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I am feeling in the mood for a classic Penny Arcade thread. I'll

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I am feeling in the mood for a classic Penny Arcade thread. I'll post everything I've got.
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I think this one is my personal favorite of all time.
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And that's all I've got. Someone else feel free to jump in.
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Gay Gabe is best Gabe
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>if Gabe stayed gay for Spider-dick, the comic would never be about raising kids
I think about this one constantly. Poor Tycho. If only he knew what was coming...
>we're gamers, DON'T.FUCK.WITH.US.jpg
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After all these years, this one still makes me laugh the hardest of any PA strip.

This one is great too. In my head I can perfectly hear the tone in which he yells.

Still relevant today

I always loved the strips where Jerry talks shit about his parents. It's a pity they're both on medication now and aren't nearly as funny, but I guess it's good they're not tortured mopey wrecks.
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This always has been and always will be my absolute favourite.

Gul'demmit. I miss stuff like Charles and the Broodax.
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This is the first time I've seen the original, and I'm mostly surprised that he's still eating hair
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did anyone enjoy these two?
Considering they started out as a joke, they turned into a pretty good absurdist comic
Can't post any because I'm on my phone, but any ping pong related comics are golden
I love this one because I can take it's lessons into real life.
/r/ing the square dancing strips.
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>I only have one move left... the Dixie Twist!
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what the fuck even happened
The Dixie Twist happened, man
Some things just never change, do they?
I think I'd do a pretty good job as a plant, to be honest, but I can only imagine the kind of conditions they work under. I could never work at a place as draconian as EA, where I imagine someone is constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure I don't speak ill of Dear Company.
I imagine a place like EA would only pay like $2.00/hr due to the fact that they exploit overseas workers and since they can get bots to do a ton of the work for them now.
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I miss the old comics, but I also really miss the little short stories tycho would sometimes write in the news posts

I think about this one a lot
I still think this was their magnum opus
These and "Paint the Line" showed that one of their hidden talents was taking something silly or mundane and making it hilarious by going completely over the top.
I always wanted to have a nerf battle where people just say hardcore shit like in panel 2 for the hell of it.
I start giggling about here

And here is where I just lose it, every time. Something about how serious he is holding up the star, the look of revelation on Gabe's face, and the two guys in the crowd just looking back towards him like 'the fucking hell is this jackwad on about?'
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Nokia N-Gage is a legitimately shitty product though. Violence inducing.
I seem to recall that they also had some aggressively obnoxious marketing going on, and every game for their awful phone was garbage.
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It used to be so fucking good.
To this day, I still use "Fair enough" as a response to threats of violence
If you want to use it as an actual phone, you have to hold the thin end to your ear, because that's where the speaker/receiver was.

Even its most basic function made you look like a jackass.
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still amazing
>a new, DARK Zelda game
You know, in hindsight, the hype around that Twilight Princess was really retarded.

Nintendo already made a "dark Zelda game" with Majora's Mask.
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if only we'd listened
It was nicknamed the taco for that reason
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Yeah, but remember dumb dumbs thought it was an "apology" or a "return to its roots" after how colorful and cartoony WW was.

Speaking of, I still say "Zelda, more like Celda" all the time
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I'm glad people now generally regard Wind Waker as a good game, it didn't deserve the shit people gave it during release.

I love toon Link he has the best faces look at his face.
and its screen was laid out portrait style so it was hilariously unsuited for pretty much any actual game too (except maybe tetris)
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He's so precious.
It's unsettling how much Beast's voice actor in Marvel Heroes sounds like Kelsey Grammar.
WW is one of the best, but it was enough to feel whiplash when you're promised something that looks like Twilight Princess, and then you get cat-eyed and cartoony.
Yeah it did... so many good reads, so many good times. A time machine is needed to commmunicate the level of nostalgia i feel at this moment.
>18 years old
you know the really high point of PA was like 8 - 10 years ago by now right
PA is 18 years old
Penny Arcade is old enough to vote
I remember feeling old as fuck when it turned 10...
>Hey, I forgot about the phantom
>Google it
>Get an article written before 2004 discussing the phantom
>Read the wiki page

this one is showing the very early symptoms of neo-PA
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I know this is simply /co/'s nature but I find it really funny how the percieved "golden age" of PA just keeps sliding later and later. I'm almost positive /co/ was talking shit about some of these strips when they originally came out.
Your image post is not comic or cartoon related. Shitposting your video game images will not be tolerated here.
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Oh, wow, I remember reading those "Penny Arcade as done by Japanese students" strips long ago.

you aren't wrong
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Its almost been a decade since I first saw this, still laugh every time.
This art isn't very good. It needs to be more dynamic, more daring, more...bold.
This style looks exactly like Clerks Animated.
I have complaints about some of their recent strips but I actually never stopped liking PA

I guess I'm a faggot like that, but whatever

When are you going to draw more /d/orses?

I mean, same. Like I appreciate PA for what it is currently even if it isn't as bust-a-gut funny as it used to be.

I mean hell, I even Like Mike's art
There are complaints about Gabe's art style but I think it's good for artists to experiment rather than settle into a style. Settling like that causes complacency and stagnation and prevents growth as an artist.

Don't get me wrong, some of the strips are ugly as sin, but at least he's growing and changing and trying new things as an artist. I'll take the occasional ugly face over the consistent shittiness that is Fuckley or Mookie.
Gabe was HUGELY influenced by Stephen Silver, I remember him gushing about him in the occasional newspost.
love this one
>Idaho's biggest shitfarm

every time
>the little short stories tycho would sometimes write in the news posts

holy shit I forgot about those

>email some fan mail to PA before it's this huge enterprise with cons and shit
>jerry actually responds
>catch a grammatical error
>shit on him a little for it
>he responds again and rebuffs me
but majora's mask is gay
It's really a masterpiece isn't it?
every panel is hilarious in and of itself and yet as a whole they make the punchline all that more funny.
Requesting "please don't tell my parents"
Even the art. Gabe's thousand yard stare and that luminous green glow, Tycho covering his nose with his forearm. It's all so good.
I really liked how the early art wasn't anything spectacular and jerry's writing could really shine

some of the dialogue and writing was so good
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"Long story short, I’m getting my chicken soup on, it’s Sunday afternoon, and Gabe’s reading some Preacher in the Den, which is also the living room, the bathroom, and the foyer. I am interacting with pasta dough in what I think is a stern way, when I hear him say that he might like the soup better if it were, in fact, carrot cake. It hits us, hits us both, simultaneously, like a semi made out of lightning which is also a professional boxer. Carrot Cake Soup. You cube the carrot cake, some pieces have frosting and some don’t, and you put a handful of these chunks into a bowl full of milk. So let’s go do it. We’ll do it later this week, he says. But I know that’s the same as not doing it. Why not now, I say? I know a store where we can get all the stuff. You can just buy it, the way you can buy stuff in the household cleaners section and make a bomb big enough to kill God. The stuff is just lying around there and nobody’s doing anything with it. It’s not a crime to buy them separately, and what we do at home isn’t any of their fucking business.

I think someone might have been following us as we pulled into the parking lot, we walked toward the grocery store and tried to keep the conversation natural. We certainly didn’t discuss carrot cake or the soup one might make by cutting it into cubes and swimming islands of it in cold milk, pleasure islands, like you’d see in a magazine. At the bakery counter, a woman asks if she can help me, and I’m so nervous that as I’m pointing to the carrot cake behind the glass, my finger starts to tap in Morse Code that reads:



I mean, call me bait as much as you want. But now this kind of comedy seems way worse than when was a kid
"And where is Gabe with that Goddamn milk? There he is, in the self-checkout. Idiot. There’s cameras all over that thing, it’s like a Goddamn surveillance tree. It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. A red light flashes on, and off in my mind. At another checkstand, I pay with untraceable cash, assuring the woman that I will eat the cake by myself, without assistance from cows. I smirk. This woman has no idea that she’s just sold me the trigger to a flavor gun. Carrot Cake Soup is like the taste of watching girls make out. It has an extraordinary power that oscillates between gentle and overwhelming, between light and dark, between pleasure and more pleasure. When it was over, I realized that I was panting. I was in possession of carnal knowledge. And I knew that, somehow, every taste beyond this point was in the service of the one that still lingered, waited, to remind me that nature has laws, and those that break them are criminals, and though they roam free enough the knowing will hold them, and keep them, until the last."
>this whole rant

I love how he'd take some random friends-hanging-out shit and transform it into this surreal experience
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>This woman has no idea that she’s just sold me the trigger to a flavor gun
Holy shit

he really does have a way with words, doesn't he
>What did you say about me you little bitch?
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It could be a lot worse

>you could be reading QC
Good old Jeff Jacks, The very picture of artistic complacency
If you like Tycho's writing style, go find his rant about Ubisoft blacklisting Kotaku. It is a treat.
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This strip always comes to mind when I think about why PA stands out among "gamer comics" and why none of their many, many imitators could really compare. A lot of people would be complacent with the "Pooh as Sephiroth" joke, but that's not even the punchline, here, it's just set up. And I don't know about you but the thought of Se-pooh-roth being defeated by getting stuck in Rabbit's door makes me giggle.

Compare that to, like, VGCats, who did a KH/Winnie the Pooh comic too, but it was really generic and fell back on gore ("Pooh's a stuffed bear but he's alive, let's dissect him"). Not that PA wouldn't get violent but it was still funny instead of just going for shock value.

It all started with the wavy teeth at the end of 2008.


Always, and forever.
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I love just how mercilessly they shat on Infinium Labs.
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>Did you know a duck's penis is actually orange?
I use that line fairly often when there's an awkward silence and I at least somewhat know the people around me. Usually leads to funny conversations
Consider finding the good years, and buying a couple of the books. Jerry has commentary in there for every strip, that provides the context and mroe often then not is pretty funny itself.
And then you don't have to go to their shitty site and remember what once was. Buy it second hand, and no money goes to them too
People regard Wind Waker as a much better game than it really is. It's by far the waekest 3D Zelda game.
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It's still pretty good.
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I still like it too
Someone post that comic where they're handing out Game of the Year awards, and they give Call of Duty 1 "Best WWII shooter, now for the love of god can we have another genre now?"
Ah, how the tables have turned...
Actually, to give him his due, B^Uckley has actually improved a hell of a lot.

Still not stellar mind you, but better.
Ive actually memorized this monologue to threaten the first student who misbehaves in any of my new classes during the beginning of each school year. It absolutely terrifies them.
You'd terrify them more if you memorised this one.>>82576193
I remember reading about the Phantom in EGM way back when and i was so excited about it.
This was pretty much my exact feeling for this game.
This one would be perfect if it was just the first square.

>I hate going to the doctor.
>They're gonna do something to my ass.

Everything after that is redundant.
All good Nintendo games are pretty "queer" desu senpai. It's what makes them fun.
No, it's THE best.

>Select the pistol, and then, select your horse.

Skyward Sword though.

Skyward Sword though.

But anon Skyward Sword is also 3D though.
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>that callback to a previous New year's resolution comic
>Oh you got Mr. Simpson for bio? Jesus, good luck, he's a good teacher but he's a fucking dork. I threw a pencil at Dave once and he just looked up from his desk and started saying all this dumb monster stuff. It was pretty cringey and all the girls started giggling at him under his breath. We called him Mr. Sauron after that and he brought in the principal to tell us we had to stop.
Speaking as a fellow teacher, they think you're a fucking weirdo anon

>Did you hear about what Mr. Anon did?
>No? What?
>Chris started talking and he just flipped out and started talking about killing himself so he could come back and haunt him or something, it was really weird

When I was at school, my science teacher once had a break down out of nowhere, got up on the desk, took the battery out of the smoke alarm, pulled out a packet of cigarettes and started smoking. He allowed us to do so too in the classroom.

I bring this blog style story up because 10 years on and people still occasionally mention it when talking about our time at school.

You're going to be that guy anon. You're going to be Mr. Hunt.
Sadly "dog fucking" might not fly in a high school setting, administration-wise. Cant hurt to add it to my repetoire though!
Im ok with being the weird teacher as long as they sit down and shut up.
I would love if my kids called me Mr Sauron. That would imply theyve read a fucking book in their short miserable lives.
Other teacher here.

In my experience, kids are far more likely to engage with what you're teaching them if they have some degree of respect for you than if they think you're a fucking joke, but more power to you my man.
Let's take a look at why modern PA would never, ever make strips like these in the current year, shall we?

>Can't say "bitch" anymore. It's dismissive to women and sexist.
>Can't call things "gay" anymore. It's homophobic.
>Could potentially be viewed as offensive to African Americans based on the stereotype of the big black penis.
>Potentially offensive to gays by making it seem like a negative.
>Could be seen as offensive to transgendered people.
>Making fun of rural white people. Still totally okay, actually.
>Again, jokes against gays. Right out.
>Insulting someone by referring to them as feminine? Not a chance in Hell.

All shittalking aside, this is my absolute favorite.

Also speaking as a fellow teacher, the guy who claims to threaten students with this is full of shit. You do that once in front of a group of kids, and I guarantee you one of them will tell their parents about it that night and your boss will hear about it by the next morning. And if you have the sort of kids who wouldn't tell their parents about that, then there's no fucking way a stupid, dorky threat like that will scare any of them, because they aren't about to be afraid of some retard old white man in a cheap suit to begin with.
Take your meds.
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