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Mary Sue Wars edition

Rogue One Official Teaser:

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I never thought Star Wars would become a series about feminist Mary Sues upstaging the SILLY BOYS
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Best uniform coming through
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Mary Sues so far:
>Ciena Ree
>Rogue One Katniss
is there going to be a new TRAITOR! stormtrooper?
why does everything with a female protag qualify as a fucking mary sue
because rey and this girl totally are mary sues that cant do no wron and they can do everything easily
they even said it on the trailer
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Poe, Snap, and Jess can't die, so we got the elder and the rookie
Superman is the only Mary Sue
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Let's see, using Rey as an example

>She's kind, mature, and self-sacrificing

>Expert Mechanic (better than Han)

>Speaks every language featured in the film

>Ineffable moral code

>Better shot with a pistol than professional soldiers armed with rifles

>-Stronger in the force than Luke's former apprentice

>Flies the Falcon like Lando within two minutes of crashing it into the ground, including initiating and recovering from a low-altitude stall. Goes from rookie to expert pilot in no time.

>Successfully uses the Jedi Mind Trick on her second attempt.

>Knows how to use a lightsaber upon picking it up. Just compare that to Finn's experience, and Finn had professional CQC training since he was a small boy. She then absolutely schools a trained Force-user.

Her only "weakness'" are that she recoils from Luke's saber after touching it, which isn't even really a weakness since it's overcome just a little while later. She also doesn't want to leave Jakku so she doesn't miss her family if they come back for her.

The only weakness' the character actually has only plant the halo more firmly on her head. She shuns power and is loyal and trusting to a fault. So let's contrast that with Luke in A New Hope.

>Excellent pilot

>Good shot with a blaster

>Slight force ability

>Excellent moral compass

On top of that though, he's a naive, whiny ignorant farm-boy with a fantasy of being a hero. He isn't useful with the force, isn't good at fixing anything besides prying crap out of R2's chassis. He has zero skill with a lightsaber. He gets ambushed by sand people and passes out, and nearly gets disemboweled by an outlaw in the cantina until Obi-Wan saves him. He can't save his best friend, who gets disintegrated by Vader while protecting Luke, and nearly gets shot down twice before he even enters the trench. Even then he's only saved by Han swooping in to take out Luke's pursuers.
L'ulo is going to die
I can feel it in my heart
>Forest Whitaker
>Mads Mikkelson
>Donnie Yen
>Riz Ahmed
>directed by Gareth Edwards
>a return to the BASED original Galactic Civil War aesthetic
>no jedi in sight

And of course spergs are flipping out because the main character is a woman. It must be terrible, getting triggered every time a movie has a protagonist that isn't a white guy. I'm glad I don't have that problem.

evidence plz
>they can do everything easily
>they even said it on the trailer

Because they're assembling a team to find the Death Star plans, the most secure military secret in the galaxy? Maybe you need people that are skilled for that. Luke was an OP farmboy.
Anyone else already want to punch this bitch in the face?
don't bring Ciena into this. She falls into a depression hole and loses half her torso.
This is why I can't stand coming here all that much and talk about the movies, some people can't talk about the things they like and are already retroactively hating it because of one thing, a girl.
>next decade of Star Wars is going to be apologizing for white male guilt

Kill me
>with ma dick
>felicity jones
yeah with my di- ah fuck it
She doesn't look hot in this pic at all. It wasn't until I saw the trailer today that I realized she was pretty nice looking.
You never thought Star Wars, the series that is literally about Mary Sues, would become about girls, who are literally 50% of the population?

OK. Stay in school.
/pol/ or bait? I can't decide.
don't you mean the previous ones?
Is that supposed to be Tarkin?
You mean

>next decade of Star Wars is going to be apologizing for the lack of new canon/live action Star Waifus

My dick can't wait
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I have no interest in this movie at all. It looks like one of those young adult adaptions, not Star Wars.
>best uniform
They didn't even iron that cape. This presents a poor image of the Empire. This man is hereby sentenced to the spice mines.
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It's just bait.

I go with both, not enough time to come up with reasons they are not in TFA and Kare is obviously not based on a real person like the others.
Rogue One looks super lame to me. My friend is super excited and s going to pay for my ticket.
I mean I guess I'll go...
No but there will be a CGI Pete Cushing

yay...I really wish I made this up
I was hyped for Rey, up until I saw the movie. This movie is going to have to prove to me that they're going to give her a real character, not another conflictless perfect at everything goodie goodie.
I've read all the new canon books and comics. Even the shit ones.

Why should I quit being autistic now?
I heard that. I hope it's nothing more than a background appearance

>She's kind, mature, and self-sacrificing
so is luke. he has his moments of immaturity, but when you look at his actions, even in ep 4 he's pretty fucking solid.

>Expert Mechanic (better than Han)
she spent her life surviving on a scrapyard planet. also, just because she solved one problem doesn't mean she's better than han.

>Speaks every language featured in the film
this is barely even a point. being multilingual isn't some kind of superpower, it was just there to show that finn was relatively isolated.

>Ineffable moral code
name one time luke broke his moral code. he clearly used his anger in battle, but so did she.

>Better shot with a pistol than professional soldiers armed with rifles
so was every OT hero. also, he was a better shot with proton torpedoes than the rest of the elite squadron he joined. you know why? the fucking force.

>-Stronger in the force than Luke's former apprentice
no. he had a bowcaster hole in his side during the fight, and was clearly getting worse the whole time. if you're talking about the mind invasion thing, he was NOT expecting her to be force sensitive and got blindsided.

>Flies the Falcon like Lando within two minutes of crashing it into the ground, including initiating and recovering from a low-altitude stall. Goes from rookie to expert pilot in no time.

>Successfully uses the Jedi Mind Trick on her second attempt.
she just had a fucking brain invasion tutorial. luke made a 1-in-a-million shot at the end of the movie and somehow that's more plausible than a mind trick?

>Knows how to use a lightsaber upon picking it up. Just compare that to Finn's experience, and Finn had professional CQC training since he was a small boy. She then absolutely schools a trained Force-user.
she fought with melee weapons all her life. she had WAY more training like that than even ESB luke, and her opponent was handicapped

Wow, I don't know you, never will probably, pretty sure i would hate you.
No? Why would you think that's Tarkin?
Is that a skull on his belt buckle?
/tv/ is having a pure shitstorm about this right now. Except its less about leads being mary sue and more "muh white male leads"
I hate that board
dat a e s t h e t i c
it is

Fuck you naysayers, it will be great
What? I'm just saying that I didn't think she was attractive until I saw some better angles. She's not bad at all.
wow, they're really laying on the whole "Empire is evil" motif
If you told them Diego Luna's name was actually David Miller they wouldn't even notice he's not white
>look at /tg/ thread
>they're just chilling and talking about the imperial tech in the trailer
this side of it is making me really excited for the movie. I can gloss over that "I RE-BELLE" line.
Because white male leads are more relatable to most of the world's audience. I can't relate to female characters at all.
>No but there will be a CGI Pete Cushing
Do you think it would look better than the CGI young Jeff Bridges? I'll be honest, that was creepy.

Looks like an indent in the middle of the belt buckle.
You're one of those guys that believes girls and boys can't be friends without one of them wanting to bang the other, aren't you?
just watched the new trailer and wtf??

where was luke, rey, finn, bb-8, poe, chewie, r2, leia, etc??
>>She's kind, mature, and self-sacrificing

Rey is not particularly kind, and is quite immature

>>Expert Mechanic (better than Han)

She's been scavenging parts her entire life.

>>Speaks every language featured in the film


>>Ineffable moral code

Just like Luke and Leia.

>>Better shot with a pistol than professional soldiers armed with rifles

Stormtroopers have never been able to shoot for shit.

>>-Stronger in the force than Luke's former apprentice

So she's the Mace Windu of her generation.

>>Flies the Falcon like Lando within two minutes of crashing it into the ground, including initiating and recovering from a low-altitude stall. Goes from rookie to expert pilot in no time.

"I've flow ships before but never left orbit"

>>Successfully uses the Jedi Mind Trick on her second attempt.

Yes, after having been mind-interrogated by Kylo and deciphering what he was doing.
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>girls and boys can't be friends without one of them wanting to bang the other

Because it's true. I cannot emotionally relate to a female, especially on a level of "friendship".
you're silly
i like you
More like they're laying on the whole 'Empire is sexy as fuck and has great uniforms aesthetic' motif
Did you just come from the mosque, brother?
Then you might be on the spectrum. Oh wait, I'm in a general on 4chan. Sorry to bother you buddy!

>Do you think it would look better than the CGI young Jeff Bridges?
I hope it's brief and close to the quality of CGI young Michael Douglas in Ant-Man's prologue
Sounds like a personal problem
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Just stop Anon.
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Oh boy.

Obligatory >>>/r9k/

So, guys.

>I can't relate to anything that's not exactly like me
You might be autistic
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Yeah, /tv/ found NAP-R.

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>Empire is sexy as fuck and has great uniforms aesthetic

damn straight
Ok, you're clearly autistic or something. And I'm not using that in the "4chan buzzword" sense.

I'm sorry normal life and interactions are so puzzling to you.
as far as the piloting thing, which I had to delete because comments were too long: she had a flight sim in her AT-AT house and luke was just some kid who shot womp rats who blew up the death star. do you seriously believe dealing with 2 tie fighters in a large, shielded freighter was harder than THE DEATH STAR?

her weaknesses, to address that point, are that she's a deeply fearful person. she could've left jakku years ago, but didn't, because what else could the galaxy have for her? She's afraid of the lightsaber and the force and kylo ren, because she's the opposite of luke. he wanted to get out into the galaxy, but couldn't leave his family. she wanted her family to come to her on jakku and to stay in a place that was shitty, but at least couldn't fail her more; but her moral nature pulled her away from this. Up until the moment she takes that lightsaber in the duel, she's trying to run away, to return, to cower -- just from a different angle than finn.
Is he dead or is he just knocked out?

it'll be on reddit tonight, buzzfeed by tomorrow
Fuck Poe, I want a movie about Unkar Plutt first!
I honestly don't understand how a guy could relate to a female. Especially emotionally. Guys and girls are way too different.

Can someone seriously explain?
>Royal Guard cameo
Maybe for once they'll actually do something
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>Fuck Poe
You sound like a faggot
Talk to your therapist about it at your next appointment.
How about you fuck off to /r9k/ and shitpost there.
Serious question: do you think girls have cooties?
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>mfw we get the Emperor
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Do you have a male friend? Do you feel sorry for him when you see him fail? Do you feel happy for him when he succeeds?

Take those feelings and apply it to a female.
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>Is that a skull on his belt buckle?
Nigga, I know they do.
But guys and females do not feel the same happiness or sadness. Guys learn from disparity. Girls become hysteric. Guys can feel pride in their achievements. Girls get cocky.
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no, they're definitely different. But relating to a soldier is always easier. That's why I liked Finn, even though I didn't like that he was cast for being black.
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reminder that jyn has a cute butt
>Guys learn from disparity. Girls become hysteric.

Oh honey. Being serious, what are you basing this on? Anime stereotypes?
Star Wars was ALWAYS Leftist/Liberal propaganda trash. Remember how Princess Leia was an unrealistically capable ass kicker who was rude and the males put up with her BS? Or how about that the Empire was composed SOLELY of Evil White Men while the heroes were multicultural? Lando anyone?

Putting it simply it was always like that. Just that it was more "subtle" but as always there's a slippery slope.
So why is she wearing an Imperial outfit in the trailer? Does she defect?
>Guys learn from disparity. Girls become hysteric.

tell that to /tv/ because it's hilarious watching them shit themselves in impotent rage because the main character is GASP a woman
Do you think we will see Mon Mothma in the movie more, or will she just be there in a couple of scenes?
Sorry, I'm distracted by the cute droid butt
All the traits you mentioned are basic human traits that apply to literally everyone.
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She was supposed to be ASM Black Cat.
>I didn't like that he was cast for being black.

The part was conceived and written as a white man.

John Boyega gave the better casting audition and won the part through merit.
Is that you, grievousanon?
So to sum up
>She has all the positive qualities of all three MC of the OT, learns Force techniques faster than Luke could even when fucking Yoda was teaching him, and basically can do everything better than anyone
Feel free to stop posting anytime.
It's a fucking disguise you moron
Are you guys done feeding the troll, or is this thread going to be a washout too?
see, when you feel that way, it's a form of misogyny. please see a therapist. your life will improve.
>Oh honey.

I will not be talking down to by a girl. I expect a certain level of respect.
He's not even trying to hide the fact that he's baiting anymore.
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No but Luke and Han do

Fuck off.
Probably only a few scenes.
>They got the original actress who played her in the Prequels to reprise the role like they did with Ian McDiarmid for the prequels.

That's actually pretty cool.
>Do you think we will see Mon Mothma in the movie more, or will she just be there in a couple of scenes?

I really hope she's a major character, but the nature of the secret mission means she's probably there to send Gin&Tonic off.
>casting audition and won the part through merit.
I like Boyega but that isn't true at all. He got the part because JewJew wanted his black bull in the movie and if he didn't get it he was walking. Thank God Boyega was an actual good actor and not one of the American gangsta niggers.
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Congratulations OP, you started this thread in the worst possible way. I'd take fetish shit over this.

Yeah, I'm stupid. forgot about that.
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>Feel free to stop posting anytime.

So to sum it up, she's exactly the kind of protagonist the new star wars series needed to get off the ground.
I'm sorry, I gave it away too easily

I know I'm just a stupid girl, but that's literally what misogyny is. Not even in the Tumblr reactionary way.
>it's an "anon doesn't get to see what live action Cad Bane looks like until July or some shit" episode
tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the hat?!
>Fuck off.

Did you know that Moffs hold Moffrences?
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>Being a Mary Sue is a GOOD thing shitlord!
Are you even trying anymore faggot?
I thought it was called an Orgy of Moffs?
Nah he got the part because JJ saw Attack the Block and he was great in it

jesus can you faggots post without your gayass cuck memes in every single thread?

How often do you people think about black dicks?
You know the new Star Wars movies suck when the only positive thing people can find about them are random Stormtroopers
Star Wars general was better before it wasn't overrun by girls. We picked up so many of them after TFA.
Yeah, but those are trends, anon. I've known guys who act like you say girls act and vice versa.

You're implying that if you're a girl you MUST be this way and if you're a guy you MUST be that way, and that just ain't true.
>his black bull
he doesn't even hook up with rey in the movie
>it's a "he still thinks Cad Bane's in the movie" episode
>How often do you people think about black dicks?
weak bait, go cry about your paranoia on /pol/ or some other place that cares
>Star Wars general was better before it was overrun by /tv/

There you go
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>I like Boyega but that isn't true at all.

It is true.

>He got the part because JJ wanted a black protagonist in the movie

Not true, Boyega gave the best audition. Finn was written as a white man, in fact Poe Dameron was conceived as a black man.

>Thank God Boyega was an actual good actor and not one of the many qualified african american actors available for the part

Boyega did bring something special, but there are others who could have held their own in the part.
I mean, all these characters are supposed to die, so hows that for conflict?
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>>Being a Mary Sue is a GOOD thing shitlord!
>Are you even trying anymore faggot?
>it's a "he's paid by Disney to undermine faith in the leak" episode
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>this thread
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>only positive thing people can find about them are random Stormtroopers
Many of us here like the AT-ATs and that Imperial Grand Admiral.

>Star Wars general was better
SWG was better when a bunch of trolls didn't come here and shit in it for laughs.

They realized that people actually liked the Empire so they had to drive home the fact that they're irredeemably evil.

Seriously just go back to your safe space. I'm sure they'll all agree with you there. And you won't have to worry about women or minorities except that's all you faggots post about anyways.
>I bet Vader jobs to this bitch
It's interesting that you think that considering we never see or hear of her in any of the movies and it's very possible she will die.
Girls have the best fan art saved tho
Red herring without a doubt. They just timed that part of the speech to a scene where she is disguising herself.

Most likely, anyway.
>Not true, Boyega gave the best audition. Finn was written as a white man, in fact Poe Dameron was conceived as a black man.
No, Abrams wanted a "diverse" lead, Disney was set to cast a white male but Abrams threw a fit.
>Thank God Boyega was an actual good actor and not one of the many qualified african american actors available for the part
LMAO African Americans "actors" are shit, literal stereotypes personified. Except for MBJ, JEJ, and Keith David, every single one of them is shit.
That'll just make the Empireboos like them more
Skulls are cool, after all
Hunger Games and YA in general are what sells these days. Be thankful we got the cartoons where the money was going to roll in regardless so the writers could get creative
Can you list a few of Rey's MEANINGFUL flaws?

being too much of a good person to consider her parents aren't coming back, or having too much strength of character to accept superfluous help don't count.
It is going to be like that. Did you even see the leaks? Don't trust the trailers.

low-effort iphone trolling from a /pol9k/ visitor. sad!
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You care faggot. Fuck off back to tumblr.
Do you think Rogue Squadron is going to try and sabotage the 'Secret Weapon' when they know exactly what it is? We know it won't be successful, but will Rogue Squadron try to do it though?
I'm curious as to see what the demographics of SWG are. The fandom itself is probably one of the most diverse out there.
>implying Disney can do literally anything to make me not love the Galactic Empire
I welcome them to try but it's futile.
>fuck you Disney

Why is /co/ saying this? Disney has been Gynocentric since Snow White. They only care about vagina demographics.
We could start a general on /soc/
we hated the mary sue. this character doesn't seem like a mary sue. Plus, it seems like her character is forced to stick with her team, so there's a chance that she won't get all of the spotlight/saving moments.

dont give in to your fears you nigger.
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Can we nuke this thread and start over?
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>Bland white male instead of Thrawn
Why? Fucking why?
That outfit is /fa/bulous though
One can hope.

So what is this all about?
lol if you don't wanna come off as a desperate samefag next time, don't use an iphone when you troll.
>No, Abrams wanted a "diverse" lead, Disney was set to cast a white male but Abrams threw a fit.

Boyega was cast on the strength of his performance in Imperial Dreams.

>LMAO African Americans "actors" are shit, literal stereotypes personified. Except for MBJ, JEJ, and Keith David, every single one of them is shit.

Anthony Mackie, Laurence Fishburne, Jamie Fox, there's a plethora of talent.
/co/ isn't saying this. The /tv/ and /pol/ dumbasses invading this thread because of the bait OP are saying this.
Never hear of Ashoka either but Filoni still pussied out of actually killing her, and tons of waifufags throw out increasingly large asspulls to justify her staying alive.
Where are these leeks? And why would they have the movie be BoB esque but market the trailer as some Hunger Games/Divergent ripoff?
Let's not respond to bait and we'll be fine. What do you want to talk about anon?

A /tv/ meme.
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>Mary Sue Wars edition
I don't know if we've seen enough of this new chick to say that.
Rey's a piece of shit though. Only waifufags defend her
>I'm curious as to see what the demographics of SWG are
Let's have a look.
Vote in both.
Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson
>Anthony Mackie
Haven't heard of him.
> Laurence Fishbourne
Point to you he is good.
>Jamie Fox
Oh fuck no, he's such a little bitch and he is awful in everything I've seen him in.
>Female Main Lead
>Mary Sue

Is this what Korra has done to us? I saw this shit all over the place about Rey being a Mary Sue, even though she's not.
>And you fags get stuff from tumblr,

because all sorts of art is posted there and we aren't insecure retards like you who believe in false dichotomies?

>unironically refer to this general as a "safe space"
Oh right, we all do. I forgot. Feel free to project and assume away. Just do it somewhere else. You literally admitted you're trolling, which is something only the shittiest trolls do. So why are you even posting? Go back to /tv/ to join all the other whiny babies crying about star wars starring a woman.
>Can you list a few of Rey's MEANINGFUL flaws?
>being too much of a good person to consider her parents aren't coming back, or having too much strength of character to accept superfluous help don't count.

Denial and stubbornness are negative traits regardless of your spin.

But more specifically her arrogance in flipping the circuit breakers on Han's ship lead to the ship being overtaken by Rathars,and them fleeing in the falcon brought the first order to Maz's castle, which lead to Rey being defeated and captured by Kylo. Rey getting caught indirectly lead to Han's death.

Rey is headstrong, and she made choices that endangered countless others around her.
Rey was a clear mary sue. It's not her fault however. I have a writer friend in Hollywood and she says the problems with female leads in film is that you either don't have time to truly build a character up to the level they want to or people are afraid that if you take the time to develop a female character and start them helpless that people will think you're sexist. It's literally now impossible to win with a female lead
I'm so tired of these mary sues. I like to remember the good days when heroes weren't just perfect rebellious ass kicking machines that didn't just dismantle any problem they came across.
Like john matrix from commando, or John Spartan from demolition man, or Conan the barbarian from Conan the destroyer, Or James Dalton from roadhouse, Or James Bond, or Snake Plissken, or Dirty Harry.

Those guys were all about their vulnerability and shortcomings not about how just bad ass they were. but nope if you make a lady it's gotta be a mary sue. Oh how times have changed for the worst.
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Some of you people need to learn what a Mary Sue is
>Is this what Korra has done to us?

Nope. America is growing tired of these unrealistic Female Leads that are Men with Tits. Basically not true to female nature. Anyone remember that former Disney animator who used to work on Little Mermaid making his own project and he literally said something along the lines of:

"This mini-series about plane engineers will be unique. It stars two female leads."

As if America hasn't been bombarded with this shit for a while now. It's so pretentious and obnoxious by now.
how was more subtle?
Uh anon? All of those perfectly describe Rey. Literally to a T.
Unfortunate but unsurprising
I feel bad for you if you genuinely believe this. I hope you learn at some point not to be such a stupid mouthbreathing retard. Now please stop posting. No one cares about your irrational prejudices
HUnger Game ripoffs? It's not about survival or throwing a government over. It's just a heist movie.

I'll post the links even if you are a b8er.

huh, makes sense I suppose. I guess no one wants to spend millions on making a movie where the MC spends 2:30 hours going through training.
>pretending to be an uninformed racist on an anonymous image board just to stir up trouble
Funny the reply thread was originally about black american actors and black british actors, but now the goal posts moved to just all of them
All of those describe Rey really fucking good. She just happens to know how to perfectly fly through an Imperial Ship and do insane maneuvers only someone like Han can do when she specifically said that she's never flown the Falcon and that it was a piece of junk yet she knew which buttons to press at which times and instances during the flight to do those maneuvers and pushing those levers?

She just so happens to know how the doors work on a Death Star shes never been on before? She instantly knows how to use the Force Mind Tricks after them being done to her only once?

She's literally the Chosen One
>See, I'm tired of people trying to say there are good black actors, when there aren't.

You're wrong.

>You could only name three, two which are absolutely shit, especially Jamie Fox.

I named three acclaimed actors off the top of my head literally googling for black actors will show you an immense level of talented men and women.

>Blacks have never been ggod at anything other then Rap and USE to be good at Jazz but then again Whites created Jazz; they are absolute shit at being actors.

1. White people did not create Jazz
2. There are many black men more accomplished than you will ever be

>Alright, I'll give you another +1 for making peanut butter but that's it Anon.

African Americans did not invent peanut butter.
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Does that species have a canon name yet? I keep seing them everywhere - Uprising, TFA, comics too.
Would be neat if they pull an Episode VI where everyone though Luke was the chosen one but it was really Vader.

This movie is going to be released in IMAX, right?
Why are people bitching about Rogue One having a female protagonist now when we knew Felicity Jones was the lead for a year?
You obviously missed a step by not reading Moving Target, which introduces us to that species. (It's called Abednedo)
Because people like bitching, and there's no place better than here for it
/tv/ having a shitfit about it and they decided to come here and whine about it because arguing in an echo-chamber stops being fun.
>but it was really Vader.
>Implying Vader was the chosen one
Plagueis survived as Snoke and Rey is actually the chosen one who will destroy the sith.
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>Female Leads that are Men with Tits

How do Rey or Leia or Padme strike you as 'men with tits'

Rey is athletic, is she a man because of that? Are there no female athletes?

Leia doesn't take shit and is abrasive and domineering. Does she have a big ol' pecker in her pants?

Padme wears more dresses than all of alderaan but can get shit done. Does her leadership give her a y chromosome?
Because no one except a very small group even knew Rogue One was a thing until yesterday.
Reminder that Anakin is literally called THE CHOSEN ONE
Its an identifier chip, just like tarkin's belt and imp officer caps.
I love how the only defense for her being such a Mary Sue is the whole "She was totally in Luke's Jedi Academy you guys, she just got mindwiped for no reason."
Rey a cute
But he's an shit who fucked everything up
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>it's a Plagueis is Snoke episode again
>we're bitching about the bitching
this entraps me every time, but I can never stop until the other anon just stops responding
Felicity Jones a CUTER
I was told it was an ensemble cast and there was no lead
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>mfw friend's theory that Rey is Palpatine's daughter
Neither Padme nor Leia are leads. And Men with Tits are characters who literally would've been the same if they were men and being a woman adds nothing at all.
Not to mention that Luke goes toe-to-toe with him in Empire Strikes Back despite basically being something that amounts to less than a padawan
>so is luke.
That right there fucks your entire argument. Luke had flaws man, Rey does not. Literally the only thing that was considered a flaw is that "she's too kind/trusting" which is a bullshit thing to call a flaw.

If your entire defense consists of saying other characters must also be Sues then you're arguing an utterly flawed point.
Books had her piloting attributed to experience with flight sims, which could have easily been handled as a good throwaway line if JJ bothered.
>Goes toe to toe
>Not realizing that Vader was literally fucking with him
>Palpatine's daughter
>Palpatine died like 30 years ago
>Rey ain't 30
>The Sue is instantly liked by all other characters
>Multiple characters fall in love with her usually for no reason
Finn falls in love with her. Han gives her a job. Leia comforts her over fucking Chewie. Maz gives her the lightsaber. Kylo wants her to be his student. Snoke wants her.
>The Sue is unrealistically intelligent, courageous, and/or selfless
>The Sue learns difficult things unrealistically fast.
Rey is a scavenger on a desert planet with no watching over her but a asshole trader. Luke had his aunt and uncle but Rey has no one. Yet instead of being a selfish shit like Ezra is initially she's selfless and caring putting BB-8 over food even though she just fucking met him. She learns about the Force and then almost immediately after master high-level Force techniques that take other characters years to learn. The first time she wields a lightsaber she beats a man who's trained years in its use. She overpowers this same man in a Gorce duel of the minds with zero training. Not even Luke in ROTJ could keep Vader out of his mind but Rey can keep Kylo out even though she should be scared shitless.
>The Sue has no or insignificant character flaws
None of Rey's supposed "flaws" seriously impact her and she's already over them by the end. While Luke's recklessness bit him in the ass repeatedly, in both ESB and ROTJ, Rey overcomes her "fear" in the same movie and is all set to be a Jedi with zero qualms about her family anymore.
>The character is living the authors fantasies
This one is harder to prove and may be the only one Rey doesn't meet.
>She just so happens to know how the doors work on a Death Star shes never been on before?

Beautiful thing about imperial design, all their ships are uniform. Just like the wrecks on Jakku.

>She instantly knows how to use the Force Mind Tricks after them being done to her only once?

She gets mindbattled by Kylo Ren several times during his interrogation of her.
Seems like stormtrooper armors has been changed in this movie
seperate cod, black strap hold the bak and upper front armor together. Seperate backplates, eyes are further apart and "angrier". brow is closer to the eyes, bow inside on the arm
I really hope Finn's father is Lando and his mother is Leia
is 30 years the timeline?
Confirmed for watching with your ass. He never goes toe to toe with Vader in ESB. Vader is toying with him during the majority of the fight and when he starts putting effort in it, he almost immediately chops of his arm
Finn's too black
This is not the official /swco/ thread, this is a /pol/ shitposting thread. Go to the real one.
Vader could have choked him to death if he really wanted him dead.

It looks kinda bad honestly.
>Finn is probably the niggest nigger this side of Africa
>implying he could've had a white parent

Standard issue Imperial dress uniform belt.
>And Men with Tits are characters who literally would've been the same if they were men and being a woman adds nothing at all.

If a character being a woman adds nothing, why is that bad?
I wonder if 501st will show up in the movie
Yeah. Rey is 19, Kylo is a little under 30 in TFA.

The funny part is that we knew very early on that TFA would be 30 years after ROTJ, but that still didn't stop people from pushing insane theories that were already disproven simply by the timeline, such as Rey being the daughter of Palpatine or Obi-Wan (with Satine as the mother in a few versions, which is even more insane), or Finn being the son of Han and his fake ex-wife Sana.
I wouldn't say it looks "bad" it just looks like every single big budget blockbuster trailer ever made
>Ren several times during his interrogation of her.
And she INSTANTLY knows how to perform this trick just because it was fucking performed on her? Do you not see how fucking STUPID that is? Or how dumb it is that while Kylo is mind-raping her, not only can she force him out with ZERO TRAINING SHE FUCKING MIND-RAPES HIM BACK AND STEAL HIGH-LEVEL TECHNIQUES FROM HIS FUCKING MIND.

She's. A. Mary. Sue. Or failing that, an OP piece of shit that would fit right in with the Old EU.
Man those rank insignias are lazy as fuck
>She learns about the Force and then almost immediately after master high-level Force techniques that take other characters years to learn.

She used a mindtrick once on a single stormtrooper.

>The first time she wields a lightsaber she beats a man who's trained years in its use.

Who was bleeding from a gut wound and severely emotionally compromised, and already wounded from Finn.
Do you have some images of it? If they did change the armor could it be for stunt-actor comfort or could it just be different uniforms for different regions?

Since these stormtroopers work in coordination with Death Star security, could they have better armor than just the regular stormies elsewhere?
It's efficient
Just looked at the trailer. I'm talking about the regular armor.
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apparently her name is Jyn Erso according to french subtitles.

i dont get why they dont have bonthans in this. also the whole atmosfere feels SOOO FUCKING SYNTETIC COMPUTER GAME..
Well yeah, ANH was fairly low-budget so a lot of props and set pieces were just crap they put together on the fly. Even when the budget was there in the later movies the visuals had already been established.
Is Snoke in the tube?
Wrong Death Star
So what was Rogue One qt name? I heard something like Jen Ors. Wasn't she Kyle Katarns pilot in Jedi Knight 2?
>And she INSTANTLY knows how to perform this trick just because it was fucking performed on her?

She has a battle of wills with Kylo, he does his psychic mind thing to try and compel her to release her secrets, and she starts to realize she can see into his mind as well.


Afterwards she tries out the trick on the stormtrooper, FAILS, then tries again.

>Do you not see how fucking STUPID that is? Or how dumb it is that while Kylo is mind-raping her, not only can she force him out with ZERO TRAINING SHE FUCKING MIND-RAPES HIM BACK AND STEAL HIGH-LEVEL TECHNIQUES FROM HIS FUCKING MIND.

None of that happened as you're exaggerating. She figures out Kylo isn't as scary as he thinks he is.

Rey got a cool scene to do.
No, that's just Palpatine in the shower. He's a Sith Lord who rules an evil Empire, so even his shower looks scary.

He's going to step out fully nude and say "oh hello, be a dear and hand me that towel would you?" and be amused that you can't stop looking at his Sheev Peev
>Bothans during ANH era
also this movie at least looks pretty good. the only thing I'm not liking is the obvious cgi robot buddy.
Don't forget she knew where to hide exactly on the Falcon and fix that gas leak from a ship she's never been on in her life
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man it must hurt to get thwacked by ip-man in a suit of armor.
>Man those rank insignias are lazy as fuck

Having been in the military, insignias that clear would be a god-send.

Every American branch has different symbols and sometimes the same names for different ranks for officers. It's a god damn nightmare to navigate.
Jyn Erso.
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>Sheev Peev

ohh fuck you.. such dumbfucks like you killed the Star Wars.
can someone explain how the imperial insignias work? I'm confused by the color codes.
They're lazy in the sense that they're not aesthetically pleasing
Clear as fuck, sure, but not pretty to look at
>Rey got a cool scene to do.
She already had plenty.
>tfw Sheev has his guards watch him shower
Truly a cruel but just Emperor

Also I'm guessing people have pointed these proto FO shuttles out already but
Being able to do Jedi Mind Tricks takes training. There's even a throw away line by Kylo Ren to his Master about how he's trained and Rey can just Mary Sue out of anything. In fact I think this is mentioned when she escapes AFTER using the Jedi Mind Tricks.

Be it Fantasy or Real it should take some time to learn something as hard as doing Force Mind Tricks. Yet, in a single interrigation session she's able to comprehend this all at once? Even Mary Sue Light Novels from Japan at least have a small training arc for when they learn some bullshit.

At this point you are ether an insane, denying Anon or a Trolling Anon mimicking the insane people on Reddit and YouTube who insist she's not a Mary Sue.
go back to posting notaboy rey or your waifu luke, faggot.
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You got my sympathy for hanging around these thread after the trailer reveal.
I like that better than the one they used in TFA
Dr. Aphra
Sana Solo
Ahsoka Tano
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Fuck you, Rey is beautiful
Oh god he even has that "don't mind me just airing out my dark side bro" smile on his face
It's like a shuttle truck. Very rudimentary, but looks solid. Seeing those ISD Mk. I's was magic, though.
She has that inbred look about her
I think they look plenty aesthetically pleasing. Very simple and geometric like the rest of the imperial officer's surroundings, works with their grey uniforms.
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i dont like it. ALL looks so fucking "our new render does all CGI. lets not do post processing photoshop fixing!" also characters are dull. so fucking stereotype. even the fucking dirt on the rebel base looks so fucking fake.. i dont know.. im dying innerly right now..
She ugly tho
>If a character being a woman adds nothing, why is that bad?
Because then theres no reason to alter the default white guy design. If you do without specific reason justifying it, it's pandering.
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Fuck. Just watched the trailer.

I'm really disappointed. I thought we were getting an awesome, gritty team-based war movie, but it's apparently just a mary sue-focused action adventure marvel flick.
>Maz gives her the lightsaber. Kylo wants her to be his student. Snoke wants her.

So, just like Obi-Wan, Vader and Sidious with Luke, then. Come on, this is low-quality bait.

bohhaaa this horse face..
is that picture supposed to prove she's not ugly?

because it failed
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Is that pic supposed to prove she isn't ugly?
Not in the same movie, though. Only Obi-Wan cared about him at first. Vader and Palpatine wanting their mitts on him didn't happen until later.
>OP piece of shit that would fit right in with the Old EU.

Hey now, don't you drag my beloved Old EU into this. Maybe it's got some problems. Okay, maybe it's got a lot of problems. But I'll take Dark Empire I & II over these new movies that just seek to endlessly bleed the original trilogy for sustenance.

Perhaps she's Luke's daughter with Leia?

For real though, I will say what I have said before: Rey and Kylo Ren both each look like a combination of Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. It's just that Rey looks like she could be their child, while Kylo Ren looks like a Frankensteinian creation made from their bodies.
yeah it was a disappointing trailer. they really want the sjw audience. but the leaks lead me to believe otherwise.
It's a condensed version of the OT.

I'm just glad the next two have different directors.
This. The new stuff has been consistently below average, all because Disny is more interested in pandering to manchildren over expanding the universe.
>Being able to do Jedi Mind Tricks takes training.

Who says?

>There's even a throw away line by Kylo Ren to his Master about how he's trained and Rey can just Mary Sue out of anything. In fact I think this is mentioned when she escapes AFTER using the Jedi Mind Tricks.

"“That's all she is, yes. A scavenger from that inconsequential Jakku. Completely untrained, but strong with the Force. Stronger than she knows."

>Be it Fantasy or Real it should take some time to learn something as hard as doing Force Mind Tricks. Yet, in a single interrogation session she's able to comprehend this all at once? Even Mary Sue Light Novels from Japan at least have a small training arc for when they learn some bullshit.

She figures out the fucking force trick from Kylo Ren tugging on her brain like the angry child that he is. She tests it out on a storm trooper. She fails, then tries again.

If you watch her eyes you can see the wheels turning as she figures it out.

>At this point you are ether an insane, denying Anon or a Trolling Anon mimicking the insane people on Reddit and YouTube who insist she's not a Mary Sue.

blah blah blah, false binaries, blah blah blah.
I'm sorry Anon but if you were trying to make us think she's cute you chose a pretty bad picture of her to show that. In fact, it does the exact opposite and shows how ugly she looks.
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can someone explain me how the last SW episode fits in SW-universe? the shit is getting Marvel scam. with multiple timelines, universes, or just magic "what if" crap.
>they really want the sjw audience
>Disny is more interested in pandering to manchildren

what's fucking wrong with you homosexuals?
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>So, just like Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan stayed there to look after Luke in ANH.

> Vader and Sidious with Luke
Vader tried to kill him in ANH, in ESB found out later he was his son and cut off his hand when he refused to join him. And in RotJ Sheev wanted to have a stronger Apprentice because Luke beat his father. All this happened gradually over the progression of the OT.

The stuff with Rey happened all in one movie.
>the last SW episode
Which one?

Dunno, man. The official media all points towards Hunger Games in Space.
Why does a trailer for Rogue One feature no clips of X-Wings flying? Even the teaser for TFA had at least that. Isn't that what the Rogue Squadron's core purpose was?

holly shit.. this fucking horse face..
Emperor isnt dead yet. Its not his time, however, this is the first time we are being introduced to this role in the movies/cartoons. Id go gay to see one of his seconds be Thrawn though, so they can introduce an older Thrawn in a movie down the road.
Her teeth are pretty bad, she looks a bit autistic to be honest.
>The stuff with Rey happened all in one movie.

And? JJ just recycled the OT. He's gone now.
So this seems like the dirty dozen meets star wars. though im not sure if everyone on the team are criminals of some kind. But still, I'm cool with that. This looks interesting and I like that it isn't the biggest thing in the star wars universe. Theyre stealing plans that will help a great deal but theyre not destroying the death star or some shit.

The hero looks hasn't shown much but i'm loving donnie yen being in this. And Forest Whitaker.

At first I was offput by how it looked. It didn't feel star wars. But honestly I think that isn't the worst thing. As one of the things I was worried about were the new star wars movies just being attempts to be as much like old star wars films as possible. This looks like the action is framed differently, the characters aren't quite fairy tale people, it isnt as operatic.

I'm hoping the main girl isn't a straight out mary sue though i'm kinda wondering why everyone is jumping to that conclusion.

I mean she isn't shown doing much other than being a criminal who has committed some crimes, and beating up a few people or blasting some shit. Was there something mentioned about her character i'm missing? because as of yet she just seems like the typical capable lead of a band of action misfits.
what does that mean? I dont think the book series was about a heist? Legitimate question though.
What Star Wars episode, Rogue One? This is the story on how the first Death Star's plans were acquired.

>she used a mind trick once on a single stormtrooper

Ezra has never succeeded on a mind trick even once despite nearly a year of training now. Ahsoka tried a few in TCW, but I'm pretty sure she always failed. Obi-Wan was not seen attempting one until AOTC, 10 years after being knighted. Anakin was not seen attempting one until TCW -- again, after being knighted. Luke was not seen attempting one until Return of the Jedi, when he's almost knight-level.

The mind trick is NOT a newbie power. It's fucking hard.
There's a crashed black X-wing in that staff fighting scene.
the entire point of the character of kylo renis that he is smart and skilled but incredibly weak. he looks up to his grandfather for his obvious power and strength, luke not being the kind to lead with shows of force. thats why ben fell and became kylo.

just look at how anyone used to being around him acts: no fear. even when hes thrashing a lightsaber around madlylike a child in a tantrum, people just walk away. his only use is scaring village peasants.

he is a child who want to be vader and fails on every level. he also completely lacks personal conviction in himself and his actions (feeling the pull of the lightside).

that is why he instantly lost in a battle of wills to the first other force user he comes across and then runs off with his tail between his legs.
Rogue One isn't about Rogue Squadron. We've known that for months, dude.
its not the video game. its about a heist for the death star.
>Calling the Glorious Emperor 'Sheev'
You disgust me

The book was about a mary sue chick who rebels against a tyranical system.

And I'm talking specifically about the films, the visuals and narrative style look very similar to the Hunger Game films.
>replacing based Kyle Katarn with some literally who for no reason other than to appease the tumblr crowd
>expecting people to not be angry

dude. Rogue one is not SW episode. get the homework done.
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>think everyone's over reacting with all this mary sue talk
>finally see the trailer
>you're the best and have been super cool since you were fifteen
>she takes out like six or seven troopers by herself
>Mon Mothma can't help but smile at her banter

Why is this an acceptable way to write female characters now? Not just for Star Wars but over all.
>Ezra has never succeeded on a mind trick even once despite nearly a year of training now.

Ezra a bitch.

>Ahsoka tried a few in TCW, but I'm pretty sure she always failed.

Ahsoka a bitch.

Obi-Wan was not seen attempting one until AOTC, 10 years after being knighted. Anakin was not seen attempting one until TCW -- again, after being knighted. Luke was not seen attempting one until Return of the Jedi, when he's almost knight-level.

And Kylo Ren, with unfinished training, can do the mind trick on Poe and Rey.

>The mind trick is NOT a newbie power. It's fucking hard.

Nope, it's legerdemain. Easiest trick in the book.
>Ahsoka tried a few in TCW, but I'm pretty sure she always failed.
She had successes, but she didn't have a 100% accuracy rating.

To me the big sticking point is that Heir to the Jedi has Luke attempting the trick by waving his hand and then saying what he wants the guy to do... not only does it not work, Luke realizes he's just copying what he saw Ben do and actually has no idea what the internal mechanics of the trick are or how it's supposed to work. That alone tells us it's not self-explanatory and it's more involved than just going "you will do this thing"
What is this?
oh, that's understandable then. Yeah, it kind of does have that hunger game vibe. I'm disappointed it'll probably be a mary sue, but as long as she's not the super spotlight like Rey was, and she actually works with her team, I'll be okay with it. I'm more hyped to see Donnie Yen and the rest of the Rogue one crew.
What Star Wars episode are you talking about? The new movie or what? I know it isn't an episode dumbass, it's an anthology.
>Why is this an acceptable way to write female characters now? Not just for Star Wars but over all.
>Seriously though, they probably win some points with feminists when they do this.
This scene looks to be a miniature, with some CG enhancements for the explosion.
>just look at how anyone used to being around him acts: no fear. even when hes thrashing a lightsaber around madlylike a child in a tantrum, people just walk away. his only use is scaring village peasants.
Actually several people act scared shitless of him when he is throwing a tantrum.
After destroying a console the one officer can barely fucking speak the next bit of bad news, and the second time two stormtroopers halt and turn around going back down the corridor they emerged from to avoid walking past him.
That was people being frightened by what he can do.
Timeline of movie and tv show events:

year 0 - TPM
year 10 - AOTC
year 10 - 13 - TCW
year 13 - ROTS
year 28 - 30 - Rebels
year 33 - RO
year 33 - ANH
year 36 - ESB
year 37 - ROTJ
year 38 - Battle of Jakku
year 67 - TFA
>Expert Mechanic (better than Han)

Makes sense to me, Han was never really shown to be that adept at repairing the Millenium Falcon as much as Chewie did. Even C-3PO corrects him from time to time about what the fuck is wrong with his ship.
I always though the calendar started with the battle of yavin in a new hope? unless thats just EU shit.
>if a character isn't able to do something perfectly the first time they're a bitch they should be perfect like mai waifu teh Rey
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>That's all she is, yes. A scavenger from that inconsequential Jakku. Completely untrained, but strong with the Force. Stronger than she knows."


That line is basically "She's a Mary Sue, she's almost had no training what so ever in anything but she has the Force, so she can do everything right"

>Ichigio is a human with shimingami shit, he's half human and half whatever the fuck it is, hes strong with the shimingami abilities
>Naruto has the demon inside him, so much potential
>Goku is a Sayin from where the fuck. Hes super strong and has tons of potential
I tried to explain to the anon who didn't know where the latest episode was. Messed up and lost track of time due to the BBY/ABY crap. So I redid it: >>81565563

The timeline isn't supposed to follow the old system, just relative to other stories. So TPM would be year 0 and then every subsequent film and tv show would follow from that. No idea what they're gonna do once they add in Old Republic films and tv shows, though. You know it's gonna happen eventually.

If you mean TFA: it takes place 30 years after Return of the Jedi. A lot has changed, and very little of it has been explained. The Empire is gone, and surviving loyalists have formed the First Order. There's a big Evil Lincoln Memorial leading them. The Rebellion formed the New Republic, and now the First Order has wiped out the New Republic's capital and thrown them into disarray. Luke started a new Jedi Order, Ben Solo went crazy and killed them all and then went off to join Mr. Evil Lincoln Memorial. Luke decided to fuck off and look for an ancient Jedi Temple, and left a two-part map behind so he could eventually be found.

If you mean the upcoming movie Rogue One -- it's a side story set shortly before A New Hope. It will be the story of how the Rebellion found out about the Death Star and got the Death Star plans. So once it's out, watching all the canon movies in order (and I do mean ALL the movies) will mean I, II, TCW movie, III, Rogue One, IV, V, VI, VII.

If you mean the Rebels season 2 finale: Ahsoka was Anakin's padawan during The Clone Wars. Maul came back with robot legs in The Clone Wars. Ahsoka left the Jedi before Order 66 happened. Maul got the shit beaten out of him a few times, but survived and apparently wound up on Malachor. Vader and Ahsoka have now had a fateful encounter that was a very long time in coming, and it's not clear whether Ahsoka survived or not. Vader himself is of course still very much alive. Meanwhile, Maul is now roaming a galaxy that will apparently never be rid of him, like some sort of space herpes.
I dunno. The same reason why when we were kids it was an acceptable way to write a male character. People like bad ass heroes they can put themselves in the place of. Most chuck norris, swarzenegger, stallone, and van damme movies are designed to promote that very idea. It isn't some new thing just recently discovered for female characters it is simply not something you are nostalgic about nor something you find you can put yourself in the shoes of.

I'm not saying its good writing, it really isn't. but its the way hero characters have been written in a great many action and sci-fi movies long before now. And aside from critics of cinema most of us who grew up with that shit never had much of a problem with it.
If they can make tanks that heal up wounds in hours and space stations that can destroy whole planets then I think they can put sperm on ice.

Still a dumb idea but not impossible.
>>Goku is a Sayin from where the fuck. Hes super strong and has tons of potential
From planet Vegeta you pleb
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to be honest we know a shit about Asoka after she left the Jedi. only that she poped up in the end as a part of Alderaan rebel party. thats all. it is unknow if she had connections to other rebel fractions like of MothMotna or Kashuuk and Calmari fractions. not to mention bonthans and Chiss empire, which actually financed part of rebelion completelly.
>She used a mindtrick once on a single stormtrooper.

A mind trick that requires training as mentioned before and most of all, a mind trick she didn't even know about ! My headcanon explanation for her shortcut to the Force and Jedi Boogaloo is that she stole it from Kylo when she briefly reversed the mind reading, à la Matrix.
The New EU is boring is because no one is willing to take risks. It's just boring shit. Where's the fucking bounty hunter books? TOR books? Only really good one so far was Lords of the Sith. Everything else has just been mediocre to fucking Aftermath.
I don't watch crap, the point still carries Anon
>Ahsoka have now had a fateful encounter

rolf. it wil be fun when Asoka pops up again in few years because "Vader was to weak to kill her and to devastated.

>Kylo Ren tugging on her brain like the angry child that he is

Kylo Ren's training may be incomplete, but he was well-trained enough to kill all of Luke's students, and Luke couldn't do anything about it.

I know the duel made him look like a chump, but everything else in the movie suggests he actually is very capable and has a lot of experience and training. This just makes Rey's power even more haxx, considering we KNOW he can kill Jedi-in-training, but then this kid holding a lightsaber for the first time totally wrecks his shit.
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>not liking the name Sheev
But it's hindering female empowerment. Writing women like this doesn't make for an interesting character.

I'm not saying the writing style is new, I'm saying it doesn't make for a good character. The fact that it's an old style makes it worse because they continue to use it

> Most chuck norris, swarzenegger, stallone, and van damme movies

Almost any character played by these people is just a flat action hero. If you want to write a good female character that people can look up to you don't look towards action stars of the 80s
oh shut up
Man when they showed this >>81561851 dude part of me was like 'why not give him blue skin and red eyes and somehow get thrawn into this version of the SW universe. Or at least another Chiss.

It used to, but new canon, new chronology.

You can really use any point in the timeline as your reference point. TPM works for now because we might as well begin at the beginning.
>he thinks the memes were legitimate praise
Is this official artwork? What the fuck is wrong with his face?
dat ass
>Writing women like this doesn't make for an interesting character.
I don't disagree with you, but that's apparently not what they want. Leia was a balanced character, killed Jabba, managed to escape, was capable and wasn't scared of Vader but she didn't defeat the Empire on her own in one movie.
>And Kylo Ren, with unfinished training, can do the mind trick on Poe and Rey.
>unfinished training
"Unfinished" is entirely different from "untrained", not to mention "just learned I even have Force powers/learned about this specific trick just now".
You asked why was it acceptable. I was telling you. The same reason as all those old one note flat action sci-fi heroes like john spartan and Flash gordon were acceptable. Wish fullfillment.
Never claimed it was good but clearly considering how much girls love the fuck out of Rey Mary Sue characters still work for people anyway.
@pablohidalgo 25 minutes ago
My favorite thing about Kyle Katarn was how fandom turned him into the Chuck Norris-joke substitute for SW.
Galbrush Paradox

dude same here. also Empire generals and Mofths were famous to be very decadent elitism fuckers. one literally tortured half of planet for fun. other was into feasts with canibalism and one of them was such fucker that his dick must be restored by bacta every time he went relaxing.

Holy fuck. You have to write a paragraph of fanfiction to try and explain she is not a mary sue. fucking pathetic. just admit you love her giant mouth, so you'll eat up any weak characterization
Yeah, it's just a shame to see writing regress like this.

I guess what I'm getting at is most (if not all) of those characters are parodied now because they were so flat and one dimensional. I just can't believe that people would continue to make such obvious mistakes
Is it a mistake if it makes just as much money or more?
>he actually is very capable and has a lot of experience and training
Yes, and his scenes on Jakku showed this very well. Later on he becomes more unstable, confused, seduced by the light side (I wish the movie communicated this better but oh well).
He's getting a lot of people bitching about Kyle not being in this, isn't he?
I want to see this butt in 4K on a BD
>But it's hindering female empowerment. Writing women like this doesn't make for an interesting character.
At this point feminists will take any sort of female representation in their mainstream media
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>well-trained enough to kill all of Luke's students

fun shit is that Luke has none of them.. the training in new order was running by replacement of teachers to keep the best for each topic.. the only pupil of Luke is Leila.
Yes, because your character won't stand the test of time. Transformers movies still make money but odds are no one will remember them five to ten years from now
Leland Chee @HolocronKeeper 7 hours ago
@pablohidalgo @RufusStroud @starwars I don't know, in the trailer she comes across to me more like Kyle Katarn.

>tfw he's shitting on the awesomely cheesy full-motion video curscenes now
Oh god Pablo, please don't do this to me.
What I mean is, it's not a mistake if the creator knows that their character isn't very interesting but their purpose is to print money. It's a calculated effort.
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>implying there's a lack of female characters in media

It's not about empowerment, it's about supremacy.

The goal is not to show that female characters can be interesting and complex characters who can carry a narrative in their own right. The goal is simply "girls rule, boy drool".
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True, the public is the one that suffers from it though

fuck this money shit. whats the fucking point when people forget whole crapafter seeing it one time. old SW movies were rewatched for decades.. and this new Episode "force awakes and shits square bricks" is gone after just few weeks.

You're acting like Mothma was all

>Holy shit your midichlorian count broke my tester!
>By the force she hacked into the death star IIs mainframe in 20 seconds!
>What the death star II doesnt even exist yet? Shes AMAZING
>It says here on your record you once beat the shit out of Darth Vader and The Emperor blindfolded, with the shits, with a toothbrush!
>You say the Rancor was NAMED after her?

Jesus anon. All they say is shes a punk troublemaker thats been surviving on her own since she was 15. The crimes they list are typical street thug level.

We see her shoot a guy and hit another. (The explosion comes from an X-wing, not her)

Shes not a Rey, yet. When she starts expertly piloting and fixing ships shes never touched better than their original owner, outfights a guy 10 years her better, uses magic powers shes never heard of and knows how to disable parts of a battlestation shes literally never been in despite being a simple scavenger. Then you have a point of concern.

Stop being scared of tits. You make the rest of us look like kneejerk crybabies.

i will fucking laught my arce off when clone wars cartoon makes more money than disney episode.
Because rumor is Thrawn's in Rebels Season 3. Which is sounding more plausible considering how Filoni spent like five minutes dancing around the question at a Q/A session held for the season finale premiere.
But again they did the same shit with Rey and people fucking love her. She was perfect but she was also a relatively endearing character with a mysterious back story people cheered for and wanted to see what happened next with her.

the only people who 'suffer' are those who take issue with that type of character and those aint really in the majority.

Not to mention I always found luke boring as all shit (until return of the jedi at least) but I still loved the first two star wars movies mostly because of all the characters around him and all the other shit that was happening.
That's probably true for some characters, but I think most of it is simply trying to make a woman so hyper-competent that it's difficult to make the claim that she's useless or dragging the party down or could be replaced, usually by a man.

If the default is a man then there must be justification for a character to be a woman, and if that woman is really good at what she does, in every arena, then her placement makes sense.

This wouldn't be the case if there wasn't a default and if every character was equally likely to be male or female. But think about how many films you've seen where an entire party is male and no one is surprised by this versus ones where the entire party is female, or even majority female, and how audiences complain or think it's a chick movie.

There is definitely some element of "girls rule", but it doesn't necessarily mean it's because "boys drool".
>his dick must be restored by bacta every time he went relaxing.
Please tell me more about this Moff, he sounds fun.
Don't be silly anon, there are no girls on 4chan.
Why do people act like them not liking shit means nobody else will care for it or remember it?

Do people honestly think their personal likes and dislikes are near universal or even represent the majority?
Especially on /co/
Nope, not a single vagina here
This board is pure
>Do people honestly think their personal likes and dislikes are near universal or even represent the majority?
Yes. That's apparent when you get questions like "am I the only one who dis/likes [thing]?" when they suddenly learn that their opinion doesn't represent every single person.
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another in the pile of female leads that will never have a character beyond "strong" and "badass"
That's...the exact opposite of what that question means.
Too bad Bane pops his eyeballs out.
>Not making the file name the emperors new clothes..
I think his point is that people asking that question are only just realizing that not everyone has the same opinion
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what i find hillarious is how they made Chebaca such weak and softy.. HOLLY SHIT.. HE IS A FUCKING KASHUUK WARIOR.
make it so
No point, it's already at the bottom of the image itself
the skin is bit to dark. love what you did of his sexy clothes.
>>if a character isn't able to do something perfectly the first time they're a bitch they should be perfect like mai waifu teh Rey

Rey doesn't get it to work the first time.
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>There's a big Evil Lincoln Memorial leading them.
he's also oooold now.

I thought it was really adorable how Han threw his jacket away when they entered the Starkiller base and later when they take the elevator up again, Chewie hands it back to him, like a mom would to her kid. Han looks kinda surprised but takes it without a word.

I wish the next film could just be the Luke, Chewie and R2 show. The old characters were by far more interesting than anything new they introduced sadly.
Does Mary Sue mean female character?
The funny part is that they held off on Luke for exactly this reason. They knew he'd overshadow the actual main characters when he showed up.
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I hope Vader slaughters them all after they've gotten the plans to Leia
>two star wars threads
Does it mean this thread is the Rogue One?
it's a rebellion isn't it?
I rebel

We should just stop using Mary Sue because it obscures the issues with Rey's character rather than helps point to what is wrong. I agree that Rey is a bad, bland, terrible character in an awful, awful story that uses the Star Wars skeleton as a vehicle. Her motivations are either non-existant or uninteresting, her character development follows no logical course and is instead "what the plot needs it to be" to move forward, and there are no interesting flaws that endear her to the audience.
Anyone with above average human abilities is a Mary Sue.
Yes, a male is called a Mary Stu
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So, it's treason then.

It's common to say Marty Stu or Gary Sue or Gary Stu for a similar male character. It's not terribly uncommon to say Mary Sue even for male characters, there.

The term originated within the Star Trek community, in a fanfic parodying awful fanfics with overpowered, universe-warping self-insert characters.

The original parody fanfic is as follows:


By Paula Smith
"Gee, golly, gosh, gloriosky," thought Mary Sue as she stepped on the bridge of the Enterprise. "Here I am, the youngest lieutenant in the fleet - only fifteen and a half years old." Captain Kirk came up to her.
"Oh, Lieutenant, I love you madly. Will you come to bed with me?"
"Captain! I am not that kind of girl!"
"You're right, and I respect you for it. Here, take over the ship for a minute while I go get some coffee for us."
Mr. Spock came onto the bridge. "What are you doing in the command seat, Lieutenant?"
"The Captain told me to."
"Flawlessly logical. I admire your mind."

Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and Mr. Scott beamed down with Lt. Mary Sue to Rigel XXXVII. They were attacked by green androids and thrown into prison. In a moment of weakness Lt. Mary Sue revealed to Mr. Spock that she too was half Vulcan. Recovering quickly, she sprung the lock with her hairpin and they all got away back to the ship.

But back on board, Dr. McCoy and Lt. Mary Sue found out that the men who had beamed down were seriously stricken by the jumping cold robbies , Mary Sue less so. While the four officers languished in Sick Bay, Lt. Mary Sue ran the ship, and ran it so well she received the Nobel Peace Prize, the Vulcan Order of Gallantry and the Tralfamadorian Order of Good Guyhood.

However the disease finally got to her and she fell fatally ill. In the Sick Bay as she breathed her last, she was surrounded by Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, and Mr. Scott, all weeping unashamedly at the loss of her beautiful youth and youthful beauty, intelligence, capability and all around niceness. Even to this day her birthday is a national holiday of the Enterprise.
>Rey is a bad, bland, terrible character in an awful, awful story

Rey is a headstrong scavenger from a junk planet thrown into a wild adventure by a turncoat stormtrooper and a runaway droid.

She's talented and athletic, but is unwilling to let go of her hope that her family will return.

She is gifted a magic sword, discovers she has magical powers, and defeats an evil black knight in a duel.
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>and defeats an evil black knight in a duel.
That would of been true if she didn't do everything correctly almost first every damn time. She might as well be the MC in a shounen JP comic

Accurate if we're talking about Dragon Ball, but most shonen main characters in SJ have their MCs develop more steadily.

And really, Goku sort of got away with it by being a.) Rock Stupid and b.) playing for humor how effortlessly he managed to do things that took other people much of their lives to accomplish.
Wow, you're entirely right. Rey has no training and can do all the things in those Shounen comics instantly? What do you call someone like that? Who even defies the bullshit that goes on in a Shounen
The rebellion theme is somber and foreboding. This film will not be a happy one.

Well, it's just called bad character development.

Not everything needs a snappy title. Generally there's no "genre" of literature where bad character development thrives, it's used by lazy writers in every genre of fiction.
>everything correctly almost first every damn time
So even when she's shown to struggle that's not enough, you want her to struggle...how much longer before it becomes okay? Or did she need to seriously damage the Falcon while crashing it into things on her first attempt to fly it? I'm just curious. How much failure does a female main character need to display before she's no longer able to be declared a Mary Sue?

Hell, the Rathtars were a scene in which Rey caused a "helpful" problem by accident that nearly got Finn tentacle raped. Still should have been BB-8 who solved the problem by closing the doors instead of Rey.

Han and Rey both thought the modifications to the Falcon were shit. They're upset she bypassed the mod causing the problem? Han spent an entire movie failing to fix the Falcon.
Her motivation or lack thereof is the same as Luke's in the first film.
>people are unironically looking forward to Mary Sue One

Fuck off

If Rey has never been off world, she probably shouldn't be pulling bullshit flying maneuvers in the Falcon. Particularly right after hitting a sand dune and damaging it. going from 0 to 100% competence is fine if you take the time to show her getting there, but you have to show the steps or seed the information and not use your magical McGuffin of "the force" as a literary crutch. If Poe had been the one to make fancy flying tricks it would make sense because he's "the best pilot" and this is shown even when he got into a TIE fighter for the first time. But Rey is a scavanger on a dirtwater world. I can buy her being able to REPAIR the Falcon with the scavanger backstory, but to fly through the wreckage of a Star Destroyer? It's not good character development.
Truth hurts. Go cry into Cheetos.
She did fly, but never left the atmosphere.
No one expected it to be.
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>raises blaster to fire on villagers
>lowers blaster
>shakes head
>stares directly powerful commander in open defiance

Why does the First Order put up with this kind of blatant insubordination?

"FN-2187, submit your blaster for inspection." This line would have made some sense if Finn had pretended there was something wrong with his blaster, but he OPENLY DEFIED YOUR ORDERS IN THE MOST OBVIOUS WAY POSSIBLE.

Why is this tolerated? How can he get away with doing this without IMMEDIATE consequences? Kylo Ren's trying to be the new Vader, and Vader never shied away from summary execution; he meets Finn's gaze while Finn is openly disobeying his own direct orders, and doesn't do a damn thing?
Kylo Ren was the only one who saw him when he defied his orders. He didn't do anything because he clearly has his own agenda and doesn't really care about the First Order. Phasma probably just assumed that FN didn't shoot anyone because his blaster had a malfunction.
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>this entire thread is just bait and "REEEE EVERYONE IS MARY SUE!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!! REEEEE!!"
fuck me for actually wanting to talk about Star Wars am I right
You could always go to the other Star Wars thread active on /co/.

I would have been fine with her Falcon flying if she hadn't done that insane drift maneuver at the end of it all. Up until then, her skills were merely unexpectedly strong, not bullshit.

The rathtar scene in general is hot garbage, but the fact is that Rey saves the day twice in the same scene, first by releasing the rathtars, then by saving Finn, and more importantly NOBODY ELSE GETS A TURN TO SAVE THE DAY.

Really, that last part is the biggest problem. It's not that Rey's skilled. It's not that Rey's powerful. It's not that Rey is heroic. It's that she saves the day 90% of the time in the entire movie and makes everyone else seem like they're just along for the ride.

BB-8 doesn't get to do ANYTHING. EVER. Just run away from scary things and be cute, and that's IT.

Finn gets to save Poe, kill one TIE on his own, fight a bit on Takodana (because Rey has literally been entirely removed from the scene by PLOT!), and then be Han's sidekick until they get Rey back. Then he gets to fail at fighting Kylo Ren while Rey is unconscious.

Han saves Finn from TR-8R, confronts Kylo Ren, leads the "lower the shield" mission, and otherwise just gets to sarcastically deliver exposition.

Poe hides the map, "dies", kills some TIE Fighters, and blows up Starkiller Base, but the entire attack on the base is strongly de-emphasized in favor of Rey's scenes.

Rey does everything else in the movie. She rescues BB-8. She aims the whole goddamn Falcon for Finn to kill the second TIE. She releases the rathtars and saves Finn from them. She fixes the Falcon when it's going to explode. She finds the lightsaber. She busts herself out of Starkiller Base, obviating Finn's whole reason for going there to rescue her. She beats Kylo Ren. She finds Luke.

Rey's status as a Mary Sue is not so much about her own skills and abilities as it is about the fact that she makes everyone else in the movie look like chumps in comparison to her.
At least people aren't crying over dead waifus anymore
What does going offworld have to do with flying? Luke was a great pilot but as far as we know he'd never left Tatooine. The movie even tells you she has an old flight simulator, and as far as flying through a Star Destroyer she spends her days spelunking them. Gives her an intimate knowledge of the condition of the ships in the area, and she seem to have picked this one deliberately.
Seems to be the most likely outcome. They need to have a tie-in to the intro of ANH.
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>Tasu Leech! Good to see you!
>CHOW GARI, SOLO. SHI JI GANI GANA MEA. (translated as "Wrong again, Solo. It's over for you.")
>Boys! You're both gonna get what I promised! Have I ever not delivered for you before?
>SHI JI GANI GANA MEA. (translated as "Twice.")
>JJ Abrams in charge of Star Wars alien languages

I shi ji gani gana mea don't do this.

The movie never mentions the flight simulator even once. You are thinking of the novel. Also the "Before the Awakening" tie-in anthology.

This movie actually could have been a lot better if Abrams had put back several deleted scenes and gotten rid of the fucking rathtar scene.

A better alternative to the rathtars that would have been a lot shorter: the Finalizer is still in orbit around Jakku. It tracks the Falcon and hails Han's barge. He tries to talk his way out of it with Hux over a hologram, fails. They start firing, everybody runs for the Falcon. Saves time, keeps the story focused, gives Hux more to do, and gets rid of those stupid goddamn rathtars.

Now you have more room and more time for character development scenes.
>Rey's status as a Mary Sue is not so much about her own skills and abilities as it is about the fact that she makes everyone else in the movie look like chumps in comparison to her.
But that's what Mary Sue means REEEEEEE
You gotta talk like that if you want to join the Kanji Club.
>The movie never mentions the flight simulator even once.
Yes it does, because I sure as hell never bothered to read the novel. It happens after they leave Jakku. You just missed it because Rey and Finn are very excited and shouting at each other.
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lots of fags in this thread

A character who is skilled and powerful is not necessarily a Mary Sue. A Mary Sue by definition must unnecessarily warp the setting and story around themselves.

Yoda is extremely powerful and skilled. He's not a Mary Sue.

Rey is not as powerful and skilled as Yoda, but in TFA, the entire universe seems to revolve around her, and the story bends and contorts to fit her needs to the point of making her a Mary Sue.

If VIII has better writing, her Suedom may be confined to TFA. If not, it may continue to spread, like a cancer.
You mean like Luke and Anakin?
>Han saves Finn from TR-8R,
That reminds me. Why they hell did they make it such a big deal of Han using the Bowcaster. You'd think in all those year he would have fired it a few times and thus wouldn't react like he just found the hottest shit ever.
>People think Rey isn't a Mary Sue

I've tried to disentangle their shouting with only limited success, but Rey says something having flown ships before but never left orbit. I don't think she mentions a simulator.

I do know that in the immediate "Rey is a Mary Sue" dust-up after the movie came out, lots of TFA Defense Force articles online brought up the simulator's mention in Before the Awakening in an attempt to deflect the accusation. You might have heard about it from there, perhaps?
Frankly I feel like one of the bigger problems with the movie is that not a single character interaction manages to live up to the ten minutes that Poe and Finn spent together.
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>If VIII has better writing, her Suedom may be confined to TFA. If not, it may continue to spread, like a cancer.
So, uh, she's a Mary Sue until we see more movies? I don't think much is going to change, really. At this point she could armwrestle Snoke and win and quip, "I GUESS GUUUUUUUUUUUUUURL POWER IS STRONK!ER THAN THE DARK SIDE!"
>flown ships before but never left orbit. I don't think she mentions a simulator.
That's the flight simulator she's talking about, since insofar as we know (I don't think it's been disclosed) she hasn't flown actual ships yet. Now does that make her sueness more or less likely or no change to learn that she didn't actually physically fly real ships but simulated ones?
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How is Ciana Ree a Mary Sue?

She's on the wrong side and tries to justify it for wrong reasons.
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Do you guys think the Raid guys will be annoyed when they got sidelined for a forgettable CGI scene when Donnie Wu gets a bad ass kung fu scene?


In ANH, Luke is a big deal, but not to the point of outshining the rest of the team. He's a poor shot with a blaster rifle compared to Han, Chewie, or even Leia, and one of the weakest members of the team on the Death Star. R2 and 3PO find Leia in the computer system. Han and Chewie dominate the initial shootout. Leia comes up with the garbage chute idea. R2 and 3PO save them from the trash compactor. Leia covers Luke while he gets the cable ready. Luke swings them across. Obi-Wan takes out the tractor beam and holds off Vader.

See? Team effort. Even during Yavin, Luke doesn't save the day all by himself; other Red Squadron pilots have to get him out of trouble repeatedly, and in the climactic moment of the fight he would be completely fucking dead if Han hadn't shown up in the nick of time.

In ESB, Luke just relentlessly gets his ass kicked for half the movie -- and he's only in half the movie. The other half is Han, Leia, Chewie, and 3PO. Even in the climax, Luke gets his ass kicked and needs everyone else to come save him. The only thing he does that helps anyone else after Hoth is ferry R2 to Bespin so he can save the day.

It's only in ROTJ that Luke finally starts to get powerful. Even then, the Battle at the Pit of Carkoon gives everybody something to do. Leia gets to kill Jabba and blow up the barge. Han gets to kill Boba Fett and save Lando. Luke gets to kill mooks and tell Leia how to blow up the barge. And at Endor, Luke is removed from the fighting ENTIRELY: the rest of the gang fights on the surface, as a team, while Luke takes Vader 1-on-1.
>How is Ciana Ree a Mary Sue?
She doesnt have a cock

Not much change, in my opinion, but I'm the guy who posted


So I think the only degree to which her piloting skills contribute to her sueness is because of that stupid "drift" trick. People keep pointing to the piloting because it's highly visible and easy to point to, but they're missing the real problem.
Firstly its Donnie Yen dangit! he was masterful in iron monkey so get the mans name right.

Also i dunno. I mean sure they had a small part in force awakens (im assuming they were kanji club or some shit) but on the other hand they got a bit part in EPISODE 7. Which as far as movies go is a pretty huge fucking deal.
Plus who is to say they cant appear again as aliens with mad fighting skills or in masks in the future. For all we know they could be two of the knights of ren.
>>Star Wars Legends Novels & Comics (Incomplete)
Anyone know exactly what's missing from the Legends Comics and Novels?
>if you take the time to develop a female character and start them helpless that people will think you're sexist
This is true, but that criticism usually comes from people who aren't writers or are just armchair feminists. The truth is that good feminist character writing comes from their emotional and physical struggle, like with any other character writing. People who were mad that Finn was a coward at the beginning of the movie are literally wrong. They don't know how to write, and they shouldn't be listened to.
>It's that she saves the day 90% of the time in the entire movie and makes everyone else seem like they're just along for the ride.

I was psyched to see Finn in this. Ex storm trooper played by an actor I thought was cool. And part of me is like 'yeah fucking A man of color in a headlining role in star wars why fucking not after all its the year it is right now'. I dug john boyega and actually really liked him in the movie. He was brave but not peerlessly brave. He cared about others but not in some obnoxious mother teresa selfless kind of way. He seemed like an actual guy trying to save himself but who (once he made a connection to other people that werent other storm troopers) didn't want to leave one of them to the mercy of the new order. He was courageous at times, noble at times, but goofy and silly at times too. I liked the hand holding thing which i took less as a (get your hands off me im a strong independent woman) situation where he was trying to be the big strong man, and more (hey im a guy who lived wedged in small spaces consistently surrounded by others and have no sense of personal space and dont want you to die). He was endearing as a character.

By the end of the movie he had been reduced to a fucking lightsaber caddie. The only skill he has is shooting at shit with a lightsaber and in most of those instances he has the pilot of the ship hes shooting out of line the fucking shot up for him so he doesnt have to do jack shit.

I didn't have that much of an issue with rey being as amazing as she was (except maybe the mind trick bullshit and how strongly she won the fight with kylo ren) but it just stands out so much worse than when the other star of the film is consistently fumbling and gets his ass kicked so the real hero can show her true stuff as he lays smoldering uselessly on the ground having been lightsaberd up the tukas.
>The only skill he has is shooting at shit with a lightsaber
errr blaster. shooting at shit with a blaster.

As for Anakin, in TPM he's not really a main character. He's introduced more than 40 minutes into the movie, and while he does the whole podrace thing all on his own, for the rest of the movie he's just sort of tagging along while the Jedi Council comments on how he's dangerous and Qui-Gon insists he's the Chosen One. He finally gets to do something again during the Battle of Naboo, but his contribution to that battle consists of getting dragged around via autopilot, getting saved from the autopilot by R2, and almost immediately losing control of the ship (he wasn't ready for spinning to be such a good trick) and getting shot down in a way that just happens to put him in torpedo range of the control ship's reactor. Meanwhile, the Jedi keep Darth Maul occupied, the Gungans keep most of the droids tied up, and Amidala handles the part that actually decides the battle: capturing the viceroy.

See how this is, again, a team effort?

AOTC, Obi-Wan and Anakin chase Zam together. Obi-Wan uses the droid to figure out where she is, Anakin saves him from falling. Anakin takes out her speeder, Obi-Wan actually subdues her. Obi-Wan follows the lead, Anakin guards Padme. Anakin gets his little homecoming trip all to himself while Obi-Wan goes off on his own investigation plot, then they come to Geonosis, where everyone gets captured, they all work together to defeat the arena beasts, and then they get wrapped up in an enormous battle where Obi-Wan and Anakin both get their asses kicked by Dooku until Yoda saves them.

ROTS, Anakin and Obi-Wan fight Dooku together. Obi-Wan takes out his droids, Anakin takes out Dooku himself. Then they fight Grievous, who gets away, and they work together to safely land half a ship. Obi-Wan runs off to hunt Grievous, Anakin stays behind to play kingmaker in the duel in the Chancellor's office. He then leads a ton of clones to kill Jedi. Obi-Wan comes back, learns what happened, and beats Anakin.

There is no "Rey" in "team", it seems.
I kinda hope Finn gets some form of lightsaber training. It'd be neat to see a non-force wielder having to be creative when dueling someone who can use the force.

And before you bring up Grievous, I'd like to remind you that the first part of the duel between him and Obi-wan looks awful, and the latter part of the duel is basically a fistfight
Or maybe just get one of those electric batons?
Lightsabers are much more exciting
>retconning Bothans

Are they going to put out a new version of Episode IV that removes all mention of Bothans?
What, the Bothans who got the plans for the Death Star TWO?
Idiot. That was Death Star 2.

Is this a meme now?
Didn't you know, anon? The Bothans aren't the good guys, they're the BAD GUYS. They're the ones Rogue One has to bust up to get the plans. Mon Mothma is just a bleeding heart liberal who was upset that Jyn Sue had to burn down the entire planet just to get the data.
>but not to the point of outshining the rest of the team.

You mean like Poe did in TFA. Because Rey managed to beat a guy who'd already fought another person, while bleeding from a blaster wound in the gut.

Unlike Luke, who had a relatively easy family life, Rey lived as a scavenger and had to fight other scavengers, we know this from her introduction. We see her live among refuse from the Galactic Civil War, we know she piloted atmospheric flyers (like Anakin and Luke), we also know she read up on the exploits of the previous generation, which is more than Luke seems to have done. She has a slight head-start on him.

If any character in the movie was OP, it was Poe, not Rey.
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it's another Death Star
it's simple

continuity is for loser virgins
>I don't want a Mary Sue, I want a Mary Sue
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Perhaps the Radar was already installed, just being pulled out to install some weaponry.

Like putting a new engine in a car or something.
there are white separations hidden underneath the shadow.
Who cares nerd
TFU Dude is that you?
Nice circle fag.
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Is that showing the emitter dish or is that showing the basic framework where the dish will go? It's like pic related. Doesn't make sense that they'd have a completely built emitter dish in place while the rest of the Death Star is just a skeletal frame.
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>Star Trek is now Deep Space Motocross

>Star Wars is now Social Justice Wars

I hate everyone and everything.

Hey, JJ, how do you know any of those X-Wing pilots from A New Hope weren't gay? Oh, that's right, you don't. Because it doesn't fucking matter if they were or not.

Do you know why Chewbacca and Han stayed together all those years? Woops, no you don't. Maybe Han and Chewie are secret butt buddies. But wait! Again, it doesn't matter. The focus of Star Wars isn't what orifices its characters prefer, and if you honestly believe a person's sexuality doesn't define them and shouldn't affect who they are as human beings, you'd lay off with all these dumb as hell aspersions you're tossing towards Star Wars.

Just like the focus of Star Trek isn't showcasing Captain Kirk's motocross skills, JJ, you ugly dumb motherfucker. You haven't made a single film that wasn't a rip-off and that's why Disney chose you, because they knew you wouldn't rock the boat.

Also, Rey is a Mary Sue and there's no amount of retcon that can change it. There's no way to justify it.
Big talk for a square
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Cry moar manchild. More people give a shit about TFA than Rebels, so get used to it.
square up nigga
plz no bully
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>soft piano music
>inception blares

circle the white parts. they look similar.
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No they don't. That 2 billion was the result of hype, not quality. It was lies on top of more lies and that's the only reason anyone put up with the film.

Rebels is also shit.

The last good Star Wars media was The Clone Wars show. Star Wars is just going to enter Zombie Simpsons mode.
I really hope Snap dies. I hate Greg Grunberg.
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Which /swco/ am I supposed to post in?
Much more people watch the movies than the cartoons
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Yeah because it's not like the majority of people like TFA.
no one gives a fuck, post in both
Can someone tell me where in the classic trilogy this movie fits?

The second some Red Letter Media jagoff tells makes a meandering video about everything wrong with it, you'll see the majority of people turn.
post in this one it's for the cool rebel guys
Right, because of hype. They didn't know the movie was shit before they saw it.


Returns were down by 33% by the second week. 55% by the third. It was all hype, this bullshit film. Smoke and mirrors.
You're right, it's not.
Ah, a butthurt prequel fanboy.

>implying the criticisms of the prequels haven't existed for years

You're either a contrarian or were 8 when the prequels were coming out.
No one normal watches a movie in theaters more than twice
Of course the numbers went down

But Poe barely got to do anything.

He puts a map in a droid and tells it to run away. Then he gets captured and interrogated.

Finn saves him. He flies the TIE Fighter with Finn as his gunner -- a team effort. He then "dies".

Poe then comes back in the middle of the movie with half an explanation for his survival, leading an X-Wing squadron. The whole squadron fights off the First Order together.

Poe then does nothing until the attack on Starkiller Base, which the movie barely cares about. The attack on the base gets about 4 minutes of screentime total, constantly cutting away to other scenes going on. The movie never creates any real tension during this part of the battle. Han and Chewie plant the bombs that open up the side of the oscillator so Poe can fly in and blow it up.

The destruction of Starkiller Base is an anticlimactic afterthought. The movie spends a lot more time and energy on the stuff going on down on the surface -- the parts that Rey is involved in. The music in the X-Wing battle reflects this, constantly playing the main theme throughout, acting as if victory in this segment of the battle is already a foregone conclusion.

The movie just doesn't care about anything Poe does after his fake death, and if the movie itself doesn't care, why should anyone else?

TL;DR: Not only is Poe not OP, he's barely a character at all.
It's most likely a misuse of the term, but the fact remains that they're trying hard to create their very JLaw-esque cookie-cutter Badassâ„¢ action gurrrl who takes out on Da Man and doesn't afraid of anything.

I'll bet anything you want that her backstory will be that of a down-and-out orphan that becomes Hero of The Rebellion and that in all her action scenes she won't even get dirt in the face.

It's Tauriel all over again.
All popular /co/ kids hate on RLM.
>she won't even get dirt in the face
But she literally has dirt in her face in the trailers.

You just hate women.
>It made a lot of money, so that means it's a good movie.
>But the money doesn't matter when it's inconvenient to my argument.

The Force Awakens was a hype film. Its returns were based entirely on nostalgia and noncommittal producers who knew exactly which buttons to push to throw "fans" into a frenzy.


It's so transparent.
Daily reminder literally no star wars film is good.
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>Retarded prequel fanboy still mad that people think his trash movies are bad and prefer TFA, yet still thinks they're the best because MUH CHILDHOOOOOD
And can we please talk about how John Boyega was a minstrel?

His only purpose in the film is to be black and annoying and stupid so Rey's universal competence could shine through better. I ended up rooting for Finn way more than Rey, the poor bastard.
>Criticizing The Force Awakens means you love the prequels.

Fuck off you idiot. Not everyone on this site is 12.

True. Apart from some bullseyes he was competing with others and taking hits when appropriate.

I actually liked the part where Rey was climbing the Starkiller walls...because that actually made sense for her character.
Go hug your Jar Jar and go to sleep, son.
>If I can't win an argument, I'll just disqualify the premise to seem smarter.
But I wasn't even arguing with him, I'm just saying they're trash

I was at Celebration Anaheim, and I loved the trailer, right up until "Chewie, we're home".

That was the part where I was like "oh god, this is going to be full of nostalgia pandering and fanservice, isn't it?"

But everything before that was great. The star destroyer is a thing of beauty. The shot of Vader's ruined helmet, Luke and R2, Leia taking the saber from Maz in that scene that ended up deleted, even the big crazy Falcon shot, all of that was gorgeous. It was just "Chewie, we're home" that had me worried, because that's such a fourth-wall-breaking fanservice line, and I was even more worried at how the entire audience burst into screaming cheers for that part.

It was frustrating.
This bait is so awful. TFA had a great hold thanks to its great word of mouth and reviews.
His only bullseye in the film was a layup prepared by Disney's newest Princess.
>I'll bet anything you want that her backstory will be that of a down-and-out orphan that becomes Hero of The Rebellion
That's Luke's job. Chances are she won't even survive Rogue One because Vader is gonna wreck their shit to find out where the Death Star plans went and the last scene of the movie is the opening shot of ANH.
>annoying and stupid

Fuck you. Finn was great. He was brave and funny and stepped the fuck up when it counted.
he's coming down the pipe for sure, nigga been doing his work pass the outer rim. he'll be back, i wouldnt be surprised that he made sure the empire fell in Jakku.

He was great at the beginning, and he was pretty good after Rey got captured too.

It's only in scenes with Rey that he turns into an incompetent minstrel so Rey can be the star.
Wait, I missed something, there was a leak Cad Bane would be in Rogue One?
Entire character arc is him running away.
A result of his offensive stupidity. "Whatcha mean by stickin' ya chin out, sah? Wassat mean, massa Solo?"
>Stepped the fuck up
Only to get his shit rocked so Rey could be perfect for yet another scene.
>Entire character arc is him running away.

How can someone miss the point so badly? His entire arc is that he overcame that drive to run away to go save his friend. Thats pretty great and brave.

>A result of his offensive stupidity. "Whatcha mean by stickin' ya chin out, sah? Wassat mean, massa Solo?"

Are you serious? Fuck off.

>Only to get his shit rocked so Rey could be perfect for yet another scene.

He did as well as he could considering he doesn't have force powers like Rey. You drop anyone non-force sensitive in this situation like Solo or Poe and they'd get BTFO too. What matters is that he actually did hit Kylo.
I completely agree with this. I'm next to zero percent white and I identify with a crapton of white male leads throughout decades of cinematic history.

Not really with the females. And I identify more with white female leads than Asian female leads. And I'm Asian.

White is essentially "default/neutral/standard". It's the character you get before you stary slapping on DLCs to make yourself feel better.
Scavenging <> Mechanic

In my country, there are communities built on the top of landfills/garbage dumps. There are a fuckton of scavengers there. All they know is how to take things apart to separate different metals from plastics. No, they can't put shit back together again, much less in a working condition.
Yeah, as much as I dislike her character I have to agree with this. She certainly looks a lot better than Daisy Ridley.
sexism is being labeled a mary sue from a teaser trailer
According to the Visual Dictionary she goes both ways (har har). She takes her scavenged goods back to her AT-AT home, which is full of amenities she's had to cobble back together. She refurbishes the tech she can because it sells for more that way.
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when you are constructing large, sometimes scaffolding are needed. i dont know how to build a death star but i'm assuming what we see are temporary scaffolding to build the framework for the death star and needed something in place for the weapon to be inserted later on. sometimes parts are not constructed in the same place and have them transported after completion. The dish is a complicated piece of machinery.
@HamillHimself 12 hours ago

Pretty sure I don't have any lines in this one either #RogueWonderful #HurryUpDecember #ReturnOfTheATATS #WOWZA!
How do you know you dislike her character? All we've seen is a trailer. Are you saying you dislike her already because, what, you think they're pushing a stronk womyn character or something? The "I rebel" thing? I mean we know so little right now about her character the only real way to like her or dislike her is if you're forming a bunch of bullshit preconceptions based off of a two minute video and retarded sjw/non-sjw shit flinging
>Being immature in 2016
>Not realizing the countless action flicks with guys are actually 99% unbelievable because the guys in the roles couldn't do any of the shit they're doing

In all seriousness the only difference is a girl is smaller, generally...that's it, for movies at least. Doesn't matter how many muscles you have, you're not killing 40 guys in a fire fight while running between them and leaping through the air. Might as well let girls do it too.
Watching TFA again now.

Did anybody else notice Obi-Wan's voice calling out Rey's name at the end of her vision when she touched Luke's lightsaber?
>(better than Han)
I don't see why people keep bringing this up, do you people even remember the original trilogy? Han was clearly clueless about various parts of his ship as made clear by the C3PO plugging into the Falcon's AI scene.

Han was one of those guys that simply never got a formal education in something but was still learning as he went along, sure Han learned quite a lot about his ship but Rey had to learn that stuff because her life LITERALLY depended on it. (Plus likely Skywalker blood in there)
>best pilot in the resistance

yeah that would've gone reeeeeal well
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>>Anthony Mackie
>Haven't heard of him.

...you do know you're on /co/, right?

This thread is about to 404, but there's a "new" thread here:

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no idris elba?

>we are canceling the apocalypse!!!
>This one is harder to prove and may be the only one Rey doesn't meet.

implying JewJew doesn't secretly want to be a tiny white bitch getting fucked by big black Boyega.
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Wow, Genevieve's actually really starting to resemble Blakiston

Aside from the fact that I still feel the "A Star Wars Story" series is largely a unnecessary cash grab, I can't fault them for bringing her back. She's still gorgeous
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>Those eyes
>That hair
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Normies have already begun speculating Jyn must be Rey's mom.
>i don't know what a horse face is
>i know what a horse face is, but i will purposely misuse the term to participate in waifu wars on a polynesian kite surfing chatroom

I noticed that when I first saw the movie in theaters in December.

It's Obi-Wan saying "afraid" from one of the OT movies. They cut off parts of it in order make it "Rey".
That is not a picture of you, anon.
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