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The end of homestuck is near, post all of your best theories.

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The end of homestuck is near, post all of your best theories.
My best theory is that it's going to be the horrible mess of an ending this shitty series deserves.
Probably something stupid and needleesly dragged out, like it always is, but who cares, people will see it anyway.
Predict Gamzee's endgame
>Is prototyped with something by the kids
>Regenerates and does stuff
>Dies since he did what he was required to do to make LE and his other half isn't useful
>Nothing because Hussie a hack
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I wouldn't judge the series by its fan base
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and the artists who draw her will continue to insult her

>I don't see what the big deal with her being an alcoholic is now
alcoholism is bad, anon
Homestuck will end on a cliffhanger, suddenly the medium is changed to an anime, homestuck 2 confirmed for anime. All drawn by Lord English.
It was all Johns autistic dream.
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Well he could've went and find a Nep, but he was too busy with Dave and Terezi. So there's that too.
But why is it bad if you're a god who it doesn't kill. quit whining about the purity of your waifu in fanart.
somebody get some fucking katnep repellent
it's not about "liver damage" anon, that's not the part that ruins alcoholics' lives most of the time
most of the time it's the fact that alcohol impairs your relationships with people
who roxy was when she was drunk wasn't her true self, and it's insulting to her to glorify it
Last panel is John telling Dave that he might like boys
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post some rare Roxys
I ship Nepeta with Heathcliff!
I'm not, I tried reading it a few years ago. It was one of the most painful experiences I've had with a webcomic.
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good ship
"Carlos" isn't a misinterpretation of Kurloz.

It's Cronus' Human-otherkin name
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Why did Slick have to die? His whole thing was more or less being that one version of Noir which isn't a genocidial maniac, it made no sense for him to attack the Striders and Terezi in the first place

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I want John to get the Harem ending!
Holy shit get it away from me.
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anon. I don't know how to tell you this but. Roxy isn't real, she can't be insulted by people outside of the story.

What's more destructive than alcoholism?

Cronus. Dating Cronus. Fucking Cronus. Existing near Cronus.
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Even worse
Roxy X Cronus
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even worse
I hate Toby Fox.
>It's insulting to a fictional character to glorify her fictional alcohol problem by drawing her drinking fictional booze.
Are you well? Do you have brain damage?
he did sick the Felt on Jake, though. I wonder what his motivation was
How do you think the blasts Jack English was blasting out his mouth compares to Lord English's blasts?
Dirk and Dave tanked a lot of hits from those mouth blasts, but trolls were fucking wiped from existence with a quick shot. Could trolls just be fundamentally weak as shit? Maybe a weak hold on existence.
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Kids achieve true apotheosis and shed their physical forms; trolls get left behind as they revive their race in the new universe.
terezi for revenge, striders to stop them from stealing his kill
Jack English vs the kids was essentially the Avatar of Sargeras vs Aegwynn the First Guardian
now he just needs a moirail

i nominate either vriska or rose
revenge for what
Where's the next panel
It's hard to say if he did it on purpose of if the Felt just thought it's a good idea to wreck some kid after Slick left

Honestly I wouldn't put much thought into it since it'spretty obvious Hussie doesn't give a shit about carapacians at all and Slick dying was just a convinient way to never do anything This hack forgot the doll was meant to have MC pins, too.
>stopping anyone from doing crazy shit
Vriska would be the worst moirail
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a WHAT ending?
john is the one stopping her, anon
remember that time he punched her in the face
exiling him
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man i get that roxy is great, but just because she's your waifu doesnt mean you have to whiteknight for her
she's not real, i promise you she wont be offended
He didn't kill any of the Felts earlier so I really doubt "revenge" is an explanation, he was clearly in just to kill English/something that seems to be him
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My theory is that Halftruth will never stop being a vapid cunt.
yeah but a one sided relationship is never healthy. not actually sure if humans can function in troll relationships but it still wouldn't be healthy for him to stop her from doing crazy shit and her not doing the same for him
Lord English is much more powerful than Jack.
Jack is like LE Jr. He's not the real deal
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Well Rose did suicide bomb two universes once so

she's extra vapid now that she has no rich BF LMAO
a better point would be that its insulting to real alcoholics but who cares about that right
KatNep is a better ship than meowrails

Say what you want about Karkat but at least he never picked a cheap boner over Nepeta's literal life
>John's arc is done
>Rose's arc is done
>Roxy's arc is done
>Dirk's arc is done
>Dave's arc is done
>Even the troll's arcs are done except for Kanaya (Until she hatches the Matriorb)
>Jake's arc is done once he hopes the fuck out of Caliborn
>Even fucking NEPETA got a conclusion to her arc along with Davesprite

>Jane and Jade still just there with no signs of having any character whatsoever
Why are they so awful?
she's an alcoholic
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Jade is cute! CUUUTE!
Why did WV become a quirky absent-minded pet as of late? I've started reading this shit for exiles and the change is pretty glaring
musilims can be alcoholicq
>one sided relationship
moirailegiences are all onesided
this was always consistently stated
one pacifies the other
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>People still wanting art from Fastdrew Loosey
real alcoholics can stop from being insulted in two ways
1. close the thread
2. go outside
3. realise that fanart on the internet is not actually going to make you relapse into alcoholism because you're not that fucking weak of a person

Where do you think we are right now?
Maybe it's just super effective on ghosts.
Idunno Anon Jade felt pretty complete when she said the I plan to stay awake thing.
Nah, clearly dave
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>Roxy going full Kenshiro on Condy
>Even fucking NEPETA got a conclusion to her arc
Where are you getting this from? Because Equius gave her a second apology? That's not closure. That's just "she got to see Equius again," her "arc" revolved around her crush on Karkat which there's still no closure to despite a lot of in-comic build up

Ugh. "Military"stuck. I'd successfully forgotten.
>you're not that fucking weak of a person
then why are they alcoholics?
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Vriska stopped Rose from drinking though, which was actually really good for Rose.
where is this stated? I thought the reason Karkat and Gamzee's moiraillegiance didn't work out is because gamzee didn't keep up his side of the relationship
Jack power list
Bec Noir > Jack English > Spades Slick > Caliborn's Jack
I'm quite sure any alcoholics that might be browsing this thread wouldn't give two shits. This isn't fucking tumblr people have thicker skin here.

Muslims can't even be alcohol.
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i want to see this but with jade
they're not anymore, they're ex-alcoholics
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>rose will never be edgy again
i mean i know it's supposed to be character development and all but i actually liked edgy rose, and the character she's become since act 5 is SHIT
>which there's still no closure to despite a lot of in-comic build up


bet on it
Shipping is not part of an arc you fucking mongoloid.
thats the most fucked up thing i ever heard

also daves not crazy
all jacks are genocidal, spades isnt an exception. its in his programming to fuck up universes. he's already destroyed one by killing snowman, remember? and he knew what he was doing when he did it.
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It's been great to see all these Jades that aren't weird buff hairy things. Bless you Collide.
So is RoboSlick dead? He got killed in a fight he had no reason to fight? No stabdad reunions?
ah, it's that time again. /pol/ has arrived.
Jade's here to prevent PM from killing Noir because carapace characters can't have a lasting impact on plot as evidenced by Hussie disposing of Spades before he got to confront LE proper

AR and the monarchs died in vain and won't be properly avenged because Jade is too dumb to understand Noir isn't the same thing as her dog, you know it'll happen
>The Davekat is canon actually means those two will be together.
What would the reaction be?
its stated the first time moirails are explained and every time afterward

gamzee and karkat didnt work out because gamzee dumped him, and probably didnt want to be pacified anymore
You could chalk it up to their them being gods, and that Jack was a fuckton weaker than the real LE
He gets to reunite with the genuine Midnight Crew in the afterlife Anon.
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>bad guys get defeated
>all the important good guys survive
>trolls and humans colonize a planet and exist peacefully with each other
>millions of years later
>You are one of the top Problem Sleuths in the city. Solicitations for your service are numerous in quantity. Compensation, adequate. It is a balmy summer evening. You are feeling particularly hard boiled tonight. What will you do?
Except it literally was.
>OTP wall
>The SECOND OTP wall on the meteor
>"So you're saying maybe I'll have to die to be happy with him?"
>The split second cameos of god tier Karkat and dreamer Nepeta
"Shipping" might not be part of an arc, but THAT ship was a part of hers
/pol/ and HSG have always been close.
Yeah but is there a MEGA for the album yet
Call up John Egbert to smear some queers in my local area.
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I loved that all the boss fights were rendered in a more symbolic manner.
He also built a civilization from scratch to play mobsters with his chums though, as far as Jacks go that's almost angelic

We can still get an ersatz MC with Crowbar and alpha session DD.
Nepeta simply doesn't have an "arc".
A conclusion to Nepeta would be accepting and moving on from Karkat.
Power doesn't neccessarily equal effectiveness.

Union Jack is dumb, Slick is brutal and kunnin. Dont forget this is the guy who managed to get through the entire Felt with little more than a few guns and a lot of knives.
Yeah it's been posted like four times.
it would still work, probably, but it wouldnt change the fact that every reference to karkat dating someone has been dave, not davepeta

it would be pretty out of left field
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So what the fuck did this actually do? What was the MC supposed to do to open the vault? What the hell was the enchantment that was placed upon the vault? Why the hell did LE put an enchantment on the vault? And why did LE see the need to lock up an exile station?
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>Karkat has to settle for Davepeta
And? The Felt are literal morons
>Caliborn's Jack
Where the fuck is he
Doomed to irrelevancy just like the Alpha troll's Jack.
Caliborn killed him, most likely.
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Has science gone too far?
Dirk's supple, hairless legs
Caliborn was going to "take care of him."
Sorry Karkat, Jade takes precedence.
Stitch and Crowbar aren't
Where the hell was DD? Dad was there but DD wasn't? I thought nobody escaped the red miles, so why do we get to?
I think his hand showed up on one page and never popped up again
literally in the wiki "Moirallegiance is a process that occurs between a troll and their "moirail" (also informally known as a palemateSburb Logo). It is a form of guardianship, but it isn't simply about being platonic soul bros forever: see Andrew's comment. They are a protector of their moirail's heart. They keep each other grounded." key part being each other


it's a relationship, anon, there's give and take
What's with the purple lightning? Why purple?
I'm pretty sure that hussie doesn't expect people to really care about things like this.
God I hope at least one of these shows up. You can literally never have too much Jack.
-it brought him to an unlucky timeline where everyone but him and 8woman were dead
-time riddles
-a mysterious juju enchantment
-because it's a vault, come on
-to set up stable time loops and ensure the continued propagation of his own existence
Those are tights, Anon.
Hussie just killed Slick without giving any of his plotlines proper closure, do you really think he cares about a single panel alternate version with no characterization
You mean JadeKat takes precedence over DaveKat/Davepetakat right? Because thatt's what's gonna happen
good point
but she did that for the good of the session, not for rose. if rose was doing something fucked up and it didnt get in vriskas way, shed probably egg her on

also i want more interactions between them pronto
If Davepeta ends up with anyone it'd probably be Jade since Davesprite dated her before and they had a big kiss panel.
>spades slick comes from some random alternate timeline, not the alpha
>the alpha is the "least favorable timeline"

Jade's not wearing Karkat's string anon
We are still not done with Caliborn. He needs to get those magic eyeballs. We might see him then.
Are you fucking high?
Slick has an impressive ability to avoid death. We didn't see him die.

He had that oven in his pack of cards, didn't he? I'm calling he pulled an Indiana Jones and we're gonna see him on one of the planets in a crater crawling out of said oven.
what would Roxy's stand be
Well, nothing says the alpha timeline has to be good for everyone involved.
Why couldn't Homestuck have just focused on the inhabitants of Derse, Prospit, and the Battlefield instead of a bunch of shitty kids?
What do you mean by this?
the wiki is usually full of shit so man only cite things from the comic
but either way, that obviously doesnt mean "they both pacify each other"
they have clearly outlined different roles

I'm not sure how he can overcome decapitation
You might as well just reread Problem Sleuth at that point.

Which I'm thinking of doing myself.
Anon he was decapitated and his body was exploded
What do you mean by this?
Because Hussie is a hack who is incapable of realizing the MC intermission is the best part of HS
her just saying wonk
>it brought him to an unlucky timeline where everyone but him and 8woman were dead
Why did Felt members show up later during the Scratch intermission?
What the fuck?
Reminder: It's Spades Slick and he's a cyborg.
because that would be boring.
What if Hussie's next MSPA is exclusively based around carapaces? I mean the Midnight Crew was in Problem Sleuth, they were in HS, what if they're the focus of the next MSPA with Hussie returning to form and so they don't get closure until then?
He's sucked by Union Jack's black hole and that's how he ends up on Caliborn's session.
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>Caliborn's first robot leg is Slick's leg sent through space
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Time shenanigans?
>John's arc is done
He had one?
Why is everyone assuming the black hole leads to caliborn's session?
a thought just popped into my head;
the reason clover was able to be dead in the unlucky timeline is because slick guiding karkat eventually led to the outcome of clover falling in charms with karkat
it was lucky all along
Because a lot of things that end up in Caliborn's possession are eaten by the explosion/hole
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Why is Roxy such a cute
>Rose's arc is done
god the aradia/dead dave conversation was depressing
CloverXKarkat OTP
he probably still has those timeboxes so this isnt a contradiction
what are the clearly outlined roles. so far as I can tell they do pacify each other. Equius and Nepeta for instance, Nepeta pacifies equius and stops his high blood from making him crazy from frustration from breaking things, and general breaking his ironwrought expectations of the hemospectrum, and he keeps and eye on and protects her, they may have different roles but they still both do something, which was my original point. a relationship can't be all give and no take, hence why Vriska, the thief, in class and creed, would be a horrible moirail, and has been in the past, Kanaya got nothing out of their moirallegiance and wanted more, Vriska used her to get a pretty dress and suck brownblood face.
Would Roxy dying of liver failure be a just death?
>Roxy works out

voodoo doll
probably not, Roxy hasn't killed anyone that wasn't evil, and is quite the philanthropist.
Plot twist! Jade's arc was "am I a character? I forgot" all this time!
>muscle Roxy
>Jane and Jade are the only people with no character
Great joke, my man.
>voodoo doll
Hussie dropped the idea it has MC pins, it can't bring Slick back just like it didn't bring back DD, HB and CD once Slick took over the Felt, even though in the intermission corresponding pins did exist
what the hell do mages do anyway
what do they do with their aspect
let's say mage of rage
do you know what the word pacify means

and kanaya was a horrible moirail, because she wasnt pale for vriska at all, and didnt ever actually stop her from doing bad things because she was afraid vriska would hate her.
>Roxy's arms are completely straight tubes with no muscly curves whatsoever
>People call them muscly because they're retarded numbskulls
Dirk was decapitated twice, and it's not the first time Slick's been blown up offscreen.

Here's my official prediction:
>slick gets beheaded but doesn't die because he's a cyborg
>his body pulls out the oven and stuffs his head into it
>explosion happens
>body ends up getting exploded and
>>81571064 happens
>oven crashlands on planet, Slick's angry cyborg head goes on to provide one more minor plot role
>post yfw Dirk puts Gamzee's other soul half in Lil' Sebastian so he can live freely
she does know hand-to-hand combat so it makes sense

>dat part where she shoryuken'd Condy
Source? I need more of that Terezi.
>Kanaya got nothing out of their moirallegiance and wanted more,

Yeah, but what Kanaya wanted was a matesprit. Vriska even had a go at her because Kanaya didn't bother trying to moirail her, and just told her to do inane shit like clean her room.

Not saying Vriska was in the right, just saying the relationship was bad in both respects. We need to see Vriska with someone willing to force her into change, instead of trying to get in her pants. Need to see how Terezi moirails her, because Terezi wouldn't take her stupid shit.
That is really stupid
Look at the width of her arms compared to John's in the background
That's why it has to happen.
>Terezi wouldn't take her stupid shit
ive got some bad news for you anon
Roxy is also a fist-fighter though.
Robot body parts, the crowbar and gamzee were all caught in the explosion

all of these things are on Caliborn's planet

Yes but it's PS stupid, the kind of stupid that Slick could-

Fuck. FUCK. I can't even complain, I'm the one that wanted character deaths, but FUCK. Can't kill Dave, can't kill fucking Jane, but Slick?
It's literally the same.
Are you perhaps confused by perspective?
originally this was about vriska<>john, how do you think that'd work out?
>/pol/ and [insert board or general here] have always been close.
How to spot /pol/.
That's called perspective
DYEL fags get out
Fuck, that's probably going to happen and I had it spoiled by people with basic deduction skills on HSG.
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>yfw you realize the felt outlived Spade Slick
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ma nigga
john teleported to a scene where terezi (vriskas current moirail) was unable to stop her from doing something bad, and laid her flat with a single punch. hence stopping her.

hes also previously gotten her to feel remorse for her actions, something she usually doesnt do
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Would Roxy and Equius have gotten along?
Remember when GO happened and people thought Gamzee would be a robot
Those were better times
not like he did that of his own accord though.

Honestly I'd watch a show based on worst troll's crazy sexual adventures.
Nobody except furaffinity gets along with Equius.

He's fucking gross.
>"Hi I'm anon, i literally cannot assess the size of multiple objects in relation to each other when they are not right next to each other."
Let me guess, you think a trashcan nearby is the same size as a building in the distance?
trickster roxy hit on arquius, so probably
If they fuck, is that Gamzee x Gamzee or Gam x Zee
Holy fuck, anon. Andrew likes his shitty twists, and I'll be damned if that isn't a shitty twist.
Reminder that Vriska canonically wants to fuck ARquius
not the teleporting itself, sure, but the punch was all him
terezis instructions were just to stop HER from killing vriska, if i remember right
i might not remember right
>Shitty twists
How is it a twist dipshit?

Those are Dirk's white, white legs.
But that's you, thinking that Roxy's arms are bigger just because they're closer.
Vriska is a slut
And that was only because he looks somewhat like Nic Cage
Gamzeebot could either take the murder up to 11, or take it down a notch and be who he always wanted to. Happy.
Caliborn said he built that leg himself with Dirk's instructions, so no.
Terezi said to knock her out.
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Vriska hadn't done anything as bad as she used to since the retcon. She made a plan that, as amazing as it is for Vriska, actually worked. Condy, Slick, Jack, and the Felt were taken down with no casualties. And she came up with that plan with Terezi, right? This means that she actually learned to listen to other people's input in some way. She actually listened to other people and came up with a plan that worked.

You have to consider just how much of a big deal that is. Everything else she ever planned out was a horrid catastrophe that fucked everything for everyone.

The most she's done is mock herself for being a useless piece of shit, and to be fair, (Vriska) was sitting there ready and waiting for Lord English to obliterate her while she snogged a trout.
HS species tier rating

>god tier

>good tier

>ok tier
cherubs. consorts

>bad tier

>shit tier
Not really,no.
>Bubs isn't giant, he's just in the foreground
Imagine roxy's arms slooowly getting farther away.
Wow, now their arms are literally the same.
I feel positively... CAUCASIAN
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A car could swerve out of control on those gams
This would make an alright sitcom.
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Because we don't know how the crowbar and Gamzee got on Caliborn's planet, dipshit.
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Does anyone else find it weird how the curtains never closed at the end of Collide? Also are we still in Act 666?
John got Vriska to realize she was a bitch in less than a day. Sure, she tried every excuse under the sun to justify herself, but she was starting to become introspective.

Then she died and everything went forgotten because ????
Roxy is TONED AF
Did you read that on a fanfiction? Because that's nowhere in the comic you fucking tumblrina.
>Karkat having the nerve to say no to an ass like Nepeta's
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Wait, what?
Caliborn built *something* with Dirk's assistance. We always assumed it was the leg.
they're tights
there's a tiny crease on dirks ankle
Jake's gams :(
remember the whole "I COMMAND YOU TO FEEL MY MUSCLES" thing? that happened while roxy was around, and as such of course she felt his muscles.
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are we taking guest art as canon now

not that I doubt roxy has stronger arms than other girls due to fistkind but c'mon
damn, i guess i was wrong
i still think he could do it on his own accord too though

terezi was sitting right next to vriska when she tore into jake and tavros

also, vriska displayed that she could manipulate terezi super easily now. terezi wanted to revive nepeta and feferi, vriska redirected her. (and stuck the clown in with the bodies, so terezi couldnt do it if she tried.)

terezi cant stop vriska if the dynamic continues like that
The curtain that zoomed out didn't close though.
If act 7 is supposedly an "epilogue" Does that mean LE will be defeated in less than 40 pages? With the necessary time to get all the characters there it'll be less than 30, can Hussie really make that happen in a way that's not rushed and disappointing??
There has not been an ACT 7 ==> command yet. Or a BEGIN INTERMISSION 3 despite Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 (jfc)

Dunno the significance but since its probably not important its going to be incredibly important
Dirk is wearing tights though, like it was said before, it's a thing.

You mean cankle. That's genuine Texas leg fat.
Jane's been drawn as chubby too many times to ignore at this point, let's be real.
I expect a walkaround.

I think he's saving most of the animated stuff for Act 7 epilogue. Or maybe it wont even have one. And act 7 is just more crazy bullshit
what's wrong with this? Jane is the Crocker heiress and a baker on par with Betty herself.
Will there be another MSPA?
You'll just have to wait and see.
Hussie is gonna pull some twist that has him win/not be killed in the end
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she wasn't this update
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You mean Jade
>all this walkaround talk
Ganguro fucking hates Homestuck now
Yes, I remember. I was just memeing
I hope not, Hussie has given up at this point.
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People can't accept that a character may be fat, even when it's a shit character like Jane.
As an alcoholic that's the point I thought that other anon was trying to make. Drawing art of Roxy drunk because "she's cuter and more fun that way" is insulting to alcoholics who actively struggle with their problem.
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>terezi was sitting right next to vriska when she tore into jake and tavros

Being a verbal bitch is still a step back from where she was.

There definitely needs to be an improvement in the relationship dynamic, but there is a marked improvement in Vriska. She's still an abrasive bitch, I'm not going to pretend otherwise, but she's much less dangerous to the group.

Plus Jane can revive Nepeta and Feferi anyway, right? Everybody gets one?
No he's not, that would be subversive. And we all know that while Hussie is great with twisting shit in the beginning and middle, his idea of big moments and endings is painfully cliche.
I expect Huss Buss to take it nice n' cheesy for a while. Maybe work miyamoto style on Hiveswap but not hands on for a while. Motherfucker deserves to sit back on his horse ranch and bask in the sun for a while.

Or he'll pull a problem sleuth and take three days off then go right back at it full speed.
Tiers are not a mathematical average. When half the Cherubs are the worst character in the comic, they're shit Tier.
I'd still like the final volume. 4 songs ain't gonna cut it.

I guess everyone got too old/busy to commit time to little songs that aren't going to be in the actual story...
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Jane's thin, slim body
Yeah, but the other half is cute
It's not like 4chan has any qualms on insulting people. If you can accept anons being racist and homophobic, you can accept them not being respectful with alcoholics.

Now go blog anywhere else.
Jane's disturbing lack of boobs :(
>Jane can revive Nepeta and Feferi anyway, right?
not anymore. nepeta got turned into davepeta, so that was always gonna happen, but feferis corpse was still in the fridge with gamzee. its gone now.
they're all cute skinny nerds and you two can suck it
Oh, we're going to have ourselves a mother fucking problem right here.
she didn't draw it because she's cuter and more fun that way she drew the bottle because she wanted to, and that's her perogative as an artist.
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At least the art we got was of much better quality than Hussie's previous guests.
He's got other programmers working for him now.

Who's Hussie? Some guest artist? This style looks nothing like Homestuck.
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I want them all to be together and fight LE like they fought the Black King
But it's probably not happening
absolutely correct. caliborn is kawaii as fuck
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Caliborn is cute and if you can't accept that, that's not my problem
Thats boring
>but feferis corpse was still in the fridge with gamzee. its gone now.

To be fair, that's Cans fault. He was punching shit to all over the place.
Why don't you go get drunk to cope with us being mean? It's easier, and you know you've been missing it. You are an alcoholic, always will be, so why be miserable while you fight the inevitable?
bakers aren't all fat
stop stereotyping bakers
Shut up I just want troll teamwork
I just want it to be like the old days when they beat their session together
"but it might offend someone! boo hoo!" so who cares? fuck off back to tumblr
Well shit, why didn't you just lead by telling me you are one reasonable as hell dude?
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I want them all to have their Tumblr noses fixed.
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Could it be?
sorry anon I'm just assuming everyone else has as little self-control around delicious pastries as I do
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Nope, bakers are fatty fatty fat fats.

Condy's bodysuit? Suppresses her immense lard into sexy svelteness. Meenah? Vriska originally used her to look thinner by comparison. Jane? We have an accurate artists rendering of her.
>room stuff is next

fuck I want that drawing. I will fucking MURDER SOMEONE. To get hussie to draw me Eridan's dick
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refresh me, which version of Jack was this
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Older guest-artist who started the "Hussnasty" meme. You had to be there.
>yfw it's hiveswap
Is it hiveswap right
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That's Caliborn's one, right?
[S] Cascade was better than [S] Collide
when was this?
I'd like that and the juju'd betas and the squared sprites, all working together, fraymotifs out the ass
Caliborn's. The one that killed Calliope.
what happened to him?
Fuck Hiveswap, I want another damn book.
caliborn had him killed, i think
That's your opinion and I respect it.
Even though it's a shitty opinion.
yeah when the heck was this?
Caliborn said he was going to dispose of him.
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I don't remember Gamzee getting stabbed by Caliborn's Jack
When did this happen?
yikes dude
that's fucking harsh
That fat Jane was drawn by one of the best artists who draw the current Homestuck's art. She's an excellent artist, but she was asked to draw his art to be more scribbly and she remade her panels to look worse.
It's gonna be worse than Hiveswap. It's gonna be another run of Paradox Space comics
I think it's hard to compare them because they had such different focuses. Collide clearly has the best fights in the comic, but Cascade had things happening and better music.
>sburb game guide announced
>homestuck encyclopedia that also includes sburb details announced
>"sburb: apocalypse-free edition" announced
>Cascade had better music
that would be great news if it had the next part to the felt comic

Do you know what site you're currently using?
Cascade is better by every conceivable metric except music.
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That's fair.
It's the music that really sells me on Cascade I think. Black Rose / Green Sun is absolutely stellar in thematic appropriateness, and the way the "questions" were being answered scene after scene (how'd Jack's hand get bloody, what did the Tumor do, etc.) with the original kids becoming god tier was extremely satisfying to see to me.

[S] Collide was a great payoff with the boss battles actually happening after so long, but it didn't have any particular revelation; it's just the next thing in the plot and the logical continuation.
If you're exclusively attracted to women, you have to fuck a male Homestuck character or be killed. Who do you pick?

If you're exclusively attracted to men, you have to fuck a female Homstuck character or be killed. Who do you pick?

If you're bisexual, you have to fuck Davepeta or be killed. Davepeta or Death?
Man, Gamzee's creepy as shit. During these Caliborn updates he's always just standing there. Doing that :o) face. But when he's not with him he shows emotion
it felt good getting back to that style after so long
I bet Davepeta would be pretty fun in bed, so them.
Dirk or Dave
they're pointing out that you're being a shit. even if being a shit is the norm here you're still a shit and they wanted to tell you that
>die of a seizure or die
Doc Scratch
>If you're exclusively attracted to women, you have to fuck a male Homestuck character or be killed. Who do you pick?
>Twink birdboy
>Cute catgirl
>this is a problem somehow
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Karkat, I bet he's the cutest, wimpiest bottom ever. No homo.
you would break under his immense STRENGTH
Uhhh.... Caliborn's mother? Oh wait no, her sex form is a giant snake.
Terezi or Nepeta are kinda tomboyish. I guess I'd go for Nepeta since Terezi would make me incredibly uncomfortable. If their personalities weren't involved I'd go for Terezi probably.
Right? Not even bi but that's a solid fucking choice.
something being so straightforward in Homestuck feels incredibly refreshing in my opinion
but he likes being the leader
on top of >>81571743 "building" robots in their time is more like assembling a computer. Maybe the internals were just fried
Calliborne, his biology is so fucking clown shoes that I probably don't need to worry about anything he does to me counting as sex.
Same. I ended up choosing Nepeta but I would have picked Davepeta if I could. And they're a bro so it would be pretty good sex.
But are you so sure that it wouldn't count as murder?
also I'm a little bi and I'd fuck davepeta because boy am I curious
Karkat, he would be fun to tease.

I'm actually a different dude.

Shit was harsh. But you're still on 4chan. Joke about it as much as you want, it's still a community full of people looking for wounds to kick sand in.
Yeah, leading my dick into his shame pit or whatever the troll word for anus is.
You know, I can appreciate a good twink now and then, but I can't say there's any Homestuck male I find remotely attractive. Well I have to, so let's just go with the Huss.
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that would be fantastic
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Hussie's pretty handsome tbch.
>If you're exclusively attracted to women, you have to fuck a male Homestuck character or be killed. Who do you pick?
Fuck, I'm gonna have to go with death on this one.
I want to fuck Kanaya.
Is that wrong?
>There's already good art of Collide.
Do you happen to have more?
Death, purely on principle

RJ!Lake's updating his stuff. Now hes doing a weird updating thing where he's adding songs he finishes and touching up songs currently on there periodically until he has all 413 songs uploaded.
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there's this >>81568224
I'll post good stuff if I come across it
Nothing with Roxy on it?
The beard actually kind of works if you don't stare directly at it.
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Your gentleman caller awaits.
i want to fuck rose

is that wrong?
>The transform8tion taps into the cheru8s' latent connection with the enigmatic forces presiding over all that is eternal, and perme8ting all those endowed with immortality. Normally this power is only accessi8le to them during m8ting.

So did Caliborn somehow rig the clock so he can never die a Just or Heroic death?
in no universe is that ever wrong
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shes 16, so probably
Yes, you should want to fuck Jade
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i want roxy to sit on my face
Thats the point, you stop paying attention to his lips
So, is anyone else but me really happy that Calliope can still be turned into Caliborn?

She has spirals instead of fully green cheeks, ergo, Caliborn is still inside her.

Hell, what if LE is not the right Caliborn?
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none that's showed up on my dash yet
16 is legal in a number of states.
But then what would happen to our Caliborn?
under 18 is still morally wrong no matter what country you live in
Sort of. Clock is a JuJu that lets him access his latent immortality since the Clock is Cherub powered anyway (Indicated by the Snake Cherubs featured on it), and also why it goes nuts when Lord English emerges from DS. And also why it can be affected by the Crowbar.
No, he rigged it so that he has an eternal murder boner. Like, billions of years eternal, across all the cosmos, across all space-time, across a hundred thousand trillion year histories, into the very blackness of the endless void. And never once getting any.

You would be a raging hulk monster after all that time too.
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>morally wrong
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that fucking thumbnail of the terezi and dave one was throwing me for a loop. I could have sworn it looked like dave was eating one of those giant gummy worms.
Fuck tumblr for having shit taste.
look how kanaya looks at rosy at the end of collide

Roxy will cuck rose as the true lalonde and rose will be stuck with the trash (john)
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Nannasprite can revive people now?
Good taste
looks at roxy*
Good one.
no, stupid.
It's "how can Feferi revive WV" all over again!
And she hasn't changed one bit from when she was 13. So she might as well be 19. That logic holds, right?
Objectively correct
Now that's more like it.
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So john died during [S] Collide.
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bisexual death
What? No.
John's been dead, anon.
Jane was just knocked out. Nanna healed her, didn't revive her.

She's always been able to heal. Jane wasn't dead, she was KO'd.
rip in piece
Poor quality bait.
death truly is the one who fucks us in the end...
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holy shit makes too much fucking sense
Jesus christ. This is so obvious. It's Dave's bird hair all over again
What do you mean? Was Jane not dead yet? Also, I thought Feferi could revive WV because she's a life player.
But why is Gamzee following the fake
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Who /ROXY/ here?
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oh shit
what do we do with metastuck
It's just that good of a red herring.
That condy is anime as fuck
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reporting in
>Was Jane not dead yet?
No, otherwise why was the Condence was approaching slowly to deliver a coup de grâce.
So what does this mean for those of us that donated to his indiegogo?
Dream bubble ghost, like HSG.
Alternatively, he became Reddit just like HSG became /hst/ (who is a freedom player btw)
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Love this artist's Roxys.
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At 12:00 in Condy breaks Jane's neck.
Shit yes mai nig.
I think the artist for that bit actually was Japanese
No she doesn't.
I don't see a glittery snap.
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I'm going to order 1 shirt during this sale, and if by some miracle I win that drawing, I'm going to get andrew to draw crush and ice from AIDS again, for old times sake.
>implying MSPAF didn't get sent to the medium
That's just a throttle, no snapping or twisting is indicated.
Why not? Does she want Jane to live?
Apparently, among her numerous powers, superhuman finger strength is not one of them. She just chokes Jane unconscious. It was ambiguous at the time, but the fact that Nanna revives Jane clearly shows that she was not dead.
When did the update go live?
Well Jane is her heiress.
Oh god it's just like the chess game.
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>next updates will be how the kids fell into the chest
>final flash will be the kids defeating english +epilogue

there I spoiled the ending.
i hope the plushes in the 413 sale are baller as fuck
Legitimate question: Why? People mature differently. 18 is as arbitrary a number as any.

Also fuck childpile.
>spoiling a predictable order of events
Dude, there's no more revelations to be had. The climax is over and done with, this is the resolution. "Spoilers" are done and over.
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That face is fucking horrifying.
then why doesn't he have pupils any more anon?
sad story about how he suddenly died and nobody knows why and now hsg drinks alone and tumblr cries and da has a million pictures of mspaf glued to the walls of her room
We were distracted from this by the assumption that the twist, as a concept, would be LE is wholesale Calliope, not a Caliborn hidden in Calliope's body brought forth. Genius.
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holy shit
that would be rad actually
She did choke Aranea, so she should be physically capable of it, but I suppose she didn't because
I suppose.
Yeah but you're leaving out whatever the fuck Calliope is doing of COURSE they beat English, but what happens before and after that, who fucking knows.
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Well, we finally have a hardline stance on the issue of bros fucking.

They don't. Especially if one of them is dead.
glasses being opaque for one panel do not equal death
or do you think Dave has been dead this whole time
>be caliborn
>work hard and make life sacrifices to be the best at what he can
>some cherub who spend years doing nothing takes the credit
Hes building a wall in paradox space and shell pay for it!
I don't see much wrong with it but I adore tanlines so I can work with that.
will karkat be happy and relevant by the ending?
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>those fingers
>Also fuck childpile.
But I'm not interested in fucking any of the kids.
Looks like a Gerudo.
I'm amazed this idea is still a revelation to some people.
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>ruining the development of Lord English for a crappy twist
destroy green sun. duh.
What she said to jade about jade's powers made it fucking obvious
>caliborn meets this alt universe caliborn
>they see each other
>they kill each other
>plot resolved
I have fapped to Gerudos before.
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not with that attitude
Caliborn is the surprise boss. Why do you think they try to fight him later?
They're just red-haired jews.
Then who was phone?
>Calliope falls alseep
>Caliborn from Alt!Calliope's timeline wakes up mad as fuck
>Gets rid of the weak-ass has friends Calliope
>Escapes through the black hole Jack English into his own session
>Get pursued by the Betas and Alphas as Red Herring!Caliborn watches the event go down
>Alt!Caliborn then becomes Lord English and vows to go on a massive search through the void until he can find the Calliope that bested him

There, I spoiled the shitty twist.
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>people actually want the character that has set up the perfect coming of age story villain to not be the villain
Today's update? A bit before 5:30 EDT I think.
What we want is irrelevant.

This is happening whether we like it or not.
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Either john or dirk probably.
Well, both /HSG/ and MSPAF are dead, Tumblr's more or less the same, and deviant art is pretty irrelevant. I don't think there's really anything we can do except end it.
I guess Metastuck's session was void.
>no dick
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I would fuck the shit out of Davepeta.
so wait if clover was tapdancing on karkat does that mean
not one

all of them since the end of [S] Collide.
We can replace HST with /hst/ and I guess MSPAF with reddit?

No idea on DeviantArt though
he wants to fuck
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>Alt!Caliborn then becomes Lord English and vows to go on a massive search through the void until he can find the Calliope that bested him
You don't know that, he could be the key to killing LE for all we know.
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>implying English isn't a shit villain already when literally all he does is kill ghosts and squids ensures casualty.
HSG dies, MSPAF dies, DA assblasts into the furthest ring, Tumblr stays in the session and spends the rest of her life alone?
That Clover likes tap-dancing on top of things? Yes.
As cool as the theme was, it's extremely impractical for all 12 trolls to be together again. Most of them hated each other anyway, the troll culture is to complicated to have a happy ending.
Nah son you got it wrong. He doesn't get his own session, Alt!Calliope already did, he goes through the black hole to Artist Caliborn's session, kills him, then hijacks it.
Remember how Hussie characterizes his villains: through counterparts from a different timeline. Spades for Jack, Meenah for the Condesce, and now, Caliborn for English, who isn't just his younger self at all.
Do they know about the situation and that im just doing this to survive? Dirk would probably be pretty chill about the whole thing. Maybe equius since hes into taking orders and being degraded.
So literally two.
009989 and 009990.
Blame the artist.
maybe hsg died on his questbed
maybe this is godtier hsg since it seems to be able to talk about the comic for hours on end and the mods haven't banned it yet
maybe hsg gets a just death after homestuck ends and the hype dies down and theres absolutely no reason to have threads anymore
What's the name of the song that played at the beginning of the strife?

Come ON guys, this is hardly a new idea.

Also, it's still "our" Caliborn if someone accidentally says his name and Calliope turns into him. It doesn't change LE's origins, it just adds to it.

I must say though, I hadn't given this really old theory much thought since before Calliope was revived.

But now it suddenly makes a lot more sense because Calliope has the fucking ring that Caliborn has when the kids attack him, and we haven't seen how he got it.

So who's the idiot who's gonna say Caliborn?
English was a shit villain until Caliborn served to characterize him, similarly to Meenah characterizing Condy

making the villain a literal who would be the dumbest thing imaginable
yes. English has a few extra parts caliborn doesn't have. Notably half a clown troll and a sweaty AI/Troll sprite.
Oppa Toby Style.

I think it was named ironically; I sure hope it was, at least.
>Wrote a couple of the early pesterlogs for Hiatustuck
>It turned into this

Thanks for making me hate myself even more.
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>He didnt read the leprechaun exposition
>You will never start the apocalypse by playing vidya with your internet friends.
>Also, it's still "our" Caliborn if someone accidentally says his name and Calliope turns into him

What? He would turn into a literal who Caliborn who has never talked to the kids

No. Reddit doesn't get to be part of Metastuck. That was, like, decision number 2.

Reddit tried to play and was killed by a meteor. Never even entered. I can't find that picture. But it's the one.
Oppa Toby Style sounds like a working/development name, if anything.
Knowing Toby, I'm sure you could play Gangnam Style over that part of the flash and it would fit perfectly
He said on Twitter that he turned in the track without a name and told them to name it

I just find innuendo classier than saying Clover is a slut who bangs grandfather clocks and pool tables.
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It was part of that downhill slide where more and more people from Tumblr started slipping into /co/ and thus into HSG. There was nothing we could do.
this was the best paradox space
#7 was the best shut the fr*ck up
>Toby had to turn his song in
Does that mean he's not head music man anymore?
You missed the whole "every alternate version of you is just a part of a gestalt oversoul 'omni-you' which is the only thing that really matters" theme that Dirk and Davepeta spun.
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I mean, the first time HSG tried to die on his questbed he failed.
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Don't confuse not immediately attacking with not being a genocidal maniac. The difference between Spades and the rest of the Jacks is that Spades is actually smart and/or patient enough to be able to figure out when to attack somebody and which targets are too tough for him to face head-on or by himself

The revived Calliope is from the same timeline as our Caliborn dipshits. It's literally her dreamself. If she falls asleep it won't summon some random Caliborn we don't know, it will summon OUR Caliborn's soul. Then he'll probably fuck some shit up and escape through the black hole or something, and the kids follow him to "rescue" Calliope.
I liked Mister Seven better, but Sumerteen was pretty high-tier
No, he left the team more than a year ago to work on Undertale. How did you miss that?
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>[S] Cascade was better than [S] Collide

God, watching a bit of Cascade again reminded me of a simpler, better time. Remember when Jack was the big bad, and there wasn't a clusterfuck of villains?
Remember when Jack destroyed a fucking universe casually?

Is there even really still a music team? I mean, those four songs were the first thing they'd put out in over three years.
the writing was just really on point
There was a time in homestuck when no one knew what LE looked like.
And even then it probably won't do that. They both shared a physical body but I don't think they shared dreamselves, so it's fully possible that if her "living" self is her dreamself, she can just sleep problem free, if cherubs even need to do that once they're full individuals
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That was about 15 minutes before I went to bed. But I didn't miss anything important.



>half a bottle of oxy
i just realized how goddamn useful painkillers would be in sburb
reading this in dave's voice while he does the voices of the trolls is the best
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this is the face of a woman who has found a new pussy to lust over

rose is old news

roxanaya is canon

All Jacks were. Until they got Jacked up on crazy bullshit powers.

Original Jack only went into motion when he saw an opportunity to usurp the queen and since then he hasn't faced a single person who was "too tough for him" until PM hunted him down.

And Beta Jack was straight up mind-jacked by insanity powers.
Reminders of 2013
>Everyone thought Doc Scratch was a perfect big bad
>LE's full appearance was a disappointment
>Some people ACTUALLY thought Karezi was gonna be endgame
>Some people thought Homestuck was ACTUALLY gonna end that year
>Jack was still considered a threat and not a loose plot thread that needed to be tied up
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yeah ok
It just occurred to be that Bec Noir is finally done. He's finished.

Jesus that took a while.

i like it
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That's the face of a non-character who had no business even being in the same fight as people who mattered. After knocking out Karkat Rose should've knocked out Kanaya for being equally useless
... then what happens to the other Caliborn?
There was a time when nobody knew what was in Jack's box.
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for the longest time I was convinced he was never going to be relevant

Original Jack sought out opponents on his own level several times. Even above his level in the case of Bro+Davesprite.
There was a time when it was just some kid dicking around in his room and IMing his friends.
i'm sure rose knocked kanaya, don't worry
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I pick both.

First one, then inevitably following the other via destroyed rectum
dang thats really nice
i remember when everyone thought jade was a creepy neckbeard
then a girl with a boat hat/giant tumor
and then the trolls were the neckbeards
Why didn't John use his retcon power to help in every boss fight at once?

There's millions of random versions of Caliborn and Calliope out there anon. Like most of them, AltCalliope's Caliborn is irrelevant. He was too weak to even beat his sappy sister, no way he could ever become Lord English.
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What do you think of Jade
Dave a qt, so him

Though I'd rather Davepeta desu
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>Original Jack sought out opponents on his own level several times. Even above his level in the case of Bro+Davesprite.
Even then, he would retreat when he was clearly in a stallmate (like against the robo bunny.)
No, I mean the Caliborn the kids fight.
Because Hussie is a hack
Somebody post that "WHO ON EARTH IS LORD ENGLISH?" with every Homestuck character wearing his overcoat. It's a funny image because LE ended up being an amalgam of a bunch of characters.
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RIP in pieces buddy

He's hanging with PS's death and playing Monopoly.
It's possible he doesn't have the control to do that.
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Took some roundabout getting there, but we got there.
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please more
remember 'everyone is lord english'? some guy made a cairo overcoat and sent it around the world to different fans. people were making little spacetime rips and attaching personal things like pins etc.

it carried on for a while before somebody stole it.
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uh i like jade
cute design, fun to cosplay
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Who put Baymax in lingerie?
mspaf probably died next to his stump
And when everyone found out they were like "wtf is this? our big bad is a skull-faced body-builder?" And Hussie got all huffie, saying "well he's a big bad mobster with a giant overcoat, what the fuck did you expect?"

Good times.
Then why do you not draw more of her
When did you cosplay Jade?
It's been nearly 6 years since [S] Jack: Ascend and [S] Jade: Enter
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>Caliborn mentions falling for a trick that he already knew about and not knowing why he would fall for a tick he already knew about
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>MSPAF killing himself before Homestuck ends because he can't live in a world without it
That's really dark...
>implying Kanaya doesn't bang Rose while Karkat bangs her mom upstairs
Teamwork, anon
did john die?

he hasn't had his eyes shown since the middle of collide.......................
can you find the link to that pls anon im boggling at this
I knew from the Intermission in my first readthrough that LE would be the final boss so Jack becoming a side villain came as no surprise to me.
I'm glad this exists.

wait a minute, that hair, that skin...

does tumblr wish dave was geromy?
Are you fucking retarded?
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i'm not lying

he's dead
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I know I have it in this folder somewhere.

Hold this. I'm going back in.
Ghosts do not physically replace their body. Ghosts show up in dream bubbles.
We have not yet seen the importance of the different alt versions of the kids and or trolls that Davepeta brought up.

I guess it's safe to say at this point that that is something that was saved for the 13th?

After this, only 34 pages remain, so I guess it's 5 to 7 pages a day till Wednesday.
also what the fuck is going on with those fingers
Not unless they're all dead, but then it doesn't make sense for Dave and Terezi to be there.
that's just the evil glasses shine because he's been working for english this entire time
but john is special, he can recon travel
paperseverywhere is a bad artist
>I knew from the point where LE was just a character that someone briefly mentioned in an intermission that LE would be the final boss.

You're full of shit, and regardless that doesn't change the fact that Jack was built up so fucking much only to fall to the wayside like nothing.
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Hussie's pulled the god damn wool over our eyes
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there's like over 100 characters in homestuck
theres so many to draw
ive already got to draw my fantroll for someone, i told them i would like twice
what kind of jade do you want?

years ago
Are DD and CD still alive in the alpha session? Are they somehow going to outlive all the Jacks?
just finished the flash

fucking terrible
You know who needs more fanart?
The carapace grills.
Jack: Ascend is still probably my favorite, next to Make Her Pay. Don't know why Hussie felt the need to outsource so much stuff when Ascend was pretty much the textbook definition of a perfect flash.
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I just rewatched Cascade and the following flash of LE's emergence from Doc Scratch and hoo boy I am hyped as fuck for the rest of the week now
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ive drawn plenty of them man
this is the best ive got
Fuck off.
Not only was Doc Scratch a perfect big bad, he was smart enough to bow out of the story right before Hussie lost his touch.
He probably is working more on Hiveswap now so that he doesn't have the time to do everything by himself.

Which after Wednesday then finally can have his complete attention.
I want me a cute Jade.
or a lewd Jade.
Or both.
But mostly a happy Jade. Jade's been sad for too long
Doc scratch was actually bowman's self insert.

the more you know
I think there's more fanart of Eridan than every single carapace combined.
I would have never guessed this is yours since pixel art is not something you usually do.
Why is Heir of Grief such a good song?
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it kind of looks like she's grabbing through his hand. its probably an art error though
I'd like to see Jade without the Dog tier stuff. Been a long time since I've seen good ol fashioned Jade running around.
>showing your friends spoilers of your story.png
Don't you have some bad OCs to go make? Or are you done with those and stuck on the story you'll never write?
>it's a "cancerous fandom gets mad at another, equally cancerous fandom over a reaction image" episode
Can we skip this one? Already seen it.
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>complaining about trigger universe
>on /co/
>in a homestuck thread
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i tried getting into at one point
not really my strong suit
now i remember why i stopped coming to these threads

full of literal sjw man children

im out
fuck this gay general
Bowman's self insert was Coke. Remember Coke?
But the SU, Undertale and Homestuck fandom consists to a large part of the same people.
sauce? :O
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Wish they drew more of these, they're cute.
Her fingers are hooked around the back of his hand, looks like.
Fuck you too, buddy.
tell me more
Quite the repertoire, impressive.
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i'll let him know for you
im sure he'd make more

>Full of shit
It was blatantly obvious, especially once it was revealed that the Intermission was actually relevant towards the end. Though most people believed early on that the "Demon" in the troll's universe wasn't Jack but was Lord English, or that once Bec Noir came around that he WAS Lord English. Either way, Lord English was foreshadowed to be the end boss for a very long time.
I just bought the RIP Condy t shirt.

Can someone explain the appeal of Steven Universe to me? I have absolutely zero interest when all the jokes in the commercials were *raises spork* levels of cringe.
So long gay Bowser.
>full of literal sjw man children
You've never actually been in these threads, have you?
"Coke" was what HSG called the dead beta John that dated Vriska. If you want proof it's Bowman, listen to his date night version of How Do I Live.
im not a fan of any of the shirts. The one with the kids aren't too bad.

If the Caliborn in the claymation isn't the actual Caliborn, then why does he have all of his shit?

You really think that Caliborn 2 rips out a tooth/etc and magically puts on a lord of time outfit?

They are pretty good.
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give me a few minutes
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They're going to beat up and hogtie "Lord English" and they'll end up unmasking him scooby doo-style. It's Kurloz.
She looks like she's going through a fucking Nam flashback
>that gif

There is a special circle in hell reserved for people like you.

The Caliborn the kids fight is the one we've been following and the one that becomes Lord English. It's the same guy. Presumably he just disappears from his current location if he's awakened in Calliope's body, or his current body falls asleep. I'm assuming the former though because it's more elegant.
Rule one of children's media is to never trust the marketing
half the time the thing is actually good and the marketing is made just to appeal to children (See HTTYD, Cloudy)
It's worse than that, it's all based around tumblrisms. Some things are organic, like the fusion of a boy/girl being a nonbinary character, or a society of all females being lesbians, but some things are really cringy, like us expecting to like a good guy because they're "flawed/mentally ill" despite the fact that in the forefront all it does is make them a terrible person toward her friends/allies, or forced body positivity/love conquers all bullshit that directly goes against its drive to be more than a shallow kids show.

That said the aesthetic/score is pretty great.
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ahaha fuck the edits people made were better
i think this was my favorite

i laugh everytime
Acquiring identical aesthetic accessories to other character / other versions of the same character is kind of old hat by now
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>leave HS because of SJW bullshit
>all these years pass with increasingly worse SJW garbage in TV, video games, and online
>HS magically jerks back to life after all this time and bullshit
>it doesn't seem as bad compared to everything else now
krill me
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Thank god they retconned 3 years worth of Homestuck to bring Vriska back... Not sure what they would have done without her!
There are people who defend Davepeta in the thread right now.
I've never seen this one before, thanks, anon

It obviously is the actual Caliborn, people haven't thought this through properly. He has the rainbow magic from beating Yaldabaoth too.

But the Calliope twist can still happen temporarily and is a perfect explanation for how he gets the ring. Just don't expect it to change everything like some people seem to think.
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>"Always do the opposite of what Vriska says"
That has nothing to do with "SJWs" that's just bad taste
well uh
she stopped karkat from getting cucked

in the end that's all that matters right

That has less to do with being a SJW and more to do with being an idiot with terrible taste. Who also smells funny by the way, it's just that no one has heart to bring it up.
Didn't that still happen? Fuck I can't remember shit. Are we talking about by Gamzee or Dave?
Ms. Paint deftly undoing her headscarf, pulling it off with a seductive flourish, wrapping it around your throbbing cock, and jerking you off into it.
say what you all will, thinking the ending will be great, shit or eh I think it'll be satisfactory and I'm still not over [S] Collide that was fucking amazing
For some reason Vriska existing meant that Daverezi didn't happen even though Dave and Terezi's relationship was only ever good and they were still flirting when he was almost at the meteor.

I think out of all the plotholes in the retcon that's the biggest. How did Vriska just stop that relationship dead in its tracks?
this tbqh fammalamma ding dong

I lost my fucking MIND when the fraymotifs came up. Not to mention DAD and Dirk dying (until that was fixed right away...)
it's a character-driven show, first and foremost. it is a kid's show, but you have stuff like Pearl being made to be a servant and being super fucking gay for Rose for treating her like a person and nearly getting herself killed several times rather than let enemies get anywhere near Rose (something Rose was clearly uncomfortable with). Rose gave up physical form to make Steven, and Pearl's interactions with Steven are all colored by her resentment toward him for being the reason Rose is gone, though she knows he didn't do it on purpose and whatever the fuck that emotional interaction between greg and amethyst was that ended with her shapeshifting into his wife to make him not leave her and how are ruby and sapphire allowed to get away with neck kisses on CN??? and fucking onion showing steven his birth video what the fuck
she never got her vagina full of faygo semen is what i meant

also gamzee was not a threat which was the main thing
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Dave walked in on Terezi helping Vriska spin we8s super8ad.
I am sexually attracted to Davepeta.
blame john
I don't think it was Vriska, it was the "you don't need him". Maybe she meant "You don't need the abusive literal murderous clown asshole" but past Terezi interpreted it as "literally every male, ever".
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Having Jane suddenly defenseless at Condy's mercy with no explanation for how she got there was pretty bad honestly. Something was missing in between there, like a scene was cut.

Same with Roxy's back stab. Should have showed her going invisible first to make it more believable that Condy would drop her guard that badly.
same I got both chills and laughter from that such a mixed bag of feels, but over all completely amazed, I smiled with Dad came out and showed who was the manliest man of all men, it was great to see a lot of kick ass action
daverezi didnt happen because john told her not to date him
she listened because i dont know i guess listening to your black crush's advice makes sense ever
>Same with Roxy's back stab. Should have showed her going invisible first to make it more believable that Condy would drop her guard that badly.
rewatch, you see roxy hiding behind her in the condy's last scene before her death
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it was john.

john made dave a homosexual. how ironic.
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John shocked.gif
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>Maybe she meant "You don't need the abusive literal murderous clown asshole" but past Terezi interpreted it as "literally every male, ever".

>John unintentionally turned Terezi gay, which turned Dave gay
Ah, now THIS is the old HSG I knew and loved.
You're right about Jane, but you can see Roxy setting up to show them her stabs.
Please tell me this is still just a meme. She meant Karkat you fucking sperglords how is anyone still denying this? The writing was literally on the wall before any of the events that brought her and Dave/Gamzee together took place, and literally right AFTER a conversation with Karkat.
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Except for John apparently since she's been black flirting with him.
yeah I feel like there should have been a short spite scene with condy mind control throwing the kids and picking up Jane. On my second watch I picked it up though.
I think its because roxy is kind of blurred out
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Wait, did that actually happen? Fuck me I've scrubbed so much of Act 6 from my memory.

Man what a fucking asspull those retcons were. Not even some form of allusion as to who HIM is or why she would need him. Are Karkat and Dave her windows to getting over her past relationship with Vriska or something? I could see her being hung up on Vriska based on their past. Maybe flirting with the two of them was her trying to move on?

Or was it Gamzee? But Gamzee hadn't even a hint of a major relationship with her until after the Meteor started it's trip. What role could he have been in her life before that?

Maybe all the retcon passwords allowed her to see into her GO self's memories and make more rational and educated decisions in general?
they should have just thrown him into the green sun

The biggest plot hole BY FAR is that Terezi didn't misplace her glasses after trying to revive Tavros in the retconned version.

In the original timeline, Gamzee got hold of the glasses, and responded to Karkat when he tried to contact Terezi. This caused Karkat to call Equius for help instead, and you know the results.

In the retconned version, Terezi would have gotten Karkat's messages, and thus should have known from the start that Gamzee was the killer and not Vriska. Yet everything proceeds as in the original version until John intervenes several more times.
very related.

I know that, but it doesn't make it any better because there's other scenes in between and Roxy is plainly visible the whole time.
I think not naming anyone is a bit contrived when it comes to writing because it feels the vagueness was just made not to crush shippers' feelings.

The other problem is that Terezi still flirted with Dave via chat. They just didn't hit it off on the meteor, or at least not as much as pre retcon.
I want Vriska to tear my back open with her nails in pleasure as I fuck her raw, so nah. You'll do fine.
Doesn't matter, Terezi didn't have a real relationship with either of them
That was referring to Gamzee
Oh fuck, I forgot about that. Goddammit Hussie can't you at least retcon your story right?
remember when jade was relevant
AND hip?
If thats the biggest plothole in homestuck thats not too fucking shabby for making up 95% of the comic

>Dave "it's okay to be gay" Strider
>Dave "make time go slowmo for more time to homo" Strider
>Dave "why don't you try making out with a guy" Strider
>Dave "Who needs Jade I'ma get Karkat laid" Strider
>Dave "Ironic ploys to kiss boys" Strider
he's not dead, just deringed, and he's the only jack left in the comic; his part in the story isn't over yet
Jade's hips you say?
What further part in the story could he possibly have?
The problem wasn't that Jack became a side villain, it's that all of the characters who had very personal reasons for hating him just sorta... stopped caring.
Refresh my memory: why did Vriska suddenly become Miss Meddlesome McFussyfangs when she showed no indication of giving a damn about anyone before Vriska stabbed her? What exactly changed?
>Dave "Sick beats I slobber on guy's meats" Strider
Literally none of these are funny please smash your head in to a wall
That was referring to Gamzee as it happened right before a conversation with Gamzee
I think the reason Terezi didn't get with Dave is because she never got with Karkat. One of the reason Dave got with Terezi was to piss off Karkat
So has anyone talked about the fact that Condy is probably not dead and will probably wake up and kill SOME one, because of that whole

ya know

immortality curse
*before Terezi stabbed her

I dunno, I laughed.
vriska dealing with gamzee is IC

everything else though

she probably

didn't want to see her ho (terezi) and her ex (kanaya) treated like shit

whether or not you believe if that's in her character is up to you.
>he's the only jack left in the comic

John knocked some sense into her. Plus she turned into a raging bitch in some retarded attempt to be Terezi's friend again which didn't work, so maybe having Terezi be her friend/moirail post-retcon settled her down a bit?

Plus she clearly wanted to be friends with them, she tried with Nepeta and Feferi, but none of them liked her on account of her being a huge bitch.
Not really a plothole. You think she didn't simply take off the glasses again to try to revive Tavros?
>Man what a fucking asspull those retcons were.

>Karkat and Terezi have a complicated relationship but care for each other and a development that reader experienced over years

>the retcon completely eradicates that, replacing those versions with new ones that don't seem to have any significant relationship even as friends post retcon

>and their dead pre retcon selves have not yet met in the afterlife and maybe never will

You don't even need to want Karezi as endgame, removing years of development like this is still garbage. It'd be bittersweet if pre-retcon Terezi gave the instructions because it was the only way to make sure they are both and everyone else are happy in a way, but imo you could at least address that fact and not just leave it unresolved.

The prospect of beating the actual 8ig 8ad while having ample time to prepare and meddle with anything that would interfere with your gr8 plan.
R.I.P. Dad
Wait, didn't Alt!Calliope already defeat and therefore murder her Caliborn side? I thought that kind of session only happened if you played alone
What theories?
We've got a bunch of meaningless pinup pages leading to a final dump of pages and/or a final flash. There's no story left. There's going to be a quick and dirty tying up of loose ends and nothing more.
>Dave "Fucking Men Makes Me Grin" Strider
Well there's the cherub switcharoo for one.

That's a big deal.
I'm pretty sure that was it, but a space player would not have a chance in hell in beating the single-player billiards game.
Does tumblr even know who ryan north is?
>he really thinks the hussmaster is gunna let us down
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It's good to know that if I die in SBURB and get blood all over everything, it'll just disappear one I'm done being healed
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they even said they never have to change either
god tier jammies have magical cleaning remember? and I guess healing powers remove it from skin

magic, i aint gotta explain shit etc.
That's awful.

Dave "Fucking queers for the rest of his years" Strider
I fully embrace the disappointment.

Mostly because I just want this damn thing to end as fast as possible.
He's been letting us down for years now, why would he change?
you KNOW john plowed her afterwards

casey is going to have a sister!
fammo i fully enjoy almost every aspect of the comic
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Why is Hussie so fucking strong?
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I can feel it

I'll finally be allowed to die, soon.

It's a matter of days
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It's really sad how people will just eat this shit up and accept Hussie full on implementing last minute changes into the plot itself and saying 'Lol Meta' as an excuse. Then he forgets everything he's written and characters begin getting ruined more than they ever at Game Over. He really should have finished this story far earlier instead of allowing these long as fuck pauses to fuck up his flow.
You have obscenely low standards.
Get some fucking taste
he hates fatties like you and does his best to avoid it
You see Roxy behind Condy before that scene, and she's clearly focused on the three kids in front of her. It isn't obvious at first, but it's something you pick up on a rewatch, which is something I can really appreciate.

You're absolutely right about Jane, though.
why does one arm look so massive compared to the other, this perspective is fucked.

wait a minute, it's just like his old art. I think I'm in love.
He's clearly been suckling on his humanimal butler's teat.
Years and years of trying to keep his franchise from sinking into irrelevance.
What about Hivebent?
>before Vriska stabbed her
>trust no one, not even yourself ::::)
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Is this a Jojo?
So in other words, you're a self loathing cuck.
jimmy status: rustled
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That's a nice Roxy, Angle, but it isn't Jade.
Endgame ships
Jake is alone
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I totally would though
Is there even any art for Dirkrezi? That seems like one of the few with absolutely nothing.
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No. Stop that.
>So who's the idiot who's gonna say Caliborn?
john, of course
Wait, is that Jade Harley?
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>yfw act 7 is longer than act 6 and drops all at oncce
Post one crackship you would've liked to see get more art over the course of the series
>Dave "Slob On Knobs" Strider
>Dave "Give Me A Lick of that Dick" Strider
>Dave "Full Gay, All Day" Strider

Jake is alone.

Well, you got one thing right.
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not exactly a crackship, but I wanted a lot more sawtooth x dirk interaction, sounds like he's almost a father figure that dirk built
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nah, she's a cunt.
What about Homestuck 2?
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Davevris, oh my God
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you disgust me

that ones just stupid
It's been a long time since I thought about how classes paired up, but I believe I had them something like this.


and of course Rogue/Thief, Prince/Bard, and Muse/Lord are canon.
Tough question. The only characters confirmed to know his name are Hussie and himself. Maybe one of the Makaras.
The entire plot has already been resolved. There's literally nothing left except "beat up Lord English and ring in the new universe".
Jake, but he has to wear the God Tier outfit
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>The entire plot has already been resolved
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reddit figured this shit out? something's up.

and terezi c3< eridan/sollux isnt even a crack ship but its criminal that there isnt any art or fics of it so thats my final answer
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I'm pretty sure that just made her ageless, not actually unkillable.
hell yes
That would actually be really fucking awesome.
Can you think of lingering plot threads except what the denizens want?
wednesday is gonna hit you like a truck.
zillywave and sawhoo still happened
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from an earlier thread man
they asked first
what if he knew they would do this and it's a ruse
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RIP in peace.png
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>believing in Hussie Zahaak
None of those pairing make any fucking sense.

We already know that mage deals with knowledge, so Seer/Mage is almost a given at this point.
What little we've seen of pages paints them as acting more like Heirs than Knights in terms of powers.
I'm not even going to touch Maid/Seer.
satisfying to everyone? no way, duh. satisfying to you guys? probably not
ill trust that ill like it though.
theres only a few things that would really ruin it for me.
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>[S] Collide album costs $6.66 on Bandcamp

prince/bard doesn't make sense either
homestuck is t e r r i b l e
What could that possibly be?

>Filename not showing on spoilered image.
it's free if you pirate it.

andre hussmaster
is there a place to pirate the new album yet?
>Prince destroys shit.
>Bard destroys shit.
hu akbar
Anal Horseplay
the return of damara
bard is passive, prince is active
they both destroy shit
bard is more like "trickster", and prince is kind of like prince vegeta if you catch my breath
Honestly the fact that there is a completely lesbian
planet is still a bit fishy and reeks of author wish fufillment. I feel like sugar started with "planet of lesbians" and then went on trying to explain it rather than having it organically happen in the writing. I like the show,
but at times, it switches from being cool to a mix of preachy and Sugar's fantasies being shoved into a kids show.
Alabaster Horses
Hussie/Vriska update incoming
>if you catch my breath
how can you catch that what is free
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The 8ig day.png
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It's his wedding day.
you just need a good net
That's no excuse for YOU not to make sense.
Thread posts: 828
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