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>Falcon taking on War Machine The absolute madman!

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>Falcon taking on War Machine

The absolute madman!
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Int/Str vs Int/Agi
Did he have those wrist lasers in TWS? Looks pretty cool.
BP's armor is pretty sweet.
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Obligatory Spider-man post.

I get that he was a super late addition, but no promo art or conceptual stuff or even merchandise bugs the crap out of me.

It's kind of the same with Wanda. She's being downplayed in a lot of the promotional material for whatever reason. And Antman.
>he was a super late addition
he wasn't. Spidey was included in the original script from the beginning
Damn I was about to post that.

I had always assumed they kind of shoe-horned him in when they secured the rights.
This looks so shit. Wtf?
Two black people fighting. Typical. Nothing to see here folks, Carry on.
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>No scarlet witch
No thanks
not quite. they had the main script, and an alternate script with Spider-Man just in case
You do realize he will be a mere cameo, right? Jesus Christ the retards on this board lately

>he wasn't. Spidey was included in the original script from the beginning

No he wasn't you fucking moron
>You do realize he will be a mere cameo, right?

Yup, that entire scene in the trailer was it. That's all of Spider-man there will be. No build up, no dialog, nothing. Just that one little scene happens and then the movie keeps going without even acknowledging it.
Honestly that's really impressive to me for Marvel is not just going all out advertising that Spidey is in the movie. There have been plenty of movies in past the advertise the shit out of a famous actor, even if their role isn't very big, just to get people interested, and Spider-Man definitely gets people interested.

It shows a lot of restraint from their marketing team to not just plaster Spider-Man all over everything they can.
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It looks cool in live action too. Might even be the best costume in the MCU
Why is Falcon the only one shooting? Why isn't War Marchine fighting back?
You're retarded if you think Spider-Man is anything but a cameo

They could the rights waay too late and now they're shoving hm into the movie for no reason other than $$$.

Why else didn't they not show him from the start?
The Russos said that if Spider Man was removed from the movie, they would have to throwaway the script. They've had Spider Man in it since Sony started negotiating with Marvel

There was even a scene filmed in his house.
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>Anthony Russo revealed at Comic-Con Experience in Brazil, “From the second we had the idea to do the story of Civil War, Spider-Man was a part of the story. It was a very complicated business arrangement for Marvel Studios to be able to use Spider-Man from Sony. So, we were always told by Marvel ‘Don’t count on it, you may not get to use Spider-Man, so you better have a plan B’ And we were like ‘Okay, we get it, we have a plan B if don’t get Spider-Man; we’ll figure the movie out”
They had to figure out some kinds of the marketing deal with Sony.
You don't know what a cameo is idiot.
Do black people complain about being forced into a black on black fight like women complain about catfights?
Remove that one house scene and some dialouge with Spider-Man

No big deal
watch the interviews u fucking mong.
The Russos wanted him from the start, they were allowed to write the script with him, but where requested to write a second script in case Disney couldn't secure the rights.

They later confessed they never wrote that second script.
is black-on-black violence sexualized?
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It's kinda funny to read these emails before the Spiderman deal went through.

Seems like Feige was willing to give 2 billion for the full rights.
>Rhodey is going to job like a motherfucker to Sam.
>He'll never get his moment to shine

Being War Machine is suffering
Black on black sidekicks with the black suits
Where the fuck is War Machine's GIANT SHOULDER CANNON

Why the fuck isn't Falcon a piece of gibbed meat already? How am I supposed to believe that War Machine can't massacre some jackass with wings after that scene in Iron Man 2 (yall know what I'm talking about)

Seriously fuck this movie
Well, judging by where he hit him with that wrist laser, it's possible Falcon cut it off of him. And also, these guys aren't trying to kill each other, they're trying to subdue each other.
subdue this
*grabs crotch menacingly*
source of this?
leaked Sony emails
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*fifth best
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this might be his best armor yet
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>It's a Team vs Team episode
>Leader fights Leader
>Black guy fights Black guy
>Woman fights Woman
>Animal fights Animal
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*sixth best
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Computer load up Yellowjacket.
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We can swap out Wasp 2 costume for Stranges for now
ditching the belt was a mistake
Didn't Falcon fight Crossbones in TWS?

Also no I don't think so considering I legitimately can't remember too many cape movies that do taht
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Hey Scott, I'm Darren, you're latest dancer. I can't wait to entertain you.
I am pretty sure "Pleasantries exchanged" is code word for sniffing coke.

How much did it cost Marvel?
Animals? There isn't any..
>Hawk vs Panther
>Spiders vs Ants
God damn it
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Now Darren I can get into.
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poor guy
Hawkeye and Black Widow don't count
>ASM3 with Andrew Garfield and Russo Brothers

i feel like they could resurrect that series but i just want sony's hands off the property for good

You got another more of the leaked emails pertaining to Spiderman?
It's going to be rebooted. I really didn't lke AMS 2, so I am not complaining.
not many people did

remember the part where peter tries to catch gwen with a web strand and it makes a tiny hand out of web

God, solid sections of color like the old suit are so much more pleasing to the eye than this interlocking cloth-armor look.
I had a hearty chuckle, earning a dirty look from my girlfriend & several others around me
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The first one was worse.

Remember the stupid crane scene? Or the Lizard finding out Spider-man identity because he had a label on his camera?
hory shet
Man, screw that cheese. Remember THIS?

I really wish they would have bought the whole thing.
i was too distracted by lizard's lack of a snout

you can't make a reptilian mutation and only go halfway in the face, sony! i wanted to see full on argonian
>Sinister Six
>2 Billion
>Spider-Man vs. The Amazing Spider-Man
>2 Billion
Who the fuck was coming up with these profit projections. Neither of the Amazing Spider-Man movies were anywhere near 1 Billion.

Sony should've just fired all these morons.
He doesn't need the belt. He has two buttons now.
I really didn't notice it and after people pointed it out, it still looked more like a web that could slightly looked like an hand if you blinked. So that was never a problem to me.

My main issue was how contrived and artificial the whole movie seemed to me. I could never really get into it.
this fucking movie

this fucking series

Here are Feige's notes to Sony to improve ASM2. Pretty interesting that they asked for his advice.

About as appropriate -

>Who the fuck was coming up with these profit projections.
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the web-hand was emblematic of the entire movie

how it was trying to juggle contradictory tones, go full comic book but also add a dash of nolan because fuck it!

how they heavily featured rhino in the trailer but had his fight as a goddamn cliffhanger ending
>Or the Lizard finding out Spider-man identity because he had a label on his camera
what's wrong with that?
no, because they had to have him talk. it served the plot in no way and only made him look silly, but still
>Why do we need a year to pass…
Kek, I'm imagining Feige watching the screening and getting frustrated.
>you can't make a reptilian mutation and only go halfway in the face
yes you can

What's right with it?
Fucking Ant-Man had no rights to be as good as it was.

Guardians of the Galaxy was a bigger hit, but it had everything pointing in the right direction from the start, and almost double the budget.

Fucking ANTS, man.
but it looks dumb
To you. I like either one
>daredevil for ants
It could only be cheaper if Peter was named Martha.
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Did I stutter?
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>Make his mouth like Iron Man's. That shit seels.
kek, of course I fucked that up. Sells.
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you got some shit taste


Fucking kek, I kinda feel bad for Sony. Some of these people are so delusional, especially that guy who said Secret Six will make 2 billion.
If you say so

Fucking embarrasing.
lol to who? the russos dont give a shit what you think bud...

>War Machine doesn't have super strenght
>Russo Retards
Because War Machine doesn't want to kill him.
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Holy shit! This level of wrong is just too funny to be true!
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i do say so. sony can't into villain design.
uh? What do you mean?
>she designed it for you
>Janet knew Hope's future measurements

>Spider-Man vs. Amazing Spider-Man
I can't think of a better way to burn down a franchise. Did they really expect middle-America to go for this shit?
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He's crushing the wing with his hand.

A punch in mid air is also weaker, since you don't have the ground to push yourself off of, so you push the dude as hard as you push yourself back. Even with thrusters they are a lot more floaty and have a low static drag index.
>Did they really expect middle-America
Well, yes, because at this point they had clearly given up on the comics-book fans's audience.

>y-yes marvel literally shit all over my face

Why doesn't Rhodes just shoot his wings off?
Or tackle him?

Mark 2 is much faster than that Jetpack
Uh? He has enhanced robot force.

(it as a reply to >>81475700
I guess?)

>He can't shoot the wings off
>Marvel drones
This is baffling.
Lol, so you admit you're a shill
You literally just said "corporate interest is more important than what comic fans want"
This board is dead
Does anyone have that email where one of the producers makes some notes about how their movies can be more relatable to teens or something?

Shit like "make Spiderman listen to an ipod" and weird stuff like that. Sounded like a 50 year old trying to be "hip" with the millenials.
seconded, i want to see this
>Sounded like a 50 year old trying to be "hip" with the millenials.

That's exactly what it is.
>corporate interest is more important than what comic fans want
I mean...it is to them.
Granted we're pretending that the Russos aren't comic book fans themselves which is false.
It's more important to make a good movie that makes lots of money because it has mass appeal than to make a movie that unilaterally caters to a small niche market.
If you don't think that's true let me know how that Dredd sequel is coming along.
I predict he will end up lying down on the floor.
fucking hell...
>women merch
good joke
This is why I'm not excited for this
dude what if ant-man shrunk to the size of a penis and went in a vagina
Uh? Why? What's wrong with it?
>Kevin seems offended

No fucking shit, you hacks.

I kinda wonder if they've screwed themselves here. If the new Spidey franchise takes off Sony's never going to be motivated to sell the license back to them. In fact, if it makes enough money, they may decide to stop playing ball with Marvel.
What's wrong here?
>If the new Spidey franchise takes off Sony's never going to be motivated to sell the license back to them.
As long as Feige has creative control, I do not worry about it. Fuck, I wish they would associate with Universal again to make a new Hulk movie...
I wonder how they are going to use Chekov's Redwing.
>Why else didn't they not show him from the start?
You must be a terrible poker player.
Feige has leverage over them
Check how much the Spidey plan changed since the deal was made in the mail
> Antman rides on Hawkeye's shoulder, and in Wanda's tight pants [/spoilers] for maximum stealth.
>Power Armor tangling hand to hand with a non powered person and not completely wrecking them
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Not him but how is there any tension?

All of the evidence in prior Marvel films show that War Machine should be able to easily take out someone like Falcon, yet they're going to cheese it out and make it look like an even fight.

Another movie where no one is in danger till the writers pick their least favourite character to die.

It's just cringey.
>Now that Panther is here, we both know one of us has to go.

A bad comic book.
No one's trying to kill each other, dummy.
HE is not trying tokill him, just to destroy its equipment.
They couldn't.
so all of them then

>He can't knock him out

It would literally take one punch.

He could EASILY destroy his wings too.

Or just tackle him.

How delusional do you have to be to think those wings are faster than something Tony created?
>yet they're going to cheese it out and make it look like an even fight
From what we have seen, it look more like WM will have the upper hand up until Bucky shoot Rhodes up.

Let's play the power-level complain once who know ow it actually turns out.
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Wouldn't be the first time.
>War Machine
>faster than Falcon
now I know you're trolling

You think it would trouble War Machine to destroy Falcons wings?

You think it would trouble War Machine to restrain Falcon?

>Bucky shoots him

With what?

He doesn't even have a gun in the scene you mongoloid.
>Most importantly, however, neither studio will share its revenue. Sony will profit solely from its new standalone Spider-Man, while Marvel will revel in the income generated from Spidey’s cameos in its own films.
Wait, Sony isn't actually gaining anything out of the spidey being present in Civil War. that's something that really surprise me.

Boy, let's hope they don't go panic mode and do something stupid with the solo movie.
The two exec producers are Feige and Pascal.

In the leaked emails Pascal was creaming herself over Feige and begging Arad to take his notes into consideration for the sake of movie.

They of course ignored it.

Pascal will give Feige full reign over it, I'm sure. Also spider-man works in a separated studio from the Sony movie studios, so Rothman and Arad shouldn't have any special control over it.
We know from the Trailer Bucky badly injure Rhode.
You have to realize, these people are so far removed from the average person they might as well be a different species. Most of them have probably never stepped foot in a house that wasn't worth at least 500k.

This is why they drive shit into the ground. If something is successful, they all shit themselves and try to shove something similar out. It's happening right now with Deadpool, how many times have we had to hear about R-Rated superhero movies since then? They ignore everything about Deadpool that made it a success and go straight for the superfluous.
>You think it would trouble War Machine to destroy Falcons wings?
He is actually destroying them.

>You think it would trouble War Machine to restrain Falcon?
Who say it won't. You are aware that OP pic is just the intant they enter in contact with each other. we have no idea how long their interaction last. And if the trialer is any indication, WM got the upper hand and Bucky has to rescue Falcon.
The strength and durability toughness is so huge that it's like calling an adult trying to restrain a toddler a "fight".

Well, they gain goodwill, a very ethereal but important asset.

After they screwed the pooch on the ASM movies, Spider-Man's name is in the dirt. Nobody was looking forward to a potential ASM3. But if people get hyped up about him being in CW? if he steals a few scenes in the movie and they get people liking this new version of him? That's very valuable.

It means when Sony launches there new movie, people will already be excited for it based off of CW and Spidey's inclusion into the broader universe.
>War Machine is faster
>War Machine has almost inpenetrable armor (at least where small arms are concerned)
>War Machine has super strength (enough to lift a tank)
>War Machine has much more fire power
>Rhodes demonstrated more combat skills in IM3 without the suit than Falcon did in TWS
>I'm supposed to beleive that Falcon lasts more than a few seconds


Are you dumb? Iron Man was outpacing F22's in Iron Man 1.
If Sony were so keen to keep Garfield in the movies, and if Feige was on board initially, what ended up getting him dropped?
>The strength and durability toughness is so huge that it's like calling an adult trying to restrain a toddler a "fight".
see >>81476470
we don't even know how resistant those wings are.

No. It's two different scenes, cut really lazily together.


>Bucky has to rescue falcon

No, we, don't. The trailer was cut to look that way, but those were clearly two entirely different sequences. Bucky is shown on the ground, shooting a machine gun at a slight angle, and then War Machine is shown way up in the fucking sky getting blasted by some sort of energy beam.

>Bucky can defeat a flying tank with his metal arm
>>I'm supposed to beleive that Falcon lasts more than a few seconds
We don't know if it actually last.

Winter Soldier ripped one of those wings off with his cyber arm and a grappling gun in CA:WS.
Vision shoots down WM
all you need is a really big gun.

It better not.
Isn't he on Tony's side?
Yeah, he totally didn't get a repair and upgrade sometime before AoU working being an avenger or anything

>using logic, reason & evidence against Drones

You're doing it to yourself man.
I agree that WM pretty much outclasses Falcon in almost every aspect, but I don't think he's as fast as Iron Man.

WM seems much heavier so he might be slow enough for Falcon to match him or at least not be completely overwhelmed. The falcon sure as hell has more agility, despite having wings, since he can always retract them. They might play into that.

I don't think he'd be able to hold his own against Iron Man, but he might just have some advantage over WM due to his weight.

>Falcons stupid wings were upgraded better than Tonys upgrades to War Machine
oh fuck off
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Who do you think they were upgraded by? In WS it was just millitary gear, by AoS it was repaired and by Civil War he even had new armor. I'm not saying he's better than War Machine, I'm saying that the fight may not be as one sided as you faggots are thinking it is. For fucks sake we don't even know whats gonna happen it's promotional art showing us his new laser gauntlets
I don't get why he wasn't fighting with WM at the end of Ultron. Maybe schedule/budget prevented it, but I thought it was a bit of a weird omission.
He's still visibly unarmored, which means that he's no stronger or more protected than he was before, and War machine still eclipses him laughably.
I chuckled at
>great professionalism from both sides
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Ah fuck I found the email with Sony trying to make Spiderman hip for millenials.


>A rising trend we see with Millennials are the really extreme forms of experiential exercise like Tough Mudder (a sort of filthy triathalon), the Color Run and even things like Hot Power Yoga, veganism etc. Millennials will often post "N.B.D." on their social media after doing it , as in No Big Deal, also known as the "humble brag".....wondering if Spidey could get into that in some way....he's super athletic, bendy, strong, intense....and it's all NBD to him, of course.

>EDM (electronic dance music) is the defining music for Millennials. Wondering if there's an EDM angle somewhere with Spidey? His movements are beautiful, would be awesome with a killer DJ behind it

>Snapchat just launched a "story" functionality, which is sort of "day in the life of me" told in a series of snapchats that expire after 24 hours. It has a very VIP quality about it, since invitation only. Getting invited into Spidey's Snapchat circle would be huge, and very buzzworthy and cool.

>Also on American Hustle, I was thinking (and it may be way too late for this), it would be awesome to get all the cool fashion brands to do a huge 70s style collab.....Urban Outfitters, Free People, American Apparel etc. They're sort of leaning 70's already, Macklemore hitting it a bit with Thrift Shop style etc. Would be interesting for Am Hustle to be the name behind that.

>Hope not too random! N
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>It's a Team vs Team episode
Where did this come from, anyway? Why is everyone talking like this now?
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Do you have your ticket yet anon?
Probably just like in Avengers 1 for WM, Falcon was busy with an other mission on the other side of the planet.

ANY upgrade Tony would have done for Falcon he would have done for War Machine...
He betrays him
So unmasking for registration will not be any issue in this? Secret identities have not been addressed at all in any Marvel flicks, after Stark was like 'We Iron Man nao'

Christ on his throne burn Hollywood to the ground.
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This is golden

>people are paid real money for coming up with this shit
Tony is like
An A.I. that turn against me?
I really didn't see that coming

Posting from the queue right now.

...I'm 3rd in line.
that's retarded though. War Machines armor was already upgraded, and it is even more in this movie. If he did upgrade Falcon those upgrades wouldnt even apply to War Machine. Falcon has a different fight style to War Machine and their tech is be different
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It's like fighting a tank armed with a pistol.
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Apparently this guy is a "Millenial research expert".
>TASM SS 1 and TASM SS 2
>TASM 4.1 and TASM 4.2
>Gwen as Carnage
>Spider-man v the Amazing Spider-man: Dawn of Spiders
>2 billion profits

I definitely want to try some of those pleasantries.

>Lous, Louis, Louise
Fucking learn how to write, cunts.
No, I get it, he outrights states that he's searching for bucky and has no interest in avenging, but it's still a bit disappointing.

Tony shouldn't tinker with Toomes Engineering and Development tech.
They did it in Private Ryan.
Well, the kid gloves won't really come off, so it is more even than one would think. He's not gonna kill the guy, probably, even though he logically could very easily.

He could also beat his face into hamburger pretty easily if he got a hold of him or at least break his jaw or nose like kindling because he has zero facial protection but that's not happening either.

Or his arms, etc.

Seriously, if you wanted to end a fight like this you could pretty much fuck the guy in the flying suit up enough he just couldn't go on and blacked out like that without actually killing him, although breaking the wings would be better.

You could also pull your punches even more and at the most, break his nose and somehow magically not do serious damage from hitting him hard enough to knock him out for a while with a super alloy clad fist to the skull. (That's serious stuff. hitting someone hard enough to knock them out.)

But seriously, the fact that the rating and feel of the movies dictate he's only going to get some nasty bruises and probably a broken nose at the most limit the potential violence.

Or maybe he'll accidently get shot, but it'll be clean and no complications and not seriously threaten him even though getting shot is really bad no matter where it is.
It's like dodging an ammo-less tank with a pistol and superior agility.

You don't even know if he loses or wins that particular battle before being shot out of the sky by Vision.
>Fucking learn how to write, cunts.

This is common for internal emails in companies

The people at the top have a fuck ton of emails to send out so they just send them out as soon as they can. However people below are still expected to have good email etiquette.

If they were to ever send out something to all employees or to the public then they're write something much more formal
I think something about the grey area of her with Fox prevents her from appearing in concept art or something.
dose boobies
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It's her necklace, making them look bigger.
Heh, I get it, they do it where I work too and annoys me to no end. I always try and get punctuation and spelling right, even if just to shut up the spell-checker. It's not that hard.
i'm not complaining either way

if you have more lizzie olsen feel free to post her
Same. Didn't even realize until later. Film had much larger problems
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>I really didn't notice it and after people pointed it out
>literall slow motion scene with the web turning into an outstreched hand

I hope she's more nipah this time around.
Also lose the accent.
if you're not looking for it, it just looks like a typical frayed end
>not looking for it
no one was, it was just right in our faces
Most likely Falcon will have better maneuverability than Rhodes who's fucking Air Force anyway.
His name is actually going to be War Machine right? I saw some promo art that called him War Hammer.
Whatever, I don't think they'll kill him War Machine literally, just like they don't call Tony Iron Man.
it just look like a normal web that only look like an hand if you look at it in a certain way.

I would have never realized if it hadn't been pointed out to me.
How on Earth does Sony think anyone gives enough of a shit about Sinister Six that it would have potential to pass the 2 billion mark on it's own? If the main Spider-Man movies don't make that much why the hell would a spinoff that most people aren't going to be familiar with have that kind of earning potential?

Even as a Spidey/SS fan I think this not even remotely realistic.
he's been called war machine since IM2

his password in IM3 was warmachinerox

i guarantee you read that concept art wrong
I'm fourth in line, this guy in front of me looks like a total shitstain. He's on his phone, probably looking at gay cucumber porn.
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It literally said War Hammer. How could he read War Machine as War Hammer

I know which art he was talking about they called him War Hammer lmao.

They literally just didn't give a shit.

I think it was in Empire.
look more like a web than like an hand to me.

Again, wouldn't have noticed the hand shape if I hadn't been told about it.
Maybe because he's not actually trying to kill him?
you hope she's more...bitter and jaded forty year old pretending she's still a cheerful little girl?
it's a fucking hand you blind asshole

>he can't just punch him
>he can't just tackle him
>he can't just shoot his wings off
>he can't just repulsor him
Honestly the Snapchat one ain't a bad idea.

Throw up a bunch of pics of Spidey doing stunts while stopping crime and a few quips and people would have been all fucking over it.
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It would have been nice if they kept that creepy tone she had at the beggining of AoU.

Go get both of yours checked.

Like yesterday.
Being Airforce doesn't mean a lot for precise movements that change from aircraft to aircraft. Don't expect the best F18 pilot to equally ace an helichopter. Also, Falcon is air force too.
Did everyone forget that they unironically considered an Aunt May movie?
I am not saying that it doesn't look like a hand, it is, but I primary see it as a web and only see the hand if I care about looking at it that way.
Half of those require him getting close, which he might not be able to, and the other two risk a deadly shot.
An aunt may SPY movie
Sounds like a fun trainwreck to experience, honestly. I might actually enjoy it.
Army Pararescue > Anything from Chair Force
>I guarantee you read that concept art wrong
Did I?
with how the scene was framed, my focus was on the 'wrist' of the hand and never noticed the fingers until someone else pointed it out
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He can get close, he can fly and is faster....
so a normie magazine fucked up the name.

it's still on you for believing it in the first place
He's not necessarily faster (he should be slower than Iron Man), and he's a lot less maneuverable with his extra mass.

It's not really a number comparison.
>got called on my bullshit "guarantee"
>hurr durr normies
Ehh, Falcon is more of a recoinassance guy.
top kek
it doesnt matter if he can go from America to London really fast in a straight flight, in a close combat arial flight with someone more manuverable than him
and here I was thinking you'd say "my bad" for being a faggot
>great professionalism from both sides


Nigga what the fuck is Spider-Man v The Amazing Spider-Man. Ahahaahahah what the fuck.
>in 2020, Spider-Man vs The Amazing Spider-Man
Would watch tbqh familia
why the fuck would anyone on an anonymous message board apologize or act politely

there are zero personal stakes at hand.
Not really. War Machine is the biggest Cuck in these movies. Such a shame too
It's not that he should apoligize, but that he tried to keep going

Who /hype/ here?
Falcon was also Air-Force
>inb4 hurr dur they included tv shit
if the magazine spread had listed the names as
>sergeant united states
>aluminum sapien
>formic person
>the eyesight
>maroon sorceress
>eagle's organ that allows you to see
>arachno fellow

would you have said, "yeah that sounds right"
Army, para troopers or something
I'd honestly watch a Maguire v Garfield v Holland movie

With Maguire as dad Pete, with some rising star as Mayday
War Hammer and War Machine does not equal anyof the things you jsut posted. Just stop.
Not the anone you are talking to, but I sometimes apologise when I realize I am wrong on 4chan. Arguing is always a bit exhausting and it can be a bit of a cop out for the other to admit I have been wrong. can defuse tension.

>there are zero personal stakes at hand.
Doesn't mean it's forbidden either.
I liked it.
Is it fan-made?
hammer and machine aren't synonyms you fucking mong

the character SINCE ITS INCEPTION has always been called war machine

warhammer is a video game made by blizzard

It's Iron Mans fault desu.

Marvel miss the point of War Machine though, he's not there to be a fun personality.

He is just there to make everything more epic and cause maximum about of damage during action scenes and be entertaining from a visual and audio point of view.
I've apoligized before. It's not like I need to be a dick. If I make a big stink about something and I'm wrong, I'll apoligize
but there's also no incentive to do so.
Just stop dude.
my nigga
Don't forget that Feige loves Spider-man, and especially the JMS run which is also my favorite, so I'm happy he's in good hands.

Now I just need Venom to be introduced to the MCU, and all my dreams will come true.
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Forgot my image.
They should just adapt Spectacular Spider-man to screen. That venom arc was great for introducing the origin story as the climax, and it allows for a bunch of villains to be cool extended cameos in a Sinister Six scenario (since we won't see them all in just three movies otherwise).
We'll just wait and see. Maybe he'll try and punch and Falcon will use superior agility to dodge his blows. He's got options.
Feige fixed most of the movie...And they didn't listen to him. This studio is a fuck up
The Russo brothers also said Spidey is their favorite.

>“We took a very personal approach to the character,” explained Joe Russo. “He was my favorite character growing up, so the opportunity to bring Spider-Man to the screen is a dream come true. It's something that I spent a lot of time thinking about as a kid. We had thought back to the things that excited us about him as a character when we were younger, and one of the most important components of that was that he's a high schooler burdened with incredible powers and responsibility. That really differentiates him from every other character in the Marvel universe as opposed to other superheroes. For us, it was extremely important that we cast somebody very close to the age of a high school student. The previous films had adults playing a high schooler. We wanted more of an authenticity to the casting. We were very specific about that. We wanted an energy and charisma from the character, an energy, but also an insecurity that would make him fun to watch in contrast to the confident superheroes."
incentive are overrated.
I don't doubt that Feige is planning on straight up taking Spidey at some point
Holy shit. Fucking Feige. Hard to imagine what would happen without him.
Maybe the directors will tell er to do a better accent. Or maybe Cap liberated her
I'm suddenly very excited for Spider Man in Civil War. I hope Tom Holland nails it
>Normie magazine
Just fuck off already
Garfield was displeased with Sony's rampant executive meddling, and skipped on a meeting with Sony's CEO where "The Amazing Spider-Man 3" would be announced. The CEO was reportedly so pissed he axed everything Garfield-related.
Hemsworth pushed for Holland and Holland auditioned with Bernthal. I have faith.
That was because they were japanese.
You DO NOT pull that shit off with gooks, they take these kind of meetings very seriously, and not going to them for no reason is like an insult to them.
After seeing his instragram videos, I think Holland will do a good job.

Damn son
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Kid seems commited to the role. It's funny that he did an interview 3 years ago where he said he'd like to play Spiderman one day.

>Maybe Spider-Man in ten years' time
>A reboot of the reboot, who knows
I'm happy for him
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Reminder, the heavily armed team is not trying to kill the other team. WarMachine isn't going to try and murder Falcon.
Winter Soldier, Black Panther and Iron Man are the only ones trying to kill.
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Will there be MCU Redwing /co/?
It's a drone ;_;
This man isn't even ironically funny, he's the worst form of lame
NOBODY is trying to kill anybody anon, that would be MURDER or manslaughter?
It's been confirmed that he has a little drone called Redwing in CW.
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Based Ant-Man
There is no army pararescue though you fucking retard.
I hope is voice work out.

His "hey guys" was really weird sounding.

Imagine we get used to this vice, then his balls drop in the middle of the shooting of the solo spidey movie and he start sounding like a movie trailer announcer...

>Disney willing to trade Thor
>Spider-Man vs Amazing Spider-Man

Not even Marvel likes the Thor movies.
I feel bad for Hemsworth.
I feel like he would make a good Thor if the writers would put some effort.
Frankly, Ant-Man is shit.
Uh? But the Thor movie ARE good. the first one is a bit meh, but still okay, but the second one is great.
Eh...I think he's a sub-par actor in general.
The last few movies he's been in went strait too DVD and/or done really bad.

I'll save you, Mary Jane!
Yes, but Thor is a bland character.
They should have made him much more intimidating.
I mean, until Scarlet Witch came in, he was the most powerful Avenger.
is there anyway to generate a nude Darren?
He's basically playing Thor in Cabin in the Woods, his range is really really limited. He's got the look and some presence but there's just not much else.
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You see it here, negroes. The thing above Falcon. >>81473309 Also someone filmed a clip that they showed at a screening somewhere ( it was taken out of youtube in 10min or so ) where you see Falcon using him.

Falcon is standing on a building looking over the street ( the shot you see in the trailers ) assessing the situation where Crossbones is in a van or something, and Redwing shoots out of his back and flies down to under the van and scans the whole thing for weapons/hostages/etc, it shows up on Sam's goggles. I don't remember the rest and the dialogue was impossible to hear over the sound of all the tumblerina shrills, because he's talking to Cap during the whole thing.
No, Hulk was.
My only problem with Thor 2 is Jane. And Jane leads to the all problems. If Thor 2 didn't have Jane, it would still be good, I think.

First is good. Second is mediocre.

He was really good in Rush. I hope he stops taking shitty roles soon.

>Thor is a bland character
Kill yourself. Simonson and Kirby runs might be the best runs in the medium.
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Yeah, well, you know, that´s just like your opinion, man.
I mean Thor is bland in the MCU.
I still have the video. But it's on my phone.
>Second is mediocre.
Second is awesome.
>My only problem with Thor 2 is Jane. And Jane leads to the all problems. If Thor 2 didn't have Jane, it would still be good, I think.
Uh? There is zero fucking things wrong with Jane.
1/10, I'm not even convinced I'm replying.
Fuck, man, no. He is great.
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Found it. Some of it, anyway

>Gwen as Carnage

Yeah that never happened

god i hope the director for his movie doesn't fuck it up
No, sincere opinion.
It's not. Thor 2 is a good movie and there is nothing wrong with it.

It's the MCU movie that explore THor's relationship with his brother the best and Jane herself help to make advance the plot.
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>Spiderman vs The Amazing Spiderman
Are these real? As much as I like Raimi's Spiderman, this is the best they could come up with? No wonder they got cold feet and went to Marvel. The obvious way to build a Spiderman "shared universe" would be like this:

>Amazing Spiderman
>Amazing Spiderman 2
>Amazing Spiderman 3 (Turns out Jackal gathered the Sinister Six to capture Spiderman so that Jackal can make Spider clones since the "Spider-venom" only works with Parker family blood. Ends with Spider clone Kaine)
>Scarlet Spider (Get actor that looks like Garfield but a bit tougher like Liam Hemsworth)
>Venom (Flash as Agent Venom)
>Spiderman 2099
>Spider-Verse (You can even cameo Tobey as Spiderman if you want and introduce new Spider-men to make spin offs)

It doesn't have to be just like that but it could have been something similar.
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Sure thing, buddy.
Cute kitty.
I liked that movie, that's it.
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Haha yeah ok cool.


Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And then later his relationship with Emma Stone breaks down. It has not be a good couple of years for Garfield.
Especially since Jon is getting laid now.

something something Mondays
He's 19, by all accounts, his balls should have already dropped
He had those before. The belt had the "limiter" thing and I thought the two different colour Pym Particle goo.
He seemed relieved to be free of Spider-Man. It was a very JUST experience for him.

Dude's upcoming movies are solid and might get him an Oscar nomination, he's getting better.
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How can Iron man even compete?
He's better for it. Not for losing Stone, that has to hurt, but he loves spidey and went in trying to do what Raimi's didn't quite achieve, only to end up Batman and Robining the thing.

He already stated that he's more relieved that Spidey has a good home than he's worried about food on his plate.
Did Stone ditch him or was it one of those "amicable" break-ups?
No clue. I only just read about that part on the comment I was replying to.
>“They still have a lot of love for one another and they are on good terms with each another and remain close,” the insider tells Us of the Amazing Spider-Man costars. “It just wasn't working."


fuck you for making me get us magazine in my browser history
>Not browsing on Incognito Mode

What are you doing, Bob?
Sounds like the CW's writers, Mainly those writing Cisco from Flash from time to time. Some AoS episodes too.
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they slowed down to be in front of him you inbred autistic retard.
dont you mean behind him you inbred autistic retard?

Girls, girls, you're BOTH inbred autistic retards.
no thats fucking wrong. god how stupid are you people.

he's Air Force Pararescue.

There is no Pararescue in the army

jesus fucking christ
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I remembered his line wrong, sue me

>things that happened

pic one
nice dubs
>Don’t need Aunt May in the kitchen.
>Don’t show New Yorkers looting.
I can't stop laughing.
why did this not happen

this literally happens all the time

c-130s slow down to go the same speed as helicopters for refueling

what possible reason would they have to speed up and go in front of him when they're trying to be well positioned for a dogfight?
>that constant shouting and cheering

Jesus, fucking normies
>hurr durr normies
kill yourself. they saw something new and cool and got excited
>He has that bird, like it said on Wikipedia!

pretty sure Sony wins because Spidey showing up in other MCU stuff will be free advertisement for his movies

and Marvel wins because they can bring in Spider-Man as a side character if they want to
Marvel wins because merchandising as well.

Also, it helps having a new protagonist after Tony's gone for the Avengers movie.
>>Rhodes demonstrated more combat skills in IM3 without the suit than Falcon did in TWS

uh, what? We saw Rhodes is a pretty good shot with a pistol and that's about it. Falcon was able to take weapons off his enemies and use them effectively, and was also competent at CQC.

Given that Falcon was special forces and Rhodes was an officer in the Air Force i would generally assume Falcon to be the better fighter, given equal equipment.
You have no idea what happens in either of these scenes.
It's about goverment control of superheroes, the only ones with secret identities are the bugs.
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>possibly return to Spider-Man 4, recast Toby Macguire and Dunst, convince Raimi to return and write/direct

Only possible outcome other than Marvel getting the rights back that would have been acceptable.
>Literally an angel with fighting with his sword
Fuck Snyder.
I laughed my ass off, especially because DD alone is superior as a netfliz show than any SM movie.
All this War Machine..he's actually going to die...this is his last promo stuff...
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Feige has admitted before that he was disappointed with the Thor franchise. Which is why they went for Ragnarok and put Taika Waititi at the helm. Dude is seriously talented, but he's a major Troll. His twitter is hilarious. Based Kiwis.

Hemsworth is good enough, he just needs a good director. On his own, he is bland as fuck, so he needs the Director to tell him how to act. Which is why Whedon of all people managed to get a bit more personality out of him, even if it was the wrong one.

Waititi directs kids pretty well (watch Boy, and Wilderpeople seems to be the same). I'm pretty sure it'll be genuinely a great movie, even though I know little Thor.
>There can be only one black best friend!
I seriously doubt that they would show his death in both trailers released. He is dead the same way Fury 'died' in WS
It really only matters for the street level heroes.
>Spider-Man v The Amazing Spider-Man
What did he meant by this?
>both killed by Heimdal opening a portal in the place where they are wrestling, killing them and coming out of it.
There's zero merchandising for CW Spidey thou, not toys, no posters, only that bit in the last trailer.
Unmasking was never the big issue in Civil War. I just don't understand how people consistently forget this.

The Registration Act was all about making all the capes in the U.S into little wind up soldiers for the Government, it was never all about the identities.
There is absolutely nothign wrong with reading Wikipedia about a character you have no intent of following.

Fucking tell me the logic in following every character that ever appears in a movie.
>"War Machine! Are you going to help me fight these guys or not?!"
>"nah I just wanna watch"
Because they are figuring it out. But general spidey toys and pajamas and undies are going to sell more. Marvel profit off of that. A lot, too.

It's a joke, but I also have never read anything about him. But I wouldn't yell, I don't think. I find it interesting, but not hype.
Bought mine yesterday. I should've gotten them earlier so I can see the movie at 10 A.M. instead of 7:30 at night.

Kill yourself my pham.
>doing anything
why are you having such an autistic shitfit over this? it's just a movie
Damn, Superheroes fighting each other must be the most retarded plot ever. They just want an excuse to see heros vs heros and who is stronger
They took these movies into a terrible direction
i remember when the first movie was anounced
i expected Lord of the Rings: Space Edition
what i got was ''Dude wheres my hammer''
>Director keeps saying it needs even more comedy

At least my waifu Cate Blanchet will be in it...
>>Janet knew Hope's future measurements
does it matter? the suit's fucking power is shrinking and growing. She could've made it a poncho for elephants and it would've fit perfectly
Yeah. At the Drafthouse too. No shithead kids, no phones, no talking assholes.
>no talking assholes.

I'd love a talking asshole, I'd take it to Broadway and make millions.
Not even. He has about as much charisma and presence as a plank of wood. Not to mention he really knows next to fuck all about the character and thinks his franchise needs more comedy.
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>Black side kick show down
I'm hyped
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I kek'd
underrated post
come on /co/
racism isnt funny

ok it is sometimes but that wasnt really that funny you guys are just racist
So we have pretty even split on who counters who. However what's there to counter Antman? He did kick Falcon's butt, and by CW probably has some combat training from Capt.

What's going stop him from getting into Iron Man's armor and short circuiting things with ants? Literally ants in the pants. I mean he could shut down both WM & IM's armors and take their two heavy hitters pretty easily. Can BW even do her thing if she getting bitten by bullet ants? Only BP & Vision would be left, assuming BP's suit is sealed.

Also why is Vision even fighting?
Vision knows better than almost anyone what unsupervised power does, since his whole birth was about using it to destroy life.
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BP and vision are their only heavy hitters once Ant Man enters the fray. Wanda takes Vision but BP...that is the key
>we've certainly saved the brand

KEK!!! I'm glad this woman was fired from Sony
I guess Capt, Bucky, and Falcon beat down on BP would happen. I wonder if he'll be anywhere near his comic version where he's better combatant than Steve.
They are both Air Force. Huh. I was thinking Airborne when it came to Sam. My bad.
If Marvel doesn't get Spiderman back, you think they could do Spider-Gwen?
But they already have him.
I'm pretty sure Spider-Man fights him and Cap.
BP is far faster than steve and can catch up to a motorbike. With Vibranium i think he could take them all. Plus what could falcon even do, he can tank a minigun
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>Black Panther's debut scene is him stealing someone's bike
Didn't know Raimi was on board.
>He already stated that he's more relieved that Spidey has a good home than he's worried about food on his plate.
Fuck, man
Meaning that he's not starving, so he doesn't need to be Spiderman, so long as it is being done right.

I phrased it wrong. Very wrong.
He really is Pete
Spectacular Spiderman was fucking perfect. Build up Brock as Peter's childhood best friend in the first film, have them have a falling out in the second, then make the third Venom and just Venom.
I'd make the sinister six show up in montages/intro villains (think Batroc) in the first two movies, and be the easy villain for act 1 of the third movie to showcase the symbyote suit, exactly like they were in SSM.

This way maximizes the number of villains put to screen. Have them all be rather famous actors, no need for a lot of characterization, since they are never the main villains of any movie.
in the montages they'd be individual heroes, obviously.

think he'll get back together with Sarah Lynn?
>The symbiote kicking the shit out of the SS while Pete was asleep the whole time

God why was Spectacular Spiderman ever canceled.
Yeah as much as i love (LOVE) black panthers costume I gotta say ant-mans is probably the coolest. As are the other ones of that ilk. But in particular the ant-man suit is just so well put together. It makes me so sad when i see atom on legends of tomorrow and think 'what could have been'.
Atom's suit in the comics is weird, but LoT is even worse. I guess it was made to be budget Blue Beetle, but even still.

I'm surprised they are going giant with it on LoT, although it's probably going to look like shit. Even in Civil War I'm not sure how they'll make it look believable. He'll have to leave footprints everywhere.

I'm also surprised that Arrow/LoT managed to not do Ant-Arrow before Marvel. I thought it would be a given.
Shit, I just realized I didn't see Ant-Man.
Did I miss much?
>Peter Parker
>In charge of saving any Stacey family members
Is giant man confirmed for civil war?
if so that could be interesting
A good movie
Ant Man somehow had all the right parts to jell. I dont know how much was feige or Reed or Rudd. Or maybe it was one of those rare cases where no heads butt and everyone is able to do their best. I still say it was marvels second best movie.

And all those suits...god were they perfect
>Shit, I just realized I didn't see Ant-Man.
>Did I miss much?

Not really

If you've seen Iron Man you've basically seen Ant-Man

Very overrated on /co/ however
This is an insane match up of course but still take into consideration War Machine is probably trying to apprehend and not kill.
Yeah, it is. Sorry for spoilers, but there's a bunch of toys that confirmed.

With some luck, it happens right after Ant-Arrow.

Hawkeye is basically GiAnt delivery system.

Pretty fucking good movie. Think a less crazy (albeit still crazy) guardians, with a heist and a family element.
Not much continuity wise as far as civil war and the avengers shit is concerned. but its a good fucking movie. Sorry let me correct myself. It is a good fucking movie if you aren't completely tired of the way marvel makes comic movies. As in its lighthearted, has its fair share of jokes, a few sappy character moments, and a less than stellar villain performance with a much bigger focus on the main character.

That being said its an awesome cape flick in thats its basically a super science heist movie in an almost oceans 11 style. The effects are cool if not a little obvious (but i mean with a guy shrinky dinking all over the place its hard to make shit look natural and dynamic.) the bad guy suit is almost as amazing as ant-mans suit costume wise and the final battle is in my personal opinion the coolest comic book movie display of super powers being used in an entertaining and interesting way since probably spider-man 2s train fight scene with all that acrobatic web shit. It isn't a MUST SEE as far as getting civil war, but its a good watch.
nah i dont give a shit about spoilers. i figured he'd go giant man at some point but didnt think itd be till the next ant-man movie or infinity war.
>He already stated that he's more relieved that Spidey has a good home than he's worried about food on his plate.

What a hero.
ugh, that sounds like fun.
The same people that didn't want to see it with me, now want me to come see BvS this friday.
It's like, come on!
And jokes are supposed to be in Ant Man. They dont seem forced like AoU, they are much more natural besides baskin robbins.

And Douglas, Cross and Lily really deliver on their preformance.
Yeah, even the writers seem to think it just means he was airborne. It's bullshit, they made him a PJ but they never show him doing anything medical
Baskin Robbins was pretty neat, though. I'd say that's the right way to do product placement.
nice meme friendo :)
The initial Baskin Robbins joke was the best though.
>Look, man, I got a master's in electrical engineering, all right? I'm gonna be fine.
>Welcome to Baskin-Robbins.
The entire theater was laughing.
It was just dragged out too long for me
I can kinda see where people are coming from. Truth is the plot to ant-man has some serious similarities to iron man. The story however is entirely different. And i think the issue is people just lump story and plot together and don't realize how much more important story is compared to simple sequence of events that occur.

The important thing is if you watch Ant-man you dont get the same thing out of those characters and their arcs as you do with Iron Man.
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tism nigga desu tbqh desu senpai
Ant Man also had a different theme. Every character was a take on father and son/daughter. The movie was about that more than it was about a heist
I'd say that even if the plot was similar, Ant-Man did it better. Too bad it came after, so it seems like a rehash, but if the two movies had came out at the same exact time, I would've liked Ant-Man more, even though Tony might have been my favorite character out of both of those two movies.
Honestly if they had come out at the same time i think it would have been a tough pick main character wise. RDJ has charisma in boatloads but it aint like paul rudd is a fucking slouch either. He was funny and charming that entire film which is typical to most of the stuff he is in even if what he is in isn't that good.
Fair enough. But RDJ would feel more like a surprise. I was actually debating between him and Michael Douglas. Paul Rudd was great, but Paul Rudd is always pretty great. RDJ and Michael Douglas I would've expected to phone it in.
>RDJ and Michael Douglas I would've expected to phone it in.
As far as I know RDJ doesn't phone it in. For all his drug problems that guy is about acting.

I remember him mentioning he doesnt feel he knows his part in a script until he knows his lines till the point where he can recite them by the first letter of each word in reverse order. Which seems like a guy who probably puts a bit of work in there.
Reminder that in the first Iron Man movie, tony took a direct hit from a tank and it just pissed him off. Also bearing in mind, that was his MK III armor, his very first suit of armor excluding the one he made in a cave as well as the silver one Rhodey took. The current War Machine armor has obviously had dozens of upgrades, it might even have tougher armor than Iron Man. There's absolutely no way Falcon could even hope to damage him, he would be a distraction at best.
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>the legging colors
tony also beat the hulk.
iron man OP!
Holy fuck
War Machine looks pretty okay until you see him hit by Vision's blast in the trailer, though, so I don't see why people are assuming Falcon will kill him.

Actually, I don't see Cap winning at all, he just escapes, more than likely.
Mind control hulk.

do you people not read comics? everyone knows mind controlled characters are never as good as when not mind controlled.
Does that lizard have a combover?
>>do you people not read comics
I don't.
Literally the only one I ever read was where deadpool kills everyone, and I didn't understand half of it because I didn't know the characters.
Like that monster in the swamp, or the guy with the white cloak.
He wasn't mind controlled during the rampage. He was mind controlled INTO it. Then it's just a (wrongly) mad Hulk. Who always jobs, so you have the wrong argument for the right conclusion.
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Why did Jarvis have to become Vision? Vision is a massive bland moralfag, I want my snarky AI butler back.
You still have FRIDAY. I'm sure she'll keep being the Snaky one after a couple of movies.

Vision is great, don't you dare diss him.
So that we can have an actual superman on the screen instead of Hyperion.
He's literally a purple Superman, there's nothing interesting about that at all!
Fuck you
He's not really Superman. He's a lot shier. He doesn't inspire hope in people, that's Cap's job.

If anything he's more like Dr. Manhattan, except he tries very hard not to be Dr. Manhattan, because Dr. Manhattan is a boring depressing ponce. That's why Vision is cool. He's fascinated by humanity.
he can be a supporting role.
And at the end, when cap insists on telling the world about ozymandias' big plan, he can nuke him and feel really bad about it.
I'm sorry I'd rather have an actual character over power level wankery.
To be fair, Cap and co. didn't have enough time to really step back and rest. It would be nice to see that aspect in the upcoming movies.
You don't read comics, do you m8

Because that is a pretty integral part of crossovers, powerful guys jobbing to whoever the writer wants to win

here's hoping he rushes to caps aid when hes shot or something like that
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SON you got to pay attention

If you watch the fight you will notice the hulk doesn't look like regular enraged hulk. He has a redness prominent in his eyes and its clear it aint because of rubbing them too much. its supposed to be representative of scarlet witches power still driving him.
Dude. That's the exact theater I'm going to.

this suit sucks my white dick

there's not enough gold on it
Fair enough. She did leave some slight presence damage after she had already left the scene.
Yeah hes like a purple superman but he doesnt act like superman or have the same motivation or even rely on the same kinds of powers. Also he has the whole artificial life form trying to come to grips to what it means to be sentient and alive that really doesnt apply to superman. also he doesnt have a secret identity or a side job, or the same backstory, nor was he raised by farmers or anyone at all.

So hes like superman in that he can fly and is strong and shoots some kind of beam which i imagine is quite hot.

yeah basically purple superman.
she left some slight pussy presence after she left the scene.
>dat filename
fuck this Obi-Wan Kenobi suit
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It's true.
He's also the humble outsider that ultimately just wants to fit in and prove he is not a monster. Some of superman's motivation is there, but yeah, that's about it.
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is this one of dem hypercrisis
I think thats from the article i got the image from. Probably some review with Elizabeth olsen where she probably mentions as much.
I'm so sorry /co/mrade
no you don't get it. That's what I'm trying to say
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>replying to a 10 hour old post
It's depressing, it's like an alien trying to emulate human behavior.
I would recommend it. It's charming and Douglas Pym is based as fuck
Man, to think people (myself included) had no faith in that movie. That Hank was the real Ant-Man and Rudd wouldn't be able to carry an action movie, and there was just too much production bullshit.

Turned out pretty great, I really liked Reed's additions.
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Look in the top left corner.

Although that seems to diffuse the beam. Maybe that's why it's not lethal.
So it's pretty much confirmed that the airport battle ends when Scarlet Witch deflects one of Vision's beams and it hits War Machine hard.
He should have retained more of his arrogance.
How much you wanna bet Tony's blast deflects of Cap's shield and get's Rhodey in the chest from the trailer?
see top left corner
It might be either. But it'll probably be a deflection from Cap
Tony's blast is blue, though. The one in the trailer is yellow.
I honestly think this is the first time I've seen more than two black characters that are also superheroes on the same page in the same era, let alone fighting each other.
Tony's flying right next to him when it happens, ostensibly after the plane that Cap and crew are escaping on.
Falcon carries both by the collar.
Underrated post of the month.
I really like this armor
even if theres is no god or buddha
>Cap and Bucky get jumped
If those power gems are the most powerful items in the universe how come Scarlet can deflect one so easily?
Because the experiments that gave her powers were made using the same gem Vision has.
But Vision is still in possession of it. Why wouldn't it make him significantly stronger? Planet-wiping-with-but-a-thought powerful as shown in GotG
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