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What was the fucking point of telling backstories for minor characters

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What was the fucking point of telling backstories for minor characters and hyping them up for nothing?

>when your webcomic only got popular, because you made quirky half-assed aliens based on the zodiac

Fucking Homestuck.
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why aren't you playing sugoistuck right now? only good thing to come out of the fanbase in ages
theyre all gags dude. every ancestor is a gag. the whole of mindfang's journal is an extended parody of ridiculous romantic adventure novels/fanfiction. sorry if you were too young when it came out to realise it was a joke, and took it seriously. anyway random lore is totally fun and doesnt need to be expanded on.
ipgd put your trip on
Why do we need a homestuck thread anyway? Yeah, some cool or lewd creations are made, but every thread boils down to:

>waaah I hate Vriska
>waaah why is Karkat's arc so shit
>my favorite character got shafted!
>Katnep spam dump
>Karkat more like Karkuck
>Are Karkat and (Vriska) demoted to Pages?
>I want to fuck Aradia!
>unga bunga why rose no do quest
>Davekat vs Davejade
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Andrew is a better artist than he is a director. The big man wants it all, but he isn't focusing on where his game is strongest.
how the fuck did he manage problem sleuth?

That he was the only one in charge. He can do fine on his own. But when it comes to judging the effectiveness of others in the project, when it comes to choosing ideas among those he is working with, he isn't as strong. Not nearly. He does better when he works by himself.
What in the gosh darn heck is this?
supposedly the lilypad intermission was all him
/r/homestuck ironic dating sim with twists rivaling zero escape
Thinking of comissioning some songs for my fanventure planets. Is there someone who still do these? Like, original ost. Bowman quit homestuck and toby is swimming on money so if no options are avaliable im going for whoever composed terraria.

It can't possibly be though. Even if he is the one who wrote and came up with everything on the lilypad, he's already been collaborating with and bouncing ideas off of everyone around him. The process necessarily turned into a group project with Andrew at the lead. Which is what Andrew isn't as good at.
He's always claimed to be the only one involved in writing.

The last week wasn't, and that was far more important than any other part of the comic. Imagine if literally any other show/comic let this happen.

It was such a phenomenally bad choice and just underlined how much he had checked out since the Kickstarter.
>Imagine if literally any other show/comic let this happen.

That's how it usually happens, Hirsch didn't draw the last episode of Gravity Falls himself, he contributed to the storyboards and wrote what happened in them rougly.

Which is fine. But the pool of ideas is impactful. The influence of collaboration taints the product.
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I haven't seen Gravity Falls, but how drastically different was the art?

Did it cut out dialogue, the thing that mostly made Homestuck famous in the first place?
>official website shows 3D
>official youtube trailer shows 3D

>Obscure Kickstarter update in December says it's all 2D now LOL

What the FUCK is going ON with this game?
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are these

on what planet are these the trolls





Hey, the art there is good.
this is the kind of post reddit would find funny
are you fucking kidding me

mspa is a collaboration by its nature

Yeah, but if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bike.

How do you fuck up human trolls?

you can easily recognize who each of them is meant to be
god, as a fairly recent archival reader i dont get this issue people have with there being little dialogue in the ending. a6a6i5 dialogued us the fuck out. there was honestly way too much dialogue in that intermission. all the words were fucking said. going quiet after that was a good thing.

presumably you guys all read that a year ago and now you want more words, but god damn trust an archival reader here that that would NOT be a good idea.
i only got aradia by process of elimination, but the rest were discernable
>a6a6i5 dialogued us the fuck out

>pre-fight dialogue is the same as ending dialogue

ipgd go away
I think most people would agree with your sentiment in Act 6 being way too bloated with exposition dialogue, too much Vriska dictating to people. However, people were expecting more dialogue to wrap up story and character arcs, similar to how Dave and Dirk's scenes did for them. We didn't really get that for some of the other prominent characters which was and still is a damn shame.
The shitty series is over, stop making threads for it
>recent archival reader

damn dude

also im not shilling because i fucking mean it when i say a6a6i5 had way too much dialogue. it dragged horrifically and some of it was legit fucking awful (jasprose jesus christ). given everything i think a silent ending was the best choice
Nobody disagrees that it was awful, but something is better than nothing
>people expected dialogue in a flash
the most any flash has is six non continuous lines. not counting interactive ones, obviously
The terezi/vriska glitchy flash has about 30
>something is better than nothing
honestly, if Hussie just out and said 'Homestuck is cancelled' with no ending at some point in the twelve months prior to Act 7, I don't think I would have felt much different.
I wouldn't feel much either. Once the alpha/beta whatever kids were introduced I was out of energy to care. Specially with the introduction of dancestors.
I just wanted to keep reading about the kids and see the trolls in a seperate story instead.[/spoilers]
The site also says Jailbreak is unfinished. He just doesnt care to update it.
touche, I'd forgotten about that
>ipgd's room is so shitty that she has a mice problem
>she goes back to sleep
>:33 < nyat wanting to wake up with a tasty purreakfast
Is Karkat really a Page now?

>that panel where Kanaya bonked him hard on the head to knock him out
I really need this inversion meme to die.
i love how hussie thinks being meta and ~ironic~ is more important than actually writing a story. its totally satisfying and great.
Homestuck is already dead.
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>Got a warning yesterday for calling vriska best girl

and yet i only ever see them on 4chan
Clark Powell takes commissions.

>got banned for discussing that one furry scat microphilia scat fetishist that is the lead art dev of Hiveswap

at least it was only for one day and on /co/ rather than the usual ban that is 3 days across all boards for using eridan's quirk. thing is, that was completely on topic.
$50 for something like Serenade with full rights? That's... actually a pretty cool deal.
This Sugoistuck, this Reddit shitpost in VN form seems to at least have good Nep art.
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oh man
where could this be going

I know how to get straight lines, but isnt getting the margins right a bit of a pain?
>kids using flight casually
>be Karkat
>get cucked this hard
Holy shit
it's hilarious how you get triggered when somebody draws non-caucasian characters
it's not even trying to be DIVERSE, they just made Feferi black for fuck's sake
john SLAMS the door and storms away, muttering "why is everyone such a fucking queer" under his breath
by which I mean, he uses his breath powers send his message to everyone in the known universe
Tought the music team got royalities from each album bought.
its an extreme pain in the ass

one more panel will have it
its really really underused
and one of my favorite things

i know man
im tempted to make the last panel just karkat crying in the hallway
>it's not even trying to be DIVERSE
>they just made Feferi black
RIP /co/ 2016
it had to end sometime
this is My Fucking fetish
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I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be a gyaru,
Well either you're incredibly wrong or the artist doesn't actually know what a gyaru is
>they just made Feferi black
her ancestor is troll nicki minaj
Not even
Meenah, and condy, sounded like total posers who adopted that way of speaking to make them seem cooler/tougher
condy just has big hair, it seems more like she's just from the south than nicki minaj
Likely a double homicide from John "Slay the Gay" Egbert. Good shit though, your John just casually floating in works wonders, as does Terezi's ample fun bags given she's usually portrayed as a bit flat.
John gets cucked
Well it would explain the dark skin, light hair and light makeup

I can't think what else the artist would be going for
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Should Andrew Hussie be put down for his own good?
>i know man
>im tempted to make the last panel just karkat crying in the hallway
Please do, guy needs to suffer a bit to get the weenie out of him.
No but that's not gyaru
specifically the dark skin is ganguro, but ganguro girls wouldn't wear light colors like that
they are more flashy/neon with crazy colored highlights, long press on nails, and no panties

the artist was going for a black girl in a princess lolita outfit
Pardon me, ganguro was what I meant
Someone needs to do a fucking gaming news site articlebor someshit on this travesty to show them how badly they're fucking up
It's still not ganguro
Are Terezi and John going to have their way with Roxy's feet?
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i dont think i could do it
karkat is still dear to me

i dont think so
How many pages is it going to be?
just want to say i really appreciate you not letting people forget kickstarteranon
>johns glasses

just one
i'm already giving them more panels than they paid for, ive never really done a comic before, i need to learn how to approach it better

dialogue would explain what happened in the ending

instead of 50 or so major interpretations
are you going to draw them in a way that doesn't show the privates like last time
You're pretty much just straight up fuckin wrong. Like everything else in Homestuck, there are humorous elements mixed in with the serious stuff.
i did my damnedest to show as much as i could with the specific pose they asked for
people who like boobs are in luck
and i want you to know, you specifically anon
me and glub sketched out the main pose and he showed even less genitals, this one is tough!
is there any pawfeet art that's GOOD?
So she's Iggy?
You got help by glub?
i run most things by him while im working on them if i can.
he's got a really good eye and sense of gesture/anatomy
Ah, thats nice teamwork.
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i like this one
He looks way younger there.
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Reminder that Jake's eyes are attached to his glasses.
same for John, his eyes come off during Game Over
yeah but all that shit is a joke too

these are some deep levels of irony we operatin on
and Jane
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I get really nervous thinking about corrupting sweet, innocent Kanaya. There's something wrong with me on many levels.
>wanting Karkat to cry in the hallway
>not Vriska
There is no point.
That comic is just genuinely bad.
We do it because we want you to kill yourself, anon.
you're right
Homestuck is a joke
first of all being that K'naya isn't real
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Here's the best pairing, you can all stop fighting about it now.
not sure what you're telling me here, buddy
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>not AR making sweet love to the handle
move over, best obscure homestuck glasses shipping reference coming through
you realize he wants the v right
Vast Croak - Prospitian reference to the Genesis Frog
Vast Joke - Dersite reference to the Genesis Frog
Vast Honk - What Lord English says on birth
Vast Glub - A psychic shockwave that kills all trolls, released by Gl'bgolyb
Vast Expletive - What the sufferer yells during his torture

do you think that Lord English never speaks because he can't control the honks
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but he speaks just fine when hunting damara
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i wish kanaya was this cute in the comic. or had something resembling a personality.
I hope that's a condescending "I know" eri
I forgot the kids could fly.
So what were Vriska's sources in the end?
Having her literally solve the entire story, okay, fair enough, I can almost understand.
But at least fucking explain HOW she does it. Did Hussie even have something in mind?
It's not the kind of answer you get in an epilogue. Are we stuck speculating on cueball/Droogs/Derse/Horrorterror bullshit forever?
Andrew Hussie, The Author, was her sources
Her sources were her travelling to the future and getting to see what happens.

time travel

i mean, the fact that any old sod can grab a pair and go around fixing shit sort of devalues the time aspect, but gamzee already did a thorough job of that so whatever
Sources on what? I need my memory refreshed.

Otherwise, I'd go with what the others are saying and answer 'time travel'. She did mention that she looked ahead into the future for what would happen.

remember that one time hussie's self-insert said that he understood meddling in the story himself was a risky business, and that his intervention would be restricted to precisely one yard

and then he saved a character from death and delayed the final boss' defeat personally
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does anyone else really want to fuck the condesce or is it just me
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where do you think you are
Hell, he even guided and mentored Caliborn during his quest. The idea of making the Felt a gang? It was his idea. That's the brilliant backstory behind the Felt, guys. The Author told a character he should do it.
i swear hussie canonically brought her back so he could fuck her. (vriska) turned him down one too many times so he got a new one to try and get it on with while simultaneously fucking up (vriska)'s happy new life. then he gave her all the story shit she needed to know to be the star she always wanted to be and she STILL turned him down. damn
All that hair IS a huge turn on.
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also when am I gonna use these sorts of equations as a chef for the Betty Crocker corporaiton?
>implying people who don't want to fuck the condesce even exist
>That's the brilliant backstory behind the Felt, guys. The Author told a character he should do it.
I'm glad someone else noticed this bullshit, i'd like to say having caliborn personally talking to hussie was the most self absorbed thing in the comic, but that davepeta thing about selfies might top it
Legs too big, he's like a fucking trex

you don't get points for answering when the answer is right there on the image
I just want to make diabetic treats for children.

I never asked for this
Problem Sleuth > HS
>i'd like to say having caliborn personally talking to hussie was the most self absorbed thing in the comic
There was people here that liked that part,but it's just so BAD. All that intermission was pure crap, I couldn't deal with all that meta wankery.
i liked that part for caliborn exploring a desolate environment all by himself. hussie's stupid fucking self-insert ruined it.
imagine if she didn't have absurd meme luck and the future turned out to go horribly wrong
>vriska serket's bullshit ideas doom everyone AGAIN

but yeah DUDE PREDESTINATION LMAO would make a decent answer if we had, well, actually seen future vriska overseeing the battles in the background. and that requires hussie not being a hack with a crush on his mary sue.

this reminds me. i miss time travel being this horrifying and dangerous shit that resulted in your own corpse ending up in your bedroom.
maybe things stopped having consequences, and as a result the story lost its stakes, and that contributed to late act 6 being shit.
That angle is clearly not 70º.
Imagine if DOC SCRATCH had been the one to talk to Caliborn, instead of Hussie.
God, it would have been fucking perfect.
I liked it for caliborn, but of all the people for caliborn to interact with, Hussie was the worst possible one
why didn't he antagonize the players like the trolls did? or maybe yell at the condesce or something like fuck, anything but talking to the author
I mean, Caliborn wasn't the reason it was shit, obviously.
I dont think theres anything wrong with it normally. Fleshing out a world like that even if it doesnt make direct relevance to the plot is still a good thing. Hussie just had the problem of setting up the expectation that everything that ever happened would have major impact on the play
okay. I got it this time.

turning in a blank sheet. Fuck this class.
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>future vriska overseeing the battles
>future vriska laughing her ass off at the Clover vs Karkat fight


god, i don't know why hussie decided to start shitting on karkat so hard

imagine if he'd been the one running everything with time travel and finally coming into his own as a leader

there's no reason it had to be vriska
>actually seen future vriska overseeing the battles in the background. and that requires hussie not being a hack with a crush on his mary sue.
now that all that's left is the epilogue (lol) is there literally any possible room for vriska to appear and gain all that information?
i guess it was sposed to be ok since caliborn is a 'meta' character? or something like this. hussie interacts directly with caliborn, lord english, doc scratch because all of these characters are removed from the kids/trolls story somehow. they are all authoring and self-inserting their way into the story rather than actually being a part of it. vriska also ascends to this level somehow by the end when she becomes a true Mary Sue.

im like 90% certain he fucked up in actually pulling this off effectively. but this is what i think he was trying to do.
ipgd is the ghostwritter for this late part of Act 6
that's why Dave is gay
that's why Jake got bullied with no consequences
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So, what made Hussie think it was a good idea to give Terezi slutty feet?
"No consequences" is a recurring them in late Homestuck
>No consequence for people dying
>No consequences for time travel
>No consequences for being abusive

hussie lived a life without hardship, it's a story about growing up written by someone who never needed to
It really does feel like after Game Over, Hussie just took some rando, gave them Act 7, and told them "I don't care what you write, just have John retcon everything so that the ending animation makes sense."
These things don't have consequences because we're not supposed to care. We're not supposed to care about the characters or drama or development or the game or any of that, and the author mocks us when we do.

Except getting the audience to care in some way is literally what an author's goal should be. Hussie hit gold with zero effort and because of that he didn't appreciate it.
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this art is making me feel funny
she has a lot more hair in that panel than any other scene in the comic
what are you fucking five

do you need the bad guys to all get grouped up and put in the bad guys circle where they get tattooed with reddit memes and the main characters point and laugh at them

bad shit happens all the time with no consequences whatsoever
better than what we'll actually get
i don't think you get what that anon meant by consequences
All of Homestuck's themes revolve around a central premise of fatalism

It literally does not matter what you do, a fickle god will judge your actions arbitrarily and will either fuck you up or give you glory for no discernible reason
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post images that look like they could be lands
therefore there are no consequences for your actions
just bad things happening randomly to random people regardless of their alignment
yep. thats homestuck baby. if your moral code requires you to only read fiction where everyone is exactly as successful as the total of all their positive actions best to not read this shit
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I don't think you understand. I'm not saying it's immoral. I'm saying it's bad. It's about as satisfying as a marvel movie. You can't even get catharsis from a "bad things happen to good people" kind of tragic message because literally nothing matters in Homestuck. There's no rhyme or reason at all. Just some stuff happens and then The End.
i guess it was a 'you had to be there' thing

remember the speculation over what that glowing red thing in the distance was? god fuck you andrew.
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Land of Steeps and Rivers
deadass suspect this is IPGD
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Land of Shade and Glow

the major difference between real life and fiction is that fiction is presented to an audience for consumption and is therefore required to be satisfying at the very least

saying a story doesn't need to be satisfying because real life often isn't is like saying houses don't need to be structurally sound because caves aren't
caves are pretty strong dude
source: ur mums vag lol
Characters who need to be bullied:
pls no bullying in the homestuck thread
Rose, Vriska, and Cronus.
by HIC
>it's a story about growing up written by someone who never needed to
This is the best summary of Homestuck I've ever seen
holy fucking shit ive been called ipgd twice before in this thread despite writing a couple paragraphs on how shit i thought the lead up to the end was. your opinions are just fucking dumb. if i cant tell someone theyre retarded on 4chan where can i say it

but why is everyone sorting everything out and being totally emotionally adjusted and happy "satisfying" to anyone. the main problem with act 6 was the dumb angst and moralising. we were better off when dave's bro was an horrifying maniac and that was played for laughs, and jack/spades ran around stabbing people for no reason and it was a gag instead of the TOTALLY SERIOUS PAGES LONG EMOTIONAL CONVERSATIONS ABOUT EVERYONES TINY ISSUES
Get out of here ipgd.
I think there's a misunderstanding. Karma? That's not what I'm talking about though.
Yes, in Homestuck bad things happen to good people, good things happen to good people, that doesn't bother me. It can make for cool stories.

I'm not complaining about the lack of justice, I'm complaining about:
1. Lack of stakes. If your dead characters keep existing and are easily brought back, death loses its shock value. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
But it will, for instance, make fights, dramatic sacrifices, choosing murder as the lesser of two evils, etc. much less exciting. If you're relying on those to elicit reactions in your reader, you'll need to shift things up, and either make death threatening again, or change your formula. Hussie did neither.
2. Lack of verisimilitude. Homestuck characters are made of magic, but they also act like human beings.
If they completely ignore somebody bullying a close friend within hearing distance, and it's never touched upon or explained, they feel less real. It's pretty disturbing.

So nah, I don't need the villains to be rounded up and lowered into a vat of boiling karma, I'm talking about the things that hold the story together. Do you see my point?
>holy fucking shit ive been called ipgd twice before in this thread despite writing a couple paragraphs on how shit i thought the lead up to the end was. your opinions are just fucking dumb. if i cant tell someone theyre retarded on 4chan where can i say it
don't mind him anon, i've been called rachel, ipgd and a wp employee at least once each despite shitting on homestuck relentlessly, it's just something you learn to tune out
shut up, wonk
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Land of Vapor and Waves
i've been called that too i think, it's hard to keep track
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Are we still mad about the ending?
>everyone sorting everything out and being totally emotionally adjusted and happy "satisfying" to anyone.
you just described the ending that we got

I agree with you, Homestuck was good as a gag story... because it didn't take itself seriously. Hussie took it in a different direction. He wanted it to have a lot of dramatic elements. He wanted to write a serious story that could be taken seriously as literature. In that respect, he failed. The funny parts in Act 6 are still funny! Like, REALLY funny. But they're buried under a lot of stuff that Hussie isn't good at. That's what I'm complaining about. Hussie knows how to write a funny story. He doesn't know how to write a satisfying one.
it even looks like a smuppet
>[muffled plagiarism in the distance]

>Murica not DOOM
What kind of people have time aspect
slime boys suck
gimme slime girls instead
Finland is a FREE land
>real people don't have arcs, numbnuts
Do the kids in the new universe get treated like the olympic gods? Do they all just become nihilistic assholes messing with the carapacians for shits and giggles? If so, where do the trolls fall in there?
ok then honestly i agree with most of what you say.

re: lack of stakes, i don't think the condesce did enough to be the 'final boss' of the kids' quest that she was in retrospect intended to be. jack noir was terrifying for the first half of the comic, and lord english got a ton of focus through scratch and caliborn, but somehow we were sposed to accept that they were gonna be dealt with indirectly and get all our catharsis from the defeat of the condesce. but she just wasnt a big deal enough to us as readers for us to be satisfied with that
who cares
Huh. What decides which country gets which aspect?
>condesce is the antagonist of the troll race
>only one troll even fights her
man i hated that
>we get blueballed for actual literal years to see the conversation of all the kids meeting in person
>its never happens
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>condesce wasn't built up enough, nor had enough story presence
>Jack was a great villain but forgotten by the narrative
>Caliborn focused on a lot, never really does villainous things other than hurting feelings
>Scratch killed off by author's self insert
>Lord English only ever killed ghosts


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Our Queen has absolutely top tier everything.

Condy >>>>>>>> ara, damara, vriskshit, aranea etc.
Do you have a site where you post your pics?
It should really be only time players who can do that.

Damara can send Gamzee to raise the cherubs because that sounds like something a Witch of Time could do and Gamzee was already in the bubbles interacting with the Beforus trolls, Aradia can be the one who knows everything in the endgame
>kids never got to pose as a team 'cause shit just got real
Hussie deserves death
she did just as much to fuck up the lives of the alpha kids, too, to be fair to her. roxy got the final blow, and that DID feel good. just maybe not good enough compared to how we'd have felt to see jack get taken down back when he was at the height of his rampage. or how we might have felt to have actually seen lord english get punted into the black hole
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thats enough for today, time for sleep

Oh No its the Tentacle Willy
Nice its that porn I bought
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For me it's not a matter of "justice". We got justice. The villains all died, that's justice. The problem is that Hussie wanted us to pretend that justice matters after telling us for seven years that none of the characters have agency.
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its what they wanted man

aw yeah, getting there
the rest should go pretty quickly
I just realized that I only come to this thread for the pictures. I'm truly disengaged from the story now, and just want to see nice art of the characters and lands.

so this is what being a tumblr is like

no. that was always karkat's delusions of grandeur. It was never gonna happen, and the trolls got punished for thinking it was. all the players are just citizens of the new planet, same as the carapacians.
Which came out first, black or liquid negrocity?
Sweet thanks
black is a remix of liquid negrocity
It's funny because unlike a lot of these I can actually tell who they're actually supposed to be.
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Stabdads were pretty cool.
They have magic powers in the new universe, and are conditionally immortal. Like gods of legend they can't die unless they go out like heroes or villains

They're gods.
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>tentacle dick
And I'm going to get off to it
Buy your own porn then Chaddo
they're superheroes. none of them believe themselves to be gods, even if they have the title of "god tier". nobody else believes them to be gods either, as both the carapacians and the consorts described them as heroes.
>uganda, nigeria, sierra leona, etc
>not having blood aspect

They sure know hoe to weaponize blood, with all the HIV and ebola around
>like tentacle porn
>like shemale porn
tentabulges are great
And not just that, we got a pretty limited amount of justice, honestly. Jack Noir and Vriska got to do everything they wanted, are still alive and will likely never face consequences (not even legal ones, like a trial, or social ones in Vriska's case, like rejection).
GCATavrosprite will probably suffer forever, unless they manage to keep him on a steady supply of placebo buttons or whatever. Spades Slick will never come back.

AR did not die for this shit.
hussie being a marvel fanboy is responsible for like 10% of the ills of the comic. garbage taste begats garbage.
>muh justice

read a fucking fairy tale
they're always these flimsy tapering things though

the best tentacles are phallic
They're supposed to be a cross between a dick and a clit
>discover new lands and get fucktons of gold and silver
>this inflates and fucks over the economy
>inherit tons of territories throughout europe
>religious war all over, our army deteriorates into irrelevance
>king dies with no heir
>this starts a civil war and a continental war
>make our first constitution and drive the french invasion away
>asshole tyranical king comes back, and our colonies independize
>get shithole colony as a french present
>lose wars against stick and stone armed moroccan shepherds
>no country wants to get involved on civil war in fear of starting WWII
>WWII starts a few months after the civil war's end

>Anything to do with luck

"The history of Spain is the saddest one, for you know how it ends"
--José Mota, spanish comedian
The problem is that you're treating Homestuck as a gag comic when it treats itself way more seriously than that.

It's almost impressive how far up its own ass Homestuck goes. If it was just a gag comic a la One Punch Man no one would care, but if you managed to steal several million dollars from your fanbase because of all the drama and stakes that you inserted into your own comic then you can't just pretend it always was one.
I didn't realise clitoris are shaped like floppy unicorn horns
spoken like someone who has never actually read a fairy tale
>wants a bulge with the versatility of your average dildo
man dildos already exist
imagine an organ with the sensitivity of a clitoris that is fully controllable, can fit almost anywhere and is extremely well lubricated. plus half the time the idea is it comes with a vagina as a bonus
how can you not want porn of that
Act 7 is literally a fairy tale ending, for fuck's sake. The big bad guys died, and they all lived happily ever after, etc.
If Homestuck had a genuine bittersweet ending I would have loved that.
Instead we get this bullshit saccharine ending that pretends everything is OK and sweeps the awful implications under the rug.
And that's shit writing.

>muh samefaggotry
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go to bed, anon
so wait are people starting now to call the ending not bad or something
this literally did not happen
why do you keep saying this
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End yourself.
they remind me of banana slugs

awful creatures
trolled hard
I don't feel trolled.
When did tentabulges become a thing anyway
Homestuck is such a deep and complex story, people will be debating for ages whether or not it's a story about justice or tragedy.
I'm actually okay with this, except Vriska's Hair.
> story about justice or tragedy
Both. Debate is over.
I can't wait for Homestuck threads to get banned again
but everyone was happy in the end, how can it be a tragedy
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i am just a simple man that likes big dicks and troll noodles just don't fulfill that need
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You could always just not come here, you know.
I'm down for HST getting banned again because all you guys do is bitch now.

No purpose in having a general dedicated to bitching.
if you want apologists and sycophants then try anywhere but 4chan

You're as bad as the endless PPG threads.
That's not how 4chan works.
I have no idea what you mean by that
because I ignore threads I'm not interested in
because I'm not a colossal douche
Go and be a whiny faggot somewhere else
Jesus Christ, how PŔŐMBĽĔMĀŤÍÇ.
*Liquid African-American City.
just go to reddit where you downvote everyone who dares disagree with you
African-American is problematic now too
Liquid Person of Color City
Spin it however you want, but tentabulges aren't hot at all.
what? no. for all its flaws the ending is bittersweet as fuck. its still inevitable that the earth will die and caliborn be born. its still inevitable that the kids will live forever and their troll friends will die, and they'll finally teleport off to get the shit kicked out of them/sealed in a box for all time. its still inevitable that all the dream bubbles will be smashed and everything sucked into a black hole forever. that shits all gonna happen. thats bittersweet as fuck. they just got a happy 'ending' that will last for a while.
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What weird taste not necessarily fetish you dirty fuck! did you acquire or develop during the time you were reading Homestuck?

For me it's horses. No not in a fedorawearing ponyfucker way, I don't think I even want to get near one I think I might scare them or something. Just kind of...a e s t h e t i cally. They get played for jokes a lot, and they do have some disgusting features, but they can be quite majestic too. Their strength and stamina were used for thousands of years by humans for warfare and agriculture an shit.

Even though nowadays they have pretty much outgrown their usefulness we still keep them around. I never payed any attention to horses before reading HS, they were just kinda like... furniture to me. Just kind of there. Guess it helped that this sweatbag is my favourite.

Did I become Hussie?
>skaianet won
better luck next cycle goyim
nice headcanons man
Muscles. Big, imposing, well-muscled characters who are pretty much unstoppable forces of nature, at least under normal circumstances. I enjoy the aesthetic.
read the comic
Quick question: do you love being STRONG?
inevitability isn't bittersweet, it's just dumb
the whole story was "this isn't a typical sburb game. this isn't a typical sburb game. this isn't a typical sburb game."
then the ending was "this is a typical sburb game. they cycle continues"
it wasn't tragic it was just pointless
>I think I might scare them or something
The opposite is far more likely
youre a tarded
you know what else is inevitable
but Beauty and the Beast isn't bittersweet just because one day Belle is going to die
if beast was gonna live forever and beauty was gonna die and this was alluded to in the film, their romance would be bittersweet
I always thought "sucked into the video game world" stories were lame
i realised i really like it when people try really fucking hard to make dumb shit. the harder they try and the more skilled they are the dumber it is, but the better it is too.
not really
as with most things it depends on presentation
if you read a porno where a hot lady gets it on with the lord of the underworld or something then that shit doesn't just become bittersweet on concept alone
Real talk: horses are smelly and dumb
I think porn is an exception to most firms of writing.
I still wouldn't say that it's automatically bittersweet for gods to date mortals
like mortality is an issue in all romance, it's not like once you become romantically entangled, you're heart-linked til part do you death
some people are exceptionally great at dealing with their own mortality or the mortality of their loved ones too

also consider: homestuck never once touches on these themes of mortality and relationships. Furthermore, if it did, it would be in linked to friendship, not romance
the only happy ending anyone needs in porn is the characters fucking. implications are irrelevant. if the porn for some reason spent half its run time on the inner emotions of the characters and the lord of the underworld was like damn gurl i totes adore you and then BAM you saw him crying over her grave, i dunno about you but id have a pretty fuckin bittersweet boner. crying milky semen tears.
I'm a motherfuckin' nigga man, I ain't all that African-American shit
Fuck that I'm a nigga, I ain't mixed I'm a nigga
N-I-G-G-A, nigga
Exactly. The ending clashed tonally with the rest of the story. The overarching theme of it (at least during Acts 3-6; during 1 the game hadn't really started and during 2 we were seeing the groundwork of what a typical game looks like so it could be subverted later) was that shit had gone off the rails. Then suddenly we hop back on the rails at the last second for no fucking reason.
what is up my nigger
Not dumb, that depends on each invidual horse and the breed of that horse
Yes horses smell fucking horrible, but they do shit in little neat piles instead of shit stew like cows do
Homestuck got me really interested in worldbuilding and stuff like that. From a sburb standpoint it made me consider how gameplay elements could influence a story, even if Homestuck was a comic instead of a game.

It also made me realize how little worldbuilding Homestuck had in the end.
it feels fuckin weird reading people type something like 'Acts 3-6' as if each act is somewhat equal, as opposed to acts 5 and 6 being a quarter and half the comic respectively.
Homestuck was my first real foray into the world of metafiction. Even though it wound up doing a pretty bad job in that department it primed me for better uses.

It also influenced a lot about the way I talk and type, especially with regards to profanity.
But that's all IMPLICATIONS.
Which is my exact point. That none of the shit you're talking about got acknowledged. No character talked about it, nothing.
Hence: swept under the rug, and buried under tons of fancy pajamas, glowy frogs, and picnics.

Remember how Calliope implied they were meant to break the cycle?
Yeah. Damn it.
what, you want them to angst over it? i find implications more powerful than explicit confirmation of this sort of bad times shit. i have issues with the ending but that isnt one of them.
Not that anon, but I want it to be ACKNOWLEDGED. Not even by the characters, necessarily, just acknowledged at all.

And the characters can talk about it without angsting over it.
i'm sick of retards misunderstanding the ending, hussie should break his silence
the way the ending is conveyed, it's less like hussie was trying to imply something bittersweet and more like he just didn't give a shit and didn't want to change the ending that had been in development for four years. It's that incongruity of tone that makes the "bittersweet" interpretation unsatisfying.

I mean every story is good in our own personal fanfiction of it. Hussie failed to deliver an actual ending and basically threw a bunch of pieces at us and told us to make up whatever we wanted.
Hussie is curling up in a tiny ball under his bed surrounded by money, in the dark, ignoring his phone. this game has turned into a mire of failure.

Also, please notice that her model does not get smaller as she walks towards the background. It's litterally just an animated drawing with a drop shadow. If you made her walk to the door at the back of the hall, she would all of a sudden be larger than the door itself.
When I first read homestuck I basically ploughed through it as fast as possible and glazed over a lot of shit. So now when I read stuff I try to take more of it in
Hussie breaking all communication with the fanbase is pretty sad. What did we do to him? Besides giving him millions of dollars for some project he never updates us on, of course.
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That's important.
"Bittersweet" doesn't mean that things are happy on-screen but maybe something unhappy will happen later off-screen. "Bittersweet" means there are happy things and unhappy things that are happening right now. Like surviving your loved ones after a traumatic event. You have to experience the good and the bad together.

We don't call it bittersweet when you eat a bar of milk chocolate and then eat a bar of unsweetened chocolate.
What if the ending isn't bittersweet, but soursweet? Or saltysweet?
well there's definitely a lot of salt to go around
That word has lost all meaning. It's a non-word now. You might as well just say "Karkat fans are shitty".
I don't understand how Hussie could've failed so badly on the game when he had a massive fanbase. I mean, people probably would've volunteered to do work on the game for free just for the thrill of "oh my god I'm working on the Homestuck game" just like people make expansive mods for free all the time.
Today I printed off a page of Homestuck and took a shit on it and it was the best shit I ever took
People working partially for free is exactly what happened in the beginning o What Pumpkin Studios.

All other problems stem from personal hubris and sheer bad luck.
you are correct, experiencing emotions over things that are tragic that are strongly implied in a text requires an 'imagination' and its some serious fucking ablist shit to only let people with one get to have those emotions
That's not how stories work. I can imagine whatever I want, but Hussie failed to create a tone and atmosphere that was conducive to feeling catharsis. The bittersweet ending was ineffective because it only exists as an indirect conclusion as a result of logical thought. The characters don't remark on it at all and no one ever expresses concern regarding their fates or mortality.
You know, people are generally disturbed when they notice fucked up, unacknowledged implications in a story that's meant to be (or end) genuinely happy.
Why do you think everybody and their grandmother hates 50 Shades of Grey? I'll give you a hint, it's not just the plagiarism and horrible writing.
>I mean, people probably would've volunteered to do work on the game for free
That doesn't really work. If you want to make a serious game, you gotta pay people.
Hussie gave us a premise for writing bittersweet fanfiction. He didn't give us a bittersweet ending.
how did that work out for him
yeah but all the endings 'bitter' implications are pretty well spelled out for you in the end of homestuck and its clear that they are intended and not some kind of random realisation by nerds who overthink things.
>its clear that they are intended
do you have any actual evidence that this is case?

the ending actually looks pretty open-ended, all of the kids have a way to bounce back from the events of caliborn's masterpiece and it's not like the trolls couldn't eventually gain immortality through shenanigans
>but all the endings 'bitter' implications are pretty well spelled out for you in the end of homestuck
Then when does masterpiece, an event trapping the betas for possibly an infinite amount of time in a weapon while the alphas eventually fade away in a doomed empty timeline, occur?
Show me where in the comic other than 'later' that this non-trivial event occurs
yeah John is just going to let his mortal friends die instead of warping them to a quest bed
>VRISKA: Guess we'll find out!
I dunno, things like the obscure fate of doomed selves (especially the GO cast + post-retcon Roxy and John), SBURB's questionable cycle of destruction continuing, all 8 kids possibly dying after the masterpiece, Vriska living her dream life in impunity without being really happy, Jake convincing himself he's worth nothing, GCATavros being condemned to a life of suffering, etc. don't seem exactly "spelled out" to me.
But maybe it's just a matter of perspective. I remember Terezi's horrible mental state being acknowledged, but she didn't even appear in the ending, so to me it sounds suspiciously like the sadder aspects of the ending were tossed aside voluntarily.
it happens 'later'. what the fuck else do you need to know? the happy ending is false, because eventually the masterpiece has to happen.
Implications are that Terezi killed herself.
If you look at SBURB another way, it's actually just a way for Carapaces to invade and conquer universes.
I just hope Caliborn gets the happy ending he deserves for having been the best character
No it wasn't. That's your personal fanfiction. Terezi looked perfectly happy standing on the lilypad and acted relatively fine since the retcon.
you say em so you know theyre there. i do agree that he intentionally didnt show these elements to highlight the good things about the happy ending we get for a while, but i think he intended people to be able to piece them together without difficulty.
It's not false if everyone survives and they defeat Lord English. Which they do. Everyone survives the fight against Caliborn. The ending is happy.
...this is probably bait but fuck it all bite. Consequences are when actions have repercussions. In real life, when someone dies they stay dead. That is a consequence. In real life, when someone fucks up, bad things happen as a result of there mistakes. Those are consequences. You need consequences in a story because otherwise nothing that happens matters. Homestuck fails as a story because nothing has consequences, which means nothing is at stake. Some of the most important characters are already dead and still involved with the plot, doubledeath is never presented as a real threat, the main character could retcon any mistakes the group made, everyone does stupid or terrible things and nothing bad happens as a result of their actions, and so what reason is there to care? For most of act 6 there was no tension in the story because there wasn't really any way things could go wrong. Game Over was just about the worst possible thing that could happen to the characters, and John just... undid it. And paid no price for doing so, meaning that no matter how bad collide could've went, John could've just undid it again. That's what no consequences means you fucking moron.
thats definitely a headcanon as opposed to something that definitely happened but wasnt shown like the stuff we're talking about
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>it's a shipping epilogue
>it''s a "where is vriska?" epilogue
>it's a "davekat confirmed/deconfirmed/polycuck" epilogue
D --> Y-yes this is good

When I first read about Hussie allegedly hating wordbuilding I was like 'What? Nigga straight up used the first 3 acts to establish shit about the game...'

Yeah we can pretty much all agree that despite the massive shitfest it was, HS is pretty unique. There wasn't anything like it at the time it was made which is how I got interested in it in the first place.
I want to fuck that statue.
>i think he intended people to be able to piece them together without difficulty.
That's what you think, though. I think he didn't care. I'm not even sure he considers some of these things bad - consider, I don't know, Tavros's status as a punching bag throughout the entire story, what are the odds it's representative of his philosophy and he thinks it's all funny? Not that low, I think.

Sorry for comparing this to 50 SoG again (I know it's an extreme and terrible example), but it's like saying E.L. James wrote abuse, so she knew it was abuse and wanted us to piece things together and deduce that her happy story was actually pretty fucking dark. I hope you can see my problem with the reasoning.
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whats everyone's ideal epilogue?

im hoping for some sort of doc scratch-esque scrapbook thing jumping around between important/fun/cool future moments and filling in relevant past moments we didnt see
i just wand a land of gondola and ebin
I have lost all hope already
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el james pretty clearly has no idea of the implications of her work, whereas when hussie actually interacted with the community he made it pretty clear he was extremely aware of even very subtle implications of homestuck that no one else caught. sucks he hasnt done that in a while, though.
it's one extremely long and cryptic SBaHJ comic

that or an Earthbound inspired walkaround ending game where you can speak to every character we've ever met for their thoughts on everything that happened
>whats everyone's ideal epilogue?
there isn't any epilogue that would fix the problems I have with the story, while still reasonably being called an epilogue

I guess my ideal epilogue just explains the ending, how English was defeated, what conditions are like for everyone in the new world, and where the kids go after the Masterpiece. Also Spades Slick is alive and took Ms. Paint back from Jack Noir.
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Please accept this
why did hussie start working out
is it the ONLY thing he's been doing while everyone else made homestuck for him?
Condy comes back and kills all the trolls. Even cloun.
it was all a dream
and Bitches & Blow
How was the Condesce able to be defeated by a simple sword through the back when she possesses the same powers of immortality the Handmaid did via Lord English?
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why not combine the two ideas into a huge walkaround through the sbahj world where you play as the greatest silent protagonist in all fiction
she doesn't have the glow in the fight
>or more like: Lo, gay!
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>that awesome feel when you want Vriska back, so she can bully the shit out of Karkat and always reminding him about how he got beat up by a small midget
>Karkat getting bullied so hard, he starts wearing shorts and socks and sandals
>dave, kanaya and others not giving a shit, because they are succesful characters who deserved their happy ending
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Land of Dust and Balloons
Then where did it go? You can't do something like have LE decide she no longer has value to him and sever her from the majyyks completely offscreen without a single indication or hint that's what happened.
People would say he's ripping off Undertale.
Dave killed Union Jack, and circumstantially simultaneously killed Lord English, thereby negating his immortality powers and by extension any immortality he gave to his subordinates.
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Land of you must wait 3 minutes and 57 seconds before posting a duplicate reply
I just want some dialogue.
I support this as long as they have dog ears
No, they'd call it a subtle reference. Like Davepeta vs. LE in Collide. :^)
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Land of I thought I had more of these but this is the last one.
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undertale is homestucks fuckin ecto baby. the dave to homestucks dirk
>circumstantially simultaneously
How? By al accounts killing Lord Jack just setup Caliborns initial ascension?
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really not that much at all. it's the dave to mother 3's dirk.
Ideal epilogue is that the "ending" was just Hussie being a lazy shit and put out something for 4/13, but he's working on actually finishing it with a badass fight against lord English.

Knowing Hussie it's possible that the epilogue will be the real ending and that this ending was just a ruse.
Good to see HSG came up with Lord Hater 2 years before Wander Over Yonder aired.
is that how circumstantial simultaneity works
I don't know
it makes no sense
Are you implying Mother 3 abused Undertale?
seems to work fine for the entire rest of the games industry
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Homestuck is Undertale's mom and Mother is Undertale's dad it's not hard to understand.
This would actually make perfect sense and explain everything wrong with killing LE except for the fact that Slick didn't deliver the killing blow.

However, the real problem is the comic doesn't clearly communicate this at all, and we can't be sure Hussie intended what you got out of it.
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So wait
Cal is here because he died with an aridia bot that ended up with regular alive aradia who was actually dead and brought it to the dreambubbles to give it the new suit that Hussie wanted cal to wear?
Do I have that right?
Except it wasn't circumstantially simultaneous

CS refers to when two story events are presented as happening simultaneously, even when they aren't. It's a meta thing. But UJ died during EOA6, and LE died during A7.
Slick did have Union Jack in a chokehold with the crowbar. Maybe that counts for something?

None of this feels right. It's like searching for patterns in noise and hoping that there's something meaningful in there somewhere.
>Portugal is Hope
>Not Breath
That's a dream Cal, it isn't real

They're reliving what they did with the real one
nahh, dirk/bro/homestuck's this fucked up ridiculously pretentious monster of uncomfortable is-this-serious-or-irony with a laundry list of strange fetishes who absolutely should not be allowed near children

dave/undertale's this cool dude whos been 'raised' (read: abused) by dirk/homestuck since forever but somehow comes out with most of his guardian's good traits and escapes most of his bad ones

the mother series is the ectomom in this analogy
They are in separate acts, but in the very next shot of Lord English after Dave kills Union Jack, we see Lord English lose his "glow" (whatever that is supposed to represent).
oh hey liveblogger

I have to say, I've been enjoying your posts even if they really are ruses

bec noir used cal against an aradia bot who was pushed into a skaian defense portal that was used to teleport the frog temple, so it ended up in the same spot

then aradia gave it to kanaya who gave it the green suit and then it got stolen by gamzee

then hivebent ended, etc.

the cal there isn't the real one, it's a memory
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>AA: the persisting sounds said to accompany the ultimate demise of the tyrant less an arm and an eye
So Jack confirmed for Big Bad
Bongistan should be time.
Think of how many characters that can apply to, liveblogger.
poor sweet liveblogger-chan
shes talkin about captain hook, though youre sposed to think about vriska/jack
Oh, honey
i am currently throwing up the integrality of my dinner thanks a lot
I'm just gonna quote that guy who flipped out about ME3's ending
>The ending does not need clarification.
>It needs a NEW ENDING.
I don't think Hussie could close the story well enough to make the mess that was late Act 6, retcon etc. worth it.

Or at least he'd have to pander to my personal tastes super hard, so to answer your question:
>Terezi gets her shit together, cuts Vriska from her life, establishes a legal system
>We get to know what the fuck is up with Gamzee
>Vriska, (Vriska), Jack Noir and cloun (if he's in the new universe at all) are all put on trial and sentenced to years of Can Town community service
>Alt Calliope was wrong, the Green sun still exists and Jade/GCATavros are still useful, also they're happy and not lonely/in pain
>AR and Spades Slick memorials
>Ghosts all alive in the new world somehow, GO cast interacting with the main cast and teaching them things
>House juju/Black hole bullshit explained
>(Tavros) and Karkat co-lead troll civilization in the new universe
>We see LE cheating at chess with Problem Sleuth's Death

Just a few of these would be enough to make me forgive Hussie for everything.
>Caliborn, in fact, is an exercise in how to make an Actually Unsympathetic Villain.
Well he failed, because for all his bullshit, Caliborn is actually admirable in some ways. He doesn't fuck around, or shirk his quest, or rely on other people to tell him he doesn't need to improve himself. Yes, he's spiteful, murderous, homophobic, misogynistic, etc etc etc, but at least he won't just roll over and let paradox space tell him what to do.
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>a universe of nuanced and constantly evolving characters
hahahah that's a nice joke

also caliborn did nothing wrong
Holy shit this is so wrong

The only way you could even come to this conclusion is if Caliborn: Enter was the latest update.
>That Hussie’s Big Bad for the entire story is a gross, misogynistic, homophobic little monster who is violent and creepy and spiteful, a character that will never grow, is incredible. Because as much as I yawned through some of the backstory and worldbuilding for Caliborn’s existence, it was just as necessary as all the rest of Homestuck’s narrative.

I like the way you think an awful lot.

But I don't know if I can ever forgive what Hussie did to Spades Slick. It was so absolutely mean-spirited and rendered his revival, which Andrew's insert tended to personally, absolutely meaningless. It's like he wanted to flip off as many readers as he possibly could out of revenge for tethering him to Homestuck for 7 years, and he sprang it on us using a character everyone loves, including himself, because...???
Yeah, Caliborn actually grows a lot as a person. He's a prosogynist.
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Oh hey its this panel
So Scratch is like cal and the omniscient orb?
Spades and Vriska I think.
Now that I think about it Jack has both eyes I'm pretty sure.
>Captain Hook
oh so that Rufioh stuff is actually going somewhere
I have hope and you can't stop me
Yeah, what's with that? I mean, not the Exiles, but the ending?

Why is Can Town filled with Carapaces? Shouldn't there be some NEW species in the new universe? Like the trolls made humans and whoever came before the trolls made them, but now all the kids just made nothing?
>Now that I think about it Jack has both eyes I'm pretty sure.
Remember a shard of glass took John's harlequin doll's eye out, he doesn't
>I have hope and you can't stop me
seriously, its gonna be tragic
Caliborn's only despicable trait was his disproportionate hatred of women, and he actively tried to improve on that as of the Masterpiece, of all things. He's much more heroic than Vriska ever was or ever could have been.
It reminds me of those JumpStart games I used to play on the school computers in fourth grade.

Comfy in the worst possible way.
When was he homophobic anyway? I thought he liked yaoi and shit.
There is presumably sentient alien life all over the new universe.
Nothing say it has to be appear on the new Earth somehow, though.
I don't think it was mean-spirited so much as thoughtless. He just didn't think that anybody cared enough about Slick for it to make a difference.
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Remember when the Liveblogger's hope was ruined when she started reading Hivebent?

Just imagine how she'll feel upon reading about the first juju, or act 6 itself.

I really wish she forces herself to finish. I want to see her salt.
At least the statue is hot. Look at those fucking legs. That skimpy outfit on it makes it much more erotic than typical statue nudity would have been.
>I have hope and you can't stop me
wwanna bet
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>It's a good nickname too. Befitting of the passive gunslinger charged with initiating the break. I am my master's weapon. His soldier in a war of one bullet fired. But when that bullet clears the barrel, it won't be my finger on the trigger. I'm a facilitator, not an assassin
Damn I want that shit on my tombstone
Shit good catch
If I came around on 5 I'm sure its gonna be fine, everything else has been pretty on point so far
You see this shit with Jasper discourse too, or Peridot before her whole redemption. People there cannot see likeable traits in characters meant to be villains and even go as far as to harass people for being fans of them.
Could Hussie really be that stupi-yeah, you might be right.
Act 6 is like Act 5, except it's twice as long and it never gets good
>rich character development
>a universe of nuanced and constantly evolving characters, there is ONE who breaks the mold

OK I'm pretty sure now that I hate tumblr more atm
That's entirely probable, I guess I just would have liked a hint of it at the ending.

It just seems kinda weird and like Hussie never fully decided what being "Gods of the new universe" meant.
Peridot is great, she's like a girl Caliborn.

And that's pretty hot.
did Calliope ever evolve as a character
The entire retcon thing was fucking stupid.
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>Haa haa.
>Hee hee.
>Hoo hoo.
Scratch is Nanasprite confirmed
Top kek, Caliborn is actually the protagonist. He's the best character in Act 6, and is the only one who undergoes an arc. He actually achieves goals through hard work, against all obstacles. He's hilarious too.
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Caliborn is the villain because he is masculine
Caliborn is the villain because he tries hard
Caliborn is the villain because he doesn't let feelings slow him down
Caliborn is the villain because he doesn't buckle under pressure
Caliborn is the villain because no matter how great his problems he always presses on
Caliborn is the villain because he's not afraid to speak his mind, even if it means he hurts peoples' feelings
Caliborn is the villain because he dared to have dreams of being an artist
Caliborn is the villain because not afraid to do things alone and doesn't need a shoulder to cry on
Caliborn is the villain because he accepted fate and didn't act like a spoiled brat about it
Caliborn is the villain because he actively tried to improve himself instead of having other people fix his problems
>People there cannot see likeable traits in characters meant to be villains
It's worth noting that this only applies if they don't want to fuck the character. If they're attracted to the villain, then the villain is automatically sympathetic and understandable.
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Land of Pipes and Radium
Am I the only person who found it really weird that the carapaces moved into the new universe? They're game constructs. If the sprites (presumably) aren't supposed to survive/enter the new session then why would a bunch of chess pieces be able to?

It also raises the question of what sburb/sgrub elements still exist in the epilogue. If carapacescan exist, then did a bunch of consorts enter the new universe as well? What about non living stuff like items and abilities like quest beds and alchemiters?
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>Your demands are based on a feeling of entitlement to the facts, which is very childish. You can never know all of the facts. Only I can.
Man Scratch is a mean little bastard
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What was the reason behind Caliborn's misogyny? Other than being a caricature of the other half of the fandom. Was it because cherubs mating is basically hatesex, so it's kind of built-in for him?
The game is real. The things it creates physically exist. The game format is just the way paradox space chooses to present itself.
Ruse? I heard there was this whole thing about people accusing liveblogger of being a phony but I don't remember what it was about or how liveblogger responded to the whole thing
We see consorts.
mean little bastard, aka best fucking character

Reminder that is the absolute ultimate Caliborn voice and literally how he sounds like
He probably realized it was good way to piss off the humans and his sister and stuck with it
Carapacians are already meant to repopulate post-SBURB-apocalypse planets. I don't see why they couldn't be brought onto that same planet if it's brought in the new universe.

Caliborn's sister is everything he hates, and his sister is a girl, so he hates girls.
Seperated from Caliborn she's just as incapable of maturing as he is.
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>What was the reason behind Caliborn's misogyny?

iirc he just hated calliope so much that he hates women by extension
They picked up on some fairly obvious foreshadowing in retrospect and people just assumed that someone having fun reading the comic and pick up on 'little' things like 4/13 being everywhere was indicative of them just pretending to be a new reader. Their response was pretty plainly, 'why the fuck would I waste my time like that?'
>What was the reason behind Caliborn's misogyny?
>Was it because cherubs mating is basically hatesex?

Woah, I never thought about it that way
It's the old planet earth in the new universe.
do i eat it?
can i fuck it?
that's a baby you sick fuck
Because Lord English was a pimp.
be fair
we're all wasting our time here
Welcome to 4chan.

hussie forgot that detail

>he never got a fucking hat
I wish i had the Karkat/grub Terezi copypasta
am i still allowed to do what i asked?
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Post your OTPs.
it's cool that LE was supposed to be a pimp and all and fits Caliborn well, but i miss all the art of him being dapper and a clutz in general
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here you go, pham
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>What would you say if I said a reserved girl enamored by what dwelt in shadow was selected by the horrorterrors for service, and did their bidding at every step while convinced of her own autonomy?
>TT: Friendship isn't an emotion, numbnuts.
>The ball, dunkass.
This whole log was a goldmine
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do you ever look at zodiac symbols and your mind you refer to them as things like "vriska" instead of "scorpio"
I wanted LE to be like Professor Ratigan. Huge and menacing, but capable of a boisterously genial and effete front--until he got mad and reverted to feral rage.
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Look at all this flexibilty. Kickin bitches all day like it's her job.
Hey liveblogger, just in case you get there after I'm offline.

Pay attention to the banners every page, when it happens.
She wasn't real. All her reactions were conveniently just what /co/ wanted to hear at the time after the ending came out and salt was high.
Yes. I wasn't familiar with the symbols until I read Homestuck, so the trolls became my primary associations with them.
she's here right now
Yes, because who even cares about actual astrology?
I'm serious
like I was playing Final Fantasy Tactics and I forgot "Aries" because I couldn't get "Aradia" out of my mind
God, I just want to wrap my body around one of her legs and rub off against the smooth skin until I erupt on her.
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>Rose and Kanaya's faces
no but i immediately imagine the respective troll
i played that game for the first time like a month ago
great game, what version?
Can we get a nude edit of these Condesces please?
I wanted LE to still be an actual threat at the end
Like, the last time I actually thought of him as a threat was when the kids scratched and LE came
But then it was like, whatever, if he's such a cool guy then why not wreck shit
and then all he did was throw a tantrum in space without killing anyone important ever
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Gotta be prepared for all those heiress challengers, probly does pilates erryday to keep those legs kickin before a healthy dose of genocidal invasion.
Give me strength, anons. I cannot weather such idiocy.
Why the fuck would liveblogger waste her time doing that though? What would be the goal of ruse?
same. i want her feet on my face.
Hussie didn't think him through as an antagonist at all. He probably shouldn't have made him a direct threat, as much as Caliborn is my favorite character.
he just hates everything that calliope is. its also irony that this two-faced character that on both sides cares the most about gender above every single other character in the comic is itself genderless, rendering all its opinions pointless and stupid.
I mean, I was a tripfag once, and I did it for attention, so probably that? I think she's genuine though
just the playstation version, haven't tried WotL
He killed trillions of people that nobody cares about by destroying universes offscreen I guess

Although I have no idea how the Cal puppet ended up in any universes that weren't linked to the kids' and trolls' sessions
What's the best video game you've ever played, in terms of story and characters? I want something to take my mind off Homestuck.
He had a gender didn't he? I thought cherubs were only hermaphrodites before predomination. Although come to think of it he predominated wrong so he's probably still one.
Play Space Station 13
It's in his nature, his "alignment". He cannot be anything else but that and, as such, his affection is quite violent. I mean, by the time of his masterpiece, he was fine with calling Gamzee his friend, but still continued to abuse him.

Also, Caliborn developed quite the liking for fleshy humans (oh so different from his and Calliope's hard and carapace-y bodies) and he also seemed to retain some affection for large, glassy eyes like Calliope's.

So, you know. He displays his attraction through hate, and his guilty pleasure is innocent, tender affection.
Even if they kill LE Lil Cal would still be there in the void, right?
>that one smutfic where Karkat is babysitting the grubs, not noticing grub Vriska fishing out his dick and playing with it
>Karkat then feeling like a degnerate and hoping that no one would watch what is happening
>grub Vriska starting to stroke his bulge
>he ends up shooting his load all over grub Terezi while the cerulean grub giggles
>the teal grub eats the candyred load and burps
>grub Vriska now sleeping and cuddling with Karkat's bulge, her new best friend she will never remember
>Karkat then slowly realizing that he gave Terezi her red fetish and he resists the urge to puke

Holy shit.
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That black shit on the left seems to high quality for this?
Is that why these have retcon filenames? Cause of black goop?
They either become RIPPED or babes, but we don't know if they have genitals at all seeing as both the males and females of their species can lay eggs. There may be no distinction at all aside from how big the cherub gets in their normal forms, just like certain insects.
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>YOU get invaded, and YOU get invaded, EVERYONE GETS INVADED!
Rose just got taken over by horrorterrors and you're focusing on black goop?
>Although I have no idea how the Cal puppet ended up in any universes that weren't linked to the kids' and trolls' sessions
What's so hard to get about this? Cal's manifestation in any given universe is circular. It's a juju. It has no definable point of origin; it just shows up and has "always been there".
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Jesus this is unreadable
Sweetie I knew Rose was going off the deep end when she fucked up her gate and clearly established her arc would be 'fuck up for being a pigheaded bumbass', that shit aint no mystery
Why some of these panels have retcon in their filename is however still a fucking problem
>He displays his attraction through hate, and his guilty pleasure is innocent, tender affection.

That's so messed up man. This small child needed a better parent than some stupid cloun.
You don't have to read that, it's all lies.
tl;dr author will interact with the story, but his window of influence will be one yard
I really got into Fallen London and Sunless Sea recently; there isn't much focus on the characters but damn if the story and lore aren't excellent.
(SS is around $15 and has some terrible gameplay however. Try out FL first, it's free. Both play like grindy VNs though, maybe that's not your thing)

Shouldn't America be Breath, since it's the land of the free?
Objectively false.
Only one copy of the Juju can exist, any "duplicates" are either fake/impotent or they're part of a closed loop with the original.

We already saw lil cal's entire time loop, so it's impossible for him to enter any other universes.

>As the indulgent self inserts grow in frequency, you may find yourself increasingly afraid that my direct interference with canonical events approaches inevitability. But you should understand that I understand that I am dealing with forces which if handled recklessly will nullify the basic ability of intelligent beings in all real and hypothetical planes of existence to give a shit. It would be stupid of me to mismanage these forces, and even stupider of you to worry about it, because it would be stupid for you to think I was stupid. In fact, I feel a little bit dumber just thinking about it.

>When the time comes, I will interact directly with the events of this narrative. But this moment will responsibly be confined to a passive intervention. It will be compact, surgical, and essential. My involvement will have such precision, I have even managed to qualify it in units of physical measurement. I will be involved in only the narrow corridor of space though which light will pass in three nanoseconds.

>My window of influence, end to end, will be exactly ONE YARD.

SPOILER: he's lying
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines

There's a very good reason why threads titled 'Welp! time to reinstall again!' pop up on /v/ every once in a while.
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How would you fix Tavros' arc?
Delete him from the story.
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I meant unreadable as in a pain in the ass, thanks though
Man that wallet is op as fuck
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Characters who should marry Vriska Serket:

Hard mode: No Hussie
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This is a surprise to you?
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>Sweet, precious, beautiful Liv Tyler. You thought you'd lost her forever, just like Bruce Willis did when he blew himself up with a nuclear bomb in the center of an asteroid the size of Texas. His heroism and fatherly pride were ALSO the size of Texas.
I s2g if John Dies a Just death saving Rose I will drop this fucking comic
OJ Simpson
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>all this text
>it was all bullshit anyway

Wonder if he talks like this in real life? Do we have any record of Hussie's voice btw? Does he sound like the flimsy white nerd I imagine him to be?
Git gud bitch
>El heroe of Space
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Okay so the scratch does work and then they all lead normal ass lives dying for their own-not kids we saw in the lab who then do some more timetravel bullshit
wouldn't that be heroic
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Look at that smile!
Look at that hope and optimism
Gosh I love John
(Tavros) had an OK arc. Tavrosprite could be fused with Davesprite or something and he'd have an OK arc too.

Anyway, if you want to give him the best possible arc, just let him live through the meteor trip with Vriska dead. Bam, instant friendleader. Then show him helping the meteor crew out of its apathy, and he's fixed.

Tavros canonically has lots of potential and the best way to improve him is to cash on that potential. That's all.
as a ryona fetishist this pleases me
i wish she would kick me
John's pretty handsome desu
A what fetishist?
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troll!nicky cage

It would be a cold, loveless marriage, both of them only doing it for status reasons. Plus Eq's void powers come in handy when trying to hide evidence against her.
look up 'Barty Anderson' on youtube, you can see Hussie playing silly buggers with his brother
Ms. Paint giving Jack Noir a nursing handjob when
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potatoe potato
Damn these pages are beautiful
I just can't get over how stupid it was to retcon Vriska back. Why did he do that?
His voice is as "generic white nerd" as it gets, as you'll see when you listen to the videos provided for you. It is completely and utterly devoid of character. He doesn't even sound distinct in a negative or amusing way. It simply isn't a voice fit to carry anything the man's ever written.
"A fetish genre of (usually drawn) pornography which depicts a character physically hurt either in a sensual way, or in a sexual situation. "
Basically light guro
>not a footjob

has reading Homestuck taught you nothing

He sounds completely ordinary and typical. I dunno I guess I expected a voice more fitting for an evil mastermind or some shit.
Sounds hot
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jesus look at dem legs
kind of want to see the condesce trying to squeeze into a pair of jake's old short shorts
If you're still here; please don't give up katnep anon!
So for seer descend I'm gonna assume that rose Goes and fights Jack and loses because shes finally learning a lesson, iirc her dreamself is still good so she'll wake up on Derse in time for Dave and WV to show up and blow the session up
No, please do. KatNep is shit.
Tavros got off better than most fampai
Oh god please no
Thanks, Satan
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>shes finally learning a lesson
Oh Liveblogger, you're such a card.
wow rude
You know I'm right.
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Why? because it 'ruins' karkat?
No, it's just a really shitty ship.
its het

ship good ships davekat and johnkat

Jesus no.

Just no.

Holy fucking shit no. What the fuck is wrong with you for wanting the poor kid to suffer?
If she loves herself so much then why doesn't she lovemarry herself?
>stop using sbahj themed name because i was sick of people meming at me in video games
>play overwatch and decide it's been long enough dead that nobody will bother
>I’m 16 and mentally ill, very autistic also.

whao shocker
Use a Bard Quest themed name.

No one will get it.
what was the name?
Naturally the only thing to reply to such a statement is to call him a faggot
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Seer descend probably would have worked better if we didn't already see the bodies multiple times
Like the convo should have been changed from Jade going 'oh your mom is dead dude' to 'hey john's looking for his dad rn, hows your mom?' prompting rose to look.
>no dialogue on dad or mom's corpses
>4 red curtains
>1 blue curtain
>1 Red
>6 green
>Karkat will never dress himself like a punk, get a shitty dyke haircut and defend tattoos unironically

wasted potential, hussie
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you're a shitty ship

but what if I'm _ _ _not gay _ _

Who would you make her marry then? KANAYA?! She seemed to like him as ARquiusprite. Eq is a definitely a sub, she'd be controlling the relationship 100% but he wouldn't let her do just anything. Unlike Tavros.
>sbahj themed
nice try retard
I feel like Vriska is the one character Equius wouldn't sub to.

she's like just close enough to his blood caste not not be erotic while still being beneath him
if only
>not 4uu
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Also weird that Roses thing mentions breeding vs jade's
did you notice jade's banner isn't torn up?
>Abuse victim, easy target
>Didn't apologize for being a cripple, tried to stop Vriska, was a little shit to her in the afterlife
>Stronger than Vriska, could punch her into the sky any time
>Literally died to fulfill his submission fetish when he should have been protecting his moirail
>>>he wouldn't let her do just anything. Unlike Tavros.
I don't get your logic.
Though obviously it depends on the context you imagine that marriage taking place in.
>they make a pretty cute couple
>this goes nowhere
It's ok. JohnRoxy is cuter.

And canon
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>poor kid to suffer
Big sis will defend him from everything.
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Jack loves snausages yeah
>Dave's banner
>Dave never even met Caliborn, the pimp whilst in the crib
Hussie is honestly astonishingly stupid.
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A Dave/Caliborn pesterlog would be fucking hilarious
Hussie you hack, you should've written one
for what reason would that pesterlog be hilarious, other just that dave is hilarious and caliborn is also hilarious
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>I don't get your logic
basically this: >>82587347

I guess I was thinking more of Mindfand and Darkleer, maybe in a french aristocracy!AU or something. But ehh, one Serket/Zahhak is just like the other right?
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TG: fine its a title we inherit as phlegm babies or whatever but what have i done to earn it
TG: pretty much nothing but horsing around through time and swindling retarded alligators out of their life savings
TG: if that swords coming out of his chest its coming out clean
TG: taking it vertically means drawing more blood
TG: but horizontally means a clean break
TG: check it
Man Dave is the best, has all kinds of heavy ass shit on him and yet he doesn't go ape like some other dumbass relatives
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>I could say more about this too, but I'd rather not fill the news section with too many words today

I've been thinking about this quote and decided to count the number of words in the post, which turned out to equal 414 (one away from 413). Did I miscount or something?

(Pic Related)
Shit I meant this >>82587416
Are you autistic, by any chance?
I think Dave's irony and rambly metaphors would play nicely with Caliborn's bluntness and autism. A lot of Dave's best logs are him making fun of perverted and/or dumb characters, like Equius and Tavros; Caliborn is a dumb pervert with a lot of mockable traits.
I wouldn't exactly count [S] as a word.
He desperately needs to run his mouth like that to not to break down.
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TG: can you show me a little respect and assume any time i say something stupid it just means im temporarily being inexplicably retarded
TG: thats what a real friend would do
This fucking Kid
Alight I'm gonna grab a bite later nerds

Homestuck is still really good and I don't know why people are saying otherwise
I can kind of see the cracks and I sincerely hope its all an elaborate ruse or injoke I don't get yet
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