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RWBY/RT General: We can Make anything Gay

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 568
Thread images: 171

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Previous thread: >>81234172

Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>3. Don't believe their lies

Latest episode: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rwby-season-3-volume-3-chapter-12-end-of-the-beginning

>Red vs Blue:
Christmas Special: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/red-vs-blue-season-13-rv-b-holiday-special

Latest Episode: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-animated-adventures-2016-josh-s-threesome-story

>X-Ray and Vav
Latest Episode: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/x-ray-and-vav-season-2-the-x-ray-vav-holiday-special-short

Trash Thread: >>>/trash/2099689
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11 seconds
is neoposter back?
Please don't say or post anything sexual involving Ruby in this thread. She doesn't like it.
You're right anon.
She makes sure he's awake before it happens.

She ties him to a bed covered in rose petals and makes sure the chains are good and tight.
It's a ritual of sorts.

Weiss films it.

What do you expect anon.
She got her scroll when she came to Beacon.
All kinds of things on the net if you're brave enough.
Where do you think you are?
If anything we're now obligated to post more.
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If you believe Pyrrha is dead, you are literally retarded.

She isn't dead, stupid scrubs.
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Can Neo make a cute ship with any girl?

I think she can
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Daily Dose incoming lads. Sorry for the delay
I want to go on a Grimm Safari with Sarge
She's dead

And Mercury is gonna kill Neptune completely and effortlessly
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What the hell? Wrong image
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The real question is :
Can Neo make a non-cute ship with any girl ?
And the answer is no.
Please don't do that.
Ren has a suprisingly nice ass.

Thanks anon.
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>Short hair
That's not Ren. But you're probably not wrong.
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As I was saying....I want to time travel with Ciel and fight Dalek Grimm
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say some nice things about Adam
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Uhhhhh am I allowed to post my own amateur Penny art here

We all like Penny right, even shitty Pennies?
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so this is what 4 chan is... Interesting
Doesnt get much shittier than PvP

Ruby started looking at certain things on her scroll.
It started out as a curiosity.
Quickly it became a passion.
Yes, Ruby Rose had become a young woman with one thing on the brain.
Now with this passion came questions.
What did it feel like?
Would it be better to "do it myself, or.. should I ask..."
His design is honestly pretty cool.

His fighting style ans semblance are kickass.

He really got shit done.

I kind of like how obviously insane he is.
he has a cool character design and weapon
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please step on me neo.webm
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Don't take this as representative of 4chin. They hate us. For obvious reasons.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming
I want Neo to step on my balls!
Nah anon, look. It's all cureld and there is a bit of pink at the edge.
It's Ren.

He sees a nice shade of red.

I'd like if there was an episode in volume 4 where Neo forces Ruby to drink her period blood.
Mega Man 8 Roll?
Anon Ruby really doesn't like things like this PLEASE stop.
I want to think that there are Roostertooths lurking in this thread right now.

I admire his fedora collection.
This...is lovely.
The only problem I see is that she's wearing Mickey Mouse's shirt
You make it too easy anon.
Though this does give me an idea.

One more added to the list.

>White Rose.
Friendship. Sure, it already is.
Romantic. No, not happening.

>Irk the Merc.
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Heh, this was the outfit I was going for but I rushed everything to shit.
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Reminder that Red Team rules, Blues can suck it, and that Ruby is the cutest girl.
It kinda sucks if they don't bring Pyrrha back. I want to see her and Jaune interact after she didn't listen to her leader's pleas and got killed because of it. She would probably be an emotional wreck and we would get to see Jaune helping Pyrrha for a change.

Good choice.
hope he suffers a lot
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Ruby Rose is the purest red. She has both first and last name red.
Naw fuck that I love Pyrrha and all but bringing her back would be bullshit. The characters that are dead need to stay dead for any future death to have any sort of impact on the story and the audience
>To the surprise of everyone, Ruby is the one who starts Color War II.
>It's not about race, or ideology, or anything like that.
>It's rather literal this time, and the side you are on is determined by the color of your shirt.
>Ruby, Pyrrha, Fox and Nora on one side.
>Weiss, Ren, Neptune and Blake on the other.
>Nebula of NDGO is there too, trying to keep the peace, but no one really cares about what she has to say.
Thing is anon, she had her chance.
Only at the end was she even a really good character and ther death made RWBY into something else.

While we'll never know what would happen if Pyrrha interact with Jaune without the alteriour motive of wantind D'Arc it's good she's gone.
Now Jaune can develop without her, Ren and Nora can become characters and above all else Ruby can be the real main character again.

Pyrrha is dead, accept and move on.
Post best, most canon, ships only.
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Which RWBY characters would go with the Reds and which with the Blues?
I never once cared about Pyrrha. Every scene she had I spent the entire time waiting for her to get off the damn screen and hope they might actually develop their protagonists.
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Octy please..
>Jaune smears Pyrrha's ashes on his face
>File name.
Weiss using a who's taller contest to get ruby to take off her boots so her foot odor is spread through the room.

The weiss has a foot fetish theory never runs out of evidence.
Delete this. Ruby has never done that.
You mean fanart? Does R34 of white rose confirm white rose.
If Jaune, Ren, Sun, Neptune and Mercury played icky cookie, who would lose?
What would Blake have to do to stop being a shit character?

You know, besides the whole "run away" thing.
The fuck is icky cookie?
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So Geoff saying
>We're doing way more collaborations
basically translates to
>we have no confidence in our own content and are bringing in new people to attract viewers
If it's anything like sticky biscut, it's when a group of people jack it on a biscut and the last to cum has to eat it.
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The american name for soggy biscuit
>See also
>Not gay
Depends on how your definition of "lose."
It's color-coded, so characters who are closest to Red would be there, same with Blue.

So it would be like this
>Ruby, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, Sun, Scarlet, Coco, Fox, Velvet
>Weiss, Blake, Ren, Neptune, Sage, Yatsuhashi, Penny,

Something like that.
Who eats the cookie
>Inb4 Ruby
>red team
I think Octavian had a stroke
>Yellow being closer to blue than red
Blake is black
First for slav sniper waifu
basically impossible
What about Sister?
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What I did like about the season 13 over the 10th was the fact they had Doc with them. Bringing him back to his psycho ways was nice too.

Did anyone else feel like the last 3 seasons relied too much on skit comedy though?
what if ruby really needed twenty five thousand remnant moneys and she wouldn't say why but she said it in a really cute voice and put her arms around your waist
>not on the blues
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Made a word cloud for you /RWBYg/
Based off last thread
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why is neo so best
Why only the best of course
If she's not saying why it's probably drugs.

I'm not fueling her degenerate habits.
She joined the wrong team because she's colorblind
Still a Canon blue
Yeah, she joined the reds by accident. She was assigned to the blues.
Nah, she's Aqua. She just went through a teleport
I was a Merc fag since V2 E5

His fighting style is just so cool
>tfw new fans don't get that reference
How would new fans not get the reference? You think they just skipped 7 seasons of RvB?
>Before she left the White Fang, they had stolen an experimental Atlas teleporter.
>She still can't get the black stuff out of her teal hair and clothes.
She had black hair as a child.
>made RWBY into something else

I question if moving in that direction permanently by killing several characters was wise to be honest.

Sure it sounds great now, and everyone including the staff seem hyped for a less fun show but after a few volumes of dark seriousness because they can't go back to the fun and jokes and it will get stale. Trust me. You'll miss lovable goofy Jaune in a few years, because he'll likely never have that attitude again.

Food fight and the dance? That's gone. Probably never again.

People say they're hoping that now Vol 4 will have less action and less jokes and more plot and serious story. To which I shake my head, because really? A whole Vol of nothing but people moping around and info dumps? That will get old real fast.

If RWBY was intended to end soon then I could see it. Time for the grand finale, the clowns and jokes have to be removed. Except that's not the case. They said they have at least 9 more years planned, and can go even longer. Yet they've forever locked themselves on the path of seriousness by getting rid of the school setting, and I don't think the show can run off that alone for years.
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anyone got som good lewd rube?
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I wouldn't doubt it. I have personally merry rwby fans who have never seen the blood gulch chronicles

Stop losing her shit when ever something White Fang related happens. Cause despite being reassured twice that her friends are cool with it and like her for who she is, she broke down and ran off yet again.

I really hope they don't this every fucking season.
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Lewd time?
I rate that an okay/10

Something about the art is throwing me off
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>yfw blake running away becomes the 'bringing church back every season' of rwby
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Oh I got better art senpai.
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Of course
Not bad, I found the Paperwork Error CYOA that was mentioned last thread, and seven points for an anon chosen character.

The puns'll probably get old, but Yangs not a bad person to be stuck with.
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posting lewdest arkos!
Premium puns about Pyrrha's creamed buns
Every volume is probably going to be the same. Silly jokes and fun things for the first few episodes then it gets all dark in the last few episodes of the volumes.

The sudden dark tone of the show at the end of volume 3 pretty much has to be sustains for the rest of the show. They can't give us fun and shenanigans after that. I doubt that they will be able to maintain it. If all characters get cut down as hard as Pyrrha, its going to be a shitshow.
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>not liking futa
Love this artist
Not him, but the only problem I have with that pic is Pyrrah's face. Little too uncanny for my taste. Futa is good
i can agree with that
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Sorry I don't like dicks
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>not being gay for your waifu's penis
get with the times
>Every volume is probably going to be the same. Silly jokes and fun things for the first few episodes then it gets all dark in the last few episodes of the volumes.

Again though, how do you start with jokes and fun now? Vol 4 for example is going to open with everyone miserable and grieving over the loss of a dead friend.

I'm sure things will eventually get a little happier yeah, but not to the levels of pre death.
Faggot this is 2016 waifu dick is old and busted
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>dead friend.

You forgot the s, never forget.
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Neo goes great with Ruby
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that she does friend
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In gonna need a source on that Anon. Make it snappy

Penny wasn't as major a factor as Pyrha. They could probably get over it if it was just her.

Also Penny can be replaced, and probably will given that her death was completely overshadowed two episodes later by Pyrrha's.

I doubt Ruby will mourn Torchwick.
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My brother

I'm honestly expecting Neo to blame Cinder and co go Roman's death and siding with Ruby instead, if only because Neo swearing vengence on Ruby instead is the expecting thing to happen.
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Can we have a hardcore realistic martial arts character come in?
I'm sure the high risk/high reward tactics of the current established characters have their own merit, but I really wanna see someone throw the whole thing through a loop for like an episode or two because they fight conservatively and with real world techniques.
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i enjoy this idea, hopefully if they do M&K could pull it off please make it happen and make it good
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>404 cannot be found
....Well at least I still have other lewd Rubes

>reduced to ashes and scattered

not only dead but beyond dead, there's not even her DNA left to clone her or miracle her back.
No, only Kalashnikov-Fu will be allowed.
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I think that Neo is loyal only to Roman and just worked with Cinder and co as a formality. But I don't think she could forgive Ruby cause Ruby attacked them and caused her to not be able to protect Roman.
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huh, works fine for me

>White rose won't happen

>Bumblebee Wont happen

>Iceberg has more chances of happening than White knight

>Phyrrha won't come back

>Neo will be the first one to die

>Penny won't come back

>Roman Won't come back

>Merc will be irked (Probably by yang)

>Cinder will be hindered
Whoa WHoa man. That ship might be lewd but there were wholesome moments.
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>Pyrrha won't come back
>Penny won't come back

I chose to believe
>Neo will be the first one to die
how about no and fuck you

They will bring Pyrrha back

as a vision that Jaune sees as he's slowly dying after doing ONE heroic thing without help all his life. He'll save everyone, but sacrifice himself in the process, as he's dying he'll start seeing Pyrrha smiling at him and beckoning him to her. He'll die with a smile on his face

You know it'll happen.
I agree with you. In the post I made, I said they couldn't possibly do that but I get the feeling that they will.
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>>White rose won't happen
>>Bumblebee Wont happen
Also true.
>>Iceberg has more chances of happening than White knight
Not saying much considering Lancaster is endgame.
>>Phyrrha won't come back
Probably true.
>>Neo will be the first one to die
That's not how you spell Coco.
>>Penny won't come back
HAHAHAHA nah familia she's coming back.
>>Roman Won't come back
>>Merc will be irked (Probably by yang)
He'll be irked by Yang first, but permenantly irked by Salem.
>>Cinder will be hindered
She already has tbqh.
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What about this one?
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>Iceberg has more chances of happening than White knight
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>Pyrrha wont come back
>Penny wont come back

NEXT YOU'LL SAY "Lancaster will happen"
Lancaster will happen

>Merc will be irked (Probably by yang)
>Cinder will be hindered

Is this honestly surprising? They're the bad guys and the show isn't THAT dark that it's gonna go with an evil forever wins humanity is fucked ending. They got their initial victory but at some point they're gonna finally get defeated by the power of justice.
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Already have that one anon. Was definitely on here the first time that was posted two-ish years ago when I was a newfag. Still makes me hard as diamonds, though. Not as much as this :P
Would you kiss Penny on the lips, the cheek, or the neck?
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It has a small chance towards the end of the series. Before that: not a chance.
I would kiss the black box inside her sliced up body and say my goodbyes as I take her remains and put them on a trash compactor
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Gratitude for this one anon!
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>You lay Weiss down and prop her neatly on the table
>your lips immediately caress her silky skin as you dive your face alongside her neck and shoulders
>hands tracing up and down her arms and fingers
>eventually gliding down the contours of her chest and waist, down to her hips
>you kiss her soft lips as one hand goes up her blouse, the other caresses her delicious, pearl thighs
>"oh, my darling Weiss"
>"not even death shall part us"
>"you will be mine forever"
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I would kiss her on the top of her head, because she is cute and must be protected.
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And gratitude for reminding me this one exists. Have some moar

>Penny won't come back

I'm gonna make fun of you when they build her a new body anon!
Miles and Kerry are going to Automatronify Penny aren't they?

I mean it won't be the same Penny. But that's probably the point. Then they can actually make a story for her beyond lol silly robot girl.

Even if her memories are kept or eventually restored, and she feels like she's the same person she won't be, and she won't be able to casually roll with being a robot and still feeling alive because nothing quite says you're fake and artifical than being torn to pieces and destroyed and then being reset in a new body. Where as the flesh and blood Pyrrha doesn't get that luxury.

She will then be gripped with pondering her existance.
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It wont be the same, fucking hell you can produce Penny's en masse but the original Penny is dead af

post YFW Penny comes back as a robot fresh out from the factory, not remembering her times with Ruby and anyone else
Ruby in pajamas is the best.
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What causes people to feel Weiss is a better fit for Ruby than Penny?

Hardmode: We can't reference her lack of screentime.

>Lancaster is endgame

the only member of JNPR that will survive to the end of the show is Ren, because all other members are named after historical figures/myths that die in violent ways

Achilles is killed in the Trojan war after being pinned down through his heel by an arrow, Pyrrha's death alluded to that just like she is a reference to Achilles herself.

Jeanne d'Arc is burnt at the stake, Juane is a reference to Jeanne. Juane will probably die in a fire.

Thor dies from Jormungandr's poison after killing him, Nora is a reference to Thor. She will probably die after fighting some massive version of a King Taijitu.

Ren is a reference to a character that eventually lives and retires.. so.. the one member of JNPR that lives.
>RapeEdit Anon made something new
did he ever post his edits of Yang while her arms are getting chopped off?
>What causes people to feel Weiss is a better fit for Ruby than Penny?

Cause screentime is either Yang and blake or Ruby and weiss

So anytime They're out of focus they just scissor violently until the make vagibabies
I've heard many times that Ren's reference commits suicide rather than servicing the enemy.
>implying Jaune is truly Joan
Everything that connects him to the name Jaune arc belongs to someone else.

Well for one Penny and Ruby's relationship was hilariously simple and basically "I'm a robot. Ok cool I don't mind" and that was it.

Weiss meanwhile developed significantly from the bitchy girl she was early on (a little too quickly at times but eh) and it was mostly due to Ruby's influence.
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wish they used this one in the show, is much better
He probably fucked Blake's ass.
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Combat skirts, Weiss's submission to Ruby as leader despite her status as Ice Queen, and they seem closer in age compared to Blake and Yang, who seem more mature.

aside from the french name, the fact that he's an unexpected peasant leader, or that his gender is crossed with the figure he's referencing (all team JNPR refers to figures that crossdressed, and the characters are made the opposite gender of the figure they reference)


There's different versions of the story, in some Mulan commits suicide, in others she retires to her hometown after a war.
Do you want that?
Weiss x ruby is the OTP, if you don't believe this, you can just get out.
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WRBY team claims this thread

>implying the OTP isn't really Snowbird.
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He made a set that had this in it I remember, but I lost the other parts
Yeah but look at
>Jaune Arc- "Yellow Ark" the symbol on his shield, which doesn't belong to him. His true symbol also has yet to be shown.
>Jaune- "Yellow" a color that doesn't correspond to his aura unlike everyone else.
Also he has seven sisters, there could be a color spectrum thing going on there making him the color white among them.
>Crocea Mors- "Yellow Death" a legendary sword made famous not by it's original owner Julius Caesar but by Prince Nennius of Britain who the sword was taken by.
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Hopefully it's Lancaster
Ruby and Jaune are better as friends.
New episode when?
October of 2018.
Are you bloody kidding me I feel like it was years since Pyrrha died fuck damn
Weiss is the same age as Blake and Yang though

Yeah he is kidding.

Really though, probably Oct this year at the latest. They had an unusally long break between 2 and 3 thanks to Monty's death and picking up the pieces, but they've got it together and they're switching to a system to make it easier to animate. Supposedly they've already recorded some episodes for Vol4, so it will be out this year barring some other tragedy.

I'm pretty sure he's going to die, fire is going to be involved and he will see images of Pyrrha before he goes.

Arkos will then be canon
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Better as friends raising children together and fucking one another platonically.
You know they've said Pyrrha similarity to her inspiration is an outlier. Most characters won't align like that

Arkos IS canon. Yeah it didn't last very long, but it was a thing for a few minutes and just because she died doesn't mean Jaune can't love her anymore.

you're drunk. They're just friends, and I'm sure Ruby picked up on the Arkos that was destined to happen before Pyrrha died. She wouldn't want to be his backup bitch.

They won't ship Ruby, not the main character. They didn't even give her a date to the prom.

Winter and Qrow though...

they fight like they're already fucking.
All good romantic relationships have a solid friendship as their base
Stop pairing up Ruby with anyone but Weiss you sick fags.
I am in love with Yang
He never got the chance to lover her back at all
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Blake rapes Weiss.
>They won't ship the Rubes
Probably not for the next couple of seasons, but I reckon it'll happen at some point. If not with Jaune hopefully another guy so I can see the Tumblr anal clench occur. Also I can't be drunk; I hate alcohol.
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This amused me more than it should have.


You're drunk on something, TPK, you're talking nonsense. NONSENSE.
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The white fang girl's got herself a Schnee.
RapeEdit here
how do you know you've gone too far?
I never talk nonsense. I am functioning at 91.63%

Never going to happen. Rube is meant to be the viewer/creator's waifu.

They've shipped Arkos, Renora, Iceberg, Snowbird, and Black Sun pretty obviously.

Yang is up for grabs I guess, but I just don't see Rube being with anyone.
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If your work is met with universal disgust/dislike or it disgusts you at a visceral level.

or if your intention was to disgust folks and people like it, then you've gone too far in the opposite direction.
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When it gets to this point.
When you yourself can't masturbate to it. Make some Yang asphyxiation por favor.
>They've shipped Arkos
Yeah, and look where that got it. It's obvious that what we've seen so far has little bearing on the long game.
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>If your work is met with universal disgust/dislike
>Black Sun

Man remember when it looked like Sun was gonna be important to the point where he practically hijacked Vol1's finalet? And then he was basically nonexistant a few episodes into Vol 2?
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>Make some Yang asphyxiation por favor.
ill choke my little sunray if itll please you
>That one nigga asking for the final product.

See! We need you bro, any OC during hiatus helps. Do your part!

well it seems to me, that the foreshadowing has been put in place.. to have an Adam/Sun/Blake triangle where Blake has to figure out what she wants to do with herself.

In the end, I think the writers will have her and Sun kill Adam and resolve her inner conflict.
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Do it. Please. It's for science.
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i have one last question
how do you know you are a necro
i seriously stopped playing fallout 3 because of the thought of collecting female bodies for lovedolls
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Sounds like you already know the answer yourself.
Don't worry, apparently you're among friends, you sick freak.
When u want to fug the ded homie. Especially if they're mutilated our decayed in any way. My little brother was watching me okay Fallout 4 a while back. Lots of giggles when I'd chop up raiders and drop them in the toilet.

No shame at all for that anon. It's a fantasy.
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its what i feared.
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>Especially if they're mutilated our decayed in any way
I want pure.
I want prestine.
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I want to keep her pure and perfect forever.
Than you're honestly totally fine. There is a certain appeal to complete control over the partner, and one has that control when fucking a corpse.

You're fine man. Now calm down and do your thing.
Sauce pls
Even if they don't ship her with anyone I'm putting my money down that they'll at least introduce someone of the opposite gender who she gets along well with and may end up developing feelings for. Look at animes like One Piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail, etc.


Those rosey red knees come from LOOOOOOOOOOTS of dick sucking anon.
Yes, Sun will kill Adam, Sun won't Deathflag OD like Pyrrah at all and get murdered by Adam in defence of Blake..... Definitely.........
Do you update the imgur or does someone else do it?

They already have done that with Juane, Qrow, and Ozpin. she has more in depth relationships with most of the male characters as it is they're just all platonic relationships.

Hell she even had a heart to heart with Profspresso.
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I honestly hope that you guys are good people, but why would you guys like any of this.

This type of stuff is not okay, in any sense of the word.
God damn it I just want to see her settle down with a nice guy at the end of the series and raise a fuck ton of kids with him. Is that too much to ask for? ;_;
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Are you afraid anon?
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Ain't nothing wrong with that man. Hell that was the endgame I wanted for Arkos really.
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I can't help it, I know I'm fucked up but it's my fetish.
Not necrophilia, I mean Ryona.Google it.
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>He judges people's sexual deviation on an anonymous Cantonese graphics forum.
>He wouldn't fuck the corpse of a pseudo-anime girl.

Why are you here?
That is admirable and I respect your desicion on that ship, anon. Is / Was third highest on my list.

Oh I fully understand anon, Rube is qt as fuck and you just want the best for her.

I just don't think it'll fit into the show's narrative. They've effectively made Rube a link between multiple groups of people, both students and experienced hunters, while still making her on her own while many people around her have romantic flings or at least interests in each other.

I'm actually surprised that Yang is not among those. Yang doesn't really have anyone and she's not even that center spoke linking groups together like Rube. Yang hasn't even expressed interest in anyone in particular. Yang also had no prom date or even anyone to dance with.
Ryona is pretty fucking tame to be honest. Guru is weird, but Ryona is barely on par with petplay or feet.
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Post cute ships
Preferably Yuri
>They've shipped Iceberg, Snowbird
Let me laugh at you harder.
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Seconded, I hope she ends up nice and happy at the end of the series. Like with a Yin or have their child be part of a sequel, those cliches

Pic related calls.

Iceberg is kind of flimsy atm I'll admit, it's mostly Weiss's unrequited feelings and Neptune is probably gay.

Snowbird is definite though. There is sexual tension between those two.
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No Octy, I'm just plain concerned about you guys.

I'm here because I prefer staying around /RWBYG/ more than any of the other threads.
Yeah, her name is the joke considering she's also a masochist.
>No prom date or even anyone to dance with

Other than Blake.
So that's what it's called!

well Blake was with Sun.
That's because both Ruby and Yang only have one thing on their minds, to become huntresses.
They don't care about romance.
I can't tell if that boy has red and white hair or if its just the sunlight
RapeEdit Anon, where have you been?
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Why did everyone have to start getting hideously maimed, dying horribly?
War tends to have that effect.
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>Roman was supposed to be killed by the Alpha Grimm that Ironwood fault
>That robot that was ripped in half was supposed to be Roman
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Please respond, I'm your biggest fan
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To give the series a Jumpstart.

You can't fret over every egg.

perhaps but .. I think Yang needs something. I mean fuck they chopped off one of her arms just to give her character some more depth because all it was before was

"I'm Ruby's big sister, when I get hit I get really mad, oh and my mother's a bitch who ditched my dad and I chasing him into the arms of Ruby's mom, but she came and saved my ass once, I have big tits too, see?

There's just not much too her. Her reason for being a huntress is "I want adventure"

Frankly the only reason I have concern for her or care about her at all is ..... out of the fact that the writers have not given me a reason to care about her and I want there to be a reason to care about her.
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The songs predicted SHTF, you should have listened
The songs also predicted a happy ending for Arkos, so forgive my skepticism of anything and everything in the music.
Iceberg has and always will be a joke, and nothing more. "Flimsy" is putting it lightly.

And sexual tension? Really? I ship it, but c'mon anon. It's pure fanon.
Wait what? Last time I listened one was about just meeting Jaune, and the other is about giving him the choice. I'm gonna listen to the two quickly just to check.

to be clear when I say Snowbird I mean Winter and Qrow just in case you're mistaking Winter for Weiss.

I think there's tension between them.
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>There'll be no rest
>There'll be no love
>There'll be no hero in the end who will rise above

Volume 3 is just depressing.
>I think there's tension between them.
Oh there's tension between them. But I would not call it sexual of any nature.

Like I said, I ship it anyway, but...
Pyrrha rest

I think it's tension that could easily be sexual.

The fight scene was too good for it to be a one off thing.
Efrs has been pretty inactive lately ...
>implying you can't have both dark seriousness and fun and jokes
What is FMA: Brotherhood?
What is ATLA?
What is Gurren Lagann?

I can go on, anon
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Much like his favourite subject
Yeah she resolved she'd continue to draw arkos, but I can understand getting the wind taken out of your sails.
>I think
Exactly, like your opinion.

I personally don't think so. Sexual tension is very different from any form of tension. They just don't like each other.

Compare this to Glynda and Ironwood.
>Fight scene
Opinion discarded. That wasn't even anything like a fight scene if we were to hold it to the show's usual standards.
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A bit of a late response on my part, but it's Burning Meiling by Asa Toshi.
The early episodes are a bit crude, but from 4 onwards it's pretty solid. Here's the specific episode:


The action scene doesn't actually start until 7:30, by the way.
I want to hold Yang
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I want to snuggle with Nora

And despite all that she is arguably the series most popular character.

RWBY wouldn't have been the first series to heavily suggest things are gonna be bad and the story would get dead srs totally guys, and then never actually do it.

The fact that it took them 3 years to finally get to it didn't help either. Especially when Vol2's big finale was solved with a few side characters showing up a rock song and throwing a dog at it.
>There'll be no hero in the end who will rise above

There totally will be though. It might take a few years to get to it buy in the end Ruby will save the day.

which I honestly don't understand, she's a shallow character.

Weiss, Blake, Ruby, Pyrrha, and Juane have all had more character development. Among main characters only Nora and Ren have been as shallow as Yang.

You really can't. Well you can to some extent but not to the level that RWBY started out with. Did Gurren Lagann ever have stuff like the wacky bath house hijinx after episode 8? No it did not.

Because she's entertaining. She's full of life and fun and happy. Well she was. She brightened the show.

You don't need plot and character change and serious story to be entertaining. Some people just like getting feels.

Hell it's kind of sad that Yang isn't going to be her full of life self anymore.
How about the beach episode in episode 12? How about Kamina's wacky gold pawning schemes in the multi-dimensional labyrinth?
Titties. Also the party girl sexy personality where she'd be up for fucking yet is also "shy and a maiden".

You may also notice Yangfags are teh most common to be waifufags with their you will never BS crap. They also have the most SI stories and were always the first to come to their waifu's defense with excuses like she was tired.

Most importantly, you will also notice Yang doesn't really have a possible male love interest or person to pair up with compared to the three so it's easier for them to claim she's their waifu.

Her only real ship is Bumblebee which is easily dismissed.

She's basically the biggest waifubait.
>tfw listening to "Gold"
>tfw thinking of Ruby and Yang
>tfw Yang didn't give a shit about Ruby in V3 finale
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>Sad Rubes
Fuck you, anon. Happy Rubes. NAOW!
>How about the beach episode in episode 12?

Not nearly as wacky as everyone running around naked, Kamina selling everyone out for tits, and getting jabbed in the ass.

>How about Kamina's wacky gold pawning schemes in the multi-dimensional labyrinth?

Not really funny considering it wasn't really him and was amockery of the real thing.

Now I'm sure there will be still be some jokes, funny scenes, and Yang will eventually get her head back on and make lame puns again.

But not the extent of Vol 1 and 2. Hell they won't even have the school setting anymore.

Just think of their inevitable reunion later on when Yang is happy again. It might take years but it will happen.
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You mean their reunion where Yang finally says 'I love you' back to Rubes before going out in a blaze of glory?
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If you were a girl Anons
Who would you go gay for
Would you still shitpost on this website with your Waifu are a hard day's battle
Would you comfort your Waifu as she finds out there are a lot of lewd pictures of her on the Internet
Would you do lewd things to her

Pic related, the naive innocent robot/walking death machine is the best choice

Half their fanbase would ditch them if they ever killed Yang. She'll be fine.
>they won't even have the school setting anymore.
What if the season starts with the team enrolling into one of the other schools to look for information?
>Now I'm sure there will be still be some jokes, funny scenes, and Yang will eventually get her head back on and make lame puns again.
>But not the extent of Vol 1 and 2. Hell they won't even have the school setting anymore.
Sounds perfect to me, high school hijinks, shit like the dance; that was awful
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There's still Weiss attending the academy in Atlas.
With all the misery it entails.
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They killed Pyrhha, Penny and Roman, anon. No one is safe now.
A sacrificial character, a robot and a villain.
Whereas Yang is part of the show's original concept and a main character.
She'll won't die any time soon.
>volume starts with them already at Mistral
>they talk about what amazing adventures they had on the journey there
>none of it is shown
>then they join Haven Academy and more school shenanigans
Would be hilarious.
Considering how bad things have gotten and that Mistral is supposed to be pretty fucked already, I doubt it'll be fun and hijinks at Haven.
What did you think Cinder's speech was talking about? It didn't have shit to do with Grimm attacks or the kingdoms being fucked over or anything like that. She was just saying the people in authority are up to weird and can't be trusted and other; and other accusations that she had twisted to look true with her manipulations. Not only was Cinder just going on about how the kingdoms are corrupt and peace sucks, but she can't even be trusted when it comes to that.
what did you use to edit?
Can he see red on white?
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Good ship
Whether she was making shit up or not, do you really think the Kingdoms are going to be in a good state after the Vytal Festival turned to shit? It'll have spread global panic, which means more Grimm drawing to the major cities.
Haven might not be the war zone Beacon turned into, but I doubt there'll be much fun going on. It'll probably be constant rotations of clearing out Grimm encroaching on the major Mistral cities and serious no-fucking-around lessons the rest of the time, if time can be spared.
Considering, that even taking the full brunt of the attack, even Vale is still in a position to rebuild; I'm sure the other kingdoms are doing just fine. Not to mention we've had a timeskip; the initial despair is over with.
Did the Gracious Glyn bits get saved?
Beacon took the brunt of the attack, Vale itself was where everyone evacuated to. They even say during the incursion that a safe zone had been established in Vale (presumably the city).


I still like this one because it just looks like Neo is casually trying to figure out how Ruby manages to get the gradient in her hair so smooth.
I'm curious, I know how we (RWBYg) reacted, but how did the other threads react to the finale.
So I posted a fair relationship evaluation last thread.

Are people still hoping for White Knight because it kinda feels like there are more Lancaster shippers in terms of het ships.

Or is Lancaster still hated?
Lancaster is only hated by butthurt Arkosfags and autistic White Rosefags

There was a general air of "thank god it wasn't the Breach."
Nobody gave a shit.
Apart from one person in a costume thread saying how we broke one thousand comments in a day, but otherwise they really didn't give a shit.
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Was there anyone who reacted like Octavian?
Is that realy true?

Not on 4chan.
Tumblr and Reddit raged for a day or two.
I don't hate Lancaster, I'm just firmly of the opinion "They're better as friends".

But then people say that about my ship all the time, so it's not like I'm really in a position to complain.
As friendships they're all pretty much canon between RWBY and JNPR while Pyrrha was alive.

That said as long as nobody spergs out we can all ove fun with ships.
It's pretty much a given, but there are character between the teams that have never been shown to directly interact outside of general comments or fights.
Like Ren with basically anyone on RWBY. Or Jaune with Blake.
So, I'm curious, you know that one ship that people seem to go crazy over, that most ship for silly cliche reasons and that thinking logically about it you know deep down will never happen?

What is the Zutara of RWBY?
Knightshade OTP.
You can't tell me otherwise!

I get what you're saying though, the travel time should help with interactions between RWBY and JNR while RNJR is a thing for the next couple of volumes.
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> Arrgh, fuck! That girl tried to take a bite out of me!
> I'm breakfast ready!
> Shit, no! Get away! Stop! Gaaaagh!
Still shocked about the amount of KnightShade fics.
White Rose seems to be the one.

I mean people defend it but everybody knows that it isn't gonna happen.

That said it counts for anything that ships Ruby with another person till the show itself shows otherwise.
Also counts for Bumblebee and Freezer Burn shippers.
I've never truly indulged in this... franchise?

I've only seen that it seems to be about some really shitty 3d models animated to some degree.

Is there some plot to the thing?
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Who is taking a bite?

Why does KnightShade manage to get so many fics anyway?
White Knight and even Gold Standard (or whatever we're calling the Jaune x Yang ship) don't get near anything.
All of the inter-RWBY ships, but particularly Bumblebee
It gets better every volume.
Watch or don't watch. Have fun and don't expect much.
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Best boy beats bitches.webm
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Yes. The fights are pretty cool too
I'd argue that any ship within Team RWBY could never happen. Friendship > romance when it comes to anime storytelling.

But things have changed since the days of ATLA and Zutara. Gay pairings are fair game now even if they're still very rare, characters are more likely to be killed off, especially since this is a web series and not a children's cartoon.

It'd be easier to list off which ships are likely to happen than unlikely. I'd almost say Lancaster has as much chance of happening as any inter-RWBY ship even if it's the "classic" pairing.

The only ship with any solid footing seems to be Renora.
>The only ship with any solid footing seems to be Renora.
I'd argue Black Sun does as well
People go crazy over Iceberg because they hate it anon.
Eclipse and Bullet Witch also seems to be a thing anon.

On a RWBY and JNPR scale I could see Lancaster or White Knight being endgame.
Simply because Jaune seems to be protagonist two and in stories where the two protagonists travel together they normall get together in the end.

Even ignoring classic conventions Ruby would probably want to be with the person who wasts to be a hero just as much as she does.
I still take White Rose > White Knight > Lancaster in order of preference.

Eeeeh. Kinda shaky considering they didn't interact like...at all, in volume 3. A sideways glance and a blush. And that was it before everything went to shit. Hell we didn't even get to like...see him express worry directly for her after she came to the rendezvous point with a stab-wound to the gut.

>Bullet Witch
...I'm...unfamiliar with this ship name. What is it?
>Bullet Witch
So we're including past relationships too?
Whatever Tai X Summer is called would probably trump everything else in that case.
Yeah. There's a plot, which really goes into high gear in Volume 3.

The fights are generally fun to watch, and the characters are pretty interesting. You should find at least a few that you like. Give it a whirl, you should figure out if it's for you fairly quickly. You can find it all on YouTube.

> The only ship with any solid footing seems to be Renora.
I'd argue that Neptune and Weiss do as well.
>..I'm...unfamiliar with this ship name. What is it?
Working title for Glynda X Ironwood.
Needs work, since 'bullet' could mean almost anyone in a show where almost every weapon is also some type of gun.
Glynda x Ironwood.
It's all over the show.

>White Rose > White Knight > Lancaster in order of preference.
That's fine and it seems that way through a lot of the fandom.
Personally I like Lancaster more than most other ships because those two would be funny to watch fumble around.
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ive been sleeping
someo f us have exams youy know
>I'd argue that Neptune and Weiss do as well.
Is it though? They got together at the dance but there wasn't really anything after that. Apart from Neptune hitting on NDGO and Weiss telling them to break his face.
>Tai x Summer.
An OTP if ever there was one.

So what to we have for this? Primm?
Actually that fits.
>Past relationship

It's present too. Rewatch Chapter 6 of Volume 3. There's a reason they are straightening their clothes and are late to the meeting.
While we're on the subject, the main reason why I don't think Iceberg is going anywhere is because we never have really had a proper scene about the two of them.

Like if we straight up saw Neptune apologize to Weiss at the dance, sure, that's a important moment for the two characters and their relationship. But we didn't, they spent more time on Pyrrha and Jaune, which we know was an important relationship and will likely shape Jaune's character significantly for the rest of the show.

If Neptune was more important, or competent in any way, it would make sense. But he and his team are not that, they just look like lambs to be slaughtered next volume.
I still think that was just them learning from volume 2 when people kept complaining about the relationships having too much focus and eating up the characters and plot.

In such a plot heavy volume, there would've been no end of bitching if the later episodes were dotted with constant reminders that Blake and Sun like each other.
>Glynda x Ironwood.
Okay, see, that was gonna be my first guess. But I couldn't figure out if it was "Ironwood's got bullets and Glynda's a witch", or a play on the fanon of her pining for Ozpin, combined with his fighting style seen against Cinder.

It's been a joke since the start. Neptune has been a joke from the start.
>Implying an OTP can be allowed to remain unsullied, even in death
Tai will get back with Raven before the series is through.
>Yang, we're a happy family now!
>Now come here and give your mother a hug! You too, Ruby!

>Look Glynda, I know we need to go break the news to Pyrrha that she has to sacrifice her identity to save the world, but how about quickie before we get there? For old time's sake?
They haven't interacted recently, but we have no reason to assume that their feelings have changed.

Though, having said that, Weiss going back to Atlas and the CCT going down will have forcibly isolated them from each other. But not by choice.
Glynda has taken the Irondong.

Neptune was made as a blatant self-insert for Kerry and was handled so poorly that even my autistic brother saw through it.
Nep was a character so bad that Kara has stated outright that Weiss should give Jaune another shit.

Nep existed only to be Weiss' love interest and now he's barely comic releif. Iceberg got sunk by the Titanic.
Were people seriously that upset about this? I didn't care much for either of them but hell i was more upset at Penny than Pyrrha, she was an innocent who got killed as a result of the crossfire. Ms. No-Personality Nikos willingly marched to her own death and died somewhat fulfiled at least, on her own terms.
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>Let's dad start yeah fight PYRRHA WEISS things kill help hard
Yeah but waifus
Tai wouldn't get back with the bitch that walked out on him.
He has self-esteem.

Primm 4 life.
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> Kara has stated outright that Weiss should give Jaune another shit.
What the fuck is wrong with her?
Tiny keys, huge hands.

Kara stated outright Weiss should give Jaune another shot.
>People actually believe this
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I'd love this if only for the absurdity of it happening after Raven is revealed as a villain and has done irredeemable shit. And they have to live with her as their mom anyway.
>Dad. She killed Uncle Qrow
>All part of the greater plan, sweety!
>She tore my eyes out to gain super powers
>I'm sure they'll grow back soon!
>That's not how eyes work!
>Ruby, I baked cookies!
>...Mom's were better...

>He has self-esteem.
This has yet to be proven.
That was just her opinion though.

The biggest thing working against White Knight is that it started as a joke in the recording booth during Vol 1, and it's not unreasonable to assume Monty would have planned romantic relationships for all of the main 4 girls.
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Night /rwbyg/
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Post smug thugs
White Knight might've started as a joke, but at least they've got actual development between them.

Unlike say, Iceberg, which has thus and always will be nothing more than a joke.
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Smug Thugs vs all of Team SSSN when
I'm The One Part 2 when
Man, with that hairstyle and sweater, Merc really looks a lot like young Sasuke.
How appropriate.
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awwww yeah

Looking forward to these two coming back in Volume 4. They are harbingers of interesting events and amusing interactions.
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He basically is just a Sasuke who learned how to smile.
>Yet to be seen.
The return of the Supreme Sun will be amazing.
Straight up punch a motherfucker through a wall God Hand style.

But yeah Tai is suppsedly a wreck.

Monty has probably planned out the relationships enough bucause apparently he has designs for when each character was older as well.
White Knight is one of the few ships that could be repaired and set sail fairly easily at almost any time though.
Truth be told I kinda hope the romance aspect gets dropped for a bit, or becomes somewhat subtle.
Monty planned out the relationships of everybody at RT.
Their children, their children's children.
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>Smug thugs are probably in Haven
>SSSN are at Haven
>SSSN will probably help RNJR with their search for the villains
It'll happen
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You monster
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>Truth be told I kinda hope the romance aspect gets dropped for a bit, or becomes somewhat subtle.

I'd rather they just ship tease every now and then and make literally no relationships actually canon by the end of it.
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>tfw my waifu is also real laifu material

Enjoy you're shit taste everyone except me
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I want Emerald to pose as a foreign prince and steal Cinder's heart!
I wonder who they're answering to now, anyway?

Let's just assume that Cinder is frozen or otherwise disabled. Does Salem have some way to contact them? Would they be inclined to listen to her, even?
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Like all people from Vacuo is high as a kite.
I'm not sure they even know Salem exists beyond the fact that they might know Cinder answers to someone above her.
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>Would they be inclined to listen to her, even?
Emerald at least seems to know about Salem, and both of them saw Cinder's glove. I just don't know if Salem actually cares about them

It would be interesting if they're not taking orders from anyone anymore, they're just at Haven because they don't know what else to do without Cinder
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>I wonder who they're answering to now, anyway?
Salem's second in command, obviously.
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>not only dead but beyond dead, there's not even her DNA left to clone her or miracle her back.

Wait, if this is only the first time she died, then why don't they just use the Dragon Balls?
For the sake of argument Salem probably has a few more people on her payroll.
Lets assume she can also use any Grimm as a proxy to relay orders. Emerald has seen Cinder's freaky shit with Grimm.
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Okay /RWBYg/ now I know we all hate SSSN (other than Sun) and we love Mercury, but try to think on this purely objectively.

Could Mercury 1v4 Team SSSN?

With Emerald with him, they easily win. But could he do it alone?
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How else do you suppose they got Ozpin to Salem without anyone noticing? Fucking portals.
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Roman seemed to have some idea that she existed, though I don't know to what extent. Since he said that the "people" he worked for we're going to change the world.

Given that he didn't seem to think much of Emerald and Mercury, I read that as him referring to Salem.

And if he knows about her, Em and Merc probably do.

Sage is essentially Yatsu, and look what happened there. Take out Coco, add in a Pirate, a nerd, and a Monkey King.
If he utilised tactics (i.e. picks them off one-by-one and exploits their weaknesses like he did with CFVY and Yang) I'd say he could
Sun might last a while with him but the other 3 are jobbers.
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Wanting best girl to die
He styled all over two second years and probably could've fucked both up if he wasn't having the time of his life.

Sun is the only memeber of his team with any real skill.

SSSN would be lambs to a slaughter.
Seriously, SSSN apart from Sun would get demolished.
My gut says... Maybe.

Sage, Scarlet and Neptune haven't exactly been impressive, so far. Sun seems to be more skilled and actually made it to the finals, so he might actually be able to stand up to Merc with his team beside him.

It would indeed be an interesting situation. Where do the kids go when mum is out of the picture.

However, I'm assuming that Salem is inclined to keep control of assets as useful as Em and Merc.
>implying he doesn't have a little baby dick and is over compensating
>Trying to become a writefag
>Planning out major plotpoints for hopefully long story
>Yang needing to die has somehow become inevitable
>Keep putting it off and write in other characters dying instead
>Still end up writing in Yangs death anyway

Poor Rubes is gonna suffer way too much because of me.
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>My gut says... Maybe.
Color Nazi detected. Get him!
We talking about Merc or Sun?

Because that could be applied to both.
Talking about the show itself, there are arguments for any member of RWBY dying at the end.
Ruby, because she's the hero.
Weiss, because she's Ruby's best friend.
Blake because she'll die for her friends rather than turning her back on them.
Yang because she's Ruby's sister.
merc, sun could just use his tail

What about shopkeeper?
Merc has 3 robot legs
Ozzy is likely invested in keeping Ruby alive since she's the only known person with silver eyes.

She could die but it's unlikely.

Merc could just use his neck.
>she's the only known person with silver eyes.
Not necessarily, she's just the only one we've met. It's described as a rare trait, not a unique one, and no one else finds her eyes unusual except those that know about the legend
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I know it's not going to happen but dammit I want to believe.
Shop keeper is immortal, there are too many of him.
Even when they defeat him as the final boss, there'll still be at least one copy left.
Well, Yang dying is actually a reason that six certain characters are alive towards the end of my story.

It's kinda like why Hagrid survived in Harry Potter, because he was needed for the scene where "dead" Harry is carried through the woods. These 6 are needed for the moments afterwards.

Blake isn't one of them
This is why I said known.
There could be others but we haven't met them yet.
We could assume that Ruby being their desendant isn't unique but she's the only one encountered which makes her the only known.

So if RWBY ends and Ruby tries to build a caln so sliver eyes, how powerful would they all be?
>Ozzy is likely invested in keeping Ruby alive since she's the only known person with silver eyes.
Ozzy isn't going to make it past the 3/4 mark, never mind the final volume. The wise mentor has to die before most other characters to show how real shit is.
The same applies to Qrow.
He's broken already anon.
Cinder would probably kill him if that was the case though.
The heroes already know how real shit is
>Implying it can't get realler
Really though, there's no way Ozpin or Qrow will live to see the final volume. They'd get in the way, if nothing else.
Yeah those two are fucking gone, Qrow especially. It's just I don't think the heroes necessarily need any more lessons about how bad shit really is.
Things will get worse, things will get better, but they know that now.
If Ruby dies, which is unlikely as she was Monty's waifu and has stories written for her as an adult, it'll probably be as a sacrifice to end the final battle.

You mean a sacrificial lion that burned more screentime than the main characters at times in order to make people care, a secondary character robot that can be brought back to life just-like-that and a villain that wasn't supposed to show up past the first episode?

While Yang is a main, titular character, one of the most (her, Ruby, Phyrra and Qrow) popular characters, with Barbara as the most popular girl that everyone at RT loves? Not to mention her losing her arm kinda pushes back the death flags for a while and she still has unfinished bussiness with Raven, Blake, Ruby and Merc.

If she dies, it'll be in the last or before last season.
Yeah Team RWBY are safe until the last few episodes of the show, but we know they want the show to continue past that like how RvB is.
They could do that by staying in the world but using different characters though.
>I don't think the heroes necessarily need any more lessons about how bad shit really is.
I meant the audience, not the characters.
In terms of the characters, it's to show that they can't rely on the adults anymore and will have to grow to surpass them. Which RWBY will absolutely have to have done by the final volume.
>one of the most (her, Ruby, Phyrra and Qrow) popular characters, with Barbara as the most popular girl that everyone at RT loves?

>Implying this matters when killing off characters
Pyhrra and Roman died while Neptune and Jaune are still alive, they don't give a shit about popularity
>Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang
>Jaune, Nora, Ren
>7 heroes
>we Seven Samurai now
>choose your survivors /rwbyg/
And before any of RWBY dies, we still have Qrow, Winter, Ironwood, Glynda, the two teachers whose names I cannot recall, Nora, Ren, Sun, Neptune, team CVFY as possible deaths.

I'm betting on Ozpin (because of course), Qrow (mentor and Ruby 2.0) or Taiyang (father and Yang 2.0), Winter (Weiss 2.0), Glynda (around the same time as Ozpin)
These two join together.

RWBY go to fight the Brothers while JNR+whoever go to fight the Hunger (Big Bad Wolf)
It's the same fight just diferent parts of the same monster.
I'd say Scarlet and Sage stand as much chance of dying as Sun and Neptune, if not greater. I also find it very unlikely that any of the villains will ultimately survive, especially Neo because she has literally no purpose anymore and that's the reason Roman died
Oh fuck. Jaune is definitely Kikuchiyo.
>Jaune's last stand has him planting a fuckton of stolen swords around him
>He's constantly breaking swords and grabbing fresh ones
>but we know they want the show to continue past that like how RvB is.
They want to go past the planned 20 volumes? You really think so? Some of them will probably be able to retire before then, the professional VAs, anyway.
It's not exactly 20 volumes, could be less, could be more.

Everything we've seen so far was planned to fit into two volumes for example.
Phyrra was created specifically to be killed at the end of season 2 (if the season worked as they planned at first) and the only reason Roman went past episode 1 and Neo exists was because of popularity.

They had to kill Phyrra to up the quality and stakes and decided to get rid of Roman.

So yeah, popularity does play a part, up to a certain extent.

But the main characters themselves? They would lose a shitload of people.
They are so insignificant I didn't even remember them. Their deaths would serve no purpose because no one would care.

And I was just mentioning the good guys, because I assume all villains will be irked, hindered or killed.
>the only reason Roman went past episode 1 and Neo exists was because of popularity.
It's actually popularity among the crew, not the audience, that kept Roman past the first episode, so fan popularity has little to do with it. Miles even said that he was the most upset about losing Roman than everything else in volume 3
I think that only helps my point, in a way. With how everyone loves Barbara, I'd say the probability for RWBY deaths go Blake > Weiss > Yang > Ruby.
>Monty was a Final Fantasy fan, and RWBY heavily borrows story-telling and plot elements from various Final Fantasy titles.
>RWBY started out like your typical Final Fantasy. Something small like a war between two small countries or a terrorist group attacking big government or...Dare I say, a teenager attending an academy where they're trained to be some type of solider.
>Like your typical (Just about all) Final Fantasy title, RWBY eventually escalates further and further into the realm of Gods and demons.
>Characters start dying.
>Characters people love. Just like in certain Final Fantasy games.
>In some FF games these characters, despite being dead, end up playing some crucial roll in saving the world, or possibly helping to try and destroy it.
>Apparently Monty had most of this shows plot detailed before his death.
>And this shit is basically just an animated Final Fantasy story with anime elements.

So, what roll is dead Pyrrha going to play?
Are we looking at a manipulation of the elements from beyond the grave thing like Aerith?
A spirit manifesting physical form to fight alongside our heroes who will eventually need to embrace their death when the problem is finally solved like Auron? (Plausible because "Aura: How do they work?")
Or maybe it'll turn into a World of Darkness scenario where the living heroes need to kill the final boss from one realm, while the dead heroes need to kill it from another realm?

And then there's always the total 180 option where Cinder didn't kill her, just had her reformed elsewhere like she did with the arrow that struck Pyrrha's foot, probably to be brainwashed and used against her friends. Maybe

Because she's too popular to just kill off in the pathetic way they did and not do anything with her afterwards.

Aditionally, something that comes to mind from time to time is how they compared the "being dark" to Harry Potter and Star Wars, where you have a few deaths, most of the expected and maybe outside of Snape, Dumbledore, Sirius and the one twin, not really major.
I hope they go full JRPG and get an airship
>Phyrra was created specifically to be killed at the end of season 2
Not quite, volumes 1 and 2 were supposed to be a season. Pyrrha vs Cinder was supposed to happen at the end of volume 2.
Or maybe she'll just die and stay dead without any further purpose beyond a reminder of tragedy for the characters, like Tellah.
The village has been destroyed, the party is scattered, Yang is the character that gets left behind and end up making a comeback (like Dunban).

The party itself is RWBY, with JNR as guests.

Phyrra is the Aerith, so everyone else is pretty much safe until the end.

Other characters however will die.

>(if the seasons worked as they had planned at first)
I'm more concerned if they don't get an airship. The journey to Mistral could take forever otherwise.
How? Everyone at RT loved Roman but they killed him off anyway, how does that mean Yang's unlikely to ever die because Barbara's popular at RT?
No but like they legitimately own their own airship and customize it, give it a cool name, and it serves as their primary base of operations.
Popularity has nothing to do with a characters death.
At all.
She died for story reasons.

If anything her death is just a motivator for the heroes to get good and save the world.
Stop with this stuff anon, she's dead her role to play is over outside of flashbacks.
This is the reason for her death, it's over she's dead.

>A spirit manifesting physical form to fight alongside our heroes who will eventually need to embrace their death when the problem is finally solved like Auron?
Ok-ish with this but Pyrrha can't manifast physically and would only hang around to give Jaune a motivational boost if at all.

>Teleportation meme.
Disintergration. She's dead.

I get that people don't want her to be dead and stay dead but this level of attatchment to a fictional character is disturbing.
Move on already anon.
Pyrrha was planned to die from the beginning. So she was supposed to die at the end of the first "season," even if the release cycle was changed later on.
What originally was "season 2" doesn't exist yet and what currently is "season 2" has nothing to do with Pyrrha dying.
Roman was a disposable character that received an extension of two seasons because they liked him.

If anything, they might also delay Yang's death (if she is to die at all) because of Barb.
Someone give me a premise for a one-shot.

I haven't written anything in days.
What would Team RWBY/JNR's airship be named though?
Mercury and Emerald blending in at Haven
Velvet's fetish is being bullied. Cardin is completely aware of this. Jaune isn't and constantly interrupts, blueballing(what's the female equivalent?) Velvet.
>Yang dies.
>Only other person with a yellow motif is Jaune.
No, stop it!

So Jaune teaches Ruby to dance?

The Beacon.
Or The Avalon.
Ruby writes fluffy fanfiction about her team's weapons, having her own headcanons about their personalities.

Weiss comes across some of it.
Cockblocking anon.

Or drooling I've heared both used.
Roman was only able to be giving an extension because he was irrelevant to the plot, meaning he could be kept around with little consequence. Yang's a titular character, meaning she's paramount to the plot and will have had her entire story planned out by Monty. There's much less flexibility for characters like Yang
>Only other person with a yellow motif is Jaune.
There's always Sun
True but Jaune is protag two.
He's the most likely candidate.
And you can't really use the same measuring stick when it comes to main characters and villains.

Things might change in the future, but right now killing Phyrra was the gut punch the show had planned for and needed. Roman was discarded because it didn't fit.

Assuming that anyone in RWBY will die, which I would say is unlikely since this is the Winter of she show (literally and figuratively)and if they survive (which they will), it is followed by Spring and Summer, it is at least 10 years away if they are aiming for 20 volumes.
>Ten years.
Fuck, ten years with /RWBYg/.
Buckle up.
Even so, with Monty throwing a fit over Barbara and Yang, I don't really see him killing her off any time soon.

Or any of RWBY, for that matter.
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Let's go baby, I'm ready.
>Cresent Rose is a cheerful soldier
>Myrtenaster is a tsundere prince
>Gambol Shroud is a pair of twin mysterious ninjas
>Ember Caelica is a hooligan
>Crocea Mors is an old wizened general
>Miló is a young officer and Akoúo is his beleaguered assistant
>Magnhild is a crazy drunk Spetznaz
>Stormflower is a pair of film noir detectives
>Popularity has nothing to do with a characters death.
>At all.

Goku was supposed to stay dead after Cell Saga and the story was meant to carry on with Gohan. Fans bitched and Goku came back.

They killed Jon Snow in GoT and the entire cast and crew insisted he was dead for good and Kit Harrington only came back to play a dead body.
People over-analyzed the season 6 trailer and, sure enough, someone found a single frame where he's alive in the middle of a wildling battle.

Fox Mulder died in the X-Files.
Fans bitched, stopped watching when they replaced him with a terminator, and then they brought Mulder back.

Phil Coulson died in The Avengers.
Fan outcry was so massive that they brought him back to life and gave him a cable TV show.

Elektra was supposed to be a one-off character in a Daredevil story. Her death at the hands of Bullseye was supposed to be it for her.
Fans cried that she was dead and Marvel resurrected her.

Optimus Prime has died...Like...A lot.
And he keeps coming back because he's popular and fans want Prime.

Everybody loved Jesus, and he came back for 40 days before ascending to Heaven.

I think you seriously, seriously underestimate the power of fan bitching. Rooster Teeth isn't immune to it either.
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fucking canon
>Stormflower are film noir detectives.
All of my yes.
Corcea Mors taks shit about Jaune's ability but respects his drve.
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>Everybody loved Jesus, and he came back for 40 days before ascending to Heaven.
RT constantly berate the fans.
Anon, Pyrrha won't come back.

Or she'd better not.

>Everybody loved Jesus, and he came back for 40 days before ascending to Heaven.

>Main four weapons are just carbon copies of wielder personalities

I think Crescent Rose would be more similar to Qrow, and who Ruby wants to be. Like a really badass, cool and confident veteran hunter.
So Crescent Rose would be Dante?
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Yes. Ruby would love to be cool, edgy and mysterious but she's too much of a dork.
>with Monty throwing a fit over Barbara and Yang

A what now?
Nice trips, but it's Ruby writing the fanfic, so of course she'd make the main weapons just inserts of her team. Otherwise I'd go
>Cresent Rose is an emotionless sniper
>Myrtenaster is a greedy wizard
>Gambol Shroud is an pair of martial arts otakus
>Ember Celica is a retired champion boxer
>RT constantly berate the fans.

A tactic that only works for as long as they're watching.

Things like resurrecting popular characters are exactly what they do when fan interest starts to wane. The likelihood of it increases the longer a series lasts.
And seeing how RT has been milking Red vs Blue for the last 13 years, I can see them milking this just as long if they can get away with it.
Surely Ember Celica would be twins, not Gambol Shroud?
>Things like resurrecting popular characters are exactly what they do when fan interest starts to wane. The likelihood of it increases the longer a series lasts.
This is based purely of RvB, which is primarily a comedy show that has little forward planning in terms of plots and character arcs. RWBY is a much more serious, narrative driven show that's been planned out for 20 volumes by an edgelord
I've had an idea like this at least. Maybe I could work with it.

When Cardin pulls her ears and asks if they were real, they do fall off.

Anon, pls. I don't write that as it'll just somehow sneak in

Also, I'd need to learn how to dance to do that properly.

I've been playing around with this idea of Merc x fem!Jaune. Mainly from the chorus of Billy Jean.
Good point. So something like
>Gambol Shroud are a brother and sister who are Martial Arts otaku
>Ember Celica are retired boxers who used to be rivals
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>michael jackson mercury
make it happen
Not saying Lancaster anon.
Ruby wants to know how to dance and Jaune just wants to help her out for her part in helping him in colume one.

Also you can write dancing by describing a dancing troupe.
>Billy Jean is not my lover! She's just the girl that claims that I am THE ONE!
Like, seriously, this stupid idea's been stuck in my head.

They could meet in a comic book store or something.

He'll also be rubbing it in male!Pyrrha's face pissing him off.
welp its time for me to go forever fuck you merkfags im going to become a sponsor do deal with you fucks
It fits so well.
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I have no idea what you're trying to say but you sound irked
But this doesn't mean that it's going to be Game of Thrones from now on.

They have compared RWBY to Harry Potter and Star Wars in terms of "dark", which probably means we won't be having characters die every volume finale, but most likely a handful of significant deaths.
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fuck you
Yeah, when I mean Lancaster I mean platonic. I don't really like writing romantic lancaster.

Needs more pizazz for me. Can't write fluffy stuff to save me.

Maybe, I'll just make it the other way around, Ruby teaches Jaune to dance even if she doesn't and he does. Could be fun and much better than my current idea.

Jaune asks her "Tell me, do you bleed?" She looks at him crazy and he just says "You will!"

Basically, he thinks she hasn't had her period yet so she then proves it to him by letting him drink her period blood.
I wasn't arguing that characters will die all the time, I was arguing that characters won't be resurrected
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Speaking of which, I wonder who they'll inevitably kill off next volume now that the stakes have been raised.
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Yeah you're pretty upset
>Next volume
Nah. Hopefully Coco or something
I'm betting on Neo and at least one member of each team SSSN and CFVY
My money is on SSSN, if not a party wipe then taken outta commission.
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cry more
What is wrong with you?
Unless they force themselves to kill people at finales for the shock value, they'll probably do it again to raise the stakes by killing an older character like Qrow or Winter to prove how capable the villains are, instead of killing a student.

I really doubt that people will start being killed by the volume.
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Maybe when Salem takes the stage.
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i need some sleep i say crazy shit when i sleepy but still fuck you and i hope he gets killed
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You're so cruel
Hey! Sorry if this question's been asked around a lot before. Is Penny also really, really ded now? I mean, she wont return anymore like Torchwick? Because I remember in S2 ending, Ironwood was like "your time will come, Penny" when she tries to show off. So I thought ok this chick will be helpful later on. And then S3 came in and poof!

>At least one per volume
That would be ridiculous. Unless we're talking about minor characters no one cares about, in which case, what's the point? Just kill a few important ones around the half and/or 3/4 mark and then go nuts in the final volume. At least that way you'll have characters to spare.
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yes it's true anon

penny is dead

Do you really think they can't bring a ROBOT back? of all people that died why is this the one character people doubt & question coming back...Shes a ROBOT.
She's a robot, she can be rebuilt. The question is if she keeps her personality too.
First, season 1 ending; second, Limo driver not Ironwood.

I'm not saying it's based off of RvB in terms of tone. I'm not even saying it's based off of RvB. It was just the most relevant comparison.
I'm talking about length.

Yeah. RWBY is popular now.
Will it be popular 10 years from now, however? 5 years from now? How about 2 years from now? We don't know.

They want to get to 20 volumes. That's a lot of volumes over a long period of time. Especially if they only get to one a year.
Retention of viewership is the most important thing to keeping a series alive. Even a web-series.
The longer something lasts, even serious things, the harder it is to hold your audience.
When that happens, they start making drastic changes. Ressurecting dead characters is one such change.

Do you think Marvel and DC would still be in business after 70+ years if their characters stayed dead?

Plus, this universe has magic nonsense.
Characters in similar settings have come back from far worse than disintegration.
>Ironwood was like "your time will come, Penny"
I assumed that must've been Ironwood, but relistening to it, it doesn't really sound like him.
Maybe the VA is the same but they just changed the voice, I dunno

Also 'Penny' as we know her is dead, but I doubt that's the last sentient robot we'll see in the show. We have to get the mass produced version at some point, if nothing else.

Oh ok. Thanks. I had a talk with an anon from /v/ who said three people died. I couldnt believed it. Made it sound like there wad no going back. Checked S3, and its all true!

Oh! sorry! its been so long. Memory's hazy.
No but then Marvel and DC have different writers that want to do different things with the characters.
Retcons and other bullshit ensure and generally the fanbase gets pretty made about it.

It's not that Pyrrha CAN'T come back, it's that she SHOULDN'T come back.

I have faith M&K won't budge on this, bringing Pyrrha back would shit all over then tone the series has taken.
>It's not that Pyrrha CAN'T come back, it's that she SHOULDN'T come back.

And this is where the impasse happens.

On one hand, you're entitled to your feelings on the matter as are those who share them.
On the other hand, I'm entitled to mine as are those who feel the same as I do.

And then both parties need to ask themselves "What makes my desires as a fan any more valid than those with the opposite feelings and desires?". And then you realize there is no easy answer to that question. Well, at least none that don't sound selfish.

So with that, I guess we have nothing left to discuss on this matter?
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welp im off to sleep reminder mercfags need to be purged
Not quite nothing but it would devolve into shitposting Hiatus stule and that would just be unpleasant for everybody.

All we can do is wait for the show to give us the answer but something like that is normally around the halfway point of the story.
Till then it's headcanons and theories.

I respect your opinion on the matter and we shall drop the issue here till some posters later ineviatbly bring it up again.

For now post fun stuff.

Mercfags are a blessing in a sea of salty White Rose, Arkos and Pyrrha fags.
Don't knock them.
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You might say that Mercfags need to be reset
Lancaster fics.
Post 'em.

I need something to pass the time.
Okay I'm curious, what's the story behind this guy?
I keep seeing him posted on /RWBYg/.
From what I know he's voiced by the same dude who now does Mercury, and he's from Ace Combat.
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But Mercfags bring levity. Otherwise it's nothing but people screaming about shipping or other stupid shit.

Also, that time of night I guess so whose reading/writing something and what is it? I got bored so I wanted to see what kinda stories JaunexWinter there were.
Yeah that's about it
in short

>Mercenary pilot
>Buddy of the main character
>After watching his home country nuke itself to keep invaders out he realizes war will only get worse
>Determines only way to end way is to remove the idea of countries and borders so decides to nuke the world into oblivion to do it
>Did nothing wrong
Im just curious in her final words.

"Do you believe in destiny?" or was it fate? the hell was that. I have a gut feeling some ironic shit is going to happen to Cinder for her death.
His name is Yuri and he's a voice actor.
He's an all around pretty cool dude.

That's the story.
It's just a /RWNYg/ meme.

I feel somebody is about to post Jaune Irking the Merc.
Oh okay, thanks. He doesn't seem like he would be quite as jolly as Merc but I guess that's because of the whole nuclear bomb thing.
Hoping for Cyrrha if they have to bring Pyrrha back in some way. But not as Pyrrha in Cinder's body.
>Cinder comes to after being frozen for a couple Volumes
>Has 1st person memories of ordering 2 teens around and fighting alongside 2 other teens
>constantly goes back and forth between different memories and can't figure out what is what
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Could weiss defeat the love in our hearts?
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>RWBY replaces Blake with Nora
It would be great, but Nora really does need Ren with her.
Just playing with the idea. I would make Cyrrha a completely new character. New personality that borrows from both Cinder and Pyrrha.
This was the first case I thought of too. If anything remotely similar to Cyrrha happens, I hope it's that.
That way they can avoid 'truly' reviving Pyrrha, it'd functionally be a different character.
I would be ok with this because it isn't reviving Pyrrha and the character can be their own person.

As long as she doesn't exhibit any dominant personality quirks like Cinder or Pyrrha and the character wants to find out who they are and where she fits in.
Plus, it'd be neat of them to finally use that book Blake was reading in Volume 1, bout the man with 2 souls.
Still convinced that it was a smutty version she was reading. The man with 2 souls and 2 dicks
It was smut of Jackeyl and Hyde.
I like the idea of a person with amnesia who finds out that they were either a hero or a villain. In this case it'd be both and neither, since not really either person. It could be neat.

Also, she'd need to not be too powerful. I think the Maiden powers would have to go for starters, plus she'd need to relearn most of her skills from scratch.
Her semblance should probably be reset too. Maybe she could get manipulation of a material other than metal or glass.
>I like the idea of a person with amnesia who finds out that they were either a hero or a villain.

Are we Revanposting again?
>since not really either person
*since she's not really either person
So we just replace Ruby with Ren.
Same. Some of the songs fit in with things that actually happen, others don't, they even go the opposite.
So teams RWNY and JBPR? What do they spell out?
It's because those Arkos songs are from Pyrrha's perspective, she's obviously going to have hope for them and not sing about how she has this strange feeling that she'll be shot in the chest, incinerated and subsequently disintegrated in a few months time.
Well, since Pyrrha is dead you more accurately have team JBR, whose gimmick is that they never win fights.
On some level she's a new person so her change should come along with that.
Having a minor influence from Cinder and Pyrrha would be best but discovering who she is regardless of relation would be the absolute best case scenario.
Her semblance reval should happen when the figures out that she doesn't need to compare herself to Cinder or Pyrrha, being the best of both of them and can use what they gave her for whatever she wants.
They become good at football.
They will never win another fight.
Wait wait, hold up, so, newfag here. Are you telling me that the finale came out just a month ago? Shit I thought we were already in the middle of a hiatus.
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Soundtrack is gonna be released with the BDs which come out in may or something right?
Now, we're just over a month in.
Welcome to /RWBYg/.

It's only gonna get worse from here on in.
Yeah that's what they're aiming for
I was always a big fan of the brainwashed hero fighting friends thing. If they brought her back, I would prefer that one.

>Disintegration. She's dead.

You know there isn't anything that confirms that is what actually happened. We only assume that's what she did, same goes for the teleportation. It was

>No smoke or actual flames
>Means that Cinder has the power to create heat that INSTANTLY destroys a body and armor, meaning if she touches anybody in a fight they die
>Pyrrha's Circlet is invincible because the "Heat" channeled through it that could completely destroy Pyrrha and her armor in a second isn't enough to even make her Circlet glow
>Cinder just destroying her corpse for no reason
I want to drink a milkshake with Pyrrha!
Not sure why you'd want ashes in your milkshake but to each their own.
New thread when?
>Pyrrha's Circlet is invincible because the "Heat" channeled through it that could completely destroy Pyrrha and her armor in a second isn't enough to even make her Circlet glow
Pyrrha's Circlet confirmed for the One Ring.
>I'll swallow my pride for you
>Completely disregards Jaune's concerns and kills herself
>Means that Cinder has the power to create heat that INSTANTLY destroys a body and armor, meaning if she touches anybody in a fight they die

Well for one, Aura. Two, yes she can do that. Did you not see that laser beam shit she was doing against Ozpin?

>Cinder just destroying her corpse for no reason
She knew Pyrrha's reputation, Cinder wrecked her shit the way she did because it was gratifying for her and served as a symbol to the rest of the heroes. Like, "this is your expert fighter, your friend, 'the invincible girl' and I beat the shit out of her so hard that there isn't even a body left behind"

If you're going to talk about disintegrating her for no reason, what reason do they have to teleport and capture her?
>No smoke or actual flames.
Are you saying sience has to work properly on Remnant?
We have seen her ash, anon please accept she's gone.
>Cinder has the power to create heat instantly.
She makes glass swords appear and what we've seen in her fight with Ozpin would indicate that yes, Cinder can control heat.
>Pyrrha's Circlet is invincible.
No anon, it's fiction and it was done with dramatic intentions. That means absolutely nothing. You're being over analytical.
>Cinder destroying a corpse for no reason.
Other than she could and because if Amber was kept alive by one of those pods there is no Reason Pyrrha couldn't be.
Also it was a coup de grace, the finishing blow that villains are often want to do.

We don't know what happens but again my arguemnt is not that Pyrrha can't be brought back, rather that she shouldn't be brought back.
You just volunteered.
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