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Civil War

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Hey /co/ let's talk about what we didn't like about this movie.

Overall I liked it but there were a couple of gripes I had with it.

Did it bother anyone else that Falcon brutally murders at least 5 of crossbones guys in the first scene? I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what
>I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what
Where the fuck did you get that from? All of the Avengers have killed in battle since day one.
>I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what
You realize that a good chunk of them are military/special ops right?
And what about the vial crossbones was after? Once Natasha got ahold of it, it was never seen again.
It wasn't important to the rest of the story. It was some other scheme he had that they thwarted.
>I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what
If you've watched any of the previous films that's a fairly erroneous conclusion to draw. Also, his kills weren't even particularly brutal. He just shot them.
it's in DC where they don't kill
and Daredevil
Klaw getting Kucked.

Ross being an up-tight Gyrich-lite grump instead of muh hapless husbando.

Bucky ending up in Wakanda and bringing all of his baggage with him.

Basically it made me paranoia for Panther's movie on several fronts.
>I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what
Sun God pls leave. You failed.
>Bucky ending up in Wakanda and bringing all of his baggage with him.
theyre keeping his frozen body in Wakanda
I thought its gonna play a role in Panther's movie though
Bucky was the best character in this movie (not by much) but still I'd love to see more winter soldier in the BP movie.
why were there 2 government guys named ross?
hobbit guy and thunderbolt ross?
I assume they are related? Not sure though all I know is that Everett ross is a character in the comics
all I wanna know is if Hulk's qt elf gf is ever coming back
her dad did
"Thunderbolt" Ross is a Hulk villain.
Everett Ross is basically a hapless sidekick from the State Department who follows T'Challa around in Priest's Black Panther run.
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I'm worried that the "let them try" line is going to be indicative of the Black Panther movie's entire basis, i.e. it's gonna be about the 'murican govmint coming after Bucky.
Fuck that. Wakanda for the Wakandans. Give me a standalone Black Panther story, as little MCU synergy as possible.
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Zemo was boring. Heroes could have just talked to eachother. Didn't really feel like a war. Why didn't Cap die? Where did the whole registration act thing go?
can bp work as a movie without a white devil bad guy?
therell be a cool and colorful black villain that wears a costume but then itll be revealed hes just a pawn for an old white guy in a suit
absolutely nowhere. there was no point to having that lady bitch to tony about her kid dying, tony didnt give a fuck at the end.
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Why was Cap in the first Avengers movie and not Ant-Man or Wasp? Why weren't the GotG formed by Annihilation? Why is Loki so pretty?
>Klaw getting Kucked.
What? Klaw wasn't even in the movie.

They obviously built up Klaw to be the main villain of the BP movie back in Agents of Ultron, but we'll probably see Man-Ape as the token Wakandan villain
What they could do is combine Bucky's presence, not killing Zemo, T'Challa's young age, and his less xenophobic views to create a conflict between him and his subjects.

Zemo definitely could have been done better but he was still decent

If cap died they would have just had to bring him back with an infinity stone and ruin the impact. Let them kill off a bunch of hero's in infinity war to let the new avengers in.

And the hero act didn't go away. What I think based on the end of the movie is that Tony is going to lead his government run avengers and Steve is going to run his secret avengers with black panther acting as a middle man in between since he is now a king the government can hardly touch him .
Negro 90% of his villains are black.
And the BP movie villain's already going to be the one white guy so the point's moot.
I' thinking the opposite actually .Klaw's got fucking nothing going for him now, so he'll be the victim of manipulation from inside Wakanda.
>Where did the whole registration act thing go?
It didn't go anywhere. It's still in place at the end, with Tony, Rhodey, and Vision as the only government-sanctioned superheroes.
They removed the one last combustable element from his relationship with T'Challa, after Whedon had already made someone else cut off his hand.
>Did it bother anyone else that Falcon brutally murders at least 5 of crossbones guys in the first scene?
They're fucking terrorist mercenaries.

Go back to Switzerland you neutral-loving fuck.
And black panther and spiderman and possibly widow?
I'd be fine with that. Bucky as a background Mcguffin that's only casually referenced, not utilized at all.
1. My autism is killing me when Team Cap is running towards the quinjet and when the angle of the shot changes, Ant-Man swaps his place with Bucky. I can't believe they didn't see this.
2. Vision was underused in the airport fight. I was kind of wondering before the movie on how they are going to stop him in that fight, but desu there was nothing to stop as the only thing he did were a)Phasing through based giANTS; b)crippling Rhodey
3. It wasn't 10h long
I'd say life in that underwater supervillian prison would be a worse fate then death
>Black Panther
He's a sovereign king.

Yeah right.

She's wanted for aiding and abetting.
I don't really give a shit when they're trying to steal biological weapons in a crowded city.
I had the same wonder about Vision. Leading theory is that he was just overseeing the battle making sure nobody got hurt or got away (only for Wanda's injury to distract him at the end).
Cap was completly wrong and comes off kinda bad. His side made sense in the comics but in the Film he was 100% wrong.

Theyve been shooting motherfuckers left and right for a few movies now which is weird.

Honestly would've made more sense if they weren't killing people left and right if they're not under the accords. Doing that to terrorists you could bring in for information or just killing with super powers/gadgets without being given the order to sounds like something that'd make registration come a hell of a lot faster.
He also has no intentions of passing on the BP suit and at the start of the movie he tells black widow he had signed the accords already. And why the fuck not spiderman? He's going to do whatever the hell Tony tells him to
What was it like in the comics?
theyve been shooting mooks left and right
their leaders have all killed themselves, accidentally killed themselves, or got away
1. Crossbones only lasts for a few minutes of the first act of the movie.

2. Zemo was underrated. I seriously believe they misused both Zemo and Crossbones. They should of have been related, instead of being their own parties. That could have connected more or less to the story in the comics.

3. Zemo wasn't a Baron. He was just a random guy. They could have used a totally unrelated character for his role.

4. Cap didn't actually die.
What? Even Tony admits cap was right at the end
>you can only intervene in human rights violations if the country representatives at the UN give you the okay
nah senpai
>And why the fuck not spiderman? He's going to do whatever the hell Tony tells him to
Because nobody's supposed to know who he is.

Tony's pissed at Ross and the government, so I doubt he'd tell them. Hell, this is probably going to be the reason why JJJ hates Spider-Man so much.

Why do faggots/casuals get butthurt about superheroes murdering people. What do you think they've been doing the past 80 years? Many mercenaries, monsters, soldiers, henchman, aliens and robots have paid the ultimate price.
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>mfw my gf complained about the airport fight being 20 minutes long
I was like, that was the best part! I don't get it
For his role, maybe.
The actual character was definitely Zemo-y.
You don't get to ignore laws just because you think you know better.
tell that to the citizens currently being exploded
Yeah, I know. That's why I'm hoping that letting him live in the movies makes him go full Baron Zemo, with the mask and everything.
Everyone was at 100% turbo-retard

Thread is about what we didn't like about the movie. Shills in full force trying to refute every complaint about the movie lol /co/ never change.

Anyway I liked the movie. Spiderman, Antman and Black Panther were my favorites. Fights were great. Cap was pretty likeable in the movie too. Music was ok. Zemo was meh. Rest of characters and most of the story I couldn't really get into. Honorable mention to Will Hurt for returning to the Marvel franchise shit Hulk was awhile ago.
They DO know better.
It's fucking weird they decided to make Daredevil "no kills" character, because in comics he has killed and sure as hell consciously tried to kill Bullseye.

Furthermore, it contradicts season 1 as in season 2 we get confirmation that Murdock acknowledged result of his fight with Nobu as him killing Nobu and living with it just fine.

Oh right, I forgot it was Frank's show it was Frank's ideology that was supposed to be challenged, not Matt's.
There's another complaint:
No fucking Hulk salt from Lt. Ross.
The slideshows like the only time he brings him up.
Why even make it that specific character if he's not going to go off on Tony at some point for GETTING THAT JOLLY GREEN FUCK A PARDON?
I'm sure the KKK thinks so, too.
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>Heroes could have just talked to eachother.
What would they have said? What would it have changed?

Cap: "Bucky was framed."
Tony: "Of course you'd say that, you're his friend. What if he's just playing you? You shouldn't trust him."
Cap: "It's unlike Bucky to be caught on camera. It's the psychiatrist. He's really some spec ops guy. He's in Russia doing bad shit. When have to stop him now."
Tony: "You can't just go to Russia cap, the UN is tired of that shit. We fucked up in AoU, people died. We can just have free reign anymore."
Cap: "We have to go now. If we don't go now, it might be too late latter."
Tony: "I orders from the higher ups to stop you from leaving."
Cap: "I'm leaving anyway."
Tony: "Well, I guess I have to fight you."
Cap: "Then we must fight."

I liked that he wouldn't call him Hulk but instead referred to him as "Banner."

But I agree though definitely the best actor in the movie and he was so underutilized. Would have been great seeing him interact with Green Boy.
I distinctly remember him being all "no kills" in Miller's run, especially towards Bullseye.
Ninjas don't count as people.
Ant-Man's whole movie was about redemption and being able to be in his daughter's life. "If you come with us you'll be a criminal." "What else is new?"

Scarlet Witch as presented or Vision could have fucked up the entirety of the opposing teams

Tony & Ross / UN are determined to get Bucky but have Black Widow, a former Soviet spy that WASN'T under mind control when she killed people on their team

Tony has to be out of character retarded to believe the accords are a viable middle ground

Tony stops hunting Bucky / Cap after that final battle (which felt like a mid-movie fight) for no reason, nothing was resolved, yet they're pen pals now

War Machine is paralyzed in the suit yet we've seen Tony fall from higher in a fucking can made in a cave and be fine
because if he goes apeshit on one of their friends no one would support him
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holy false equivalency batman
It's ambiguous if he dropped Bullseye after he killed Elektra intentionally.

Cap: "Bucky was framed."
Tony: "Prove it. Or I'm bringing you to Ross."
Cap: "Give me 24 hours. If I can't find Zemo than I'll surrender."
Tony: "Ok."
Op here. I loved the movie myself it's my favourite one in the MCU yet, doesn't mean there's absoulutly nothing wrong about it worth talking about
In some reason a lot of people just can't appreciate movies on technical level. Most common argument:

>"Good guys always win, so who cares!"

Fucking, I care, and would love to know how those fights were shot and created and choreographed.
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If you want a better comparison...
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That totally out-of-left-field Steve and Sharon kiss.

Best MCU movie mostly because spiderman, antman and blackpanther are in it for like 30 minutes.

Still boring for the first hour.

>Cap: "Give me 24 hours. If I can't find Zemo than I'll surrender."
Tony didn't have 24 hours.
I'll give you that
I'm somewhat doubtful that they'll cast a black man in a role called "Man-Ape"
Besides the two fight scenes, the story was completely lackluster. I get why nations want to "rein the Avengers in", I really do, but the reasoning that they happen to be around when a few civvies die is such a BS way to go about it. I mean, yeah it sucks that lady's kid died, or Zemo's family bit the dust, but what would have happened had the Avengers not been there? The world would have been enslaved by the Chitari. Who knows if Tony would have built Ultron had he not been Iron Man, but I feel like he would have gone down that road because he would have stayed a weapons dealer if he never got caught in Bumfuckistan.

I also hate how they never show a definitive splintering among the Avengers. At the end, it's clear that Tony and Cap are mostly cool with each other because of the phone thing. It's like that whole build-up to Bucky being responsible for Tony's parents' murder was for nothing.

Another thing, what exactly would have happened had they signed the accords unanimously anyways? When the next world-breaking event started up, the U.N. would just squabble like it always does and not get a fucking thing done with activating the Avengers as a nation-backed force. Then they would have just gone off and saved the world anyways, proving Cap's point and showing everyone that governments can't figure out their shit.

Black Panther and Spidey were awesome though, and that's all I really wanted from this movie anyways, so bully for that.
Actually the context is different.
Terrorists overseas who are engaged in terrorist acts are A-OK to be killed, though a lot of the Avengers just knock them out still; Cap rarely actually shoots anyone himself.
In the United States in most other cases supervillains are NOT terrorists committing terrorist acts, but are basically just jumped-up bank robbers and Mafia types and criminals, even psychos like Bullseye who really are just mob hitmen with a gimmick. In the States they're making citizens arrests so they can be tried in the criminal justice system, whereas terrorists don't really get the same kind of legal treatment.

...and yeah, ninjas don't count as people. In one of the Shadowlands tie-in Luke talks about how Matt has gone way over the deep end, to which Danny immediately reminds him that both he AND Luke have killed tons of ninjas and HYDRA goons over the years. Luke just awkwardly claims that "that's different" without really explaining why it's different. The insinuation is that ninjas and HYDRA goons don't count as human beings in superhero terms. The open admission of the hypocrisy of the entire Shadowlands storyline made me laugh.
But he had to go to Russia to prove it, something Tony didn't want him too do. Also, Cap wanted to leave right then and there.

People who didn't pay attention to the movie say "Tony had like 12 hours or something to bring in Cap, that was plenty of time to talk it out.", but cap didn't have any time to spare.

Yeah he only had 48 when he asked for 72.
>Tony has to be out of character retarded to believe the accords are a viable middle ground
He is out of character retarded he has horrible PTSD and crippling anxiety (iron man 3)

War machine was also hit with a direct blast from the most powerful avenger before falling
No, Cap being kill would have allowed for the ultimate final showdown with Thanos, with either Black Widow or Tony being the last Avenger alive and wishing Steve back.
Ant-man knows that making the right choice does not necessarily mean following the law
Anon, have you ever known the UN in all of their existence to get anything done quickly?
While some tiny country in the middle of South America is getting attacked by, let's say Fin Fang Foom, and the UN is too busy debating if the Avengers should be allowed to go for whatever reason, do you want the Avengers to sit back and wait for the call?
Zodiac would be my guess
>Tony stops hunting Bucky / Cap after that final battle (which felt like a mid-movie fight) for no reason
no reason? how about getting fucking wrecked by Cap
They'll call him M'Baku and have Ross say "truly, he is some sort of man... ape?" once when he dons the cowl. Same they did with several prior goofily-named villains.
Ross will probably get punched for good measure.
Then they should have at least addressed that. Even something as simple as having the line be "when captain America asks for your help you help" or some shit.
Then they call him M'Baku, and he wears a White Gorilla skin for ceremony.
Tony getting wrekt has never stopped him from doing what Tony wants to do. He just comes back with better tech to address that situation. It's clear that he isn't going to bother with the cell phone/letter scene.
>black widow being the last avenger alive

Don't make me laugh anon, even thinking iron man would be the last standing is a joke.
Hand Ninjas are basically zombies.
>his name in the movie is now Manape, pronounced muh nah pay

My problems are all with the first scene in Africa. The camera shakes to much, Caps plans are useless and he almost dies like a complete punk, the CGI for falcon looked incredibly bad and Vision wasn't kept in standby in case things went bad (Which they did)

Solid film with a bad start
I'm positive they will. They originally wanted to have him don the mask in the final act but realized it wouldn't make any sense at all.
I said the same thing but my gf reminded me that their relationship has been foreshadowed since winter soldier
Maybe he calmed down in the meantime and realized that killing a brainwashed man is pointless.
In terms of audience build-up to a Cap returning climax? You better believe it would be one of them.

It's going to have to be at least part of it. They have to get the Avengers out of Wakanda somehow and they wont wait until Infinity War because they have Ant-Man and Wasp coming out
Which is exactly why they didn't do it. It wouldn't be believable at all.

Could you imagine thanos destroying everyone but black widow SOMEHOW and then she wishes cap back and the two of them defeat thanos together? What are they gonna do make him feel awkward enough from their sexual tension to just leave earth alone?
He had that moment when Steve tried to reasoning with him back at the Soviet base, to which Tony replies, "I don't care, he killed my mom."

To put that out there, and then end with a scene of him literally doing nothing about it, is really bad story telling and gives us no indication that the Avengers are fractured and at an irreconcilable impasse.
In the MCU? Of course I can imagine it. The Russos have clearly proven that the weakest members are still viable against S-class threats. Black Widow being the one to bring Steve back for him to have the final showdown with Thanos would make most any regular fan of the movies wet their pants with "excitment".
>Ant-Man's whole movie was about redemption and being able to be in his daughter's life. "If you come with us you'll be a criminal." "What else is new?"
Hey, they were paying him, plus he hates Stark and has a huge man-crush on Cap. Lang took another burglary job as soon as he got out of prison, then took a job to commit corporate espionage and terrorism for money. Seems perfectly in-character for me.

Now Hawkeye joining Cap's side despite working for the government his whole life, having a family to protect, and being retired, *that* bothered me. Especially since they didn't even give him any pretense of a reason.

>Tony has to be out of character retarded to believe the accords are a viable middle ground
He doesn't, there's just no better option on the table. "We do this, or it'll be done to us."

>Tony stops hunting Bucky / Cap after that final battle (which felt like a mid-movie fight) for no reason, nothing was resolved, yet they're pen pals now
Tony tried to kill Bucky in a fit of rage. It was a moment of passion. By the time he got that letter, he'd had a chance to calm down and think things through.

>War Machine is paralyzed in the suit yet we've seen Tony fall from higher in a fucking can made in a cave and be fine
No we didn't.
Just saw civil war today. Thought it was great. Doesnt beat winter soldier imo, but its a very very close second. Had a few questions:

was Zimo a normal guy? He seemed like a pretty battle hardened guy at first but his backstory made him seem like a normal civilian who wanted revenge. How the hell did iron man's repulsor blast not kill Harvey Birdman? In Iron man 2 his blasts go through the same material that his suit is made out of, along with trees and buildings. But he hits birdman with it and he doesnt even need bandages afterwards. Why did crossbones not get a bigger role? He's caps killer in the comics for god's sake, you'd think in the MCU he'd get something bigger than the throwaway opening scene baddie. He's a bigger threat than zimos was, able to go toe to toe with Avenger's greatest hand to hand combat specialists at the time. Why did tony snap when he found out bucky was the killer? Didn't he already know it was bucky who did it? For god's sake, the only reason he SAW that videotape was because he was there to tell cap that he was wrong and that bucky was innocent. What happened to Black Widow? Does she even know that the fighting is over and that both teams are truced? Is she still hiding somewhere thinking that Ross is looking for her? Was the arm itself connected to bucky's mind control or was it in his brain somewhere and the arm had nothing to do with it? Why did Tony not bone aunt may? How did tony know who peter was if he never attended his seminar? Is wanda gonna bone Cap, vison or Hawkeye? When will ultron come back? Because its very obvious that ultron was smart enough to back himself up on the internet. Why does vision look so good in normal clothing? did tony purposely blast buckys arm off or was that accidental when buck was tearing at the suits core?
Yeah, that was literally minutes after he watched the video. The letter was days, possibly even weeks or months later. He'd had ample time to cool off.

And the Avengers aren't at an irreconcilable impasse, Tony basically let Cap break the rest of his team out of the Raft. They just can't work together as a team because half of them are outlaws now.
Zemo was the leader of a special ops unit, they mention this after the airport scene.
>He doesn't, there's just no better option on the table. "We do this, or it'll be done to us."
But it isn't a believable or reasonable option to begin with.

>By the time he got that letter, he'd had a chance to calm down and think things through.
"Don't care, he killed my mom."

Cap tried to reason with him, and Tony clearly wasn't going to have any of it. Tony isn't the kind of guy to just let things go, either. It was weak story-telling to end it like they did.
>How the hell did iron man's repulsor blast not kill Harvey Birdman?
They're literally his, like, propulsion system. He has pretty fine control over them.
Stark recruiting a teenager that he knows nothing about outside of some internet videos bugs me. Did he really have no other options he could go to for backup?
>hen took a job to commit corporate espionage and terrorism for money.

No he didn't

>He doesn't, there's just no better option on the table.
It's still retarded

>. By the time he got that letter, he'd had a chance to calm down and think things through.
So why didn't he think beforehand?
Why is he suddenly okay with it?
There's zero consistency

>No we didn't.
Yes we did, go watch the Iron Man 1 again
>The letter was days, possibly even weeks or months later. He'd had ample time to cool off.
Which isn't conveyed at all. Tony doesn't just shrug things off, especially with something so hurtful as letting the guy who killed his parents get away. We see this through every Iron Man and in Civil War, I mean just look at the intense 3D product test that he gave at that college. He used that scene of the day his parents left for the last time and it was clear how much that hurt him. It's BS that Civil War ended on such neutral ground.

>And the Avengers aren't at an irreconcilable impasse
Which makes the whole movie pointless. In the end, there's no drama, there's nothing that needs to be fixed, and there aren't any broken egos. It's just another bland production from Marvel Studios that can't be bothered to take a risk because (understandably) it wouldn't make as much money.
>thought it was great but had a million stupid irrelevant questions
sure, let's go

>was Zimo a normal guy?
He was a soldier who served on a special forces team. He was a normal guy in the sense that he wasn't superhuman, but still an elite badass like Black Widow.

>How the hell did iron man's repulsor blast not kill Harvey Birdman?
Presumably he can adjust the power of his repulsor blasts, he's not going to hit a normal human with the same force he'd use against Hulk.

>Why did crossbones not get a bigger role?
He had a pretty major role, the whole plot was kicked off by his actions.

>Why did tony snap when he found out bucky was the killer? Didn't he already know it was bucky who did it?
Anyone would freak out in that situation. And no, he had no idea beforehand.

>What happened to Black Widow?
Unclear, we'll find out in a future movie.

>Was the arm itself connected to bucky's mind control or was it in his brain somewhere and the arm had nothing to do with it?
What is this question even?

>Why did Tony not bone aunt may?
How do you know he didn't?

>How did tony know who peter was if he never attended his seminar?
He's a super-genius and Peter is a teenager who didn't do a great job covering his tracks.

>Is wanda gonna bone Cap, vison or Hawkeye?

>When will ultron come back?
Infinity War, probably.

>Why does vision look so good in normal clothing?
Because robots are sexy.

>did tony purposely blast buckys arm off or was that accidental when buck was tearing at the suits core?
Who cares?
>I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what

Cap's first scene with the full suit in TFA was him shooting some HYDRA guys.
I think Hawkeye's reason was that he hates Stark after AoU
and with good reason
>Why didn't Cap die?

Because spending time in IW to revive him would have been a waste.

>Where did the whole registration act thing go?
It's in full effect and the Russos said it's going to affect a lot of phase 3 movies.
Do you autists not get how human behavior works? People can get caught up in their emotions in the heat of the moment and still come to their senses later, it happens all the time.
I'm sorry, I'm wondering why the murder of Tony's parents, which has clearly haunted him for literally decades, is being brushed off so lightly so that the movie can end on a neutral note. If you can't understand empathy and emotional distress, maybe you should throw the word 'autist' at a mirror instead, dumbass.
>thought it was great but had a million stupid irrelevant questions
If i really like a movie of course im gonna want to analyze all the details and plots, anon.
>the whole plot was kicked off by his actions
The plot was going to be kicked off eventually, seeing as ross didnt just use wandas screwup to convey his point. People were mad before they even showed up to fight crossbones, he just provided the tipping point. Which still kinda proves your point i guess.
>super genius
but cant figure out how to keep his own childish ego in check. So far tony's ego has forwarded the plot in a bad way in 5 different MCU movies
>because robots are sexy
cant argue with that, anon
>who cares?
I do? ;-;
>So why didn't he think beforehand?

Because he just saw his parents beaten to death.
because he got closure?
thats how I interpreted it
bruh the avengers kill.

they don't even pussyfoot around it, in the first cap movie captain America throws a guy into a fucking plane propeller, and in avengers he pushes a guy off the helicarrier.
Daredevil actually did have a no kill rule, but it was broken after bullseye killed Karen Page.
Besides the bad guy did win in this movie.
I don't see it. He very clearly understands what he's planning on doing in the final fight scenes. To go from knowing who his parents' killer is, not to mention getting humiliated, to being nonchalant about the whole thing in the end is garbage. He could have at least balled the note up or crushed the phone, SOMETHING to show that he hasn't forgiven anything and to also express how the dynamics of the Avengers has changed in a fundamental way. It's bad story-telling, plain and simple.
Only about trying to kill Bucky. Not about taking responsibility for their actions.
But Tony knows Cap is right.
They'll need to be together if something like the Chitauri invasion happens again.
He's angry at Bucky, not Cap.
Making him that hotheaded would have been a step backwards for his character.
yeah he already forgave cap im pretty sure, i promise you he still hates bucky though. unless something happens where bucky saves his life or helps him out in a big way, i doubt he'll ever forgive him
In any other situation you would be right, but the murder of Tony's parents is something that has so deeply scarred him that there's no reason for him to just brush it off. Tony is shown just as frequently to be single-minded when he wants to do something. Hacking into the SHIELD archives in the first Avengers movie, or trying to create a better AI through Ultron and JARVIS in the second, he doesn't just listen to other people when they tell him to hold off. Hell, he expresses this when talking to Bruce, stating that in the end, "We're mad scientists." His ego is unmatched, and when a perceived slight is committed against him he goes in repulsors blazing, nevermind a perfectly reasonable slight.

They got it wrong in this movie.
But he hasn't.
He just knows that Cap didn't do anything to his parents.

>His ego is unmatched
If it was, he wouldn't be so willingly giving control of the Avengers and over himself to the UN.
Yet he took down falcon bucky and giant man in one fight
Zemo's plan was incredibly stupid. It relied upon so many uncontrollable coincidences and other times just didn't make sense.

The Accords were completely retarded. The entire motivation for the UN was due to the collateral damage. What happens when the Avengers are regulated. Either they aren't allowed to go fight in which a lot more damage occurs, or they go in and save the day but collateral damage still occurs because that's the nature of the business.

Ant-man's powers showcase make no sense and completely contradict the explanation they gave in his movie.

Ant-man and Spidey ruin the tone of the airport fight scene. They built up this dramatic experience of being torn between these two groups of friends fighting each other but in the end became a massive joke filled fight with some cool choreography.

Why did Vision, a robot who is all about logic and calculation, try to drop an air traffic control tower onto a plane instead of just shooting it.

Ant-man, Spidey and Hawkeye were shoehorned in with terrible motivations (if any) to fight.

The directors were too scared to stick to any of their consequences at the end of the movie. Cap and Tony are essentially still friends due to a letter. They had a guy who was paralysed fucking walking in the next scene we see him. And they glossed over Cap breaking the Avengers out of prison despite having no shield, being in the middle of the ocean, underwater, and heavily guarded.

The first fight scene with Black Widow chasing the vial guys was the first time I have ever felt nauseous in a movie. The editing and cinematography in the fights was god awful.

Also, why was the a video camera in the middle of the woods that just so happened to film the exact thing that was needed to further the plot.
So, we have two avengers teams now. Steve's is pretty much complete with Hawkeye, Wanda, Falcon, Black Panter, Ant Man and Widow maybe? Tony has Vision, Spiderman, half a Rhodey and possibly Bruce since they're besties and shit.
Cap's team are pretty much criminals now, so will they remain hidden in some african shithole? What's the point if they can't even go into the field?
>Is Wanda gonna bone Cap, Vison or Hawkeye?

Who would do her best?
I'm expecting what will happen is M'Baku and the Wakandan traditionalists are highly resentful of T'Challa harboring foreigners in his country and the Bucky issue will be the most contentious of them, with someone trying to assassinate Bucky in his cryosleep.
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I've seen several complains about the way Spider-Man was handled. Not necessarily in this thread but around.

>Spider-Man is a too young
"Too young" is the most invalid criticism of Spider-Man anyone could make. People are just used to these 30-something actors trying to pass off being High School kids. Pete being young as hell is important to a lot of his characterization.

>Tony Stark having such a prominant role in Pete's hero career
Tony being the father figure and mentor in super heroing is not too crazy an idea. In the comics it was the Fantastic Four who helped Pete get in the groove of the spandex
scene. ISSUE NUMBER ONE of Amazing Spider-Man establishes the link between the FF and Spidey that has been a running theme throughout the years. Naturally Marvel Studios can't use Reed Richards or the other FF characters, so Tony Stark is the obvious choice.

>Aunt May is too young
One thing from the comics that never made sense was Aunt May being old as dirt. Ben was Pete's dad's brother, why the hell would Ben and May be elderly when Pete was in his early teens?

>The hell was up with that logo projector? Stupid
As far as the post-credits scene with the wrist gadget, the Spider-Signal has been around since Issue #3 of Amazing Spider-Man, so that too has a very long history of being one of the the do-dads Pete uses.

>Mechanical web-shooters are stupid
In the Raimi movies Pete's super smarts weren't really a major aspect of his character so him not building his own web shooters never really mattered to the character. He never really did science stuff. In the comics, the way he defeated all his villains was by rigging up a gadget or device. An anti-magnetic field to make Vulture unable to fly, acid webbing to eat away Rhino's armor, insulated webbing to ground Electro's power, the Spider-Tracers he built to track bad guys. Spider-Man is a science hero and the Raimi movies never once tapped into that.
This. It was actually handled shockingly well. I never once thought, "God damn it, just say the thing! This is stupid!" like with virtually every other hero vs hero fight. I understood the motivations for both sides, and very little, if anything, would have changed from them talking it out more than they already had.
>ant man's powers
make no sense and completely contradict the explanation they gave
You clearly didn't watch ant man's movie
I thought for sure they would have a shot or two of Wanda suppressing him, but apparently he just spent 90% of the fight not doing anything while Wanda tossed around people like rag dolls.
My only real complaint with Spider-Man was that some of his one-liners were pretty bad in a way that didn't seem intentional, but whatever.
Who said it was neutral? I'm sure Tony still hates Bucky, but without him being right in front of him, he's not going to try and kill him. If they do wind up face to face again, I'm sure Tony will have to visibly hold himself back from attacking Bucky again.

He's not over the death of his parents, but now that he's not in a heat of the moment situation, he's not going to put his life on hold to track down and kill the person who's not even really responsible for their deaths.
>He just knows that Cap didn't do anything to his parents.
But Cap is protecting the guy that outright murdered his parents. Why would Tony just shrug that off, even though he hasn't let other things go that are factually not as important?
>If it was, he wouldn't be so willingly giving control of the Avengers and over himself to the UN.
Which is out of character as well, and a plot point that a lot of other people are having trouble agreeing with as well, evident in this very thread.
The only one liner i didnt like was
"You have the right to remain silent"
on the other hand, i thought him going on about star wars instead of just telling them to push giANT mans legs was pretty funny
Same exact one for me. The rest of them I thought were fine though the ESB one was pressed a little too hard.
Post Avengers he had a PTSD meltdown in which he made 42 suits for any situation conceivable because he feels an inherent need for control having face his mortality.

This PTSD reared its head aigakn In Age of Ultron, where Wanda shows him his wormhole again, and this time all his friends are dead because he didn't do more. So then he is directly responsible for creating a genocidal robot that nearly wipes out the earth.

He loses Banner.
He loses Pepper.

What has Tony been proven to do when the chips are down? Try to control everything. So he AGREES with the accords, because not only is he someone who's learned the hard way that there needs to be a system, HE is case number one for why there should be one.

Because his fuck ups have lead to countless losses.

Stark's 7 movie character growth makes perfect sense with Civil War.

Remember the scene at MIT? Someone calls him out as being responsible for Sokovia - there's no defence. He realises she's right. He made Ultron. He unleashed it on the world. Sure there were other factors, but if he were acting in accordance with an overseeing body or committee - Ultron never would have happened.

That's why Stark signed the accords.
You mean that "really old movie" Empire Strikes Back?
>or they go in and save the day but collateral damage still occurs because that's the nature of the business.
I take it the idea would be they'd be made to do more of the talks like Natasha had to with T'Challa and T'Chaka so their approach is re-evaluated. So they'd probably micro-manage their team composition and field operations.

Don't bring the Hulk. Bring these soldiers. Go here, don't go there, etc. It's pointless, but that's politics. It's not really about efficiency, just ask any army.
I did and I can tell you they explained that his suit has the power to change the space between atoms such that the size of the person changes but their mass stays the same. It is how his punches are so good, got such a large mass behind such a tiny area which creates enormous pressure. It's funny because this is contradicted in that very movie by having a TANK on a keychain. Yeah that shit wouldn't be light.

Just like how in CW, Ant-man is able to ride on an arrow despite him being probably 80kg+. Or how he was able to crawl up the shield when Spidey was holding it and Spidey didn't realise the shield just got a lot heavier. And the entire premise of Giant-man would mean that he is still very light in comparison to his size. It would be like a pillow hitting you with that large surface area and a normal person could lift him up.
I really liked the "You have the right to remain silent" gag, and thought the "You know that really old movie?" gag, and the follow up, fell flat.
>Why would Tony just shrug that off
Did he?

>Which is out of character as well
So basically you are dismissing the entire arc about Tony?
>Remember the scene at MIT? Someone calls him out as being responsible for Sokovia - there's no defence. He realises she's right. He made Ultron. He unleashed it on the world. Sure there were other factors, but if he were acting in accordance with an overseeing body or committee - Ultron never would have happened.
Except that he's been totally fine with that before, considering his pushing Bruce to help him. "We're mad scientists", which basically just shows that Tony's going to do Tony regardless of the moral or ethical consequences.

There's also no proof that Tony wouldn't of created either Ultron or Ultron's core programming; in fact, he probably would have done it sooner had he not of been stuck in that cave and become Iron Man at all.
>"We're mad scientists", which basically just shows that Tony's going to do Tony regardless of the moral or ethical consequences.
And Civil War proved exactly the opposite.

>"We're mad scientists"
You keep sticking to a random quote he said in the middle of the incident, before all that many people died.

He always tries to control things, and in Civil War he realized it's the Avengers who need control.
>Did he?

>So basically you are dismissing the entire arc about Tony?
No, I'm saying how out of character it is that he didn't hold onto a hatred of someone who has caused him, quite literally, decades of emotional pain. The poor writing causes the movie to end with little to no consequences, which was originally a selling point to the entire flick; it was supposed to give us a dynamic that changes the Avengers completely. Maybe they fix it, but it sure wasn't expressed in this film.
Minor gripes:
>Tony sharing an intimate part of his personal life a bunch random college students.
>Zemo's plan involves specifically only Tony, Steve and Bucky showing up in the right place at the right time, and he didn't do anything to prevent anyone else from being there, or to ensure that those three would be there. He just got incredibly lucky.
I can forgive those two, since they moved the movie plot along in the least hamfisted way possible, but they're still pretty silly.

Major gripe:
>Watch out for Tony Stark, he'll break your back!
What the shit, Clint? I know you don't know Rhodey all that well, but what about him made you hate him so much that you think it's okay to use his crippling injury as insult fodder?
How do you know.

>I'm saying how out of character
It is out of character if Avengers, Iron Man 3 and AoU didn't happen.
>little to no consequences

>Avengers are disbanded
>Iron Man's team broken too since it's only War Machine, Iron Man and Vision
>Team Cap on the run
>Vision and Wanda relationship setup
>Zemo is alive along with Ross, will probably result in Thunderbolts
>Black Panther is born
>MCU Spiderman is set up, along with his friendship with Tony
>Team Cap is hiding in Wakanda, will probably appear in Black Panther movie
>Accords in full effect, Russos said it's going to affect most of the phase 3 movies, including Infinity War 1
tony did nothing wrong
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>Zemo was boring.
Perhaps that was the point? He himself said it in the movie, that stronger men than him have tried to take down the Avengers from the outside and failed spectacularly. But what set him apart was that he was the type of person they would least expect - one of the civilians they were trying to protect.

>Heroes could have just talked to eachother.

They... they did. On more than one occasion. There was a moment where Steve was considering a concession but then Tony went over the line with keeping Wanda under house arrest. They were at an impasse.

>Didn't really feel like a war.

It was more of an ideological and verbal war. Not to mention the physical conflict wasn't at all the point compared to the arguably more important character conflicts. Several large and sustained action sequences wouldn't have served any positive purpose, as the airport fight showed. Either way, the civil war isn't over. Remember that the Captain America movies always set the precedent of their respective phases going forward. I wouldn't be surprised if we see more clashes between the Accord Avengers and Secret Avengers leading up to the Infinity War where it'll all pale in the face of Thanos' Quest

>Where did the whole registration act thing go?
It's in full effect. The events of this movie will bleed over into the rest of the films going forward until Infinity War.
I see what you're saying, he had some fundemental change of heart when that lady talked about how their actions got her son killed in Sokovia, but how exactly would that cause a character reversal that was four and a half movies in the making?
I'm upset that bucky got frozen at the end.

I thought cap, bucky and falcon would've made a great triple threat team.
Why do you keep saying that it's poor writing that Tony doesn't show visible signs of anger in response to a person who isn't even directly involved in the scene?

If the scene was, "By the way, Buck is doing fine!" then yes, Tony should have smashed the cell phone, or crumpled up the note, or whatever, but that's not what that scene is.
The lady calling him out on that was just the final straw that made him realize that he has fucked it all up.

>but how exactly would that cause a character reversal that was four and a half movies in the making
I think I already explained that

Iron Man has always used his sarcasm as a barrier over everything, but he knows when he was fucking it all up, constantly.
You may point out at ''We're mad scientists'' a third time, but I also remember ''I tried creating a suit of armor around the world, but I created something horrible.''
He knows he fucked it up.
In fact, he practically retired at the end of AoU.
>he didn't hold onto a hatred of someone who has caused him, quite literally, decades of emotional pain.
What are you saying? He literally disarmed Bucky and was bent on damn near killing Steve and Bucky until his suit was disabled. There is no sign he is over that, he simply isn't going to pursue Cap while Steve is correcting his mistake with the Avengers being imprisoned.
It would be counter-intuitive.
>Avengers are disbanded
Not true, from the cell phone scene. Whenever there's a huge crisis, Tony can call Cap and they'll all get back together, which would for sure happen. They're not disbanded, they're just not hanging after every mission, which is the opposite of what this film was supposed to do.

>It is out of character if Avengers, Iron Man 3 and AoU didn't happen.
It isn't, because it's made to be such a huge plot point of Civil War. Whenever his parents are brought up, Tony is a wreck emotionally. It's the source of his frustration, and when he finally has the chance to confront of their killer he's written out as "just getting over it".
>Cap: "Give me 24 hours. If I can't find Zemo than I'll surrender."

They didn't even know his name until they were face to face with him in Siberia.
>there are people on /co/ RIGHT NOW that didn't agree with Ross when he said not knowing where Hulk and Thor was is super dangerous
>inb4 "he's a hypocrite"
doesn't make him wrong

The only 'name' they referred to him by was "that fake doctor".
They are unless something big enough to make the Accords don't matter happens.
They are still on the run, probably as Secret Avengers.
>There is no sign he is over that
Him smiling after the note and looking at the phone shows a lot more of him getting over it than anything else.
Which all goes out the window once he learns that Bucky was responsible for his folks' death.
>he's written out as "just getting over it".
How so?
Because he didn't start crying and shouting at a letter from a guy who had nothing to do with his parent's death offering him help whenever he needed it?
>Which all goes out the window once he learns that Bucky was responsible for his folks' death.
What does that have anything to do with my post?
They gotta occupy him for the next two years.
Right, like Thanos showing up or Squirrel Girl going rogue.

It just bothers me that Tony shows a consideration for asking Cap for help after the Bucky incident.
Why would he not?
This entire thing is done, in the end, to protect Earth.
They are all heroes, they are not going to let those kind of personal issues jeopardize the entire goddamn planet.
Him "learning" from his PTSD and seemingly coming to grips with his inevitable lack of control means nothing when he finds out that Bucky killed his parents. It was the wrong decision to go from "possibly collected Tony" -> "MUH 'RENTS" -> "Aight I'm cool again, no big".

I was responding in conjuction with your previous posts, m8. Calm down.
If it was actually a thing and we had caped mutants going around doing whatever the fuck they thought it was right I'd be all for the accords too. We can't have any form of lethal power running loose believing that they'll never do wrong or will never "change their agenda" as Steve said. He's just as corruptible as any other suit. People who believe otherwise are just as naive as Cap. Tony was acting out of guilt, but at least he realized they needed to be put under control, though if the nigress didn't guilty tripped him he would likely side with cap. He has more anarchists tendencies than any, it runs along with his ego.
Only Vision and Widow were being objective in the matter. Everyone else acted on their emotions.

I also do not have 100% faith on the UN, but I do believe an entire council is more trustworthy than 5 or 6 guys in a costume.
They do, especially Sam's love-hate relationship with Bucky, but Bucky has to be sensible. Hydra's brainwashing makes him too volatile.

I expect Doctor Strange or T'Challa will figure something out though and make him their Captain America for the new Avengers. It would sort of reflect the whole pulling Steve out of the ice thing.
>means nothing when he finds out that Bucky killed his parents
Because nothing can prepare anyone to see someone beating his parents to death.
If that person was right beside you, wouldn't you just try to beat the shit out of him, possibly kill him?
Because Cap is actively protecting the guy that is responsible for the death of Tony's parents?
It's okay when Disney does it.
And you think Tony is going to put his personal issues over something that not him, nor Bucky had any control of?
>An entire council

>China and Russia will pretty much stonewall any ruling
It's okay when it's done okay.
I don't remember Bucky being frozen at all?
Of course, and I sure as shit wouldn't be cool with them even after a few months of thinking it over. I'd also say fuck the guy who tried to protect him, and would only think about coming to terms with him in the event of some super alien with an all-powerful glove coming in and totally FUBAR'ing the entire concept of reality.
Yes, because he did that mid-fight. He doesn't care, because Bucky killed his mom. That trumps any sort of rationalization, and Tony hasn't shown to be big enough to consider that it truly wasn't Bucky's fault.
People also seem to be thinking from the audience perspective and not Stark.
Tony most likely believed Steve was just making up bullshit at that point to get distance, people have to remember from Tony's perspective after all 3 are arrested Steve, Sam and Bucky just up and disappeared from a high security facility after Bucky beat the shit out of everyone trying to keep them there.

Steve gets up the elevator and tries to stop Bucky but at that point no one was around.

So how does it look when Tony next sees all 3 of them standing together without any explanation what happened. Steve's word is some one armed doctor that's a fugitive reference in case someone actually thinks I'm being serious in all this arguing brainwashed Bucky into it as part of some larger scheme but where's this convenient scapegoat when Tony arrives to arrest the WS for doing what the WS has been reported to do?

It might seem like forced plot, but I actually was not surprised in the least when Tony decided he was done trusting or listening to Steve when considered from the character's perspective at that point. He told Steve at first to sign the thing or don't get involved, Steve got involved, he told Steve again to sign the thing or at least now leave things to him, Steve did not leave things to him (as far as Tony sees it, doctor shenanigans don't factor here for him), so now he's all armored up and assembled with a team to do things the hard way why should he be fooled thrice from his view?

At what point has giving Steve the benefit of the doubt benefited anyone so far? For the record I'm not saying Steve was wrong or Tony right, I'm just clarifying for Tony he'd had enough bullshit for one week and wanted to put a swift end to it by getting everyone to a secure location and moving on.
Did you stick around for the post-credits scene in Wakanda?
That's exactly what happens.
That's precisely what the letter is.

>''Dude, if something like Ultron happens again, give us a call because the Accords are not going to mean anything if the Earth is toast.''

That's what the letter is.
Tony smiles because he knows at least the Earth is not completely doomed after all this.
I'm going to rephrase it.
You think Tony is going to put his personal issues over something that not him, nor Bucky had any control of, when all of humanity is at risk?
You think Tony is going to let Earth be destroyed because of his parents?
Got'cha. In that case, no, I don't. Not in the end, anyways. What I do think he would do, however, is drag his feet and be a stubborn goon about it until it's clear that he has to, at the very least, put his rage aside because of the Universe-busting threat heading their way.

Would that not make a decent plot point and at least create a better atmosphere for the end of Civil War?
We'll see what happens in Spiderman Homecoming, he's in it after all.
>not staying for the post credits scenes

Fucking pleb. It's only been 8 years for you to get this shit in your head. You don't leave the theatre of a marvel movie till the screen goes black and the lights come on.
Tom Holland is actually 20 years old, what the fuck he looks like he's 14
Fair enough, I agree.
I've been raped 4 times already while the credits played.
I mean, I enjoyed all of them, but it's pretty annoying.
Thanks a lot, Tony.
After the post credit scene it says "the winter soldier will return in infinity war part 1"

Meaning I don't think he will be involved with the black panther movie or doctor strange until then unfortunately
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Someone had the great idea of having only one barefoot Wanda scene.
The Russos are hacks.
the post credit scene says spider man will return.
Believe in Tony, /co/

Is anyone one else kinda happy that Pepper dumped Tony? I hate Gwyneth Paltrow so much and I'm just happy she wasn't in it
There are two different scenes.

The one with bucky cap and t'challa end and says "the winter soldier will return in infinity war part 1"

The second one with Peter and may says "spiderman will return"

I literally just finished the movie
That retarded bitch thinks water is alive.
Liz, Scarjo and Emily are perfect and younger.
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>not "Captain America will return in Phase 4"
This is what should happen.
Agent 13 isn't good enough for the Cap

She's a terrible dumb blonde version of one of the most amazing woman of her time and one of the creators of shield.

What's her niece? I shitty pencil pushing office "spy" who I can hardly even call cute
Cap spent most of his first movie killing nazi/hydra.
He shot people and kicked a guy off the helicarrier in avengers 1.
In stopping hydra he ended up getting the crews of the three gun platform helicarriers killed, then dropped them on the hydra base.

That is just cap in the movies. Avengers don't give a fuck about killing villains when it comes down to it.
>Ant-Man swaps his place with Bucky.
Actually I think he slows down and runs to the side.

There's a quick shot of him running to the other side, it's not like an instant switch.
That and I think he really feels like he owes Wanda, after what QS did for him.
I didn't like how Spiderman and Antman were shoved in just to make the battle bigger. I liked Spidey and Giantman and all that but I didn't think they contributed much to the plot.

Also "I don't care if your friend was brainwashed and not really in control of his actions he killed muh mummy."
What I wanna know is, what the fuck up was with T'Challa's ring?
Memento from his father?
Tumblr pls go, Stucky wasn't going to happen.

The only thing good enough for Cap will be Thanos' fist in Avengers 3.5.
Perhaps it is what holds the memories of all past black panthers?

Total speculation from someone who doesn't know much about BP
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>implying Cap and Wanda wouldn't be qt as fuck
Nigga please I'm just a big fan of the Cap
I have no idea what you are talking about
I don't want Cap to fuck anyone but me.
That's literally what their role was, backup for the fight. Tony and Natasha were worried they weren't strong enough for team cap yet so they brought in spidey and BP and Falcon and Cap were worried they weren't strong enough so they brought in ant man.

It made perfect sense each team was a little bit afraid of the other so they brought a secret weapon
Ironman suit isn't completely seal? Antman could have just pee and short out both Iron suits.
Cap's avengers are amoral murderous psychopaths. What do you expect?
I get they were having a moment and he might feel Vision is violating the privacy of her room but it sort of bothered me how affronted Steve seemed too look in this scene.
I know he wasn't too keen on Vision in the first place, but by now he should know he's a robot he can't help his behavior.
No, he had 36 originally, and like 12 by the time of the Airport fight.
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Nigga they are best family.
He DIDN'T care, in the head of the moment. Now that it's said and done, he can look at things more rationally. Does that mean he might not get into a heat of the moment situation again the next time he sees Bucky? Of course not. People can have different reactions at different times, depending on the situation. Tony didn't have his "Kill Bucky" flip switched to On, and that's how it is forever.
I know but I dunno, I would have liked for them to have bigger roles since I love Spiderman and I fucking loved Antman. Also why would Tony and friends be afraid of Cap's team? They have Iron Man, Warmachine and Vision. The only person that I can conceive of being a major threat to Stark is Wanda. I'm just glad the fight turned out okay, it looked like it was going to be shit in the trailers
>I mean, yeah it sucks that lady's kid died, or Zemo's family bit the dust, but what would have happened had the Avengers not been there?
Sokovia was entirely caused by 2-3 Avengers.
What did he tell him?
You mean Tony.
Nobody else did anything wrong.
There was a scene between Tony and Natasha where they were both very worried and agreed they needed back up .

Obviously they felt like they were underpowered even with vision
Don't remember anything like that in the comics, but it had a weird reaction to Bucky's arm when they were wrestling in the compound. We know that Bucky's arm isn't made of vibranium though or else Tony couldn't have UNIBEAM'd it off so easily.
Well, you see. I don't know much about the avenger movies or even the comics, but a group called "THE AVENGERS" is not exactly there to fight clean. A subject "avenging" is a fucking dangerous thing.
Steve didn't say anything, but for an instant he looked that taken aback by Vision's entry and presence.

Now of course Steve is probably still adjusting to a lot of weird shit while Wanda has been dealing with weird and Vision longer so her reaction seems less bothered, still somehow there's something tense about Steve's face along the lines of
>Seriously? You're just going to phase in here casually while we're talking?
To which my overactive imagination goes back to thinking
>Well, he's a robot born a few weeks ago he doesn't know any better. No one house trained him.
Wanda is just as much to blame as Tony is, and unlike him she had purely spiteful motives.
Honestly I've just started reading comics and had heard somewhere that whoever was the current black panther could access the memories of all the other black panthers of the past, or something like that
I had no idea Renner was that small.
He can sort of through his contract with the Panther God Bast which ties his souls to that of all the previous Black Panthers, but it's not via a physical manifestation or anything. He uses it against Mephisto in a really cool scene.
Well, she wanted to destroy the Avengers for revenge.
Is understandable.
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Clearly they liquified Melia Antiqua to make Bucky's BIONIC AAAAARRRRM and gave it magic ghost powers or something.
She was like Zemo and T'challa in that she allowed her grief to cloud her judgment.

When people want revenge they become so narrowly focused they lose sight of innocent people getting hurt.
I think it's funny how she went from being practically a villain to a good person.
It's almost as if MCU Wanda was carefully written to spite on Bendis.
He is roughly three times the height of RDJ.
Fuck it's true.
Poor guy is a bit smaller than Olsen.
According to Google the heights of them from left to right are:
Stan - 5'11"
Rudd - 5'10"
Olsen - 5'6"
Evans - 6'0"
Mackie - 5'10"
Renner - 5'10"
Vancamp - 5'8"
Rewatched it just now, it's an instant switch. They all group up, camera cuts to a different angle, Bucky & ANTS have swapped.
What on Earth could possess them to think that they couldn't match up to team Cap? In a fight with that much open space, two Iron Man suits could have handled most of Team Cap easily; with the only problems presumably being SW or Cap himself.
>Tony & Ross / UN are determined to get Bucky but have Black Widow, a former Soviet spy that WASN'T under mind control when she killed people on their team
Black Widow wasn't suspected to bomb a UN five seconds ago.
Wow what a bunch of manlets.
It's a beautiful thing to behold.
Nobody died. The only way a story can have weight is if they kill someone. Grrrrrr. Why can't Marvel be like Game fo Thrones?
Another thing I just noticed is that when Iron Man and War Machine go for the double punch on GiAnt-Man, WM pulls his right arm back for the punch, and then hits him with his left arm after the camera cut. I probably shouldn't autistically sift through movies I like for errors.
I'm just saying based on how I saw the characters interacted in the movie.

They acted scared and like they needed backup
What a bunch of bullshit that we have so many threads about people too retarded to follow these movies designed for kids to understand.
My one big complaint, they didn't have Hulk in the movie at all. I know they originally planned on having him in it, and it would've made perfect sense. He'd always been the most feared and misunderstood superhuman. The pro-registration side could use him as an example of why superhumans need to register, given all the destruction he caused in Manhattan and his rampage through South Africa. And the anti-registration side would be perfect for Hulk, who's more tired of being hounded and hunted by the government than him?
I'd rather he not appear at all, but that they made more reference to him in dialogue as a motivation for the Accords. FFS Ross was his archenemy and you bring him back after all this time, it's the least you could've done.
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And she's also best waifu.
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But Cap is best waifu.
No, he's the male counterpart of Wanda.
They are both out of place, they are fighting to find a reason to live, and they are both 100% pure.
Also they missed a perfect opportunity to have RED HULK as the Big Bad of the film instead of Zemo. Imagine it, Red Hulk shows up and destroys a city block, kills hundreds of people, Hulk gets blamed for it and that's what causes the registration act to be proposed instead of the Crossbones accident. Meanwhile Ross is being all smug about how it's about time, how the superhumans all need to be brought under control, and uses the registration act as an excuse to finally hunt down Hulk again like he's always wanted. Then the movie culminates in a big fight scene between Hulk and Red Hulk, Ross' true identity is exposed and he gets put in the very underwater prison that he created. The registration act stays in effect despite the fact that Ross deliberately caused a disaster to get it passed, but now that Ross is in jail, Stark is promoted to Secretary of State like in the comics and personally supervises registration from here on out. Meanwhile Hulk's name is finally cleared, but he's still a wanted fugitive because of South Africa, so he joins Cap's Secret Avengers after all the stuff with Bucky and Zemo.
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Not anymore he isn't
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Oh and they also missed an opportunity for dramatic tension, they could've had Hank Pym be the Ant-Man to join the battle instead of Scott Lang, since he wants to keep his technology out of Tony and the government's hands. He goes Giant-Man for the first time but the strain combined with his old age and his overuse of Pym particles kills him, similar to how Goliath dies in the comics. Then Scott Lang *and* Hope Van Dyne join Cap's side to avenge him.

Also that or something else causes Spider-Man to switch sides halfway through like in the comics, and Iron Man does the trick where he shuts down Spider-Man's costume with a handshake. (Obviously they would've had to give him the Iron Spider costume but they could've introduced that ahead of time.)

Finally, I think they could've had the plot where Tony creates a clone of Thor that ends up going out of control, only to have the real Thor come down to destroy it. That way it's more accurate to the comics and also includes all of the Avengers instead of just half of them.

Oh! The guy that looks like Michael J. Fox!
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>Scarlet Witch saves Cap but in turn kills 11 people and injures 47
>Scarlet Witch is put under house arrest
>They say it's to keep her safe
>They say it's to avoid an "accident"
>no one points out what it should be which is capital punishment for manslaughter charges

It get it's a fantasy setting but it was a clear black and white that she killed those people in an attempt to save Cap. They act like they were holding her like some weapon rather than what would happen irl which is a person just killed 11 people by mistake, they get punished for the action and honestly overglorified house arrest would be fine punishment.

>they hold Wanda at the super water prison
ok that makes sense
>they hold 4 other guys with no super powers and all require suits and tech to be a real threat
pants on head stupid. I get they needed them all in one place but that was beyond stupid push to make Tony's side look worse
They said stuff about how the movie would be a geopolitical conflict but remember that Black Panther opened with him stuck in New York while Achebe was fucking shit up from within in Wakanda while Ramonda was playing him like a goddamn fiddle.
I hope he at least got to nail Peggy
Bucky looks like he wants to commit sudoku inside.
you're ideas are bad and you should feel bad.
*see parents murder*
Tony I'm going to kill him!
Cap: "Bucky was mind controlled"
Tony: "FUCK YOU!"
Cap: "Zemo is behind this"
Tony: "I don't care."

Even Panther stopped

At that point Tony knew Bucky was innocent, but he still went on a brawl to kill a man that had no choice in the matter. That fight was more contrived than BvS
Who avenges the Avengers?
>Melia Antiqua
why would you refer to her in such an obscure way
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Because Melia is best girl.
Zemo, clearly
>criticizes my plot ideas
>can't even spell 'your' properly
>Furthermore, it contradicts season 1 as in season 2 we get confirmation that Murdock acknowledged result of his fight with Nobu as him killing Nobu and living with it just fine.
Not really. More like Nobu killing Elektra was a tipping point where Matt was willing to cross the line out of anger over her death (which says a lot with regards to Elektra's importance in his life).
Vision. He's probably the most nerfed character in modern cape cinema. It makes zero sense to have him in any of the situations that he's been in thus far and not having him clean it all up in seconds. Vision is a literal god and the only noteworthy thing he did in CW was shoot a line into concrete and paralyze someone.

I feel like they're going to keep struggling to believably write him into stories until the Avengers eventually make it out to space and he can fight other gods. Or they'll continue nerfing him and use the stupid "I made mistakes because LOVE" trope to make him susceptible to fucking humanoid goons getting the better of him.
>Zemo not in costume
>no ant talking
that's about it
Where the hell would he keep all those ants though. Also how did Hawkeye fly to Berlin with Wanda and Scott?
>how did Hawkeye fly to Berlin with Wanda and Scott?
he knew a guy.
I know next to nothing about this chick. What does she have to do with Captain America?
I have a question for you. Why do you have to be a retarded tripfag?
I think you miss anon's point: Matt acknowledges that he killed Nobu in season 1, despite at the same time insisting that he never kills.
I hope vision goes villain at some point

I know he never was in the comics but it could make sense inge the MCU

He has such a huge power that he knows nothing about and has a lot of trouble controlling and understanding his emotions and I feel this could corrupt him

And that could also lead to bringing ultron back and getting the mind stone into thanos' gauntlet
I don't think so, more likely any conflict with him and the others will be from him not understanding emotions enough than understanding the wrong kinds.

Tony had only 36 hours total. By that point he spent the first 24 hours preying on a teenage superhero and his aunt.

Yeah. I know they had a little something going on in Winter Soldier, but the movie basically says they haven't talked since the last time they spoke in Winter Soldier.
Not to mention the last time they actually talked in Winter Soldier he was really annoyed at her for lying to him about who she was, and the rule of offscreen inertia indicates he's still holding a little resentment over that.
yeah but she was lookin thick bruh
pic related annoyed me all 3 times I've seen it, the water is clearly overflowing from the sink before it even reaches his nose, much less his mouth...

I think it's perfectly in-character for Scott Lang to be a well intentioned but shitty dad.
She's not ugly but even when you take Atwell out of the equation she's one of the plainest women in the MCU.
>tfw they almost cast Alison Brie as Sharon instead we got this doughface
>you're not allowed to be mad at the person who murdered both your parents in cold blood

ok fag
I wasn't mad at them not killing Rhodey off, because I understand, thematically, it would have been awkward to have his death so late in the movie. I feel like it would have felt more serious had they killed him off in the first 45 minutes, and having the rest of the fallout result from that.

However, I also realize that would probably fracture them almost permanently, and it wouldn't roll over as well as Goliath's death did in the comics.

I also feel like the accords came at an awkward time. I really feel like this should have been a precursor to a WWH adaptation, but post thanos. There's only a handful of heroes to even sign the damn thing. But I figure by that time you wouldn't have the core group of actors anymore regardless
because Loki is best boy.
>The Accords were completely retarded. The entire motivation for the UN was due to the collateral damage. What happens when the Avengers are regulated. Either they aren't allowed to go fight in which a lot more damage occurs, or they go in and save the day but collateral damage still occurs because that's the nature of the business.

This assumes the U.N. actually has any interest in seeing the Avengers as an effective force at all. They don't. The U.N. is mostly made up of dictatorial regimes and authoritarian governments who probably are really nervous about a powerful force they can't directly control.

A real world example is Executive Outcomes, a mercenary company formed from former South African Special Forces after the end of Apartheid. Executive Outcomes were hired by the government of first Angola and then Sierra Leone to fight rebels forces that were raping and pillaging their citizens. In both cases Executive Outcomes were able to suppress the rebel groups and in the case of Sierra Leone broker a peace treaty.

And in both cases, the U.N. stepped in and forced the governments to cancel their contract with Executive Outcomes outcomes and replace them with ineffective U.N. Peacekeeping forces which completely failed to stop the rebels from overturning the democratically elected government of both countries.

In the case of Executive Outcomes, it was never about providing an effective alternative to a private military company, it was about lack of control over an effective private force.

The Sakovia Accords are pretty much the same thing. They are absolutely about limiting the effectiveness of the Avengers.

And once Tony sees that, he won't want to have any part of it.
Man-Ape is a shitty name anyway, black guy or not. I'd be okay with this.
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>Lobotomize movie Ross' personality so he can be evil just because.
>Bring the Hulk into an already massive cast and lead to a 4th subplot we don't need
>introduce Cold Steel Hulk and the convoluted as fuck origin needed for that
>Have Hank wear the suit when he stated in Ant-man he physical can not use the suit and it's powers at all anymore
>get him killed for unneeded plot reasons and bring in another hero that should really be saved for her own movie.
>wanting the worse plot point of the original Civil War book and introduce clone Thor.
Is your name Zach Snyder?
>you should be mad at a person who was BRAINWASHED for doing something he had NO CONTROL over while a terrorist is literally trying to make you do exactly this.

HAtwell seems to think he did.
>Then took a job to commit corporate espionage and terrorism for money.

>No he didn't

What do you think Pym hired Scott to do in Ant-Man?

That's the exact way they describe how Pym Particles worked and they broke the rule in the same way. They added that Ant-Man can also control his density, so maybe that's why Giant Man works, somehow?
I don't think Tony is incapable of seeing it, he's just SO consumed about HIS guilt that it doesn't matter.

He's not dumb enough to think that the govt. stooges running the UN task force for the Accords aren't corrupt. What he is concerned about is trying to make up for his own guilt, selfishly at all.

I noticed it when they first talk about the Accords at the compound, and they mention Sokovia and every where else, and THEN Tony has to bring up his own specific guilt and trauma, even though everyone else had already gotten the message that their was collateral death

His ego is unmatched. It literally has to be about him, all the time. And then he has to be the one to fix it, all the time. Such a narcissist
it's flowing in by the end in very painful spurts.
It was a Chinese torture where your lungs painfully collapse from constant chocking of the spits of water going up your throat/nose every time you took a breath.
It's why it was so savage Zemo just crank the pressure and left him there, he was likely alive for another 5+ hours with the entire time his chest and brain likely felt like they were on fire and he would start going crazy from the the irregularity of oxygen to the brain .
That was pretty fucked up to put in a movie probably a lot of parents are taking their adolescent kids to see.
>It was more of an ideological and verbal war.

Truly it was a... CIVIL WAR!

I'm baffled on how they treat the UN like they have any sort of power behind them.

Seriously? The hell is the UN going to do if they get out of line? Write a letter expressing how angry they are?
fuck you, adolescent kids can't contain how fucking metal Zemo is
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>implying teens don't already jury-rig torture devices in their spare time

did you just time travel here from 1950?

Tony knows where Hulk is. The fucker.

But, no, you're right. He made some reasonable points.
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>normiefags' favorite hero Iron Man kicking and beating a man to death while he's already down
to be fair most would be like >>82813581 and think he was just drowning him.
She only diverted the explosion, which probably would have killed a lot of civilians on the ground anyways, how is that deserving of capital punishment?
The whole film had reasonable points but that leads to a very boring film.
Thank god Steve had his man crush and Ross was such a tool or we would have had no fighting.
This was the point I was trying to make to some friends today. How do you stop a collective who consist of actual gods and the god damn Hulk? These fuckers can punch holes through buildings and shoot lasers out they forehead.

The Accords only make sense if we consider that the Avengers are _obligated_ to help people. But that's just it. They aren't. They're random ass people who happen to have extraordinary powers or abilities who put their lives on the line to save countless people. We should really be thanking them that Thor and Vision and the Hulk aren't enslaving us as we speak. We should be thankful that these people risk their own lives to save the fucking world on a constant basis.

Marvel citizens are so fucking stupid.
>trying to kill the former hydra weapon with reality warping and brain jellifying powers

lol desu
Least favorite part was the two babies crying in the theater.

Hey, assholes: get a babysitter. Where the fuck do these people get off thinking that we all need to suffer their bullshit that they brought on themselves?
Just wait until she gets Other M powers.
>No he didn't
Yeah, it's perfectly legal to go to an office building, knock out all the security guards, steal a valuable piece of experimental technology, erase all the data on the computer terminals, and then blow the whole damn thing to hell with C4. Why would that be a crime?
>going to the theatre
>not pirating the movie
shiggy diggy doo
To split hairs Cap and Bones were fairly cleared around, the explosive might have hurt a few people but everyone was several feet away to the point that it might not have lead to any fatalities
That said what you bring up happens all the time in the military combat. Enemy vehicle charging at your six and you shot it's tries out but it crashes into civilians and kills them? You have to answer for it even if not stopping it would have lead to deaths as well.
Also the avengers are not under any military command meaning that when Wanda did that it be like if a person toss a grenade at group of people's feet but you kick it over and kill a family of 4 then you are held accountable because you actions lead to people's deaths even if your intention was to save others.

Cap just thought he might be losing his virginity.
that's fucking retarded.
when we reach that I picture that will be the movies universe soft reboot when everyone is to old to be the character they play.
>How do you stop a collective who consist of actual gods and the god damn Hulk?

Simply put you can't, again the hell is the Accords going to do? Even Steve points out in what if they get sent to something they don't want to do?

How was the Accords going to enforce this?

He got shot off into space at the end of AoU.
Wow I really said Other M, but I meant House of M. Oh well
Have to help shame DC movies at the box office. As Cap once said: Every ticket you buy is a bullet in the barrel of your best franchise's gun.
>still remembering that metroid exists
what's it like living in 2006
It happens read up on it. The US has/had people on death row and prison for life for shit like accidentally killing a room of infants because they made a gas leak happen, or got a family killed by playing hero in a arm robbery situation.
When death is the out come of civilian lives people want drastic actions taken morality be damned.
Why potentially antagonize the people that have saved the world like twice already? What are you going to do if they don't register?
pretty good actually

Apparently throw them in underwater jail?
A good amount of countries have laws that can be summarized as if you killed someone you can be put to death for it, reasons be damned.

Your ideas are still REALLY bad.
it was just some Ebola or Zika or Snyder movie script

I think Cap's just really trying to smash at this point.
Sorry I lost some cognitive function reading your posts.
>no wanting your captain america movie be entirely about hulk and red hulk

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>Snyder movie script
>and it wouldn't roll over as well as Goliath's death did in the comics.

You know they brought up a couple times, but you'd think at least one of them would bring it up to Tony and Reed more often.
what about it?
Sometimes a door is just a door
It doesn't need a bigger meaning
Well they try a nuke in the first Avengers movie.
Fun tidbit they played around with the idea of having a shock collar-esc Abomination that was going to be used to bring people on cap's side. It got scrap early on for unspecific reasons.

I know I did at first, and then realized that drowning was the goal.
>why didn't they just make a Hulk movie
Not entirely about Hulk and Red Hulk, it'd just have Ross/Red Hulk as one of the main villains by having him deliberately cause a disaster as Red Hulk to get the registration act passed, but they'd still do the plot with Zemo and Bucky, plus have Thor and the Thor clone involved too

Oh that would've been cool too, throw Abomination into the mix, maybe have him be shock-collared by Ross and forced to fight on the pro-reg side for a while. Then he breaks out and goes to kill Ross thinking he's just a normal human, and that's when it's revealed to the audience that Ross is Red Hulk, who proceeds to kill Abomination like in the comics.
Tony had 36 hour to catch captain america. How much time did her spend going to new york from germany and back getting spiderman?

Also, does anyone else hate the new spiderman kid? I had my reservations about Andrew Garfield, but he was way better than this shit.
They're ants, senpai. They make up 15 percent of the terrestrial animal biomass. The only landmasses without native ant species are Antarctica, Greenland, Iceland and a few remote islands.
When will Disney/Marvel get the rights to X-men/Fantastic 4 and whatever else from Fox? It would be nice to drop all this pretense and just call some characters mutants and have crossovers.

When I first watched AoU I thought when they mentioned the bomb dropping and not exploding was alluding to their father but I guess not. Honestly after the first two Xmen movies the series is all over the place and these new people, their acting is mediocre and here they are getting too much focus and they aren't introducing other characters really or having them in the spot light.

I don't like this new bitch playing Mystic either she's just not even trying at all and what's the point?

>have Xavier old and walking at the end of WO
>have him young in crippled in FC
Why would they involve all those characters? Jesus it's like you want an over bloated mess like AoU.

They could easily do all that you want in another movie. I am aware that Ross isn't a new character in the MCU but for all intents and purposes he is, so all that you ask for is a little bit too much in my opinion.
>When will Disney/Marvel get the rights to X-men/Fantastic 4 and whatever else from Fox?

X-Men, not in any foreseeable future.
Fant4stic will hopefully happen in a few years, although I think for a while they will use only the cosmic characters attached to them before using the F4.

>It would be nice to drop all this pretense and just call some characters mutants and have crossovers.

So you complain about how shit the X-men movies are but you want them to do crossovers?

>When I first watched AoU I thought when they mentioned the bomb dropping and not exploding was alluding to their father but I guess not.

Why would they allude to a character they don't have the rights to? They might as well just allude that Batman was their father.

>Honestly after the first two Xmen movies the series is all over the place and these new people, their acting is mediocre and here they are getting too much focus and they aren't introducing other characters really or having them in the spot light.

Hey man at least it's not fant4stic, and if anything everything after FC has about fixing the dog shit that was Last Stand and the wolverine movies.

>I don't like this new bitch playing Mystic either she's just not even trying at all and what's the point?
>What's the point of having an oscar winner in your movie?
>What's the point of having the most bankable young actress in your movie?

She gets people in the theatres, even if she acts like dog shit people won't care.

>have Xavier old and walking at the end of WO
>have him young in crippled in FC

Yeah they rebooted the universe idiot. It's like you didn't even watch DoFP

And Tony eventually cooled off. That was why Zemo's grand plan was to get Tony and Steve and Bucky in one room before showing Tony the video and he didn't just email it to him once he got there. Tony would snap and Bucky would be right there in killing range before he really has time to process it.
It was too long, as much as I liked Spider-Man they could have cut him out and ended up with a much tighter and quite likely better movie.

Also Zemo is just kind of there.
Obviously it was gratuitous but I would rather spend a 10 minutes with Peter in CW to set up his story and introduce him in the MCU that having yet another origin story.
Honestly I'll give them a pass for this just because they took Spidey out of Sony's hands.

Tony I think is just tired of being hated by everyone. Tired of being the troublesome rich playboy most people don't really like that gets blamed for the rise in supercrime and has angry mother's blaming him for the death of their kids. Tired of being the maverick the military wants to control but can't.

He wants to be a respected hero, like Cap is. And the accords are his way of being legit, so the world goverments will like him for cooperating and he can foster off the blame of his screw ups as Iron Man on the UN.

Cap meanwhile was a national icon, a famous war hero with a military rank, his own wing in a museum, thanked by the President, and beloved by all. He represents an entire country on his back.

And Cap threw that all away to do what he thought was the right thing.

That's the contrast between the two of them.
Well, if Zemo really only wanted to Avengers to fall apart, the biochemical weapon was overkill, he just needed Crossbones to go albu snackbar in the market.

If Crossbones WAS carrying the vial, he might've likely spread its contents when he blew himself up, so the most likely situation was he was ordered by Zemo to, no matter what happened with the chase after the weapon, to engage Cap alone and mention Barnes.

If anything, the death of the Wakandans was something Zemo did not expect, plan for, nor really cared about because the accords was already in the works and was the framing of Barnes after the accords were the primary factors in his plan. Maybe that woman in the corridor at MIT was also part of it, but he knew from Tony's character and history that he'd be in support of the proposed accords, and that Steve would be opposed to it and/or try to protect Bucky.

His mistake was killing King T'Chaka, that's how he got caught in the end.
>Yes we did, go watch the Iron Man 1 again
I believe he landed on sand in Iron Man 1, and his suit broke up on impact, diffusing most of the kinetic force.

There is also the chance Rhodes just flat out landed badly, bending his body too far backwards before settling.
Civil War was only two and a half hours long, just make it an hour longer to do the Hulk/Red Hulk/Abomination plot and all the stuff with Thor and his clone, Lord of the Rings showed that people are willing to sit through a three and a half hour movie
These are all soldiers, why wouldn't they kill?
And Tony is a walking tank. The only one who must not kill is Spiderman.
not if you are supposes to be a super-hero.

well, thats why iron man was wrong, as always.
Im sorry this makes zero sense, people specifically mentioned how they enjoyed the fact that this movie wasn't that long. Again I don't necessarily mind what you wanted put it in but it's not relevant to the rest of the story in CW, would have made the story too long and could have done better and more effectively as a separate movie, not to mention that Hulk is busy in Ragnarok.
>Cap: "Bucky was framed."
>Tony: "Prove it. Or I'm bringing you to Ross."
>Cap: "Give me 24 hours"
"Wanda, I thought I'd lift your spirits by crippling a nigger."
"Spirits lifted!"

> Jesus Christ, Russo's, that's overstepping a bit.
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Just curious, but have there been any theories that maybe the Mind Gem did work on Tony during this scene, and all his PTSD and bad ideas are a direct result of it?
Saw it three times. Took a third viewing to notice what might be a hole or might be me misinterpreting information.

It seemed like Zemo already had the psych doc's hotel room before he could have known they'd be sending a psych doc. Am I wrong in this? I know that part of the point was supposed to be that he was twelve steps ahead of everybody, but still.
I remember they showed the EMP bomb during the first scene in the hotel room, but did they show any evidence about the psychiatrist angle at that time?
Not that I can remember? I'm also unsure how much time passed between the UN bombing and them finding Bucky.
because he knew it was him or nobu, he didn't want to die. it's different from opening up on bank robbers and every drug dealer.

also terrorist/ninja are different, because they kind of singed up to die.
>wishing steve back
For him to get in one suckerpunch on thanos before he is evapporated
This makes it sound like Dragonball Z shit or something.
>I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what
You haven't been paying attention for shit.

On that note, who do you fellas think has the highest (on screen) bodycount of all the Avengers? Robots don't count.
That's not happening. They're too affraid of BP dying of black-movie-itis, so they're going to tie him with the rest of the MCU as much as possible so that people go watch it regardless.
That's also why they introduced him in CW.

Disney are pretty clever.
Zemo has no association with Crossbones. He hates Hydra.
>Give me back my Rhodey.
I thought that line was incredibly poorly delivered. Other than that, I loved everything about the movie.
War machine was shot in the back by vision. Probably burned away or crippled whatever safety devices are there.

Ant-man agreed with the Cap, and he doesn't like Stark much due to Pym.

Scarlet witch really should've been able to stop team tony pretty handedly, or should've been shown trying to talk to Vision/supressing him.

I wouldn't call tony and steve pen pals. He sent it via fed-ex to hide the letter and cell phone, which was some crappy flip phone, and the cell phone probably only has one number in it.
Tony had 12 hours left and they didn't know the guy's name, just that he had something to do with bucky.
Can someone spoil the stingers for me? I got dragged out of the theater because my roommate's a whiny bitch
Bucky decides to go back to the ice to avoid hurting more people. Petey plays with the Spider-Signal in his room.
This pretty much, there was so much shaky cam up in this, especially for the early fights. I was getting upset over it.
if you pay attention wanda also does this weird looking super jump only to land and start using her powers again on land

it's kind of an odd thing to just have happen in the background
>Cap traps Spider-Man, a hero whose strength he has no frame of reference for, slowly being crushed under a terminal walkway
>quips and leaves
Stark even mentions what impressed him about the videos. There's this tiny ass superhero in a shitty homemade costume who stops a 4-5 ton truck from completely destroying a bus, his webbing has AMAZING tensile strength, the wall crawling, the reflexes, all in all he's really impressed this kid has done so much with very little and with complete anonymity. What I don't get is how he figured out it was Pete.
>no frame of reference for
>was physically wrestling with him seconds prior
>everything must link!!!
Asians aren't people, anon.
The repulsor blast looked like it was a wide shallow blast, so it was probably designed to only knock out. As to why that wasn't used to incapacitate everyone before the fight, I dunno.
Not really, because the movies follow somewhat logical character development instead of lol space magic.
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>or Snyder movie script
what will happen to bucky if cap just give him to government by the end of CW?

since this accord will influence every mcu movies from now on, how ant, spidey, and BP will handle them in their solo?
how about netflix mcu?
Why is Tony so sexy
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Team Cap will be in it.
They did. When he said "What else is new..." he was directly referencing the time he was arrested for being a 21st century Robin Hood, and when he broke dozens of laws stopping Cross.
The accords will be dropped like the SHRA was.
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I actually wanted to bring this up but didn't want to drag the discussion off into things now in the past, still yeah it's great to see the difference between how the Russos handle the internal conflict between characters compared to Whedon with the scepter and mind magic and cut to barnyard.

The Russos hardly slow down the movie, we just get the key scenes to get the point across, Rhodey is paralyzed, the losers are locked up and bruised, physically and ego wise, but the movie keeps trucking.

Plus at the core of all this conflict is just Zemo. A man with a mind to make the Avengers tear themselves apart for him recognizing he doesn't have the power to do it himself.
At the heart of Avengers and AoU was a Norse God with a Cain Complex and a Super AI machine. Which while relevant to this movie feels like it basically just amounts to needed padding setting up Ultron, the conflict, etc. Not something vital you had to see.

Meanwhile the wound between Bucky and Steve was not only still felt here for me, but I can't see anyone skipping WS and getting how important Steve's defiance against unquestioned authority is here.

Somehow when you compare the scales less giving more doesn't make me feel better. I don't feel bad, CW was surprisingly enjoyable given the source material, Avengers and AoU aren't the worst thing in the world but really it feels like we should have started here and then built up to the bigger weirder stuff being handled better.
I mean just imagine Zemo, Loki and Ultron in a room discussing how they affected the Avengers and Zemo, the human, comes out as the one who seems he got more done. He studied his enemies for a year obsessively after they had reached a point of power damn near untouchable, Loki had cosmic connections, Ultron had access to everything online. What the good goddamn hell.

Honest Trailers joked we were too hard on Joss, no. Hell no, I don't think we've been hard enough in reflection.
Wait, what? I thought one of the twists was that Zemo isn't connected to Hydra.
It's a relatively common last name
No relation
Wanda "Black Mamba for Kwanzaa" Maximoff
It's the same in the comics though. It's not hard science, it's plot science
>He doesn't, there's just no better option on the table. "We do this, or it'll be done to us."
I believe tony is pretty much falling as a person.

Pepper is leaving him.
Has to still deal with the concequences of his actions and he still has massive guilts about his past.
Massive PTSD.

Frankly he's probably the best Marvel Cinematic Character at this point.
It's what made him so serious about the Accords. His whole motivation was guilt over his past fuckups.
I just want him to be happy ;_;

I thought it was literally just because of the arc reactor, probably would have worked if he tried it again on his chest
>pepper is leaving him
this'll be fun, let's see how they manage to show it even though there's no build up for that in previous films and they seem to be going along perfectly. This is purely done because Gwyneth doesn't want to play pepper no more and it shows.
>This is purely done because Gwyneth doesn't want to play pepper no more and it shows.

"Hey lady, show up for a weeks worth of work every year and we give you this giant pallet full of cash!"
>lol no, i'm better than that.
>Gwyneth doesn't want to play pepper no more

Good. They can just find any actress and make her play Tony's new love interest, I'd be fine with it. She doesn't even need to be relevant, make her a government agent or just a civil. Anyone is better than that shitter.
I wouldn't mind just having someone else play Pepper, but having Tony and Pepper break up out of nowhere is meh.

Not to mention, poor Tony.
I think it's okay considering he just broke the promise he made to her about stop paying so much attention to the super hero things in IM3.
>I wouldn't mind just having someone else play Pepper
That would be fun.

>Iron man 4
>Tony is burned out from Infinity Wars
>He wakes up next to All New - All Different Pepper
>Pepper: What's wrong?
>Tony: You look... different
>Pepper: We drank a lot last night
>Tony: Nevermind.
A couple HUNDRED civilians were well with in several feet. The explosion leveled several floors of that building and blew across them, it would have killed several dozens if not hundreds of people if it had blown up in the middle of a crowded street, not to mention the number injured. Honestly, she did the best she could while controlling an explosion. Would've been perfect if she had moved it away from the building as well.

That's actually smart.
>wanting Red Hulk in Marvel films
>wanting clone Thor
>think that cramming that into an already full plate plot wouldn't ruin the film
you are so retarded you better be bait.
right lets trusts a emotionally charged hero that just beat the crap out of German swat team trying to stop a guy that has 100 murders under his belt.
That's where thus gets stupid on Caps part, Bucky mind control or not killed millions and what makes matters worse is at the end of the film they put him on ice, which was Ross' plan if Physiological profiling failed.
So talking and brain power isn't Caps strong suit here.
fuck you, Emily Thorn is fucking pretty, and already has ninja training.

As to my gripes... I didn't understand Widows motivation, I've watched the accord discussion a bunch of times and it isn't clear at all why she's ok with it. Then, to muddy her intentions further, she helps Cap and WS get away during the airport scene.

Also, I feel like there's something missing from the score... I can't put my finger on it, but it just isn't as memorable and impactful as the score Henry Jackman gave us with The Winter Soldier.
Spidey was basically Stark's Robin instead of his own man who sides with justice, i.e. Cap
Wanda. Bot directly and indirectly
"I just followed the webbing"
Took it as a fancy way of saying spy cams like the one's he was using to catch the original Spider-man footage.
This scene where the two teams just run at each other is soooo cringeworthy. Are these like some apes or something? This is how highly skilled assassins and soldiers fight? By running straight at each other?
yeah, I that's what I thought as well. It was pretty clear that the metal clink we heard was the reactor and the lokey pokey stick couldn't brainwash it.
I though they were spaced out very well in the film but regardless it brings us back to the bigger point, she wasn't trained by police or military, she has no jurisdiction and her actions lead to deaths and no clear sign her actions saved more than hurt. This opens a very justified door on the idea of should we trust heroes to do the right thing.
So, I don't care for team up movies, which meant I skipped both Avengers movies. Should I just go back and watch them, since I liked Civil War?
They said the movie was going to have a 90% black cast So aside from Everett and Klaw, I guess Cap and Bucky could show up a bit.

And besides, the movie is supposed to open on February so they're clearly doubling down on a high black attendance.
Watch the first one.
In fairness Loki didn't see them as a threat until it was to late.
Now Ultron there was no excuse
You have to answer me this.

Is the Hulk well done in it?
>ok fag
Mad enough to blow steam off, by trying to kill a man who had no control on his actions while his friend who spent the whole time defending him is right next to him. That's stupid.
Non-American here. What does the time of year have to do with black attendance?
How about Age of Ultimo Dragon?
it kinda should, otherwise you have a mess of a movie
February = Black History Month. There's no way that was a coincidence, considering that's the date it was pushed back to when Spider-man was brought into the fold.
Tony was honestly mad at Cap because keep in mind he didn't lose it till after he ask Cap "did you know?" and Cap plays pussy foot until he admits that yes he knew Toy's parents were killed by Bucky.

Mix that in with Cap's interference in German, Widow's turn coating and Rhodes near death moment and Tony's rampage seems more like he is just getting sick of Caps obsession with Bucky. Tony wanted them all beat because he saw them as backstabbers and traitors at that point
and in fairness they were
Hulk? so/so it gets ruined when Black Widow claims to be a monster like the Hulk because she can't have babies.
I feel like there was a counting error at the start as well. You know when they're counting down how many bad guys there are left? I'm sure Falcon counts wrong or something. That's how I remember it. Need to watch again
He didn't know it was Bucky. He literally says he didn't know it was him. He only know that the Stark clan were murdered by Hydra
you are correct 2 got away.

What else you gonn do when you're all standing there looking at each other?Tonys job is to arrest them, so they have to be reactionary to whatever Cap is doing
Cap was lying, he admits as much in the letter.

In Winter Solider Zola shows Cap the hits Bucky did, the newspaper article about Tony's parents were in the file.
He also open Bucky's File to this page at the end of the film.

Cap knew he was in deep shit if he went "oh yeah the guy I crippled and maned police over and cause our group to split apart? I always knew he was a high risk killer and killed your mom and dad..."
She wants to do the right thing, and after having been in two organizations that clearly weren't, and were committing illegal operations due to lack of external oversight, she wants to be in one that can be held accountable if it's going wrong. Also she doesn't want the Avengers to fall apart, and is willing to do what she can to stay together, but also she knows Steve well enough that she can trust him to be telling the truth about stopping Zemo.
>Cap was lying, he admits
No, he wasn't. He was admitting he was wrong in not telling Stark about his parents death sooner.

In Winter Soldier the clip shown shows literally a guy on a bike hitting a car. nothing else
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I'm so looking forward to Uncle Tony in Homecoming, personally.

Poor bastard deserves it.
The only thing tony deserves is the electric chair. if Clint, Wanda, and Bucky deserve punishment for their crimes, So does Tony.
Then Cap was staying willfully ignorant because when Tony ask again "did you know?!?" Caps answer was "Yes I'm sorry"
And again he knew Tony's parents death wasn't an accident but kept it to himself for two years movierse time wise? Cap knew who the killer was. He knew what would happen to his boy friend if he shared that info with Tony back before AoU. Tony would have hunted him down and got him lock up.
>Did you know
(My parents were murdered)
"I kept it to myself because it was easier than facing an uncomfortable truth about my past"
He totally said that.

>In Winter Soldier the clip shown shows literally a guy on a bike hitting a car.
and before that it was Bucky killing Kennedy.
and before that it was Bucky killing other people in general
And what did Cap gain hiding that knowledge for two years? Cap knew in the back of his mind that if he shared the truth he have to face that it was likely Bucky that did it.
>hitting a car
So bucky killed two unknown people in a car
Fuck you, Hank
And champ, I'm not saying Cap was right in not telling Stark. Stop assuming that I am
>Create a genocidal AI that was hell-bent on destroying human life
>More acceptable than two people who were mind controlled into killing people numbering in the hundreds, or the abuse of a young, impressionable girl's cry or help
Anon the newspaper clipping was shown at that same time
He knew who he killed
Cap knew he was responsible
He just didn't want to see it. Want to face it.
Keep in mind he was obsessed at the start of Civil War saving his framed friend for being arrested for a "false crime" when Bucky had kill a president and countless others mind control or no Cap was saving Bucky because he loved Bucky, not out of justice, doing the right thing, or protecting an innocent. He loved Bucky and it's why he didn't ever share the truth with Tony because he have to face that unconformable truth that Bucky murder them too.
>I'm not saying Cap was right in not telling Stark.
never said you were
What I am saying is you don't hide that kind of knowledge unless you fear what the truth of it will show.
>Saving his framed friend from being killed for a "False crime" without his day in court

Stop twisting the crimes of the Soviet Union and Hyrda into some perverted version of history
He was never killed for it.
He was to be processed. If he was seen as a threat to everyone he was going to be put on ice.
Only Black Panther was out to kill him.
There is no twisting here, Bucky is literally a weapon, you say the pass code and he kills without mercy but they didn't have any plans on killing him.
> without his day in court

except he was getting that
that was the whole damn reason for the physic evaluation, was Bucky sane enough to stand trial?
If the goal was just to lock him up and throw away the key or kill him the mental evaluation because unneeded
>He was to be processed
After Steve and Sam got him away from the guns that had a 'Shoot on Sight" order. And his "processing" was a Psych evaluation, then to Wakanda, in the hands of a vengeful king who thought he killed him. All this without a fair trial and access to a lawyer

>Only Black panther was out to kill him
And the GSG9 with a Shoot-on-sight order

>Bucky is literally a weapon
that two or three people on the entire earth knew how to use, with the code being in a single red book that was sitting in a cleveland home. By the logic you dictate(Crimes committed by your body, with no control of your own), then Clint should also be put up for death. Not to mention that Tony Stark should be dead as well, as he created a machine hell-bent on human extinction.
> Black Widow claims to be a monster like the Hulk because she can't have babies.
That's not what happens, go back to Tumblr
>that two or three people on the entire earth knew how to use
That's knowledge we viewers had not everyone else
Neither Clint nor Tony went on the lamb and ran away, Bucky did. Something that simple can escalate how a crime is viewed and what sympathy you'll get from nations and courts
In all fairness it was stupid as hell for Widow to bring that up. Joss made a hamfisted scene that came off like she was saying that because narrative wise it serves no point to bring up if the core point is suppose to be Im a monster too.
>I thought these guys didn't kill anyone no matter what

You're a fucking moron if you think that.
That's knowledge known to every government who unencrypted the Hydra and Shield files leaked. And if you seriously don't think at the very least NATO governments didn't do that.. Well I honestly can't even think of an outcome where someone would be so retarded into thinking they WOULDN'T do that.
>still not knowing about MCU mid and post-credit scenes

Its been 8 years, anon. Get with the times.

I just thought I'd reply to this to tell you you're a fucking moron.

The other replies cover the actual serious rebuttals.
He interfered because he heard they were going in with live ammo and weren't even going to attempt to take him alive.
Called him a dirty cog.
So Sharon told him wrong? Because when Rhodey showed up they stopped firing.
Jane isn't appearing in Ragnarok too because of that very reason. Portman clearly doesn't want to anymore.
If you go after someone to fight them, and then kill them in the fight, it's not self-defense.
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This is one of the worst sets of suggests I've ever heard.
It seems like the Accords are more of a PR thing, for the Avengers to re-assure the public that this army of superhumans don't intend to just gonna do whatever they want to the world.
Wanda was wearing clothes.
Zemo's whole plan was incredibly convoluted and would have never actually worked.
Black Panther's suit should have mad him completely invulnerable. Why do punches and kicks hurt him, but bullets bounce right off?
He's the opposite of Wonder Woman.
Black Panther's suit doesn't make any sense at all. He shouldn't even be able to move in it.
>And Tony is a walking tank
>Spider-Man can lift 3+ tons
Fucking idiot. Either capes should kill or they shouldn't.
It probably becomes stiff when struck at high speeds (like bullets) but remains flexible otherwise.
Some of the writing was pretty sloppy, and even bad.

The Sokovia Accords were retarded and no one pointed out how retarded they were. Cap just kept saying if there's trouble he needs to help or "the best hands are still our own". He doesn't once mention that the government looking to control them almost launched flying battleships that can pin-point strike anyone. Oh, and they were going to nuke New York City.

No one even makes the point that things would have been way worse without out them. And it only makes the Sokovia Accords look even more retarded when they point out that only 74 people died in NYC.

Zemo somehow parked a van with enough explosives to blow up the side of a UN building. In a world where holograms and advanced AI exist, they don't have the technology to scan for bombs?

Vision didn't do anything during the entire fight, even though he could have taken out Cap's entire team. Then, instead of blowing up the quinjet that Cap and Bucky were running towards, he destroys the tower to try to block access to it.

Tony and Rhodes are apparently two idiots who don't realize one of them could fall back to take down Falcon, so instead, Tony has Vision try to shoot him down from God knows how far away.

Then somehow Iron Man arrives in Russia at nearly the same time as Cap, even though he took Rhodey to a hospital, talked with Black Widow, then went to that prison.
But she was wearing tight pants and little skirts and knee-highs.
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Exactly, she shouldn't be wearing anything at all.
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>only 74 people died in NYC
Marvel is so goddamn safe
Completely naked is pleb tier taste.
Yeah, their heroes actually save people.
Their plot armor does. Supes actually saves the world in face a ACTUAL stakes.
I don't like how they shove Zemo as the one behind it all, I prefer it being a pure conflict between heroes and Bulky being one of the main plot is kinda annoying. It should be about the clash of ideal between heroes and this is what both BvS and CA:CW failed to be.
There's no stakes in any of these movies.
The good guy wins, the bad one dies.
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Too bad he couldn't save his own movie franchise though.
Wasn't it some sort of poison from that building Cap inflitrated? Wanda guided all the aerosolised (sp) stuff out.
Iron Man literally stops at his tower to quip back and forth with Loki while the city is being attacked.
It's the plot armor and there will be no casualty if they did not plan to pull a civil war.
Zemo only fast-forwarded something that was going to happen.
There's a reason why it's called Sokovia Accords, and not Nigeria Accords.
This movie is tracking to make less than Iron Man 3

How is that possible?

A movie with the Avengers (except Hulk and Thor, but no one really likes them so it doesn't matter) including Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man AND Black Panther AND Spider-Man make LESS than a solo Iron Man movie?
What are you talking about?
It's tracking to make 1.3-1.4 billion.
He does that before the attack begins though.
MCU plays it too safe and hides behind quips. People are catching on.
No way it will make less than IM3, if anything it will top Avengers 2.
Oh. My bad
>This movie is tracking to make less than Iron Man 3
But it's not.
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>still mad


Yes it is

It's currently making less than Iron Man 3 at the same point.

There's also a HD rip out which is killing the number of people actually watching the movie, especially in China.
>There's also a HD rip out which is killing the number of people actually watching the movie
Since when has piracy affected box office?
Internationally, not overall box office, and it has been beating Iron Man 3 since the opening.
At least we know they loved BvS.
Around 2010
It does in places like China where piracy is a big problem.

It won't have the legs to survive the summer
>It won't have the legs to survive the summer
According to whom?
But it has made 155 million in China already.
It's behind in number for AoU and IM 3
And thanks to the pirate version, it won't make much more

Too many over movies are coming out which will take away from the audiences
Go be irrelevant somewhere else, DCuck.
>It's behind in number for AoU and IM 3

Because it's a movie called Captain America and it didn't pander to the chinks like those.

>And thanks to the pirate version, it won't make much more

But it has already made 155 million.
There's been no effect of the box office in that, just your average drop.
In the eyes of the entire world besides DCucks, of course.
I don't really see this making less than 1.3 billion.
Has there ever been a fanbase more in denial than DCfags?
Three years trying to convince desperately people that MoS wasn't garbage, 2 months of full damage control.
We are facing an entire year of denial before you move on to explain why Justice League isn't shit?
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>surpassed BvS 2 month earnings in 10 days
Agreed, Clint been in that prison for hours and that's what he comes up with? I kinda felt bad for Sam too, since he probably heard that and got reminded of his failure to save Rhodey.

I'm telling you right now it won't make more than IM3.

There's no way.

Screencap this and mock me forever if you will, but I will be right.
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