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/swr/ - Star Wars: Rebels

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Thread replies: 627
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Denial - Edition

>Newest Rebels Recon Episode (2x20 - Twilight of the Apprentice):

>Upcoming Releases:

>Star Wars Canon Guide:

>Download links: (Check here for the newest episode + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>The Clone Wars Legacy Content:
Were there any good Star Wars name gets lads?
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Also, Uprisingfags need to get online right now. They're giving away free 7* Legendary Scout Armor to celebrate TFA or something.

Please defend.
Ahsoka Lives, Search your feelings you know it to be true
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5th for orange buttcheeks
Well shit.

I half-jokingly posted that last thread, but it looks like someone copy/pasted it onto /tv/.
Defend what, /tv/ is being its typical Hipster self
with no stats :^)
There's a mistake in the Obi-Wan and Anakin comics: Anakin uses his RotS lightsaber instead of the one he had in AotC.
Twilight Of The Apprentice has affected /tv/, it was too good and now they can't feel superior in ignoring the cartoons and using "Movie Canon" as the battle cry
You're truly a posting pioneer.
Paging Soundtrack Anon, how's that Season 2 soundtrack coming along?
The finale wasn't that good. In context, the resolution of Vader's and Ahsoka's duel felt more like cheap dodging than anything resonant. It was a good episode for Rebels' standards with some good parts. Ambiguity merely for the sake of ambiguity is not artful.
If Filoni was in charge of TFA, he would have chickend out and shown an "ambigous" last shot of Han Solo during the finale.
>le filoni doesn't kill anyone meme
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>Denial - Edition

What are you talking about cAnon? Orange butt-cheeks and my waifu are ok. T-they are only injured...r-right?
Filoni has literally stated that he wants to handle that off-screen resolution in media besides Rebels.

They're hampered by the rating.
When do you think Ashoka's force ghost will be edited into ROTJ?
And? It still feels like a cheap dodge that undermined the actual interaction we saw in the episode that was built up by Rebels itself and TCW prior.
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You magnificent bastard.
You've forced /tv/ to abandon that forced kino meme garbage.
Unless your female, like in a Tarantino she's going down
Careful anon, you're tempting me into checking out a /tv/ topic.
Don't worry anon, they only sustained flesh wounds and weren't impaled or decapitated in any way whatsoever.

I think.
why are you rapping?
Why, she has no history with Luke.

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Malachor's underground is big, she and 8th brother can bicker with Ahsoka's force ghost and droids.
Was Feral also Talzin son?
Because that would mean she allowed one of her sons killed another (he was a weakling but still).
At this rate I can't unthink her as some sort of hive queen for all Dathomirians.

I think in one Darth Maul novel he was the kid of some nightsister who gave him to Palps when he visited Talzin to spare Maul the life as nightbrother. Boy, did that backfire on her.
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I just caught up on Rebels and I liked the way that they wrapped up the season. Vader is, as he should be, a monster.

"Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him."
It's in Darth Plagueis.
I haven't watched either of the clone wars shows but know Ahsoka was Anakin's apprentice. Can I just jump right in to Rebels?
if children can watch it, why can't you?
There are references here and there, and some parts will have more impact for having watched it, but it's nothing earth shattering.
>When do you think Ashoka's force ghost will be edited into ROTJ?

I can try editing it in. Can someone just give me a nice ghost Ahsoka template?
did they release the soundtrack yet?
I really want to hear the song that played during Ashoka vs Vader

I think it had some duduk in the beginning
this thread's getting feisty
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canon comics updated
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canon novels
You might find it on youtube, or brows through old threads. One anon shared an MP3 of it but I don't got the link anymore.
Question about Rebels.

Why in light saber fights with certain cuts and shots they put a really fucking dark filter over the footage?

Never happened in Clone Wars, but it happens all the time in Rebels, in the middle of a light saber fight, the brightness will just suddenly drop too 20% brightness, then be bright again with the next cut, then again drops to 20% brightness with another cut.

Anyone else notice this?
In Ep1, why did the Federation invite Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan onto one of their ships that was filled with an invasion army of droids? Why not invite them onto a ship that doesn't have their secret weapon on it? The Jedi find the droid army on the ship and then know about the invasion. If they'd been invited to a different ship, they'd have never seen the droids.
I've noticed this, it tends to happen when the screen is primarily taken up by a spin saber, so I would wager that it's to prevent kids from having epileptic shocks.
I just finished Clone Wars. Does Ahsoka actually meet Darth Vader in Rebels, or do they just cocktease it?
I'm only in it for the relationship between them.
It happened literally 3 days ago. Get out of the thread if you don't want spoilers, just go watch Rebels and enjoy it
If Jedi have an inkling on whats going on they want to inspect the particular vessel they're parking in front.
they intended to kill the jedi with poison gas then feign ignorance and insist the Jedi never made it

they overestimated their capability to kill Jedi and didn't take enough orecautions
They didnt know that the Jedi were coming. They thought a politician would come as the representative of the republic, not two jedi.
That's what I assumed, you don't want kids to start having Pokemon level fits when watching one of the best things on TV, that's just bad for business.
cool, thanks
there was a George Lucas on /a/
I know they didn't know it was going to be Jedi, but it just seems safer to invite ambassadors to a place which isn't housing your secret weapon.

It still would have been safer to receive the ambassadors on an empty ship, or a smaller vessel, or even sent a representative to the senate to meet them there instead of inviting them aboard your capital ship containing the secret droid army.
>They didnt know that the Jedi were coming. They thought a politician would come as the representative of the republic, not two jedi.

Yeah, this, it was just more convenient. Read Darth Plagueis, bro
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I don't know how much longer I can go without my space parents
no ideas when the next season is coming out?
I'm watching L8wrtr's cut of ep 1. It suffers from the same thing that plagues lots of fanedits: choppy scenes that are too short and feel like they are missing the missing dialogue. The cut of the planet core was beautifully done though. Great removal and it really helps the pace of the film.

Watching Ep 1, the film really lacks an exposition. It throws you right into the adventure with a lot of setting changes all at once: one ship, another ship, naboo fields, gungan city, theed, palace, and we're only 15 minutes in. Jar Jar's first appearance and Boss Nass's are just "here's the next destination on your wild adventure" - Jar Jar takes them to the city, then Nass to the next city.
October likely as per other seasons.
Heras boobs look really small in that clip

are they always that small?
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I think so, she was born in 3248 (29 year before the battle of yavin) if anyone can work out how old she is that would be great
Have her goggles ever come down?
>having trouble subtracting 2 from 29
That's not good.
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The grief simply won't end anons.

Why did Filoni have to take her. It's unfair...
budgetary limitations m8
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now why would they go and hide her perfect face like that?

hey I just read her wiki page
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You'll find a nice crazy girl on a con sometime, anon. Beggars can't be choosers.
I don't get all this shitposting about the waifu being dead

star wars isn't surreal, they don't show someone walking down stairs into darkness as a metaphor for her getting killed, they just show what happens. did we have a bunch of scenes where ahsoka runs down a pier towards vader wearing a red dress to make you guys think this shit?

force ghosts only show up when they want to talk to someone, they don't just wander around alone (plus they are blue and glow)

moreover, vader had like 10 seconds to kill her before the explosion went off and obviously blew them apart and damaged his leg so that he couldn't fight

the symbolism is that she first walked down the stairs of the jedi temple (the same scene where anakin comes in to slaughter everyone, in reverse) and now she is walking further down into a sith temple, forshadowing that she going down a path even closer to the darkside than before, or at least passing into the darkness outside the Rebels narrative, because she overshadows everyone in the show

there is literally zero reason to think she is dead, they are making a half assed attempt to get everyone talking and hype the new ahsoka novel, and you're just an asshole if you think disney is going to kill that popular of character off--she probably has more long term merch potential than Rey at this point

I know you want to punish the buttcheeks fags for shitting up starwars threads for basically a decade now, but I don't see how this is better
He lurked this thread to gauge interest.

Why do you think Lyst is still around?

Nobody has husbando'd him yet.

As soon as someone starts husbando'ing him, he will conveniently be the next imperial to die.

And there's nothing we can do about it.
It'd be cute! Cute! And I like it when goggles are more than a fashion statement.

> rotate goggle geometry to cover her eys
> set new material property for lenses
Would that really cost that much?
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>ywn fly into the sunset with your qt inky GF

How cute!
Anon... I know.
she'll make it all better. r..right guys?
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>cute girls in goggles
That might be the beginning of a fetish.
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Maul is the best thing about this show now, I'm glad he was finally given some character and spotlight in this and CW.
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If these two don't end up smooching in the next few seasons I'm going to start flipping tables. It's just too perfect.
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She got schooled by a true dark sider.

RIP kid, nothin personnel...
It's just the techie/engineer chic, smart and crafty.
...but how are Ahsoka's staying on? There's no band aroud her head.

Oh man, the filename makes me laugh, it's so over the top like "my heart attacks put me to sleep".
Do manchildren honestly think that making a movie is as easy as making an episode for a TV show?
There's some weird thing how parent characters don't seem to be allowed to express love with each other, what is this, India?
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don't worry anon it'll happen
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Yay ! Let's clash with /tv/ by tackling one of the most controversial subject of the board by calling JJ a hack just because we had a great finale to an otherwise "okay" season. What's the point ? /tv/ will say Rebels is baby shit for baby, some fans will defend it then it will certainly derail towards a stupid OT vs PT, or Old canon vs new. And everybody will have wasted their time.

Good job senpai.
Magnets. maybe.
The close ups in the rest of the scene seem to show that they clip to her temples. That must hurt.
guys help me, I'm new to shipping and I think I'm about to overdose.

>Kanan being in love

I hope Obi-wan REEEEEs so hard he helicopters off of Tatooine with his lightsaber and through the Ghost, killing both Kanan and Hera while they're fucking.
i'm just in it for the drama
You read fanfiction yet, lad? AU - alternate universe - where it's basically the same but in a new setting, so you can enjoy the same for longer without it going stale? You bought a print from that artist?

You're still in the green (goddamn) as far as shipping goes.
JJ pls, you're a hack
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Good night, sweet princess.
>they meet Obi-wan while he's off world for some reason
>Kanan acts like a fanboy
>he sees Kanan in action, sees him using the force to compensate for blindness and notes he trained Ezra well (assuming he's either not fallen yet, or fell and got over it)
>treats him as a peer, which makes Kanan's day
>finds out about Hera
>realises you can be a perfectly good jedi while getting some
>halfway across the galaxy, Maul spontaneously combusts in a desperate act of self defence, his subconsciousness knowing it's better than the alternative of Obi-Wan catching him.
ill be honest.

the fight between ashoka and vader was ... extremely underwhelming.

i wanted to see more of them fighting each other in their particular lightsaber fighting styles. instead all i got was a twirly jumpy chick fighting a garbage can on legs. seriously vaders movements were so awkward and stiff.

dem eyebrows

>a comic about Poe

Who really even gives a shit about that character?

Everyone who is attracted to men.
There's nothing against a Jedi being in love, or having a partner. It's one of those dogmatically random edicts the council makes up to keep them 'pure'.
If they hadn't all been slaughtered no doubt they'd use Anakin's defection to highlight that sex really does turn you evil.

There's a whole conversation thread about it in KOTOR with one of your companions that shows how retarded the system is.

Amen, brother.
it's a meme, you dip
I'm still freaking out here
why am I so in love with the idea of a couple?

Oh got......we just reached Disney levels of retardation here
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I laughed. And that guy asks and discusses the sketches with others before they film it before someone claims he's harassing strangers.
Because you're lonely and they're what you'd like to have?
I'm attracted to men and I find Poe ugly.

There are no attractive men in TFA.
The fight should have lasted longer, I knew when 9:56 rolled around and the fight started that it would just be a dissapointment. The whole finale should have been an hour and a half long special. This was too big for what we had going on.
Ouch, that's a pretty painful truth bomb anon.
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> reached
> Disney levels in a thread about a Disney show
Anon, I don't know how to break this to you
>star wars isn't surreal
So I guess you missed the whole Mortis arc of TCW then

At any rate, though, she IS metaphorically dead, even if it was left too ambiguous to know for sure. The bit with the owl flying off and her walking into darkness were representative of that at least as far as the show is concerned. Like Filoni said, it's open enough that if someone else wants to use her for the future, they could, but for Rebels she can be considered dead.
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makes sense, been trying too hard to convince myself that I'm fine with her out of my life. tfw no green pilot gf
Sometimes you gotta rip the band-aid off to let a wound air and heal. But it won't matter if you don't act on the truth. At least you're among similar minded people who invest themselves as well to much in media to escape.
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Keep heart, anon.
There is a way
>So I guess you missed the whole Mortis arc of TCW then
They really experienced that, just like Luke really experienced what he saw in the cave Yoda send him into.

Rewatch the ending of that arc. It's kind of stupid, but it's consistent.
>There are no attractive men in TFA.
sadly, this.


Trick question; same difficulty.
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>tfw this actually happened to me
>Except I was an Asian Muslim and she was a /fit/ white girl from Minnesota
>tfw I blew it because I was scared she wouldn't convert
>tfw she was actually willing in the long run
>tfw I realized I was a giant chicken because I was scared of commitment
>tfw Facebook spammed by a bunch of our mutual friends about how I blew it when she said she loved me and wanted to get us together again, even though I had gained a belly since we broke up.

I belong on 4chan.
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No, not really. Just... having flashbacks.
I'm sorry anon, you'll find love one day
What was her name my guy?
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I haven't watch this show since the clone wars first season.

Is it worth watching?
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Maybe, maybe not? It's still in puberty but is slowly becoming better, same with CW.
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Kelsi, I thought she was my little redheaded girl, turned out to be the red woman.

why are some people so careless with our hearts bros?
Look at it this way, Anon: she fucked it over. You didn't fuck it up.
I stopped in TCW after the first pirate episode (Count gets captured)

I watched the movie, I know the characters, I just dropped the series. is it worth picking up again? Both CW and SWR
It's certainly getting there.
The real issue is the small cast size and nomadic setting, which means it can't take very many risks or have the impactful character moments of TCW, which always had a handful of disposable characters we actually gave a shit about that it could cheerfully sacrifice.
I enjoyed it more The Clone Wars, it just feels like less of a grind. that said I still toughly enjoyed TCW

yeah I'll survive, sucks knowing that she's already moved several blocks on already. Guess it would have never worked out if she's that kind superficial person.
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I have to watch actually CW, but from what I've seen it seems to get continously better from S2 onward. Though I don't care for Anakin or Obi Wan.

SWR is more kid-friendly and has issues finding a good pacing/mood constant, but I've enjoyed it more because the Ghost Crew are finally new characters who's stories are not as predefined as the known Prequel characters.

I prefer Vader being stiff. To me, he was all about power and intimidation , he doesn't need to do much. It's what I'm thankful for from Rebels when he shows up, he doesn't start twirling around like Maul.
I don't want to ask this, but.

Is there anywhere I can stream this?
He is more machine than man, dude. Of course his legs are stiff.
here's one song I found from the episode at their site

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You took the owl symbology a bit too far, m8

That's what happens when the choreography of the OT meets the choreography of the prequels.
I liked it. Vader being a two handed power machine felt right too me, and makes his fighting style very distinctive compared to others.

But yeah, the fight should've been longer.
I like how they were subtle with the scar. It almost looks like part of the eyebrow above, and it follows the shadow line of the damaged mask below.
Well exactly like you said, it's like what Luke experienced in the Dagobah cave: a vision, something that wasn't necessarily real, but a metaphor for some other thing the characters have experienced, or will experience. In the case of Mortis, it was to represent the Force and Anakin's effect on it throughout the events of the six films (I think, might be slightly more complicated). I mention it in regards to the Ahsoka thing because on a much smaller level that's pretty much what that scene was, a metaphor to represent something that happened, which in this case was that for the sake of the show, she's dead, but for the larger universe, it's up in the air.
Is it weird for anyone else to see Anakin? Not saying it's a bad thing but we've constantly had to read Vader's emotion based on his body language and we finally see his face. It's so conflicted, how often did he feel this way? Think back to moments in the Vader comics and ESB.

That Tarkin one sounds bad ass.
It's really not
It's good, but gets really dry when Tarkin reminisces about his past
Probably not too terribly often except for when dealing with someone like Luke. I doubt anyone came anywhere close to his level importance in Vader's eyes except for possibly Ahsoka.
I felt it was perfect. Everything happened the way it should've. For me at least.
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Where do you see the scar?
On his soul.
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I want to see him and Maul meet in Rebels so badly
Oh god, now I see it. It's just above the eyebrow arch and continued beneath the drop of the lower eye-lid. I feel stupid now.

Shit, that's good.
There are a few moments in the comics where Anakin thinks about Padme and Luke and he gets a bit emotional.

Just I just thought about it, Dr.Aphra behaves a lot like Ahsoka. No wonder he's an emotional wreck around her. He has to kill her too.

Why is the hair and beard much more detailed despite Rebels' lower overall quality?
Someone did overhours because Kenobi is their Husbandow.
He has to kill Aphra to save his scarred skin from the Emperor's wrath. Vader used Aphra to steal Imperial credits and to do work on his own against Tagge and the guy with the monocle's wishes. That's borderline insubordination for Vader to do, since Tagge technically outranks him.
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I assume you mean this?

One of my favorite moments ever.
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it's a 4chan thread gave you fuzzy warm tingling in your chest episode
holy shit that luke face near the end
Literally traced out of ROTJ
Was the artwork done by several people (sketch/ink /colours) or is this a case of an artist being able to portray geometric objects better than people? Because all people look traced/fake and it really dampens the impact, but making artwork that'd fit into but looks good would be hard.
It should just be a silent episode. Only music.
we're all human here man.
we've all been damaged and patched up in some way or another
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Larroca it's a HACK
Is it considered gay to want to lick Maul's horns?
I want him and Hondo to meet in Rebels more
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Just the horns, I swear
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Are you willing to take them at their fullest length?
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That's just sad man, but Greg Land is also getting jobs.
Hopefully in the new trilogy, they abolished that rule about not having a significant other.

That rule has always been the entire reason that the Jedi Order of the Old Republic fell in the first place. Don't want to make any mistake that the Prequels did.
Is not gay if you say "no homo" after licking them, it's a bulletproof technique
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Luke's Jedi were allowed to have romantic attatchments, but Kylo made a quick end to that.
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Is there a canon explanation for how Anakin got his scar?
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He probably won't kill you if you do that. Probably.
Not yet, no.
Something about an abusive dad or trying to cheer up a depressed Padme...
I seem to recall something about slipping in the bathtub.
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Man, poor Kanan. How did he manage to get both eyes while leaving the bridge of his nose?
bathtub tumble
Someone made a neat image to show how Maul's saber might've pushed Kanan's saber into the left eye while scorching the right one out.
How is her tongue not burning off?
It's a porn video, they don't give a fuck
The Dark Side is the path to many skills, even useless ones
Nah, fan video.
>Is there a canon explanation for how Anakin got his scar?

was there a legends explanation?
man, how close was darth plagueis to being canon

it'd have shut all those TFA fanboy theories down fucking hard

Is there a portion that feels Force Awakens is like an unwanted guest?
I would recommend the opposite, watch TCW and just watch specific episodes of rebels that include Vader.

you can find guides for the best/essential episodes of TCW on google and Rebels is mostly self-contained adventures of nobodies during the rebellion mostly their resource scavenging
Is Revan canon again yet?
So he's master Kota from force unleashed?

Not close, he is canon.
Kota still has eyes left and was just blinded
but all the TFA fan theories revolve around plagueis
I think anon meant the book not the character
She's still alive, you're dumb if you think otherwise
Vader is a tank with tremendous lightsaber weight and force power, of course he's not going to go doing flips and shit but yeah the fight was underwhelming in every sense, everything was perfect until he appears and you realize there's less than 10 mins left.

should've been 3 eps instead
Except he got lightsaber in his eyes just like Kanan
>Vader rides in on top of his TIE with his saber drawn

That was cool as fuck
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>was there a legends explanation?
If it would've gone on longer people would've complained that it got boring/to drawn out.

You take Vader in small doses for maximum effect.

It was a Maul episode, that's the problem.

Fighting with Ventress, I believe.
in the animated show, it happens during a montage so it's assumed the event previous to him meeting Padme and looking at the scar
he was so close to being canon in TCW but removed at the last second
>didn't even have the balls to show her getting cut down like a bitch
I'm pretty sure Ahsoka's not dead. I know it's Disney but they had Maul kill off the lady Inquisitor in the same episode so if they were going to kill her off I'm sure they would have been more explicit.
>a moment at the end where they stare each other down and QuickDraw their sabers
yeah too bad it was shown on the trailers so it actually had less impact as I was already expecting it
indeed, either remove vader and let his and Ahsoka's fight for another episode or rework the entire episode to fit Vader instead
if you look carefully they were actually pretty tame, no cuts or desmemberment were actually shown, just character shots and grunts
The right question is "does his scar need to have an explanation?"
Yeah I guess. It took me a couple minutes to actually realize that Kanaan got slashed in the eyes by Maul's lightsaber because of how weird the camera shots they used were. I thought it was like a flashbang or something initially.
does anyone have the TFA making of documentary yet, i loved the one for TPM it was probably better than the movie itself
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Once upon a time (at least according to the Old Republic comics) it was not unheard of for their to be entire families and lineages of Jedis
there's images that shown the actual cut but it's frames long
He probably stabbed through the nose bridge and into the eyes. Imagine if the saber stabbed through like the blade was parallel to his eye-line/eyebrow-line.
Don't think so.
But if it's out I'm sure someone will stream it.
That totally blew me away. The voice actor is a 'name'- minor league, but she's still Sarah Michelle Gellar, she plays the hot one of the Inq's, and she's married to one of the main cast. Killing her makes no sense!
I'm thinking that's a little too close to the grey matter. I'm chalking it up to the animation department having to not completely disfigure him.
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OLD WOUNDS pls papi filoni
What role do you guys think Maul will play in the upcoming season? Will he have his own subplot and try and build up a powerbase again? Will he spend most of his time chasing after the Ghost? Terrorist attacks on the Empire which also have heavy civilian casualties? I like the idea of him calling out to Ezra through the Force and trying to push him to the dark side
Rebels Obi Wan is such a daddy
I hope he finally gets put out of his misery by Sheev.
I dont think it'll be as intence as TCW but he'll show up sometimes
dont think he will chase the ghost or fuck with the empire
he'll most likely be under the radar
yeah, i think the book was the last non-canon star wars material written. it was really close to being canonised.
Probably terrorist attacks. He'll bitch out and never fight Vader
what about obi-1
No "Kenobi" was the last Legends book.
Man I was really enjoying Maul's reappearance in the finale up until he just goes full retard and shouts out his evil intentions then gets kicked off the pyramid like a bitch.

He will show up on some other force-sensitive planet, try to convert Ezra to the dark side but fucks up by doing something cartoonishly evil and get killed like a bitch for it, probably by Kanaan but possibly by Ezra.
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Scars are like a story on your face i use to have this big crazy one under my left eye that connected to my left ear and an additional one on top of it and people would always ask me what happened

but luckily neosporin took care of it
Is this book good?
Who is more likely to pop up in S3:
Obi Wan
>doing something cartoonishly evil

Yeah, the button that Maul kept on pushing when tempting Ezra to tap into the Dark Side was his desire to protect his friends and the need for more power to do so. If Maul slips up and harms one of the people he cares about, it won't end well for him.
He'll inadvertently save the crew from Vader when they all run in to each other and have to run away from the ensuing fight.
During the duel, Vader will mention something to tip him off to the fact that Obi-wan is still alive, and he'll divert all his attention to hunting him.
Season finale will be the final showdown, set to duel of the fates.
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>Maul subtly reciting the Sith Code
And I thought my dick couldn't get harder
Sheev and Boba Fett.
They should hide Sheev away as much as possible - that`s who the Emperor was up until RoTJ.
I think he'd have done the camera look when Ezra introduced himself as Jabba, considering he never finished the slug.
Am I the only one who thinks that Ezra's natural ability to connect with living creatures through the Force is going to be more than just a useful quirk about his connection to the Force?
Sheev already showed up as a hologram in S2.

I've been saying Boba for a while, they'd need to top Vader as a recurring baddie for S2.
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Lads, is there any recommendations for season 6?

But Rebels is the story of the crew of the Ghost. I'm all for Obi-Wan's return and him going at it with Maul, but the final battle needs to focus on Kanan and Hera and co in the Rebels' first big victory over the Empire.
Yes, watch it all.
He didn't really show up though, it was just his voice. We never saw him
just watch all of it
I've had a scar under my left eye since I was four.

I got it at Disneyland.
I just logged in and didn't get any mail. I've been busy and didn't participate in the latest Sector Battle, was it tied to that?
Imagine if the Empire hired Boba Fett to hunt down Maul.
going by parts, Han and maybe MAYBE Luke if they end it next season
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Isn't the first big rebel victory the stealing of the death star plans?
Luke. Didn't Mark Hamill say he recorded some lines for Rebels?
Think the series will end with a lead-in to Rogue One?
I mean Mark Hamill recorded lines for TCW too but that doesn't mean luke was in that in any shape or form
search your feelings, in the great scheme of things no one will remember the victories, the loses or the sacrifices of the members of one of dozens of rebel cells in the end their deaths will mean nothing

and from that revelation you will understand that we are only here to watch the cool names appear leaving the fodder to perish in obscurity and second rate comics
>Hamill appears on Rebels
>as a Stormtrooper
all of it, it's really good

So it looks like Vader is going to win that contest again. I think they should've banned him this time since this is getting too predictable.
Don't feel too stupid, it took a zoom-in like >>81366922 for me to notice it, but when I did I was like "Damn, they actually didn't forget it after all, they just made it super subtle." I guess they chose not to make it really noticeable because they wanted the focus to be on the eye.
Hamill did Big Guy Darth Bane lines for TCW.
I've never understood character tournements, do people just vote for their favourites and see who is the most popular?
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Pretty much. Would Vader ever NOT win a popularity poll?
That's what I'm saying.
The fuck does "kino" mean
He's lost in that very poll before. Last year was the first time he won it. Yoda and Kenobi won in 2013 and 2014.
It's actually pretty impressive that Kylo Ren beat Boba Fett so easily. The dark side finale was always between Vader and Boba before the new characters were introduced.
Rey and Kylo are almost as popular as Luke and Vader and we've only seen them in one movie so far.
>Kylo being this popular
god is dead
"Kino" is german for "cinema" but I don't know what the self-assessed cinematographs of /tv/ made of it. Probably some reference to german silent cinema of the 20s.
Oops, meant for >>81370129
He is pretty much the best written SW villain since Vader. Imo, he's the best part of TFA by far.
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Why are you surprised?

Lots of normies first Star Wars experience was last December with TFA - and Kylo plays well in to the Loki-Zuko generation expectations of what a villian is.
And he looks good.
I'm not sure how Rey or Kylo is popular.
>hating Kylo Ren

I know what's in your mind... and it is stupid.
>And he looks good
Only if he kept the mask.
>And he looks good.
couldn't be more wrong
Am I the only one who just wants to see the Knights of Ren fucking shit up in VIII? I'm more excited about them than about Luke desu.
Is there a dick joke I'm missing?
/tv/ baneposter here

at this point it`s a meme
we have capekino, cinéma, ķinȭgrąphé, flickinographer... the list is endless
if he never spoke, or showed his underaged (or at least looking like one) face
He doesn't sound like Luke anymore.
>/tv/ baneposter here

>not being a sheevposter

fuck off tr8r
if he was written to be retarded, pathetic and basically a joke then good job, best acting, but I expect him to die or get his act together for the next movie
Kylo is the ultimate pleb filter
Well now he has a badass scar, so he might not even want to keep the mask.
I want to see Luke taking them all on, and winning. I honestly thought Rey's vision was a flashback scene of them attacking the temple and Luke would be going around trying to save everyone. I over hyped myself too much
desu I hate thier looks but I still think they've should had a bigger role in TFA
replace TR-R8 with a KoR and things would had made more sense

Lucas said he got it slipping in the shower.
Actually, plebs like >>81370444
are the people that prefer one dimensional, poorly written villains like the PT Sith. Patricians prefer villains like Kylo.
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But that was the point - his costume is nothing more than an attempt of image projection as he`s painfully aware he is nothing like his idol used to be.

Like how they put CGI mask on him to save the face reveal for interrogation scene.
That`s when his ''act'' of Kylo Ren falls apart - in that chamber with Rey he`s Ben Solo, the ''weak and foolish'' son of Han Solo, not Kylo.
>b-but muh practical effects
Kylo's entire character can be explained as MUH vader

I can accept it if he was intended to be pathetic but I want a treat from my antagonists and so far he fulfills none of those
Not that guy, but I like Kylo because he's an interesting character who doesn't act like the usual Star Wars villain. I expected Vader 2.0, but instead we got a new character with new abilities and traits that we've never seen before. I hope they make him more powerful in the next movie, but they shouldn't change his personality.
Big surprise that the majority of the film was CGI and JJ used the small percent of practical effects to trick anti-Prequelfags into watching
>Anakin in the shower
>I expected Vader 2.0

And Disney/JJ/Kasdan were smart enough to abandon attempts of even trying to replicate Vader.

I expect Kylo to become a very serious threat in the short-medium term but I`m afraid they won`t resist taking his character in to the redemption arc - and he`s basically set for it already.

I mean, if you literally beg Vader to show you the power of the Darkness again after so much time under the patronage of whoever this Snoke is, you know shit is not working out for you...

I`m very interested in how Luke reacts to news that his friend was killed by his nephew who fucked him and his Jedi Academy plans.

God damn I hope Rian Johnson delivers.
Well, he's supposed to be both pathetic (tantrums, insecurity) and powerful (force abilities) at the same time. They are trying to show us the progress of a rookie villain. Much like Luke's arc from farm boy to Jedi master, Kylo will change from insecure Vader fanboy to a powerful dark side threat who may surpass his own idol in episode IX.
> I wanted to see them fighting in their particular fighting style
> instead I saw them fighting in their particular fighting styles

In Legends, Anakin's duel with Ventress on Yavin was their first encounter, but they had many more after that, including a duel in Coruscant's lower levels while Anakin was on his way to meet Padme shortly after being knighted. During the fighting, Ventress caught Anakin with a slash to the face, giving him his scar.

George Lucas said in one interview that he just decided Anakin should have a scar, and other people started coming up with a backstory of how he got it. Lucas joked that he thought Anakin got it slipping in the bathtub, but of course Anakin's not going to tell anyone that.
>God damn I hope Rian Johnson delivers.
I dunno man, looking at this list of stuff he's done the only thing I recognise is Looper and I wouldn't really call that great or anything. It could go either way but seeing as how he has to pick up the pieces of a JJ mess I don't know how well it's going to go.
But the question is why he's obsessed with Vader. He's an insecure guy fixated on his role in a very lofty family legacy (his parents are heroes of the rebellion, and his uncle personally saw to the destruction of Darth Vader and the Emperor as well as the revival of the Jedi) that also feels shafted by his parents by being placed in Uncle Luke's School for Gifted Youngsters. All the while creepy CGI zombie man preys on these insecurities.

Kylo Ren isn't super deep, no. But there's an admirable amount to him thematically. He's one of the few things the movie's story did fairly well.
For me TFA fell a little bit flat in terms of character development - JJ is very weak with that.

Looper wasnt God-tier but it was very, very character driven movie.
Even his Breaking Bad episodes - it`s all about the character and their motivations.
He directed one of the best television episodes ever I believe in the Ozymandias breaking bad episode. That enough makes me have confidence.
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Snoke has been feeding him the lie of ''Glorious Vader'' since his early childhood.
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Those ARE their particular fighting styles.

Vader's strong enough that he can just do straight blocks all day and doesn't need to try and redirect your attack to save energy. He's also strong enough that he can just smash through your defenses and doesn't need to do anything tricky.

He just smashes because he can win by just smashing.
Brick is another really good character-driven Johnson movie. Also, I think TFA did exactly what it was supposed to do: Make people interested in SW again and establish new interesting characters. Not everyone likes the new characters, but personally I think they, especially Kylo Ren, are the best part of the movie because I genuinely want to see more of them.
I don't think the saber actually hit, but the intense heat and energy scorched his face badly.

Basically his eyes boiled and burst, then shriveled up like raisins in the heat, then turned to dust in a few seconds. That must sting.
So why don't proficient force wielders just force crush or force choke their opponent at the start of the duel?

Like Sidious did on Maul and Savage, Maul did on SS, Windu did on Grievous...
That would be kinda boring
Also there's probably some force shield explanation
Yeah it would be boring

But why doesn't it happen, anyway?
Savage was weak in the force and Grievous didn't have a connection, it likely only works on those without any force sensitivity so they are unable to block it/sense it/resist it whatever

Star Wars is very honor-bound and romanticized, that's just how Lucas made it.
Except for Windu's non-canon attack on Grievous none of those was an opening move.
There a things each Jedi is better at than others.
Obi Wan was good with that connections stuff too. He also was pretty good with Mind Tricks.

It's not 'just' a useful quirk, it's part of his characterization I think.
It also makes sense that he would be maybe a little more susceptible to outside influences like Maul because of it I think
You wanna start every fight with "A chokes until B has their defenses gathered and breaks free, then fight actually starts"? Or "A miscalculates the reach and strength needed so B has an opening"? Kinda lame, but potential reasons:

> Jedi don't do this because it's not honorable
> Grand Inky and Vader wanted Rebels alive for intels
> lower rank Inkies and Savage don't have that finesse
> Maul and Ventress want fun
One sided honour bound though. All the dark side characters have been shown using Dun Moch techniques taunting or lobbing things at their opponents.
Also, the main criticizim of TFA being a rehash of the OT is something that people aren't looking at from a marketing perspective. JJ made something familer for audiences after the bad taste of the prequel trilogy. TFA was meant to revitalize intrested after the negative connotations star wars had with the prequels. This is why I believe episodes 8 and 9 will not be rehashes. They won back interest, and are ready to make new films.
They're samurai-wizard. They're KNIGHTS. Of course honor is going to prevent them from going to the easy solution.
I think it depends on the amount of focus. You notice that Vader tends to use his fingertips as a physical representation of the choke?

Just about everyone can do a force-push but the better you are the more refined you can make the pressure until the area of effect is small and directed enough to crush a windpipe. That's probably a master level skill.
(same guy) except for Palpatine, 'cause he's a bastard.

>all these old Sith manipulating young nubile men into being evil and dressing in black leather
That makes sense I guess. I always wondered why darkside users not just crush somebody's chest/heart or smash their head into the floor via the Force.

I loved smashing stormtroopers into the floor and hear the cracking sounds in TFU. Felt pretty badass.
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Snoke is not Sith.
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We now know why Maul is always shirtless.
Did anyone else think "What a dork." when he took the helmet off for the first time?
No, it made me think what a fucking wannabe though. He tries to act all hard then takes his helmet off and is a little boy.
Not really - he`s a human.
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He totally wears shirts, he just can't wear anything he has to pull on over his head.
What is wrong with his body?
He has to be some kind of reanimated corpse right?
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He just likes to show of his chest, look at this V-neck.
He was an anti-climatic disappointment.
i'm just glad that forehead line is gone
He had to be so careful with his hood during TPM.
His face has some history with lightsabers.
I'm lovin' all this Maul art comin' out of tumblr

Sam Witwer must be a voice acting god, because he managed to deliver this perfectly chillingly when it could easily have been garbage.
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No idea phampalam but he`s been fucked hard, that`s for sure.

I feel like Snoke is going to have some connection with the fact that Luke went looking for the first Jedi temple (Ach-To).
Is Maul pissed all the time cause he ain't got no dick?
Would you guys have liked it if they took Maul down a Redemption arc? He's still bad as fuck, but he joins up with the Ghost crew and is the opposite to Kanan's light side training. And perhaps he softens as time goes on...

I like it when shows humanize villains.
Good acting I suppose.

He's a 30 year old Marine in real life.

Good going making people think he's younger than 25.
No, he looks like a regular dude.
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That was the point.

The guy everybody was apparently shitting themselves over was just a baby faced average dude.
I am mildly amused that despite Sheev's machinations, his decades of work, his rise to the glory of commanding a galaxy...

Despite ALL the things he did, despite being the TRUE heart of the Empire...

...the only thing people remember about the Empire is that Darth Vader was really cool.
Some fans have speculated that Force users have a "shield" or wall that protects them. The stronger you are, the better your wall.
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Adam Driver said that his costume, lightsaber is a metaphor for the character - raw, unpolished...

I will not be surprised if they age Kylo up by letting Driver go with his facial hair look.

The important question is, how big the timejump between VII and VIII will be.
>Would you guys have liked it if they took Maul down a Redemption arc?
I was hoping for it. I'm still kind of hoping for it, if he gets a little bit lighter through contact with Ezra every time he crosses paths with the Ghost crew.

No, Maul should not be redeemed. I like what we've got now: he's just this agent of chaos running around fucking everything up for everyone, another hazard of the galaxy.

He could be the threat that brings Kallus and the Ghost crew together.
Kylo is supposed to be around 30, like, "most likely to be the result of celebratory sex after Endor".

He's constantly enraged becasue he grew up with an abusive caretaker and was taught to not deal with it like a normal person. Add mutilation and insanity and things going wrong at everyturn, and, well...
Kylo himself is like 29.
>how big the timejump between VII and VIII will be
there won't be any, it's a direct continuation
They already humanized him with TCW and Son of Dathomir.
Redemption is overused these days. You don't need to do an 180° turn on a character to make his actions seem understandable or even justifiable from his pov.
Should've went with that stony Snok, we already had a ghoulish wrinkle dick as antagonist

Like, if Snoke's not human, he could just DarkSideDegenerate a bit differently.
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Read this if you care.

He has Scorsese movie coming out later this year with Liam Neeson.
Between 6 month to 2 years. Even if there's some time between the beginning of 8 and the rest of the film. I'd hate if 7, 8 and 9 happened all the same year like in Legacy of the Force.

Maul doesn't even seek redemption. He's sith as fuck, even if he isn't member of the order.

With Rey, Finn, and Kylo still in, VIII can't have a timeskip bigger than a few years.

Consider also that each prior Star Wars movie has had an ending that allows a big timeskip, but VII's really doesn't. It has a "mystery" ending instead of real ending, so the next movie has to answer the question of what Luke and Rey did right after she offered him the saber.
His machinations only were explored in the PT and TCW.
So unless you are familiar with the EU they are not as closely associated with the character for most movie goers I guess. And the PT have been widely regarded as bad films with the political intrigue being more of a clunky side plot that nobody understood.
I find that hard to believe unless Mary Sue Rey takes Jedi training crash course for one day.
He doesn't seek it, but he's getting a bit soft because he's also quite desperate for Ezra as apprentice. I just want him to do sort of heroic things, feeling somewhat bewildered/good about it. Then fuck it up because Maul's Maul.
But he hates the Sith now, and honestly The Empire represents the Sith.

They have a common enemy, so I'm hoping for more team ups in the future.
>if Snoke's not human

I`m 99% sure Hidalgo confirmed that Snoke is not a human but I`m too lazy to find the tweet.
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Man, I wish they could've explored different disfigurations instead of "wrinkles and attacked by a rhinoceros jedi".

Fuck, give us bonegrowths, fine or strong, a face weirdly stretched apart like a picasso statue that is still a living thing.
Maul is a sith, through and through, almost since birth. Some people watch the eps and don't realize that when he talks about destroying the sith, he means the other ones. Which is exactly how a sith thinks.

He wanted to kill Sheev and Vader, and take Ezra as his sith apprentice.
He's to Sith to ever stop sithing, that is the tragedy of Maul.
True. I love TFA ending, but we need to see THE conversation that ensued.

Maul is not good. At best he's the lesser evil. And a good party of his "soft" part is acting the part.

But he can be a good anti-villain, true.
I have more respect for driver now. Anyone know any movies/series worth watching that he's a part of?
He's still quoting the sith code verbatim. He hates the Sith, but he still follow the philosophy. And it's great!
The Force Awakens :^)
Huh, I thought he'd actually seen combat.

Bit lesser now.
Everything he`s been in he had supporting roles only - the big year for him is 2016.

Hungry Hearts was okay but his performance is good.


Rumour is that Snoke was supposed to be a reptilian. They even had some concepts for it.
So is there porn or what?
>Rumour is that Snoke was supposed to be a reptilian. They even had some concepts for it.

Can confirm, there`s one shot in TFA Bonus Disc where Snoke concept has weird pug/crocodile face.
Gonna try and find it.
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I've been thinking about getting this, only problem is it's pretty pricey because the dollar is worth so little here in Canada.
Anyone have one and is it worth it?
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oh God anon I dun did it, I've been reading the fanfiction with a bottle of wine for the last hour or so... I'm so weak ;_;
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My friend bough this one, pic related.
It's only a front, with the cloth/hood protecting the back of your head.
So if you don't intend of wearing it without a hood over this one's got a cheaper pricetag.
Aw dang, that would have been awesome.
Instead of a boring human..
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Snoke looks like the Crooked Man in The Wolf Among us from 2013.
looks like grievous
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Oh anon, is it that bad? It's sort of similar like someone watching romcoms/dramas after a break-up with ice-cream to dull the pain, if it helps you feel less weird.

Snoke the snake villain, perfect.
Snoke isn't huma, dude.
Snoke, snake,smoke.

There's more to Snoke than meet the eyes, mark my word.
I hope so because what's meeting my eyes isn't worth it so far.
He looks human. Except disfigured.
Forgot to add "here's another fucked up thing they could've worked into the disfiguration"
The movie Snoke does. He looks like he's been twisted out of shape. His concept art even has similar facial features. Wonder if he was put on a torture wheel like the crooked man and that's why he's so screwy looking.
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I have one, it's certainly the best Kylo Ren helmet for under $100.

I sanded and painted mine to look more screen accurate and once I have the money I'm going to make a resin copy since my painting budget was $0 and I didn't do a great job. The stock voice changer is close but not totally accurate to movie Kylo, but that isn't a very expensive change if you are so inclined to buy a new voice changer.
Jesus christ, faggots. Stop posting this shit art. We get it, they love each other and Kanan won't be able to see her beautiful face again. It makes me feel sad ;.;
> shit art
Rude, also this is old.
>We'll see each other again, I promiss.

He might not be able to see her again but with his heightened sense of touch he'll be able to make her wet with only the slightest of caresses.

I'm here for you guys ;_;
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Rex holds a baby while a Stormtrooper observes.
I thought of Maul to be more of a grey side guy at this point, he pretty much hates both but doesn't bat a eye at using their teachings of course, sith teachings are far more useful for someone trying to not be a moralfag
how long can the Star Wars and Darth Vader comics go for, it never really seemed to me that there were that many escapades between IV and V
How would the father have killed the son? Didn't Vader lose to Luke?
That baby is a TRAITOR!
I was joking, the art is pretty good and cute.
There's 3 fucking years between IV and V. Enough time for shenanigan.

Presumably Snoke is claiming that Vader succumbed to emotion in a way that allowed Luke to defeat him.
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>Maul this episode
What a legend, he desperately needs his own video game, or at least another comic.
His own movie.
How would Snoke though? There were literally only 3 people there. Vader, Luke, and Sheev. Is Snoke claiming to be one of them?
> Grey

Not relaly. He is a *lighter* shade of black than, say, Vader and Sidious, but it's more because he doesn't have much of a choice than because he want to do good.

Heck, even Vader has more altruistic reasons than Maul
No, anon, we're gonna get a Futurama-esque Snoke reveal and some random shadow in the ROTJ scene will be attributed to him lurking the background.
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Post r63/Grieve-Tan
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He's a "Dark Grey Jedi"
Or a "Pastel Sith"
Or "Semi-darth"
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He's not fighting for the sake of either order, in my book that definitely makes him grey, by the way I'm not using the term "gray jedi" I'm referring to a person who isn't for either and is isn't against doing both.
>r63 Grieve-Tan

wouldn't that just be Grieve-kun
>He doesn't believe Snoke is Plagueis.
There's still hope, anon
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>implying he wasn't one of the imperial guardsmen
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Ezra wasn't crying at the end because of Ahsoka or being betrayed by Maul, it was because he no longer has a chance of losing his virginity to an aggressive, older, ephebophilic woman
Ezra never gave a fuck to /ss/. He wants some mando pussy.
I would of loved it if they made her trying to turn Ezra over to the dark side.
Mando pussy was old and busted by the time new hotness SS arrived
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>implying you can't have both

Of course Bo-Katan would be a GILF at this point.
I cant believe I have to wait several months to find out if chopper ever reunites with andi
In the final bit of the episode Ezra's shown to open the holocron. Does that mean he's finally succumbed to the dark side since maul mentioned that you had to think like a sith to use it? I do hope they're going along that line.
But first we'll see him terrorize Celebration in July
>I love you!
><bleep bloop bloop.
>Well, that was anti-climactic.
Is Maul black with red tattos or red with black tattoos?
Ashley said ahsoka was alive was she lying for T-shirt money or did Dave really just put ahsoka on ice until he needs her later
If the interviews are any indicator, he'll be inundated with mango juice next season.
Ahsoka's dead. Giving up on her duel like that is bullshit. It's not in her character hiding away.

Her last shot is a copt-out.
Red with black tattoos
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That T-shirt just reminded me of Tron Legacy. And if you've seen the movie, Flynn lives, in spirit after making the ultimate sacrifice in saving his son. Complete with blinding explosion.

>Dave really just put Ahsoka on ice until he needs her later
He did say her story was over in Rebels and the stories about her are going to be before she was in Rebels.

Anyone got the picture of Vader from the comics and it just says "I NEED that ass?"
Vader's dick burned on Mustafar. He doesn't need any ass.

Except Padme's. 'Cause Padme's his waifu. That's all.
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>We will never get another sassy qt femquisitor


Where were you when /swr/ took out /tv/
I actually like both uses of the term, based on the time and situation as either someone that uses both the light and the dark to become superior or just anyone that tells the jedi coucil to suck a dick without openly declaring to be a Sith
I don't give a fuck about /tv/. They just hate movies.
>/tv/ tries to talk about stuff they don't know about
>gets BTFO with facts
>"b-but its for children, so it doesn't matter anyways!"
Didn't expect anything else.

>that one guy furious with TCW because plotholes, but couldn't name a single one
Imma' grab some popcorn.
How accurate are these rumours of Vader being in Rogue One?
Kinda like how /mu/ hates music.
yeah i've not gone to /tv/ much recently but there was a definite quality gap between the posts on both sides in that thread.
Honestly, I wouldn't be disapointed if Vader isn't in the movie.

Wil be glad if he is.

So, I'd say accuracy is 75/25.
0% since there have been virtually no leaks from the sets or of the script, and no promotions outright showing him.
MSW got a scoop on that and he had 100% of TFA plot and story nailed weeks before it came out - even deleted scenes and scenes from one of the final script drafts.

He`s 99% on point when it comes to leaks.
And he reported they built Vader stunt suit for Rogue One.
Be careful, it`s most likely legit.
Does anyone else see some molestation themes with Palpatine 'corrupting' Vader since he was a small boy? It gives me the same vibes Twin Peaks gives me with Bob 'possessing (molesting)' Laura. Do you guys think this was sort of intentional? I'm not saying that Star Wars is trying to say something philosophically about molestation, but do you guys think George Lucas wanted to give that sort of atmosphere to Anakin and Palpatine relationship so people would resonate and understand them more since most people have either been molested or know someone that's been molested?
link to Rogue One promotions?
I know someone said that it's going to pick up after TFA but I'm certain there's gonna be a time skip later on because Finn can't be in a coma all this time. And John has been training like hell.
Being drawn to the Dark Side is usually outright called "seduction" so you don;t really have to look far for sexual imagery.
Also, at least if you consider Plagueis canon like I do, Palpatine is also one of Anakin's "fathers" alongside his master.
No promotions at all.
Molestation, no, Palpatine was too subtle. But Palpatine screwed up with Anakin since day one. The poor kid and the Jedi had no chance.

Many blame the Jedi for this and that and forget Sheev Palpatine AKA Darth Sidious, was man,upiluting everyone, including the Chosen One, from the start.
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>most people have either been molested or know someone that's been molested?

Oh honey...

You don't really believe that do you? I'm worried about you, anon.
He certainly hasn't succumbed to it. He will likely learn the ways of both the dark and the light in S3 and how to control his use of both. Too much dark side is much worse than too much light, but the latter isn't always good.
probably like in Empire

shouldn't drink and browse.
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>mfw Rebels is actually the story of how Ezra becomes a Sith Lord following in the footsteps of Darth Revan.
It happens all the time. About 1 in 6 people have been molested or know someone that was molested.
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I'd imagine Sheev was pissed his pretty boy toy got burned to a crisp.

I doubt Sheev actually physically molested him, but there was all sorts of creepy boundary crossing going on there. Yep.
1 in 6 is by no means a majority
I don't mean that he literally molested him, but that George Lucas wanted to give that atmosphere to their relationship. It wouldn't surprise me given that Lucas is very interested in child psychology and has probably read a lot of books about what molestation does to a kid mentally.
Will we be getting an early season 3 premiere episode in the summer ala the Siege of Lothal last year?
>but that George Lucas wanted to give that atmosphere to their relationship.

Oh yeah definitely, it was about as subtle as a brick to the face.
We won't know much until Celebration in July about season 3
tfw i'm going and I can't fucking wait to drop my spaghetti
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Actual molestation, no.

But he has been grooming the boy from the very beginning.
Honor and don't forget pride.
Sith fall more into prideful arrogance, of course.
>when he talks about destroying the sith, he means the other ones. Which is exactly how a sith thinks

And this is why I love the Sith. That beautiful assholish delusion.
Sure, but I don't feel Palpatine molested Anakin. >The way I see it, Sidious managed to get the role of a mentor, a father figure to the young Anakin Obi-Wan (a "brother" to the young one) never really got. Then it was easy to spur his lies and untruths to an open and easily manipulated mind.

Palpatine didn't molested Anakin into compliance (at least until he was firmly Vader). He caressed him, flatted him. And when he was ready to be ripped, he took him.

Honestly, I'm predicting that they're just going to show up, kill some redshirt resistance/New Republic soldiers, then job extremely hard to Finn, Poe, and Rey.
Try playing force unleashed with the Darth maul skin
It's fun, like a convoluted bullshit what-if scenario.
I always saw him as more of a doting uncle figure to Anakin. Like this kindly nonthreatening pseudo-family member.
> no double-bladed lightsaber
why bother
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Mostly to Rey. If they're Force-wielders, Poe and Finn are going to be trouble to them. Rey will cut them down as if they're nothing thanks to her natural ability and Luk's training.
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Why is he so cute bros?
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Were we watching the same movie?
>and he had 100% of TFA plot and story nailed weeks before it came out - even deleted scenes and scenes from one of the final script draft
Haha, ah...no, that's not the case anon, it's cute you remember it that way, wew.
Don't you remember the whole "lukes lightsaber going into re-entry on Jakku", the shit with Rey and Kylo being revealed to be siblings in the movie, Maz showing everyone a force vision while they held hands, Jesus msw was fucking way off. At least, the part of msw I went to, and was told was the part everyone here was talking about by the people in that thread. Hence why I feel justified in laughing at your post. So unless everyone in the thread was lying, I don't know what the fuck you're smoking.

The way he talks is top qt3.14.
White with red and black tattoos
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gotchu covered bruh
Yes. And the molestation parallel seem even more blatant with the Snoke and Kylo Ren thing. Seems it's a running theme.
You can get a black lightsaber on the Death Star, then replay the game skipping cutscenes.
He went through so much shit and never back down. The Universe promised him him glory and threw him down, but everytime he get back on his feet, even mechanical one. He's a great evil underdog. Love him even if he's evil.
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Will we ever hear about Ahsoka Tano loyalist clones?
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>Be Darth Maul
>Look like the fucking Devil and be blatantly enigmatic and sinister
>Ezra still trusts you

What the fuck is wrong with that kid?
Play TFU as Maul
no parents
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Why would you not trust the devil, anon? He has only your best interest at heart.

Yeah no parents and desperately looking for any kind of affection.

Traumatised kids are very broken.
>The dark side... It calls at him. It pulls at him.

Are you even surprised?

And there's that molestation theme again!

Oh Star Wars.
Actually, we may hear about them in the upcoming Ahsoka book.
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Maul murdered the shit out of these inquisitors. Did he even needed help?
The concept of the devil is not a thing in the SW universe. It holds no sway over how people view Maul in-universe.
Will Kallus appear in Rogue One?
Maul doesn't molest Ezra.

He show him his potental. How GREAT he could be.
>Look like the fucking Devil
Devaronians are a thing, weird-ass looking aliens are something people just have to get used to in the Star Wars universe. Especially with nucanon tatted up Zabraks not being that rare, as seen in Uprising.
Do you really need to question it? I mean, Ezra has ALWAYS been retarded.

The voice actor is black, so no. No cartoon characters are ever going to show up in live action.

Would be GOAT if he does.
Hes gonna die in season 3, sacrificing himself for Zeb

It was a joke about the rapey fanart. Relax.
Does it count as being molested if you liked it?
There were rumors that Cad Bane was going to be in Rogue One
Very, very unlikely. At any rate, he's an alien and could be done with CG and makeup. No humans will though.
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You have no idea how butthurt I'll be if that happens.
that's retarded of course they're gonna do it
>The voice actor is black, so no. No cartoon characters are ever going to show up in live action.
You do know that almost all cartoon versions of live action character have different voice/actors right? It can work the other way too.
Then I believe these statistics.
>No cartoon characters are ever going to show up in live action.
There was an interview with one of the Rogue One writers, and he said he was very interested in bringing certain The Clone Wars characters to a Live Action movie.

Didn't say who, but I would wager he was talking about Ahsoka or Hondo.

At the Rogue One panel in 2015, Kathleen Kennedy was asked if Rebels characters would show up in Rogue One, and she replied that they were looking into opportunities for such crossovers.

In 2015, Pablo said there was no crossover of any kind, but just this wednesday, revealed that there now IS connection between Rebels and Rogue One.

So yeah, that's all I have to say on that. They could very well bring Book/Comic/Cartoon characters into Live Action, and have not in any way suggested it is out of the question. Quite the opposite in fact.
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No. He just wanted to show off.
>Didn't say who, but I would wager he was talking about Ahsoka or Hondo.
Considering where Ahsoka left off in Rebels, she will not show up in Rogue One. That also goes against the whole idea of "no force users [other than Vader apparently] in Rogue One" that they were shilling at last year's Celebration.
Not going to happen unless it's an alien that can be done with CG and practical effects. 100%.
> one of the best duelists in the whole star wars universe vs. a bunch of poorly trained mooks
ez pz

What exactly were they going to do with the captured Inquisitor? Stash him with Fenn Rau?
I'm so glad Maul got his double-sided saber back.
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>The voice actor is black

Then they'll cast a blonde guy to play him in live-action. Hell, if they want they could get David Ayylmao to dub him over ala Rita Repulsa.
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Still, my favorite scene was probably this.
I like that it looks like an inqusitors one. I hope he killed a few and stole there shit helicopter one and made it normal.
Try to turn him to the light side probably. And then he'd just escape.


Slap him around a bit? That's what I would do.
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>Star Wars: Black Hawk Down
Why does that not say 'Absolutely Treasonous'?

> You have no idea how butthurt I'll be if that happens.
Let's be real here, that's probably how it's going to go.
>Vader is close to capturing the Rebels
>The Ghost Crew is nearly captured by him
>Kallus remembers how Zeb saved him on that Ice Moon
>He sabotages the mission and let's them escape
>Vader get's pissed and Force Chokes him, like Captain Needa

Hell, they just might make the scene in Rebels like that.
nah snoke is Ezra m8
is this guy bait or a butthurt EUfag?
>17 mins long
I was expecting Maul to Force Push him over the edge instead of just jumping to his death.
How do you mean? You mean to say they wont get Live Action counterparts because they need perfect lookalikes?

Because if so, I have to disagree. Obi-Wan and Anakin in TCW weren't even voiced by their Live Action counterparts. Anakin didn't resemble Hayden much. And Han Solo is getting a new actor for his spin off movie. So I think its very possible they could find generally accurate looking actors for the roles if they really wanted to do it.

Aliens would be easier though...

Oh yeah, I definitely don't think Ahsoka will ever be in Live action. Not unless they ever do a Live Action anthology tv series set between 3 and 4.

This guy is just determined to have a bad time.
I ain't clicking on that shit, but is his name Koloclawfish, or something like that?

I would be okay with death-by-Vader. I'm just not a fan of that Zeb-Kallus mutual respect thing they wanna do now but eh, it's probably inevitable.
As much as he is insufferable and whiny, he does bring some points, like all the sabers in the floor being crossguard
I just can't think that a live action Ahsoka would look any good. Shaak Ti looked like a man and all the cosplays looked like shit. If they did her fully CGI then she'd look out of place.
>Kallus remembers how Zeb saved him on that Ice Moon
>He sabotages the mission and let's them escape
>Vader get's pissed and Force Chokes him, like Captain Needa

Ok, my dick is ready.

Snoke is not human.

I'd be surprised if he does get that powerful, mostly because Vader stands to much more of a terror...

But then again this is early, in fact most conversations we're having right now are just too early to really see where the story and characters go. Maybe 'Muh Scar' that Rey put on him makes him want to cover up his face for the rest of the series :P
Do we reckon Vader will show up in season 3? I got the impression from Filoni he wouldnt be popping up
Not all of them. Some are normal and a few, presumably sith, are dual-bladed.
Odds on the scourge of malachor being an anthology film?
Maybe a passing reference, or Vader in Hologram form. but not in person. I feel they completed his story arc in Rebels. It's Thrawn time now, baby

>one husbando choking the other husbando

Why haven't we seen anyone use a sword / shield combo yet?
0%. That has nothing to carry the interest of average SW fans, which would hurt Disney's pockets.
Because this is Star Wars, not Halo, faggot.
Yeah, one husbando killing the other is the worst type of feeling.
That looks too sci fi for my liking.
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>that mouth-frothing anger near the end
Maul husbando killed Seventh Waifu. Much sadness was had.
We already have shield and guns from TCW with the droids.
How is it possible to be so miserable?

Ouch, bad luck anon.
They do, but only when clones are using the shields to guard them.
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>not seeing TFA
well, he does sound like a butthurt EU fag, constantly bringing it up to show how "It was done better in MY Star wars "
She didn't even get to make a lewd insinuation to Ezra...
You dared doubt how far they could take this thing, anon. History of ancient Jedi and Sith conflict, no rule of two so they can show massive cgi orgies of lightsaber on lightsaber combat. They toss in Revan, add in Kreia and her death temple. For fun it turns out this is also exploring the history of Snoke with bonus points if he's actually an ancient Jedi who was fucked up in that battle and corrupted by all the death and madness of the conflict.

if Rogue One is good enough, why not. Nobody was lining up for the true story of how the Death Star plans were stolen, beyond those people who demand it was stolen by Kyle Katarn doing his best Die Hard routine taking out the Imperials and making them look like bitches before escaping with the goods after dropping Vader out of an upper floor of the Nakatomi Plaza.
No one is lining up for Rogue One because very few people even know it's happening, or let alone what the basic plot is about. All those people outweigh the idiots that care about Kyle Katarn
Better to say "no one was".

But people these days will line up for anything with Star Wars in the title. Maybe eventually the bubble will burst, but not yet.
>b-but star war is supposed to be s-simple
This is why we will never have anything as "complex" as that.
I'd love a movie the one you're talking about, but the casual Star Wars movie goer won't understand a thing.
When is Rogue One coming out?
He's not dead yet. It's canon:
>Nines gained the upper hand against Finn in single combat and nearly struck a blow against the defector, but was shot by Han Solo, who used Chewbacca's bowcaster, thus ending the fight and wounding FN-2199.

Just lining up for it is not the only thing to worry about though. Tons of people lined up for BvS and look at how badly it's being driven through the mud. Star Wars is not strong enough to be able to handle the same thing, especially in a movie where Disney is trying to do something actually different compared to the other films.

December 16th of this year
December-ish. It's nice knowing they're making a movie that expands Star Wars canon. I think it may be one of the only movies that won't piss me off in the long-run.
The wiki is a fan-written site. Trusting that for deciding canon is not the way to go, especially if there is no source linked to a wild claim on the site that 100% confirms what they are saying.
It's about to come out in eight months and there hasn't been a trailer for it, except for that small one at Celebration early last year?

That's stupid.

True. But I think people are also a bit over the super hero movie hype - they are becoming a lot more critical.

Meanwhile, good sci-fi-fantasy has been dead for years so Star Wars is welcomed, for now anyway.
The reviews kicked BvS in the teeth before the wider release.

Also not exactly a fair comparison. BvS was doomed because it was a regrettable dog turd on film. This theoretical scourge movie could be horrible could be not. Because the popular antithesis is mentioning Deadpool. Nobody was expecting it to kick ass, it did.

Also Star Wars can't handle a bad reputation? Dear Christ, anon, are you actually capable of repressing Jar Jar?

Oh shit, did I just remind you? I am so, so sorry.
I actually prefer it this way, because less of the movie will be spoiled.
>Also Star Wars can't handle a bad reputation? Dear Christ, anon, are you actually capable of repressing Jar Jar?
Yes I can repress Jar Jar because I am not a rabid prequel-hating ""fan"" of SW. I don't like the character and I thought he was quite annoying, but I don't have to flip out every time he's mentioned just because everyone else is conditioned to do so.
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I wouldn't say that. They can be complex or delve into deep history thousands of years before the OT.

Right now we expect a Han Solo or Boba Fett anthology to ride the coattails of the character's names and not do anything interesting. And they probably won't, but I guess we could be pleasantly surprised. I've got high hopes for Rogue One just from that little teaser they threw together for Celebration that they could do something fantastic with the idea, but it's possible they won't do that either.

If you think the casuals won't go in for the history that's fine, find another hook for them. But they could still have the history. I meant they could. It's a nice dream, at least.
Of all star wars movies, Rogue One is probably the movie that NEEDS an opening crawl because of all of the casuals. They'll probably be confused af. They'll probably be like:

>where are all the bothans? ayyy

People in star wars threads have already gotten confused before, so there's probably a bigger chance of this happening once it releases.
If indeed everyone else is conditioned to do so yet Star Wars still survives that rather proves Star Wars can handle a bad reputation.

It's a forty year franchise that's so-ingrained into culture that it will carry on. It certainly won't be brought down by even a horrible anthology movie.
I don't think that would help unless the crawler adds, "And no, the Bothans aren't in this one. That's the Second Death Star. Dumbasses."

I'm not sure it can be written any more naturally into an opening crawl than that.
Saw someone in that /tv/ thread confused because he thought Rogue One was following TFA.

Most of the general audience don't even know it exists yet, let alone that it's not going to have Rey or Kylo.

This could end up being a mess unless they start marketing it properly very soon.
>revealed that there now IS connection between Rebels and Rogue One.
That could just be something as minor as namedropping a planet or something.
I mean rebels is about how the rebellion came to be and rogue one is gonna be about the plans for the deathstar or what? Seems only logical that they would be somehow connected since they are basically part of the same plotline that only finds it.'s conclusion in ANH, when the deathstar finally blows up.
Yeah, that's the thing, they have to do both.
If Disney decides to do something with a bit more depth it might be off putting for the casual Star Wars fan who's just used to a simple plot that goes from one point to another with some banter.

And yeah, Rogue One definitely have the potential to be something like that, something that fleshes out an event with more depth than a regular trilogy movie.
So hopefully if Rogue One goes well, we'll get more with that sort of stuff.
I really wonder why they have let it so late to get something going. We don't know anything really, no characters, posters, general plot etc. I think they're assuming the hype from TFA will carry them through
>Most of the general audience don't even know it exists yet
It's had an online presence from (what passes for) news who are following it's development. Now it's not near as wild as the buildup for TFA but then I'd argue it shouldn't be.

That said they'd be fools not to engage in a marketing campaign closer to release. I figure the "hype train" will fully leave the station in July at Celebration.
Rumors are saying that it'll be attached to Civil War either on May 6th or before May 6th on Star Wars day(may 4th).
High score?

Mine is Rank: TR-8R
>>where are all the bothans? ayyy
Wrong Death Star. Heck, I don't even know if the average movie-goer know what a Bothan is.

Rogue One is perfect in its premise. How the Rebel Alliance stole the Death Star's plan. Next to that anySolo, Obi-Wan or Fett story feel flat. Seriously.

Disney has such an opportunity to expend an entire universe making films aboutsuch or such character is SILLY.

I love Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo or Boba Fett. I don't need story about them. I need story about their universe. I need stories about STAR WARS.
>He's to Sith to ever stop sithing, that is the tragedy of Maul.

All Sith are too Sith to stop. It's a vicious circle.

The only one to escape was Vader. But he gets a pass for being force Jesus.
>in Rebels

Fuck that, give me my Ewan Obi-Wan movie. He said he'd love to do one.
Well it's not like Disney is writing these things. They're leaving that to Lucasfilm. As long as Star Wars is filling their money bins they're happy.

For the Scourge of Malachor, it's possible to do it and actually connect it to TFA and Rebels if both battles were the same and ended when that Sith Temple prematurely ejaculated and turned all the fighters to stone. I'd trust the creative talents in Lucasfilm to come up with that - if they wanted to.

It's a better argument that we probably won't be getting any anthology movie that isn't set around the time of these existing movies. I'd argue they are, in fact, more likely to do a Star Wars: The Dark Times movie about the last surviving Jedi against Vader and the Inquisition before they'd go back as far as the Scourge of Malachor. And I don't really see them doing a Dark Times movie.
I know it's the wrong death star. I was just making a straw man for the casuals.
The trailer? That'd be a good start. The earliest trailers are typically the shortest and least informative, little more than teasers really, so I can see that with a much bigger trailer drop and panel at Celebration.
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This guy, that channel. I'm not quite sure if that is quality bait or if the guy is just an utterly bitter tool.
Killed 215 before I got bored
Rank: TR-8R
Yee, they're focusing a lot more on the OT era.
never understood how /ss/ achieve waifu status.
It's possible, and would arguably be the most logical reason to bring any of them into contact, however briefly, with Luke (even if it's just a cameo instead of the whole Maul kidnaps Luke to lure in Obi-Wan).

There are other ways to bring in Obi-Wan, at least, up to and including yet another contact with Yoda who points them towards the one Jedi who has the most insight and history concerning Maul.

Ahsoka could have pointed them in that direction and arguably still could if she, surprise surprise, turns up in season 3 anyway. We'd all be shocked, shocked that Filoni didn't really kill her.

Though personally I prefer the idea that Fulcrum returns but nobody knows who it is. Fulcrum pointing them to Obi-Wan would be another one of those, "See! She has to be alive!" but wouldn't be more than a possibility only. It would enjoy the hell out of Filoni stringing the fandom along and teasing them while never actually showing if this Fulcrum is still her.
How did Inky achieve husbando status?

By being so bizarrely flirty with Ezra, pretty much.
I think once they are at least another movie into the sequels they might do an anthology between them and the OT. For now there is just too much mystery behind all of it and an anthology movie would risk spoiling any reveals.

For instance I could see a movie around how Luke's Jedi Order was destroyed (not sure how they'd handle Luke, though, maybe an upgraded version of their digital de-aging process used in Tron Legacy), but I can only see that happening after the sequel trilogy is fully released.
She was flirty with everyone. Wait, was she flirty with Ahsoka? Hot damn I hope she was flirty with Ahsoka.

I need to rewatch the episode with the Force kids and see if she was flirty with Ahoska.
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Was podracing still taking place on Tatooine during the time of A New Hope?
I don't get why they think Star Wars needs movies other than the episodes. A movie set in TFA's timeline would be interesting tho, especially with Oscar Isaac as the lead.
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He was voiced by Jason Isaacs, and those jodhpurs he wore looked great on him.

In Legends, the Empire outlawed it after they cracked down on Tatooine and it became Imperial.

New canon, who knows?
She is if you count that "everyone wants to be a mother" line.
Which is another point in favor of her waifu status.
according to wookiepedia it was mentioned in Rebels(Breaking Ranks), Twilight AND TFA Novelization.

I have neither of these books, so I can't confirm.
We have everything we need : Ben fucked up.


No, sadly.
Probably. I doubt the Empire would outlaw it for being a dangerous sport. And it was Jabba's primary source of income on Tatooine.
I kinda want Disney to let Dave give the ST the same treatment he did to TCW and Rebels. An animated series about Ben and Luke's fledgling Jedi Order. Introduce Ben's qtie companions before giving them a cruel death.
>New canon, who knows?
In Breaking Ranks, Zare did talk about podracing parts being sent to Kallus. So it does exist in some legal capacity.
Telephone sex voice.
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>Being sassy and weirdly flirty (especially with Ezra)
>Voiced by SMG
>Nice outfit
>Mean girl

What's not to like?
>What's not to like?
The fact that she has a stump where her head should be.
Everybody loves Star Wars.
Everybody has fond memories of their childhood and SW.
Except him. His childhood was basically destroyed by it.

Feel kinda sorry for him. I heard he later blamed Lucas or had some kind of argument with him. Anybody know what this was about specifically?
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>Also qt parrot droids
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also also this.
>ywn take Seventh Sister's head home with you.
Facefuck it?
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Too soon anon...too soon...
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Facefuck it.
fuck it in the esophagus.
New thread------>>81379420
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>tfw there are absolutely no SS/Ezra lewd stories.
Now I want a young Ben movie.
Let us follow Kylo's life during his studies at Luke's Jedi Academy, Disney pls!
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