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Why did this trigger femenists so much? So what if the joker

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Why did this trigger femenists so much? So what if the joker sexually assulted batgirl(which he didnt)? Hes the bad guy. Isnt that supposed to be his job?
>I want to use villain in story but he used to kill prostitutes and not I won't use him
It's not the Joker, it's Batgirl's terrified reaction to him.

Acting like a terrified victim isn't exactly what people want out of their Bat-female empowerment character.
Oh know, because fuck forbid we have some emotion to a character. Thats why nobody liked henry cavils superman in BVS, but actually cared for affleck who can ACTUALLY FUCKING ACT!!!! Fuck, even batmans the stronger character, but even the most powerful people cry or get scared.
>Hurr durr Supes is not interesting because there is no threat to him
Just end me.
>Joker didn't sexual assault her
Well actually he did, I would consider stripping a person and taking their picture against their consent to be sexual assault.
That's just me tho.
That's what happened to Jim, not Babs.
His job is to provide entertainment and really when is the last time the joker was entertaining?
Did the munchkin hang himself on the set of the wizard of oz, because e coupdnt take the guilt of taking the job to rape gordon for the joker?
I dont know man. That shit he pulled with blowing up a kindergerten was fucking hilarious.
I think it was after the 300'th rape the joker thread. He had the tinyest noose...
The audience demographic includes a lot of young girls who really didn't need to see that; especially because it had less to do with the issue than the anniversary of some other comic that said girls have no connection to.
Usually I'd be in the anti-sjw crowd with the majority of you guys, but in this case it's kinda understandable why the cover was pulled. DC wanted to dissociate the new empowered Batgirl from the KJ assault origin because it reduces her character from a hero to a helpless victim. I mean honestly, does it look like Batgirl in that picture would be capable of saving herself or anyone for that matter?
You shouldn't be allowed to show woman being hurt physically or mentally.

Its fine if it happens to men though. No seriously, that was their reasoning.

Not trying to defend crazy ass 3rd wave feminists, but...

>So what if the joker sexually assulted batgirl(which he didnt)?

Undressing someone against their will and taking pictures of them after you just shot them IS sexual assault, you fucking moron!

Just because he didn't rape her, doesn't mean it wasn't sexual assault.

For the record, what he did to Jim Gordon also counts as sexual assault, but you never hear the feminazis bitch about that for some reason.
Fucking hypocritical mysandric bitchs.

It was a variant cover. You have to work your ass off to get one of those, and they are very frequently completely unrelated to the book.

I would agree with you, if it were Marvel Adventures level, or something specificlaly tailored for the under 12 crowd.

It was a variant. If they get triggered by comic book history then they already had the standard "LE XD QUIRKY LETS TAKE SELFIES AND JOIN TINDER!" Batgirl book safespace.
They don't read or buy comics anyway as evidenced by their complaints of things that aren't problems or don't exist.

I treat them like I treat Evangelicals who come to my door to talk to me about the Lord; I ignore them and get on with my day because nothing they say or do matters to me unless I decide it does.
I think it was one of those free ones not like Marvel where you have to buy 100 for 1. but they had the option to buy the regular cover with her in her dad's crosshair
Show me one time where Batman was depicted in a similar way.

Oh right, you can't.
And that's the difference.
I like the cover but I get what people were mad about.
It's revictimization., it's not just she's in danger but the fact that she's utterly helpless and scared out of her wits.
is that a joke? sarcasm doesn't come a cross well in text.
I am being serious, show me a single picture of Batman looking full of despair/terrorized

The choices aren't just "Be a Snyderian automaton" and "Be a terrified victim." The pre-52 comics managed to do her confrontation with the Joker already without resorting to either, acknowledging the amount of power and control Joker once had over her, but emphasizing the amount of effort she's put in to rise above that and that she will not allow her fear to rule over her anymore. And she was in her wheelchair at the time!

I haven't read this particular comic so I don't know how they actually handled it, but the cover certainly emphasizes her weakness as opposed to said weakness being overcome.

Is it kind of a silly thing fret about? Probably. But it's not some mindless HURR DURR KILL PATRIARCHY moment.
I can find at least a dozen covers where Dick is like that. Nobody cares when it's Dick, but they're there.
it's a variant for Joker month. There's no story.
The sad irony is that we have a bunch of people here talking about feminists being triggered, while this whole thing actually happened over a year ago, and the feminists have since moved on to whining about Tracer's butt and harassing James Rolfe because he doesn't like the new ghostbusters remake.

yet here, in the land of autistic comicbook geeks, this is still an issue. Even though the cover was pulled at the artist's request, and the artist himself is now the main artist of the title itself.

...but no, the feminists are the only triggered ones. Not these people here who whine about it a year later.
that's because when it happens to Dick is pandering fan service and nothing more
okay. we need a sarcasm button for this guy.
Oh, well then it's just retarded.
Good point
Well, I'll support what he's saying. Like I said here >>82918762 I have plenty of covers where Dick is playing the victim, but I've gotta agree, they don't do pictures like that for Batman.
The fact that it's a variant cover is more of a negative than positive since there isn't really any context included. Can you imagine someone who hasn't read KJ seeing the cover trying to understand what's going on? Just a bad choice for a throwback variant.

Now they're gonna post a shit ton of pictures where Batman is in peril, tied up and all that stuff...

But probably none where Batman is being held against his will crying his eyeballs out because of fear.

See, these autistic neckbeards are just as narrow minded and prone to making strawman arguments as the other side.

That's the real problem here. It's whiny know-it-all fanboys versus whiny know-it-all SJWs. It will be a long time before either side will be smart enough to shut the fuck up and go look for middle ground territory instead of trying to bash eachothers skulls in over the internet.

Yin Yang.
We talked this to death at the time, there's no point in just repeating self-evident points OP.

Is this a parody? That's literally what feminists did when the cover was announced and they got replied to with dozens of examples of Batman and friends being bound and beaten
>about Tracer's butt
But thats the fucking characters choice to show it off. They dont bitch about men being sexualized. Just because women were "oppresed" doesnt mean they have to be sex hating cunts about it.
but where they crying completely helpess and terrorized? No, and that's the difference.

They get beaten but they keep their dignity, Barbara in this image is a mess, crying, desperate and helpless. No dignity at all, no courage or anything.

> dozens of examples of Batman and friends being bound and beaten

...and none of them showed Batman crying like a victim with that same look of complete and utter terror in his eyes. It was a nice strawman parade.
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I'm curious. You really think it's the tears that are the difference maker?

>batman has to be in this LITERAL EXACT SAME POSE or else he is not experiencing physical or mental angusih!

Good one m8.
Congratulations on a full solid year of missing the point then.

It's not about getting bound and beaten, it's about their reaction to it. Batman is never scared or crying when receiving a beating, even when it's against someone like Bane who once left him a broken mess.

Literally nobody has a problem with that edit of the cover where Batgirl is staring angrily at the Joker rather than looking terrified.
To be fair I'm cheating
To be less fair I don't care
I don't think you're using that right.
Because tears make you a total little pussy ass bitch
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Forgot the image
Yeah they pretty much are. Crying is you at your most vulnerable.

>its only humiliating for the character if there are visible tears


No tears, it doesn't count.
Visual language dude. Having a character in tears is like a signal that they gave up and can't keep up that defense no more.
These are more 'oh no spooky monster" than "you are invading my personal space and I am clearly a victim in danger"
You can clearly tell that Batman isn't experiencing any form of terror or mental abuse because he isn't secreting a liquid from his nasolacrimal ducts
Can you really day that Batman on these covers
Has the same raw fear that babs is showing?
But listen to what you are fucking saying dude.

No tear drop = cover is OK
A tear drop = it should be banned that's just simply TOO MUCH! A tear?!

Batman is a trained guy and not a rookie.
Batgirl is a college girl with only some self-defence lessons under her belt, of course she would react in a different way.

No I can't say that.

The fact that the joker cover is pure concentrated fear is fucking remarkable and is why its such a good cover. The jokers a twisted, sick, evil fuck.

And its a call back to one of the greatest Batman stories ever told. Its an incredibly powerful image and that's why the cover is so fantastic. Then the actual quality of the art boosts that even more.
>Batgirl is a college girl with only some self-defence lessons under her belt, of course she would react in a different way.
She's more trained and seen more shit than any of the batfamily with the exception of Dick and Batman himself.
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What's the difference of fleeing in terror from a spooky monster man and being a victim in danger?
I think I could make an argument, yeah.
Not for this one, he just seems really mopey and defeated though.
And I kinda like the art for these covers so I wanted to post it. Batman art really went to a weird place in the 90s.
>seen more stuff than the guy literally killed by the Joker
>or Damian

yeah, nah
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Ban this sick filth
That's why I said "Seen shit", not "Been through shit." Babs is hilariously more experienced than either Jason or Damian.
What I'm fucking saying is that tears are a shorthand for vulnerability and emotional trauma. When you draw a character crying in any capacity you're saying that this character is not a position of power and that too have babs crying next to the joker with the implication of violence is revictimization of the character.
What is wrong with revictimizing the character?

>to have babs crying next to the joker with the implication of violence is revictimization of the character.

Yep. That's the entire point of the cover. Whats your point? Why shouldn't that be allowed again? Because it upsets your fee fees?

The jokers a ducking deranged psycoptah that does twisted shit to people. The cover showed that. Why is that too much for people?
This just loops right back to "you shouldn't be allowed to show bad things happening to women because it upsets me"
What's the benefit?

An incredibly striking and powerful piece of art? A piece that exemplifies the fucking core of who the Joker is as a person?
Hilariously, people empathizing with a character in a genre built around self-empowerment and personal agency don't like to see her stripped of those for no other reason than to call back to another story that treated her like trash 25 years ago.

Shocking concept, I know.
So...the solution is more crying batmen covers?


It's a variant cover about the single most famous barbra gordon story ever.

Theres a difference between not liking it, and being so upset that they tore up the copies of the Killing Joke in the library, as they did locally.
>self-empowerment and personal agency

The first issue of the current Batgirl run started with her getting blackout drunk and waking up in bed with a man she doesn't know.
The killing joke is not a Barbara gordon story.

So nothing bad should ever happen a character because some people that relate to them might get upset? Got it.
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Well first of all, no she didn't wake up in bed with a man so you're wrong and secondly she chosed to get drunk, the character still has agency.
Hey! He was on the couch.
And still.....
>It's a variant cover about the single most famous barbra gordon story ever.
The Killing Joke is not a Barbara Gordon story. That's, like, it's entire problem.
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And still filthy casuals insist that it is despite her only appearance is that of being shot.
>So nothing bad should ever happen a character because some people that relate to them might get upset? Got it.
Don't be a moron.

Its the most famous story that she is in at least. And what happened to her in the story is probably the most iconic thing about it.
Is there one with Spawn and Violator, pls?
Why is the variant batgirl cover focusing entirely on the joker? Shouldn't it be Batgirl taking the joker down instead?
I like the rule this anon has established.

No character can ever experience TRUE emotional or physical abuse unless they are crying. So its OK to have Batman or Robin or any other male battered and abused on a cover because it doesn't really count as abuse unless there are visible tears.

Again, that's the problem.

Because it was JOKER MONTH.

You fucking retarded cunt.
It's famous for her the same way identity crisis made Sue dibny famous. Stripping her character and turning her into a prop for others.

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Considering that the same crowd lost their shit about the Manara cover, which has literal regular spiderman equivalents, I don't think having a crying batman cover would have made a difference.

It definitely limits what they can do.

I can only imagine the outrage if they had done a batgirl equivalent of this cover.

So, fill in a lightweight here. What's the most famous batgirl story with the Joker? I can't think of anything really memorable.

I have no idea what that would be. Batgirls typically shit.
Catwoman's cover hd her kicking the joker's ass.
Hell I think the Batgirl's cover is the only one where the joker is actually being threatening.
Editorial actually asked the artist to pump it up to horror movie levels.
You see that cover? He is laughing.
That's endearing and shows he is not broken even in front of such danger.
If he was crying and pissing himself it would have been similar OP's picture
To be fair it didn't so much strip her character as use one that had ceased to be relevant eventually making it so she COULD be relevant again ironically.
Come on bro, The Killing Joke's failure regarding Batgirl has been acknowledged by everyone up to and including Alan freaking Moore. Let's not retread ground that old.
See I like that cover even when facing death batman laughs.

Jesus Christ dude. So fucking what? You want there to be a mandate where all art should be similar? Should follow the same tone?

Have a little note saying "Please don't make this super villain evil or intimidating. Thanks - DC"

The Batgirl cover was pretty much the only decent one. All the rest were just whacky silly joker shit. This one was incredibly powerful and dark which reminded us how fucked up he is.

It's not the fault of the story, it's the fault of DC for taking an Elseworlds and making it canon for drama points.
>So, fill in a lightweight here. What's the most famous batgirl story with the Joker? I can't think of anything really memorable.
The story with Babs and Joker I can actually remember was in Birds of Prey #124.

Or his jaw is broken and he can't physically hold it shut. Because he's been fucking battered to near death.

Also the "he's not crying so its not as bad" excuse AGAIN. Yeah man, look at that image of Batman cut to shreds. He hasn't experienced any form of physically abuse amirite!! Its OK because yet again NO TEARS!
I don't need a reminder. DC has the joker doing nothing but fucked up shit to the point of becoming a one trick pony and you're acting like this is something we've been missing.

Don't get so hung up, especially if you're the one who called other people autistic anon.

I'm not making a direct comparison to the batgirl cover. I'm saying if they made a batgirl cover where she's THAT abused, bloody and fucked up, that it would trigger the fuck out of people.

The fact that an equivalent batman cover exists I don't think makes a difference here.
It's not about experiencing it, it's about how they react to it.

Batman in that picture suffered a lot and reacts by not giving up.
Barbara in OP's picture reacts by crying and showing total panic.
>The Batgirl cover was pretty much the only decent one. All the rest were just whacky silly joker shit. This one was incredibly powerful and dark which reminded us how fucked up he is.
You forgot "JOKER IS DANCING WITH DIANA AGAINST HER WILL!!!" cover, but yeah. Most of them were either goofy like Aquaman and Superman, or regular, like Titans and giant Joker's head.

Agreed it should have been Batman captured scared, while joker sexually assaulted him, then Batgirl came to the rescue.
Heaven forbid bad things can happen to superheros who put there lives on the line constantly.
We've seen female heroes beaten and bloodied as fuck before and few if any people cared. It's the image of her violator in psychological power over Batgirl that stirred shit up.
Cause god forbid the joker gets a little goofy or silly.

I'm not saying he shouldn't. The guy I'm replying to was saying that why was this one dark in tone when the other weren't. Like they should all be the same. I'm saying the others were silly and this one wasn't. It just so happened to be the absolute best one.
>so what
So it shows that Batgirl was singled to have the cover that refrenced her victimization at the hand joker.

You realise it's not an all-or-nothing situation, right?

You'd think /co/ would agree considering how triggered everyone here gets over how Hank Pym, Wifeslapper has never been managed to be erased. But apparently bringing up a bad part of a female character's past needs to be defended because "IT'S ABOUT ARTTTTTTT!!!!!"
...and we've seen other superheroes, crying like bitches, and THAT didn't upset the applecart.
cover art thou?

And? Again... So fucking what? Why is that a problem? Character can't be victims because it hurts your feelings?

But that was a good person doing a bad thing.

This is a bad thing happening to a good person.

because a comic classic has nothing to do with their interests

>Literally nobody has a problem with that edit of the cover where Batgirl is staring angrily at the Joker rather than looking terrified.

having a problem with characters showing emotion makes them seem inhuman, and instead gender rage vessels.

it doesn't matter what ideas you have bouncing in your head to justify it, normal people are going to look at the kind of imagery you describe as unreal and detached from human experiences.

batman was traumatized at an early age and modeled his entire life after fighting criminals. he's not going to have much of a reaction to anything.
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A character can be a victim but bab's role as a victim in TKJ was to be a prop. Refrencing her time as victim takes everything her character is so she could be a prop for the joker once again.
>See I like that cover even when facing death batman laughs.
Not recognizing glorious Dickbats, the laughing boy daredevil.
I picture Batman all steely-eyed in the face of Death. Dick is the one who'd go out laughing.

So what dude? So fucking what?

Gordon being "sexually assaulted" was also a prop for Batman too. What the fuck does it matter?

None of this is grounds for having a cover banned/censored/withdrawn
Of course on the cover. Pic not quite related, because this thread needs more levity.

Do you really think everyone who didn't like this cover thinks that female characters should never be put in danger?

Are you 12 years old? Just because someone thinks one thing is in poor taste doesn't make it some kind of fucking blanket statement, adults have this things called complicated opinions that aren't all-or-nothing.

The Internet's obsessive need to pigeon-hole opinions into one full camp or another is ridiculous. It's not trench warfare.
To be fair isn’t she some selfe taking teen than goes clubbing in her bat suit. Why should she be on par with someone the trained with the league of shadows for 12 years?
Oh shit I just noticed his belt. Yeah I agree with you. I'd like to picture both Bruce and Dick going out in a big ass fight taking down hordes of ninja and goons. I feel like all heroes should go out like that if there's no other way.
What a Jimmydick.
I bet in comic Superman has something in his tears that cures people and shit?
>A lost prophecy of Nostradamus’s is found by Jimmy Olsen, who learns from it that if he collects “tears from king and clown, from killer, and Kryptonian of renown” and mixes them together will gain “a power unknown to man”. As it turns out, the tears mixed together (including Superman’s) create an atomic explosion.
Well, I was wrong.
someone needs to meme this

No, I'm sure there's a number of reasons people wanted it pulled. Doesn't mean a single one of those reasons are valid.
Man now all I wanna know is what movie superman is watching.
>steel magnolias?
>boy in the stripped pajamas?
>Iron giant?
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This was the kind of cover the book was getting around the time.

So you can understand it was a little safe space which is why so many got triggered.

I don't think the cover should have been pulled, I just think it was in poor taste and basically resets a character who needs to move past that storyline back to it in the public eye.


Yes anon, any story that tries to appeal to youth culture is Tumblr. The comic industry should only pander to comic fanboys and nobody else!
>having a problem with characters showing emotion makes them seem inhuman, and instead gender rage vessels.
Yes, clearly a former victim being angry is sooo weird. I mean do you see how unnatural this is? Nobody in their right minds would buy it.

Don't be fucking ridiculous.

OK, but thousands did think it should be pulled because it hurt their feelings. That's what we are discussing.
>Yes anon, any story that tries to appeal to youth culture is Tumblr
Not him but it is though. That cover is shit and stupid. Why the fuck would she be taking a selfie in costume?
I seriously hate this version of batgirl
give me oracle any time of the day

It doesn't have even 1% as much impact as the original
To be fair Gordon wasn't a prop, Babs wasn't to torment Batman, it was to torment Jim. The whole point of that nights events was to corrupt Jim and the failure to do so. I mean argue he was a damsel in distress but he was more of a character than Babs and the third most important in the book.
Unless he's being a little bitch
>Oh wah wha my lungs are collapsed and or filled with blood so I can't laugh in the face of death
So it was a direction that her creative team wasn't really abroad on with.

Babs was to torment Jim which was both to torment Batman
Anyone brave enough to ask /tv/?

Clearly people who don't know what "variant cover" means.

do you actually think the realistic response is to get angry and want to fight? where could that sentiment come from?

people who create art should actually think about what realistic experiences are and not the bizarre thought processes that some people on the internet have. there's always going to be a small contingent complaining about their art for reasons that make no sense.

perpetually enraged feminist warriors will never be liked or believed in.

Who gives a fuck what the team thought? It was a variant cover seperate to the book. They don't have or need input on a variant optional cover.
>Unless he's being a little bitch
Stop being so damn salty
/tv/ here it's probably Titanic.
Ask and you shall receive.
the thing is the artist drew it long before the issue and dc held on to it till they wanted to release it,
Wast it made before Death of the Family?

If all four of his parents are dead why didn't he become Double Batman?
not to sure but it was a paid commission for dc, it happens all the time with special covers like that
Jesus jimmy try not to look so pleased with yourself.
would he be batbatman
or batmanman
>Yes, fathers. I shall become a bat's bat.
I see. Well, to me it'd make more sense to use that cover in Death of the Family or whatever.

Wait a minute. No. That's how you're interpreting Killing Joke?

You were supposed to think he was going after Jim. Jokers point was that you can pushed to a breaking point yes?

Then when Jim says to Batman do it by the books you think he failed.

But then Batman gets his hands on the Joker and does/or doesn't kill him. It was Batman Joker was going after all along not Gordon. He did/didn't fail.
>today is the anniversary of the destruction of my homeworld so I better watch the home movie of it's destruction.
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Jimmy you freak how did you get the tears of a king?
so the true villain was jimmy
Does Jimmy Olsen have any relevance at all in any of the Superman movies ever created, at least once?
All those Jimmy Olsen comics are highly exploitable.
I expected more, well, pedo.

Given his other stuff, maybe it was originally a haloween variant.

>Double Batman
Maybe batbatmanman?


And here I thought this thread would decend into nothing but circlejerking. A little silver age storytime. A little image for use for the next bitchfest here.

That's a better villian face than 70 percent of all of capeshit.
That's nothing.
While I don't think they should have pulled it, there is no doubt that's a foolish cover to put on a title you're probably hoping to sell to young girls. Though I think it's an absolutely incredible cover, it was a bit out of place.

Gimme the qwkerky on a real batman title though, dudes got style.
Olsen you absolute madman!
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I get vampire Batman, Superzombie, Aquamonster of the deep, but what is Diana? Snakewoman?

We have established in this thread that if the man isn't crying he isn't experiencing true mental/physical abuse.

If they are crying then its OK to be appalled by it and to want it banned.
it was a variant cover if you wanted it you had to ask for it ,most comic shops didn't put it on shelves
A semen demon
Oh you.

Not even in this thread, but I dunno, >>82919894 seems to me rather different than OP. This is just someone getting the shit beaten out of him, which is pretty standard in entertainment. The OP image is more about fear and defenselessness. It's basically a horror movie image.

I'm pretty sure I remember a Green Lantern cover far more similar to OP than the Knightfall thing. Let me see if I can find it...
I know this.
A lamia or an echidna.

Literally, yes.
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to think that entire issue is just batman getting beaten in every single panel

>fear and defenseselsness

that was portrayed in the story, Bruce wasn't only broken in the body at the end of it but also in will and anything else
Because some people are too retarded to acknowledge context.
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remember if its a man its ok to morons
Thanks. I figured it's some snake lady.

But did he cry though?
Women, young women, cry more than most grown men.
Come back to reality.
Echidna is Medusa with better hair. Pic related from Puzzles and Dragons.

I think he did. I know Robin cried like a motherfucker.
>do you actually think the realistic response is to get angry and want to fight? where could that sentiment come from?
Well gee, maybe from the years and years of effort she spent to overcome her trauma and not allow it to rule her life? Anyone remember those?

Getting angry and wanting to fight is an entirely realistic response for someone who's dedicated her life to not being a victim anymore. So which is it? Is she a sad little girl with no agency of her own or is she an actual hero worthy of Batman's name?
The Flash one had him forcibly restrained, with Joker about to bash his head in.
You're trying to be sarcastic but it's something thay should be considered.
>how often do men cry in fiction
The stigma against men crying kinda proves that the act of crying adds whole another layer of vulnerability and it's that vulnerability that bumbs babs down from a hero in peril to a victim.
If it was a whole story, you'd have a point. But it's a variant cover. It has no effect on the character, how does it reset her?
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Indeed it is. I just mentioned ones I remember. Found it silly to use sharks instead of piranhas for Aquaman, desu.
Jessica Jones must be the bane of your existence then jesus fucking christ
Would you?

Her reaction is what makes the image so powerful and what makes it so GOOD.

But fucking childish triggered women can't take it. Which is pathetic.
Batman did cry in some instances but keep in mind this is a guy that since when his parents were killed as tried to not let emotions out.
Cause it keeps her stuck as a victim.
Because feminists don't want anything
Everything is problematic.
I did an Arts degree, the thing you are taught in such a degree is critical. Thinking. This is a very useful skill which more people need. The easiest way to learn how to do this is by breaking down things, criticising them - hell, we do this all the time on 4chan.
The problem is when people can't turn this off. Everything is a problem for the sake of being a problem. I can read something and give you a list of reasons why a feminist should dislike it, this doesn't mean I agree. They read feminist literature and turn off their critical thinking and become mindless zombies who hate everything and have no alternative.
tl;dr - they are fucking retards

>a non canon, one off, optional HOMAGE to an old classic story keeps her a victim

Please end your life.
Like I said, it's a variant cover. It has nothing to do with her personal story, it doesn't affect her character at all. It's just a reference.
>reduces her character from a hero to a helpless victim
>Implying Oracle wasn't a masterfully-developed character
>Implying Babs is helpless to do anything in a wheelchair

This is the one thing normies say about comics that pisses me off. In addition to the usual hypocrisy and ignorance of the subject matter, it devalues one of the most unique comic book heroes. She's tech support for the Justice League and the Batfamily, she runs her own network of mercs and spies, and she does it all without being front and center in every action scene. Even without her legs, she still fights off goons, and there was that one issue where she saved someone from drowning using only her upper body. Oracle is a competent character who is by no means helpless, and without Killing Joke, she's just another generic "female version of hero" sidekick.
A reference that illustrates a perception, a precption that the creative wanted to shake off.
Jessica Jones' story is her finding the strength to overcome her trauma. That's something Babs did with great effect all throughout the Nineties.

Also I hate these "Who's more fucked up" games, but like Jessica Jones is objectively A LOT more fucked up than Babs.
The killing joke assault has little to do with her characterization she received from being oracle.
In the killing joke she's victim plain and clear.
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I haven't cried in 9 years and I have friends who have literally cried after spilling food. Women are more likely to cry, this is a fact.
Complaining about tears is like complaining that Robin doesn't have body hair.
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Also, read the mail from Debbie Rutter.

The writer is as whiny tumblr douche as the femenists that demanded the cover be banned are
cause happy-retarded assclowns can't see the difference between real life and a fucking comic book,hence it confuses their animal like brains when fantasy doesn't act according to their point of view, you faggot
>presumably grown woman wants shirtless teenage boy
>when men want it lets lose our minds
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In the story itself she's just a victim. To be fair she apparently hadn't really been used as a hero for a while and it was an elseworlds anyways.
It facilitates her change to a better character but only indirectly.
It's like saying that Death in the Family made Jason Todd who he is today. Yes of course but that wasn't the point when it was happening and you shouldn't really imply that.
>implying "debbie" isn't a man
>a variant cover you had to ask for that was made years before this issue has taken ALL agency away from her and fucked up her character

It's literally a comissioned variant created years before the comic it came out on no one cared about it until there was a bitchfest surrounding it. It doesn't change anything. It's just a variant for joker month portraying her most famous contact with the joker that had the biggest impact on her life.

The replacement isn't nearly as powerful.
I see what you mean, and that is a somewhat valid point, but again, I think the fact that it's not only just a cover, but a variant cover, somewhat overturns that. Besides, the same artist's next Batgirl cover portrayed her wiping off the blood in a "ready-to-fight" pose, so you could argue that the point was to have the two covers tell a story together.
I meant with the whole agency thing, because while she overcomes it occasionally she loses "agency" all the time in a multitude of her stories.

Bendis speak and the reusing of panels aside her runs are great though.
It has everything to do with that characterization, it's the first step OF that characterization. She had to learn to deal with what happened that night, and in doing so, grow stronger. She had to learn to adapt to not being able to use her legs, which she did. Killing Joke is her Crime Alley, as it were. In this one comic, yes, she doesn't do much, because the rest of her character arc happens in subsequent issues.

I would argue that if you're trying to discuss a character, you can't really focus on a single part of that character's history, you have to consider all of the implications of what you're looking at. Since the whole outcry was based on the notion that Killing Joke made her "vulnerable" and "lacking in agency" or whatever buzzword you want to use, it would be remiss of me to call bullshit without explaining WHY she isn't vulnerable or lacking in agency.
I remember that, people who dont read comics circlejerking on how bad it was.
I don't even know how to respond to this because it clearly has zero to do with what I was saying.

Yes, it's just a variant cover. No, it doesn't take all her agency away. No, it doesn't change anything. Yes, nobody cared about it because no one KNEW about it.

And none of that changes the fact that it's revictimizing her for no good fucking reason and that people are entitled not to like it on that ground.
Anons, I would like your opinion. Is >>82920523

A. /co/mblr


B. Australian
I only really know her from the show. I tried reading the comics but the first few issues are like the height of Bendis' obnoxiousness. Turned me right off.
Based on the timezone, I've got a bag of hoong on Australian.
What the fuck does that post have to do with Australia?
>B. Australian
Swords. At dawn.
Don't let it trouble you and just lurk moar anon. You'll be a sick cunt too one day.
>this thread
Get over it fuck
Wish I knew what's she yelling. Must be impoetant and inspiring.
iirc she's screaming her lungs out at Milo Yiannopoulos and Christine Summers. They're having a rational talk about some subject (I dunno what) when suddenly Thunderham the Triggered spawns and aggros on them hardcore. She sounds exactly like how you'd think she would judging off that gif.
Women can't stand actually threatening antagonists, so that's why cape-comics for women are all sugary fluff and why all villains in female-lead movies and shows are absolutely pathetic.
How much of this is cultural? I mean Lumberjanes reads like it's for 6 year olds with a heart condition, but across the pacific, Japan is putting out some suprisingly hardcore shojo stuff.
Thanks. Looked at video and holy shit. FUCK YOU and out of breath.
>who really didn't need to see that

Holy fucking shit. Someone actually pulled a "Think of the children!" card on fucking 4chan. I'm a mixture of amazed, horrified, and sad, but my sides are in space.
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Actually, he's a shitty comedian
Fuck off, Batfake. Go let someone else suffer a fate worse than death.
>Why did this trigger femenists so much?

What DOESN'T trigger feminists nowadays?
The pic has a man and a woman, the man seems to have the upper hand; that's all you need

But it gives MRAs boners!
>Not watching the 2006 Nostalgia remix
Blocked for third world but I appreciate the effort.

Nice, safe, non-threatening cripple over an action girl? I suppose, if that what it takes for you to not be triggered, Anon.
SHIT, wrong vid
Still blocked in third-world shitholes.
Joker is their husbando. He's really just misunderstood and needs Harley (their stand-in) to set him right.

That doesn't even make any sense.
>random fat thing and guy in flannel

Artist and landwhale.
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christ almighty.

this thread.

the main arguement over the killing joke cover is a stupid one, but when someone shows up and makes the exact same fucktarded arguements as all of the shrieking twitter harpies, right down to the same reasoning and thought processes, its no wonder the rest of the site calls us /co/mblr.

wake me up when im not on earth anymore.

I could be wrong, but that might be because the entire point of Batman's character is about overcoming fear and never showing any. Batman's never cries in fear over anyone.

A more apt comparison would be Dick, but that would require a reasonable argument.

It doesn't impact your erection, you mean, sicko.

That doesn't even make sense - if she were as angry as she looks in that picture, she would never have let him get that close in the first place.
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>Her reaction is what makes the image so powerful and what makes it so GOOD.

Person who masturbates daily to that cover detected.
What if he teleported and hugged her?
Batman was tied up and raped by Talia Al Ghul.
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Censorship is retarded and I think it was a shame the cover was pulled. Batgirl crying and looking truly terrified is what makes it powerful.

But there is no denying Batman would never be shown crying like that on a cover, though he is often molested and threatened sexually by his enemies. And I think it's true the reason for that comes down to people not wanting to see Batman being emasculated. Batman crying would simply turn people off or make them laugh, like they're laughing at the covers where he's terrified in this thread.
>implying women can rape men
>Milo Yiannopoulos and Christine Summers

Oh my fucken Jaysus.
How new could you be? We fap to floor tiles here. Hell, there's at least 3 fap threads in the /co/ catalog right now, one which starts at forced feminization with options for incest and rape, and goes downhill from there.

There's irrational, and there's full numa numa remix.
>Thunderham the Triggered spawns and aggros on them hardcore
Kill that miniboss and you get no loot. Shittiest drop table ever.

>Ctrl+f "agency"
>11 results



>what movie superman is watching.

you walked into this one.
Thats a random twitter feminist and Rafael Albuquerque, the variant cover artist
Because the joker is an anti-hero
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Don't remind me of that guy
They get triggered about everything that involves women. At least Tara had no problem with it.
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Honest question. Is you supposed to be Barbara? Why is she able to walk again? Is she a new Batgirl? Why would a new Batgirl be so triggered?
it should be darkseid holding sup
The best part of this whole thing is this artist is on Batgirl for Rebirth
So what?
also how is it a board for comics and cartoon is so shit at reading visual language?
So the artist who drew a cover so offensive to people that DC cancelled it will now be drawing every cover for that series?
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Would read.
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Thread posts: 281
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