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When your readers frustrate you

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Webcomic wirters of the world, what is the thing that frustrates you the most when you publish a comic?
Example from my own life:

> have a horror/gore webcomic
>lose at least one follower every time horror or gore is brought into the story
That picture's my fetish.
Well now I need to know what your webcomic is, OP
More pics like that pls
People who turn the world upside down to find deep meanings in something that doesn't have one or swear that the author is out to fulfill some sort of agenda when he/she's just trying to tell a semi-decent story from various perspective. (I only say semi-decent because I know not everyone succeeds at doing this)
>Judy offers you head
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this is the opposite:

i cant stand creators who kneel to their readers and change/censor anything cause a little precious reader was offended

publishing companies are another story.. damn the corporate world
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when the readers make fun of me on 4chan
>where standing up for myself feels like the worst thing I could do

When you're standing up for yourself when people give you shit for doing stupid things it's not admirable

Yes, it's your choice to huff turpentine and pound nails into your dick and you have the right to do that but that doesn't make it a good idea
Jeph you fucking hack, if you made QC just five years later your garbage mess of a shitty webcomic wouldn't be getting attention from anybody, let alone critism. You should be on your fucking knees, praising lady luck for getting your webcomic out at a time where people had no standards, because fuck knows that talent wouldn't be enough to carry you. So don't bitch and whine and moan when the whole world doesn't line up to suck you off for your subpar talent on top of gifting you an undeserved six figure paycheck.
>Horror/gore webcomic
>On webtoons

Which one?
I don't like QC anymore because of the tranny shit and the gay tranny agenda shit
Cape fans think that I'm incompetent because I don't draw like Jim Lee, while indie kids think I'm a tryhard corporate-wannabe because I draw better than Jeffrey Brown.
Just bee urself, anon.
we're currently on the robo-racism train
I pray everyday that f I ever, EVER get a fanbase they won´t bully me like they did to you.
Like, how come one can´t even decide how fat should their own character look on a bikini?

In fact it´s a fear a lot of wecomic writters have
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Jesus Christo, this entire post of yours makes to out to be prime bully material. Shit, I feel like bullying you right now before you acquire a large fanbase.
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He won't fix his art but he'll go back to a comic from fucking ten years ago to erase the word "rape".
>i cant stand creators who kneel to their readers and change/censor anything cause a little precious reader was offended
>publishing companies are another story.. damn the corporate world
I agree with this. Corporations are soulless machines run by shareholders and profit margins. But individual artists who make their FANS into their shareholders? Fuck that noise. Let artists be artists and find the ones you like, don't try to change them.

The irony of posting this on /co/ is not lost on me.

Gore starts at the end of chapter 4,before that it´s world building, kids eating rats and body horror.

Gore (and art quality) start at chapther 4, before that, lampshading and world building.
Prologe it´s easily skip-able.

>Shit, I feel like bullying you right now before you acquire a large fanbase.

dude, my comic will never actually have a large fanbase.
Like, not to be a whimp but... have you SEEN the stuff that gets large fanbases? on WEBTOONS?

....still taking your comment as advice tho.
Yeah I've seen, they all look like Manwha or one of those safe bright girly artstyles.
Also your usage of ellipses and all caps makes me want to shove you into a locker.
I can, to some degree, understand paying attention to what your audience is saying. After all, any story shown to other people purposefully by the author is, to some extent, intended to be for them as well. Especially with webcomics, where the creators are usually amateurs feeling out how they want to do things. But you are right in that there also tends to be abuse of less back bone enriched artists by over zealous moral internet police. Even when the creators don't back down, harassment by readers because of a disagreement over some plot point or character or another is always ridiculous. Even more so given the nature of the internet, which tends to make things a shit show regardless.

As a general example covering several things: Ava's Demon. The earliest panels were changed to a slightly different art style and toned down the swearing for a publication deal that fell through. That's the corporate end, but while I'm on the fence over the redone art (most likely done to match up with how the creator's style shifted), I always thought the early swearing was bit much and made the whole scene hard to take seriously. I felt that change was for the better.

Then there was some dumbass who blew some character being bullied by his sisters into a huge fucking deal over sexuality and instigated some crazy campaign against the creator, who was very unwilling to acquiesce. In the end, it died down and the harasser even eventually apologized.

A good lesson to take from this for webcomic artists is to seriously consider what you believe matters to your story and what you absolutely do not want to change and what you're less certain about. Make sure you're not going to regret dying on the wrong hill OR not dying on the right one.
the caps come automatically from the font, which is the best I could find in a span of 1 day before updating. Not saying it´s permanent, just that it was better than the first one I used.
I´ll check on the elipses.
Completely relevant to the story.
Wow people actually follow this? That's amazing.
I've honestly not had my jimmies rustled over Ennui GO! yet. People usually respond well to it, and when they don't it's usually a strip that isn't my best work.
People get more attached to characters than they care about the quality of a story. I dont mean to sound like a scumbag but if you want to make a really popular series you need to whore out your cast to the audience without them realizing.

A good comparison is female "waifu" characters from anime. Take one of those, remove what makes them sexist so people dont complain, keep their role in the series as base for your female character, and then slap on a personality that appeals to the western audience.
funniest thing I've read on /co/ today.
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