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Rereading through Homestuck and I keep questioning myself: What

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Rereading through Homestuck and I keep questioning myself:

What the fuck does Blood, Rage and Doom do?

And why did Hussie never show any of these aspect powers?
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We'll never fucking know, send emails to what pumpkin asking for a SBURB guide, it's all that might work
Well from what the story presented us
Blood makes you weak and have an unsatisfying character arc
Rage makes you prone to violent lapses in mental stability for no reason
And Doom grants you the ability to be pessimistic about shit I guess

I don't know why he didn't elaborate further on these considering one major character and one somewhat less major character had them as their aspect and everyone else got better treatment
Andrew never gave much of a shit about those things. The point was to create a creation myth. Andrew's great idea was to have four characters with basic characteristics and a detailed plan of the game and how the creation itself would work and then let fans / the community and their opinions dictate how the characters interacted and develop. It was always going to end the way it did. The journey to get there was the fan input.
can someone give me the URL of the liveblogger?
What the fuck happened to Gamzee? Seriously. He went from being a stoner joke to an intimidating antagonist, and then for no reason Hussie decided to make him mute, and he didn't speak for a while. The time he spoke after that he just shouted random slang and swear words. Then the last thing he said in comic was "Terezi stop you're motherfuckin hurting me" in his old quirk for some reason.
Why did Hussie change Gamzee so much, how is it possible to make a plot device a background character?

Pretty sure you can chalk some of Gamzee's bullshit up to Rage powers.

Also Sollux literally heard the voices of the doomed.

Blood is a total mystery though, as is the Mage class. Some other classes are also not really explained but at least have evidence in the comic to base theories on, like Heir, Witch and Maid.
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So of all the characters who make it into the new universe at the end of the story (lets include Aradia/Sollux/Vriska for fun), who is the most likely one to go rogue and turn on the rest?

HARD MODE: no Vriska
Looking back at Homestuck, I don't think I particularly enjoyed any part of it besides that one bit where the Gangster guy murdered a fucking house full of Card Themed Henchmen
vriska is dead, fell into the black hole

I'd say terezi
The Intermission should have been s=6
John "unload a mag in a fag" Egbert will always be there, wherever they go
As always, Hussie was a hack and didn't have the resolve to deliver.
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I've got some questions too.

For example, what the fuck happened to the alpha kids after sealing Caliborn?

Also, how can DaveJade be an endgame ship when Dave was sleeping with his head on Karkat's lap on the meteor? I really like the idea of DaveJade but we never saw Dave and Jade even touch each other (while they were both alive, anyway). Is it even possible to sleep on another guy's lap in a non-gay way?
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>Dave was supposed to kill Lord English
>Instead he killed Spades Slick
Wrong gang leader, dumbass.
>Implying Spades didn't know what Dave was about to do
What else could he have been doing besides holding B2 Jack still
Regardless of your thoughts on Homestuck, would you read/watch whatever Andrew makes next?

(More specifically, his next non-homestuck project since it sounds like he'll be making Homestuck-related stuff for a few years still)
I enjoyed like half of it at least, but that intermission was the best part of the story. Everything about it is perfect and it marks the last real segment of "real" MSPA
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Reminder that the intermission was the best part.
Yes, because this time he probably learned from his mistakes.

The problem is that PS was relatively unambitious and too good so he didn't learn much besides animation from it, since it was almost flawless.
The original music for that flash is way better than the current one imo
Aradia can still save her ass.

Man. I can't even reread Acts 1 - 4. I'm still pissed about the music changes.

Like this.

implying aradia doesn't want to die because the god of time demands it
If Vriska and Sollux are dead, then so are the Beta Kids coming out of the Juju.
Who gives a fucking shit? Karkat will always be a shitty cuck ship character and I am sad how Hussie turned him into this crap.
>to sleep on another guy's lap in a non-gay way?
Honest answer? Yes.

But to be fair, they kept saying I was cute, so they may have let it slide on that point alone.










The only thing. THE ONLY FUCKING THING that makes this all better is that I only joined the bandwagon a month ago. If I had invested more time in this, I would've felt bad. Now, NOW I can just go on with my life. But I feel so bad for other people, who ARE actually invested in this.

No, she's very much alive and intending to stay that way.
And she also wants to see everything break apart.
yes, and?
this shitpost would be good except it spoiled the ending of the dark tower to me, god damn, I know I have no excuse to be so late
>Dave was sleeping with his head on Karkat's lap on the meteor?
> Is it even possible to sleep on another guy's lap in a non-gay way?
Are you serious?
Have you never fallen asleep when you watch movies with friends?
It doesn't seem gay at all.
How the fuck will he go rogue?
>Also, how can DaveJade be an endgame ship when Dave was sleeping with his head on Karkat's lap on the meteor?

Dave and Karkat are pale for each other. Obviously.
that was three years ago, and she finally got her death wish
oh look, this is being used as pasta now
I think the anon assumed Karkad would go ER after not being in a relationship with Dave, Jade or Terezi.
I don't know what happened.
dan this bit is just so great
>Aranea tells us that the Sufferer remembered his Beforus life before the scratch happened and he was opposing to Condy's rule
>the glorious implication that Beforus Karkat was a massive asshole to Feferi's rule how everyone was cuddled and pampered
Don't worry, that's just shitty theorizing and Karkat's character arc is already dead as fuck.
Who said Dave/Jade is endgame?
My instinct would be "Yes of course.", but I think it depends on just what manner of shitshow Hiveswap ends up being.

Basically everything we've seen from the very start has pointed to it being a Telltale clone. And all those games SUCK. If that's the kind of game WP has decided they want to make, and Hussie is all-in to making WP work as a game studio, I'm out.
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Guys I'm back on Myststuck and I really don't wanna go through it all over again.

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>complaining about the last good walkaround
>complaining about puzzles
to be fair that chewing sound is the worst
It's fucking boring garbage with shitty dialogue and the puzzles all suck dick. Slow shitty fuckhead bullshit fuck you.
just mute it and play dubstep or something
why don't you go play call of duty?
What points to it being a telltale clone? From what I've seen it looks like a standard graphic adventure, a genre telltale bastardizes, but can be done well.
all adventure games are telltale now
rather play mechanarium or botanicula or actually good puzzle games with focus on characters instead of shitty fuckhead baby garbage act six more like act SHIT

call of duty is the lamest fucking comeback ever btw
Nice try, but the Ancestors have zero to do with the personality of the A1 trolls besides design (Cronus having two scars, Mituna liking like a pilot)

Besides Meenah and Condy though for some raisin
you don't need to tell me act 6 is shit, but myststuck was one of the good parts
So why did he go full retard?
well I guess we RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE, motherfucker
I don't respect you bitch
I don't think they've made any mention of there being an inventory, for starters.
mimegoat fried his brain, by bringing about a situation where he had to over-exert his powers to protect the others
come at me bro I'll bring it on
Kankri and Karkat both lecture others at agonizing lengths; Karkat has enough self-awareness to eventually shuts up.
Rufioh and Tavros are pushovers; Tavros can put the brakes on before he falls into bed with someone.
Mituna and Sollux are both spazzes; Sollux can keep a lid on it most of the time.
etc etc etc
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Come on, man.
My theory is that Mime used chucklefuckvoodoos to mindrape Cronus and forcwd him to go out of control like Jake but more bardily and Mituna had to stop the hope bard from destroying everything. Kurloz and Mituna aren't actually moirails, he just controls Mituna and thats why he "talks normal around Kurloz"
That has to be a fake screenshot.
blood is friendship and teaming up with people eg blood pacts

see: karkat first meeting jack

then in his chat with kanaya near the end he talks about his drive to support his friends and such

in actuality though classes and aspects are probably just "however they can be interpreted" going by calliope logs
But they decided to scrap all progress and started from scratch with 2D graphics, yes?
>Blood is friendship
Nah, that's Breath.
yeah. But that doesn't remove the fucking inventory
how is breath friendship

i haven't re-read in ages but my recollection of breath is just "windy thing" and john warping everywhere and doing what he wants
>the whole meteor trip went to shit when Aradia and Tavros died
If Scratch didn't exist, who turned Kurloz?
in any case if blood isn't friendship / working as a team when shit gets real then it's probably fighting spirit since that's what karkat assumed

but karkat is also implied to be wrong about everything about sburb/sgrub so i took that with a grain of salt
It actually all goes to shit the moment Dave sends Gamzee the ICP video.
Vast Honk triggering his loyality to LE.
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reminder that the rose kanaya conversations were the best part
Was it before or after Aradiabot exploded?
>Hussie decided to make him mute

This is a combination of two things: 1) He was never actually god-tier and unless there's at least one god tier character involved in the conversation, characters can't speak out loud. For most of act 6 there weren't any god-tier characters present, so he couldn't speak, and didn't seem interested in online conversations with people. And 2) : It seems like for most of Act 6 he was being directly controlled by Aranea, who didn't care for the way he spoke, so there was that.

>Then the last thing he said in comic was "Terezi stop you're motherfuckin hurting me" in his old quirk for some reason.

He was playing her. Pretending to be his "old self" so that she'd doubt herself in treating him like the villain he was. And the moment she allowed herself that moment of doubt, he capitalized upon it by brutally assaulting her.
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I really feel sorry for this guy, he seemed so into it
the UI is obviously a mockup, every object is a different resolution
Well, they still clearly want an inventory in the game.
How would you fix Hivebent's story if it became its own comic?

I still feel like Jade's replacement theme music, "The Beginning of Something Excellent" is a mild improvement over the already-splendid original music, but I agree that all of the other replacements are poor fits.
It's not quite as good, but is more fitting for Jade's personality
How come Kurloz was so into his religion and Gamzee wasn't?
don't introduce the shallow characters and kill them during the session
Lord English was fucking around in Beforus.
Kurloz received a vision while dreaming which caused him to go full on evil and take his religion more seriously.
probably English chucklevoodooing him through Cal

people give Gamzee a lot of shit as a plot device but considering English is partly him it makes sense that he uses him as a pawn
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was that the night he HONKed so loud it made Meulin deaf?
That or Kurloz received his vision through a dream? Maybe he had already died and used up his Prospit self? Or somehow fell asleep as both his waking and dreaming self? Since chucklevoodoos seem to be rather more subtle (the Highbloods in the A2 universe using it to control the populace, I believe?) in their use.

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>1. Introduce Karkat first, but make Terezi the main character instead of the shitty girlfriend character
>2. Karkat, Terezi, Kanaya and Vriska are the main protags, Aradia, Sollux and Tavros are secondary protags who also help the plot, Gamzee and Eridan are the janitor assholes who kill the minor trolls
>3. Keep Vriska as the anti-hero character
>4. Revive Aradia and let her join the session
>5. It turns out that Karkat is also an asshole and wants to become the next tyra- leader of Alternia
>6. Vriska kills Tavros
>7. Terezi brings Gamzee to justice, Kanaya kills Eridan
>8. Terezi kills Karkat (Law Path) / Terezi kills Vriska (Chaos Path) / Terezi kills both of them (Neutral Path)
>9. Terezi faces YHVH (a floating homestuck symbol head) with Kanaya, Aradia and Sollux, postponing trollkind's fate and resetting the universe (Neutral Path)
>10. Call Hussie a hack for ripping off the plot of a jrpg
yup. cut out his tongue and sewed his lips shut in guilt for doing so
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This is something.
You can make a lot of money betting with a new reader about who ends up with John

you can even spoil that it's someone in the first few acts (technically)
>characters will have sylladexes
>they are all just Array with collision detection
Roxy and Mom are different. Just like how Dualscar wasn't a faggot greaser.
is that a fucking sarswapagus key
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>doing what he wants
Not this shit again.
It fucking is
>Joey finds it floating in space wherever LE left it
>She takes it for a joyride
>Karkat was wrong
>Blood is LITERALLY your blood and so he never fucking used it
Hopefully, you get to choose, so you can have a completely frustrating modus to work with so you get the True Homestuck Experienceâ„¢.
Bolin did the original music for [S] Midnight Crew: Act 1031 and Hussie changed it when he left.
A) If Hiveswap is anything to go by, Young Mom is Roxy down to her fucking shirt choice
B) They're LITERALLY the same person, just raised differently Cronus + Alternia = asshole pirate instead of douche wizard)
>Kankri could shoot blood from his eyes like Dio
It's like Deadman Wonderland
i don't get it
but Roxy is already a rogue
well shit, you solved the pasta
Bolin asked Hussie to remove all his music from the comic when he left the music team.
He didn't even mention the infinite time loop Roland is in
Heh, say what you will about homestuck, there is some Morrison level hypercrisis shit in it
So what is everyone's opinions on it switching from 3D to 2D?
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It doesn't mean ANYTHING compared to JRR Tolkein



Let's ignore the fact that LoTR came first, and is a major inspiration of almost EVERY fantasy series after it.

Do you know the shit JR Tolkien did to make Lord of the Rings? He made THE ELVISH FUCKING LANGUAGE





























I wish I could go back and read Homestuck for the first time. Then have someone block the website for me once act six starts. This dude's reactions are pretty on point.
Blood is linked the the ties of leadership, Karkat never shows any real power because his role is to come after the end of the story
Rage is a very simple one, it is linked to either the controlling or release of rage for power
Doom is the most nebulous, from what I can tell it is about the timelines, a Doom players job is to manage the Doomed Timelines (for example Meenah being the one to kill her friends and allow a timeline with a chance at winning the game to exist)
He killed SS who was being possessed by and basically was another LE
This doesn't really work out of the original context.
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>the fellowship wouldn't have beaten Sburb
I wanted it to be 2D in the first place, I can't complain. Other than the fact they wasted all that time making it 3D.
>the Condesce's gams
Is there a finer pair on Alternia, Earth, Derse, or any other world?
>you will never peel that wetsuit off of her
Tolkien never made a Flash animation, what a hack.

>tfw no Roxygf
Why did nobody use Red Miles after DD?
Fuck, I don't know what I was thinking, got my wires crossed
There goes my Doom theory, but the other two still hold
Why didn't Hussie use DD after Red Miles?
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okay, this is the point of that fanventure when i can't even open actual MSPA anymore
this thing is so much better than whatever Hussie called an ending
>Why didn't Hussie use DD after Red Miles?

If you wanna believe the aspect duality theory and that life and doom are paired, then if she stole all their lives, she would have left them doom
> this guy
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The aspect duality theory has some major holes
Besides, it's Doom/Hope not Doom/Life
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Davejade has been endgame from the start
Mother nature
and father time
I thought it was Hope/Rage? Given the focus on positive vs negative emotions respectively.
What's with this page? Did Hussie want to make a Midnight Crew story?
Sky Father, Earth Mother

John/Jade confirmed
dude it's doom/time. that's why doom is a damaged cog
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Oh hey, his desk is a plank of wood on some cinder blocks
Nobody fucking uses that
Except it's literally Doom/Life, rtfc

jack noir is literally never a good guy

does anyone have the AROUND JACKS NEVER RELAX picture
from the guys who brought you "the Trolls should've been the villains"

comes a NEW kind of shitpost
It's LITERALLY Doom/Life, UU says so.
Yeah this.
Davekat was a last minute thing Hussie had to stay relevant. Once it was obvious that wasn't working, he dropped it like the sack of shit it was and resumed the original, better Dave ship.
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DESU that's a quality shitpost.

Time and space being connected is the only one confirmed in the comic.
Fill me in or link the page because I cannot remember her talking about Life/Doom duality at all
Time and Space are the only aspects that matter, period. All of the others are even completely optional to a session. Sburb is very poorly thought out and you can tell Hussie completely lost interest in it past a bunch of programming jokes with getting a session set up once Act 4 ended.
>sun god
So Rose
Light has nothing to do with Celestial Bodies

Which is a shame because that would have been interesting
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>Time and Space are the only aspects that matter

Damn right
>thinking light is in any way connected to actual Light
>you don't need him
>it turns out that Terezi doesn't need THEM
By him he meant Andrew Hussie
it was the dragon
>Ancestors created as a way to illustrate what the trolls would have been like had they grown up on Alternia instead of being pressganged into Sgrub and destroying their world (and as a way to poke fun at languid fanfiction about trolls)
>Redglare outright referred to having the foresight of a Seer, the Condesce's entire character grew out of Feferi's Witch title (and she was referred to as a witch herself long past Meenah's existence), etc.
>Beforus trolls come along
>Suddenly, their classes are different just because
>Now we have the Ancestors' Ancestors having to serve the original Ancestors' purpose
>We never see them, which is more a blessing than anything
Hussie shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a keyboard and left to his own devices like this ever again.
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>Terezi literally didn't even know that humans, let alone Dave, existed at that point
>decides to completely abstain from any form of romance just to be safe

(Terezi) had very little faith in the intelligence of her past self. No wonder she got along with Karkat so well.
Exactly. It's destiny, even if they didn't want each other.
The ancestors have no ancestors

their classes changed to fit their descendants
>Dave and Jade effectively ran their own session for a while
God dammit
It fucking sucks and feels nothing like HS, but I just need an ending. ANY ENDING.
> any of these aspect powers
Sufferer used Seer of Blood powers to know Beforus.
homestuck will never end kid
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> asking for a SBURB guide
Speculations are miles above anything that Hussie could pull at this point.
>The readers care way too much about this dumb, vague video game and how it works. Heh, I know, I'll have the titles amount to nothing but colorful pajamas at their highest tiers instead of all the RPG equipment they draw the players in all the time, that should shut them up.
god tier pajamas ruined one of the best things about Homestuck, alchemizing new gear
rachel said he's got detailed classpect notes, they're already done
We gonna be salty fags until the epilogue?
I always found it weird how the trolls who had God Tier would switch back to their normal attire but the kids just stayed with their God Tier jammies.

Also it upsets me more that they never upgrades their pajamas.
im honestly p chipper about the ending but im pretty sure anyone who isnt is gonna stay salty well past the epilogue
Well... He got detailed ending notes too years ago.
and they were shit only because they didn't fit with the actual story
but classpects shouldn't have the same problems

humans change clothes in normal life though. its implied that all troll kids wear the same shit all the time and fashion eg. kanaya is considered kinda odd. given that it makes sense that theyd even take off their god tier stuff to put on the same clothes theyre used to
classpects already have all those problems, any self-contradiction in the classpect system is waved away as an exception
Why the FUCK is he keeping them to himself
New reader starts reading homestuck
They actually love it and pick up on some neat shit and inadvertently show us some foreshadowing we never saw as non-archive readers
They hit the end of Act 4 and claim they want to finish the whole comic while riding high on [s] Descend
They get to the troll introduction and immediately tap out since they pretty reasonable haven't enjoyed the troll stuff up to that point
>birth of the new universe
>ambiguous LE death
>birth of LE
>kids winning the game

No I'm pretty sure he planned that out years ago.

Though he started thinking of the epilogue when he realized people would hate the ambiguities.
Are you implying that an epilogue will actually make people less salty?
> some foreshadowing
what foreshadowing?
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ddota is bad cuz not funny

homestuck is fucking off the wall and inconsistent as fuck and always has been but you're always carried through by the jokes which are REALLY GOOD. the story flat out doesnt work if you try to play it straight
Hey as long as davekat stays sunk in it I'll be happy
>we will never hear from them again
If Hussie continues to pretend that he doesn't need to show the ending, then yes, I will still be salty
Wait, what's this about DOTA?
>you're always carried through by the jokes which are REALLY GOOD
Most of the jokes aren't that funny especially when you see them repeated 3 times over and have to wade through mounds of garbage to get to them.
im p sure it was a joke pal. they were goin to bed and as the end of the first 'book' descend is good place to leave the story
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off the top of my head
Imagine all the outfits they could have alchemized after getting their jammies.
are you joking. did you read the whole thing? all 8000 pages of this fucking shrine to excess? i literally cannot understand how someone can make it through homestuck without finding the jokes funny

do you intentionally torture yourself? this comic IS the jokes. the whole thing is a fucking joke. every plot point and twist is another joke.
Homestuck basically wasn't funny during Act 6 except for during Meteor/Yellow Yard intermissions and Caliborn. So, like, half of Homestuck is just unfunny and barely readable.
The Condesce would have won her battle if she came out naked
Rose, Kanaya, John, and Roxy would all be completely distracted and fail.
What are the odds of getting a newspost tomorrow?
one can only wish, anon
Don't be a baby, man. If Homestuck were an 11 minute cartoon, it wouldn't get bad until around the 8th minute. The updates don't go nightmare mode on your ass until post-Game Over.
oh god tomorrow is 4/20
better make plans to leave the house all day
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Explain this meme to me.
nice double trips
>its irony bro
I make somewhat of a habit to read bad webcomics and Homestuck is one of the top in that regard.
You can't say that the comic is entirely jokes when it takes itself as seriously as it does. Thats just plain bad writing.
Its an 8000 panel shrine of circlejerking and jewishness aimed at retards.
You aren't as creative or funny as you think you are, Hussie.
this confirms we're getting a naked condesce fight right
But none of the jokes are funny
http://chickensnack.tumblr.com/tagged/dogs someone really liked drawing dogs. Tuesday again? No problem................. dog was one of them. It was popular enough that people made edits of it.
Hussie is a creative genius and can write dialogue and worldbuilding with the best of them. He's at the top of that game today.

The catch is he is absolutely fucking abysmal at Writing with a capital W to a degree that soils his achievements
>Rose, Kanaya, John, and Roxy would all be completely distracted and fail.
Rose, Kanaya, and John WERE distracted. Why else do you think that Roxy got the kill?
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Post Condie
Yeah but it's not an 11 minute cartoon, it's one of the biggest works of fiction in the English language. So I'm not suffering through three minutes, I'm suffering through three years.

You are right about post-Game Over being nightmare mode, but it only went from bad to worse at that point.
After that ending, I'm inclined to say that Problem Sleuth is Andrew Hussie's magnum opus, and not this heaping pile of shit.
What kind of lover do you think she'd make? Keep in mind she utterly dwarves any human.
In the end, it was Roxy's overwhelming straightness that saved her life.
Oh yeah, now I remember. Thanks!
Adult trolls are all canonically black as fuck, so Condy was basically wearing the world's most revealing one-piece swimsuit ever.
I think that I want her to peg me.
>I make somewhat of a habit to read bad webcomics

yeah youre retarded i guess. theres skimming through moon over june and then theres reading through the entirety of one of the longest pieces of fiction in english. this isnt a habit this is some kind of self-harm addiction.

>its irony bro

well, um, hm, like, yes?
Adult trolls are still grey, it's just that Hussie never let up on the silhouette stylization for them. One of the panels with the adult Handmaid shows her with grey skin in order to illustrate that she's wearing stockings. You clearly see her hand.
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posting large fish wife
I want to think she'd be into some weird babying kink shit cus' Meenah thought Karkat was cute little munchkin, but in reality she'd probably just goosh your butthole open until you died.
Shut up, let me have this.
She married Colonel Sassacre in one universe and greatly appreciated John's comedy in another. I don't know what this means but she probably really likes corny old man comedy.
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It depends on how you feel about being skewered by a real whale of a bulge
>vriska kills tavros
that already happened, desu
This is a good point, maybe she just likes curling up on the couch with you in her impossibly huge lap while you watch shitty movies and she plays with your hair and makes fun of your bald spot.

When did she show that she liked John's comedy, though? I don't remember that.
If the only long-winded, running joke to a 8000 panel monstrosity is "its supposed to be bad" that is fucking stupid and you're equally retarded for finding it funny in the slightest.
Homestuck is bad, whether it be intentional or not, Hussie is a shit writer.
>implying you can't skim Homestuck
Come to think of it, is it possible to extrapolate the Grand Highblood's sense of humor from that?
I probably shouldn't be telling you guys, this, but...the Condesce was almost the final boss of Homestuck, until Andrew decided Lord English had a more visually impressive presence in animation. This might have something to do with the anticlimax that was his battle.
>LE wasn't originally the final boss

Gee anon do you think you can drop more shocking revelations of this caliber? We genuinely had no idea
>goosh your butthole
all of my fetishes desu
I doubt that, and I also doubt you have anything to back it up.
She married Sassacre twice.
She loves clowns and baking.
She finds human sex repulsive.
What is this feeling
Why do I want this

Poppop Crocker was favored by the Condesce, it's part of Dirk's big talk about Earth's history-future with Jake.
This Serendipity gospel fanfic is the shit. Best goddam fanwork I've ever read.
this poster referred to Hussie by his first name, they must know him personally
So is livereader dead?
Yes. I hit him with my car this morning. Sorry you had to find out this way.
He deliberately confused most of the endgame ships so people could keep arguing about them.

"Not like this, Terezi." Remember this for me. You'll understand.
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Hard to say
Yeah, and adult humans all canonically have entirely blank faces with no features on them whatsoever. It's stylization, man.
Well, lucky you.
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i dunno man there were a lot of really good jokes in homestuck that i laughed a LOT at so i might be a retard but im a happy retard whos doing the things he loves

i feel bad for you that you apparently wasted a huge portion of your life reading this shit when you dont get it. gonna suggest you look for something you enjoy next time
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Please tell me we aren't going to go through this whole song and Dance for all 12 of the ayys
this is 4chan
we live for calling things shit on the internet
>Rose never learns any lessons or suffers a comeuppance for her behavior
>she even gets out of being hijacked by Horrorterrors because all their influence actually does to her is garble her speech, and going god tier cures it all
>she is never knocked down a peg
>she is only knocked up and pegged by Kanaya
I'm sorry, but I don't think you're going to enjoy the rest of the comic much.
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we aren't going to go through this whole song and dance for all 12 of the ayys

we'll do it for 24
Real people don't have arcs.
Oh shaddap, there's some seriously cool shit in Acts 5 and 6.
First of all, she gets knocked down a peg like all the fucking time. She got played by Scratch, succumbed to the horrorterrors, become an alcoholic. Whole bunch of shit.

Second of all, she didn't even need to be knocked down a peg to begin with. She just acted playfully smug around Dave.
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Mom was a good mom.
this is not a song and dance liveblogger friend this is a fucking royal retard waltz soundtracked by the remixed screams of the damned themselves

by which i mean yes you are going to go thrugh this whole song and dance so many fucking times youll puke from the spinning

its worth though???? maybe?????
Fuck, don't remind me anon. At least John and Dave had some solid development later on, Dirk and Dave's conversations were a real highlight of act 6 for me.
There will be an introduction page for each, but really this is just an abridged story of their session, from start to finish, with only three of the Characters really being the focus.

Try and focus more on the world building
So does Gamzee worship John since he's into a clown cult?
Imagine if Rose actually had to raise Roxy.
It's a bit more... convoluted than that.
She could have been better. But John will give Roxy a chance to redeem herself momwise
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Perfectly generic object throw pillows when?
Rose would be the most hands off/absent mother ever because she's afraid of doing things wrong and the only way she figures stuff out is by violently fucking up over and over again.

If Kanaya was the second mom they'd make a good team, though.
What is with all these newfriends who think Homestuck is a story about comeuppance

Rose got fucking wrecked earlier anyway
But anon, Homestuck is a story about comeuppance. The comeuppance is the reader's, for daring to go anywhere near Homestuck.
>miracle modus is LE lights

rose is a villain.
That'd just make it worse. Kanaya wouldn't know how to handle Rose being shit at moming because she comes from a civilization without it as a concept. Eventually the kid would just go to live with grandma roxy or something
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english doesn't have teal or cyan
>you'll never have sex with a roxy cosplayer inside a perfectly generic fort
should my davemom fic end with rose walking in or mom going to get a drink
or both
It's not like the concept of rearing children at all is completely alien to her, I'm sure plenty of Alternian wildlife reared their young. Her naturally fussyfang meddlesome behavior would make her a natural doting mother, while Rose would counterbalance it. At least, that's how I'd see it working out.
Fucking incredible.
The former. Both is acceptable, as long as Rose walks in.
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On a scale of 1 to 10 how mad to you think they'll be?
>not going to live with the most stable family, thei uncle Dave and aunt Jade
They'll stop reading before they get to that point.
Shit, now I want a Homestuck Family Reunion epilogue.
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Is that fucking ICP
Oh god is that fucking miracles video going to be like his bible?
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I'd expect disappointment more than anger, given how it was initially played in a similar tone and manner to John and Dad and Rose and Mom.
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I wonder if Andrew had decided on the God Tier outfits and their colors early on. The color matching-swapping of Dave/Jade and John/Rose, together with

"A realm where four will gather, the Heir of Breath and Seer of Light, the Knight of Time and Witch of Space, and together they will Ascend. "

John and Rose grouped together. Dave and Jade grouped together.

All of that makes me think he developed the colors at first in relation to potential endships. And then didn't bother to change them when he decided to go a different way with ships.
>burdening dave and jade with even more kids
terezi was the only one keeping doomed timelines in check
You've only scratched the surface of an incredibly convoluted mess, hope you like clowns.
In case it wasn't obvious, the trolls are all (very vaguely) based on internet subcultures/personalities. Karkat is the type that is always angry at things on the internet, and Gamzee is a Juggalo. (This was made in 2010 to be fair)
you must LOVE the deus ex machina canon ending then
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Was that video even out yet?
Roxy will be glad to take on another kid after her womb became unusable
yo real talk people

was the icp miracles meme as big of a thing as it became before it was in homestuck? i know gamzee was only introduced a month or two after the video came out. i know a few homestuck jokes have blown up into memes that most people have no idea are related, but im not sure of the order of events here.
fuc k yeah it happens to me all the time man ! and when your friend is sleeping with his head on your lap and you put your hand on your friends shoulder while smiling like an idiot and watching a romcom ! now this is a real friendship
Yeah don't worry about a password for now.
Don't worry about it now, it'll make sense much later. I actually enjoyed this whole part of the story when I first read through but yes it is related to the whole retcon plot.
dont guess it just skip and carry on youll come to this way later
oh shit what classpects would they all have??
It's mentioned that Popop John turned out pretty well adjusted despite having Condy for a mom. Which people have taken to mean that she treated him pretty well.
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Okay this was pretty funny
Trolls honestly aren't that bad. I imagine it was awful having to wait for updates on these new characters after Descend though.
We'll at most get some sort of hook for the Homestuck TV show that's in development and a baby or two
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>treating fanart as canon

I guess jane is fat as shit
frodo is heir of doom :(
Not to mention it was drawn by someone who actively thinks Davekat is terrible and she's right
having to wait for things has almost always been the main problem archival readers had with whatever part of homestuck was ongoing at the time
Boromir- Bard of Rage
I started reading the comic once Descend dropped and honestly, act 5.1 wasn't that bad. The amount of updates that came out in a single day made it feel like we were moving along quickly. It really only got bad during the first hiatus, after the terrible quadrant explanation, and the hiatus before Make Her Pay. All in all, I had a lot of fun with Act 5.1. Especially with all the reactions from Vriska on HSG
Remember that guy who said that losing his arm was still better than Davekat
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Did the author have a girlfriend that stole his toilet?
Seriously what the hell
you mean serial readers
>archival readers
uh, non-archival readers
what's the word for those?
i quit the comic first time through towards the end of a5a1, but when i came back recently and read through the whole thing it wasnt bad at all. at the time i was put off by the quadrant thing but now im a little more aware i see it as the dumb convoluted parody of shipping that it is and i like it
I want Rose to sexually steal my toilet
>[S] ACT 7 only has 400k views
That's... extremely disappointing.
yeah, that
>unusable womb

you take that back
No, it was great waiting for these. Remember how Equius was revealed, and then the perspective immediately changes out of fear? It's great. The hype for waiting for the next one to be revealed, along with their weapons and misc. shit was fun
Updates were also very regularly paced, with multiple ones each day sometimes. They were easy to do and the longer ones were usually because of logs.
serial readers
Compared to what?
Do you honestly care?
She gets one baby before it goes off, afterwards it's the Nagasaki of wombs, only an arch is left standing.
To a shitty Spanish Youtuber who gets 1M views in one day.

Looking at a moving average of 149 days, the highest average of any 149 day period is centered on the update where Equius got kissed by Aradia. That is the page of the greatest updates. It's all down hill from there.
probably compared to the millions cascade had almost immediately
There was plenty of "who's Rose" posting and the like going on, though.
I love that during the height of Homestuck 5 days counted as a hiatus.
Do you have any actual numbers for that?
Cause all I see is this.
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So these guys are all based off the zodiac right?
We've seen capricorn, cancer, libra, aquarius, and now this dude
Sorry man, but it's Jade who rocks the fertility. She'll be eight months pregnant and radiant, for Roxy, it'll be pain and suffering but so so worth it when she holds her baby in her arms
Bitch, that was NOTHING compared to how Jade was falling for 3 months, and then fell asleep.
We had the first, actual, hiatus when the first kiss happens too. I think that was when communism and maybe metastuck came to be. It took about 2 days for both to happen.
Yeah. Those designs on their shirts are astrological symbols, and there's the puns in their online handles.
i dont have any numbers, but keep in mind it was also hosted on the main site, and megaupload
oppa toby style is a good ass song
might as well repost this strawpoll i made from the end of the last thread
>Uploaded Oct 25, 2011 | 7:50 PM EDT
>I guess jane is fat as shit
Well, she's canonically at least chubby
caliborn is literally 4chan
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She still murdered John, so no not really.
I like Sollux though
That is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
It doesn't count embedded view iirc
Then why did you read it nigga?
Terezi and Sollux are two of the best trolls, mostly because they get shitloads of good moments and generally don't put up with shit.
Some trolls you'll hate so much, that others will look fantastic by comparison too.
Wow, a comic based around video game jokes made an old as shit video game culture reference, what amazing foreshadowing Hussie.
>Liveblogger isn't a filthy Terezi-Apologist

No, it's fitting
not him, I enjoyed most of Act 6, but it was probably a mixture of sheer inertia, wanting to see how it ends after having invested so much time in it and the ever present hope of it becoming fun again
How will liveblogger-chan react when they get to the quadrant exposition?
And how'd that work out for you?
What, enjoying Act 6? Pretty okay, I guess?
I hope she understand that it was supposed to be a joke.
She was just trying to save her session.
Would it ever stop being usable? She's immortal.
A joke that he then proceeded to play completely straight and without a hint of irony for the rest of the comic
it was SUPPOSED to be, yeah
Like she tells Davesprite, though, she didn't actually think it'd work because of temporal shit.
That just means she doesn't die, it doesn't stop her uterus from crashing like an Obsidian game after the first baby
Yeah, that's what You-Know-Whofags say, too.
Not really. What she was is fucking around with things for the hell of it because she thought nothing could go wronger than it already was.
>A joke that he then proceeded to play completely straight and without a hint of irony for the rest of the comic

isnt that literally what homestuck is
Blood means you suck and are damned to a life of suffering

Doom means that something horrible is going to be your fault, accidentally, and also you aren't going to make it

Rage means that you are or will become a psychopathic murderer and have almost unimaginable physical strength
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What do you guys think the WORST part of the story was?

Mine was when they retconned Bro's abuse of Dave as something that mattered
Damn, you got me there, whatever that means.
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Fucking dub trips
Blood = Suffer or make people suffer

any other answer is wrong
If I tell a blind person that the light is red so they can cross the street, just because I think I hear people who made it to the otherside, I'm still responsible for that blind person being hit by a car cause the light is actually green

No? There wasn't like, an arc of the comic devoted to grinding for boondollars. Nobody went out of their way to actually try to get grist. The ranks and god tiers don't matter and never did, besides whether or not you came back to life after being killed in a stupid way. But troll romance, boy howdy, we needed hundreds of pages of that apparently.
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>that comic
Jesus christ.
I'm trying not to spoil liveblogger, but you can guess which character I am talking about
Sburb is just a game dude, it's not supposed to be a biblical shipping railroad.
Dude you can say Voldemort's name, those books have been out for ages now.
I'm going to guess ::::)
>The worst part of the comic is somehow the best pesterlog in the entire comic
lol ok faggot

By the way, the answer is and always will be trickster mode
Man, sometimes I forget how retarded Karkat is.
FUCKING MAGNETS was pretty big. I don't think Homestuck even referenced that part.
he shouldnt be allowed to date dave on account of how retarded he is
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Okay so when their world ends the virus triggers the intermission stuff
>No arc for grinding boondollars/grist
Did you just forget Dave's stock exchange shenanigans which were also used to help him develop time powers? With Terezi's help?
And they used automatic torrent services to siphon grist, along with having their sprites do the busywork while they dicked around. Once you reach a certain point in the game, you're not even expected to hardcore farm shit unless you really have to, that's part of the game and likely a duty of the time player if the session is short.
>best pesterlog
whoa dude
even if you like New Dave don't you think that's a major overstatement
I don't think any other character who did bad things did them to try and prevent their session from getting fucked up. Except maybe the hero of Tsunamistuck, but that's not really a fair comparison.
Correct bitch
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You LIKE Dave being retconned into a giant pussy? Were you diddled by your uncle as a little boy?
Not their world, their universe.
That's where the Magnetic Wodka should originally have tied in. Hussie never got around to that, though, what with the whole video game fiasco.
In a sense
>the Fluffy Ball Plus Headband wasn't instrumental in killing Lord English
>WV didn't eat the Green Sun

Fuck this stupid comic
>Ever not being incredibly insecure

Caliborn, please. You're the best character, but no.
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Damn this is pretty
If spades is on their fucked up planet like wv was on earth, I don't think a planet can exist in a non-existent universe
It kinda is, yeah. The best pesterlog is probably either the planet jupiter or the puppet dong one. Although the one between Equius and Aradia is also pretty good. Or that one between UU and Jane.
I nearly got roped into a debate with you over that shitty analogy and then spoiled everything, but you are pure and ignorant and must learn.
>Dave/Dirk bro talk and venting and actually having characterization
A bloo bloo dave isnt le stoic shades dude :(

Oh wait that stopped being true like ten pages after he was introduced you fucking retards, Dave always had problems, read the fucking comic
I miss when he was insecure but still funny
firstly theres less troll romance in the comic than you remember. it was huge in the fanbase and thats affecting your memory somehow. secondly interpersonal relationships are obviously going to be a huge deal in any story with people in it. thirdly the whole of sburb as a concept is a joke played straight and he spent 8000 pages on that so troll romance is hardly an offender in comparison
The man who wwalks into threads, Cronus Ampora?
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If that one anon is around, this is 4/20
True. But it doesn't activate until the universe ends.

The mechanics of this are explained on the very next page.
yeah he had problems but he wasn't constantly crying bitch tears about them all the time
>wwalks into thread
nigger what the fuck are you doing
He is, when Jade's around
threadwwalker literally and unironically did nothin wwrong
>This monstrous being with the power to travel through time is inconvenienced very little by his arrival upon THE GREAT UNDOING. He has the entire cadaver of the expired universe to pick apart at his whim.
>[...] the virus is essentially a formality.
>The demon is already here.
Time shenanigans
Cronus doesn't wwalk, he vwalks.

>Did you just forget Dave's stock exchange shenanigans which were also used to help him develop time powers? With Terezi's help?

That wasn't an "arc" it was like 5 pages and explicitly a joke. Just, "hey, here's a thing that shows how good dave is at time travel now and haha see this money is worthless this was basically a waste of time except to practice"

As it should be. And as troll romance should have been. A stupid system of abstraction that nobody paid attention to except for laughs. And yet, it's taken super seriously by all the characters and hussie
Literally the last conversation in Homestuck is Dave and Dirk asking each other why they're so fucking awesome
>Dave has one conversation where he's bonding with his bro and talking feelsy shit

Literally kill yourself, don't spread the Aspergers.
>has one conversation with his parental figure moments before a battle he knows very well he could die in
maybe homestuck is actually on a level of irony beyond your capability to understand
How do you think she's able to communicate on a computer while blind? She knew what the fuck was going to happen and she got off to it.
It's solidly between "a joke" and "an arc", it was an important plot point that was played for laughs and character development
nowv im the king of the svwimmers, boy, ocean wvip
vwell iwve reached the top, and had to stop and thats vwhats bothering me
i vwanna be a man, nowv man grub stroll right into tovwn
be just like the other men, im tired of floundering around

so vwoo vwoo ooh, i vwanna be just like you
vwanna vwalk like you, talk like you do
and you see its true, a troll like me
can learn to be human too, yeah

nowv dont you mess vwith me man grub, i made a deal vwith you
vwhat i desire is mans red fire so i can be just like you
and dont you mess vwith me man grub, showv me vwhat to do
givwe me the povwer of mans red flovwer so i can be just like you

so vwoo vwoo ooh, i vwanna be just like you
vwanna vwalk like you, talk like you do
and you see its true, a troll like me
can learn to be human too, yeah

so vwoo vwoo ooh, i vwanna be just like you
vwanna vwalk like you, talk like you do
and you see its true, a troll like me
can learn to be human too, yeah

so vwoo vwoo ooh, i vwanna be just like you
vwanna vwalk like you, talk like you do
and you see its true, a troll like me
can learn to be human too, yeah

said vwoo vwoo ooh, i vwanna be just like you
vwanna vwalk like you, talk like you do
and you see its true, a troll like me
can learn to be human too, yeah

>secondly interpersonal relationships are obviously going to be a huge deal in any story

Yeah, with the actual characters, and not the 12 intentionally stupid assholes.
Maybe if you actually read Homestuck you'd remember that Dave literally lays on the floor like a huge fucking baby and cries over Bro before he attempts god tier
>Karkat is the Chaos Hero
>Vriska is the Law Hero
but all the characters are intentionally stupid assholes?? ?? ??
>implying Cronus isn't such a weenie that he wouldn't spend his time RPing as his superior genetic self online
Literally what
Dave has been a huge downer since Act 5
The first time he said he was awesome it was sincere, now it sounds like he's trying to hide the fact that he's holding back tears
Exactly, so when Jade is around
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This is way better than it has any right to be
I'm going to need some source on that.
you are asking a question while trying to express a fact?? ?? ??
Do you think they just lie in bed together while he tells her jokes and she giggles

Even more so with the trolls. They were created without redeeming qualities, which was the joke.
Maybe if you read the fucking comic you'd remember him drawing dicks with Karkat

Or helping Can Town

Or fucking around in the dreambubbles

Or literally anything he does prior to that conversation with Dirk

Fuck you, kill yourself, read the comic, stop posting
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>You said it yourself, Terezi... There are only two sides to your coin.
>Apparently so, but suppose you throw a coin enough times... suppose one day, it lands on its edge.
How can we redeem post-retcon Karkat Vantas?
man you really like telling people kill themselves
maybe you should go see somebody about that pent up anger
yelling something louder doesn't make you right
When is hussie going to update this?

Give him something to do that involves leading in some form.
It's one thing to cry over a dead loved one while their body is still warm, it's another to complain about a bunch of shit his Bro did three years ago, stuff that made him a better person and a better fighter anyways, like a fucking pussy. Dave would never make it in the military.
I remember this as the page that ruined time travel mechanics in Homestuck and changed it into a "many worlds" interpretation
Yelling might not make them right, but not being aggressively incorrect about everything kinda does.
Lord Genome treatment
Aradia Megidolaon?
>I have no response so I'm gonna say "ur mean and ur not right cause i say so!!!!!!!!!!" #triggered
Kill yourself faggot, boohoo

He is literally talking with his semi-reincarnated clone version of his brother, why would he not talk about his brother

Holy shit you people are fucking retarded
How'd it go before?
why would dave ever be in the military he hates taking orders and fighting and is a lazy sack of shit who just likes to chill out
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I would be more interested in these characters if I didn't already know their session ends in total failure, probably because karkat's an idiot. Why do we need to meet all 12 of them? This is so unnecessary and half these characters are cunts
Sollux is still cool though
What is "aggressively incorrect" about claiming that Dave has changed and evolved as a character

Dave has changed. That is a fact. Whether those changes are appealing or not is an opinion.
i am not sure that there is one single point in daves entire character arc where it is implied that he would do well or want to be in the military

the military is like the fucking antithesis of everything dave is god damn
When >>82003184 compiles
Will we ever see daveisafunnyguy.txt
I just looked it up, I was wrong they do count
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>he told me to kill myself so he's wrong xp
It's not like he was sad all the time, dumbdumb. During the GO timeline he was actually depressed, but in the retconned one he winds up much better because TZ hangs out with Vriska rather than attempting to date from John's/Her own advice:
>Relationship with Terezi fails, she binges with the fucking Clown
>Constantly feels the need to die heroically to English, watches dreambubbles explode periodically
>Watches Rose become an alcoholic, not really intervening and instead listening to music
>Mostly keeps to himself for 3 goddamn years
>Runs into Jade, the nicest girl he knew, immediately learns that everything went to shit with her too
>Never actually got over stuff with Bro because he never talked about himself at all, or with anyone really, if anything he just bounces nothings off of WV
He comes out alright in the retconned line because he and Karkat become actual bros, and seemingly have enough in common to keep themselves occupied. Him actually opening up to Dirk was amazing for him.
>Sollux is cool though
Top tier tastes.
>Sollux is still cool though
Excellent taste
Before this page, you could only split timelines through time travel, like how Davesprite came to be. In that sense, Davesprite's time travel "created" the alpha timeline. It wasn't assumed that there was a separate timeline for every possible outcome.
TG: we're motherfuckin entrenched in this bitch
TG: you and me
TG: welcome to nam
TG: now grab my hand and shimmy your soggy ass off that muddy bank before charlie gets the fuckin drop
I can't wait for you to meet our prince.
I remember when Hivebent pissed me off when I first read.
If making jokes about Nam meant you wanted to serve in the military I'd be a career soldier
>Aradia, Kanaya, Terezi and Sollux aren't the chosen patron trolls
thats literally just a giant joke jesus christ youre retarded
he references the military as a joke
That's the most realistic and popular version of time travel we can conceive, what's there to hate? Hussie gave John B movie time travel powers anyways, go chew on that bone instead.
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Jesus christ these are awful people
>Equius isn't patron troll for everyone but John.
You might start to like them more come 5B, when they start really interacting with the kids and the writing's still decent.
they can both be bad
many worlds bullshit ruined homestuck
no shit, aspies
Because Hivebent is super short, but getting a glimpse on how another session, one that seemingly won, is important in the long haul. It's all worldbuilding that branches into the plot.
Each troll also helps in varying bits to the plot, like how Problem Sleuth had tons and tons of minor characters pitch in for various shit. A lot of them are pretty great too.
isnt that dave: accelerate

its worth mentioning that the introduction of the trolls was actually the moment homestuck took off into the stratosphere. the vast majority of everyone in this thread will have joined post-trolls, and some people would literally skip to their introduction instead of reading the comic up to that point. i dont get it but it is what it is.
There are people who liked Vriska from day one. Shaking my head.
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See, people (myself included) say Act 5 was where things started to go downhill, and for the most part they're right. But at the same time I remember reading shit like this and having it come as a genuine shock and a big deal at the time.
Can you believe all the teens six years ago skipped the rest of the comic just to see the trolls?
Would you believe there are people who think AG did nothing wrong?
Yep, AG is a HUGE bitch.
There are people who actually, unironically defend AG
>the vast majority of everyone in this thread will have joined post-trolls
Haha fucking losers
2009 crew reporting for fucking duty
The fact that the world became dark and disconnected from the outside is exactly why they weren't in the alpha timeline. It was always supposed to be a many worlds interpretation.
Literal worst character
Yeah Tavros is pretty bad
yeah i was reading since 2008 but its still true
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Oh nice a huanimal
Just awful
Nah, Vriska isn't a person.
>Joined in January 2011
>Was really bummed because I was sure I was near the end of the story
>Ended up joining before the halfway point, both in terms of pages and time (even if you ignore pauses)
>isnt that dave: accelerate
No I explained this in my other post
Absent other factors or explanations, Dave: Accelerate is implied to be "first" timeline the leads to the creation of the alpha timeline. There's a cause and effect relationship where only time travel can create split timelines. The Many Worlds interpretation suggests that every possible timeline exists already regardless of time travel and leads to things like armies of ghost trolls.
Tavros is enough to just skip that Page and move on, I agree
>That retcon
Oh damn, that's nice
Literal best character
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Yeaaah we in here BOIIII.
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Wait didn't Nana or someone say that the imps and stuff hated frogs?
Good catch
Wasn't that mentioned in the Land of Wind and Shale walkaround?
I wish Hussie made more lewd jokes with all this retcon crap. We don't even have one instance of a hand reaching for some tits.
Don't you mean.... SWEET CATCH. Heh heh, us Homestucks, right?
Yes, they live in a timeless expanse so they've been tired of Pepe for a millennia.
Yep. That prototyping is noted later.
the hate of frogs is a plot point for Derse as a whole.
They mention it during the act 4 opening walkaround.
Also, Nepeta a cutest.
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wind and shade irrc yea

>Can fly
>can't be seen
>uses an ouja board
>takes command from the dead
>no eyes
Was this actually a huge reveal?
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If there's a word I want to erase from existence, it's that. Or tentabulge.
nah shes one of the most well written character in hs. she was so good as a villain. i think hussie just loved her too much
I mean, you're reading the page right there. Kinda implied that it's not actually a surprise.
Not really much of a catch, it's explicitly told to the reader multiple times.
>Was this actually a huge reveal?
That Aradia was dead? Not really, but it passed over some peoples' heads.
Man I miss this artstyle so much. What happened, Hussie?
more like hussie took the idea the fanbase had that he loved her too much and intentionally ran it into the ground. for better or worse it was intentional
There are a few things that were sort of supposed to be a surprise, but the fandom figured it out quickly on their own, so AH made tongue in cheek reveals.
No, the joke is that it's not a surprise at all.

The other characters are surprised, but not the audience. It's ironic in the classical sense.
The reason she's bad as a villain is because she wasn't portrayed as a villain narratively. She does all this bullshit like pic related where she cripples Tavros and countless other things, and never has to pay for it. Not only does she get away scot free, the narrative tries to make her into the hero instead.
I'll admit I didn't realize it at first, because I didn't know the story was going to have actual fucking ghosts.
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>tfw I was being sarcastic
>having a literal self-insert rp character
That's dumb
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Actual spoilers: was it ever explained how Aradia became a ghost instead of going off to be in a dream bubble or something? Or was it just psychic powers?
Hussie didn't think of Dream Bubble at that point
>hero mode was entirely missing from Collide
This is my biggest disappointment.
Karkat and Vriska should have been killed off for good in Act 5.

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Holy shit
White Guy is fucking SAVAGE
I don't really understand the mindset of people who want to see Vriska "get what's coming to her"

Like I don't even see any of the other villains that way, or any villain in any story I can think of. I like villains and I want to see them succeed and become credible threats and challenging obstacles for the heroes to overcome. Punishing the villain isn't what brings cartharsis to me, it's overcoming the villains as obstacles.
Sprite >>> Sprite-esque > Hero
She can summon ghosts, right? Maybe she summoned herself.
just realized white text guy bullied vriska because she was the 8 ball
They all serve their purpose, Homestuck wouldn't be what it is without each one.
When villains are also protagonists, they need to have character development rather than be tools for developing the main characters. In general this involves learning from mistakes, or at the very least learning.
People have that mindset because they want to see people who do bad things have to face consequences for their actions. If somebody were to drive drunk, for example, if it became public knowledge that it happened, there'd be a public outcry for him to be punished in some way.

The problem with Vriska is that she does all these horrible things but never has to face any consequences for them. She goes on committing crimes up until the very end, without anything stopping her.

On your point, Vriska was never "overcome" as an obstacle anyway. It seems the opposite, with the main cast actually loosing to her.
a version of her did learn though

A version which was literally retconned.
Only the Platonic Self matters.
People don't have arcs.
im not gonna say vriska was an example of good writing but all your reasons why she isnt are retarded

plenty of morally bad guys in AMAZING stories across history have won, or lost but faced no consequences, or been on the side of Right and ended up doing well out of the whole thing.
The retcon is the worst thing to happen to Homestuck because it created whiny babies who believe literally nothing preceding it mattered
no it just died

The sad part is that she lives on, but in a form that will never achieve true happiness and contentedness
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Are TC and GA the only sane characters in this group?
There's CA
>Are TC and GA the only sane characters in this group?
Oh no
>The retcon is the worst thing to happen to Homestuck because it created whiny babies who believe literally nothing preceding it mattered


finished the davemom fic
you will look back on this post. remember you made it.
Well, at this point of the story, yes.
yes absolutely, TC is perhaps the sanEST character not just out of the trolls but out of the whole cast
I literally don't remember anyone's chumhandles anymore. Now I feel sad.

trinity of sanity
god can you people argue anything without mocking a strawman of the opposing side
>TC (Gamzee)
I think you mean TA (Sollux) or CT (Not sure if you got to their introduction yet)
>plenty of morally bad guys in AMAZING stories across history have won
But they are generally not the protagonist the viewpoint follows. When the viewpoint follows a villain, they generally encounter pretty significant setbacks, failures and lessons, and generally even when they "win" it came at the cost of something precious
I'm more arguing that the way she was used narratively was poor. She would make a good villain, but she wasn't portrayed as the villain.
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Repeat after me everyone:
There are NO. SANE. TROLLS.
AT is kinda normal in comparision I guess
>people defending the retcon
shaking my gosh darned head to be quite honest with you
Why is is hair grey?
why did only two of my words spoiler
It was bad because the consequences were dropped into our lap rather than being developed over the course of several years.
So how does Vriska differ from Jack Noir and Caliborn in that respect? Vriska was fucking miserable and everyone hated her. There's no grounds to argue that Caliborn lost something more precious than she did, because Caliborn never gave a shit.
threadwwalker was perfectly sane, he realized when all hope is lost
>female trolls: insane
>male trolls: lame weenies

t. John Egbert
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Is Vriska actually a fucking idiot?
Yeah Gamzee, hes a pothead dipshit but he's chill and listens to his friends stupid bullshit, I can apprecaite that
liveblog anon I can't keep up with you anymore, I just hope you enjoy what's left of the comic considering you're past what is unanimously the 'best' parts of the whole thing.
Vriska? Y.

Will he snap during the epilogue? Y.
Will he end up as shitty ship bait character? Y.
Will he end up as a good and peaceful leader? Boring, but acceptable N.
John's getting old
>Hasn't even hit Seer: Descend yet

Nah bruh
Vriska's literally that tryhard bitch who cheats to get ahead, is actually fucking strong themself, and is as huge of a bitch as possible to everyone to look more superior.
She's the most successful troll among the trolls. :^)
AA - apocalpyseArisen - Aradia
AC - arsenicCatnip - Nepeta
AG - arachnidsGrip - Vriska
AT - adiosToreador - Tavros
CA - caligulasAquarium - Eridan
CC - cuttlefishCuller - Feferi
CG - carcinoGeneticist - Karkat
CT - centaursTesticle - Equius
GA - grimAuxiliatrix - Kanaya
GC - gallowsCalibrator - Terezi
TA - twinArmageddons - Sollux
TC - terminallyCapricious - Gamzee

Also handy as a quick guide for the new reader to check later if they're ever confused. Sorry for spoiling the first names on like 3-4 of them, I think?
GA is Kanaya, right?
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John ages 10 years every time he hears Terezi speak.
yeah but vriskas late arc and retconning back in is literally a parody of mary sues. as soon as the author realises shes escaped him he brings her back to life the same as she started and tells her all the secrets she needs to know to make everything work and be the hero.

for better or worse its intentional. homestuck is like 90% an 'ironic' parody of bad writing so im still kinda confused why this one thing bothers everyone so much
>manipulative nasty character gets what she wants
>HSG bitches forever
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Well that solves the mystery of who wrote the code then
No she just twists things to try and promote her way of thinking being correct. She just can't fathom being wrong. Such as in that example, 'oh it's actually worse for me because I technically lost more eyes'. It's half joking and half her actually saying and believing those things.

In short, she's a crazy manipulative monster.
Vriska is the worst.
I can't help but think that people who hate Vriska are projecting something or someone they know onto her, and her personality just hits a little too close to home.

You act like this is unreasonable
Vriska is actually one of the less stupid trolls. She is just actually capital e Evil
The percentage of the narrative dedicated to their viewpoint exclusively. Caliborn is exposition for LE, who loses. When we follow Noir after he ascends it is generally for very small, isolated periods.
>Is Vriska actually a fucking idiot

Nah, she's just a psychopath
It's not bad story telling when some villains get what they want

you have fanventures if you want a "neat" story where everyone gets what they deserve
I've never met anyone quite like Vriska and I'm extremely glad for it. You don't need projection to hate someone who acts like she does.
Manipulative, nasty character who nobody likes or listens to, or has any reason to listen to, suddenly becomes top tier leader material over night and happens to do everything perfectly with no guidance and is literally the sole reason why they didn't get their asses whooped by the villains.
So how did equiusprite get to the masterpiece becoming lord english again? or is the whole 'doomed timeline party creates lord english' thing true? because otherwise the sprites would be long gone
I honestly can't remember if Milkshakes wrote the code. I don't think anybody did, actually, it was just ALREADY HERE all along or whatever.
yeah thats exactly what im saying here. she WAS a good villain. she never saw herself as one which made her so good. i expected her to make another huge mistake that would get everyone in trouble or that would kill her

but instead because she was alive rose stopped drinking everyone got to be happy and she was the one facing LE while everyone was ready to leave so yeah. from villain to hero for no reason whatsoever.
i like vriska because my best real life friend is exactly like her
Vriska's a narcissist. The only valid thoughts are her thoughts and the only valid feelings are her feelings.s
>homestuck is like 90% an 'ironic' parody of bad writing so im still kinda confused why this one thing bothers everyone so much
Because a joke repeated is less funny every time, and Vriska is where the vast majority of people lost patience for good.
>the sole reason

Do you not remember everyone getting their asses kicked until Calliope sent out Serenity?
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I think sollux just unearthed it from the furthest ring, much like how kanaya found rose's walkthrough.

somebody had to put it there though, I'm assuming it was scratch because he also tied snowman to the universe so it makes sense

GCATavros was 100% reminding you that she is AWFUL
I liked her because she reminded me of my ex
Wasn't he on LoTaK when the black hole happened?
Perhaps he went to LoCaM together with Gamzee and the Crowbar.
They wouldn't have reached that point without Vriska, and you're kind of missing the point of my statement regardless.
I liked vriska from the start because I hated tavros from the start. Watching him get 8ullied was so gratifying.
This reminds me.

We need to bring back the Vriska bullying meme. It was my favorite part of the last days of classic /hsg/
is there any other character in all of literature and media that is as polarizing as Vriska Serket
GCATavros was a one-note joke character who never did anything
t. Vriska
>retcon john never went back to fuck around with scratch
that would have been fucking amazing, even if it was just a throwaway gag when he was flying down the timeline. scratch is in a speech about his omniscience to the felt or something, and he just gets clonked by a floating john's foot
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I am shitting in anger right now
what the fuck
How can they still work with her?!
Unrelated by my friend just sent me this and I think yall'll like it too.
The only people who don't hate Vriska are literal autists like Andrew Hussie. I don't know if their opinions count.
what is this
Is it vaporwave
Did they make it
you can hate Vriska and defend her bring a villain
Are you viraling your vaporwave album, fuck outta here.
>Vriska kills best character
And there are still Vriska-apologists
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Alright well this seems as good a point as any to go take care of some things
A flac album
Its about cthulian horrors I think
Troll culture is violent, bloody, and depraved.
On the other hand, Aradia, Sollux, Tavros, and Terezi all pretty much think Vriska is fucking scum and only begrudgingly cooperate

It's bad storytelling when the story presents and objectively terrible person as a true hero
>namefag gril btw shills music
this gets worse with every thread
its hard to think of any other work of fiction that will intentionally misuse characters and fuck up serious moments just to mess with the readership in the way homestuck does, so maybe not?
I was talking about people who believe she did nothing wrong
I don't know man, I'm starting to think that Vriska Serket might be Andrew Hussie's single most genius creation
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Oh yeah, I love that album. I think someone from Tally Hall did it.
Vriska is basically the most willfully evil being who ever existed in Homestuck except for maybe Scratch and the Condesce. Everyone else who causes tons of destruction on their level is either mentally retarded or literally programatically incapable of anything else as a game construct with a fixed nature.
The general excuse, which I think you already reached, if that troll culture is violent as fuck, and solving problems with murder is fine. The thing is, Vriska doesn't solve problems with murder, she just does it for fun.
That's not bad storytelling, that's an alternate interpretation of the fundamental tenets of interpersonal morality
But is it Cthulhuian vaporwave

And congratulations on experiencing Doc Scratch for the first time, he's a fantastic asshole and I love him.
Didn't MSPA's forums have a "Vriska containment thread" because if you brought her up in any other thread it'd always get derailed?
What about like, Cartman from South Park. Or Black Mage from 8-bit Theater.

Vriska is a god-damn hero who never did anything wrong and the comic will never let you forget it.

You might think it will, but it won't.
>Hussie is't a bad writer, he's just a sociopath!
Nice defense.
yes, and it was huge

An incorrect and unsatisfying interpretation. Just because something can be done does not mean that it is good, or entertaining. And in this case, it wasn't.
>you have to be a sociopath to challenge societal norms
Great ad hom.
Oh fuck I remember that. You literally couldn't mention her because no one could be civil about it.
both of those works dont play the irony quite hard enough and so you dont actually take seriously anything they do. they may be horrific characters but theyre in a fantastical pretend world so its fine. homestuck forces you somehow to take it seriously even though its totally absurd. that makes vriskas actions seem way more terrible.
I'm just challenging the norms of what it means to have an argument, which automatically makes what I did both good and interesting. You just don't get it.
>which automatically makes what I did both good and interesting
I never said this. Why is it that those with sparing intellect always assume "I disagree" means "everything you've said is wrong and I believe the polar opposite of what you do"
reading this thread is me challenging the norms of what it is to live a happy life
There was one part of 8-bit Theater that I remember. When Black Mage gets separated from the rest of the team and he decided to live out his life as a shoe cobbler. I remember being horrified because it looks like he's going to live a nice, normal life but then it turns out he makes the shoes out of human skin.
The name is so you can filter fucknuts
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of
Its very trippy, I think Rose would probably like it.
>Why is it that those with sparing intellect
not him but typing shit like this is a great way to make no one take you seriously ever
Why didn't Hussie make Vriska based on scorpions? Too obvious?
Oh okay, I assumed when you defended it as good writing you meant the writing was good. My mistake, I apologize for misinterpreting.
it's a Homestuck reference you fruitbat
Because Scorpions are cool and Vriska a shit
I'm laughing.
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Apology accepted
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcu9WmHPdbM they have another track that was a preorder bonus or something, but isn't on the album anymore.
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>Don't use words you don't know the meaning of
People would have shipped her with Karkat.
to connect her with 8-balls (and by proxy Lord English)
scorpions don't have 8 legs? I think?
just don't take the bait desu
Scorpions are arachnids
Barely, though. You reversed the order of the sentence.
Yeah, scorpions and spiders are both arachnids so it's not like there isn't a connection I guess

It's ok, Strilondcest was never really a favorite of mine
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How would she use her spider-related mind control powers if she was a scorpion? Fucking idiot.
>spider-related mind control powers
spiders can't control minds fuckmunch
>spider-related mind control powers
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Nice try you eight legged fuck, I'm on to you
i just want dave to fuck his mom
it's imperative to his character arc
spiders are pretty good at compelling me to stand on my chair and avoid going to bed
You mean Jade, who will be a mom
And scorpions aren't?
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Then explain how that spider got me to give it all my money.
fair point
She will be all the moms.
She's literally mother earth.
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no use, final destination
>remembering HSG's reaction to [s] Wake
Yes but I mean that she'll be the normal definition of a mom.
Because Dave will vigorously impregnate her.
No i mean fuck his own mother he needs to do that
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>05 4chan
oh god it's so fucking embarrassing
This is one ancient screencap.
arachnids are fucking stupid
sometimes they will just stand in place and won't move no matter what you do to them
He will be fucking his own mother, technically. In the sense that he will be a) fucking a mom and b) a mom that is his
oldfags had it best amirite

4chan never changes
have there ever been any hsg meetups at cons before?
have you ever been to one?
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