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The longest face Zootopia thread

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Thread replies: 737
Thread images: 251

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Longface Judy
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My nutbladder just exploded.
Geee whillickers, Mr. OP! That sure is one swell picture you've got there.
Is there any way a fella like myself could get engaged in the new and exciting world of longface making?
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REMOVE Predator remove Predator
you are worst pred. you are the pred idiot you are the pred smell. return to hunting in the wild. to our wild cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,preds we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole pred stink preds sqhipere shqipare..predator genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead preds..ahahahahah PREDATORS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget the attacks .Predators we kill the king , preds return to your precious jungle….hahahahaha idiot preds smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE PREDATOR FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Buffalo+Hippopotamus+diseas Infestd rats+the rabit naton=kill preds … gazelle alive in zootopia , gazelle making album of zootopia. fast pop tracks Gazelle. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of Gazelle… you are ppoor stink pred… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

Gazelle alive numbr one #1 in zootopia ….fuck the preds ,..FUCKk ashol preds no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur pride and hunger. Gazelle real strong wizard kill all the pred farm aminal with pop magic now we the prey rule .ape of the zoo presidant Lionheart fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and Preds wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of a hyena. zootopia greattst prey paradis.
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First for predator genocide
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What happened to the "missing" day in Zootopia between the time Judy is given 48 hours to find Otterton and Nick tells Bogo Judy has 10 hours left?

Is Nick just that bad at math (or telling the time?)
>BvS tanking everywhere
>dropping 81% of box office in one week
>85% in China

Could Zootopia pull back ahead in just a single weekend?
That would be both Amazing and Hilarious
No. BvS made on its second Friday a bit more than what Zootopia is estimated to get for the entire weekend.
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OP could have started with Box Office talk or that upcoming docu. Christ, up your OP game, faggots.
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Here's the third

Now, there's something I haven't heard in a good while.
And kind of Sad, in a way. But mostly what you said. Sequel when, Disney?
Thanks for the diabetes
Hey, guys. I'm back with part 2. Fixed the angle like some anons were asking. Again, let me know what you think.
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Hey anons
I give it five years
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Disney worker guy/guy who did the Nick voice last night here, is that guy still working on that fic?
Let's look at the timeline
-early morning: Judy takes the case

-still morning: Judy gets nick to help her

-morning or noonish: Nick and Judy go to the
naturalist club

-noon: Judy and Nick go to the DMV

-night time: Judy and Nick are finally done at the DMV and go to Tundra town

-later at night (probably 9-10pmish) Nick and Judy go to tundra town and talk to Biggs

Really early morning of day 2: Nick and Judy go to talk to Manchas and shit hits the fan

Noonish: Nick and Judy go to Bellweather and find out where the nignogs took the handbeezy

Night: Nick and Judy go to cliffside, solve the mystery, and start a race war
I'm not sure why there's such a large time gap between them going to see Bellweather on day 2 and them going to Cliffside. Maybe ewhen they're at cliffside it's actually still day time, but the cloud cover makes it look later than it is, it's hard to say for sure.
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Are the lines freehand?
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>people are posting my memes
t-thanks guys
I can make more if you want
oh boy here we go
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>brown eyes
>Judy's the black one.
Yes. I just needed that one line on Judy's head for eye spacing.
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But why is Gideon up there?
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How much salt would ya'll be if this never happens in the series?
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is that some robo legs?
Ratchet got new weapons I see
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Judy probably only found Nick the next day.

24 hours gone.
>it's a furfag thread
>fat nigger with brown eyes
whoever did this needs to throw themselves off the nearest bridge
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That horse cop looks awesome.

I wonder why he wasn't included in the film.
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edit images with finnick please.
Rich and Byron reply a lot in twitter. Why not ask them regarding the 48 hrs timeline?
Fuckup on my behalf, I still have the PDN file
>i don't know what i expected
This is amazing work. As a student of history I can say that I've seen hundreds of pictures like this, and have shown little to no emotion. The pictures were just windows to a past I've never lived in, people who I never knew or would ever know. But this picture made me stop and evaluate. Putting Nick in made me actually look at what is really happening. Putting something that everyone is familiar with in a situation that no one knows, and to make people feel those emotions well, that takes amazing talent. Thank you.
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doesn't this image imply finnick joined a terrorist group that's going to suck off every person in the airport?
You better believe it.
Lies, we all know he is too gay to reproduce and make more preds.
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>mfw I realized Bellwether being there to talk to Mrs Otterton and save Judy's ass was purely a coincidence
>mfw I realized she was REALLY there to get Duke out of jail
I prefer mutual hesitance and then quiet acceptance of a romance, so that's fine.
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So in the movie, the Polar Bear's phone says it's 8:30pm, so your timeline is pretty close to canon.

I figure that Nick steps forward to defend Judy at around 2:00am. That means Judy still has well over 24 hours. I'm not sure where Nick gets 10 hours from?
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What happened to that blender?
There are a lot of this in eBay coming from China and Hong Kong. Expect more when this hits Japan.
I object less to her being black and more to this being fucking hideous.
Looks to be from the first draft, when it would make literally zero sense for a pred to be in the ZPD. When that changed he probably got replaced with a tiger or something.

He does look badass, though. I really hope the next movie highlights more of the ZPD kicking ass.
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He wasn't a predator or prey animal, so he was left out.
Dawn needed Judy as part of her plan for promoting a prey regime. Even if Bogo had fired her he would have found a stack of papers on his desk the next day detailing how much legal shit he would be in for firing bun without a real reason
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How would she even get him out? Interesting thought, though.

It's great to watch the movie again after knowing she's the villain. The way she talks to Judy just changes in context.

>"let me know what you find" sounds different in tone
>us little guys

I'm too shy. :(
>some chinese kid had to sew this
Now I'm sad
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link to the Nick voice?
Maybe that is where the "prequel" in the graphic novel will come into play?
So... who else here fell into the pit of faggotry because of Nick?
For whatever reason, I'm suddenly feeling pretty motivated to make fanart of a Zootopia/Jak & Daxter mashup. Should I do
>Nick and/or Judy as Krimson Guards
>Nick as Jak and Judy as Daxter
Technically he did have reasons. Not that bellwether couldnt pull strings to get her back
It's okay, they probably let the kids watch parts of the movie during their mandatory 10 minute daily breaks.
Just make a new twitter account and use it, and drop that fucking atrocious "cute" shy act.
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Finnick is better
I concur.
Whoever did this needs the nearest bridge thrown at themselves.
I didn't' save the vocaroo link, maybe some other people did. People liked it, just said I sounded a little too timid (I was drunk when I did it)
Hmmm, I guess you could say that after their run in with Manchas there was a fair bit of time until the police got there and they could explain the situation to them, since by the time they get on the gondola the sun's rising. (meaning it's probably 5-6 am by then. Either way 10 hours is not an accurate number in any way, then again, Nick doesn't even know when the 48 hours began so he was probably just pulling a number out of his ass so he could fast talk Bogo. At least that's my guess.

I hope so too, I need some a large scale ass kicking fight scene between a bunch of the ZPD and [insert generic crime syndicate here] would make a nice introduction scene.

But horses are in Zootopia
Yes, but she had no way of knowing Judy was in danger of being fired.

...unless the two sheep cops she had on the force called her to let her know that Judy was in deep shit with Bogo.
Why not both?

Also daxter would have to be pre-dark eco daxter or else it would just be naked judy with goggles and maybe pants
You sound like Bateman?
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Why is Nick much harder than Joody?
>naked judy
I don't see the problem here

Wait -- on the horses: where do we see horses? I didn't see any in the movie . . . unless I missed one?
>basic anime eyes
The artist could've just tried copying disney style.
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>Zootopia spawned a lot of drawfags
>me included

And picking up drawing without motivation, is hard as fuck like any other talent, another cheers to this fantastic movie
We saw the horses themselves in the scene when Judy is hopping out of the train station.


We also saw zebras every now and then in the background.
I did. I bought a nick plush to snuggle.

>Nick doesn't even know when the 48 hours began so he was probably just pulling a number out of his ass so he could fast talk Bogo. At least that's my guess.

Judy tells Nick at the Oasis she only has 36 hours left, so Nick -- the ever-observant fox -- must have known how much time was on the clock.
You're the anon that wears the Nick mascot suit at WDW right? If so I need this link. Any anons have it?
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severely fucking underrated post
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Wasn't there a zebra in the movie?
because of the Long snout
Pretty much this yeah

I started drawing yesterday by going to >>>/ic/ and following their sticky

Everything I draw looks like garbage but it gets better I guess
>Nick gives the "oh you" expression
>Nick gives the "pun dog" expression when telling a joke

So... he's a meme then. Either that or he browses 4chan a lot from his reality and choses to shitpost in everyday life.

I . . . totally missed that, Anon. Lemme watch that scene again. Where should I be looking for the horses?
So why is this movie so popular in Aisa?
I envy you... though not like I can do anything so long as I live at home. Need my own place first even then... a plushie is just never the same is it?
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Yeah. In Zootopia everyone can be anything and this one chooses to be ugly.
It helps them forget the inevitable nuclear holocaust that NK will unleash.
Why would you let a movie change you this much

They were never center stage but there were plenty in the background, especially when Judy first arrives in Zootopia.

Ah, forgot about that, I'm still guessing he just pulled 10 hours out of his ass since it doesn't match up with ANY potential timeline.

>mfw long time drawfag but currently going through..."SELF DOUBT" stage and trashing like 90% of my zootopia pieces.
He's a race traitor
Post Nick and Judy kissing.

it was from http://www.slashfilm.com/zootopia-writers-interview/2/
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colored version*
About 1:36, immediately after the wildebeest scout troop. Judy hops right past them.
What's it like anyways?
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Looks promising, make his basic head form more angular like >>81382234 that way its way more easy, you can allways smoothn it up with his fur
I understood that reference and I hate myself for it.
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Judy looks like a badass
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Other than sweating balls every day in the Florida heat, and the occasional annoying tourist, it's wonderful to make children and other people happy, even if they are just talking or hugging on a man in a suit.
Source, buddy?
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I need more SWAT cap Judy.

Well I'll be damned, Anon! You are totally correct! My copy of Zootopia is pretty much crap, but I did see the horses -- huh! Ok, I stand corrected on the police horse!
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She's the best
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I genuinely believe she wanted to help Judy there.

Otherwise that's relying way too much on coincidences, contrivances, and just plain luck for your plot, especially on a rookie cop.
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My head-cannon is that Watership Down and Redwall actually a historic documentary on early Zootopian tribalism, and all the students of Bunnyburrow Middleschool have to watch it for their history classes.

>don't ever talk to me or my bunn ever again

This picture looks like a job interview or something
>nick walks into your office for an interview meeting
>talks so smooth he leaves the building as the department head and your new boss
Shame about the hands.
Did they put you through some kind of class to act like Nick somehow?

I'm glad they hire people that enjoy their jobs at least
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there's something that i can't really figure out in this movie. without predators to reduce their numbers, how come the prey animals' birthrate doesn't become quickly unbearable, as in they are too many and there isnt enough food for all of them? i mean just imagine if in real life rabbits didnt have any predators, how many would there be?
They just tell you to go watch the movie when your off one or two times (more if needed), they expect you to know how to act.
Knots are awful.
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See >>81382129

I totally forgot she already had loyalists in the force who could tell her that her new pawn just royally fucked up, especially after Bogo yelled so loud everybody in the police station's lobby could hear him.
here's your (wew)
>Judy would forget watching one of the most scaring cartoons you can show to a kid.
Which you shouldn't necessarily even do, I mean fuck dude, that shit is Watership Down
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>it's a "Judy gets selected for the small mammal tactical unit, codenamed "HOPPERATOR" episode
That's why they all become carrot farmers.
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Nick is really handsome.
Birth control of course. The Hopps just happen to be an old fashioned farmer family.
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Ok anon

No, we don't. Please be quiet now.
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>That image
Rabbit bites can be nasty if they hit you just right
Someone post the webms of Nick adjusting his tie and shaking his tail when walking through the city with Judy
You could get a fox anon. They won't sleep on your lap though and they smell like a skunk.

I wonder if fleas are a problem in Zootopia? We know for a fact lice are.
>started drawing yesterday
That's good, anon! Everybody has a day one. When you keep going, you'll be rewarded well in the long run. Before you know it, that day one will turn into week one, then month one, year one - etc.
Because it's great, and the characters are insanely likable not to mention adorable as fuck
>Yes i loved Zootopia, and i ship Nick and Judy
>lets start draw this picture of them that will take 3 hours
>Ok, research done, proportions, checkéd
>Just fuck with the hands, i only draw my kind of hands

But why though? lots of artists do these kind of shit
Please get the fuck out
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>those red-hot fucking furnaces blasting heat into Sahara Square

I wonder how many rivals Mr. Big has cooked to death in front of those things. Also those buildings at the beginning of the Webm are cool, taking inspiration from North-African architecture. SO MUCH DETAIL.

>it's an "elite FBI Counter-terror unit full of wolves come in and take jurisdiction which forces Judy to train and out-operate them" episode
Why? It sounds kinda hot for her and her mother to take Nick around the world for a night.

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That bothers me too, how the hell did they get on the force? If they could get on, why is such a big that Judy did?

Or is the ZPD so fucking incompetent they didn't notice the sheep impersonating officers of the law
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Latest render.

Anyone wanna see anything in particular. I'm trying to get better.
Not furnaces, anon. They're the heat vents for the massive AC units keeping Tundratown cold.

That's right. They remembered that energy is conserved.
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How come we haven't gotten a Fargo crossover yet. Margie is a perfect analog to Judy
Isn't he only the most feared crime boss in Tundratown? Surely there must be some mobsters in Las Vegas-ish Sahara Square.
>it's a G7 visit Zootopia and all the anarchists and commies come out of the woodwork episode
>Judy has to go half the episode with slightly charred ears from the moltov cocktail that exploded on her riot shield.

I'm not acknowledging this with a response -- with the exception of this one.

You're a very bad man, Anon.
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>it's a ""Judy gets pulled up into a high-level operation and quickly finds herself in over her head, questioning the morality and legality of her mission and the institution she ad dedicated herself to" episode
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Different facial expressions?
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Only if they're homeless

I wonder how the poverty levels are in Zootopia?
The sheep are bigger than a rabbit. Judy is really small.
oh hey Byron Howard

Nick is such a qt in this scene but I just can't get over
>yellow shirt
>not zoocario
>There are strays in Zootopia
I haven't seen the movie and you people are a fucked up bunch, but that is one adorable fox, I will give you that.
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But we have.
Byron Howard is pure you degenerate
The fucking gooks made a Fargo crossover? I wouldn't have thought they'd know about that movie
What does it say?
D-do you have anymore, Anon?
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foxes are the smuggest creatures on earth
No idea.
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>judy threatened to ice a guy to get info
>illegally searched a car
>brought down TWO mayors

she'll be fine, she's on track to join the ZIA I'm sure
FFN would do fine
pastebin, ao3 or ffn
Well, towards the last act, Duke was out on the street. So maybe Dawn did pull some strings.
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>I haven't seen the movie

I am so sorry you didn't see it yet

>Drunken Nick
This scene, this fucking scene is amazing
It's like they draw black people ugly on purpose or something.
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Dr.Pawvel I'm ZIA.jpg
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Post unsmugged nick.
>What does it say?

역시 툰드라에서는 아이스크림이지.
Should I? The images I've seen look interesting and, once again, that fox is fucking adorable
That was deleted quickly
Surely they'd make her a nice .22lr or .380 SMG
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They aren't THAT much bigger and hardly intimidating, and it's not like they had horns either.

If they did get in, I guess they were regulated to crossing guard duty and shit. Actually that makes perfect sense why they would help Bellwether, they were like Judy being assigned pedestrian duty never taking any legitimate cases and got tired of it.

That still doesn't explain why Judy was such though
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Was that part of your master plan?
>Nevertheless the tundra, ice cream.
uhh, thanks?
I've heard mostly good things, and I have a friend who doesn't even like animated movies who fell in love with it, so it's probably pretty good.
>Not Banewether
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Nick for president.jpg
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Yes of course you should, I bet you will love it

I like the fox too
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I like her operating standard though.

Could she handle a .380 rifle? Seems a bit on the big side still, .22lr would be perfect though.
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Just watch it anon, dont miss your chance.
Here take your unsmugged nick.
*such a big deal
S-sorry mods
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Disney guy here, just upload it to FFN and mention us in the description or something.
The story is kind of mediocre, but the animation is fucking great, and there are some decent comedy and feels scenes. Definitely worth a watch in cinemas.
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you are dangerously asking for the muzzle scene
>The fucking gooks made a Fargo crossover? I wouldn't have thought they'd know about that movie
Come on man, the gooks even made a movie about gooks knowing about Fargo.
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter. The actual plot centers around a Japanese woman obsessed with the film.
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Nice, this is the beginning bros.
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they'll just give her a SCAR PDW in .22 or something
>Maybe he's wondering why someone would shave a lamb, before buying new clothes at the Gap.
First rabbit is still the first rabbit. If no rabbit has ever wanted to be a cop before, her breaking that barrier is going to get noticed.

Same with Nick being the first fox cop despite there being a whole bunch of wolves already on the force.
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that fox.jpg
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we have so many nick pics in this thread, I like it
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>story is mediocre
you can get right the fuck out of here, pal

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>If you're sheared, will you die?
>It will be extremely uncomfortable.
>You're tiny.
>For ewe
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We can keep going anon
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Fair enough
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Judy, I'm Nick.
Huh, thank you for showing me this.
It looks incredibly bizarre
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Judy and Nick murder scene.png
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Something fast before I go ded on bed.
Which of the two can handle their lunch better while on the line or investigating?
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>replying with a spoiler to someone who hasn't seen it yet
C'mon, Anon. You're better than this.
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indeed we can
The year 2XXX. Deep in South Africa, 200 km north of Garzburg. Zootopia -- an armed fortress nation established by animals.
The Western nations have found out that a weapon of mass destruction capable of rewriting war history is under development at Zootopia.
They have called upon the high-tech special forces unit FOX-HOUND to take care of the situation.
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thumbs up.gif
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>The story is kind of mediocre

I actually laughed out loud
Thanks for deleting the lewd posts, mods
>This is the instrument of your liberation
You think Nick would have seen more shit having lived in the city longer
Don't worry, I've already spoiled myself by viewing these threads
I thought this was a childrens' movie, but there's more swearing than Scarface.
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nick thanking Judy.jpg
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what >>81383588 said
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We LA Noir now
I've always been partial to the MP5, like feel.

If we want to go the opposite direction, though, we could give her a sub MAC10 firing standard .45ACP.
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i don't think terrorist group is the right name for that...

also finnick is love, finnick is life!
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>The mods/janitor got mad over the "Things I want to ride joke"

Jesus guys, take a chill pill.
They can not do it forever, these threads are condemned.
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y u do this
Somebody actually took the time to write this
I've seen dead cats/rats/dogs on streets a lot of times and I am still having trouble holding my shit together.
You fucking degenerated deserved it.

The fuck? She grew up in a predominately rabbit society, that theory is completely unfounded.
Fucking this. Although the fan art was from South Korea, point still stands that Asians are not that oblivious to western movies.
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Without order there is only chaos
I would play Zootopia Noire
other way around. Nick's seen more shit, being a part of Mr. Big's crew. Judy's one of those straight-out-of-the-academy cops. First murder scene together, if it's the first for both of them, Nick's going to be the one who handles it better.
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Nick lived/lives the hard life tho
>exposed ears
Great filename
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yea I know it is pretty stupid, I just liked the image
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Flopsy the Copsy!.png
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>Flopsey Mopsey

It was Flopsy the Copsy.
If they like the movie, they will somewhat care.

Instead of thinking positive and wanting the threads to be better, you are giving up and giving in. That's not what the movie taught you.
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where is the zootopia noir quest guy?
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>Ctrl+F "Fun Bun"
>Zero Results.

Right at the fucking cliffhanger.

And my phone is already autocompleting the URLs for the Zootopia fanfic archives. It is too late for me.
>If they like the movie
Mods are not furfags, aren't they?
Oh, my god, tumblr. No. No no no. Do you think little people in real life hang around other little people so they can hold hands with their midget mates and sing "gooble gobble gooble gobble"?

Fuck me, the shit that comes out of that place is infinitely more offensive than what they complain about.
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tell us about your feelings anon.png
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>I like your ass
>Hell no!

Anyone have any news on Fun Bun? Last update I saw was 4, about a week ago.
What is funbun? i know it's a fic but like what is it about?
>terrible at making threads
>primetime shitposting time on a weekend, which means mods are up
>acting like faggots while everyone's eye in /co/ is at this movie, waiting for it to fuck up

You deserved it.
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shh you'll wake the anti-fanfiction babby
i remember him saying he might run today i really hope he does
Judy on the homicide detail
>Weaselton we know where you got the gun from
>Prove it!
>*Protracted shootout*
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Nick frown.png
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True enough, I just kind of imagine him still having troubles eventhough he had seen that kind of shit a couple of times but perhaps I am belittling his ego compared to Judy.

>they get thrown in Arson
I wonder how this will play out
>they get thrown in robbery
Nick can certainly handle that
>they get thrown in homicide
Both will get traumitized but both(specially Nick) can handle it.

>they get thrown to the Vice division
>they got a shrew detective showing them the ropes
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Three weeks to go until invasion of the Japanese home islands.

Speaking of which, it seems their commercials spoil slightly different scenes than ours did.
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I wonder if photoshop anon is still here
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Gets me every fucking time
>Nick will never shake his ass in front of you while looking over his shoulder smugly
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Liking this movie doesn't mean you're a furfag. Stop dragging everyone to your level.
Getting real circlejerky in here, isn't it?
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Got a point, I too would expect a reaction closer to pic related.
I don't have any Finnick movie frames to edit with, and I'm not getting any inspiration from the N&J frames that I do have. I'll think up something, in the meantime if you have any suggestions/ideas post the necessary images and I'll do my best.
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Hey gang, let's all think of Zootopia racial slurs
>black paw
>night schemer
>horn head
>cotton body
>follow the leader
>grass chewer
>webbed paws
>wet belly
>buck tooth
>earth shaker
>egg layer
>fake mammal
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Putting a real background in your image ruins your image. And makes people think of B^U.
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finnick (25).jpg
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straight out of zootopia parody?
Ringtail for raccoons
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Not that anon, but I'm not against people who find it mediocre (unless it's obvious bait or shitposting). Maybe people just really don't like the noir/mystery aspect to it.

Personally, I dig it a lot and it's something new to me, based on the recent movies. I liked how it was handled (a lot of red herrings and shit), so I didn't find it mediocre. Maybe it was not original but it was treated well that it came out as fresh for me.
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Is this a reference to something?


Pic related

Traumatic stuff gets to everyone, no matter how 'numbed' you are. Look at the EMT in >>81384154, I'm sure as a first responder he's seen plenty of shit but is still shaken up by the multiple murders inside.
I guess you could say "night howler" is a little bit like a slur for wolves.
You missed one 'her', decent otherwise.
>lets get to bashing butts
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images (4).jpg
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>there are no species bigotry here.
>I dont look down on cottontails, bushtails or night schemers
>In here, you are all equally worthless

>Well any fucking time chomper!
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joke dog.png
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That's like being Mexican and only having one kid anon; it just doesn't happen.
So April 23rd is when the real pron starts coming?
I don't know and I can't since I don't read Spanish.
First responders will sometimes be able to handle it but then eventually there's a case and they get taken down for the count and need a few days to get themselves back up to shape. What I do is drink coffee
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There are tons of black cops, though.
I'll give it a shot. sucks that his ear/tail are cropped here. I'm headed to the gym, I'll get to work when I get back.
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>"JudyxNick is canon" says degenerate
I love crossing FMJ with zootopia
>Sir a jelly donut sir!
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nice trunk shot, def Judy with the stronger constitution

>Zootopia 2: Directed By Quentin Tarantino


Coming 2019
>last update 2 weeks ago

Did the author die or just decide to stop?
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3MB, 1300x2873px

Looks like she drew a scene from a spanish Fanfic.
>Zootopia 2: Directed By Quentin Tarantino
Sorry but it will never happen.
>When you came pullin' in here did you notice a sign that said dead Beaver storage?
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>Gideon's family calls flowers the equivalent of night niggers
April 23rd in Japan, which would be April 22nd for most of us. Just gotta watch that Pixiv.
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Okay, guys. Final part. Finished Judy, and had Nick hold an umbrella. As always, let me know what you think.
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Don't give them idea. There were already enough foot/paw shots in this film to get people hooked on that fetish, do we really need El Fartino to be given the keys to the motorcade here?
Cute. I like it
I mean the scene in >>81384154 # is a fucking massacre of a dozen or so animals so I'm sure anyone would respond with a bit of displeasure
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Trippin' it.jpg
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Edit this image and add to it a lot of MLG shit.
Don't forget the Deal with it glasses on Nick
Liking/finding the characters appealing isn't the same as being a furry (the furry I'm referring to is someone embracing the lifestyle, porn and adopting a fursona and probably getting a suit eventually).

It's not surprising that a lot of people and even normies like the movie and characters. Disney has perfected making cute characters, and I believe that Disney made sure that the protags are at least likeable. Add in good writing between the protags and making sure there is chemistry when the VAs recorded (they made sure they recorded together), it's not surprising it's a hit.

You may hear a lot of normies banter how Nick and Judy should fuck or how cute they seem together, but most of the time that's just it---they don't go beyond that. They don't act on it, they don't feel depressed, they don't become delusional, because at the end of the day they would just treat this as a cartoon.

Now Avatar was a different thing. It wasn't a cartoon, it was treated "seriously" and touted as the next best thing. Which was probably why a lot of people, normies even, went a bit crazy
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u fcked up.jpg
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She probably wanted Judy on the case. When she heard she was getting the meter maid treatment, she was going to do something to put her on track. She knew she was good enough to either sniff out a lead to catch Lionheart or die getting close enough. Either way, Dawn wins.

Her texting Lionheart may have nothing to do with her bailing out Judy and more about her torturing him.
Thanks, anon.
It's even common in our world.

Ever heard of "nigger-rigging" something?
Wondering how many Nicks and Judies will show up this years Comic Con
People in the south used to call Brazilian nuts "Nigger toes".
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Here's one.

I think I've got the lighting down a bit better.
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I just want opening weekend to be as full as possible so we can get a good "びっくりした!" out of this scene.
Guys please post pics of Judy and Nick hugging and cuddling, I need them. Not kissing because they are not in love and are just good friends.
>Not a crispy drumstick instead of a carrot pen

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Cute stuff anon. Keep it up.

>those lyrics
Cough Syrup? My fucking nigger.
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Not girl, am guy, but yes.
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Time to test it.
He's a fox you fucking idiot. Are you thinking girls are furfags like you?
No. He's tolerable at best.
What kind of mind games are you playing with me?
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i am
I find him cute but I'm not a degenerate like you that go the extra mile
Are you even trying?
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Don't you try to hide it, you know the truth
Is the extra mile admitting that he gets you going?
Writing does take some time. Usually, a month between chapters is pretty decent. I take much longer than that.
Is...is he hitting on me?
I like funbun.
I loved Sad Judy.
I'm just here, like, waiting for an update on Sad Nick.
did you draw this

good shit, i laughed
Yes, Cough Syrup. A few more songs that I might could make.
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Oh little anon, I am not a degenerate like you. Pics of Judy and Nick kissing are heresy.
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Hi anon, take another smug fox.
The extra mile is losing control of your life and somehow ending up admitting to liking a fictional fox in a cantonese shearing forum
All in all, I much prefer what /co/s janitors are doing. On /b/ I was banned for 3 cocksucking days for posting too many Zootopia threads. At least /co/ does surgery with a scalpel, not a fucking shotgun.
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>Implying Judy didn't just get shot in a dangerous engagement, and Nick is now gently carrying her to the ER
You racist fuck, of course you would jump to conclusions.
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fox repellant!.jpg
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No I didn't
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that happened

Christ he's got such a punchable face.
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I want to talk to more about this film with my family and friends but I don't want them to think I'm weird about the movie. I mean we talk and theorize up and down about minor characters in Game of Thrones, but if I start talking about the complexity of Emmet Otterton they might think I'm a furfag.

So you do want to fuck that fox?! Disgusting.
Is this supposed to be a cross-board link?
Which board did you want to link to?

woops, fucked up the link

If I were a fox, I'd sue that company
I was talking about you going the extra mile. A normal person would just find them cute, not saying they got you wet.

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I'm noticing a trend here. The playboy bunny outfit seems to be quite popular
You're going to need something better than that
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>listening to this without watching
>Can only hear Dawn

>All I can think about now is Dawn having the hots for Nick
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Don't punch foxes anon.
Nick is not for sexual, anon. He is for cute. CUTE
>Judy getting shot
She's too fast for that, Nicks much more likely to get shot in the line of duty.
Then Hops has to live with herself knowing that she's the one who convinced him to be a cop in the first place.
I asked my family today if they want to go see it with me. They already know that I've seen it twice. It was embarrassing because I dropped BvS as a movie we could see and my mom was like "I think you just want to see Zootopia again."

Even my family knows that I'm filthy degenerate scum.
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Dumping borja montoro
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The furries are already armed dude, you'll never win
It looks pleasent and clear, Nicks Right hand though, is the other way around
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In that society the predators don't eat the prey and 90% of people are vegetarians anyways (90% prey population). This makes it much much easier to provide for more people. Also a bunny is going to consume much less of pretty much everything than a person.

The main thing is the 90% vegetarian thing. Growing crops is so much cheaper, easier, and less resource intensive in every way than tending animals, and it means less crops spent feeding the cattle.

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>Fox spray really exists
I really shouldn't be surprised by this actually
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>they wanted to see BvS
>you tried steering them towards a decent movie
You're autistic, but you did the right thing.
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>Routine traffic stop
>I'll take this one Judy
>You sure nick?
>Yeah, what's the worst that could happen
I'm just joshin', friendo. You're in good company here.
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just friends.jpg
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>just friends
Same here,

mentioned it to some family members, and the moment they said "it had some funny jokes" I stopped right there.
I don't think anyone could. It could be a product from out of state. The further you get from Zootopia the more racist things are.
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We really need more fox here.
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Why can't we keep it pure f a m
Yeah, but this is more like 'keeping them away from plants' and shit.
Now there IS actually pepper spray specifically designed for animals. I have Bear Spray that I take with on walks, but I'm sure Fox spray exists too.
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>Nick's head
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nick art.jpg
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one can never have enough smug fox
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>its a Nick and Judy go undercover episode
No really, I just find them cute. And you're not my friendo
>This makes it much much easier to provide for more people
You do realize that this is the problem, right? Judy's parents had literally hundreds of kids. Do you think that they're not going to reproduce themselves? Even if each of them only has a fraction of that number so, say, 10 kids each, you're still dealing with exponentially increasing populations.
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Babycat packet1.jpg
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No, I was trying to get them into the idea of going to see a movie by suggesting BvS. I was then going to drop subtle hints to steer them towards Zootopia. I thought that going right out and dropping Zootopia might be more autistic. I think I was wrong.
god I love that look between them. They want it so bad
>"Go tell them that OP is a fag."
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I really love him so much
No, because she mentions when they go to the DMV that there are only 36 hours left. So that can't be the case.
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What do Judy and Nick want so bad?
Tell me anon, I want to know the truth.
What do you think 4chan would be like in zootopia? What kind of boards would there be and would they have memes like we do?
this one (fuck this thread moves fast)
>on another continent, most towns are single-species/similar-species settlements
>predator settlements actively conduct raids on prey settlements for food
>Zootopia is actualy THE MYTHICAL CITY in a post-apocalyptic, grim world.
She doesn't say that at the Oasis, its at the DMV that she mentions 36 hours.
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Wrong picture, give me a break
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We're fucked
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Evidently it's a real brand of pepper spray too

It probably works on actual foxes
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>It's a Nick shows up to the crime scene and makes a smug, sarcastic remark episode
In addition to >>81385244

id like to point out that Nick has a really long coat that you can fuck around with, draw plushie cheeks and ruffed up neck hair, its fun, easy and he lookes more scruffed
Fox gets paid administrative leave after cracking wise to a widowed deer
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Have another fox.
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who draw dis
.... I came.
>It probably works on actual foxes
Have you ever been pepper sprayed? I'm pretty sure that shit will work on just about anything. Having our most delicate body parts sprayed with searing hot bullshit is pretty universal.


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yeah yeah of course.gif
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On the car ride back, all we talked about was a couple of jokes. Someone mentioned how well it handled the racism aspect and all I could really do is agree. We were with a bigger group so I think we were all smart enough to not let this turn to politics. But beyond "haha that part was funny" we didn't talk about much. I wanted someone else to initiate more interesting conversation about it so I wouldn't be the weird one.

It's shit like this that I have to wonder how it's doing so well. There's a stigma to the movie that is hindering its success to a degree.
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A lot of fox in this thread - not enough top-shelf fox though.
>he said it
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if you look closely.gif
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>All three of them happy working together
>What could've been
This hurts the heart
Yeah, I like my fox meat fatty and marbled.
In retrospect, my mistake was believing that I had a Frank Underwood-tier ability to manipulate people.
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wrong shelf gideon-friend
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Anybody got the Fightclub crossover pic?
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Bad Night.png
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>what happened last night
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thread needs more top sheep
I completely agree.

Were you trying to see if they shipped nick and judy, what did you want to talk about?
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Thanks for the tip, anon. Will try in the future (tomorrow)
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>tfw Finnick couldn't even reach the top shelf
It took me seeing that picture like 4 times to realize it was based on the scene from Gone Girl
>Judy, Quiet crossover when?
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>I'm pretty sure that shit will work on just about anything.
There might be some exceptions like whales or something. On the other hand I don't feel eager to try, and anyone who does I would consider a stupid asshole.

You're probably right though
For better or worse, I can confirm your correct
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that's a bonus. gideon's belly would knock things over while he tries to reach for the top shelf anyway. i kid, you're alright gideonbro
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On it friendo
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I heard Lord Byron doesn't react to pepper spray...only lack of signatures.
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Love TARS love.
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and dont get me wrong, i cant draw for shit, i just "redraw" something from what ive seen, but im good at constructing
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Post cuddling pictures
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I kid too. Us Finnickfags and Gideonfags were not made to be foes.

It's the Bellwetherfags who are the real enemy.
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>Nick will have to wait until he has ~32 years old before being in peace with his past
I bought the Nick and Judy plushes to make them kiss and a Clawhauser figure to add to my collection.
>tfw there's an alternate universe where Nick never meets Judy and continues bottling up his emotions until he commits suicide alone sometime in his 40s.
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These are the fruits of the zootopia fandom.

Oasis. Nick tells her she can't keep him on the hook forever, she tells him he only has 36 hours left.

Sorry, just watched that scene five minutes ago.
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Why does all the "Savage Judy" art make hero out to be an edgelord? Wouldn't the nighthowler serum just turn her into a normal rabbit?

Posting cuddling all the same.
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They are indeed only BEST FRIENDS, right now.

But at least two of the directors are clearly open to the idea of them being more.
Rich Moore even said that "Wildehopps" sounds like the best ship name.

Even Nick's Voice, Jason Bateman, mentioned he would like to see Nick and Judy breed.
Judy's voice would rather keep them platonic, but it does show the idea is floating about behind the scenes.
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Nope, Judy and Nick are constants. There's always a bunny, there's always a fox, and there's always a city.
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Elephant Female Head TA1.jpg
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>Giving ideas for depressing art/fanfics
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I didn't want or need this
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finnick (1).jpg
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hear hear
foxes must stick together
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elephant W Ears TA.jpg
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>You think the Cuteness is your ally?
>I was born in it
>By the time I was first sheared, I was already a Lamb

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elephant's facial exp1.jpg
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Yeah, that'll be my reality in, oh round about 19 years
The quality of the movie and how it compared to others. I want more opinions about that because it really does feel like it's neck and neck with Disney's best. I can't remember enjoying an animated film quite this much.

The. There's the part where Judy and Nick were under the bridge. I wanted to talk about how awesome that scene was.

Shipping conversation would be funny but it takes a certain type to initiate that without it being instantly weird.
Are there any BR rips yet?
>But at least two of the directors are clearly open to the idea of them being more
>Rich Moore even said that "Wildehopps" sounds like the best ship name
>Nick's Voice, Jason Bateman, mentioned he would like to see Nick and Judy breed
>Judy's voice would rather keep them platonic
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No, the nighthowler serum turns animals violent.
That was the whole point of the story about Judy's uncle going savage as a child.

Bunnies can go savage.

Have you NOT re-watched the ending scenes at least 5 times like the rest of us?
Are there ANY streamable rips that were better than the first meme-tier rip?
Nah it makes them go all Watership Down on they asses
jeremy spears
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Wait a minute. Is Judy's voice actress Snow White from Once Upon a Time?
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Oh, yeah you're right. I swear she mentions it in the DMV as well though.
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I have 2GB pack with Zootopia pics
2 gb
2 fucking gigabytes of zootopia pics.
What wrong with me?

Also, hi from cykablyadsk.

Пoчeмy блять вooбщe тyт eщe нeт этoгo пaкa?
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>That was the whole point of the story about Judy's uncle going savage as a child
Shit, forgot about that. GUESS I'M OFF TO MY 3RD SCREENING.

Have some more more cuddles to distract from my fuckup.
I thought the bridge scene was forced as fuck and so clearly meant to evoke emotion instead of feeling like the characters were interacting that it was painful to watch.
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Aren't we all.
How many files is that?
Nice to see Britney Spears took to making degenerate art after her music career fizzled out.
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I got only 46Mb.


The "Bridge" scene was so powerful for me. I've hurt the person I love the most before -- watched as she cried from my insensitivity -- and know the feeling of redemption that a simple "sorry" and a hug can bring.

In the theater, that shit hit me so hard and unexpectedly, I almost had to walk out. There were serious tears shed over that.
its not enough mr.cykablyat
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Looks like someone hasn't watched the movie yet
Yes my friend, this ride begins for you. Enjoy it.
I'm sitting on 422 MB. Just keep saving and eventually you'll get up here.
215mb here, the fuck are you saving, .raw files?
I watched the movie. Doesn't change the fact that he's got a punchable face.
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It is a Disney movie. Emotions ARE 80% of what the story is about.
Do you have pics of them kissing?
I need them, for reasons.
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All this concept art has me wondering, when do you think we will see all the lewd art the concept and storyboard artists made out of boredom while making this movie?
huh not him, but I disagree.

Judy was being genuine with her emotions because she deeply cares for Nick (and every living creature)

Nick could tell that she was sorry and forgave her. Because he loves her
How many mice have died in their tiny cars? Christ.
I understand. The point is that it was clumsy and obvious and forced and it took me out of the moment.
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>tfw you couldn't make the apology and lost the person because of it
>tfw you couldn't be judy
>tfw you didn't try everything
literally never
But he didnt do anything wrong and you shouting at him
Please you two leave.
I wish the artbook had some of these. Hell I wish the artbook had more meat to it in general.
I remember when I first started getting serious a few years ago, I used to do the same thing with all of my mlp OCs at the time, and they came out wonderfully. Then, I began teaching myself from there, and got güd. All I'm saying, anon, is that you can draw for shit if you put the time and thought into it. The pic I drew took me from before noon today til I posted it because I thought it out and used references to what it might look like. I had to change a lot of shit, too.

Maybe Zootopian/Bunnyburrows society hasn't gone through the demographic transition yet

This is basically that when life in a country gets better, people have fewer kids because more of them survive. However there is a period (the length of which varies greatly) in which survival/life in general is still good and improved, but people still have a lot of kids, causing a colossal skyrocket in population growth. Basically traditional families living with modern medicine.
Well one of the animators drew obese versions of nick and posted them on his twitter. That was for a company weigh loss challenge though.

An other Animator drew a picture of a naked Nick& Judy being chased by an other animation guy on a horse.
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liek zis?
Maybe yes why I can't attach more than 1 pic?
Legit, non-diaperfag question: how much worse is diaper duty in Zootopia than in our world? With the tail and the fur, it seems like it would be almost impossible.
I wonder what Zootopia's military is like.
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Hold the fucking phone here, barnyfg?
Judy SFM when?
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JudyCostanza with costanzav3.jpg
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I heard someone got fired after his for day at Disney studios for joking about lewd mickey animation. Doubt anyone does that.

feels man
Do not ask these things please sir
This is on a scale unseen by humans. Large human families are 10-15 kids. We don't even know if Judy's parents had a large family or if they're considered normal.
>my mlp OC's

I'm trying to be a nicer person, I'm not gonna judge you anon, but just know I easily could have.
>10-15 kids
What kind of African shithole are you from?
I come from a super religious small town, and more than two was a bit weird.
i'm getting barneyfag vibes as well
I have 2,4gb. :p
Пpивeт из cyкaблядcкa кcтaти.

Image limit reached: new thread?
Yea, me and my bros, we just get together to hug and cuddle sometimes. Totally platonic though.
My mother came from a Catholic family and was one of six children
Judy and Nick kissing.

This is cutest thing on the Earth. It's so beautiful.
npNbet N3 cyka6nRAcka kcTaTN
Typically we have to wait till we hit page 10
Would sly be derogatory for foxes?
No. Wait for this to hit page 10.
I wasn't even done reading the last thread, and this one is already past autosage and the image limit.
Nick actually knows Flash, and he's on point about the speed of his responses.
We're discussing population changes, not personal backgrounds. And yes, 10-15 kids is not unheard of in the exact situations that we're talking about, which is demographic change.
We need to think about the practicality of these things sometimes.

Fair 'nuff.
When you (whoever) make a new thread have some sort of relevant topic, like the documentary or some shit.
Can I type in Russian? I don't drink vodka. now.
Judy and Nick hugging and cuddling in bed is my fetish.
I get you, getting basics done is the most important stage of any talent ever

I love drawing but i have so much to work on other then this, i play the guitar, the keyboard and the harmonica, in any of these i feel like low end

i want to die
>commits suicide alone
Nick would commit suicide by cop, probably try and outright rob a bank, and be purposefully sloppy. Wouldn't have a real gun, just a stolen tranq painted black. Gets two in the chest, from Chief Bogo, and bleeds out in Sahara Square



Can't find the chase one right now.
Where's the new thread?

That's harmless art but if you think anybody at Disney would risk posting lewds you don't know The Mouse.

I think it fit with the tone of the movie. Judy being very expressive and showing off all her emotions meant that their reconciliation would be quite a dramatic affair.
A lot of love went into animating facial expressions in this movie. Like how the nose of Judy's mom twitches when talking about how proud and worried they are for her.

That's how it works according to Word-of-Gods:
>Barneyfag likes Zootopia
the P O T T E R Y
I was trying to be a nice person, too, but took the opportunity to say you can do it.

>my mlp OC's
That was the 9gag cancaer stage in my life, forgive me.
When this one reaches page 10. Moderator's silent rule, unfortunately
>Nick and Judy's love is the one thing that can transcend time and space
This >>81386878 ?
TARS set degeneracy to 100%
>Page 7
you dense mother fucker
now it's gonna get deleted you dink
Again, read what I said about needs. Bunnies eat far, far, far less than humans, and are vegetarians, which together means it takes a very very very small fraction of what it takes to feed a person to feed a bunny.
that's fucking smart
there's no rule, this isn't a geneal
Yes there is. They mods have typically have been deleting any threads before the one before hits page 10
Tell that to janny
>Nick and Judy's passionate love is the one thing that can warm my heart and life
they brought in an ac specialist according to the facebook q&a
They also reproduce much, much faster. Exponential growth is exponential growth. There needs to be some check and, if you remove predators, then what is it?
>old thread deleted
I think that's just because they have no subject just "new thread" which is too general.

Meanwhile you can make multiple threads anytime before bump limit
what now?
>ywn enter a wormhole with Matthew McConaughey and Christopher Nolan to discover Zootopia

Why live?
I'm gonna kill myself
w8 m8
I thought it was 10 pages or image limit? >>81386911
Mod's only want one.

Just wait a bit more, and if you make one, have a fucking topic.
>generals are bad
>but more than one thread is bad too

I still don't understand the logic
try making another, they're allowed. Mods Don't want any general
Nope, page 10 no matter if we've hit the image limit.
I should probably watch the movie too
You trying to get us killed?
There are multiple though, you can see them
Why anon? Why are you doing this to me? It hurts so bad.
hi from cykablyadsk.
Nah m8, Nick is still hurt and she's the one to blame. Why do you think there shouldn't be an apology scene at first?
Mods don't give a fuck. It's a wait till page 10, THEN a new thread gets made. And the thread has to have a topic, it's not just some general where you just go "ZOOTOPIA THREAD LMAO", even if the mods force it to be that way.
I didn't say that I don't think there shouldn't be an apology scene. I thought that the scene itself played out poorly.
this is the future we choose.
>That's how it works according to Word-of-Gods:
For the last time. They were joking
>Inside Out
They said it wasn't the first time they were asked this. They must have put some thought into the answer.
Malthusian pressure. Humans have no predator, and we're capable of exponential growth.
Therefore Judy's parents should've had far, far fewer children. But they didn't.
i think it might still be on the us facebook? didn't see it on youtube at first glance
All that proves is they're tired of that question and haven't thought it through
There's no reason for them to not have a ton of kids. They're clearly capable of supporting all of them.
Then their population has obviously not reached the limitations set by socio-economic conditions or limitation upon land/food. They're still on the upwards swing toward equilibrium.

Or maybe it's just a cartoon man and the creators were making a joke about a rabbit stereotype without putting as much thought into creating a fully functional society as they should have.
I'm going with the second one and taking a point away from the directors on the worldbuilding angle.
How do you have a meaningful relationship with 200+ kids and their kids? You don't. You just shit them out and only pay attention to the ones who are main characters.
Sounds like my family, and there was only five of us.
Then your parents suck.
>Tundra Town and Sahara Square are separated by a high wall of refrigeration units, that pump freezing cold air into Tundra Town and hot air into Sahara Square.

Can you imagine the sheer amount of POWER that's required to give each of Zootopia's separate biomes their own climate? They must have some massive nuke plant or something similar buried underneath the city.
wait, isn't this official character sheet art?
aaaah fuck that's where it's from

I thought it was True Detective for the longest time.
when farming was more prevalent (and hard work thanks to little machinery) a family would have lots of children because they were then able to further split the labor.

so you have the bunnies multiply joke + this fact = huge numbers on a farm where they can do enough work to feed their family comfortably as well as make a pretty good living from their crops.
As soon as I saw it I was like man this feels familiar and then I realized

Whoever made it really nailed down the subtle aesthetic, it seems really gone girl-y and I don't even know why
No, they just have a ton of hamsters all running on wheels.
MSpaint, hold shift and drag
>Bonnie and Stu
>Bonnie Stu
>Bunny Stu
That works up to a point. If one pair can have 200+ kids and still appear middle aged then you're looking at a land shortage pretty quickly, and you can only become just so much more efficient when farming before you have too many hands, not enough land, and increasingly not enough food.
>other thread nuked again

Anyway >>81388020 could be a pretty cool concept for the next movie.
>random power outages
>affecting all of the different biomes
>Nick and Judy have to go investigate
>they become a couple over the course of the movie
>plot stuff happens
>turns out it was sheep who were messing with the plant trying to take over zootopia.
Yes it is, I got warned for it. It's also in the art book too. Janitors for the win
>This thread almost archived
>Mods wait until other thread gets 60+ posts in before deleting

I didn't even make the other thread, but what the fuck. Like people are going to site a bump/image limit thread on page 9 as counting towards "too many threads!"

no. it will be a very, very jaded rabbit cop that kills old Nick. A rabbit cop who has had to pull herself through the grime and mud of the city that she has grown to hate for over 15 years. She's seen it all, and she thinks he's just another thug.

And then she shoots him, then discovers it's a fake gun. She asks him 'why?' He tells her that the world is shit, and it's the only way out. She realizes he's telling the truth as she holds his dying body in her arms. She tells him that maybe things would have been a little different if they had met each other earlier in life. He smiles. She takes her own gun, puts it in his hands. 'Do it.'

That's speciest. And people are already annoyed at Bellweather following in the foosteps of King Candy and Hans so you need a different kind of villain.
Holy fuck guys, I can't believe I have gone through 3 generals, at this point I should be questioning myself.

guys I don't think the moderation team likes us that much
>It only took 630 replies for someone to answer.
Thanks Anon, never used MSPaint More of a Gimp 2 guy myself, this is good to know!
Zootopia has any type of crisis that causes people to turn on each other could be great.
I just want the /pol/ badger to have a role in the next movie.
both topics were retarded or not even there.
Can you imagine what Stu's and Bonnie's wills look like? If they try to make it even the tiny bit equitable, it'll read like, and the two square meters adjacent to the fence go to Bill (number 5).
>The sheep are always the onese causing trouble
>Next movie deals with massive sheep refugee crisis

What makes you think that?
When the foreign numbers get updated Monday Zootopia should overtake Deadpool as the top grossing movie of 2016.
>shoots Nick to make him go "savage" in the presence of Judy, a fellow prey animal.
>watches the now she thinks feral fox go for the helpless rabbit's throat.
>grins when we hear Judy's death scream.

Bellwether is one twisted villain.
The farm goes to the oldest. Suck it everyone else.
just calling a spade a spade m8
When does Japan see Zootopia?
If talking about fics weren't forbidden in these threads, I would say that's a great ending for a fic.
Foreign Box office of last weekend was 40 million and the one before 60 million. Once the numbers come out I guess on Monday that would leave the Total Box Office around 780-800 million.
I wonder if a lot of "accidents" happen on bunny farms...
23rd if I remember correctly
the 23rd
Late april
The 23rd, right before Golden Week.
I had no idea how to do that. thanks for asking, I learned as well.

Is there a way to do it in Photoshop Elements?
I like the theory of mods just keeping the Zootopia threads to a minimum to stomp out the chance of the second coming of bronies. But at this rate the idea of them forcing these to be generals so they have more reason to delete the threads on-sight after a couple months seems more like the agenda right now.
the 23rd
I can see a Macbethian plot where one of the spouses of the grown up children kill the next in line for the farm so their significant other can become the heir apparent.
She's more /x/ than /pol/
April 23rd.
it obviously works, the creators didn't just not think things out. did you see the population sign? unless there's a darker side where ridiculous amounts of rabbit kids are dying which wouldn't be very unrealistic i suppose. what we haven't seen is the vastness of their lands afaik. small bunnies also do not eat a whole lot of food. they all appeared healthy and relatively happy so we can only assume there is enough land and enough food.
Either way, I want her in the next movie.
I could do a short and slap it onto my anthology. So far it's been one single continuity but only because I haven't stuck in anything conflicting yet.
The 23rd of April IIRC.
Oh great, we're in the nitpicky detail oriented phase of the fandom now.
Has this thread died yet
>Camera slowly pans out
>Music plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB4m885sTeE
>We see the dark, gloomy, Gotham-like Zootopia one last time, shots from its various districts, as animals hiding in the gutters look out towards downtown and its ever-so-distant lights, which are slowly dimmed by lowflying stormclouds
>the next MLP
nothing will ever be the next MLP, its a stupid meme and i honestly wouldnt be surprised if the mods bought into that bullshit
I want to incorporate her in fics. But I'm conflicted as to make her just a longtime friend or a secret ex.

Especially since we also have that headcanon where Gazelle is a longtime friend or a seret ex.
>creators didn't think
We agree here.
april 23 i think
We all know where this fandom is going, even before it began. There are no breaks on this ride into autism.
23 April
Why do mods hate zootopia?
April 23
Put "releaseinfo?ref_=tt_ov_inf" after any movie's imdb url, and it will show the complete run down of release dates.
But yeah, it's the 23rd.
so much detail was put into this world, tons of thought. one of the draws to the movie is the superb world building...what is wrong with looking in-depth into the world and how it works?

god forbid we discuss something beyond which fox we want to fuck. what a retarded attitude to have! how dare anons discuss the film instead of just shitposting!

i am also a literature student so it's just kinda what i do
NOTHING but NOTHING will ever become the next MLP, months I said that about undertale but now most people don't even remember what undertale is and they mostly remember the soundtrack.
Easily friend. I think Nick would think she was a bit too crazy to date but would love hearing her go off on another of her "sheep control everything" stories.
Because it's been spilling out into other boards and taking over other topics and they want to contain it.
>nothing will ever be the next MLP
Exactly, and it's because of moderation like this. Notice why we haven't seen World War 3 after the shit Hitler did? We know what to expect from the worst of us, so we stop it being a problem before it has chance to fester.
/v/ isn't much better.
I lean more towards Honey as the ex over Gazelle though. Just feels better to me.
they hate everything involving animals
mods will tolerate 20+ superhero threads but more than 1 thread of a Disney movie? NUH UH GET BACK IN LINE WE DONT WANT YOU BECOMING A GENERAL SO STAY IN ONE THREAD
This man speaks the truth
I'd rather have my films little audience die with dignity than live on the life support that is /mlp/
>inb4 the Undertale fans having dignity
You know what I meant
>most people don't even remember what undertale is
You haven't been on /v/, then.
I've seen this exact thing play out before with horses. It starts out all cute and glowy, people say they dont even fap anymore. Then we start picking apart how exactly this world works.

If I'm right, the next phase will be when that first impulse wears off and people start with the porn in full force.
Kek no, it's something else. When the horse cartoons first came out people were spamming that shit on multiple sites. I haven't seen anything that bad since then, and I doubt a Disney movie is going to cause a repeat that.
>involving animals
No shit, Sherlock. It's not a Disney thing, it's a furry thing. If there were multiple threads up and rolling into other boards about the old Robin Hood movies then the mods would be reacting the same way.
what thread? there's 3 currently
In time nothing will be left but the autistic, the hard core furries, and the porn tags. Zootopia will take its place on the shelf next to the other disney movies for casuals, and as another porn tag next to tiny toons and mlp for the rest of us.
>three threads
We're going to get banned.
/v/ isn't most people. it isn't even most people on 4chan.
Would they be reacting the same way if people were posting and discussing random anime in other threads? No.
so, you shit on people who try to discuss it and what? what's your game? if this is to go the way of horses, it's going to go that way regardless of what people here want.

i guess we can just not discuss then jump right to the next stage if you want.
This thread is soon fucked, so make it 2. And those 2 others looked like they were made at the same time. One of them is getting deleted in the next five minutes.
Mods reacted so poorly to Undertale they wouldn't even allow ONE thread to be up.
>vs furries
Do I have to say "no shit" again? The second one is worse and you know it. And yes, they do delete stuff that's offtopic, and if it were all a single anime then they'd be hairtrigger there, too.
they are 3 hours apart dumbass
I'm sensing pointless bias.
Help me zoonons!
zootopia is not released in my country! could someone pass me a link for watch the movie in hd ?
That man speaks lies.

The only problem is the level weirdness of the fans. I think Star Trek enjoys the best balance of weirdo fans and normalfag fans. It had a negative stigma, but is still a successful franchise. Zootopia could be that more easily if it weren't for the Internet and, you know, furries, but it can still be that just based on the sheer quality of the films.
Because that's what your persecution complex makes you look for. You want a furry friendly place? Get off 4chan and go looking.
If generals are such a horrible thing to the mods, how come other generals like /wbb/ get free passes?
Actually because it's youre literally biased and you just denied and then admitted it in the same sentence. Idiot.
the difference is that /v/ suffers TRUE autism, I can still see idiots circlejerking around why Skyrim:TES sucked and how Oblivion is the second coming of Jesus.
Which country?
>I'm not biased I just have a specific hatred for furries

Oh boy.
Are you japanese? There is no HD quality upload of the movie yet but there are a few camera recordings.
I just woke up, it's 2021 and this is a thread about Zootopia 2 right? nick and judy are a thing and Gideon is there best friend? yeah?

Not trying to start shit, nor am I a /v/irgin, but
Oblivion is 100 times better than Skyrim ya pleb
Kill yourself, there are plenty of other furry shit and shit that isn't allowed on this board but is still not as heavily moderated. We get concept art and just plain screenshots deleted and banned here. You're showing your bias.

And like it or not, furry has been a big thing on 4chan for a really, really long time.
I never denied that 4chan hates furries more than anime, but you're the idiot if you never came to that conclusion before. I did deny that it's as bad as you think it is and your examples are too extreme. And I told you what to do besides just sit and whine.
No. Take more sleeping pills. Take them all, Nick and Judy are waiting for you.
i couldn't get a good look of the movie... i don't wanna watch it in low quality.
So what you're saying isn't that youre not biased, what youre saying is "Well of course Im biased, Im on 4chan."

I never said TES was good I am just saying that its been 5 years already and they are still circlejerking about that shit I mean jesus, its crystal clear that Oblivion is better but do I have to be reminded about that for the rest of my life?
There was.
It didn't go very well.
We already have /trash/
Happy as a clam. Keep that shit contained.
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