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Justice League vs Teen Titans

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Justice League vs Teen Titans continue thread

old thread >>81222412

Starfire requires dick edition

What would she need a chauffeur for?
We're getting Judas Contract next. We'll NEVER be free of the rehashed Titans villains
>Implying you wouldnt want a ride in the dick mobile.
I got a feeling that whoever who designed Trigon's domain is a huge God of war fan
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reposting nanomachines
Arella is cute....CUTE!!!
Aren't all big teen titans events always involve Deathstroke or Trigon anyway, Brother Blood isn't enough to justify a movie.
This is some Sailor Moon shit
I'm jacking off as we speak
Is this Sailor Moon?
She is also dead... DEAD!
Real talk though, can Damian get the fuck out and can we get a Nightwing led Titan movie. Not even Teens just Titans.
Just like my korean cartoons...

No that's Sailor Star...fire.
you gon get raaaaped
so raven beastboy ship is sailing away right
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What if they rebooted the TT series with the movie's art style?
I need to watch this movie.

I for one wouldn't complain, this design is pretty nice.
This cracked me up for some reason.
I can't wait to see Blackfire transformation preparing for a final fight like Kill la Kill.
Eat up, once that pizza's done, it's MEATBALL PARTY TIME!
eh if Young justice gets a 3rd season guaranteed they will just use that as a new TT Platform

Brother Blood is now a Trigon worshiper so you know if they do a movie about him it'd just be another Trigon movie.
wtf context?
more like Starfire has a Dick

she looks like a tranny
making babies with satan cause mommy was dumb
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>tfw shitty emo music starts playing during your date


Well we both know that neither of those things will hapen.

>Nudie magic 2.webm
>Not Tamaran Power Make Up.webm

You had one simple job anon.
Raven's mom joined a satanic cult, ended up getting impregnated by Trigon.
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can we just get the teen titans series back now

wh-whats the password?
what are you talking about it's on cartoon network all the time now
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Settle in, anon...
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But DC hates money.

Why do you want to hurt them by forcing them to make money?
Jesus the voice acting is bad. Raven is some of the most terrible acting I've heard.
We could get a tamaran related plot with Blackfire, while most of Starfire's cosmic stuff is more related to her time on LEGION I'm sure they could use it anyway.
>terrible acting
They fit together like peanut and chocolate.

Ok, I am going to predict in all seriousness right now that Teen Titans will get a AAA dramatic reboot in the next 3-5 years.

It will not feature the same heroes.
Gar better get to plow Terra.
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So with Batgirl in the universe as well, when does this moment happen?
It ends in NTR
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Hot Cosby.webm
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Literal demon rape.

Damnit jim im just making up random filenames as i go along. Im a doctor not a Poolman!!

It's not her fault.

The director said something like "she's emotionless" or "she deadpans" because he understands the character like a 12 year old, and she delivered a flat performance because of it
anyone have a link so i can finally watch this shit?
Could Dick have talked himself into a threesome here?
Kori would have suggested it
With those directions it IS her fault. Deadpan and emotionless has been done before by good actors who did a good job and not be shit.
She is a shit actor that can't successfully do deadpan or emotionless.
You know what's funny?
Dick and Barbra's relationship was never very serious and her thing for Dick is a complete retcon on Simone's part.
They flirted a bit but then Dick moved onto different things and Barbra had a much more serious romance ending in an ENGAGEMENT to a completely different character that wasn't him.

By the time DC was even doing serious enough stories to actually explore a genuine romance subplot they had both moved on to completely different people.
>Wait a minute your mom did it with satan?
>But they totally did it!

god damnit Garfield

I believe Dick is the only man who could.

>yfw that was literally what she was about to ask when Babs ran away
It's Kory goddammit.
Fuck you, Lobdell.
I also think the VA's were just reading lines and weren't in a studio together like in the old DCAU shows and in Disney films and such.
Almost tops Hal's sailor moon transformation
You gotta admire Trigon's dedication to being evil. He actually gets the girl to consent to having sex with him, just about to have sex, then reveals himself to be pseudo-satan and rapes her anyway.

Normal evil dudes would've had consentual sex in disguise OR forced rape, but not Trigon. He does both!
the same thing...bangles and all.
With Babs? Naw. She's pretty straight. Kori would have been okay with it because her culture is highly suggested to be polyamorous is anyway, but Barbra isn't into that stuff, though Dinah might be a LITTLE bit lesbian:

Of Dick's other love interests, Helena might have done it though, if only because there's a history of her saying she will NEVER do a thing then actually going and doing a thing and regretting it later. A crazy threesome with Dick and Kori would be just one more of those things.
Please, Barbara was such a Black Canary fangirl, she probably slutted it up with Dinah a few times
this should have been cute, funny, embarrassing, arousing.... anything

but the personality... it's just missing, completely...
Trigon is basically designed to literally be interdimendional Satan.
His character was created during the heyday of "Satanic ritual abuse fears" and films like "Rosemary's Baby", and according to him in one NTT issue Satan is one of the names he's gone by.

He's pure asshole evil and there's nothing redeeming about him at all. He's petty as fuck about his evil too.
So this came out for Digital download today, right?

Mega where?
Nah. She was lusting after Dick even when she and Canary were teamed up.
It was Dinah who said "I am like 70% heterosexual", not Barbra.

But hey, maybe Dick could have pulled it off. Kory would probably be a pretty considerable lover too, though I'm guessing the whole thing would be weird as fuck for him since he's apparently gone through his whole life not realizing he's god's gift to women until his Greyson series, at which point he's even weaponized it.

Last thread.
>this thead
>this webm
>The banner on this page has the word "4chan" getting launched into Starfire's mouth
I think I know what I must do.
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Oh Wonder Woman. You and your necks.
OK, now they're just fucking with us.
>meatball party
>not "hit those showers!"
Jesus Christ, the state of /co/ these days...
why is a 10 year old the leader

his balls haven't even dropped
But are we still getting that Raven mini this year?
There was one point where Dinah thought that Nightwing was hot, and tried to get Babs to set her up with him. She also walked in on him in the shower. I bet she could have talked Babs into a threesome

It's not quite the original show but what the hell. I'll take it.
alright fuck yall then
You know, from a combat standpoint attacking the neck is a pretty sensible tactical maneuver.
Did you know regardless of physical strength or toughness every human being on planet earth's neck can withstand roughly the same amont of pressure before it breaks?
I'm assuming (taking elevated superhero durability levels into account of course) that this is still relatively true in the DCU, and thus the neck remains the single most vulnerable point of attack for super humans, regardless of how powerful they are.
here you go bud. http://animeflavor.me/cartoon/justice-league-vs-teen-titans
>"Vic, are you alright?"
>"Sure Kori, just let me-"
>"Do you require a motorboat?"
>"Just a quick one to rejuvenate you? Gar says humans require one when traumatized in combat to heal, so I added this window."
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is this movie out already?
That would only be acceptable if they resumed treating Conner like the main character like they should have kept doing.
Still no Killing Joje Sneak Peak?
...yeah, I could buy that.
What a God.
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this bitch can't play raven at all
not getting the meme.
Really though, Dick's a one-woman guy.
It's just that the one woman changes very frequently because he sucks at saying "no".
Jesus Christ, the state of /co/ these days...
dumb frogposter
You're right, but you're still a dumb frogposter
Kind of want to wait to watch the movie. Is Raven actually into Damien or is it just a "we both have troubled past we can be besties" thing?
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thanks bro
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Dick IS pretty good.
My favorite part of this, besides the whole Sailor Moon thing, is that the part that covers Starfire's ass materializes last.
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Yes. The answer will always be yes.
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sweet thanks senpai
>her thing for Dick is a complete retcon on Simone's part.
Dixon, not Simone. Though she did add to it.
Who is Kory? Is that Starfire's last name or something?

It's a tasty herb.
That wasn't Dick though.
I wish casuals would just leave
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Kory In the house
>using proprietary file hosting with speed limit instead of based community service
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Who here's going all out?
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I absolutely hated this movie. It takes a special kind of suck to make the Teen Titans this fucking flat. This was pure pain. I thought Go was as bad as it would get, what a fool I was.
I once read a comic by this guy, it was the most unfunny, most wink-and-nod, and least clever thing I've ever read.
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Oh man this reminds me. Recently I saw this nugget of joy:

>Rewatching Young Justice there's good evidence Dick is demisexual even on Earth-16
Simone added a LOT to it.
Dixon's Babs/Dick relationship was hesitant and halting at first, with them mostly just flirting but not going anywhere because they knew each other mostly as professionals and old friends, plus Babs had gotten engaged to Jason Baird (whom Dixon actually remembered existed) and Dick almost married Kory and both were aware of it.

Simone added a lot more retroactive context to their relationship and made it so that their initial flirting in comics was something more rather then something they did only for a short time before moving onto much more serious romances.
YJ Dick is literally the slut that /co/ thinks normal Dick is.
What a shitty figurine, make look amiibos like work of art.
>It takes a special kind of suck to make the Teen Titans this fucking flat
I'm guessing you don't read the comics then.
Reminder that FRANK voiced Trigon.
Why the fuck is damian stepping on cookies
>Smug emo
I can't hotglue that! Fuck you WB!
Koriand'r is Starfire's full name.
The Titans (particularly Dick) took to just calling her "Kori" and her civilian identity as a supermodel was "Kory Anders".

He gets all the girls and some of the boys.
Only if bb and ray for life
They kiss. Tongue too that gets Raven upset.
not in a long time

I dropped all Teen Titans comics when the animated series came out, and I consider animated Teen Titans far and away the best iterations of the characters
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Yet it manages to be the best of the three.
Its been a decade. Let it go
Did Barbara cock block him?

Because that would be grounds for never speaking to Babs again. Dinah is the hottest woman in DC. Even a manslut like Dick couldn't top that.
YJ Dick probably had regular threesomes with Zatanna/Barbara and Wally/Artemis.
You could always ask Weisman himself, he's talked about that kind of shit before.
Well, it was boring and hamfisted, but at one point Damian gets fucking owned and nearly dies.

That makes it the second best Nu52 animated movie behind Flashpoint

I want them to fuck off trying to make me like this character. It's never going to happen.
no one else had a problem with the way this movie was done...like CW took a dump on it and made it a teen drama with shitty music background and horrible acting..i know they are teens but WTF!..and seriously damiens voice actor needs to fucking die...or they need to finally kill off damien wayne...
>implying cape shit is hardcore
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Someone else noticed?
This pic is the best just because of everyone's reactions on it is so true to character.
Helena is cranky and reluctant about it but she's still in line anyway, Babs is keeping it casual, Kori plans to monopolize as much of Dick's mouth as she can get away with and is annoyed that she has to share, and Donna is just amused by the whole ridiculous thing.

That said, I'm not sure Dick and Peej have ever even done any flirting. Though /co/'s collective penises would explode at that pairing.
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after credits scene.webm
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after credits scene

Beast boys dick is ready
kill yourself cancer
Stop. Demisexual isn't a real word.

He gets an amazing amount of ass.

Which explains all of his boneheaded decisions in season 2. He's not used to thinking with his brain.
That's why they're casuals senpai, if they can't even into capeshit they shouldn't be here.
>that Young Justice issue were Dick wakes up with Bette after a one night stand, gets a kiss from Zatanna and Rocket, and then fucks Barbara that night
>Dick and Zatanna were canonically friends with benefits as stated on the show
>Greg saying Dick and Artemis' relationship can be interpreted differently should fans desire

So what's the point of this? What is is promoting?
Now this is just a tease. I thought plans for a Judas Contract film were nixed.
It's kinda implied that Babs didn't agree because she wanted him for herself, yeah.
Also, Kori is supposed to be physically hotter then Dinah, personal taste non-withstanding. She can cause an entire room of hardened Gotham homicide detective's mouths to drop just by walking into the fucking room.
The Teen Titans. The producers said they'd make more movies about them if this one does well.
So, Judas Contract is a go.

It only took them over ten years.
>I'm not sure Dick and Peej have ever even done any flirting.
They didn't flirt but she did want to hit it in her solo when he was Batman.
Too bad Slade's has already been there heyoooo

Go back to tumblr
I suppose it is personal taste. Starfire is pretty high up there, but Dinah stands alone at the mountaintop. The WTF factor of a woman with orange skin probably has something to do with people being so shocked to see her, too.
I don't want a Judas Contract film if it's by these very same people.

See this is the kind of post that might sucker me into buying this shit.
She definitely wants the D though
>They do Judas Contract with Damian instead of Dick

How much rage would they produce?
I thought it was a pile of skulls at first but yours is better. Little shit won't even get milk from bat cow for those cookies, no, he's just stomping on them.
Haven't watched it yet, is Damian adorable or insufferable?
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is it just me or is her design just awful. or maybe its just because i Like atlee terra more.

If netflix picks up young justice and this movie dosent do well enough they will just move all this stuff on to there. whats the point of spending money on 2 projects when you can just kill all the birds with one stone.
Yeah but that's just idle talk. I don't even think Peej and him have even really met or talked much in fact.
Which is kinda funny because she was actually very close to his Earth-2 counterpart; he was married to her best friend and they were the three oldest second-generation heroes.
>animated Damian
Take a fucking guess.
Babs also told Dinah (after she walked in on Dick in the shower) that she could look but not touch
Get used to it. For whatever reason, DC has decided to push these Nu52 movies featuring this art style and team, with an alarming interest on the shittiest possible version of Damian.

Our only saving graces are the one-offs like Gods and Monsters and TKJ.

I miss the days when the DC animated movies changed their teams between every release. It was cool seeing so many different stories and styles on display.
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>Damian being anything but adorable

Even when he's a psycho fuck he's cute
Is their animation budget on this $4 or something?
I'd say she is horrible. Some other characters in the movie have bad design, but this is just the winner.
Wait what? Are you talking about Helena Wayne? Aren't she and Dick like brother-sister?
yes it was exactly 4 dollars good job
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Trust me; it wasn't shock.
Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with a singular vision if it was a GOOD vision, but these movies are clearly made by incompetent morons who have no idea what they're doing. For crying out loud, how many times have they recast WW already?
>Kori's disdain for plebs
have you seen the batman unlimited movies? they just get the cheapest animator they can find. so yes pretty much
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Joker is gayer than usual in those
fuck off, in 2 months all of you are going to lust over Damian little dick when supersons come out
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The unlimited movies have that endearing kind of badness to them.
You are right, and I'll admit to some hypocrisy.

I was just saying I liked the changes, but I would buy into them hook, line and sinker if they handed the DC animated movies over to Timm so he could produce an endless stream of Gods and Monsters sequels and spinoffs.

So the real problem is that they've committed to this lazy, boring writing that revolves around a Damian who has nothing that made comics Damian interesting.
Comic Damian isn't the same as animated Damian. Also, I'm not a pedofuck so there's that too.
Well, I'm done.

Babs confirmed for worst girl.
Dick and Dinah should've happened instead.
is just a drawing bruh
I don't lust over animated Damian because I don't have shit taste.

I'm not pedo trash either.
That's a very light bit of flirting. Barely anything.
Even Wonder Woman has done more with that with him.
I love bithdays.
>Dick and Dinah should've happened instead.
Tell me about it.
Wait a minute what happened to Gar? Why did his powers freak out?
XxDamienTheDemonSlayerxX: nothing personnel kid
It's actually her original design.
Like, EXACTLY her original design, minus the weird Galactus helmet she lost almost immediately.
Stephanie Brown being there though...
Typical excuse. Go get your brain checked, filthy degenerate.
Would still get ya in trouble with the law.
Dick and Dinah would have been amazing.

And all of the Green Arrow salt would have made it a hundred times better.
post pics
>Wonder Woman
I'd like to see some pages

Super Sons sounds awesome, so yeah. Animated Damian is an abomination of the character, though.
I dont see Dreed in this universe so I guess i wont be meeting the law anytime soon
>Dick fucking everyone in the Birds of Prey
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>"Sexy Batman"
Also, she's a big Nightwing fangirl anyways, and there's absolutely no way any regular girl would say no to Dick, so...
I can get down with this.
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oh shit, I fucked up
They went back and forth depending on the author. Helena way younger then him and Dick spent a lot of time away in Earth-2, so it kinda jives that he's this hot older brother guy who pops and and pops out being a badass.

But it wasn't much elaborated upon, no.
I kinda liked the idea that Earth-2 Batman and Superman's successor shacked up at one point anyway.
>BoP having their way with Dick
I would, but these two already did:
Can someone confirm this isn't dolphin porn?
I knew you'd say that!
What books would a DC noob read to learn more about Starfire and Raven?

(Forgive me for being a Marvel drone)
post dolphin porn for reference
It's not

It's a one hour video in HD of Eric Roberts' head, spinning
For what porpoise?
seriously, just watch Teen Titans, they put a lot of effort into the series and it is surprisingly compelling
Wolfman's NTT
Johns' TT if you've never read Young Justice (PS: you can also read YJ -which includes no Starfire and Raven whatsoever- and then ignore Johns' TT) (PPS: YJ > Johns' TT)
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There was a LOT of (probably unintentional) romantic/sexual tension between Helena Wayne and Dick despite him being like two decades older than her and being an older brother figure.

Then decades later this happened
Geoff Johns, ladies and gentlemen

must have gotten his huntresses mixed up
Actually stratch that, he basically was her older brother. He was very much Bruce's son on that earth.

The writers fumbled their relationship pretty bad
When Dick is mind-controlled in an issue of JLA into thinking and acting like an exaggerated Batman, Diana realized she needed to do something that totally disrupted the mind-control by surprisingly him completely.

So she grabs Dick and gives him a big long kiss right there before knocking him out. She smiles afterword though. The kiss is just her making an inventive tactical choice, the smile is her appreciating it a bit more then she had to.

There's panel of it in that big pic /co/ posts of ALL the panels where women hit on him.
Do you suppose the Birds just bang him behind Babs' back, or does Babs herself send Dick to "boost team morale"?
No, this was Earth-2 Huntress.
He knew which one this was.
It's a little weird, but I think the reason Huntress never acted on it was because she knew Dick saw her more as a little sister then anything else.

People really hated this issue back in the day, and I can see why now, but I'll never get the hate for the JSI, I thought that was dope as shit and still do.
The opposite.
Babs tries to "isolate" him from the Birds so she can "compartmentalize information", which is basically code for monopolizing his cock for herself.

Because so far literally every single member of the core BoP has fantasized openly about Dick. More then once.
So do Zatanna and Batgirl just pass Dick around on alternating days, or what? Barbara even says he's too much of a slut to date, but is fine being one of his squeezes
I'm sure they reward themselves for especially big busts by beating down Dick's door for a reverse gang bang.
Do they put Babs in the corner in the wheelchair to make her watch?
Women LOVE bad boys. No wonder our ancestors prohibited them choosing their mates.
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I need to know the chances of this happening on both counts?
>sleeps with two different women
>gets liplocks from all his exes

What a birthday.
>while they're all watching, with thirsty smiles on their faces
Writefags, where are you?

Seriously this is a one of a kind fic right here and I need it
In the original Judas Syndrome story she flirts with Gar and Gar developed feelings for her. The entire time she's stringing him along and she's fucking Slade, who is a good thirty years older then her mind you, behind the Titans back and helps him plan to destroy them all. He actually succeeds at easily defeating them and only looses because Dick is so insanely competent that he gets away, becomes Nightwing for the first time and rescues everyone.
Dick is too fucking good sometimes
Babs only did that for his birthday.
Zee is supposedly down for any night of the week.

>Dick and Artemis
...Did he actually say that?

>Yfw this will never get acknowledged in canon

YJ Dick was a great Dick, man.
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What if I told you there were plans for an actual comic?
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Man if I could write competently I'd have to write a fic of this.
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Oh, I forgot to mention that his fight with Deathstroke lasts only a minute because rather then moronically try to fight a superhuman out of his league he instantly changed tactics so he could find and advantage.

Slade even thinks to HIMSELF that Dick is way too fucking smart.
It's like Superman Fucks Gotham, but without the reality warping. Or maybe Dick has always been a low-level reality warper.

I'd tell you not to get my hopes up, then ply you for further confirmation.
So how should I watch this?
So...here's a question.

Raven's origin in this was pretty much true to the comics, right? (At least, pre-Flashpoint. Who gives a fuck what it is now...)

So have they ever explained WHY Trigon can come to Earth to have sex with Arella but he can't just stay and conquer right then?

This isn't even the only story in capeshit I can think of where someone who's supposed to be trapped in another dimension is able to leave that dimension, in order to make a baby who will free them from that dimension? It's been done multiple times and nobody sees the fuckin' paradox.

I will briefly free myself from jail in order to create the key that frees me from jail!"
If you think about it, Dick is the most experienced superhero in the DCU.
He's been in the field as an active superhero since he was barely twelve until modern day, was personally trained by the most multi-competent human being on Earth, has fought both street crime AND high power super villains extensively despite not having any powers, has led no less then four separate superhero teams in his lifetime, and finally took up his mentor's mantle himself when he was gone with great success.

Dick has been a superhero longer then Superman and Batman have.
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>Shitty teen rock montage kicks in

Can't help but love the cheesiness to it

Also is the Japanese pop song after it Puffy Amiyumi?
>this thread

is Dick the biggest manwhore in DC?

I don't know if I want to go maximum shill but there's plans for a Marvel equivalent comic first and maybe one for DC.
>Raven's origin in this was pretty much true to the comics, right? (At least, pre-Flashpoint. Who gives a fuck what it is now...)

Almost exactly, though it was consensual between Trigon and her mom. She didn't really know what he truly was until afterwords.

Trigon needs a kind of "foothold" in Earth's dimension basically. Raven, being half-human, was it. In a sense her even being born put Earth in danger, which is why at first she omits to the Titans about who she is and why she's there.
No, but YJ Dick is.
>though it was consensual between Trigon and her mom. She didn't really know what he truly was until afterwords.

I remember seeing panels of a comic where, exactly like in the movie, the dude's face turns into Trigon's face mid-coitus and freaks her out.
Thanks anon, I've only seen the first animated series to about 2-3 seasons when I was younger. I've read a bit about what you told me before, but man...fuck me sideways.
But he's still a pretty decent guy. He just has a hard time saying "no" to women.
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Hold on I'm gonna need to see Trigon consent forms.
I like the way they tied the old Teen Titans Slade/Trigon/Robin thing into R'as/Trigon/Damian.

>Dick has been a superhero longer then Superman and Batman have.
Dick had retired multiple times, however.
>Trigon needs a kind of "foothold" in Earth's dimension basically. Raven, being half-human, was it.

I don't get how that works though, beyond "it's magic, we ain't gotta explain shit."

So unless someone of his bloodline is already on Earth, he can come to visit for an evening if he's summoned, but...what, there's an invisible egg-timer in space and when it dings, he automatically teleports home whether he wants to or not?
This is my fetish.
Slade himself admits to the Titans later that he thinks it was a huge mistake.
He was so obsessed with avenging his son Grant that he worked with Terra, whom he recognized as deeply unstable.
Man, writers just shat all over Terra
If the character is created to be a sociopath, portraying them as a sociopath is not shitting on them.

Even older men have to learn the hard way about not putting the dick in crazy.
>So have they ever explained WHY Trigon can come to Earth to have sex with Arella but he can't just stay and conquer right then?

I'm not sure what the exact details, but it's a common cliche for demonic entities to have a small window of time to dick around before they're shunted back to their dimension. And while you COULD theoretically take over a city, maybe even a state in that time, it's smarter to play the long game.
It's just magic bullshit. No explanation.
I think your theory is right though; when he first shows he's so immesely powerful that he shrugs off everything done to him like the people fighting him are gnats, but eventually he leaves.
When he returns to Earth after manipulating Raven emotionally over time he has full access to his powers and literally INSTANTLY wins, reality-warping the shit out of Earth and doing some pretty horrific body horror shit with NYC and basically dominating without even a fight scene to show how invulnerable he is.

Basically he can cross over normally, but then he'd just an insanely powerful magical and physical threat. When he crosses over with a proper foothold (a corrupted Raven) he is effectively omnipotent and unbeatable and doesn't even bother with fight scenes.
She was literally created for the Judas Syndrome arc. She was shown plotting with Slade in the very first issue after she joins the Titans.
She was portrayed as a manipulative, irredeemable, unstable bitch right out of the gate.

If anything, later writers have been kinder to her by making her a confused kid in Teen Titans or giving her an innocent clone in a later comic arc.
Why do you call it the Judas Syndrome? Isn't it the Judas Contract?
What the fuck was this shit? Dick did NOTHING! Will he ever get to be important in an animated movie?
does anyone have a link to this full comic/storyline? it's like 4 issues right? my dad's got em in a box upstairs but im not lookin through like 20 of those fucking things
Ten to one all those writers had a crush on her as kids and felt bad that Terra ended up actually being a villain.
Comic book authors are basically incapable of not thinking with their penises.
i think dicks voice actor was miscast. hes too much low energy. also, why was dick not with everyone trying to stop trigon? it was so odd that he was only in 2/3 scenes. it felt like they were building him up to come in and fight and nothing.
Dick, Dick, Dick. Is all you faggots think about Dick?
Sorry, Judas Syndrome is another thing from another franchise. Yes, it's Judas Contract.
Your dad has some good taste.
But just google "Judas Contract torrent" or whatever, it's the single most notable NTT story ever. It can't be hard to find.
Fuck off McGillis.

Palmiotti gave us Atlee. I'm okay with that.
It's funny. I threw out the reverse gang bang thing as a joke, but it looks like /co/ has really latched onto the idea.

I used to write fanfiction when I was younger. I'm enough of a degenerate that I could conceivably turn myself into a superpornographer for a bunch of guys on an image board.
Damn he only fucks demigods?
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>they havent announced the next one

uh oh.

>At WonderCon, producer James Tucker stated that buying the DVD and Blu-ray would increase chances of the Titans appearing in future DC Comics animated and/or live-action films.[

hes apart of the teen titans. he had more of a reason to be there then this version of cyborg. also pic related
someone on tumblr found where the shitty teen rock montage song is from

Siddhartha Menon - Down to Nothing

The song is Indian... must have been cheap.
I don't think I like Teen Titans.
Hated the original show, don't care for Go and didn't like this movie.
If we could get away from that kind of thinking, we wouldn't have so many writers trying to revive Gwen and give her a happy ending with Peter.

God, Spider-Man would be so much better off without the inevitable Gwen arcs that pop up every few years. Hopefully Spider-Gwen can be a containment title.
How the fuck did you let that obvious ass joke fly so far over your head?
That should be a swimming pool in the background.
The TT had one good run under Wolfman, and everything to come after is trying to capture lightning in a bottle again.

That's why the Titans can't ever seem to get past Trigon, Slade or Blood.
Alright, someone wrote it down, it is now a fact.
why is your pic showing someone that did nothing wrong?
go write it for us
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Reminder that even Supergirl, who normally is only interested in brief one-off characters who don't appear again, wanted Dick.
In fact she kinda pretty openly lusted after him whenever he showed up on panel with her.

Really? Fuck, that's stupid.
No pressure, but you'd be a hero to a bunch of anonymous perverts if you did, anon.
What's the generally accepted MO for writerfags? Green text? Post several big blocks of text across multiple posts? Link it to another dedicated erotica site?
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Alpaca as fuck
He's joking man, nothing of the sort happens, just friends.

And they didn't like each other the first time.
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>Never read the comics
>Only seen TT via the original CN series and GO
>Now seeing them look like actual human beings

I don't know what to think. Do they have the same CN VA's?
Depends on the situation. If it's fairly short or written from second person perspective, just greentext it. If it's longer or more detailed, Pastebin it.

She draws like Humon
Too bad, at least for Cyborg.
Khary Phaeton is actually a pretty good voice actor when he's not being so over the top, as his Injustice voicework of Cyborg shows.
He was Blaqualad too, come to think of it.
>Sailor Starfire
Shit. I don't know Raven without Grey or Tara behind her. I have many more questions but I know I should look into the material instead of spamming the thread.
She sure kisses Dick a lot

Add her to the BOP reverse gangbang

>animated and/or live-action films
I would love to see live-action TT, in theory.

Then I think about BvS, and what Zack the Hack would do to everybody but especially muh RaeRae.


They look nice though.
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Kisses like a schoolgirl though.
Kori does not approve.
link it to a site, i guess? so people can read it when the thread is archived?
Yeah, she was REAL up-front about it.
Either Peej is sufficiently different that the attraction isn't as strong or she's better at hiding it because Kara acted like she was just waiting for a chance to yank her panties down and ride him like a pony first chance she got.
this should be the gangbang >>81249429

Supergirl? More like Lewder girl.
Well, Peej is a grown adult, while Kara is teenage girl
This is how Raven was created!
>Watch TV Titans as a kid, probably responsible for me loving the team today
>Used to feel bad that Terra was a villain because people on the team liked her aside from Raven
>Her powers were cool too
It bums me out that Judas Contract is basically her only story. If it were up to me, I'd have used the New 52/Rebirth to give characters like Jericho, Terra, and Rose more stories. It sucks now since whenever Terra shows up, everyone groans because they know what's coming, for the hundredth time.
Terra is in the new 52. She was with the Ravagers.

These animated movies treat Dick horribly. Don't know why. They fucked up the relationship Dick and Damian had, which is worse than everything they have done.
Do I have to watch any other animated movies before this>?
And she dropped off the face of the earth right after she and BB left
Yeah, Dick made her sploosh pretty hard.
It's just one of those things that makes me wonder in what ways they're alike and in what ways they aren't.
I actually kinda think Dick might not be Peej's type, as remarkable as that seems. Prior to nu52 she's gone for a few particular guys before, and both were nothing at all like Dick is.
Yeah I'm aware.
Can Cyborg eat? How does he poop?

That transformation isn't a sailor moon reference

That's a symphogear reference

The ass shot is a frame for frame reproduction of it
thats what happens when they mash 3 different story arcs together and try to fit them in 1 movie.
>Can Cyborg eat?
Batman literally asks him about this during the movie.

They were kidnapped by Deathstroke and given to Harvest. So... whatever. I don't want to think about this bullshit character.
Yes he can eat, and in fact has to do so to maintain the biological parts of his body, especially his brain which requires some glucose if nothing else to work.
He doesn't poop because the digestive process is handled almost entirely by his cybernetics and is much more efficient then ours is.

A recurring thing in the NTT comic was him worry about not being able to really make his love interest happy was because he was only "half a man". I think what Wolfman and Perez were getting at is what seems obvious upon sight but is rarely addressed, namely that his entire lower half is synthetic and he had no junk at all.
There's a reason Vic was so fucking pissed at his dad when he first became a cyborg.
I'm downloading this right now. Does this one have gratuitous, comical brutality as well? I actually like this in the DC animated films despite how stupid it is. Stuff like Damien getting both arms broken/stabbed through and still using them, Nightwing getting hooked and dragged like a fish, the Green Lantern beatdown, etc.
Haven't watched it, but Damian gets half his face melted off by Blue's scarab going Guyver on him.

Too bad Raven had enough MP to cast Curaga.
Good, I hate that little shit most of all.

I still haven't caught up on Symphogeah, but I'm skeptical that DC would intentionally reference any magical girl series other than the paragon of the genre.

Superman breaks Flash's leg. He apologizes before hand too.

DemonFlash also Wellsobards Damian at one point.
Damien turned out okay in the comics.
But only there. He won't ever get the necessary development in these movies.
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watched the film only for pic related

worth it i guess
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That's the thing though, I think they did. Check this.

Starfire cocks her head when the transformation initiates the exact same way as Hibiki, the ass shot, the shot of the hand and the foot are framed the same, etc.

The only thing missing is that Starfire doesn't have the mecha bits and doesn't do kung fu at the end of her transformation sequence.
>A recurring thing in the NTT comic was him worry about not being able to really make his love interest happy was because he was only "half a man".
Just slap on synthetic junk then. Guy could turn himself into a living sybian if he wanted. I would be more concerned about if he was even capable of getting himself off anymore. "I have no dick but I must fap" would be a true living hell.
Jesus Christ

I worked a Guyver and a Final fantasy reference into a response to a DC discussion. This is next-level autism.
That's the real shame.

He can be a cool and even interesting character. These movies just shit all over him and make you wonder why DC believes we should like someone so insufferable.
He's tried getting alternate bodies before, even synethetic ones that looked real. He overheated and melted like the Wicked Witch.
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Is she voiced by our MILF goddess Tara?
Sure is, anon! She sounds a little different, a bit rougher perhaps, and just the teensiest bit hoarse, but time and well use will do that.
No she is voiced by one of the worst actors ever to be in these movies.
"Synthetic junk" didn't exist back in the 1980's, so his condition was a source of pathos to him.
That said, he actually was fairly functional and kept most of his brooding fairly minimal and almost entirely to himself.
I like how Dick is somehow the only person Damien treats with any respect at all. When he and Damein reunited in Greyson after he revealed himself to his brothers his reaction was so great.

The similarities are remarkable, I will grant you.

However (perhaps because of the mahou shoujo neophyte that I am), I'm left with the lingering suspicion that there is simply a well-established form for pervy-yet-empowering transformation sequences.

Nevertheless, the possibility of intentional referencing is strong enough in my view that I would endorse somebody tweeting a shot-by-shot comparison to Sam Liu in order to rustle his jimmies.
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Indeed anon
Was that the comic where both went I thought you were dead?
>wanted to join a team to get some Dick


The hell is this from? It reads like fucking doujinshi.
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>Tight Ass
>Plump pussy
Here's the thing tho, Terra being evil never made sense.
>oh she's crazy
Then why the fuck didn't Raven picked up on that? Hell has it already been established that Taven can cure mental sickness?
Supergirl's own comic.
Roy was mentoring her while resisting the urge to stick his Dick into her. Thankfully he was getting his ashes hauled by Grace at the time.
I always wonder if they named him Dick and make him a manwhore just to have this long running joke
Ashes hauled? The fuck kind of euphemism is that?
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I don't think Sam Liu would be THAT upset by the fact that we know he watches chinese cartoons about teenage lesbians fighting evil with the power of friendship and power fists.

But there's your shot for shot comparison. Go tweet it to him. Go hog wild.
Don't make excuses for Slade. I fucking hated how Wolfman excused Slade for his involvement in the judas contract and instead redirects the blame on Terra.
Raven is pick up on it
>milf goddess only because tits

when will this meme end
No, it hasn't, and Raven could never do that.
She can cure physical injuries at great cost to herself, but frequently people who are too mentally unstable could overwhelm her ability to gently brain-rape them into submission.

She TRIED to fix Terra, but the damage was to deep that there was nothing to do about it; as soon as she bled away her aggression and sociopathy it was replaced with more because that was just how she WAS now.
It's kind of implied that the imperfect process that gave her her powers somehow affected her mind, to say nothing of how living as a vagrant underage girl on the streets for years would affect someone that age.
Maaybe he shouldn't have sex with underage kids. I feel like that's the bigger lesson here really.
>be peaceful race 9/10 with huge knowledge
>living in peace, enjoying huge knowledge
>give shalter to some fuck-up who stupid enough to fuck demon, because why not
>~14 years later
>demon baby with no conversation summon her dad
>I`m dead now
Considering he was like 8 years old when he was first introduced, I don't think it's quite right

Intredasting. How risque.

But yes that is an unusual euphemism.


I appreciate you making that and it will go into my archive but I am too autistic for Twitter.
Joe Kelly's Supergirl, I think? It's from the same series as the previous "Supergirl lusts after Nightwing" panels here, though those were from Jeph Loeb
her name is terra not judas tho
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Than what do you call this shit anon? Is that Not Raven easing Mento's insanity? Isn't her whole shtick being a healer?
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I want Raven to gently brain-rape me.
>thread about the new animated movie
>half the posts are about Dick being a slut
>slut Dick posts are more entertaining than the posts about the movie
An old one.
I'm not. And if you stopped thinking with your cock about Terra you'd notice that Wolfman doesn't either.
At NO POINT while writing his own series does Wolfman have Slade admit and act like a truly "good" person by DC standards; he's more of an adventuring mercenary then a hero, but this means his morals are deeply flexible and he does things others won't ever agree to with zero hesitation and no regret at all.

Hell, in one issue of Wolfman's Titans he and Nightwing get into an argument and Slade outright says that every time Dick thinks Slade is a good person he's deluding himself; he's a self-admitted killer and very much enjoys being one, actively choosing an adventurous job that basically necessitates violence and killing to be successful in it.
Deathstroke may at times be an anti-hero at the very BEST of times, but ultimately his existence revolves around adventure and adrenaline thrills, not worrying about right or wrong.
And like most people who's lives are defined by violence (especially of their own choice) he can't really keep safe or even treats the people he genuinely cares for right without screwing shit up because all he really knows how to do is fight and kill shit.
As long as it's not Damian, I'm okay with it.
>Hey Raven you ready to hit those showers?
It will be with Damian because everyone likes him and he's a likeable fun character both children and adults will love.
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I'll take whatever I can get at this point.
It's not unknown for people without functional genitalia to trigger orgasms with other parts of their body.
Mento's insanity is unnatural, basically caused by the suit. It's not really a part of who he IS, just something that happens to him....it KEEPS happening, but that's more of writers rehashing old storylines because they desperately wish they could make Teen Titans sell as well as NTT, same reasons they keep using Trigon over and over.

In-universe it's the difference between healing a person with brain damage and a person who's a sociopath; one you can fix because you can repair the damage to his brain. One you can't because it's part of his PERSONALITY.
If Raven could fix damage that went that deep then you realize she could with relative easy turn Lex Luthor into a good person? Or reform Deathstroke permanently? Or heal Harvy Dent? Or even the Joker?

Actually, some of Wolfman's run implies she IS capable of doing shit like that, but forcefully re-arranging someone's mind and personality permanently is such a huge violation to her morals that it makes her go full Trigon.
Would you prefer that they go with New 52 Titans and do Harvest?

I really like Harvest's design, very chinese.

And these movies are all goddamn awful, so why not some freaky villain eyecandy?

>Zack Snyder
>live action

I...I kinda want to see this. Just to see what he'd do.
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By this Grace, back when she had ginger Goku hair?

I have an unreasonably large chub right now.
It doesn't have to be DC, just some weeb

I'm with you though, I thought Symphogear right away

for anyone interested: https://archive.org/details/NewTeenTitansTheJudasContract19831989_201412

Yup, that Grace.
She wasn't picky about who she banged, though her female relationships were more serious and emotional for her.
Humorously, apparently whenever she took Roy to bed she literally picked him up and draped her across her shoulder and carried him into the bedroom like a cavewoman.
Because Harvest is the worst villain to be created after Flashpoint.
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>How does he poop?

He has a cannon for that.

DC's current animation studio is Korean, so maybe it was a Korean weeb who decided to model Starfire's transformation sequence on Hibiki's TIGHT LITTLE ASS.
Not that guy, but sure. Better to do a shitty story than ruin one of the one Titans stories people can name
>Because Harvest is the worst villain to be created after Flashpoint.

And these are the worst animated movies to be produced since the Flashpoint Paradox so Harvest is a perfect fit
Don't you put that evil on us, /co/mrade.

No anon, I know you think you do, but we all must turn away from that black corner of our souls.


I kind of thought that at first, but surely DC's boards would be detailed to cover that kind of motion and posing.

Then again, maybe they just said "You not-Chinese know how those Chinese cartoon girls transform right? Take care of it."

Does Satelight ever subcontract to Korea?
How do you think they'll do the judas contract without slade
Maybe use Deadshot for Suicide Squad movie synergy.
Slade comes back to get revenge on Damian, and his new bitches help him out to humiliate Deathstroke more
>the art style
>with the faces
>the voice actors
>a different team of TT
>justice league with no gl at all
>no hal, not even guy, nor john
>starfire actively sucking up to dick
>starfire growing up
>not any other robin to be robin
This movie just fucked my shit up senpai.
I don't know how I feel about a sequel with this shit. How would it live up to the original cartoon?
They could at least bring back the Red X that wasn't Robin and do some more with that guy.
>Dick has been a superhero longer then Superman and Batman have.
Literally impossible.
>We at the network want a Robin with attitude. He's edgy, he's "in your face." You've heard the expression, "let's get busy"? Well, this is a Robin who gets "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.
Hmm just finished watching it. Enjoyed it quite a bit. I hope they will do more shit involving this cast of teen titans. As i dug the movie but felt the line up was a little light.

Id love to see superboy, kid flash, ravager, or miss martian in there. Just as long as they dont use gay purple bricks the mexican boy or look i'm an insect i guess girl thing. Most fucking uninteresting characters the nu52 titans could have added.
You lying sack of shit!

I would do Taissa, but she's a horrible VA and not that good as an actress.
That turned into Jacob's Ladder pretty fast.
>I don't get how that works though, beyond "it's magic, we ain't gotta explain shit."
She's literally half of him, what do you need explained to you
>Failed actress career
>So settles on voice-work
>Ends up voicing Raven

Bitch, you ain't no Tara Strong
Why do we have two Batmen?
>Bruce leaves Gotham in his pre-teen years after finishing basic school. Comes back in his mid to late late twenties, at least a decade or so having passed and beginning to operate as Batman. This gives him around another 10-odd years to be Batman.
>Clark remains incognito until his late teens or early twenties, depending on pre or post-Crisis and weather or not he's ever Superboy. Openly operates as Superman in his late 20's and thirties.

So basically both have been active superheroes for a decade and change. That's quite a bit of experience in the field.

>Dick begins training as Robin when he's nine, he's a least ten when he goes out being a sidekick for the first time. He is currently in his mid to late 20's, enough time to have done all the things in his life he's done.

That gives him (he's been permanently 25 since he went off on his own) roughly 16 years as a superhero to Bruce and Clark's decade and change, unless Bruce and Clark are in their 40's now.
It's just that Dick started MUCH younger and basically never did anything EXCEPT be a superhero while Clark and Bruce had something resembling lives beforehand, though Bruce's life was mostly traveling and learning the shit he needed to learn.
I've always kind of wanted to write a Batman story about that period of his life, not just AS he becomes Batman but a sort of "Year Zero" story about his young and early adulthood globetrotting with a younger Alfred learning what he needed to learn.
Two Cyborgs, too.
As much as I like this, since when could Starfire do that?!
They've still put more time into it than him in the end.
She's voiced by some qt from American Horror Story.
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It's a weeaboo animator referencing his favourite chinese cartoon about teenage lesbian superheroes anon

Just a reference, friend, just a reference
I'm suddenly reminded the American 2D animation industry is basically a rotting corpse and everything is just outsourced to Coreans
So... why is Blue Spic in Teen Titans, while Giga Nigga is in JL? Shouldn't it be the other way around if anything?

You realize that Batman the Animated Series was animated by Koreans too, right?

And all of Justice League/Unlimited.
No, how little do you know about BB?
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He's been a superhero longer then both, and the more experience they get and the more time they spend getting more experience the more time he does the exact same thing because he's still being Robin and Nightwing at the exact same time and started even earlier in life then they did.
It's a simple numbers thing; started earlier=more experience as a superhero. That said it doesn't necessarily make him a BETTER hero then either, though you could argue Bruce spend as much time as he could turning that orphaned acrobat kid into the best possibly equipped hero anyone could ever be without powers by training him since before he hit puberty to be just as good as Bruce (at least able to passably replace him later on in his life) while STILL ensuring he has enough friends outside of the cave to ensure he's better adjusted then Batman.
>How come shit isn't just like it is in the cartoon i used to watch as a kid because I never read actual comics.

Well, Superman IS going to outlive him by a few millennia at the very least so experience = time
He wasn't in the show.

Another question: in the comics do the Teen Titans fuck?
Didn't Johns say he actually exceeds Bruce in one area, namely his leadership potential? He just knows EVERYONE in the DCU and they pretty much all watched him grow up from being a little kid to who he is now so he's got connections everywhere along with all that time he's spent leading teams?
That's true at least.
Also, nu52 Superman is approximately Dick's age or thereabouts because retcons instead of being a decade older or so.
Surely Dick is a better acrobat, too.

Dick and Babs are 21. Superman is 28-29 (ish), Bamham is 32.

Dick got TURBOdeaged.
You idiot. She has a son.
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>he actually exceeds Bruce in one area
nah. exceeds him in another area too
Yes, the nigger rapes everyone and Beast Boy gives the horsedick to Raven. Seriously look it up ;)
Yeah, forgot about that.
That's mostly a result of his personal preference honestly; he focuses more on it because of his childhood.
He actually hates capes because they give him lots of drag when he does his crazy somersaults and stuff.
Which is funny because early on they seemed to suggest otherwise.
Jesus Christ the nu52 reboot was such a clusterfuck, nobody knew anything about anything and they kept changing their minds for decades.
Disregarding quality of the stories created since then (some of which were good and some of which were bad, pretty much exactly like before) the exact details of the reboot were messy as shit. They should've written a proper universal bible beforehand and handed it out so that people knew where they stood, but the whole thing was driven by changes in DC as a company so likely they didn't give a shit about consistency at the time.
Figurative decades, I'm assuming?
Yes, I was employing hyperbole.
I just think it's kinda weird how long it took for them to figure shit out when literally anyone this board in two days of work could write up a list of things that you could pass out to everyone so that nobody would get confused.
Why does Damien get so much attention in all these movies? Also, was that really Ras Al Ghul in hell? Or was it just a demon changing to look like him.
Could Dick out-woo Bruce?
Yeah wolfman fucking much excuses slade for his actions. Wolfman doesn't want us to linger on how stupid it is too place blame for the complicated assassination plot on the deranged 14 year old and not the experienced assassin. In the end Terra gets painted as the most evil adolescent schoolgirl while Slade comes out unscathed as a cool anti-hero who actually ends up workong close with the titans.
I actually kinda like Damien in this one. Haven't finished it yet but
>He throws bombs at one demon, Batarang in the head of another, and stabs the third one in the head
>"Please tell me they're undead."
He's a lot more useful in this film, as part of a separate but similarly-skilled team. As opposed to constantly being shown with Batman/Nightwing, who straight-up outclass him. Plus, his usage of the sword is quite refreshing - I know it's a comic book movie, but still, a normal adolescent human boy beating demons with his bare hands would be a little too ridiculous. Kinda like in "Son of Batman" when he dropkicked a 400-pound goon across a room.
I've never gotten the hatred of Damien wayne. I have liked him in both animated films as well as the comics since Grant Morrisson first introduced him. He's an arrogant nasty little shit and I like it.
Yeah you are retard cause in the end you and every dumb fuck place the blame of the Judas contract at Terra, the mentally unbalanced 14 year old, and not the manipulative hired killer/sex offender.
>but y-you don't understand Terra was meant to be evil! It's in her nature!
Motherfucker is there not a half-demon on the team? I think we're way beyond the idea of anti-social behavior being "pure evul" at this point.
Well in the first film he was a total Gary Stu (Mary Sue). It felt like his character was made for little kids, being able to beat Deathstroke and heal from broken bone like nothing. He was a little less bad in the next movies, but still seemed kinda pointless.
No, of course Slade's at fault too. Shit, Terra wouldn't have been half as dangerous as she became if he hadn't enabled her in the first place. She probably just would have become a random super villain committing regular crimes with her powers who ultimately was of no consequence.

What the fuck is it with /co/ literally not understanding that there's a middle ground to things? Terra is at fault because he's damaged, but so is Slade because he enabled her damage and exploited it; they're both at fault, but Slade objectively made a bad situation worse.
The only real difference between them is Slade was a stable enough person mentally to acknowledge what a mistake the whole thing was while Terra was just too broken to ever get that far. Just because I acknowledge Slade can be genuinely sorry about it doesn't mean he's blameless; if saying "I'm sorry" for shit was enough nobody would ever have problems ever. In fact given that Slade goes right back to the lifestyle that resulted in the situation in the first place chances are while is IS sorry it happened he's not nearly as regretful as the Titans were.

The whole story is meant to be one of the MANY 80's nihilistic things where even when the heroes won they really didn't because nobody there could save the damaged girl because Slade made her worse and she was too afraid to really open up and the Titans were too wrapped up in their own bullshit to listen to Raven's warnings and notice the signs of Terra's instability. It's a story that's very much a product of it's decade and should be taken as such.
Brah. Dick was Robin AFTER Bruce became Batman. Dick was Robin for less time than Bruce was Batman. After that point, Dick did all the things he did while Bruce was STILL Batman. Dick's 16 years of crime fighting as you say, is still less than Bruce's.
>Beast Boy lands like this without shattering his elephant legs
10/10 science DC
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>"I have no dick but I must fap"
>Being a teen
>Around Starfire and Raven all day

I would kill people someone
I think he meant at that age. Bruce was what, 25, when he became Batman? By the time he reached that age (let's say that's the Dickbats era), Dick had been fighting crime for 13-16 years (depending on whatever timeline you go with)
He got his powers by being bitten by a green monkey with a weird disease.
He's way past scientifically viable.
I'm bad at saying no, too
Shame that i'm not attracted to most of the girls doing the asking...
I'm like a less attractive Dick with less attractive problems
Dick and Kori were like the first couple in comics to be shown in bed naked together, or something like that
Mid-20's at least, maybe a bit older.
He was not a VERY young man given his appearance in Year One, but not yet into his thirties since Gordon appeared to be in his thirties himself and lacked his white hair almost entirely
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>Terra is at fault because she's damaged
>Terra is to blame for her mental instability
>mentally instabilities that were never explained or even given an actual reason behind them
Which all comes back to the idea that just cause Terra has a behavioral disorder which somehow makes her pure evil.
We already saw fucking Damian Wayne beat Deathstroke 1v1. If they made another movie with him what would be the point. I love Deathstroke, I wish they would stop making him job to teenagers in every animated movie or show.
they make more money off of Teen Titans Go than they did off of Teen Titans or YJ
I'm not certain that's actually true, but they WERE the first of DC's high-profile superheroes to do so.
Really, NTT was big on sexuality; every guy and girl that was smoking hot and fanservice was equal-opportunity since the guys were shirtless even more then the girls were skimpily dressed. Dick in particular couldn't keep his shirt on if he tried. Apparently Wolfman even got letters from some fangirls about Slade (much to his surprise) because of his grizzled silver fox looks.
Perez was good at drawing hot people of both genders and maximized this skill back then.
netflix isn't picking up YJ it was a stupid rumor it will never happen
Isn't it kind of weird how unlike most characters who tend to get more powerful the more they're used in comics and media, Deathstroke has instead actually gotten less and less powerful and skilled over time instead?
Previously it was made pretty apparent that no matter how badass they were a normal human being couldn't beat him given how badly he smacked Batman's shit around the first time they fought, and his combination of super powers and training allowed him to take on more dangerous foes then some supervillains since he could actually leverage his powers to their most useful extend rather then just get involved in WWE slugfests.
Now he's barely above a normal human being it seems like, if even that.

Well, except in Arrow I guess.
>answers the door in her fucking lingerie
>the moment she steps out, even if its just an inch, she tries covering herself up
what the fuck
Fuck you guys.

I made the reverse gang bang comment as a joke, and then I started seriously considering it when I saw the response it got. So then I sat here and wasted God knows how much of my time writing a story about Dick rawdogging Dinah after a night fighting henchmen. I never got around to the group sex because I realized that would be an even more massive undertaking.

So fuck you for making me waste my time.


Though you'll notice I left it pretty open-ended and that goofy ass title (Nightwing and the Canary) lends itself to sequels with titles like Nightwing and the Huntress or Nightwing and the Oracle. And we've already seen tonight that I'm susceptible to peer pressure, so this may turn into a series.

I hope you sick fucks are happy.
It is sort of odd considering how Kory basically has zero nudity taboo as a person.
I think in the second or third issue if NTT she gets undressed in the middle of Central Park to change into her costume right in front of everyone.
>I hope you sick fucks are happy.
i am thank you for asking
She was trying to seduce Babs into a threesome, duh
In the comic run that is coming out now he is pretty interesting but still gets smacked around but its more of a problem of circumstance rather than mostly skill. I thought they were going to try and make his character more appealing to new readers by making him younger and giving him new runs and putting him in new series and movies but he constantly gets his ass kicked even when hes supposed to be Batman on steroids.
You son of a bitch

Thank you for giving me the positive reinforcement I so desperately crave.
you're doing god's work
Im still trying to figure out whos idea it was for him to get beaten off screen by aqualad then get his shit kicked in by the most obnoxious robin. I probably wouldn't have been that angry if it was Nightwing to try and tie it to TeenTitans in some way. It wouldnt make complete sense but atleast be believable, I just really hate Damian Wayne.
>Kory: "I have heard you enjoy the penis. I too enjoy the penis."
>Babs: "....sorry?"
>Kory: "I also like sharing."
It could be argued sociopathy is a physiological thing. Parts of the brain are underdeveloped/simply built different compared to other
Finished the film. It was alright, better than the Aquaman movie at least. As well as that completely pointless one with Mexican Zod Jr. as Superman. I'm curious though, what is pic related's general arc in the comics? I only know her from the cartoon. (Fairly predictable post-credits reveal)
It actually is sometimes, but you can't actually fix that. It's like attempting a "curing" of actual Autism (instead of pretend internet autism); you'd basically have to cut out the parts of their brain that made them different, which since their brain is just naturally different this would require removing their brain almost entirely.
A lot of time Axis Personality and Borderline Personality disorders come from "bruised psyches", which basically is a special way of saying fucked up shit happened to them and they dealt with it by becoming fucked up. That can be helped, but it's a lot harder then just giving someone some pills and they have to WANT to be helped in the first place.
I meant, the first one. (She had an appearance in Go, but that wasn't what I was referring to)
Just started watching, both Lex and Supes sound like Max Landis is reading them.
Also Supes uses his heat vision to cut Lex's supersuit off, front and back, but somehow leaves all his limbs in tact? Last i checked, if i put a carrot in a toilet paper role, and shoot a laser through the tp role, the carrot is getting cut too
Pretty much the exact same thing that happens in the cartoon, only in the comics she's much more psychologically damaged and isn't forcefully made to betray the Titans by Deathstroke; she did it because she was a headcase and Slade said he'd pay her upon completion of the contract.
They were also fucking each other despite the huge age gap between them.

So pretty much what happened in the show, only way, way more fucked up.
Interestingly, her arc led to Robin ditching his old identity and costume and becoming Nightwing.
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Wow didn't realize Deathstroke was into jailbait. Lol.
Gods and Monsters is fucking great and fuck you.
Yeah, shit was pretty fucked up.
Can someone explain to me why BB suddenly gained the ability to transform into Hellspawns/Demons? Asspull or is there something more going on?
reminder that this now exists
I've been calling BB Jaime like you would if it was the English pronunciation for years. Never crossed my mind the Mexicans would say it so differently and it just sounds weird to me. In my defense I live on the other side of the planet
Asspull. Most of the time he can only transform into actual animals.
Though several times before he showed the ability to change into non-existent or extinct ones and even creatures of tremendous size, but apparently doing so is either mentally or physically stressful.
Once he transformed into what appeared to be a huge Loch Ness monster thing, but he was insane at the time and wasn't able to replicate it after recovering.
Asspull I suppose. He has to see a creature before he can transform into it, but we didn't see any of the shit BB turned into. Certainly not that wolf-demon thing.
To be fair, Terra is usually drawn as a young adult woman i.e. Starfire. So it's not like Slade is a full-on /tv/ cunnyfag or whatever.
They were pointing out that you can't want rape, being that rape is by definition "unwanted"

If he's able to transform into animals that don't exist this is far less of an asspull
and people call spider-man a self insert character holy shit
It doesn't help that I've met non-Mexican people that spell their name Jaime and pronounce it Jamie.

I've only known it's meant to be pronounced High-May because of Young Justice.
Terra looked to be around Gar's age, so in her mid-teens at the most.
Kory at least was 19 or 20.

It's kind of an irony of the New Teen Titans that most of them weren't wcen teenagers anymore, but collage-age kids instead. Gar was the youngest.
He sold his soul to Raven for an upgrade.
AoC in Germany is 14 ;^)
Jesus Christ, is it the Alabama of Europe or something?
I assume they meant for a larger portion of his life.
Dick has been superheroing half his life or more, typically.
Batman in most incarnations has been doing it 1/3rd or maybe 1/6th of his life
Maybe the animation studio decided to rip it off.
What is with every one of these new DC animated movies being a Damian circlejerk?
Wow what a legend.
Well, Germany also had hitler so
because they want his dick in there ass
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No the "Alabamas" are the sandy shitholes where all the goatfuckers come from.
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we love you
Fuck off thats the funniest response i've read on here
I really like Barry's reaction to Clark breaking his ankle
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Nanomachines you say? Sure get used a lot for sudden transformations.
How do they make money anyway? Doesn't everyone just watch on their computer these days?
Hal's on the team, he's just not in the movie
Do you print this out and bring it with you on those "Educational" tours?
IMDB can't be right... Night Nurse Claire Temple is Wonder Woman, and Punisher is Trigon?
That's an actual place.
Yeah Alberta is pretty stupid
should probably put this on some fanfic site, if you're going to do more
no one ever said this was based on the original cartoon.
Yep. Also the dude from Criminal Minds is Cyborg, and the girl from American Whorer Story is Raven. And Gotham's Leslie Thompson is Talia al Ghul. Batman: Year One starred young Jim Gordon as Batman and Walter White as Jim Gordon.

These animated films give actors an opportunity to say "hey guys, it'd be really neat if I played (x) right?". Sometimes they're alright, sometimes they're pretty good, and sometimes they're awful.
It's accurate
He regularly goes big to small to middle. He has never been scientifically viable.
Can't believe this thread got autosaged by slut dick
Yeah, I'll probably put it on a site I use sometimes and maybe make an account on purely adult fanfiction site for maximum exposure.

Because I'm a pushover for feedback
Pleb here. I assume that Ras al Ghul at the end was a demon considering the beheading transformation? Why'd the demons want to rpae him then?
I love guys, too, or I wouldn't have done it for you.

Full homo
Where uhhhhh can we follow you? Asking for a friend.

Also that's really good writing. Can't believe that's the result of a bunch of anonymous nerds peer pressuring you on an imageboard
>no hd image of Cheeta's ass
Shit thread tbqhwy
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>>Hey Raven you ready to hit those showers?
Where was cyborg during the fight in hell, he tags along does nothing then they all thank him at the end like he saved them.
he eats just for the taste then gets collected in a canister where he throws poops it out
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>As well as that completely pointless one with Mexican Zod Jr. as Superman.
Shit taste confirmed, opinion discarded
>tfw she will never "punish" you in the name of Tamaran
It'd have to be. Surely even Damien isn't Gary Stu enough to 1v1 the real one.
So... better than BvS?
Yes, in that this actually had a incisive story and wasn't a 2 hour long Justice League commercial
you funny guy
Really? Because with Terra, his obsession with Robin and then Raven, i would assume Slade is the Jared of the DC universe
It's a 4/10 so yes.
Thats a bit mean I would say its more of a 6/10 not bad, mildly entertaining, cool fights. Of course you will end the show thinking Teen Titans did it better
I dunno, this still feels like shit and the usual Damian worship the post-FP DC movies seem to have.
So long as we both agree it was in the ballpark of forgettable I won't quibble over numbers. I'm using the YMS system where every film start out as a 5 by default then gains or loses point for things it does well or poorly.
Since when could supes use the Lasso of Truth? I thought it only worked with Diana?
Yeah, but damian also got half his face fried for being how he always is, that alone is atleast worth two more points
That's always been inconsistent, as are most of Wonder Woman's powers
So... was there a reference as to why BB went TETSUO for a bit and turned into some wolf alien thingie

Starfire handy-jo, when?
Since when could they change their costumes like a magical girl anime?
>thinking that's where the phrase is from
Aren't you a little too young to be here? Where are your parents?
I think it's suppose to be that wherever Gar is he gains the ability to transform into animals of that world, so he gets to be able to turn into werewolves, weird monkeys, and a griffin.
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so did Cyborg become a TT or is he able to go to both teams

>superman breaks evil Flashes leg
>healed in a minute
Flash has accelerated healing
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