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Former Animator for Texan Made Not-Anime Accuses Rooster Teeth

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So for all 60 of you who are weird enough to like/watch RWBY, you'll wanna give this is a look: http://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Ffile%2Fd%2F0B-H0KuOwKFYwZTJxbXg0SG5CTEE%2Fview%3Fusp%3Dsharing&t=N2E0MjAxMzUxYjkzYTMxM2FhYzhmYWVkYWM0N2YyMzM5MDRjNDBhNSw2dGY4MHRRRw%3D%3D

TL:DR which will be everyone since it's over 30 fucking pages

>Ultimate Edgelord Animator Monty Oum wants to make his own anime
>He's working for Rooster Teeth (Red vs Blue) so they agree to fund/produce it
>Monty eventually gets sick of working for RT, wants to move the project away and make it independent
>Monty suddenly dies because cats
>Rooster Teeth use this chance to make the show how they want to, now that the creator is dead
>Go to the extent of shutting out his widow from helping with the show
>They pretty much get rid of all the stuff he used/wanted to do and place in their own stuff
>Best friend/protege/co-director is fired and eventually makes this "tell all" letter
Fucking hell, Roosterteeth are made out to be complete shitbags in this.
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Also no JNPR vs. Raven.

Also no Jaune directly causing Pyrrha to die.

Also no Yang/Blake vs. Adam.

But take this with a grain of salt, he's an animator and close friend of Monty's, not a writer of the series. How the hell would Raven attacking JNPR make any sense... (Hurr durr let me attack these students at a cafe for no reason!)

Even though we missed some things that'd have been cool as fuck, Volume 3 wasn't that terrible for watcher.

Still this is a good letter that gives us perspective.
RWBY was shit under Monty and it's shit under Roosterteeth

Pretty bad that they cut out Monty's friends and family, but not surprising. The dead have no control over anything
RWBY is shit regardless. Whatever weeb shit Monty had in mind wouldn't save it.

>Go to the extent of shutting out his widow from helping with the show
Why the fuck would she have anything to do with it in the first place?
>Also no Jaune directly causing Pyrrha to die.
I don't think you know what "directly" means. Besides Pyrrha dying was her own dumbass fault.
The letter states she was essentially a head writer/director along with him.

A lot does reek of "US VS THE WORLD REEEEEEEE FUCK CORPORATIONS" but it is still a low move if even one thing said about the treatment of the guys widow is true.
ok, let me get this straight
>Employee for company pushes his pet projects. Company says, "Sure, when budget/schedules allow"
>Employee dies
>Company abandons his projects because he's dead.
>Someone upset because company is not using necromancy to commune with his spirit to continue work on his pet projects

>"Hey I wanna make this show"
>"OK, but since we're the production company we have the rights"
>Creator is kill
>"Well, since we own the IP, we have the right to make the show however we want"
>Creators best friend/protege gets butthurt
More like they're continuing the project however they like and not caring about how he wanted it to go.
>Employee for company pushes his pet projects. Company says, "Sure, when budget/schedules allow"
>Employee dies
>Company makes shitty show less cringy to watch
Reposting from the other thread:

I'm just skimming through it, but it sounds like they were just trying to streamline and standardize the animating process so it wasn't such a constant rush of slapping things together to meet the deadline. I can appreciate Shane wanting to honor Monty and keep doing things the way he like to do them, but it's pretty well known that Monty's 'process' was also grossly inefficient.

furthermore, most of the things involving them keeping Sheena at arm's length can probably be chalked up to acting and animation unions having pretty strict rules. Unpaid, uncredited work on writing, design, and animation are big no-no's, and having her have to audition for a voice part is not unreasonable at all. It very likely could have been that working outside the union rules precluded her from being involved in the show any further, even if she did join the required guilds or whatever after the fact.
Pyrrha knowingly walking to her doom and Yang getting dumpstered were fantastic changes, desu.
Read the stuff: Jaune apparently was going to be the cause and witnessing Pyrrha's death.
Unless there is a contract stating
"If Mr. Ohm dies, Rooster Teeth must match the resolve of his beneficiaries" there's not much to comment on.
When you work collaboratively, its the contract that defines what will happen with the IP. If RT has violated the terms of a contract, that is a matter of law to decide rather than a tell-all blog post.
>Read the stuff
Hell no.

Jaune being at the fight would have been ridiculous. There couldn't have been a fight at all because Pyrrha would have had to die saving his life in the first five seconds.

What we got still gives him plenty of guilt and room for development without requiring a contrived way for him to hold his own against Super Cinder for more than .5 seconds.
Not really. Pointless actions to raise the stakes is all it was.
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>Ultimate Edgelord
>Makes a cartoon about cute girls doing cute things

No according to Shane the original idea for the fight was Jaune was there, Pyrrha actually holds her own against Cinder and might win until Jaune distracted her and Cinder killed her. Thus making his "It's all my fault" make sense.

For that matter Yang was supposed to actually hold her own against Adam for a while and Ruby was supposed to have actually defeated Neo instead of getting stomped and tricking her with her umbrella.

Apparantly the original Vol 3 had the good guys do much better and only lose by a small margin instead of getting stomped.
>t requiring a contrived way for him to hold his own against Super Cinder for more than .5 seconds.

According to Shane Maiden Cinder wasn't supposed to be that strong.
It's on record that the show was only "cute girls go to high school" at first just so he could pull the rug from under peoples feet when the "true tone" was set.

His planned interpretation for the show going dark was even edgier, and involved a teenage girl leaving a fucking nuclear shadow behind when she gets killed.
>but it's pretty well known that Monty's 'process' was also grossly inefficient.
Oh the irony.

Raising the stakes isn't pointless, anon.

As much as I liked Pyrrha, her arc has a far more interesting end with her knowingly meeting what will probably be her doom than charging into a fight she thinks she can win and dying to save her BF (especially given the parallels with Achilles courting his own death).


If maiden Cinder wasn't going to be that strong, then what's the point of the Maidens as a plot point in the first place? If they're going to use them, they need to be formidable.
I tots agree with you, the guilt/agony is still there.

But the rough draft version would have been even more crushing, as Jaune had an active role of killing Pyrrha. Also>>82698125.

And Jaune may have come across as more competent during his team's fight against Raven, and may have not been such a fucking pushover.
Why do you think internet people are obligated to give a shit about the law?
>Raising the stakes isn't pointless, anon.
It is when the actions defy logic and are only taking so there can be a "shocking" death. If Pyrrha had no other choice but to go on a suicide mission it'd be fine but there were a million other options so one can only assume she legitimately just felt like dying.
If stakes need to be raised do it in a way thats not completely contrived.
Eh, some of the changes they instituted sound like fucking shit.

I agree Jaune getting Pyrrha killed would have been better fodder for angst, but it's just not believable that he could hang in that fight for more than a few moments. He can still rip himself up about failing to keep watch for roughly the same effect.

The Raven fight sounds cool, but the team was evidently already spread pretty thin with how many fights there were in Vol 3, so I don't blame them for cutting it.
If Maiden Cinder was supposed to be so strong, why was Amber such a punk bitch?
They should've cut the fucking SSSN fight for that.

In fact, just cut SSSN entirely.

Pyrrha chose to try and stop Cinder because Ozpin had made it clear that she had to be stopped.

Was it an ill-advised decision? Possibly, although we can't say for certain until we know more of what Cinder was trying to do, and what Ruby did to her.

However, that's why it was actually compelling. They set up the plotline of Pyrrha struggling with the immense expectations everyone has of her to always make the sacrifice, do the brave and heroic thing, and when she is presented with that chance she takes it, possibly in part as a result of all that pressure. Honestly, I found it to be one of the only times RWBY has managed some decently compelling character work.

They conveyed Amber's raw power decently, but the anime aura forcefields nonsense makes her getting offed by a sneak attack hard to buy, I agree.
It was so lame compared to Cinder through. Amber should've just lazered the fuck out of them.
Making a poor selfish decision isn't heroic or compelling.

Rooster Teeth is a collective soulless bunch of hacks and everyone that was entertaining/funny have take a back seat to Bernie and his ego while they shove interns up everyone's ass.
Shane doesn't play well with others. If he were actually following in Monty's footsteps then there wouldn't be a problem, the friction is coming from him.
I'd shut out his widow too, considering she's the one who killed him.
>Production company that lets employees make shows for the hell of it is a collective soulless bunch of hacks
Shane, it's time to stop posting.
I'd argue that volume 3 was easily the best one.
I'm inclined to agree, as well. Its another thing to consider when taking this all in.

it really was. and part of me thinks it's exactly because it wasn't what monty envisioned.

monty wanted to make a girls fighting anime. he didn't care about the characters or story beyond what would looks "cool" or "awesome" he didnt cared what would make logical sense.

remember, he want adam to cut the train in have LENGTHWISE and then yang beat him to save blake.
>volume 3 directly rips off grand magic games from fairy tail like to a scary point
>animation and battles are fucking awful messes
>nothing is as great as volume 1 or 2
>people still praise it mindlessly even though in episode 1 of volume 3 they used FUCKING STILL IMAGES of places with peoples OC's

Is everyone who watches RWBY mindless or do they just not care that their show has become utter trash?

The back half of Volume 3 was actually a decent story.

RWBY's writing was inarguably trash through Vol 1 and Vol 2, and it's still not amazing, but for the first time we have real emotion, actual loss, a sense of genuine danger, and real stakes for the protagonists moving forward.


This is a pretty decent assessment.
I'd keep Sheena at a good distance too. Isn't she the reason this guy died in the first place? Something about him being deathly allergic to cats and her bringing a cat home anyway. She's mooching off of every LA cosplayer known to man now. I agree that it's shitty to kick the friend out, though.
Do you seriously think that Volumes 1 and 2 were in any way better than 3?
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So his girlfriend killed him right?
Unintentionally, but yes. It's literally all her fault.
Then the did the right thing with the way it actually turned out.

Having Ruby basically both fail to beat Roman Nad have to use her brains to incapacitate Neo makes it so she has a goal to reach and shows how far from Cinder and her lieutenants levels she really is. Same for Yang when dealing with Adam. It gives our heroes something to strive.

Not to mention it makes our villains seem like a bigger challenge for the future.
I'm actually glad they didn't go this route. People hated Jaune enough when he didn't stop a half maiden-powered Cinder from getting in even though there was shit he could do. If he directly caused Pyrrha's death, fans would go nuclear on him.

Also, those harsh losses showed our heroes that they have a long way to go. Its harsh, but it helps the story later on.
>rips off from fairy tail
What's sad is that this is exactly what they were hoping for, they had "anime homework" just so they could take pieces from other stories.
If you're going to rip off anime, why Fairy Tail?
Like, it's okay, but it's not great or anything. There's so much better material out there to ape.
Maybe because it's not super popular that no one will notice.
Doesn't his brother play Ren?

Seriously, Vol 3. made me invested in this show for more than the music and the occasional good fight for the first time. They executed the dark ending well, and actually dealt some meaningful setbacks to the protagonists.

For the first time, I am legitimately interested in where the show goes from here.
And Monty already nearly severed ties with his family because he chose to not go to his own mothers funeral because he figured it would get in the way of his stupid quest to always be working.
Can you elaborate? Honestly curious.
Monty's girlfriend wanted a cat.
Monty is allergic to cat.
Monty's girlfriend REALLY wants a cat.
Monty goes to a hospital for an allergy test, for drug options.
Monty has a reaction to the test.
Monty dies.

That's my understanding of the events, anyways.
Not sure if we're allowed to link to the farm, so here's the text from the OP of the thread she has on that site.

>Nicole "Sheena" Duquette "Oum" is a cosplayer from Vancouver, BC who dropped everything to move to Austin, TX so she could sleep her way into RoosterTeeth. She "married" Monty Oum, something that was only revealed after Monty was in an coma following anaphylaxis caused by a treatment for his cat allergy, after first hooking up with him PAX 2013. It's highly suspected they only married so she wouldn't get deported because no one knew about their marriage (including Monty's family). It's also worth noting that the reason Monty was being aggressively treated for his cat allergy is because Nicole decided to bring home a stray.

After Monty's death, she took thousands of dollars worth of donations for his care and funeral and went on vacation in England with Jnig, flaunting her new purchases the whole way. After returning, she used more money to get giant fake boobs despite having "severe" scoliosis that she uses as an excuse for pity.

She is currently living in LA, despite being in the country not as a legal citizen, and not being allowed to have a job in the country. She is a Twitch booby streamer, sells prints of herself waering costumes she bought, and fame whores herself at every con that will let her. The costumes she actually makes herself are hilariously poorly stitched and sculpted. She also posts endless photos of the little murder weapon she decided to keep and name Mr. Noodle, and even sells merch of the fucking cat.
Wait seriously

He died because of a fucking allergy test? Jesus christ.
The train thing sounds sick, but they were just supposed to have a fight. Yang still would have lost.

Man, no wonder RT gave her the boot if that's true.

At least it wasn't the allergy test that killed him.
A little. They were more fun at least.

I don't mean that in the sense of the tone shifting, I mean it was just a bit different.
I don't know what is just bad publicity on RT's part at this point.

With how hard they cut her off, and how Shane talked about her, could be most of that is just rumormongering.
>an open letter...
>it's 36 pages.

Shit man I'm on the fucking toilet at the office. Do me a fucking favour
Yeah, sorry to air out drama here, but the way people keep referring to her as "his widow" as if this woman is grieving or something really grinds my gears. I don't even care about this cartoon, but that whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth.

Volume 1 and 2 had better fights, but were absolutely rancid everywhere else, other than the music and the occasional bit of banter.

Volume 3 had better non-fight animation, actual professional VAs, and the makings of a halfway decent story. There's really no comparison.
Wait... they actually killed Pyrrha off?

Has Jaune gone full Shinji mode then?
shit's fucked
>volume 3 directly rips off grand magic games from fairy tail like to a scary point

As if Fairy Tail is the first manga to have a tournament go horribly wrong. Fucking Yu Yu Hakusho did that shit with Dark Tournament decades earlier and it probably borrowed the idea form somewhere. The tournament was a solid basis for a solid story. What's next, you gonna hold against RWBY the fact that its main character is currently part way through the "Heroes Journey"?

The fight scene, I'll give you, although considering how much more there was to animate in volume 3 between the crowds and the new locations and the monster invasion, I can let it slide for 1 volume. Volume 4 better get back towards Monty level though.
>woah this is really interesting
>what series is this?

ugh, why did I even bother to read the first pages?

It's unfortunate that Sheena got left by the wayside, but if she was working under the table - unofficially and uncredited - it's going to happen. While obviously he couldn't know he was going to die when he did, if he'd wanted her on the project, he should have worked to get her an official status, otherwise she'd just be regarded as his sounding board rather than a contributor. I mean, she IS a trained animator herself.
And had no idea Rooster Teeth was such a labyrinth of secrets and fuckery

This is some Phil Hartman level shit
RT has been dead since they changed the podcast from The Drunk Tank
But the show still isn't good.

I'd rather have a bad show with good fights and stupid shit then a mediocre show with so so fights and lame nothing scenes.
Holy fuck, no wonder Rooster Teeth don't want nothing to do with her. She sounds like pure scum.

Pyrrha dying has been the foundation for what could be an actually worthwhile story.

It gives the protagonists a tangible failure, completely undermines the wise anime headmaster cliche, concludes Pyrrha's arc ably and poignantly, and creates real stakes for fighting the villains in the future.

Pyrrha was my favorite character, and I'm not even mad, because her death was actually well done
>Well done

>Only non-retarded character bites the dust

What was her character arc exactly? I thought she and Jaune were doing the whole training together shit.

I also thought Jaune was going to get his shit together and be interesting unlike literally every other character.
dude was REALLY allergic
I agree. A great character can die, as long as their death has meaning to the narrative. She went out swinging against the big bad. Can't ask for a better fall than that.
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Who the fuck even dies of cat allergies in the 21st century?

So he literally died because the cunt wanted a cat?

If that's true I really hope she gets deported or something. Fuck her.
Mounty Oum.
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
>only non-retarted character
Xlthuathopec is that you?
I'm not going to read the thread or even the link just tell me is RWBY gonna be cancelled or no?
No, this isn't that shitty.
>What was her character arc exactly

>Look at how perfect Pyrrha is
>actually it's kind of stressing me out how everyone expects me to be so perfect
>I kind of don't want to sacrifice myself but everyone expects me to live up to their ideal of me
>sacrifices herself in the end

Not saying it was Shakespeare, but it was a decently executed character arc, thanks almost entirely to the Vol. 3 development, of course.
Like I said, I only saw season 1 and a bit of season 2.

But everyone else seems like fucking morons. I mean Jaune got a pass; he's supposed to be the inept rookie.

Why is Ruby a sperg?
Fuck no. Fiscally and artistically it's probably doing better now than ever.
Because she's a dumb kid in a class of older students.
Is she?

Nothing makes sense about her, she is apparently a super competent fighter.... yet I never saw it, she's a fucking moron.
I liked it better when all RT was known for was Red vs Blue.
died like a punk ass basic nigga
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> shutting out Sheena "brought cats into the house even though my green card husband will die from them" Oum a bad thing
>Her death was actually well done
>Throws Jaune under the bus and suicides
I miss their old podcasts too.

It sure is easy to make anything look silly when summarizing it in a single greentexted sentence, isn't it?

Pyrrha sacrificing herself was the natural conclusion of a character arc where she struggled with pressure to do the very same, and was particularly interesting in how it turns Ozpin from a walking cliche into an actual, fallible character.
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She's a horomonally-charged teenager with a hero complex.

What can ya do?
Alright then.
You're right. She should have brought Jaune there so he could distract her and he could die too.
And you don't find it weird that almost all of her screen time is her pursuing Jaune and trying to get him to notice her (Helping him anytime she can etc), reaching a point where he is actually returning feelings, only to go "Fuck your concerns and what you think, I'm not going to listen to you even though you are my leader"?
Why would they fire Shane?
The biggest problem with RWBY is Monty's vision. From the sound of things, although he planned the bare bones of the project, he was also going to randomly a bunch of things like the 'Maidens' as time went on.

Now, the biggest issue with doing something like that instead of something like what Tolkien did with his work, is that in the unlikely event you die and leave the project for friends and family to complete, they will have no fucking idea what to do.
The TLDR is that they were trying to standardize the animation process and he dug his heels in and resisted because he wanted the unstructured, finished when it's done style of production that he and Monty preferred.

You do remember how Jaune himself basically said to her that he'd always expect her to make the heroic choice, right? Which upset her greatly, because she liked him for being the one person she could rely on as a valve to escape from all the pressure and expectations?

Pyrrha may have loved Jaune, but it's entirely believable that, in the end, she would make the heroic choice over the selfish and pragmatic one. He may even have driven her to it, in a way, and that's some nice fodder for development going forward.


I don't like to speak ill of the dead, but RWBY has displayed a far stronger and more coherent story in the latter half of Vol 3. There's really no reason to worry that the story will suffer without Monty.
Arguments aside, I hope Shane feels better getting this off his chest, because he's basically killed any chance of getting another animation gig. Going on a 20-page diatribe about his previous employer making decisions he didn't like is going to be tough to get past.
Go ahead and speak ill, nobody here cares.
Monty fucked up RWBY and RvB, and his death, while tragic, ultimately refreshed both series.
This Shane guy seems to have a huge martyr complex.

Of course losing your dearest friend and mentor has to be devastating. What strikes me as "off" about this, however, is that his tone strikes me less as one that's meant to help others understand, and more like one that says "I loved Monty the most, no one will EVER get Monty like I do so you all have to listen to me!"

I guess what truly bothers me throughout this letter is the way he acts like he truly cares about Monty the most, and yet completely disregards the feelings of everyone else at RT. Newsflash: you might have been one of Monty's closest friends, but you definitely weren't his only friend.

You're trash-talking people who Monty loved and worked with, and while I can never truly understand the mourning you're going through, from an objective perspective I can say pretty confidently that being awful to the friends of your late friend isn't honoring their memory at all.

Gotta admire his resolve, though.

I'm going to offer my pov in this seeing how I deal with animation production and I've dealt with Sheena by proxy seeing how I live in the same city as her

In short Shane is too emotional which is affecting his judgement on Sheena

Case in point about page 16 one of the producers mentioned how She has no part in RWBY and realistically she really offers nothing to the table to the production.

Shane mentions how she is "professionally more qualified than the people who got hired as contract workers on the show" but there's not much to actually showcase that. (Also way to throw your team under the bus buddy)

Does she animate? Sorta
Does she design? We got those already
Write? Again we got writers already

I'd give her some credit if her twitch or patreon was something showcasing how professional she is but all they show is her with her boobs out

On page 19 Shane again mentions how one of the character was to be voiced by her but CEO wanted to give her a fair chance so they had auditions to decide who would do that voice which she failed to ace the audience or maybe didn't even bother to show up to which I ask this is a problem why? She had a chance and she lost it as she wasn't the best voice actress for it

Shane really comes off as entitled in my opinion but weirdly I do get where's he coming
The charm of RWBY was how many anime cliches and tropes could get shoved into a single episode. It was funny to watch.

I can't imagine that his complaints about the new VAs will get much traction. Qrow is hands down the best VA on the whole show, it's not even close. The only downside to bringing on more professional talent is that they'll continue to outshine the actual main characters.
I never heard about this Monty person and think RWBY trash, I just clicked this thread on a whim and found this. I'm so mad I wish I cared enough to do research and find out it's not as bad as this makes it out to be.
I wonder if this letter counts as breaking NDA. Even if his didn't have a NDA there's still a professional courtesy to not speak ill of your former employer.

I wonder how fucked his career may be now
he hasnt been dead long enough for anyone to make anything
I am sorry, but that's kind of fair, I mean at the very least, I can see where Rooster Teeth is coming from.

Monty was an exceptional animator and it seems Shane is a good one. However, you can't do the whole 'wait until the deadline to finish and keep adding more stuff till then' which seemed to be his and Monty's thing. It's neither fair on the company or reasonable when the main animators who has headed this project has died. `

Maybe if Shane had stuck around longer when they managed to get a stronger team in animation, then they could have done some of the crazy shit that Monty was famous for.

Also as far the business with Sheena. I honestly can't say why RT cut her out. Tbh I would like to see what RT would say about this letter, but at same time, responding to Shane like this would probably not be in their best interest.

Very true, but now that we have the makings of what could be a genuinely compelling story, I hope that the quality keeps ramping up.
>tl;dr a good point is still a good point even if it's made by an asshat
I got a kick out of him taking a shot at a professional voice actor to defend his amateur cohort's performance.

Though, to be fair, that's what the entire letter is, a disgruntled ex-employee who couldn't deal with the fact that things had to change taking shots at his old employer.
Reading more and more of this letter (page 16 atm), I'm getting some strange vibe that Shane likes Sheena.
You mean the same guy who basically said "I trust you to always make the heroic decision no matter what reservations you may have or how slim your chances might be"? I don't know, sounds like she listened to him pretty well.
Wait a minute, wait a minute! Where was Shane the day of Monty's allergy test that ultimately killed him? Does he have an alibi?

Techicnally it isn't breaking any NDA if:

- no longer works there
- product has been released

Now if he talks about specific things like how they make the show in detail then we got a lawsuit on our hands
Still that guy's point remains, even if there's no legal backlash it's still a good way to shoot your own career plans in the foot.

Pretty much, if he's bitching abut how they wanted to standardize the pipeline he's not going to like it in other studios unless he starts up his own...
That is if those other studios will be willing to bringing his telling ass in at all. This is why you never tell all your feelings unless there is a serious crime being committed, there's a lot of money to be made doing so, or you're already retired.
Well RT already had him blacklisted as never meeting any deadlines, so he probably doesn't care.

Yeah and I'm really baffled why he wanted to air this all out. Outside of the RWBY fans who actually is going take his side on this?

I'm quite happy to see people here who are seeing through his bullshit
Who writes a letter this long besides the Unabomber?
The Drunk Tank was the best my nigga
Some people may disagree, but I genuinely believe Rooster Teeth is doing a much better job with the show than Monty ever planned to. Sure, we possibly missed out on some sick ass fight animations, but I think if the show continues to grow, things will work out.
hey, Ted's cool and that wasnt a letter
his letters are 10 pages max
I'm confused since I know zero about RT outside of what I've watched in RWBY, who is this shane guy? Is he that one that the people from the old general were saying threw a tantrum because RT dumped his podcast since nobody watched it?
idunno anything about RWBY

but for those who watch it, has it gotten better or worse?
No, that was JJ (the voice of Mercury)

Shane was one of the lead animators, and was basically Monty's protege.
much much much much better

the last half of season 3 make you wonder if it was even the same show

still tons of room for improvement though since it started off being that shitty to begin with
I honestly found Vol 3 the best so far.

I feel like Shane is being blinded by his emotions since he was essentially Monty's apprentice
The second half of Vol 3 is the best in the series plot-wise.
I'm glad for you guys, then. Sucks someone had to die but it's always nice when someone on /co/ gets some product that gets better over time.
Yeah, she listened to that pretty well and then when Jaune says not to, she just decides to not listen to him.
Vol 1 and 2
>Awful pacing
>Awful animation outside fight scenes
>Plot came off as being an excuse to have cool fight scenes
>"Character development" was awkward as fuck
>Vol 3
>Inverse of all of those except fight scenes are worse now monty got snuffed
not to mention that volume 3 was just re-using old animations of monty's, how long can they keep that up before they actually have to try?
They can't at all anymore, because they can't port Poser animations into Maya
To be fair the whole "magic student tournament" isn't just a Fairy Tail thing.
Inter-school tournaments or tournaments of superpowered kids is par for the course in shonen anime, Naruto did it to just like Dragon Ball and dozens of others.
Its really just a simple way to get a scope of the world the characters are living in and keep increasing amounts of action.
Just hire someone that knows how to animate good fight scenes. It can't be that fucking hard.

Must be pretty hard as the second to last guy who did it for them worked himself to death...
I feel bad for Kerry/Miles/Gray
> Animator friend pretends you don't exist and says you had no input on your project
> Fans hate you because he goes on an asshurt rant that is hilariously one sided
> Responding puts you in serious shut with your job you love
i doubt that anyone with talent would want to work on this shitfest.
So apparently Sheena retweeted this guy's ranting letter.

So either she hasn't read it and assumes it says something nice about Monty or she did read it and wants everyone who pities her as the poor widow to continue doing so.

Vol 3 has far more emotive animation, far better voice acting, writing that is actually decent, legitimately emotional moments, and a well-executed climax.

With the exception of a slight but noticeable decline in the fight animations, there's really no comparison. Another volume or two with the same quality increase as we saw in the back half of 3, and RWBY might actually be a genuinely decent show.

Makes sense to go the pity route, get more of those donations
I'm 100% sure he got the idea from watching Madoka. RWBY is just Monty Oum's favourite anime tropes mixed together, and I am convinced all his ideas came from other material.
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So who are the real cunts then? Shane? Sheena? RT?
They're all cunts, we are all cunts.
Sheena is top cunt no matter how this shakes out. She's directly responsible for a man's death.

Shane is a mid level cunt just for not understanding how business works and putting emotions before logic over a year after the tragedy.

RT are just regular business cunts. They got a business to run and hundreds of employees to think about. There's little place for "feelings" in this situation.
Well this is going to be a long read, hope the thread is alive when I feinish it. But I'll start with:

>Go to the extent of shutting out his widow from helping with the show
Her widow is shit, and is not like she wouldn't tarnish his legacy. Come on, bitch got a boobjob with the money raised on kickstarter for his hospital feeds.
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So basically what >>82706171 said?
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This is such fucking horseshit. What a terrible way to go out, God damn it. Dude could have still been with us continuing to animate waifus for decades, and now he's gone over some stupid bullshit.

This is why I'm staying single. I don't have the patience for bullshit. If me or my S.O. is allergic to something, there is no compromising. I am not going to have that thing around us. If my partner doesn't agree, then she's free to leave. Why would you risk your significant other's health for some petty shit like that. Why not just get a dog, or a hamster. Nonono, cats are more important than your health, honey. Here, just take some pills and shots and you'll be fine, I promise. Pisses me off. She is cute though, I can see why he was willing to compromise. I probably would have too, so maybe I'm just a hippocrate.
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Stay neet nigga, fool proof to staying single.
>animate waifus for decades
RWBY is better off without him, though.
Is that her? She's one pale bitch. Get out in the sun for awhile, ya whore!
So can RT legally respond or did Shane back them into a corner with the whole NDA thing?
>died from a test

wew, some people just aren't made for living.

Kinda says a lot about her in her actions doesn't it?

>hey let me keep this that can kill you
>"dude dies"
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I think it was just for Weiss. I don't think she's that pale, just the photoshop made her look like it. Either way, she was cool enough to cosplay his waifus, many girlfriends/wives are actually down with that kinda stuff? Not many. If I had a wife/girlfriend that cosplayed my favorite characters or characters I created then I'd probably be in love with her too.
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What bugs me about this that it was supposedly routine. How does shit go THAT far south? I'd really like to get better details on this...
>involved a teenage girl leaving a fucking nuclear shadow behind when she gets killed

Hahaha what, Blake was literally meant to be aloha catbar?
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>aloha catbar
I mean it sounds like they kept on hitting some walls along the way, too.
Wonder how much time the transition ate up.
There might have been some malpractice involved. But either way, he should have never been in that situation. Either he mans up and tells that bitch no, or she swallows her pride and puts her husbands health above her stupid love of cats.
Can't tell if you're joking but I think he meant Pyrrha.
They can respond, they just won't. Just like every other time something controversial happens, they'll sweep it away and it'll be forgotten about
Thank god Monty never got to realize his vision then, that sounds fucking terrible
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She's alright I guess. If I could date a cosplayer, I would too. I bet she feels shitty about the whole thing. Plus you'd probably have Monty fans harassing her and blaming her for everything. I doubt she's living the good life right now.
when they test u for allergies, they dose u with stuff they think u could have an allergic reaction from. so like if ur deathly allergic to some newfangled drug they cooked up, you die.
The only thing RT I ever watched was Rage Quit. I thought that angry dude was the flagship for their channel
monty is pretty much just like george lucas
its like poetry
they rhyme
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Fails of the weak is the best thing though. Been watchign that for years, still never gets old but I hate that the show is much shorter now. Like 3 or 4 minutes now, sucks.
For a nerd like Monty, sure she's a catch on the physical level. But she's not exactly Kim Kardashian.
Man, what fucking cunt...
I fucking hope shes miserable
She got just under 250 thousand dollars in donations right after monty passed, and she's one of those video game streaming camgirls now. She may not feel great about it, but she's definitely living comfortably.

He only went with her because the other girls he was going after didn't return his advances.

She's kinda like the bronze medal
Still a medal.
Kind of a no-win situation. If they don't respond, they look like the bad guy and are accused of trying to sweep it under the rug.

If they do respond, they still look like the bad guys and probably would be accused of hounding/harassing a former employee and keeping him from getting new work.
I'd ignore it. It's not like they're being accused of anything criminal and once the heat dies down people will come to terms with it on their own and see it as the emotion driven outburst it is. If I were running RT PR, I'd just say ignore it and release the next Chibi episode on schedule. Maybe make another RWBY related announcement sooner than planned like the air date for Volume 4. that's change the subject real quick.

It's not like it'll matter if they did respond back. Fans still watch the damn show after all regardless of the quality of it
>she could sleep her way into RoosterTeeth.

I thought that was Meg Turney
Her neck looks crazy thin, almost creepy.
Pretty easy to get bronze if the others are competing for Gold and silver.
Honestly the show has only gotten better. The only thing that really suffered was the fight choreography. Of course we've really only moved from a trash story with slightly above average fights to a somewhat competent story with decent fights.
Wasn't it Burnie who set her up with Gavin in the first place?
monty iirc, or at least the one who made him actually hang out with her during an event
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If she could just lose the glasses she could be a true succubus tbqh. Thick black-framed glasses are the worst. Docks at least 3 points from her total score. They're terrible.
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Uh, oh...
I really don't get how a nuclear shadow would be any worse/edgier than what was actually shown.
Transcript for those who dont want to read off a pic

"I'm only responding now due to the recent RWBY controversy, and seeing my name get dragged through the mud, and reading complete strangers re-write versions of my life and what really happened.

"I was not replaced on RWBY, I left. I was unhappy with what was being done, and how people were being treated. At first, I made excuses on not being able to come record, then I sent an e-mail saying I was too busy and they should re-cast me. They replied that they would schedule around me and we would work it out... And then I found out was only to be paid $200 for 7 episodes of Dialogue. I was told that was standard. PS: they just made 5x that in the time it took you read this far. then they scheduled me to sign at RTX and 1. I hadn't been there for 6 months and 2. They didn't even ask me... No email, no text, I found out via Twitter."
Who the fuck is this?
Sheena I'm guessing
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>>Rooster Teeth use this chance to make the show how they want to, now that the creator is dead
>>Go to the extent of shutting out his widow from helping with the show
>>They pretty much get rid of all the stuff he used/wanted to do and place in their own stuff
And the show's been so much better for it, I mean fuck.
JJ, former voice of Mercury
It was posted as "JJ.jpg" on the other thread. So possibly him.
>This is why I'm staying single.
Yeah, THAT'S why.
It was Monty actually, he was the one into the cosplay scene, and the one that got Meg into RT and Jnigger into RWBY.

Finally finished reading the letter. Yeah I can se RT being a bitch about a lot of stuff he tried to do, specially Monty's crazy and unargonized workflow, since RT seems to be trying really hard to look/act like a bigger and organized production company. But at the same time, he was trying to get all the liberties and creative control Monty had on RWBY, and I can understand people at RT getting mad and unconfortable about it.
Also he is being really irrational about a lot of things. Like complaining how RT didn't give Sheena a part or job at RWBY, when everyones clearly knows she is not living legally in the states, and if RT gave her an actual job, they could get both themselves and her in legal troubles. What they did wasn't really a dickish move, it was a smart move.
Also I can't take the letter seriously with all the talking about himself, his feelings, the huge amount of ass kissing to Sheena and the "dramatic" white page before Monty's death. The letter is really unprofessional looking, and seems made to appeal the "feels" of the less objective part of the fanbase, so It doesn't feel difficult to image a lot of embellising on it, rathern than facts. Would be surprised at all if Sheena worked together on it with him.

tl;dr There probably is some truth on the letter, but most of it seems to be the guy venting out about not being "the new Monty" in RT's eyes.

wouldnt be surprised if the "letter" is really a thin attempt to win Sheena heart
"sleep her way into roosterteeth"

it amazes me people can post shit like that and just take everything at face value. you can't really trust half of what you read on "the farm" since they have a pretty strong agenda. if there was a story about some dude doing something that results in his girlfriend dying people would be trying to shut it down because feminazis.
Sad thing is, $200 for doing lines of a supporting character probably isn't too far off from the industry standard for someone like him. You're not Steve Blum, you're not gonna be rolling in dosh for what probably comes to less than 30 lines of dialogue.
RWBY has always been a rip off of better anime you dip. The only difference is that now it has an actual plot to carry it.

Also the Salem reveal was actually pretty well done.
To be honest that exactly the first thing I thought when I got to the part about him taking her to see a movie, even if his wife wasn't happy with it. It shows clearly where his priorities are.
She apparently contributed and helped him write it.
What part was this person even playing? Motherfucker gives a quick line about the sheriff coming into the scene and expects a thousand dollars.

That is true, another thing to point out how Shane takes a lot of time in the letter to boast on how talent and professional Sheena is...but doesn't back it up.
"I took her to the movies. 50 Shades of Grey. Put a hole in the popcorn bucket. Told her I had her full Monty right here."
Mercury. Like I said, no way he had more than 30 lines this season.

Oh? Did she say that in a recent tweet or something?
I want to say this is probably JJ.
It is. He apparently snapchatted it, which is even more of a bitch move since it gets deleted after the first time you view it.
Probably because of Monty's shit taste.

He peicked a bunch of anime for the staff to watch when braisntorming RWBY, some of them being Fairy Tail and Soul Eater.
Oh, well that's a fairly important role actually. I thought he might have been playing one of the boys on one of the filler teams or something.
>Being forced to sit through Fairy Tail for work

I hope for their sake they stopped after Tower of Heaven.
> Loved Dead Fantasy.
> Wanted him to finish it.
> First 2 RWBY trailers looked promising
> 3rd clip doubts crept in.
> Not the stylish fairytale riff I hoped for, instead a tacky anime school bullshit clusterfuck.

George Lucas comparison is apt:
Haloid = American Graffiti
Dead Fantasy = Star Wars Original Trilogy
RWBY = Star Wars Prequels
>Pyrrah is dead
>Yang lost an hand and now is in Depression Mode
>Blake hightailed out cause Adam is hunting her ass
>Weiss was forced to go back to Dad
>Ruby discovered deus ex machina power and now is traveling with JNR.

That's the main points.
Does that mean RWBY season 4 and onward are the new trilogy and will be marginally better?
Only if one of the bad guys has a crisis of conscience moment while defecting and saving one of the good guys.
Sorry, I'm retarded. What's this "farm" that keeps getting referred to?
>Man goes in for an allergy test
>his best friend ambushes him and smothers him to death with a cat
I'd watch that episode of CSI.
7 episodes of dialogue could literally just be a handful of lines and some grunting though, so I don't think this is 100% honest or accurate to say being paid $200 for that is necessarily terrible.

Like, this would require a lot more context, but looks like someone just airing dirty laundry because they could.
I know this is all just a big clusterfuck right now but if it was true that Winter was supposed to have Sheena's likeness it seems a bit rude to cut that
I too would also like to know
Interesting thing to note is that Shane's wife divorced/is divorcing him. And she voices Emerald.

Will they recast her, or will she still record lines? Now THAT would be some good drama.
>RT keeps her on AND pays her better just to spite Shane
Please, if she felt any guilt, she wouldn't have gotten a boob job with his death money.
Wasn't mercury one of the few "we have at least enough dosh for one real voice actor" thing?

Or was it just Qrow?

I don't think they'll keep her to be honest. Probably better to rehire for someone local

Didn't they cast a professional VA as her instead? The last thing this show needs is more amateur voice acting. RT doesn't owe Sheena a major role on the show just because she was married to Monty.
>how does shit go THAT far south?
Maybe he went to some New Age doctor that decided the best way to help him overcome his cat allergy was to trap him in a room with ten of them.
Maybe they'll get an actual black chick to play her. Does anyone at RT know any black women?
Merc's new VA is a real voice actor. He turned out way better, in fact.

They were probably paying JJ so little because he was essentially an amateur with no prior experience
They could replace her as a VA sure but scrapping the whole design? Idk man
He is Lowenthal now, right? Could have sworn I saw his name in the credits somewhere.
Totally agree, and to be honest, no onw can. She doesn't have any material to show besides a small animated short she made at college, no portfolio, no RWBY related stuff, nothing. Everthing else is just her pics cosplaying, and even those aren't that impressive either.

Based, Satan.

Not that guy but they dont owe her anything
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>"I took her to the movies. 50 Shades of Grey. Put a hole in the popcorn bucket. Told her I had her full Monty right here."
I'm surprised they haven't given Casey a character to VA
So it sounds like improvements were made.
lolcow I assume
Think it's Kiwifarm.
To be fair, who seriously would ever suspect someone to die of a fucking allergy test in a hospital? That's like blaming someone's wife for sending the hubby out to buy milk and he dies in a car accident. That chances of that happening are slim.

If anything, I'd blame the hospital.
Not kiwifarm it's >>82710545

when cosplayers drama kept getting deleted they moved it elsewhere.
Was there ever a lawsuit over his death.
Oh yeah. You could hear it in Burnie's voice on the memorial podcast they did, when he said "he passed away X days ago during a *routine* medical procedure...."

I have no doubt that there was a malpractice lawsuit filed.
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>Implying it wont be Neo
A perfect combo of perfect waifu and perfect real laifu waifu
They are buddy-buddy with Mica Burton, and if not here there are plenty in Austin.

Eh, I see your analogy but it's a little different. He went to these sessions because Sheena wanted a cat, even though they knew Monty was allergic as fuck.

Probably wouldn't have happened if she would have cared more about his health than some cat.
She will be voicing Neo, or at least seems they hinted that at the RWBY at theater's premiere.
No. It was ruled as an accident and no one followed through with it. Everyone just assumed but if it were the fault of the hospital, I'm surprised Sheena didn't seek legal action against them.

The gofundme page is still up and still says Monty is in the hospital all while Sheena's raking in those sympathy bucks and now has a Patreon like every other coswhore.
>"Well, since we own the IP, we have the right to make the show however we want"
guy should not have sold his rights
You forgot
>Phyrrah got tricked into killing Penny
>Vale got trashed by a Grim invasion
>Ruby's deus ex machina froze a giant fucking dragon in the middle of Beacon, now attracting even more Grim
>Ozpin MIA
>Internet and communications down
>Mass panic
>Cinder's plan works perfectly and she now has the power to control leaves and the harvest

And the most important one
>Torchwick got eaten by a griffon and died
She could work. She's got a nice voice and she was already in Lazer Team.
>Also no Yang/Blake vs. Adam.
>What is V3E10
>why did Yang's arm got cut off
Looks like Sheena's getting a lot of support on her twitter...
>volume 3 directly rips off grand magic games from fairy tail like to a scary point
What's similar apart from them both being fighting tournaments? Tournament arcs are in just about every fighting manga/anime out there, of course RWBY was going to have one at some point seeing as it's basically every anime trope and cliche stuck together.
Yeah probably by the same guys that fap to her streams, and the weeb girls that see her as the perfect role model.
JNPR vs Raven would've been cool just because we haven't seen too much from all these characters.
So...long term consequences
any thoughts?
When receiving allergy shots, you get basically the maximum amount of the allergen you should be exposed to. Sheena, by bringing a cat into the house, pushed him over thr max and killed him. It has nothing to with the doctor as they most likely state to avoid the allergen while recieving treatment. Tip to toe Sheena killed his ass.
>Cinder's plan works perfectly and she now has the power to control leaves and the harvest
We don't know yet, given she was also caught by Ruby's ex machina blast. And her last face was not one that showed her keikaku's firm.

However the bad guys are on the upper floor right now.

>Lazer Team
Is it any good? Haven't seen it due to missing the theatrical run and I don't like to support YT Red bullshit.
>stupid quest to always be working
How's that working out for him?
Likely none. Pretty much every company gets a disgruntled employee who posts some rambling manifesto these days. RT will stay quiet and it will eventually blow over. A few fans might ditch RWBY, but the majority of the fanbase seems to be keeping pretty levelheaded about the whole affair.
Yeah, like it would've gotten made otherwise.
Long term, a few changes in staff, but that's it. This isn't going to hurt their number of views or sponsors. The only one hurt by this is Shane. Good luck to him finding work after burning his previous employer for a fairly weak reason.
It's really really ok at best
Too many RT meta references, 'emotional scenes' aren't too good, some jokes fall flat, bad cg aliens

Get drunk first and it might be an ok watch
Shane will have a hard time getting a new job, or a new girl. Barbs will have to deal with upset Monty/Sheena fanboys/trolls for a while, but she probably is used to that kind of stuff. Wouldn't be surprised if she was a regular here.
Could have gone to Netflicks
Solid 7

pretty ok
This isn't Barb's first rodeo with these sorts of shitshows. They've had social media dustups in the past.

AT MOST if this doesn't go away in a week or two, they'll post a pre-canned response that goes somethign along the lines of "As a policy, we do not comment on the nature of an employee's termination."
I doubt Netflix would've picked up a pitch from the guy whose body of work at that stage was "halo vs metroid".
RT only picked it up because he was already working for them on RvB
They might not be soulless, but they are hacks and generally shitty people.
If Rooster Teeth was getting tired of his sloppy work cycle, do you really think Netflix would have put up with it?

Monty was a perfectionist. What's sloppy is RT's work. Barely any funding given to animation, most of the money spent on their own paychecks.

Netflicks just gave a show to PewDiePie. So yes.
>Wouldn't be surprised if she was a regular here.
She's probably the OP for all the RT/RWBY generals.
If it was a random RWBY fan I doubt they'd shill for RT's other shows.
They take passion projects and make them soulless.
As somene said before, Rooster Teeth is trying to be as professional and organized as they can, and the messy way Monty and Shane worked was a big stone in their way. They allowed Monty because he was their gold egg lating duck, but Shane had no value besides being another animator to them.
There is no way an already bigger and organized thing like Netflix would accept Shane, specially after this over-emotional ranting letter.
>Netflicks just gave a show to PewDiePie. So yes.
That was YouTube Red.

Not much changes, Sheena gets pity support and more donations while Shane gets the heat which makes me question the agenda of the letter especially if she helped write it...

>Lazer Team
>Is it any good?

No, but it was never going to be. I was more impressed by how decent it looked for a cheap movie than anything else. The people who you expect to be decent are. Colton Dunn does a solid job since he's the only real actor there. Gavin and Michael hold there own for new actors admirably if not necessarily well. Burnie was horrendous. He needs to never act again.
Though to be fair, Michael pretty much played Micahel
>Monty was a perfectionist
No he wasn't. He constantly talked about just wanting to get to the fights and not thinking details were important. He literally says he cut a lot of corners with non-battle scenes because they just aren't fun to do.
>generally shitty people.
This I'm definitely inclined to agree with. The amount of drama that comes out of RT on a fairly regular basis is fucking insane. I've heard a lot of bad things about many of them.
The funny thing about it was that the RT subreddit, which is usually straight-up sycophantic towards anything RT does, pretty much threw the film under the bus immediately. The most positive things said about it was that it was a run of the mill sci-fi film that's enjoyable if you're a dedicated RT fan. The general consensus was that it was a mediocre film with the same cringey premise (LOL wut if video gamez were real life???) that they're using for a lot of their internet videos these days.
Honestly though MJonty was not, and didn't seem to be interested in telling a story.

Well, I can't blame them for that. They started this shit. Profits go to the top. Besides, people are still watching and paying for the animation at it's current budget levels anyway, why dump more money into something when you don't have to?
Yeah, but Michael kind of already plays a character. It's like Nicki Minaj in Barbershop 3. She does a fine job, but just like Michael, she's basically playing the character she plays in all of her music.
Her singing is fucking trash you faggot.

What's their reaction to the letter?

They didn't want to recast JJ and insisted they'd make it work, until he just refused to come in and do it, so as long as she's up for it they won't recast her.

It's probably much easier to just use staff members or people they know than hire professionals, since the fanbase doesn't really seem to care either way. They probably want to keep professionals to a minimum. There's only 4 so far and one of them (Amber) had litereally one line.
There hasn't been one.

As others have posted, they probably won't address this one publically. Just let it simmer and blow over naturally.
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Who, Reddit?

Mostly just people saying that at best the letter is one-sided and at worst just a case of Shane throwing a fit over RT trying to change their animation process into a structured, professional system since nobody could be expected to work ridiculous 32 hour animation shifts like Monty did.

Pretty much this. While I like the idea of RWBY. Overall the execution of it is a shitshow through and through.

Ah k,

It's nice to see how people are seeing through some of his bullshit
>Monty was a perfectionist.

Do I need to dig up some of AlphaJaune's videos?
Monty never put any real work into RWBY besides his normal lazy and shitty animation/choreography.

He even admitted that he didn't care about the story. He just wanted someone to pay him to make fight scenes all day.
Yeah, as a whole the fanbase is keeping cool about it.

They are getting spammed on twitter about it, and of course Tumblr is going full #justiceforshane, but that's to be expected.
So... It's safe to say RWBY was a shit series from the start with wasted potential?

Monty's fight scenes feel organic, have rhythm (in both visuals and audio), and are creative.
RT's fight scenes feel fake and disjointed. Like wheeling a camera around a haunted house full of props. Characters start doing things as soon as they get in camera and stop existing as soon as they're off camera. Besides a couple flashy attacks in a fight, the majority of the fight action is so uncreative that it would be difficult to make it less interesting.

Structured and more streamlined I can agree with, but calling that shit professional is a stretch.

That said, Monty's non-fight scenes and dialogue were shit.

RWBY has always been a shit series, but they may actually be turning things around, at least on the story front, as of the back half of Volume 3.

Probably nothing can ever be done about the amateurish animation and voice acting, sadly.
absolute auteur
I don't think I can enjoy RWBY in any form after they made a movie about their titty girl killing Tifa Lockhart.
Anon you can't just go around assuming we're all black here
y'all niggas aint even see barbershop 3?
i'm deadass s m h over here.
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Kathleen (voice of Glynda) seems to be jumping on the "Shane's a biiiiiiitch" bandwagon, if I'm understanding these tweets correctly.
I'm not black and I saw the movie. Black or white, the comparison works. Not to mention, Barbershop 3 was solid. better than those shit comedies from Melissa McCarthy and Key & Peele. And it hurt me how bad Keanu was. around 2 hours of the same joke.

Surprised she's not backing him whole heartedly since she was burned by RT too, and was one the people Shane spoke kindly of in it.
>They're so desperate to sling mud they're getting a VAs opinion.
>since she was burned by RT too
Didn't hear about this. What happened?
You don't want all the juicy drama from this shitshow? You must be fun at parties.
Its why I like his Haloid and Dead Fantasy best; they are just stupid silly fun.
Is the catgirl still in it? Yes?

Then who cares.
>>Go to the extent of shutting out his widow from helping with the show
His "widow" is literally the biggest fucking whore and doesn't deserve a thing

A nice little summary from cow farms.

>Nicole "Sheena" Duquette "Oum" is a cosplayer from Vancouver, BC who dropped everything to move to Austin, TX so she could sleep her way into RoosterTeeth. She "married" Monty Oum, something that was only revealed after Monty was in an coma following anaphylaxis caused by a treatment for his cat allergy, after first hooking up with him PAX 2013. It's highly suspected they only married so she wouldn't get deported because no one knew about their marriage (including Monty's family). It's also worth noting that the reason Monty was being aggressively treated for his cat allergy is because Nicole decided to bring home a stray.

>After Monty's death, she took thousands of dollars worth of donations for his care and funeral and went on vacation in England with Jnig, flaunting her new purchases the whole way. After returning, she used more money to get giant fake boobs despite having "severe" scoliosis that she uses as an excuse for pity.

>She is currently living in LA, despite being in the country not as a legal citizen, and not being allowed to have a job in the country. She is a Twitch booby streamer, sells prints of herself waering costumes she bought, and fame whores herself at every con that will let her. The costumes she actually makes herself are hilariously poorly stitched and sculpted. She also posts endless photos of the little murder weapon she decided to keep and name Mr. Noodle, and even sells merch of the fucking cat.
>One of her nastier habits is shit talking every "friend" she has behind their back, which provides endless liters of milk for us.

Basically she got into a fight with Barbara about something and Burnie tossed her out as a result, even though she had been with the company far longer.
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Well now I'm just confused as to where she stands...
Already posted but thanks senpai.

>Monty was a perfectionist.

The fuck? No he wasn't. He always focused on speed and efficiency over quality.
>Fighting with any of the RT podcast regulars.
She dug her own grave.
Somebody already posted this
Seems to of the opinion of shit happens, but it still sucks.
You paid real money to see Keanu in a theater? I got a bridge in New York to sell you.
Does anyone have the gif of reused animations?
I thought Shane was just whining after I read his letter but these few people supporting him is making me think he might be telling the truth

who is this person?
former voice actress for rvb who got fired for whatever reason idk
As you read Shane's account you can practically hear Burnie breathing heavily over one shoulder while Matt does the same on the other.

Joel is in the distance behind you saying "OK, but here's the thing..."
Former Producer at RT and voice of Tex in Red vs Blue and current voice of Glynda in RWBY
Amazing what he managed to do single-handedly. His animation and especially choreography is amazing, but when he started using mo-cap it lost some of its creativity.

His weakness was detail, such as textures, which he skimped on alot.
Not only that, one girl that was a member of the community and managed to get loved by both RT staff and the rest of the community and on top of that it was over something really silly.
I'm not saying Burnie did the right thing because I think he didn't, but she didn't either.

Voice of Glynda and Tex, former RT producer until Burnie tossed her for picking a fight with Barbara.

Tex was basically written out as a result and the only reason she's still allowed to do Glynda is because she was friends with Monty.
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>former voice actress
>No More Glynda

>Boco, who thinks his opinion is important enough for a nametag, thinks he can decide what is worth caring about
She's dead anyway
>RWBY's creation
>shitting off Jeff Gerstmann while shilling

Funhaus and RvB are the only non-shit things they've got going for them.
Is there proof of this?
Huh. So she is supporting Shane.

Seems like the only one burned by RT who isn't backing him is JJ who basically said he left because he was disatisfied with stuff they were doing but Shane is also full of it and speaking for him when it came to his recasting.
I hope they roast him, regardless of who's right, I'd find it strangely cathartic to see how a company (which I've grown up with) enter the arena that is "damage control."

Don't have a webm or gif on me but I have a link to a video.

Who are the other people who are supporting him?

This really comes off as crying and more "oh boo hoo they didnt listen to me"

Dont really think I can trust what this guy says.
In the next five years Shiina will sue RT for IP rights to the RWBY franchise. RT will settle for at least a million dollars. Calling it now.
Mostly people who jack off to Sheena's twitch streams since she's brought up so much.

Hahahah I'd love to see her try. RT would have a open and shut case so I don't think they would pay her a single cent

She can claim that she represents the Oum estate and that she has a property and creative claim on the IP. If she gets a good enough lawyer she might get a chunk.
As soon as the kickstarted funds go away on her amd she needs to fix her boobjob or wants to get an ass it will happen.
I doubt she has anything on her back besides her scoliosis though, RT probably has documents signed by Monty while she only can appeal to the "I'm his widow and his muse" story.

Sheena and some of the other animators.
Not likely. Most (pretty much all) production studios have new incoming employees sign an agreement that basically says "anything you create is the sole property of [COMPANY NAME]
>RT will settle for at least a million dollars.
So you're saying this is all a work to build up to a livestream Million Dollars But.. episode?
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The idea of RWBY being worth as a property several million dollars in the next few years seems almost impossible. But then I remember that they have a product line at Hot Topic and I start to see it.
And exclusive Japanese content.
All Sheena did was re-tweet Shane's manifesto, she hasn't actually said anything about it.

JJ seems to have just cleared up why he left, not really sided with anyone, as seen here >>82708479

Kathleen has made a couple tweets that either support him, or just comment on the shitty nature of the situation seen here >>82712218

Aside from that, this is mostly just a bunch of speculation.
That's a lotta money.
Well Barbara said today's been a stressful day so I guess RT is feeling it after all.
It would appear that Kathleen is totally on Shane's side
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Speaking of all that, has any of you purchased any RWBY merch before?

Well sort of. She said they treated Shane shittily but not to lynch RT over it either and for everyone to chill out.
This is probably just the beginning, usually shit hits the fan in groups.

With RT growing its only a matter of time before on of the more public members gets landed with a rape accusation.
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DAE tobuscus?
>gets landed with a rape accusation
It surprises me it hasn't happened already, after how people went nuts with silly stuff like "Connect the hots" and the horse rape joke by Ray.
What ever happened with that anyway?
>"Connect the hots"
plz explain

April was found to have lied about the whole thing. The holes in her accusations stood out big time when they went to investigate.

Toby went MIA for a while to seek treatment for his drug/sex problem that seemed to be legit and he's alot better now. He's slowly working on coming back.
If I remember correctly Burnie discussed in a podcast a long time ago about someone claiming they were with RT on their main site trying to get nudes of underaged girls.

But yeah, people are always looking to stir shit up and when there are tumblrs like feministroosterteeth to fling the shit we shall soon see the aftermath.

I'd be willing to place good money that this is the beginning of a "problematic" 2016.
My money is on Gavin.
So, Monty was literally holding RWBY back from improving?
Geoff and Gavin joked about a game where, while they drove, they would slow down and stalk any hot girls they saw walking down the street until they gradually got to work.
Gavin and Geoff would entertain themselves on their drives to work by following hot female pedestrians in a connect-the-dots fashion.
I don't know, he seems to soft spined to do that, my money would be on someone in live action, though that doesn't exclude him from being accused.
Well that seems kinda weird but ultimately
harmless I guess
I would put a thousand bucks on Andy getting accused if he ever got hired.
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If anything I think a girl might accuse Blaine the night after
that red-faced fuck
I would suspect one of the guys from Funhaus. Lawrence seems like he's holding in a lot of rage.

*berry-faced retard*
Nah, dude is already getting some on the regular from a playboy model. Why would he need anything else?
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Blaine seems to go out of his way to be good-natured solely because he doesn't want to be perceived as the stereotypical "brodude"

He actually seems to be kind of sheepish in his interactions with da grillz.
Cause criminals gonna crime, not saying that he would but if he did then a stable relationship isn't going to stop him.
Well he was a fat kid with a huge boner for Star Wars for most of his life, that sets some learned behaviors.
I am tall, have been since middle school so I have a learned behavior to constantly keep my feet and elbows in check due to awkwardly stepping on peoples feet or nearly elbowing people.
do the podcasts still feel like a bunch of old people trying to act cool with the young kids?

Lindsay did improved a shit ton. I rewatched volume 1 recently and she was almost unwatchable.

Her not getting fucked on the side by Ryan.
I don't think so.

But maybe I'm becoming the old person just barely catching on to what's hip and cool with the kids these days.
Now that is an ship I can approve of anon.

Thinking about buying the Pyrrha figure from the McFarlane lineup. Seems to be the only decent one out of the bunch.

Plus Pyrrha being my dead waifu and all
I guess she don't wanna work any more. Regardless of what grievances you have with a company, you don't start talking shit. You're just gonna end up with years at a company with no reference to speak well of you.
>that long-ass link

Shane has to let go of Monty's dream and make his own.
Literally everyone on the subreddit is blindly supporting RT. I saw not one comment saying this could even be possible. How are they so deluded?
What if Volume 3's OP lyrics were foreshadowing all this?
I can only imagine he was at a very bad hospital, or he simply had an attack after he'd already left. There are just too many ways to counteract something as simple as a patient having an allergic reaction to medicine.

That's the most mature answer to Shane and you made me realize how much projection that letter is now
Cause no one wants to believe that the priest touched little boys.

She's been gone from RT for years and has her own thing now. All this might do is have her not VA Glynda anymore (they already pretty much removed Tex)
Shane seems to have ascended to creepy fanboy that wants to become Monty himself level.
Don't forget that the gofundme is still active, /cow/
>Monty's girlfriend wanted a cat
Monty wanted a cat. He's always wanted a cat. He carried fucking cat food around and fed the cat he would eventually adopt while it was a stray that lived on his neighborhood. The idea that she forced him to have a cat is pure fantasy.

Which subreddit? RT or rwby? On rwby most people agree that Shane's letter is biased; no one is really taking any one side.
I don't think telling Monty's bitch of a wife to fuck off and deciding not follow Monty's series bible to the letter is THAT big an offense.
That's the big thing that stuck out to me. He talked about how he was "ready to become the director of RWBY" when there were already two co-directors (Miles & Kerry) plus whatever Grey's job title was at the time.

Like, motherfucker you weren't even in the running. Who the fuck are you?

Mentioning why that gofundme is stilll up gets you yelled at on the subreddit
It isn't but the redditors are majority underage fans who actually thing RWBY is excellent entertainment (not that its shit) and lose their shit over the public members of RTs every word.
You still salty about that Antcow?
Exactly. He might be a close friend to Monty and Sheena, and he thought that was enought for him to take the leadership when Monty passed away. But to the eyes of everyone else he was just another animator, that probably shared vage ideas with Monty, instead of getting actual tangible stuff like Miles, Kerry and Grey did.

Yeah it seemed like he thought he was gonna be Monty's instant sucessor but they had other plans and he was salty.

Maybe if he'd played nice for a few seasons and upped his animation game to make him as invaluable as Monty, then they'd trust him more with things like that.
Looks like some sort of drama personalities imageboard, just googling part of that post brought it up
I can only imagine what kind of abomination RWBY would have become if he did become director.

>the scene Monty was working on was so cool! There was Linkin Park playing in the background and everything!

Jesus Christ.
Where people go to whine about internet celebrities or some shit.
And we believed RWBY already was trying to be edgy too hard.
Either kiwi or lol cow. I don't think you can link them directly here. (LC is the one with a thread dedicated to this bitch).

A lot /cgl/ dramawhores, mostly. People who track Chris-chan and embarrassing /cgl/ drama whores.
Thread google pulled up was on a place called /pt/ - lolcow general
That's his problem, he was so committed to the way Monty did things that he couldn't adapt to doing it differently once he died. It may have been okay at the start, but Monty's way of doing things wasn't sustainable in the long run.

Might as well use evanescence or something

No, something else. Not gonna spoonfeed anyone though. Last thing that site needs is people that don't even knew how to google something.
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>Tfw RWBY actually became watchable due to the changes of Monty's vision
>tfw Shane's latter is going to cause enough backlash to make the team hold true to Monty's original writing
No they won't.

As lame as it sounds, you're all the MVP for not falling for Shane bullshit
I think tumblr and twitter are the only ones biting.
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Doubt it.
They probably have already started working in Vol 4. No way they are going to ditch that work last minute to please a small brainless minority and risk loosing a bigger part of the fanbase. Come on, they already moved to Maya for RWBY Chibi and people has loved it so far.
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Not hard when it's a biased emotional rant

Might have some nuggets of truth in it but that's not how you do it proper.
Last I checked even Tumblr was figuring out what's up with it.
Have they? I don't frequent it, so I was just going by what someone mentioned earlier.
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It's a simple choice, really.

I can understand wanting to preserve Monty's original vision out of respect, but what we got instead was way better. I spent years with RWBY General torturing myself with this shit show, and for once I felt actual enjoyment with what they did to Volume 3.

Yeah I don't know about that.

Like I still can't wrap my head around Ruby's decision to go after Cinder despite her getting stomped by Roman. With the weakest character in the show and two moderately powerful but probably weaker than her as backup. Does she think they'll get tough enough walking on foot killing grunt Grimm on the way to suddenly be able to take a Maiden? It seems sucidal to me. She should be going with Qrow for extreme training Naruto style for that.

If she almost won in Vol 3 them going after them right away would make sense because maybe with a little more push and dtermination it might work next time. But instead she's deliberately going for round 2 against people she knows she's not even close to a match for.

When Luffy and the Straw Hats realized just how outclassed they were at the start of the New World, they immediately put their travel plans on hold until they were tough enough to handle it. This is like them getting stomped by everything in that arc, but deciding to move on anyway.

Going after Cinder for Vol 4 was probably always the plan, but by making Vol 3's end that nobody was never close to the level of the bad guys instead of a close loss that makes it more jarring.
every multi million dollar company has a skeleton in its closet
Autistic savant at fighting.

She's really not. She's stronger than average for her age group, but she's not that competent. She's ranked below several other characters in the first year class.

Ozpin only really took her early because he figured she'd have latent superpowers.

I am 100% okay with avoiding any training arcs; they're a pointless way to keep the actual plot from developing while the author tries to come up with an interesting idea. And frankly if you think RNJR (or more likely RWBY + JN-R ) together couldn't take Cinder you should probably watch the Amber fight (not to mention Pyrrha vs. Cinder) again.

That's assuming she gets a 7 on 1 fight despite them almost always getting seperated during the big battles.

Teamwork is hugely thematically important in RWBY. Everything awful that happens generally happens in a one-on-one confrontation; if a team stays together they'll win.

So it's really up to the writers. If the narrative needs them to get stomped, Ruby will try to solo Cinder with silver-eye bullshit and get stomped. If the narrative needs them to win, IT'S TEAM FIGHT TIME.
Aw, but to use another One Piece example, when the Straw Hats were outgunned and outmanuevered in Water 7, they immediately chased after CP9 and Robin and within a days time challenged them again. Maybe Ruby has something up her sleeve.

Maybe she'll have her Gear 2nd.

Cinder Merc and Em are already leagues above just about everyone else to start. Pyrrha was the strongest of the kids and even then CInder beat her pretty handedly and was mostly toying for most of the fight.

Meanwhile half Maiden Cinder was so strong she scared Adam to stand down without having to do a thing and Adam is so strong he one shotted a full powered Yang.

I honestly think as the show portrayed it that Cinder could take RWBY JNR 7 on 1 and still win.

She came off as THAT overpowered.

Doesn't quite hold up. The Straw Hats basically jobbed to Cp9 at first for plot reasons, Luffy trying to rapid punch through their steel defenses instead of just using strength to punch through it (which he was capable of doing) Zoro stupidly looked away and let Kaku gank him. All they needed was an hour to think about Cp9's abilties and then they were holding their own in their rematch even before pulling out power ups.

I don't think that's the case here that Yang can go "Maybe if I hit Adam from a different angle he won't one shot me this time."

They can't constantly rely on hoping they'll be able to gang up on everyone as a strategy. Not only is that not always going to work, but it doesn't really stay much about the good guys chances in the overall conflict if the bad guys are so tough they'll always lose one on ones.
Good, that's exactly the way it should be. By the end, a buffed up Team RWBY and the remnants of JNPR should have to go all in just to barely beat her. Before that let Ruby fight and beat Emerald 1 on 1. Give Yang Neo. Weiss and Jaune should tag team Merc and Blake, of course, has to beat Adam.

And the final evil lady should be just her Versus a busted up but recently maidenhooded Team RWBY.

And how exactly were they gonna do that when again, Vol 3 shows nobody is even close to the level of Cinder's team, that even their comic relief guy with a pimp cane was stomping the main character, and yet they're going after Cinder right now.

Or rather, what DEM is going to stop Cinder from just ashing RNJR in vol 4 and calling it a day.
Nobody says it has to happen in Volume 4. But as they go through their adventures they'll get stronger and eventually they'll catch up. Around Volume 7 or so.
RT. they're all saying they side with the company and he just committed career suicide and shit.
he wanted the cat. he loved cats. do ur research.

But their adventure in Vol 4 is to find Cinder ASAP.
Doesn't mean they're going to. Luffy and Law's mission is to take down Kaido but at this point they've fought seemingly everyone but him.
What I take away from this is that he doesn't understand that if you want your "creative integrity" respected you write a novel or paint a picture where only you really have final input.
This takes the backseat though when the bulk of your creation requires the time, efforts, talents and money of other people. Film, animation, comics, television, web series and video games are done by committee. If you try to seize all control you get shit results and lose what makes these mediums unique.
Sorry Shane, you were not the chosen one.
>and he just committed career suicide and shit.
Well that's true. Nobody will want to hire a guy that has emotional tantrums like that one agains its work because they didn't worship him for being friends with the popular guy.

>not having an affair with sheena
> mentions her 33 times in the letter

>mentions kids and wife less than 5 times

Uh huh....not an affair...
But they're right. We're pretty much saying the same things too. Even a decent amount of people on tumblr seem to agree and you know how much they love witch hunts.
>Cinder Merc and Em

Maybe Cinder, but am I the only one who doesn't think Em and Merc are that OP? Sure they are really tough but the way I see it, most of their victories whatever its in battle our out of it come mostly out of Em's semblance more than actual skill.

Yes they beat Cocco's team, but the victory hits were mostly via trickery and deceit with the Semblance. Same with getting Yang arrested and same with offing Penny. Merc still got beaten by Yang and I doubt Em on her own is capable to fight an entire team.

Basically, if they are tough, but they are mostly shielded by a OP power. You find a way to counter that power and they are hosed.
This. A show like this is made by an entire team despite just the show runner. Writters, modelers, animators, the works.

Shane makes it sound like he was suppose to be the head of everything: Story, Fights, Characters, etc.; When that wasn't true even when Monty was around.

The reason why Monty even had Miles and Kerry write was because he was not good at stories and he just wanted to animate the fights. I imagine if he was still around he would have still gone with the changes if told it was for the better and as long as he could still animate something cool.

It's basically the shit that pisses me off the most: someone assuming one person had all the power and just shits on the work of everyone else.

To be fair RT did him so dirty. They were working behind the scenes to excise him for Most of Volume 3. Monty was the only reason Shane was there and with him gone that was it. I knew they would kick that poser crap to the curb once Monty died, as well as make RWBY an in-house show rather than Monty's pet project. Shane was the only obstacle in the way of all of that.
>Merc still got beaten by Yang
I'm 90% positive he threw that fight
On their defense, Poser was truly a mistake. Just limited a fuck ton of stuff.

I don't know if RT intentionally try to get rid of him behind the scenes, felt like someone was causing problems but we only got one side of it and of course Shane is painting himself as the victim.

Not defending RT though

Now that they're using Maya (thank God), will the animation be better, or at least more consistent?

I think Monty was causing problems. Try to hire people trained to use Maya and tell them they have to use Poser. Try reverse engineering a modern computer for a 15 year old 3D modeling platform. Try Buying an expensive laptop and watching the guy you gave it to rip all the buttons out.


That all depends on if they get someone who can pump life back into the fight choreography. I have my doubts. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they stop making bombastic fight scenes all together and go for more a cinematic shock and awe approach. Try to make RWBY more of a cartoony Game of Thrones.
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Is it wrong that I think his death cringeworthy? It's tragic but damn it's kind of pathetic.
Shane seems to think Monty and him were all they needed to make everything, and while I agree that sometimes waiting for someone's part on a teamwork might mess up your workflow, the rest of his train on thought makes no sense at all.
You know what would had happened if Monty had actually taken RWBY outside of RT like he claims he wanted to?
He would probably loose a big part of the staff, starting from Miles, Kerry and Grey and some of the VAs too, even for the main characters. And don't forget about big cut in budget too, without Papa Burnie giving them their loans.
Just think a little about it and you'll see how there is no way for it to work, but Shane is to selfcentered and too blinded by Monty's talent to notice it, and that led to him being really close minded to anything outside his field of view and reject anything RT did, even if it was good.
I second this
If anything Emerald is going to go fuck with Weiss in the inevitable rival match-ups.

M&K would do it if only to let Emerald drop bits of her backstory about being a filthy unloved streetnigger and maybe we'll get to hear Mirror Mirror pt.2's full-opening, outside the OST, while the sob story spills out from the nigress' mouth.

That's the point where either Emerald will die or Weiss will show her pity like Cinder did and make Emerald realize that Cinder was kind of just using her and abusing her. That's also the point when we'd probably get Winter-Jewel or whatever the fuck ship name you want to call it.
Damn, man. How they canned Shane was like a fucking hit job. Complete with deceit, distractions diversions, disarming and dismantling. Asking him to take off all his clothes for a routine check up and throwing him out the door was about the only worse thing they could have done to him.
He probably thought they could do it like the Dead Fantasy days. Which is incredibly stupid because it would mean taking forever per episode, have to edit, pos-product effects, add music, all on a nonexistant budget.

And sure, he could TRY and get his own team but how the hell'd he even fund it? The RT doesn't do RWBY just because they like it, that is part of it, but it's because it's their fucking JOBS.
Is Rooster Teeth really still a thing? I remember watching that shit way back in 2003.
Be funny if Shane had encrypted all the asset drives he had.
Damn Lucifer
dying usually is a pathetic affair
I have to wonder if Shane was, prior to "The talk", acting strange and they were worried he might go full scorched earth policy on them and destroy any files he had for any project he was working on that was stored on his workspace. I also have to wonder if he ever joked to any interns about shit like "If I wiped my HD right.now. They'd lose EVERYTHING for X and Y lol" after Monty bit it thanks to a fuck up induced by pussy-shedding tests.

From a logical stand point, they simply covered their bases to prevent a disgruntled employee from destroying hours or even weeks of precious materials just because he was under the suspicion he might get the boot soon.

The other possibility is that RT has been burned by this kinda shit before and was just making it routine to be sure to have their hands on any HD with projects from people they plan to terminate.
It's still a thing, although Red vs Blue has been milked to death with it's ongoing 20+ seasons, they do podcasts and such to add more content, but it's pretty flat. They also tried making a super hero cartoon but that also fell flat and it seems like it's going to be dropped soon. They're making a new cartoon called camp camp though. Honestly though RWBY is practically the only good thing RT has now
>RWBY is practically the only good thing RT has now

Depressing sentence right here.

Why haven't you written your note and breathed in helium yet?
...so did she get her cat?
Considering that X-Ray and Vav is no longer in the end cards for RT Animation, it's dead as fuck
Doubt Ray wants anything really to do with RT anymore honestly so it's double dead

It doesn't look like Monty wanted to break off from RT, just shelter RWBY as best he could under his creative umbrella. It was kind of his baby, and it got really popular really fast which immediately activated Bernie's money meter. You could tell that in season one RT was being hands off because they didn't even have assets for BG characters. All the videos from that time seem to be RT staff members going about their business while Monty's doing his thing with his little pet project. Season one drops, It's massively flawed but it has enough punch and heart to win a huge fanbase. Merchandising deals go down for the franchise and suddenly Burnie has a whole new way to rake in the dough. He just needs to control RWBY. Funds and talent pool expand for volume two, still very flawed but the bigger budget shows its colors now and again. Soundtrack, BD/DVD sales, clothes, toys and the like start earning big. Burnie realizes that his new IP is in the hands of an auteur who's personal vision might make the series less profitable than it could be. Monty is now working at home without anyone holding his leash. At this point Burnie knows there is eventually going to be a confrontation over creative control. Fortunately for him, Monty dies. The confrontation is now between him and his powerless protege. After largely lackluster choreography during volume 3 proved that Shane didn't really have the talent they needed to fill Monty's shoes it was only a question of when the hit would go down.

What I'm saying is had Monty lived RWBY would still have brought out a lot of ugly politics at RT eventually. I also bet RWBY Chibi would have never happened.
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>Shane Name checks Kara as the one who told him to go to twitter.

Want to guess who's getting recast, guys?
Well they probably were a little burned out of him trying to do everything in his own way.
That thing on his letter about going unnanounced to Monty's desk and starting to work by himself on his laptop, playing the music and videos he used play like it was a natural thing probably made a lot of people upset, and some people probably thought he was taking it too far, or that he wasn't doing that well mentally after Monty's death and his divorce.

If there really was a talk or rumour about Monty wanting to leave RT to keep making RWBY the indie way, they might be also afraid he would try to steal the material to use it by himself later.

Is a shame, I enjoyed X-Ray and Vav a lot. But it suffered from the same thing Lazer Team does: too many inside jokes.
Yeah, it works perfectly for people that have been following them for a while, but there is no way they will catch new fans with that.
That was managed a lot better in RWBY and made it way more approachable in my opinion. The inside jokes are way subtler, and you can follow it even if you don't get them.

Yeah, he is called Mr.Noodle and she even made merchandising based on him. Yes, you read that right.

She told him to make a PR friendly statement saying he was leaving. That's no big deal.

They kept Arryn despite the drama associated with her. Kara's fine. She's pretty much the only person that left RT but is still on the show they're actually on good terms with.
God I'm such a fucking sucker for that stupid ass Dwayne the rock joke
Every fucking time it gets me
>Everyone in the company acting like huge smug pricks about their super original card game
>It's literally a carbon copy of Cards against Humanity.
>instantly got fully funded
>They're literally getting payed a million dollars to rip off a game that was a rip off of an older game
Is there a worse fan base

This. She never sided with him or anything, she actually gave him good advice. He went full dingus now with this letter, not with that tweet.

Also as >>82720649 said, if they kept Arryn they will keep Kara. Doubt they will risk changing one of their main VA's, specially Kara, that is liked a lot by the fanbase.
they kept arryn despite her fucking off to la and being pretty shit as a va
itd be retarded not to keep kara, much better as a va and left on far friendlier terrms, if they kept arryn
Ray was always too good for RT. I'm glad he's a full-time streamer now.

>Dat Senran Kagura stream
I firmly believe that Shane made up that "Monty and I wanted to leave" shit. Monty had a LOT of friends at RT, namely the mega-jewinator himself, Burnie. There's a line called biting the hand that feeds you that I think applies strictly to Shane but not Monty in this scenario. The strange thing about Monty is that like it's always been stated, by Shane and others at RT, when Monty WANTS something genuinely he goes out and does it with very little forethought or wait.

It's just a bit out of character from the Monty we've seen and heard about to just bend over and take it up the ass like Shane tried to imply was occurring.
>Ryan is next
All the based members leave, but fuck if Funhaus isn't as good as prime AH too bad Joel left he was top 3
Has Ryan actually dropped any hints that he's tired of working at RT?

He won't leave Meg, guys. Calm down.
Nah he gets payed just to dick around basically more so than anyone else Geoff will probably die soon though
Totally agree with this.

If Ryan leaves I'll probably stop watching anything from achivement hunter. Gavin and Jeremy are great too, but Ryan is totally their main appeal to me.
They should have just brought Trevor in and left Jeremy in the hole they found him in
Oh, OK.

Looking at them right now, I'm kind of glad I stopped watching most of RT's stuff after the end of RvB Season 13.
You have to understand, anon. They have to show their audience they are minority friendly. Remember Pongo? Well is the same but with a Hobbit.
Guy in "the industry" here. I make $25-$50 per minute of used dialogue depending on the job, importance of the character and number of lines and I'm smalltime. I recently made $100 for less than an hour's worth of work. Your average, not The Simpsons VA makes like $700 a week if they have a good agent/agency and aren't working for some sketchy ass Indian company or whatever. Dude was getting the shaft HARD.

Thing is he isn't a professional VA as his main job, this isn't a union production it's just RT dicking around in their studio and more importantly, the guy already had another job at RT and was getting a salary for that.

He should be happy he was paid anything at all for less than an hours work at the place he was already working for anyway.
JJ only had like 12 entire lines in the season he voiced for. They could have recorded every Mercury line in Vol.2 in under 35 minutes realistically. I think he was paid what RT figured worked for a non-guildie rookie who doesn't have union-fees to pay or an agent to jew around with.
I'm freelance, bro. I work for whoever will use me. This guy works for a company that makes tons of money and has a lot of backing. It doesn't matter if it's on the side or his career, he got bent over a barrel and made into the Anthony Burch of RT.
See ^.
Guess I'm probably an idiot, but if I was working in RT or something similar, having what I imagine is at least a decent salary, and they asked me to voice a character for one of their proyects I would probably do it for free, unless they offered to pay me for it first. Maybe because I like working in that kind of stuff.
I like working in that kind of stuff too, but a job's a job.
I mainly only watch their Let's Play stuff anymore.
Any dirt on Joel, Ray, Michael, Gavin, or Ryan? Only ones I find/found that funny.
You're ignoring the fact that his performance wasn't even worth what he was paid. You don't pay a commission artist 400 bucks for drawing you a literal stick figure just because he whined hard enough.

JJ fucked up not arguing for a better wage, That's the end-all discussion there. He KNEW he wasn't going to give half of a shit about the role to begin with and asked for a meager pay wage to just to top off whatever he was getting for his other projects as an employee there. His big beef is with how he was asked to do something at RTX, as a fucking nobody not worthy of a call or e-mail but instead a stupid tweet going "You coming? "
Good point. Guess that thing about not doing what you are good at for free applies perfectly for that.
You don't pay voice actors based on their performance after the fact. You hold auditions, listen to their stuff, if you like it, you hire them and pay them the same rate everyone else auditioning for the part would've gotten. This is not an art commission. Pulling shit like "well, you didn't do as good of a job as I thought you would, so I'll pay you less" is how you get shitcanned in the industry and nobody will be willing to work with you. Same goes for artists, actually. You discuss numbers first, then you get the work done. You go back on that, you get sued and blackballed. If you're willing to pay someone $400 knowing that the picture will be a stick figure, that's on you.
>someone claiming they were with RT on their main site trying to get nudes of underaged girls.
Wasn't here a thread about one of RWBY VAs getting really creepy on an underaged girl through private messages, here some time ago? There were screenshots and everything, but I can't remember who was the guy though.
RT isn't WB-studios or Disney Interactive. JJ literally was already there and was fucking around and didn't think he'd even get the role. He is NOT a professional VA and his pay is what an amateur just trying to get a name out there should expect to be paid initially. JJ very likily only asked for a cut after he started recording and saw the traction RWBY was starting to gain back in Vol.2

JJ is an idiot who obviously cares VERY little for being a VA until after the fact. RT screwed him good, but JJ LET himself be screwed by treating the entire role as a joke from start to finish.

RT obviously pays Lowenthall SOMETHING good if he's staying for more Volumes. Lowenthal is also, surprise, a fucking high-status VA who knows his rates and has someone to check RT's contract to make sure they dont jew him out Burnie-style
>going through a process to be a voice actor when most of the people were just personalities that were already known

Pretty much everyone's SO gets a spot in that company and monty's didn't. It seems pretty odd desu senpai
Eh, its tumblr and unfortunately, they always side with the perceived victim or just staying neutral. Though there are few there that like the majority here that are basically saying even if it is true, the way that Shane's structured it is so emotionally manipulative that he is as guilty of tarnishing Monty's legacy as RT.

That's not how it worked for JJ. Merc was based off of him from the start, and Monty after checking that he could do it at least somewhat competently gave him the part. That's how it worked for quite a few RWBY characters getting cast.

She wasn't a US citizen. Hell she only married Monty so she wouldn't get deported. That's probably a big part of it. Giving her an official spot at the company would probably get the Department of Labor involved and that's why they were so against it.
Could it be Patricia?
Atleast JJ has said that YL does a good characterization of the Irkin' Merkin. He really has every reason to shit talk the show at this point and he's shown that he's only mad that Shane's trying to drag him into a war he wants no part of.

Well that and RT being unprofessional with him for that one RTX thing I guess he was expected to sign posters for or something.
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Daily reminder that:
Mega 64 > Rooster Teeth
RWBY was shit, it still is shit but it got better after he died and this is undeniable.
Just look at the success of Funny Factory.
Knuckles Dawson was the sex thing already

>important characters recast with professional VAs

Oh no, what a nightmare!

Me too, anon, me too.
What about katie? Didn't she do voicework within the first year of her green card wedding with jack?
I will never understand how someone like Jack got her, blows my fucking mind.
Gee, I wonder if it's something to do with her new-found American citizenship?
Because RT fans are the biggest cockgobblers around? I've never seen a fanbase so goddamn obsessed, but I suppose that's because the cult of personality that RT started to harvest with podcast and videos make certain people feel like they're their "friends"
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