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The real reason BVS is flopping. Kids these days can't

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The real reason BVS is flopping.

Kids these days can't understand good movies. BVS is the best comic book movie ever.
that girl in the pink is pretty cute
Kids these days don't care about anything but banging and cooking meth
The economy of self of the 2010s has nothing to do with BvS' failure; if anything, it's the trend of creative bankruptcy stemming back to the mid-2000s that you need to blame.
Certain people more than others, but I for one know a good movie, and that was a bad movie.
Explain the critics' stance then.
>flip phones
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Oh boy, I can't wait for another fucking year of threads like these. For the record, I wish you cunts had gotten a good movie for once, if it meant that you would shut up.
The one on the left looks like it slides up, not flips. They were pretty popular in 2010 when Blackberries were still relevant.
>It's the audience's fault!

If you aren't making a movie for the audience, who the hell are you making it for? This isn't a fifty thousand dollar student film or some art house exercise in self-indulgence, this is supposed to be a mass market multimedia extravaganza and the first blockbuster of an ever more early summer moviegoing season. You don't spend half a billion dollars to make art, you spend it to make money.

Fucking faggots.
BvS wasn't a good movie. It's sad, since most viewers can probably see how it 'could' have been good given there are some compelling and exciting things happening throughout. Affleck's acting was great. Other actors are decent, some kind of poorly cast (Luthor), but they do a good job anyway. The story was interesting in it's broad strokes. The themes are interesting too; particularly Supes being a 'flawed God' and Batman being a man who wants to destroy Supes because he represents the Batman's conception of an unjust and morally ambiguous God who let his parents die in front of him (allows for the world to have evil). There are lots of other nice tidbits here and there.

Unfortunately, these positives are bogged down by a long list of problems. Some specific narrative choices are nonsensical or out of place: sexy bathtub scene that wasn't actually sexy just silly and hamfisted (my girlfriend is experiencing ptsd and other traumas, give I'll her the dick that will fix her!), Lex blowing up Capitol hill (basically just showed Lex is a bad dude, but frankly didn't fit into his plans except to show he was an asshole to the audience and also as a shocker), the resolution of Superman and Batman's fight "Martha?!" (was stupid and just lazy as far as narrative resolution goes). These are just to name a few. The editing was god-awful - it felt like the movie was edited to appeal to people with 30 second attention spans, and not even done half-decently like some of the marvel movies. Despite the movie's long run time (which in itself is not a bad thing), major characters were somehow left undeveloped (Wonder Woman, Lex, and even Superman). Sure, I get that Wonder Woman needs to get that photograph, but that's basically it, I know shit-all else about her. It is pretty lazy to forego character development and end up with these one-dimensional characters with no depth. A lot of these problems can be chalked up to bad direction.

Hope this has cleared things up.
Sadly true.
Case in point.
Nice pasta, bro.
1.) It wasn't hamfisted at all.
2.) It wasn't meant to be sexy it was meant to be happy and fun and it was.
3.) He did not have any plan beyond smearing Superman for the world to see which it does fit into.
4.) Have no fucking idea what you are talking about in regards to the editing being bad.
5.) WW isn't a major character, she was never meant to be explored or developed her just set up.
>replying to pasta
Or maybe it was a lazy movie with a big budget
Like a Marvel movie?
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>N-no you!
>macros prove me right
Well, when Marvel is being lazy, they at least make movies that allow them to be lazy.
You know, fun, campy hero romps that focus on simple concepts that work pretty much by default, as opposed to complicated, contrived plots that require extraordinary motivation you can't set up well and pay off in the same movie.

They just let their hero-conflict grow from small things over ten movies, the lazy assholes!
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They don't prov anything, it just makes dealing with angry DCunts more enjoyable.
>good photo
>bad photo
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>BvS is the best comic book movie ever.

Big Budget Comic movies objectively better than BvS:
Superman Returns
The Dark Knight Rises
Spider Man 3
Age of Ultron
Iron Man 3
Fantastic Four (2005)
Hulk (2003)
and pretty much every other comic book movie made thus far except Fantastic Four (2015)

Even fucking Man of Steel, which is a complete fucking mess, was more competent than BvS.

> Civil War is the natural progression of the MCU that was foreshadowed from the very beginning

I knew Marvelfriends were delusional, but not to this point.
Ah. I was going to complain, but you set a low bar.
I agree.

nice memeing!
Why do the guys on the top photo look like 30 year old men?
Don't be ridiculous.
It was set up in the Avengers movies and Winter Soldier.
The other movies introduced and developed characters more tangentially related to the events.
The problem with that theory is that the kids love it. It's the (adult) critics that hate it.
>They don't prov anything
I know.
>angry DCunts
I'd say it is marvelfags that get angry so easily. I mean, every time someone thinks the MCU is not 10/10 they start using that AoU guy.
You know, success commonly lowers stress and boosts confidence, leading to less confrontational behaviour.
So Marvel fans identifying with their franchise should be far less defensive as commercial and critical success back them up.
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>I mean, every time someone thinks the MCU is not 10/10 they start using that AoU guy.
It's always when someone criticizes a DC film though. Someone criticizes a DC film, one of you Snyder Apologists will go "Buh-buh Marvel!" out of nowhere, and we proceed to laugh at you and post chris evans images. Like clockwork. Just look at the comment string, that's literally what happened.
It's because people don't have the attention span to watch these kinds of movies. They get baffled by the simplest things in the movie and then say it's the author's fault for not making it retard-friendly. How much more extra time would have to be wasted to explain every little thing? It would be 8 hours long.
Except everything in the film was great barring...
> Lex's speech at the Galla.
> Clark never having any happy moments (Him, Lois & Martha having dinner would have been nice)
> Bruce & Clark having the same mother's name was a bit weak of a reason to stop fighting, despite Ben managing to sell it emotionally even under armor.
> No reason for Lois to throw the spear in pool besides maybe wanting it to be harder to recover.
> I was hoping Clark & Bruce would have a actual conversation before Clark got to "the bat is dead" line.
> Clark should have reasoned with Bruce after the first dose of Kryptonite wore off.
> Clark's reasoning for not noticing the bomb at the senate was weak.
> Cavill should have emoted more after the Explosion.
> League cameos were a bit shoved in (altho I personally am gald they where in the film regardless)
While with some of the films you list the total pros can be counted on 1 single hand.
>Big Budget Comic movies objectively better than BvS:
>Fantastic Four (2005)

Yeah no...
FF (05)'s Pros...
> Doom looks ok at times.
> Alba was sexy at times.
> Evans was a good torch.
> Chiklis was a good-ish Thing and had good back & forth with Evans.

BVS's Pros
> 95% perfect Batman portrayal.
> Pretty much perfect Alfred portrayal.
> MOS flashback sequence was extremely well done.
> Outfits all look fantastic.
> Clark has some great moments (sacrificing self to insure nuke will hit DD, sacrificing self to kill DD, this is my world, moment when the first dose of Kryptonite wears off)
> Wonder Woman is fucking badass.
> Score is good to great despite being one of Hans's lesser scores.
> Deals with the worldly consequences of Superman's actions.
> Lex was fun at times.
> Amy Adams continues to be the best Lois ever outside of Tas (in that she is not hysterical, incompetent or a bitch)
> Holds true to the darker universe & Superman MOS set up.
> Battles are all good to great.
He said all films BUT F4 were better.
No he said F4 2015 was worse, he listed the 05 F4 as better.
>Even fucking Man of Steel, which is a complete fucking mess, was more competent than BvS

Let's not go crazy here
Maybe because they decided to open it in fucking March instead of middle of summer. What the fuck were they thinking
The real reason BVS is flopping.

This because of treads like this that people want to bomb you america
Nah those shits and blackberries died around 2008 by 2010 we were already on android and i phone which also existed in 08 but were barely coming up
>BVS is the best comic book movie ever.

So is this the first Batman or Superman movie you've seen?
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>meanwhile I still have my slide-up because switching to a smart phone contract would cost five times as much
DC drone detected.
Nothing was set up besides Cap and Stark butting heads because of their personalities.

Let's not kid ourselves, MCU Civil War is about Bucky, Stark's parents and Cap and Stark's egos. Not ideologies.
>blame the audience
Classic DCunt move.
Or it could be poorly plotted out, bloated with characters that where not needed, and overall just aweful.
But whatever, blame the audiance for not getting the " piss jars" or the "penis rockets".
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I genuinely believe that kids today cannot comprehend the appeal of a serious plot because they never grew up with action cartoons, or anything, in fact, outside of comedy.
But BvS was nowhere near as good as those shows.

This would have been better bait if the 2010s side was racially diverse.
fuck of /tv/

It scary how I feel like I'm part of the last generation to enjoy things.
It's a cycle. Always has been. Serious action cartoons will show up again in due time.
they have Star Wars: Rebels and...shit is that the only action cartoon out right now ?
>Top pic
>Two women, two men
>Bottom pic
>Two women, a numale, and an MTF
>over 700mil worldwide
>will prolly be over a billion before or during the first week DVDs and On Demand is out
>1980s kids
>half look in their late 20s early 30s
>worse than half these movies
Either you don't remember most of these, or you just trolling.

BvS ain't the best, but it is above many.
CERTAINLY above Superman returns or Ironman 3 or The Spirit or Green Lantern or any Fantastic Four movie.

Because kids today don't color coordinate their tracksuits?

Fuck me, we needed those cooks. I'm going with chloride.
Pretty much this.
Fuck off Bain
Are the "kids" in the 80's picture like thirty?
fuck off edgefag
no, she's shit
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>You don't spend half a billion dollars to make art, you spend it to make money

Can you spend it to have/make fun?

Because if I ever had a half-billion dollars to spare, I'd want to make an amusement park with the theme that it's old, haunted, and involved in some conspiracy. So in addition to the rides, there's craploads of Fatal Frame and Da Vinci Code bullshit laying around everywhere. Probably include some special App for spooky shit like when you take pictures at certain locations you see "spectral phenomenon" or receive ominous texts and one-sided calls.
Winter soldier has cap becoming disenfranchised with following the system
Age of ultron has tony making a mistake by doing shit on his own that costs a great many human lives.

Civil war has tony making ammends by trying to ensure people going off half cocked like him dont cost more lives like with ultron.

Cap doesnt just trust in doing what he is told because an agency is the one telling him.

Yeah no absolutely no set up at all. Nothing in previous movies could possibly allude to their stances in this one.
I love how there are just boatloads of reasons why people hated this film. Like actual legitimate reasons that spell out the issues people have. And they arent all the same but man so many of them are. And some are just as a movie in and of itself and how effectively it tells its story. and others are from a DC comics fan point of view and how the movie represents batman and superman.

And you mewling little fagboys are still going 'oh....its clearly not liked because kids this generation aren't like my generation'

Good lord how fucking deluded can you be? Listen if you want to like this movie fine, like it. But stop trying to pretend none of those criticisms you have come across over and over and over again aren't there for a reason. And no not 'memes' or 'bandwagon' or 'hatetrain' or whatever dismissive bullshit you immediately imagine because you can't deal with others not liking the shit you like...genuine reasons for not liking this fucking film.
Nah man, BvS is better than Spider-man 3. You're right about the rest.
80s chicks > 00s chicks
>Neither Clark Kent nor Superman ever direct a single word towards Diana Prince or Wonder Woman.
>No coordination nor teamwork.
>This is supposed to be a Trinity movie.

The movie failure of the year that keeps on giving. This movie might be so bad I'm not afraid anymore of Ghostbusters, I've already seen the worst 2016 has to offer.
Lol no, actual people fucking love it and are seeing it multiple times. I've seen multiple pictures of people seeing it up to 6 times just because that's how good it is. It's the critics that are all paid off by Disney that are trying to convince everyone that its a "flop" when in reality it's constantly breaking box office records and is loved and adored by actual comic fans the world over.

Face it Marvelshill, your time is over. The MCU will never produce anything close to capekino.
>it's not the entertainments fault, it's the fault of the people not being entertained
>%95 perfect Batman.
-You mean a batman whose major detective skills have him be played by luthor?

-You mean the batman whose hacking skills allow him to access an unsecured, unlocked and unguarded server room?

-You mean the Batman who does the stupid "kill henchmen but leave the top villain alive" cliche? (Keaton at least got the job done)

-You mean the one who is unable to figure out who is Superman when Lex was aware of the whole time?

That's not 95%. Maybe in style, but not in substance.
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Marvel = normies
DC = nerds
You can't prove me wrong
Fun fact: when you Unironically use the term normies, everyone ignores what you have to say and they're right to do it.
>if I ever had a half-billion dollars to spare
That's bullshit. There is no way you had half billion dollars to spare. Not even the people who created this had a billion dollars to spare. Yes, they made a half a billion dollar movie but they didn't use them as their "spare, lets have fun since i'm rich" objective. They invest the money expecting to have more in return in the long run.

If, (and i'm being generous here and consider you can stand up right now and be productive, willing and achieve success) if you would have a half a billion to spare, you would have the knowledge to know better. You would have experience how hard is to earn that money to spare that the last thing you would think about what to do with it would be an amusement park with the theme that it's old, haunted, and involved in some conspiracy.
neither of those things are good
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Kek. You mean the marvelfags who mostly disliked AoU and often discuss which Marvel movies were strong and which were weak?

Meanwhile DCfags are constantly blaming everyone but the people who made the movie for its poor reception and declare them absolute masterpieces while likening them to classic literature and greek epics.
Green Lantern is for nerds? I don't think anyone liked it, not even nerds.
top of the top keks
that last sentence put it a little over the top. but otherwise it was pretty good
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Holy mother of fucking KEKS!
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People are plebs. They want fun, they want comfy, they want toothless storytelling without stakes, conflict or risks. And /co/ is not the exception; a quick look at what these boarders want from comics and cartoons is proof of that.

74 people
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let me taste your tears
The fact people view BvS as something elevated above typical capeshit movies is mind blowing.

Almost got me there, /tv/.
>Surpassing Man of Steel Box office records
>Still want to call it a flop/failure.
Heh, this lack of a basic understanding of movie finance is adorable.
Yeah, you need to tone it down a notch if you want anyone to take the bait.
I'm fucking loving these constant BvS threads.

Assblasted DC fanboys are SO FUCKING MAD it's hilarious. Their tears flow like endless rain.
I don't personally think it flopped or bombed (as in didnt make enough money to break even). Or i should say I don't think it is going to because theyre probably still making up the advertising campaign costs on top of having made up the production costs.

But i imagine it'll turn a profit. The thing is this is a fucking team up movie with batman and superman starring ben affleck. This movie even has wonder woman in it.

It essentially has 3 of the most legendary well known heroes of all time and 2 of them are easily THE MOST well known super heroes of all time. And theyre fighting each other in a movie.

This should have blown everything else out of the water based on that alone. and I can guarantee you the people in charge of the money at WB thought it would to and had the intention it would. So it just making a little more than man of steel or turning a profit is not a positive. This movie is shaping up to be a fuck up for the studio if it doesnt begin churning out more ticket sales soon. And it doesn't appear as if its going to.
But that's more like 2 movies rather than say "all the ironmans, all the captain americas, and the two avengers movies" have been building up to this.
That's the problem. A film on this level can't just do "okay", it has to be a mega-blockbuster or the effort isn't worth it.

It's especially problematic for BvS because this was supposed to be the cornerstone of the DCEU. Not only does it not bring in the expected money, it destroys the hype for future films in the franchise.

Same thing happened with the Amazing Spider-Man movies. They both made some money, but their mediocre-to-bad receptions lead to diminishing money and interest returns until there wasn't enough to justify building the universe Sony had planned, so it fell apart.
It's like you didn't even watch IM3

>Tony dragged through his mistakes.
>Attacked by discarded veterans who were enhanced by his technologies.
>Forced to acknowledge the people he's stepped on over the years.
>False flag attacks.
>Humbled by the removal of the very physical symbol of what allowed him to push other people around.

There is some dark shit in the MCU.

You just can't see past the fact that they know how to break tension.
>It's a cycle.
It's not, but whatever.

That's because Avengers actually do the hero stuff, you know, saving helpless civilians. Strategically putting police, first responder to help evacuate the bystanders.
What you guys at DC actually do so far. Measuring dick contest?
>flip phones
more like 2005
Not a pasta, but I'm flattered that you enjoyed my post.
Ya know, usually these images are supposed to show how anti-social today's teens are because of technology and such, but that's a really poor choice of an image. The teens in the 2010's still look like they're interacting, socializing, and just having as much of a good time in a different way. Usually they'd use an image of a bunch of teens sitting around not paying attention to one another while glued to their phones.
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