update.

i'm not implying it's offensive, it's just not funny and dumb, definitely a lot worse than the jim posting for sure.
I can't believe people put more attention to that than:
>Cartoon logic would dictate that Jim would have been more likely to have become a burglar with a souther accent.
COME ON! Why did no drawfag react to that?
Because everyone was more busy cringing with the mice humping question
Jim bandit and Wally sheriff preparing for shootdown at high noon picture when?
It doesn't seem like the worst thing people have talked about ITT.
I feel like it was pretty clear to me when Jim looted the PT
But it's the most recent
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Aaron REALLY thinks about this stuff.
It will surprise you the amount of detail that Aaron put in the comic
No, we'd all forgotten about it, but you keep bringing it up like a thing.
Jimposters are as bad as the Kirbee ones. The desire to see Sarah dead for hurting Jim's feelings is even reflected in all the vitriol aimed at Holly for being mean to Kirbee.
What got more play in these threads; mouse humping or motion blur?
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Ever wondered why Sarah was a bitch?
She's cold-blooded
Curious why Chic was basically homeless?
Chicken little
Why does Walt like to pretend to fish?
Bears like to fish
That, and he was an avid fisherman pre-war
Why does that fox dude, whatshisface, work at the Endtown Gazette?
He's qualified for the job
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>The desire to see Sarah dead for hurting Jim's feelings
>hurting Jim's feelings
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>those last, brief moments of sanity.
She dumped him, she didn't physically harm him at all.
Are you seriously saying that emotional harm isn't a thing?
And that isn't hurting his feelings?
Meant for >>83287759, right?

she didn't just hurt his feelings, she used him and discarded like trash the moment she got a taste of dick, she showed no remorse when she found out he was dead after all he did for her. she's a fucking monster and defending Sarah unironically is gocomics comments section levels of idiotic.
Oh, and also she saw his tiny raccoon dick
To be fair, Jim had the same reaction.

boy that sure excuses her...
Actually it kinda works both ways.
Doesn't she also discard him that quicky because she had some low level amnesia?
No it doesn't.

she did have amnesia, but jesus i doubt it would turn someone into a complete fucking bitch unless she always was one...

she knew what he did for her, so i'm not really sure if that's the reason why.
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So he couldn't control his urges... he was doomed to Schism from the start!

Let's not take this joke too far, it's obvious that Jim simply wanted to be prepared.
Family business & there's an "immunity" gene?
>she did have amnesia, but jesus i doubt it would turn someone into a complete fucking bitch unless she always was one...
That must have be her real personality all the time, but I said that it was more easy for her dumping Jim now that she didn't remember most of the things he did for her.
>she knew what he did for her, so i'm not really sure if that's the reason why.
She just wanted to survive at all cost and Jim was no longer useful for her after all now she had a bunch of lizards that will heard all her orders without hesitation

at the end she is just a fucking monster, any way we put it... it's perfectly reasonable to want her dead.
What are they exactly taking? I doubt that it's food since topsiders eat the own processed wastes
>That bag with the topsider logo
I would buy it
I can see that as a T-Shirt too.

Maybe one with a buddibomb face in the center with the words "yay" underneath it as well.
You think we should tell Aaron about the ideas of designs of t-shirts that we have? Some of them are really good
I want a T-shirt with Welcome to Endtown on the front and a list of character names on the back, like one of those tour shirts.

dunno about the list of characters...
I have a blank canvas bag. I might buy some fabric paints and design a topsider logo on it now. Thanks
Can't say I agree.

More subtle references on shirts are better than a bunch of characters / names on a shirt. No one will bother to ask since it's a minor pattern and just see it as a normal shirt, but those who know the source material will recognize the pattern and maybe call them out on it, make friends and discuss the source of the subtle item.

For example, a shirt with just this symbol I'd be alright with, maybe talk to the guy and discuss Berserk. If it's completely covered with shit from the manga, I'm gonna avoid him / her.
Cool man. If you ever get something whipped up, send us some pictures.
Hey, CARPGAnon, got more ideas to draw? I can sketch something tonight.
Maybe a Murk patrol boat. The party is going to be encountering them soon, so that would be nice

Sure thing! Although I warn you - Topsiders are a painful enemy to deal with
That's why he loved Sarah so much,
she was trash!
Speaking of Murk patrol boats, I nearly forgot the tl;dr summary of last night
>Character creation started off simply enough
>Annie and Larry already had their character ideas
>Annie decided to be the medic while Larry was every single middle-aged action video game hero
>Mundy wanted to roll for height, race, and personality, ending up with a tall, probably schizophrenic rabbit
>Since Larry was the only one who never read the comic (Annie introduced it to me near the end of the Unity arc and Mundy binge read it last Thursday), we had to give him a summary of the comic
>Then I had to give the three of them a summary of the California Republic and the major areas, which were Sacramento, San Fran, and Los Angeles
>After a "brief discussion" on why a not-dust-wasteland wasn't lore breaking, we began to summarize each character's background
>Annie was a medical student pre-war, and now works at a makeshift hospital in Pier Villa. The locket she wears has a picture of her and her fiancee before he disappeared and she mutated. I would add more but for all I know she is checking out the thread, trying to figure out how I'm gonna ruin her (in-game) life with it
>Larry wandered the wastes for 3 years after the colony in Anaheim began to break down into anarchy Ironic, seeing as the hockey team he was a fan of was called the Anaheim Anarchists
>Mundy, like Larry, was a wanderer before being picked up by the Merced group. He is one of the few people who ditched the splinter colony south of Pier Villa after the third coup happened.
>They meet each other in the hospital after a Pier Villa patrol group had a deadly run-in with a Murk party
>Mundy and Larry both decide to go out and help the survivors of the patrol sack a supply boat that's going to head out to Alcatraz in two days
>After a failed surgery, Annie is guilt-tripped into joining the raid
That was a good one Carlos
>After a failed surgery, Annie is guilt-tripped into joining the raid

How badly do you have to screw up to say, "fine, give me a fun. I'll help you go scrumping"
let's see:
>You roll a 1
>The guy who's blood is on your hands had a wife
>She was standing right next to you as her husband bled to death
>Why no end town strip clubs?
Strip clubs aren't very good. Paper makes for a bad bludgeoning tool
Who says there isn't? Probably clubs with dancers.
Why have not seen?
You mean something like antros?
Because no eyes
Jesus christ
Not important to the story.

>endtown opens a strip club and whorehouse
>called "Anthros"
>schism syndrome suddenly disappears for male citizens
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Here you go. PBR on steroids


Christ... the botch on surgery. How much MP loss?


/trash/ had that discussion
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Doesn't help that she feels guilt-ridden easily
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>The mutant heads on the front of the ship
Fucking brutal
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So I recently caught up on OVER HALF A DECADE OF FURRY POST APOCALYPSE WITH MAGIC KINDA and I just have one question:
So was Jim freaked out about his junk or Sarah's?
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Fuck, I didn't notice at the first time. Doesn't topsiders actually can get money if they sell the fur of some mutants?
For a brief instance, he thought he had 3 legs.
I say that both
Good night little thread. You had a busy weekend.
Tomorrow: Holly and Doc visit for first time in their lives /trash/!

i was jim who screamed "Oh My God" when looking at his erected bone... i guess they were foreplaying, caressing each other and gently kissing for the first time in their lives, until they realized the awful truth.

i would have tried to make it work honestly...

Bro, it was like an eraser in a manhole
I heard someone say in an earlier thread that raccoon junk is small
I just googled raccoon genitalia.

I no longer wonder why he was so shocked.
I mean I assume it's proportional to the raccoon... Jim is what, 3 feet tall? 4?
Someone lied.
Now compare that to the Sarah's stature
Alright, unfortunately I googled it and Holy shit that's a bone!
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That's what the pastebin said


Wasn't that something they talked about in one of the earlier arcs?

Ok and to make things more uncomfy... here's a zoom in on the head. It wasn't a quick death.
Not necessarily Endtown art mate. Doodled it cause I dug the pose. Then again... maybe it's a good wasteland rider sketch regardless>>83294516

Al and gustine made it work, why couldn't sarah and jim do it?

The comment about art was meant to be for...


Things screwed up
>Wasn't that something they talked about in one of the earlier arcs?
Yeah, it was when Wally meets Allie and then she's captured, one of the topsiders said that they will get good money with the Allie skin.

>why couldn't sarah and jim do it?
Because Al and Gustine loved each other, in that aspect Jim and Sarah were the contrary side of the coin.
Albert is one of the manliest men in the comic.
And one of the most stronger too, he could support the weight of Gustine with all and Sparkplug
>in that aspect Jim and Sarah were the contrary side of the coin.

sarah is, jim did love her... unfortunately


i agree. Gustine is literally a high test, Albert gives no fucks.
The fact that he held onto her for so long without his arms tearing off is impressive
Actually I think that in that scene he was describing the fact that he was dying
Show they class what you found anon.
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>Albert gives no fucks.

No, no, he gives every fuck.

He just saves them up for his rhino gal.

Headcanon is he still has to resort to pleasing her manually, pic related.
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>you know what i mean
Definitely motion blur.

On the contrary, mice humping now seems to be a taboo subject for some reason.

mice humping is not really taboo, i just think that all the nonsensical bs we talk in here should be kept here and not sent to Aaron...
Selina lurks and tells him anyway.
I'm pretty sure Aaron lurks too, if the Seuss poem and the Donut Steel joke were actually him (and none of the people who'd know have said otherwise)...

that's no reason to send him that crap to his email
>Donut Steel joke

that was kc posting with Aaron's name.

To be fair, the mouse-humping thing came up as a logical extension in a discussion of anthro instincts, before Aaron clarified that the instincts in question were purely those of stereotypical cartoon animals.

Still shouldn't have been sent to him, though. Even if he was already aware of it, that was just a weird thing to do...
Any leads on the true source of the Seussian horror tale of Marxness?
It was either the real Aaron or that other anon who pretended to be him
No trip, I noticed, but does Aaron have one?

nope, he only uses his name.
No that I know, the last time he posted here it was under: "The other Aaron Neathery"
>"The other Aaron Neathery"
that's because kc was posting using his name, he actually had to call himself the real Aaron i think.
If last post, Wally fucks kirbee
It was him? I always thought that it was just some anon teasing us
Not here, but in /trash/ maybe

yeah, that was the real one

i don't want him to break up with holly, but damn at least a quicky
Why not both?, c'mon Wally stop being a pussy
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