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Gunnerkrigg Court

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>Less awkward Annie.
>5th panel
>dat smug smile knowing her dick is bigger
annie no rape is wrong
Were we supposed to think the fire was coming?

The fire hasn't fucking come out in almost FIVE YEARS. Not since she ran crying across the bridge after Rey told her she killed Surma. I don't understand the point of the page before this one.
Did she turn the little girl gay?
Annie confirmed for sexual tyrannosaurus
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Well she did burn that ball at the start of the chapter.
wonder how far her boner is lifting her skirt up to make everybody blush
Now everyone drops the Spaghetti over Annie. Who looks ten times better not dressing up like a stinky elf Harlot.

BAM. Girl now wants that Fire Crotch. I've no problem this turning into an Anime Harem comic.

Stop WARPING the minds of impressionable young ladies you FUCKING BITCH ANNIE!!

Imaa draw Annie being punished for this.
>No fire

What is the ball she vaporized at the start of the chapter

What is the near incineration of Ysengrin's hand

What is Annie's anger literally separating into an elemental of pure hate

Why do they all look so turned on? I wonder if that big ginger retard is gonna molest those children.

Is she still in class with the young kids? If so this is just getting better and better.
>Why do they all look so turned on?
they're ear-fetishists!
She's a lot prettier with shorter hair and not looking like a forest slut.
She just came so hard.
So a poorly moving yet terrifyingly well equipped scavenger?
Yep, those younger kids don't stand a chance.

>Turns into Tenchi and largely forgets the overall plots of warriors and battling space aliens/demons in exchange for harem hi-jinks.

This is fine.
I want to slam my door into Annie's face.
mfw this fucking thread
You lost face.
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What the fuck am I supposed to take away from this page
Annie is a cutie that can swoon all genders.

And Short Hair Annie is best Annie.
It's just the final moments of the chapter where we're made certain Annie has regained control of her emotions, chill
That Annie creams her pants when she is disregarded and gets a door shoved in her face.
Annie spontaneously combusted those kids into puberty.
Great, now I want to we Annie nailing that chick. And the dude for good measure
Those kids just saw a hot redhead orgasm in public.
>ywn be a young boy suddenly realizing how pretty the older redheaded special needs girl in your class is
>ywn spill your spaghetti gazing into her beautiful, deep blue eyes staring blankly at you while her severely emotionally stunted mind tries to process why you're talking to her
Annie is trash and should be treated as such.
Girl keeps passing notes to Annie, who never reads them and just waves.
It's right below where the panel cuts off, just above her navel.
I really hope she never puts on the makeup again. Classic Annie is cute but New Annie totally shits on her. Her mother looked better without that shit too.
>annie can't read
That's so sad.
Annies dick isn't that huge!
She's got a tiny <4" shota dick.
I miss Annie's heavy eye shadow. I really dig that stuff.
the eyeshadow was fine
I hated her gold lipstick with it
Oh, so they're blushing because it's so embarrassingly small and they feel sorry for her?
Nah plain bag Annie is superior.
You're trash. Annie is pure, the purest in the comic. Her fire will cleanse the court of female heterosexuality.
I'm indifferent about the lipstick, but Tom needs to bring the eyeshadow back, damnit!
No, because it's extremely cute.
Both though of sucking on it till she blows a cute load in her panties.
Do you think she'll go back to makeup once her dad lets her have it back? It had been a big part of her identity until recently.
You have shit taste please refrain from expressing your opinions in public again, thank you.
I like the slut makeup, because it shows what a slut Annie is, but I prefer no makup, because it shows that she's Daddy's little girl.
She looked like a gutterslut with that whore paint 2bh. Good for a fuck and chuck at best. Annie after getting mindbroken is waifu tier.
How does eyeshadow=slut, you shitnuggets? Please stop prejudicing against cute girls. Also there's nothing wrong with being a slut.
I wonder if she puts mascara on her pubes.
Eyeshadow doesn't equal slut.
Annie equals slut.
A cute slut, but a slut nonetheless.
And that's A-OK.
This new year is all FRIENDS, all the time.
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Annie should have come in wearing this.
Tony only forbade cosmetics in his classes. Annie hasn't had to attend his classes since the first one.
You sound like a slutty, eyeshadow wearing slut, which means you are too biased to make that determination. Anyway it's more of a whore thing than a slut thing. It's part of the uniform.
I don't even go outside or talk to people, no reason to wear eyeshadow.
Nothing says you can't look at your slutty self in the mirror
These threads are in need of another purge.

There was an /aco/ thread to distract them but it died.
You have some fuckin problems my guy
I only do that when I masturbate.
I didn't die naturally.
If that was the case we'd still be having them.
It was pruned because al webcomics were thrown into one.
>I didn't die naturally
Get out of here, skeleton.
Well what are you waiting for? Paint those lids and hit the streets. There's money to be made!
I have pretty bad social anxiety. I don't think a hooker who has panic attacks would go over well.

Who am I kidding, I'm sure that's someone's fetish.
Any new Gunnerrkrig Court smut? Anywhere? For purely scientific purposes of course.

That smile has me thinking... Thoughts.

And Sal hasn't made anything new in like 2 years.
>Who am I kidding, I'm sure that's someone's fetish.
Yep, it's all about marketing. It's good you have a problem solving mindset. That'll keep the money flowing almost as much as a liberal slathering of eyeshadow.
What color eyeshadow is the sluttiest?
Any shade Annie wore.
All right, I'll try to find something similar.
This is my fetish.
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I don't really get it, but happy to actually be able to help someone. I guess.
I had to check just to be sure.
Just because you can't see the penis, doesn't mean it's not porn. I question these results.
Annie going to gain a cadre of flirty girlfriends.

She's oblivious to being hit on and just considers them to be nice girls.
Clearly those two kids know what's up.
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The site is always right.

why is annie turning into jones. look at that hair.

I want to grind the corner of that chair until I'm full of splinters.
>Dad walks in and fucks it up

Actually wouldn't it be interesting to see how Annie would react if Tony got into the dating game again.

Sure he's not as hot as he used to be, but now he's got the sorrowful widow eyes that chicks love.

I see we are creatures of the same taste.

>but now he's got the sorrowful widow eyes that chicks love.

He needs a mourning beard and women would just fall over him.
Bitch you ain't no Utena
>Dad walks in and fucks her
Annie confirmed for getting dicked by ambiguously brown playboy?

He probably shaved it off because he didn't want the whores following him to school.
> Boy hits on Annie
> No reaction
> Door hits on Annie
> flustered sexy look
Annie confirmed for BDSM portalsexual.
She probably takes off doorknobs and fucks the hole.

I wish I could watch this for the lewd and not try to get into the story. Then I might be able to enjoy it more.
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Preferred Futa dimensions.webm
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I kind of love this page.
I get that but why make the kids plush like that.
It's the only way to show that she whipped out her dick without directly acknowledging it.
They are struck by her adult-ness and beauty.
What show?

It's the most Japanese thing I've ever seen.
Because they were all tensed up and certain that Annie was going to lose her shit and feel embarrassed they made that assumption when she didn't.
Okay, I've seen this posted before. Any good?
More japanese than sayonara Zetsubou sensei?
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Watching it right now.
Not as good as hentai kamen.
Needs some heart pupils.
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Anna is exactly the same as Annie, except that Annie loves her Daddy instead of some gay beta male.
I'll admit.
Episode 4 was hot as fuck.
And the loli smut artist with granny voice hits all my right buttons.
Hold it, it might be 35% because there's the other two kids.
How about we remove those panels and focus only on Annie's panels? Will we get a higher porn rate?
>ruffled sex hair
>practically bedroom eyes
Don't do this to me, Siddell. I should be better than this.

I knew it!

Nothing but smut.

Will someone please think of the children.
You know, I've never seen a GC version of that pic. Does such a thing exist?
Because if not, who should I use to make one?
Gunnerkrigg Court Chapter 58: Annie fucks the underclassmen.
Kat edits when?
Jack Horner pls go
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>ear fetish out of nowhere

It's like I'm reading a Haruki Murakami novel or something.
Annie looks so good after getting hit in the face.

Is this her fetish?

cue Spongebob Squidward face smashing homage.
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I think it's a general grace under pressure sort of thing!

Wasn't this comic about the magic cold war or something?
Holy shit, she becomes even more like Annie later on!
They're the exact same!
I'm pretty sure that's the plot.
And there's a really pissed off ghost in the river?
Remember the plot of this comic?
Magical girl's coming of age?
Learning about some Steadman person?
Underage lesbians!
You're confusing backdrop, and one character, a foil for multiple characters in the comic (including the main character), for plot.

Here's the way to figure it out: if it's backstory, it's not plot.

It might inform the plot, there might be thematic connections to the plot, but it's not the plot.
You're a faggot lol
>says the guy who doesn't understand basic literature analysis
ears are lewd.
>says the guy who spends his weekend at the truck stop being a sperm deposit
I've never been to a truck stop, as I don't drive a truck.
Then why do you go there every weekend to suck strangers' dicks for free?
I... don't?
Bi-sexual powers activate!
can't handle all this GRACE
Annie has been going Firestarter on shit at the drop of a hat for weeks
nice argument there senpai
Please take that dick out of your ass before posting.
you know it doesn't effect your reputation in the slightest if one anonymous imageboard poster calls another anonymous imageboard poster a faggot, right?

like, you don't have to go and deny it, because nobody knows it's you being called the faggot, and if you were to post elsewhere, nobody would be able to tell. you wouldn't suddenly be called "that guy who got called a faggot and let it go unanswered."

like, if you're gonna defend yourself when there's literally nothing good it can do for you, just get a trip or something. then all this "nuh uh! i never even WENT to a truck stop" wouldn't be a surprise, because we'd know you, and how you act like that all the time.

or you could stop being a fag and sucking trucker dick. just a thought.
>trying to get people to become tripfags
And you call me the fag.
But I love big dick up my ass!
Why should I take it out?
Just for you, I'm shoving it in deeper!
What if one of the younger boys will try to awkwardly invite Annie for a date?
the point was more that you're on the same level as one, and that you should really think about why you're acting like one
She has her dad's face on the 5th panel.
I'm acting like two.
I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.
Well, he's probably from North Carolina or Mississippi.
Are you autistic?

She was distracted, kids accidentally hit her with a door, kids get scared that they're going to burn in hellfire, then Annie is okay, and they are now embarressed that they were scared and hit her with a door
I want to marry Annie!
So does the blonde girl.
Where would you go for the honeymoon?
Wherever dumpster fires happen.
> they are now embarressed that they were scared and hit her with a door
Uh no. Read the context.

They're embarrassed because Annie is in heat from the sudden adrenaline inducing shock of being hit in the face. They know what's next.
Sounds classy!
No they're not.
That's not what's happening.
It's okay, anon. I've read a lot of short stories and happen to be an expert on the topic.
what if this was the last page of the comic
...So anyway Imaa, draw lewds of slut-annie.
When from zero to "wonder what her lips taste like" in a second there. Girls on the ball.
Please no.
The fire burns inside now.
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I'm sorry but it has to be done.

When was the last time Imaa ever drew anything, let alone anything good?

He needs to come out of his hole sometime. C'mon Imaa, pick up your pen for us.
so that she could tuck her hair and look pretty
eyeshadow made her look like a special snowflake. Glad she's moved on.

Let the SS/LL begin

Probably not. I think the whole point of this is that she's growing into her own woman.
Ignoring the memes I'm pretty sure this is actually what Tom was trying to convey. The way he showed it is a bit clumsy like Annie
Yeah - I think it's a very nice page demonstrating how she's grown as a person. She's more confident and sure of herself, and it's wonderful to see!
>door hits her so hard
>she turned into a different person

She was clearly hit so hard by the door that she's undergone bimbofication.
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annie may doesn't look all that smug there. more like afterglow
Well she did just get banged.
Thinking the same thing desu
So lewd!

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posting perfect Tony for refresh

You failed, Tony. The only difference is that Annie will kill herself by molesting gradeschool kids instead of having sex with whats-his-face, Eglamore.

>although Tony may consider that a victory of sorts
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imo more things I read/watch should have the main character get into relationships with people younger enough then them that it's makes everyone else feel a little weird but not a big enough age difference that anyone gets upset or says much of anything.
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Kat D.png
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I want to protect that smug.
I think we all do!
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I wonder if Tom has a secret folder of Annie pictures. Private ones...
Probably not, she's too old for Tom
Yeah, it's where he keeps unreleased pages.
Duh, anon.
I appreciate these, Anon.
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You know he does
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Bit of the shame this was the lewdest thing we could dredge up.
Nothing wrong with softcore.
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ara ara~.png
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Is Annie supposed to look like Jones with her hair like that?
>grey spots on eyes
Absolutely disgusting!
She looks like a flapper. :3
>Kat turned Paz gay who in turn turned Kat gay
>Now Annie is turning random background girls gay
For real, if this page wasn't about the kids realizing "wow, she's actually stunning and adult when we take a look at her" there wouldn't be that exquisite buildup with her adjusting her hair.
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but this my room.png
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She looks a little old for Kat. Kat from the future.
Oh jesus, I actually had to go back and check Vegeta and DragonBalls weren't edits.
I want to hit Annie with a door.
I want to hit Annie with my knob.
I want to hit Annie with my knot.
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You could argue that's less lewd because that character doesn't look blatantly underaged like the girls in the other pics.
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You could also argue that these pics were done a decade ago, when loli wasn't taken as deadly serious as it is now. It's just silly to judge Tom on them.
I wish I lived in the same imaginary early 2000s as you.
Well, it wasn't Illegal in Ol' Britaine, which might be why he deleted all his DA stuff.

That or he didn't want people seeing it, either, really.
I am pretty sure that once one decides to make a comic for all ages, hiding one's child porn is a good idea.
We are not judging.
We think that your imaginary 2000s sound like a great time to have been alive.
Also, you're conceding the point that loli is inherently wrong when you say that ten years ago it was okay and it would be wrong to judge someone for what he did in the standards of 10 years ago, so, thank you for that. :)
this post is needlessly passive aggressive
>imaginary early 2000s

I'm not saying it was socially acceptable back then but people didn't go to jail for a drawing.

>Also, you're conceding the point that loli is inherently wrong when you say that ten years ago it was okay and it would be wrong to judge someone for what he did in the standards of 10 years ago, so, thank you for that. :)

Erm, what? I'm talking about the change of laws and attitudes since that time. My opinions on what's right or wrong have nothing to do with it.
You said 'judge' though.
I said it's silly for YOU to judge Tom now for drawings he did back then, as you're obviously doing.

It's the same as idiots who insist Zone can and must do flash projects of characters like Gwen, because he once did one of Toph way back then. Regardless that he long since deleted it.

It just shows an incapacity to understand that people change and digging old shit up means nothing outside of wanting to fling dirt.
So they are gonna crush on her now or what? Who the hell are those two guys.
They're gonna convince everyone in the classroom to rape her, obviously.
Well, excuse me for wanting to fight censorship.
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Should Annie have cheated or is this the better outcome?
How does digging up Tom's old stuff and calling him a pedo for it, fight censorship? It just makes you sound like another Tumblr witchhunter.

And I agree that censorship sucks and the of applying real world law to fiction is lunacy but it's become the norm and a fact that we have to live with. If you think you're above it, you're living in a fantasy world.
I didn't post any of these pics.
I just like loli.
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She obviously shouldn't have cheated in the first place but the Court allowed it to continue until it became such a big problem. With malicious intentions no less.

I think this is the best Tony could do for Annie.
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Always love when I forget about this webcomic, because it means I can go back and catch up on it. Always forget how good it is too :)
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Just about every character in that show has waifu potential
> Reserved elite, flips to lewd yandere
>Foulmouthed friend
>Creepy scientist girl
>Short older-voiced lewd artist
>Stuck-up Milf
Pretty much. Court was all to willing to let her become a pliable forest hobo.

Tony derailed their plans in the most effective way but also not where are able to call him out since he operated within the rules.

Saved Annie from herself and the Court.
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Look what I found!
I didn't know I even had circles.
I don't use google +.
This is the first time I've seen something like this, I think.
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